Volume 102, Issue 27

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April 14, 2017Volume 102, Issue 27nique.



. .

technique Boisterous birds irritate p4 Uniteds airline abuse p7

News 2 Opinions 6 Life 10 Entertainment 14 Sports 24


Garden sprouts
on campus

When grocery stores are miles away,

eating your portion of healthy fruits
and vegetables can seem like an unat-
tainable goal. The Georgia Tech com-
munity garden aims to not only pro-
vide a way to get these nutrients but
also bring people together through
common interests of gardening
and sustainability.
The community garden, located
adjacent to the Instructional Center,
includes several long plots for garden-
ing, a hand-built shed for tools, com-
posting bins and lots and lots of love.
About ten students can be found out
working early on Saturday mornings at
least once a month.
We thought it would be a really
great place for us to gather and have
fun growing organic produce, where
people know they can go to learn about
sustainability in a nice environment,
said Clare Trively, first-year CS and
Vice President of Students Organiz-
ing for Sustainability. A lot of times
sustainability is forced down peoples
throats, and I think thats part of the
reason people are a little turned off
by it.
Trively says that working in the
garden is a great way to destress after
a long week, as well as an opportunity
to get service hours for Greek life or
service organizations. On a given work
day, around ten students can be found
getting their hands dirty in the garden.
As an initiative started years ago by
Students Organizing for Sustainability
(S.O.S.), the garden has been slowly
but steadily growing. Currently, the
See GARDEN, page 11
Top L: Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications; Top R: Photo courtesy of Bernal Saborio; Above: Photo by Samira Bandaru Student Publications


National champion Hanley sets sights on future

into the backwoods and started pretty good at and I could stand
SAMIRA BANDARU making bows out of little saplings out among other people, he says.
LIFE EDITOR based on the episode. But Ive nev- Over the past three sum-
er killed an animal with a bow. mers, however, Hanley found a
It started with an epi- The Survivorman episode new home at the Archery Learn-
sode of Survivorman, an made quite an impact, spark- ing Center in Snellville, GA,
eleven year old kid who was ing a passion that led to months forty minutes east of Tech. He
bored as hell, and a dead frog. and months of making bows, has been using the Center as a
I saw him make a bow in the until Hanley went to the local hub for participating in nation-
woods and he shot a frog, said archery range to start training al and international competi-
Kolby Hanley, second-year MSE with a standard hunting bow. tions and has found tremendous
and professional archer sanc- Before coming to Tech as a support through the program.
tioned by the National Field Ar- second-year transfer student, My main role model is George
chery Association (NFAA). And Hanley began his archery career Ryals IV the head coach and
then he ate the frog. I thought through the Junior Olympic Ar- owner of the Archery Learn- Photo by Mitchell Williams Student Publications
that was the coolest thing ever chery Development (JOAD) pro- ing Center, said Hanley. Hes Kolby Hanley aims for a target during a Georgia Tech Archery Club
and being bored as hell, I went out gram. It was the first sport I was See HANLEY, page 23 practice. Hanley, a skilled archer, has honed his skills at Tech.
2 April 14, 2017 technique // NEWS

GTENS not used for recent inclement weather

The Executive Leadership situation reports to the president In Techs Emergency Action
MAURA CURRIE Team is comprised of Executive and Executive Leadership Team Plan, there are no protocols set
NEWS EDITOR Vice Presidents Rafael Bras of (ELT), Smith said. Depend- for preemtively cancelling classes
academic affairs, Stephen Cross ing on the timing of the weather due to tornadoes, unlike those
Severe weather blowing of research, and Steven Swant of event, the president convenes for winter weather. Forecasts for
through the Atlanta Metro Area administration and finance. the ELT to discuss campus clo- continuing dangerous weather
the week of April 3 imposed The Georgia Tech Office of sure options. The president, with may simply delay an all clear
conditions including heavy rain, Emergency Preparedness moni- his leadership team, makes the after a GTENS alert has already
strong winds and the occasional tors severe weather and provides decision on campus closure. been issued.
hail on Techs campus.
MAURA CURRIE Many students from Tech ex-
NEWS EDITOR pressed concerns on social media
regarding the continuation of a
SARIN IN SYRIA normal class schedule during in-
An April 4 attack on rebel-held clement weather.
town Khan Sheikhoun in north- Techs emergency notification
ern Syria was confirmed on April system, known as GTENS, was
11 to have utilized sarin gas. not activated during storms on
Autopsies conducted on three April 3 and April 5 and classes
of the roughly 90 people killed were not officially cancelled. Indi-
in the attack found traces of the vidual professors did cancel class-
nerve agent in blood and urine, es at their own discretion.
as was announced by Turkish au- GTENS is reserved for use
thorities. The Syrian government, during an imminent threat re-
headed by President Bashar Al- quiring immediate action. For se-
Assad, has denied allegations that vere weather, it is deployed when
they were behind the chemical the National Weather Service
weapons attack, and stated that (NWS) issues a tornado warning
their air force had in fact attacked for the Georgia Tech campus,
a rebel arsenal which was storing said William Smith, Director of
chemical weapons. Emergency Preparedness.
The Russian government, On April 5, NWS did issue
which has frequently backed Syr- a tornado warning for portions
ia, has also denied that its ally had of south Fulton County, but this Photo by John Drews Student Publications
orchestrated the attack and has warning did not include the Geor- One of the speakers for GTENS announcements is located on top of Crecine Apartments.
stated that the Syrians were recep- gia Tech campus, Smith said. The system was not used during storms on April 3 and 5 for lack of Tornado Warnings on campus.
tive to the idea of international ex-

perts investigating their military ach week , this sec tion of SETTING THE TABLE TOPGOLF TRANSIT
base for traces of warfare agents. Techs China Care club re- The students organizing Grad-
News will include coverage
The attack prompted action quested funding from SGA in or- uates at Topgolf, a new SGA event
from the United States, which of different aspects of bills der to purchase a tablecloth to be for graduating students taking
launched 59 missiles targeting the and resolutions that have passed used for representing the organi- place this semester, returned to
Al Shayrat airbase. through Student Government. This zation at recruitment events. UHR to request further funds
White House Press Secretary will include the Undergraduate The tablecloths design includ- for the event.
Sean Spicer indicated on April 10 House of Representatives, Graduate ed the organizations logo printed Initially, the group had
that further use of barrel bombs Student Senate and the Executive on a thick, rugged material. China planned to work with the Buzz-
by the Syrian government, a tactic Care estimated that the tablecloth funds office to fund administra-
Branch of both government bodies.
they have frequently used for six would last for six to eight years. tive costs regarding ticket fees as
years, may prompt further action China Care asked for $160 to well as transportation costs; how-
from the United States. TRISTEN ALLEN fund the purchase of the table- ever, they were not able to provide
Sarin gas is a colorless and STAFF WRITER cloth, but SGA provided only the funding as expected.
odorless nerve agent which can $106 per their policy of only fund- The submitter of the bill,
cause death at low concentrations BILL SUMMARY ing a portion of capital outlay. Ben Nickel, indicated that more
within one to ten minutes of in- China Care proposed to cover than 25 percent of tickets for the
halation; the lung muscle paralysis the remaining funding from fun- event had been sold out by the
which leads to suffocation can be China Care Table Cloth $106.67 19-1-0 31-0-0 draisers at FIGO and the Tannour time the bill was filed on April
averted with the use of multiple Collegiate Cycling Nationals $100 17-2-0 30-0-0 Grill as well as a bake sale. 3, prior to most of the marketing
antidotes, but even those who ab- Graduates at TopGolf $750 17-1-0 30-1-0 The undergraduate author of for the event.
sorb a nonlethal dose are likely to CDAC Human Library Catering $390 N/A 27-0-3 the bill was Apollo Liu, one of the Both houses of SGA approved
be left with permanent neurologi- Vertical Flight Scholarship Event $285.80 9-13-0 0-32-0 former candidates for SGA under- the additional funding of ap-
cal damage. Producing and stock- graduate vice president. proximately $750, bringing the
SGA Get Wasteless Challenge $1,302.06 N/A 28-1-1
piling the substance was outlawed China Care has not announced total amount requested to $1,250.
in 1997. It is considered a weapon Approving Appointment of Darrel J. N/A N/A UC when they will debut their organi- SCPC will fund the remainder of
of mass destruction. Terry II to UJC zations new tablecloth. the costs for the event.

sliver // your thoughts

nique.net NEWS EDITOR
this summer if i get kicked off my study abroad im gonna travel Maura Currie
the us working on organic farms maybe ill completely drop out OPINIONS EDITOR
The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper David Raji
and become a farm worker
Do you really think this section is a good idea? Vidya Iyer EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LIFE EDITOR
so i have a story i need to tell once i was Samira Bandaru
ugh, stupid sliver box cut me off. where were we? Nick Johnson MANAGING EDITOR
oh, thats right. once i was EDITOR
shit stop auto-submitting what is this Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Monica Jamison
guys your sliver box is broken Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of SPORTS EDITOR
my social security number is 983-53-2113 the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique Harsha Sridhar
doaasdf publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in
dont submittttttttttttttt omgg this is like the worst the summer.
rebellion Casey Gomez
rage against the machine? rage against the #machine? @rage ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at nique.net/
against the MacHiNE ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one
Brighton Kamen
Dear Diary, Well today I - ...wait a minute... week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor-
I can ride my bike with no handlebars, no handlebars, no handle- mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. LAYOUT EDITOR
bars net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday Beatrice Domingo
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I can CAD a part with no help at all, no help at all, no help at all
Remember Mr. Krabs, he was number ONE! Copyright 2017, Vidya Iyer, Editor-in-Chief, and the Georgia ONLINE EDITOR
It changes everything. Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be Kripa Chandran
because sometimes you think its quadratic, but its not reproduced in any manner without written permission from the WEB DEVELOPER
Ask your doctor about Entresto. Entresto may kill unborn babies. Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. The Ross Lindsay
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow. ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do
alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Pub- Alexis Brazier
lications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia Institute of
alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright Technology or the University System of Georgia. First copy free
alright alright alright alright alright alright alright EDITOR EMERITUS
for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
// NEWS technique April 14, 2017 3

Sustainability office holds sessions on strategic plan

In the interim before 2027, dents Climate Commitment in Tech conservation efforts contin- category, including goals of an
JONATHAN JEFFREY there will be annual prog- 2007. The 2009 Climate Action ued on a linear projection, only emissions-free campus fleet and
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ress reports and a review ev- Plan outlined a 15 percent reduc- 50 percent of emissions would be significant increases in sustainable
ery 2-3 years to ensure the plan tion of greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 2050. commuting by students, faculty
Over the last two weeks, the is on track. The Strategic Plans by 2020, 40 percent reduction This means that in order to and staff by 2027.
Office of Campus Sustainability near-term energy and emissions in emissions by 2040 and car- achieve the long-term goals out- Other notable long-term goals
has held seven different open of- vision is in part a reiteration of bon neutrality by 2050, all com- lined in the Climate Action Plan, (to be achieved by 2027) across
fices in order to gather communi- previous commitments Tech pared against the 2007 baseline the Institute will have to acceler- the four other categories include
ty feedback on the Strategic Plan made in its 2009 Climate Action of 325,066 million British Ther- ate its reduction of energy con- plans to reduce water consump-
for Sustainable Practice, which is Plan (CAP), which itself was man- mal Units. sumption and emissions. tion by 50 percent, diverting 75
nearing the end of its March to dated after Tech signed the Amer- A Spring 2013 report by Sinan The Strategic Plan adds new percent of campus waste from
mid-April review phase. ican College & University Presi- Sinharoy projected that if Georgia goals in the energy and emissions the landfill and ensuring all new
We want to ensure that this building projects meet third-party
campus is here for another 150 green building criteria (such as
years, said Anne Rogers, associ- LEED certification).
ate director of the Office of Cam- Encoded into the Strategic
pus Sustainability. Plan is the effort to keep the Tech
So we need to do that by be- community involved in campus
ing visionaries about where our re- sustainability plans through data
sources come from, our risks, our transparency as well as linking
challenges, our weaknesses, and sustainability research and cur-
our opportunities to ensure that riculum into campus operations.
we dont face economical, social or Rogers and her colleagues
environmental issues that prevent stress the importance of engaging
Tech from prospering. the Tech community to actively
The current draft of the Stra- work on incorporating sustainable
tegic Plan for Sustainable Practice practices into their daily lives.
divides sustainability efforts into As it relates to sustainability,
five key areas: energy and emis- theres a lot that we can do al-
sion, community and culture, ready. Theres a lot of technology,
water, built environment and ma- in terms of advancing projects,
terials management. said Sarah Neville, sustainability
Each of the key areas have coordinator at the Office of Cam-
their own vision and goals. For pus Sustainability.
energy and emissions, the vision A lot of the time, the limiting
is to reduce dependency on fossil factor is really the people factor
fuels and increase carbon neu- and how invested are people in
trality; for water, it is continuing these solutions.
conservation efforts; for materi- How invested is the student
als managing, it is striving to be body in changing the practice?
a Zero Waste Campus; for built How invested are staff? This plan
environment, it is fostering safe is really about bringing all of that
and efficient operations; for com- energy to a focus, Neville said.
munity and culture, it is inviting The draft of the Strategic Plan
collaborative enthusiasm for sus- for Sustainable Practice can be
tainability. found on the Campus Sustain-
The Strategic Plan, anticipated ability website with means to get
to be approved by administration involved with its further develop-
this summer, is separated into ment. The final feedback sessions
near-term goals to be completed Photo by John Nakano Student Publications took place on April 14, but the
by 2020 and long-term goals to be The CULC is an early example of Techs recent push for long-term sustainability initiatives. Office of Sustainability is reach-
completed in ten years. The Office of Campus Sustainability is currently working on a strategic plan for further goals. able via [email protected].

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4 April 14, 2017 technique // NEWS

Vocal campus birds cause flutter among students

As a result, the development a mate. Female mockingbirds, and more impressive mating calls bird is illegal. Furthermore, given
GRANT LARKIN of urban spaces has led to the while primarily monogamous, and performances. Techs urban location, it is likely
CONTRIBUTING WRITER mockingbird population in urban will leave male birds for neighbor- The northern mockingbird is that another mockingbird would
centers outnumbering that of un- ing mates if the neighboring male one of the species protected by the simply take the now available
Students living in many of developed locations. The presence displays a more impressive display Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which, territory.
Techs west campus residence of mating cries in the early hours or more aggressive defense of their among other restrictions, prevents Even if no bird took that lo-
halls have reported the presence of the morning indicates that this territory. As a result, the species anyone from taking or possessing cation, it is also likely that the
of persistent, repeated chirping particular mockingbird has likely has naturally selected to exhibit the mockingbird or its nest. As a mockingbird would attempt to
throughout the early morning not found or is struggling to retain aggressive territorial tendencies result, removal of the mocking- return next mating season.
hours, especially from 3:00 a.m.
According to information from
Techs Facilities department, the
chirping has been caused by the
presence of a northern mocking-
bird which has taken up territory
on west campus. Mockingbirds
continuously patrol their terri-
tories, dancing and making calls
in order to attract females during
the breeding season, which is cur-
rently underway.
The North American mock-
ingbird is a small grey slender-
bodied bird with white flashes on
its tail and wings. The mocking-
bird is known for its intelligence,
with individuals having been
shown to be capable of recogniz-
ing individual humans.
Male members of the species
are capable of remembering over
200 songs to use in their mating
performances. The birds intelli-
gence also allows it to seek out the
same territory every year.
Mockingbirds do particu-
larly well in urban environ-
ments because the environment
is predictable and the artificial Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications
light allows birds to feed their Many birds, such as this one, have their homes on the tree-laden campus of Tech and in the city of Atlanta.
nestlings at night. Boisterous mockingbirds which have taken up residence on West Campus have caused many students to express displeasure.


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// NEWS technique April 14, 2017 5

Study released on economic segre- Sciences. Orlandos team, known

as the Radiation Effect on Vola-
tiles and Exploration of Asteroids

gation; Atlanta ranks in top 100

and Lunar Surfaces (REVEALS)
team, focuses on two primary
themes: understanding how radia-
tion and micrometeorites interact
statuses tend to live in the same Pennsylvania respectively, with with airless bodies like the moons
MAURA CURRIE area; according to research by the greater disparities between cities of Earth and Mars and improv-
NEWS EDITOR Pew Center, roughly 70 percent of towards the top of the black-white ing human health and safety
Americans lived in middle-income segregation list. Eugene, Oregon during space exploration by devel-
A new study indicates that At- or mixed-income neighborhoods was again the least segregated oping and testing new materials
lanta is one of the most economi- in 2010, though the number of metro area in these two categories for use in extraplanetary manned
cally segregated cities in the U.S. lower and higher income house- however, the Atlanta Journal- missions.
The study, conducted by the holds living in areas with similar Constitution reported in their ar- TRISTEN ALLEN The REVEALS team includes
Urban Institute and titled The economic standards had increased ticle on the research that Eugene STAFF WRITER several Tech faculty, including
Cost of Segregation: National by 8 percent and doubled, respec- is 85 percent white and less than 1 Orlando, from multiple schools
Trends and the Case of Chica- tively, over the course of the prior percent black. POWERLESS within the institute. Doctors Phil-
go, 19902010, utilized demo- 30 years. The report frames this data Multiple Tech buildings on lip First and Zhigang Jiang from
graphic data from 1990 to 2010 In this category, New York analysis within the context of east and central campus have the School of Physics are on the
and specifically examined the re- City ranked first with the most prospective economic benefits to been partially or entirely without research team, as well as Dr. Peter
lationships between race, income economic segregation and Eu- greater integration. The report power in sporadic bursts since a Loutzenhiser from the School of
and de facto segregation for nu- gene, Oregon was the least. finds that more economically and transformer servicing Tech cam- Mechanical Engineering.
merous American cities. Atlanta further ranked 26th racially inclusive regions tend pus caught fire the night of Friday, They are joined by Dr. James
Atlanta ranked 38th out of in Latino-white segregation and to have higher black per capita April 9. Wray and Dr. Carol Paty from the
the top 100 cities analysed in 41st in black-white segregation. and median household incomes, Power issues were reported School of Atmospheric and Earth
the report in economic segrega- The most segregated metro areas higher degrees of education, lower by residents of the North Av- Sciences, Dr. John Reynolds and
tion, which is a phenomenon in in those categories were Milwau- homicide rates and higher overall enue Apartments (NAA) complex Dr. Joseph Perry from the School
which people of similar economic kee, Wisconsin and Reading, life expectancies. when power outlets and lights be- of Chemistry and Biochemistry
gan to turn off or work sporadi- and Dr. Jud Ready of the Georgia
cally. Outages continued through Tech Research Institute.
the week across east campus, One of the stated goals of the
spreading on Tuesday, April 11 to REVEALS team is to produce
central campus. a device or suit material which
Among the buildings without would allow astronauts to receive
power for some period of time radiation information in real-
were the Smithgall Student Ser- time, allowing them to make bet-
vices Building, also known as ter decisions about their safety in
the Flag Building, the Student airless environments. The material
Center, the Ferst Center and the would also ideally provide bet-
Clough Undergraduate Learning ter protection against radiation
Commons. and would be able to used to coat
off-planet habitats in addition to
NASA RESEARCH space suits.
On March 17, the National The REVEALS team has re-
Aeronautics and Space Adminis- quested a budget of $5.5 million,
tration (NASA) announced that to be spent over five years. Tech
a multidisciplinary research team will be joined by the Univer-
led by Tech faculty will be the re- sity of California, Davis, Jackson
cipient of funding as part of their State University, the University
Solar System Exploration Re- of Notre Dame, the University of
search Virtual Institute (SSERVI). Central Florida, the Florida Space
The Tech team is led by Dr. Institute and the Johns Hop-
Photo by Allyson Stone Student Publications Thomas Orlando, a professor in kins University Applied Phys-
Atlanta is a racially diverse metropolitan area, though a new study released by the Urban the School of Chemistry and Bio- ics Lab for work with the
Institute indicates that it is one of the most economically stratified areas in the United States. chemistry in Techs College of REVEALS team.
OPINIONS EDITOR: David Raji technique

By and large, language is a tool for
concealing the truth.
George Carlin Friday,
April 14, 2017
YOUR VIEWS | Letter to the Editor
OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

Greek recruitment needs a delay Climate denial is not the

First-semester freshmen are not sufficiently prepared issue with renewables
Currently at Tech, first-semester fresh- college life, first-semester freshmen should
There is a persistent myth that equally strong incentive to drum
men are the prime focus of Greek orga- not be allowed to rush. This delay will also exists among the environmental up fears over emissions. The im-
nizations during recruitment. These stu- give them the opportunity to learn more movement in this country that plication that clean energy is
dents are just beginning college and are about any fraternities or sororities that claims that climate change deni- somehow immune to the corrup-
alism is the primary reason for op- tion thats claimed to be pervasive
experiencing academic and social changes interest them, including the time commit- position to their energy policies. It within the fossil fuels industry is
in their transitions. They also have the least ments involved. argues that the people who fail to nave and intellectually dishonest.
see eye-to-eye with them are do- In fact, a cursory glance at
information about Greek organizations By providing more time, students will ing so either out of ignorance of the clean energy sector reveals
and their practices, a fact which has been be able to better develop their social scenes science or self-interest. the extent of the cronyism thats
used to the benefit of these organizations. and determine if participating in Greek The implication that someone necessary to sustain the industry.
can only disagree
Appealing to freshmen during rush is life fits their schedules. As a result, Greek with a certain per- ... the solar and While the sector
is growing the
not reflective of the time commitment communities will have to make themselves spective because wind industries have job market has in-
theyre either un-
necessary to become an official member more enticing, likely by reducing their ex-
informed or some- an equally strong deed experienced
boom times as
of the organization. Only once individu- cessive initiation practices. These organi- how nefarious is incentive to drum up one of the articles
als pledge are they burdened with many zations would also focus more of their ef- entirely incorrect
claims this
over emissions. growth isnt driven
jobs and time-consuming responsibilities. forts on recruiting second- and third-year and is a major part
of the problem by consumer de-
These may range from simple chores to students, providing these students with with our current JOSEPH LONG mand as much as
memorizing reams of information to other more options to be involved on campus. political discourse. THIRD-YEAR IE by billions of dol-
The reality is that lars in government
forms of quasi-hazing, which freshmen are It is not a complete solution to reducing most Americans understand that subsidies and the overregulation
not completely aware of. In conjunction the stresses of initiation, as the school does human activity impacts earths of the industrys competition.
with their course loads, this may cause un- not have complete authority over each or- climate in a meaningful way. The Programs such as the Renew-
disagreement comes on what poli- able Electricity Production Tax
due psychological stress. ganizations operations. However, the de- cies should be enacted regarding Credit, for example, grant wind
In order to provide freshmen with an lay certainly would help incoming fresh- climate change. and solar energy producers $23
adequate period of time to acclimate to men make more informed choices. In last weeks Roundtable per megawatt hour of electricity
editorial piece, two authors both generated. To put that into per-
provided their answer to the ques- spective, the Department of En-
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the tion what can be done to defeat ergy estimates the average cost of
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. climate change denial?, in which electricity in the state of Georgia
they immediately fell into the trap at $92.30 per megawatt hour. It
technique editorial board of confounding climate change isnt difficult for an industry to
denial with opposition to the en- experience boom times when
ergy policies of the political left. its receiving twenty-five cents
Vidya Iyer EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ultimately, both writers succumb in taxpayer money for every
Nick Johnson MANAGING EDITOR to the false narrative that accept- dollar of sales.
Alexis Brazier HEAD COPY EDITOR ing a scientific consensus and Even so, the second article
Maura Currie NEWS EDITOR David Raji OPINIONS EDITOR agreeing with a specific policy advocates that the government
Samira Bandaru LIFE EDITOR Monica Jamison ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR prescription are one and the same. should do more to pull the ener-
Its unfortunate, but this has gy industry towards clean power
Ross Lindsay WEB DEVELOPER Harsha Sridhar SPORTS EDITOR become the prevailing attitude with so-called financial incen-
Casey Gomez PHOTO EDITOR Brighton Kamen DESIGN EDITOR within much of the environmen- tives, since expecting conserva-
Beatrice Domingo DESIGN EDITOR Kripa Chandran ONLINE EDITOR tal movement. Opposition to tives and oil and gas companies to
their agenda independent of take the moral high ground and
any counter-arguments one might cut their profits would be unre-
DON T BLOW MY HIGH BY LANAH JOSE MARIE provide is usually viewed as ei- alistic. It should first be pointed
ther uninformed or unethical. out that what financial incen-
The authors delve further into tives amounts to is subsidies and
the ethicality trope, suggesting tax exemptions for companies
that the fossil fuels industry has hand-picked by bureaucrats at the
funneled money towards politi- expense of taxpayers, inevitably
cians and slanted research aimed leading to a brand of corruption
at diminishing concerns over the comparable to that of fossil fuel.
effects of climate change. While Secondly, such programs al-
this is likely true to some degree, ready exist to the tune of tens of
they provide no examples of such billions of dollars, yet clean ener-
activity. They also fail to acknowl- gy remains economically inviable.
edge the reality that if the oil or Take solar power for example;
coal industry has an incentive to according to the Department of
try and dampen concerns over Energy, electricity generated by
carbon emissions, then the so- the most advanced photovoltaic
lar and wind industries have an see CLIMATE, page 9

Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on

content found within the pages of the
[email protected] Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that
Got something to say? Then let focus on relevant issues that currently
your voice be heard with the Tech- affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
nique. Sliver at Nique.net, tweet us cluding its campus and student body.
@the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at facebook.com/thenique. We that you include your full name, year
want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
response to Technique content as well the right to both reject or edit letters
as topics relevant to campus. We will for length and style.
print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Each week we look for letters that [email protected].
// OPINIONS technique April 14, 2017 7

United has truly betrayed the

customer with its latest blunder
are legally entitled to $1300 or
By trying to cut corners they four times the value of the ticket.
ended up costing themselves United claimed they needed
four people to give up seats so their
much more. employees could travel to Louis-
ville for a different flight. Rather
CASEY GOMEZ than working out a solution in the
PHOTO EDITOR terminal, they allowed passengers
to board. United also only offered
Research Fair Power Outages $800 to passengers; they could
The first ever Undergradu- Power outages plagued have easily offered more so some-
ate Research Fair was held this North Avenue apartments over one with a more flexible schedule
past Tuesday in the Klaus Atri- the weekend as well as this would have given up their seat.
um. The event was largely a past Tuesday. Other buildings Because of my family situation, early 2000s. Any time spent at the By trying to cut corners, Unit-
success, with a number of labs including the Student Center I traveled extensively as a child. I gate preparing the plane or help- ed ended up costing themselves
from fields and majors across and Flag Building (Smithgall) was a Continental Airlines fre- ing passengers board is unpaid. much more. They treated the man
the spectrum being represent- were affected as well during the quent flyer by age eight, which was In addition, to save costs dur- who refused to give up his seat as a
ed. Undergraduate Research week. It is unclear at this time before their merger with United ing the recession while oil pric- criminal and had him removed by
Ambassadors were available what the source of the outages Airlines. The flight attendants and es were skyrocketing, airlines law enforcement. United breached
for questions before and after has been. Many students and gate agents all knew me by name stopped serving meals, stopped their own contract of carriage by
the Fair. The event will be fol- staff were inconvenienced and and greeted me with a smile each providing pillows and blankets demanding a paying customer
lowed by the Undergraduate forced to relocate or reschedule time I flew. and began charging for checked leave his seat for non-paying em-
Research Symposium, which work due to the large scale of Now, traveling by plane is a luggage. These cost-saving mea- ployees. Based on Uniteds con-
is set to occur next Tuesday. the power losses. miserable chore. I get to the air- sures worked. However, despite tract, they can only deny some-
port early to make it through se- the economys recovery and record one a seat for oversold flights.
curity and then spend extra time low oil prices, the savings have not That flight was not oversold, and
waiting at the gate drinking a $4 been transferred to the customer. the man was not denied board-
water because I have never once Baggage fees and expensive food ing but rather ripped out of his
remembered to bring a reusable are still the norm for most airlines. seat by thugs.
water bottle. My carry-on is ex- Airlines also have more influ- Airlines need to realize that
cessively heavy because I am mis- ence than ever over the customer. treating a customer with respect
trustful of leaving my laptop or Captains and flight attendants should not be viewed as an incon-
my camera in my checked bag. have an incredible amount of venience but an obligation. We
Puppies at Campanile Bus Loop Work Traveling used to be a luxury; now power. They can land a plane or pay for a service and while they
As part of their philan- The bus loop that services it is a burden. refuse a passenger entry because are not required to provide com-
thropic efforts in conjunc- North Avenue apartments has After 9/11, airlines took a sig- of a perceived threat. Airlines like fort, they do have to treat people
tion with Greek Week, the been under construction since nificant hit. Because of an increase United also regularly over-book with dignity. I understand that
fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi mid-February, with the project in security costs and a decrease in their flights because they count airlines need a certain amount of
and the sorority Alpha Phi having a planned ending date customers, Congress created the on a certain number of people not control for safety but they can-
provided the opportunity to of March 29. However, the Air Transportation Stabilization showing up. While this practice not continue to treat people with
pet or otherwise interact with construction along with the Board, which gave out $10 bil- is not completely unethical, air- contempt. Using excuses and call-
puppies near the Campanile disruption of bus routes has lion in loans to struggling airline lines must be held accountable ing customers disorderly does
for a small fee of five dollars. continued into this month. companies. Flight attendants and for their actions. not justify beating them. While
The event took place this past A revised estimate factoring airline employees suffered signifi- Generally, the solution is to airlines can charge whatever they
Tuesday, and the contributions in delays due to heavy rains cant layoffs and pay cuts. Today, offer high-value vouchers to get want, people will react when
were split between the char- announced that the project the three top airline companies people to give up their spot. When they do not receive what they
ity Furkids and the Alpha Phi would finish last weekend, but only pay flight attendants once bribery does not work, the airline paid for. And calling in hench-
Foundation. that report proved optimistic. the cabin door is closed because of may select people who will not men to deal with them is never an
negotiations that took place in the board. In return, the passengers appropriate response.

Websites are like us; they eventually die too

I, like most other people out with its acquisition of YouTube ads before videos, has commer-
there, am painfully embarrassed in 2006, it cemented itself as the cialized the platform and, in a Sometimes, before a
of my middle school years. My ubiquitous service through which sense, has put content creators at
head sported a permanent bowl- virtually all online activity was the mercy of the companies that suitable replacement is
cut, I spoke to my girlfriend conducted for a large segment of pay them. found, a website will
exclusively through AOL mes- the internet-conscious population. Why is that an issue? It boils
senger and my internet presence Accompanied by the slogan down to the new reality of per- go fully nuclear and
consisted solely of a tricked out Broadcast Yourself, YouTube sonalized advertising. Everything implode on itself ...
MySpace page that blared Green began as a simple depository for we do on the internet is used to
Days American Idiot to anyone user-submitted videos. And it create a comprehensive profile on JON LONG
unfortunate enough to visit. still serves that purpose today, de- our tastes. For example, when STAFF WRITER
When MySpace died, it was spite all of the changes, with 300 you scour the web for tickets to
not due to a loss of interest in so- hours of content being uploaded a Florida-Georgia Line concert,
cial media. Users still wanted a every minute. you may find things like Hooked Unfortunately, the margin of ators to make money. Lacking in-
way to connect with their friends, When people want to listen to On Phonics 12 Book Collection, error in these algorithms is sizable, centives, users that work to make
they had just found a better plat- the new Gorillaz single that just 3ft x 7ft Confederate Flag Blan- an issue that could very well bring high-production-value videos and
form in the burgeoning Facebook. dropped, they go to YouTube to ket and Duck Dynasty Season 4 about the end of YouTube as we those who rely on compensation
So goes the cycle of internet hear it. When Mrs. Lippy wanted Blu-Ray in your Amazon recom- know it. for their hard work could more or
websites; one day might be spent to show you an episode of Magic mended items list. In the past month, major less be left out to dry. And without
as one of the most visited websites Schoolbus in science class, she It is not as bad as it might heavyweight advertisers like Pep- a viable and ubiquitous replace-
in the world, and the next as a bar- went to YouTube and became my sound at first; there are no ac- si, Starbucks, Walmart and GM ment for the advertising platform,
ren cesspool of awkwardly-named favorite teacher. When I asked my tual people tasked with monitor- have all pulled ads from the plat- online user-created media could
indie bands. roommate to give me a Euro-trash ing your or anyone elses internet form in response to a Wall Street be in serious danger.
But this is not always the case. hipster fade in my bathtub with activity (thankfully for you and Journal article exposing the flaws Unless Google refines its ad-
Sometimes, before a suitable re- kitchen scissors, he sought guid- your search history, dont lie). in YouTubes advertising methods. vertising policy, which the com-
placement is found, a website will ance on YouTube. What is really going on is a bunch In the story, writer Jack Nicas pany has claimed it is doing,
go fully nuclear and implode on But a key difference that has of complicated math, like long di- explains that advertisements from YouTube will continue to suffer at
itself, a regrettable process which emerged is the monetization of vision or something. companies, including those previ- the expense of its user base. In the
usually ends up disrupting the en- content on the site. Since those Algorithms have been created ously mentioned, have been dem- meantime, several online content
tire online economy in the after- early days, YouTube has grown to match advertisements with onstrated to show up attached to producers, such as the creators of
math. This economy of websites into a veritable media powerhouse content and search queries, de- videos featuring less than savory the popular podcast FunHaus,
and users, in one way or another, that pumps billions of dollars into termining what white trash items content, such as endorsement of have already expressed uncertain-
always ties back to online search the pockets of content producers go in your recommendations and racist, sexist and violent acts. ty in their financial futures.
giant Google. every year. what ads show up before YouTube This new advertiser boycott has For people like me who cant
Seemingly too big to fail, Their partnership program, a videos. The thought is that more made a sizeable dent in Googles do math or science or anything
Google has spread it roots into service reserved for more popular personalized advertisements will wallet, which has in turn affected that can guarantee financial sta-
every facet of the internet. And channels that places monetized convert into increased sales. the ability of many content cre- bility, that is a scary thought.
8 April 14, 2017 technique // OPINIONS

Should everyone learn a

ROUNDTABLE second language?
Weighing the benefits of learning a new
language with the innate hurdles and challenges
But if those skills are not out a new language doesnt Yet learning another lan- the native language elimi-
DAVID RAJI actively used, they deterio- need to be tacked on a lot of WILL FINCH guage is repeatedly neglect- nates any social barriers
OPINIONS EDITOR rate like any others. the time. CONTRIBUTING WRITER ed in favor of science and from immersion and cul-
In a sense, if you do not In essence, one should math, where such a lethar- tural appreciation.
School is generally char- have an immediate plan to have a clear plan of action America where our gic attitude would be much Aside from the obvious
acterized by a large amount travel to Puerto Rico for a to go along with a quest to own language is better than more irregular. social benefits, language
of learning of a large num- while or are not considering learn a new language. The all others, despite it not Students at Tech seem proficiency is crucial to hav-
ber of things. However, in moving to France, the abil- fact is that if you do not even being our own. more apt to learn a pro- ing a legitimate presence in
my estimation there are few ity to speak in a new lan- have any feasible way to Globalization has made gramming language than a the job market, as it is be-
subjects of which knowl- guage is going to be prac- make use of language skills cultural isolation impos- world language, even when coming increasingly more
edge is lost as quickly as that tically useless. It is much once you learn them, they sible very rarely are com- that language is the French internationally competitive.
of the foreign language. more likely that, instead of will quickly be lost. But you munities not a combination language of love. Such is Candidates with multicul-
Whether it be Spanish, being able to make use of need not wait forever for of different values and tra- the case across the coun- tural outlooks on problems
French or even German the information you spent a transfer to China if you ditions. The United States try, where foreign language are valued more than simi-
that one learned in school, I possibly years cramming wish to learn Mandarin for especially should be epito- programs are becoming lar employees without any
would be willing to bet that into your brain, you will some reason. mizing cultural juxtaposi- less popular in educational experience with languages.
few will remember enough slowly and sadly forget how Another option in that tion due to its reputation systems. This cultural defi- Furthermore, economic
of the material to interact to speak in anything but circumstance would be to as a melting pot of cultures ciency may not necessarily relationships are easier to
with native speakers in any your native tongue that you track down someone in and ethnicities. mean that people think lan- maintain when dealing with
meaningful way by the time actively use each day. your life that already speaks Despite this, English is guage education is useless countries whose language
they have reached college. So should everyone just the language and persuade designated as more impor- it is just that they think is understood. The world
Is that bad? Yes, but only speak whichever language them to chat with you in tant in the country that it is impossible. has capitalized on a multi-
in the sense that the time their parents know and not that tongue. Making a new should by many measures Learning another lan- lingual workforce, which
spent bothering to learn bother learning anything friend for this reason would be the worlds center for di- guage changes the entire distinguishes bilinguals in
the language prior in life else? Certainly not. But lan- only create a double-plus versity, and the language has paradigm through which international business.
has now been made retro- guage learning should be situation for you. since gained a foremost pres- one communicates with Language proficiency is
actively useless. It has been for a specific purpose, not So if you wish to learn a ence in commerce, science others. It offers a certain just as hard to build as it is
wasted in the same sense just because. For example, new language, more pow- and diplomacy. exposure to alternate types to maintain, but so are the
that time spent preparing if your work requires you to er to you. We need more Englishs position as the of thinking and expression, many other skills that Tech
for the end of the world in relocate to Brazil, learning culturally-aware folks in common language deprives further expanding ones students have, whether they
December of 2012 was. to speak Portuguese should the world today, and lan- many English-speakers the cognitive potential beyond be learning programming
This is not to say that be a high priority on your guage is one thing that enrichment associated with what it is at the moment. languages, figuring out ex-
learning a new language to-do list. can serve to expose peo- learning an additional lan- Additionally, ones so- actly how to use the Inven-
is always a waste of time. On the other hand, ple to different ideas and guage, serving as an excuse cial skills can only improve tion Studio or divining new
However, I would contend if you have ambitions of ways of thinking. for the shortsighted strategy when learning new lan- esoteric course material.
that there should not be an someday travelling all Just make sure you have of relying on other counter- guages, since the amount However, the true differ-
oppressive push to instill over Russia, maybe you a way to sustain the knowl- parts in order to get by in of available people for con- ence between any other skill
such knowledge for solely shouldnt worry so much edge that you take time to the world. versation is increased, to and fluency in another lan-
knowledges sake. about learning the language embed in your brain. Oth- Language is key to un- say nothing of the fact that guage is the ability to order
Obviously, there is in- with haste. People gener- erwise, the hard work might derstanding culture, and multilingualism is wicked a special meal in a restau-
herent value in possessing ally already have enough to as well be time spent read- multilingualism broadens a cool. As if studying abroad rant you cannot do that
skills like the ability to con- worry about in their daily ing comics or painting the perspective that our global could not be any better of with linear algebra, chemis-
verse in another language. lives as is; pressure to figure sidewalk blue. society increasingly needs. an experience, fluency in try or physics.
// OPINIONS technique April 14, 2017 9

A simple prank or so much more?

Most of what we hear about ... r/place was perfect tion from other mainstream
the internet is reported with a groups. Smaller communities
sense of doom: Internet service representation of human fought to retain their stakes.
providers (ISPs) are collecting nature, not despite the And all communities fought the
our search history, elections are anarchist group self-identified
being tampered with and GT- imperfections, but because as The Void, which attempted
wifi is down for the third time of them. to spread black pixels over other
in a week. Certainly, all of these creations in a cancerous fash- Are you involved in a
issues are extremely important ion. There was no regulation by
and deserve attention, but in EVAN GILLION moderators or staff only pure Tech-sanctioned organization?
the buzz of reporting such news, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR collective action based entirely
other more redeeming aspects of on Reddit users identified po-
the internet are lost. donation strike, resulting in Mona Lisa to He-Man or simply litically, socially, psychologically

Cue r/place, one of many on- just under $600,000 towards destroy what had been created. or with what ever communities
line communities known as sub- the charity Donors Choose. Subreddits were formed for they represented.
reddits on the social news ag- However, Reddit has also gained the sole purpose of leaving their The final 1024-by-1024
gregation website reddit.com. notoriety for the existence of mark on the canvas, rallying pixel sized canvas was left with of students
r/place was created by Reddit its darker communities like r/ support among members to de- holes and unfinished works fro-
administrators for April Fools watchpeopledie, r/nazi and r/ fend their territory or attack a zen during a still raging battle. responded
Day and provided a canvas on beatingwomen2 that, while dis- rivals. Techs own subreddit, r/ While the scope was limited to yes
which users with accounts could turbing, are allowed to continue gatech, organized to create the the denizens of Reddit, r/place
place a single pixel in one of 16 to exist. largest university logo on the was perfect representation of
colors every five minutes. What With over one million active canvas, negotiated with mem- human nature, not despite the
originated as an amusing experi- subreddits to date, Reddit has bers representing the Mona Lisa imperfections, but because of
ment resulted in one of the most inadvertently created a single so as to not encroach on their them. The free and open nature On average, how many hours
extraordinary visualizations of website that serves as a micro- claimed space and successfully of Reddit communities, even per week do you spend on
human nature ever created. cosm for the internet itself, rep- fought off red pixels represent- the ones that are unpalatable,
But in order to understand resenting most all types of peo- ing the University of Georgia. made r/place what it is. It would your organization?
the significance of r/place, one ples who use computers. This is The constrained canvas space be easy to create a more visually
must understand the Reddit the raison detre of the website combined with an allotted rate appealing version of the canvas, More than 10
community. Since its concep- and what makes r/place so mes- of pixel placement resulted in a but that would be missing the
tion, Reddit has proven to be merizing. In 72 hours, members battle analogous to the political entire point of the experiment.
4 to 6
an extremely powerful tool in of Reddit fought for space on conflicts we see between real- R/places true appeal was never
collective action for causes good the canvas, attempting to create world organizations every single about how it looked, but in-
and evil. In 2010, Reddit re- logos and write text represent- day. Communities fighting for stead the process through which 0 to 2
sponded to Glenn Becks Rally ing online and real-world com- mainstream ideas or references it was formed: open to all and
to Restore Honor by hosting a munities, replicate art from the to society experienced opposi- beautifully chaotic.
2 to 4


and thermal solar plants being
have on the costs of basic goods
and services such as transpor-
tation and food are regressive
An intellectual journey 6 to 8

built today will cost $144 and

$262 per megawatt hour, re-
spectively. The newest natural
by nature, and dispropor-
tionately impact the poorer
members of society.
into cannibalism 8 to 10

gas plants in contrast, cost only Likewise, the artificial dis- At some point in your life, or unwitting? In my opinion, by

$66 per megawatt hour. Couple ruption in the energy sector you will probably find yourself the basic definition, if a pig eats 10% 20% 30% 40%
this with the pitifully low capac- caused by government policies facing the question: if a pig is its own species, it is therefore a Based on 19 respondents
ity factors and geographic limi- favoring renewables at the ex- fed slop with bits of other pig cannibal, unwitting or not.
tations of solar power, and the pense of fossil fuels harms the in it, but the sentient pig doesnt Whether an individual is
infeasibility of solar as a major communities based around realize it, is said pig a cannibal? aware of the fact that he or she
energy source despite years their production. Now, before we delve into is eating some form of the rem- DAVID YAROSHEVSKY
of government investment One of last weeks responses this question, we nants of flesh THIRD-YEAR CHBE
becomes painfully clear. made the case that workers such must understand of its own spe-
Finally, and most important- as coal miners could easily tran- the basic defini- cies does not ... I became deeply involved as
ly in my view, is the absurdity of sition to new jobs being created tion of what it
Cannibalism is tricky play a role in soon as I started at Tech, and
implying that the policies of the in the solar industry. Id wager means to be a when it comes to the individuals ORGT has supported me in
environmental movement own that the bulk of the tens of thou- cannibal. The
the moral high ground in the sands of unemployed or under- commonly ac- labels. classification
a cannibal. At-
building my most important
energy debate. The affordability employed former coal workers cepted version is
and scalability of fossil fuels is and those in their communities an animal that SAMIRA BANDARU tempting to re-
late awareness
relationships since moving here,
what made possible the industri- most of whom live in areas feeds on flesh of LIFE EDITOR and the defini- made me a leader rather than a
al revolution, and the resulting where geography and weather its own species. tion of canni- shy, quiet shadow and has shown
wealth and commerce has raised make large-scale solar power in- After some balism makes me that I can be a student at one
literally billions of people from feasible would disagree. probing, it was clear that peo- for a completely non-sequitur
poverty, and this still rings true The disconnect between en- ple had a reason to believe that argument. of the most rigorous engineering
today. In developed countries vironmentalists and the people somehow cannibalism was asso- Furthermore, within the schools in the country and also
which have embraced clean en- whom their policies will im- ciated with an awareness of the specific subcategory of can- have some of the most valuable
ergy, we find higher prices and pact is a key shortcoming of act, when in reality, the defini- nibalism, is self-cannibalism,
fewer opportunities. the environmental movement. tion specifies none such thing. commonly referred to as auto- experiences
Germany which had been This sort of armchair activ- The opposing argument viewed sarcophagy. Within the body, of my life ...
pursuing an aggressive cam- ism has become endemic to cannibalism as a label that could (this occurs unwittingly), the
paign to promote clean energy todays environmentalism, and be chosen, like vegetarianism. body consumes dead cells. And
reversed course earlier this is a much more significant con- If a human unwittingly con- I suppose now that you know INDRA SOFIAN
year, and is now limiting re- tributor to opposition to envi- suming a piece of human flesh it, youre still a cannibal (youve THIRD-YEAR BA
newables as a percentage of total ronmental causes than climate is cannibalism, then by the always been one, sorry to break
energy production through at change denial. same logic, isnt a vegetarian it to you). My values align with those
least 2025 due to high electric- It affords its practitioners unwittingly consuming a piece Most types of cannibalism of [Startup Exchange], and I
ity prices and inconsistent out- a sense that theyre doing the of meat no longer a vegetarian? that we are aware of today vol-
put. Wind farm developments right thing, despite ultimately No. By how we define vegetar- untarily partake in the act (and
believe that I am able to make an
in the countrys north the harming the most vulnerable ians, despite the fact that meat with enthusiasm). But choice impact on students at Georgia
centerpiece of German green in our society. In the final para- was consumed, he or she is still a and cannibalism are not mutu- Tech and the campus as a whole
energy policies have been graphs of one of the articles, An vegetarian, because it is a choice ally exclusive.
plagued with difficulties adjust- Inconvenient Truth Al Go- label, unlike cannibalism. We could get into deeper
through the organization.
ing to fluctuations in demand, res Documentary on Climate Cannibalism is tricky when issues like the morality of can-
and the costs associated with Change is praised, and the it comes to labels. While eating nibalism and where to draw the JUWON DRAKE
wind energy have led to some case is made that the inconve- a piece of meat (of a different line between what constitutes FOURTH-YEAR CE
of the highest electricity prices niences caused by addressing species) once does not make you acceptable cannibalism, but that
in Europe, costing three-times climate change cannot serve as a carnivore, a human eating a would take a while. So for the [ASCE] is a professional
the nationwide average in the a stumbling block to the proper piece of human flesh makes that purposes of answering the pro- organization with excellent
United States and more than course of action. person a cannibal. Theres no posed question, theres one very
double that of neighboring Po- Indeed, it is easy to ask for turning back. Cannibalism is a simple answer. You are defined networking opportunities with
land according to data from the a society to make sacrifices long-lasting label once you as a cannibal if you eat your own high-profile companies within
European Union. when the heaviest burdens can do it, youre committed. species, regardless of realization. the civil engineering field.
Hikes in energy prices and be expected to fall on someone So is classifying oneself as Cannibalism is cannibalism,
the resulting effect that they elses shoulders. a cannibal a conscious endeavor, unwitting or not.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Samira Bandaru Origins of the Technique
Hanna Warlick
In an investigation of its own history, the Technique delves 10
into the drama and mission of the early days of the publica-
[email protected] tion, dating back to 1911. 413 April 14, 2017

Scaling new heights with GT Climbing Club

luminate the Climbing Clubs provides a lot for our members If someone wants to become more climbing and competition the
BOBBY GUILD ability to support more serious that isnt available to many oth- proficient we have the experience southeast has, Weil said.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER athletes. ers, said Weil. and knowledge necessary to train Its evident that GT Climb-
This shows the addition of the For someone who just wants to them safely. ing Club has become a bastion of
To some, climbing can seem competitive side while also dem- become more involved, Weil said For those looking for more outdoor sport and community at
too dangerous or too difficult to onstrating that the club can be they can expect to be introduced structure and competition, the Tech. The combination of compe-
get started in. However, the Geor- serious and compete with others, to more experienced climbers and club participates in various climb- tition and a relaxed feel are what
gia Tech Climbing Club provides Weil shared. However, most of the community. We can get them ing competitions throughout the make the club unique. By provid-
many students with the opportu- our members stay for the relaxed into the gym for free and started southeast competing against other ing a way for people to come to-
nity to enjoy the sport in a fun, environment. Weve seen reten- climbing on day one so that they collegiate programs. gether and join in the excitement,
competitive and safe environ- tion increase which shows the can get started with the sport. The club will reimburse com- the club is working toward better-
ment. Accommodating all skill strength of the community were Weil assured that climbing is a petition fees which enables us to ing both the climbing and Tech
and interest levels, the club seeks building, he continued. very safe sport, especially indoors. travel and experience the best communities.
to create an environment in which The club focuses on more than
people can learn to enjoy climbing just its internal community and is
while also pursing the sports more looking to promote the sport and
competitive aspects. culture in the Atlanta area.
The clubs mission is to create Weve been working to start
a community of people who want a volunteer program with the
to learn to climb and those who YMCA, where we could help oth-
want to compete to come together ers learn to love climbing. We like
and to enjoy climbing, explained the idea of reaching out to the
the clubs president Jonah Weil, community and spreading what
third-year ChBE. the sport is about, said Weil.
The club and its members seek Those who wish to be part of
to strike a balance between the this community and sport should
laid-back culture of the sport and fear not about becoming involved.
the need for a structured plan for The club meets every Thursday at
training. This has been one of the 6:30 p.m. in the CRC to talk busi-
recent developments of the club. ness and then goes to Stone Sum-
Weve worked to make the mit Climbing Gym. Thats where
culture inclusive and easily ac- the real fun starts. Here members
cessible while also expanding to receive discounted entry through
allow those who wish to compete the club which allows access to
the opportunity, Weil said. countless climbs of varying levels
The club will have two of its of difficulty. Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications
members compete at the national Weve worked with Stone The Georgia Tech Climbing Club poses for a photo in the CRC. They meet for practice ev-
competition, where they will il- Summit to secure a great deal that ery Thursday at 6:30 p.m., followed by practice at the Stone Summit Climbing Gym.

Hoops and hotties at Cheetah stretching past Burdells at one

point in the evening.
Sanskriti Rathi, first-year CS,
heard about the program through
That Friday, a friend and I made the three min- a Facebook post.
JON LONG ute journey to the establishment, kicking off what I think its a really good idea,
STAFF WRITER proved to be one of the strangest days of my young especially for freshman as theyre
life. The entrance to the Cheetah was predictable stuck with unlimited meal swipes
When people think of Atlanta, their minds usual- enough, with a cashier checking patrons IDs before for a year and being able to use
ly jump to hip-hop, disappointing sports teams and, they awkwardly squeeze through the lobbys singular them for good food other than the
of course, the Cheetah. Located on Spring Street, be- turnstile. More awkward than that, however, was the boring dining hall stuff is really
tween Square on Fifth and University House, this five minutes I spent sitting nice. Rathi said she plans to use
Atlanta landmark has found itself ingrained in in the gift shop, a small the meal swipes for fast food at
the Georgia Tech mythos, becoming some- room full of lingerie and least twice a week. Maybe more
thing of a rite of passage for students en- various other items of sometimes.
tering their 21st year of life. that nature. Late Night Bites Amira Abadir, third-year ME
Boasting a relatively low cover While I counted was excited to try out the new pro-
charge and some of the best brunch the disappointingly HANNA WARLICK gram the first night it was avail-
in town, the Cheetah also plays host low amount of ones in ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR able. She heard about it because
to frequent celebrity visitors who are my wallet, my friend someone posted a picture of the
in the Midtown neighborhood look- browsed through the Youre ready to pull a late-night poster up in the Student Center in
ing for Atlantas premiere strip club stores wares. Though she in Clough. Youve just filled up a GroupMe shes part of. Getting
experience. had her eye on a particu- your water bottle, youve printed in line at 8:55 p.m., she waited 40
At least, that is what I had heard larly sultry set of transpar- out all of the review slides and minutes to get her meal from Pan-
about the windowless imposing struc- ent heels, we opted to save youve laid claim to a study spot. da Express. Since then, she says
ture I pass when I buy groceries. I had our money for whatever the When suddenly it hits you. Your lines have improved.
wondered about it, sure, but without afternoon decided to throw stomach growls and you realize In theory I think its awesome
any real reason to visit, I was con- at us. youre not going to be able to fo- because late night dining options
tent with the true nature of the The smell of smoke long cus without having something are limited to the outsides of cam-
Cheetah remaining a mystery. preceded my entrance anything to eat. pus, which leaves out the whole
With Taco Bell right across into the main room itself, If youre a freshman with a late-night study crowd in Clough
the street, I always figured which wasnt surprising meal plan, while you may have and the library. In practice, I think
I could get something considering the vending ma- unlimited meal swipes left, youre once the hype of it dies down and
much more substantial chines sold Marlboros rather probably out of dining dollars by the lines get shorter, this will be a
and almost as tasty with than Milky Ways. this point in the semester. How- great option for people with meal
the stack of ones in my When I finally reached the ever, thanks to an SGA initiative, plans! Abadir said.
wallet. club area, I was met with several theres a new option. Madelyn Shelby, first-year
One day, on my weekly trip sights that are familiar to any- Between April 3 and May 3, ChBE, hasnt yet tried out the
to stock up on saltine crackers and one who frequents Buckheads the pilot program Late Night program though she wants to.
store-brand orange juice, I noticed a bars: overpriced light beers, Bites will be available to students Ive heard the lines are long.
new sign outside of everyones favorite an abundance of cigarettes with a meal plan. Students can use Some have different opinions
gentlemens club. It read Hoops and and a surreal mingling a meal swipe to get either Chick- on traffic in the Student Center.
Hotties, two things that hadnt been of college students with fil-A or Panda Express in the Stu- The long lines are not really
mixed since season one of Flavor Flavs middle-aged men, clad in dent Center between 9 p.m., and an issue since its similar to those
Flavor of Love. suits. midnight. The meal must have a during lunchtime hours in the
Beneath it was something much As we squeezed our value of less than $7.50. regular day. I do not see any need
more titillating: the promise of a seven way to the buffet, we Students have been supportive for improvement, said Stephen
dollar cover charge and a free buffet. I Design by Brighton Kamen/Student Publications
got a general sense of of the program, with the line for Beasley, first-year AE.
was sold. See CHEETAH, page 12 Panda Express on the first night See BITES, page 12
// LIFE technique April 14, 2017 11

GARDEN FROM PAGE 1 return, take home the literal fruits Their biggest commitment and easy ways to incorporate it into
of their labor. passion, however, seems to remain peoples lives.
club is working on construct- Small plots of the garden are with the garden. The community If you walk up to us and just
ing picnic tables out of colorfully also available for individual or garden really does function like say that youre interested in gar-
painted wood, as well as a fence in group use, and a few married the heart of our organization, dening, we will just be excited
anticipation of future bee hives to couples in the Tech community Trively said. that youre there, Trively said.
be added. already take advantage of this. This semester, S.O.S. is or- Honestly, it means the most to
Trively hopes that new picnic In addition to their work with ganizing a group of students to us that people just want to come
tables will make the space inviting the garden, S.O.S. tries to raise attend the March for Science At- and learn.
and a more obvious place for stu- awareness about everyday sustain- lanta, a celebration and support All students and other com-
dents to spend time hanging out ability issues. Last semester, they of science on April 22 for Earth munity members are invited to
or studying by the community tabled on Skiles Walkway and Day. Their goal is to incorporate keep up with S.O.S.s events on
garden. handed out free Blue Donkey cof- sustainability into as many parts their Facebook page and to attend
A lot of people dont actually fee grounds and reusable K-Cups. of campus as they can and show work days.
know that its there, says Trively.
S.O.S. has rather ambitious Study Spaces
plan to expand the community
garden over the next few years. BRIGHTON KAMEN
Students in the future could po- DESIGN EDITOR
tentially enjoy a greenhouse and
other larger projects that would With finals lurking around the
utilize the resources and technol- corner, finding a quiet, peaceful
ogy that Tech can provide. place to study is probably a top
Funding for continuing im- item on your To Do List. Weve
provements and work on the gar- uncovered the best places on cam-
den comes from both the Serve pus to cram or review, whether
Learn Sustain initiative on cam- youre practicing linear algebra
pus and the Student Government problems or gaping at your Orgo
Association. book like you could absorb the in-
As of this semester, S.O.S. has formation through osmosis.
a new executive board of first years
who were chosen to take over the LIBRARY
group, all of whom are passionate The third and fourth floors of
about the environment and sus- the library are the most popular
tainability. spaces for students to study, so be
I lived in Scandinavia for two warned that finding a spot could
years. Over there, the attitude to- be difficult. We recommend try-
wards sustainability is a lot more ing the fourth floor because there
serious, Trively said. When I are more outlets available, but the
came back, I was still really pas- third floor does have cubicles for
sionate about it and I wanted it to privacy.
be more of a practiced thing.
The garden isnt all flowers and CLOUGH
trees; the group grows organic Another of the most popular
foods that they use in their diets. campus studying spots, Clough
We usually get lots of upper- has five stories of desks, chairs,
classmen on the workdays, and high tables, and breakout rooms.
they want to use the food in their Pros of the Clough Commons
kitchens, Trively said. include close proximity to vend-
The group is always looking for ing machines, the library, Star-
new ideas for what to grow, and bucks, and a rooftop garden open
is excited to welcome interested during the day. The main con is
individuals or groups to join their finding a space, as Clough is a
work days. They make a deal with Photo courtesy of Isabelle Musmanno central building with quite a bit of
their attendees help garden or Students lay bricks down to create a wall around the garden on a sunny day. The Georgia foot traffic.
help with other projects, and in Tech Community Garden is located on the IC lawn and recruits anyone willing to garden. See TIPS, page 12
12 April 14, 2017 technique // LIFE

one for each dancer, were passed BITES p.m., and Woodies would be TIPS
around the crowd to collect the
closed. So the only other option
the whole ordeal. Hoops and Hot- tips that would ultimately decide As far as improving the current was North Ave which was all the ARCHITECTURE WEST
ties was a March Madness special, the winner. program, Rathi suggested, May- way across campus, saed Cavan Home to the design and ar-
with the Cheetahs numerous These buckets were followed be include Subway as well. That Hayes, fourth-year MATH. Oth- chitecture majors, Architecture
TVs showing the games and its shortly after by a clipboard. Earl would definitely pull the vegetar- erwise, Hayes appreciates the pro- Wests lobby features a cafe, natu-
numerous dancers representing Lloyd Jr., son of the first black ian crowd that doesnt have much gram and says it, ... seems like a ral lighting, and plenty of outlets.
the 64 teams in the tournament. player in the NBA, was petition- of a choice in either Panda or good idea. While the lobby can be occasion-
There were girls on tables, girls on ing for his father to be put on a Chic-fil-A. Many first-year students have- ally noisy, the Architecture library
the floor, girls on poles, girls on commemorative postage stamp. Abadir added, I would love meal plans as they are required is a quiet, less-crowded alternative
chairs, girls on staircases and girls Though I didnt know why he to see more extended meal swipe with the Freshman Experience to the Georgia Tech library.
practically everywhere you could decided to do so in a strip club, options in the middle of campus program. As a pilot program,
imagine. It was, as the emcee put I quickly signed my name before throughout the day! Late Night Bites is set up to KLAUS
it, an asstravaganza. throwing some money into a pass- Older students without meal gauge student interest going for- The Klaus atrium has tons of
Once we reached the folding ing bucket labeled Khaleesi. plans arent as enthusiastic about ward in the future. tables and space and is fairly qui-
table that housed the buffet, we After an hour of watching these the program. Students agreed that they et, save for the CS majors typing
were greeted by a woman in a Fal- competitions, three minute affairs When I was a freshman I would love to see more of these away on their keyboards.
cons jersey. that showcased physics-defying would get out of practice at 10 initiatives in the future. Youre also a binary bridge
Help yourself to anything on acts of athleticism, I decided that crossing away from the College of
the table, just dont forget to tip, my taste for female objectification Computings coffee shop in case
she told us cordially. had been satiated for the day. you need to refuel.
Confused, I tossed three of my As my eyes got reacquainted
precious bills into a bucket next to with sunlight, I was still asking STUDENT CENTER
her and grabbed a suspicious look- myself why I had given a three Thanks to Late Night Bites, a
ing hot dog. dollar tip to a girl who had done recent SGA initiative, you can use
Strip club tipping etiquette was nothing but sit behind a table. your meal swipes at Panda Ex-
still a mystery to me. This led to a lengthy Google press and Chik-Fil-A from 9 p.m.
Food-in-hand, we made our lesson on strip club etiquette, to 11:55 p.m.. This makes the Stu-
way to the bar, a fixture that ran knowledge that I think every pa- dent Center and ideal late-night
the length of the room attached to tron of a gentlemens club should study spot, especially when you
a raised platform, the main stage. have in his repertoire. get hungry after hours of trying to
On any other day this would Unbeknownst to me, the danc- make sense of Thermo.
be prime seating, but during ers arent paid by the Cheetah.
Hoops and Hotties all attention In fact, they pay what is called a RESERVE ONE!
was directed to a smaller stage on house fee to be able to perform. You can go the GT reservation
the far side of the room. All the money they take home, af- site and sign in with your GTID to
While college basketball ter the house fee and tips to the DJ reserve yourself a breakout room
matchups droned in the back- and house mom are paid, comes in Clough for up to two hours at
ground, pairs of dancers would strictly from their tips. a time per person. These break-
take to this smaller stage in a se- Had I known that, I would out rooms are also ideal for group
ries of dance-offs, each woman have put more than a measly two projects, meetings, and study ses-
representing a different school in dollars in Khaleesis garter. sions. Just be sure to reserve in
the tournament. Khaleesi, if you are reading advance, because these spaces can
Much like its basketball ana- this, Im sorry. Photo by Tristen Allen Student Publications fill up quickly, especially around
logue, this competitions was all Im also still waiting on my Students wait in line for Late Night Bites, an SGA initiative allow- finals. Reservations can be made
about the buckets; two buckets, phone call. ing those on a meal plan to get food at the student center at night. 48 hours in advance.
// LIFE technique April 14, 2017 13

The Legacy of the

Instructors of Georgia Tech, expressing the sen-
SAMIRA BANDARU timent that most of the graduates of Tech lack the
LIFE EDITOR ability to express themselves effectively or often
times even creditably, in speech or in writing.
One might question the significance of a Through this manifesto, he proposed rules
newspaper on Techs campus. Literature, at a within the English Department, including a
Tech school? Thought-provoking editorials? En- closer relationship between departments at Tech,
couragement of the arts? Unfathomable. Who combining students compositions in his or her
could have thought of such blasphemy? The an- field with compositions for the English Depart-
swer to that is Albert Blohm, the founder of the ment and pinpointing students faults in thought
Technique. and expression, ensuring that oral recitations are
The paper was established in 1911 by Blohm, delivered logically and accurately.
who was adjunct professor for Techs six-member He described the state of Tech as having a
English Department along with Co-Editor-in- lack of cooperation between the various depart-
Chief, E A. Taylor, General Secretary of the At- ments of our school and a great consequent waste
lanta YMCA. of time and energy and lack of efficiency, asking
Following its first full year of publication, the for support from every instructor in the school.
Technique was lauded for its ability to keep alive It is likely that the majority of the English de-
the spirit of the fellows and was certainly the partment was, at the time, not convinced of the
one best influence here for developing a spirit of effectiveness of this approach and may have felt
loyalty and unity, according to the Blueprint, like it was not Blohms place to impose such mea-
Techs yearbook. sures. Hoping for a
On Blohms per- promotion, Blohm
sonal life he was was met with the
one of 12 children opposite response.
of a Lutheran im- In 1912, Presi-
migrant tailor from dent Matheson, the
Luebeck, Germa- president of Techs
ny, and was born English depart-
in American Fork, ment at the time,
Utah, before moving overruled and trivi-
to Portland. Study- alized the mani-
ing at Wabash Col- festo as another
lege and receiving his attempt at inter-
MA in English from communication be-
Columbia University, tween departments
Blohm was the only at Tech.
one of his siblings Shortly after,
to go East for higher Albert Blohm was
education. demoted to fifth-
Following Co- rank in the English
lumbia, he started department and
his tenure at Tech for left Tech at the end
a few eventful years of that academic
then left to teach high year in 1913.
school English in While his meth-
New England, where ods were met with
he met his wife, Hel- Photo courtesy of Robert Blohm & Erica Fritz
harsh criticism and
en Bradley Hewitt of the Cooper-Hewitt family, an unwillingness to change at the time, Blohm
one summer on Marthas Vineyard. Blohm spent was likely the creative spark for effective com-
the remainder of his career as head of the English munication, not only within the English depart-
department at Evander Childs High School in ment, but also across campus, leaving his mark at
the Bronx in New York City, publishing writings Tech with the Technique.
on his thoughts on writing and education. Inspired by professor of philosophy John
According to the progression of events of Al- Dewey, who was an instructor at Columbia at the
bert Blohms career Blohms establishment of time, Blohms ideas on the importance of writ-
the Technique, his tenure at Tech, and his abrupt ing may have stemmed from his time studying at
leave it is likely that there may have been some Columbia.
drama involved in his departure. Deweys teachings were based on the role
Upon his arrival at Tech, Blohm was ranked of education as a means of not just conveying
fourth among the English department faculty, knowledge, but to further students imaginative
and first among adjunct professors. This was dur- ability. Albert Blohm wrote Mental Hygiene, a
ing the time that the Technique was being estab- seminar in which he spoke about the importance
lished, in 1911. of not only the knowledge of subject matter but
As he integrated himself into the English de- also an intelligence of how to think and express
partment, Blohm proved himself to be an advo- oneself, arguing against perfectionism and nit-
cate of clear thinking over grammar and spelling picky details and advocating for the development
in teaching English, and thus expected that all of a students personality.
faculty make an effort to teach in this manner. What set Blohm apart from the other profes-
Blohm even had students use written assignments sors in Techs English Department at the time
for other subjects as English composition assign- was his innovative spirit in combining academics
ments, to emphasize the importance of writing with practical and social interests, constantly re-
and communication across all fields. minding the campus community of not only the
In accordance with this approach, Blohm importance of writing and communication but
wrote a four-page Manifesto to the Faculty and also its application in society.

Design by Brighton Kamen Student Publications


Monica Jamison
Lakshmi Raju
[email protected] April 14, 2017

WREKtacular exposes students to local music

EVENTS The local arts scene may some- nights gears from a dreamy elec- Tone Fresh kept the atmosphere playing the drums and the other
times seem insular to those who tronic haze to more charged and lively with his mixes. With 30 on his sampler, Deantoni Parks is
WREKtacular are not already a part of it. How- upbeat. Her lyrics are introspec- years of DJ experience, he has per- an artist one needs to see live to
PERFORMERS: Deantoni ever, once a year, WREK Radio tive and soulful, and in a genre in formed at bars and clubs around understand the work. The pump-
Parks, Bitter, Vampire offers Tech students a chance to which women are sorely underrep- the city. However, one thing that ing rhythm of the drums gives his
Stepdad experience it. The radio station resented, she holds her own as one he said sets events like WREKtac- samples and electronic sounds an
prides itself in its airing of music of Atlantas strongest rising hip ular apart is that he is able to play acoustic, organic feel.
LOCATION: Drunken Unicorn that they describe as atypical or hop artists. a more diverse range of music and Like the artists that performed
DATE: April 8 outside the cultural mainstream. Vampire Stepdad brought their explore more experimental genres, before him, Parks proves that in
On their website, WREK claims brand of synthwave: a homage instead of the classic hip-hop he the underground music scene, the
that they wish to use their status to the music of 80s horror and usually plays. artist is not only defined by their
as a college radio to bring these science fiction cinema, like that All-female punk band Bitter music, but also by their tools,
forms of music into public con- heard in John Carpenters Hal- brought their style of garage-style their craftsmanship and the pro-
ZAHRA KHAN sciousness, and the annual con- loween themes with ethereal, ret- rock, which is simultaneously cesses through which the art is
STAFF WRITER cert plays into that philosophy. ro synths. The performers stayed loud, assertive and melodic. Lead created. At the end of the night,
It opens the doors to Atlantas true to the stepdad part of their vocalist Maritzas voice is pow- the show was what one would ex-
For a bar that is located on underground scene for Georgia acts name too, staying in char- erful enough to hold together pect from a lineup of skilled, local
Ponce de Leon, The Drunken Tech students, who can attend for acter throughout for a gimmick noisy, grungy guitar riffs and talent pushing the boundaries of
Unicorn still manages to be diffi- free. The community and atmo- that did not add anything to the plodding drums. their genres, with some fresh faces
cult to find. The entrance is a sin- sphere there were just as impor- performance itself. Some of the Experimental drummer Dean- from Georgia Tech in the crowd.
gle door down a few steps, tucked tant as the art itself. Throughout jokes about dating the audiences toni Parks rounded up the set. WREK was able to achieve, for
behind a MetroPCS and beneath the night, the light effects re- collective mother could have been Parks incorporation of woozy the most part, what they set out
the Friends On Ponce bar. It is a mained minimal. The only notice- dropped without losing any of the sounds and synths with the to do: bring atypical, indepen-
definitive hole-in-the-wall joint able dcor gracing the stage were 80s cultural spirit that the artists thumping drums were the result dent music into the mainstream
that regularly hosts local bands two cutouts of unicorns. The mu- wished to capture. of him singularly working both consciousness this time by giving
and artists. On Saturday April 8, sic, however, was thriving. Between performances, The instruments on stage and even in person rather than through the
Techs student-run radio station WREK Radios own Victor Wrecking Crew All-Stars DJ live in the studio. With one hand airwaves.
WREK held their annual ben- Pino was first on the lineup, per-
efit concert, WREKtacular, there. forming under the name Root
The show is also a celebration of Locust. Pino is an Electrical Engi-
local, independently-produced neering major at Tech, which does
art and music, the kind that this not seem surprising considering
venue hosts on the regular. that the setup for his performance
On the average night, shows on Saturday was designed and
like these might not see a high built by him over the course of
turnout rate as local music is usu- two years. It consists of a modu-
ally experimental and unpolished lar system, which includes a pulse
and may not seem the most acces- generator and a shift register se-
sible. However, on this Saturday, quencer, so sounds play off inputs
the place was packed. to the system and work iteratively.
The lineup included Georgia Root Locusts work is character-
Techs own Root Locust, KayyP, istically DIY. The music itself,
Vampire Stepdad, Bitter and composed of abstract electronic
Deantoni Parks, who has been ris- melodies and sounds, was just as
ing in popularity because of his impressive as the spectacle of his
blend of electronic and hip hop handmade instruments on stage.
elements. The show brought an The rest of the night was filled
eclectic variety of local talent to with equally strong performances.
the table and gave Tech students a KayyP rapped over synthesized, Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications
taste of the unique music Atlanta well-produced beats, and her stage As the second performer at WREKtacular, rising hip hop artist KayyP increased the energy in
has to offer. presence and energy changed the the Drunken Unicorn audience with her combination of soulful lyrics and synthesized beats.

L.A. Divine: eclectic and fresh Anime Your Name

LA Divine
transcends tropes
Cold War Kids FILM are also asking Who are you?
LABEL: Downtown Additionally, there is a comedic
Kimi No Na Wa/Your scene where a character is con-
GENRE: Indie-Pop Name fused on what form of gendered
TRACK PICKS: So Tied Up, GENRE: Animation Japanese pronoun to use that does
Luck Down, L.A. River not properly translate to English.
DIRECTOR: Makoto Shinkai These distinctions do not translate
OUR TAKE: RATING: PG well to the dub and are subtle for
the English speaking viewer, but
RELEASE DATE: March 31 they can be fun points to pick up
JOSH TREBUCHON on if one knows a little about the
STAFF WRITER OUR TAKE: Japanese language.
This movie has received much
Cold War Kids released their ALEXIS BRAZIER praise at home and abroad with
newest studio album, L.A. Di- HEAD COPY EDITOR a nomination for an Oscar and
vine, on April 7. The now widely the title of the top grossing anime
popular indie rockers maintain After nearly a year of anticipa- movie in Japan. However, the ba-
their usual style on the album, tion, Your Name, or Kimi no sic concept of the film is nothing
balancing a hard-driving blues Na Wa, premiered in select U.S. new: two people switch bodies,
sound with powerful and emo- theaters this past Saturday, April and shenanigans ensue.
tional lyrics. Fans of the band will 7. Your Name can be seen at However, Your Name avoids
be pleased to know that they have Midtown Arts Cinema either in clich by only using this trope as
not drifted over to the pop side. English dub or in Japanese with a grounding point around which
While there are some songs on the English subtitles. the remainder of the plot quickly
album that are quite radio-friend- Viewers may choose to watch it evolves past. The honesty written
ly, as there must be, the members in Japanese to try to catch some into the characters, their relation-
of the group make it clear that of the nuance in the wording of ships and their personal develop-
they have no intention of turning Photo courtesy of Brian Lowe the title, which in Japanese is ac- ment throughout elevate the mov-
into a simple single factory. Nathan Willet records vocals in the studio. L.A. Divine tually a pun; when the characters ie past its cliched premise.
See COLD, page 17 shines with multiple different musical styles and structures. ask for each others names, they See NAME, page 17
// ENTERTAINMENT technique April 14, 2017 15

Having a bon temps at Bon Ton in Midtown

RESTAURANTS he has been cooking low-country
boils since he was 14, a staple of
Bon Ton NOLA family gatherings during
LOCATION: Midtown crawfish season.
Sourcing oysters, andouille
CUISINE: Cajun/Creole- and bread from Louisiana, craw-
Vietnamese fish and blue crab from Biloxi,
COST: $10 12 and shrimp from Mexico (sweeter
than shrimp from the Atlantic),
HOURS: 11 a.m. 10:30 p.m. the restaurant sources from multi-
PHONE: (404) 996-6177 ple suppliers to bring in the fresh-
est possible shellfish.
OUR TAKE: The Vietnamese twist on clas-
sic New Orleans dishes comes in
several flavors: fish sauce, chili
NICK JOHNSON powder over cayenne pepper, five-
MANAGING EDITOR spice, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaf
and orange. It is a subtle twist,
Less than two months ago, though, never dominating. Many
Creole/Cajun food was given a of the Asian ingredients are part
Vietnamese twist in Atlanta. Bon of the boil, which is a blend of
Ton does what few New-Or- flavors that is added to many of
leans-style restaurants do: they the dishes.
serve seafood that just tastes great. Spices in the breading of the
Co-owner Darren Carr, origi- fried oysters add some heat to the
nally from London, owes the Nashville hot oyster roll. Despite
Vietnamese flair to his world trav- Atlanta not being a coastal city,
els. He also owned the previous somehow the oysters are wonder-
restaurant in the same location fully fresh, and the spice on the
across from Mary Macs, but he charbroiled oysters is just right.
decided it was time for a change Even cheap, boring mussels are
after 10 years. With co-owner given new life following their Photo by Samira Bandaru Student Publications
Erik Simpkins, Carr partnered boiled deaths with a dusting of Traditional New Orleans gumbo gets a Vietnamese twist at Bon Ton, a new restaurant in
with Hieu Pham, an interior-de- flavor. The saucy smoked gouda Midtown. Chef Hieu Pham also started Crawfish Shack, a similar concept on Buford Highway.
signer-turned-chef who brought mac and cheese has bits of craw-
the similar concept Crawfish fish and is appropriately spiced. unholy union. However, at Bon fashion, the bar had a lively and commercials with gaudy aber-
Shack to Buford Highway. The gumbo is made correctly, Ton, the two cuisines make sense vintage feel. rations and flying text. Not at all
Pham, whose parents are both with a roux and the holy trin- together. Pham ensures that the The unique concept is inten- unique to Midtown, there is mini-
half-Vietnamese, wanted ready- ity (and no kale or quinoa); the menu items are coherent by con- tional, fun and quirky, according mal parking at the restaurant.
to-order seafood that was simple twist is that it is topped with the sulting with executive chef Matt to Carr. There is a Fancy Service What you find are these mo-
and just taste[d] great. He said boil and fried shallots. The BBQ Floyd and sous chef Eric Brown. sign that has origins in a made- ments of 70s brothel meets Asian
that blending New Orleans and shrimp, one of the most popular Bar manager Tyler Blackgrave up story about a brothel being design meets New Orleans, so we
Vietnamese cooking is not much items, has five-spice in the broth. complements the food offerings bought out by a Vietnamese im- have that mixture of all of that go-
of a stretch. Because of the French This successful combination of with a well-rounded drink menu. migrant restaurateur. Created by ing on, Carr said. Some of it is
occupation of Vietnam and the a New Orleans staple with east In addition to classics Sazeracs, people who had never designed a terrible, and its supposed to be.
Big Easys French history, the two Asian flavors could convert sea- French 75s and Old Fashioneds restaurant before, the decor ben- ... We hope everybody enjoys the
cooking styles are rather similar. food-haters into repeat customers. Bon Ton serves up riffed ver- efits from fresh perspectives. joke with us.
Pham chose New Orleans sea- Bon Ton is not a New Or- sions of the Hurricane, Mai Tai In addition to the atypical Customers enjoyed both the
food rather than another style be- leans/Vietnamese fusion in the and other custom creations. Their marketing move of storefront ad- jokes and the food. As is said in
cause there are more ingredients same way that Chico and Changs fruit liqueur is homemade, and vertising, their Instagram feed the Big Easy, laissez le bon temps
to play with that have a heat and East Meets West is two dispa- they offer cold drinks in cups that (@bontonatlanta) is filled with rouler. Or maybe it is laissez le Bon
boldness in flavor. Additionally, rate foods brought together in an change colors. In New Orleans quirky, funny videos almost Ton rouler.

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16 April 14, 2017 technique // ENTERTAINMENT

H2Omx delves into Mexicos water problems

FILM While solutions exist, they
struggle to gain traction because
H2Omx of a collective lethargy from the
GENRE: Documentary government and populace. The
film seeks to remedy this attitude
DIRECTORS: Jos Cohen, by highlighting organizations like
Lorenzo Hagerman the Isla Urbana that are helping to
RATING: Unrated install rainwater harvesting sys-
tems. Mexico City receives five
RELEASE DATE: Jan. 31 months of rain a year, but a lack
OUR TAKE: of resources and support makes it
impossible for citizens to take ad-
vantage of it.
TOKU SHI Other initiatives, such as those
CONTRIBUTING WRITER seeking to empower a local data-
base of knowledge about water
Mexico City is sinking. Resting management, are also mentioned.
on an improperly managed aqui- However, it is made quite clear
fer, the city is gradually sinking that the issue still exists on a mas-
into the Earth at a rate of around sive scale; therefore, current ef-
3 feet a year. Along with the sur- Photo courtesy of Cactus Film & Video forts can only curb, rather than
rounding area that makes up the A resident of Mexico City does laundry in the stagnant, polluted water. The sprawling metropolis fix, the problem.
Valley of Mexico, Mexico City is faces growing water issues, as highlighted in Cohen and Hagermans H2Omx documentary. H2Omx is an intelligently
the focus of the film H2Omx. constructed, thoroughly re-
The documentary explores the jeopardize the infrastructure of subsidized to make room for the impoverished communities, the searched documentary that ef-
way this ancestral heartland of Mexicos capital and, by exten- citys rapidly rising population. documentary weaves a collective fectively explores a serious issue
Mexico, which was the center of a sion, the country itself. New urban neighborhoods re- narrative for the city as it struggles in a way that informs viewers.
number of pre-Columbian civili- As the film reveals, the issue quire water to be pumped from for its lifeblood. Without taking sides, it presents a
zations including the Toltecs and lies in the citys origins. The Span- hundreds of kilometers under- Water is universal, and the pro- compelling argument for action of
the Aztecs, is now struggling to ish conquerors sought to defy ground or shipped from far away. ducers paradoxically highlight the any kind and emphasizes that the
bear the weight of its residents. Mother Nature by building Mex- Vendors profit off the delivery of global relevance by zooming in. problem is one that has extensive
Looking through personal and ico City in the middle of a series fresh water as the populace strug- Interspersed between these inter- repercussions for all of Mexico.
population-based lenses, the film of interconnected lakes that were gles to access a basic necessity views and segments are stunning As the capital and center of
explores water mismanagement in gradually drained in order to pre- for survival. aerial shots of the city. The heavily much of the countrys commerce
Mexicos largest city and issues a vent flooding. The film attacks this idea from polluted canal that weaves its way and industry, Mexico Citys prob-
call to action to both the govern- The methods used by the his- two fronts. Much of the content down the sprawling metropolis lems are the countrys problems.
ment and the general populace. If torical invaders continue to be of the film is focused on an indi- and the miles of concrete and tar- As a whole, the film collectively
something is not done, the film used today in order to maintain vidual scale. Following a Hidalgo mac that roll down the Mexican functions less as a manifesto and
warns, the citys collapse is only the city, but these methods are no farmer, a water truck driver or a plateau create a remarkable jux- more as a plea, depicting the
one of a number of terrible wa- longer sustainable as water levels pair of design entrepreneurs work- taposition that emphasizes how struggle of a city and a people for
ter management issues that could fall and more and more land is ing to introduce rain collection to severe of a problem the city faces. water a basic human right.

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// ENTERTAINMENT technique April 14, 2017 17

COLD FROM PAGE 14 are stacked up at the beginning, NAME FROM PAGE 14
and, as a result, the rest feels
The album opens with Love is less polished. Super fans may have already
Mystical, a poppy song driven by In this case, however, the band seen the film since it has been
a simple but powerful keyboard treats the meat of the album as available on several dubious web-
riff, and this song serves as the an opportunity to experiment, sites online. However, viewing
lead single. The strength of the to branch out and to try differ- this specific film in theaters is a
track comes from the complexity ent styles and sounds. One of the worthwhile experience because
of the instrumental layering in the most interesting tracks on the al- Your Name surpasses expecta-
song and Nathan Willetts power- bum is Luck Down, a gritty, raw tions with its cinematography
ful vocals. Together these factors song that revives the garage rock and scenery.
elevate the song from a standard sound of bands like the Stooges of On the big screen, the gor-
indie-pop clich to an album the late 1960s. Luck Down is geous colors of the movies signa-
defining single. placed immediately before Ordi- ture meteor pops in the night sky,
The next track, Can We Hang nary Idols, which features a quick and viewers can better appreciate
On? is more of the same an- tempo and a funky bass line. This the dazzling country landscapes,
other fast paced, well layered, juxtaposition of styles is repre- the urban cityscapes and the mar-
radio-friendly single driven by sentative of the eclectic mix of velously detailed backgrounds for
David Quons keyboard and Na- sounds that comprises the body of which director Makoto Shinkai
than Willetts soaring and diving L.A. Divine. is so well known. Shinkai excel-
voice. While the subject of the The album ends with yet an- lently captures that wistful feel,
song, pondering the approaching other shift of tone as the group characteristic of many of his pre-
end of a relationship, is nothing adopts a much softer sound for vious works, partly due to the jux-
new, Willetts passionate vocals the last two tracks, Part of the taposition of these cityscapes and
and the changing tempo keep the Night and Free to Breathe. By sprawling countrysides, which are
track fresh and exciting. concluding the album with these always lit by the waning light of
While the first two tracks are tracks, the Cold War Kids remind evening.
solid songs, they are both predict- listeners that their music goes Unfortunately, one problem
able indie-pop songs; then the deeper than the fast paced bluesy that this movie suffers from is its
singles stop, and the album truly singles that the album opens with. somewhat sudden tonal shifts and
begins with the third song, So One of the other interest- awkward pacing. The extensive
Tied Up. Just as the listener be- ing features of the album is the plot has some fairly clear chap-
gins to tire of the bluesy style of inclusion of three startlingly ters. Each of these chapters has a
Can We Hang On? and Love short songs, Cameras Always distinct mood, beginning cheery
is Mystical, the album flips On, Wilshire Protest and and comedic and midway through
to a more rhythmic soul style, L.A. River. The tracks break the movie becoming much darker
bringing in Bishop Briggs as a up the monotony of the lon- and more suspenseful, losing all of Photo courtesy of Funimation Films
guest vocalist. ger songs on the album, mak- its humorous tone. Your Name, while built around a common plot, redeems
So Tied Up layers a drum ing it more digestible and The one consistency may be itself with excellent cinematography and original humor.
and clapping rhythm over a key- creating natural divisions the fact that the scenery always
board rhythm to create a song between sections. seems to be lit by the wistful wan- side searching and the movies interesting, such as the benefit of
that, despite its fast pace, is not L.A. River, though only ing light of evening. Though this resolution, seem to drag on un- androgynous characteristics and
overly forceful or angry, as the about a minute long, is actually harsh transition may be the direc- necessarily. In fact, it feels like the value of both rural and urban
groups more common blues one of the best tracks from the tors intent, it is considerably jar- the movies production was being lifestyles.
tracks can be. album. The song concentrates ring for viewers. rushed in the later stages because Though he used many ex-
The album continues in this the blues-rock sound the band Additionally, some sections the second half of the movie seems tremely fantastical elements as
different tone with the next track, is known for without all the in- of the movie seem rushed due to much less tightly written. plot points, Shinkai successfully
Restless, which is slower than die-pop anger and tempo of the time constraints. The run time is While Shinkai is not necessar- grounds the movie in its relat-
the first three songs and features groups singles. Left behind is an hour and 47 minutes, but at ily breaking any new ground with able characters and captivating
a more optimistic vibe than most pure, sincere blues magic. times, it feels much longer. Some the themes of Your Name, tack- scenery. Overall, despite its pac-
of the Cold War Kids work. The L.A. Divine is easily the sections of the movie feel rushed ling such controversial subjects as ing and unimaginative premise,
songs catchy lyrics are sure to groups best album yet since ev- and underdeveloped, like Mit- love overcoming obstacles and the Your Name skillfully exhibits
make it another popular single ery song is refreshing. No band suhas relationship with her father existence of destiny, for the most what a modern animated film can
from the album. can make the same song over and which ends with an unresolved part he explores them with matu- accomplish in terms of stunning
Like most albums, L.A. Di- over, and this album shows that cliffhanger. On the other hand, rity and nuance. Some more sub- visuals and engaging character
vine is front-heavy the singles the Cold War Kids will not try to. other parts, like Takis country- tle takeaways, though, were more development.
18 April 14, 2017 technique // COMICS




// COMICS technique April 14, 2017 19





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Mr. Miheer Bavare Mr. Bradley Daitch Ms. Anna Gwaltney Ms. Katherine R. Lanthier Mr. Lucas M. Newman Ms. Carly Sackellares Ms. Rachel Tropper
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Mr. William Berry Ms. Nica De Nijs Mr. Charles J. Hanzel Mr. Timothy C. Lee Ms. Nagela Nukuna Ms. Shanice U. Saunders Mr. Nicolas Villa-Roel
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Ms. MacKenzie Blanchard Ms. Margaret Dickey Mr. Jacob Hayes Ms. Alexandra A. Link Mr. Craig Owenby Ms. Shelby Sexton Mr. DAndre M Waller
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Ms. Sarah Both Ms. Jill Domzalski Mr. Thomas L. Henderlong Ms. Alexandra N. Logan Mr. Aakarsh Palnitkar Mr. Brian A. Sherman Ms. Ariana M. Waugh
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Mr. Brian Bradley Ms. Rachel Dutton Mr. Zackary L. Hertel Mr. Peter Lyons Ms. Ashley K. Park Ms. Paula Simonetti Ms. Jennifer Weiss
Ms. Marguerite J. Bradley Mr. Ryan M. Dwyer Ms. Morgan F. Hicky Mr. Terry Tsun Ma Ms. Joanna G. Parkhurst Ms. Corinna R. Slater Mr. Brandon S. Wells
Ms. Logan Brafford Ms. Phoebe Edalatpour Ms. Morgan L. Hinchey Mr. Olu B. Mabogunje Mr. Graham D. Parkinson Ms. Katherine Sledjeski Mr. Morgan H. West
Ms. Shira Braiterman Ms. Mary Edgar Ms. Caitlin Hirschler Ms. Mallory MacGill Ms. Claire Parnell Mr. Kevin Sloan Mr. Tyrus B. Wheeler, Jr.
Mr. Palmer C. Brasher Ms. Cat Edwards Mr. Andrew Hoeft Ms. Julia Macon Ms. Tannyr Pasvantis Mr. Matthew K. Smith Mr. Andrew L. White
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Mr. Carson C. Brial Ms. Natalie El-Laoune Mr. John S. Hooie Mr. Clayton P. Maike Ms. Umashanthi Pavalanathan Ms. Meredith Smith Mr. Lonnie L. Williams Jr.
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Mr. Christopher M. Bush Ms. Molly Fink Mr. Benjamin J. Ibach Ms. Caty McAfee Ms. Emily E. Poole Ms. Kelsie R. Stanton Mr. Maxwell Young
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Ms. Katharine G. Cannatella Ms. Katherine Ford Ms. Madeleine C. Jayme Ms. Angelique McCoy Mr. Steven J. Pubillones Ms. Sarah E. Stevens Dufour
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Mr. Jeffrey L. Chang Mr. Benjamin C. French Mr. Steven Johnston Ms. Alison T. McGarey Ms. Jordyn T. Rainone Mr. Ryan Strat Mr. Tao Zhu
Ms. Colleen Chen Mr. Jacob Friedman Mr. Christopher L. Jones Ms. Shannon McGeary Ms. Arshia Rajan Ms. Kelle B. Summerlin Mr. Alexander S. Zickar

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// SPORTS technique April 14, 2017 21

CRC hosts intramural basketball championship

officials. The each champion also championship game, GS Dream around the South. Each school improvements he would like to
NISHANT REDDY received a paid team entry free Team beat Columbus to win the hosts the tournament for two see. As tournament director, he
STAFF WRITER to the NCS National Basketball tournament. For the men, the years at a time before rotating wants to expand the use of the
Championships at the Ohio State Ivy Tech Bears, UNC Pembroke, hosting duties to the next school. televisions in the CRC for high-
From March 35, students University in Columbus, which Columbus Running Cougars and Hamilton says that his favorite lights and displaying player and
may have noticed that the CRC will take place April 2123. Single-A Allstars were in the final part of the tournament was of team statistics. He is also inter-
basketball courts were closed. The memory of former NIRSA four. In the finals, UNC Pem- course the dunks and multiple one ested in the potential to broadcast
That weekend, Tech hosted the champion Sarah Fain was cel- broke won over Single-A Allstars point game winners. the championship games live and
National Intramural-Recreation- ebrated throughout the weekend. with a score of 67-52 when all was Although Tech is not lined hiring a DJ for the weekend of the
al Sports Association (NIRSA) Fain was a fixture at NIRSA events said and done. up to host the tournament for tournament. Techs hosting stint
Championship Series Regional until she finally lost her battle This regional tournament is another five years, Hamilton al- half a decade from now may be a
Basketball Championship. NIR- with colon cancer. Those involved hosted by a variety of schools ready has his sights set on some very different one indeed.
SA was founded in 1950 by rep- with NIRSA took the opportu-
resentatives from 11 Historically nity to reflect on her tremendous
Black Colleges and Universities impact on NIRSA and on campus
(HBCUs). Now, NIRSA holds in- recreation at Sam Houston State
tramural tournaments in basket- University, Georgia College, and
ball, flag football, soccer, tennis Georgia Southern.
and cricket for college students. Matt Jarman, the intramural
NIRSA also hosts regional and coordinator at Emory Univer-
national conferences centered sity said that Sarah taught me so
around increasing participation in much in the time I was her stu-
campus recreation programming. dent she taught me how to be
The regional basketball tour- detailed, diligent, determined and
nament featured both mens and accountable, courtesy of nirsa.
womens pool and bracket play net. At Tech, tournament director
with teams representing colleges Joshua Hamilton said that she
from all over the southern United has done so much for the world of
States. Teams of at most 15 play- NIRSA and has been very essen-
ers first participated in pool play. tial to the success of intramurals
The top three teams in each of across the country. Often, the
the four-team pools and the top work of intramural directors goes
two teams in three-team pools unnoticed, but everyone involved
advanced to a single-elimination in the NIRSA community knew
tournament. exactly how valuable Fain was to
Awards included first and promoting NIRSAs goals.
second place team awards, team On the womens side of the
sportsmanship awards for each bracket, GT Womens Basketball,
division, tournament champion GS Dream Team, the Columbus
award for first place team mem- Lady Cougars and VSU Power Photo by Noah Bryant Student Publications
bers, all-tournament team and of Persistent qualified to the final The CRC basketball courts see play from Tech students every day. However, they also
MVP awards and all-tournament four of tournament play. In the play host to numerous other events, including the NIRSA Championship Series Regionals.

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22 April 14, 2017 technique // SPORTS

SOFTBALL FROM PAGE 24 PASTNER FROM PAGE 24 take more three-point shots. And
an increasing focus on analytics
Dame, Syracuse, and Virginia send-off. Had the Jackets not got- means that there are new perfor-
Tech, the Jackets got another ten the chance to host two NIT mance insights for teams to glean.
chance to bring out a miracle games, it would have been a fine Its an evolving sport, and
victory at the last minute against way to finish the McCamish Pa- youve got to stay ahead of the
North Carolina State. In its ninth vilion slate. curve, he said. Whether its
extra-inning game this season, Yet save for perhaps a na- through technology or on [play-
the team had no intention of sub- tional championship, there is no ers] views on life, its constantly
mitting to defeat. Straight zeros such thing as a happy ending in changing day by day. Thats part
lined the board for the first six the ACC. Pastner has been lib- of us staying relevant as a staff.
innings before the Jackets picked eral in his praise of the conference One of the biggest changes
themselves up in the seventh in- throughout the season, using its Tech basketball will endure this
ning. Tech ended the drought rigor as an unsuccessful argument offseason is the graduation of a
with three runs on four hits in the for Techs inclusion in the NCAA number of key players. Depend-
seventh, tying the score with the Tournament. He even seeks to able starters and role players such
Wolfpack and earning an extra pattern his program after that of as Josh Heath, Quinton Stephens
chance at gaining an edge. conference rival Notre Dame. and Corey Heyward will bid fare-
The teams traded runs in the Theyve done a great job, he well to the Flats. And the Jackets,
eighth and ninth innings, but said. They get some under-the- among the youngest teams in the
the Jackets gained the edge in the radar guys that develop, that get country, will have to find leader-
tenth inning. The team outhit NC better, that improve. Theyve got ship in a number of places.
State 14-4, and junior Emily An- great shooters, they space the One source would have seemed
derson demonstrated tremendous floor, and [Notre Dame head exceedingly unlikely a year ago:
skill on the mound through all coach] Mike Brey is obviously one freshman guard Josh Okogie,
ten innings. Photo by Mitchell Williams Student Publications of the elite coaches out there. whose exciting on-court perfor-
Consistent hitting and pitch- Junior Draven Sonnon runs the bases during a game. She has Pastner acknowledges that the mances will have to be matched
ing secured the first victory of the hit a career-best .265 this season, but the team has struggled. recruiting environment at an ACC by his guiding hand off the court.
weekend, but without consistent team like Tech is much different Hes going to be a key guy for
movement around the bases, the ting the Wolfpack for the second they played in the last half of their than it was in his previous stint at us to do what we need to do. We
Jackets would be unable to rally time out of three games, the jack- first game against North Carolina Memphis. While the Tigers were need him to really step up that
through the next two games of ets failed to earn a run through all State; they could turn around the a relatively big fish in the Ameri- leadership role. Hes going to be a
the weekend. seven innings, extraordinary con- season in a single game, a truly can Athletic Conferences small team captain, and hes got to take
Pushed by their victory, Tech sidering their hitting. momentous event. pond, Pastner finds himself in the advantage of that.
kicked off the second game with a The Jackets will need to muster Tremendous skill is present opposite position in Atlanta. Josh Pastner is taking advan-
remarkable seven runs in the first consistency through every inning through the entire lineup. Two This league is a monster, he tage of the offseason to critique
inning. By the fourth inning, the if they are going to have a chance experienced pitchers, and seven says with a laugh. There are no everything. That includes himself.
jackets had lost their momentum. at earning a victory against Boston returning players, who have dem- nights off, and weve got to do a Personally, I need to eat bet-
They played through the last three College. The team will get to prac- onstrated raw strength at bat, great job a near-perfect job ter, he said. Professionally, I
innings with only two hits and tice putting together two good welcomed ten talented freshmen on evaluations. And, of course, need to keep growing as a coach.
no runs. A small rally in the last halves against Virginia before to the lineup. Growing pains can it is difficult to evaluate players I think I need to study the areas
half of the game could have com- travel to Massachusetts to com- be an issue every season, but with when the game is so dynamic. where I felt we didnt have success
pensated for poor pitching earlier pete for their chance at an ACC the level of skill that each player The astounding success of Gold- on the court. Did I not hold true
in the contest. Game three was championship spot. If Tech can brings to the field individually, en State Warriors guard Steph to something that was important
plagued by the same inability to manage to play through all six in- Those pains should soon ebb, at Curry, for example, has inspired a to me?
move from base to base. Outhit- nings with the same ferocity that least in time for next season. generation of aspiring athletes to The answer is likely no.



// SPORTS technique April 14, 2017 23


played such an influential role in
that hes not only helped me to
be a phenomenal shooter, but hes
also helped me in my life tooto
get to tournaments, to give me
exposure. Hes always pushing
me too. I meet people who tell
me Im driven, people who dont
push me as much, but hes really
the only person who keeps poking
me to keep doing a little bit more.
Despite the proximity of CASEY MILES
the Archery Learning Center ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR
to Techs campus, Hanley was
often discouraged from ap- FOOTBALL
plying as a transfer because On Monday, it was announced
it was impossible to get in. that redshirt junior Matthew Jor-
But defying seemingly for- dan would be missing the rest of
midable odds, Hanley applied the Spring football season with
and received admission. The a foot injury. Jordan, the current
transition was seamless; it felt leading candidate for the vacant
like it was meant to be, he said. starting quarterback position, is
Hanley often practices with Photo by Mitchell Williams Student Publications the only quarterback at Tech who
Techs archery team, which meets Kolby Hanley draws back to shoot an arrow. The former national champion has found has received a significant amount
three times a week. Im shooting his place at Tech, both in the classroom and on the range as a relentless competitor. of playing time.
a lot more than I used to at my Jordan will be unable to play
old school, just because its easier score on the last day of the compe- pretty much already decided its that Im doing, he added regard- in the annual spring game, which
with the Learning Center and tition, a personal accomplishment one of those things that Im go- ing the advantages of his craft. takes place on April 21.
practice at Tech, said Hanley. in which he takes great pride. ing to be doing for the rest of my Hanley is currently experi-
Im actually seeing an incline on But what Hanley believes life theres something about menting with something dif- BASEBALL
my skill since Ive gotten here. was the most significant mo- it that I just enjoy too much ferent than the stereotypical On Wednesday, April 13, USA
On top of shooting at a profes- ment at the National Indoor and it makes me too happy to thirteen-hundred-people-shoot- Baseball released its midseason
sional level, Hanley is balancing a Championship and in his ar- not do it for the rest of my life. at-five-hundred-targets-at-the- Golden Spikes Award watch list.
rigorous curriculum, is currently chery career was when he was Hanley describes archery as a same-time type of archery, with a The award is given annually to the
pursuing a position in undergrad- approached by the head coach martial art, as a meditative type new form known as 3D Archery. best college player in the coun-
uate research, and puts in thirty of the Archery Learning Center. of sport. Its almost like yoga in a 3D Archery includes shoot- try. Bart is one of six underclass-
hours a week, working nights Right after I had received my sense. It calms you down and mel- ing at foam targets of animals men, all of whom are sophomores,
at his part-time job downtown. big bowl on the podium, thats lows you outIts made me more in the woods, with four or five named to the 40 man list. Bart
An accomplished shooter in when I met the head coach ... and self-aware, both mentally and other people on the course. has landed himself in the race
many respects, Hanley won the honestly, if I hadnt won National physically, just because it takes so He is currently training to through a sophomore campaign
National Outdoor Championship Championship that year, I proba- much body control in the form of compete in World Trials this up- built on hitting. He leads the team
for two consecutive years, and the bly wouldnt be here, Hanley said. being still under high pressure. coming June in hopes to make with 11 home runs, 32 RBIs and a
National Indoor Championship in Hanley hopes to continue Its made me perform better un- the team that will travel to South .654 slugging percentage. Finalist
2014, for which he made a perfect archery as long as he can. Ive der a high level in everything else America for the World Cup. voting ends on June 23.

Eubanks: despite success, weve got to close out

I think one of the main things group competing towards one about these outside experiences is asked about his aspirations. But
CASEY MILES I have to improve on and that Ive goal together, leaders still emerge. the perspective and motivation it just any of the top guys, to be able
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR done a good job getting better at Despite that expectation, there gives him. to see how far I am from be-
is building my body, he said. Eu- has not been much stress placed I played in the US Open. ing one of the best players in the
Few college athletes arrive on banks is currently listed as weigh- on Eubanks due to the team being I played in the BB&T Atlanta world. Hopefully I would put up
campus knowing that they will ing 165 lbs., and one look at his so cohesive. Open the past four years. Each of a pretty good fight and reassure
be top performers on their team. lanky frame confirms that. He We have a really close knit these things shows me that I myself that Im not that far away.
They certainly aspire to be there, continued, Once you get to a cer- group of guys, and a very, very have a lot of work to do to contin- That perspective gained from
but rarely do they accomplish that tain level of tennis, all of the guys close team, he said. We all chip ue to improve if I want to be able professional tournaments com-
feat in their first year on Techs can hit a forehand or a backhand, in at different times and assume to play at those tournaments and bined with his thirst for victory
campus. Junior mens tennis play- its just about being able to do that leadership roles; we have four guys at that level more consistently. comes to a head when discussing
er Chris Eubanks is one of those under pressure. That is both a my year, we all of kind of know This motivation is a hallmark of what the team needs to do to win
few elite athletes. physical and mental obstacle that when its our time to lead and take many great athletes and leads Eu- the tough ACC tournament. The
In his first year at Tech he must be overcome. on that responsibility. banks to wanting to play against No. 18 Jackets have been domi-
played most of his matches in the Mentally, Eubanks has had As Eubanks continues to grow the highest level of competition. nant in the ACC, their only loss
one slot, accruing a 7-11 record in more to deal with beyond just at Tech, his talent has allowed I think, obviously the best, coming (at the time of writing)
matches in a slot usually reserved his matches. While tennis is not him experiences nationally and would be able to play Roger Fe- against No. 1 Wake Forest.
for seasoned veterans. His sopho- a traditional team sport with the beyond. The thing he values most derer someday, he said when The biggest thing is weve just
more year he only played in the got to close out, Eubanks said
top slot, going 21-2 in his matches plainly. On two courts, we had
there and earning himself a bid in two guys serving for their match-
the NCAA singles tournament. es, if they just serve those matches
When you meet Chris, his out we beat Wake Forest 4-1. I
demeanor and actions dont con- think its just realizing its just re-
vey the competitive spirit that alizing and coming to grips with
lies within. Standing at 67, the the fact that we are one these very
lanky junior from Atlanta, Ga. good teams and we have to try
looks like he would be more likely and continue to put that together
to be found on a basketball court, and show the rest of the country
but a simple conversation with that we belong here.
him changes that perspective. He Finally, Eubanks looked at his
goes from bubbly describing a 6-1, goals for the rest of the season.
6-2 rout of Louisvilles Christo- My top goal is to win
pher Morin-Kougoucheff the day NCAAs. I think if I can con-
prior, to walking through what tinue to progress and do the right
he and the team should work on things that Ive been doing thats
if they hope to top the ACC and a definite possibility. As the end
the country. of the season draws near, there
Per Oracle ITA, Eubanks is are a number of distractions that
currently ranked No. 5 in the na- might push a player one way or
tion in singles play. Additionally, another. From finals approach-
Eubanks has seen success against ing to the competition intensify-
other top players this season with ing to fatigue building from the
a win over No. 2 Petros Chryso- accumulation of match play, it is
chos of Wake Forest. Despite this, easy to lose sight of the goal. But
Eubanks is sure of what he still Photo by Nate Jeffries Student Publications one thing is clear: Chris Eubanks
needs to improve upon, a crucial Chris Eubanks returns a forehand against Georgia State. The No. 5 ranked played is peaking at just the right time to
trait for any player. in the country has led Tech to a 15-3 overall record and 7-1 conference record. make a run.
SPORTS EDITOR: Be Our Guests technique
Harsha Sridhar
Casey Miles
The CRC hosted an intramural bakset-
ball championship. It was an astound-
ing success.421 April 14, 2017
[email protected]

Top left and bottom photos courtesy of Keith Swindell

Top right photo courtesy of GTAA

memphis. georgia tech.

nit finals. what's next?
Josh Pastner looks ahead to Year Two.
This is what the offseason looks wealth after losing two games in
HARSHA SRIDHAR like for Pastner, his first in At- a row early in the season. Pastner
SPORTS EDITOR lanta. That is, if you do not count has never endured a three-game
last years, which was a transition- losing streak in his entire head
The National Invitation Tour- ary period for both Pastner, who coaching career, and a victory in
nament is over, and Tech basket- had to cut ties with Memphis, and a hostile environment prevented
balls season is officially finished. Tech, which had to move on from exactly that.
That means an exhale, a reset and incumbent Brian Gregory. The second was the teams
the gradual run-up to the next Yet the whirlwind pace second-round NIT win over Bel-
season already looming ahead. from scouting his own team to mont, which set a team single-
Spend a few minutes with identifying flaws in his coaching season record for home wins. And
mens basketball head coach Josh to making in-house visits with re- the last? A win against Pittsburgh
Pastner and it might be fair to cruits suits Pastner, whose ten- on Senior Day, a game that con-
wonder whether the season is over ure has been marked by nothing if firmed how far the Jackets had
at all. His phone buzzes time and not energy. While he remains in- come from seasons beginning.
time again, vying for his attention tensely focused on the year ahead, For the type of year we had,
vainly. One call, then another. he cannot help but take pride in the success we had, the over-
Then a few more for good mea- his teams performance this year, achievement we had, to beat Pitt
sure. Over the course of a 20-min- especially considering the low ex- on Senior Day, he says, was a
ute conversation, Pastners iPhone pectations placed on the group. meaningful experience and one
may well have blipped twenty Three games stick out in my hat provided the teams veteran
times and that might be a con- mind, Pastner said. One was the leadership with an appropriate
servative estimate. teams win at Virginia Comon- see SOFTBALL, page 22

Softball finds bright patches amid rough season

line-up in their debut season, certainly none to concede defeat, hopes to turn a chance at ACC had little difficulty reaching base,
ALISON LAVERY some growing pains were to be but the chances of putting up a championship competition into but its push fell short just before
CONTRIBUTING WRITER expected. Having more home fight in ACC play are waning for an ACC championship title, the home plate, only earning one run.
games in the schedule than last Tech softball. jackets will need to bring more All eight of the runs tallied by
Yet another softball season year alleviated some of the pres- Second in the ACC, Boston consistency onto the field in their the team were earned by different
draws closer to its end and once sure on the ten freshmen, who College will be the hardest match- three final games than they have athletes.
again, it seems that the Jackets could focus better in the comfort up left in the season for Tech. The all season. Tech illustrated great talent
have struggled competing away of friendly confines. eagles will also be Techs chance Last-ditch efforts have not been throughout the lineup through
from home. While homesickness However, it has not been to turn around the season and enough to reverse Techs consis- the last three innings of the game,
has cost them, Tech has still car- enough to prevent road struggles prove themselves as ACC com- tent difficulty reaching home plate but the team was nonetheless un-
ried some of the momentum they from affecting Techs standings. petitors. Its been two years since this season. After a dismal start able to scrap together a sufficient
developed last season onto the More than half of the games the the jackets competed in an ACC to the year, Tech rallied in the performance to carry it to victory
field this year. Jackets have played out of state championship and the jackets will fifth inning of their second game over the Noles. The Jackets car-
The Jackets got off to a rough have been losses. With only two leave everything on the field in against FSU. The scoreboard read ried that poor luck into their third
start, beginning the season far victories out of eleven match-ups their end of season scramble for a 8-0 when the Jackets walked on to game of the weekend and left Tal-
from home at the Puerto Rico away from home this season, hope chance at a championship spot. offer a final effort. Tech loaded the lahassee with three losses.
Tournament and coming home for a chance at post season cham- The Jackets are well-versed in bases and earned three runs in the After going 4-5 against their
with a single victory out of six pionship competition is running the art of the last-minute scramble fifth inning and four more in the next three ACC opponents, Notre
match-ups. With nearly half the low. There is no time to rest and this season. Nevertheless, if Tech sixth. In the seventh inning, Tech see PASTNER, page 22

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