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ParthaPipeline 1985LateSummer

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well, the effervescent but totally obscure The ancient legends hold that the Draco Dracorum wields awesome magical powers, possesses
production slaves in the Ral partha Ministry of massive heaps of treasure which it keeps in a secret lair. .. No doubt included in these treasure
Truth have really done it this time -- they' ve piles is a good selection of armor and weapons, stripped or blasted off foolhardy adventurers
put together what's probably the most action- who have sought to either confront this terrifying legendary beast, or simple help themselves to
packed issue of the Partha Pipeline yet! Your some of his hoard. Well, this is no o r d i n a r y dr a g o n , a n d t h e capital reserves of the Draco
old comrade Ral can barely control his e xci t e - Dracorum are by no means self-service! Ral Partha's " Dragon o f D ra g o n s " is no ordinary sculpture,
ment. (Of course, that's usually the problem.) e i t h e r -- when it's 12 pieces are assembled, the Draco Dracorum measures a f u l l f o o t f r om n o s e t o
In the past we' ve offered lots and l o t s o f g ood tail. The assembled wingspan is 7!i inches, and each massive wing measure nearly 8 inches in
scenarios for use with our o wn Rule s A c c o r d i n g length. The box, when you buy it, weighs approximately three pounds!
t o Ral f o r M e d i e v a l B at t l e s . At t he moment, my
scribes are scribbling away furiously on an eve n There's just about no end to the detail that Ral partha's famous sculptor Tom Meter has put
into this limited-edition piece. once you start examing the hundreds of individual spines, acales
bigger project, which will soon be rel e a s ed: T h e
and battle scars on the dragon's body, it' ll be like a magic spell all it's own: you' ll be too
Rules A c c o r d ! n g t o R a l fo r Fa n t a s y B a t t l es ! Yes ,
that's right -- a n eve n b i g g e r a n d m o r e c hal l e n - mesmerized to put it down.
ging set of rules for 25mm scale battles in the Each of the 500 editions of the 01-502 DRACO DRACORUM, " Dragon o f D r a g o n s " comes complete with
r ealms of fantasy. But in the MEANTIME t o painting instructions and an assembly diagram, as well as a numbered Certificate of Authorization.
satisfy your craving for ever more thrilling I t ' s signed by the Ral Partha Production Gods, and it's suitable for framing! It's your proof
a dvent u r e - we' re supplying you with something eternal that you are the proud owner of a truly unique piece, one of o n l y 5 0 0 " D r a g on o f
that offers a little from both worlds. Dragons" that will ever be cast.
I t ' s a s ce n a r i o called The Battle for the
Chalice of Lentagan. Written by Ral Partha's own
Bob Charrette, it was oriqinally intended as the
first scenario for use with our Fantasy Rules.
But, as the production of these r ule s wa s d e l a y e d
by the untimely intervention of my pet slime-
beast's appetite (see further details elsewhere
in this issue), we' ve adapted it for u se w i t h
the rules we' ve already published. The r e s u l t ,
as you' l l se e , i s a very exciting and absorbing
duel of wills between the High Lord Roderick and
his evil opponent, the Dark Duke Thorin. These
two characters and their situation will be
cropping up again in Ral Partha literature and
lore, so you' ll want to be sure and get the feel
for them in this wonderful scenario. t

Speaking of Bob Charrette, in this issue of

the Pipeline we give you the first complete
listing of his soon-to-be-released major master- j
work: a new line of figures for u se w i t h
BUSHIDO, the game of role-playing in medieval
Japan, published by Fantasy Games Unlimited and
co-designed by Bob himself! I myself have seen
these figures and let me tell you, comrades,
they are the superior of any ancient Japanese
f i g u re s y o u h a v e e v e r s e e n . B ob has d e s i g n e d
t )ua c o V n r u
t hem wit h s o m e s i m p l e a ssembly r e q u i r e d , a nd t h i s
small step has permitted him a wide r ange o f
options in detailing and posing the figures
they are beautiful and formidable-looking.
I'm also giving you the c omplet e r u n - d o w n
and listing on another major new seri e s , t h i s
time the brain child of veteran Ral sculptor
Tom Meier. It's Tom's range of 3-Stage Charac-
ter s f antasy role-playing characters that
cos in groups of three figures, each figure RAL'S C ONVENTION SCHEDULE
representing the next stage in the c haract e r ' s I field my scale replica of Jackson's Stonewall
development. With one of these, your favorite Brigade at a re-enactment of the Battle of Vicks-
fighter or wizard or whatever can pr o g r e s s f r o m burg, it helps convince me that there a re o t h e r Here's the Official List, as r e l e a s e d b y
novice, to intermediate level, all the way to Lost causes in the world besides me trying to t he Ra l p a r t h a M in i s t r y o f T r ut h , of up coming
Master, and still be well-represented by the b alance my c h e c k b o ok , a n d conventions where -- as likely as n ot - - yo u ' l l
figure... Well, the idea is explained pretty What' s that? Oops! WHAT? Well, c omrades, t h e y find an offdcdal Partha Sales Booth, manned b y
well elsewhere in the issue, s o r ea d f o r y o u r s e l f . a full complement of Ral's Sales Slaves:
tell me that the Casting Slaves have o nce agai n
managed to set fire to the wastebasket, so I N.O.W.S. CON, Cleveland, OH September 28, 29
What tickles your old pal Ral most of all, suppose I must be off to go and discipline them.
my comrades, is Ral Partha's return in force to GENUS CON, Da y t o n , OH O c t o b e r 11 , 12 , 1 3
Enjoy the issue, and until we m eet ag a i n
the world of 15mm American Civil War gaming! YES!
Farewe l l ' FALLCON,Cincinnati Technical College,
Ral Partha Imports will soon be r el e a s i n g a w i d e -
Cincinnati, OH O c t ober 25, 26, 27
ranging, versatile line of American Civil War !At Fallcon, we won't be having a booth, but
soldiers and equipment, including cavalry, representatives of Hal will be running games
artillery, standards, the whole bit. They' re and events, supporting the convention, and
sculpted by Englishman Dave Hutchins a nd t h e y gener a l ! y M a k i n g Ou r Pr e s e n c e Fe l t . )
bring Ral Partha's distinctive quality and style
to the world of 15mm qaming. B eside s t h a t , w h e n

That's right, comrades - w e' ve been r u n n i n g

3 Stage Characters.
wild with new releases throughout 1985, and for
the rest of the year we' re gonna keep the pace
up. ttere, for your convenience, are listed our
upcoming releases throucn the end of November,

SEPTEMBER The whole point of havinq player-character As t y p i c a l T om M e i e r scu l p ! u r e a t ho se

RUNEPUESTm mi.niatures and using them in a role-playing game fiqures have it alii dramatic, spontaneous to cs,
10-350 RuneQuestnw Viking Adventurers Boxed is to have them represent your character... And f aces w i t h so m u c h c h a r a c t e r you ' ! sw e a r y o u kn e w
Set ( 6 f i gu r e s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 00 often it's a little frustrating when your these guys personally! Not to mention lots an<!
fighter or thief continues to progress upwards lots of readily-identifiable equipmcnt and
ALL T HI NCS DARK AND DANCEROUS level after level, while your lead miniature belongings, all sculpted with the kind o! deter!
02-936 Armored Minotaur..................2.00 continues to look the same as always. t hat m a k e s f o r g re at pa i n t a b i l i t y. Th e s e ( i g u re s
0 2-937 F i g h t i n g P e g a s u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 00 Well, now for the first time there's an tell their own story - - i t ' s esp e c i a l l y t un t o
02-938 Skeleton Warriors (4).............4.50 alternative to the old method of giving the see the Fighter, 01-315, grow in stature and
02-939 Gnole Champion with hench
little metal fellow a new paint-lob and using armament. Certainly the hiqhligtit of the series
b easts ( 3 ) . your imagination. It's Ral Partha's 3-Staged is the 01-326 Druid, wha progresses from a rather
20th CE N TURY PLUS: B A T T L E TECH R O B OTS Characters. This is a brilliantly innovative idea simple-looking, staff-bearing priest figure into
20-804 F I R - 7 8 F i r e B ee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 conceived by veteran Ral Partha creative force an absolutely ter ifying Druid mage (incidentally
20-805 F L E- 1 5 F l e a ; A , 8 , or C Var i an t . . . 2. 00 Tam Meier. With our 3-staged characters, you can one o f t he be s t wi za r d- t y pe f i g ur e s i n t he en t i r e
20-815 ARC-4R Ar c h e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 50 start your character out at novice level, first Ral P a r t h a r a ng e ! ) .
level, beginner, or however you choose to term In addition to the upcoming releases listed
PERSONALI!'IES the truly embarrassing level of inexperience at on this paqe, we offer these 3-Staged Characters:
0 1-140 Undead D r a g o n . . ..8.00 which most of us begin life. Then, as your
01-315 F igh t e r . 3.00
OCTOBER character becomes older and more formidable, you
01-316 Ranger. 3. 00
simply switch to the next "stage," the next ... 3.00
PERSON!ILITIES 01-317 Magic U s e r . . . . . . .
figure in the series. By the time you' ve reached
0 1-327 Rea r i n g F i r e D ra k e . . ..8.00 01-318 Hobbi t T hi e f . . . . . , , ...3.00
master-level, you look pretty formidable, and
01-319 E lf Th ie f . . . . . . . . . . ...3.00
RUNEPUEST deservedly so... And so will your character
01-320 P alad i n . 3.00
10-351 Runepuest Denizens of the Viking figure.
01-321 Human Assas s i n . . . . . ...3.00
Otherworld Boxed Set (6 figures).....7.00 01-322 B arba r i a n F i ght e r . . ...3.00
PERSON!ILITIES...Mare 3-Staged Characters!
01-323 Dwarf Fighter (3 figures).........3.00
01-324 Elf Fighter (3)...................3.00
0 1-325 Dr u i d (3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . 0 0 !Th!s is a sketch of 01-324, the Elf Fighter,
01-326 Cl e r i c ( 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .0 0 in his three successive stages.)



.. . 1 5mm f i g u r e s f r o m t h e S' ar of t he Si c e s s i o n !
ACW001 Union Infantry (20)...............4.00
ACW002 Confederate Infantry (20).........4.00
ACW003 Unio n C a v a l r y (8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 00
ACW004 Confederate Cavalry (8)...........4.00
ACW005 Dismounted Cavalry Skirmishers
(20) . . 4. 0 0
ACW006 Artillery Gunners (20)............4.00
ACW007 Cannons ft l ( 4 gu n s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 00

1"m(sollf.etors'(zlnb half.mbf.rs (Ai'I4Y.

ACW008 Cannons t ! 2 ( 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 00
ACW009 Early War U.S. Regulars (20)......4.00
ACW010 Ear'ly War Militia in greatcoats
(20). .4. 00
A special one-shot deal for readers of the C3 6 Bison Riders (02-930), with lances, mounted
96-006 End of the Quest (10 figures).....9.00
Partha Pipeline -- two o- the biggest blocks of and on foot, packaged in a plain brawn box, for
mounted troops needed for the "Chalice of Lenta- ONLY. .$12.00
gan" scenario in this issue, offered at a bargain
...Official Bushido f i gures, sculpted by
basement p r i c e . I ' h i s d e a l vi l l ma ke t he C h a li ce ~ 6 Y e o man Cavalry, mounted on light War Lizards
the game's ca-designer, Bob Charrette.
scenario, or any other scenario reguiring blocks and carrying Ral Partha's special wire spears,
53-901 Samurai and Ronin (3 figures......3.50 also packaged in a plain brown box..........$7.00
of mounted troops, playable and affordable!
53-902 Samurai Bushi (3 figures).........3.50
53-903 Win)a (3 figures).................3.50 Simply ch e c k w h i c h u n i t yo u w o u l d l i ke (or
5 3-904 Budoka an d Y a kuza ( 3 f i gu r e s ) . . . . . 3. 5 0
both), and send this ad or a facsimile in to us
53-905 Female Adventurers (Samurai Bushi, here a t :
Shugenla, and Buddhist Gakusho)......3.50
Ral Partha Enterprises
53-906 Gakusho Priest and Shugenja Chalice Special Offer
Magicians (3 figures)................3.50
5 938 Car t h a g e C o u r t
5 3-907 Teng u ( 3 f i g ur e s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 00
Cincinnati, OH 45212
53-908 Oni Demons (2 figures)............3.00
53-909 Kappa ( 3 f i gur e s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 50 Remember to include S2.00 for postage and
53-910 Shikome (3 figures)...............3.50 handling. Visa and Mastercard orders are accepted
53-911 Dai-Bakemono (1 figure, comes with and you can use our toll-free number,
assorte d weapons ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .00 1 (800)54 3 - 0 2 7 2 .
53-912 Dai-Oni (1 figure, may be assembled Sorry, but we cannot accept C.O.D. orders.
with either sword or naginata).......4.50

The Adventures of RAL'S RANGERS... The World's F~rst Trans-Dimensional Strike Team!
YlmStemvmtlmm:s mmir osisrswrvr m mm'4 icf'5 irr, Isxz-. mI essa ims msp t seers ssmm s Jtr, ssrs!T WzLIYERAFBAii 4! 4
~4 sa l mwm m v m wetis wmssrx rs amsfrtii, ns wsxr nmws msi mmur via s i Ssw rt mswm ssaasH.writ JU5T xzzp voim
siss nmmmwnm meat vmeos os smr Zwetsmts.
ns mmvm racer Nar Mseszts.
mvs memztmssm I smm ttexwsme
Catrsa... Aecmsef!f
, ,,C' Nmm!8 aw zmrKn&IK.H
s s

(e sst)

AggHAPI.! i s rls lmsslv mm

rim pxkrv Is ALso smmwwwzemz smsrw ...CINU!HU!

I mmk ~ N ) ! t N' i
irss ~ mmi..i mmiit Uwsznuss fismsswsz . limes mmises
W ~ l wcw m,i a km HEWN
mmzm i HEY YOU- mssll Y wssttmi ss liow m IT Tlmr smmvsmw' T
assw smzcrsu, Nrsmmp
w tzsi's msmmmz
s. .

SE UDDUP! g mxsi

Yot/7K BEAR(ts' s I wsesllle tim Amimwv, ~,

msmmmtsvfzNRAFFBarns! a msvs ai

,o Q F s iilllonls s> ll sv xm assivs amm ~

The Battle for the Chalice of Lentagan.
This battle scenario was originally fought, Lord Goron (foot leader) conlure it durrng the Personal Challenge Event
wrth somewhat larger forces, usrng The Rules 6 mounted yeomen bison rider allies instead of participating in a challenge. In this
Accordi ng to Ral for Fantasy Battles. However, 12 foot y e o men case, roll ld6; if the die roll is less than or
it is our solemn duty to report tha' one of our 12 peasant a r c h e r s equal to the Duke's current "rank," the demon
Lord and Master Ral's pet slim>- creatures has Demon appears a t h i s si de .
recently devoured the only complete manuscript of T reasure T r a m
these rules; and therefore, we will be slightly The demon moves 12" per turn. It. checks
delayed in getting them to you, our loyal fans. morale and causes checks as a foot knight unit.
or this reason we' re presenting this scenari o f o r A C UI R I N G TH CHA L I C E In a melee or in the case of a challenge, it
use with our original set of fantasy battle rules, r ol l s 2 d 6 ; e a c h 5 or 6 i s a "kill" (units do not
To acquire the Chalice, the hidden place of
wFth a few modifications. The astute among you divide to reduce casualties). When attacked by a
the protectors must be found and the protectors
may be able to glean, from these modifications, unit, the demon divides the attacker's die roll
convinced to part with their treasure.
an rnklrng of what our fantasy battle rules will hy3, but attacks by leaders in challenges are not
Any leader or unit on Mount Lang may search
be like; in any case, we hope to satisfy your d i v i d e d . T h e d e mo n ma y t a k e 4 " k i l l s " b e f or e rt
.or the hidden entrance. This occurs during the
curiosity by having them available quite soon. is destroyed. Any unit in melee with the demon
!(elec Event of a turn. A unit fighting in a melee
r ecei v e s a -2 to any morale die rolls, and a -1
may not search. To perform a search, total the
BACKGROUND to any attack die rolls.
number of searchers (in figures t h u s , a l e a d e r
Though it may not make a personal challenge,
... It was deep in December of the year of the is 1, a unit of cavalry is 6, a partial unit of
the demon may be challenged by an opposing
Ox when BROTHER THADDEUS came before the HIGH LORD infantry with 8 men left is 8, etc.) and roll 2
leader. The demon may never refuse such a chal-
RODERICK, known as the RED PRINCE, with important dice. If the die roll is less than or equal to
news. It seemed that in the course of his restor- the number of searchers, the entrance has been
Due to it's extreme sensitivity to magical
ation of ancient scrolls, the monk had unearthed found.
forces, the demon counts as 3 "searchers" for the
some rather convincing clues concerning the Once found, the hidden place may be entered
h idden p l a c e .
whereabouts of a mysterious and powerful artifact, on the Movement Event. Each leader who enters
long believed lost: the CHALICE OF LENTAGAN. improves the chance of convincing the protectors
Intrigued, Lord Roderi ck listened to the pious by increasing the perceived "value" the protec-
The mechanical knight was a gift to the Red
brother's tale and determined to set out to tors attach to the treasure/gifts they are
Prince from his ally, Prince Torfin of the
recover this chalice, believed to hold great offered. Use this chart to determine the
dwarves of the Grey Hills.
m agical p o w e r s . protectors' reactions:
The knight moves 10" per turn. It checks
Roderi ck immediately called his two loyal morale as a foot knight unit. In melee or in a
challenge, it rolls 5d6; each 5 or 6 rolled is a
conference. After several lengthy meetings, the
l ess t h a n 4 Protectors attack emissaries "kill"(units do rot divide to reduce c asual t i e s ) .
three of them managed to hammer out a plan: as
l es s t h a n 8 Protectors reject petition. when attacked by a unit, the knight divides the
soon as the winter snows melted enough to permit
Emissaries magically ejected from attacker's die roll by 2, but attacks by leaders
travel on the mountain passes, an envoy would be
the hidden place, and entrance is in challenges are not divided. The knight may
dispatched to the protectors of this Chalice of
o nce a g ai n h i d d e n . take 3 "kills" .before it is destroyed. Each
Lentagan, bearing gifts to demonstrate the
l ess t h a n 1 2 Protectors grant the Chalice to "kill" taken reduces the number of dice it rolls
goodwill and noble intentions of the Red Prince. in combat by l.
Unbeknownst to these illustrious lords, their petitioners.
1 2 or more Protectors grant the Chalice to The knight may not make a personal challenge,
planning sessions were anything but secret! An
petitioners and will even fight but it may be challenged by an opposing leader.
agent of DUKE TORIN, Lord Roderi ck's neighbor and
alongside them! The knight may never refuse such a challenge.
rival, had been infiltrated into the Red Prince' s
household. This spy reported everything he over-
heard to his master, also known as the DARK DUKE, BROTHER THADDEUS
who quickly realized that his ambitious schemes Brother Thaddeus functions as a leader in
w ould r e c e i v e q u i t e a b o o s t i n d e e d I f h e c o u l d BISON RI DERS accordance with the Rules Accordi ng to Ral. He
control the power of the legendary Chalice. To Bison riders are mounted on " l a r g e m o u n t s . " also has certain special abilities. If attached
Torl n, the next move was an obvious one: ambush! This grant them a +1 die modifier in melee to a unit, a priest negates the special effects
He called his lackeys to him, and raised the combat. a demon would have on that unit; further, if on
levies fo r wa r . any turn he is within 12" of the demon, he may
Brother Thaddeus had deduced from the clues IMPROVED LEADERS attempt to exorcis it d uring the Personal
in his scrolls that the long-lost Chalice most Lord Roderick, Duke Torin, and Sir Butkel are Challenge Event. In this case, roll ld6; on a
likely lay in the VALLEY OF CUMBERAND. Now, as "improved leaders." Sir Morgan and Lor d G o r o n a r e die roll of 1 the demon is exorcised and removed
the Red Prince's armies approached this secluded, ordinary leaders as they are described in the from the tabletop.
ancient valley, his advanced scouts returned at original Rules According to Ral. Mounted "improved Due to his superior knowledge of the ancient
the gallop to report that Duke Torin's troops leaders" move 12", and on foot they move 8". In scrolls, Brother Thaddeus counts as three
had been seen approaching from the far side. An p ersona l c h a l l e n g e s , "improved leaders" fight searchers when searching for the hidden entrance.
ambush had been avoided, but a confrontation was better. Roll a number of dice equal to their H e act s a s a "value" of 2 when dealing with the
nevertheless unavoidable; Roderick gave the "rank" as given in the forces lists; each 5 or 6 p rot e c t o r s .
signal for his men to assume battle positions. r ol l e d i s a "kill." These leaders may also take
Even as he did so he could make out the Dark more "kills" before they are removed from the
Duke's o w n t r o o p s , o f f i n t h e d i s t a n c e , arranging game. Each "kill" scored against an improved THE PROTECTORS OF T HE C H A L I C E
their own ba t tl e formations. l eader r e d u c e s h i s " rank " b y 1 . Th u s , i f Si r The protectors of the Chalice are a devout
Morgan rolls a 6 against Duke Torin in the holy order, rumored to be spirits rather than men.
Personal Challenge Event, the Duke will be a Rank The are unaffected by the demon's morale effects.
LOCATION 2 leader until he is injured again. The forces at the hidden site include the
GUARDIAN LORD fRank 4 leader) and 12 Protector
The battle was fought in the Valley of
T HE TREASURE TRAI N S foot knights who are +1 in melee and +1 on all
Cumberand, on and around MOUNT LANG (actually The Treasure Trains fight and move a s a u n i t morale and rally die rolls. The Protector knights
the hidden site of the Chalice). See map.
of mounted yeomen who have taken three c asual t i e s . move 8" pe r t u r n .
Even if the Protectors are convinced to follow
T HE TREASURE TRAI N S the evil Duke Torin for the course of this
For game purposes, the treasure trains fight scenario, their innate goodness will lead them to
and move as a unit of mounted yeomen which has rebel against him in time.
Lord Roderick (Rank 3 mounted leader) taken 3 casualties. A treasure train which is
Sir Morgan (mounted leader) destroyed by the enemy will yield some o f i t ' s THE CHALICE OF LE N TAGAN
6 Corandon Knights (mounted) treasure to the conquerors; treasure may only be Although it is indeed a powerful artifact,
6 mounted yeomen of Roderick's levy moved by a treasure train. Any cavalry unit with the Chalice of Lentagan is of little use on the
6 mounted yeomen of Morgan's levy 3 or more men left may become a treasure train to battlefield. Ancient scrolls only hint at it' s
Lord Stanford (foot leader) replace a lost train. powers, and are even less informative regarding
6 mounted yeomen of Stanford's levy The treasure carried by a train has a " value " the methods of wielding that power.
12 foo t y e o men to the protectors of the Chalice of 2d6. A
12 peasant a r c h e r s captured treasure yields an additional ld6. The There are many rumors and legends concerning
Brother Thaddeus (Rank I priest-leader "value" of a treasure is determined only during
the exact nature of the Chalice's powers. None of
o n foot ) the negotiations with the protectors. them are at all well-documented, and most are
Mechanical Knight Treasure trains may be represented on the not much better than old wives' tales. One favor-
T reasure T r a i n tabletop by three pack mule figures. They count as ite rumor is that a simple healing potion, when
3 " s e a r c h e r s " w h e n searching for the hidden place.
brewed in the Chalice of Lentagan, will be imbued
with the power to raise the dead! Another version
has the Chalice rendering it's possessor totally
THE DEMON invulnerable to all harmful magic.
Duke Torin (Rank 3 mounted leader) The demon is bound to serve Duke Torin, who For game purposes, if the Chalice is attached
Sir Butkel (Rank 2 mounted leader) can conjure it from a ring he wears. At the s tar t to a unit directly (or indirectly, through an
6 Duke's Own mounted knights of the scenario, the demon is already present; if attached leader who is carrying it), that unit
6 mounted knights of Butkel's levy it is exorcised, Duke Torin may attempt to re- receives a +1 to all morale and rally die rolls.
Ii sted here are the figures that the aficionados in the Ral Partha War Department
have suggested as the perfect figures to use when assembling the units For the
"Chalice of Lentagan" scenario. We' ve set this section up so you can either clip it
out or photocopy it, and use it as a handy order form!
In the spaces to the left of the code numbers, simply wri te in how many of each
pack you wish to order (be sure and write clearly) .


I 01-082 0 1-09 3 . ..4.00
Lord 42-180 (This Byzantine Command Pack 0 1-00 2 . ..3.50
2 oder i c k . contains two ideal mounted leaders)
4 50
0 2-30 4 . 1. 10
'iw! ";
4 2-188 ( 2 p a c k s n eeded) . ..4.50 4 2-125 ( 2 p a c k s n eeded) . ..4.50
4 2-187 ( 2 p a c k s needed). ..4.50 4 2-155 ( 2 p a c k s n eeded) . ..4.50
4 2-187 ( 2 p a c k s needed). . 4. 5 0 0 2-930 ( 2 p a c k s needed) . ..4.50
4 2-187 ( 2 p a c k s n eeded) . ..4.50 4 2-132 ( 2 p a c k s needed). ..4.00
4 2-182 ( 2 p a c k s needed). ..4.00 4 2-134 ( 2 p a c k s needed) . ..4.00
4 2-184 ( 2 p a c k s n eeded) . ..4.00
FF5. ..4.00
02-926 ( a cl er i c s pa ck - - c hoose o n e 0 1-12 8 . ..6.00
5 o f t h e t hr ee ) . 3.50 LORD PROTECTORS:
M ECHANICAL K N I G H T : 0 1-126 . ..4.00
0 1-10 1 . ..4.00 P ROTECTOR KN IGH T S :
T REASURE TR A I N : 02-302 (the more the better, up to as
" ~ . -
'Morg an. 0 1-128 . 6. 00 many as 1 5 or 20 ! ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 10

COLOR GUIDE for the 02-930 Bison Rider and

'w~ - .

the Corandan Knights that appear in the

C hal i c . = of L e n t a g a n s c e n a r i o . T he s e notes
have been compiled by the Bison Rider's 7r(oortS
sculptor, Julie Guthrie.
Base color: Leather, with Red-Brown
shaggy a r e a s .
Saddle: Dark Brown, with Ivory trim
S addle B l a n k e t : Du n .
Armor: Silver, with Steel wash.
Fur: L e a t h e r , wi t h Da r k Br ow n w a s h
Hair: Va r i o u s col o r s .
Lance: Y e l l o w a n d B r o n z e .
Armor on men and horses: Silver, wit h
Black a n d Tu r q u o i s e w a s h e s .
Horses: B l a c k .
Lances: Black, with White pennons. ol .


N+ r I J.


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