ParthaPipeline 1985LateSummer
ParthaPipeline 1985LateSummer
ParthaPipeline 1985LateSummer
well, the effervescent but totally obscure The ancient legends hold that the Draco Dracorum wields awesome magical powers, possesses
production slaves in the Ral partha Ministry of massive heaps of treasure which it keeps in a secret lair. .. No doubt included in these treasure
Truth have really done it this time -- they' ve piles is a good selection of armor and weapons, stripped or blasted off foolhardy adventurers
put together what's probably the most action- who have sought to either confront this terrifying legendary beast, or simple help themselves to
packed issue of the Partha Pipeline yet! Your some of his hoard. Well, this is no o r d i n a r y dr a g o n , a n d t h e capital reserves of the Draco
old comrade Ral can barely control his e xci t e - Dracorum are by no means self-service! Ral Partha's " Dragon o f D ra g o n s " is no ordinary sculpture,
ment. (Of course, that's usually the problem.) e i t h e r -- when it's 12 pieces are assembled, the Draco Dracorum measures a f u l l f o o t f r om n o s e t o
In the past we' ve offered lots and l o t s o f g ood tail. The assembled wingspan is 7!i inches, and each massive wing measure nearly 8 inches in
scenarios for use with our o wn Rule s A c c o r d i n g length. The box, when you buy it, weighs approximately three pounds!
t o Ral f o r M e d i e v a l B at t l e s . At t he moment, my
scribes are scribbling away furiously on an eve n There's just about no end to the detail that Ral partha's famous sculptor Tom Meter has put
into this limited-edition piece. once you start examing the hundreds of individual spines, acales
bigger project, which will soon be rel e a s ed: T h e
and battle scars on the dragon's body, it' ll be like a magic spell all it's own: you' ll be too
Rules A c c o r d ! n g t o R a l fo r Fa n t a s y B a t t l es ! Yes ,
that's right -- a n eve n b i g g e r a n d m o r e c hal l e n - mesmerized to put it down.
ging set of rules for 25mm scale battles in the Each of the 500 editions of the 01-502 DRACO DRACORUM, " Dragon o f D r a g o n s " comes complete with
r ealms of fantasy. But in the MEANTIME t o painting instructions and an assembly diagram, as well as a numbered Certificate of Authorization.
satisfy your craving for ever more thrilling I t ' s signed by the Ral Partha Production Gods, and it's suitable for framing! It's your proof
a dvent u r e - we' re supplying you with something eternal that you are the proud owner of a truly unique piece, one of o n l y 5 0 0 " D r a g on o f
that offers a little from both worlds. Dragons" that will ever be cast.
I t ' s a s ce n a r i o called The Battle for the
Chalice of Lentagan. Written by Ral Partha's own
Bob Charrette, it was oriqinally intended as the
first scenario for use with our Fantasy Rules.
But, as the production of these r ule s wa s d e l a y e d
by the untimely intervention of my pet slime-
beast's appetite (see further details elsewhere
in this issue), we' ve adapted it for u se w i t h
the rules we' ve already published. The r e s u l t ,
as you' l l se e , i s a very exciting and absorbing
duel of wills between the High Lord Roderick and
his evil opponent, the Dark Duke Thorin. These
two characters and their situation will be
cropping up again in Ral Partha literature and
lore, so you' ll want to be sure and get the feel
for them in this wonderful scenario. t
3 Stage Characters.
wild with new releases throughout 1985, and for
the rest of the year we' re gonna keep the pace
up. ttere, for your convenience, are listed our
upcoming releases throucn the end of November,
The Adventures of RAL'S RANGERS... The World's F~rst Trans-Dimensional Strike Team!
YlmStemvmtlmm:s mmir osisrswrvr m mm'4 icf'5 irr, Isxz-. mI essa ims msp t seers ssmm s Jtr, ssrs!T WzLIYERAFBAii 4! 4
~4 sa l mwm m v m wetis wmssrx rs amsfrtii, ns wsxr nmws msi mmur via s i Ssw rt mswm ssaasH.writ JU5T xzzp voim
siss nmmmwnm meat vmeos os smr Zwetsmts.
ns mmvm racer Nar Mseszts.
mvs memztmssm I smm ttexwsme
Catrsa... Aecmsef!f
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W ~ l wcw m,i a km HEWN
mmzm i HEY YOU- mssll Y wssttmi ss liow m IT Tlmr smmvsmw' T
assw smzcrsu, Nrsmmp
w tzsi's msmmmz
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SE UDDUP! g mxsi
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