Georges Dicker-Descartes - An Analytical and Historical Introduction-Oxford University Press (2013)
Georges Dicker-Descartes - An Analytical and Historical Introduction-Oxford University Press (2013)
Georges Dicker-Descartes - An Analytical and Historical Introduction-Oxford University Press (2013)
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To Alvina,
Beloved wife and best friend
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In the two decades since the rst edition of this book appeared, I have
continued to think about and regularly to teach Descartess Meditations.
I have also had the benet of discussing my ideas about the Meditations
and related Cartesian texts with many colleagues and students, and of
reading some ne recent work on Descartes. My continued engagement
with that ever-fascinating thinker has led to an expansion of knowledge,
to some changes of judgment, and to a deeper understanding. In this new
edition, I share these fruits of my journey.
The most signicant expansion is a new chapter on the Fourth Medita-
tion. In the rst edition, I only summarized very briey that Meditations
main theme before moving on to the Fifth Meditation. Here, I oer a full-
scale treatment, targeting especially the issue of how assent to a clearly
and distinctly perceived truth can be, as Descartes maintains, a free act
of will if, as he also maintains, such assent is unavoidable. In light of the
theodicean concerns of the Fourth Meditation, and of the partly peda-
gogical aims of the book, I also provide a substantial discussion of the
traditional problem of evil.
The most signicant change of judgment comes in my treatment
of Descartess cogito. In the rst edition, I argued that this most-famous
of Descartess demonstrations could in the end not avoid the dilemma of
being either question-begging or invalid. Here, partly as a result of an
extended correspondence with Gary Iseminger, I defend a more sympa-
thetic assessment of the cogito, while still incorporating important ele-
ments of my earlier discussion such as Descartess grounding of the
cogito (or at least one version of it) in the theory of substance.
The main exegetical, interpretative, and evaluative themes of other
parts of the book are in general the same as in the rst edition. But
viii Preface to the Second Edition
throughout, I have tried to pass the text through the lter of my current
thinking and to make needed revisions without comprising the integrity
of the original work. The result is that in virtually every section, some
material has been reworked or updated, usually with a view to currency,
accuracy, clarication, or completeness. For example, for currencys sake
I have eliminated the account of the now-discredited memory defense
against the accusation of the Cartesian Circle, and substituted for it a
more plausible counterpart that sees the mere pastness of a clear and
distinct perception as the source of its doubtfulness absent the divine
guarantee of the truth of clear and distinct perceptions; for accuracys
sake, I have provided what I regard as more faithful analyses of Des-
cartess rationale for dismissing the insanity hypothesis in the First Med-
itation and of his notion of eminent containment in the Third and Sixth
Meditations; for claritys sake, I have streamlined the presentation of the
problem of the Circle and sharpened the defense of the solution to it that
I favor; for completenesss sake, I have enriched my discussion of the sub-
stance theory and of the alternatives to it in chapter , discussed the
question of whether the unreconstructed cogito needs an additional,
general premise, added a more text-based discussion of Kants objection
to the Ontological Argument and some discussion of Descartess modal
version of that argument in chapter , and enriched the discussion of
primary and secondary qualities and of mind-body issues in chapter .
Another dierence is that this edition no longer includes the text of
the bulk of the Meditations. Given the availability of numerous inex-
pensive editions of that work, and the augmented length and expense
involved in reprinting the premier English translation of it by John
Cottingham, this change seemed advisable.
The passage of time has not erased my debt to the many teachers,
mentors, colleagues, students, and friends, some of whom are now sadly
gone, who gave me advice, support, or inspiration in writing the rst edi-
tion. They included William H. Hay and Marjorie H. Stewart, to whom
the rst edition was dedicated, as well as Jonathan Bennett, Jos Bernar-
dete, Arthur Bierman, Roland P. Blum, Roderick M. Chisholm, Fred
Dretske, Richard Feldman, Robert Gemmett, Jack Glickman, Eli Hirsch,
Brian ONeil, Ingmar Persson, William L. Rowe, Marcus G. Singer,
Ellen Suckiel, George J. Stack, James Syfers, James Van Cleve, Rudolph
H. Weingartner, and Paul Zi. To these I must now add people who have
given me valuable comments in writing or in conversation since the ap-
pearance of the rst edition, including Jean-Marie Beyssade, Krasimira
Preface to the Second Edition ix
xii Preface to the First Edition
avoids circularity because its purpose is to vindicate only the general rule
that all clear and distinct perceptions are true. It also proposes a solution
to the problem of the Cartesian Circle that builds on the work of Alan
Gewirth and Harry Frankfurt. Chapter connects Kants objection to the
Ontological Argument to problems about negative existential statements,
and explicates Cateruss objection in terms of the distinction between the
formal and material modes of speech; and chapter explores the implica-
tions of Descartess view of matter as a purely extended substance for the
individuation and identity-conditions of bodies and oers an overall as-
sessment of Cartesian Dualism focusing on issues of logical versus causal
independence of mind and body not usually discussed in treatments of
the topic.
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References to M have not been given for the Meditations, but only for
the Objections and Replies, because the page numbers for the Medita-
tions in M are identical with the page numbers for the Meditations in
Page references are given, as well, to the complete, original-language
edition of Descartess works, Ren Descartes, Oeuvres de Descartes,
xvi Note on the References and Abbreviations
xviii Contents
9 . DE S C A RT E S S C ON C E P T ION OF T H E S E L F 80
1 0 . C A RT E SI A N D UA L I S M 86
6 . E R R OR A N D E V I L 205
6.1 The Problem of Evil 205
6.2 Cartesian Theodicy 214
6.3 Some Critical Reflections 217
Bibliography 329
Index 335
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Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
1. Descartess Goal
If one had to describe in a single word what Descartes does in his First
Meditation, that word would have to be the verb doubt. Throughout
Meditation I, Descartes doubts, or calls into question, his previous be-
liefs. From a logical point of view, however, Descartess famous and
dramatic decision to doubt all his previous beliefs is not his point of
departure. Rather, his logical point of departure is a statement of the
purpose for which he will doubt them. In the very rst sentence of Med-
itation I, Descartes declares that he must question his beliefs if I [he]
wanted to establish anything at all in the sciences that was stable and
likely to last, and near the end he repeats that he must withhold assent
from his previous beliefs if I [he] want[s] to discover any certainty
(CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). The two phrases in quotation marks are
crucial, because in them Descartes states his purpose: to discover what,
if anything, is really certain. It is for the sake of this goal that Descartes
resolves to doubt his previous beliefs. An analogy of Descartess own
nicely illustrates his basic strategy. Suppose that you had a basket full
of apples, that you feared some of them might be rotten, and that you
wanted to nd the good ones. How might you proceed? Well, the easiest
way would be to turn all the apples out of the basket, inspect them, and
put back into the basket only the unspoiled ones (CSM II , SPW ,
M , AT VII ). Likewise, by trying to doubt all of his beliefs, Des-
cartes hopes to nd some beliefs that he cannot doubt, that is, that are
genuinely certain. Indeed, this quest for certainty (to borrow a phrase
from the American philosopher John Dewey) is the engine that drives
Descartess Meditations as a whole.
Descartess goal does not come as the conclusion of an argument, so it
would be futile to look for some line of reasoning leading up to it. As one
Harry Frankfurt, Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen, p. . The rst half of this book is
a very helpful and readable analysis of Meditation I.
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
There are also reasons of a historical kind (though even these have
modern counterparts). Let us consider two that exercised a powerful in-
uence on Descartes: the rise of science in the seventeenth century, and
the revival of philosophical skepticism.
In the seventeenth century, there occurred a series of scientic discov-
eries that challenged and eventually destroyed the medieval conception of
the universea conception that had endured for nearly two thousand
years. According to this conception, which was rooted in the physics of
Aristotle ( b.c.) and the astronomy of Ptolemy ( a.d.), the
universe is a sphere with the earth at its center. The moon, planets, sun,
and stars all revolve around the earth in xed, circular orbits. The universe
contains two regions, the sublunar and the supralunar. The sublunar region
is the interval between the moon and the earth; the supralunar region
comprises everything from the moon to the outermost circumference of
the universe. The dierence between the two regions pertains to the kinds
of changes that occur in each of them. In the sublunar region, there are
several dierent sorts of changes: coming into being and passing out of
being (what Aristotle called generation and corruption), changes in things
qualities, changes of position (locomotion), changes in the number of
things that exist. But in the supralunar region, there is only one kind of
change: perfect, circular motion of the heavenly bodies around the earth
(and in epicycles around certain points in their own orbits around earth).
Furthermore, while all locomotion in the supralunar region is circular, loco-
motion in the sublunar region is always rectilinear motion toward what
Aristotle termed a things natural place. Heavy things like earth move
downward toward their natural places; light ones like re move upward
toward theirs. The upshot is that the two regions have completely dierent
principles of motioncompletely dierent physics.
An additional but related element in the medieval cosmos is that of
hierarchy. There is a genuine bestbetterworse scale built into the uni-
verse. This hierarchy is no mere subjective human value judgment.
Rather, it is built into the very fabric of things; for it stems from the
types of changes found in the two regions. Since the sublunar region con-
tains such changes as decline, death and decay (corruption), it is not as
admirable as the supralunar region, where nothing ever dies or passes
out of being, but rather everything exhibits only perfect, circular motion.
Thus the supralunar region is better than, or superior to, the sublunar.
A nal, crucial element in the medieval conception of the universe is
teleology. Teleology comes from the Greek word telos, which means
Law, which had been anticipated by Galileo. According to that law, a body
remains in its state of motion or rest unless some force acts upon it. The
implication is that in order to explain why a body accelerates or deceler-
ates, no reference to purpose is required or relevant. Putting the matter
crudely, all that is required is a reference to the push, pull, or gravita-
tional attraction of some other body. By generalizing from this example,
one can gain some appreciation of the transformation that resulted once
teleology was expelled from nature. Now, all physical changes were to be
explained in terms of mathematically formulable laws that made no ref-
erence to purpose, rather than in terms of things striving to realize a
purpose inherent in nature. Formerly, the universe could be conceived on
the analogy of a giant living organism striving toward a goal. Now, it
would be conceived on the analogy of a huge machine operating in accor-
dance with purely mechanical principles.
While the conception of the universe that had reigned virtually uncon-
tested for centuries was being undermined by the new science, the old
certainties were being eroded from another direction as well. In the late
sixteenth century, there occurred a revival of philosophical skepticism
led by the French essayist Michel de Montaigne (). Skepticism
has been an important tradition in philosophy since antiquity, and con-
tinues to have adherents to this day. As a philosophical position, skepti-
cism calls into question the possibility of knowledge. Skeptics typically
use certain arguments intended to show that our cognitive faculties (our
senses, reason, and memory) are not adequate to enable us to distinguish
between truth and falsehood, and so not adequate to enable us to obtain
knowledge. Montaigne revived these arguments, which date back at least
to the Greek skeptic Pyrrho ( b.c.).
Most of Montaignes arguments, like those of Pyrrho and other early
skeptics, were directed against the senses. Since we shall have occasion to
examine such arguments with care later, we shall not discuss them in
detail now. But their general tenor can be gleaned from a few passages
from Montaignes Essays:
Descartes was very familiar with these and other skeptical arguments.
They provided an additional incentive for him to inquire what, if any-
thing, is really certain. As we shall see, he attempted to refute skeptical
arguments once and for all, by rst carrying them much further than
anyone had previously done, and then showing that even his radicalized
versions of the arguments could be answered.
To understand Descartess quest for certainty, one further factor needs
to be mentioned: Descartes was a mathematical genius. He discovered
analytical geometry and invented the Cartesian coordinates (which are
named after Cartesius, the Latinized version of Descartes). While Des-
cartes was still in secondary school (he attended a Jesuit college named
La Flche), he came to feel that most of what he was being taught was not
genuine knowledge. At the same time, he was impressed and delighted
with the clarity and certainty that he found in mathematics. Accordingly,
he conceived the idea that all genuine knowledge ought to be as clear and
certain as mathematical knowledge. This became, for Descartes, the fun-
damental requirement for knowledge: it must be as certain as geometry
or algebra. Only so would it be immune to the skeptics attacks.
In order to fulll this requirement, Descartes devised a method, which
he elaborated at length in an early work entitled Rules for the Direction of
the Mind and in his famous Discourse on the Method. We need not go into
Michel de Montaigne, Essays and Selected Writings, pp. .
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
the details of this method, but shall only state its most basic rule. This
rule directs us to accept no propositions as true except (a) those which
are so obvious and clear that they cannot be doubted so long as one is
thinking of them attentively and (b) those which logically follow from
propositions of kind (a). In other words, certainty is to be attained by
making sure, as in mathematical proof, that knowledge has the pattern
of a deductively valid argument starting from self-evident, unshakeable
premises. As the following passage from the Discourse on the Method
shows, Descartes had high hopes for this method:
were being shaken by the new science and skeptical philosophers were
renewing their corrosive attacks on the very possibility of knowledge,
should have adopted the quest for certainty as his basic goal. Finally, we
have briey sketched the method that his mathematical pursuits inspired
him to devise for attaining that goal. At this point, then, we turn to an
examination of the text of Meditation I, where Descartes puts this method
to work.
Shortly after stating this goal, Descartes declares that reason now
leads me to think that I must hold back my assent from opinions which
are not completely certain and indubitable just as carefully as I do from
those which are patently false (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). To say
that reason leads me to think that ... is to imply that one is reasoning
from some premise. Then from what premise is Descartes here reasoning?
The answer is clear: from his statement of purpose. For given that ones
purpose is to nd absolute certainty, one has an excellent reason not to
accept things that are uncertain! Descartes is here reasoning directly
from his goal to what he must do in order to attain it. Thus, we may enter
the following statement as the second step in our summary:
. For this purpose, I must withhold belief from things that are
not entirely certain and indubitable just as carefully as from
those which are obviously false.
must adopt an attitude which is precisely not the one Descartes here
adopts. He cannot be just as suspicious of what is only somewhat doubtful
as of what is obviously false. Instead, he must be willing to take risks, to
act on the probability that his beliefs are correct. Otherwise, he will
remain paralyzed, so to speak, and never achieve his end. Suppose, how-
ever, that your only purpose is to discover what is certain. Suppose that
at least for the moment, you are not concerned with any practical ends,
but only with attaining absolute certainty. Then Descartess policy of
withholding belief even from matters that are only slightly doubtful is
perfectly reasonable.
But what exactly does it mean to withhold belief (or assent)? Well, it
means the same thing as does the more commonly used phrase, to sus-
pend judgment. To clarify this concept, notice that although there are
only two possibilities regarding the truth of a statement (the statement
is either true or false), there are three dierent postures regarding belief
of a statement. These three belief-postures, or doxastic attitudes (to
borrow a term from a contemporary American philosopher Keith Leh-
rer), are as follows: () one can believe the statementaccept it as true
(); one can disbelieve the statementreject it as false; () or one can
withhold the statementneither believe nor disbelieve it. To give an
example, we can compare the doxastic attitudes of a theist, an atheist,
and an agnostic toward the statement God exists. A theist is someone
who believes God exists. An atheist is someone who disbelieves God
exists. An agnostic is someone who withholds (belief in) God exists
(neither believes nor disbelieves it). As this example illustrates, there is a
big dierence between disbelieving and withholding. Disbelieving a
statement, p, is the same thing as believing its denial or negation, not-
p: the atheist, who disbelieves God exists, thereby believes God does
not exist. On the other hand, withholding (belief in) a statement com-
mits one neither to the statement itself nor to its negation: the agnostic
believes neither God exists nor God does not exist. Withholding,
then, is a neutral, noncommittal attitude, by which one avoids commit-
ting oneself to the truth of either a statement or its denial.
We can now see more clearly why Descartes withholds (belief in) state-
ments that are uncertain. He decides to adopt a policy that will never
allow him to accept any statement that is uncertain. So which of the three
doxastic attitudes must he take toward statements that are uncertain?
Well, obviously, he must not believe them. Should he then disbelieve
them? No. For then he would believe their negations, which would go
To see the plausibility of these two premises, let p stand for some obvious
falsehood, such as + = . Then () seems indisputably true. Further, in
light of the distinction between statements that are altogether lacking in
credibility and statements that are merely uncertain, () also seems to be
true. But from () and (), it follows that:
The step from () and () to () is valid, because it has the following obvi-
ously valid form (called Hypothetical Syllogism):
If P, then Q
If Q, then R
? If P, then R
To see that the step has this form, substitute not-p is certain for P, p
has no credibility for Q, and p is not uncertain for R. Finally, it follows
from () alone that:
If P, then not-Q
? If Q, then not-P
To see that the step from () to () has this form, substitute the state-
ment not-p is certain for P and the statement p is uncertain for Q. To
see that the form itself is valid, consider a simple example:
(a) If this is a triangle, then this does not have four sides.
? (a) If this has four sides, then this is not a triangle.
If P, then Q.
? If not-Q, then not-P.
is a valid form of argument. The other is Double Negation, which says that
not not-P is equivalent to P (e.g., today is not not Wednesday is equiva-
lent to today is Wednesday). Substitute not-p is certain for P and p is
not uncertain for Q. Then applying Contraposition to () yields if p is not
not uncertain, then not-p is not certain; and applying Double Negation to
this last statement yields (). The above argument, then, appears to be
sound. If that is right, then the argument provides an additional reason
why Descartes must adopt a policy of withholding rather than disbeliev-
ing uncertain statements: their negations are never certain.
But how is Descartess policy to be implemented? Obviously, he cannot
examine all of his beliefs individually: that would be an endless task.
Accordingly, he proposes to examine the basic principles on which his
beliefs rest. For if these principles are uncertain, then so are any beliefs
resting on them. We may enter the following statement, then, as the
third step in our summary:
See, for example, Gary Hatelds excellent Descartes and the Meditations.
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
unreliable when the object is sizable, close by, or the like (as in the case of
seeing a piece of paper in my own hands). To generalize the point, Des-
cartes is saying that just because objects are sometimes misperceived
because the conditions of observation are poor, it does not follow that the
senses are unreliable even when the conditions of observation are good.
Let us enter this important point into our summary:
This line of argument is developed in my Is There A Problem About Perception and
Knowledge? , and in my Perceptual Knowledge: An Analytical and Historical Study,
chap. .
or insane can discover any certainty, or much less, as he also puts it (re-
vealing the fuller scope of his ambitions), whether such a person can
establish anything in the sciences that [is] stable and likely to last (CSM
II , SPW , AT VII ). Nor, despite the fact that Descartes was without
doubt one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived, is he asking whether a
person endowed with a superior mind can discover any certainty or estab-
lish anything stable and lasting in the sciences. Rather, he is asking whether
a rational mind, endowed with normal human intelligence, can, by careful
and methodical thinking, achieve these ends. So, the hypothesis that he
might be insane is simply irrelevant to his inquiry. Of course, someone
may say that he ought to have considered it more seriously, but the ques-
tion would then be: why ought he? Nothing in his project commits him to
doing so, since his purpose is to determine whether a rational mind can
attain certainty. Furthermore, the question of whether a demented per-
son could attain certainty, or establish lasting results that would remain
xed and stable in her mind, seems almost to answer itself.
In this regard, consider the very beginning of Descartess Discourse on the Method:
Good sense is the best distributed thing in the world: for everyone thinks him-
self so well endowed with it that even those who are hardest to please in ev-
erything else do not usually desire more good of it sense than they possess. In
this it is unlikely that everyone is mistaken. It indicates rather that the power
of judging well and of distinguishing the true from the falsewhich is really
what we properly call good sense or reasonis naturally equal in all men, and
consequently that the diversity of our opinions does not arise because some of
us are more reasonable than others but solely because we direct our thoughts
along dierent paths and do not attend to the same things. For it is not enough
to have a good mind; the main thing is to apply it well. The greatest souls are
capable of the greatest vices as well as the greatest virtues; and those who pro-
ceed but very slowly can make much greater progress, if they always follow the
right path, than those who hurry and stray from it.
For my part, I have never presumed my mind to be in any way more perfect
than that of the ordinary man; indeed, I have often wished to have as quick
a wit, or as sharp an imagination, or as ample and prompt a memory as some
others. And apart from these, I know of no other qualities which serve to per-
fect the mind; for as regards reason or sense, since it is the only thing that
makes us men and distinguishes us from the beasts, I am inclined to think that
it exists whole and complete in each of us. (CSM I , SPW , AT VI )
The rst sentence is not a sarcastic remark. Descartes thinks that all sane human beings
possess the power to reason well and to judge correctly (what he here calls good sense),
and that part of possessing that power is recognizing that one possesses it. The passage
as a whole reects very well the standpoint from which Descartes wrote the Meditations.
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
On the other hand, Descartes cannot just dismiss the possibility that
he might be dreaming, since it is a plain fact that even ordinary, rational
humans have dreams. Thus he exclaims,
As if I were not a man who sleeps at night, and regularly has all
the same experiences while asleep as madmen do when awake
indeed sometimes even more improbable ones. (CSM II , SPW
, AT VII )
As I think about this more carefully, I see plainly that there are
never any sure signs by means of which being awake can be dis-
tinguished from being asleep. The result is that I begin to feel
dazed, and this very feeling only reinforces the notion that I may
be asleep. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
Let us accordingly enter, as the next step in our summary, the following
response to step :
really is a sheet of paper there; since one could have the same conscious
experience in a dream. This is a skeptical position.
To understand Descartess next step, we need to bring into focus the
pattern of development that he began in step (). This pattern is a pro-
con, or dialectical one. Step (), where Descartes began his critique of
the senses, was a rst con pointone directed against the senses. Step
() was a pro pointa point in favor of the senses. And step ()the
Dream argumentis a new con point. This dialectical structure, in which
each new point is a response to the previous one, allows Descartes to de-
velop his critique of the senses without overlooking what can be said on
their behalf.
Descartess next point, accordingly, is a new pro point. But since
Descartes has already reached a very skeptical position regarding the
senses, this new point is a last-ditch eort to salvage something from the
senses. Descartes now suggests that even if we can never be certain that
we are perceiving reality rather than having a vivid dream, we can at least
be sure that the images we have in our dreams are derived from reality
are like paintings, which must have been fashioned in the likeness of
things that are real (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). This suggestion is
essentially a hypothesis concerning the origin of dreams: their contents,
though illusory, must be based upon something real that we previously
perceived and thus must in some degree correspond to reality.
The details here are interesting. First, Descartes suggests that at least
dream images of heads, hands, eyes, and whole bodies must be derived
from those very things, somewhat as a painters depiction of imaginary
animals can only represent parts of animals jumbled up in various ways.
Then, he asks himself, in eect, what if a painter comes up with some-
thing wholly ctitious and unreal? He responds that even so, at least the
colors used in the painting must be real ones. He then says that likewise,
even if heads, hands, eyes and so on are imaginary, the simplest and most
universal elements of dream imagescorporeality, extension (= three-
dimensional spread-outness, or three dimensionality), shape, quantity,
size, number, place, durationmust be derived from real counterparts.
Descartes thus suggests that the colors used in a painting are to images
of ctitious creatures in the painting as the simplest elements in dream
images are to real counterparts of them. This is a very abstract analogy,
since it abstracts from the fact that colors are components of or ingredients
in the paintings, whereas the real things from which the simplest ele-
ments in dreams are supposed to be derived are counterparts of those
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
elements. But the point of the analogy is that both the colors and the
counterparts have to be real: they must really exist.
From his analogy, Descartes then infers that sciences that deal with
these simplest things, especially mathematics (arithmetic and geometry)
may be more secure than those that deal with composite things. Here he
is not only highlighting the apparent certainty of mathematics, but also
preparing the ground for his own geometricized physics, to be discussed
later in this book. In his early work, Rules for the Direction of the Mind, he
calls the simple elements just listed simple natures and says that the
whole of human knowledge consists uniquely in our achieving a distinct
perception of how all these simple natures contribute to the composition
of other things (CSM I , AT X ).
At this point, Descartes also declares:
place, while at the same time ensuring that all these things ap-
pear to me to exist just as they do now? What is more, since I
sometimes believe that others go astray in cases where they
think they have the most perfect knowledge, may I not similarly
go wrong every time I add two and three or count the sides of a
square, or even in some simpler matter, if that is imaginable?
Descartes is here saying that, contrary to (), the images in ones dreams
need not even correspond to anything real. There need be no connection at
all, not even the most tenuous one, between my perceptual experience and
physical reality; for perhaps there is no physical world at all! Perhaps, instead,
an omnipotent (all-powerful) God has created me such that I have experi-
ences exactly like the ones I would have if there were such a world, that is,
visual, tactile, auditory, gustatory, olfactory and kinesthetic experiences so
vivid and orderly that it seems to me that I am perceiving physical things
even though there really are no such things. In short, perhaps God has so
created me that I hallucinate the entire physical world! How can I possibly
know that this is not the case, since by hypothesis all of my perceptual ex-
periences would be exactly the same if it were?
For the rst time in the Meditations, then, Descartes is here calling
into question the very existence of the physical world. His Deceiver Argu-
ment, as we may call it, goes far beyond the Dream Argument, which
questioned only whether we can tell when we are perceiving physical
things, not whether such things exist. It also goes beyond the arguments
of Pyrrho, Montaigne, and all other earlier skeptics, who had suggested
that the senses can deceive us about the nature of the physical world but
never that they can deceive us about its very existence. It is with the De-
ceiver Argument, then, that Descartes implements his strategy of carrying
skepticism even further than the skeptics themselves as a preparation for
showing, in his subsequent Meditations, that even this radicalized skepti-
cism can be refuted.
In giving his Deceiver Argument, Descartes even raises the possibility
that God deceives him about simple mathematics. This is puzzling, for
two reasons. First, if Descartes is going to call even simple mathematics
into doubt, then his project of nding certainty seems doomed from the
start; for to carry out that project, Descartes intends to use philosophical
reasoning: he intends to use logic. But if even simple arithmetic can be
doubted, then why cant logic be doubted too? Consider, for example, two
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
of the most obvious rules of logic, called Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens,
respectively. Modus Ponens says that any argument of the form
If P, then Q.
? Q.
If P, then Q.
? not-P.
is valid. Now these logical rules are not any simpler or easier to grasp
than + = . So if Descartes really means to doubt simple arithmetic, it
seems that he must also doubt the simplest rules of logic. But then how
can he legitimately use logic to overcome his doubt? This problem reap-
pears in an urgent way in Meditation III, as we shall see in chapter .
The second reason why Descartess calling mathematics into doubt in
the First Meditation is puzzling is that throughout that Meditation, Des-
cartes is examining beliefs based on the senses (as seen in point () of
our summary). But Descartes did not believe that mathematical beliefs
are based on the senses; he took them to based on the use of reason. So
why does he even mention mathematics at all in Meditation I? This ques-
tion can also be expressed in a different terminology, namely, the a
priori/a posteriori terminology that was made famous by Immanuel
Kant () and is now commonplace in philosophy. An a priori
statement is dened as one that can be known just by thinking, and
such statements are said to be items of a priori knowledge. By contrast,
an a posteriori statement (also called an empirical statement) is dened
as one that can be known only by experience, that is, by sense percep-
tion or by introspection of ones own feelings and moods; such state-
ments are said to be items of a posteriori, or empirical, knowledge.
Using this terminology, the key point is that Descartes believed that
mathematical statements are a priori; he did not believe that they are a
posteriori, or empirical. For example, he would have said (as would most
philosophers today) that + = can be known to be true just by using
ones mindjust by thinking about what the statement says. One need
not consult ones experience (i.e., make any observations or perform
any experiments or introspect ones own feelings or moods) to be sure
that + = is true. This mathematical statement, like other mathe-
matical truths, is an item of a priori knowledge, not of a posteriori, or
empirical, knowledge. So our question can be put this way: Since Des-
cartes in Meditation I is examining a posteriori, or empirical, knowledge,
why does he even mention the a priori statements of mathematics?
A plausible solution to these puzzles has been oered by Harry Frankfurt.
Drawing on remarks that Descartes made when he was questioned about
the Meditations by a Dutch scholar named Burman, who recorded those
remarks in a volume titled Conversation with Burman, Frankfurt suggests
that throughout Meditation I, Descartes deliberately adopts a stance which is
not really his own considered or nal position, namely, that of a person who
believes that all knowledge rests on the senses. In other words, Descartes
poses as a philosophical beginner or novice, who naturally assumes that
all knowledge is a posteriori and starts for the rst time to reect critically on
this belief. As the argument of the Meditation unfolds, it becomes increas-
ingly evident to this novice that his stance is untenable, because of the
weaknesses of the senses that the Meditation itself brings to light. Thus, by
the end of Meditation I, the novice is prepared to give up his faith in the
senses and to receive the more authentic epistemology (= theory of knowl-
edge) that Descartes will oer in his subsequent Meditations. The relevance
of this point is that when Descartes mentions mathematics in Meditation I,
he is still thinking of it through the eyes of the novice, who believes that
mathematical knowledge, like all other knowledge, is empirical. Thus, nei-
ther the certainty regarding mathematics that Descartes expresses in his
response to the Dream Argument (point in our summary) nor the doubt of
mathematics that he expresses in the Deceiver Argument reect a correct
understanding of mathematics as a science not based on sense perception
but on reason. The upshot is that the doubt concerning mathematics that
Descartes expresses in Meditation I is possible only on what will turn out to
be the false assumption that mathematics is empirical.
Descartes anticipates two possible objections to his Deceiver Argument.
First, it might be said that God would not allow him to be always deceived,
since God is supposed to be supremely good. Descartes responds that if it
Frankfurt, Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen, p. .
Frankfurt, Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen, pp. .
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
Referring to all of the beliefs that he has so far surveyed (i.e., all beliefs
that, at least from the point of view of a philosophical novice, rest on the
senses), he adds: So in future I must withhold my assent from these
former beliefs just as carefully as I would from obvious falsehoods, if I want
to discover any certainty (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). This statement
simultaneously rearms Descartess goal, reiterates his method of doubt,
and indicates (by the phrase, these former beliefs) the full, sweeping
range of beliefs that this method has now led him to withhold. Let us enter
Descartess skeptical conclusion into our summary:
Before closing Meditation I, Descartes does one more thing. He notes that
it will be dicult to stick with his decision to withhold belief from all the
things that have now been found doubtful, especially since he has so long
been accustomed to taking them for granted. Accordingly, in order to coun-
terbalance his tendency to accept them, he adopts a special methodological
device. He deliberately pretends that there is a malicious demon of the
utmost power and cunning [who] has employed all his energies in order to
deceive me (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). This evil demon does the most
striking thing mentioned in the Deceiver Argument of (): he causes Des-
cartes to hallucinate the entire physical world, including even Descartess
own body. We may enter this nal step into our summary, as follows:
we shall call this device, will soon serve an additional, related function. In
Meditation II it will become a kind of litmus test for certainty. When
any given proposition, p, presents itself as being possibly certain (as a
candidate for certainty, so to speak), Descartes will ask: could the evil
deceiver fool me about p (make me falsely believe that p)? If the answer
is yes, then p is not certain and indubitable. But, should there be any
case where the answer is no, then Descartes will at last have discovered
something which is absolutely certain.
[A]n epistemologist might ... argue that once we admit that the
same tower can look round from a distance and square when seen
close at hand, or that the same mountain can look one color and
then another, we are no longer able to maintain that the testimony
of the senses is a reliable guide to the nature of objects. His argu-
ment would be that if the senses can sometimes deceive us by vir-
tue of giving us diering reports, it is at least theoretically possible
that they always do so; or, at the least, he can challenge us to pro-
duce any clear criterion by means of which we can in every case
know when our senses deceive us, and when they do not.
However, ... one cannot prove that the senses actually do some-
times deceive us without assuming that they sometimes do not.
I would therefore contend that this skeptical argument is
self-refuting. It consists in drawing the conclusion that we can
never know whether our senses are deceiving us from the fact
that they actually do deceive us; however, ... this premisethe
statement that they do sometimes deceive uscould not itself
be known to be true if the conclusion of the argument, that we
can never know they are deceiving us, were itself taken as true.
attribute this argument to Descartes have simply not read him carefully
enough. We can conclude that his reasoning in step is not self-refuting.
Of course, by the time Descartes gets to the end of Meditation I, he
does reach a thoroughly skeptical position with regard to sense percep-
tion. As one commentator has pointed out, Descartess overall argument
in Meditation I moves from saying that some perceptions are deceptive
(step ), to saying that any perception may be deceptive (because of the
Dream Argument, step ), to saying that every perception may be decep-
tive (because of the Deceiver Argument, step ). Does this mean that his
skepticism about the senses is self-refuting after all? To see whether it
does, we must consider the Dream Argument and the Deceiver Argument.
. I sometimes have vivid dreams that are qualitatively just like my best
(waking) perceptions.
. If I sometimes have vivid dreams that are qualitatively just like my
best perceptions, then I cannot distinguish with certainty between
my best perceptions and vivid dreams.
. I cannot distinguish with certainty between my best perceptions
and vivid dreams. [from () and ()]
. If I cannot distinguish with certainty between my best perceptions
and vivid dreams, then even my best perceptions provide no certainty.
. Even my best perceptions provide no certainty. [from() and ()]
Bernard Williams, Descartess Use of Skepticism, p. .
See, e.g., Edwin M. Curley, Descartes Against the Skeptics, pp. , and Margaret
Wilson, Descartes, pp. and pp. .
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
Descartes know that () is true? In order to know that vivid dreams are
just like his best waking perceptions, he would have to compare dreams
with waking perceptions and note their similarity. But in order to make
this comparison, he must identify his vivid dreams as dreams and his
best waking perceptions as waking perceptions and then note their
similarity. Now if he cannot tell his vivid dreams and his best waking
perceptions apart in the rst place, then he cannot identify the former
as dreams and the latter as waking perceptions; so he cannot make the
comparison needed to know whether they are alike or unalike. Con-
sider an analogy. Suppose someone showed you a drawer containing
one hundred one-dollar bills, informed you that fty of the bills were
counterfeit, and asked you to compare the real bills with the counter-
feit ones. Further, suppose that there were absolutely no detectable
dierence between the genuine and the counterfeit bills (that they
were indistinguishable). Then, isnt it obvious that you could not even
begin the comparison? But if () is true, then Descartes cannot tell
vivid dreams apart from waking perceptions anymore than you could
tell the real bills apart from the counterfeit ones. So he cannot make
the comparison needed to know that () is true. Thus if () is true, then
Descartes cannot know that () is true. Therefore, the rst step in the
argumentfrom () and () to ()is self-refuting; and we need not
even examine the second step, from () and () to ().
It seems that we must be concede that the Dream Argument is self-
refuting, for it seems to fully satisfy the denition of a self-refuting argu-
ment. However, it can be argued on Descartess behalf that this result is
not really damaging to his position; for Descartes uses the dream argu-
ment for a special, limited purpose, namely, to show that he cannot dis-
tinguish with certainty between vivid dreams and his best perceptions
and therefore that even his best perceptions can be doubted. But this
use of the Dream Argument does not require that Descartes know that
premise () is true, or that he be certain of its truth. It only requires that
he genuinely believe that the premise is true. Descartes, so to speak, nds
himself believing that he sometimes has vivid dreams that duplicate
waking perceptions occurring under even the best conditions of observa-
tion. And this mere belief gives him a legitimate reason to doubt whether
he can ever distinguish with certainty between vivid dreams and waking
The point underlying this defense of Descartes is that a ground for
doubt need not itself be something that you know or are certain of; it
need only be something that you genuinely believe. To see this, consider
the following imaginary dialogue:
using the senses, then the argument would be self-refuting. However, the
arguments premises are in fact all a priori statements, which can be
known just by thinking. So even if its conclusionthat the senses pro-
vide no certaintyis true, this does not prevent its premises from being
known. Therefore, it is not a self-refuting argument. Let us spell all this
out in more detail.
To do this, we need to use the concept of an analytic statement. An
analytic statement can be dened as a statement that is true solely in
virtue of the meanings of its constituent terms. A common example is
the statement, All bachelors are unmarried. Although this statement is
not worded as a denitionit does not say, the term bachelor means
the same as the term unmarriedit is obviously true by denition
(i.e., true solely by virtue of the meanings of the terms it contains).
Sometimes analytic statements are also called conceptual truths, since
they are true solely because of the relationships between the concepts
they involve. Analytic statements contrast with synthetic statements,
which are statements whose truth or falsity does not depend solely on
the meanings of terms. For example, the statement that All bachelors
are taxpayers is synthetic.
Now an important point about analytic statements is this: if a state-
ment is analytic, then it is a prioriit can be known to be true just by
thinking; for to know that such a statement is true, one need only under-
stand what it says. One need not consult experience (make any observa-
tions or perform any experiments or introspect ones feelings). Of course,
in order to learn the meanings of words, beings constituted, or wired,
like humans do need to have various sorts of experiences. At rst, this
fact might seem to conict with saying that analytic statementsor
indeed any statementsare a priori. But to see better why a statement
like All bachelors are unmarried is a priori, compare it again with All
bachelors are taxpayers. Even after one knows what the latter state-
ment means, one can still be totally in the dark as to whether it is true or
false; for its truth or falsity depends on facts about law and society that
can only be known by experience. On the other hand, once one has
learned what All bachelors are unmarried meanswhich admittedly
requires various sorts of experienceno further experience is needed to
Some contemporary philosophers, notably the American thinker W. V. Quine (
), reject the distinction between analytic and synthetic statements. This discussion
assumes that the distinction is a tenable one.
know that this statement is true. Thus the statement can be known to
be true independently of any experience, except for the experience(s)
needed to learn the meanings of its constituent terms. And this is all
that is meant by saying that it can be known just by thinking, or is an a
priori statement.
Having dened the concept of an analytic statement, and noted the
principle that analytic statements are a priori, we can begin to see why
the premises of the Deceiver Argument are a priori. It is because the ar-
gument turns mainly on a purely analytic proposition, knowledge of
which is accordingly a priori. This proposition is the causal conception of
perception (CCP):
(A) I see a pen, but it is not the case that a pen is one of the causes
of my present visual experience.
Surely, A is a contradiction: if the pen is not even one among the causes
of my present visual experience, then it is absurd to say that I see it. The
rst four words of A assert that I see the pen; and the remaining words
deny, or take back, this assertion. But the negation of a contradiction is
always an analytic statement. For example, the negation of Some bach-
elors are married (which is a contradiction since it means that at least
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
one individual is both married and not married) is All bachelors are un-
married, which, as we saw, is analytic. Now the negation of A is
One way to see why the negation of A is B is to note that the logical form
of A is p and not-q (e.g., John is wearing his right shoe and not wearing
his left shoe). The denial of this form is not (p and not-q) (e.g., it is not
the case that John is wearing his right shoe and not wearing his left
shoe). But the latter is equivalent to if p, then q (e.g., If John is wearing
his right shoe, then he is wearing his left shoe), which is the logical form
of B.] Thus, B is analytic. Now B means exactly the same thing as
A fuller presentation of this argument can be found in my Perceptual Knowledge,
pp. .
to be true that S sees the clock? No, it is not; for suppose, as is logically
possible, that Ss visual experience is being produced by an expert di-
rectly stimulating Ss cortex or by some kind of post-hypnotic sugges-
tion, so that even if the clocks position on the shelf were altered or
the clock were entirely removed, Ss visual experience would remain
unchanged: it would continue to look to S as if there is a clock on the
shelf. In that case S does not see the clock, even though it is there
before his very eyes. And the reason he does not see it is that it plays
no part in causing his visual experience. Grices example shows very
clearly that in order for S to see the clock, it is not enough that () S
has a visual experience in which it looks to him as if there is a clock on
the shelf and () there actually is a clock there in front of Ss eyes.
Rather, S does not see the clock unless () the clock is also a cause of Ss
present visual experience. The concept or denition of seeing thus con-
tains an inexpungible causal element. It seems safe to generalize from
what is here true of vision to perception in general, and so to conclude
that CCP is a conceptual, analytic truth about the nature of perception.
(More precisely, CCP expresses a logically necessary condition, and so a
partial denition, of perception.)
How does CCP relate to the deceiver argument? Well, the basic point
made by the argument is that any perceptual experience that M causes S
to have might be exactly duplicated by God, or (to switch to the possi-
bility envisioned in Descartess deceiver hypothesis) by some powerful,
evil demon. Therefore, S can never be certain that M is causing the expe-
rience, and hence, given CCP, can never be certain that she is perceiving
M. Let us make this argument even more explicit. From CCP, it follows
H. P. Grice, The Causal Theory of Perception, p. .
Meditation I and the Method of Doubt
The conclusion, (), follows from premises ()-(), because the argument
has the valid form
p only if q.
q only if not-r.
? not-p.
Probably, you can see by reecting for a moment that this form is valid.
Another way to see this is to note again that p only if q says the same thing
as if p, then q. So, the above form is equivalent to this one:
If p then q.
If q then not-r.
? not-p.
But this last form is valid: from if q then not-r and r, one can deduce not-q
by Modus Tollens (and Double Negation); and then from not-q and if p
then q one can deduce the conclusion, not-p, by Modus Tollens.
Not only is the Deceiver Argument valid, but we can now see more
fully that it is not vulnerable to the charge of self-refutation. For premise
, following as it does from CCP, is itself analytic and so a priori. (This is
because if P is analytic and Q follows logically from P, then Q is analytic
too: analyticity is hereditary with respect to entailment. Strictly speaking,
() does not follow from CCP alone. Rather, it follows by Modus Ponens
from CCP together with If CCP, then (). But this last statement is itself a
long analytic statement, as can be seen by substituting for CCP and for
() the clauses that these labels abbreviate.) Premise , we may assert,
is also analytic and so a priori: it depends for its truth solely on the mean-
ings of its constituent terms, notably the term certain. Furthermore,
premise expresses merely a logical possibility; and so our knowledge of
it does not depend on the senses either. Finally, it would be dicult to
maintain that the sorts of experiences required to learn the meanings of
the terms in (), (), and () must be genuine perceptions of reality. It
seems that even if, as in the evil-demon scenario, all sense experiences
were hallucinatory, there would be no reason in principle why one could
not learn the meanings of these terms. Consequently, the truth of the
arguments conclusion would not prevent the premises from being both
understood and known. Therefore, the argument is not self-refuting.
The deceiver argument still haunts the pages of contemporary books
and articles on epistemology, though nowadays it is usually put in a more
scientic, modern-sounding way. Any perceptual experience caused by
a material object stimulating ones sense-receptors (eyes, ears, nose,
etc.), it is argued, might instead be caused by a very advanced neurophys-
iologist (or team of neurophysiologists) directly stimulating ones brain
with painless electrodes. Perhaps, it is then suggested, all of our percep-
tual experience is caused in some such way, so that we never really per-
ceive material objects at all, but only hallucinate them. How can we
possibly know that this is not so, since our perceptual experience would
be exactly the same if it were so? It is not hard to recognize this line of
reasoning as being Descartess Deceiver Argument in modern dress.
As we shall see when we come to the Sixth Meditation, Descartes him-
self tried to refute the deceiver argument. He thereby hoped to answer
skepticism once and for all by refuting the most radical argument in its
favoran argument he had himself invented. To measure his success,
however, we must rst turn to Meditation II, where Descartes takes the
rst step toward answering the deep, unsettling skepticism generated in
Meditation I.
Some contemporary philosophers would object to this claim, on the ground that
it assumes the possibility of a private language and that this assumption was proved
wrong by Ludwig Wittgenstein () in his Philosophical Investigations. There is
no consensus among philosophers, however, whether Wittgensteins argument against
the possibility of a private language is sound; nor is there even agreement concerning the
exact nature of that argument.
| 2 |
Meditation II
The Cogito and the Self
shape, extension, movement and place (i.e., the entire material world)
are only illusions. Perhaps the sole certainty is that there is no certainty
to be had about the world. Nor can Descartes be certain that a God, or
any other being, has put these very doubts or thoughts into his mind. For
perhaps he produces them himself. But then, how about this self? Can its
existence be doubted too? To be sure, Descartes can and does doubt the
existence of his body. But, he now asks, does this mean that he can doubt
that he exists? This question has brought Descartes to the very brink of
discovery. So let us record it in our summary:
John Cottingham, Descartes, p. .
Since most of what Descartes says to show that his existence is certain
does turn on the connection between his thinking and his existence, we
shall restrict our attention from now on to the classic formulation of the
cogito as I am thinking, therefore I exist.
When you say that I could have made the same inference from
any one of my other actions you are far from the truth, since I
am not wholly certain of any of my actions, with the sole excep-
tion of thought... . I may not, for example, make the inference I
am walking, therefore I exist, except in so far as the awareness
of walking is a thought. The inference is certain only if applied to
this awareness, and not to the movement of the body which
sometimesin the case of dreamsis not occurring at all,
despite the fact that I seem to myself to be walking. Hence from
Meditation II
the fact that I think I am walking I can very well infer the exis-
tence of a mind which has this thought, but not the existence of
a body that walks. And the same applies in other cases. (CSM II
, M , SPW , AT VII )
Descartes is here making at least two points: (a) I am walking, and other
reports of my physical actions, are not certain; (b) I am thinking, and
more specic reports of my own thoughts (such as I think that I am
walking), are certain. This is why I am thinking, but not I am walking,
can be used as a premise from which to prove my existence.
Point (a) is easy enough to understand, in light of the doubt about every-
thing physical raised in Meditation I. Point (b), on the other hand, takes us
beyond the skeptical doubts of Meditation I and introduces us to one of
Descartess most important and inuential positive doctrines. This is that
each of us has absolutely certain, indubitable knowledge of his/her own
present thoughts. Descartess doctrine is not merely that I am thinking is
certain for each of us; it is much broader than that. The doctrine is that all
beliefs, assertions or judgments about ones own present thoughts enjoy a
special certainty that makes them immune to the skeptical doubts of Med-
itation I. We may formulate it like this. Let p be any statement that you
believe. Then even if p itself is uncertain, I am thinking about p is certain,
as is I believe that p. For example, even if there is a horse in the eld is
uncertain, I am thinking about there being a horse in the eld and I
believe that there is a horse in the eld are certain. Thus for every state-
ment that you think about or believe, whether it is certain or not, there is a
corresponding one (or more) which is certain. Also, let p be any statement
of the type: I perceive X (where perceive means see, touch, hear,
taste, smell). Then even if p is uncertain, I seem to perceive X is certain.
This will yield as many certain statements as there are things you seem to
perceive. For example, I seem to see a horse, I seem to touch a hand, I
seem to hear a car, I seem to smell a rose, I seem to taste a pear, and so
on are all statements that can be certain. Still other types of statements
that can be certain, according to Descartess doctrine, are:
What all these and similar statements have in common is that they
describe only ones own present state of mind; they do not make any
claim about anything existing independently of ones own thinking.
(Notice that this is what distinguishes I seem to see a horse from I see
a horse: I seem to see a horse is to I see a horse as I think I am
walking is to I am walking.) Descartes calls the subject matter of such
statements cogitationes (Latin for thoughts, sg. cogitatio); his view is that
cogitationes constitute an easily overlooked but crucially important area
of certainty. For this reason, he is prepared to substitute any cogitatio-
statement (i.e., any statement about one of his own present thoughts,
like the statements just listed) for the premise I am thinking in the
cogito. For example, toward the end of Meditation II he uses the argu-
ment, I judge that a piece of wax exists, therefore I exist (CSM II ,
SPW , AT VII ); and in The Search for Truth he uses I doubt, there-
fore I exist. (CSM II , AT X ). Descartess view that all cogitatio-
statements are certain explains why he formulates the cogitos premise
in such a large variety of dierent ways, both in his Meditations and in
his other works.
How plausible is Descartess view? To answer this question, let us eval-
uate Descartess view by using his own test of certainty. To do this, we
can ask the following sequence of questions:
Lets consider the ... premise, I think ... Why should we view
this as being . . . certain for Descartes? The answer, I believe,
turns on a remarkable feature of thought. If you think you are
walking, you might be mistaken. Maybe you are only dreaming
that you are walking. However, if you think you are thinking, you
must be right. You cannot think that you are thinking, if you are
not thinking. So if an evil demon causes you to think that you are
thinking, he wont cause you to make a mistake. You will be right.
You will be thinking. If, in a dream, you think that you are
thinking, you will be right. There is no possibility of error here.
You cannot make a mistake, if you think you are thinking.
Notice that the point here is not that the evil deceiver could not make
you think that you are not thinking; no doubt he could do thathe could
make you gullible enough to think that you are not thinking when in fact
you are thinking. What he could not do is make it false that you are
thinking when you think that you are thinking.
What about question ()? Here matters are more complicated. To see
this, suppose that the evil deceiver confuses me about the dierence
between horses and zebras: he makes me think that horses, rather than
zebras, have stripes. Now, suppose that at a certain time, I have an expe-
rience as of seeing a striped, equine animal. (The phrase experience as of
seeing is here meant to indicate that the experience need not be an ac-
tual seeing: it might be an actual seeing, but it might also be a dream or a
hallucination, it does not matter which.) Is this a case where I wrongly
think that I seem to see a horse, so that the answer to () is yes? To answer
this question, we need to note that () is ambiguous, because seems has
more than one meaning. It can signify belief, as when the doctor says,
you seem to have an infection. Here the doctor is using seems to
express her belief that the patient has an infection. The word is also used
to express belief in such locutions as It seems to me that ..., It would
seem that ..., and It seems that ... But seem can also be used in a
very dierent way; namely, to signify the quality of an experience; as in
The moon seems at and yellow tonight. Here the speaker is not
Fred Feldman, A Cartesian Introduction to Philosophy.
expressing a belief that the moon really is at and yellow. Rather, the
speaker is only describing how the moon looks. This ambiguity of seem
carries over to the statement I seem to see a horse. This statement could
mean (a) I believe that I see a horse; or it could mean (b) I have an ex-
perience as of seeing a horse. So question () could be a way of asking,
(a) Could it be true that I think that I believe that I see a horse,
though I dont believe that I see a horse?
Now it seems that the answer to (a) is no; for even if the animal that I
think I believe I see is striped, it is still true that I believe it to be a horse.
Just because I falsely believe that horses are striped, it does not follow
that I am not in a state of believing that I see a horse. On the other hand,
the answer to (b) seems to be yes; for if I am having an experience as of
seeing a striped animal, then I am wrong in thinking that it is an experi-
ence as of seeing a horse. It is really an experience as of seeing a zebra.
Perhaps, however, we can revise (b) so that the answer to it will again be
no, as follows:
At this point, someone might object that if the deceiver were powerful
enough, he could cause me to go wrong in a dierent way. He might make
it true that I think I believe I see a horse, even though I really disbelieve
that I see a horse; or that I think I have an experience as of seeing what I
take to be a horse, even though I really have an experience as of seeing
what I take not to be a horse. Now it is not clear that such states of mind
as these are possible. But even if they are, we can defend Descartes
against this objection by using a point made in the previous chapter.
There we argued, you will recall, that it was legitimate for Descartes to
dismiss the possibility that he might be insane. But a person who thought
he believed he saw a horse while really disbelieving this, or who thought
Meditation II
Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, p. . Russells exact formulation
is There are thoughts.
I do not mean to imply that Russell himself oers his suggestion as a defense of the
cogito, but only to fault the idea that it might successfully serve as such a defense.
Meditation II
and conclusion, but rather between process and product, so that the no-
tion of question-beggingness cannot even be applied.
This novel interpretation of the cogito, however, has been generally
rejected by Descartes scholars, for two dierent reasons. First, it makes the
certainty that I exist depend narrowly on only one specic thought; namely
the attempt to doubt my own existence. But, as we have seen, Descartes
believed that any of his thoughts, regardless of its content, established his
existence. Second, when one asks exactly why trying to doubt my existence
causes me to be certain that I exist, the only clear answer seems to be that I
accept the argument: If I try to doubt my existence, then I exist; I am trying
to doubt my existence; therefore I exist. But then the performatory cogito
reduces to an inference or argument after all. Accordingly, it will be best for
us to pursue the topic of the cogito by considering why Descartes thought
that I am thinking, therefore I exist is a successful argument for, or proof
of, ones own existence. Such an approach has the further advantage that it
will bring out several underlying principles of Descartess thought.
() Socrates is Socrates.
() Socrates is snub-nosed.
() Socrates is fat.
() Socrates is wise.
? One thing (Socrates) is many things.
answer is that the is in (), (), and () is being understood in the same
sense as the is in (). But this is an error. For the is in () is what logi-
cians call an is of identity; while the is in ()-() is an is of predica-
tion. The is of identity is used to assert that a designated item is one
and the same entity as some item, as for example in The Morning Star
(Venus seen in the morning) is the Evening Star (Venus seen in the
evening). The is of predication is used to attribute a characteristic or
property to a thing, as in Venus is round. To see this distinction more
clearly, notice that we could substitute the sign = for the is in ();
while it would be wrong to do so in ()().
Corresponding to the logical distinction between these two iss, is a
fundamental distinction within reality: that between a thing and a char-
acteristic or property. Socrates designates a thingan animate, living
one. But snub-nosed, fat, and wise do not designate things; they
designate properties. What the fallacious argument about Socrates shows
is that in order to avoid the one-many paradox generated in its conclu-
sion, we must include properties as well as things in our ontology. (The
word ontology means an account of what there is. It is derived from
logos, Greek for account, and onto, Greek for being.)
Having made the ontological distinction between a thing and a prop-
erty, we can return to the question: what is a thing? There are two tradi-
tional, opposed answers to this question. The bundle theory holds that a
thing is merely a collection of coexisting properties. For example an
apple, according to the bundle theory, is nothing but roundness, redness,
tartness, squashiness, and so on coexisting at a certain place and time.
The substance theory holds that a thing is composed of various properties
plus an underlying substance to which these properties belong. The apple,
on this view, is composed not just of the properties just mentioned, but
also of an underlying substance in which all these properties are said to
inhere. The bundle theory is favored by Empiricist philosophers, such
as Berkeley and Hume in the eighteenth century and Bertrand Russell in
the twentieth century. The substance theory was upheld by Aristotle and
most medieval thinkers, and in the Modern period by the Rationalists
Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz. Since the substance theory is the richer
onepostulating more in a thing than does the bundle theorylet
us inquire into the rationale for it. Why not adopt the bundle theorys
simpler view that a thing is just a collection of coexisting properties?
The most salient answer is provided by an argument that we shall call the
argument from change. This argument, which dates back at least to Aristotle,
Meditation II
But this is false; for it means that a thing is composed only of its deter-
minate properties and its underlying substance. But a determinate
property cannot possibly be present unless a corresponding determin-
able property is also present; for example, squareness cannot be pre-
sent unless shape is present, and redness cannot be present unless color
Meditation II
[T]he human mind ... is a pure substance. For even if all the ac-
cidents of the mind change, so that it has dierent objects of the
understanding and dierent desires and sensations, it does not
on that account become a dierent mind. (CSM II , SPW , AT
These quotations call for a short digression. Notice that in them, Des-
cartes tries to deduce () from the principle that nothingness possesses
This, however, is a weak argument. For even if we grant (i), (ii) is not
obviously true. Why should the fact that there is some free-oating
propertyone that does not belong to anythingbe thought to imply
that this property belongs to nothingness (i.e., to nonbeing)? Further-
more, (iii) does not imply that the something to which a property
belongs is a substance. Why could it not just belong to a thing, conceived
as a bundle or cluster of properties? So it seems that () cannot really be
established in the way Descartes here suggests. On the other hand,
() does not need to be established in that way, since, as we have already
seen, () does follow directly from (). So the failure of the argument
from (i) and (ii) to (iii) does no damage to our reconstruction.
Let us return to that reconstruction. Its next step is an assumption
that Descartes makes. This is
() A thought is a property.
This assumption is quite explicit in the passage quoted earlier from the
Synopsis of the Meditations, where Descartes characterizes thinking,
willing, and perceiving certain things as accidents (i.e., accidental prop-
erties, as we saw) of the mind. For Descartes, then, a persons thought of
an apple is related to the person in the same way as an apples roundness
is related to the apple: just as an apples roundness is a property of the
apple, a persons thought is a property of the person. This assumption
seemed obvious to Descartes; let us reserve comment on it until the next
An important consequence of the Assumption and the Corollary (pre-
mises and , respectively) is
() There is a thought.
This much at least, Descartes claims to know indubitably: recall his doc-
trine that each of us can have absolutely certain knowledge of our own
present thoughts, and remember also that () is the premise that Ber-
trand Russell was prepared to give to Descartes.
Finally, Descartes moves from () and () to the conclusion
Kenny does not point out that () derives from () and is thus a corollary
of the substance theory; the logical starting point of his reconstruction is
the second step of ours. Aside from this dierence, the two reconstruc-
tions are the same.
Anthony Kenny, Descartes, p. .
Meditation II
There is a fuller critical discussion of the argument from change in Georges Dicker,
Humes Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Introduction, pp. .
that of two identical twins? Was the statue at P the same one as the statue
at P, or only the same as the one at P?) The answer, it would seem, is that
the statue at P and the one at P were not numerically identical. The rea-
son is that when the statue at P ceased to occupy P, it ceased to exist,
since it did not then travel to P (or, we may also imagine, to any other
place). Further, when the exactly similar gold statue began to occupy P at
t, it began to exist, since it had not traveled from P (or from any other
place). But one thing cannot have two beginnings of existence. So, the
statue at P and the statue at P were qualitatively identical, but numeri-
cally distinct (like the twins). If this is right, then it shows that retaining
the same scientic properties it not a sucient condition for a thing to
endure through change, since the statue at P and the statue at P both had
atomic number .
In light of this point, a proponent of the substance theory might revise
the argument from change to go as follows:
See John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Book II, chapter .
Now this possible objection will not do, because (R*) is false. For it does
not seem that merely retaining some determinable propertyfor ex-
ample some shape or other, or some size or other, or some color or other,
and so forthis a sucient condition for a thing to retain its identity
through time though all of its determinate properties have changed,
even if the requirement of spatio-temporal continuity is also satised.
Suppose, for example, that your car were put into a powerful compactor
and reduced to a six-by-six foot solid cube of metal: that cube would still
have a shape and size and a color, and it would be spatio-temporally
continuous with what had been your car, but surely your car would no
longer exist.
Nevertheless, as we shall see more fully in chapter , there is good ev-
idence that Descartes would not only have accepted the reformulated ar-
gument that uses R*, but would also have seen it as actually establishing
his version of the substance theory. For ultimately he understands
thing in such a way that a physical thing could lose of all of its determi-
nate properties and yet remain the same thing. It could do so by virtue of
retaining a single determinable property, namely, the property of shape-
and-size, which he calls extension. According to the view that Descartes
seems ultimately committed to, an ordinary object like a piece of wax or
a rock or a car is not a thing in its own right, that is, an entity that could
conceivably exist apart from all other entities. Rather, it is only a cluster
of properties belonging to a single, all-encompassing physical thing. This
all-encompassing physical thing is nothing less than the entire physical
worldthe entire physical universe. The piece of wax discussed in
Meditation II must then be seen as only a miniature model that Descartes
uses to represent the entire physical world. And the point of the argu-
ment from change, as he there presents it, is that so long as the physical
world retains the one determinable property of extension, it continues to
exist as one and the same physical world. On this view, furthermore,
physical substance is identical with the determinable property of exten-
sion. More carefully stated, it is identical with the one instance or occur-
rence of (the determinable property of) extension that exists. Since, on
this view, the determinable property of extension is identical with (phys-
ical) substance, the reformulated argument from change still establishes
the substance theory. Furthermore, premise of the argument now
seems to be on solid ground: it is no longer even relevant to object, as we
did against the original version of the argument, that in order to persist
through change, a thing must retain at least one determinate scientic
property such its chemical composition or its atomic structure. For all
that is needed, instead, is that it retain the determinable property of ex-
tension (three-dimensionality), which it can do even if all of its determi-
nate properties, including both its readily perceivable ones and its
scientic ones, have altered. Finally, substance must no longer be thought
of as a mysterious something underlying all of a things properties.
Instead, it is just the things most basic, dening property: extension in
the case of matter, and thought in the case of mind. So, the substance
theory is no longer vulnerable to the standard objection that substance is
in principle unperceivable.
As will be shown in chapter , this way of conceiving the matter is
arguably the most accurate interpretation of Descartess view of sub-
stance. But philosophically, there is a high price to be paid for it. This is
that one must give up the view that ordinary objects are things in their
own right, in favor of the view that they are just clusters of properties
of the one all-encompassing physical substance. Not many philosophers
would be willing to go that far away from common sense. So, unless
philosophers who reject such a one-substance view of the physical
world want to accept the theory of an unperceivable substance under-
lying a things properties (which most do not), they have to nd some
other way of dealing with the argument from change, by giving some
account of identity through change that does not rely on substance. As
we have seen, some contemporary philosophers have in eect tried to
do this, by appealing to the concept of spatio-temporal continuity
under a sortal.
For a defense of this kind of view see Dicker, Humes Epistemology and Metaphysics,
pp. .
Meditation II
Each of the above theories faces diculties. The most obvious di-
culty for Platonic Realism is simply that independently existing univer-
sals are very mysterious entities; for, unlike particular objects, they
cannot be located in space. For example, whiteness itselfunlike the
snowake, the paper, and the chalkdoes not have a spatial location and
does not occupy a volume of space; for if it did, how would it dier from
particular white things? So with respect to independently existing uni-
versals, questions such as Where is it? or How large is it? simply lack
A less obvious diculty, which Plato himself anticipated (in the Par-
menides, one of Platos many Dialogues, which contain the bulk of his
philosophy) is known as the problem of the Third Man. It can be put
this way. Suppose we ask, Is the universal, whiteness, itself white? If we
say that whiteness is white, then in addition to particular white things
such as the snowake, the paper, and the chalk, we have another white
object, namely, whiteness. But then, the same question arises about the
particulars plus the universal as arose about the particulars alone,
namely, What makes it true that these things (including whiteness itself)
are all white? If we answer that they all exemplify yet another universal,
say whiteness, then the very same problem recurs with respect to white-
ness: Is it white? If the answer is yes, then for the same reason we are
forced to introduce yet another universal, whiteness, and so on ad inni-
tum. On the other hand, if we try to avoid this innite regress (as phi-
losophers call such a series) of whitenesses by saying that whiteness
itself is not white, then it is extremely hard to see how particular white
things can truly be said to exemplify whiteness or how the theory pro-
vides any answer to the question, What makes it true that white things
are all white?
Meditation II
nose is let into the tent, so to speak), and so the advantages of Nomi-
nalism are lost.
It can be seen, then, that Platonic Realism, Moderate Realism, and
Nominalism each face certain diculties. Yet, it would seem that one of
the three views must be correct; for they seem to exhaust the possibil-
ities. To solve the problem of universals, one would have to show that
one of the views can be formulated in such a way as to meet the di-
culties it faces.
There is an excellent discussion of the issue, featuring a defense of nominalism, in
chapter of H. H. Price, Thinking and Experience.
Meditation II
Richard Schacht, Classical Modern Philosophers, p. .
Kenny, Descartes, pp. .
Meditation II
such premises, the conclusion I exist does not logically follow; at best,
what follows is that there exists some thinking substance to which said
thought belongs. He illustrates this point by asserting that the I of the
conclusion might just as well be you, so that Descartes is rash in chris-
tening the substance in which the doubts of the Meditations inhere ego.
He also quotes Hyperaspistess remark that you do not know whether is it
you yourself who think, or whether the world-soul in you thinks. It would
seem, however, that the case of the world-soul is not a good illustration of
Kennys point: he should have stuck with his rst illustration only; for the
statement that the world-soul is thinking in me does entail that I exist
(due to the in me). Still, this does not aect the basic point that I exist
doesnt follow from the premises of the reconstruction, anymore that you
exist or he/she exists. From those premises, nothing at all follows about
the identity of the thinking substance in which the thinking occurs.
Michelle Obama cannot both use I to refer to Hillary, and so on. Fur-
thermore, the referents of you, he, and she, when uttered by the
same person, can obviously vary, and can be determined only when some
contextual factor other than the mere utterance of those pronouns serves
to clarify who is being referred to. By contrast, no such clarication is
needed to determine who I refers to: its referent is always the very per-
son who utters it. Even if two dierent actors both utter I while playing
Hamlet, their uses of I refer to one and the same character, namely
Hamlet. Simply put, the pronoun I has only one useit refers to or calls
attention to oneself. These points, or more briey the point that I is a
uniquely referring term, seem to be all that lies behind the charge that in
saying I am thinking, Descartes is already referring to himself, and so
already assuming or taking it for granted that he exists.
It is arguable, however, that this objection is too hard on Descartes.
First, note that the denition of a question-begging argument as one
that takes for granted or assumes the very conclusion that it is supposed
to prove, although it is the standard denition, is quite loose. An argu-
ment is only a set of statements such that some of those statements are
given as reasons or grounds for another statement in the set. (The con-
text, or the presence of such words as therefore, hence, consequently,
since, because, for the reason that, and so forth, indicate that the
statements are being so treated.) As such, an argument cannot literally
take for granted or assume anything: only an arguera person who
produces an argumentcan do that. It seems, then, that a more careful
denition of a question-begging argument is needed. We need to recog-
nize that the notion of begging the question is essentially an epistemo-
logical one. We propose the following denition:
In light of this denition, and of our points about the special semantics
of I, we can give a plausible defense of the cogito against the charge that
it begs the question, for it seems possible for a person to know I am
thinking without already knowing I exist. This could come about if the
following two conditions were both satised:
I owe this insight to Gary Iseminger.
Meditation II
There is a dicult discussion that may present a challenge to this claim in Bernard
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, pp. .
We can say more on behalf of the cogito. Even if you are not convinced
by the above considerations that it eludes the charge of being question-
begging, you should not conclude that the entailment from I am thinking
to I exist is unimportant. On the contrary, there are at least two dif-
ferent reasons why this entailment would remain important even if the
cogito were question-begging. To appreciate the rst reason, try to put
yourself in Descartess frame of mind at the beginning of Meditation II.
There Descartes was in a state of radical, disorienting uncertainty, as was
conveyed by his image of the man caught in a deep whirlpool who can
neither touch the bottom nor swim to the surface; for he was uncertain of
the very existence of the entire physical world, including even his own
body. Now what the entailment of I exist by I am thinking shows is
that even if all my beliefs about the material world, including even those
about my own embodiment, are uncertain, my existence remains certain;
for it still remains certain that I am thinking. But just from this one very
meager certainty, it already follows that I exist. Thus, even in the midst of
the most extreme uncertainty, one can become perfectly certain of ones
own existence. So even if one thinks that the entailment of I exist by I
am thinking does not, strictly speaking, amount to a proof that one ex-
ists due to the issue of question-begging, it still shows something impor-
tant: even in the face of the extreme, disorienting doubt generated by the
arguments of Meditation I, ones own existence remains unshakably cer-
tain. Or, to put it another way, even doubting the existence of my own
body is not tantamount to doubting my existence.
The second reason why the entailment is important is this. If I am
thinking entails I exist but does not entail I have a body, then I
exist does not entail I have a body. Now this suggests (though it does
not by itself prove) Descartess view that a person could exist without a
body, as a mere thinking thing or disembodied mind. Thus the cogito, as
Descartes intimates in many places, serves as a springboard to his mind-
body dualismthe famous doctrine about the self to which we shall turn
our attention in section .
I am thinking
? I exist
If p, then q
In modern quanticational logic, which did not exist in Descartess day, the cogito
could be symbolized as
? (x)[Bx. (x = a)]
But, as Hintikka points out, in systems of logic in which this pattern of inference is valid
(or in which the principle {Ba (x)[Tx. (x = a)]} is provable), it is assumed that the
term which replaces a . . . must not be empty. It turns out, therefore, that we in fact
decided that the sentence I exist is true when we decided that the sentence I think is
of the form B(a). Jakko Hintikka, Cogito, Ergo Sum: Inference or Performance? p. .
Thus, if the cogito is symbolized in this way, then it is valid but question-begging.
Meditation II
This claim is still not quite correct, since Descartes admits that one must rst know
what thought, existence, and certainty are. But perhaps, as the passage from the Princi-
ples suggests, his real point is that the cogito yields his rst knowledge about what exists.
Meditation II
. I am thinking.
. If I am thinking, then I exist [needed for the inference to () to be
formally valid, but not needed to know that () on the basis of ()].
. I exist. [from () and (), though () is known only in retrospect]
. If I am thinking, then I have a thought (call it) T.
. I have a thought T. [from () and ()]
. If I have a thought T, then there is a thought T.
. There is a thought T. [from () & ()]
. A thought is a property. (Descartess assumption)
. If there is a thought T, then T is a property. [from ()]
. If x is a property, then there is a substance to which x belongs. (cor-
ollary of the substance theory)
. If there is a thought T, then there is a substance to which T belongs.
[from () & ()]
. There is a substance to which T belongs. [from () & ()]
. If I have a thought T and there is a substance to which T belongs,
then I am the substance to which T belongs.
. I am the substance to which T belongs. [from (), (), and ()]
. If I am the substance to which T belongs, then I am a thinking sub-
. I am a thinking substance. [from () & ()]
Here the rst three steps constitute the (unreconstructed) cogito, while
the remaining steps draw on ideas contained in the reconstructed one.
The only premise that goes beyond those ideas is (), and that premise
seems very plausible.
Compare with the excellent discussion of this point in Gary Hateld, Descartes
and the Meditations, pp. . See also the ne but somewhat dierent discussion in
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, pp. .
at the end may be exactly and only what is certain and unshake-
able. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
But what is a man? Shall I say a rational animal? No; for then I
should have to inquire what an animal is, what rationality is, and
in this way one question would lead me down the slope to other
harder ones, and I do not now have the time to waste on sub-
tleties of this kind. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
part of the soul that allows a thing to take in nourishment. The souls of
animals, in addition to the nutritive faculty, also possess the sensory,
appetitive, and locomotive (motion-originating) faculties, which allow
the animal to detect, desire, and move toward food or nourishment. Fi-
nally, human souls, in addition to having all of the faculties just men-
tioned, also have the faculty of rational thought (hence the denition of
a human being as a rational animal). In light of this theory of the soul,
which Aristotle expounded in a work titled De Anima (Latin for On the
Soul), we can understand Descartess talk of assigning eating, moving,
and sense perception to the soul: these are the activities of the nutritive,
locomotive, and sensory faculties of the human soul, respectively.
In step (), Descartes gives the fundamental reason why he can accept
as certain almost none of the beliefs that he has just reviewed. The hypo-
thesis that there may be an evil deceiver, who fools him about the exis-
tence of the entire physical world, is still in force. As he puts it,
But what shall I now say that I am, when I am supposing that
there is some supremely powerful and . . . malicious deceiver,
who is deliberately trying to trick me in every way he can? (CSM
The deceiver hypothesis shows that no belief that implies that Des-
cartes has a body can be certain; thus, it shows at one stroke that none
of the beliefs listed in (a)-(c) can be certainwith one exception. The
exception is Descartess belief that he is thinking. On the ground that
there may be a deceiver who fools him about the existence of the whole
physical universe, Descartes can doubt that he possesses a body and so
that he takes in food or moves around or has sense-perceptions (in the
sense involving physical stimuli and sense organs). But the deceiver hy-
pothesis cannot shake Descartess belief that he is thinking. For, as we
saw in section above, while it would be possible for a very powerful
deceiver to fool Descartes into thinking that he had a body even if he
didnt have one, it would be impossible for any deceiver, no matter how
powerful, to fool Descartes into thinking that he was thinking when he
wasnt thinkingfor thinking that one is thinking is thinking. Thus the
deceiver hypothesis here works, so to speak, to set a boundary or limit
to what can be doubted. It is as if Descartes were saying, I can be
I owe the idea of boundary-setting to Jonathan Bennett.
Meditation II
fooled up to this point but not beyond it. To be sure, this boundary-
setting aspect of the deceiver hypothesis is not a proof that I am
thinking is certain, because one could not sensibly argue, it is certain
that if Im deceived into thinking that Im thinking, then I am thinking;
it is certain that I am deceived into thinking that Im thinking; there-
fore it is certain that I am thinking. Rather, the boundary-setting
aspect of the deceiver hypothesis works negatively, by showing that
even this most radical skeptical hypothesis cannot disprove the cer-
tainty of I am thinking.
Having applied the method of doubt to his former beliefs about him-
self, Descartes introduces, in step , his revolutionary conception of the
self as essentially a spiritual (mental) substance, mind, or soul. It is easy
to miss the revolutionary nature of Descartess conception; for, whether
or not you personally believe in the existence of a soul that could con-
tinue to exist without the body, you can surely recognize this notion of
the soul as central to the Judeo-Christian view of human beings. The
conception of a human being as one composed not only of a physical
part (the body) subject to all the laws of biology and physics but also a
nonphysical part (the soul) not limited by these laws, whether or not
you personally accept it, is at least very familiar to you; for it is the mod-
ern version of the Judeo-Christian view of humans. But when Descartes
wrote his Meditations, the prevailing conception of the soul was the
Aristotelian one just sketched, according to which the soul and the body
form a single substance. This is not to say that Descartess conception of
the self was totally unprecedented in the history of philosophy. On the
contrary, Plato had conceived the soul as an immaterial entity that out-
lives the body, as is clear, for instance, from his Dialogue Phaedo. And
there are important vestiges of Platos view in Aristotleand even
more so in Aquinas and other medieval Christian thinkers. But what
Descartes did was renovate Platos dualistic conception of the self by
giving an extraordinarily sharp, clear account of itone that he
intended to be satisfactory even in light of the scientic revolution of
the seventeenth centuryas well as forceful new arguments for it. His
account, then, provides the modern philosophical underpinnings for
the Judeo-Christian view of human beings.
Descartes was aware that his conception of the self was bound to seem
barren, uninformative, and overly abstract to his readers. So in Medita-
tion II, he does two dierent things to combat this impression. Let us
look at them in turn.
Arthur Danto, What Philosophy Is, p. .
Meditation II
that can take on a great many dierent shapes and sizes (something three-
dimensional). Our conception of the wax, then, is merely the conception
of something that can take on various (three-dimensional) shapes and
sizes. Descartes adds that we have this conception neither by the senses
nor by imagination but only by reason. Moreover, it is now a clear and
distinct conception, unlike the imperfect and confused one he began
with; for, unlike a conception involving the properties perceived by the
senses or involving the specic shapes and sizes pictured by imagination,
his conception now contains all thatand only whatthe wax must
have to remain the same wax. It is a puried conception, arrived at by a
careful process of reasoning.
Finally, notice how Descartes has fullled his purpose of showing that
our conception of a body is as abstract as his conception of a mind. The pu-
ried, clear and distinct conception of a body, as weve just seen, is the
conception of something that can take on various shapes and sizes. But what is
the conception of a purely thinking substance but the conception of some-
thing that can take on various thoughts (cogitationes)doubts, desires, beliefs,
sensations, and so on? Moreover, neither conception comes from the senses
or imagination; both are purely intellectual. The upshot is that Descartess
radically novel conception of the self as a purely thinking substance is no
more abstract or dicult than the true conception of a material body.
clear the way for modern physical science. As we saw in the last chapter,
the prevailing, Aristotelian physics of Descartess day held that the uni-
verse is inherently purposeful or teleological. In other words, everything
that happened, whether it was the motion of the stars in the supralunar
region or the growth of a tree in the sublunar region, was supposed to be
explained by certain purposes, goals or ends working themselves out
within nature. Aristotle called such purposes nal causes, and nal
causes were considered to be indispensable for explaining the ways nature
operated. A battle was taking shape between the scholastic defenders of
this traditional science and the proponents of the new science of Kepler
and Galileo, which denied the relevance of nal causes for explaining
nature. Descartess dualism provided a powerful philosophical rationale
for the newer conception, for one implication of Descartess dualism is
that nal causes are expelled from the physical universe, or res extensa.
The only place left for nal causes is the mind, or res cogitans. Thus, Des-
cartess Dualism helped prepare the way for modern physics, which does
not explain nature by reference to purposes. On the other hand, Carte-
sian dualism also ensured the possibility of immortality; for if the mind
or soul is really a dierent substance from the body, then the destruction
of the body does not entail the extinction of the mind. Thus, Cartesian
Dualism simultaneously helped to clear the way for modern physics and
held the door open for religious beliefs about the immortality of the soul.
Before leaving Meditation II, we need to raise a question: How far has
Descartes really come toward establishing his dualism at this point in his
Meditations?for although Descartes, by the end of Meditation II, has
explained his dualism by expounding his conceptions of both res cogitans
and res extensa, it doesnt follow that he has shown this dualism to be
true, that is, shown that mind and matter really are two dierent sub-
stances, one thinking and unextended, the other extended and un-
thinking. How close has Descartes really come to proving this at the end
of Meditation II?
To begin with an obvious point, he certainly has not fully established
his dualism, because he has not shown that there is such a thing as matter.
Remember that Descartes still doubts the existence of the material world.
So he certainly hasnt shown (and isnt claiming to have shown) that the
universe actually contains any res extensa. Not until the sixth (and last)
Meditation does he try to show this.
The signicant question, rather, is whether Descartes has already
shown that mind is a dierent substance from any matter that may exist,
if any exists. In other words, has he shown that there is such a thing as a
purely thinking substance? This is a more delicate issue, which Des-
cartess contemporaries repeatedly asked him to clarify.
To focus the question better, lets leave the Meditations for a moment
and consider a passage from Descartess Discourse on the Method, Part
Four, paragraph :
Here, Descartes appears to be saying that, merely from the fact that he can
doubt the existence of matter but cannot doubt his own existence, it follows
that he is a purely thinking substance. There is a similar passage in his Search
After Truth: I ... am not a body. Otherwise, if I had doubts about my body,
I would also have doubts about myself, and I cannot have doubts about that
(CSM II , AT X ). Descartess line of reasoning in such passages has
been called the Argument from Doubt. It may be summarized this way:
Is this argument valid? No, it isnt. Just because I can doubt that my
body exists but not that I exist, it doesnt follow that I am not a body; for
I might very well be a body but not know it. The Argument from Doubt is
no better than this argument (which we can imagine Louis XVI giving
Meditation II
before the French revolution that ended his reign): I can doubt that the
last King of France exists; I cannot doubt that I exist; therefore I am not
the last King of France. Sometimes the fallacy in such arguments is
called the masked man fallacy: I know who my father is; I do not know
who the masked man before me is; therefore this masked man is not my
Does Descartes rely on the Argument from Doubt in his Meditations,
as he appears to have done in his Discourse on the Method and Search After
Truth? It would be unfortunate if he did, for the Meditations are Des-
cartess most careful and rigorous presentation of his philosophy.
Initially, it may look as if Descartes uses the Argument from Doubt
even in his Meditations. For in Meditation II he does say:
Matters of detail apart, this is again the Argument from Doubt. The tran-
sition from step to step in our summary of the Meditation also looks
much like the Argument from Doubt.
The very next sentence after the passage just quoted, however, shows
that Descartes does not wish to rely on that argument in his Meditations,
for he says:
And yet may it not perhaps be the case that these very things
which I am supposing to be nothing, because they are unknown
to me, are in reality identical with the I of which I am aware? I
do not know, and for the moment I shall not argue the point,
since I can make judgements only about things which are known
to me.
Here Descartes pulls back from asserting that he is not a body; he admits
that for all he knows at this point, he may be one. All he knows is that he
is at least a thinking being.
Accordingly, step in our summary of Meditation IIthe claim that I
am only a thing that thinksshould not be understood to mean I know
that I am only a thing that thinks. Rather, step means I know only
that I am a thing that thinks. The position of the word only is crucial.
This word serves to limit what Descartes is claiming to know about what
he is, not to exclude body from what he may, in reality, be. The upshot is
that the weakness of the Argument from Doubt does not vitiate Des-
cartess reasoning in Meditation II, simply because Descartes does not
here rely on that argument. Not until Meditation VI does Descartes give
an argument intended to prove denitively that the mind is a dierent
substance from the body. We must wait until we reach that argument to
decide whether it succeeds in establishing Cartesian Dualism.
| 3 |
Meditation III
The Criterion of Truth and the Existence of God
I am a thing that thinks: that is, a thing that doubts, arms, denies,
understands a few things, is ignorant of many things, is willing, is
unwilling, and also which imagines and has sensory perceptions;
for, as I have noted before, even though the objects of my sensory
experience and imagination may have no existence outside me,
nonetheless the modes of thinking which I refer to as cases of
sensory perception and imagination, insofar as they are merely
modes of thinking, do exist within meof that I am certain.
In this brief list I have gone through everything that I truly know,
or at least everything that I have so far discovered that I know.
So far, this is all that Descartes claims to know; everything else is still
subject to doubt. Only what Descartes takes himself to have established
by the cogito, that he thinks (i.e., doubts, arms, denies, etc.) and there-
fore exists, is secure. So we may summarize his rst step in Meditation III
simply like this:
In his remaining Meditations, Descartes will build upon this one unshake-
able piece of knowledge, which is itself based solely on the cogito.
Now I will cast around more carefully to see whether there may
be other things within me which I have not yet noticed. I am cer-
tain that I am a thinking thing. Do I not therefore also know
what is required for my being certain about anything? (CSM II
, SPW , AT VII )
Here, Descartes has extracted from his rst item of knowledge his
famous criterion of truththat whatever he perceives clearly and dis-
tinctly is true. Let us more closely examine both (i) what he extracts this
criterion from and (ii) the content or meaning of the criterion itself.
Descartes speaks as if the rst item of knowledge from which he
extracts his criterion is just the one clearly and distinctly perceived prop-
osition, I am a thinking thing. Descartess knowledge that he is a
thinking thing, however, is really a complex piece of information. Its ele-
ments include at least the various components of the basic, unrecon-
structed cogito, namely, the knowledge (a) that he is thinking, (b) that his
thinking necessitates his existence, and (c) that he exists. We may inter-
pret him, therefore, as saying that what assures him that he is a thinking
thing is that he very clearly and distinctly perceives the cogitohere seen
as a tight package of certainties composed of (a), (b), and (c). In other
words, we can understand him as deriving or extracting his criterion of
truth from the cogito, by means of the following argument: If something
could be clearly and distinctly perceived yet false, then this would cast a
shadow of doubt on the cogito itself. But the cogito is absolutely indubi-
table. Therefore, what is clearly and distinctly perceived cannot be false;
so it must be true. Accordingly, we may summarize Descartess third
stephis extraction of the clarity and distinctness criterion of truth
from the cogitoas follows:
But what exactly does Descartes mean by a clear and distinct percep-
tion? In his Principles of Philosophy, under the caption What is meant by
a clear perception, and by a distinct perception, he oers the following
This denition is not as helpful as one might like, for it is basically just an
analogy: a clear and distinct perception is an intellectual perception like
Gary Hateld, Descartes and the Meditations, p. .
Meditation III
Frederick Copleston, A History of Philosophy, p. .
as clear and distinct. So his criterion can also be satised by the logical
step from the premise(s) of a valid argument to its conclusion. Finally,
Descartes regards I exist as clear and distinct; so his criterion can be
satised by the conclusion of a valid argument whose premises describe
only ones own present thoughts or are obvious necessary truths.
The upshot is that, in addition to being satised in () the special case
of a proposition (I exist) that is self-evidently necessitated by a propo-
sition that describes only ones own present thoughts (I am thinking,
or any other cogitatio-statement), Descartess criterion of clarity and dis-
tinctness can be satised by items of four dierent kinds: () contingent
propositions describing only ones own present thoughts, () obvious
necessary propositions, () the step, transition, or inference from the
premise(s) to the conclusion of a valid argument, and () the logical con-
sequences of ()s and/or ()s. No doubt, this is what Descartes intended;
for, as we shall see, he goes on to use his criterion throughout his attempt
to rebuild his knowledge: the criterion has, so to speak, a lot of work to
do. Perhaps the best way to interpret Descartess criterion, then, is to see
it as a kind of pass, ticket, or license, saying that in rebuilding ones
knowledge, it is permissible to build on the ve types of items just listed.
Although Descartess criterion of truth may now seem quite complex
and perhaps even a bit slippery, this need not worry us further; for
nothing will stop us from asking whether the specic propositions that
Descartes will put forward as clear and distinct are really as unques-
tionable as he takes them to bewhether they are as obviously certain as
the cogito and its component parts.
Let us conclude this section, then, by summarizing how Descartes will
use his criterion of truth in his subsequent Meditations. Basically, he will
use it to overcome his doubt concerning all matters beyond his own exis-
tence as a thinking thing. Specically, he will use it to show:
Here, Descartes asserts that at the actual time that he is clearly and dis-
tinctly perceiving the cogito, or a simple instance of the law of noncontra-
diction (i.e., I cannot both never exist and exist now), or even a simple
mathematical proposition, he cannot doubt it. Such propositions as I am
thinking, therefore I exist, or not both p and not-p, or even + = are, to
borrow a term coined by E. M. Curley, assent-compelling. They cannot be
doubted during the time that one is clearly and distinctly perceiving them.
But doesnt this contradict what Descartes said in the preceding seg-
ment, where he admitted that an omnipotent God could deceive him even
about things he most clearly and distinctly perceives? No, for there Des-
cartes did not admit that he could doubt a proposition while clearly and
distinctly perceiving it. Rather, he admitted that while thinking about an
The need for the word even, which does not appear in John Cottinghams transla-
tion of the Latin text of the segment that is here being closely paraphrased, was pointed
out to me in correspondence by Jean-Marie Beyssade, as the correct translation of Des-
cartess vel forte etiam, which Cottingham translates, like vel, simply as or.
Edwin M. Curley, Descartes Against the Skeptics, p. .
omnipotent God, he had to concede that such a God would be able to deceive
him even about the most obvious things. From this concession, it does not
follow that Descartes can doubt any one of those things while actually paying
attention to it. It only follows that even though he cannot doubt a proposi-
tion so long as he clearly and distinctly perceives it, he can doubt whether
the fact that he clearly and distinctly perceives a proposition guarantees
that it is true. As James Van Cleve succinctly puts it: [Descartes] might be
uncertain of the general connection between clear and distinct perception
and truth, yet certain of every proposition [he] ... clearly and distinctly
perceive[s]. Thus, in the rst two segments of the paragraph (points and
of our paraphrases), Descartes is weighing his certainty about particular,
occurrent clear and distinct perceptions, against a general doubt concern-
ing the reliability of his cognitive faculties (notably his faculty for clear and
distinct perception), based on the possibility of a deceiving God.
In the third and nal segment of the paragraph (And since ... else), Des-
cartes declares that there is only one way he can emerge from this oscillation
between doubt and certainty. We can paraphrase the segment this way:
Thus, in order to resolve the tension between his certainty about partic-
ular, occurrent clear and distinct perceptions and his doubt about the
reliability of clear and distinct perception in general, Descartes believes
he must eliminate the possibility of a deceiving God, by establishing the
existence of a nondeceiving God. He must show that his clear and dis-
tinct perceptions are guaranteed to be true by God himself.
James Van Cleve, Foundationalism, Epistemic Principles, and the Cartesian Circle,
p. .
Meditation III
Descartess point can be put this way: even if a picture doesnt depict ac-
curately or if what it depicts doesnt exist, the picture itselfconsidered
merely as an imagecannot be false (or true). Rather, the picture is just
something that exists in its own right, whether or not what it depicts
also exists. Likewise, an idea, considered purely in terms of its content,
that is, without regard to whether that content corresponds to anything
else, cannot be either false or true.
Given that an idea itself cannot be false (or true), truth and falsity become
possible only when some judgment or assertion is made with respect to
ideas. Descartess basic point here, which is still a commonplace in phi-
losophy, is that truth and falsity pertain not to concepts or ideas but,
rather, to assertions, statements, judgments, propositions, and the like.
For example, the concept or idea horse is neither true nor false. Only an
assertion or proposition that uses this concept (e.g., Some horses are
thoroughbreds) can be true or false. Since Descartess chief purpose
after establishing his own existence is to attain knowledge of things
existing outside his own mind (rst God, then other things), he here
In a brief but dicult passage in the Third Meditation, Descartes complicates mat-
ters by saying that some ideas, specically those of light and colours, sounds, tastes,
heat and cold, and the other tactile qualities (i.e., of secondary qualities, see chapter ,
section .) are materially false. A rough but useful characterization of material falsity
is this: In the Third Meditation, some sensory ideas were said to be materially false,
which means that they provide material for false judgment (AT VII [see also CSM
II , AT VII ]). (Such judgments occur when one arms that ... external
objects have properties in them that resemble our sensations of color, sounds, and other
so-called secondary qualities) (Gary Hateld, Descartes and the Meditations, p. ). In
the paragraph where Descartes introduces his view that ideas of color, heat and cold,
sound and so forth are materially false, he contrasts these with ideas that, as when he
examined the idea of the wax, he clearly and distinctly perceived to represent properties
of material things (if such things exist, which is unknown at this point), including size,
or extension in length, breadth, and depth; shape, which is a function of the boundaries
of this extension; position, which is a relation between various items possessing shape;
Meditation III
and motion, or change in position (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). This suggests that
part of what Descartes also means by an ideas being materially false is that its content
exhibits features that are dierent from anything that belongs to material objects as they
would be described (assuming they existed at all) in a correct (Cartesian) physics, and
in that sense falsely portrays, or misleads us about, the nature of the world. Descartes
scholars have proposed dierent interpretations of his dicult notion of material falsity,
which will not be discussed in further detail in this book, since it does not play any role in
his central arguments. More will be said in chapter , however, about Descartess physics.
Figure .
Descartes now nds these reasons to be very weak; for the rst one only
means that he has a natural, spontaneous inclination to believe that
some ideas proceed from and resemble external objects. Descartes con-
trasts this inclination with the natural light. This is none other than the
capacity for clear and distinct perception. He makes the strong claim that
whatever is revealed to me by the natural light ... cannot in any way be
open to doubt (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )a claim that should be
seen in the context of the oscillation between doubt and certainty dis-
cussed earlier. But whatever may be said in favor of the natural light, the
same cannot be said for nature; for just as natural impulses can drive
one to choose evil over good, so they can lead one to choose error rather
than truth. As for the fact that some ideas come independently of ones
will, it proves nothing; for perhaps some unknown faculty within the self
produces those ideas anyway, much as happens in dreams. And even if
the ideas did come from external objects, it would not follow that they
must resemble those objects. Thus, Descartes concludes that,
in the mental history of this or that individual; they have also ...
a content or meaning; they signify something other than them-
selves. We regard them, in Descartess words, as images, of
which one represents one thing and another a dierent thing,
and this is [an] important aspect of ideas.
John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, p. .
We here abstract from the point, made in chapter , section ., and to be revisited
in chapter , that on Descartess nal view a stone would not be a substance, but only a
mode of an all-encompassing extended substance (which Descartes would still presum-
ably regard as nite even if it were innitely extended, because it would lack some of the
attributes that belong only to the one truly innite substance, namely God).
Meditation III
Figure .
property. On the other hand, the concept of degrees of reality may seem
obscure and questionable: you may want to protest that it makes no
sense to talk about degrees of realitythat reality is an all-or-nothing
matter, not one that admits of more or less. More will be said later
about the basis for Descartess concept of degrees of reality. But for now,
let us accept this concept, at least provisionally, for the sake of under-
standing how Descartess argument for the existence of God is supposed
to work; for the concept of degrees of reality lies behind two key ideas in
the argument, without which the argument cannot even be formulated.
The rst key idea is that some ideas represent their objects as having more
reality than other ideas represent their objects as having. Thus, the idea of a
nite substance represents its object as having more reality than the idea
of a mode represents its object as having, and the idea of God represents
its objectGodas having more reality than the idea of a nite sub-
stance represents its object as having. The second key idea, which actu-
ally provides the basis for the rst, is that the degree of reality that an idea
represents its object as having depends on the degree of reality possessed by
the object itself. In other words, if X has more reality than Y does, then the
idea of X represents X as having more reality than the idea of Y repre-
sents Y as having. So, for example, since God has more reality than any
nite substance, the idea of God represents (portrays) him as having
more reality than the idea of a nite substance represents it as having.
To express these two key ideas, Descartes uses a technical terminology
that he borrowed from medieval scholasticism and adapted for his own
purpose. He puts the rst key idea this way: Some ideas contain more objec-
tive reality than others. This claim means exactly the same thing as Some
ideas represent their objects as having more reality than other ideas represent
their objects as having. Thus, the term objective has here a completely dif-
ferent meaning from the modern one, where it has to do with objectivity
with what is actually the case independently of our beliefs and prejudices.
You must erase all such connotations from your mind in order to under-
stand Descartess meaning for this term. Instead, try to link the term ob-
jective reality with the notion of an object of thought; for an ideas objective
reality depends strictly on (the degree of reality possessed by) the object of
the idea, on what the idea is about. It pertains to the second of the two ways
of regarding ideas mentioned aboveto their nature as representations of
The notion of an ideas representing its object as having a certain amount of reality
comes from Curley, Descartes Against the Skeptics, p. .
Meditation III
their objects. This has nothing to do with objectivity in the modern sense.
It is also helpful to paraphrase Descartess term in various ways. For ex-
ample, in addition to Some ideas represent their objects as having more
reality than others, one could say, Some ideas exhibit more reality in their
contents than others. Some translators of the Meditations have chosen to
substitute a completely dierent term, less misleading to the modern ear
than objective reality. For example, the British philosophers Elizabeth
Anscombe and Peter Geach translate objective reality, very aptly, as rep-
resentative reality. Using this translation, Descartess point would be put
this way: some ideas contain more representative reality than others.
Descartess second key idea, we saw, is that the degree of reality an idea
represents its object as having depends on the degree of reality possessed by
the object itself (i.e., the degree of reality the object would have if it existed).
To use the new term just introduced, this would be put by saying that an
ideas degree of objective reality depends on the degree of reality had by the
ideas object. To express this second key idea, however, Descartes introduces
a second technical term, formal reality. His idea, expressed using this
term, in addition to objective reality, is that an ideas degree of objective re-
ality depends on its objects degree of formal reality. The term formal reality
is, of course, just as new to you as was the term objective reality. But at
least the term formal does not have the misleading connotations that ob-
jective has. Think of formal reality as the kind of reality that a thing has,
not in virtue of what it represents (that would be objective reality again),
but, rather, in terms of its status as either a mode or property, a nite sub-
stance, or an innite substance. Formal reality, then, is not too far removed
from what people usually mean simply by reality. It refers to a things ac-
tual status in the worldor at least to the status it would have if it existed.
(Anscombe and Geach translate it as actual or inherent reality.) Notice,
then, that while objective reality is a special type of reality that belongs only
to ideas in virtue of their representational function, everything, including
ideas, has some degree of formal reality. Indeed ideas, being modes or prop-
erties of a thinker, have (along with modes or properties of other sub-
stances) the lowest degree of formal reality in Descartess three-level
hierarchy (modes, nite substances, and innite substance).
We can now represent this hierarchy diagrammatically as shown in
Figure ..
Ren Descartes, Descartes: Philosophical Writings, pp. , .
Figure .
Note that the diagram positions ideas only in terms of their objective
reality. In terms of formal reality, their position is at the right-hand
bottom of the diagram: like fear or squareness, an idea is a mode or prop-
erty of a substance.
reality the idea hasthe more reality it represents its object as having
the more formal reality its cause must have. Despite the abstract nature
of Descartess principle and the technical terminology he uses to express
it, the principle is rather plausible. Descartes brings this out in his Princi-
ples of Philosophy, Part I, no. , by applying it to a concrete example:
John Cottingham, Descartes, pp. . For another helpful explanation of the same
point, see Bernard Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, pp. .
Meditation III
himself (and that knowledge, of course, stems only from the cogito, not
from any principle about the causes of ideas). However, there still
remains one idea to be consideredthe idea of an innite substance, or
God. This is the idea of a substance that is innite, <eternal, immu-
table>, independent, supremely intelligent, supremely powerful, and
which created both myself and everything else (if anything else there
be) that exists (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). How is this idea
produced? It cannot, in conformity with Descartess principle, be caused
by a mode; for a mode has far less formal reality than the idea of God, as
just described, contains objective reality. But neither can it be caused by
a nite substance; for such a substance still has less (innitely less) for-
mal reality than this innitely rich idea of God contains objective reality.
In fact, it is now obvious that there is only one way the idea of God could
be caused. It could only be caused by God himself, for only God himself
has as much formal reality as the idea of God contains objective reality.
Thus, the idea of God diers from all other ideas. It is a uniquely privi-
leged idea; for, alone among all ideas, the idea of God is such that from
the mere fact that I have the idea, it follows that the object of that very
ideaGod himselfis also the cause of that idea and must, therefore,
really exist.
This core argument for Gods existence can be formulated as follows:
. The cause of an idea must have as much formal reality as the idea con-
tains objective reality.
. Only a perfect God has as much formal reality as my idea of God con-
tains objective reality.
. The cause of my idea of God is a perfect God (from propositions and ).
. A perfect God really exists (from proposition ).
We saw earlier that objective reality and formal reality are tech-
nical terms that Descartes uses in expressing the two key ideas involved
in his argument: () that some ideas represent their objects as having
more reality than other ideas represent their objects as having, and ()
that the degree of reality an idea represents its object as having depends
on the degree of reality possessed by the object itself. Notice, then, that
these two key ideas can be expressed without even using the terms ob-
jective reality and formal reality, since we in fact introduced those
ideas before reexpressing them in those terms. Likewise, Descartess core
. The cause of an idea must have as much reality as the idea represents its object
as having.
. Only a perfect God has as much reality as my idea of God represents God as
. The cause of my idea of God is a perfect God (from propositions and ).
. A perfect God really exists (from proposition ).
The idea of restating Descartess argument without using his technical terms is due
to Curley, Descartes Against the Skeptics, p. (though Curley himself paraphrases out
only the term objective reality).
Meditation III
(-) An eect can get its reality only from its cause.
() A cause can give its reality to its eect only if this cause pos-
sesses that reality.
? () A cause must precontain the reality of its eect.
(-a) An eect must take its reality from its causeits reality
must be transferred to it from its cause
But if (-) means (-a), then (-) comes too close to () to avoid begging
the question. On the other hand, if (-) means (-b), then () must be
replaced by
As we have already seen, this idea, which can be traced back at least to
Plato, is essential to Descartess argument.
From these two premises, Descartes says that two thing follow (It
follows both that ... and that ...). First, he says it follows that
times was expressed in the Latin dictum Ex nihilo, nihil t (From nothing,
nothing comes). It means that something cannot be caused to exist or
occur by nothing(ness) or nonbeing. Descartes derives it from (). His
reasoning is, presumably, that since a cause must precontain the reality
of its eect, and since nothing(ness) cannot possibly contain anything,
nothing(ness) cannot be the cause of anything. Second, Descartes says
it follows that what is more perfectthat is, contains in itself more
realitycannot arise from what is less perfect, in other words,
Cottingham, Descartes, p. .
such and such objective reality, it must surely derive it from some
cause which contains at least as much formal reality as there is
objective reality in the idea. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
Williams, Descartes: the Project of Pure Enquiry, p. .
Meditation III
But Descartes does not treat () as self-evident, at least not in this pas-
sage; for he presents the need for a cause of the stone and the need for a
cause of the idea of the stone as specic illustrations of, or as applica-
tions of, () and/or (). So ()the general principle calling for those
causesis derived from one or both of those propositions. But () does
not follow from (): () calls for an adequate cause in cases where we
admit that there is a cause but says nothing about whether there needs
to be a cause in the rst place. It seems, then, that Descartes takes () to
follow from (), or perhaps simply to be equivalent to (). His reasoning
seems to be that since something cannot come from nothing, everything
must have a cause; he seems to derive the causal maxim from the noth-
ing-comes-from-nothing principle. In the next section, we will see that
there is a hidden diculty (rst spotted by Hume) in this reasoning.
Before continuing with the argument, we should address a delicate
terminological matter. In the passage we have just discussed and in
others that we shall encounter, Descartes uses the adverbial locution
that the cause must formally or eminently contain all the reality of the
eect. An examination of the relevant texts shows that for Descartes,
whenever a cause formally or eminently contains all the reality of its ef-
fect, it has at least as much formal reality as its eect contains either
formal or objective reality, and that is really the only point one needs to
know to follow Descartess argument. But for readers who are interested
(others can skip the next two paragraphs without losing track of the ar-
gument), we shall here oer an explanation of Descartess terminology.
There are three passages in the Meditations that are especially relevant
to the question of what formally or eminently contain means. Here
they are:
[A] A stone, for example, which previously did not exist, cannot
begin to exist unless it is produced by something which contains,
either formally or eminently everything to be found in the stone;
similarly, heat cannot be produced by an object which previously
was not hot, except by something of at least the same order
<degree or kind> of perfection as heat, and so on. (CSM II , AT
[B] As for all the other elements which make up my ideas of cor-
poreal things, namely extension, shape, position, and move-
ment, these are not formally contained in me, since I am nothing
but a thinking thing; but since they are merely modes of a sub-
stance, and I am a substance, it seems possible that they are con-
tained in me eminently. (CSM II , AT VII , SPW )
[C] So the only alternative is that it [i.e., the cause of my ideas of
sensible objects] is that it is in another substance distinct from
mea substance which contains either formally or eminently all
the reality which exists objectively in the ideas produced by this
faculty... . This substance is either a body, that is, a corporeal
nature, in which case it will contain formally <and in fact> every-
thing which is to be found objectively <or representatively> in
the ideas; or else it is God; or some creature more noble than
body, in which case it will contain eminently whatever is to be
found in the ideas. (CSM II , AT VII , SPW )
the reason why I do not formally contain the other elements which make
up my ideas of corporeal things, namely extension, shape, position, and
movement is that I am nothing but a thinking thing. So, the reason
why I do not formally contain the reality of these elements but contain
that reality only eminently is not, contrary to what one might think,
merely that I contain more formal reality than they contain objective re-
ality (or possibly formal reality: it isnt clear whether elements which
make up my ideas of corporeal things refers directly to the properties of
those things, or to the representational content of the ideas of those
properties, or to both of these), but rather that as a thinking thing I
contain a dierent kind of reality than they do, by virtue of their invol-
ving extension and its modes. The requirement that formal contain-
ment involve sameness of ontological kind also seems to be implied by
passage C, where Descartes says that only corporeal (i.e., bodily) nature
formally contains the objective reality contained in ideas of bodies, and
the gloss of formally as in fact (added in the French translation as en
eet) reinforces this requirement as well.
Against the background of these these textual points, we can see the
purpose of Descartess distinction between formal and eminent contain-
ment. It is to allow for four dierent ways in which a cause can contain at
least as much reality as its eectfour ways in which the Causal Ade-
quacy Principle can be satised. First, the cause may contain exactly the
same degree and the same kind (i.e., physical or else mental) of formal
reality as the eect contains either objective reality (if it is an idea) or
formal reality. In that case, Descartes says that the cause formally con-
tains all the reality that the eect contains, or formally contains every-
thing to be found in the eect. Second, the cause can contain more than
but the same kind of formal reality as the eect contains objective reality
or formal reality. Third, the cause can contain at least as much as but a
dierent kind of formal reality than the eect contains formal or objec-
tive reality. Fourth, the cause can contain both more than and a dierent
kind of formal reality than the eect contains objective or formal reality.
In the second, third, and fourth cases, Descartes says that the cause emi-
nently contains all the reality that the eect contains. A simpler way to
put all of this is to say that a cause formally contains the reality of its ef-
fect when it has exactly the same degree and kind of formal reality as its
eect has objective or formal reality, and that a cause eminently contains
the reality of its eect in all other cases where it contains at least as much
formal reality as its eect contains formal or objective reality, that is, in
all cases where it does not formally contain that reality. The most impor-
tant point for Descartess argument, as previously noted, is that when-
ever a cause either formally or eminently contain contains the objective
reality of an idea, the rst premise of his core argument is true: the cause
of the idea contains at least as much formal reality as the idea contains
objective reality.
To return to the argumentassuming that () is established, Desca-
rtes now applies () to the objective reality of ideas. The objective re-
ality (representational or informational content) of an idea of a stone
(i.e., the fact that this idea represents a stone as having a certain degree
of reality) must have a cause, no less than the fact that a stone exists.
Descartess next step, then, is to derive from () the following:
To arrive at the core arguments rst premise, Descartes uses one fur-
ther premise. That premise is contained in the following passage:
from elements in his idea of a jet engine. But Descartes would insist that
such an explanation of how the engineers idea of a rocket engine origi-
nated is incomplete. For now we need an explanation of how the engi-
neer acquired the idea of a jet engine. In the end, Descartes would say,
this explanation cannot be just the fact that the engineer constructed it
from yet another idea. Rather, it must be either that the engineer has
such a brilliant and inventive mind that he created the idea of a jet engine
or the idea(s) from which it is constructed, or else that he got that idea
from observing a jet engine itself or from something having the same as
or a higher level of complexity than a jet engine. In other words, ulti-
mately, the cause of an ideas representational content cannot be just the
representational content of another idea. It must be some nonrepresen-
tational fact about the world. Representational content is, in the end,
parasitic on nonrepresentational facts.
Perhaps the following analogy can help to bring out Descartess point.
Imagine a mirror image. This mirror image could itself be a reection
of an image reected by a second mirror. And the image in the second
mirror could be the reection of an image reected by a third mirror.
Indeed, the mirrors could be so arranged that there might be a very long
series of mirrors, each reecting a mirror image reected by its prede-
cessor in the series. But this series could not go on innitely. It must
terminate in a mirror image which is not itself the image of an image, but
which is caused by something other than a mirror image. The same holds
for the representational content of an idea: it may be derived from an-
other ideas contentand that from yet another ideas content. But such
a series cannot continue innitely; in the long run it must terminate in a
content that is caused by something other than an ideas content. In Des-
cartess terminology, then, the objective reality of an idea must ulti-
mately be caused by the formal reality of something, not just by the
objective reality of another idea.
Descartess premise, then, could be put this way:
The next episode of the Meditation is not, strictly speaking, part of the
extended argument (subargument, core argument, and sequel). Rather,
its function is to bring out the unique nature of the idea of God, thereby
preparing the way for the core arguments second premise. To some extent,
we have already anticipated this material in our explanation of the core
argument in the previous section. But it is worth seeing briey how Des-
cartes himself presents the matter. He begins dramatically, by announcing
an implication of () and of the weakness of his previous reasons for
thinking that some of his ideas are caused by things outside himself:
In other words, () now oers the only possible way of escaping from
solipsism, that is, from the extraordinary view that only I and my own
thoughts exist.
Descartes now proceeds, in eect, by raising the following causal ques-
tion: is the objective reality of any of my ideas such that the ideas object
(what the idea is of or about) must also be the ideas cause? If the answer
is yes, then this will show that the object of the idea cannot be nonexis-
tent or merely ctitious, but must really exist, in order to cause the idea.
Meditation III
(a) God,
(b) inanimate physical objects,
(c) other humans, animals, and angels.
Here Descartes nds, in the rst place, that the idea of God contains
more objective reality than Descartes possesses formal reality. So, his
having this idea does show, nally, that something other (and greater)
than himself existsthat he is not alone in the world, that solipsism is
false. But further, Descartes nds that only one entity possesses enough
formal reality to cause this great idea, namely, God himself. So God must
really exist.
Descartess survey of ideas, then, has culminated in the completion of
his core argument; for the survey has led to his discovering the core argu-
ments second premise,
() To deceive is an imperfection.
It is also possible to read the episode just discussed as providing an alternative proof
of this conclusion, as follows:
i. The object of an idea must also be its cause just in case only that object has enough
formal reality to cause this idea.
ii. Only a perfect God has enough formal reality to cause my idea of God.
iii. The cause of my idea of God is a perfect God. [from (i) and (ii)]
iv. A perfect God exists. [from (iii)]
Meditation III
By God I mean ... the possessor of all ... perfections ... who is
subject to no defects whatsoever. It is clear enough from this
that he cannot be a deceiver, since it is manifest by the natural
light that all fraud and deception depend on some defect. (CSM
Now, however, I have perceived that God exists, and at the same
time I have understood that everything depends on him, and
that he is no deceiver; and I have drawn the conclusion that
everything which I clearly and distinctly perceive is of necessity
true. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
. A cause must contain at least as much reality as its eect (from steps
and ).
. Everything must have a cause (from step ).
. The objective reality of an idea must have a cause (from step ).
. This cause must be the formal reality of something (premise).
. The cause of an idea must have as much formal reality as the idea
contains objective reality (from steps , , and ).
. Only a perfect God has as much formal reality as my idea of God con-
tains objective reality (premise).
. The cause of my idea of God is a perfect God (from steps and ).
. A perfect God exists (from step ).
. To deceive is an imperfection (premise).
. God is not a deceiver (from steps and ).
. If my clear and distinct perceptions could be false, then God would
be a deceiver (premise).
. My clear and distinct perceptions cannot be false, that is, whatever I
clearly and distinctly perceive is true (from steps and ).
Arthur O. Lovejoy, The Meanings of Emergence and its Modes, p. .
Meditation III
Humes basic point is that if the eect were contained in the cause, then
it would be possible for us to nd or discern the eect by carefully exam-
ining the cause. But we cannot do this; rather, we must wait for experi-
ence to show us what eect will follow from any given cause.
In making this point, Hume explicitly refers to the cause and the ef-
fect as being each an event. This reects an important insight of Humes,
namely, that the true members of a cause-eect relationship are events,
rather than objects. Often, our ordinary speech masks this fact. For ex-
ample, we say that the rock broke the window. Here it almost sounds
as if the cause is one object (the rock), and the eect another (the bro-
ken window). But, of course, what really happened is that the rocks hit-
ting the window caused the windows breaking. Now the rocks hitting the
window and the windows breaking are not objects or things; they are
events or occurrences. Once we understand this point, the idea of the
causes containing the eect immediately looks suspect. For it makes
little if any sense to say that the rocks hitting the window contained
the windows breaking: it certainly did not do so in the literal sense in
which, for example, a box of chocolates contains the chocolates or the
chocolates contain their caramel llings. Of course, there are cases of
causality that seem to t the preformationist assumption much better,
such as the case of conception and birth. But in such a case, it is true
only in a general, rough sense that the mother caused the baby. No
biologist studying the process of reproduction would describe what hap-
pened in such an inexact way. Rather, what really happened is that a
David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, sec. , part , para.
and .
To say that whatever produces a stone must itself have all the
features found in the stone seems to imply a kind of heirloom
view of causationthat the only way an eect can have come to
possess some property is by inheriting it, heirloom fashion, from
its causes.
You say ... that an eect cannot possess any degree of reality or
perfection that was not previously contained in the cause. But we
see that ies and other animals, and also plants, are produced
from sun and rain and earth, which lack life... . [H]ence it does
happen that an eect may derive from its cause some reality which
is nevertheless not present in the cause. (CSM II , AT VII )
To this Descartes replied that if animals have perfections that are not
present in the sun, rain and earth, then this only shows that the sun, rain
Cottingham, Descartes, pp. .
Meditation III
and earth are not the total causes of animal life (CSM II , AT VII ).
As Cottingham points out, however, this reply commits Descartes to the
view that there can never be genuinely emergent propertiesthat is,
properties that were never possessed, in any previous state of the world,
by the things whose operations caused those properties to occur. But this
conicts with the view, held by evolutionary biologists, that conscious-
ness evolved from nonconscious forces and elements. Of course, even
today, there are people who deny that consciousness evolved from inani-
mate elements. But the damaging point, so far as Descartess argument
is concerned, is that he could not even allow that there is a legitimate
controversy here; for according to him, the precontainment principle is
supposed to be obvious to any rational mind, quite apart from any empir-
ical evidence provided by sciences like chemistry and biology.
Perhaps, however, the precontainment principle can be interpreted
even more charitably. In his book The Miracle of Theism, John Mackie
Mackies remarks are directly addressed to (), the causal adequacy prin-
ciple, rather than to (), the precontainment principle, from which Des-
cartes derives (). But they can be seen as oering a possible defense of
() itself, no less than of (). This defense would be that (), like (), is a
very general principle of conservation, sanctioned by science. The basic
John Mackie, The Miracle of Theism, p. .
idea would that if the reality of an eect were not somehow preconta-
ined in the cause of that eect, this would violate a general conservation
It is not necessary for us to try to spell out this idea more carefully; for
if Descartess premise is interpreted as a general conservation principle,
then it cannot serve his purposes, since, as Mackie goes on to point out,
The key point here is that the premises of Descartess argument must be
knowable without dependence on what could be learned only from ob-
serving the operations of the physical world; for the argument is sup-
posed to show that Gods existence can be known without any use of the
senses and even if the existence of the physical world is still in doubt. But
as Mackie indicates, () and/or (), construed as general conservation
principles, can be known only by widely based observations of the phys-
ical world. So they cannot, construed in that way, play the role demanded
of them by Descartess argument.
Finally, it can be argued that even if one were to assume knowledge
of the physical world, conservation principles of the kind Mackie has in
mind cannot legitimately be used to argue for Gods existence. For such
principles, being ultimately based on our observations of physical
things operations and interactions, concern what we might call the
internal structure of the physical universethe regular qualitative
and, especially, quantitativerelationships among dierent spatial
and temporal parts of the universe. But, as Immanuel Kant argued in
his Critique of Pure Reason (), we are not justied in assuming that
these principles therefore also provide reliable information about how
the universe as a whole is related to a source that is supposed to have
created it.
Mackie, The Miracle of Theism, pp. .
Meditation III
The fact that there is nothing in the eect which was not previ-
ously present in the cause, either in a similar or in a higher form is
a primary notion which is as clear as any that we have; it is just the
same as the common notion that Nothing comes from nothing.
For if we admit that there is something in the eect that was not
previously present in the cause, we shall also have to admit that
this something was produced by nothing. (CSM II , AT VII )
In the passage just cited, Descartes can be read as asserting that () fol-
lows from () and (), because if an eect did contain more reality than
its cause, then it would have to get some of its reality from nothing,
which violates (). Since this way of supporting () makes no use at all
of the precontainment principle, but only of the degrees of reality pre-
mise and the nothing-comes-from-nothing principle, it might seem to
show that Descartess subargument can proceed without using the pre-
containment principle. It must be said that in reading Descartes this
way, we are bending over backward to be charitable; for in the very next
sentence after the quoted passage, he defends ()the nothing-comes
from nothing principleby appealing to back to the precontainment
James Van Cleve, in personal correspondence and in On a Little-noticed Fallacy in
Descartes, manuscript.
Meditation III
.. Degrees of Reality
A second diculty in the subargument concerns premise , that there are
degrees of reality. Thomas Hobbes, author of the third Set of Objections,
crisply challenged this premise:
I have also made it quite clear how reality admits of more and
less. A substance is more of a thing than a mode; if there are real
qualities or incomplete substances, they are things to a greater
extent than modes, but to a lesser extent than complete sub-
stances; and, nally, if there is an innite and independent
substance, it is more of a thing than a nite and dependent sub-
stance. All this is completely self-evident. (CSM II , AT VII
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, p. .
Anthony Kenny, Descartes, p. .
Or it can mean
George Berkeley, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, Part I,
section .
Ms. Chelsie Mack, a student at the College at Brockport, SUNY, wrote an insightful
remark that may blunt the force of this criticism: Finite substances such as the Medita-
tor, or the lump of wax the Meditator mused about in [Meditation II], are more real than
modes or properties in the sense that nite substances have a degree of independence
from their modes and properties. For instance, the waxs shape, size, temperature and
consistency (i.e., its properties) changed, but it continued to be the same piece of wax.
Similarly, the Meditator has dierent thoughts and ideas, but remains the same thinking
David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, book I, Part , sec. .
Meditation III
Figure .
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, p. .
The method of diagramming arguments used here is explained, among other places,
in Stephen Thomas, Practical Reasoning in Natural Language, pp. and pp. .
Figure .
starting points of the argument): (), (), () = (b), and (). If the argu-
ment is to provide the absolute certainty Descartes sought, then each of
those four premises must be absolutely certain. But we have seen that
premise , far from being absolutely certain, is highly problematic. Pre-
mise involves the rather fuzzy notion of degrees of reality. Premise ,
which says that the cause of an ideas objective or representational re-
ality must (ultimately) be the formal or nonrepresentational reality of
something, is somewhat dicult to grasp, though it does seem plau-
sible on reection, as the analogy of mirror images given in the pre-
vious section may have brought out. As for (), its indubitability was
famously challenged by Hume on the grounds that one can conceive of
something springing into existence without any cause, that is, of an
uncaused beginning of existence. E. M. Curley responds to Humes chal-
lenge this way:
This may well be a persuasive defense of (): Can you seriously believe
that something has or will ever come into existence, with no cause or
explanation whatsoever?
Perhaps, then, it would not be unreasonable to take () and () as basic
premises; and perhaps () can pass muster, as well, despite its unclarity.
But one can surely wonder whether those premises are absolutely cer-
tain. Furthermore, the problematic status of (), the precontainment
principle, remains a major drawback for this solution.
Curley, Descartes Against the Skeptics, p. .
Meditation III
. The cause of an idea must have as much formal reality as the idea
contains objective reality (basic premise).
. Only a perfect God has as much formal reality as my idea of God con-
tains objective reality (basic premise).
. The cause of my idea of God is a perfect God (from and ).
. A perfect God exists (from ).
. To deceive is an imperfection (basic premise).
. God is not a deceiver (from and ).
. If my clear and distinct perceptions could be false, then God would be
a deceiver (premise, based on the assent-compellingness of clear and
distinct perceptions).
. My clear and distinct perceptions cannot be false, i.e., whatever I per-
ceive clearly and distinctly must be true (from and ).
To see the strength of this approach, it is worth quoting once again a pas-
sage from Cottinghams Descartes, including this time an important ob-
servation that Cottingham makes at the very beginning of the passage:
And what goes for the drawing goes equally for an idea: complex
representational content requires a complex cause.
I have one further worry, namely how the author avoids rea-
soning in a circle when he says that we are sure that what we
clearly and distinctly perceive is true only because God exists.
But we can be sure that God exists only because we clearly and
distinctly perceive this. Hence, before we can be sure that God ex-
ists, we ought to be able to be sure that whatever we perceive clearly
and evidently is true. (CSM II , SPW , M , AT VII )
() I can know that God exists and is no deceiver only if I rst know
that whatever I clearly and distinctly perceive is true.
This formulation was rst suggested by Willis Doney in The Cartesian Circle,
, and subsequently adopted by James Van Cleve in his masterful Foundational-
ism, Epistemic Principles, and the Cartesian Circle in . Both of these essays are
reprinted in Willis Doney ed., Eternal Truths and the Cartesian Circle: A Collection of Studies
(New York: Garland, ).
This passage implies that the light of nature or natural light is the very
power or faculty of the mind by which clear and distinct perceptions are
obtained. Thus, when Descartes says that the premises of his theological
argument are known by the natural light, he is saying that they are
known by being clearly and distinctly perceived, and so, it seems, commit-
ting himself to (). But now, if () and () above are both true, then Des-
cartes can never know either that whatever he clearly and distinctly perceives
is true or that God exists and is no deceiver; for to know either of these prop-
ositions, he would have to know the other one rst: but he cannot know
them both rst! Yet, by the end of the Third Meditation, Descartes does
claim to know both propositions. The problem is, How is this possible,
given the evidence that Descartes is committed to both () and ()?
To solve this problem, one would have to show either that Descartes is
not really committed to (), or that he is not really committed to (). Two
dierent ways of doing this would be to show that appearances to the
contrary notwithstanding, Descartes really holds either that:
This analysis is from Van Cleve, Foundationalism, Epistemic Principles, and the
Cartesian Circle, p. .
Meditation III
or that
The main proponent of the memory thesis was Willis Doney in The Cartesian Cir-
cle. Later, however, Doney advanced a dierent solution to the problem of the circle, in
his Descartess Conception of Perfect Knowledge, (also reprinted in his (ed.)
Eternal Truths and the Cartesian Circle). The most powerful critique of the memory de-
fense is Harry G. Frankfurt, Memory and the Cartesian Circle, . The memory
defense and the reasons for its failure were discussed in the rst edition of this book, but
will not be covered in this edition.
the reliability of clear and distinct perception was never itself really
placed in doubt, merely our ability to remain convinced of its reliability
when we arent having such perceptions.
To see how the divine guarantee is supposed to work according to the
restriction defense, let us use Descartess own illustration in Meditation
V. Suppose I have worked through a proof that the three angles of a tri-
angle equal two right angles. Schematically, the proof looks as shown in
Figure ..
Figure .
So long as I hold the entire proof before my mind and clearly and dis-
tinctly perceive each premise and step, I do not need the divine guar-
antee, because I am not relying on past clear and distinct perceptions.
The two cases where I need it are () when I remember that I proved that
a + b + c = but I am no longer attending to the proof at all and so not
currently clearly and distinctly perceiving any part of it, and () when the
proof is too long or complicated for me to grasp all of it at once, so that
by the time I get to (say) step n, I am no longer clearly and distinctly per-
ceiving any of the earlier premises or steps. Since the restriction defense
denies ()that is, says that I can know that whatever I clearly and dis-
tinctly perceive is true before (without) knowing that God exists and is no
deceiverit conforms to the vindication-not-needed strategy.
There are several passages in Descartess works that suggest that he
means to restrict the doubt to only past clear and distinct perceptions. In
the passage from Meditation V where he oers the above illustration, he
Hateld, Descartes and the Meditations, pp. .
Meditation III
Now, however, I have perceived that God exists, and at the same
time I have understood that everything else depends on him, and
that he is no deceiver; and I have drawn the conclusion that
everything which I clearly and distinctly perceive is of necessity
true. Accordingly, even if I am no longer attending to the argu-
ments which led me to judge that this is true, as long as I remem-
ber that I clearly and distinctly perceived it, there are no
counter-arguments which can be adduced to make me doubt it,
but on the contrary I have true and certain knowledge of it. And
I have knowledge not just of this matter, but of all matters which
I remember ever having demonstrated, in geometry and so on.
Furthermore, when Descartes tries to refute the charge that his rea-
soning is circular, he seems again to resort to the restriction defense.
Thus, the author(s) of the Second set of Objections had said:
You are not yet [at the start of Meditation III] certain of the exis-
tence of God, and you say that you are not certain of anything,
and cannot know anything clearly and distinctly until you have
When I said that we can know nothing for certain until we are
aware that God exists, I expressly declared that I was speaking only
of knowledge of those conclusions which can be recalled when we
are no longer attending to the arguments by means of which we
deduced them. (CSM II , SPW , M , AT VII )
Although the above passages suggest that Descartes adopted the re-
striction defense, that defense faces serious objections, both philoso-
phical and textual. The main philosophical objection is that it seems to
imply that every time one wishes to use the divine guarantee, one must
Meditation III
go through the proof of Gods existence and hold it before ones mind. To
see this, notice rst that on the restriction defense, the proof of Gods
existence must, of course, itself not rely on past clear and distinct percep-
tions. Rather, it must be possible to grasp the entire proof at once, instead
of having to rely on premises or steps that were clearly and distinctly per-
ceived only in the past; for if such premises or steps were required, then
one could never be certain of the conclusion, since all past clear and dis-
tinct perceptions are suspect until that conclusion has been established.
Now Descartes did, in fact, hold that his proof of Gods existence can,
after some practice, be grasped all at once, in a single mental intuition.
The diculty, however, concerns proofs that are too long to be grasped all
at once, such as lengthy mathematical proofs. It is precisely in those cases,
according to the restriction defense, that the divine guarantee is needed.
But how would one then use the guarantee? Would it be enough to appeal
to the fact that one previously proved Gods existence from clearly and
distinctly perceived premises and steps? No; for then one would be
defending the reliability of some past clear and distinct perceptions (e.g.,
those of the rst several steps of a mathematical proof) by means of an
appeal to other past clear and distinct perceptions (i.e., those of all the
steps of the theological argument)which is circular if the reliability of
past clear and distinct perceptions is in doubt. To use an example of Lud-
wig Wittgensteins (), it would be like trying to establish the
truth of a newspaper story by consulting another copy of the same news-
paper. So to use the divine guarantee, one must go through the proof of
Gods existence all over again. One must do this each time one uses the
guarantee, which is, at least, an awkward result. Furthermore, Descartes
himself denies that such repeated rehearsals of the proof are needed: in
the second passage quoted above from Meditation V, he says,
Here Descartes explicitly says that, to use the divine guarantee, one need
only remember having clearly and distinctly perceived (a proof of) Gods
existence. As we have just seen, this would be manifestly circular if the
function of the divine guarantee were to insure the reliability past clear
and distinct perceptions.
The other diculty for the restriction defense is a textual one: it sim-
ply does not square with what Descartes says in the Meditations. Recall
the important passage, near the beginning of the Third Meditation, where
Descartes was oscillating between certainty about present clear and dis-
tinct perceptions, and doubt about the reliability of his cognitive fac-
ulties. There Descartes said, referring to things that are very simple and
straightforward in arithmetic or geometry, for example that two and
three added together make ve, and so on:
[T]he only reason for my later judgment that they were open to
doubt was that it occurred to me that perhaps some God could
have given me a nature such that I was deceived even in matters
which seemed most evident. And whenever my preconceived
belief in the supreme power of God comes to mind, I cannot but
admit that it would be easy for him, if he so desired, to bring it
about that I go wrong even in those matters which I think I see
utterly clearly with my minds eye. (CSM II , SPW , AT
Here Descartes does not even mention past clear and distinct percep-
tions. Rather, his point is that an omnipotent God could easily make him
go wrong even about the things that he currently perceives with the
utmost clarity and distinctness and cannot doubt while he is attending to
them. So, Descartes here carries his doubt much further than the restric-
tion defense allows. Of course it is true that at any particular time, only
past clear and distinct perceptions can be doubted, since present clear
and distinct perceptions are assent-compelling. But this does not solve
the problem; for it does not mean that at any time after having clearly
and distinctly perceived that God exists and is not a deceiver, I cannot
doubt that proposition. So the fact that I earlier clearly and distinctly
perceived it does not allow me to escape from the oscillation between
being certain of this proposition and doubting it (and all the ones that
depend on it).
The basic problem for the restriction defense can be put like this. To
say that past clear and distinct perceptions can be doubted is to say
that even though I clearly and distinctly perceived some proposition in
the past, that proposition may have been false. This is to grant that the
Meditation III
fact that a proposition is clearly and distinctly perceived does not entail
that the proposition is true; it is to open a logical gap between clarity
and distinctness and truth. But once that gap is opened, how can it be
closed? The restriction defenses only answer is to point to the fact that
we are incapable of doubting a present clear and distinct perception
to the assent-compellingness of present clear and distinct perceptions.
But this assent-compellingness is merely a psychological fact about us;
it does not in itself go any way toward showing that clear and distinct
perceptions must be true. Therefore, it cannot possibly close the gap:
once it is granted that a proposition that was clearly and distinctly per-
ceived in the past might be false, there is no way to prevent doubt
about that proposition from recurring whenever it is not being clearly
and distinctly perceived, regardless of how strongly we were convinced
of its truth at the moment that it was being clearly and distinctly
rule that whatever I perceive clearly and distinctly is true; it is not needed
for the individual, particular clear and distinct perceptions appealed to in
the proof (or for any other individual or particular clear and distinct per-
ceptions). Let us call this answer the general rule defense. Our thesis
in this subsection will be that although the general rule defense is inge-
nious, it is ultimately unsuccessful.
Notice that both the restriction defense and the general rule defense
hold (albeit for very dierent reasons) that the divine guarantee is not
required for presently occurring clear and distinct perceptionsthe re-
striction defense because the divine guarantee is needed only for past
clear and distinct perceptions, the general rule defense because it is ne-
eded only for the generalization that whatever I perceive clearly and dis-
tinctly is true. Thus, on both defenses, the clear and distinct perceptions
that I have when I go through the proof of Gods existence and veracity
are immune from all doubt: there is no circle.
What textual support is there for the general rule defense? Mainly
that Descartes never says that he can doubt particular clear and distinct
perceptions, such as his perceptions that + = , cogito ergo sum, or not-
(p and not-p). On the contrary, he steadfastly maintains that such percep-
tions are assent-compellingthat is, he cannot doubt them while they
actually occur. Thus, near the beginning of Meditation III, immediately
after admitting that an omnipotent God could easily make him err even
in those matters which I think I see utterly clearly with my minds eye,
he insists that he nevertheless cannot doubt such matters while actually
attending to them:
The general rule defense was rst suggested by Kenny, Descartes, chapter , and
more perspicuously presented in part I of his The Cartesian Circle and the Eternal
Truths, . Van Cleve endorses it (with some modications and elaborations) in
his Foundationalism, Epistemic Principles, and the Cartesian Circle, pp. . See Van
Cleves n. for one indispensable clarication of Kennys position. Williams takes a sim-
ilar position in his Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, p. .
Meditation III
Notice that Descartes here explicitly says that his clear and distinct per-
ceptions would be assent-compelling, even if he had not established his
general rule that clear and distinct perceptions must all be true. A couple
of pages later, he puts the point very concisely:
Here Descartes claims that some truths, such as the cogito and the law of
noncontradiction, are so simple in their content that one cannot even
think of them without clearly and distinctly perceiving them and therefore
being compelled to assent to them. So, since one cannot doubt a proposi-
tion without thinking of it, these truths can never be doubted at all.
What Descartes does admit, however, is that when he thinks about an
omnipotent God, he has to concede that such a God could make him go
wrong even about those things that seem most evident to him. Now the
key claim of the general rule defense is that this admission does not con-
tradict Descartess claim that particular clear and distinct perceptions
cannot be doubted while they occur; for according to the general rule
defense, Descartess admission has a specic meaning. It means that,
when Descartes thinks of Gods omnipotence, he can doubt the general-
ization that whatever he most clearly and distinctly perceives is true.
From this, it does not follow that he can doubt any particular clear and
distinct perception that he is having. From
As Van Cleve puts it, [Descartes] might be uncertain of the general con-
nection between clear and distinct perception and truth, yet certain of
every proposition [he] ... clearly and distinctly perceive[s].
Anthony Kenny puts the matter this way. Before proving Gods exis-
tence and veracity, Descartes is prepared to admit
Van Cleve, Foundationalism, Epistemic Principles, and the Cartesian Circle, p. .
See also p. , above.
Meditation III
But hardly anyone would admit any particular case of (), such as I
believe that it is raining, but it is not raining; for as the British philoso-
pher G. E. Moore () pointed out, this sentenceor any other
sentence of the form I believe that p, but not-pis highly paradoxical.
(Such sentences are all cases of what philosophers call Moores Par-
adox.) Likewise, then, Descartes can admit () without accepting para-
doxical statements like (a) and (b).
After proving Gods existence and veracity, however, Descartes no
longer admits (). For now he has established the opposite of (), namely
the general rule that
The material in this and the next two paragraphs closely follows Kenny, The Carte-
sian Circle and the Eternal Truths, pp. .
Kenny also formulates the matter this way. Even before proving Gods
existence and veracity, the assent-compellingness of clear and distinct
perceptions means that the following statement is true of me:
On the other hand, because of the general doubt about the reliability of
clear and distinct perception based on the possibility of a deceiving God,
it is false (before proving Gods existence and veracity) to say
But after the proof of a perfect God and the consequent removal of this
generalized doubt, () also becomes true of me.
Despite what Kenny says, however, you might think that Descartess
admission that before knowing Gods existence and veracity he can doubt
even those things that he most clearly and distinctly perceives must con-
tradict at least his assertion in the second set of Replies that some very
simple truths, like the cogito and the law of noncontradiction, can never
be doubted at all. On one interpretation of Descartess admission, it
would seem to contradict that assertion. If the admission is interpreted
to mean that I can doubt whether any of the propositions that I clearly
and distinctly perceive are true, then, given also that the cogito and the
law of noncontradiction are propositions that I clearly and distinctly per-
ceive, it seems to follow that I can doubt themwhich contradicts the
assertion that I can never doubt them. But there is another way to inter-
pret Descartess admission, on which it does not lead to contradiction.
The admission can be interpreted to mean that I can doubt whether all
the propositions that I clearly and distinctly perceive are true, that is, that
I can admit that some or most of them might be false. This certainly does
not mean that I can doubt the truth of every proposition that I clearly and
distinctly perceive: there may be some exceptional ones that I can never
doubt. So the admission does not contradict the claim that I cannot doubt
the cogito or the law of noncontradiction. Now according to the general
rule defense, what can be doubted before proving Gods existence and
veracity is just this general rule that all clearly and distinctly perceived
propositions are true; and this is quite compatible with saying that some
Meditation III
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, pp. .
Williams goes on to say that, faced with the prospect of having only such
momentary episodes of certainty, one has three choices: () just give
up the search for stable, certain beliefs, () freeze ones attention per-
manently on just one clear and distinct perception, or () adopt some
acceptance-rule that would, as it were, promote momentary episodes
of certainty into full-edged beliefs. He then interprets Descartes as
taking the third option, as admitt[ing] some acceptance-rule for beliefs
which are on-going and not time-bound as the clear and distinct percep-
tions are. The rule that Descartes adopts, he says, is Accept as on-going
beliefs just those propositions which are at any time clearly and distinctly
perceived to be true.
In his Descartes, John Cottingham adopts a view very similar to Wil-
liamss. Before quoting a passage from Cottinghams book, however, we
should note that he interprets Descartess claim that present clear and
distinct perceptions cannot be doubted dierently than we have done.
He takes it to mean not merely that present clear and distinct percep-
tions are assent-compelling (i.e., cannot be doubted while they occur),
but also that they are self-guaranteeing (i.e., known to be true just by
being had). There is, indeed, a deep issue at stake in this dierence of in-
terpretation, to which we shall come shortly. But the point to note for
now is that having made the claim that clear and distinct perceptions are
self-guaranteeing, Cottingham faces, all the more urgently, the question,
What is the use of the divine guarantee? As he puts it, How do we con-
strue Descartes frequent assertions that God is the source and guarantor
of all knowledge? The answer, he says,
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, pp. .
Cottingham, Descartes, p. .
Meditation III
This is essentially the same way of accounting for the use of the general
rule that Williams proposes.
Let us turn to the second diculty for the general rule defense. This
diculty concerns the most crucial issue for that defense: Does it re-
ally provide a way of showing that I can know that God exists and is no
deceiver before knowing that whatever I clearly and distinctly perceive
is true, thereby solving the problem of the circle? Despite the inge-
nuity of the general rule defense, we may question whether it really
does solve the problem. The proponents of this defense would presum-
ably say (as, in fact, Kenny does say) that before Gods existence and
veracity are proved, the general principle that whatever I perceive
clearly and distinctly is true can be doubted. Now what is it to doubt
this principle? It is not to doubt an isolated and perhaps insignicant
proposition. Rather, doubting the general principle must consist in
thinking that even when I am having a clear and distinct perception,
which admittedly I cannot doubt while I am having it, I may neverthe-
less be mistaken: the proposition that I clearly and distinctly perceive
may actually be false. Or, to put it in a way that uses verb tenses so as
to highlight the fact that I cannot doubt a proposition at the time I am
clearly and distinctly perceiving it, doubting the general principle must
consist in thinking, Even when I was having a clear and distinct per-
ception, which admittedly I could not doubt at the time I was having
it, I may nevertheless have been mistaken: the proposition that I was
then clearly and distinctly perceiving may actually have been false.
There seems to be no other way to understand what doubting the prin-
ciple that whatever I perceive clearly and distinctly is true amounts to.
Notice, then, that the general rule defense is incompatible with the
view that clear and distinct perceptions are not only assent-compel-
ling, but also self-guaranteeing. For the doubt of the general rule to
have any content, it must at least allow for doubt of past clear and
distinct perceptions and so for the possibility that a proposition that
was clearly and distinctly perceived was nevertheless false and, there-
fore, not known to be true. To put it dierently, the general rule
defense must allow a doubt concerning the faculty for clear and dis-
tinct perceptionfor a doubt concerning the very reliability of human
Now according to the general rule defense, Descartes purports to
remove this doubt by giving a proof of the general rule itself, turning on
Gods existence and veracity. But if, prior to knowing Gods existence and
veracity, I must admit that I could be mistaken even about my clearest
and most distinct perceptions, then how can such a proof provide any
lasting assurance? Admittedly, I will be unable to doubt the proof so long
as I attend to it. If I can grasp the entire proof at once, including the step
leading to the nal conclusion that whatever I perceive clearly and dis-
tinctly is true, then there will be a time or times when I cannot doubt that
general principle. But the moment I turn away from the proof, the doubt
can recur. I can then say to myself:
Thus, it seems that Descartes cannot emerge from the oscillation between
his certainty about presently occurring clear and distinct perceptions,
and his general doubt about the reliability of even his clearest and most
distinct perceptions, from which his theological argument was supposed
to free him.
Consider an analogy. Suppose there were a drug that works as follows.
While its eect lasts, various propositions are indubitable for the drug-
taker: he cannot possibly doubt them. As long as the drugs eect lasts,
these propositions are assent-compelling. Furthermore, one of the prop-
ositions which is thus indubitable while the drug is working is the prop-
osition that whatever I perceive while under the drugs inuence is true.
So while I am under the drugs inuence, I cannot doubt that perceiving
a proposition while under the drugs inuence guarantees truth: I am
certain that it does. Now, how could this temporary certainty permanently
Meditation III
remove any antecedent doubts I might have had about whether being
under the drugs inuence guarantees truth? And why should it prevent
me from doubting this after the drugs eect has worn o ? You may want
to complain that its unfair to compare clear and distinct perception to a
drug; for the drug could well be a cause of error, illusion or delusion,
whereas the clear and distinct perceptions of the intellect are our best or
most reliable way of accessing truth. But this complaint would miss the
point of the analogy. This is that if we assume that the most that can be
said in favor of clear and distinct perceptions (before proving Gods exis-
tence) is that they are assent-compelling, then we are by that very as-
sumption granting that their deliverances might be no better than the
eects of a drug. So these deliverances, no matter how assent-compelling
they may be when clear and distinct perceptions are occurring, cannot
provide any guarantee that clear and distinct perceptions are true, even
if one of the deliverances of clear and distinct perception is that clear and
distinct perceptions themselves are true.
Of course, if Descartes is right to hold, in the Second set of Replies,
that some propositions are so simple that they can never be thought of
without being grasped and so obvious that they cannot be grasped with-
out being believed, then there will be a few, exceptional propositions
(e.g., the cogito and the law of noncontradiction) that are completely in-
dubitable. But these propositions do not include the propositions God
exists and is no deceiver and Whatever I clearly and distinctly perceive
is true. So Descartes will be unable to emerge from his vacillation about
the truth of all things beyond the few exceptional propositions.
Indeed one philosopher, Harry Frankfurt, has in eect suggested that
without the divine guarantee of clear and distinct perceptions, Descartes
would not claim to know that even those few exceptional propositions
are true. Frankfurt maintains that the most basic problem of the Medita-
tions is the relationship between indubitability and truth. So, he insists
that when Descartes claims that a proposition is indubitable, this must
never be confused with his claiming that the proposition is true. On
Frankfurts reading, then, we are to see Descartes as countenancing the
thought There are some propositions which I can never doubt, but which
See Harry G. Frankfurt, Descartes Validation of Reason, (reprinted in
Doney, ed., Descartes: A Collection of Critical Essays (Garden City, Doubleday/Anchor
Books, ), idem, Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen (New York: Bobbs-Merill, ), pp.
Frankfurt, Dreamers, Demons, and Madmen, chap. ; idem, Descartes Validation
of Reason.
Meditation III
Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Section , part I, para. .
H. A. Prichard, Descartess Meditations, pp. .
The mathematical truths which you call eternal have been laid
down by God and depend on Him entirely no less than the rest of
His creatures. Indeed to say that these truths are independent
of God is to talk of Him as if he were Jupiter or Saturn and to
Meditation III
subject Him to the Styx and the Fates. Please do not hesitate to
assert and proclaim everywhere that it is God who has laid down
these laws in nature just as a kind lays down laws in his kingdom.
(To Mersenne, April , , CSMK , AT I )
As for the eternal truths ... we must not say that if God did not
exist nevertheless these truths would be true; for the existence
of God is the rst and most eternal of all possible truths and the
one form which alone all others proceed... . [People] should ...
take the . . . view, that since God is a cause whose power sur-
passes the bounds of human understanding ... these truths are
therefore something less than, and subject to, the incomprehen-
sible power of God. (To Mersenne, May , , CSMK , AT
I )
You ask me by what kind of causality God established the eternal
truths. I reply: by the same kind of causality as he created all
things, that is to say, as their ecient and total cause... . [God]
was free to make it not true that all the radii of the circle are
equaljust as free as he was not to create the world. (To Mer-
senne, May , , CSMK , AT I )
[E]ven those truths which are called eternalas that the whole
is greater than its partswould not be truths if God had not so
established, as I think I wrote you once before. (To Mersenne,
May , , CSMK , AT II )
God cannot have been determined to make it true that contra-
dictories cannot be true together, and therefore . . . he could
have done the opposite. (To Mesland May , , CSMK ,
with the truth of not-p, or a whole as being less than, or equal to, any of
its parts, and so forth. As Descartes himself says to Arnauld:
Notice that Descartess doctrine seems to clash with his own claim, in
the Second Set of Replies, that at least some propositions can never be
doubted at all. For to hold that God could (a) have made it false that not-
(p and not-p) or that + = , but (b) created our minds in such a way that
we cannot see those propositions except as being true, seems tanta-
mount to doubting those propositions, at least in some minimal way.
Here the consistency of Descartess position is under maximum strain.
Most philosophers today, including the present writer, would reject
Descartess doctrine of the creation of the eternal truths. They would
hold, as Leibniz held, that the truths of logic and pure mathematics are
true in all the possible worlds that God could have created, so that not
even an omnipotent God could dictate or alter them. They would also
agree with the view, put forward by Aquinas, that omnipotence does not
require the power to do logically impossible things but only the power to
Meditation III
not both p and not p is assent-compelling for us, and the radii of a circle are
equal is assent-compelling for us, and so forth. Briey put, the point is
that as implausible as Descartess doctrine of the creation of the eternal
truths may be, that doctrine is not necessary to generate his doubt of
reason; for suppose that the doctrine is wrong and that not even God
could alter the principles of logic and mathematics. Then Descartes can
still maintain that an omnipotent God could deceive us about those prin-
ciples, simply by creating our minds in such a way that the principles that
seem necessarily true and indubitable to us are dierent from the ones
that actually and unalterably hold.
I am indebted to James Van Cleve for this point. Margaret Wilson makes the same
point in her Descartes, pp. .
The original source for this approach to the problem of the circle is Alan Gewirth,
The Cartesian Circle, . Gewirth also expounds his view in two more recent arti-
cles: The Cartesian Circle Reconsidered, , and Descartes: Two Disputed Ques-
tions, . All three of these articles are reprinted in Willis Doney ed., Eternal Truths
and the Cartesian Circle (New York: Garland ). The latter two of the articles are part
of a very useful exchange with Anthony Kenny, to which Kennys contribution is his
The Cartesian Circle and the Eternal Truths. Frankfurts contributions, in which he ac-
knowledges Gewirths inuence, are in his Descartess Validation of Reason and in his
Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen (esp. chap. ).
Meditation III
Gewirth, The Cartesian Circle, p. .
Noa Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. .
defense of Descartes does not assume that clear and distinct perceptions
must be true, which would, of course, beg the question. Rather, it turns on
the point that the most careful and conscientious application of reason
(i.e., one that involves only clear and distinct perceptions and is not sub-
ject to the weaknesses of sense perception, memory, and muddled or care-
less thinking) leads to the conclusion that the reason Descartes had for
doubting the reliability of reason is a bad one, thereby nullifying it as a
reason for doubt.
Nevertheless, it may initially seem that this defense of Descartes is
open to a fatal objection; for the content of Descartess doubt is precisely
whether the best possible use of reason is reliable or trustworthy. If his
doubt pertained to anything elsesay, only to the reliability of the
senses, or of memory, or of other peoples testimony, or the likethen
showing that the reasons given for such a doubt are defeated by the best
use of reason could refute the doubt. But, given that Descartess doubt
extends to whether the best use of reason is itself reliable, the logic of the
situation may seem to be as follows. Gewirth and Frankfurts Descartes
argues that since the best use of reason leads to the conclusion that rea-
son itself is reliable, it is unreasonable to doubt whether reason is reli-
able. The critic, however, can reply that Descartess radical doubt was
precisely whether the best use of reason is reliable, so the argument pur-
porting to show that it is reliable cannot be trusted unless one assumes
that this doubt has already been dispelled before giving the argument.
Therefore, it may seem, the argument cannot refute the radical doubt.
We shall now argue, however, that this powerful-looking objection can
be answered. As already noted, the key point in the Gewirth-Frankfurt
defense of Descartes is the correct insistence that Descartess doubt of
reason is itself supposed to be based on reasons. Now, what exactly is the
reason that generates Descartess radical doubt? It is, as Descartes says in
Meditation III, the idea that an omnipotent God could make him go wrong
even about the things he perceives with the utmost clarity: Whenever
my preconceived belief in the supreme power of God comes to mind, I
cannot but admit that it would be easy for him, if he so desired, to bring
it about that I go wrong even in those matters which I think I see utterly
clearly with my minds eye (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). Descartess
reason for doubting reason, then, is this: Surely an omnipotent God
could easily have given a mere creature like poor little me a radically de-
fective intellectone that goes wrong even in matters that seem utterly
clear and evident.
Meditation III
Notice, however, the following crucial point about this reason for
doubting reason: it relies on an inference. This is the inference from
In an early version of this section, I attempted, in eect, to deny this point. Roland
P. Blums objection to this denial led me to see the importance of the point. The material
that follows is also inuenced by Gewirths The Cartesian Circle Reconsidered, sec. .
principles false, the inference commits one to admitting that they might
in any case be false. Descartess insistence that such principles cannot be
doubted while one is attending to them, and his claim in the second set of
Replies that they can never be doubted at all, can serve to impress on us
how heavy a weight his inference from Gods omnipotence must bear.
But if Descartes can relyand indeed rely so heavilyon an inference
from the possibility that an omnipotent God exists to the possibility that
this God deceives him even about what seems utterly clear to him, then
why can he not rely on the chain of reasoning which leads to the conclusion
that although an omnipotent God who could deceive him does indeed exist,
this God is also an absolutely perfect being who, therefore, would not deceive
him about his clear and distinct perceptions? You may object that Des-
cartess proof of a nondeceiving God is neither as simple nor as obvious as
is the inference from Gods omnipotence to his possibly deceiving us about
even the simplest things. But this objection, even if correct, is here besides
the point; for the question posed by the problem of the circle is not whether
Descartess specic argument for Gods existence and veracity actually suc-
ceeds in dispelling the doubt of reason but whether any such argument
could succeed. And our suggestion is that it could. For once we grant the
legitimacy of the use of reason required to infer the possibility of our going
wrong about the simplest things from the possibility that there is an om-
nipotent God, there is no reason in principle to deny the legitimacy of the
use of reason which leads to the conclusion that the omnipotent God who
actually exists is a perfect being who, while still fully able to deceive his
creatures, would not wish to do so. Indeed, consistency requires that if we
allow the former use of reason to be legitimate, then we must also allow the
latter to be legitimate. As James Van Cleve incisively put it: if reason can
be used to attack reason, then it can also be used to defend reason.
This defense of Descartes can also be put another way. If we look at the
inference from the possibility that there is an omnipotent God to his pos-
sibly deceiving us about the simplest things in complete isolation from all
other considerations bearing on the existence and nature of God, then
we may suppose that we might be deceived about the things we perceive
most clearly; for since an omnipotent God would surely have the power
to deceive us, nothing, so far, prevents us from suspecting that he
might or does deceive us. So, the inference provides a reasoned basis
Descartess very slight and, so to speak, metaphysical reasonfor
In conversation.
Meditation III
Cf. Van Cleve, Foundationalism, Epistemic Principles, and the Cartesian Circle,
p. , n. .
Meditation III
But ... the idea, or its objective reality, is not to be measured by the
total formal reality of the thing (i.e., the reality which the thing has
in itself) but merely by that part of the thing of which the intellect
has acquired knowledge (i.e., by the knowledge that the intellect
has of the thing). Thus you will be said to have a perfect idea of a
man if you have looked at him carefully and often from all sides;
but your idea will be imperfect if you have merely seen him in
passing and on one occasion and from one side ... You claim that
there is in the idea of an innite God more objective reality than in
the idea of a nite thing. But rst of all, the human intellect is not
capable of conceiving innity, and hence it neither has nor can
contemplate any idea representing an innite thing. Hence if
someone calls something innite he attributes to a thing which
he does not grasp a label which he does not understand. (CSM II
, AT VII ; see also CSM II , AT VII )
Gassendis objection might be put this way. The degree of objective reality
contained in an idea depends on the formal reality of only that part of the
ideas object that we understand, not on the full degree or amount of for-
mal reality possessed by the object itself. [Notice that this goes directly
against the second key idea behind the core argument; namely that the
degree of reality that an idea represents its object as having (its degree of
objective reality) depends (solely) on the degree of reality possessed by the
object itself (on its objects degree of formal reality)]. But the human mind
cannot grasp the innite degree of formal reality had by God. So Des-
cartess premise that only a perfect God has as much formal reality as his
idea of a perfect God contains objective reality is simply false. Many things
that are far less perfect than God have as much formal reality as Des-
cartess (necessarily inadequate) idea of God contains objective reality.
Replying to a similar objection, which had also been raised in the First
set of Objections, Descartes wrote:
the innite, qua innite, can in no way be grasped. But it can still
be understood, in so far as we can clearly and distinctly under-
stand that something is such that no limitations can be found in
it, and this amounts to understanding clearly that it is innite.
I shall make one point about the idea of the infinite. This, you
say, cannot be a true idea unless I grasp the infinite; you say
that I can be said, at most, to know part of the infinite, and a
very small part at that, which does not correspond to the infi-
nite any better than a picture of one tiny hair represents the
whole person to whom it belongs. My point is that, on the
contrary, if I can grasp something, it would be a total contra-
diction for that which I grasp to be infinite. For the idea of
the infinite, if it is to be a true idea, cannot be grasped at all,
since the impossibility of being grasped is contained in the
formal definition of the infinite. Nonetheless, it is evident
that the idea which we have of the infinite does not merely
represent one part of it, but does really represent the infinite
in its entirety. The manner of representation, however, is the
manner appropriate to a human idea; and undoubtedly God,
or some other intelligent nature more perfect than a human
mind, could have a much more perfect, i.e., more accurate and
distinct, idea. Similarly we do not doubt that a novice at
geometry has an idea of a whole triangle when he understands
that it is a figure bounded by three lines, even though geome-
ters are capable of knowing and recognizing in this idea many
more properties belonging to the same triangle, of which the
novice is ignorant. Just as it suffices for the possession of an
idea of the whole triangle to understand that it is a figure
contained within three lines, so it suffices for a true and com-
plete idea of the infinite in its entirety if we understand that
it is a thing which is bounded by no limits. (CSM II , AT
Descartess course ... is, in eect, that he can clearly and dis-
tinctly conceive that God is actually innite, but not how he is.
But that this is an unsatisfactory line of defence can be seen if
one reverts to Descartess own helpful analogy of the man who
had the idea of the very complex machine. From the fact that a
man has this idea ... it could be inferred that either he had seen
such a machine (or . . . had been told about it) or that he was
clever enough to invent it. But clearly such inferences will hold
only if the man has a quite determinate idea of the machine. If a
man comes up and says that he has an idea of a marvelous
machine which will feed the hungry by making proteins out of
sand, I shall be impressed neither by his experience nor by his
powers of invention if it turns out that that is all there is to the
idea, and that he has no conception, or only the haziest concep-
tion, of how such a machine might work.
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, p. .
Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, pp. .
reality; he allows that one could use such a principle to infer a very im-
pressive cause from a very impressive idea. Rather, Williams is questi-
oning whether, given this principle, our idea of God is suciently
impressive to warrant the inference to God as its cause. His point is that
since, for example, we do not understand how Gods omnipotence works,
or how he can possess knowledge of all past, present and future events,
or how he can allow evil if he is supremely good, our idea of God is not
suciently rich or detailed in its content to warrant an inference to God
as its cause. For it is simply not the case that only a perfect (omnipotent,
omniscient, omnibenevolent) God has as much formal reality as our idea
of him contains objective reality.
To see Williamss point more clearly, suppose that the content of a
mans idea of a machine that can turn sand into protein were just this:
machine that can turn sand into protein. Is it true that only a machine
that really can turn sand into protein would have as much complexity
(formal reality) as does that ideas content (objective reality)? No, for
such a machine would have to have many extraordinary components, ca-
pable of executing many extraordinary chemical reactions, that are not
represented in this mans idea. So its false that only a machine that can
really turn sand into protein has as much complexity as does the content
of this mans idea. Likewise, suppose that the content of a humans idea
of God is just: being who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and supremely
good. Is it true that only a being that really has these properties has as
much formal reality as that ideas content or objective reality? No,
because such a being would have to have many properties (including
detailed knowledge of every past, present, and future truth, knowledge
of how to create something out of nothing, knowledge of how apparent
evils all lead to a greater good) that are not represented in a human idea.
As Daniel Dennett neatly says in a recent article, Descartes seems to be
confusing an idea of a wonderful thing with a wonderful idea of a wonderful
thing. It seems just false, then, that only a perfect or innite God has as
much formal reality as a human beings idea of God has objective reality.
This rebuttal of Descartess reply to Gassendi seems very powerful. In
the end, then, it is doubtful that Descartess Meditation III argument, for
all its profundity, provides a compelling case for the existence of God. As
we shall see in chapter , however, Descartes oers us yet another proof
of Gods existencethe famous Ontological Argument.
Daniel C. Dennett, Descartess Argument from Design, , p. .
| 4 |
Meditation IV
Error, Freedom, and Evil
Some commentators hold that for Descartes, even arming a true proposition or
denying a false one counts as an error, provided that the armation or denial is not based
on clear and distinct perceptions. See for example Noa Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes
Deontological Turn, pp. , , , , .
Meditation IV
The will, by contrast, is the capacity to arm or to deny (or more gen-
erally, to do X or not to do X, where X includes not only arming or de-
nying, but also pursuing or avoiding); it is thus necessarily involved in
assenting to any proposition or in making any judgment. Descartess
most important doctrine about the will is that, unlike the intellect, its
scope is unlimited. In the Fourth Meditation, he says that it is only the
will, or freedom of choice, which I experience within me to be so great
that the idea of any greater faculty is beyond my grasp; so much so that it
is above all in virtue of the will that I understand myself to bear in some
way the image and likeness of God (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ), and
in the Principles of Philosophy he even says that [the will] can in a certain
sense be called innite (CSM I , SPW , AT VIIIA ). What this
doctrine means is that there is no proposition grasped by the intellect
that the will can neither arm nor deny, and no course of action that it
cannot choose. However, since clear and distinct perceptions are assent-
compelling, it does not mean that for any proposition, we can always
either arm or deny it: when we clearly and distinctly perceive a propo-
sition, we can only arm it. Nor does it mean that we can actually carry
out any course of action that we choose, since unlike God we lack the
power to do many things.
It follows that one can choose to arm or to deny even propositions
that surpass one s intellect or understandingthat is, that one does not
clearly and distinctly perceiveand this is precisely how error arises. As
Descartes puts it,
When I look more closely into myself and inquire into the nature
of my errors ..., I notice that they depend on two concurrent
causes, namely on the faculty of knowledge which is in me, and
on the faculty of choice or freedom of the will; that is, they
depend on both the intellect and the will simultaneously ... [For]
the scope of the will is wider than that of the intellect; but instead
of restricting it within the same limits, I extend its use to mat-
ters which I do not understand. Since the will is indierent in
such cases, it easily turns aside from what is true and good, and
this is the source of my error and sin. (CSM II , SPW
, AT VII )
It is not clear whether Descartes means to include, among actions that we can choose,
ones that no human being can actually perform, such as jumping ten meters high.
The corollary of this analysis of error, as the wills arming or denying prop-
ositions that the intellect does not clearly and distinctly perceive, is that if
one restricts ones judgments of truth or falsity (and, Descartes says, of
goodness and badness) to what one clearly and distinctly perceives, then one
cannot go wrongone is then infallible. Descartes fully accepts this result:
E. M. Curley, Descartes, Spinoza and the Ethics of Belief, p. .
Meditation IV
John Cottingham, A Descartes Dictionary, pp. .
Meditation IV
Anthony Kenny, Descartes on the Will, pp. .
C. P. Ragland, Alternative Possibilities in Descartess Fourth Meditation,
and Descartes on the Principle of Alternative Possibilities, . I say slightly adapt-
ing because Frankfurt treats the principle as a (proposed) necessary condition for moral
responsibility, whereas Ragland treats it as a necessary condition for freedom.
In the second part of the above passage from Meditation IV, however,
Descartes gives what looks like a quite dierent denition of freedom.
First, he brings in his view that any free act (of arming or denying,
seeking or avoiding) must follow upon some perception provided by the
intellect. Second, he seems to be saying that what makes the act free is
that we do not feel compelled to perform it by some external agent or
force or by any factor other than ourselves.
This second formulation gives rise to two questions: () Does Descartes
really mean that in order to act freely, we need only feel that our act is
spontaneous or undetermined by any external force, or does he mean
that our act must actually be undetermined or spontaneous? () How
does the second formulation (about not being determined by any exter-
nal force) relate to the rst one (about having the two-way power of
choice, or being able to do otherwise)? Does it, as some have suggested,
retract it, or does it merely explicate it in some way? With respect to ques-
tion (), we shall here simply follow the Israeli scholar Noa Zaaman-Zau-
derer, who says, in her recent ne book on Descartes: Descartes does not
mean that our freedom demands only that we feel ourselves undeter-
mined by external coercion, but also that we be so undetermined.
With respect to (), matters are more complicated. The second formu-
lation spells out something that must not be the case in order for the rst
formulation to apply: we must not be determined in our choice by any
external force. But the second formulation is certainly not equivalent to
the rst, for one could be undetermined to do X by any external force and
yet unable to do anything other than X. This would the case if one were
determined (compelled) to do X by some factor internal to oneself, for
example by an addiction, or a compulsion, or some mental illness. Indeed,
there are philosophers who believe that no human actions are free
Noa Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. n. Naaman-Zauderer
cites J. K. Campbell, C. P. Ragland, and Vere Chappell as commentators who rightly em-
phasize this point.
Meditation IV
because they are all caused by internal factors that are links in a causal
chain of events that ultimately extends to events that occurred before
one was born and that were therefore out of ones control. This hard
determinist position, as it is called, rests on the twin assumptions that
(a) all events including human actions are caused by antecedent events,
and (b) an events being caused by antecedent events is incompatible
with its being a free action. We shall not delve into the complex issue of
whether (a) and (b) are both true, since that would require a full-scale
treatment of the traditional philosophical problem of freedom and deter-
minism that we cannot undertake here. But it is clear that Descartes was
not a hard determinist, so that he would have rejected (a) or (b) or both
(a) and (b); for he holds that the will is free by denition, which entails
that acts of will, or volitions, are free. As Vere Chappell says,
Vere Chappell, Descartess Compatibilism, p. . Chappell cites CSM II /AT VII
, AT XI and CSM I/AT , among others, as supporting passages.
He thus gives this term a dierent meaning than did the Scholastics, who used it sim-
ply to mean the two-way power to perform or not to perform an action.
During these past few days I have been asking whether anything
in the world exists, and I have realized that from the very fact of
my raising this question it follows quite evidently that I exist.
I could not but judge that something which I understood so clearly
was true; but this was not because I was compelled so to judge by
any external force, but because a great light in the intellect was
followed by a great inclination in the will, and thus the sponta-
neity and freedom of my belief was all the greater in proportion to my
lack of indierence. (CSM II , AT VII , SPW ; emphasis
Here it seems that Descartes is saying that when I clearly and distinctly
perceive the cogito (or, by implication, any clear and distinct proposition),
(a) I cannot do otherwise than assent to it, but (b) this assent is perfectly
and maximally free. Our problem is: how can this possibly be true? Isnt
it just incoherent?
Since our will works so as to pursue or avoid only what our intel-
lect represents as good or bad, we need only judge well in order to
act well, and to judge as well as we can to do our best. (CSM I ,
If I always saw clearly what is true and good, I should never have to
deliberate about the right judgment or choice; in that case, although
I should be wholly free, it would be impossible for me ever to be in
a state of indierence. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
It seems to me certain that a great light in the intellect is fol-
lowed by a great inclination of the will; so that if we see very
clearly that a thing is good for us, it is very dicultand, on my
view, impossible, as long as one continues in the same thought
to stop the course of our desire. (CSMK , AT IV )
If we saw it [the sinfulness of some contemplated action] clearly,
it would be impossible for us to sin, as long as we saw it in that
fashion; that is why they say that whoever sins does so in igno-
rance. (CSMK , AT IV )
Notice how, in the second passage, Descartes treats a clearly known truth
in the same way as a clearly known gooda point to which we shall
return shortly.
Descartess view that when X is clearly known to be better than Y or,
more simply put, when X is good, one cannot but choose X, has a noble
This passage is from Descartes Discourse on the Method, originally written in French. I
have altered Cottinghams translation a little. Descartess highly idiomatic text says: dautant
que notre volont ne se portant suivre ni fuir aucune chose, que selon que notre entende-
ment la lui reprsente bonne ou mauvaise, il sut de bien juger, pour bien faire, et de juger le
mieux quon puisse, pour faire aussi tout son mieux. Cottingham translates ne se portant
suivre ni fuir as tends to pursue or avoid. That is too weak, insofar as tends suggests
or implies a mere tendency rather than an invariable way of operating, which is why I have
used the locution works in such a way as to pursue or avoid. A completely literal translation
of Descartess words would be, (Inasmuch as) our will carrying (carries) itself so as neither
to pursue nor to avoid anything except what our intellect represents to it as good or bad, it
suces to judge well in order to act well, and to judge as well as one can to also do ones best.
lineage in the thought of Plato and Aristotle. The thought that if one
really knows that X is goodthat is, that X is the best of the available
alternativesone cannot fail to pursue X, is a powerful one. Descartes
would support it by holding that when one pursues the bad rather than
the good, this can only be because one is prevented from clearly and
distinctly perceiving the good by inattention, emotion, or passion, or
the likebecause, as the saying goes, one is blinded by these. But on
the other hand, the thought that a person may fail to pursue something
that she knows to be bestthat is, the thought that there is such a
thing as weakness of the willseems to be borne out by a common ex-
perience, namely, that of seeing people who we think know better
make bad choices. We shall not delve into the controversial question of
whether or not there is such a thing as weakness of the will. Rather, the
important point for our purposes is that even if knowing that X is good
inevitably leads to choosing Xthat is, even if there is no such thing as
weakness of willthis does not mean that the choice of X was unfree.
The mere knowledge that X is good obviously has no bearing on free-
dom or lack thereof. But adding that this knowledge inevitably leads us
to choose X (whether this addition is correct or not) does not seem to
render the choice of X unfree. To take a parallel case, most epistemolo-
gists hold that S knows that p entails S believes that p; it does not
follow that when someone knows that p, her belief that p or assent to p
is unfree, forced, or coerced.
This point bears on the issue of whether the assent-compellingness of
clear and distinct perceptions is compatible with free assent to them. For
as Margaret Wilson notes, there is in Descartess thought an assimila-
tion of truth and goodness. This assimilation comes out in Descartess
expressions, reasons of truth and goodness, what was true and good
(CSM II , SPW , AT VII ), what is true and good (CSM II , SPW
, AT VII ), wholly true and good (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ).
Thus, just as he thinks that the fact that a clear and distinct perception of
the good impels the will to choose the good does not entail that the choice
is unfree, so he thinks that the fact that a clear and distinct perception of
a true proposition is assent-compelling does not entail that the assent is
unfree. Even apart from the assimilation of truth to goodness, this latter
point seems right. Suppose that you are faced with a choice between
assenting to + = , + =, and + = , and that at time t
Margaret Wilson, Descartes, p. .
Meditation IV
you clearly and distinctly perceive + = . Then do you really have any
alternative at time t to assenting to that propositioncan you really do
otherwise? It seems not. Yet it also seems wrong to say that your assent
is unfree; on the contrary it seems to be, as Descartes would say, com-
pletely spontaneousa kind of eortless acquiescence with the obvious.
This arithmetical example gives rise, however, to a possible objection
that we should address before turning to the second response that Des-
cartes could give to the incoherence charge. Descartes considers ones
grasp or understanding of + = to be an act of the intellect, and ones
assent to + = to be an act of the will. But, as a number of commenta-
tors have said, anyone who understands what a simple mathematical
proposition like + = means thereby also sees that it is true, so there
does not seem to be any role for a distinct act of the will here. Bernard
Williams puts the point this way:
Bernard Williams, Descartes: The Project of Pure Enquiry, p. .
The analysis of the role of intellect and will in judgment that follows is due to David
M. Rosenthal, Will and the Theory of Judgment, pp. .
have those capacities, and this is arguably all that Descartes means by
saying that we have the faculties of intellect and will. Now in the case of
a clearly and distinctly perceived proposition, it is not the case that one
of those capacitiesthe capacity to arm or denyceases to function,
since we do arm the proposition. Nor is it the case, of course, that the
other capacity, of understanding the proposition, ceases to function,
since we cannot arm or deny something that we do not understand.
Rather, the activation of the capacity to understand the content is inevi-
tably accompanied by the activation of the capacity to arm it. Consider
an analogy. Suppose that Henri is a uent French speaker with normal
and currently unimpeded hearing and intelligence. Then if Henri dis-
tinctly hears the spoken words le chat se cache sous la table, he also
immediately and invariably understands what is saidthat the cat is
hiding under the table. But it does not follow that his capacity to hear
and his capacity to understand are identical, or that only one of them is
operating, or that one of them is superuous, or anything of the sort. It
will not do to respond that there are no possible worlds in which one
understands + = but withholds or denies it, for there are also no pos-
sible worlds in which a uent French speaker with currently unimpeded,
normal hearing and intelligence distinctly hears le chat se cache sous la
table but fails to understand what is being said.
Williamss objection seems to turn on a misleading personication of
the intellect and the will that Descartess language (and even common
language) encourages. Let us explain. The act of assenting to a clear and
distinct perception is, from a phenomenological (experiential) point of
view, a single act: we do not have an experience of understanding + =
, and another, distinct experience of assenting to it. Further, this single
act calls for only only one agent; indeed if there were two agents
involvedan understander and an assenterthen there would no
assent to the proposition that + = . Now obviously understanding
must be involved, since we cannot arm something that we do not
understand. So it may seem, just as Williams thinks, that any act of the
will would be superuous. But this line of thinking wrongly treats the
understanding and the will each as agents or actors. If they were, then
only one such agent would be needed and, since clearly the understanding
is needed, the will would be otiose. The truth of the matter, however, is
that the agent is a person or a mind, and that the will and the under-
standing are not agents but capacities of that person. There is nothing
suspect in saying that when a person assents to a proposition, both of
Meditation IV
these capacities are activated, and that in the special case of a clearly and
distinctly perceived proposition, the activation of the one necessitates
the activation of the other.
We can now turn to the second response that Descartes could give to
the charge that he cannot coherently hold that assenting to a clearly and
distinctly perceived proposition can be a free act if we cannot do other-
wise. This response turns on the interpretation of the principle of alter-
native possibilities. It is commonly assumed that this principle means
that for an act X performed at a time t to be free, it must be possible for
the agent to refrain from performing X at that very time, t. This entails
that for the act of assenting to a clearly and distinctly perceived proposi-
tion p a time t to be free, it must be possible for the assenter to deny or
withhold p at that very time, t. To be sure, some commentators have
rightly emphasized that it is only at the moment of illuminationonly at
the moment that one clearly and distinctly perceives pthat one cannot
but assent to p, and they also seem to think that this somehow mitigates
the incoherence of holding both that such assent is free and that it vio-
lates the principle of alternative possibilities. But, so far as this writer is
aware, no commentator has gone so far as to suggest that, at least in
Descartess eyes, the principle of alternative possibilities is still satised
in such a case. Instead, the fact that at the moment of illumination one
cannot withhold or deny p is seen as showing that Descartes is not fully
committed to that principle, since the principle is supposed to mean that
assent to a clearly and distinctly perceived proposition can be free only if
one can deny or withhold the proposition at the very moment of illumi-
nation. But it is not necessary to place such a strict interpretation on the
principle, nor does it seem fair to Descartes. For Descartes agrees, in fact
he asserts, that a proposition that could be clearly and distinctly per-
ceived can be denied because of a lack of concentration, inattention, con-
fusion, or any other factor that prevents one from perceiving it clearly
and distinctly. On any such occasion, one can do otherwise than to assent
to the proposition. Descartes claims only that at the moment that one
clearly and distinctly perceives a proposition, one is unable to refrain
from accepting it as true. He also says in several places that it is dicult
to keep ones focus on a clearly and distinctly perceived truth, and that
the moment that ones focus shifts or that one is distracted, one is no
longer impelled to assent to the proposition, and can even doubt its truth
See, for example, Cottingham, A Descartes Dictionary, pp. .
As Anthony Kenny points out, there is some doubt as to the date and the addressee
of this letter (Descartes on the Will, pp. ). But so far as I know, no one doubts that
the author of the letter is Descartes.
Descartes could not have abandoned his view that clear and dis-
tinct perceptions compel assent without undertaking a funda-
mental revision of his most basic epistemological doctrines. One
is his conception of error ... Had Descartes believed that we can
dissent from a clearly and distinctly perceived truth, he could not
have argued that it is quite impossible for us to go wrong so
long as we restrict the operations of the will to the clear and dis-
tinct perceptions of the intellect.
This is of course correct, since Descartes would then have to admit, con-
tra his claim that we cannot go wrong so long as we restrict our will to
clear and distinct perceptions, that one possible way for us to go wrong
is by denying a true proposition even though we clearly and distinctly
perceive it. If we can deny a clearly and distinctly perceived proposition,
Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. .
Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. n.
Meditation IV
In other words, Descartes never gives voice to the idea that we morally
ought to assent to clear and distinct perceptions, and this fact should not
surprise us since he so explicitly says that current clear and distinct per-
ceptions are irresistible, so that we have no choice but to assent to them.
According to Nelson, on the other hand, when Descartes writes that ab-
solutely speaking we can hold back from admitting a clearly perceived
truth, he is simply restating that the will can be diverted from a clear and
distinct perception. (Presumably, then, when Descartes says that mor-
ally speaking we cannot hold back from admitting a clearly perceived
truth, he simply means that we cannot do so while perceiving it clearly
and distinctly.) Against this, Naaman-Zauderer objects that
Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. .
Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. .
Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. ; quoting directly from Alan
Nelson, Descartes Ontology of Thought, p. .
Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. . The quote from Ragland is
from his Descartes on the Principle of Alternative Possibilities, p. .
Naaman-Zauderer, Descartes Deontological Turn, p. .
Meditation IV
act demonstrate to us our (real) freedom of the will, if that act occurred
irrespective of our inner experience and went beyond any actual limi-
tation of our minds? By contrast, our interpretation, according to which
Descartes is claiming that we can demonstrate our freedom to ourselves
by withholding even a truth that we remember having recently clearly
and distinctly perceived, gives a perfectly literal, concrete content to Des-
cartess claim. Naaman-Zauderer would presumably object, as she does
against Nelson, that our interpretation does not do justice to the claim
that it is the very same act of will that we are supposed to be morally un-
able to perform but absolutely able to perform. It seems, however, that
this objection is not really coherent. For given that an actual, single act of
the human will cannot intelligibly be said to belong both to the realm
of that human beings experience and to some abstract metaphysical
realm that exists irrespective of our inner experience and indepen-
dently of any actual limitations of our minds, it seems that the scenario
she tries to envisage could only be one in which there is a unitary act (of
holding back from assenting to a clear and distinct perception) that one
is both able and unable to performand that is atly contradictory.
Clearly, Descartes does mean to say at least that what is possible ab-
solutely speaking is not always possible morally speakingthat the
domain of what is possible absolutely speaking is broader than (though it
includes) the domain of what is possible morally speaking. Our interpre-
tation also ts well with this idea. For the class of propositions that can
be clearly and distinctly perceived is broader than, and also includes,
the class of propositions that are clearly and distinctly perceived by one
nite mind at a particular time. So when Descartes says that absolutely
speaking we can we can hold back from admitting a clearly perceived
truth, provided we consider it a good thing to demonstrate the freedom
of our will by so doing, he can plausibly be taken to mean that although
we can hold back our assent from any proposition that falls within the
metaphysically absolute totality of propositions that we could ever
clearly and distinctly perceive (even from ones that we recently clearly
and distinctly perceived), and may do so especially in order to demon-
strate our freedom of will in the strongest way possible for us, nonethe-
less we cannot at any given time do this for the members of that class
that also fall within the frequently altering sub-class of it that comprises
Here I put to one side Immanuel Kants theory that the same action can belong both
to the empirical world and to a noumenal world outside of space and time.
only the propositions that we are perceiving clearly and distinctly at that
There remains one question. In his Replies to the Second Set of Objec-
tions, as we saw in the previous chapter, Descartes says that some clear
and distinct propositions are so simple that one cannot even think of
them without clearly and distinctly perceiving them, so that, given the
assent-compellingness of clear and distinct perceptions, one can never
doubt these propositions at all:
How is this to be squared with our proposal that when Descartes says to
Mesland that we can always hold back from assenting to a clear and dis-
tinctly perceived proposition, he means that we can do so provided we
turn our careful attention away from it? It seems that with regard to
these propositions, the only way that we can hold back our assent from
them is by simply not thinking about them. We suggest that this conse-
quence should be accepted, even though it may initially seems odd to say
that we are holding back our assent from a proposition simply by not
thinking about it. It might seem that to hold back our assent from a prop-
osition p, we must be thinking about p, since to doubt that p, we must be
thinking about p. But notice that holding back our assent from a clearly
and distinctly perceived proposition is not the same as doubting it. One
can hold back ones assent from it by ignoring it, or by resolving not to
think about any proposition that one can clearly and distinctly perceive,
perhaps by lling ones mind for ve minutes with thoughts about only
economics! This seems quite sucient, strictly speaking, for it to be true
that one is currently holding back from assenting to any clear and distinct
proposition, including the cogito and the principle of noncontradiction,
and that is all that Descartess position requires in order to be coherent.
Meditation IV
David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, pp. .
Meditation IV
However, matters are not quite so simple, for (i) would commit us to
saying that God can perform acts that involve a logical contradiction, for
example, construct a four-sided triangle, or cause the mercury in a ther-
mometer to be both one inch and two inches way from the bottom at the
same time. Now as we have seen, Descartes did hold that an omnipotent
could make contradictories true, so he would not be able to answer the
argument from evil by objecting to (i). But, quite aside from the fact that
Descartess doctrine of the creation of the eternal truths would threaten
his doctrine that the human will closely resembles Gods will, it seems
quite incoherent. Aquinass view that nothing that implies a contra-
diction falls under the scope of Gods omnipotence seems to be the
coherent view of omnipotence. It is worth pointing out, therefore,
that () cannot really be avoided by objecting to (i), for (i) can easily
be qualied so as to accommodate Aquinass view of omnipotence, as
Presumably it would have been logically possible for God to prevent evil,
so the argument for () can be amended by also qualifying (ii) to read this
It appears, then, that the only way to avoid the arguments conclusion is
to reject premise (). In other words, the theist must show that just
because God is perfectly good, it does not follow that he wants to prevent
all evil. This is indeed the main way that theists have tried to cope with
the problem of evil: they have tried to show that the existence of evil is
not incompatible with Gods perfect goodness. This endeavor is called
theodicy, and Descartess Fourth Meditation is, in part, a contribution to
Meditation IV
John Hick, Philosophy of Religion, p. .
There are two dierent traditional responses to this argument. The rst,
which stems from St. Augustine ( a.d.) is directed against pre-
mise (); the second, which stems from Irenaeus ( a.d.), is
directed against premise (). We shall consider them in turn.
The Augustinian theodicy holds, basically, that there is no such thing
as nonmoral evil; the only kind of evil that exists is moral evil, which is a
kind of turning away from God. Augustines denial of nonmoral evil rests
The discussion that follows in this section is strongly inuenced by the writings of
John Hick, cited in notes and . For a penetrating critique of Hicks Irenean theodicy,
see Edward H. Madden and Peter H. Hare, Evil and the Concept of God, especially pp. ,
, .
Meditation IV
on two pillars: his privative view of evil, and his aesthetic view of evil. The
privative view is that nonmoral evil is not something real or positive;
instead it is merely an absence or lack of perfection. According to Augus-
tine, everything that exists is good, but some things are better or more
nearly perfect than others. Most obviously, God, the creator, is perfect,
but created things are less than perfect; if they were perfect, they would
not be any dierent from God. Thus it is in the very nature of created
things to be imperfect, but this does not mean that anything that God
created is positively evilall things are good. This view, which comes
from Plotinus and ultimately from Plato, equates being with goodness.
It implies that just as there are degrees of goodness, there are degrees
of being, and that just as nonbeing is unreal, likewise nonmoral evil is
The aesthetic view of nonmoral evil, which complements the privative
view and also derives from Plotinus, is that the things that we call evil
only appear to us as evil because we do not understand them in relation
to the whole creation. If we were to see them in relation to the whole,
then we would appreciate the fact that every part of creation, no matter
how it appears from our limited human perspective, contributes to the
goodness of the whole. As an analogy, consider a single measure of a Bach
fugue, heard in isolation from the rest of the composition. It can be dis-
sonant and hence ugly, but it may be an indispensable element for en-
hancing or maximizing the beauty of the whole piece. Likewise, a single
patch of color on a painting might utterly lack aesthetic appeal, but sig-
nicantly enhance the beauty of the whole painting.
We shall say more about the Augustinian theodicy when we return to
Descartes, but rst let us turn our attention to the Irenean theodicy, espe-
cially as defended by its modern advocate, John Hick. Irenean theodicy
does not deny the existence of nonmoral evil. Rather, it opposes premise
() of the above argumentthe premise that if God is perfectly good, then
he wants to prevent nonmoral evilon the ground that the nonmoral evil
that exists is required for the purpose of bringing about a greater good
than would be possible without it. Specically, there are certain valuable
human virtues that could not be developed or manifested in a world lack-
ing all nonmoral evil, such as courage, perseverance, sympathy, charity,
protectiveness, and so forth. In a world devoid of any adversity or obsta-
cles, there could never be any opportunity to exercise any of these virtues.
Wallace I. Matson, The Existence of God, p. .
In his book Evil and the God of Love, John Hick attempts to refute
even this carefully qualied version of the argument. He does so by ap-
pealing to one of the most characteristic beliefs of Christianity, namely
the belief in life after death. Hick argues that although the evils that
we encounter during life on earth do not all contribute to a greater
good, they may well do so if we take into consideration the afterlife. He
holds that the belief in an afterlife in which the evils suered in this
world ultimately lead to a greater good should be an intrinsic part of
John Hick, Evil and the God of Love, pp. .
Meditation IV
the Irenean theodicy that he favors. Notice that for the purpose of an-
swering the argument from evil, it is not necessary to arm that there
will be an afterlife. All that is necessary, strictly speaking, is to hold that
there may be an afterlife or, more accurately put, that it is not unrea-
sonable or irrational to arm this. For this maneuver forces the argu-
ment from evils proponent to qualify the argument once again, so that
it goes as follows:
However, at this point the theodicist could claim that the argument form
evil has become unreliable, because nobody has adequate evidence for
premise (); nobody can arm with justiable condence that there is
not an afterlife during which whatever nonmoral evil we endured in our
earthly life will lead to a greater good. Thus, the theodicists best hope
may lie in forcing the religious skeptic to quality premise () of the argu-
ment from evil to the point where premise () becomes so dubious that
the argument becomes unreliable.
To be sure, there are possible responses that a skeptic can still make.
One is that some nonmoral evils suered in this life are so crushing that
the mere memory of them would ruin or at least damage the quality of
the after-life. Another is to point to the fact of animal suering: non-
human animals, too, are sentient, conscious beings, and multitudes of
them suer great pain and distress. Why would a perfectly good God
allow this? Are we to believe that animals, too, have an afterlife in which
their past suering leads to a greater good? Yet another response would
be to argue that the belief in an afterlife is unreasonable. After all, we
know that when certain parts of the brain are damaged, corresponding
mental functions and forms of consciousness cease to occur. Is it not
highly probable, then, that when brain activity stops altogether, so does
Here Descartes is preparing the way for his view that neither of the fac-
ulties used in making judgments, the intellect and the will, have error
Meditation IV
built in to them, so that they are in no way defective. But the reason he
gives for this, that error is not something real, expresses the privative
view of evil.
In the next paragraph, however, Descartes nds that this appeal is
But this is not entirely satisfactory. For error is not a pure nega-
tion, but rather a privation of lack of some knowledge which
somehow should be in me. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
perfect God create humans who are even prone to error? Why did he not,
instead, give us a nature such that we never go wrong? As Descartes
puts it:
There is ... no doubt that God could have given me a nature such
that I was never mistaken [since he is omnipotent]; again, there
is no doubt that he always wills what is best [since he is perfectly
good]. Is it then better that I should make mistakes than that I
should not do so? (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
As these passages show, Descartes readily admits that God could have
made humans incapable of error simply by giving them an understanding
with as great a scope as their wills. So, why did he not do so?
Desacartess response to this question is a straightforward appeal to
the aesthetic conception of evil:
I cannot ... deny that there may in some way be more perfection
in the universe as a whole because some of its parts are not im-
mune from error, while others are immune, than there would be if
all the parts were exactly alike. (CSM II . SPW , AT VII )
In other words, in the big picturefrom the point of view of the whole
universeit may be better if some beings are prone to error than if all
beings were infallible. In his Reply to Gassendis objections, Descartes
explains this point with a striking analogy:
good God. From their point of view, such a world must be good, and to
discover that it was not good would be devastating and terrifying. It would
threaten the very meaning of their lives, since they could no longer see
humans as children of a good deity who cares for them and will deliver us
from evil and from eternal oblivion. Thus, the existence of evil cannot be
seen by Christians and Jews as a trivial blemish or a small imperfection;
instead, it confronts them with a formidable problem. No wonder, then,
that one classic response to the problem is deny the reality of evil, and to
see the belief that evil is real as based on some sort of misunderstanding
of Gods purposes.
All the same, however, the existence of horrible and prolonged phys-
ical pain, debilitating illness, extreme mental suering and anguish, and
of the natural forces and catastrophes that cause these, is obvious. Epi-
demics, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, agonizing and fatal
cancers, horrible work-related injuries, degenerative physical and mental
illnesses are just a few examples. The existence of these things presents
religious believers with a wrenching dilemma: either admit that they are
genuinely evil and utterly inexplicable by us as being works of God, or
deny that they are really evil. If one opts for the rst horn of the dilemma,
then ones religious belief seems to ignore the dictates of reason. If one
opts for the second horn, then one seems wholly callous: how can one
really believe, for example, that the painful death of a child from inoper-
able throat cancer is not evil? Further, even the notion that there is moral
evil then seems imperiled, since if pain and suering are not really evil in
themselves, it is hard to see how intentionally causing them should be
evil. Are we to say that they are evil when intentionally caused by humans,
but not when intentionally caused by God?
The aesthetic conception of evil is perhaps best seen as an attempt to
shore up the privative conception of evil, by denying the ultimate reality
of evil and thereby softening the second horn of the above dilemma. To
answer the question of how an innocent childs suering and death can
be seen as only a privation of good and not really an evil, the aesthetic
conception of evil would suggest that the childs suering and death be
seen as merely an absence of good in one part of the universe that is com-
pensated for by the resulting goodness of the whole.
This suggestion, however, overlooks an important point. The aes-
thetic conception of evil turns on an analogy between parts of an aes-
thetically pleasing whole like a work of art and conscious beings who are
parts of Gods whole creation. But the analogy is awed, for a part of an
Meditation IV
Matson, The Existence of God, pp. .
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Meditation V
The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God
But if the mere fact that I can produce from my thought the idea
of something entails that everything which I clearly and dis-
tinctly perceive to belong to that thing really does belong to it, is
not this a possible basis for another argument to prove the exis-
tence of God? Certainly, the idea of God, or a supremely perfect
being, is one which I nd within me just as surely as the idea of
any shape or number. And my understanding that it belongs to
his nature that he always exists is no less clear and distinct than
is the case when I prove of any shape or number that some prop-
erty belongs to its nature. Hence, even if it turned out that not
everything on which I have meditated in these past days is true,
I ought still to regard the existence of God as having at least the
same level of certainty as I have hitherto attributed to the truths
of mathematics. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
Frederick Copleston, A History of Philosophy, pp. .
Meditation V
truth afterward. So in that work all the theological arguments are evi-
dently seen as contributing to the guarantee of clear and distinct percep-
tion. Perhaps, then, the dierence in the way Descartes treats the
arguments in the Meditations does not reect a deep-seated feature of his
thought. But the dierence is there and should be noted.
Let us now turn directly to Descartess Ontological Argument itself.
The passage that we have quoted from Meditation V does not make the
arguments structure very clear. But Descartes explained his reasoning
more fully in his Replies to both the rst and second sets of Objections:
For brevitys sake, we have left understood the phrase true and immu-
table that Descartes puts in front of nature or essence in both pre-
mises. The point of this phrase will be seen in the next section.
Premise is based on two ideas: Descartess clarity-and-distinctness
criterion of truth and the connection (emphasized in the last-quoted
passage) between a propertys belonging to the essence of a thing and
belonging to (i.e., being such that it can be truly asserted of or truly
armed of) the thing itself. Thus, we can construct the following subar-
gument for premise :
the matter more carefully, it becomes obvious that the existence of God
cannot be separated from his essence anymore than having its angles
equal degrees can be separated from the essence of a triangle or
having a valley can be separated from the essence of a mountain. (Des-
cartes claried the second example in a letter of January , to
Gibieuf explaining that by a mountain he had meant merely an uphill
slope, and by a valley a downhill slope [CSMK , AT III ].) Descartes
is here saying that there is an obvious, logical connection between being
God (having Gods essence or nature) and existing, just as there is an
obvious, logical connection between being a triangle and having three
angles that equal degrees or having an uphill slope and having a
downhill slope.
Why is there such a connection between the essence and the existence
of God? Descartess answer comes in his statements that
(Of course, this assumes the general principle, which the objection does
not call into question, that if I cannot think of [i.e., clearly and distinctly
perceive] a thing X without a property P, then P is inseparable from X.)
Therefore, Descartes continues, it is also valid to argue:
then, since
() Existence is a perfection,
it follows that:
which, since
sense alone, () and () are alike, are both not necessary. But in
all other important respects, they are dierent. For whenever I do
think of a supremely perfect being, I perceive clearly and distinctly
that () is necessarily true (just as when I think of a triangle, I
perceive clearly and distinctly that it must have three angles). But
when I think of a circle, I do not, and indeed cannot, clearly and
distinctly perceive that () is necessarily true. On the contrary,
() is false, so no wonder that the falsehood () can be derived
from it.
Although the objection just considered may have looked weak even
before Descartess rebuttal, it is important. For in setting out this objec-
tion, Descartes has in eect given us a very simple version of the Onto-
logical Argument itself. This simple version consists of just the rst three
numbered statements from the objection:
This concise Ontological Argument, like the subargument for the that
-clause of premise () of the longer argument (see page ), explicitly
uses the premise Existence is a perfection. This idea, which will be
examined in the next section, is a crucial common element of Descartess
and Anselms ontological arguments. For both Anselm and Descartes,
existence contributes to a things greatness (Anselm) or perfection
(Descartes). So, having dened God, in accordance with Judaism and
Christianity, as a supremely perfect being (Descartes), or as one than
which nothing greater can be thought (Anselm), one is logically com-
pelled to say that such a being exists. This is really the heart of the Onto-
logical Argument.
Then from () and premise (that whatever I perceive clearly and dis-
tinctly to belong to the nature or essence of a thing can be truly armed
of that thing) we can deduce that there really exists a most perfect island,
a most perfect lion, a most perfect cigar, a most perfect mustache
indeed a most perfect thing of any and every type! Surely, this absurd
consequence shows that something is wrong with Descartess argument.
To meet this objection, Descartes would probably have appealed to
the theory about natures or essences that he sketches at the beginning
of Meditation V, before stating the Ontological Argument itself. There
Descartes says that he has ideas of certain things that whether or not
they actually exist and whether or not he even thinks of them, have
natures or essences of their own, which he has not invented and cannot
change. Descartes calls such natures or essences true and immutable
natures. As an example, Descartes cites a triangle. He points out that
this geometrical gure has a nature or essence which he did not invent
and which does not depend in any way on his mind, since various prop-
erties can be proved of it, for example, that its longest side is opposite its
widest angle, that its three angles equal two right angles, and so forth.
For Descartes, this example is merely one illustration of a very general
viewthat geometrical gures and other mathematical objects, such as
numbers, have true and immutable natures or essences, which account
for the certainty of mathematics. Furthermore, at least one nonmathe-
matical object, namely, the supremely perfect being, has a true and im-
mutable nature or essenceone that diers from all other essences in
that it alone includes existence. By contrast, Descartes believes, a most
perfect island, lion or cigar has no true and immutable nature or essence.
Ernest Sosa has pointed out that Descartes both arms and denies that a composite
gure, such as a triangle inscribed in a square, has a true and immutable nature (quoted
by Anthony Kenny, Descartes, p. ; cf. CSM II , M , SPW , AT VII ).
Meditation V
But, from () and (), it follows by modus tollens that existence is not a
propertyin which case, as we have seen, it is not a perfection. Thus, if
() and () are both correct, then the Ontological Argument is refuted.
Statement () is certainly acceptable; for a property (e.g., redness) is a
characteristic, quality or feature that a thing may have or lack. So, a word
that designates a property (e.g., red) functions to describe things as
having or lacking that property; it is a descriptive word, or, in more tech-
nical vocabulary, a descriptive predicate; for example, if red(ness) is a
property, then the word red is a descriptive predicate. The general prin-
ciple involved herethat if X is a property, then a word that designates
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, pp. .
Meditation V
telling you anything about what he is like; I am not ascribing any prop-
erty or characteristic to him. Instead, I am saying that the term God,
unlike the term unicorn, applies to something; that the concept of God,
unlike the concept of a unicorn, is exemplied or instantiated. Thus,
there is a deep dierence between statements of the form X is of such-
and-such a kind and X exists. The former describe X, assign a property
or properties to X; the latter do not. Instead, they covertly mention the
concept of an X or the term X; they are equivalent to the concept X has
instances or the term X applies to something.
Kants view about existenceand with it his objection to the Ontolog-
ical Argumentis quite widely accepted by contemporary philosophers.
There are probably many philosophers who regard the proposition that
existence is not a property as being about as well-established as any phil-
osophical thesis can be. Kants view is even reected in the symbolic no-
tation of modern logic. A descriptive statement, like the Taj Mahal is
white, would be symbolized as Fa (read as a is F or a has the property
F), where a is a constant denoting the Taj Mahal and F is a predicate
designating the property, whiteness. But an armative existential state-
ment (i.e., a statement asserting that something exists), like the Taj
Mahal exists, would be symbolized as x (x = a) (read as there exists
something x such that x is identical with the Taj Mahal), where is
called the existential quantier and x is a variable. The point, which can
be appreciated without mastering the technicalities involved, is simply
that existence is not represented as a predicate designating a property
but by means of the quantier together with the variable, x (read as
There exists something x such that ...). Indeed, x (x = a) contains no
predicate expression at all.
Although many philosophers accept Kants criticism of the Ontolog-
ical Argument, there are also philosophers who dispute it. These philoso-
phers would point out that properties dier widely from each other
(compare, e.g., the property of whiteness and the property of omnipo-
tence). So why couldnt existence be a property, even if a rather special
one? Existence could be a property that such things as the Taj Mahal,
Australia and electrons have and such things as Santa Claus, Shangri-La,
and gremlins do not have. And exists could be a descriptive predicate
used to designate this property. The fact that existence is not usually
treated as a predicate in the symbolic notation of logic proves nothing;
for this notation is only meant to facilitate the evaluation of arguments
as valid or invalid and does not reveal any metaphysical truths. Besides,
Meditation V
Athough this passage may seem rhetorically quite powerful, its argument
is dicult to make out. Its gist seems to be that if existence were a prop-
erty, there would be a mismatch between our concept of God and the
object of that concept; for then when we say or think that God exists, our
concept of God would fail to include a property that we had attributed to
God, namely existence. The reason why our concept of God would fail to
include that property is that our concept of an object can never include
existence, even if we say or think that the object really exists. Why?
Because the concept of a real X cannot include any property that the
For readers who know basic logic, here is a proof of its validity.
() p (q r)
() (q r) (s t)
() u
() u ~(s t)
() ~(s t) (), (), Modus Ponens
() ~(q r) (), (), Modus Tollens
() ~p (), (), Modus Tollens
Meditation V
would say that premise () just begs the question; for she would say that
our concept of one hundred real thalers does include a property that our
concept of one hundred (merely) possible thalers does not include,
namely, the property of existence! Kant appears to think that he can
refute that claim by pointing out that a hundred real thalers do not con-
tain the least coin more than a hundred possible thalers, but this is irrel-
evant; for a person who holds that a hundred real thalers has the property
of existence and that a hundred merely possible thalers lacks that prop-
erty certainly does not mean that a hundred real thalers has the property
of containing more coins than a hundred merely possible thalers. Rather,
the person means that a hundred real thalers has a property that a hun-
dred merely possible thalers lacks, namely, the property of existence.
Likewise, to generalize the point, someone who holds that a real object
with properties P, P, P ... Pn (where none of these is existence) also
has a property that a merely possible object with properties P, P, P ...
Pn lacks does not mean that the real object has some property Px,
other than existence, that the possible object lacks, but rather that the
real object has a specic property that the merely possible one lacks:
In the following section, we shall oer a defense of Kants objection.
We shall not claim, however, that this defense is conclusive, but only that
it makes a reasonable and illustrative case for Kants position.
In presenting the problem and possible solutions, we shall draw on Richard Cart-
wright, Negative Existentials, .
philosophers at least since the time of Plato. This problem is, How can
such a statement be true? To be true, it must be meaningful. But for the
statement to be meaningful, it seems that its subject-term must pick out
something, namely, carnivorous cows. But if the subject-term does pick
out carnivorous cows, then carnivorous cows exist after all, so the state-
ment that they dont exist must be false. For the same reason, it looks as
though all negative existentials must be falsewhich is surely absurd.
There are two classic solutions to this problem: Inationism and Dea-
tionism. The purpose of both solutions is to show how negative existen-
tials can be both meaningful and true.
Inationism, which is defended in the early writings of Bertrand Rus-
sell and in the works of the Austrian philosopher Alexius Meinong
(), tries to allow for true negative existentials by drawing a
distinction between existence and being or subsistence. The basic idea is
that anything that can be thought about or talked about must have being,
must subsist, even if it does not exist. As applied to our example, the idea
is that although carnivorous cows do not exist, they do subsist or have
being. So statement really says,
(b) The concept carnivorous cow does not apply to anything; i.e., this
concept is not exemplied: it has no instances (Kant, Frege).
(c) The term carnivorous cow does not apply to anything.
(d) Nothing has the dening characteristics of a carnivorous cow;
nothing combines the properties of being mammalian, bovine, and
meat-eating. (C. D. Broad)
(e) Nothing has the properties of bring both carnivorous and a cow
there are no xs such that x is carnivorous and x is a cow is true.
(Bertrand Russell)
Suppose, e.g., that a dragon is dened as a reptile which ies and breathes re.
Then the statement that dragons do not exist is equivalent to the statement that nothing
combines the three properties of being a reptile, of ying, and of breathing re (C. D.
Broad, Arguments for the Existence of God,
This is an extrapolation from what Russell says about the whole realm of non-
entities in his famous essay On Denoting, p. , as reprinted in his Logic and Knowl-
edge: Essays , pp. .
(D) If not-() does not entail not-() and () does entail not-(),
then not-() does not entail ().
idea that the sentence says that the concept of a unicorn is exemplied,
or that the term unicorn applies to something. Thus, it is to reject the
view that exists is a descriptive predicate. And this, as we have seen, in
turn implies that existence is not a property and hence not a perfection,
so that the Ontological Argument is unsound. The upshot is that if Dea-
tionism is correct, then the Ontological Argument is unsound.
Although the foregoing defense of Kants objection seems plausible, it
is not wholly unproblematic. For Deationism is not without its di-
culties. The main diculty arises from negative existentials that deal
with mythological and ctional creatures. For example, consider the sen-
tence, Dragons do not exist. According to Deationism, this sentence is
not really about dragons at all, since there are no dragons for it to be
about. Rather, the sentence means The concept of a dragon is not exem-
plied or the term dragon does not apply to anything. Now while such
an analysis seems quite plausible when applied to carnivorous cows do
not exist, it sounds somewhat paradoxical when applied to a sentence
dealing with dragons. For dragons, unlike carnivorous cows, are mytho-
logical creatures; they have a place in mythic lore and literature and a
certain status, so to speak. The same diculty arises when Deation-
ism is applied to sentences about ctional creatures. For example, to say
that Hamlet did not exist is not really about Hamlet sounds paradox-
ical. Now it may well be that this diculty is not fatal to Deationism but
only calls for certain renements in the theory, designed to deal with
ctional discourse. Indeed, philosophers of language and of art pursue
research on this very topic. But pending a satisfactory analysis of myth-
ological and ctional discourse within the general framework of Dea-
tionism, it must be admitted that the foregoing defense of Kants
objection cannot be regarded as conclusive.
In this section, we shall argue that Cateruss objection (as we shall call
this criticism) is a decisive objection to Descartess version of the Onto-
logical Argument.
In order to explain Cateruss objection, we shall use a contemporary
distinction that was not known to Caterus but is implicit in what he
wrote, namely, the distinction between the material mode of speech and
the formal mode of speech. This distinction, as well as its bearing on the
Ontological Argument, is introduced in a brilliant passage by the English
philosopher, Antony Flew (). The Ontological Argument, Flew
writes, provides
Antony Flew, An Introduction to Western Philosophy, pp. .
Meditation V
(c) The concept horse may be applied when and only when the
concept large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped may be applied.
The reason (c) is in the formal mode, of course, is that it is about certain
concepts: the concepts horse and large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadru-
ped. It would still be in the formal mode if it were expanded to read
(c) The concept horse, or term horse, may be applied when and
only when the concept large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped,
or phrase large, solid-hoofed, herbivorous quadruped, may be
Now as Flew points out, it would be very foolish to suggest that the for-
mal mode is always preferable to the material mode. Indeed, if we had to
transpose all our material mode statements into formal mode ones, then
we simply could not say most of the things that we want to say; for we gen-
erally mean to talk about nonlinguistic reality, rather than about concepts
or language itself. The two types of discourse are not equivalent, except
perhaps in certain special instances, such as denitions, which are arguably
about words rather than things. (This is the reason for talking of trans-
posing, rather than translating, from one mode to the other. The notion
of transposition is borrowed from music. Just as transposing a piece of
music from one key into another may change its character, so transposing
a statement from one mode into the other may alter its meaning.)
Nevertheless, there are certain contexts or situations where it is
important to be able to transpose a material mode statement into a for-
mal mode one. For example, suppose I say,
A person who did not know that a unicorn is a mythical beast might be
misled by my statement into thinking that there really are unicorns or
that I believe that there are unicorns; or a person who knew that there
are no unicorns might begin to wonder how my statement can be mean-
ingful and even true, since there are no unicorns for it to be about. In
such cases, it would he helpful to transpose (d) out of the material mode
into the formal mode, as follows:
The transposition makes it clear that (d) is only a denition, and as such,
does not imply that there are any objects actually answering to the de-
nition. Like other denitions, (d) does not carry what philosophers call
existential import: it does not imply the existence of anything. All that
(d) implies is that we have a concept of a unicorn and a corresponding
term. Transposing (d) into (e) makes this point obvious.
We are now ready to apply what we have learned about the material
and formal modes to Descartess Ontological Argument. Let us begin
with the very simple version of the argument that, as we saw in section ,
he oers in connection with the last of his three possible objections to
the argument:
premise would covertly assert the very proposition that the argument is
intended to establish, so that it would be impossible to know that pre-
mise to be true without already knowing the conclusion to be true.
. Since () is a denition, it can easily be transposed out of the mate-
rial mode into the formal mode:
But this conclusion does not say that a supremely perfect being exists. It
merely says that only a being whose denition says that (among other things)
it exists would satisfy the denition of a supremely perfect being; or, as it
might very misleadingly be put, that only a being that exists by deni-
tion would satisfy the denition of a supremely perfect being. But this
does not show that any being does satisfy this denition; it does not
prove that there is a supremely perfect being. Look at it this way: To be
supremely perfect, a being would have to be omnipotent, omniscient, and
omnibenevolent. Now how could the fact that only a being whose deni-
tion says that it exists would satisfy the denition of a supremely perfect
being possibly prove that there really is an omnipotent, omniscient, and
I have slightly amended Cottinghams translation of the second-quoted passage from
the French version.
In short, just because one builds necessary existence into the concept of
a supremely perfect being, it does not follow that anything answers to
that concept. Thus, suppose that we import necessary existence into the
formal-mode version of Descartess shortest version of the Ontological
Argument, so that it reads this way:
This argument still does not show that a supremely perfect being
necessarily exists, but only that a being whose denition says that (amo-
ng other things) it necessarily exists would satisfy the denition of a
Meditation V
The objection is then that (ii) does not really follow from (i). All that re-
ally follows from (i) is:
where this means that one cant think of God without thinking of exis-
tence (not that one cant think of existence without thinking of God). But
even if (iiF) is true, this does not show that there is anything answering to
the concept of God, or that this concept is exemplied. Again, the basic
point is that just because we include existence in a concept, it does not
follow that that concept is exemplied or instantiatedi.e., that there is
anything answering to the concept. Nor would it help to substitute
necessary existence for existence in (i), (ii), and (iiF) and necessarily
exists for exists in (iii).
Before concluding our examination of the Ontological Argument, we
should ask whether Cateruss refutation also works against Descartess
initial, longer formulation of the argument. That formulation was:
This argument obviously does not prove that there are any supremely per-
fect beings or (more to the point) that there is even one supremely per-
fect being. Rather, all it proves is that if there are any supremely perfect
beings, then they exist or (more to the point) that if there is a supremely
perfect being, then it exists. In other words, the argument does not prove
that God exists, but only (the tautology that) if God exists, then he ex-
ists. Notice that this point continues to hold if the phrase, if there are
any is deleted from the argument: this phrase is used only for the sake
of emphasis. Notice also that again, nothing would be gained by sub-
stituting exists necessarily (or exists by virtue of its own power or
exists in all possible worlds) for exists in the argument. At best, the
argument might then show that if God existed in the actual world, then
he would exist in all possible worlds.
It might be objected that this way of dealing with Descartess argu-
ment is too quick. For why should Descartes not simply refuse to allow
the substitution of the formal mode argument for his material mode
one? In response, we may make two points.
. The formal mode version is an improved formulation of what was
confusedly and tendentiously expressed in Descartess formulation. For,
to quote Flew once again,
[A]n inferior notation may ... encourage and express actually er-
roneous ideas. This is the reason for writing transpose rather
than translate; for the FMS analogue may sometimes be a sub-
stantial improvement on, and hence not equivalent to, the MMS
original. Thus . . . most of those, from Aristotle onwards, who
have spoken of the essences of things would have been reluctant
to allow that all they were saying was expressed in some FMS
This last observation is due to Krasimira Filcheva.
Meditation V
Again, this argument obviously does not prove either that there are any
supremely perfect beings or (more to the point) that there is even one
supremely perfect being. Again, it yields only the tautologies that if there
are supremely perfect beings, then they exist, or that that if there is a
supremely perfect being, then it exists. Again, this point holds even if the
phrase, if there are any, is deleted from the argument. Finally, again,
importing the notion of necessary existence into the argument would
not help.
But what if Descartes refused to allow the substitution of (F) or (Fa)
for ()? Then our reply would be that substituting (F) or (Fa) for ()
makes it clear that not all things whose denitions (or essences) we
clearly and distinctly perceive to include certain properties must really
exist. By contrast, refusing to substitute (F) or (Fa) for () amounts to
insisting that all things whose denitions (or essences) we clearly and
distinctly perceive to include certain properties must really exist. But
this would be obviously false. Furthermore, Descartes himself did not
believe it; for in presenting his theory about true and immutable
natures near the beginning of Meditation V, he explicitly says that many
things whose true and immutable natures or essences he clearly and
Antony Flew, An Introduction to Western Philosophy, p. .
Figure .
Meditation V
circle oered in the chapter is satisfactory, then this failure does not
stem from any circularity in Descartess procedure but simply from the
fact that his specic arguments for Gods existence do not work. As we
have noted, the Meditation V argument seems not to be intended to con-
tribute to the vindication of Descartess criterion of truth anyway. Nev-
ertheless, if it were a sound argument, then perhaps it could play such a
role provided the appeal it makes to clear and distinct perception were
understood in the same way as for the Meditation III arguments. How-
ever, in light of the failure of both the Meditation III and the Meditation V
arguments, it seems that we must conclude that Descartess attempt to
provide a divine vindication for his criterion of truth is ultimately unsuc-
cessful. Therefore, if we hold that Descartes cannot legitimately use this
criterion unless it can be vindicated, then we must also conclude that he
cannot advance beyond the cogito. In particular, he cannot establish the
two remaining major theses of his Meditations, the distinction between
mind and (any) body (which may exist) and the existence of the material
world, because his arguments for both of them rely on his criterion
of truth.
Descartess arguments for these two theses, however, are worth con-
sidering regardless of whether the criterion of truth that they rely upon
can be vindicated. So in the next chapter, we shall adopt the following
policy. We shall assume that the clarity-and-distinctness criterion of
truth can stand on its own merits, or solely on the basis of the extraction
argument (from the cogito) that was presented in chapter , section . In
the course of examining Descartess arguments for the distinction
between mind and body and for the existence of matter, however, we
shall inquire whether the failure of his philosophical theology has any
implications for those arguments, beyond the fact that the criterion of
truth that they employ must stand on its own merits. Our suggestion
will be that the failure does not seriously compromise Descartess argu-
ment for the distinction between mind and body, but that it profoundly
aects his argument for the existence of matter.
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Meditation VI
Dualism and the Material World
Thus, just because I know with certainty that I exist, and that
meanwhile I do not notice that anything else necessarily belongs
to my nature or essence except that I am a thinking thing, I
rightly conclude that my essence consists solely in the fact that I
am a thinking thing.
As E. M. Curley has pointed out, the Latin version (on which the transla-
tion by John Cottingham from which we are quoting is based) is ambig-
uous and could also have been translated in this way. We suggest that this
would actually have been a better way for Cottingham to translate seg-
ment B. For it cannot be overemphasized that premise (ia), not premise
(i), is all that Descartes is entitled to assert at this point in his Meditations:
He showed, in Meditation II, that the only property which he knew for
certain to belong to his essence was thinking; he did not show (but is now,
in Meditation VI, trying to show) that the only property which in fact
belongs to his essence is thinking. Therefore, the argument in segment B
Edwin M. Curley, Descartes Against the Skeptics, p. .
And yet may it not perhaps be the case that these very things
which I am supposing to be nothing, because they are unknown
to me, are in reality identical with the I of which I am aware? I
do not know, and for the moment I shall not argue the point,
since I can make judgements only about things which are known
to me. (CSM II , SPW , AT VII )
From the fact that the human mind, when directed toward itself,
does not perceive itself to be anything other than a thinking
Meditation VI
thing, it does not follow that its nature or essence consists only
in its being a thinking thing, where the word only excludes
everything else that could be said to belong to the nature of the
soul. (CSM II , AT VII )
I shall, however, show below how it follows from the fact that I
am aware of nothing else belonging to my essence, that nothing
else does in fact belong to it. (CSM II , AT VII )
This opening premise, which Descartes also asserts at the very beginning
of Meditation VI (where he says, there is no doubt that God is capable of
creating everything that I am capable of perceiving in this manner [i.e.,
clearly and distinctly] [CSM II , SPW , AT VII ], follows directly
from his clarity-and-distinctness criterion of truth). In the next sentence,
Descartes derives a general principle from ()that if he can clearly and
distinctly conceive X existing apart from Y, then X is really a dierent
thing from Y. (In expressing this principle we use the variables X and Y
instead of Descartess expression one thing apart from another, because
that expression may misleadingly suggest that in the if-clause of the prin-
ciple, Descartes is already assuming that he is referring to two dierent
things; whereas, in fact, the if-clause sets forth the condition under which
we can know that we are referring to two dierent things rather than to
only one, or that the variables X and Y stand for two dierent things
rather than for one and the same thingi.e., the condition under which
we can know that the then-clause is true.) The inference from () to this
principle, however, requires two intermediate steps. The rst one is ellip-
tically stated in the clause, since they are capable of being separated, at
least by God. Untelescoped, this is a premise saying,
The idea behind () is that if X can really exist without or apart from Y, then
even if it takes so much as Gods power for this to happen, X and Y must be dif-
ferent things; for not even God could make a thing exist without or apart
from itself, since that is not even logically possible. (Here we are deliberately
ignoring the extraordinary view about omnipotence that, as we saw in chap-
ter , Descartes apparently held, according to which an omnipotent God
could do logically impossible thingsfor example, make a four-sided tri-
angle or make two contradictory statements both true. Descartes does not
mention this mind-boggling view in the Meditations, and it would certainly
ruin his argument for dualism. Indeed, he seems to put this view aside at
the start of Meditation VI when he says, I have never judged that something
could not be made by him [God] except on the grounds that there would be
a contradiction in my perceiving it distinctly (CSM II , SPW , AT
VII ). From () and (), we can now derive Descartess principle that:
These two conclusions assert the Real Distinction between mind and
body. In his Principles of Philosophy, Descartes explains that a real distinc-
tion is one between two or more substances; he contrasts such a distinc-
tion with a modal distinction, which is one between a substance and a
mode or between two modes of the same substance, and with a concep-
tual distinction or distinction of reason, which is one between a sub-
stance and an attribute without which it cannot be intelligibly conceived
(he gives a substance and its duration as an example) or two such attrib-
utes of the same substance (he gives extension and being divided into
parts as an example) (CSM I , SPW , AT VIIIA ).
Notice that despite the high prole of () in Descartess text, this prin-
ciple is not really needed in the argument; for it is not used to derive (),
and () can be derived without it from (), (), and (). Indeed, as we shall
stress in section , lines (), (), and () are the arguments fundamental
premises (see p. .)
Before discussing the argument, let us try to answer the question of
interpretation raised above: How is this argument, which is extracted
only from segments A and C, and which is essentially an argument from
the independent conceivability of mind and body, supposed to legitimize
the reasoning in segment B, which is an epistemological argument in-
voking the certainty of thought and (implicitly) the doubtfulness of
body? Well, compare steps ()() with [B]. In ()(), Descartes goes
from the premise that he can clearly and distinctly conceive himself
existing as only a thinking thing to the conclusion that he is distinct from
his body and could exist without it. This certainly resembles the argument
in [B], where he goes from the premise that thinking is the only property
which he knows for certain belongs to his essence, to the conclusion that
he is essentially only a thinking thing. But we can go further: we can say
that the argument in [B] is merely a simplied versionwhich Descartes
does not claim to be valid as it standsof the argument extracted from
[A] and [C]. To see this, let us compare the two arguments. In the rst
place, their premises are intimately related; for Descartess claim in Medi-
tation II that thought was the only property that he knew for certain
belonged to his essence already had much more content than the words
Thinking is the only property that I know for certain belongs to my es-
sence reect. What more? Well, he had a clear conception of his thinking;
he was forming a clear conception of body; he could appreciate the con-
trast between those two conceptions; and he could clearly conceive,
through the doubt, the possibility that the object of the former concep-
tion might exist though the object of the latter did not. But this is virtu-
ally what () says. In the second place, the two arguments conclusions are
intimately related; for, as Descartes uses these notions, to say that X can
exist without Y entails that Y is not part of Xs essence: [I]f something
can exist without some attribute, then it seems to me that that attribute
is not included in its essence (fourth set of Replies, CSM II , SPW ,
AT VII ). Thus, when Descartes arms in () that he can exist without
his body, this entails that extension is not part of his essence, which
leaves only thinking as his essence. But this is just the conclusion of [B].
Of course, the argument in [B] directly corresponds only to steps
()() of the argument in [A] and [C]. The longer argument goes beyond
the short one, by presenting the general principles that are needed to le-
gitimize the inference from a clearly and distinctly conceived distinction
Meditation VI
Jakko Hintikka, Cogito, Ergo Sum: Inference or Performance? p. ; also in
Alexander Sesonske and Noel Fleming, eds., Meta-Meditations: Studies in Descartes, p. .
Descartess argument can show at best that mind and body are
possibly or potentially distinct (would be distinct if God should
choose to separate them)not that they are distinct. [For] Des-
cartes holds that two things are really distinct if it is possible for
them to exist in separation. On his view actual distinctness does
not entail separateness.
Margaret Wilson, Descartes, p. .
Meditation VI
But so far as I can see, the only result that follows from this is
that I can obtain some knowledge of myself without knowledge
of the body. But it is not yet transparently clear to me that this
knowledge is complete and adequate, so as to enable me to be
certain that I am not mistaken in excluding body from my es-
sence. (CSM II , M , SPW , AT VII )
() A right triangle can really exist without the square on its hypot-
enuse being equal to the sum of the squares on its other two sides.
Since () is absurdly false, and is validly deduced from () and (), either
() or () must be false. But (), as the example of the angle in the semi-
circle is supposed to show, is true. So () is false; therefore Descartess
proof is unsound. (Notice also that if () is false, then so is (), since ()
follows from ()and also that Descartess criterion of truth is false,
since () follows from it. Moreover, neither (), (), nor () can be estab-
lished; all that remains of the argument is () and ().)
In his fourth set of Replies, Descartes wrestles with Arnaulds objec-
tion for several pages. Without trying to cover all of his points, let us
focus only on the most instructive ones.
Descartess rst point is that the example of the right triangle is not
parallel to the case of mind and body. Arnaulds example, he says,
Anthony Kenny, Descartes: A Study of His Philosophy, p. .
Meditation VI
There is a rather similar passage in one of Descartess letters:
There is a great dierence between abstraction and exclusion. If I said simply that
the idea which I have of my soul does not represent it to me as being dependent
on the body and identied with it, this would be merely an abstraction, from
which I could form only a negative argument which would be unsound. But I
say that this idea represents it to me as a substance which can exist even though
everything belonging to the body be excluded from it; from which I form a
positive argument, and conclude that it can exist without the body. And this
exclusion can be clearly seen in the nature of the soul, from the fact that one
cannot think of a half of a thinking thing. (Letter of May , to Mesland,
body: one can form a clear and distinct idea of motion without
thinking of a moving body. But, he implies, it does not follow from
this that motion can exist on its own, without being the motion of
some body (CSM II , AT VII ). This is why, in the proof of the
Real Distinction, clearly and distinctly conceive X apart from Y
cannot mean clearly and distinctly conceive of X without thinking of
Y. Rather, it means clearly and distinctly conceive X existing while
conceiving that Y does not exist. (It is to suggest this reading that, in
formulating the steps of his proof, we put the word existing after
X.) As Descartes says in the sixth set of Replies:
I found that the distinction between ... mind and body ... is
much greater than the distinction between things which are such
that when we think of both of them we do not see how one can
exist apart from the other (even though we may be able to under-
stand one without thinking of the other). For example, we can
understand the immeasurable greatness of God even though we
do not attend to his justice; but if we attend to both, it is quite
self-contradictory to suppose that he is immeasurably great but
not just. (CSM II , AT VII )
. Descartes could have argued that the phrase, clearly and distinctly
conceive X apart from Y, cannot mean clearly and distinctly con-
ceive X existing while conceiving that Y does not exist in Arnaulds
(), since I can clearly and distinctly conceive a right triangle exist-
ing while conceiving that the property of having the square on its
hypotenuse equal to the squares on its other two sidesthe Pythag-
orean propertydoes not exist makes little if any sense. Rather, in
Arnaulds (), the phrase must have some meaning other than the
one it has in Descartess (). Therefore, Arnaulds example fails to
refute (), because () cannot be deduced from () and () if the
key phrase means one thing in () and something else in (). But
this would not have answered the point that Arnaulds example
does refute () when Y designates a property.
. To meet this point, Descartes allows the key phrase to have a
meaning that ts Arnaulds example; namely, clearly and distinctly
conceive X existing while conceiving that X is not Y (i.e., that X does
not have property Y). This diers from Descartess own interpreta-
tion of the phrase, since it does treat Y as a property that X might or
Meditation VI
might not have, rather than insisting that Y be a thing. But by inter-
preting the phrase in this way, Descartes is able to cut to the core of
Arnaulds objection; for he can now show that the objection fails to
prove that () is false even when Y designates a property. For Des-
cartess premise () now means
However, Descartes points out, while (a) is true, (a) is false; for
although I can think of a right triangle, and presumably even conceive it
clearly and distinctly, without any thought of the ratio between the
square on its hypotenuse and the squares on its sides, I cannot clearly
and distinctly conceive a right triangle while conceiving that the square
on its hypotenuse is not equal to the squares on its sides. As he puts it,
there is no way in which the triangle can be distinctly understood if the
ratio which obtains between the squares on the hypotenuse and the
squares on the other sides is said not to hold. Therefore, Arnaulds ex-
ample fails to show that () is false even when Y designates a property.
Admittedly, this reply invites further questions. One would like to
know exactly why it is possible to clearly and distinctly conceive a right
triangle without thinking of the Pythagorean property but not possible
to clearly and distinctly conceive a right triangle while denying that
property of it. Descartess idea seems to be that when X is P follows
from ones conception of X, there is something worse about conceiving
that X is not P than about just not thinking of P while conceiving X. He
seems to be committed to the following criterion for clear and distinct
faculties require only his existence as a thinking substance, for they are
merely modes or properties of a thinking substance, as is shown by the
fact that they cannot be conceived to exist without a thinking substance
to which they belong. Next Descartes notes that he also recognizes (i.e.,
has the clear and distinct conception of) certain other faculties or powers,
such as motion and change of shape, that would, if they really exist, require
the existence of an extended or material substance; for they clearly
require extensionare modes of extensionand hence can really exist
only if extended substance exists. The question is whether any extended
substance does exist.
Descartes nally turns to this question about one-third of the way
into the paragraph, where he says:
The question now becomes: What is this cause? Descartes will argue that
it must be material things. His argument proceeds by a process of elimi-
nation, that is, by ruling out all other possible causes of the ideas. We
shall present it in a somewhat informal manner, because its formal struc-
ture is not as important as its overall conception.
The rst possibility that Descartes seeks to rule out is that he himself
is the cause of the ideas. (This possibility is not ruled out by (), which
only says that he does not seem to produce the ideas himself.) We may
paraphrase what he says, at the start of the sentence immediately fol-
lowing the one quoted above, and incorporating the helpful emendation
about not presuppose[ing] any thought on my part that Descartes
substituted into the French version:
could be the cause of his ideas of sensible objects, namely, the will. In
other words, perhaps I deliberately will (i.e., conjure up) these ideas.
Descartess reply to this objection is that it is simply false that I will or
conjure up the ideas, because they manifestly occur quite independently
of my will.
It is important to understand that step depends on the results of the
proof of the real distinction; for Descartes is assuming that he is a purely
thinking substance (or in any case that the part of him which thinks is
distinct from any body that may also exist) and giving reasons why the
cause of his ideas of sensible objects must be something other than this
thinking substance. In other words, () has the quite limited function of
showing that the cause of these ideas is not the thinking substance whose
existence was asserted in the cogito and whose distinctness from any-
thing physical was nally shown by the proof of the Real Distinction.
Beyond this negative claim, () tells us nothing about the identity of this
Descartess next step goes as follows:
Here Descartes uses once again the principle that the cause of an idea
must have at least as much formal reality as the idea contains objective
reality; for, as we saw in chapter , whenever X contains formally or emi-
nently all the reality that idea I contains objectively, X has at least as
much formal reality as I contains objective reality, and so it is possible for
X to cause I.
Next, Descartes gives a breakdown of all the possible causes of his
ideas of sensible things allowed by ():
(a) body (i.e., matter), a substance that contains formally all the
reality that the ideas it produces contain objectively; or
(b) God Himself, in which case it is a substance that contains em-
inently all the reality that the ideas it produces contain objec-
tively; or
(c) some created thing more noble than body, in which case,
again, it is a substance which contains eminently all the re-
ality that the ideas it produces contain objectively.
(c) some created thing other than body, which contains emi-
nently all the reality that the ideas it produces contain objectively.
If, as Descartes had supposed might be the case in Meditation I, all of his
sensory experiences were caused by God himself or, so to speak, by some
deputy of God, Descartes would have absolutely no way to detect this: he
would be subject to a permanent, undetectable hallucination. Moreover,
he would still have a virtually irresistible feelingwhat the twentieth-
century Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana called animal
faiththat his sensory experiences did come from bodies. (Try actually
to doubt that the sensory experiences you have at this very moment are
caused by a written page. Is this not very dicult to do? This illustrates
Descartess and Santayanas point.) Thus, he would be irremediably
deceived. But this means that God, who Descartes assumes has been
clearly proved by his previous Meditations to be the creator of Descartes
and whatever else exists, would be a deceiver; for a deceiving God would
be precisely one who allows any falsity in my opinions which cannot be
corrected by some other faculty supplied by God (CSM II , SPW ,
AT VII ). But Descartes also takes himself to have abundantly shown
that God is a perfect being, who therefore cannot be a deceiver, because,
as he said in the Third Meditation, It is manifest by the light of nature
that all fraud and deception depend on some defect (CSM II , SPW ,
AT VII ). It follows, then, that sensory experiences are caused by mate-
rial things: the doubt of the existence of material things generated in
Meditation I is, at last, overthrown.
Having so proved the existence of the material world, Descartes im-
mediately goes on to add an important qualication, which we may para-
phrase as follows:
This remark sets the stage for Descartess views about the nature of ma-
terial things, which will be considered in the next section.
The conclusion drawn in () is the very general one that corporeal
things (bodies, physical things) exist. This conclusion does not tell us
what physical things there are, or even whether there is only one physical
thing in the universe or more than one. But Descartes now also feels en-
titled to draw certain more specic conclusions that, as he puts it, I am
taught by nature. By this phrase, which must not be confused with the
light of nature (= reason, or the faculty of clear and distinct perception),
Descartes is indicating that there are many things which he is naturally
or spontaneously inclined to believe. Now that he has overcome his gen-
eralized doubt about the existence of matter, he believes he can safely
accept some of these things. It is important to note, before listing these,
that Descartes says he can accept them just because of the very fact that
God is not a deceiver (CSM II , SPW , AT VII ). In other words,
Descartes now takes himself to know for certain, solely on the grounds
that God is not a deceiver, several specic things about the material
world that he nds himself naturally impelled to believe. The things he
lists are these:
. I have a body.
. I am very closely joined to this body.
. There are other bodies (physical things).
. My perceptions of colors, sounds, tastes, temperatures, and hard-
nesses enable me correctly to infer that the physical things that cause
these perceptions have properties that vary as widely as, but may not
resemble, those perceptions.
. These bodies can aect me both benecially and harmfully.
Gottfried Leibniz, Critical Remarks Concerning the General Part of Descartes Prin-
ciples, p. .
For critical discussion of this approach, see Georges Dicker, Berkeleys Idealism, pp.
and pp. and Perceptual Knowledge, pp. .
For critical discussion of this approach, see Dicker, Berkeleys Idealism, pp.
and pp. and Perceptual Knowledge, pp. .
This conception of matter raises many questions, of which the most fun-
damental are probably these three:
For an analysis of Humes skeptical position on the belief in an external world, see
Georges Dicker, Three Questions about Treatise .., and Humes Metaphysics
and Epistemology, pp. .
For a defense of this approach, see Georges Dicker, Kants Refutation of Idealism,
, Kants Refutation of Idealism: a Reply to Chignell, , Kants Refuta-
tion of Idealism: Once More unto the Breach, , and Kants Theory of Knowledge,
pp. .
Meditation VI
. How do properties other than extension and its modes, such as color,
taste, smell, sound, and heat and cold, t in? Are they merely illu-
sions of our senses? Or do they in some way also belong to bodies, and
if so how?
. How does matter dier from space, given that space, like Cartesian
body, seems to be nothing but extension?
. How does one body dier from another body, given that bodies are
just units of extension? What demarcates one such unit from an-
John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Book , chapter .
This shows, as Locke puts it, that these qualities are inseparable from [a]
body, in what estate soever it be. In other words, the primary qualities
are those that are supposed to belong necessarily to any portion of
matter whatsoever: they serve to dene matter. As we might expect in
view of Descartess geometricized concept of matter, his list of primary
qualities is shorter than Lockes. For Descartes, the primary qualities
include only extension and its modes, plus motion. Notice, then, that for
Descartes solidity is not one of the primary qualities.
The list of secondary qualities includes at least: colors, tastes, smells,
sounds, heat and cold. Descartes adds solidity to the list. As we shall see,
however, there are strong reasons for agreeing with Locke that solidity is
a primary quality. So let us leave solidity out of our list of secondary qual-
ities; we shall try to justify this stipulation in the next subsection. The
classication of heat and cold as secondary qualities is also problematic
because, at least today, we think of these as falling along the scalar mag-
nitude that we call temperature, and arguably any body must have some
temperature or other, in which case temperature is a primary quality and
heat and cold are determinates of it. But Locke may have thought of heat
and cold rather as opposites that characterize some but not all bodies, in
which case they would qualify as secondary qualities. That said, we shall
not pursue this point further, since it does not aect the basis contours
of the theory.
The denition of secondary qualities, which is the most important fea-
ture of the entire theory, is that secondary qualities are only capacities,
powers, or dispositions of physical objects to cause experiences of color,
taste, smell, sound, and heat and cold in a perceiver, under normal condi-
tions of observation. For example, the color red is only the capacity of
certain objects (e.g., ripe tomatoes and re engines) to cause experiences
of red in a normal perceiver under normal light; and a sweet taste is only
the capacity of certain objects (e.g., sugar cubes and ripe strawberries) to
produce experiences of sweetness in a perceiver under normal conditions
for gustatory perception. To introduce a piece of contemporary termi-
nology, the denition of secondary qualities says that they are disposi-
tional properties. A dispositional property (or, for short, a disposition) is
a capacity to cause or to undergo some change. For example: explosiveness
is a dispositional property of gunpowder, fragility is a dispositional prop-
erty of glassware, solubility in water is a dispositional property of sugar,
Locke, Essay, Book , chapter , section .
Meditation VI
Locke, Essay, Book , chapter , section .
What is the rationale for the theory of primary and secondary qual-
ities? There are at least two reasons that support the theory. The rst is
that it provides a way of tting the secondary qualities into a scientic
account of matter. Scientic descriptions of matter generally do not refer
to secondary qualities. For example, no atomic theory of matter, whether
ancient, seventeenth-century, or contemporary, ascribes such qualities
as color, smell, or taste to the atoms themselves. These qualities are
regarded by science as phenomena to be explained by the atomic structure
of matter and must therefore not be ascribed to the atoms themselves.
How, then, do these qualities relate to matter as it is described by physics?
The answer proposed by Locke is a plausible one: colors, tastes, smells,
and so on are really only capacities that objects have to aect perceivers
in certain ways, because of their particular atomic structure. For ex-
ample, suppose that a certain tabletop is brown. Then Locke would say
that its being brown consists in its having the capacity to cause experi-
ences of brown in us under normal conditions and that it has this
capacity because of the molecular structure of its surface.
Notice that the scientic motivation for the theory of primary and
secondary qualities need not necessarily be tied to an atomic theory of
matter. We can see this by looking at Descartess version of the theory.
Unlike Locke, Descartes was not an atomist; for he believed that exten-
sion can be innitely divided, whereas atoms would have to be indivisible
particles. Nonetheless, scientic concerns are no less central to his ver-
sion of the theory than to Lockes. For Descartes, the scientic descrip-
tion of matter is the clear and distinct one of matter as extension. Color,
taste, smell, sound, and heat and cold are no part of this conception. So
again, how do these qualities relate to matter as conceived by science?
Descartess answer, in his Principles of Philosophy, is that
Compare Kenny, Descartes, p. .
all unless it sounds some way to someone. Thus the tree does make a
sound; but this only means that it has the capacity or disposition to cause
an auditory experience in a perceiverthat if a perceiver were present
the tree would cause such an experience or would sound in some way to
that perceiver. Now, the theory of primary and secondary qualities oers
a parallel answer to our question about color (and to strictly analogous
questions that could be asked about taste, smell, and heat and cold). A
red object that no one is looking at is still red, because it still has the dis-
position or capacity to cause an experience of red in a normal perceiver
under normal conditions; it is still true of the object that if a perceiver
were to look at it under normal conditions, it would cause such an expe-
rience in him or her. But of course, a red object that no one is looking at
doesnt then cause any such experience. It doesnt then look or appear
red, since there is no one to whom it looks or appears red. Thus, if we ask,
what exactly is a things redness, insofar as it exists on the things surface
whether or not anyone is looking at it, the answer is that it is the power,
capacity, or disposition of the thing to cause an experience of red in a
perceiver (to look or appear red to a perceiver) under appropriate condi-
tions. The thing has this disposition whether or not someone is looking
at it; so it is red whether or not it is being perceived. And if we add that it
has this disposition because of the molecular structure of its surface,
then we have Lockes view that a things secondary qualities depend upon
the primary qualities of its atomic parts.
Although the dispositional account of secondary qualities just given
has much to recommend it, it needs supplementation. For as it stands it
implies that colors, sounds, tastes, and smells are only powers, capac-
ities or dispositions of a special sort, but that view is too narrow, for at
least two reasons. One reason, which might be called the liking-it ar-
gument, is this. Suppose I tell you that my favorite color is aquamarine,
or that I like the taste of chocolate. Surely I am not then saying that I
like the power, capacity or disposition of things to produce certain vi-
sual or gustatory sensations. The mere capacity or disposition is not
what I care about, like, or enjoy. Nor does what I say mean simply that I
like things that have these powers or dispositions. For aquamarine could
be my favorite color even though I disliked aquamarine things because
(say) they all came in ugly shapes, and I could like the taste of chocolate
even though I disliked things that had that taste because they all con-
tained an unpalatable stung. But if, when I say that aquamarine is my
favorite color or that I like the taste of chocolate, I am talking neither
Meditation VI
about certain dispositions nor about the things that have those disposi-
tions, then what am I talking about? The answer seems to be that I am
talking about a distinctive, qualitative aspect of aquamarine things and
of chocolatean aspect that I cannot define verbally but that I am
familiar with from experience, and that cannot be identied with or
reduced to a mere power or capacity.
The other reason why the dispositional account of secondary qualities
is too narrow comes out if one reects on the following passage from
Berkeleys Principles of Human Knowledge:
One way to read this passage is as a challenge, which we may call Berke-
leys Challenge, to distinguish the existence of any sensible quality (what
Berkeley called its esse) from its being actually perceived (what he called
its percipi). Berkeleys challenge says, in eect: you cannot even con-
ceive a color existing apart from its being seen, a sound existing apart
from its being heard, an odor existing apart from its being smelled, etc.
Berkeley uses his challenge to support his own idealist view that all the
qualities we perceive are really only ideas or sensations in our minds.
Berkeleys challenge seems ineffective when applied to primary
qualitieswhy cant one conceive, for example, of an unperceived cube
simply as a shape that lls a certain volume, or of an unperceived solid
object as one that excludes other bodies from the space it occupies? But
the puzzle about the tree that falls in a forest with no one to hear it shows
that the challenge has at least some force with respect to sounds, and
analogous puzzle cases can be described for tastes, smells, and even
colors. To see this better, consider the following thought experiment.
George Berkeley, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, p. .
For a defense of this way of reading the passage, see Dicker, Berkeleys Idealism,
pp. .
Suppose that there existed only one red thing in the entire universe, that
a normal perceiver saw that thing in sunlight at a time t, but that no one
at all saw it at time t. Then there is a sense in which the quality, red(ness),
would exist at t but not at t; likewise there is a sense in which tastes,
sounds, and smells would vanish from the universe if (or at least during
the times when) no one perceived any objects having those qualities. We
suggest that one test that any adequate view about the nature of colors,
tastes, sounds and smells should meet is to make clear in what sense this
is true. The purely dispositional account of them that we have so far given
does not meet that test, since objects continue have the dispositions to
cause the relevant experiences even when they are not being perceived.
In order to meet the test, we should recognize that colors, tastes,
smells, and sounds have a certain complexity; they have two aspects. On
the one hand, they are capacities, powers, or dispositions of things to
appear in certain ways to sentient beings under certain conditionsthis
we may call their dispositional aspect. (Note that this aspect corresponds
to Lockes denition of a secondary quality.) On the other hand, they are
the manifestations of those dispositionsthis we may call their manifest
aspect. For example, the color red is the disposition of some objects, such
as re engines, trac stoplights, and ripe tomatoes, to look red to nor-
mal perceivers in standard light. But red(ness) is also the distinctive qual-
itative event or episode, involving consciousness, that occurs when the
conditions are right for this disposition to manifest itself, that is, when
there is a perceiver with normal vision looking at a red object in normal
light. Accordingly, there are two true answers to the question: What is
the color red? One answer is that red is the disposition of certain objects
to look red to normal perceivers in normal light. The other answer is that
red is the event, occurrence or episode that constitutes the manifestation
of this disposition. We have chosen to speak of two aspects simply for
lack of a better term. This term should not obscure the fact that the two
aspects are related in a specic, unmysterious manner: the manifest
aspect is the manifestation of the dispositional aspect, just as the process
of corrosion is the manifestation of corrosiveness.
The distinction between the dispositional and the manifest aspect
answers both the liking-it argument and Berkeleys Challenge. For what I
like or enjoy if I like (say) red is the manifest aspect of red, not its dispo-
sitional aspect. Furthermore, what ceases to exist when no one perceives
red is again its manifest aspect, not its dispositional aspect. But since the
manifest aspect of red is in one sense identical with the quality red, it
Meditation VI
See the next note.
There is a fuller account of primary and secondary qualities, of Lockes treatment of
them, and of the distinction between the dispositional aspect and the manifest aspect of sec-
ondary qualities, in Dicker, Berkeleys Idealism, chapter . See also Georges Dicker, Primary
and Secondary Qualities, , reprinted in Walter E. Creery, George Berkeley, pp. .
The key idea in it is that of removing something, say a stone, from the
space or place that it occupies. If that idea fails to make sense, then Des-
cartess attempt to preserve even a merely conceptual distinction
between space and body collapses. But the trouble is precisely that this
idea, considered in light of Descartess identication of both body and
space with mere extension, does not make sense. For suppose we ask:
When we conceive that the stone is removed from the place it occupied,
exactly what, according to Descartes, do we conceive as being removed
from the place? Descartes cannot answer that we conceive that some-
thing colored, or smelly, or noisy, or tasty, or hot or cold, is being removed
from the place; for these secondary qualities are only capacities or dispo-
sitions grounded in the extension of bodies, and so we can understand
their removal only if we can make sense of the removal of the exten-
sion itselfwhich is precisely our diculty. Nor can Descartes say that
we conceive that something solid is being removed from the place,
because according to him, solidity also is merely a capacity, grounded in
extension, to cause tactile sensations in a perceiver. The upshot is that
we seem to be removing only a volume from the placeor a volume from
a volume. But this seems quite unintelligible.
It would seem, then, that some property or properties other than ex-
tension must also be included in any adequate conception of matter. One
property that naturally suggests itself is solidity, and this is indeed what
Locke proposed:
But, you may ask, what exactly is solidity? Well, one step toward clari-
fying this notion is to distinguish it from hardness. A hard body is one
whose parts are not easily moved relative to each other; a soft body, like
a pillow or a quantity of water, is one whose parts are easily displaced
Locke, Essay, book , chapter , sections and .
All the bodies in the world, pressing a drop of water on all sides,
will never be able to overcome the resistance which it will make,
as soft as it is, to their approaching one another, till it be moved
out of their way: whereby our idea of solidity is distinguished
both from pure space, which is capable neither of resistance nor
motion, and from the ordinary idea of hardness.
Locke, Essay, section .
Locke, Essay, section . Descartes sometimes says that the concept of body involves
its excluding other bodies from the space it occupies (e.g., CSM II , SPW , AT VII ).
The question, however, is whether he is entitled to say this, given his purely geometrical
account of the nature of matter.
Meditation VI
Descartes and Locke both thought, a thing could not be a body without
being extended. But the denition would not be circular since solidity
would not be dened merely as the ability to exclude a body from a place,
and a body could be thought of as a an extended thing that excludes all
but one extended item (namely, itself) from the place that it occupies.
substance and from every corporeal substance; for the phrase every
corporeal substance implies that there is a plurality of corporeal sub-
stances, each of which can only be a dierent body. This reading is fur-
ther conrmed in the next principle, where Descartes says:
But the diculty is precisely that Descartes is not entitled to say that
there can be more than one purely extended substance; for although ex-
tension can be divided into regions, it does not have separable parts. It
makes no sense to talk of separating one part of pure extension from
Meditation VI
But this implies that there could not be a plurality of purely extended
substances, for what would make them dierent? We cannot say that just
being dierent regions or portions of extension would make them dif-
ferent, because even a single extended substance must have dierent
spatial portionsotherwise it wouldnt be extended. We cannot appeal
to properties other than extension, like color or hardness. The only thing
that could make two purely extended substances dierent would be that
they could, at least in principle, be separated or disjoined from each
other. But this is precisely what we cannot say about portions of pure
extension. It seems clear, then, that we can say,
What, then, is the difference between two or more bodies? The only
answer possible for Descartes seems to be that the bodies are dierent
modes or accidental properties of a single, all-encompassing extended
thing or substance (res extensa). This single extended substance, which
might be called matter-space or space-matter, constitutes the entire
physical universe. There may be many thinking substances or mindsas
many as there are beings who could say or think Cogito, ergo sumbut
there can be only one extended substance.
This one-substance view of the physical world is, interestingly
enough, implicit in the passage from the Synopsis that we mentioned. In
the context of explaining what would have to be done in order to prove
that the soul is immortal, Descartes writes:
We have met (part of) this passage before; it is the place where Descartes
uses the Argument from Change to show that the mind is a substance.
And we shall meet the passage again in Section , when we oer an over-
all assessment of Cartesian Dualism. But what interests us now is what
Descartes here says about body. He draws a major contrast between
body, taken in the general sense and the human body. The former
refers to the totality of extension. Descartes here regards this totality as
a single, unitary, all-encompassing extended substance, or res extensa. He
says that a complete physics could show that this substance, as well as
the soul, is naturally incorruptible and therefore never perishes. By
contrast, he says that a human body is made up of accidents, so that it
can easily perish when some of those accidents are changed. In other
words, Descartes here regards a human body as merely an aggregate of
accidental properties or modes, which perishes when some of these
modes are altered. Now there is every reason to suppose that Descartes
would treat other sorts of bodies in the same way as human bodies. But
in that case, Descartes is here implying that all particular bodies (e.g.,
chairs, rocks, planets, etc., as well as human bodies) are (clusters of) acci-
dental properties, or modes. And if we ask what they are modes of, then the
answer is that they are modes of the one, all-encompassing, incorrupt-
ible extended substance. The view that emerges is that there is only one
extended substance and that particular physical objects are modes of it.
Meditation VI
See chapter , section ..
Meditation VI
could still do so, in terms of some feature other than substance (e.g., spa-
tio-temporal continuity under a sortal, as also mentioned in chapter ).
But Descartes himself seems, in the end, not to have been very interested
in this question.
It is noteworthy that Spinoza (), a close student of Des-
cartess philosophy who felt that Descartes had failed to follow out con-
sistently the logical implications of his own thought, proposed just such
a one-substance view of the physical world as we have described. Spi-
noza, however, went even further. In his major work, entitled Ethics
Demonstrated in Geometrical Order, he argued that the one extended sub-
stance is also the one and only thinking substance, which he called God
or Nature. The resulting view is that the entire universe consists of only
one substance that is both thinking and extended.
To summarize: Descartes apparently held two incompatible views
about bodies. One view, which is the traditional view derived from Aris-
totle and the Scholastics, is that each body is a distinct substance. The
other view, which foreshadows Spinozas theory, is that bodies are modes
of a single substance. Only the latter view seems consistent with Des-
cartess doctrine that matter is merely extension. Finally, it should be
noted that the former view becomes once again defensible if, as we sug-
gested in the previous subsection, solidity is included in the conception
of matter; for unlike a mere portion of space, one solid body can be sepa-
rated from another, even if the two happen to be in contact.
that human beings are, at least during their earthly lives, embodied and
that their embodiment is a salient fact of their existence. So, even while
maintaining his sharp dualism, he tried to do justice to the close and
intimate relation that each of us bears to his or her own body. This comes
out, for example, in the fact that Descartes lists I have a body as the
rst and most obvious particular fact that he can accept about the mate-
rial world and I am very closely joined to this body as the second. It also
comes out in the language that he goes on to use in order to describe this
close union:
Here and in some other places, Descartes goes for far as to imply that
a purely thinking thing could not have sensations of pain, hunger, or
thirst; rather, such sensations belong to a hybrid category that emerges
from the union of mind and body. John Cottingham has emphasized this
aspect of Descartess thought, calling it Cartesian Trialism. The basic
idea, which Cottingham explains lucidly and in detail, but which he also
concedes does not t well with Descartess radical dualism, is that
although there are only two kinds of substancemental and physical
some of the attributes of substance, especially sensation, fall into a third
category that is neither purely mental nor purely physical but somehow
emerges from a substantial union of mind and body.
John Cottingham, Descartes, pp. .
For a stimulating discussion of this kind of view, see Alison Simmons, Re-Humanizing
Descartes, .
Meditation VI
John Cottingham, Descartes: Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind, p. .
The quotation from Descartes is from his letter of June , to Princess Elizabeth
[T]he soul is really joined to the whole body, and ... we cannot
properly say that it exists in any one part of the body to the
exclusion of the others. (CSM I , SPW , AT XI )
But whether the mind is joined to the whole body or only to some part
of the brain, a much more fundamental question remains: how is the
mind joined to (part of) the body? What exactly is the special relation-
ship between the mind and the (part of the) body to which it is joined?
On the standard interpretation of Descartess position, he had a denite
answer to this question. This is that mind and body are causally related.
More specically, Descartes is usually interpreted as having held that
there is a two-way causal relation between mind and body: () the mind
Meditation VI
causally aects the body, and () the body causally aects the mind.
Mind-to-body causation occurs especially in voluntary action; for ex-
ample, your willing or deciding to raise your arm is an act of mind that
causes a physical occurrence: your arm goes up. Body-to-mind causation
occurs especially in sense perception; for example, a clap of thunder is a
physical occurrence that causes physical changes in your ears, nerves and
brain, which in turn cause a conscious, auditory experience in your mind
(which, incidentally, must on the dualistic view obviously not be con-
fused with your brain). This theory of the mind-body relationship is
called dualistic interactionism (where dualistic refers to the twon-
ess or duality, of mind and matter, and interactionism, to the causal
interaction between the two).
Dualistic interactionism has an undeniable appeal, for at least two rea-
sons. First, it seems to harmonize very well with our experience: it cer-
tainly seems to us that our decisions and volitions frequently cause our
bodies to behave in various waysthat our minds do, to an important
extent, control our bodies. And it seems just as obvious that what hap-
pens to our bodies causes a multitude of dierent conscious experiences
in our minds. Mind-body interaction thus seems to be a continuing and
pervasive feature of our ordinary experience. Second, dualistic interac-
tionism provides a plausible way to understand the close relationship
that each of us has to his or her own body and to no other body. What
makes a certain body my body is that I have a direct control over it that
no one else has and that what happens to it has a direct eect on me that
it has on no one else. Only I can cause that body to move by a mere voli-
tion; only I will feel pain if that body is injured. The body which I call
mine, then, is the body over whose movements I have direct control and
whose vicissitudes have a direct eect on me.
Despite its initial appeal, however, dualistic interactionism also faces
deep diculties. The most striking and famous one surfaces as soon as
we ask the following question: How can the mind causally aect the body,
and vice-versa? Remember, again, that according to Descartes the mind
is a thinking substance that has no spatial dimensions, while body is a
thoughtless, three-dimensional substance. How do these two things
interact? We obviously cannot say that the one makes contact with or
pushes the other, for this would require that they both have spatial di-
mensions and spatial surfaces. We cannot say that the mind applies a
physical force to the body, since force is mass times acceleration and the
mind has no mass. We cannot say that the body imparts thoughts to the
mind, since the body has no thoughts. When we actually try to conceive
the interaction between an extended nonthinking thing and a nonex-
tended thinking thing, it seems quite inconceivableas inconceivable as
driving a nail with an immaterial hammer, or denting a spirit with rock.
In fairness, we should note that Descartes tried to give an account of
mind-body interaction. He did so in the texts where he says that the
mind is joined to a particular part of the brain. There he species the part
of the brain in question, and describes the immediate consequences of its
interaction with the mind. In The Passions of the Soul, he says:
[T]he part of the body in which the soul directly exercises its
functions is not the heart at all, or the whole of the brain. It is
rather the innermost part of the brain, which is a certain very
small gland situated in the middle of the brains substance and
suspended above the passage through which the spirits in the
brains anterior cavities communicate with those in its posterior
cavities. The slightest movements on the part of this gland may
alter very greatly the course of these spirits, and conversely any
change, however slight, taking place in the course of the spirits
may do much to change the movements of the gland. (CSM I ,
The gland to which Descartes is here referring is called the pineal gland
(also called the conarion). Descartes believed that this tiny gland must be
the point where mind and body interact, because it is the only part of the
brain that does not have a double (CSMK , ). He theorized that
it is surrounded by a rened material substance called animal spirits,
which interact via tube-like nerves with the muscles that control various
parts of our bodies. The pineal gland itself, he thought, interacts directly
with the mind: a given event in the mindsay, the willing to raise ones
armmoves the gland, causing it to drive the animal spirits through the
nerves to the muscles, which then contract, thus raising the arm. Con-
versely, a given bodily eventsay, stimulation of the retinadrives the
animal spirits through the nerves to the pineal gland, whose oscillation
then aects the mind in such a way that it has a certain visual experience.
As Descartes put it:
[T]he small gland which is the principal seat of the soul is sus-
pended within the cavities containing these spirits, so that it can
Meditation VI
Although the scientic details of this pineal gland theory are obso-
lete, the theory is nonetheless very instructive; for it provides a vivid,
concrete illustration of two points. First, the dualistic interactionist who
holds that the mind interacts with the brain must say that some such
account as Descartess is literally true, even if the details of Descartess
own account are wrong. In other words, the interactionist is committed
to the view that certain specic brain events cause what we may call
mental events and that certain specic mental events cause certain
specic brain events. Second, such causal interaction of brain events and
mental events is extremely hard to comprehend. In other words, even if
we assume that the specic events involved have been correctly identi-
ed, the mystery of how the mental events cause physical ones, and vice-
versa, remains. John Cottingham puts the problem this way:
What strikes the reader here is not so much the wealth of obso-
lete physiological detail (modern readers will readily be able to
substitute electrochemical events in the cerebral cortex for Des-
cartess movements of the pineal gland and animal spirits) as
the way in which that physiological detail is expected to mesh
with events in the nonphysical realm of the soul. Descartes has
managed to supply a host of mechanisms whereby movements,
once initiated in the pineal gland, can be transferred to other
parts of the brain and body; but he does not seem to have tackled
the central issue of how an incorporeal soul can initiate such
movements in the rst place. And the same problem will apply
when the causal ow is in the other direction. Descartes devotes
a lot of attention to the physiological mechanisms whereby bodily
Another recent writer, Fred Feldman, gives an illustration that makes the
mystery seem even worse when it is put in more up-to-date terms than
Descartess pineal gland theory:
Cottingham, Descartes, p. .
Meditation VI
Fred Feldman, A Cartesian Introduction to Philosophy, pp. .
Indeed, some scholars have suggested that Descartes himself was ulti-
mately drawn to occasionalism. Any attempt to defend an occasiona-
list reading of Descartes, however, would have to contend with passages
like the following, where he seems unequivocally to arm mind-body
That the mind, which is incorporeal, can set the body in mo-
tion is something which is shown to us not by any reasoning
or comparison with other matters, but by the surest and plain-
est everyday experience. It is one of those self-evident things
which we only make obscure when we try to explain it in terms
of other things. (Letter to Arnauld, July , ; CSMK )
It is not necessary for the mind to be a body, although it has the
power of moving the body. (Fifth Replies, CSM II , AT II )
[Burman] But how can this be, and how can the soul be aected
by the body and vice-versa, when their natures are completely
dierent? [Descartes] This is very dicult to explain; but here
our experience is sucient, since it is so clear on this point that
it just cannot be gainsaid. (Conversation with Burman, CSMK ,
AT V )
I would say: . . . the brain alone can directly act on the mind.
(Letter to Regius, May , CSMK , AT III )
C. D. Broad, Mind and its Place in Nature, p. . Broads own example is that of a draft
causing a cold.
Meditation VI
C. J. Ducasse, In Defense of Dualism, p. .
This premise resembles, and rests on the same considerations as, Des-
cartess richer premise (stated as line of his proof of dualism in section
of this chapter) that he can clearly and distinctly conceive himself, as a
thinking and nonextended thing, existing apart from his body, as an ex-
tended and nonthinking thing. For brevitys sake, we have used the term
conceivable, instead of clearly and distinctly conceivable, in stating
premise of the streamlined argument. But of course, the qualication,
clearly and distinctly, should be understood in () and throughout the
rest of the streamlined argument. The second premise of that argument is
Source: Slightly modied from James W. Cornman, Keith Lehrer, and George Pappas,
Philosophical Problems and Arguments: An Introduction, d ed. (Indianapolis and Cambridge:
Hackett Publishing Company, ), p. . Chapter of this book contains an excellent
discussion of the various objections and alternatives to dualistic interactionism.
knew that B was occurring could predict and explain S and N without
ever mentioning Meven, indeed, if the neurophysiologist were a mate-
rialist who denied Ms existence and believed that matters stand as in
Figure .. Second, since on this view M would not occur unless B (or
some other brain event) produced it, consciousness is totally dependent
on a functioning brain for its existence.
Once these points are recognized, some of the objections that recent
materialists raise against dualism seem strangely empty and rhetorical.
For example, one leading contemporary materialists chief objection to du-
alism is that it postulates an irreducibly psychical something, a ghost
stu ... or ripples in an underlying ghost stu, dierent from anything
recognized by the natural sciences, thereby violating the principle of
theoretical simplicity. (The principle of theoretical simplicity, also known
as Ockhams Razor, is a very general methodological principle saying that
a theory should not multiply entities unnecessarily, that is, should not
postulate more dierent kinds of entities than are needed to explain the
facts that the theory is designed to explain. A very simple illustration
would be that since tornadoes can be explained in terms of certain atmo-
spheric conditions, a meteorological theory should not postulate evil
spirits to explain their occurrence. A historical example of the principles
J. J. C. Smart, Sensations and Brain Processes, p. , p. . in C. V. Borst, ed., The
Mind-Brain Identity Theory (New York: St. Martins Press, ), pp. .
Meditation VI
First of all, remember that Descartess argument does not try to show
that the mind does, at any time, exist without the body. Rather, as we
saw in Section , it only tries to show that the mind could exist without
the body. As we saw, Descartes holds that the mere logical possibility that
mind can exist apart from body is enough to show that they are dierent
things, or that there is a real distinction between them.
But even in light of a proper grasp of the Real Distinction, it may still
seem that Descartess argument has weightier implications than our
streamlined version of it. There are two reasons for this. The rst is that
Descartess own argument is intended to establish a dualism of sub-
stances, rather than merely a dualism of states. The second is that Des-
cartes calls one of these substances I, or self, and says that it constitutes
his essence, thereby giving it a special priority over the other.
Neither of these points, however, is as signicant as it may seem. Let
us consider the second point rst. Suppose we grant that Descartess
argument shows that it is logically possible that I exist without my body
and that it is logically possible that I exist as only a mind, so that my
minds existence is logically sucient for my existence. Suppose we also
agree that it is not logically possible that I exist without my mind, that
is, that my minds existence is logically necessary for my existence.
Finally, suppose we agree that I should denote only that which is both
logically necessary and sucient for me to exist. It then follows that I
denotes my mind, not my body. It also follows, by the principle that a
things essence comprises whatever is necessary and sucient for its
existence, that my essence is my mind, not my body. To put it more for-
mally, suppose that we grant the entire argument:
on material substance. Putting this a bit more formally, we can give the
following argument. The substance theory, combined with the view that
a mental substance must have the appropriate sort properties (namely,
mental properties), implies that
Now the substance theory, combined with the view that physical prop-
erties can belong only to the appropriate kind of substance (namely, ma-
terial substance) implies that
Figure .
Here, Descartes admits that the denition of substance he has just given
applies only to God. (Later, Spinoza was to argue that Descartes should
have stuck to this denition and so embraced Spinozas own view that
God is the only substance that exists or can be conceived to exist.) Cre-
ated substances cannot be dened as things that need nothing else in
order to exist, because they require Gods constant concurrence in order
to exist. They qualify as substances only in the weaker sense that they
need nothing else except Gods concurrence in order to exist. As Descartes
says in principle , as for corporeal substance and mind (or created
thinking substance), these can be understood to fall under this common
concept: things that need only the concurrence of God in order to exist
(CSM I , SPW , AT VIIIA ). This need for Gods concurrence
stems from Descartess doctrine, introduced in Meditation III, that cre-
ated substances, both mental and physical, need to be continuously cre-
ated by God in order to remain in existence (CSM II , SPW , AT VII
). Although we need not examine this doctrine (which we briey
noted in chapter ) for its own sake, we should take it into account in
considering whether Descartes thought that his case for dualism rules
out the causal dependence of one created substance on another. In al-
luding to the doctrine in the Principles of Philosophy, Descartes does not
explicitly dierentiate between saying that (a) created substances exist
only if God sustains them, and (b) created substances exist if only God
sustains them (in other words, if and only if God sustains them). Thus,
Principle says that other [i.e., created] substances ... can exist only
with the help of Gods concurrence, while Principle says that created
substances are things that need only the concurrence of God in order to
exist (statements (a) and (b), respectively). The former is consistent
with one created substances causally depending on another (as well as
on God), whereas the latter is not.
Now it seems that Descartes must have held (b) as well as (a). For
surely, an omnipotent God could, if he wished, sustain a substance in
existence without the help of any other thing. However, it does not follow
that Descartes has shownor that he believes he has shownthat the
mind is a substance in the sense stipulated by (b). For all that the proof
of the real distinction has shown, it might be that a human mind, like a
quality or attribute is one of those created things, [that has] ... such
a nature that they cannot exist without other things. The world might
work in such a wayGod might have designed it in such a way
that human minds, even though an omnipotent being could of course
Meditation VI
Next, he outlines the further steps that will nally lead up to his asser-
tion of the Real Distinction in Meditation VI. Then he adds this crucial
comment (most of which we have already quoted in discussing other
There are two important points to notice about what Descartes says
here. First, he represents the thesis that the absolutely all substances,
or things which must be created by God in order to exist are naturally
incorruptible (i.e., that they need only Gods concurrence in order to
exist) as something to be established. Notice that in calling all the things
which must be created by God in order to exist substances but granting
that their incorruptibility needs to be proved, he is using the term sub-
stances purely denotatively to refer to mind and body; he is not as-
suming that these substances even need to meet the denition of
substance in his weaker sense. Thus, he is prepared to admit that for all
his metaphysical arguments in the Meditations have shown, neither the
soul nor body is incorruptible, or is a substance even in the weaker sense.
Although a careless reader might think that Descartes retracts this ad-
mission at the very end of the passage, where he seems to arm the
immortality of the soul, in fact he makes no such retraction; for part of
the this from which the souls immortality follows is the thesis, yet to
be established, that all substances . . . are by their nature incorrupt-
iblethat is, that all the things that he has been calling substances
really are substances in the weaker sense. In other words, Descartes here
arms the souls immortality only conditionally. His point is that if the
thesis that the things we call substances are incorruptible were estab-
lished, then, given that the soul is one of those things, its immortality
would be established, too. The second point is even more signicant.
Descartes says that proving the immortality of the soul depends upon
the completion of his whole physics. Now although it may be hard for us
to see how a physics could show that a purely mental thing is incorrupt-
ible, the vital point is the implication that any knowledge we could have
of the souls immortality must rest on a completed natural science, which
Meditation VI
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Sebba, Gregor. Bibliographica Cartesiana: a Critical Guide to the Descartes Literature
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a posteriori knowledge, 2324 as distinct from the mind, 86, 90, 258,
a priori knowledge, 2324, 3334, 3738, 260, 263269, 271272, 278,
134 280, 298, 301, 303, 310, 313,
accidents. See properties 316, 320, 325326
Alanen, Lilli, 200202 doubt regarding, 26, 40, 44, 75, 82, 88
analytic statements, 3335, 3738 existence of, 258, 260, 264266,
animal faith, 279 271272, 280, 302
animal spirits, 306307 idea of, 258
Anscombe, Elizabeth, 109 interaction with mind and, 274,
Anselm, St., 206, 221, 228229, 231 301311, 315, 327
Aquinas, Thomas, 83, 101, 168169, self and, 80, 8889
208, 243 soul and, 304, 306307, 310, 321, 325
Archimedes, 39 Boyle, Sir Robert, 285
argument from change, 5054, 5864, Brahe, Tycho, 6
298, 321 brain
argument from doubt, 8890, 260 brain events and, 307308, 311313,
argument from ignorance, 260 317318, 321
Aristotle, 56, 50, 65, 67, 8183, 87, mind and, 304307, 310, 313,
137, 192, 252, 301 317318
Arnauld, Antoine, 144145, 150, 168, neuroscience and, 38, 307, 311312,
268274 317319
astronomy, 56 Broad, C.D., 239, 304, 310311, 317
atomism, 283, 285 bundle theory, 5051
Augustine, St., 210211, 215, 217 Burman, Frans, 24, 310
Ayer, Alfred Jules, 281
Carnap, Rudolph, 244
basic principles, 1415 carnivorous cows example, 237240, 242
Berkeley, Bishop George, 50, 66, 70, 139, Cartesian circle
281, 289291 Arnauld on, 144145, 150, 268
Blum, Roland P., 172n49 clear and distinct perceptions and, viii,
body, the. See also matter; physical world 144145
clear and distinct perceptions and, 86, creation of eternal truths and,
260 166170, 173
Cogito and, 75 general rule defense and, 153164