Act of Teaching Chapter 6 Notes
Act of Teaching Chapter 6 Notes
Act of Teaching Chapter 6 Notes
I. Pros and Cons of Instructional Planning
II. Planning Is Especially Beneficial for New Teachers
III. Deciding What to Teach
- State Standards and How They Are Developed
- What State Standards Look Like
- The Power of State Standards
- What Happens at the School District Level
- The Formal and Taught Curricula
- The Power of the Curriculum
IV. Instructional Objectives
- What Instructional Objectives Look Like
- Instructional Objectives Differ in Two Ways: General & Specific
- The Kinds of Objectives We Use Result in Three Different Kinds of Learning:
Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor
- Another Way of Classifying Learning Outcomes
V. Writing Specific Objectives
- The Value of Specific Objectives
- When Are Objectives Good?
VI. Preparing Instructional Plans of Varying Duration
- The "Long and Short" of Planning
- Preparing Long-Range Plans: Yearly and Semester Plans
- Preparing Unit Plans
- Preparing Lesson Plans
- Evaluating Lesson Plans
- The "Backward Design" Idea of Lesson and Unit Planning
- Resources Useful When Planning
- Collaborative, Cooperative, or Team Planning
- Comparative Planning
I. Pros and Cons of Instructional Planning
II. Planning Is Especially Beneficial for New Teachers
- Teaching events is considerable in detail, leaving little or nothing to chance. Because
plan is vital part of the act of teaching.
- Affective Domain, deals with the emotional and valuing goals for the learners.
Receiving/attending (concentrate on and receive information).
Responding (respond positively to the information by actively engaging with
Valuing (express attitude/belief about the value of something).
Organization (internalizing the value).
Characterization (act out their values).
i. Comparative Planning
The teachers should know when to compare the interesting and informative
educational practices across cultures.
The author provides more detail about the lesson planning that I could ponder on
because personally I still need to improve myself in planning an effective lesson or unit. With
certain qualities that this chapter has listed, I knew better about how I should design my
lesson and unit plan. In the future opportunity, I would try to apply each detail from this
chapter on my lesson and unit. In addition, I could also aim better goals for the students with
detailed lesson plans and units.