SMO Open 16
SMO Open 16
SMO Open 16
Instructions to contestants
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Micron Technology
In this paper, let l$l denote th greatest intcger not l1\ceediru a. For c,xa,.npts, l5l : i,
i2.81 : 2, and | 2.3J : 3.
1. The perimeter of a triangle ABC is 48. The point D is rhe ntidpoint of r4B suc.h that
DC : DA: fi. Fi.rd thc arca of trjansle CBr.
2. In an infiniie geometric prosressiox with a nonzero tirst tcrm al]d a common ratio :,\t 2
. the sum of ihe first n terms equals the sum of all the remaining terms. Fincl n.
3. Find l,he dilTerence betwen the largest and smallest aahe of r rvhich sarisfies ihe equation
l,-2 r 20161 :2lr- 1009.
4. The ligure belov shows a 10 x I rectansular board. Atl the snal squares sho{.n h ihe
figure ar..e of ihe same size.
Find the total rmmber of rcctangles in ihe above figure vhich arc not squares.
t..,1- rG 2b -,f,Bo , rG
6. Lct m be ihe number of those triangles shose iongest side is 2016 and the other two sides
ar. aLo oIinLefla lensrt D.rermine I
n t-
7. rind
ls Fh--
--71,1 ,2 1
(Hint: Nole that
uE + JFi t/i + JTi'
8. Fnld the number of lnteger solutiotrs to the equation
./1 ,,G 1009
vOOlE c+ .,6 1,5 JmE r r- 1009
e. Let sa
value of 2017
= i. x *.
S:mre .
n"*rL * 1+2+3+4 ++ 1+2+3+ +N Find the
10. Let i,j and k be thre unit vctors along three mutually perpendicular a-aes. nalnely, the
z, g :nd z axes rcspectively, and the orisin O is ihe inte$ection of the three a-{es. At any
time I > 0 after the start of an er,?edment, the position of a ioy plane A is locaied along
ihepathr=i+2j+3k+t(Si+5j+2k) ard thc position of another plane.B is located
alongthpathr:1i+7j+2k+tl2i+3j+ak). If d is the shortest possible distance
betrl'een the trv'o toy planes, find d2.
11. Let i,jand k be thrce unit vectors along three mutually pependicular s-xes, namely, the
,, g/ and z axs rcspectivel)'. ard ihe otigin O is tlie intersection of the ihree a-{s. A plane
milror in the space has equation r'(i+2j + 3k) = 5. A ray of licht is shone alons the path
with equaiior r: 5i+2j +k+l(5i+j), where ) is real. The ray of light hits the plane and
is reflected along ihe paih r : j + k + p(4i + bj i &), where p is real. Assumins that the
incideni ra], reflected ray and the normal at the point of i cidence lie on the samc plane,
and that the incident ray and the rcflected ray make the same angle with the nirror, frnd
ihe \.-alu of Dl + lc .
,'1d Let p and q be intesers sucl! that tt{Jqgls of the polinomiat l(r ) = i + px2 + qt 343
' axe real. Determine ihe minimujl.I possible value of ll - zg .
16. Iet /(r) :,2016 + ozots"2ar1 + + + alrr +a0 be a polj.nomial such that
f (i,):2i: lrotaIIi= 1,2, ,2015. rtud ihe value of /(0) + l(2016) 20161.
17. Find the laxsest prine number ! such that p : a' + 7ba holds for prime numbers a ar.] 6.
19. In ho{.nany ways car the rumber ;3H be writien as the p.oduct of two fractions of the
form *,wherc d is a positive inteser? In*" ad i,p!# ++
are consldered as the
same product.l
20 In the idargle ,48C, lB :9Ao nnd lC : 60". Points , and t are outsid," the triangle
ABC such that 34, and ACt are equilaterai trisngles. The segmeni tt intersecls the
sesment ,4C at ]r. Suppose ,C : 10. Fnld the lensth of ,4F.
21. A circle r",r of radius 8 is intertrally targent to a circle !,r2 of radius 25 at a point T. A hre
through the centre O of u2 is tangent to {r1 at S. A chord AB of u2 perpendicular to OS
is tansent to {r1 at Q. Find the lensth of ,.1-B.
23. Let ABC be an acute angled tdangle q'ith cfcumcenter O. Suppose AC : 92, tar lO'4, :
+ a d ICAO = 3IOAB. l'ind the length of ,48.
24. In the triargle ,48C, lC = 90'.2AC > AB, points -E and ,F' on AC and ,4, respecti\ly
axe such ihai CE : -E.F.. Suppose EF is the segment of minimal length that di\,ides the
area of triadgle ,4EC into two equal halves. Given /C : 6 + 3./6, find the iength of ,,{B.
25. Determine the greatest positive constant a su.h that lf +s'-2>a'\!+! r 2) lor