Reading Challenge 2 Answer Key
Reading Challenge 2 Answer Key
Reading Challenge 2 Answer Key
Unit 1: In the Name of Beauty 2. The strangest beauty treatment Ive heard of
is gluing hair onto your eyelashes so that you
Pre-Reading (answers will vary) can have longer lashes.
1. I only wear makeup when I have formal 3. When I want to look nice, I wear my
pictures taken or when I act on stage. expensive suit and a silk tie.
Idiomatic Expressions
1. In some cases
2. end up
3. in the name of
1. cosmetics 2. dangerous
3. culture 4. in the name of
5. drops 6. nerves
1. a 2. d 3. a
Unit 2: Who Took That Tooth? 1. The man explains a custom about teeth in
Pre-Reading (answers will vary) 2. If a person is the first to notice and say
1. Yes, I remember losing my teeth. I sometimes something about a babys first tooth, he or she
had to wiggle them a lot and then pull them out has to give the child a gift.
3. I think some people in other countries bury 1. My parents threw my baby teeth away.
1. b 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. d Grammar
Unit 3: The Ring of Fire 3. During the process of subduction, one plate
moves under another when they hit each other.
Pre-Reading (answers will vary)
1. Earthquakes are caused by two plates of the Listening
Earth hitting or rubbing against each other. 1. [ ] True [] False
3. Yes, the plates of the Earth are always Discussion (answers will vary)
moving. We just cant feel when it does. 1. Yes, I saw a volcano erupting in Hawaii. The
according to which plates of the Earth can move Unit 4: Myths about Pimples
between one to ten centimeters per year.
Pre-Reading (answers will vary) 2. Yes, I think the suggestions in the reading are
1. My mother gave me lots of advice about how good. I have heard such suggestions from other
to take care of my skin. people, too.
2. Some things that are bad for your skin are 3. Another health myth is that you can cure a
pollution, sunlight, and greasy foods. cough by drinking lemon tea. The tea may make
3. I think people need to wash their face your throat feel better, but it wont cure the
regularly to get rid of skin problems. cough.
1. cure 2. pop
3. skin 4. encourage
5. myth 6. necessarily
1. b 2. c 3. c
1. The average person probably makes one cup 3. These insects produce as much methane as
of gas per day. all of the factories made by people.
2. Beans and raw vegetables cause a person to
have gas. Discussion (answers will vary)
3. English words or phrases for passing gas 1. Yes, passing gas is considered embarrassing
include the following: farting, cutting the cheese, by most people I know. Burping is also
1. The speakers are talking about an insect that Unit 6: Mr. Nintendo
1. I play computer games when I have free time went to the next level of gaming with its motion-
on the weekends. Sometimes on the subway, I based Wii game system.
play video games on my cell phone.
2. I enjoy computer games like Mahjongg and Listening
Sudoku. 1. [ ] True [] False
3. I have played on a Wii at my friends house. It 2. [] True [ ] False
is different than other video games because you 3. [ ] True [] False
use your body to control the players in the
should be.
Summary At that time, the video game market was
(Possible answers) suffering, and Nintendo was having trouble with
1. The world of video games completely its sales.
changed after he came out with the Nintendo DS
Pre-Reading (answers will vary) 1. I began playing in a soccer league when I was
1. A famous sports star in my country is Michael in elementary school. I was about ten years old.
Jordan. 2. I hurt my foot playing soccer. I was in my late
2. He is famous because he played basketball 20s. Another player stepped on my foot, and I
very well, and he now appears in TV got a big bruise.
commercials and movies. 3. I didnt play sports in high school. I was in the
3. Yes, I think he is a good example for young band.
people because he has never been in trouble
with the law, and he seems to have a good Grammar
personality. Playing sports can have negative effects on
Vocabulary Preview Sending a child with an injury into a game gives
1. e 2. a 3. b 4. f 5. d 6. c the child the message that health is not as
important as winning.
Reading Comprehension
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c
Idiomatic Expressions 6. d 7. d 8. b 9. b 10. a
1. knock (myself) out
2. call (her) names
3. over and over
1. healthy 2. effects
1. d 2. b 3. a
1. f 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. e 6. a Grammar
Wouldnt you love to have a famous persons
Reading Comprehension autograph?
1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. b You would never throw that persons autograph
1. $100,000 2. $12 million
3. $3,500 4. $1,500
5. $50,000 6. $750,000
1. The man is interested in getting the autograph
of J. K. Rowling.
as fast as cars.
Reading Comprehension 3. I think a really rich person or the military might
1. c 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. d buy a Martin jetpack or a Jetlev-Flyer.
the Jetlev-Flyer propels a person into the air on Pre-Reading (answers will vary)
a jet of water instead of a jet of air. 1. Yes, I like reading.
2. People visit libraries when they have to study, 3. I like reading mysteries, sci-fi, popular novels,
and when they want to find good books to read and books about history.
for free.
3. I only borrow books from libraries once or Grammar
twice a year. Usually I buy books that I want to Now imagine having to walk miles and miles
read for fun. through a hot sandy desert just to borrow a book.
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. f 6. a
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. b 10. b
Idiomatic Expressions
1. get a hold of
2. hit on an idea
3. rack my brain
1. Librarian 2. shortage
3. effort 4. hit on
5. Mobile 6. camels
1. d 2. c 3. b
Discussion (answers will vary) Unit 11: Shakespeare, Where Are You Now?
1. I usually read six to eight books each year for
fun. Pre-Reading (answers will vary)
2. The last book I read was a mystery novel 1. Yes, I enjoy going to the theater.
3. Yes, I have seen several plays by Tennessee 1. I know that Shakespeares plays are very long
Williams. Usually his plays are about families compared to modern plays. Usually theaters cut
from the South, and the people in the family are them down to make them shorter.
fighting for some reason. 2. Some present-day writers I admire are
Stephen King, Toni Morrison, Sidney Sheldon,
Vocabulary Preview and Isaac Asimov.
1. f 2. d 3. b 4. e 5. c 6. a 3. I think Toni Morrison will still be popular 100
years from now. She won the Nobel Prize for
Reading Comprehension Literature.
1. b 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. c
Idiomatic Expressions Romeo and Juliet has not only been performed
1. the world over again and again in theaters around the world,
2. come across but it has also been made into a very popular
3. and then some movie, twice!
The new Globe opened in 1999 and has since
Summary won many awards as one of the best tourist
1. were performed attractions in Europe.
2. destroyed the theater
3. was torn down Vocabulary and Idiom Review
4. rebuild the Globe 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. a
5. the original building 6. a 7. d 8. a 9. a 10. b
6. new theater opened
2. One difference is that there are female actors. 1. My name has a meaning, but I dont know
microphones or recordings of sounds. 2. My mother chose my name. She liked the way
it sounded.
Discussion (answers will vary)
Summary No matter where the name comes from, a childs
(Possible answers) name is the first gift of life.
1. In Italy, relatives or ancestors names can Whether it is chosen according to preference of
determine a childs name, such as following the dictated by tradition, the name reflects
tradition of naming a child after his or her something about a childs culture.
2. In some Asian cultures, written characters Vocabulary and Idiom Review
3. In the Akan culture of Ghana, the day of a Unit 13: Out of Rainforests
girl Afua if she was born on the same day. 1. Lungs are the organs in our bodies that we
use for breathing.
1. [ ] True [] False
2. Some different environments on Earth are also make rainforests into nationally protected
rainforests, deserts, islands, mountains, plains, land so people and businesses cant use them.
tundra, forests, and swamps. 3. We can personally give money to support
3. The different environments provide places for programs that protect rainforests. We can also
various plants and animals to live. We need all vote for politicians who want to make laws that
of these environments for the great diversity of affect our environment in a good way.
life on Earth.
Vocabulary Preview One fifth of the worlds fresh water is also found
3. makes up
1. make up 2. oxygen
3. drugs 4. disappearing
1. c 2. d 3. c
1. Yes, I would like to visit a rainforest in order to Pre-Reading (answers will vary)
see the unique plants and animals there. 1. To get more energy during the day when Im
2. The government can make laws to limit the tired, I eat a candy bar.
amount of land used for raising cattle. They can
2. People drink coffee, tea, and soft drinks for 3. The energy drinks at the campus caf have
more energy. about 500 milligrams of caffeine in them.
3. These drinks can be unhealthy when they
have too much sugar and caffeine in them. Discussion (answers will vary)
Coffee and tea can be relatively healthy in 1. I would say my energy at this moment is
comparison to soft drinks, since they are made average because I just finished lunch.
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. c
Idiomatic Expressions These beverages have the specific aim of giving
2. The man says a strong sup of coffee can 1. Yes, I like those foods. They all have
have 100 milligrams of caffeine in it. tomatoes in them.
volleyball team of two women who are famous 3. Tiger Woods is a great athlete in golf. David
playing at the Olympics. Beckham is a great athlete in soccer. Oscar de
3. I cant say either one of the ladies is the la Hoya is a famous athlete in boxing.
greatest all-around athlete. I only saw them play
volleyball. Grammar
1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b
Idiomatic Expressions 6. a 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. a
1. spoke out against
2. in need
3. to the point of
1. select
2. legends
3. receiving
4. spoke out
5. boldly
6. doubt
3. No, I dont think there are any big differences 2. Yes, teachers and parents hit a childs hand if
between left-handed and right-handed people. that child kept writing with the left hand.
3. I think I am both creative and logical, but I
Vocabulary Preview only use my right hand.
1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. d 6. b
Reading Comprehension Due to this prejudice against the left, left-handed
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c people were forced to switch hand.
1. have (the love of the outdoors) in common behavior, and high drop-out rates.
2. turn out
1. The Greeks were the first people to believe
2. The Greek word for left means the best. Unit 18: The Snowy Slopes of Dubai
3. An English word that comes from this Greek
word is aristocrat. Pre-Reading (answers will vary)
1. Yes, more people are right-handed, so it is 2. The best weather to ski in is cold, snowy
considered better in my country. weather.
3. You usually find a ski lodge, chairlifts, 1. A winter activity that I enjoy is ice skating. The
restaurants, and ski rental shops. last time I went ice skating was about three
years ago.
Vocabulary Preview 2. A tourist attraction that has a lot of foreign
1. b 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. f visitors in my country is the Empire State
Reading Comprehension 3. An indoor entertainment facility that is popular
1. a 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. a in my country is a chain of restaurants called
Don and Brewsters. It has lots of video games
Idiomatic Expressions and a bowling alley inside, along with a
1. an apt description restaurant.
2. limits himself to
3. [ ] True [] False 2. Yes, I have bought flowers and gifts over the
Discussion (answers will vary)
3. Yes, my computer got a virus once. I had to numbers private. I keep this information in a safe
install several new programs to fix the problem. place at home.
Idiomatic Expressions
1. by far Vocabulary and Idiom Review
2. sort of 1. b 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. a
3. get a rush 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. a
1. threats 2. illegal
3. passive 4. altering
5. valid 6. password
1. a 2. c 3. c
2. Some famous inventors are Alexander 3. Without him, we would not have electric
Graham Bell, Charles Babbage, Henry Ford, companies or batteries.
produce cars. The Wright brothers invented the 2. Lots of inventions were developed in my
airplane. country, including planes, computers, and
medical devices.