Transcription and Translation Blended Learning Lesson Plan

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Scott (2015)1.

Title: Blended Learning

Transcription and Translation Station Rotation Activities
Grade level: 12 Unit Title: Mechanisms of Inheritance
Understand essential life structures and processes pertaining to a wide variety
of organisms, including humans.
Understand the properties and structures of matter, as well as various common manifestations and
applications of the actions and interactions of matter.
Use appropriate scientific problem-solving or inquiry strategies when answering a question or
solving a problem.
Outline the steps involved in protein synthesis.

Students will show their understanding of the topics and will outline the steps involved in the
processes by answering the questions/completing the activities presented in class. They will also
complete a quiz in a subsequent class to demonstrate their understanding of the
Known students difficulties with this topic:
Remembering the differences between DNA and RNA when answering questions
Confusing the words transcription and translation when describing the processes

Rationale for Activity:

The purpose of the lesson is to provide students with a blended learning opportunity. Students are
able to learn through self-guided study with the support of their classmates and multiple resources
including technology as well as through different types of short activities. The blended learning
incorporates cooperative learning, technology and teacher led learning.
Students are given time to read through their notes and review the information that was previously
presented at the beginning of class in order to activate student thinking of the topics before the
station activities. Students also acquire the necessary information for the activities at this time.
The cooperative learning group allows students to work together through a crossword in which
they learn to associate the functions/descriptions to the enzymes and molecules presented in the
The technology group provides an opportunity for students to utilize internet resources to enhance
learning and answer more difficult questions. Students can still discuss with classmates and apply
the information found in the notes/textbook through a fill-in-the-blank worksheet.
In the teacher led group, students are still able to discuss with one another to reach an answer but
can also ask the teacher any questions to clarify information. A bingo game includes a competitive
aspect but all students are given an equal chance of winning, no student will have an advantage.

This lesson is used to incorporate different methods of information acquisition and application and
provides different methods of instruction. Student that work/learn better with the help of others
are given a class to freely discuss and work together. As this is a grade twelve class, it also helps to
prepare students for self-guided learning that may come in post-secondary study. A following class
can be used to go over the information presented to clarify difficult topics and present connections
to other learning before a quiz/test.

Materials Needed: In advance:

White board and dry erase markers Print/copy each handout and
DNA translation notes handout worksheet (30 each)
DNA bingo cards Print enough bingo cards for two each
Translation crossword round (60)
Transcription/translation worksheet Have bingo prizes (2 for each rotation)
Translation worksheet Arrange tables into learning groups
Candy or other bingo prize and set up each station
iPads Obtain iPads

Timeframe and Description of Activities:

0 5 min Students hand in their DNA models and reflection sheets

5 10 min Hand out notes sheets and organize students into three groups (cooperative
learning group, technology group, teacher led group). Explain student tasks for
each group. Have students move to the specified learning group stations.

10 15 min Allow students to review transcription notes (from yesterday) and read translation

15 35 min Students work together in their groups to complete the tasks at their station. They
may use their notes and textbook as well as each other as resources.

35 55 min Students rotate to the next station and again, work together to complete the next

55 75min Students rotate to the final station and complete the last activity.

Activities can be wrapped up 1-3 minutes before the 20 minute mark so that students have time to
move to the next station.
Topics can be reviewed with class the following day to clarify any troubling information.
1. Scott, J. (2015). DNA transcription and translation station activities
2. Province of Manitoba. (2011). Grade 12 biology: A foundation for implementation. Retrieved from

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