26 / 03
719 100 Income Statement
101 Statement of Comprehensive Income
20 103 Cash Flow Statement
104 Statement of Changes in Equity
105 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
ofDeutschePost AG
171 Responsibility Statement
86 Report of the Supervisory Board
89 Supervisory Board
90 Board of Management
92 Mandates
93 Corporate Governance Report
Cross-references Websites
2 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
DrFrank Appel has been a member of the Board
ofManagement of Deutsche Post DHL Group since
2002. He became Chief Executive Officer in 2008.
FrankAppel has a PhD in neurobiology.
The results we achieved in financial year 2016 confirm
thatwe are on the right path. The measures implemented
in the prior year served to make our Group more efficient
and led to significantly higher margins. Consolidated EBIT
rose by around 45% to 3.5billion, which is in line with
our target.
8 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Distribution processes
Numerous processes in our distribution centres could change
infuture, with machines supporting employees in their tasks
and,most importantly, taking over physically strenuous work.
Deutsche Post DHL Group has already tested new technologies
at various locations that aim to make work easier in the future.
2 3 4
Collaborative robots
in logistics
Whilst industrial robots have been used in manu
facturing for years, they have not been considered
suitable for complex logistics tasks. Now thats all
changing. Baxter and Sawyer are two collaborative
robots that use sensors and cameras not only to
identify and grab objects, but also to integrate
themselves into existing operations and assist staff
with tasks, such as packaging, assembling and
co-packing products.
Automated relief
Several years ago, Deutsche Post DHL Group put a system
intooperation that can autonomously unload containers with
loose parcels, thus relieving workers from what was very
strenuous manual labour. Guided by custom software and a
laser scanner, the parcel robot grabs individual parcels from
containers before placing them on a conveyor belt.
14 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Chatbots go shopping
AllyouneedFresh, Deutsche Post DHL Groups online grocery
store, offers a special service to its customers in Germany:
customers send a shopping list or photo of a recipe using an
instant messenger such as SIMSme. An intelligent computer
program known as a chatbot then autonomously creates a
shopping list. The customer receives a link, reviews the order
and confirms the purchase. DHL then delivers the order within
the requested delivery window.
16 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Delivering convenience
Together with prominent car manufacturers, DHL Paket is
testingin-car delivery. Since the autumn of 2016, DHL and smart
have been running a joint test project allowing owners of
asmartin select cities to register their cars as mobile delivery
addresses for their parcel shipments. Using a smartphone
app,deliverers can locate the vehicle and open the boot using
aone-time transaction number in order to deposit the ship-
ment.A similar project called Smart Lock is also being tested:
customers can give, for example, parcel couriers access to their
home using a special electronic lock and app so that they can
deposit parcels there. The technology can also be used to
opendoors for other services, such as cleaning or maintenance
20 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
(previous year: 4.1%)
57,334 million
(previous year: 59,230 million)
2015 2015
1.27 0.85
After deduction of non-controlling interests.
Calculation Group Management Report, page 58.
Basic earnings per share.
Headcount at the end of the year, including trainees.
22 Business model and organisation
24 Business units and market positions
30 Objectives and strategies
32 Group management
34 Disclosures required by takeover law
38 Research and development
38 Remuneration of the Board ofManagement and Supervisory Board
47 Overall Board of Management a ssessment of the Groups economic position
47 Forecast/actual comparison
48 Economic parameters
50 Significant events
50 Results of operations
52 Financial position
58 Net assets
59 Business performance in the divisions
74 Overall Board of Management a ssessment of the opportunity andrisksituation
74 Opportunity and risk management
77 Categories of opportunities and risks
82 Overall Board of Management assessment of the future economic position
82 Forecast period
82 Future economic parameters
83 Revenue and earnings forecast
84 Expected financial position
84 Performance of further indicators r elevant for internal management
22 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
GENERAL INFORMATION vices we describe in the Business units and market positions chap-
ter, page 24ff. Each of them is under the control of its own
Business model and organisation divisional headquarters and subdivided into functions,
business units or regions for reporting purposes.
Four operating divisions We consolidate the internal services that support the
Deutsche Post AG is a listed corporation domiciled in Bonn, entire Group in our Global Business Services (GBS). Group
Germany. The Group is organised into the four operating management functions are centralised in the Corporate
divisions Post- eCommerce- Parcel, Express, Supply Chain Center.
and Global Forwarding, Freight, whose products and ser-
Organisational structure
01/0 1
Market volumes1
01/0 2
Global Germany
(2015) (2016)
Air freight2
10.1 BN
Regional volumes do not add up to global volumes due to rounding.
Data based solely upon export freight tonnes. Source: Seabury Cargo Advisory.
Twenty-foot equivalent units; estimated part of overall market controlled by forwarders. Data based solely upon export freight tonnes.
Source: company estimates, Seabury Cargo Advisory.
Based upon Transport Intelligence and company estimates.
Includes express product Time Definite International. Country base: Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, AE, SA, ZA (Global);
BR, CA, CL, CO, CR, GT, MX, PA, PE, US (Americas); AT, DE, DK, ES, FR, IT, NL, RU, TR, UK (Europe); CN, HK, IN, JP, KR, SG (Asia Pacific).
Source: Market Intelligence, 2014, annual reports and desk research.
Source: company estimates.
Includes all advertising media with external distribution costs. Source: company estimates.
Market volume covers 25 European countries, excluding liquids and bulky goods. Source: Market Intelligence Study DHL 2016,
based upon Eurostat, financial publications, IHS [2016]. All rights reserved.
24 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Packstations Around
million parcels
post boxes 3,100 perworking day
sales points
Over Around
13,000 103,000 82
retail outlets About
letter and parcel mail centres
million letters Paketboxes
perworking day 34
parcel centres
The postal service for Germany Domestic mail communication market, business customers, 2016
01/0 4
We deliver about 59million letters every working day in Market volume: 4.5billion
Germany, making us Europes largest postal company. Our
Deutsche Post 61.3%
products and services are aimed at both private and busi-
Competition 38.7%
ness customers and range from physical, hybrid and elec-
tronic letters and merchandise to additional services such Source: company estimate.
Due to increasing media convergence, we now include Worldwide portfolio of parcel and e-commerce services
all advertising media with external distribution costs (place- We have a dense network of parcel acceptance and drop-off
ment costs) in our domestic advertising market reporting. points in Germany. Recipients can choose whether they
The domestic advertising market increased by 0.2% in 2016 wish to receive their parcels during a specific delivery win-
to a volume of 24.4billion, primarily because companies dow, on the same day or as quickly as possible. They can
reallocated their advertising expenditures. Our share of this decide at short notice whether to have their parcels de
highly fragmented and stable market decreased slightly to livered to an alternative address or a Parcelshop. We help
8.7% (previous year, adjusted: 8.9%). our business customers to grow their online retail busi-
nesses. On request, we can cover the entire logistics chain
Domestic advertising market1, 2016
01/0 5
through to returns management.
Market volume: 24.4billion The German parcel market volume totalled around
10.1billion in 2016 (previous year: 9.5billion). We ex-
Competition 91.3%
panded our market share to 45.1% (previous year: 43.7%).
Deutsche Post 8.7%
We are also increasingly offering our e-commerce ser-
Includes all advertising media with external distribution costs; the placement costs vices internationally. In Europe, we continued to expand our
areshown as ratios to each other.
B2C network in the reporting year. We are improving our
Source: company estimate.
market access in France and the United Kingdom with
theacquisition of a minority interest in Relais Colis and
Sending mail and merchandise internationally thetakeover of UK Mail. Furthermore, we expanded our
We carry mail and light-weight merchandise shipments European parcel business to a total of 19 countries, includ-
across borders and provide international dialogue market- ing the German domestic market, through co-operation
ing services. For business customers in key European mail agreements in Scandinavia, the Baltic states, Hungary and
markets, we offer international shipping services. For the Slovenia. We operate over 20,000 Parcelshops in Europe
growing e-commerce sector, we develop international ship- and have set up the first Packstations.
ping solutions to consumers (B2C). Our portfolio also com- Outside Europe, we brought another e-commerce de-
prises consulting and services for all physical and digital livery network online in Thailand, opened two fulfilment
dialogue marketing needs. Furthermore, we offer physical, centres Glossary, page 181, in the United States and India re-
hybrid and electronic written communications for inter spectively as well as one in Mexico. Centrally co-ordinated
national business customers. in Hong Kong, we support FC Bayern Munichs Chinese
The global market volume for outbound international online fan store. Due to increasing demand, we reinforced
mail was around 5.8billion in 2016 (previous year, ad- our international parcel network by adding two new distri-
justed: 5.6billion). Our market share remained at the bution centres in China and one in the United States.
prior-year level at 16.3%.
Domestic parcel market, 2016
01/0 7
International mail market (outbound), 2016 Market volume: 10.1 billion
01/0 6
Market volume: 5.8billion
Competition 54.9%
Competition 83.7% DHL 45.1%
DHL 16.3%
Source: company estimate.
Available capacity
01/0 8
International express business benefits from trade GLOBAL FORWARDING, FREIGHT DIVISION
The international express business is benefiting from cross-
border e-commerce and the growing importance of small The air, ocean and overland freight forwarder
and medium-sized enterprises in international trade. The Our air, ocean and overland freight forwarding services not
strong volume growth of our TDI product compared with only include standardised transports but also multimodal
the competition indicates that we have maintained our and sector-specific solutions as well as individualised indus-
position as global market leader. trial projects.
Compared with other divisions, our operating business
Expanding our network in the Europe region model is asset-light, as it is based upon the brokerage of
In the Europe region, we have completed the expansion of transport services between our customers and freight car-
our global hub in Leipzig. Since beginning expansion activ- riers. Our global presence and network allow us to offer
ities at the end of 2013, 1,300 new jobs have been created at efficient routing and multimodal transports.
that location.
Air freight market, 2015: top 4
01/0 9
Expanding service in the Americas region Thousand tonnes1
In the Americas region, we opened more than 500 new ser-
Panalpina 836
vice points in 2016 and, specifically in light of growing
e-commerce volumes, hired over 600 new employees. The DB Schenker 1,128
expansion of our global hub in Cincinnati was also com-
Kuehne+Nagel 1,250
pleted, including space for 16 additional aircraft.
European overland freight market grows moderately Industry expertise in key sectors
The European road transport market grew again slightly in We have in-depth knowledge and experience in a variety of
the reporting year, after being virtually stagnant in the prior sectors, with a strategic focus on Life Sciences&Healthcare,
year. Oil prices fell again, whilst volumes increased in many Automotive and Technology. We grew in the year under re-
European countries. In what continues to be a competitive view with our acquisition of Mitsafetrans S.r.l. and a subsid-
environment, DHL remained the second-largest provider in iary. The companies provide logistics services for the tech-
2015 with a market share of 2.2%. nology, pharmaceutical and high-tech industries in Italy.
The Life Sciences&Healthcare sector is increasingly
European road transport market, 2015: top 5
01/1 1
outsourcing parts of its supply chains to providers who
Market volume: 193billion1 canensure compliance with stringent regulatory require-
Kuehne+Nagel 1.3%
ments.Rising demand for packaging services, temperature-
controlled transport, warehousing and direct-to-market
DSV 1.7%
solutions, Glossary, page 181, is driving growth in this sector.
Dachser 1.8% In the Automotive sector, production is shifting in-
DHL 2.2%
creasingly to emerging markets such as China, India and
Mexico. Integrated solutions such as Lead Logistics Pro-
vider (LLP), Glossary, page 181, offer growth o
pportunities in
DB Schenker 3.3%
this highly competitive outsourcing sector.
Total market for 25 European countries, excluding bulk goods and specialties transports.
Source: Market Intelligence Study DHL 2016 based upon Eurostat, financial publications,
Group Management Report General Information Business units and market positions
Return Plan
Bringing it back for repair Laying the foundation
or when its not needed 6 1 for an efficient supply chain
Returns Raw materials
Distribution Inbound
Deliver 5 2 Source
Getting it where it needs to be Getting the materials
at the time required
Warehousing Production
Value-added services
Store&Customise 4 3 Make
Getting it ready to sell Supporting product manufacturing
Companies in the fast-paced Technology sector require an Contract logistics market, 2015: top 10
01/1 3
agile supply chain to handle fast-moving products with Market volume: 184billion
short life-cycles quickly and cost-effectively. Flexible solu-
DHL 7.6%
tions that allow our customers to respond to market de-
XPO Logistics1 2.5%
mand are creating business opportunities in this sector.
Kuehne + Nagel 2.2%
Ceva 1.8%
Leading position in a fragmented market Hitachi 1.6%
DHL remains the global market leader in contract logistics, SNCF Geodis 1.4%
with a market share of 7.6% (2015) and operations in more UPS 1.3%
than 50 countries. The top ten players only account for Neovia 1.3%
DB Schenker Logistics 1.3%
around 22% of an estimated 184billion market. We lead
Ryder 1.2%
the market in mature regions such as North America and
Europe and are well positioned in rapidly growing markets 1
Market position improved through acquisition of Con-way Inc. and Norbert Dentressangle,
amongst others.
such as India, emerging markets throughout the Asia Pacific Source: Transport Intelligence; revenue figures are estimates based upon gross revenue
region and Latin America. withexternal customers; exchange rates as at 2015.
30 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
01/1 4
Free cash flow
Includes EBIT-related current assets and liabilities. Not included are assets and liabilities related to taxes, financing and cash and cash equivalents, for example.
Includes EBIT-related other non-current assets and liabilities. Not included are assets and liabilities related to taxes or bonds, for example.
34 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Deutsche Post AG via KfW. According to the notifications 236,267,019.00 (Authorised Capital 2013, article 5(2) of
we have received pursuant to sections 21 et seq. of the Wert the Articles of Association). When new shares are issued on
papierhandelsgesetz (WpHG German Securities Trading the basis of Authorised Capital 2013, the shareholders are
Act), no other direct or indirect shareholders own more entitled in principle to subscription rights. Such rights may
than 10% of the share capital. only be disapplied subject to the requirements specified in
article 5 (2) of the Articles of Association and subject to the
Appointment and replacement of members of the Board consent of the Supervisory Board. Details may be found in
ofManagement article 5 (2) of the Articles of Association of the company.
The members of the Board of Management are appointed Authorised Capital 2013 is a financing and acquisition
and replaced in accordance with the relevant legal provi- instrument in accordance with international standards that
sions (sections 84 and 85 of the Aktiengesetz (AktG G
erman allows the company to increase equity quickly, flexibly and
Stock Corporation Act) and section 31 of the Mitbestim cost-effectively. The authorised capital is equivalent to less
mungsgesetz (MitbestG German Co-determination Act)). than 20% of the share capital. Authorised Capital 2013,
In accordance with section 84 of the AktG and section 31 of which originally amounted to 240million, was used in a
the MitbestG, appointments by the Supervisory Board shall total amount of 3,732,981.00 in financial years 2014 and
be for a maximum term of five years. Re-appointments or 2015 in order to finance a share buy-back to settle share-
extensions of the term of office are permitted for a max based payments due to executives in these years.
imum of five years in each case. Article 6 of the Articles of The Board of Management utilised the authorisation it
Association stipulates that the Board of Management must received in an AGM resolution passed on 25May2011, sub-
have at least two members. Beyond that, the number of ject to the consent of the Supervisory Board, in the full
board members is determined by the Supervisory Board, amount in December2012 by issuing a convertible bond in
which may also appoint a chairman and deputy chairman the aggregate principal amount of 1billion. By 31Decem-
of the Board of Management. ber2016, a total of 28,167,028 shares had been issued to
holders of bonds after exercise of their conversion options.
Amendments to the Articles of Association As at 31December2016, the share capital had been in-
In accordance with section 119(1), number 5 and section creased on a contingent basis by up to 46,832,972.00 for
179(1), sentence 1 of the AktG, amendments to the Articles the purpose of granting shares to the holders or creditors of
of Association are adopted by resolution of the AGM. In ac- the convertible bond after exercise of their rights in order
cordance with article 21(2) of the Articles of Association in to settle these rights or to fulfil the conversion obligations
conjunction with sections 179(2) and 133(1) of the AktG, (Contingent Capital 2011, article 5(3) of the Articles of
such amendments generally require a simple majority of the A
votes cast and a simple majority of the share capital repre- An AGM resolution was passed on 29May2013 author-
sented on the date of the resolution. In such instances where ising the Board of Management, subject to the consent of
the law requires a greater majority for amendments to the the Supervisory Board, to issue bonds with warrants, con-
Articles of Association, that majority is decisive. Under vertible bonds and/or income bonds as well as profit partici
a rticle 14 (7) of the Articles of Association, the Supervisory pation certificates, or a combination thereof (hereinafter
Board has the authority to approve amendments to the referred to collectively as bonds), in an aggregate princi-
Articles of Association in cases where the amendments pal amount of up to 1.5billion, on one or more occasions
affect only the wording. on or before 28May2018, thereby granting options or con-
version rights for up to 75million shares with a total share
Board of Management authorisation, particularly regarding in the share capital not to exceed 75million. The bond
issue and buy-back of shares conditions may also stipulate an obligation to exercise op-
The Board of Management is authorised, subject to the con- tions or conversion rights or may entitle the company to
sent of the Supervisory Board, to issue up to 236,267,019 grant the bond holders or creditors shares in the company
new, no-par value registered shares on or before 28May2018 in lieu of payment of all or part of the sum of money owed,
in exchange for cash and/or non-cash contributions and either at the time of maturity of the bonds or at another time.
thereby increase the companys share capital by up to The share capital was increased on a contingent basis by up
36 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
to 75million in order to grant shares to the holders or Articles of Association). Further details may be found in the
creditors of the bonds after exercise of their options or con- motion adopted by the AGM under agenda item 8 of the
version rights or to fulfil their option or conversion obliga- AGM of 27May2014.
tions, or to grant them shares in lieu of monetary payment As at 31December2016, 11,808,168 Performance Share
in accordance with the bond conditions (Contingent Cap Units, which were issued in financial years 2014 to 2016,
ital 2013, article 5 (4) of the Articles of Association). When were outstanding.
issuing bonds, shareholders subscription rights may only Finally, the AGM of 27May2014 authorised the com-
be disapplied subject to the terms of the aforementioned pany to buy back shares on or before 26May2019 up to an
resolution and subject to the consent of the Supervisory amount not to exceed 10% of the share capital existing as at
Board. Further details may be found in the motion adopted the date of the resolution. Such authorisation is subject to
by the AGM under agenda item 7 of the AGM of 29May2013. the proviso that at no time should the shares thus acquired,
Authorisation to issue bonds is standard practice together with the shares already held by the company,
amongst publicly listed companies. This allows the company account for more than 10% of the share capital. The shares
to finance its activities flexibly and promptly and gives it the may be purchased through the stock market, a public offer,
financial leeway necessary to take advantage of favourable a public call for offers of sale from the companys sharehold-
market conditions at short notice, for example by offering ers or by some other means in accordance with section 53a
bonds with options or conversion rights, or conversion ob- of the AktG. The shares purchased may be used for any le-
ligations on shares in the company as a consideration within gally permissible purpose. In addition to a sale via the stock
the context of company mergers, and when acquiring com- exchange or by public offer to all shareholders, it is permit-
panies or shareholdings in companies. To date, the Board ted in particular to use the shares with pre-emptive sub-
of Management has not exercised this authority. scription rights disapplied in accordance with the provi-
An AGM resolution was passed on 27May2014 author- sions of the authorisation resolution or to call in the shares
ising the Board of Management to issue up to 40million without an additional resolution of the AGM. Further details
Performance Share Units with pre-emptive subscription may be found in the motion adopted by the AGM under
rights to a total of up to 40million shares with a total share agenda item 6 of the AGM of 27May2014.
in the share capital not to exceed 40million, subject to the In addition to this, the AGM of 27May2014 also author-
provisions of the authorisation resolution, on or before ised the Board of Management, within the scope specified
26May2019 to members of the management of entities in in agenda item 6, to buy back shares, including through the
which the company is the majority shareholder and to ex- use of derivatives. This is to occur by servicing options that,
ecutives of the company and the entities in which it is a upon their exercise, require the company to repurchase
majority shareholder. The Performance Share Units may shares (put options), by exercising options that, upon their
also be issued by entities in which the company is the ma- exercise, grant the company the right to buy back shares
jority shareholder with the consent of the Board of Manage- (call options), as a result of purchase agreements where
ment. The issue of shares arising from the subscription there are more than two trading days between conclusion
rights associated with the Performance Share Units depends of the purchase agreement for Deutsche Post shares and
upon certain performance targets being met after expiry of servicing by way of the delivery of Deutsche Post shares
a four-year waiting period, with it being possible to issue up (forward purchases) or by servicing or exercising a combin
to four shares for every six subscription rights granted, if ation of put options, call options and/or forward purchases.
and insofar as performance targets for the share price, All share acquisitions using the aforementioned derivatives
which have been specified in detail, are met, and up to two are limited to a maximum of 5% of the share capital existing
shares if and insofar as certain outperformance targets on the date of the resolution. The term of the individual
based upon the percentage change of the STOXX Europe 600 derivatives may not exceed 18 months, must expire by no
Index are met. The share capital was increased on a contin- later than 26May2019 and be selected such that shares may
gent basis by up to 40million in order to grant shares in not be repurchased by exercising the derivatives after
the company to the executives entitled to subscription 26May2019. Further details may be found in the motion
rights, in accordance with the provisions of the authorisa- adopted by the AGM under agenda item 7 of the AGM of
tion resolution (Contingent Capital 2014, article 5(5) of the 27May2014.
Group Management Report General Information Disclosures required by takeover law
It is standard business practice amongst publicly listed credit line as well as its share of outstanding loans and to
companies in Germany for the AGM to authorise the com- request repayment. The terms and conditions of the bonds
pany to buy back shares. The authorisation to repurchase issued under the Debt Issuance Programme established in
shares using derivatives is merely intended to supplement March2012 and of the convertible bond issued in Decem-
share buy-back as a tool and give the company the oppor- ber2012 also contain change-in-control clauses. In the event
tunity to structure share repurchase in an advantageous of a change in control within the meaning of the terms and
manner. conditions, creditors are, under certain conditions, granted
Utilising part of the authorisation to repurchase shares the right to demand early redemption of the respective
it received from an AGM resolution passed on 27May2014, bonds. Furthermore, a framework agreement exists con-
the Board of Management resolved on 1March2016 a share cerning the supply of fuel, based upon which fuel in the
buyback programme for up to 60million shares at a total value of a high double-digit million amount was obtained
purchase price (not including transaction costs) of up to in the reporting year and which, in the event of a change in
1billion. The purchased shares were to be either retired, control, grants the supplier the right to bring the business
used to service long-term remuneration plans or used to relationship to a close without notice.
meet potential obligations if rights accruing under the In the event of a change in control, any member of the
2012/2019 convertible bond are exercised. The buyback Board of Management is entitled to resign their office for
programme began on 1April2016 and will end no later than good cause within a period of six months following the
6March2017. By 31December2016, 29,587,229 shares had change in control after giving three months notice to the
been repurchased through the programme. A portion of the end of a given month, and to terminate their Board of
purchased shares have been designated for use as matching Management contract (right to early termination). If the
shares from 2017 to 2021 as part of the Share Matching right to early termination is exercised or a Board of Manage
Scheme. On 25October2016, the Board of Management of ment contract is terminated by mutual consent within nine
Deutsche Post AG resolved to implement another share buy- months of the change in control, the Board of Management
back programme for up to 3million shares after the current member is entitled to payment to compensate the remain-
programme ends. The shares purchased as part of this pro- ing term of their Board of Management contract. Such pay-
gramme will be used exclusively for the purpose of making ment is limited to the cap pursuant to the recommendation
them available as investment shares for the 2017 tranche as of No.4.2.3 of the German Corporate Governance Code,
part of the Share Matching Scheme. As at 31December2016, subject to the specifications outlined in the remuneration
the company held 29,587,229 treasury shares. report. With respect to options from the Long-Term Incen-
Any public offer to acquire shares in the company is tive Plan, the Board of Management member will be treated
governed solely by law and the Articles of Association, in- as if the waiting period for all options had already expired
cluding the provisions of the Wertpapiererwerbs- und ber upon cessation of the Board of Management contract. The
nahmegesetz (WpG German Securities Acquisition and options eligible for exercise may then be exercised within
Takeover Act). The AGM has not authorised the Board of six months of cessation of the contract. With regard to the
Management to undertake actions within its sphere of com- Share Matching Scheme for executives, the holding period
petence to block possible takeover bids. for the shares will become invalid with immediate effect in
the event of a change in control of the company. The partici
Significant agreements that are conditional upon a change pating executives will receive the total number of matching
incontrol following a takeover bid and agreements shares corresponding to their investment in due course. In
withmembers of the Board of Management or employees such case, the employer will be responsible for any tax dis-
providing for compensation in the event of a change advantages resulting from reduction of the holding period.
incontrol Exempt from this are taxes normally incurred after the
Deutsche Post AG holds a syndicated credit facility with a holding period.
volume of 2billion that it has taken out with a consortium
of banks. If a change in control within the meaning of the
contract occurs, each member of the bank consortium is
entitled under certain conditions to cancel its share of the
38 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Research and development period; the rest is made up of an annual bonus linked to the
companys yearly profits, with 50% of the annual bonus
As a service provider, the Group does not engage in research flowing into a medium-term component with a three-year
and development activities in the narrower sense and there- calculation period (deferral). Thus less than a quarter of the
fore has no significant expenses to report in this connection. variable remuneration component is granted on the basis of
a one-year calculation. The amount of the annual bonus is
set at the due discretion of the Supervisory Board on the
Remuneration of the Board basis of the companys performance. The individual annual
ofManagement and Supervisory Board bonus amounts reflect the extent to which predefined tar-
gets are achieved, missed or exceeded. The maximum
Remuneration structure of the Group Board of Management amount of the annual bonus may not exceed 100% of the
in financial year 2016 annual base salary.
The remuneration paid to individual Board of Management The same criteria were used to calculate the amount of
members for financial year 2016 was determined by the the annual bonus for the reporting year as for the previous
Supervisory Board, which held consultations to resolve on year. A key parameter for all Board of Management mem-
the total remuneration to be paid to the individual members bers is the Groups EBIT after asset charge performance met-
of the Board of Management, including the main contrac- ric, including the asset charge on goodwill before goodwill
tual elements. In so doing, it obtained advice from an inde- impairment (EAC). For the Board of Management members
pendent remuneration consultant. in charge of the Post- eCommerce- Parcel, Express, Global
The Board of Management remuneration reflects the Forwarding, Freight and Supply Chain divisions, the EAC of
size and global reach of the company, its economic and their respective division is also a key parameter. The Groups
financial situation and the roles and achievements of the reported free cash flow is one of the targets applicable to all
individual members. It is set to ensure competitiveness with members of the Board of Management. Furthermore, an
comparable German and international companies, thus employee-related target is agreed with all Board of Manage-
incentivising the Board of Management members to deliver ment members based upon the annual Employee Opinion
maximum performance and achieve results. Survey, as are additional targets.
The remuneration paid to the Board of Management for Achievement of the upper targets for the financial year
2016 is in line with standard market practice, appropriate to that have been agreed based upon demanding objectives is
the tasks involved and designed to reward performance; rewarded with the maximum annual bonus. If the targets
itcomprises fixed (non-performance-related) elements and specified for the financial year are only partially reached or
variable (performance-related) elements, which include completely missed, the annual bonus will be paid on a pro-
short, medium and long-term incentives. The remuneration rata basis or not at all.
as a whole as well as its variable components have been Even if the agreed targets are reached, the annual bonus
capped. is not paid out in full in a single instalment. Instead, 50% of
Non-performance-related components are the annual the annual bonus flows into a medium-term component
base salary (fixed annual remuneration), fringe benefits and with a three-year calculation period (performance phase of
pension commitments. The annual base salary is paid in one year, sustainability phase of two years). That medium-
twelve equal monthly instalments retroactively at the end term component will be paid out after expiry of the sustain-
of each month. Fringe benefits mainly comprise the use of ability phase subject to the condition that EAC an indica-
company cars, supplements for insurance premiums and tor of sustainability be reached during the sustainability
special allowances and benefits for assignments outside the phase. Otherwise, payment of the medium-term compo-
home country. nent is forfeited without compensation. This demerit system
The variable remuneration paid to the Board of Manage puts greater emphasis on sustainable company development
ment is almost entirely medium and long-term based. More in determining Board of Management remuneration and
than half of the variable target remuneration consists of a sets long-term incentives.
long-term incentive plan (LTIP) with a four-year calculation
Group Management Report General Information Research and development Remuneration of the Board ofManagement
and Supervisory Board 39
Stock appreciation rights (SARs) were also granted in Provisions to cap severance payments pursuant to the
2016 as a long-term remuneration component based upon Corporate Governance Code recommendation, change-of-
the LTIP authorised by resolution of the Supervisory Board control provisions and post-contractual non-compete clauses
(2006 LTIP). In accordance with the recommendation of the German
Each SAR entitles the holder to receive a cash settlement Corporate Governance Code (DCGK), Board of Manage-
equal to the difference between the average closing price of ment contracts contain a provision stipulating that in the
Deutsche Post shares for the five trading days preceding the event of premature termination of a Board of Management
exercise date and the exercise price of the SAR. In 2016, the members contract, the severance payment may compensate
members of the Board of Management each made a per- no more than the remaining term of the contract. The sev-
sonal financial investment consisting of 10% of their annual erance payment is limited to a maximum amount of two
base salary. The waiting period for the stock appreciation years remuneration including fringe benefits (severance
rights is four years from the date on which they were payment cap). The severance payment cap is calculated ex-
granted. After expiration of the waiting period, and pro- clusive of any special remuneration or the value of rights
vided an absolute or relative performance target has been allocated from LTIPs.
achieved, some or all of the SARs can be exercised for a In the event of a change in control, any member of the
period of two years. Any SARs not exercised during the two- Board of Management is entitled to resign from office for
year period will expire. good cause within a period of six months following the
To determine how many, if any, of the SARs granted can change in control, after giving three months notice by the
be exercised, the average share price or the average index end of a given month, and to terminate their Board of Man-
value for the reference period is compared with that of the agement contract (right to early termination).
performance period. The reference period comprises the The contractual provisions stipulate that a change in
last 20 consecutive trading days prior to the issue date. The control exists if a shareholder has acquired control within
performance period is the last 60 trading days before the the meaning of section 29(2) of the Wertpapiererwerbs-
end of the waiting period. The average (closing) price is und bernahmegesetz (WpG German Securities Acqui-
calculated as the average closing price of Deutsche Post sition and Takeover Act) via possession of at least 30% of
shares in Deutsche Brse AGs Xetra trading system. the voting rights, including the voting rights attributable to
A maximum of four out of every six SARs can be earned such shareholder by virtue of acting in concert with other
via the absolute performance target, and a maximum of two shareholders as set forth in section 30 of the WpG or if a
via the relative performance target. If neither an absolute control agreement has been concluded with the company as
nor a relative performance target is met by the end of the a dependent entity in accordance with section 291 of the
waiting period, the SARs attributable to the related tranche AktG and such agreement has taken effect or if the company
will expire without replacement or compensation. has merged with another legal entity outside of the Group
One SAR is earned each time the closing price of pursuant to section 2 of the Umwandlungsgesetz (UmwG
Deutsche Post shares exceeds the issue price by at least 10, German Reorganisation and Transformation Act), unless
15, 20 or 25%. The relative performance target is tied to the the value of such other legal entity, as determined by the
performance of the shares in relation to the STOXX Europe agreed conversion rate, is less than 50% of the value of the
600 Index (SXXP; ISIN EU0009658202). It is met if the company.
share price equals the index performance or if it outper- In the event the right to early termination is exercised
forms the index by at least 10%. or a Board of Management contract is terminated by mutual
The proceeds from stock appreciation rights are limited consent within nine months of the change in control, the
to a maximum amount. The individual amount limits for Board of Management member is entitled to payment to
the 2016 tranche can be seen in tables 01/15 and 01/16. The compensate the remaining term of their Board of Manage-
remuneration from stock appreciation rights may be limited ment contract. Such payment is limited to 150% of the sev-
by the Supervisory Board in the event of extraordinary cir- erance payment cap pursuant to the DCGK recommenda-
cumstances. tion. The amount of the payment is reduced by 25% if the
40 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Board of Management member has not reached the age of Amount of remuneration paid to members of the Group
60 upon leaving the company. If the remaining term of the Board of Management in financial year 2016
Board of Management contract is less than two years and The remuneration paid to members of the Board of Man-
the Board of Management member has not reached the age agement in financial year 2016 totalled 12.26million (pre-
of 62 upon leaving the company, the payment will corres vious year: 10.70million) in accordance with the applic
pond to the severance payment cap. The same applies if a able international accounting standards. That amount
Board of Management contract expires prior to the Board comprised 6.63million in non-performance-related com-
of Management members reaching the age of 62 because ponents (previous year: 7.05million) and 5.63million in
less than nine months remained on the term of the contract paid-out performance-related components (previous year:
at the time of the change in control and the contract was 3.65million). An additional 3.01million of the perform
notrenewed. ance-related component was transferred to the medium-
Board of Management members are also subject to a term component and will be paid out in 2019 subject to the
non-compete clause, taking effect on the cessation of their condition that the required EAC, an indicator of sustainabil-
contracts. During the one-year non-compete period, former ity, be reached.
Board of Management members receive 100% of their last The members of the Board of Management were granted
contractually stipulated annual base salary on a pro-rata a total of 1,202,376 SARs in financial year 2016 with a total
basis as compensation each month. Any other income value of 6.25million (previous year: 6.66million) at the
earned during the non-compete period is subtracted from time of issue (1September2016). The total remuneration
the compensation paid. The amount of the compensation paid to Board of Management members is presented indi-
payment itself is deducted from any severance payments or vidually in the tables below. In addition to the applicable
pension payments. Prior to, or concurrent with, cessation accounting principles, the DCGK recommendations were
of the Board of Management contract, the company may also taken into account.
declare its waiver of adherence to the non-compete clause. In accordance with the recommendations, the target
In such a case, the company will be released from the obli- remuneration tables (01/15 and 01/16, or benefits granted
gation to pay compensation due to a restraint on competi- in DCGK terminology) do not show any actual payments of
tion six months after receipt of such declaration. performance-based remuneration. By contrast with the
Apart from the aforementioned arrangements, no mem- payment amount stated, the figures stated for the one-year
ber of the Board of Management has been promised any variable remuneration and the portion of the one-year vari
further benefits after leaving the company. able remuneration to be deferred (the deferral) reflect the
target amount (i. e., the amount when achieving 100% of the
target) that was granted for financial year 2016 or for the
previous year. In addition, the long-term remuneration
(LTIP with a four-year waiting period) granted in the report-
ing year or in the previous year is reported at the fair value
at the time granted. With respect to pension commitments,
the pension expense, i.e., the service cost in accordance
with IAS19, is presented. The presentation is supplemented
by the minimum and maximum values that can be achieved.
Group Management Report General Information Remuneration of the Board ofManagement and Supervisory Board
a) Non-performance-related remuneration
Base salary 1,962,556 1,962,556 1,962,556 1,962,556 968,750 976,500 976,500 976,500
Fringe benefits 34,801 35,099 35,099 35,099 102,252 102,375 102,375 102,375
Total (lit.a) 1,997,357 1,997,655 1,997,655 1,997,655 1,071,002 1,078,875 1,078,875 1,078,875
b) Performance-related remuneration
One-year variable remuneration 785,022 785,022 0 981,278 387,500 390,600 0 488,250
Multi-year variable remuneration 2,747,597 2,747,596 0 5,887,668 1,364,020 1,367,129 0 4,394,250
LTIP with four-year waiting period 1,962,575 1,962,574 0 4,906,390 976,520 976,529 0 3,906,000
Deferral with three-year waiting period 785,022 785,022 0 981,278 387,500 390,600 0 488,250
Total (lit.a and b) 5,529,976 5,530,273 1,997,655 8,866,601 2,822,522 2,836,604 1,078,875 5,961,375
c) Pension expense (service cost) 1,094,399 899,257 899,257 899,257 321,537 337,497 337,497 337,497
Total DCGK remuneration (lit.a to c) 6,624,375 6,429,530 2,896,912 9,765,858 3,144,059 3,174,101 1,416,372 6,298,872
a) Non-performance-related remuneration
Base salary 991,148 1,005,795 1,005,795 1,005,795 715,000 823,750 823,750 823,750
Fringe benefits 31,399 35,011 35,011 35,011 168,110 174,576 174,576 174,576
Total (lit.a) 1,022,547 1,040,806 1,040,806 1,040,806 883,110 998,326 998,326 998,326
b) Performance-related remuneration
One-year variable remuneration 396,459 402,318 0 502,898 286,000 329,500 0 411,875
Multi-year variable remuneration 1,402,267 1,408,144 0 4,526,078 1,001,011 1,189,528 0 3,851,875
LTIP with four-year waiting period 1,005,808 1,005,826 0 4,023,180 715,011 860,028 0 3,440,000
Deferral with three-year waiting period 396,459 402,318 0 502,898 286,000 329,500 0 411,875
Total (lit.a and b) 2,821,273 2,851,268 1,040,806 6,069,782 2,170,121 2,517,354 998,326 5,262,076
c) Pension expense (service cost) 325,592 277,604 277,604 277,604 253,470 239,316 239,316 239,316
Total DCGK remuneration (lit.a to c) 3,146,865 3,128,872 1,318,410 6,347,386 2,423,591 2,756,670 1,237,642 5,501,392
Melanie Kreis
a) Non-performance-related remuneration
Base salary 715,000 739,167 739,167 739,167
Fringe benefits 22,596 18,990 18,990 18,990
Total (lit.a) 737,596 758,157 758,157 758,157
b) Performance-related remuneration
One-year variable remuneration 286,000 295,667 0 369,584
Multi-year variable remuneration 1,001,011 1,010,677 0 3,229,584
LTIP with four-year waiting period 715,011 715,010 0 2,860,000
Deferral with three-year waiting period 286,000 295,667 0 369,584
Total (lit.a and b) 2,024,607 2,064,501 758,157 4,357,325
Responsible for Finance since 1October2016 and, until further notice, also responsible for Human Resources.
Target remuneration for the Board of Management members who left the company in financial year 2016
01/1 6
Lawrence Rosen
Finance, Global Business Services
(until 30September2016)
a) Non-performance-related remuneration
Base salary 945,500 732,375 732,375 732,375
Fringe benefits 24,985 20,832 20,832 20,832
Total (lit.a) 970,485 753,207 753,207 753,207
b) Performance-related remuneration
One-year variable remuneration 378,200 292,950 0 366,188
Multi-year variable remuneration 1,354,720 1,025,339 0 3,295,688
LTIP with four-year waiting period 976,520 732,389 0 2,929,500
Deferral with three-year waiting period 378,200 292,950 0 366,188
Total (lit.a and b) 2,703,405 2,071,496 753,207 4,415,083
The payments tables (01/17 and 01/18) below include the eferral whose calculation period ended upon expiry of the
same figures for fixed remuneration and fringe benefits as reporting year or the previous year is reported. The tables
in the target remuneration tables (01 / 15 and 01/ 16). By also reflect the amount paid (the payment amount) from
contrast with the presentation in the target remuneration the tranches of the long-term components that were exer-
tables, the one-year variable remuneration paid out in finan- cised in financial year 2016 or in the previous year. In add
cial year 2016 or in the previous year (the payment amount) ition, the pension expense (service cost in accordance with
is stated; the presentation therefore does not include the IAS19) is stated pursuant to the DCGK recommendations.
share of the annual bonus transferred to the medium-term Although the pension expense does not represent an actual
component in these years. With regard to the medium-term payment per se, it is included in the presentation for the
component (the deferral), the payment amount of the purpose of illustrating the total remuneration.
Base salary 1,962,556 1,962,556 968,750 976,500 991,148 1,005,795
Fringe benefits 34,801 35,099 102,252 102,375 31,399 35,011
Total 1,997,357 1,997,655 1,071,002 1,078,875 1,022,547 1,040,806
One-year variable remuneration 288,300 950,662 203,680 482,147 167,256 478,406
Multi-year variable remuneration 5,436,086 6,086,462 5,305,016 3,637,093 5,703,809 3,479,244
Medium-term component 2013 834,086 453,375 457,274
Medium-term component 2014 928,682 447,935 470,331
LTIP (2011 tranche) 4,602,000 5,157,780 4,851,641 5,246,535
LTIP (2012 tranche) 3,189,158 3,008,913
Total 7,721,743 9,034,779 6,579,698 5,198,115 6,893,612 4,998,456
Pension expense (service cost) 1,094,399 899,257 321,537 337,497 325,592 277,604
Total 8,816,142 9,934,036 6,901,235 5,535,612 7,219,204 5,276,060
Base salary 715,000 823,750 715,000 739,167
Fringe benefits 168,110 174,576 22,596 18,990
Total 883,110 998,326 737,596 758,157
One-year variable remuneration 156,406 389,263 120,656 364,964
Multi-year variable remuneration 277,726 58,056
Medium-term component 2013
Medium-term component 2014 277,726 58,056
LTIP (2011 tranche)
LTIP (2012 tranche)
Total 1,039,516 1,665,315 858,252 1,181,177
Pension expense (service cost) 253,470 239,316 70,207 241,937
Total 1,292,986 1,904,631 928,459 1,423,114
Responsible for Finance since 1October2016 and, until further notice, also responsible for Human Resources.
44 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Payments made to the Board of Management members who left the company in financial year 2016
01/1 8
Lawrence Rosen
Finance, Global Business Services
(until 30September2016)
2015 2016
Base salary 945,500 732,375
Fringe benefits 24,985 20,832
Total 970,485 753,207
One-year variable remuneration 100,459 345,608
Multi-year variable remuneration 5,305,016 4,136,970
Medium-term component 2013 453,375
Medium-term component 2014 434,264
LTIP (2011 tranche) 4,851,641
LTIP (2012 tranche) 3,702,706
Total 6,375,960 5,235,785
Pension expense (service cost) 332,971 341,735
Total 6,708,931 5,577,520
Pension commitments under the new system in a lump sum in the amount of the value accumulated in
Since 4March2008, newly appointed Board of Manage- the pension account. The benefits fall due when the Board
ment members have been granted pension commitments of Management member reaches the age of 62 or in the case
based upon a defined contribution plan. Under the defined of invalidity or death whilst in office. In the event of benefits
contribution pension plan, the company credits an annual falling due, the pension beneficiary may opt to receive an
amount of 35% of the annual base salary to a virtual pension annuity payment in lieu of a lump sum payment. If this
account for the Board of Management member concerned. option is exercised, the capital is converted to an annuity
The maximum contribution period is 15 years. The pension payment, taking into account the average iBoxx Corpor
capital accrues interest at an annual rate equal to the iBoxx ates AA10+ Annual Yield for the past ten full calendar
Corporates AA10+ Annual Yield rate, or at an annual rate years as well as the individual data of the surviving depend-
of 2.25% at minimum, and will continue to do so until the ants and a future pension increase of 1% per year.
pension benefits fall due. The pension benefits are paid out
Board of Management pension commitments under the new system: individual breakdown
01/2 1
Total Total Present value Present value
contribution contribution (DBO) as at (DBO) as at
for 2015 for 2016 31Dec.2015 31Dec.2016
Ken Allen 325,500 341,775 2,125,947 2,506,156
John Gilbert 250,250 250,250 445,742 704,837
Melanie Kreis 250,250 250,250 783,552 1,049,012
Lawrence Rosen (until 30September2016) 325,500 256,331 3,179,558 3,387,970
Total 1,151,500 1,098,606 6,534,799 7,647,975
Remuneration of the Supervisory Board mittees, or act as chair or deputy chair, for part of the finan-
Remuneration for the members of the Supervisory Board is cial year are remunerated on a pro-rata basis.
governed by article 17 of the Articles of Association of As in the previous year, Supervisory Board members
Deutsche Post AG, according to which Supervisory Board receive an attendance allowance of 1,000 for each plenary
members receive a fixed annual remuneration in the amount meeting of the Supervisory Board or committee meeting
of 70,000 (as in the previous year). that they attend. They are entitled to the reimbursement of
The Supervisory Board chairman and the Supervisory out-of-pocket cash expenses incurred in the exercise of their
Board committee chairs receive an additional 100% of the office. Any value added tax charged on Supervisory Board
remuneration, and the Supervisory Board deputy chair and remuneration or out-of-pocket expenses is reimbursed.
committee members receive an additional 50%. This does The remuneration for 2016 totalled 2,622,000 (previ-
not apply to the Mediation or Nomination Committees. ous year: 2,682,000). Table 01/22 shows both totals, broken
Those who only serve on the Supervisory Board or its com- down as the remuneration paid to each Supervisory Board
You can find the Annual Corporate Governance Statement,
which is also part of the Group Management Report, at
dpdhl.com/en/investors and in the Corporate Governance
eport, page 93ff.
Group Management Report GENERAL INFORMATION Remuneration of the Board of Management and Supervisory Board ANNUAL CORPORATE G OVERNANCE
STATEMENT Report on Economic Position Overall Board of Management assessment of the Groups economic position Forecast/actual comparison 47
REPORT ON ECONOMIC the dynamic growth recorded in the parcel business more
than compensated for the decline in revenue in the Post
POSITION business unit. In the DHL divisions, the growth trend in the
international Express business remained intact and the
Overall Board of Management turnaround measures implemented in the Global Forward-
assessment of the Groups economic ing, Freight division in particular are taking effect. Con
solidated revenue remained below the prior-year level, due
in part to negative currency effects. Capital expenditure
In financial year 2016, Deutsche Post DHL Group increased increased. Excluding the further funding of pension obliga-
EBIT to 3.5billion. All divisions contributed to the increase. tions, free cash flow registered a positive development.
The measures implemented in the prior year served to make From the perspective of the Board of Management, this
the Group more efficient and led to significantly higher testifies to the continuing sound financial position of the
margins. In the Post- eCommerce- Parcel (PeP) division, Group.
Forecast/actual comparison
Forecast/actual comparison
01/2 3
Forecast adjusted during the year.
Adjusted weighting of the divisions carbon efficiencies page 70.
48 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
The Asian threshold economies again provided the strongest Rise in crude oil prices over the course of 2016
economic momentum. At 6.3%, GDP growth fell well below At the end of 2016, the price for one barrel of Brent Crude
the 6.7% recorded in the prior year. The Chinese economy was US$55.21 (previous year: US$36.43). However, the aver-
continued to weaken, with exports registering a sharp fall. age price of oil for the year declined by around 16% on the
At the same time, however, industrial manufacturing growth previous year to just under US$44 per barrel. Oil prices fluc-
stabilised, albeit at a relatively low level for China. GDP tuated between US$26 and US$56 over the course of the year,
growth declined to 6.7% (previous year: 6.9%). The Japan whereby prices rose significantly in the months following
ese economy recorded only minimal growth. Moderate in- the low recorded in January.
creases were seen in private consumption and gross fixed
capital formation, whilst exports increased only very slightly. Euro weakens on the back of Brexit and monetary policies
All in all, GDP growth declined to 1.0% (previous year: 1.2%). The European Central Bank (ECB) further expanded its
In the United States, the economic upturn lost notable monetary policy efforts in 2016. Against the backdrop of
momentum, with the pronounced decrease in corporate the very low inflation rate, which even dropped below zero
investment supplying the main reason for the decline. How- at the start of the year, March saw the ECB lower its key re-
ever, private consumption expanded markedly once more financing rate by 0.05 percentage points to 0.00% and its
and remained the key driver of growth. Foreign trade had deposit rate by 0.10 percentage points to 0.40%. Moreover,
no major impact on growth. GDP rose by just 1.6% overall in April, the bank increased the monthly volumes of its
(previous year: 2.6%), and the unemployment rate con bond-buying programme by 20billion to 80billion. In
tinued to fall. June, the ECB began buying bonds from companies outside
In the euro zone, the economic recovery continued in of the banking sector for the first time. By contrast, the US
the year under review driven, above all, by domestic demand. Federal Reserve increased its key interest rate by 0.25 per-
Group Management Report Report on Economic Position Economic parameters
centage points to 0.50% to 0.75% last December, due to solid year-on-year to 2.44%. Initially, risk premiums for corpor
growth in the labour market and the gradual rise in i nflation. ate bonds with good ratings saw a significant decrease.
The euro managed to gain on the US dollar in the first Although they registered an upwards trend as the year pro-
few months of 2016, but again came under downward pres- gressed, by the end of the year they had fallen below the
sure in the ensuing period. The vote in favour of Brexit in 2015 year-end level.
the UK was a major blow for the euro. Later in the year, the Listings on the German stock market dropped sharply
US dollar benefited from expectations of an additional in- at the start of the year driven by increasing concern regard-
crease in key interest rates in the USA, whilst the ECB sig- ing a notable downturn in global growth. After a period of
nalled sustained expansionary monetary policies beyond stabilisation, the Brexit vote led to another relapse. However,
2016. At the end of the year, the euro listed at just over rising economic optimism resulted in a strong increase in
US$1.05, a drop of 3.0% year-on-year. Measured against the equities prices, especially towards the end of the year. The
pound sterling, the euro posted a gain of 15.9%. DAX ended 2016 at 11,481 points, a year-on-year gain of 6.9%.
The EURO STOXX 50 registered growth of only 0.7% year-
Slight decline in risk premiums for corporate bonds on-year.
The euro zone bond markets were impacted during the first
half of the year by the ECBs expansionary monetary policies Regional variations in growth of international trade
in addition to economic concerns resulting from the Brexit The global trade movements of relevance to us air and
vote. Capital market interest rates decreased sharply. Yields ocean freight sent in containers, excluding liquids and bulk
on ten-year German government bonds reached a historic goods grew by a total of 1.7% in the reporting year. Intra-
low in July, having fallen to 0.21% at the end of the year regional volumes remained stable or grew. By contrast, ex-
(previous year: 0.63%). By the end of 2016, yields on ten-year ports to North and Latin America fell from almost all
US government bonds had risen by 0.17 percentage points r egions.
Source: Seabury Cargo Advisory, as at 13January2017; based upon all relevant ocean and air freight trading volumes in tonnes, excluding liquids and bulk goods.
Excluding shipments within the European Union free trade zone.
Legal environment
In view of our leading market position, a large number of
our services are subject to sector-specific regulation under
the Postgesetz (PostG German Postal Act). Further infor-
mation regarding this issue and legal risks is contained in
note 48 to the consolidated financial statements.
50 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
After deduction of non-controlling interests.
Basic earnings per share.
Group Management Report Report on Economic Position Significant events Results of operations
m +/%
Revenue 57,334 3.2 Growth trends in the German parcel and international express businesses remain intact
Currency effects lead to fall of 1,494million
Revised NHS contract reduced revenue by 1,435million
Other operating income 2,156 9.9 Prior-year figure included higher income from the sale of equity interests
Materials expense 30,620 7.7 Drop of 1,421million in cost of goods purchased and held for resale due to revised
Lower transport and fuel costs
Positive currency effects
Staff costs 19,592 0.2 At prior-year level
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 1,377 17.3 Prior-year figure included impairment losses of 310million on NFE
Other operating expenses 4,414 6.9 Lower, mainly due to positive currency effects
A key component of this strategy is having a target rat- dend policy and clear priorities regarding the use of excess
ing of BBB+, which is managed via a dynamic perform liquidity, which is to be used to gradually increase plan
ance metric known as funds from operations to debt (FFO assets of our German pension plans, to distribute special
to debt). Our strategy additionally includes a sustained divi dividends and to buy back shares.
Finance strategy
01/3 2
Excess liquidity
Increase plan assets of German pension plans.
Pay out special dividends or execute share buy-back programme.
Debt portfolio
Syndicated credit facility taken out as liquidity reserve.
Debt Issuance Programme established for issuing bonds.
Issue bonds to cover long-term capital requirements.
FFO to debt
01/3 3
Funds from operations (FFO) represents operating cash flow
m 2015 2016 before changes in working capital plus interest received less
adjusted1 interest paid and adjusted for operating leases and pensions,
Operating cash flow before changes in
working capital 2,656 2,514
as shown in the following calculation. In addition to finan-
Interest received 47 50 cial liabilities and surplus cash and near-cash investments,
Interest paid 76 138 the figure for debt also includes operating lease liabilities as
Adjustment for operating leases 1,413 1,569 well as unfunded pension liabilities.
Adjustment for pensions 239 1,003 Due to funds from operations increasing strongly, the
Funds from operations (FFO) 4,279 4,998
FFOto debt performance metric increased in the reporting
Reported financial liabilities 5,178 6,035 yearcompared with the previous year despite the increase
F inancial liabilities at fair value through in debt.
profit or loss 125 121
6,394 7,166
Funds from operations saw an increase of 719million
Adjustment for operating leases
Adjustment for pensions 6,103 5,467 to a total of 4,998million. The rise was due primarily to
Surplus cash and near-cash investments2 2,641 2,239 the significant increase in the adjustment for pensions,
Debt 14,909 16,308 which resulted from pension obligation funding. The pen-
FFO to debt (%) 28.7 30.6 sion obligation funding is shown in operating cash flow.
The increase in the adjustment for operating leases is the
Non-recurring income or expense is no longer reported separately since it is no longer
result of higher lease payments in 2016 and 2017. The inter-
Group issues sureties, letters of comfort and guarantees No change in the Groups credit rating
Deutsche Post AG provides security for the loan agreements, The ratings of A3 issued by Moodys Investors Service
leases and supplier contracts entered into by Group com (Moodys) and BBB+ issued by Fitch Ratings (Fitch) re-
panies, associates or joint ventures by issuing sureties, let- main in effect with regard to our credit quality. The stable
ters of comfort or guarantees as needed. This practice allows outlook from both rating agencies is also still applicable. We
better conditions to be negotiated locally. The sureties are remain well positioned in the transport and logistics sector
provided and monitored centrally. with these ratings. The following table shows the ratings as
at the reporting date and the underlying factors. The com-
plete and current analyses by the rating agencies and the
rating categories can be found at dpdhl.com/en/investors.
Agency ratings
01/3 4
Operating leases remain an important source of funding for Operating lease obligations increased significantly year-on-
the Group. We mainly use operating leases to finance real year to 8.2billion, with new long-term agreements pri-
estate, although we also finance aircraft, vehicle fleets and marily for real estate overcompensating considerably for
IT equipment. the reduction in the remaining terms of legacy agreements.
Operating lease liabilities by asset class Capital expenditure above prior-year level
01/3 6
m Investments in property, plant and equipment and intan
2015 2016 gible assets (not including goodwill) amounted to
Land and buildings 5,929 6,657
2,074million in the reporting year, 2.5% above the prior
Aircraft 1,072 909
years figure of 2,024million. Please refer to notes 10, 21 and
Transport equipment 472 495
22 to the consolidated financial statements for a breakdown of capital
Technical equipment and machinery 70 79
Other equipment, operating and office expenditure (capex) into regions and asset classes.
equipment, miscellaneous 39 48
7,582 8,188
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Capex (m) 533 590 856 902 123 55 318 328 192 199 2 0 2,024 2,074
Depreciation, amortisation
andimpairment losses (m) 319 334 404 469 396 79 313 294 233 201 0 0 1,665 1,377
Ratio of capex to depreciation,
amortisation and impairment
losses 1.67 1.77 2.12 1.92 0.31 0.70 1.02 1.12 0.82 0.99 1.22 1.51
Including rounding.
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Capex (m) 209 264 360 280 22 18 98 73 91 75 2 1 782 709
Depreciation, amortisation
andimpairment losses (m) 86 95 121 149 24 19 89 75 59 50 1 0 380 388
Ratio of capex to depreciation,
amortisation and impairment
losses 2.43 2.78 2.98 1.88 0.92 0.95 1.10 0.97 1.54 1.50 2.06 1.83
Including rounding.
In the Post- eCommerce- Parcel division, the largest capex newal of our aircraft fleet represented an additional focus
portion was attributable to the expansion of our domestic of investment spending.
and international parcel network and production of our In the Global Forwarding, Freight division, we con
StreetScooter electric vehicle. tinued to invest in turnaround measures. We also modern-
In the Express division, investments were made in ised and refurbished warehouses and office buildings across
expanding our hubs, especially in Leipzig, East Midlands, all regions.
Brussels and Cincinnati. Continuous maintenance and re-
Group Management Report Report on Economic Position Financial position
In the Supply Chain division, the majority of funds was as opposed to a net cash inflow of 788million in the pre-
used to support new business, mostly in the Americas and vious year. The increase in receivables and other assets was
EMEA regions where we made notable investments in the the main driver behind this development.
Consumer and Retail sectors. Net cash used in investing activities increased to
Cross-divisional capital expenditure increased due to 1,643million (previous year: 1,462million). The prior-year
higher vehicle replacement and expansion in our fleet. figure was lower due to the sale of the equity interests men-
tioned above. The figure for the reporting year was reduced
Funding of pension obligations impacts operating cash flow by the repayment from the state aid proceedings, which led
At 2,439million in financial year 2016, net cash from op- to 378million in proceeds from the disposal of non-current
erating activities was down 1,005million on the figure for assets. The acquisition of UK Mail is reflected mainly in cash
the previous year, although EBIT was 1,080million higher. paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units. Cash
The decrease was due to the funding of pension obligations paid to acquire property, plant and equipment and intangible
in the amount of 1billion. Excluding this, net cash from assets decreased by 138million year-on-year, to 1,966mil-
operating activities was 3,439million, in line with the lion. Outflows of cash and cash equivalents of 200million
prior-year figure. The depreciation, amortisation and im- were incurred for current financial assets in connection with
pairment losses contained in EBIT are non-cash effects and the acquisition of money market funds.
are therefore eliminated. In the previous year, they were At 1,233million, net cash used in financing activities
characterised primarily by impairment losses on NFE. The was lower than in the previous year (1,367million).
income from the sale of equity interests contained in EBIT Through our bond placement in April, we issued non-cur-
has also been eliminated in net cash from operating activ rent financial liabilities and raised capital in the amount of
ities and is instead reported in cash flow from investing 1.239billion. Net cash used to purchase treasury shares
activities. In the previous year, this item comprised 261mil- rose from 70million to 836million on account of our
lion, mainly from the sale of equity interests in Sinotrans share buyback programme. At 1,027million, the dividend
and Kings Cross; in the reporting year it includes, amongst paid to our shareholders was the largest payment item. In
other things, 63million from the sale of the remaining addition, in the previous year our unwinding of interest rate
shares in Kings Cross. The change in provisions widened swaps on outstanding bonds reduced interest payments.
from 495million to 1,799million mainly as a result of Cash and cash equivalents declined from 3,608mil-
the funding of pension obligations. The change in current lion as at 31December2015 to 3,107million as at 31De-
assets and liabilities led to a net cash outflow of 75million cember2016.
Sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 175 265 97 141
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 2,104 1,966 660 545
Cash outflow arising from change in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 1,929 1,701 563 404
Interest received 47 50 14 7
Interest paid 76 138 69 67
Net interest paid 29 88 55 60
Free cash flow as a management-related performance indi- On the equity and liabilities side of the balance sheet,
cator decreased significantly from 1,724million to 444mil- equity attributable to Deutsche Post AG shareholders rose
lion, due primarily to the decline in net cash from operating by 53million to 11,087million: while consolidated net
activities to 2,439million (previous year: 3,444million). profit for the period and the capital increase related to the
Excluding the funding of pension obligations, free cash flow convertible bond increased equity, actuarial losses on pen-
was 1,444million, a clear improvement. sion obligations, the dividend payment and effects associ-
ated with the purchase of treasury shares were key items
decreasing it. Provisions for pensions and similar obligations
Net assets declined significantly from 6,221million to 5,580million,
with actuarial losses increasing this item and the partial
Selected indicators for net assets
01/4 0
funding of pension obligations in particular serving to re-
duce it. Financial liabilities rose from 5,178million to
31Dec.2015 31Dec.2016 6,035million, primarily as a result of the bond placement
Equity ratio % 29.8 29.6
in April.
Net debt m 1,093 2,261
Net interest cover 83.1 39.7
Net gearing % 8.8 16.6
Net debt increases to 2,261million
FFO to debt1 % 28.7 30.6 Our net debt rose considerably from 1,093million as at
31December2015 to 2,261million as at 31December2016,
For the calculation Financial position, page 53.
mainly because we issued bonds in a total principal amount
Revenue increases by 4.1% The price increases for Standardbrief and Maxibrief let-
In the reporting year, with one additional working day in ter items and for additional services on 1January2016 more
Germany, revenue in the division was 16,797million, 4.1% than offset the decrease in revenue resulting from the over-
above the prior-year figure of 16,131million. Most of the all decline in Mail Communication volumes. Furthermore,
growth originated in the eCommerce- Parcel business unit. compared with the previous year, 2016 included additional
Excluding negative currency effects of 38million, the rev- mail volumes as a result of regional parliamentary elections.
enue increase was 4.4% in the reporting year. In the fourth The cross-border mail business saw a slight decline in
quarter of 2016, despite 0.8 fewer working days, revenue in 2016. The increase in small-goods shipments and the price
the division increased year-on-year by 2.8%. increases for the Standardbrief and Grobrief International
products at the beginning of the year were unable to offset
Price increases compensate decline in volume inthePost the effects of the decline in volumes experienced, in particu-
business unit lar, in the sending of documents and dialogue marketing
In the Post business unit, revenue was 9,742million in products.
the reporting year, 0.4% below the prior-year figure of Revenue in the Dialogue Marketing business was below
9,784million. Volumes witnessed a more significant de- the prior-year level. Volumes fell by 3.7%, especially in un-
cline, falling by 3.6%. In the fourth quarter of 2016, revenue addressed advertising mail.
was 2,582million (previous year: 2,650million).
Post: revenue
01/4 3
m 2015 2016 +/% Q4 2015 Q4 2016 +/%
adjusted adjusted
Mail Communication 6,537 6,597 0.9 1,768 1,757 0.6
Dialogue Marketing 2,200 2,154 2.1 613 586 4.4
Other 1,047 991 5.3 269 239 11.2
Total 9,784 9,742 0.4 2,650 2,582 2.6
60 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Post: volumes
01/4 4
Mail items (millions) 2015 2016 +/% Q4 2015 Q4 2016 +/%
adjusted adjusted
Total 19,320 18,628 3.6 5,216 4,987 4.4
of which Mail Communication 8,552 8,242 3.6 2,231 2,189 1.9
of which Dialogue Marketing 8,846 8,521 3.7 2,473 2,320 6.2
eCommerce- Parcel business unit continues to grow Our domestic and cross-border parcel business in
Revenue in the eCommerce - Parcel business unit was Europe is continuing to perform well. In the Parcel Europe
7,055million in the reporting year, exceeding the prior- business, revenue grew by 15.1% to 856million in the
year figure of 6,347million by a robust 11.2%. The fourth reporting year (previous year: 744million).
quarter also saw double-digit revenue growth. Revenue in the DHL eCommerce business was up by
The Parcel business in Germany continued to grow 12.5% to 1,385million in 2016 (previous year: 1,231mil-
steadily due to the strong e-commerce trend. Revenue inthe lion), due to strong performance in the US domestic busi-
Parcel Germany business increased by 10.1% to 4,814mil- ness as well as cross-border business in Asia. Excluding
lion in the reporting year (previous year: 4,372million). currency effects, growth was 14.1%.
Volumes rose by 9.3% to 1,227million parcels.
Excluding Germany.
Outside Europe.
EBIT substantially exceeds prior-year figure business reflect the investments in the expansion of the
EBIT in the division improved by a substantial 30.8% European and worldwide parcel business. Return on sales
to 1,443million in the reporting year (previous year: for the reporting year rose from 6.8% to 8.6%. Fourth-quar-
1,103million). Higher revenue and strict cost management ter EBIT was 489million (previous year: 487million).
contributed to this EBIT performance. In addition, the Operating cash flow decreased from 1,337million to
strike and one-time effects in Germany had a negative im- 361million, mainly as a result of a payment of 955million
pact on the prior-year figure. The majority of our EBIT is made to further fund pension obligations.
still generated in Germany; earnings in our international
Group Management Report Report on Economic Position Business performance in the divisions
Momentum in international business continues In the Time Definite International (TDI) product line,
Revenue in the division improved by 2.7% to 14,030mil- revenues per day increased by 6.1% and per-day shipment
lion in the reporting year (previous year: 13,661million). volumes by 7.6% in the reporting year. Revenues per day for
As a significant portion of our business activities take place the fourth quarter were up by 9.2% and per-day shipment
outside the euro zone, we recorded negative currency effects volumes by 7.4%.
of 440million. Excluding these effects, revenue growth In the Time Definite Domestic (TDD) product line, rev-
was 5.9%. This also reflects the fact that fuel surcharges were enues per day increased by 10.3% and per-day shipment
lower in all regions as the price of crude oil fell compared volumes by 9.9% in the reporting year. Growth in the fourth
with the previous year. Revenue increased by 6.3% exclud- quarter amounted to 9.3% for revenues per day and 10.6%
ing the negative effects resulting from both foreign currency for per-day volumes.
losses and lower fuel surcharges.
To improve comparability, product revenues were translated at uniform exchange rates.
Those revenues are also the basis for the weighted calculation of working days.
To improve comparability, product revenues were translated at uniform exchange rates.
Those revenues are also the basis for the weighted calculation of working days.
62 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Double-digit volume growth in Europe region Increased revenues per day in the MEA region
Revenue in the Europe region increased by 4.5% in the re- Revenue in the MEA region (Middle East and Africa) was
porting year to 6,317million (previous year: 6,045mil- up by 1.4% to 1,054million in the reporting year (previous
lion). This included negative currency effects of 184mil- year: 1,039million). This included negative currency
lion, which related mainly to the UK and Russia. Excluding effects of 47million, which resulted mainly from South
these effects, revenue growth was 7.5%. TDI revenues per Africa and Egypt. Excluding these effects, revenue increased
day rose by 7.2% and per-day TDI shipment volumes by by 6.0%. In the TDI area, revenues per day were up by 6.1%
10.3% in the reporting year. International per-day shipment and per-day volumes by 4.7%. Growth in the fourth quarter
revenues were up by 11.6% and per-day shipment volumes of 2016 amounted to 7.5% for revenues per day and 4.0%
by 12.9% in the fourth quarter of 2016. for per-day volumes.
Strong growth in the Americas region EBIT and return on sales see sizable improvement
Revenue in the Americas region increased by 7.1% to EBIT in the division rose by 11.3% to 1,548million in finan-
2,741million in the reporting year (previous year: cial year 2016 (previous year: 1,391million). Return on
2,559million). This figure included negative currency ef- sales rose from 10.2% to 11.0%. Network improvement,
fects of 141million, which resulted primarily from Mexico strong international business growth and pricing initiatives
and South America. Excluding these effects, revenue growth all contributed to this positive development. In the fourth
was 12.6% compared with the previous year. In the TDI area, quarter of 2016, EBIT improved by 36.4% to 435million
revenues per day increased by 8.8% in the reporting year and return on sales increased from 8.8% to 11.4%. Operating
and per-day volumes by 8.7%. Revenues per day for the cash flow rose by 9.4% to 1,927million in the reporting
fourth quarter were up by 10.0% and per-day shipment vol- year (previous year: 1,761million).
umes by 7.0%.
Freight forwarding revenues remain under pressure Ocean freight volumes exceeded the prior-year level by
onthewhole 4.4% to reach over three million TEUs in 2016, due primarily
Impacted by negative currency effects, lower fuel surcharges to growth on both the trade lanes between Asia and Europe
and the generally low level of air and ocean freight rates, as well as in intra-Asia volumes. Our ocean freight revenues
division revenue decreased by 7.7% to 13,737million in the fell by 10.2% in the reporting year. However, gross profit
reporting year (previous year: 14,890million). Excluding increased by 9.7%. Turnaround measures and transport cost
negative currency effects of 330million, revenue fell year- controls are yielding positive results but are being partially
on-year by 5.5%. In the fourth quarter of 2016, revenue was offset by the continued weak market environment. In the
down year-on-year by 3.0% to 3,623million a decline of fourth quarter, volumes were 8.4% above and revenue 3.5%
1.2% excluding negative currency effects of 67million. below the prior-year figures.
In the Global Forwarding business unit, revenue in the The performance of our industrial project business
reporting year fell significantly by 11.1% to 9,626million (shown in the following table, reported as part of Other in
(previous year: 10,827million). Excluding negative cur- the Global Forwarding business unit) was significantly
rency effects of 295million, the decline was 8.4%. Gross weaker than in the previous year, due in part to the conclu-
profit is defined as revenue from transport or other services sion of projects started in previous years and in part to low
less directly attributable costs. These include transport costs oil prices curbing customer demand for new projects, par-
for air and ocean freight, road and rail transport, expenses ticularly in the Oil&Energy sector. Gross profit thus de-
for commissions, insurances, customs clearance and other clined by 24.0% compared with the previous year.
revenue-related expenses. Gross profit declined by 0.6% to
2,419million (previous year: 2,434million).
Twenty-foot equivalent units.
Revenue impacted by change in NHS recognition SUPPLY CHAIN: revenue by sector and region, 2016
01/5 4
andcurrencyeffects Total revenue: 13,957million
Revenue in the division decreased by 11.6% to 13,957mil-
of which Retail 25%
lion in the reporting year (previous year: 15,791million).
Consumer 24%
This decline was due mainly to the change in revenue rec-
Automotive 13%
ognition in connection with the UK National Health Service Technology 12%
(NHS) in the fourth quarter of 2015 as a result of the revised Life Sciences&Healthcare 10%
terms of the contract. This reporting change reduced rev Others 7%
enue by 1,435million in the year under review. Further- Engineering&Manufacturing 5%
Volumes traded via the Xetra trading venue. 2 Three-year beta; Source: Bloomberg. 3 Based upon consolidated net profit after deduction of non-controlling interests note 19.
Cash flow from operating activities. 5 Year-end closing price/earnings per share. 6 Year-end closing price/cash flow per share. 7 Adjusted to reflect the application of IAS19R .
Reduction due to the share buyback. 9 Excluding one-off effects (NFE and strike-related effects, disposals and other one-off effects, some of which are based upon assumptions
bymanagement): 45.8%. 10Proposal.
Free float increased shares (13.9%) is held by US investors (previous year: 13.5%),
The investment share of our largest investor KfW Banken followed by the United Kingdom with a share of 12.6%
gruppe is 20.5% (previous year: 20.9%) and the free float (previous year: 13.3%). The share of institutional investors
is 79.5%. Based upon our share registers figures, the share in Germany increased to 12.4% (previous year: 11.7%). Our
of outstanding stock held by private investors is 10.8% (pre- 25 largest institutional investors held a total of 41.3% of
vious year: 11.3%). In terms of the regional distribution of allissued shares (previous year: 38.2%).
identified institutional investors, the highest percentage of
b b1
As at 31December2016. 1
As at 31December2016.
Group Management Report DEUTSCHE POST SHARES Non-Financial Figures Employees
NON-FINANCIAL FIGURES Staff levels were up in nearly all regions. We saw the
largest percentage increase in our workforce in the Amer
Employees icas. However, we continue to employ most of our personnel
in Germany.
Human Resources contributes to company success The opportunity for part-time employment was taken
The primary goal of Human Resources at Deutsche Post DHL by 18% of all employees (previous year: 18%). Over the
Group is to harness the potential of our employees and hire course of the year, 7.6% of employees left the Group un-
suitable candidates in all countries. In a nurturing work en- planned (previous year: 7.0%).
vironment we offer our employees a competitive system of Our current planning foresees another slight increase
reward and recognition. It is in this way that we are able to in the number of employees in financial year 2017.
boost their motivation and thus contribute to the companys
long-term success. Number of employees
01/5 9
At year-end2 497,745 508,036 2.1
Average for the year 492,865 498,459 1.1
Number of employees continues to rise slightly of which hourly workers and
salaried employees 451,882 459,990 1.8
As at 31December2016, we employed 459,262 full-time
Civil servants 35,669 32,976 7.5
equivalents, 1.9% more than in the previous year. The head- Trainees 5,314 5,493 3.4
count at the end of the year was 508,036.
In the Post- eCommerce- Parcel division, we hired new 1
Excluding trainees.
Including trainees.
employees to support the continued strong growth in the
parcel business primarily in Germany, Europe, Asia and the
USA. In addition to organic growth, the acquisition of UK Staff costs at prior-year level
Mail in particular led to an increase in our workforce in At 19,592million, staff costs were at the prior-year level
Europe. The number of employees in the Express division (19,640million). Details can be found in note 14 to the con-
increased compared with the previous year. This was neces- solidated financial statements.
sary mainly in operations, due to the increase in shipment
volumes. In the Global Forwarding, Freight division, our
workforce declined slightly in the Global Forwarding busi-
ness unit, primarily in Europe and Asia. The number of
employees in the Supply Chain division increased due to
new and additional business.
68 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Health and safety focus areas of our sustainability management are d escribed
in our Corporate Responsibility Report, dpdhl.com/cr-report2016.
Bolstering health Responsible business practices ensure our business
Our business success depends largely on the potential of our operates in compliance with applicable laws, ethical stand-
employees to perform to the best of their abilities. Therefore, ards and international guidelines. We co-ordinate the main
we want to strengthen their physical, mental and social aspects and issues via our Group-wide Responsible Busi-
well-being, above all through prevention. ness Practice network. Through on-going dialogue with our
The Group-wide employee benefits programme offers stakeholders, we ensure that their expectations as regards
supplements to state health insurance in many countries. social and environmental issues are accounted for appropri-
In some cases it even enables initial access to affordable ately and that our business is aligned systematically with
ealthcare. their interests. In the reporting year, we established a guide-
The worldwide illness rate was 5.1% in the reporting year line and process for dealing with critical issues and handling
(previous year: 5.1%). relevant inquiries.
We use our expertise as a mail and logistics services
Ensuring occupational safety group for the benefit of society and the environment, and
In order to create a culture in the workplace where safety we motivate our employees to engage in volunteer work. We
always comes first, we implemented a series of preventive provide logistical support in the wake of natural disasters,
measures in the reporting year. Executives received training, are committed to the educational and professional develop-
employees were instructed in occupational safety, and over- ment of socially disadvantaged young people and support
all awareness was raised regarding safety risks and hazard local environmental protection and aid projects. In 2016, we
potential. continued our initiative to integrate refugees in Germany
The OHSAS 18001 standard is our Group-wide guideline by providing assistance with language and job skills.
for the implementation of occupational health and safety Measures to increase carbon efficiency and environ-
conditions in the workplace, and we are continuously in- mentally friendly GoGreen services help us to fulfil our re-
creasing the number of certified locations. sponsibility towards the environment and society, and to
create added value for our customers whilst strengthening
Workplace accidents
01/6 0
our market position. During the reporting year, our efforts
focused on efficiency measures for our vehicle fleet, small-
2015 2016 series production of our StreetScooter electric vehicle and
Accident rate (number of accidents per 200,000
hours worked)1 4.0 4.0
the introduction of a new model with twice the loading
Working days lost per accident1 15.6 14.8 capacity and a wider range than existing vehicles.
Number of fatalities due to workplace accidents 6 4
of which as a result of traffic accidents 1 2 Climate protection target achieved
We have anchored climate protection throughout the entire
Coverage: around 96%.
Group with the help of our GoGreen environmental protec-
tion programme. Our GoGreen products and services also
help customers achieve their own environmental targets,
Corporate responsibility whilst concurrently opening up new business opportunities
for the company.
Responsibility as a guiding principle In order to measure and manage our carbon efficiency,
As part of our corporate strategy, we have made it our goal we make use of a carbon efficiency index (CEX), page 34.
to be a benchmark company for responsible business. We In 2016, our direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) green-
have codified responsibility in our Code of Conduct, which house gas emissions amounted to 6.05million tonnes of
is guided by both the principles of the Universal Declaration CO2e (previous year: 6.05million tonnes of CO2e). The in-
of Human Rights and the United Nations Global Compact direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) of our transport
and adheres to recognised legal standards. We also support subcontractors amounted to 20.87million tonnes of CO2e
the United Nations sustainable development goals. The main (previous year, adjusted: 20.97million tonnes of CO2e).
70 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
In the reporting year, we adjusted the weighting of the we achieved our goal of increasing the CEX by one index
carbon efficiencies of the divisions, which are included in point.
the CEX calculation. As previously, the weighting is calcu- Thus we achieved our Group-wide target of improving
lated using absolute CO 2 emissions; but now they are ad- our carbon efficiency by 30% compared with 2007 by the
justed for efficiency gains. The figures from the base year year 2020. On this basis we have set ourselves new targets,
2007 until 2015 have been uniformly adjusted accordingly. which we present in detail, along with other information,
For this period, the cumulative effect was four index points in our Corporate Responsibility Report, dpdhl.com/cr-report2016.
and the CEX for 2015 is therefore 29 index points. In 2016,
21 %
Ground transport
11% Air transport
Ocean transport
Scopes 1 to 3.
2015 2016
Consumption by fleet
Air transport (jet fuel) million
kilograms 1,312.8 1,332.5
Road transport (petrol,bio-
diesel, diesel, bio-ethanol, LPG) million litres 449.1 447.2
Road transport (biogas, CNG) million
kilograms 4.9 4.5
Energy for buildings and facilities million
(including electric vehicles) kilowatt
hours 3,113 3,489
Group Management Report Non-Financial Figures C orporate responsibility Customers and quality
94 % D + 1 APPROXIMATELY 290
Letters delivered within Germany the day afterposting. locations certified by the Transported Asset Protection Association
Open 53 hours Net Promoter Approach
Average weekly opening time
ofaround27,000 salespoints
MAIL AND DHL B USINESS Continuously turning criticism
According to independent market study Kundenmonitor Deutschland. Allowing business customers to easily send express items.
Certified external system for
OVER 2,000 ELECTRIC Insanely Customer
measuring mail transit times VEHICLES Keeping a constant eye MENT PROJECTS
(end-to-end) and internal put into operation in 2016. oncustomer requirements. Around 100 improvement initiatives
system for measuring parcel successfully implemented in 2016.
transit times.
Sending mail and parcels quickly and reliably creasing productivity in our existing facilities and expand-
Our customers rate the quality of our services based upon ing our infrastructure nationwide. With 34 parcel centres
whether posted items reach their destinations quickly, reli- now in operation, our sorting capacity is over one million
ably and undamaged. According to surveys conducted by parcels per hour. More than 70 mechanised delivery bases
Quotas, a quality research institute, 94% of the domestic support our operations.
letters posted in Germany during our daily opening hours The average weekly opening time of our around 27,000
or before final collection are delivered to their recipients the sales points was, as in the previous year, 53 hours. The
next day. Around 99% reach their recipients within two days. annual survey conducted by Kundenmonitor Deutschland,
This puts us well above the legal requirements of 80% (D+1) the largest consumer study in Germany, showed a high ac-
and 95% (D+2). The Quotas measuring system is audited ceptance of our exclusively partner-operated retail outlets:
and certified each year by TV Rheinland for compliance 93.8% of customers were satisfied with our quality and ser-
with EN 13850 requirements. Transit times for international vice (previous year: 91.5%). In addition, impartial mystery
letters are determined by the International Post Corpor shoppers from TNS Infratest tested the postal outlets in re-
ation. Here, we rank amongst the top postal companies. tail stores around 31,000 times over the year. The result
In the parcel business, 86% of items reach their recipi- showed that 93.7% of customers were served within three
ents the next working day. This is based upon parcels that minutes (previous year: 93.4%).
were collected from business customers and that were de- Another central characteristic of the quality of our
livered the next day. Our internal system for measuring products is environmental protection, which we describe
parcel transit times has been certified by TV Rheinland inour Corporate Responsibility Report, dpdhl.com/cr-report2016. In the
since 2008. area of electric mobility, which is strategically important to
In our mail business, we have, to date, achieved a high us, we put over 2,000 vehicles into operation in the report-
level of automation that exceeds 90%. In our parcel network, ing year and began to transfer our delivery operations in
we have increased our sorting capacity by 50% since the Bochum, Cologne, Stuttgart and Hamburg completely to
launch of our Parcel Production Concept in 2012 by in- these vehicles.
72 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Service quality and the insanely customer centric culture Customer feedback systematically improves forwarding
inexpress business business
As a global network operator that applies standardised pro- In the Global Forwarding business unit, we use customer
cesses, we are consistently optimising our service to keep feedback to systematically improve our offering. The on-
customer commitments, respond specifically to their wishes going customer response that we collect via the Net Pro-
and always deliver the best possible quality. Therefore, we moter Approach has again generated specific feedback. In
keep a constant eye on the changing requirements of our 2016, we expanded the contents of the survey and imple-
customers, for example, through our Insanely Customer mented it in over 50 countries.
Centric Culture (ICCC) programme and as part of the Net We have more than 200 initiatives to improve the ser-
Promoter Approach. Our managers talk to dissatisfied cus- vice we provide. In the reporting year, around 100 of these
tomers personally in order to find out the root causes of Customer Improvement Projects visibly improved our
their dissatisfaction. Customer criticism thereby translates punctuality, reporting and invoicing. Various measures
continuously into improvements. were implemented to ensure that our operating perform
Via the MyDHL portal and the Small Business Solution ance in the Global Forwarding business unit is reviewed and
section on our website, small and medium-sized business improved continuously. For example, we have already intro-
customers in particular can ship their goods with ease and duced routine performance dialogues for more than 80% of
obtain comprehensive information about shipping. our core team. These dialogues help us detect problems
In Europe, we can provide our global customers with a early and resolve them using structured problem-solving
central point of contact with our European Key Account techniques.
Support. Upon request, shipment information can even be In light of our goal of delivering the best customer ex-
updated directly in the customers systems. perience in the industry, the Freight business unit has tested
We use quality control centres to track shipments a new website, with a special focus on accessibility for cus-
worldwide and adjust our processes dynamically as required. tomers and partners via mobile devices. We further en-
All our premium products are tracked by default for ex- hanced our product portfolio, especially in the area of
ample, Medical Express shipments until they are delivered. multimodal solutions.
As of the reporting year, more customers can track their
shipments as well as choose the delivery time and location Quality leader in contract logistics
on mobile devices. The On Demand Delivery Service in- We aim to be the quality leader in contract logistics. By ap-
creases the first delivery success rate. The new Service Point plying standardised operations and solutions supported by
Locator virtually directs shippers to the closest service point champions in all our sites, we ensure that we meet and ex-
and provides information regarding its services; when used ceed customers quality expectations.
within the app, track and trace functionality is also available. In the reporting year we replaced our annual telephone
Our operational safety, compliance with standards and surveys regarding customer satisfaction with shorter, more
the quality of service at our facilities are reviewed regularly frequent online surveys.
in co-operation with government authorities. Approxi- As part of our operations excellence programme, we
mately 290 locations over 100 of which are in Europe have defined uniform operating standards and introduced
have been certified by the Transported Asset Protection a Service Quality KPI that routinely measures whether our
Association (TAPA), one of the worlds most renowned locations are meeting service level commitments.
safety associations, making us the leader in this field. Our
sites have had global ISO 9001:2008 certification since 2013,
which was renewed in 2016, thus validating our policy of
harmonising quality standards. In addition, in specific re-
gions and countries we were certified or re-certified in the
areas of environmental protection and energy management,
which we describe in our Corporate Responsibility Report, dpdhl.com/
Group Management Report Non-Financial Figures Customers and quality Brands
Brand architecture
01/6 4
Divisions Post- eCommerce- Parcel Express Global F orwarding, Freight Supply Chain
Strong brands as a factor for success value of US$13.2billion (previous year: US$16.3billion).
In 2016, independent research institutions again testified to Millward Browns current ranking is based on the 2015 fig-
the high reputation enjoyed by the Deutsche Post DHL ures and a weaker dollar rate than in the previous year, and
Group brands. is comparable with the ranking from 2014 (US$13.7billion,
The DHL brand was valued at US$5.7billion by the con- 73rd place). A representative survey commissioned by the
sulting company Interbrand (previous year: US$5.4billion). Group and covering twelve countries on four continents
This moves DHL up three places to 77th on the Interbrand indicates an increase in DHL brand recognition amongst
list of Best Global Brands. The study looks at financial fig- decision makers to 95% (previous year: 94%).
ures as well as market and consumer research data. Market Consulting company Brand Finance valued our domes-
research institute Millward Brown uses a similar system to tic Deutsche Post brand at 2.9billion in the reporting year
rank the worlds most valuable brands each year. The DHL (previous year: 2.7billion). This puts the Deutsche Post
brand was ranked 73rd (previous year: 66th place) in its list brand in 29th place in the German Top 50 (previous year:
of the Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands with a brand 28th place). Interbrand did not rank any German brands in
Source: Millward Brown, 2016.
Source: Interbrand, 2016.
Source: Brand Finance, 2016.
74 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
the year under review. In 2015, Deutsche Post was ranked OPPORTUNITIES
30th amongst the most valuable German brands with a
brand value of 979million. ANDRISKS
Advertising and partnerships boost the DHL brand Overall Board of Management
Trade and logistics can improve peoples lives. This is the assessment of the opportunity
guiding theme under which DHL has continued the brand
campaign begun in the previous year. Print and online ad-
vertising, TV commercials and social media activities serve Identifying and swiftly capitalising upon opportunities and
to emotionalise the brand experience both worldwide and counteracting risks are important objectives for our Group.
in key domestic markets. We already account for the anticipated impact of potential
DHL also acts as a partner in high-profile events with events and developments in our business plan. Opportun
the objective of improving the reputation and awareness of ities and risks are defined as potential deviations from pro-
its brand. During the reporting year, logistics partnerships, jected earnings. In consideration of our current business
some of them long-standing, were continued such as For- plan, the Groups overall opportunity and risk situation has
mula 1, Formula E and the MotoGP world motorcycle not changed significantly compared with last years risk re-
racing series. We also continued our proven global DHL port. No new risks have been identified that could have a
logistics partnerships with FC Bayern Munich, Fashion potentially critical impact upon the Groups result. Based
Week events, Cirque du Soleil and Gewandhausorchester upon the Groups early warning system and in the estima-
Leipzig. tion of its Board of Management, there were no identifiable
risks for the Group in the current forecast period which,
Marketing expenditures, 2016
01/6 6
individually or collectively, cast doubt upon the Groups
Volume: around 385million ability to continue as a going concern. Nor are any such
risks apparent in the foreseeable future. The assessment of
Product development and communication 57.1%
a stable to positive outlook is moreover reflected in the
Other 23.0%
Groups credit ratings, as found on page 55.
Public&customer relations 14.1%
Corporate wear 5.8%
Our early identification process links the Groups op- The most important steps in our opportunity and risk man-
portunity and risk management with uniform reporting agement process are:
standards. We continuously improve the IT application used 1 Identify and assess: Managers in all divisions and regions
for this purpose. Furthermore, we use a Monte Carlo simu evaluate the opportunity and risk situation on a quar-
lation for the purpose of aggregating opportunities and terly basis and document the action taken. They use
risks in standard evaluations. scenarios to assess best, expected and worst cases. Each
The simulation is a stochastic model that takes the prob- identified risk is assigned to one or more managers who
ability of occurrence of the underlying risks and opportun assess and monitor the risk, specify possible procedures
ities into consideration and is based upon the law of large for going forwards and then file a report. The same ap-
numbers. One million randomly selected scenarios one plies to opportunities. The results are compiled in a
for each opportunity and risk are combined on the basis database.
of the distribution function of each individual opportunity 2 Aggregate and report: The controlling units collect the
and risk. The resulting totals are shown in a graph of fre- results, evaluate them and review them for plausibility.
quency of occurrence. The following graph shows an ex If individual financial effects overlap, they are noted in
ample of such a simulation: our database and taken into account when compiling
them. After being approved by the department head, all
Monte Carlo simulation
01/6 7
results are passed on to the next level in the hierarchy.
Frequency of occurrence The last step is complete when Corporate Controlling
in one million simulation steps (incidence density) reports to the Group Board of Management on signifi-
Bandwidth with 95% probability cant opportunities and risks as well as on the potential
overall impact each division might experience. For this
purpose, opportunities and risks are aggregated for key
organisational levels. We use two methods for this. In
the first method, we calculate a possible spectrum of
results for the divisions and combine the respective
scenarios. The totals for worst case and best case in-
aa m + bb m + zz m dicate the total spectrum of results for the respective
Deviation from planned EBIT division. Within these extremes, the total expected
Planned EBIT Most common value in one million simulation steps (mode) cases shows current expectations. The second method
Worse than expected Better than expected
makes use of a Monte Carlo simulation, the divisional
results of which are regularly included in the opportu-
Opportunity and risk management process
01/6 8
nity and risk reports to the Board of Management.
3 Overall strategy: The Group Board of Management de-
1 Identify and assess 2 Aggregate and report
Assess Review
cides on the methodology that will be used to analyse
Define measures Supplement and change and report on opportunities and risks. The reports cre-
Analyse Aggregate ated by Corporate Controlling provide an additional,
Report regular source of information to the Board of Manage-
3 Overall strategy/
risk management/
ment for the overall steering of the Group.
processes compliance
5 Control
Review results
measures 4 Operating measures
Monitor early Plan
warning indicators Implement
4 Operating measures: The measures to be used to take implementation in a timely manner, in monthly newsletters,
advantage of opportunities and manage risks are deter- for example. Often, accounting processes are pooled in a
mined within the individual organisational units. They shared service centre in order to centralise and standardise
use cost-benefit analyses to assess whether risks can be them. The IFRS financial statements of the separate Group
avoided, mitigated or transferred to third parties. companies are recorded in a standard, SAP-based system
5 Control: For key opportunities and risks, early warning and then processed at a central location where one-step
indicators have been defined that are monitored con- consolidation is performed. Other ICS components include
stantly by those responsible. Corporate Internal Audit automatic plausibility reviews and system validations of the
has the task of ensuring that the Board of Managements accounting data. In addition, regular, manual checks are
specifications are adhered to. It also reviews the quality carried out decentrally by those responsible at the local level
of the entire opportunity and risk management oper (a chief financial officer, for example), and centrally by
ation. The control units regularly analyse all parts of the Corporate Accounting&Controlling, Taxes and Corporate
process as well as the reports from Internal Audit and Finance at the Corporate Center.
the independent auditors, with the goal of identifying Over and above ICS and risk management, Corporate
potential for improvement and making adjustments Internal Audit is an essential component of the Groups con-
where necessary. trol and monitoring system. Using risk-based auditing pro-
cedures, Corporate Internal Audit regularly examines the
Internal accounting control and risk management system processes related to financial reporting and reports its re-
(Disclosures required under section 315(2), no.5 of the sults to the Board of Management. The data reported are
Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB German Commercial Code) and checked and analysed chronologically, both upstream and
explanatory report) downstream. If necessary, we call in outside experts. Finally,
Deutsche Post DHL Group uses an internal control system the Groups standardised process for preparing financial
(ICS) to ensure that Group accounting adheres to generally statements using a centrally administered financial state-
accepted accounting principles. The system is intended to ments calendar guarantees a structured and efficient ac-
make sure that statutory provisions are complied with and counting process.
that both internal and external accounting provide a valid
depiction of business processes in figures. All figures must Reporting and assessing opportunities and risks
be entered and processed accurately and completely. Ac- In the following, we have reported mainly on those risks and
counting mistakes are to be avoided in principle and signif- opportunities which, from the current standpoint, could
icant assessment errors uncovered promptly. have a significant impact upon the Group during the fore-
The ICS design comprises organisational and technical cast period beyond the impact already accounted for in the
measures that extend to all companies in the Group. Cen- business plan. The risks and opportunities have been as-
trally standardised accounting guidelines govern the recon- sessed in terms of their probability of occurrence and their
ciliation of the single-entity financial statements and ensure impact. The assessment is used to classify the opportunities
that international financial reporting standards (EU IFRSs) and risks into those of low, medium or high relevance. We
are applied in a uniform manner throughout the Group. All characterise opportunities and risks of high or medium
Group companies are required to use a standard chart of relevance as significant, shown as black or grey in table
accounts. We immediately assess new developments in 01/69. The following assessment scale is used:
international accounting for relevance and announce their
Group Management Report Opportunities andRisks Opportunity and risk management Categories of opportunities and risks
Risks Opportunities
The opportunities and risks described here are not necessar- Categories of opportunities and risks
ily the only ones the Group faces or is exposed to. Our busi-
ness activities could also be influenced by additional factors Opportunities and risks arising from political, regulatory
of which we are currently unaware or which we do not yet orlegal conditions
consider to be material. A number of risks arise primarily from the fact that the
Opportunities and risks are identified and assessed de- Group provides some of its services in a regulated market.
centrally at Deutsche Post DHL Group. Reporting on pos Many of the postal services rendered by Deutsche Post AG
sible deviations from projections, including latent oppor and its subsidiaries (particularly the Post- eCommerce-
tunities and risks, occurs primarily at the country or Parcel division) are subject to sector-specific regulation by
regional level. In view of the degree of detail provided in the the Bundesnetzagentur (German federal network agency),
internal reports, we have combined the decentrally reported Glossary, page 181, pursuant to the Postgesetz (PostG Ger-
opportunities and risks into the categories shown below for man Postal Act), Glossary, page 181. The Bundesnetzagentur
the purposes of this report. It should be noted that the un- approves or reviews prices, formulates the terms of down-
derlying individual reports with the exception of oppor- stream access and has special supervisory powers to combat
tunities and risks associated with the world economy and market abuse.
global economic output usually exhibit a zero to minimal In a judgement dated 14July2016, the General Court
correlation. Beyond these it is unlikely that several major of the European Union (EGC) set aside the European Com-
opportunities or risks would occur systematically at the missions state aid decision dated 25January2012 in an ac-
same time in a single category or across categories. tion brought by the Federal Republic of Germany. In its
Unless otherwise specified, a low relevance is attached state aid decision, the European Commission had argued
to individual opportunities and risks within the respective that the financing of civil servant pensions in part consti-
categories and in the forecast period under observation tuted unlawful state aid that had to be repaid to the federal
(2017). The opportunities and risks generally apply for all government. We have described this in detail in the 2015
divisions, unless indicated otherwise. Annual Report in notes 49 and 51 to the consolidated financial statements,
In their actions, Deutsche Post AG and
the federal government asserted that the state aid decision
78 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
was unlawful. The EGC has now followed this argument in The trend towards outsourcing business processes con-
the action brought bythe federal government. The action tinues. Supply chains are becoming more complex and more
brought by Deutsche Post AG is still pending. Since the international, but are also more prone to disruption. Cus-
European Commission did not file an appeal against the tomers are therefore calling for stable, integrated logistics
EGCs judgement dated 14July2016, that decision is now solutions, which is what we provide with our broad-based
legally binding. The state aid decision of the European service portfolio. We continue to see growth opportunities
Commission is therefore null and void with final effect and in this area, in particular in the Supply Chain division and
there are no longer any grounds for the obligation to repay as a result of closer co-operation between all our divisions.
the alleged state aid under the state aid decision. The amount The booming online marketplace represents another
of 378million deposited in a trustee account has been opportunity for us in that it is creating demand for trans-
r eleased. porting documents and goods. The B2C market, Glossary,
We describe other significant legal proceedings in page 181, is experiencing double-digit growth, particularly
note 48. However, we do not see these proceedings posing due to the rapid rise in digital retail trade. This has created
a risk of significant deviation from plan for the forecast high growth potential for the domestic and international
eriod 2017. parcel business, which we intend to tap into by expanding
our parcel network.
Macroeconomic and industry-specific opportunities and risks We are nonetheless unable to rule out the possibility of
Macroeconomic and sector-specific conditions are a key an economic downturn in specific regions or a stagnation
factor in determining the success of our business. For this or decrease in transport quantities. However, this would not
reason, we pay close attention to economic trends in the reduce demand in all business units. Indeed, the opposite
regions. For example, possible changes in US economic pol- effect could arise in the parcel business, for example, as a
icy and the UKs anticipated petition to leave the EU could result of more frequent online purchasing amongst con
have an influence that is currently not foreseeable. Despite sumers. Companies might also be forced to outsource trans-
the volatile economic climate, demand for logistics services port services in order to lower costs. Cyclical risks can affect
rose in 2016, as did the related revenues. our divisions differently with respect to magnitude as well
A variety of external factors offer us numerous oppor- as point in time, which may mitigate the total effect. There-
tunities; indeed we believe that the global market will con- fore, we consider these to be medium-level risks. Moreover,
tinue to grow. Advancing globalisation and further world we have taken measures in recent years to make costs more
economic growth mean that the logistics industry will con- flexible and to allow us to respond quickly to a change in
tinue to expand. This is especially true of Asia, where trade market demand.
flows to other regions and in particular within the continent Deutsche Post and DHL are in competition with other
will continue to increase. As the market leader, the expan- providers. Such competition can significantly impact our
sion will benefit us with our DHL divisions to an above- customer base as well as the levels of prices and margins in
average extent. This also applies to other countries in re- our markets. In the mail and logistics business, the key fac-
gions with strong economic growth such as South America tors for success are quality, customer confidence and com-
and the Middle East, where we are similarly well positioned petitive prices. Thanks to the high quality we offer, along
to take advantage of the market opportunities arising. with the cost savings we have generated in recent years, we
Whether and to what extent the logistics market will believe that we shall be able to remain competitive and keep
grow depends on a number of factors. any negative effects at a low level.
Group Management Report Opportunities andRisks Categories of opportunities and risks
Financial opportunities and risks As a logistics group, our biggest commodity price risks
As a global operator, we are inevitably exposed to financial result from changes in fuel prices (kerosene, diesel and mar
opportunities and risks. These are mainly opportunities or ine diesel). In the DHL divisions, most of these risks are
risks arising from fluctuating exchange rates, interest rates passed on to customers via operating measures (fuel sur-
and commodity prices and the Groups capital requirements. charges). We have entered into noteworthy hedging trans-
We attempt to reduce the volatility of our financial perform actions for the purchase of diesel in the Post- eCommerce-
ance due to financial risk by implementing both operational Parcel division.
and financial measures. The key control parameters for liquidity manage-
Opportunities and risks with respect to currencies may ment are the centrally available liquidity reserves.
result from scheduled foreign currency transactions or Deutsche Post DHL Group had central liquidity reserves of
those budgeted for the future. Significant currency risks 3.9billion as at the reporting date, consisting of central
from budgeted transactions are quantified as a net position financial investments amounting to 1.9billion plus a syn-
over a rolling 24-month period. Highly correlated curren- dicated credit line of 2billion. The Groups liquidity is
cies are consolidated in blocks. Some of the identified risks therefore sound in the short and medium term. Moreover,
are hedged using derivatives. The most important net sur- the Group enjoys open access to the capital markets on ac-
pluses are budgeted at the Group level in the US dollar count of its good ratings within the industry, and is well
block, pound sterling, Japanese yen and Indian rupee. The positioned to secure long-term capital requirements.
Czech crown is the only currency with a considerable net The Groups net debt amounted to 2.3billion at the end
deficit. By offsetting the net deficit in US dollars with sur- of 2016. The share of financial liabilities with short-term
pluses in other highly correlated currencies, the net risk in interest rate lock-ins in the total financial liabilities in the
the US dollar block at the Group level is reduced and thus amount of 6.0billion was approximately 24%.
only managed selectively. The average hedging level of all Further information on the Groups financial position
main currencies for the year 2017 was approximately 52% and finance strategy as well as on the management of finan-
as at the reporting date. cial risks can be found in the report on the economic posi-
A potential general devaluation of the euro presents an tion and in note 45.
opportunity for the Groups earnings position. Based upon
current macroeconomic estimates, we consider this oppor- Opportunities and risks arising from corporate strategy
tunity to be of low relevance. The main risk to the Groups Over the past few years, the Group has ensured that its busi-
earnings position would be a general appreciation of the ness activities are well positioned in the worlds fastest-grow-
euro. The significance of this is deemed low when consid- ing regions and markets. We are also constantly working to
ering the individual risks arising from the performance of create efficient structures in all areas to enable us to flexibly
the respective currencies. adapt capacities and costs to demand a prerequisite for
The overall risk of all these currency effects is currently lasting, profitable business success. With respect to strategic
deemed to be of low relevance for the Group. This means a orientation, we are focusing upon our core competencies in
downgrade compared with the previous year. In the 2015 the mail and logistics businesses with an eye towards grow-
Annual Report, the risk for 2016 was considered to be of ing organically and simplifying our processes for the bene-
medium relevance. fit of our customers. Digitalisation plays a key role in this.
Our digital transformation involves the integration of new
technologies into a corporate culture that uses the changing
environment to its advantage. Opportunities arise, for ex-
80 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
ample, from new infrastructure networking possibilities as In the Global Forwarding, Freight division, we purchase
well as digital business models. Our earnings projections transport services from airlines, shipping companies and
regularly take account of development opportunities arising freight carriers rather than providing them ourselves. In the
from our strategic orientation. best-case scenario, we succeed in sourcing transport ser-
Risks arising from the current corporate strategy, which vices on a cost-effective basis. We thus have the opportunity
extends over a long-term period, are considered to be of low of generating higher margins. In the worst-case scenario, we
relevance for the Group in the period under review. The bear the risk of not being able to pass on all price increases
divisions face the following special situations: to our customers. The extent of the opportunities and risks
In the Post- eCommerce- Parcel division, we are re- essentially depends on trends in the supply, demand and
sponding to the challenges presented by the structural price of transport services as well as the duration of our
change from a physical to a digital business. We are coun- contracts. Comprehensive knowledge in the area of broker-
teracting the risk arising from changing demand by expand- ing transport services helps us to capitalise on opportunities
ing our range of services. Due to the e-commerce boom, we and minimise risk.
expect our parcel business to continue growing robustly in In the Supply Chain division, we provide customers in
the coming years and are therefore extending our parcel a variety of industries with solutions along the entire logis-
network. We are also expanding our range of electronic tics chain. Our success is highly dependent on our custom-
communications services, securing our standing as the ers business success. Since we offer customers a widely di-
quality leader and, where possible, making our transport versified range of products in different sectors all over the
and delivery costs more flexible. We follow developments world, we can diversify our risk portfolio and thus counter-
in the market very closely and take these into account in our act the incumbent risks. Moreover, our future success also
earnings projections. For the specified forecast period, we depends on our ability to continuously improve our existing
do not see these developments as having significant poten- business and to grow in our most important markets and
tial to impact our business negatively. customer segments. We do not see any significant strategic
In the Express division, our future success depends opportunities or risks for the Supply Chain division beyond
above all upon general factors such as trends in the com those reported in the section entitled Opportunities and
petitive environment, costs and quantities transported. risks arising from macroeconomic and industry-specific
After having spent recent years successfully restructuring conditions.
and further developing our business, we are focusing upon
fostering growth in our international business. We expect a Opportunities and risks arising from internal processes
further increase in shipment volumes. Based upon this as- For us to render our services, a number of internal processes
sumption, we are investing in our network, our services, our must be aligned. These include in addition to the funda-
employees and the DHL brand. Against the backdrop of the mental operating processes supporting functions such as
past trend and the overall outlook, we do not see any signifi sales and purchasing as well as the corresponding manage-
cant strategic opportunities or risks for the Express division ment processes. The extent to which we succeed in aligning
beyond those reported in the section on Opportunities and our internal processes to meet customer needs whilst simul-
risks arising from macroeconomic and industry-specific taneously lowering costs correlates with potential positive
conditions. deviations from the current projections. We are steadily
improving internal processes with the help of our First
Choice initiatives. This improves customer satisfaction
whilst reducing our costs. Our earnings projection already
incorporates expected cost savings.
Group Management Report Opportunities andRisks Categories of opportunities and risks
Logistics services are generally provided in bulk and All of our software is updated regularly to address bugs,
require a complex operational infrastructure with high close potential gaps in security and increase functionality.
quality standards. To consistently guarantee reliability and We employ a patch management process a defined proced
punctual delivery, processes must be organised so as to pro- ure for managing software upgrades to control risks
ceed smoothly with no technical or personnel-related thatcould arise from outdated software or from software
glitches. Any weaknesses with regard to the tendering, sort- u
ing, transport, warehousing or delivery of shipments could Based upon the measures described above, we estimate
seriously compromise our competitive position. To enable the probability of experiencing a significant IT incident with
us to identify possible disruptions in our workflows and serious consequences as highly unlikely.
take the necessary measures at an early stage, we have de- In terms of our E-POST products in particular E-Post-
veloped a global IT platform that depicts and integrates our brief the E-Post platform was re-certified by the German
global supply chains and locations. Near real-time informa- Federal Office for Information Security in accordance
tion on incidents relevant to security flows into the system, withits standards for IT-Grundschutz following completion
which in cases of disruption also serves as a central commu- ofthe 2016 annual audit. The E-Post platform was also re-
nications platform. This poses a competitive advantage that certified by TV Informationstechnik GmbH pursuant to
has already met with a high degree of interest from both trusted site privacy criteria and thus complies with both
security agencies and customers. legal and data protection requirements.
Opportunities and risks arising from information technology Opportunities and risks arising from human resources
The security of our information systems is particularly im- It is essential for us to have qualified and motivated employ-
portant to us. The goal is to ensure continuous IT system ees in order to achieve long-term success. However, demo-
operation and prevent unauthorised access to our systems graphic change could lead to a decrease in the pool of avail-
and databases. To fulfil this responsibility, the Information able talent in various markets. We respond to this risk with
Security Committee, a sub-committee of the IT Board, has measures designed to motivate our employees as well as
defined guidelines, standards and procedures based upon promote their development.
ISO 27002, the international standard for information secu- We use Strategic Resource Management to address the
rity management. In addition, Group Risk Management, IT risks arising from an ageing population and the capacity
Audit, Data Protection and Corporate Security monitor and shortages that may result from changing demographic and
assess IT risk on an on-going basis. For our processes to run social structures. The experience gained is used to continu-
smoothly at all times, the essential IT systems must be con- ously improve strategic resource management as an analysis
stantly available. We ensure this by designing our systems and planning instrument. The Generations Pact, page 68,
to protect against complete system failures. In addition to agreed upon with trade unions in Germany also contributes
third-party data centres, we operate central data centres in to taking advantage of the career experience of employees
the Czech Republic, Malaysia and the United States. Our for as long as possible, whilst, at the same time, offering
systems are thus geographically separate and can be repli- young people long-term career perspectives.
cated locally. Possible increases in both chronic and acute diseases
We limit access to our systems and data such that em- pose another risk to sustaining our business operations. We
ployees can only access the data they need to perform their address this risk with a systematic health management pro-
duties. All systems and data are backed up on a regular b asis, gramme, page 69, and cross-divisional co-operation.
and critical data are replicated across data centres.
82 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Parcel market expected to see sustained growth In the European road transport market, the trend is
The market for paper-based mail communication continues likely to witness a marginal rise again in 2017, as long as the
to decline in Germany, although more moderately than in oil price level stabilises and economic activity in Europe
other European countries. Physical mail volumes are de- gains momentum.
creasing, primarily because people are communicating digi
tally to an increasing extent. Following the stamp price Contract logistics market continues to grow
increase for a standard letter at the beginning of 2016, we The trend towards outsourcing warehousing and distribu-
will not make any further price adjustments to regulated tion as well as the demand for value-added logistics services
mail products until the end of 2018 due to the price-cap continue, although short to mid-term growth prospects in
mechanism. some emerging markets have slowed down. Projections in-
The German advertising market is likely to maintain its dicate that the market for contract logistics will continue to
approximate volumes in 2017. Advertising budgets will con- experience stable growth of around 5%. Demand for supply
tinue to shift towards online media. The trend towards chain services is expected to see a particularly strong rise
automated dialogue marketing campaigns is set to remain inrapidly growing economies such as south-east Asia and
unchanged. India.
The parcel market will continue to grow in Germany, the
rest of Europe and the world, as will cross-border services.
The international mail business is likely to see slight Revenue and earnings forecast
growth overall, particularly due to increasing merchandise
shipping. We expect the global economy to continue to experience
regional variations in 2017 and to grow only moderately on
E-commerce encourages growth in international express the whole. The global trading volumes relevant to our busi-
market ness are likely to perform similarly. Our business trend is
Experience shows that growth in the international express impacted to an ever-increasing extent by structural changes
market is highly dependent upon the economy. We believe as evidenced in the growing significance of e-commerce-
cross-border e-commerce, which is demonstrating consid- based business models. E-commerce is even gaining rele-
erable growth, will also drive growth in the international vance in the emerging economies, which we anticipate to
express market in 2017. be reflected in our revenue trend.
Against this backdrop, we expect consolidated EBIT to
Market trends in freight forwarding business likely reach around 3.75billion in financial year 2017. The Post-
tocontinue eCommerce- Parcel division is likely to contribute around
In 2017, we anticipate developments in the air freight market 1.5billion to this figure. Compared with the previous year,
to follow a similar trend to that of the reporting year. Freight we expect an additional improvement in overall earnings to
carriers will further expand capacities with new wide-body around 2.6billion in the DHL divisions. All of the DHL div
passenger planes and additional cargo aircraft, especially to isions are expected to contribute to the increase. The Cor-
smaller destinations. The highest rise in demand will be porate Center/Other result is projected to be at the prior-
seen in emerging markets. A growing middle class, espe- year level of around 0.35billion.
cially in Asia, will be a strong driver of e-commerce and In line with our Group strategy, we plan to focus upon
non-durable consumer goods. Due to higher fuel prices, organic growth and anticipate only a few very selective
increased freight rates are expected. acquisitions in 2017, as in the previous year.
In ocean freight, we expect the market to further stabil Our finance strategy continues to call for a payout of
ise with marginal growth. New alliances and mergers will 40% to 60% of net profits as dividends as a general rule. At
allow shipping companies to better manage capacities. the Annual General Meeting on 28April2017, we intend to
propose to the shareholders that a dividend per share of
1.05 be paid for financial year 2016 (previous year: 0.85).
84 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
89 Members of the Supervisory Board
89 Committees of the Supervisory Board
92 Mandates held by the Board of Management
92 Mandates held by the Supervisory Board
86 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
report. Additionally, we addressed the proposed resolutions The Executive Committee met on five occasions. It
for the 2016 Annual General Meeting and the results of the focused primarily on Board of Management issues and on
efficiency review of our activities. preparing the Supervisory Board meetings.
At the extraordinary meeting on 17May2016, we ap- The Personnel Committee held four meetings. Items
pointed Tim Scharwath as the member of the Board of Man- discussed included the strategic human resources prior-
agement responsible for Global Forwarding, Freight who will ities, personnel development, increasing the number of
have assumed office by June of this year. We also discussed women in executive positions, the further development of
the takeover of UK Mail Group plc, in the United Kingdom. the Group-wide Certified initiative, which promotes em-
In the meeting on 24June2016, we extended John ployee commitment and changes in corporate culture, and
Gilberts appointment as a member of the Board of Manage the annual Employee Opinion Survey.
ment for a further five years and, following Lawrence The Finance and Audit Committee met seven times. Its
Rosens resignation, appointed Melanie Kreis as the Board shareholder representatives have the accounting and audit-
of Management member responsible for Finance, Global ing expertise required by the Aktiengesetz (AktG G erman
Business Services in addition to her role as Board Member Stock Corporation Act). The committee examined the an-
for Human Resources and Labour Director. We also exam- nual financial statements and the management reports for
ined the changes to the legal requirements resulting from Deutsche Post AG and the Group in the presence of the
the EUs Audit Regulation and the Abschlussprfungsreform auditors, the CEO and the CFO. It discussed the quarterly
gesetz (AReG German Audit Reform Act) and resolved reports and the interim report for the first half of the year,
an amendment to the rules of procedure in line with this. which were reviewed by the auditors, before their publica-
In our meeting on 26September2016, we approved tion with the Board of Management and the auditors. The
the takeover of UK Mail Group plc. The subsequent closed Audit Committee recommended to the Supervisory Board
meeting looked at the Groups profile from a customer per- that it propose PricewaterhouseCoopers Aktiengesellschaft
spective, supplemented by presentations by guest speakers. Wirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaft (PwC), Dsseldorf, to the
We intensively discussed the progress made in implement- Annual General Meeting for election as the auditors of the
ing our Strategy 2020 as well as future challenges together financial statements of Deutsche Post AG and the Group,
with the Board of Management. and as the auditors providing reviews of any interim re-
In the last Supervisory Board meeting for 2016, which ports; in addition, it issued the audit engagement for the
was held on 9December, we extended Frank Appels term of auditors for financial year 2016 and specified the key audit
office as CEO and contract of service for five years and also priorities. The committee also addressed the enterprises
entrusted him with acting responsibility for a large number accounting process and risk management system and dis-
of Global Business Services functions. We also discussed cussed the findings of internal audits. It obtained detailed
strategic issues, approved the Groups 2017 business plan reports from the Chief Compliance Officer on compliance
and formally adopted the 2017 targets agreed with the Board and on updates to the compliance organisation and com-
of Management. We confirmed that we have complied with pliance management.
the recommendations of the Government Commission on The Strategy Committee met five times in 2016 and,
the German Corporate Governance Code as amended on above all, discussed the strategic positioning of the div
5May2015 in the period since the Declaration of Conform- isions in their respective market segments and the imple-
ity was issued in December2015, and that we also intend to mentation of our Strategy 2020. The primary focus was on
comply with all recommendations of the code as amended developments at the Global Forwarding and eCommerce-
on 5May2015 in the future. Parcel business units, as well as on strategies and measures
for digitally transforming the enterprise.
Committee work The Nomination Committee met once, addressing suc-
The Supervisory Boards six committees prepare decisions cession planning for the Supervisory Board and the election
by the full Supervisory Board and resolve issues that they proposals for the 2016 Annual General Meeting.
have been delegated to decide. The chairs of the commit- The Mediation Committee did not meet during the
tees report to the next plenary meeting on the work of the course of the past financial year.
88 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Changes to the Supervisory Board and Board of Management Dsseldorf, audited the annual and consolidated financial
The Annual General Meeting on 18May2016 elected Ingrid statements for financial year 2016, including the respective
Deltenre and Nikolaus von Bomhard as new Supervisory management reports, and issued unqualified audit opinions.
Board members, and Katja Windt and Werner Gatzer were PwC also reviewed the quarterly financial reports and the
re-elected. Thomas Kunz and Elmar Toime left the Super interim report for the first half of the year.
visory Board at the end of the Annual General Meeting. Following a detailed preliminary assessment by the
There were no changes to the employee representatives dur- Finance and Audit Committee, the Supervisory Board ex-
ing the period under review. The Supervisory Board would amined the annual and consolidated financial statements
like to thank its former members for their hard work and and the management reports for financial year 2016, in-
support, and for their constructive contribution. cluding the proposal by the Board of Management on the
Lawrence Rosen resigned as CFO effective 30Septem- appropriation of the net retained profit, at its meeting on
ber2016. The Supervisory Board appointed Melanie Kreis, 7March2017. All Supervisory Board members received
Deutsche Post AGs Board Member for Human Resources copies of the annual and consolidated financial statements,
and Labour Director since 2014, as his successor in this the auditors reports and the Board of Managements pro-
position. She will continue to be responsible for Human posal for the appropriation of the net retained profit in good
Resources and act as Labour Director until further notice. time before the meeting. The documents were discussed in
detail with the Board of Management and the auditors, who
Managing conflicts of interest were present. The auditors reported on the audit findings
None of the Supervisory Board members hold positions on and were also available to answer questions and provide
the governing bodies of, or provide consultancy services additional information. The Supervisory Board concurred
to, the Groups main competitors. The Supervisory Board with the results of the audit and approved the annual and
has not been informed of any conflicts of interest affecting consolidated financial statements for financial year 2016, as
individual members during the year under review. recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee. No ob-
jections were raised on the basis of the final outcome of the
Compliance with all recommendations of the German examination by the Supervisory Board and the F inance and
Corporate Governance Code Audit Committee of the annual and consolidated financial
In December2016, the Board of Management and the statements, the management reports and the proposal for
Supervisory Board issued an unqualified Declaration of the appropriation of the net retained profit. The Supervisory
Conformity pursuant to section 161 of the AktG, which was Board endorsed the Board of Managements proposal for
also published on the companys website. The declarations the appropriation of the net retained profit and the payment
from previous years are also available there. In financial of a dividend of 1.05 per share.
year 2016, Deutsche Post AG complied with all recommen- We would like to thank the members of the Board of
dations of the Government Commission for the German Management and the employees of Deutsche Post AG as well
Corporate Governance Code as amended on 5May2015. as all Group companies for their dedication and constructive
We also intend to continue to comply with all recommen- work in the past financial year. They made a major contribu-
dations of the Code as amended on 5May2015, together tion to our ability to look back on a successful financialyear.
with all the suggestions except that of broadcasting the full
AGM on the internet. Further information regarding corpor Bonn, 7March2017
ate governance within the enterprise can be found in the The Supervisory Board
Corporate Governance Report (page 93ff.). Information
on the remuneration of the Board of Management and the
Supervisory Board is available in the Group Management
Report on page 38ff.
Members of the Supervisory Board Committees of the Supervisory Board
02/0 1 02/0 2
Chief Executive Officer
Global Business Services
(Dr Frank Appel is also responsible
forGlobal Forwarding, Freight
untilfurther notice.)
Born in 1961
Member since November2002
CEO since February2008
Appointed until October2022
Human Resources
(Melanie Kreis has been responsible
for Finance since October 2016 and
will continue to be responsible
for Human Resources until further
Born in 1971
Member since October2014
Appointed until June2022
Born in 1955
Member since February2009
Appointed until July2020
Supply Chain
Born in 1963
Member since March 2014
Appointed until March 2022
Post - eCommerce - Parcel
Born in 1964
Member since July2007
Appointed until June2020
92 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Mandates held by the Board of Management
02/0 3
Group mandate.
Shareholder representatives
Employee representatives
Group mandates, Mnchener Rckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG (Munich Re). 2
Group mandates, Deutsche Lufthansa AG. 3
Group mandates, Fraport AG.
Corporate Governance MANDATES Mandates held by the Board of Management Mandates held by the Supervisory Board
Corporate Governance Report 93
c ompetitive advantage. In the statement, we also undertake measures include developing insurance programmes for
to promote an inclusive working environment and express employees in regions in which there are no or only inad
our opposition to all forms of discrimination. equate healthcare systems.
Our Diversity Council is an internal forum comprising The Chief Compliance Officer, who reports directly
executives from the central functions and divisions, and is to the Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for devel-
chaired by the Board Member for Human Resources. The oping Group-wide standards and recommendations for
Diversity Council met three times during the year under Deutsche Post DHL Groups compliance management sys-
review. Discussions focused on the issues of international tem. He is supported in this task by the Global Compliance
orientation, the divisions differing diversity management Office. Each of the four operating divisions has a compli-
requirements and women in management. The members ance officer and a network of compliance managers, who are
are also advocates for diversity within their divisions. responsible for implementing and executing all compliance
The Supervisory Board supports the Groups diversity management activities. The divisional compliance officers
strategy, placing particular emphasis on the target of in- report regularly to the Board of Management member for
creasing the number of women on the Board of Manage- their division and maintain close contact with the Global
ment. The Supervisory Board considers anchoring diversity Compliance Office. The actions taken and reports prepared
management in the companys HR processes to be part of by the divisional compliance officers and the Global Com-
long-term succession planning, for which the Supervisory pliance Office are included in the quarterly reports to the
Board and Board of Management are jointly responsible. In full Board of Management and the annual report to the
the opinion of the Supervisory Board, the targeted increase Supervisory Boards Finance and Audit Committee.
in the number of women in executive positions is necessary The main compliance management activities at
to ensure that, overall, more suitable female candidates are Deutsche Post DHL Group include systematically iden
available for vacant positions on the Board of Management. tifying potential compliance risks, devising suitable train-
At 21.1%, the number of women in upper and middle man- ing and communications measures, evaluating business
agement around the world at Deutsche Post DHL Group has partner compliance, investigating cases of misconduct and
increased year-on-year as at 31December2016 (previous imposing sanctions. The main purpose of the compliance
year: 20.7%). The figure for Group companies in Germany programme is to prevent cases of non-compliance in the
was 20.7%. Pursuant to the Gesetz fr die gleichberechtigte first place. Group-wide communications ensure that all em-
Teilhabe von Frauen und Mnnern an Fhrungspositionen in ployees are aware of the relevance of compliance and are in-
der Privatwirtschaft und im ffentlichen Dienst (German Act formed of the designated rules of conduct. Our compliance
regarding Equal Gender Representation in Executive Pos hotline is a key factor in reporting breaches of the law or
itions in the Public and Private Sectors), we also report on guidelines. The hotline is available in around 150 countries
the targets set by the Board of Management and the Super and assists employees in reporting potential breaches of
visory Board for Deutsche Post AG in the section on the the law or the Code of Conduct within the company. Com-
Number of women on the Supervisory Board, Board of Management and pliance issues are addressed and resolved in a structured
in executive positions at Deutsche Post AG, page97. The presentation manner. The insights gained from reported cases are used to
adopted differs from the one used to determine the propor- continuously improve the compliance management system.
tion of women in executive positions at Deutsche Post DHL
Group. How the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board
The international composition of the Board of Manage- operate
ment already reflects the companys international activities. As a listed German public limited company, Deutsche Post AG
Our business success depends to a large extent on our has a dual management system. The Board of Management
employees ability to do the best possible job. This is why we manages the company. The Supervisory Board appoints,
seek to enhance their physical, mental and social well-being, oversees and advises the Board of Management.
primarily through preventative action. Our Group-wide
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Report
The Board of Management comprises the Chief Ex Attendance at plenary and committee meetings
02/0 5
ecutive Officer (CEO), the Finance and Human Resources %
functions and four operating divisions: Post - eCommerce- Supervisory Board member Attendance
Prof.DrWulf von Schimmelmann (Chair) 100
Parcel; Express; Global Forwarding, Freight; and Supply
Andrea Kocsis (Deputy Chair) 100
Chain. Group management functions are centralised in
Rolf Bauermeister 100
the Corporate Center. The Group Strategy, page30, provides a DrNikolaus von Bomhard (since 18May2016) 100
framework for the whole Group. The Boards rules of pro- Ingrid Deltenre (since 18May2016) 67
cedure lay down objectives for the basic internal structure Jrg von Dosky 100
and management of, and co-operation within, the Board Werner Gatzer 89
All Supervisory Board decisions, particularly ones re- The members of the Board of Management and the mandates held
lating to transactions requiring Supervisory Board approval, by them are outlined on pages90f. and 92.
are discussed in detail in advance by the relevant commit- The Supervisory Board has formed six committees to
tees. Each plenary Supervisory Board meeting includes a ensure its duties are discharged effectively. In particular,
detailed report on the committees work and decisions taken. these committees prepare the resolutions to be taken in
None of the Supervisory Board members hold positions the plenary Supervisory Board meetings. The Supervisory
on the governing bodies of, or provide consultancy services Board has delegated the final decisions on certain topics
to, the Groups main competitors. The Supervisory Board such as approvals of property purchases or sales above a
has not been informed of any conflicts of interest affecting fixed threshold to committees.
individual members during the year under review. The Executive Committees duties include preparing
the appointment of members of the Board of Management,
Executive committees and Supervisory Board committees drawing up their contracts of service and determining the
Executive committees prepare the decisions to be made Board of Management remuneration for approval by the
by the entire Board of Management and take decisions on plenary meeting of the Supervisory Board.
matters delegated to them. The duties of the executive com- The Finance and Audit Committee oversees the ac-
mittees include preparing for and/or approving investments counting process, the effectiveness of the internal control
and transactions. The Deutsche Post Executive Committee system, the risk management and internal auditing systems,
is responsible for the Post - eCommerce - Parcel division; and the audit of the financial statements, and particularly
the cross-divisional DHL Executive Committee is in charge the selection of the auditors and their independence. It ap-
of the Express, Global Forwarding, Freight, and Supply proves the engagement of the auditors of the financial state-
Chain divisions; the CC&GBS Executive Committee covers ments to perform non-audit-related services. It examines
the Corporate Center (CC) and Global Business Services corporate compliance issues and discusses the half-yearly
(GBS). The CEO, the CFO and the Board Member for Human and quarterly financial reports with the Board of Manage-
Resources have permanent representation on the commit- ment before publication. Based on its own assessment, the
tees, whilst the Board members responsible for the divisions committee submits proposals for the approval of the annual
are represented on the committees in relation to matters af- and consolidated financial statements by the Supervisory
fecting their divisions. Executives from the first and second Board. The Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee,
levels immediately below the Board of Management also Stefan Schulte, is a financial expert as defined in sections
attend executive committee meetings that cover topics rele- 100(5) and 107(4) of the AktG.
vant to their fields. For example, Accounting&Controlling, The Personnel Committee discusses human resources
Corporate Finance, Corporate Development and Legal principles for the Group.
Services are invited to take part in discussions on acquisi- The Mediation Committee carries out the duties as-
tions. The Deutsche Post Executive Committee meets once signed to it pursuant to the Mitbestimmungsgesetz (Mit-
a month, the DHL Executive Committee twice a month and bestG German Co-determination Act): it makes proposals
the CC&GBS Executive Committee usually every quarter. to the Supervisory Board on the appointment of members
Business review meetings also take place once a quar- of the Board of Management in those cases in which the re-
ter. These meetings are part of the strategic performance quired majority of two-thirds of the votes of the Supervisory
dialogue between the divisions, the CEO and the CFO. The Board members is not reached. The committee did not meet
business review meetings discuss strategic initiatives, oper- in the past financial year.
ational matters and the budgetary situation in the divisions. The Nomination Committee presents the shareholder
representatives of the Supervisory Board with recommen-
dations for shareholder candidates for election to the Super-
visory Board at the Annual General Meeting.
Corporate Governance Corporate Governance Report
The Strategy Committee prepares for the Supervisory number of women in management positions of 20% for
Boards strategy discussions and for resolutions on corpor tier1 executives and 30% for tier 2 executives in the period
ate acquisitions and disposals requiring approval by the from 1January2017 to 31December2019. The two exec-
plenary meeting of the Supervisory Board. It also regularly utive tiers are defined on the basis of their reporting lines:
discusses the competitive position of the enterprise as a tier1 comprises executives belonging to the N-1 reporting
whole and of the individual divisions. line, while tier 2 consists of executives from the N-2 report-
Further information about the work of the Supervisory ing line.
Board and its committees in financial year 2016 is contained
in the Report of the Supervisory Board, page86ff. Details of the Targets for the composition of the Supervisory Board
members of the Supervisory Board and the composition andqualifications required
of the Supervisory Board committees can be found in the The Supervisory Board has set itself the following targets for
sections on the members of the Supervisory Board, page89, Com- its own composition:
mittees of the Supervisory Board, page89 and Mandates, page92. 1 Proposals by the Supervisory Board to the Annual Gen-
quota of 30%. It is also obliged to set a target quota for the equately reflected in the composition of the Supervisory
number of women on the Board of Management, whilst the Board. The Supervisory Board aims to maintain this
Board of Management is required to set a target quota for and its future proposals to the Annual General M eeting
women in the top two executive levels below the Board of will therefore consider candidates whose origins, edu-
Management. Deutsche Post AG exceeds the target for the cation or professional experience equip them with par-
statutory quota for the Supervisory Board, as eight women ticular international knowledge and experience.
(40%) are members of the Supervisory Board. The Super- 3 Conflicts of interest affecting Supervisory Board mem-
visory Board has set a target quota of 1:7 for the number of bers are an obstacle to providing independent and
women on the Board of Management until the end of the efficient advice to, and supervision of, the Board of
Annual General Meeting in 2018, and of 2:8 until the end of Management. The Supervisory Board will decide how
the AGM in 2021. The deadline for achieving the first target to deal with potential or actual conflicts of interest on
(1:7) is 30June2017. a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the law and
The Board of Management had set target quotas for giving due consideration to the German Corporate
increasing the proportion of women at the two levels im- Governance Code.
mediately below the Board of Management together with 4 In accordance with the age limit adopted by the Super-
a deadline, 31December2016. The target of 19% for tier1 visory Board and laid down in the rules of procedure
executives was almost met, at 18.4%, while the target for for the Supervisory Board, proposals for the election
tier2 executives of 23% was clearly exceeded, at 28.4%. The of Supervisory Board members must ensure that their
fact that the target for tier 1 executives was narrowly missed term of office ends no later than the close of the next
is due to organisational and structural measures impacting Annual General Meeting to be held after the Super
the executives involved, which resulted in the figure being visory Board member reaches the age of 72. As a gen-
undershot by a notional 0.6 percentage points. The Board eral rule, Supervisory Board members should not serve
of Management has set new target quotas for increasing the more than three full terms of office.
98 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
The current Supervisory Board meets these targets. The The members of the Supervisory Board and of its
professional careers of Ingrid Deltenre and Nikolaus von Finance and Audit Committee are also familiar in the ag-
Bomhard both of whom were elected to the Supervisory gregate with the sector in which the company operates. In
Board for the first time by the 2016 Annual General Meet- particular the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Wulf
ing have given them extensive international experience von Schimmelmann, and the Chairman of the Finance and
of managing medium-sized and large organisations. With Audit Committee, Stefan Schulte, as well as a number of
the election of Ingrid Deltenre, the proportion of women shareholder representatives have specific knowledge of the
on the Supervisory Board increased to 40%. This means sector due to their current or past membership of the boards
that we currently exceed the 30% target quota for women of management and/or supervisory boards of companies in
on the Supervisory Board, which is in line with the statu- the sector, or relevant research activities. The employee rep
tory requirements. The number of independent members resentatives on the Supervisory Board also have extensive
of the Supervisory Board also currently exceeds the target. sector-specific experience.
All Supervisory Board members are independent members
as defined by the German Corporate Governance Code. In Remuneration of the Board of Management and
light of the European Commissions recommendation on theSupervisory Board
the independence of non-executive or supervisory direct The remuneration of the Board of Management and the
ors and the wide-ranging protection against summary dis- Supervisory Board can be found in the Group Management
missal and ban on discrimination contained in the Betriebs Report, page38ff.
verfassungsgesetz (German Works Constitution Act) and
Mitbestimmungsgesetz (German Co-Determination Act),
being an employee of the company is not inconsistent with
the requirement for independence as defined by the Code.
The largest shareholder in the company, KfW Banken-
gruppe, currently holds approximately 21% of the shares in
Deutsche Post AG. There are therefore no controlling share-
holders as defined in the Code with whom relationships
might exist that could call into question the Supervisory
Boards independence. In line with the international nature
of the companys business, a large number of Supervisory
Board members have extensive international experience.
All current appointment periods for the members of the
Supervisory Board elected by the Annual General Meeting
reflect the age limit that has been set and the limit on the
number of terms that can be served.
134 30 Income tax assets and liabilities
104 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY 135 31 Cash and cash equivalents
135 32 Assets held for sale and liabilities associated with assets
135 33 Issued capital and purchase of treasury shares
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF 137 34 Capital reserves
DEUTSCHE POST AG 138 35 Other reserves
138 36 Retained earnings
105 BASIS OF PREPARATION 139 37 Equity attributable to Deutsche Post AG shareholders
105 1 Basis of accounting 139 38 Non-controlling interests
105 2 Consolidated group 141 39 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations
108 3 Significant transactions 146 40 Other provisions
108 4 Adjustment of prior-period amounts 147 41 Financial liabilities
108 5 New developments in international accounting under IFRSs 149 42 Other liabilities
150 43 Trade payables
111 6 Currency translation
112 7 Accounting policies
119 8 Exercise of judgement in applying the accounting policies
120 9 Consolidation methods 150 44 Cash flow disclosures
1 January to 31 December
03/0 1
Note 2015 2016
Revenue 11 59,230 57,334
Other operating income 12 2,394 2,156
Total operating income 61,624 59,490
Net income from investments accounted for using the equity method 2 4
Financial income 94 90
Finance costs 410 384
Foreign currency result 38 65
03/0 3
Note 31 Dec.2015 31 Dec.2016
Intangible assets 21 12,490 12,554
Property, plant and equipment 22 7,795 8,389
Investment property 23 25 23
Investments accounted for using the equity method 24 76 97
Non-current financial assets 25 1,113 689
Other non-current assets 26 221 222
Deferred tax assets 27 2,007 2,192
Interest received 47 50
Current financial assets 205 209
Net cash used in investing activities 44.2 1,462 1,643
in the notes. The income statement has been classified in accord- Number of joint operations
ance with the nature of expense method. German 1 1
The accounting policies, as well as the explanations and disclos Foreign 1 1
ures in the notes to the IFRS consolidated financial statements for Number of investments accounted for
financial year 2016, are generally based on the same accounting usingtheequity method
German 1 0
policies used in the 2015 consolidated financial statements. Excep-
Foreign 15 12
tions to this are the changes in international financial reporting
under IFRSs described in note5 that have been required to be
applied by the Group since 1January2016. The accounting policies
are explained in note7.
These consolidated financial statements were authorised for
issue by a resolution of the Board of Management of Deutsche Post AG
dated 16February2017.
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in euros ().
Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are given in millions of euros
( million, m).
106 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
In January2016, Deutsche Post DHL Group acquired a minority The final purchase price allocation is as follows:
interest of 27.5% in French e-commerce logistics specialist Relais
Colis SAS. Relais Colis is accounted for in the consolidated financial Net assets of Mitsafetrans
statements using the equity method. The companies Gll GmbH, m Carrying
Germany, and Presse-Service Gll GmbH, Switzerland, which had 30September2016 amount Adjustment Fair value
been accounted for using the equity method, were sold in the third Non-current assets 3 10 13
quarter of 2016. Customer relationship 8 8
Brand name 1 1
Deferred tax assets 1 1
2.1 Acquisitions in 2016
Current assets 15 15
The following companies were acquired in financial year 2016:
Cash and cash equivalents 8 8
ASSETS 26 10 36
Acquisitions, 2016
Non-current provisions
Share andliabilities 3 6 9
ofcapital/ Non-current provisions 2 3 5
voting rights Deferred tax liabilities 1 3 4
Name Country Segment %
Current liabilities and provisions 9 9
DHL eCommerce (Malaysia) Malaysia Global 100
Sdn.Bhd. Forwarding, (step EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 12 6 18
Freight acquisition) Net assets 18
Mitsafetrans S.r.l.
(including Mitradiopharma S.r.l.) Italy Supply Chain 100
UK Mail Group plc
(includingUKMail Limited) UK PeP 100 Customer relationships are amortised over five years using the
straight-line method, the brand name is amortised over three years.
Calculation of goodwill
The remaining 51% interest in DHL eCommerce (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd., m
which was previously accounted for using the equity method, was 30September2016 Mitsafetrans
acquired in the third quarter of 2016. This company is now consoli Cost 53
dated. No tabular presentation is provided as all amounts were less Less net assets 18
than 1million. Goodwill 35
Contingent consideration
Period for financial Results range Fair value paymentobligation
Basis years from/to from/to of total obligation at31Dec.2016
EBITDA 2016 to 2018 0 to 19million 15million 15million
On 22December2016, the Group acquired the companies UK Mail to and from the UK, allowing it to expand its presence in the UK,
Group plc and UK Mail Limited, UK, referred to below as UK Mail Europes biggest e-commerce market.
Group for short. The companies operate one of the largest integrated The final purchase price allocation will be presented in a sub-
networks for processing parcels and mail items in the UK. A takeover sequent financial report, as not all the necessary information is
offer had been submitted to UK Mail Group in September2016. As currently available. All the assets and liabilities and the goodwill
a result of this acquisition, Deutsche Post DHL Group can offer its calculated are therefore preliminary.
customers an integrated delivery service for cross-border shipments
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Basis of preparation
Preliminary net assets of UK Mail Group Following their consolidation, the companies acquired in financial
m Carrying
year 2016 contributed 11million to consolidated revenue and
31December2016 amount Adjustment Fair value 0million to consolidated EBIT. If the companies had already been
Non-current assets 98 12 110 acquired as at 1January2016, they would have contributed an add
Customer relationship 9 9 itional 611million to consolidated revenue and 15million to
Brand name 3 3 consolidated EBIT in 2016.
Current assets 82 82
Transaction costs amounted to 4million and are reported
Cash and cash equivalents 7 7
inother operating expenses.
ASSETS 187 12 199
In 2016, 319million was paid for companies acquired in the
Non-current provisions
andliabilities 3 3 6 financial year. The purchase price for the companies acquired was
Deferred tax liabilities 3 3 6 paid by transferring cash funds.
Current liabilities and provisions 109 109
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 112 3 115 2.2 Disposal and deconsolidation effects in 2016
Net assets 84 Gains are shown in other operating income; losses are reported in
other operating expenses.
The e-commerce company nugg.ad GmbH, Germany, was sold
Customer relationships are amortised over five years at Mail and in January2016. In addition, the sales of IntelliAd Media GmbH,
over two years at Parcel, using the straight-line method. The brand Germany, a company active in the area of search engine advertising,
name has a useful life of one year. and the joint ventures Gll GmbH, Germany, and Presse-Service
Consolidation resulted in preliminary goodwill of 201million Gll GmbH, Switzerland, which were accounted for using the equity
which is attributable mainly to the synergy and network effects ex- method, were completed in July2016. All shares of optivo GmbH,
pected to be generated with the companys own European parcel Germany, a provider of technical e-mail marketing services, were
business. sold at the end of September2016.
The disposal and deconsolidation effects were attributable
Preliminary calculation of goodwill solely to the Post- eCommerce- Parcel segment.
31December2016 UK Mail Group
Cost 285
Less net assets 84
Goodwill 201
2.3 Joint operations As a result, pension provisions declined in the financial year
Joint operations are consolidated in accordance with IFRS11, based despite the significant decrease in discount rates. A measurement-
on the interest held. related reversal had already been recognised in the first quarter of
A significant joint operation is Aerologic GmbH (Aerologic), 2016, due to changes in the occupational retirement arrangement
Germany, a cargo airline domiciled in Leipzig. It was jointly estab- in Germany. This was offset by a number of other human resources
lished by Lufthansa Cargo AG and Deutsche Post Beteiligungen measures (early retirement scheme for civil servants, etc.) with the
Holding GmbH, which each hold 50% of its capital and voting result that, overall, there was no effect on earnings. Further details
rights. Aerologic has been assigned to the Express segment. Aero- on pension provisions can be found in note39.
logics shareholders are simultaneously its customers, giving them On 1 March 2016, the Board of Management of Deutsche Post AG
access to its freight aircraft capacity. Aerologic exclusively serves the resolved a share buyback programme with a total volume of up to
DHL Express network from Monday to Friday, whilst it flies for the 1billion to be initiated on 1April2016, notes 33 and 36.
Lufthansa Cargo network at weekends. In contrast to its capital and The state aid decision of the European Commission is null and
voting rights, the companys assets and liabilities, as well as its in- void with final effect and any grounds for the obligation to repay the
come and expenses, are allocated based on this user relationship. alleged state aid have been removed. The amount of 378million
deposited in a trustee account was released and the obligation rec-
3 Significant transactions ognised as a contingent liability was reversed, notes 46 and 48.
In addition to the acquisition of UK Mail Group mentioned in Various holders of the convertible bond issued on 6Decem-
note2, the following significant transactions were entered into in ber2012 exercised their conversion right in financial year 2016,
financial year 2016: notes 34 and 41.
In the first quarter of 2016, the remaining shares in the prop-
erty development companies Kings Cross Central Property Trust 4 Adjustment of prior-period amounts
and Kings Cross Central General Partner Ltd. (Kings Cross com- No prior-period amounts were adjusted in financial year 2016.
panies), UK, were sold. The gains on the disposal of the shares are
reported in other operating income, note12. 5 New developments in international accounting under IFRSs
On 1April2016, the Group placed two senior bonds with a
total volume of 1.25billion on the capital market, note41. Of the New Standards required to be applied in financial year 2016
capital raised, 1billion was used for the further funding of pension The following Standards, changes to Standards and Interpretations
obligations. are required to be applied from 1January2016:
Effective for
financial years
Standard beginning
(issue date) onorafter Subject matter and significance
IFRS15, Revenue from 1January2018 This Standard will in future replace the existing requirements governing revenue recognition under IAS18, Revenue, and IAS11,
Contracts with Customers Construction Contracts, and related interpretations. The new Standard establishes uniform requirements regarding the
(28May2014) including amount,timing and time period of revenue recognition. It provides a principle-based five-step model that must be applied to
theamendment to IFRS15 allcategories of contracts with customers. The Group will apply IFRS15 for the first time for the financial year beginning on
(11September2015) 1January2018. A Group-wide project to introduce IFRS15 is underway. In various divisions, customer contracts are being
reviewed and analysed using the five-step model in IFRS15. The timing of revenue from certain types of contracts will change
because, in future, revenue will be recognised over time rather than at a point in time, and because variable remuneration
components will be recognised sooner. There will be changes in the balance sheet due to the separate disclosure of contract
assets and liabilities, as well as in the notes due to expanded quantitative and qualitative disclosures. On the whole, the Group
does not expect any material effect on the consolidated financial statements.
IFRS9, Financial Instruments 1January2018 IFRS9 contains requirements governing the recognition and measurement of financial instruments, derecognition and hedge
(24July2014) accounting. It thus replaces the previously applicable IAS39. Initial application is in principle retrospective, although transition
relief is provided. In future, financial assets must be classified on the basis of the business model in which they are held and
their cash flow characteristics. The reclassification of financial instruments will not have a material effect on the consolidated
financial statements because the Group mainly reports trade receivables. Only 2% of financial assets will have to be reclassified;
the rest have already been assigned to the new category and are measured at fair value through profit or loss. The change in
recognition of impairment losses on financial assets from the incurred loss model (in which anticipated losses are not recognised
until a credit loss event actually occurs) to the expected loss model will have a one-time effect to be recognised in other
comprehensive income. This effect is expected to be immaterial, because sufficient loss allowances are already recognised for
the risk of default on trade receivables. Following the introduction of the Standard, the loss allowances to be recognised on
trade receivables will be determined using the full lifetime expected loss model (simplified approach). The default rates will be
based on historical and forward-looking data. IFRS9 will also more closely align hedge accounting with risk management
objectives. In particular, the new requirements on hedging individual risk components, which are applicable for bothnon-
financial and financial items, will considerably simplify the designation and presentation of hedging relationships. The range of
hedged items permitted will, in future, be extended to cover combinations of derivative and non-derivative financial instruments,
and parts or tranches of individual financial and non-financial items. The requirements for assessing hedge effectiveness,
rebalancing hedging relationships and the de-designation of hedging relationships will also be simplified. Overall, the new
hedge accounting requirements will result in greater flexibility with regard to hedging individual risks. They are not expected
tohave a material effect on the Groups results. The new requirements will more transparently reflect the risk management
approach of Deutsche Post DHL Group.
110 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Effective for
financial years
Standard beginning
(issue date) onorafter Subject matter and significance
Clarifications to IFRS15 1January2018 The clarifications principally address the following issues: identification of performance obligations, principal versus agent
(12April2016) considerations, licensing and transition relief.
IFRS16, Leases 1January2019 IFRS16, Leases, replaces the existing standard on accounting for leases, IAS17, and the related interpretations. IFRS16 requires
(13January2016) lessees to adopt a uniform approach to the presentation of leases. In future, assets must be recognised for the right of use
received and liabilities must be recognised for the payment obligations entered into for all leases. Exemptions are provided for
low-value lease assets and short-term leases (shorter than twelve months). In contrast, the accounting requirements for lessors
remain largely unchanged, particularly with regard to the continued requirement to classify leases according to IAS17. The
Standard must be applied for the first time for reporting periods beginning on or after 1January2019. Voluntary early application
is permitted, provided that IFRS15 is also applied. The Group expects the introduction of IFRS16 to have a material effect on
components of the consolidated financial statements and the presentation of its net assets, financial position and results of
Balance sheet: With regard to the financial obligations reported as operating lease liabilities under note47, initial application
ofthe Standard will result in significant increases in non-current assets (accounting for rights of use) and financial liabilities
(disclosure of the corresponding lease liabilities). As a result of this increase in total assets and liabilities, the Groups equity
ratio will decline and net debt will rise accordingly (see also note33.4 Disclosures on corporate capital).
Income statement: In contrast to the presentation to date of operating lease expenses, in future depreciation charges
onright-of-use assets and the interest expense from unwinding of the discount on the lease liabilities will be recognised.
Thisimproves the profit from operating activities (EBIT).
Cash flow statement: The change in presentation of operating lease expenses results in an improvement in net cash from/
used in operating activities and a decline in net cash from/used in financing activities.
A Group-wide project to implement IFRS16 is underway. The existing leases held by all divisions are being inventoried, reviewed
and recognised according to IFRS16.
Amendments to IAS12, 1January2017 The amendment of IAS12 clarifies that unrealised losses on debt instruments measured at fair value result in deductible
Income Taxes Recognition temporary differences. It also clarifies that an assessment must be made for the aggregate of all deductible temporary
of Deferred Tax Assets differences as to whether it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in future, to allow the temporary
forUnrealised Losses differences to be used and recognised. Rules and examples supplementing IAS12 clarify how future taxable income is to be
(16January2016) determined for recognition of deferred tax assets. The effects on the Group will be immaterial.
Amendments to IAS7, 1January2017 The amendments provide clarifications regarding an entitys financing activities. Their objective is to make it easier for users of
Statement of Cash Flows financial statements to assess an entitys financial liabilities. The disclosures are generally relevant and, in future, will be
Disclosure Initiative incorporated into the consolidated financial statements.
Amendments to IFRS2, 1January2018 The amendments clarify the accounting for cash-settled share-based payment transactions that include a performance condition.
Share-based Payment The measurement rules follow the same approach as when accounting for equity-settled awards. An exception was also included
Clarifications of Classification for the classification of share-based payment transactions with net settlement features for withholding tax obligations. Such
and MeasurementofShare- commitments are required to be classified in their entirety as equity-settled share-based payment transactions if they would have
based Payment Transactions been classified in this way in the absence of the net settlement feature. The amendments further include clarifications regarding
(20June2016) modifications of the terms and conditions of share-based payment arrangements that change their classification fromcash-settled
to equity-settled. Early application is permitted. The amendments will not have any effect on the Group.
Amendments to IFRS4, 1January2018 The objective of the amendments to IFRS4 is to minimise the accounting impact of different effective dates for IFRS9 and the
Insurance Contracts future new Standard on accounting for insurance contracts (IFRS17). Entities can choose from two options. The deferral approach
Applying IFRS9, Financial allows entities whose primary activity is issuing insurance contracts to delay the initial application of IFRS9. Alternatively, the
Instruments, with IFRS4, overlay approach is available to entities that apply IFRS4 to existing insurance contracts and enables them to reclassify, from
Insurance Contracts profit or loss to other comprehensive income, an amount equal to the difference between the amount reported in profit or loss
(12September2016) for designated financial assets applying IFRS9 and the amount that would have been reported in profit or loss under IAS39.
Both approaches are optional. The effect on the consolidated financial statements is currently being reviewed.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Basis of preparation
Effective for
financial years
Standard beginning
(issue date) onorafter Subject matter and significance
Annual Improvements 1January2017/ The improvements relate to IAS28, Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures, and IFRS12, Disclosure of Interests in Other
toIFRSs (20142016 Cycle) 1January2018 Entities. IAS28 clarifies that entities can decide on an investment-by-investment basis on measuring certain associates or
(8December2016) jointventures at fair value through profit or loss. The amendments to IFRS12 make it clear that the disclosure requirements in
IFRS12 also apply to interests in other entities that are classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS5. Changes were
alsomade to IFRS1, First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. The effective date for the amendments
to IFRS1 and IAS28 is 1January2018 (with voluntary early application of IAS28 permitted) and for the amendments to IFRS12
is1January2017. The amendments will not have a material influence on the consolidated financial statements.
IFRIC22, Foreign Currency 1January2018 IFRIC22 clarifies the date to be used to determine the exchange rate for transactions that include the receipt or payment
Transactions and ofadvance consideration in a foreign currency. The effective date of the interpretation is 1January2018. Early application
AdvanceConsideration ispermitted. The effect is currently being reviewed.
Amendments to IAS40, 1January2018 The amendment provides clarity on the classification of property under construction or development. The consolidated financial
Investment Property statements will not be affected.
The following are not relevant for the consolidated financial statements:
IFRS14, Regulatory Deferral Accounts; amendments to IFRS10 and IAS28,
Sales or Contributions ofAssets between an Investor and its Associate/Joint Venture.
6 Currency translation The exchange rates for the currencies that are significant for the
The financial statements of consolidated companies prepared in Group were as follows:
foreign currencies are translated into euros () in accordance with
IAS21 using the functional currency method. The functional cur- Closing rates Average rates
rency of foreign companies is determined by the primary economic
2015 2016 2015 2016
environment in which they mainly generate and use cash. Within Currency Country EUR 1 = EUR 1 = EUR 1 = EUR 1 =
the Group, the functional currency is predominantly the local cur- AUD Australia 1.4905 1.4602 1.4771 1.4886
rency. In the consolidated financial statements, assets and liabilities CNY China 7.0687 7.3534 6.9773 7.3525
are therefore translated at the closing rates, whilst periodic income GBP United Kingdom 0.7345 0.8560 0.7264 0.8187
and expenses are generally translated at the monthly closing rates. JPY Japan 131.0778 123.4555 134.3334 120.3110
The resulting currency translation differences are recognised in SEK Sweden 9.1879 9.5601 9.3523 9.4672
other comprehensive income. In financial year 2016, currency CHF Switzerland 1.0823 1.0744 1.0680 1.0899
USD USA 1.0886 1.0550 1.1105 1.1068
translation differences amounting to 288million (previous year:
477million) were recognised in other comprehensive income (see
the statement of comprehensive income).
Goodwill arising from business combinations after 1January The carrying amounts of non-monetary assets recognised at signifi
2005 is treated as an asset of the acquired company and therefore cant consolidated companies operating in hyperinflationary econ-
carried in the functional currency of the acquired company. omies are generally indexed in accordance with IAS29 and thus
reflect the current purchasing power at the balance sheet date.
112 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
In accordance with IAS21, receivables and liabilities in the fi- Intangible assets are amortised using the straight-line method
nancial statements of consolidated companies that have been pre- over their useful lives. Impairment losses are recognised in accord-
pared in local currencies are translated at the closing rate as at the ance with the principles described in the section headed Impair-
balance sheet date. Currency translation differences are recognised ment. The useful lives of significant intangible assets are presented
in other operating income and expenses in the income statement. in the table below:
In financial year 2016, income of 222million (previous year:
280million) and expenses of 222million (previous year: 267mil Useful lives
lion) resulted from currency translation differences. In contrast,
currency translation differences relating to net investments in a Years1
foreign operation are recognised in other comprehensive income. Internally developed software up to 10
Purchased software up to 5
7 Accounting policies Licences term of agreement
Customer relationships up to 20
Uniform accounting policies are applied to the annual financial
statements of the entities that have been included in the consoli- 1
The useful lives indicated represent maximum amounts specified by the Group.
dated financial statements. The consolidated financial statements Theactualuseful lives may be shorter due to contractual arrangements or other
specificfactors such as time and location.
are prepared under the historical cost convention, except where
items are required to be recognised at their fair value.
Intangible assets that are not affected by legal, economic, contrac-
Revenue and expense recognition tual or other factors that might restrict their useful lives are consid-
Deutsche Post DHL Groups normal business operations consist of ered to have indefinite useful lives. They are not amortised but are
the provision of logistics services. All income relating to normal tested for impairment annually or whenever there are indications
business operations is recognised as revenue in the income state- of impairment. They generally include brand names from business
ment. All other income is reported as other operating income. Rev- combinations and goodwill, for example. Impairment testing is car-
enue and other operating income are generally recognised when ried out in accordance with the principles described in the section
services are rendered, the amount of revenue and income can be headed Impairment.
reliably measured and, in all probability, the economic benefits from
the transactions will flow to the Group. Operating expenses are rec- Property, plant and equipment
ognised in income when the service is utilised or when the expenses Property, plant and equipment is carried at cost, reduced by accu-
are incurred. mulated depreciation and valuation allowances. In addition to dir
ect costs, production cost includes an appropriate share of allocable
Intangible assets production overhead costs. Borrowing costs that can be allocated
Intangible assets, which comprise internally generated and pur- directly to the purchase, construction or manufacture of property,
chased intangible assets and purchased goodwill, are measured at plant and equipment are capitalised. Value added tax arising in con-
amortised cost. junction with the acquisition or production of items of property,
Internally generated intangible assets are capitalised at cost if plant or equipment is included in the cost if it cannot be deducted
it is probable that their production will generate an inflow of future as input tax. Depreciation is charged using the straight-line method.
economic benefits and the costs can be reliably measured. In the The estimated useful lives applied to the major asset classes are pre-
Group, this concerns internally developed software. If the criteria sented in the table below:
for capitalisation are not met, the expenses are recognised immedi-
ately in income in the year in which they are incurred. In addition
to direct costs, the production cost of internally developed software
includes an appropriate share of allocable production overhead
costs. Any borrowing costs incurred for qualifying assets are in-
cluded in the production cost. Value added tax arising in conjunc-
tion with the acquisition or production of intangible assets is in-
cluded in the cost if it cannot be deducted as input tax. Capitalised
software is amortised over its useful life.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Basis of preparation
Useful lives Since January2005, goodwill has been accounted for using the
impairment-only approach in accordance with IFRS3. This stipu-
Years1 lates that goodwill must be subsequently measured at cost, less any
Buildings 20 to 50 cumulative adjustments from impairment losses. Purchased good-
Technical equipment and machinery 10 to 20 will is therefore no longer amortised and instead is tested for im-
Aircraft 15 to 20 pairment annually in accordance with IAS36, regardless of whether
IT systems 4 to 5
any indication of possible impairment exists, as in the case of intan-
Transport equipment and vehicle fleet 4 to 18
gible assets with an indefinite useful life. In addition, the obligation
Other operating and office equipment 8 to 10
remains to conduct an impairment test if there is any indication of
The useful lives indicated represent maximum amounts specified by the Group. impairment. Goodwill resulting from company acquisitions is allo-
Theactualuseful lives may be shorter due to contractual arrangements or other cated to the identifiable groups of assets (CGUs or groups of CGUs)
specificfactors such as time and location.
that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the acquisition.
These groups represent the lowest reporting level at which the good-
If there are indications of impairment, an impairment test must be will is monitored for internal management purposes. The carrying
carried out; see section headed Impairment. amount of a CGU to which goodwill has been allocated is tested for
impairment annually and whenever there is an indication that the
Impairment unit may be impaired. Where impairment losses are recognised in
At each balance sheet date, the carrying amounts of intangible assets, connection with a CGU to which goodwill has been allocated, the
property, plant and equipment and investment property are re- existing carrying amount of the goodwill is reduced first. If the
viewed for indications of impairment. If there are any such indica- amount of the impairment loss exceeds the carrying amount of the
tions, an impairment test is carried out. This is done by determining goodwill, the difference is allocated to the remaining non-current
the recoverable amount of the relevant asset and comparing it with assets in the CGU.
the carrying amount.
In accordance with IAS36, the recoverable amount is the assets Finance leases
fair value less costs to sell or its value in use (present value of the A lease is an agreement in which the lessor conveys to the lessee the
pre-tax free cash flows expected to be derived from the asset in right to use an asset for a specified period in return for a payment
future), whichever is higher. The discount rate used for the value in or a number of payments. In accordance with IAS17, beneficial
use is a pre-tax rate of interest reflecting current market conditions. ownership of leased assets is attributed to the lessee if the lessee
If the recoverable amount cannot be determined for an individual substantially bears all risks and rewards incidental to ownership of
asset, the recoverable amount is determined for the smallest iden- the leased asset. To the extent that beneficial ownership is attribut-
tifiable group of assets to which the asset in question can be allo- able to the Group as the lessee, the asset is capitalised at the date on
cated and which generates independent cash flows (cash generating which use starts, either at fair value or at the present value of the
unit CGU). If the recoverable amount of an asset is lower than its minimum lease payments if this is less than the fair value. A lease
carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognised immediately in liability in the same amount is recognised under non-current liabil-
respect of the asset. If, after an impairment loss has been recognised, ities. The lease is subsequently measured at amortised cost using the
a higher recoverable amount is determined for the asset or the CGU effective interest method. The depreciation methods and estimated
at a later date, the impairment loss is reversed up to a carrying useful lives correspond to those of comparable purchased assets.
amount that does not exceed the recoverable amount. The increased
carrying amount attributable to the reversal of the impairment loss Operating leases
is limited to the carrying amount that would have been determined For operating leases, the Group reports the leased asset at amortised
(net of amortisation or depreciation) if no impairment loss had been cost as an asset under property, plant and equipment where it is the
recognised in the past. The reversal of the impairment loss is recog- lessor. The lease payments received in the period are shown under
nised in the income statement. Impairment losses recognised in other operating income. Where the Group is the lessee, the lease
respect of goodwill may not be reversed. payments made are recognised as lease expenses under materials
expense. Lease expenses and income are recognised using the
straight-line method.
114 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Investments accounted for using the equity method Available-for-sale financial assets
Investments accounted for using the equity method cover associates These financial instruments are non-derivative financial assets and
and joint ventures. These are recognised using the equity method are carried at their fair value, where this can be measured reliably.
in accordance with IAS28, Investments in Associates and Joint Ven- If a fair value cannot be determined, they are carried at cost.
tures. Based on the cost of acquisition at the time of purchase of the Changes in fair value between reporting dates are generally recog-
investments, the carrying amount of the investment is increased or nised in other comprehensive income (revaluation reserve). The
reduced annually to reflect the share of earnings, dividends distrib- reserve is reversed to income either upon disposal or if the fair value
uted and other changes in the equity of the associates and joint falls below cost more than temporarily, i.e., the drop is significant or
ventures attributable to the investments of Deutsche Post AG or its prolonged. If, at a subsequent balance sheet date, the fair value of
consolidated subsidiaries. An impairment loss is recognised on in- adebt instrument has increased objectively as a result of events
vestments accounted for using the equity method, including the occurring after the impairment loss was recognised, the impairment
goodwill in the carrying amount of the investment, if the recover loss is reversed in the appropriate amount. Impairment losses rec-
able amount falls below the carrying amount. Gains and losses from ognised on equity instruments may not be reversed to income. If
the disposal of investments accounted for using the equity method, equity instruments are recognised at fair value, any reversals must
as well as impairment losses and their reversals, are recognised in be recognised in other comprehensive income. No reversals may be
other operating income or other operating expenses. made in the case of equity instruments that were recognised at cost.
Available-for-sale financial instruments are allocated to non-current
Financial instruments assets unless the intention is to dispose of them within twelve
A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial months of the balance sheet date. In particular, investments in un-
asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of consolidated subsidiaries, marketable securities and other equity
another entity. Financial assets include in particular cash and cash investments are reported in this category.
equivalents, trade receivables, originated loans and receivables, and
derivative financial assets held for trading. Financial liabilities in- Held-to-maturity financial assets
clude contractual obligations to deliver cash or another financial Financial instruments are assigned to this category if there is an
asset to another entity. These mainly comprise trade payables, li intention to hold the instrument to maturity and the economic con-
abilities to banks, liabilities arising from bonds and finance leases, ditions for doing so are met. These financial instruments are
and derivative financial liabilities. non-derivative financial assets that are measured at amortised cost
using the effective interest method.
Fair value option
Under the fair value option, financial assets or financial liabilities Loans and receivables
may be measured at fair value through profit or loss on initial rec- These are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable
ognition if this eliminates or significantly reduces a measurement payments that are not quoted on an active market. Unless held for
or recognition inconsistency (accounting mismatch). The Group trading, they are recognised at cost or amortised cost at the balance
makes use of the option in order to avoid accounting mismatches. sheet date. The carrying amounts of money market receivables cor-
respond approximately to their fair values due to their short matur
Financial assets ity. Loans and receivables are considered current assets if they
Financial assets are accounted for in accordance with the provisions mature not more than twelve months after the balance sheet date;
of IAS39, which distinguishes between four categories of financial otherwise, they are recognised as non-current assets. If the recov-
instruments. erability of receivables is in doubt, they are recognised at amortised
cost, less appropriate specific or collective valuation allowances. A
write-down on trade receivables is recognised if there are objective
indications that the amount of the outstanding receivable cannot be
collected in full. The write-down is recognised in the income state-
ment via a valuation account.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Basis of preparation
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss A fair value hedge hedges the fair value of recognised assets and
All financial instruments held for trading and derivatives that do liabilities. Changes in the fair value of both the derivatives and the
not satisfy the criteria for hedge accounting are assigned to this hedged item are recognised in income simultaneously.
category. They are generally measured at fair value. All changes in A cash flow hedge hedges the fluctuations in future cash flows
fair value are recognised in income. All financial instruments in this from recognised assets and liabilities (in the case of interest rate
category are accounted for at the trade date. Assets in this category risks), highly probable forecast transactions as well as unrecognised
are recognised as current assets if they are either held for trading or firm commitments that entail a currency risk. The effective portion
will likely be realised within twelve months of the balance sheet date. of a cash flow hedge is recognised in the hedging reserve in equity.
To avoid variations in earnings resulting from changes in the Ineffective portions resulting from changes in the fair value of the
fair value of derivative financial instruments, hedge accounting is hedging instrument are recognised directly in income. The gains
applied where possible and economically useful. Gains and losses and losses generated by the hedging transactions are initially recog-
from the derivative and the related hedged item are recognised in nised in equity and are then reclassified to profit or loss in the
income simultaneously. Depending on the hedged item and the risk period in which the asset acquired or liability assumed affects profit
to be hedged, the Group uses fair value hedges and cash flow hedges. or loss. If a hedge of a firm commitment subsequently results in the
The carrying amounts of financial assets not carried at fair recognition of a non-financial asset, the gains and losses recognised
value through profit or loss are tested for impairment at each bal- directly in equity are included in the initial carrying amount of the
ance sheet date and whenever there are indications of impairment. asset (basis adjustment).
The amount of any impairment loss is determined by comparing the Net investment hedges in foreign entities are treated in the
carrying amount and the fair value. If there are objective indications same way as cash flow hedges. The gain or loss from the effective
of impairment, an impairment loss is recognised in the income portion of the hedge is recognised in other comprehensive income,
statement under other operating expenses or net financial income/ whilst the gain or loss attributable to the ineffective portion is rec-
net finance costs. Impairment losses are reversed if there are object ognised directly in income. The gains or losses recognised in other
ive reasons arising after the balance sheet date indicating that the comprehensive income remain there until the disposal or partial
reasons for impairment no longer exist. The increased carrying disposal of the net investment. Detailed information on hedging
amount resulting from the reversal of the impairment loss may not transactions can be found in note45.3.
exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined (net Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recog-
of amortisation or depreciation) if the impairment loss had not been nised at the settlement date, with the exception of held-for-trading
recognised. Impairment losses are recognised within the Group if instruments, particularly derivatives. A financial asset is derecog-
the debtor is experiencing significant financial difficulties, it is nised if the rights to receive the cash flows from the asset have ex-
highly probable that the debtor will be the subject of bankruptcy pired. Upon transfer of a financial asset, a review is made under the
proceedings, there are material changes in the issuers technological, requirements of IAS39 governing disposal as to whether the asset
economic, legal or market environment, or the fair value of a finan- should be derecognised. A disposal gain/loss arises upon disposal.
cial instrument falls below its amortised cost for a prolonged period. The remeasurement gains/losses recognised in other comprehensive
income in prior periods must be reversed as at the disposal date.
Financial liabilities are derecognised if the payment obligations aris-
ing from them have expired.
116 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Investment property held for sale are reported in profit or loss from discontinued oper-
In accordance with IAS40, investment property is property held to ations. This also applies to the profit or loss from operations and the
earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, rather than for use gain or loss on disposal of these components of an entity.
in the supply of services, for administrative purposes or for sale in
the normal course of the companys business. It is measured in ac- Cash and cash equivalents
cordance with the cost model. Depreciable investment property is Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash, demand deposits and
depreciated over a period of between 20 and 50 years using the other short-term liquid financial assets with an original maturity of
straight-line method. The fair value is determined on the basis of up to three months; they are carried at their principal amount.
expert opinions. Impairment losses are recognised in accordance Overdraft facilities used are recognised in the balance sheet as
with the principles described in the section headed Impairment. amounts due to banks.
The Groups defined benefit retirement plans Defined contribution retirement plans for the groups
Defined benefit obligations are measured using the projected unit hourly workers and salaried employees
credit method prescribed by IAS19. This involves making certain Defined contribution retirement plans are in place for the Groups
actuarial assumptions. Most of the defined benefit retirement plans hourly workers and salaried employees, particularly in the UK, the
are at least partly funded via external plan assets. The remaining net USA and the Netherlands. The contributions to these plans are also
liabilities are funded by provisions for pensions and similar obliga- reported in staff costs.
tions; net assets are presented separately as pension assets. Where This also includes contributions to certain multi-employer
necessary, an asset ceiling must be applied when recognising pen- plans which are basically defined benefit plans, especially in the USA
sion assets. With regard to the cost components, the service cost is and the Netherlands. However, the relevant institutions do not pro-
recognised in staff costs, the net interest cost in net financial in- vide the participating companies with sufficient information to use
come/net finance costs and any remeasurement outside profit and defined benefit accounting. The plans are therefore accounted for
loss in other comprehensive income. Any rights to reimbursement as if they were defined contribution plans.
are reported separately in financial assets. Regarding these multi-employer plans in the USA, contribu-
tions are made based on collective agreements between the employer
Defined contribution retirement plans for civil servant and the local union. There is no employer liability to any of the plans
employees in Germany beyond the normal bargained contribution rates except in the event
In accordance with statutory provisions, Deutsche Post AG pays of a withdrawal meeting specified criteria. Such a withdrawal could
contributions to retirement plans in Germany which are defined involve liability for other entities obligations as governed by US
contribution retirement plans for the company. These contributions federal law. The expected employer contributions to the funds for
are recognised in staff costs. 2017 are 40million (actual employer contributions in the report-
Under the provisions of the Gesetz zum Personalrecht der ing year: 35million, in the previous year: 32million). Some of
Beschftigten der frheren Deutschen Bundespost (PostPersRG the plans in which Deutsche Post DHL Group participates are
Former Deutsche Bundespost Employees Act), Deutsche Post AG underfunded according to information provided by the funds.
provides benefit and assistance payments through the Postbeamten There is no information from the plans that would indicate any
versorgungskasse (PVK) (postal civil servant pension fund) at the change from the contribution rates set by current collective agree-
Bundesanstalt fr Post und Telekommunikation (BAnstPT German ments. Deutsche Post DHL Group does not represent a significant
federal post and telecommunications agency) to retired employees level to any fund in terms of contributions, with the exception of
or their surviving dependants who are entitled to benefits on the one fund where the Group represents the largest employer in terms
basis of a civil service appointment. The amount of Deutsche Post AGs of contributions.
payment obligations is governed by section 16 of the PostPersRG. Regarding one multi-employer plan in the Netherlands, cost
This Act obliges Deutsche Post AG to pay into the PVK an annual coverage-based contribution rates are set annually by the board of
contribution of 33% of the gross compensation of its active civil the pension fund with the involvement of the Central Bank of the
servants and the notional gross compensation of civil servants on Netherlands; the individual contribution rates are equal for all par-
leave of absence who are eligible for a pension. ticipating employers and employees. There is no liability for the
Under section 16 of the PostPersRG, the federal government employer towards the fund beyond the contributions set, even in
makes good the difference between the current payment obligations the case of withdrawal or obligations not met by other entities. Any
of the PVK on the one hand, and the funding companies current subsequent underfunding ultimately results in the rights of mem-
contributions or other return on assets on the other, and guarantees bers being cut and/or no indexation of their rights. The expected
that the PVK is able at all times to meet the obligations it has as- employer contributions to the fund for 2017 are 21million (actual
sumed in respect of its funding companies. Insofar as the federal employer contributions in the reporting year: 21million, in the
government makes payments to the PVK under the terms of this previous year: 21million). As at 31December2016, the coverage
guarantee, it cannot claim reimbursement from Deutsche Post AG. degree of plan funding was higher than 100%, but lower than 105%
(a required minimum), according to information provided by the
fund. Deutsche Post DHL Group does not represent a significant
portion of the fund in terms of contributions.
118 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
In compliance with IAS12.24 (b) and IAS12.15 (b), deferred tax Estimates and assessments made by management
assets or liabilities were only recognised for temporary differences The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accord-
between the carrying amounts in the IFRS financial statements and ance with IFRSs requires management to make certain assumptions
in the tax accounts of Deutsche Post AG where the differences arose and estimates that may affect the amounts of the assets and liabil
after 1January1995. No deferred tax assets or liabilities are recog- ities included in the balance sheet, the amounts of income and ex-
nised for temporary differences resulting from initial differences in penses, and the disclosures relating to contingent liabilities. Ex
the opening tax accounts of Deutsche Post AG as at 1January1995. amples of the main areas where assumptions, estimates and the
Further details on deferred taxes from tax loss carryforwards can exercise of management judgement occur are the recognition of
be found in note27. provisions for pensions and similar obligations, the calculation of
In accordance with IAS12, deferred tax assets and liabilities are discounted cash flows for impairment testing and purchase price
calculated using the tax rates applicable in the individual countries allocations, taxes and legal proceedings.
at the balance sheet date or announced for the time when the de- Disclosures regarding the assumptions made in connection
ferred tax assets and liabilities are realised. The tax rate applied to with the Groups defined benefit retirement plans can be found in
German Group companies is unchanged at 30.2%. It comprises the note39.
corporation tax rate plus the solidarity surcharge, as well as a mu- The Group has operating activities around the globe and is sub-
nicipal trade tax rate that is calculated as the average of the different ject to local tax laws. Management can exercise judgement when
municipal trade tax rates. Foreign Group companies use their indi- calculating the amounts of current and deferred taxes in the relevant
vidual income tax rates to calculate deferred tax items. The income countries. Although management believes that it has made a reason-
tax rates applied for foreign companies amount to up to 38% (pre- able estimate relating to tax matters that are inherently uncertain,
vious year: 38%). there can be no guarantee that the actual outcome of these uncertain
tax matters will correspond exactly to the original estimate made.
Income taxes Any difference between actual events and the estimate made could
Income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the amounts for have an effect on tax liabilities and deferred taxes in the period in
which repayments from, or payments to, the tax authorities are ex- which the matter is finally decided. The amount recognised for de-
pected to be received or made. Tax-related fines are recognised in ferred tax assets could be reduced if the estimates of planned taxable
income taxes if they are included in the calculation of income tax income or changes to current tax laws restrict the extent to which
liabilities, due to their inclusion in the tax base and/or tax rate. future tax benefits can be realised.
Goodwill is regularly reported in the Groups balance sheet as
Contingent liabilities a consequence of business combinations. When an acquisition is
Contingent liabilities represent possible obligations whose existence initially recognised in the consolidated financial statements, all
will be confirmed only by the occurrence, or non-occurrence, of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities are measured
one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control at their fair values at the date of acquisition. One of the most import
of the enterprise. Contingent liabilities also include certain obliga- ant estimates this requires is the determination of the fair values of
tions that will probably not lead to an outflow of resources embody these assets and liabilities at the date of acquisition. Land, buildings
ing economic benefits, or where the amount of the outflow of re- and office equipment are generally valued by independent experts,
sources embodying economic benefits cannot be measured with whilst securities for which there is an active market are recognised
sufficient reliability. In accordance with IAS37, contingent liabilities at the quoted exchange price. If intangible assets are identified in
are not recognised as liabilities, note46. the course of an acquisition, their measurement can be based on the
opinion of an independent external expert valuer, depending on the
8 Exercise of judgement in applying the accounting policies type of intangible asset and the complexity involved in determining
The preparation of IFRS-compliant consolidated financial state- its fair value. The independent expert determines the fair value us-
ments requires the exercise of judgement by management. All esti- ing appropriate valuation techniques, normally based on expected
mates are reassessed on an ongoing basis and are based on historical future cash flows. In addition to the assumptions about the devel-
experience and expectations with regard to future events that appear opment of future cash flows, these valuations are also significantly
reasonable under the given circumstances. For example, this applies affected by the discount rates used.
to assets held for sale. In this case, it must be determined whether
the assets are available for sale in their present condition and
whether their sale is highly probable. If this is the case, the assets
and the associated liabilities are reported and measured as assets
held for sale and liabilities associated with assets held for sale.
120 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
10 Segment reporting
Segments by division
m Global Forwarding, Corporate Center/
PeP Express Freight Supply Chain Other Consolidation1 Group
1Jan. to 31Dec. 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
External revenue 15,996 16,686 13,283 13,670 14,183 13,027 15,681 13,828 87 123 0 0 59,230 57,334
Internal revenue 135 111 378 360 707 710 110 129 1,182 1,156 2,512 2,466 0 0
Total revenue 16,131 16,797 13,661 14,030 14,890 13,737 15,791 13,957 1,269 1,279 2,512 2,466 59,230 57,334
Profit/loss from
operating activities
(EBIT) 1,103 1,443 1,391 1,548 181 287 449 572 351 359 0 0 2,411 3,491
of which net
income/loss from
accounted for
using the equity
method 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 4
Segment assets2 5,532 6,309 9,337 9,895 7,998 7,798 6,418 6,253 1,571 1,557 83 79 30,773 31,733
of whichinvest-
ments accounted
for using the equity
method 1 20 46 48 25 25 3 3 0 0 1 1 76 97
Segment liabilities2 2,697 3,035 3,508 3,579 3,141 2,930 3,372 3,290 1,496 1,486 59 58 14,155 14,262
Net segment
assets/liabilities2 2,835 3,274 5,829 6,316 4,857 4,868 3,046 2,963 75 71 24 21 16,618 17,471
Capex 533 590 856 902 123 55 318 328 192 199 2 0 2,024 2,074
tion 318 333 391 442 86 79 306 291 229 201 0 0 1,330 1,346
losses 1 1 13 27 310 0 7 3 4 0 0 0 335 31
Total depreciation,
amortisation and
impairment losses 319 334 404 469 396 79 313 294 233 201 0 0 1,665 1,377
Other non-cash
income and
expenses2 506 428 240 308 261 93 256 240 69 102 1 1 1,333 1,170
Employees 169,430 171,099 79,318 83,232 44,588 43,060 145,827 145,788 10,747 10,811 0 0 449,910 453,990
Including rounding.
Prior-period amounts adjusted.
1Jan. to 31Dec. 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
External revenue 17,493 17,910 19,013 17,006 10,294 10,171 10,063 10,003 2,367 2,244 59,230 57,334
Non-current assets 5,298 5,498 7,264 7,328 3,876 4,279 3,553 3,562 390 377 20,381 21,044
Capex 911 940 574 512 267 422 223 165 49 35 2,024 2,074
122 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Including rounding.
The following table shows the reconciliation of Deutsche Post DHL The following table shows the reconciliation of Deutsche Post DHL
Groups total assets to the segment assets. Financial assets, income Groups total liabilities to the segment liabilities. Components of the
tax assets, deferred taxes, cash and cash equivalents and other asset provisions and liabilities as well as income tax liabilities and de-
components are deducted. ferred taxes are deducted.
INCOME STATEMENT DISCLOSURES Of the gains on the disposal of non-current assets, 63million re-
lates to the sale of the remaining shares in the Kings Cross com
11 Revenue panies in the UK. The prior-year disposal gains included 99million
Revenue decreased by 1,896million (3.2%) from 59,230million from the sale of equity interests in Sinotrans Ltd., China, and
to 57,334million. The change in revenue was due to the following 74million from the sale of shares in the Kings Cross companies.
factors: The decline in other operating income is also attributable to the
change in the exchange rate of the euro and the prior-year reversal
Factors affecting revenue decrease, 2016 of impairment losses on assets in the US express business in the
m amount of 90million.
Subsidies relate to grants for the purchase or production of
Organic growth 414 assets. The grants are reported as deferred income and recognised
Portfolio changes1 12 in the income statement over the useful lives of the assets.
Currency translation effects 1,494 Miscellaneous other operating income includes a large number
Total 1,896
of smaller individual items.
Note 2.
13 Materials expense
Negative organic growth is attributable, in particular, to the contract m
with the UK National Health Service (NHS) which was modified in 2015 2016
the fourth quarter of 2015. The changed recognition of revenue and
Cost of raw materials, consumables and supplies,
expenses resulted in a decrease in revenue of 1,435million. and of goods purchased and held for resale
As in the prior period, there was no revenue in financial year Aircraft fuel 1,047 885
2016 that was generated on the basis of barter transactions. Fuel 755 708
Packaging material 421 419
The further classification of revenue by division and the allo-
Goods purchased and held for resale 1,761 350
cation of revenue to geographical regions are presented in the seg-
Spare parts and repair materials 110 110
ment reporting.
Office supplies 60 65
14 Staff costs/employees The average number of Group employees in the year under
review, broken down by employee group, was as follows:
2015 2016 Employees (annual average)
Wages, salaries and compensation 15,723 16,092 Headcount
of which expenses under Share Matching Scheme1 99 95 2015 2016
expenses under Performance Share Plan2 10 17 Hourly workers and salaried employees 451,882 459,990
expenses under SAR Plan 2006/LTIP3 33 94 Civil servants 35,669 32,976
Social security contributions 2,300 2,324 Trainees 5,314 5,493
Retirement benefit expenses 1,031 607 Employees 492,865 498,459
Expenses for other employee benefits 586 569
Staff costs 19,640 19,592
Equity-settled and cash-settled. The employees of companies acquired or disposed of during the year
Equity-settled. under review were included rateably. The average number of full-
time equivalents during the year was 453,990 (previous year:
449,910), and the number of full-time equivalents (excluding train-
Staff costs relate mainly to wages, salaries and compensation, as well ees) as at 31December2016 amounted to 459,262 (previous year:
as all other benefits paid to employees of the Group for their services 450,508). The number of employees at joint operations included in
in the year under review. the consolidated financial statements amounted to 217 on a propor-
Assuming that rights to shares are converted in full in the re- tionate basis (previous year: 208).
spective subsequent year, a maximum of 67million of the ex-
penses under the Share Matching Scheme in the reporting year 15 Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses
(previous year: 72million) is attributable to cash-settled share-
based payments. The obligation at the balance sheet date was 60mil m
lion (previous year: 56million). In addition, expenses of 28mil- 2015 2016
lion (previous year: 27million) were incurred for equity-settled Amortisation of and impairment losses on intangible
share-based payments. assets, excluding impairment of goodwill 578 247
Social security contributions relate, in particular, to statutory Depreciation of and impairment losses on property,
social security contributions paid by employers. plant and equipment
Land and buildings
Retirement benefit expenses include the service cost related to (includingleaseholdimprovements) 179 176
the defined benefit retirement plans, note39. These expenses also Technical equipment and machinery 268 290
include contributions to defined contribution retirement plans for Other equipment, operating and office
civil servants in Germany in the amount of 493million (previous equipment 219 236
year: 516million), as well as for the Groups hourly workers and Vehicle fleet, transport equipment 233 200
Aircraft 187 228
salaried employees, totalling 305million (previous year: 317mil-
Total depreciation and impairment losses
lion), note7. For the changes in retirement benefit expenses, see onproperty, plant and equipment 1,086 1,130
note39 in particular. Depreciation of and impairment losses
oninvestment property 1 0
Impairment of goodwill 0 0
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment
losses 1,665 1,377
The impairment losses are attributable to the segments as 16 Other operating expenses
Impairment losses 2015 2016
m Expenses for advertising and public relations 429 385
2015 2016 Cost of purchased cleaning and security services 357 360
Insurance costs 335 331
Post- eCommerce- Parcel
Travel and training costs 348 315
Property, plant and equipment 1 1
Warranty expenses, refunds and compensation
Express payments 266 301
Property, plant and equipment 13 27 Other business taxes 231 267
Telecommunication costs 237 230
Global Forwarding, Freight
Software 310 0 Write-downs of current assets 302 223
Currency translation expenses 267 222
Supply Chain
Office supplies 190 167
Software 3 0
Entertainment and corporate hospitality expenses 169 166
Property, plant and equipment 4 3
Consulting costs (including tax advice) 179 134
Corporate Center/Other Services provided by the Bundesanstalt fr Post
Property, plant and equipment 3 0 und Telekommunikation (German federal post
Investment property 1 0 andtelecommunications agency) 148 126
Impairment losses 335 31 Customs clearance-related charges 114 115
Contributions and fees 95 98
Voluntary social benefits 83 81
Losses on disposal of assets 46 76
Impairment losses in the financial year were recognised mainly for Legal costs 107 75
the Express division and, as in the previous year, related to aircraft Expenses from derivatives 120 65
Taxes other than income taxes are either recognised in the related
expense item or, if no specific allocation is possible, in other oper-
ating expenses.
Miscellaneous other operating expenses include a large num-
ber of smaller individual items.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Income statement disclosures
The difference from deferred tax assets not recognised for initial
Interest income and interest expenses result from financial assets and differences is due to differences between the carrying amounts in
liabilities that were not measured at fair value through profit or loss. the opening tax accounts of Deutsche Post AG and the carrying
Information on the unwinding of discounted net pension pro- amounts in the IFRS financial statements as at 1January1995 (initial
visions can be found in note39. differences). In accordance with IAS12.15 (b) and IAS12.24 (b), the
Group did not recognise any deferred tax assets in respect of these
18 Income taxes temporary differences, which related mainly to property, plant and
equipment as well as to provisions for pensions and similar obliga-
m tions. The remaining temporary differences between the original
2015 2016 IFRS carrying amounts, net of accumulated depreciation or amorti
Current income tax expense 625 607 sation, and the tax base amounted to 295million as at 31Decem-
Current recoverable income tax 63 40 ber2016 (previous year: 334million).
562 567 The effects from deferred tax assets of German Group com
Deferred tax income from temporary differences 75 84 panies not recognised for tax loss carryforwards and temporary
Deferred tax income from tax loss carryforwards 149 132
differences relate primarily to Deutsche Post AG and members of its
224 216
consolidated tax group. Effects from deferred tax assets of foreign
Income taxes 338 351
companies not recognised for tax loss carryforwards and temporary
differences relate primarily to the Americas region.
679million (previous year: 252million) of the effects from
The reconciliation to the effective income tax expense is shown deferred tax assets not recognised for tax loss carryforwards and
below, based on consolidated net profit before income taxes and the temporary differences relates to the reduction of the effective in-
expected income tax expense: come tax expense due to the utilisation of tax loss carryforwards
and temporary differences, for which deferred tax assets had previ-
ously not been recognised, and results mainly from Germany. In
addition, the recognition of deferred tax assets previously not rec
ognised for tax loss carryforwards and of deductible temporary
differences from a prior period reduced the deferred tax expense by
154million (previous year: 267million). Effects from unrecog-
nised deferred tax assets amounting to 1million (previous year:
29million) were due to a valuation allowance recognised for a
deferred tax asset. Other effects from unrecognised deferred tax
assets relate primarily to tax loss carryforwards for which no
deferred taxes were recognised.
128 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
A deferred tax asset in the amount of 1.4billion was recog- Basic earnings per share
nised in the balance sheet for companies that reported a loss in the
previous year or in the current period as, based on tax planning, 2015 2016
realisation of the tax asset is probable. Consolidated net profit for the
In financial year 2016, there were no changes in tax rates affect- period attributable to Deutsche
Post AG shareholders m 1,540 2,639
ing German Group companies. The change in the tax rate in some
Weighted average number
foreign tax jurisdictions did not lead to any significant effects. ofshares outstanding number 1,210,620,132 1,203,092,606
The effective income tax expense includes prior-period tax Basic earnings per share 1.27 2.19
expenses from German and foreign companies in the amount of
26million (tax expense) (previous year: expense of 10million).
The following table presents the tax effects on the components
of other comprehensive income: To compute diluted earnings per share, the average number of shares
outstanding is adjusted for the number of all potentially dilutive
Other comprehensive income shares. This item includes the executives rights to shares under the
m Performance Share Plan and Share Matching Scheme share-based
Before taxes Income taxes After taxes payment systems (as at 31December2016: 8,045,621 shares; previ-
ous year: 5,423,718 shares), the maximum number of ordinary
Change due to remeasurements shares that can be issued on exercise of the conversion rights under
ofnet pension provisions 876 8 868 the convertible bond issued on 6December2012, as well as the
IAS39 revaluation reserve 69 13 56 shares from the share buyback programme that have not yet been
IAS39 hedging reserve 63 19 44
acquired. Consolidated net profit for the period attributable to
Currency translation reserve 291 0 291
Deutsche Post AG shareholders was increased by the amounts spent
Other changes in retained earnings 0 0 0
for the convertible bonds.
Share of other comprehensive
income of investments accounted Diluted earnings per share in the reporting period were 2.10
for using the equity method 3 0 3 (previous year: 1.22).
Other comprehensive income 1,170 2 1,168
21 Intangible assets
21.1 Overview
m Advance
Internally Other payments and
generated purchased intangible
intangible Purchased Purchased intangible assets under
assets brand names customer lists assets Goodwill development Total
Balance at 1January2015 1,151 544 975 1,534 12,247 392 16,843
Additions from business combinations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additions 26 0 0 63 0 135 224
Reclassifications 73 0 0 84 0 126 31
Disposals 12 0 0 69 4 311 396
Currency translation differences 2 35 64 22 461 0 584
Balance at 31December2015/1January2016 1,240 579 1,039 1,634 12,704 90 17,286
Additions from business combinations 0 4 17 25 236 0 282
Additions 27 0 0 57 0 101 185
Reclassifications 58 0 0 59 0 95 22
Disposals 12 0 0 83 4 2 101
Currency translation differences 2 77 50 6 145 3 283
Balance at 31December2016 1,311 506 1,006 1,686 12,791 91 17,391
The additions to goodwill relate to UK Mail Group (201million) Purchased software, concessions, industrial rights, licences and
and Mitsafetrans (35million), see also note2. In the previous similar rights and assets are reported under purchased intangible
year, impairment losses of 310million were recognised for the NFE assets. Internally generated intangible assets relate to development
transformation programme. This figure included capitalised bor- costs for internally developed software.
rowing costs of 10million. Other than goodwill, only brand names that are acquired in
their entirety are considered to have indefinite useful lives.
130 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
21.2 Allocation of goodwill to CGUs adopted by management, as well as changes in net working capital,
and take both internal historical data and external macroeconomic
m data into account. From a methodological perspective, the detailed
2015 2016 planning phase covers a three-year planning horizon from 2017 to
2019. It is supplemented by a perpetual annuity representing the
Total goodwill 11,545 11,658
value added from 2020 onwards. This is calculated using a long-
Post- eCommerce- Parcel 934 1,135 term growth rate, which is determined for each CGU separately and
Express 3,939 3,945 which is shown in the table below. The growth rates applied are
based on long-term real growth figures for the relevant economies,
Global Forwarding, Freight
DHL Global Forwarding 4,163 4,156 growth expectations for the relevant sectors and long-term inflation
DHL Freight 277 277 forecasts for the countries in which the CGUs operate. The cash flow
forecasts are based both on past experience and on the effects of the
Supply Chain 2,232 2,145
anticipated future general market trend. In addition, the forecasts
take into account growth in the respective geographical submarkets
and in global trade, and the ongoing trend towards outsourcing
For the purposes of annual impairment testing in accordance with logistics activities. Cost trend forecasts for the transport network
IAS36, the Group determines the recoverable amount of a CGU on and services also have an impact on value in use. Another key plan-
the basis of its value in use. This calculation is based on projections ning assumption for the impairment test is the EBIT margin for the
of free cash flows that are initially discounted at a rate correspond- perpetual annuity.
ing to the post-tax cost of capital. Pre-tax discount rates are then The pre-tax cost of capital is based on the weighted average cost
determined iteratively. of capital. The (pre-tax) discount rates for the individual CGUs and
The cash flow projections are based on the detailed planning the growth rates assumed in each case for the perpetual annuity are
for EBIT, depreciation/amortisation and investment planning shown in the following table:
On the basis of these assumptions and the impairment tests carried When performing the impairment test, Deutsche Post DHL
out for the individual CGUs to which goodwill was allocated, it was Group conducted sensitivity analyses as required by IAS36.134 for
established that the recoverable amounts for all CGUs exceed their the EBIT margin, the discount rate and the growth rate. These ana
carrying amounts. No impairment losses were recognised on good- lyses which included varying the essential valuation parameters
will in any of the CGUs as at 31December2016. within an appropriate range did not reveal any risk of impairment
to goodwill.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures
m Other
equipment, Advance
Technical operating Vehicle fleet payments and
Land and equipment and andoffice and transport assets under
buildings machinery equipment Aircraft equipment development Total
Balance at 1January2015 4,676 4,403 2,474 1,853 2,326 533 16,265
Additions from business combinations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additions 124 114 196 54 179 1,133 1,800
Reclassifications 92 415 89 129 33 792 34
Disposals 404 143 233 132 153 16 1,081
Currency translation differences 76 68 36 20 15 16 231
Balance at 31December2015/1January2016 4,564 4,857 2,562 1,924 2,400 874 17,181
Additions from business combinations 60 52 19 0 16 0 147
Additions 192 126 211 94 221 1,045 1,889
Reclassifications 276 533 90 292 27 1,241 23
Disposals 230 166 207 243 229 12 1,087
Currency translation differences 26 12 5 15 28 12 68
Balance at 31December2016 4,836 5,390 2,670 2,082 2,407 654 18,039
Carrying amount at 31December2016 2,517 2,141 658 1,203 1,216 654 8,389
Carrying amount at 31December2015 2,306 1,758 603 1,044 1,210 874 7,795
Information on the corresponding liabilities can be found under ance with section 313(2) nos.1 to 5 and section 313(3) of the HGB,
financial liabilities, note41.2. which can be accessed online at dpdhl.com/en/investors.
24 Investments accounted for using the equity method Profit/loss after income taxes
Other comprehensive income
Investments accounted for using the equity method changed as
Total comprehensive income 0 1
shown in the table below.
The additions relate to the 27.5% non-controlling interest in
Relais Colis SAS, France, acquired in January2016.
The complete list of investments in associates and joint ven-
tures can be found in the list of the Groups shareholdings in accord-
25 Financial assets
m Non-current Current Total
The change in financial assets is attributable primarily to the sale of 26 Other assets
the remaining shares held in the Kings Cross companies as well
asthe release of an amount of 378million deposited in a trustee 26.1 Overview
account for the EU state aid decision, see also notes 46 and 48.
Write-downs of non-current financial assets at fair value m
through profit or loss amounting to 12million (previous year: 2015 2016
17million) were recognised in the income statement, whilst a Other non-current assets 221 222
write-up in the same amount was recognised for liabilities at fair Other current assets 2,172 2,176
value through profit or loss. Other assets 2,393 2,398
27.1 Overview m
Short-term Long-term Netting Total
2015 2016 Deferred tax assets 860 1,564 232 2,192
Deferred tax assets 2,007 2,192 Deferred tax
Deferred tax liabilities 142 106 liabilities 119 219 232 106
Deferred tax assets 665 1,605 263 2,007
Deferred tax
liabilities 98 307 263 142
27.2 Breakdown by balance sheet item
m 2015 2016
Intangible assets
28 Inventories
Property, plant and
equipment 119 71 140 98 m
Non-current financial 2015 2016
assets 1 22 5 11
Raw materials, consumables and supplies 137 150
Other non-current assets 76 8 77 7
Finished goods and goods purchased and held
Other current assets 37 31 24 56 forresale 65 61
Provisions 640 62 580 20 Work in progress 66 59
Financial liabilities 2 46 93 13 Advance payments 13 5
Other liabilities 137 9 143 2 Inventories 281 275
Tax loss carryforwards 1,206 1,337
Gross amount 2,270 405 2,424 338
Netting 263 263 232 232
Carrying amount 2,007 142 2,192 106 There was no requirement to charge significant valuation allowances
on these inventories.
29 Trade receivables
1,110million (previous year: 1,101million) of the deferred taxes
on tax loss carryforwards relates to tax loss carryforwards in Ger- m
many and 227million (previous year: 105million) to foreign tax 2015 2016
loss carryforwards. Trade receivables 7,049 7,290
No deferred tax assets were recognised for tax loss carryfor- Deferred revenue 636 659
wards of around 10.1billion (previous year: 10.0billion) and for Receivables from Group companies 9 16
temporary differences of around 3.0billion (previous year: 4.1bil- Trade receivables 7,694 7,965
lion), as it can be assumed that the Group will probably not be able
to use these tax loss carryforwards and temporary differences in its
tax planning.
Most of the tax loss carryforwards in Germany are attributable 30 Income tax assets and liabilities
to Deutsche Post AG. It will be possible to utilise them for an in All income tax assets and liabilities are current and have maturities
definite period of time. In the case of the foreign companies, the of less than one year.
significant tax loss carryforwards will not lapse before 2023.
Deferred taxes have not been recognised for temporary differ-
ences of 813million (previous year: 802million) relating to earn-
ings of German and foreign subsidiaries because these temporary
differences will probably not reverse in the foreseeable future.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures
31 Cash and cash equivalents Of the 3,107million in cash and cash equivalents, 955million was
not available for general use by the Group as at the balance sheet
m date (previous year: 838million). Of this amount, 886million
2015 2016 (previous year: 766million) was attributable to countries where
Cash equivalents 2,353 1,198 exchange controls or other legal restrictions apply (mostly China,
Bank balances/cash in transit 1,182 1,837 India and Thailand) and 69million primarily to companies with
Cash 20 19 non-controlling interest holders (previous year: 72million).
Other cash and cash equivalents 53 53
Cash and cash equivalents 3,608 3,107
m Assets Liabilities
The sale plan for properties of Exel Inc., USA, reported in the pre- Changes in issued capital and treasury shares
vious year was withdrawn. The real estate was reclassified as invest-
ment property. The sale of nugg.ad GmbH, Germany, and Gll 2015 2016
GmbH, Germany, as well as Presse-Service Gll GmbH, Switzerland,
Issued capital
was completed during the year under review. Balance at 1January 1,211,180,262 1,212,753,687
The other item relates to legacy aircraft held for sale. Another Addition due to capital increase 1,568,593 0
five aircraft with a carrying amount of 1.00 each were reclassified Addition due to contingent capital increase
(convertible bond) 4,832 28,162,196
to this balance sheet item during the financial year. The most recent
Balance at 31December
measurement prior to reclassification led to an impairment loss of (accordingtocommercial register) 1,212,753,687 1,240,915,883
Treasury shares
by law, and in particular to pursue the goals mentioned in the reso Less current financial assets 179 374
Less non-current derivative financial instruments 138 155
lution by the Annual General Meeting.
Net debt 1,093 2,261
Treasury shares acquired on the basis of the authorisation, with
Plus total equity 11,295 11,350
shareholders subscription rights disapplied, may continue to be
Total capital 12,388 13,611
used for the purposes of listing on a stock exchange outside Ger-
Net gearing ratio (%) 8.8 16.6
many. In addition, the Board of Management remains authorised
to acquire treasury shares using derivatives. 1
Relates to, e.g., liabilities from leases, overpayments.
Deutsche Post AG acquired treasury shares for the total amount
of 32million (average price of 24.62 per share) in order to settle
the 2015 tranche of the Share Matching Scheme. To settle the 2011 34 Capital reserves
tranche of the Share Matching Scheme, treasury shares had been An amount of 601million was transferred to the capital reserves
purchased for a total price of 39million (average price of 24.80 in financial year 2016 (previous year: 94million).
per share) in December2015. The treasury shares were issued to the
executives concerned in April2016. m
On 1March2016, the Board of Management resolved a share 2015 2016
buyback programme for up to 60million shares of Deutsche Post AG Capital reserves at 1January 2,339 2,385
at a total purchase price (not including transaction costs) of up to Addition/issue of rights under Share Matching
1billion. The repurchased shares will either be retired, used to Scheme
service long-term executive remuneration plans or used to meet 2010 tranche 1 0
2011 tranche 4 1
potential obligations if rights accruing under the 2012/2019 con-
2012 tranche 3 3
vertible bond are exercised. The buyback via the stock exchange
2013 tranche 4 4
began on 1April2016 and will last for a maximum of one year. The
2014 tranche 27 5
first tranche of the share buyback programme with a total volume
2015 tranche 8 32
of 100million was implemented in the period between 1April2016 2016 tranche 0 8
and 3May2016. The second tranche with a total volume of 250mil- Total additions 47 53
lion was implemented in the period between 30May2016 and
Exercise of rights under Share Matching Scheme
26August2016. The volume bought back in the third tranche be- 2010 tranche matching shares 20 0
tween 29August2016 and 31December2016 amounted to 455mil 2011 tranche matching shares 0 21
lion. The total maximum volume of this tranche is 650million and 2014 tranche investment and incentive shares 28 0
the buyback period ends on 6March2017. By 31December2016, a 2015 tranche investment and incentive shares 0 33
total of 29,587,229 shares had been repurchased for 805million at Total exercised 48 54
an average price of 27.22 per share. Total for Share Matching Scheme 1 1
As at 31December2016, Deutsche Post AG held 29,587,229 Addition/issue of rights under Performance Share
treasury shares (previous year: 1,568,593 treasury shares). Plan
2014 tranche 8 7
2015 tranche 2 7
33.4 Disclosures on corporate capital
2016 tranche 0 3
The equity ratio was 29.6% in financial year 2016 (previous year:
Total for Performance Share Plan 10 17
29.8%). The companys capital is monitored using the net gearing
Capital increase through exercise of conversion
ratio, which is defined as net debt divided by the total of equity and rights under convertible bond 0 531
net debt. Capital increases 37 0
Capital reserves at 31December 2,385 2,932
138 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
35 Other reserves
m 2015 2016
2015 2016 At 1January 33 51
IAS39 revaluation reserve 67 11 Currency translation differences 0 0
IAS39 hedging reserve 41 3
Total comprehensive income
Currency translation reserve 15 298 Changes from unrealised gains and losses 120 46
Other reserves 11 284 Changes from realised gains and losses 102 17
IAS39 hedging reserve at 31December before tax 51 12
Deferred taxes 10 9
IAS39 hedging reserve at 31December after tax 41 3
35.1 IAS39 revaluation reserve
The revaluation reserve comprises gains and losses from changes in
the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets that have been
recognised in other comprehensive income. This reserve is reversed The change in the hedging reserve is mainly the result of the recog-
to profit or loss either when the assets are sold or otherwise disposed nition of previously unrealised gains and losses from hedging future
of, or if their value is significantly or permanently impaired. operating currency transactions. In the financial year, realised losses
of 86million and realised gains of 69million were recognised in
m other comprehensive income (previous year: realised losses of
2015 2016 137million and realised gains of 35million).
At 1January 190 80
Currency translation differences 8 2 35.3 Currency translation reserve
Total comprehensive income
Changes from unrealised gains and losses 54 4 m
Changes from realised gains and losses 172 63 2015 2016
IAS39 revaluation reserve at 31December At 1January 483 15
beforetax 80 11
Transactions with non-controlling interests 0 0
Deferred taxes 13 0
IAS39 revaluation reserve at 31December Total comprehensive income
aftertax 67 11 Changes from unrealised gains and losses 468 283
Changes from realised gains and losses 0 0
Currency translation reserve at 31December 15 298
The change resulted from the sale of shares in the Kings Cross com-
panies in the UK.
36 Retained earnings
35.2 IAS39 hedging reserve As well as the undistributed consolidated net profits generated in
The hedging reserve is adjusted by the effective portion of a cash prior periods, retained earnings also contain the effects from trans-
flow hedge. The hedging reserve is reversed to profit or loss when actions with non-controlling interests.
the hedged item is settled.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures
Total dividend per share
The dividend payment to Deutsche Post AG shareholders of m
Dividend distributed in financial year 2016
1,027million was made in May2016. This corresponds to a divi
fortheyear 2015 1,027 0.85
dend of 0.85 per share. Dividend distributed in financial year 2015
The third tranche of the share buyback programme, with a total fortheyear 2014 1,030 0.85
volume of up to 650million, is being implemented by an independ
ent financial services provider between 29August2016 and
6March2017 on the basis of an irrevocable agreement dated 25Au As the dividend is paid in full from the tax-specific capital contri
gust2016. At the time the contract was concluded, the resulting bution account (steuerliches Einlagekonto as defined by section 27
obligation was charged in full to retained earnings and recognised of the Krperschaftssteuergesetz (KStG German Corporation Tax
as a financial liability. It was reduced by the buyback transactions Act)) (contributions not made to subscribed capital), payment will
carried out by 31December2016. The amounts from the third be made without the deduction of capital gains tax or the solidarity
tranche of the share buyback programme are included in miscel surcharge. The dividend is tax exempt for shareholders resident in
laneous other changes. Of these amounts, 195million is attributable Germany. It does not entitle recipients to a tax refund or a tax credit.
to the buyback transactions to be carried out after 31December In terms of taxation, the dividend distribution is considered as a
2016. In addition, 775million of the acquisition costs of 805mil repayment of contributions from the capital contribution account
lion incurred to date for the share repurchases of tranches I to III of and in the opinion of the tax authorities serves to reduce the
the share buyback programme was also recognised in miscellaneous cost of acquiring the shares.
other changes. The remaining 30million relates to the notional
value of the repurchased shares and was recognised in issued capital. 38 Non-controlling interests
The miscellaneous other changes also include the amounts related This balance sheet item includes adjustments for the interests of
to settlement of the tranches under the Share Matching Scheme. non-Group shareholders in the consolidated equity from acquisi
The changes in transactions with non-controlling interests tion accounting, as well as their interests in profit or loss.
without change of control are presented in the following table. The following table shows the companies to which the material
non-controlling interests relate:
Transactions with non-controlling interests
m m
2015 2016 2015 2016
Blue Dart Express Limited, India 1 1 DHL Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd., China 176 162
DHL Korea Limited, Korea 5 0 Blue Dart Express Limited, India 12 14
Other 1 3 Exel Saudia LLC, Saudi Arabia 9 11
Total 3 4 Other companies 64 76
Non-controlling interests 261 263
140 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Material non-controlling interests exist in the following two com- Dart Express Limited (Blue Dart), India, is a courier service pro-
panies: vider which has been assigned to the PeP segment. Deutsche Post AG
DHL Sinotrans International Air Courier Ltd., China, which holds a share of 75% in Blue Dart. The following table gives an over-
has been assigned to the Express segment, provides domestic view of the aggregated financial data of significant companies with
and international express delivery and transport services. non-controlling interests:
Deutsche Post DHL Group holds a 50% share in the company. Blue
Balance sheet
Non-current assets 170 115 79 80
Current assets 388 433 93 103
Total ASSETS 558 548 172 183
Income statement
Revenue 1,364 1,335 349 354
Profit before income taxes 362 293 36 32
Income taxes 84 74 15 12
Profit after income taxes 278 219 21 20
Other comprehensive income 10 15 1 0
Total comprehensive income 288 204 22 20
attributable to non-controlling interests 144 102 6 5
Dividend distributed to non-controlling interests 112 116 2 2
Consolidated net profit attributable to non-controlling interests 139 109 5 5
39 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations In the UK, the Groups defined benefit pension arrangements
are largely closed to new entrants and for further service accrual.
39.1 Plan features One exceptional arrangement exists which is open to further service
The Groups most significant defined benefit retirement plans are in accrual and a limited number of existing employees who have not
Germany and the UK. yet chosen to join. It provides for monthly payments from retire-
In Germany, Deutsche Post AG has occupational retirement ment, depending on length of service and final salary. In addition,
arrangements based on a collective agreement, which are open to a pension commencement lump sum payment must be made. An-
new hourly workers and salaried employees. This system was re- nual increases in pension payments are linked to inflation.
placed in the year under review by entering into a new collective The majority of the Groups (defined benefit) arrangements in
agreement. As from 1January2016, depending on the weekly work- the UK have been consolidated into a group plan with different sec-
ing hours and wage/salary group, retirement benefit components tions for the participating divisions. These are largely funded via a
are calculated annually for each hourly worker and salaried em- group trust. The amount of the employer contributions must be
ployee and credited to an individual pension account. The allocated negotiated with the trustee in the course of funding valuations. Em-
retirement benefit components are subject to an annual rate of in- ployee beneficiaries make their own funding contributions in the
crease of 2.5%. When the statutory pension falls due, the hourly case of the remaining open defined benefit arrangement.
workers and salaried employees can choose whether to receive pay- A wide variety of other defined benefit retirement plans in the
ment as a lump sum or in instalments, or life-long monthly benefit Group are to be found in the Netherlands, Switzerland, the USA and
payments that increase by 1% each year. Employees on the payroll a large number of other countries.
at 31December2015/1January2016 receive an initial benefit com- In the Netherlands, collective agreements require that those
ponent for the entitlements already accrued. This component is employees who are not covered by a sector-specific plan participate
credited to the pension account on a one-time basis. The large ma- in a dedicated defined benefit retirement plan, which provides for
jority of Deutsche Post AGs obligations relates to older vested entitle annual accruals. In addition, a pensionable salary cap is applied. The
ments of hourly workers and salaried employees, and to legacy plan provides for monthly benefit payments that increase in line
pension commitments towards former hourly workers and salaried with the agreed wage and salary increases, on the one hand, and the
employees who have left or retired from the company. In addition, funds available for such increases, on the other. In Switzerland, em-
retirement arrangements are available to executives below the man- ployees receive an occupational pension in line with statutory re-
agement board level and to specific employee groups through de- quirements, depending on the contributions paid, an interest rate
ferred compensation. that is fixed each year, certain annuity factors and any pension in-
The prime source of external funding for Deutsche Post AGs creases specified. A separate plan providing for lump sum payments
overall pension plan is a contractual trust arrangement, which also instead of annuities exists for specific higher wage components. In
includes a pension fund. A support fund that was previously also the USA, the companies defined benefit plans have been closed to
included was liquidated in 2016 and its assets were transferred to new entrants and accrued entitlements have been frozen.
the trust. The trust is funded on a case-by-case basis in line with the The Group companies primarily fund their dedicated defined
Groups finance strategy. In the case of the pension fund, the regu- benefit retirement plans in these three countries by using the re-
latory funding requirements can, in principle, be met without add spective joint funding institutions. In the Netherlands and in
itional employer contributions. Part of the plan assets consists of Switzerland, both employers and employees contribute to plan fund-
real estate that is leased out to the Group on a long-term basis. In ing. In the USA no contributions are currently made in this regard.
addition, some of the legacy pension commitments use the Versor Various risks arise in the context of defined benefit retirement
gungsanstalt der Deutschen Bundespost (VAP), a joint pension fund plans. Of these risks, the interest rate risk and investment risk in
operated by the Deutsche Bundespost successor companies. particular are still deemed to be significant.
Individual subsidiaries in Germany have retirement plans that The information below on pension obligations is broken down
were acquired in the context of acquisitions and transfers of oper into the following areas: Germany, UK and Other.
ations and that are closed to new entrants. New contractual trust
arrangements were agreed and implemented for three subsidiaries
in the previous year.
142 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Including other administration costs on plan assets under IAS19.130.
As at 31December2016, the effects of asset ceilings amounted to payments from plan assets to benefit payments by the company. A
2million. An expedient was applied to their recognition by de- lump-sum programme was implemented in the UK for the recipients
ducting this amount from the fair value of plan assets (1Janu- of small retirement benefits, leading to settlement payments and the
ary2016/31December2015: 0million; 1January2015: 3million). discontinuation of pension obligations.
The negative past service cost in the reporting year was largely Total payments amounting to 439million are expected with
due to changes in the occupational retirement arrangement of regard to net pension provisions in 2017. Of this amount, 346mil-
Deutsche Post AG in Germany. The increase in employer contribu- lion is attributable to the Groups expected direct benefit payments
tions was also largely attributable to Deutsche Post AG which added and 93million to expected employer contributions to pension
1billion to pension assets in April2016. In addition, liquidation funds.
of the support fund in Germany resulted in a switch from benefit
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures
Germany UK Other Total
Present value of defined benefit obligations at 31December 9,866 5,270 2,587 17,723
Fair value of plan assets at 31December 5,518 4,590 2,178 12,286
Net pension provisions at 31December 4,348 680 409 5,437
Reported separately
Pension assets at 31December 0 1 142 143
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations at 31December 4,348 681 551 5,580
Present value of defined benefit obligations at 31December 9,628 5,166 2,478 17,272
Fair value of plan assets at 31December 4,363 4,774 2,065 11,202
Net pension provisions at 31December 5,265 392 413 6,070
Reported separately
Pension assets at 31December 0 48 103 151
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations at 31December 5,265 440 516 6,221
In the Other area, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the USA ac-
count for a share in the corresponding present value of the defined
benefit obligations of 40%, 24% and 13%, respectively (previous
year: 40%, 24% and 14%).
Additionally, rights to reimbursement from former Group
companies existed in the Group in Germany in the amount of
around 20million (previous year: 18million) which are reported
separately. Corresponding benefit payments are being made directly
by the former Group companies.
Germany UK Other Total
Discount rate (defined benefit obligations) 2.25 2.75 2.19 2.39
Expected annual rate of future salary increase 2.50 3.25 2.02 2.43
Expected annual rate of future pension increase 2.00 2.85 0.93 2.15
Discount rate (defined benefit obligations) 2.75 3.75 2.53 3.02
Expected annual rate of future salary increase 2.50 3.00 2.00 2.42
Expected annual rate of future pension increase 2.00 2.65 1.06 2.10
144 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
The discount rates for defined benefit obligations in the euro zone The most significant demographic assumptions made relate to
and the UK were each derived from an individual yield curve com- life expectancy and mortality. For the German Group companies,
prising the yields of AA-rated corporate bonds. Membership-related they were calculated using the Richttafeln 2005G mortality tables
factors and/or duration were taken into account. For other coun- published by Klaus Heubeck. Life expectancy for the retirement
tries, the discount rate for defined benefit obligations was deter- plans in the UK was based on the S1PMA / S 1PFA tables of the
mined in a similar way, provided there was a deep market for AA- Continuous Mortality Investigation of the Institute and Faculty of
rated (or, to some extent, AA and AAA-rated) corporate bonds. By Actuaries adjusted to reflect plan-specific mortality according to
contrast, government bond yields were used for countries without thecurrent funding valuation. Other countries used their own, cur-
a deep market for such corporate bonds. rent standard mortality tables.
For the annual pension increase in Germany, agreed rates in If one of the significant financial assumptions were to change,
particular must be taken into account in addition to the assump- the present value of the defined benefit obligations would change as
tions shown. The effective weighted average therefore amounts to follows:
1.00% (previous year: 1.00%).
Change in
assumption Change in present value
Percentage of defined benefit obligations
points %
Discount rate (defined benefit obligations) +1.00 12.58 15.02 14.48 13.58
1.00 15.91 19.62 18.67 17.41
Expected annual rate of future salary increase +0.50 0.18 0.08 1.08 0.28
0.50 0.17 0.08 1.01 0.26
Expected annual rate of future pension increase +0.50 0.42 5.94 6.23 2.90
0.50 0.38 5.41 4.29 2.44
Discount rate (defined benefit obligations) +1.00 13.25 14.78 14.22 13.85
1.00 17.06 19.27 18.40 17.91
Expected annual rate of future salary increase +0.50 0.17 0.07 1.01 0.26
0.50 0.16 0.07 0.97 0.25
Expected annual rate of future pension increase +0.50 0.40 5.79 6.08 2.82
0.50 0.36 5.48 4.19 2.44
These are effective weighted changes in the respective present value The weighted average duration of the Groups defined benefit
of the defined benefit obligations, e.g., taking into account the obligations at 31December2016 was 14.4 years in Germany (previ-
largely fixed nature of the pension increase for Germany. ous year: 15.4 years) and 18.0 years in the UK (previous year: 16.7
A one-year increase in life expectancy for a 65-year-old bene- years). In the other countries it was 17.5 years (previous year: 17.2
ficiary would increase the present value of the defined benefit obli- years), and in total it was 15.9 years (previous year: 16.0 years).
gations by 4.56% in Germany (previous year: 4.56%) and by 4.06% A total of 29.2% (previous year: 29.6%) of the present value of
in the UK (previous year: 4.07%). The corresponding increase for the defined benefit obligations was attributable to active beneficiar-
other countries would be 2.56% (previous year: 2.62%), for a total ies, 16.8% (previous year: 16.8%) to terminated beneficiaries and
increase of 4.12% (previous year: 4.14%). 54.0% (previous year: 53.6%) to retirees.
When determining the sensitivity disclosures, the present values
were calculated using the same methodology used to calculate the
present values at the reporting date. The presentation does not take
into account interdependencies between the assumptions; rather, it
supposes that the assumptions change in isolation. This would be
unusual in practice, since assumptions are often correlated.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures
Germany UK Other Total
Equities 1,053 662 742 2,457
Fixed income securities 1,986 3,173 910 6,069
Real estate 1,377 183 262 1,822
Alternatives 434 457 33 924
Insurances 562 0 119 681
Cash 99 103 20 222
Other 7 12 92 111
Fair value of plan assets 5,518 4,590 2,178 12,286
Equities 753 968 728 2,449
Fixed income securities 1,461 3,091 833 5,385
Real estate 1,322 199 240 1,761
Alternatives 236 462 44 742
Insurances 570 0 110 680
Cash 14 39 35 88
Other 7 15 75 97
Fair value of plan assets 4,363 4,774 2,065 11,202
Quoted market prices in an active market exist for around 80% Inflation risk
(previous year: 79%) of the total fair values of plan assets. Most of Pension obligations especially final salary schemes or schemes
the remaining assets for which no such quoted market prices exist involving increases during the pension payment phase can be
are attributable as follows: 13% (previous year: 14%) to real estate, linked directly or indirectly to inflation. The risk of increasing in-
6% (previous year: 6%) to insurances and 1% (previous year: 1%) to flation rates with regard to the present value of the defined benefit
alternatives. The majority of the investments on the active markets obligations has been mitigated in the case of Germany, for example,
are globally diversified, with certain country-specific focus areas. by switching to a component-based retirement benefit system and,
Real estate in Germany with a fair value of 1,358million (pre- in the case of the UK, by largely closing the defined benefit arrange-
vious year: 1,305million) is used by Deutsche Post AG itself. ments. In addition, fixed rates of increase have been set or increases
Asset-liability studies are performed at regular intervals in Ger- partially capped and/or lump sum payments provided for. There is
many, the UK and, amongst other places, the Netherlands, Switzer- also a positive correlation with interest rates.
land and the USA to examine the match between assets and liabilities;
the strategic allocation of plan assets is adjusted in line with this. Investment risk
The investment is in principle subject to a large number of risks; in
39.5 Risk particular, it is exposed to the risk that market prices may change.
A number of risks that are material to the company and the plans This is managed primarily by ensuring broad diversification and the
exist in relation to the defined benefit retirement plans. Opportun use of hedging instruments.
ities for risk mitigation are used in line with the specifics of the plans
concerned. Longevity risk
Longevity risk may arise in connection with the benefits payable
Interest rate risk inthe future due to a future increase in life expectancy. This is miti
A decrease (increase) in the respective discount rate would lead to gated in particular by using current standard mortality tables when
an increase (decrease) in the present value of the total obligation calculating the present value of the defined benefit obligations. The
and would in principle be accompanied by an increase (decrease) mortality tables used in Germany and the UK, for example, include
in the fair value of the fixed income securities contained in the plan an allowance for expected future increases in life expectancy.
assets. Other hedges are made, in some cases using derivatives.
146 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
40 Other provisions
Other provisions break down into the following main types of pro-
m Other Technical
employee Restructuring reserves Postage Tax Miscellaneous
benefits provisions (insurance) stamps provisions provisions Total
Balance at 1January2016 829 344 669 252 73 831 2,998
Changes in consolidated group 0 0 0 0 1 4 3
Utilisation 727 122 62 252 32 359 1,554
Currency translation differences 8 2 14 0 1 4 1
Reversal 25 50 39 0 4 113 231
Unwinding of discount/changes in discount rate 7 0 4 0 0 8 19
Reclassification 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Additions 680 79 112 242 78 397 1,588
Balance at 31December2016 771 253 670 242 113 772 2,821
The provision for other employee benefits primarily covers work- The provision for postage stamps covers outstanding obliga-
force reduction expenses (severance payments, transitional benefits, tions to customers for letter and parcel deliveries from postage
partial retirement etc.), stock appreciation rights (SARs) and jubilee stamps sold but still unused by customers. It is based on external
payments. expert reports and extrapolations made on the basis of internal data.
The restructuring provisions comprise all expenses resulting The provision is measured at the nominal value of the stamps issued.
from the restructuring measures within the US express business as Of the tax provisions, 47million (previous year: 28million)
well as in other areas of the Group. These measures relate primarily relates to VAT, 22million (previous year: 7million) to customs
to rentals for idle plant, litigation risks and expenses from the clos and duties and 44million (previous year: 38million) to other tax
ure of terminals, for example. provisions.
Technical reserves (insurance) mainly consist of outstanding
loss reserves and IBNR reserves; further details can be found in
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures
2015 2016
Aircraft maintenance 118 149
Litigation costs 231 127
Risks from business activities 69 42
Miscellaneous other provisions 413 454
Miscellaneous provisions 831 772
Other employee benefits 230 153 72 54 47 215 771
Restructuring provisions 181 7 14 12 8 31 253
Technical reserves (insurance) 235 219 90 54 5 67 670
Postage stamps 242 0 0 0 0 0 242
Tax provisions 113 0 0 0 0 0 113
Miscellaneous provisions 322 163 95 73 35 84 772
Total 1,323 542 271 193 95 397 2,821
41 Financial liabilities
m Non-current Current Total
The amounts due to banks mainly comprise current overdraft facil- The amounts reported under financial liabilities at fair value
ities due to various banks. through profit or loss relate to the negative fair values of derivative
financial instruments.
148 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
41.1 Bonds
The following table contains further details on the companys most
significant bonds. The bonds issued by Deutsche Post Finance B.V.
are fully guaranteed by Deutsche Post AG.
Significant bonds
2015 2016
This relates to the debt component of the convertible bond; the equity component is recognised in capital reserves.
The fair value of the listed convertible bond was 629million at the balance sheet date (previous year: 1,318million).
The 1billion convertible bond issued on 6December2012 has In addition, Deutsche Post AG was granted a call option allowing it
a conversion right which allows holders to convert the bond to repay the bond early at face value plus accrued interest if
into a predetermined number of Deutsche Post AG shares if Deutsche Post AGs share price more than temporarily exceeds 130%
Deutsche Post AGs share price more than temporarily exceeds 130% of the conversion price applicable at that time. The option can be
of the conversion price applicable at that time. The conversion right exercised between 6December2017 and 16November2019. For
may be exercised between 16January2013 and 22November2019. contractual reasons, the convertible bond was split into a debt com-
ponent and an equity component. The equity instrument in the
Conversion price amount of 74million is reported under capital reserves. The value
of the debt component on the issue date calculated in accordance
with IFRS32.31 amounted to 920million, including transaction
Conversion price on issue 20.74 costs and the call option granted. Transaction costs of 0.5million
Conversion price after adjustment in 20141 20.69 and 5.8million are included in the aforementioned amounts. In
Conversion price after adjustment in 20152 20.63 subsequent years, interest will be added to the carrying amount of
Conversion price after adjustment in 20163 20.60
the bond, up to the issue amount, using the effective interest method
and recognised in profit or loss.
Adjustment after payment of a dividend of 0.80 per share.
Adjustment after payment of a dividend of 0.85 per share. Various bond holders exercised their conversion right in De-
Adjustment after payment of a dividend of 0.85 per share.
cember2016. In total, bonds with a notional volume of 580mil-
lion were converted, resulting in 28million new shares that carry
dividend rights in financial year 2016.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures
Leased assets are recognised in property, plant and equipment at 42 Other liabilities
carrying amounts of 203million (previous year: 164million).
The notional amount of the minimum lease payments totals 42.1 Overview
259million (previous year: 210million).
Maturity structure 2015 2016
m Other non-current liabilities 234 372
Present value Minimum lease payments
(finance lease liabilities) (notional amount) Other current liabilities 4,255 4,292
Other liabilities 4,489 4,664
2015 2016 2015 2016
Up to 1 year 26 28 32 30
More than 1 year
to5 years 64 74 86 102
More than 5 years 77 107 92 127
42.2 Breakdown of other liabilities
Total 167 209 210 259
2015 2016
Tax liabilities 1,146 1,109
41.3 Other financial liabilities Incentive bonuses 653 679
Deferred income,
of which non-current: 116 (previousyear: 86) 376 398
Wages, salaries, severance payments 367 374
2015 2016
Compensated absences 322 335
Obligation from the third tranche of the share
Payables to employees and members of executive
buyback programme 0 195
bodies 180 203
Put option related to the acquisition of the
Social security liabilities 178 174
remaining interest in Giorgio Gori Group 27 41
Debtors with credit balances 146 159
Loan notes related to the acquisition of TAG Group 63 0
Liabilities from the sale of residential building
Loan notes related to the early termination
loans, of which non-current: 123 (previous year: 142) 144 125
ofafinance lease 18 14
Overtime claims 86 90
Miscellaneous financial liabilities 282 279
COD liabilities 56 61
Other financial liabilities 390 529
Accrued rentals 42 45
Liabilities from cheques issued 37 28
Other compensated absences 30 28
Insurance liabilities 24 17
Liabilities from loss compensation 18 17
Accrued insurance premiums for damages
andsimilar liabilities 15 12
Miscellaneous other liabilities,
of which non-current: 133 (previous year: 6) 669 810
Other liabilities 4,489 4,664
150 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Of the tax liabilities, 603million (previous year: 603million) CASH FLOW DISCLOSURES
relates to VAT, 330million (previous year: 379million) to cus-
toms and duties, and 176million (previous year: 164million) to 44 Cash flow disclosures
other tax liabilities. The cash flow statement is prepared in accordance with IAS7, State-
The liabilities from the sale of residential building loans relate ment of Cash Flows, and discloses the cash flows in order to present
to obligations of Deutsche Post AG to pay interest subsidies to bor- the source and application of cash and cash equivalents. It distin-
rowers to offset the deterioration in borrowing terms in conjunction guishes between cash flows from operating, investing and financing
with the assignment of receivables in previous years, as well as pass- activities. Cash and cash equivalents are composed of cash, cheques
through obligations from repayments of principal and interest for and bank balances with a maturity of not more than three months,
residential building loans sold. and correspond to the cash and cash equivalents reported on the
Miscellaneous other liabilities include a large number of indi- balance sheet. The effects of currency translation and changes in the
vidual items. consolidated group are adjusted when calculating cash and cash
42.3 Maturity structure Non-cash transactions were entered into in the previous year
which were not included in the cash flow statement in accordance
m with IAS7.43 and 7.44. They related to 14 properties that were con-
2015 2016 tributed to Deutsche Post Pensions-Treuhand GmbH&Co. KG.
Up to 1 year 4,255 4,292 Although income was recognised as a result of the contribution, no
More than 1 year to 2 years 28 131 cash or cash equivalents were received.
More than 2 years to 3 years 33 44
More than 3 years to 4 years 6 30 44.1 Net cash from operating activities
More than 4 years to 5 years 6 20
Cash flows from operating activities are calculated by adjusting con-
More than 5 years 161 147
solidated net profit/loss for tax expenses, net financial income/net
Other liabilities 4,489 4,664
finance costs and non-cash factors, as well as taxes paid, changes in
provisions and in other non-current assets and liabilities (net cash
from operating activities before changes in working capital). Ad-
There is no significant difference between the carrying amounts and justments for changes in working capital (excluding financial liabil-
the fair values of the other liabilities due to their short maturities or ities) result in net cash from or used in operating activities.
market interest rates. There is no significant interest rate risk be- Net cash from operating activities decreased from 3,444mil-
cause most of these instruments bear floating rates of interest at lion to 2,439million in financial year 2016, despite the 1,080mil-
market rates. lion rise in EBIT.
The depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses con-
43 Trade payables tained in EBIT are non-cash effects and are therefore eliminated.
Most of the trade payables have a maturity of less than one year. The They declined from 1,665million to 1,377million in the reporting
reported carrying amount of trade payables corresponds to their year: in the previous year, impairment losses of 310million had
fair value. been recognised in relation to NFE. The gains on the disposal of
non-current assets of 113million are not included in net cash from
operating activities in the cash flow statement. They have therefore
been adjusted in the net income from the disposal of non-current
assets and are presented instead in the cash flows from investing
activities. In the previous year, this item comprised income from
the sale of equity interests in Sinotrans and Kings Cross; in the re-
porting period, it comprised primarily income from the sale of the
remaining shares in Kings Cross.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Balance sheet disclosures Cash flow disclosures
Non-cash income and expenses, which increased EBIT by The assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the course of
40million but did not lead to a cash inflow, were also adjusted. The company acquisitions undertaken in financial years 2016 and 2015
change in provisions increased significantly from 495million to are presented below, in accordance with IAS 7.40d, note2.
1,799million, above all because of further funding of pension ob-
ligations, which added 1billion. m
The change in current assets and liabilities led to a net cash 2015 2016
outflow of 75million. In the previous year, the change in this item Non-current assets 0 123
resulted in an inflow of 788million. The rise in receivables and Current assets
(excluding cash and cash equivalents) 0 97
other current assets in the reporting year in particular contributed
Non-current provisions and liabilities 0 15
to this development.
Current provisions and liabilities 0 118
Liquidity management
The ultimate objective of liquidity management is to secure the solv
ency of Deutsche Post DHL Group and all Group companies. Con-
sequently, liquidity in the Group is centralised as much as possible
in cash pools and managed in the Corporate Center.
The centrally available liquidity reserves (funding availability),
consisting of central short-term financial investments and commit-
ted credit lines, are the key control parameter. The target is to have
at least 2billion available in a central credit line.
The Group had central liquidity reserves of 3.9billion (previ-
ous year: 4.2billion) as at 31December2016, consisting of central
financial investments amounting to 1.9billion plus a syndicated
credit line of 2.0billion.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Cash flow disclosures Other disclosures
At 31December2016
Non-current financial liabilities 77 707 1,134 385 823 2,474
Other non-current liabilities 0 1 1 1 1 119
Non-current liabilities 77 708 1,135 386 824 2,593
Current financial liabilities 1,389
Trade payables 7,178
Other current liabilities 341
Current liabilities 8,908
At 31December2015
Non-current financial liabilities 82 943 635 1,096 368 1,984
Other non-current liabilities 0 2 2 1 1 138
Non-current liabilities 82 945 637 1,097 369 2,122
Current financial liabilities 445
Trade payables 7,069
Other current liabilities 355
Current liabilities 7,869
At 31December2016
Derivative receivables gross settlement
Cash outflows 2,124 231 0 0 0 0
Cash inflows 2,184 237 0 0 0 0
Net settlement
Cash inflows 6 0 0 0 0 0
Net settlement
Cash outflows 22 5 0 0 0 0
At 31December2015
Derivative receivables gross settlement
Cash outflows 1,527 233 0 0 0 0
Cash inflows 1,553 234 0 0 0 0
Net settlement
Cash inflows 11 3 0 0 0 0
Net settlement
Cash outflows 34 13 0 0 0 0
154 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Derivative financial instruments entail both rights and obligations. In total, currency forwards and currency swaps with a notional
The contractual arrangement defines whether these rights and ob- amount of 5,737million (previous year: 5,514million) were out-
ligations can be offset against each other and therefore result in a standing at the balance sheet date. The corresponding fair value was
net settlement, or whether both parties to the contract will have to 1million (previous year: 44million). As at the reporting date,
perform their obligations in full (gross settlement). there were no currency options or cross-currency swaps.
Of the unrealised gains or losses from currency derivatives
Currency risk and currency management recognised in equity as at 31December2016 in accordance with
The international business activities of Deutsche Post DHL Group IAS39, 30million (previous year: 20million) is expected to be
expose it to currency risks from recognised or planned future trans- recognised in income in the course of 2017.
actions: IFRS7 requires the disclosure of quantitative risk data showing
Accounting-related currency risks arise from the measurement how profit or loss and equity are affected by changes in exchange
and settlement of items in foreign currencies that are recognised if rates at the reporting date. The impact of these changes in exchange
the exchange rate on the measurement or settlement date differs rates on the portfolio of foreign currency financial instruments is
from the rate on recognition. The resulting foreign exchange differ- assessed by means of a value-at-risk calculation (95% confidence/
ences directly impact on profit or loss. In order to mitigate this one-month holding period). It is assumed that the portfolio as at
impact as far as possible, all significant accounting-related currency the reporting date is representative for the full year. Effects of hypo-
risks within the Group are centralised at Deutsche Post AG through thetical changes in exchange rates on translation risk do not fall
the in-house bank function. The centralised risks are aggregated by within the scope of IFRS7. The following assumptions are used as a
Corporate Treasury to calculate a net position per currency, and basis for the sensitivity analysis:
hedged externally based on value-at-risk limits. The currency- Primary financial instruments in foreign currencies used by
related value at risk (95%/one-month holding period) for the port- Group companies are hedged by Deutsche Post AGs in-house bank,
folio totalled 5million (previous year: 5million) at the reporting with Deutsche Post AG setting and guaranteeing monthly exchange
date; the current limit was a maximum of 5million. rates. Exchange rate-related changes therefore have no effect on the
The notional amount of the currency forwards and currency profit or loss and equity of the Group companies. Where, in indi-
swaps used to manage accounting-related currency risks amounted vidual cases, Group companies are not permitted to participate in
to 2,425million at the reporting date (previous year: 3,532mil- in-house banking for legal reasons, their currency risks from pri-
lion); the fair value was 20million (previous year: 29million). mary financial instruments are fully hedged locally through the use
For simplification purposes, fair value hedge accounting was not of derivatives. They therefore have no impact on the Groups risk
applied to the derivatives used, which are reported as trading de position.
rivatives instead. Hypothetical changes in exchange rates have an effect on the
Currency risks arise from planned foreign currency trans fair values of Deutsche Post AGs external derivatives that is reported
actions if the future foreign currency transactions are settled at ex- in profit or loss; they also affect the foreign currency gains and
change rates that differ from the rates originally planned or calcu- losses from remeasurement at the closing date of the in-house bank
lated. These currency risks are also captured centrally in Corporate balances, balances from external bank accounts as well as internal
Treasury and managed on a rolling 24-month basis as part of a and external loans extended by Deutsche Post AG. The foreign cur-
hedging programme. The goal is to hedge an average of up to 50% rency value at risk of the foreign currency items concerned was
of all significant currency risks over a 24-month period. This makes 5million at the reporting date (previous year: 5million). In add
it possible to plan reliably and reduce fluctuations in earnings ition, hypothetical changes in exchange rates affect equity and the
caused by currency movements. At the reporting date, an average fair values of those derivatives used to hedge unrecognised firm
of around 36% of the foreign currency risk of the currencies con- commitments and highly probable forecast currency transactions,
cerned was hedged for the next 24 months. The relevant hedging which are designated as cash flow hedges. The foreign currency
transactions are recognised using cash flow hedge accounting, value at risk of this risk position was 76million as at 31Decem-
note45.3, Cash flow hedges. ber2016 (previous year: 77million). The total foreign currency
Currency risks also result from translating assets and liabilities value at risk was 80million at the reporting date (previous year:
of foreign operations into the Groups currency (translation risk). 76million). The total amount is lower than the sum of the individ-
The risks arising from the UKs referendum on leaving the European ual amounts given above, owing to interdependencies.
Union and the decline in the value of the Chinese renminbi were
hedged in part with currency forwards and currency swaps.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Other disclosures
Interest rate risk and interest rate management In the interests of simplicity, some of the commodity price
No interest rate hedging instruments were recognised as at the bal- hedges are not recognised as cash flow hedges. For these derivatives,
ance sheet date. The proportion of financial liabilities with short- commodity price changes affect the fair values of the derivatives and,
term interest lock-ins, note41, amounts to 24% (previous year: consequently, the income statement. As in the previous year, if the
11%) of the total financial liabilities as at the reporting date. The underlying commodity prices had been 10% higher at the reporting
effect of potential interest rate changes on the Groups financial date, this would have increased the fair values in question and, con-
position remains insignificant. sequently, operating profit by 1million. A corresponding decline
The quantitative risk data relating to interest rate risk required in the commodity prices would have reduced the fair values of the
by IFRS7 is presented in the form of a sensitivity analysis. This derivatives and operating profit by 1million.
method determines the effects of hypothetical changes in market
interest rates on interest income, interest expense and equity as at Credit risk
the reporting date. The following assumptions are used as a basis The credit risk incurred by the Group is the risk that counterparties
for the sensitivity analysis: fail to meet their obligations arising from operating activities and
Primary variable-rate financial instruments are subject to from financial transactions. To minimise credit risk from financial
interest rate risk and must therefore be included in the sensitivity transactions, the Group only enters into transactions with prime-
analysis. Fixed-income financial instruments measured at amort rated counterparties. The Groups heterogeneous customer struc-
ised cost are not subject to interest rate risk. ture means that there is no risk concentration. Each counterparty
If the market interest rate level as at 31December2016 had is assigned an individual limit, the utilisation of which is regularly
been 100 basis points higher or lower, net finance costs would not monitored. A test is performed at the balance sheet dates to estab-
have been affected (previous year: decrease of 3million). All inter- lish whether an impairment loss needs to be charged on the positive
est rate derivatives had expired or been unwound at the reporting fair values due to the individual counterparties credit quality. This
date. No interest rate risk with an impact on equity was determined. was not the case for any of the counterparties as at 31Decem-
Market risk In 2016, a factoring agreement was in place on the basis of
As in the previous year, most of the risks arising from commodity which the bank is obliged to purchase existing and future trade
price fluctuations, in particular fluctuating prices for kerosene and receivables. The banks purchase obligation is limited to a maximum
marine diesel fuels, were passed on to customers via operating portfolio of receivables of 265million. Deutsche Post DHL Group
measures. However, the impact of the related fuel surcharges is de- can decide freely whether and to what extent the revolving notional
layed by one to two months, so that earnings may be affected tem- volume is utilised. The risks relevant to the derecognition of the
porarily if there are significant short-term fuel price variations. receivables include credit risk and the risk of delayed payment (late
In addition, a small number of commodity swaps for diesel and payment risk).
marine diesel fuel were used to control residual risks. The notional Credit risk represents primarily all the risks and rewards asso-
amount of these commodity swaps was 52million (previous year: ciated with ownership of the receivables. This risk is transferred in
89million) with a fair value of 4million (previous year: full to the bank against payment of a fixed fee for doubtful accounts.
29million). A significant late payment risk does not exist. Consequently, credit
IFRS7 requires the disclosure of a sensitivity analysis, present- risk is the main risk associated with the receivables, and this risk is
ing the effects of hypothetical commodity price changes on profit transferred in full to the bank against payment of a fixed fee. The
or loss and equity. receivables are therefore derecognised in their entirety. In financial
Changes in commodity prices affect the fair values of the de- year 2016, the Group recognised programme fees (interest, allow-
rivatives used to hedge highly probable forecast commodity pur- ances for doubtful accounts) of 1million as an expense in relation
chases (cash flow hedges) and the hedging reserve in equity. If, as to its continuing exposure. The notional volume of receivables fac-
at the reporting date, the commodity prices underlying the deriva- tored as at 31December2016 amounted to 159million.
tives had been 10% higher than the commodity prices determined Default risks are continuously monitored in the operating busi-
on the market, this would have increased the fair values and equity ness. The aggregate carrying amounts of financial assets represent
by 3million (previous year: 4million). A corresponding decline the maximum default risk. Trade receivables amounting to
in commodity prices would have had the opposite effect. 7,965million (previous year: 7,694million) are due within one
year. The following table gives an overview of receivables that are
past due:
156 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Receivables that are past due Collateral of 35million is recognised in current financial as-
m sets (previous year: 84million). 8million (previous year: 8mil-
2015 2016 lion) of this amount relates to collateral deposited for US cross-
Carrying amount before impairment losses 7,910 8,133 border leases (QTE leases).
Neither impaired nor due at the reporting date 5,353 5,517
Past due and not impaired at the reporting date 45.3 Derivative financial instruments
Up to 30 days 874 1,027
31 to 60 days 459 426 Fair value hedges
61 to 90 days 197 187 There were no fair value hedges as at 31December2016. At the
91 to 120 days 74 70 reporting date, the unwinding of interest rate swaps resulted in car-
121 to 150 days 38 29
rying amount adjustments of 43million (previous year: 55mil-
151 to 180 days 16 11
lion). The adjustments in the carrying amount will be amortised
More than 180 days 13 0
using the effective interest method over the remaining term of the
liabilities and will reduce the interest expense in future.
Non-current financial assets at cost, of which 513 469 44 513
Available-for-sale financial assets 11
Loans and receivables 458
Non-current financial assets at fair value, of which 176 176 176
Fair value option 145
Available-for-sale financial assets 21
Derivatives designated as hedges 10
Trade receivables at cost, of which 7,965 7,965 n.a.
Loans and receivables 7,965
Other current assets at cost, of which 852 852 n.a.
Loans and receivables 852
Other current assets outside IFRS7 1,324 n.a.
Current financial assets at cost, of which 80 73 7 n.a.
Loans and receivables 73
Current financial assets at fair value, of which 294 294 294
Trading 75
Available-for-sale financial assets 200
Derivatives designated as hedges 19
Cash and cash equivalents, of which 3,107 3,107 n.a.
Loans and receivables 3,107
Total ASSETS 14,311
Relates to lease receivables or liabilities.
The Deutsche Post AG and Deutsche Post Finance B.V. bonds included in non-current financial liabilities are carried at amortised cost.
Where required, the carrying amounts of the unwound interest rate swaps were adjusted. One of the Deutsche Post Finance B.V. bonds was designated
as a fair value hedge as at the reporting date. A basis adjustment was recognised for the effective portion of the hedge in accordance with IAS39.
The bonds are therefore not recognised fully at either fair value or amortised cost. The convertible bond issued by Deutsche Post AG in December2012
had a fair value of 629million as at the balance sheet date. The fair value of the debt component at the balance sheet date was 428million.
158 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Non-current financial assets at cost, of which 867 817 50 867
Available-for-sale financial assets 11
Loans and receivables 806
Non-current financial assets at fair value, of which 246 246 246
Fair value option 128
Available-for-sale financial assets 108
Derivatives designated as hedges 10
Trade receivables at cost, of which 7,694 7,694 n.a.
Loans and receivables 7,694
Other current assets at cost, of which 868 868 n.a.
Loans and receivables 868
Other current assets outside IFRS7 1,304 n.a.
Current financial assets at cost, of which 110 105 5 n.a.
Loans and receivables 105
Current financial assets at fair value, of which 69 69 69
Trading 7
Available-for-sale financial assets 27
Derivatives designated as hedges 35
Cash and cash equivalents, of which 3,608 3,608 n.a.
Loans and receivables 3,608
Total ASSETS 14,766
Relates to lease receivables or liabilities.
The Deutsche Post AG and Deutsche Post Finance B.V. bonds are carried at amortised cost. Where required, the carrying amounts of the unwound
interest rate swaps were adjusted. One of the Deutsche Post Finance B.V. bonds was designated as a fair value hedge as at the reporting date.
A basis adjustment was recognised for the effective portion of the hedge in accordance with IAS39. The bonds are therefore not recognised fully at either
fair value or amortised cost. The convertible bond issued by Deutsche Post AG in December2012 had a fair value of 1,318million as at the balance
sheet date. The fair value of the debt component at the balance sheet date was 1,004million.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Other disclosures
If there is an active market for a financial instrument (e.g., stock As no future cash flows can be reliably determined, the fair
exchange), the fair value is determined by reference to the market values cannot be determined using valuation techniques. There are
or quoted exchange price at the balance sheet date. If no fair value no plans to sell or derecognise significant shares of the available-for-
is available in an active market, the quoted prices in an active mar- sale financial assets reported as at 31December2016 in the near
ket for similar instruments or recognised valuation techniques are future.
used to determine fair value. The valuation techniques used incor- Available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value relate
porate the key factors determining the fair value of the financial to equity and debt instruments.
instruments using valuation parameters that are derived from the Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include se-
market conditions as at the balance sheet date. Counterparty risk is curities to which the fair value option was applied, in order to avoid
analysed on the basis of the current credit default swaps signed by accounting inconsistencies. An active market exists for the assets,
the counterparties. The fair values of other non-current receivables and they are recognised at fair value.
and held-to-maturity financial investments with remaining matur- The following table presents financial instruments recognised
ities of more than one year correspond to the present values of the at fair value and financial instruments whose fair value is required
payments related to the assets, taking into account current interest to be disclosed, both presented by the level in the fair value hier
rate parameters. archy to which they are assigned.
Cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables and other receiv- The simplification option under IFRS7.29a was exercised for
ables have predominantly short remaining maturities. As a result, cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, other assets, trade pay-
their carrying amounts as at the reporting date are approximately ables and other liabilities with predominantly short maturities.
equivalent to their fair values. Trade payables and other liabilities Their carrying amounts as at the reporting date are approximately
generally have short remaining maturities; the recognised amounts equivalent to their fair values. Not included are financial invest-
approximately represent their fair values. ments in equity instruments for which there is no quoted price in
The financial assets classified as available for sale include shares an active market and which therefore have to be measured at cost.
in partnerships and corporations for which there is no active market
in the amount of 11million (previous year: 11million).
Non-current financial assets 166 512 0 678
Current financial assets 200 94 0 294
Financial assets 366 606 0 972
Non-current liabilities 4,730 384 11 5,125
Current liabilities 781 94 4 879
Financial liabilities 5,511 478 15 6,004
Non-current financial assets 153 866 83 1,102
Current financial assets 27 42 0 69
Financial assets 180 908 83 1,171
Non-current liabilities4 4,871 338 0 5,209
Current liabilities4 0 108 0 108
Financial liabilities 4,871 446 0 5,317
Quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets.
Inputs other than quoted prices that are directly or indirectly observable for instruments.
Inputs not based on observable market data.
Prior-period amounts adjusted.
160 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Level 1 mainly comprises equity instruments measured at fair value the Black-Scholes option pricing model. All significant inputs used
and debt instruments measured at amortised cost. to measure derivatives are observable on the market.
In addition to financial assets and financial liabilities measured Level 3 comprises mainly the fair values of equity investments
at amortised cost, commodity, interest rate and currency derivatives and subsequent payments associated with M&A transactions. They
are reported under Level 2. The fair values of the derivatives are are measured using recognised valuation models, taking plausible
measured on the basis of discounted expected future cash flows, assumptions into account. Financial ratios strongly influence the
taking into account forward rates for currencies, interest rates and fair values of assets and liabilities. Increasing financial ratios lead to
commodities (market approach). For this purpose, price quotations higher fair values, while decreasing financial ratios result in lower
observable on the market (exchange rates, interest rates and com- fair values.
modity prices) are imported from information platforms customary No financial instruments were transferred between levels in
in the market into the treasury management system. The price financial year 2016. The following table shows the effect on net gains
quotations reflect actual transactions involving similar instruments and losses of the financial instruments categorised within level 3 as
on an active market. Any currency options used are measured using at the reporting date:
Derivatives, Derivatives,
Equity instruments Debt instruments of which equity derivatives Equity instruments Debt instruments of which equity derivatives
At 1January 132 0 1 83 0 0
Gains and losses
(recognised in profit or loss)1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Gains and losses
(recognised in OCI)2 38 0 0 0 0 0
Additions 0 0 0 0 15 0
Disposals 95 0 0 80 0 0
Currency translation effects 8 0 0 3 0 0
At 31December 83 0 0 0 15 0
Fair value losses are presented in finance costs, fair value gains in financial income.
Unrealised gains and losses were recognised in the IAS39 revaluation reserve.
The net gains and losses on financial instruments classified in ac- The net gains and losses mainly include the effects of the fair value
cordance with the individual IAS39 measurement categories are as measurement, impairment and disposals (disposal gains/losses) of
follows: financial instruments. Dividends and interest are not taken into
account for the financial instruments measured at fair value through
Net gains and losses by measurement category profit or loss. Income and expenses from interest and commission
m agreements of the financial instruments not measured at fair value
2015 2016 through profit or loss are explained in the income statement disclos
Loans and receivables 136 127 ures.
Available-for-sale financial assets
The following tables show the impact of netting agreements
Net gains (+)/losses () recognised in OCI 54 4 based on master netting arrangements or similar agreements on
Net gains (+)/losses () reclassified to profit financial assets and financial liabilities as at the reporting date:
orloss 172 63
Net gains (+)/losses () recognised in profit
orloss 10 8
Offsetting assets
m Assets and liabilities not set off
in the balance sheet
At 31December2016
Derivative financial assets1 104 0 104 67 0 37
Trade receivables 8,015 50 7,965 0 0 7,965
Funds 384 331 53 0 0 53
At 31December2015
Derivative financial assets1 52 0 52 51 0 1
Trade receivables 7,850 156 7,694 0 0 7,694
Funds 528 185 343 0 0 343
Excluding derivatives from M&A transactions.
Offsetting liabilities
m Assets and liabilities not set off
in the balance sheet
At 31December2016
Derivative financial liabilities1 107 0 107 67 0 40
Trade payables 7,228 50 7,178 0 0 7,178
Funds 331 331 0 0 0 0
At 31December2015
Derivative financial liabilities1 124 0 124 51 0 73
Trade payables 7,225 156 7,069 0 0 7,069
Funds 185 185 0 0 0 0
Excluding derivatives from M&A transactions.
Financial assets and liabilities are set off on the basis of netting Settlement processes arising from services related to postal
agreements (master netting arrangements) only if an enforceable deliveries are subject to the Universal Postal Convention and the
right of set-off exists and settlement on a net basis is intended as at Interconnect Remuneration Agreement Europe (IRA-E). These
the reporting date. agreements, particularly the settlement conditions, are binding on
If the right of set-off is not enforceable in the normal course of all public postal operators for the specified contractual arrange-
business, the financial assets and liabilities are recognised in the ments. Imports and exports between the parties to the agreement
balance sheet at their gross amounts as at the reporting date. The during a calendar year are summarised in an annual statement of
master netting arrangement creates a conditional right of set-off account and presented on a net basis in the final annual statement.
that can only be enforced by taking legal action. Receivables and payables covered by the Universal Postal Conven-
To hedge cash flow and fair value risks, Deutsche Post AG enters tion and the IRA-E agreement are presented on a net basis at the
into financial derivative transactions with a large number of finan- reporting date. In addition, funds are presented on a net basis if a
cial services institutions. These contracts are subject to a standard- right of set-off exists in the normal course of business. The tables
ised master agreement for financial derivative transactions. This show the receivables and payables before and after offsetting.
agreement provides for a conditional right of set-off, resulting in
the recognition of the gross amount of the financial derivative trans-
actions at the reporting date. The conditional right of set-off is pre-
sented in the table.
162 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
cipal proceedings. The Cologne Administrative Court and the counts, etc.). Deutsche Post AG does not believe that the legislative
Mnster Higher Administrative Court both dismissed this applica- amendment fully complies with the applicable provisions of Euro-
tion. FIRST MAIL Dsseldorf GmbH discontinued its mail delivery pean Community law. Due to the legal uncertainty resulting from
operations at the end of 2011 and retracted its appeal on 19Decem- the new legislation in certain instances, Deutsche Post AG is endeav-
ber2011. Deutsche Post AG continues to pursue its appeal against ouring to clarify certain key issues with the tax authorities, note46.
the Bundesnetzagentur ruling. On 30June2014, DHL Express France received a statement
In its ruling of 30April2012, the Bundesnetzagentur deter- ofobjections from the French competition authority alleging anti
mined that Deutsche Post AG had contravened the discrimination competitive conduct in the domestic express business, a business
provisions under the Postgesetz by charging different fees for the which had been divested in June2010. On 15December2015,
transport of identical invoices and invoices containing different Deutsche Post DHL Group received the decision of the French au-
amounts. Deutsche Post AG was requested to discontinue the dis- thority regarding the fuel surcharges and price fixing. The decision
crimination determined immediately, but no later than 31Decem- has been appealed by the Group. Further details cannot be given at
ber2012. The ruling was implemented on 1January2013. Deutsche this point in time.
Post does not share the legal opinion of the Bundesnetzagentur and In view of the ongoing or announced legal proceedings men-
appealed the ruling. tioned above, no further details are given on their presentation in
In a ruling on 28June2016, the Bundesnetzagentur determined the financial statements.
that the prices for the Dialogpost Impulspost product did not
meet the pricing standards of the Postgesetz. The agency ordered the 49 Share-based payment
prices to be adjusted immediately (adjustment request). According Assumptions regarding the price of Deutsche Post AGs shares and
to the Bundesnetzagentur, the prices did not cover the cost of effi- assumptions regarding employee fluctuation are taken into account
ciently providing the service and had anti-competitive effects. On when measuring the value of share-based payments for executives.
26July2016, the Bundesnetzagentur barred Deutsche Post from All assumptions are reviewed on a quarterly basis. The staff costs are
charging these prices and declared the prices invalid (prohibitive recognised pro rata in profit or loss to reflect the services rendered
order), since at this time Deutsche Post had not yet complied with as consideration during the vesting period (lock-up period).
the adjustment request. Deutsche Post does not share the legal opin-
ion of the Bundesnetzagentur and filed an appeal with the Cologne 49.1 Share-based payment for executives (Share Matching Scheme)
Administrative Court against the orders issued by the agency. Under the share-based payment system for executives (Share
In a judgement dated 14July2016, the General Court of the Matching Scheme), certain executives receive part of their variable
European Union (EGC) set aside the European Commissions state remuneration for the financial year in the form of shares of
aid decision dated 25January2012 in an action brought by the Fed- Deutsche Post AG in the following year (deferred incentive shares).
eral Republic of Germany. In its state aid decision, the European All Group executives can specify an increased equity component
Commission had argued that the financing of civil servant pensions individually by converting a further portion of their variable remu-
in part constituted unlawful state aid that had to be repaid to the neration for the financial year (investment shares). After a four-year
federal government; further details can be found in notes 49 and 51 lock-up period during which the executive must be employed by
in the 2015 Annual Report. In their actions, Deutsche Post AG and the the Group, they again receive the same number of Deutsche Post AG
federal government asserted that the state aid decision was unlawful. shares (matching shares). Assumptions are made regarding the con-
The EGC has now followed this argument in the action brought by version behaviour of executives with respect to their relevant bonus
the federal government. The action brought by Deutsche Post AG portion. Share-based payment arrangements are entered into
is still pending. Since the European Commission did not file an eachyear, with 1December (from financial year 2015; until 2014:
appeal against the EGCs judgement dated 14July2016, that decision 1January) of the respective year and 1April of the following year
is now legally binding. The state aid decision of the European Com- being the grant dates for each years tranche. Whereas incentive
mission is therefore null and void with final effect and there are no shares and matching shares are classified as equity-settled share-
longer any grounds for the obligation to repay the alleged state aid based payments, investment shares are compound financial instru-
under the state aid decision. It was therefore possible to release the ments and the debt and equity components must be measured
amount of 378million deposited in a trustee account. separately. However, in accordance with IFRS2.37, only the debt
Since 1July2010, as a result of the revision of the relevant tax component is measured due to the provisions of the Share Matching
exemption provisions, the VAT exemption has only applied to those Scheme. The investment shares are therefore treated as cash-settled
specific universal services in Germany that are not subject to indi- share-based payments.
vidually negotiated agreements or provided on special terms (dis-
164 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Estimated provisional amount, will be determined on 1April2017.
Expected number.
The company increased its share capital in 2015 to settle claims to within a period of two years provided an absolute or relative per-
matching shares under the 2011 tranche. In addition, treasury formance target is achieved at the end of the waiting period. Any
shares were acquired at an average purchase price per share of SARs not exercised during this two-year period will expire. To de-
24.62 for a total of 32million to settle the 2015 tranche. The treas- termine how many if any of the granted SARs can be exercised,
ury shares were issued to the executives concerned in April and the average share price or the average index is compared for the
May2016. reference period and the performance period. The reference period
A total of 63million (previous year: 65million) was recog- comprises the last 20 consecutive trading days before the issue date.
nised in capital reserves for the granting of variable remuneration The performance period is the last 60 trading days before the end
components under this system, note34. of the waiting period. The average (closing) price is calculated as
the average closing price of Deutsche Post shares in Deutsche Brse
49.2 Long-Term Incentive Plan (2006 LTIP) for members of the Board AGs Xetra trading system.
ofManagement The absolute performance target is met if the closing price of
Since 1July2006, the members of the Board of Management have Deutsche Post shares is at least 10, 15, 20, or 25% above the issue
received stock appreciation rights (SARs) under the 2006 LTIP. Each price. The relative performance target is tied to the performance of
SAR under the 2006 LTIP entitles the holder to receive a cash settle- the shares in relation to the STOXX Europe 600 Index (SXXP; ISIN
ment equal to the difference between the average closing price of EU0009658202). It is met if the share price equals the index per-
Deutsche Post shares during the last five trading days before the formance or if it outperforms the index by at least 10%.
exercise date and the issue price of the SAR. A maximum of four out of every six SARs can be earned via
The members of the Board of Management each invest 10% of the absolute performance target, and a maximum of two via the
their fixed annual remuneration (annual base salary) as a personal relative performance target. If neither an absolute nor a relative per-
financial investment every year. The number of SARs issued to the formance target is met by the end of the waiting period, the SARs
members of the Board of Management is determined by the Super- attributable to the related tranche will expire without replacement
visory Board. Following a four-year waiting period that begins on or compensation.
the issue date, the SARs granted can be fully or partly exercised
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Other disclosures
2006 LTIP
The members of the Board of Management were granted a total of A provision for the 2006 LTIP and the SAR Plan was recognised
1,202,376 SARs in financial year 2016 (previous year: 1,936,470 as at the balance sheet date in the amount of 134million (previous
SARs) with a total value of 6.25million at the time of issue (1Sep- year: 175million), of which 41million (previous year: 36mil-
tember2016) (previous year: 6.66million as at 1September2015). lion) was attributable to the Board of Management. Of the total
Further disclosures on share-based payment for members of the provision, 24million (previous year: 15million) related to rights
Board of Management can be found in note50.2. exercisable at the reporting date.
49.3 SAR Plan for executives 49.4 Performance Share Plan for executives
From July2006 to August2013, selected executives received annual The Annual General Meeting on 27May2014 resolved to introduce
tranches of SARs under the SAR Plan. This allowed them to receive the Performance Share Plan (PSP) for executives. This plan replaces
a cash payment within a defined period in the amount of the differ- the former share-based payment system (SAR Plan) for executives.
ence between the respective price of Deutsche Post shares and the Whereas the SAR Plan involved cash-settled share-based payments,
fixed issue price if demanding performance targets are met (see under the PSP shares are issued to participants at the end of the
disclosures on the 2006 LTIP for members of the Board of Manage- waiting period. Under the PSP, the granting of the shares at the end
ment). Due to the strong share price performance since SARs were of the waiting period is also linked to the achievement of demand-
issued in 2012, all of the related performance targets were met on ing performance targets. The performance targets under the PSP are
expiry of the waiting period on 30June2016. All SARs under this identical to the performance targets under the LTIP for members of
tranche were therefore able to be exercised. Most executives exer- the Board of Management.
cised them as early as 2016. Starting in 2014, SARs were no longer Performance Share Units (PSUs) were issued to selected execu
issued to executives under the SAR Plan. The Performance Share tives under the PSP for the first time on 1September2014. It is not
Plan (PSP) for executives replaces the SAR Plan. All earlier tranches planned that members of the Board of Management will participate
issued under the SAR Plan remain valid. in the PSP. The Long-Term Incentive Plan (2006 LTIP) for members
More details on the SAR Plan tranches are shown in the follow- of the Board of Management remains unchanged.
ing table: In the consolidated financial statements as at 31December
2016, a total of 17million (previous year: 10million) has been
SAR Plan added to capital reserves for the purposes of the plan, with an equal
2011 2012 2013
amount recognised in staff costs, notes 14 and 34.
tranche tranche tranche The value of the PSP is measured using actuarial methods based
Issue date 1July2011 1July2012 1August2013 on option pricing models (fair value measurement).
Issue price () 12.67 13.26 20.49
Waiting period expires 30June2015 30June2016 31July2017
The fair value of the SAR Plan and the 2006 LTIP was determined
using a stochastic simulation model. As a result, an expense of
94million was recognised for financial year 2016 (previous year:
166 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Rights outstanding at 1January2016 4,269,288 4,213,836 0
Rights granted 0 0 3,808,278
Rights lapsed 276,408 181,326 25,500
Rights outstanding at 31December2016 3,992,880 4,032,510 3,782,778
Future dividends were taken into account, based on a moderate Relationships with KfW
increase in dividend distributions over the respective measurement KfW supports the Federal Republic in continuing to privatise com-
period. panies such as Deutsche Post AG or Deutsche Telekom AG. In 1997,
The average remaining maturity of the outstanding PSUs as at KfW, together with the Federal Republic, developed a placeholder
31December2016 was 32 months. model as a tool to privatise government-owned companies. Under
this model, the Federal Republic sells all or part of its investments
50 Related party disclosures to KfW with the aim of fully privatising these state-owned com
panies. On this basis, KfW has purchased shares of Deutsche Post AG
50.1 Related party disclosures (companies and Federal Republic from the Federal Republic in several stages since 1997 and exe-
ofGermany) cutedvarious capital market transactions using these shares. KfWs
All companies classified as related parties that are controlled by the current interest in Deutsche Post AGs share capital is 20.5%.
Group or over which the Group can exercise significant influence Deutsche Post AG is thus considered to be an associate of the Federal
are recorded in the list of shareholdings, which can be accessed on Republic.
the website, dpdhl.com/en/investors, together with information on
the equity interest held, their equity and their net profit or loss for Relationships with Bundesanstalt fr
the period, broken down by geographical areas. PostundTelekommunikation
Deutsche Post AG maintains a variety of relationships with the The Bundesanstalt fr Post und Telekommunikation (BAnstPT)
Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Republic) and other com is a government agency and falls under the technical and legal
panies controlled by the Federal Republic of Germany. supervision of the German Federal Ministry of Finance. Under the
The Federal Republic is a customer of Deutsche Post AG and as Bundesanstalt-Reorganisationsgesetz (German Federal Agency Re-
such uses the companys services. Deutsche Post AG has direct busi- organisation Act), which entered into force on 1December2005,
ness relationships with the individual public authorities and other the Federal Republic directly undertakes the tasks relating to hold-
government agencies as independent individual customers. The ings in Deutsche Bundespost successor companies through the
services provided for these customers are insignificant in respect of Federal Ministry of Finance. It is therefore no longer necessary for
Deutsche Post AGs overall revenue. the BAnstPT to perform the tasks associated with ownership. The
BAnstPT manages the social facilities such as the postal civil service
health insurance fund, the recreation programme, the Versorgungs
anstalt der Deutschen Bundespost (VAP) and the welfare service
forDeutsche Post AG, Deutsche Postbank AG and Deutsche Tele-
komAG, as well as setting the objectives for social housing. Since
1January2013, the BAnstPT has undertaken the tasks of the Post
beamtenversorgungskasse (postal civil servant pension fund). Fur-
ther disclosures on the postal civil servant pension fund and the VAP
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Other disclosures
can be found in notes 7 and 39. The tasks mentioned are performed Relationships with Deutsche Bahn AG and its subsidiaries
on the basis of agency agreements. In 2016, Deutsche Post AG was Deutsche Bahn AG is wholly owned by the Federal Republic. Owing
invoiced for 103million (previous year: 104million) in instal- to this control relationship, Deutsche Bahn AG is a related party to
ment payments relating to services provided by the BAnstPT. Deutsche Post AG. Deutsche Post DHL Group has various business
relationships with the Deutsche Bahn Group. These mainly consist
Relationships with the German Federal Ministry of Finance of transport service agreements.
In financial year 2001, the German Federal Ministry of Finance and
Deutsche Post AG entered into an agreement that governs the terms Relationships with pension funds
and conditions of the transfer of income received by Deutsche Post AG The real estate with a fair value of 1,358million (previous year:
from the levying of the settlement payment under the Gesetze ber 1,305million), of which Deutsche Post Pensions-Treuhand
den Abbau der Fehlsubventionierung im Wohnungswesen (German GmbH&Co. KG, Deutsche Post Altersvorsorge Sicherung e.V.&Co.
Acts on the Reduction of Misdirected Housing Subsidies) relating Objekt Gronau KG and Deutsche Post Grundstcks-Vermietungs-
to housing benefits granted by Deutsche Post AG. Deutsche Post AG gesellschaft beta mbH Objekt Leipzig KG are the legal or beneficial
transfers the amounts to the Federal Republic on a monthly basis. owners, is exclusively let to Deutsche Post Immobilien GmbH.
Deutsche Post AG entered into an agreement with the Federal Rental expense for Deutsche Post Immobilien GmbH amounted to
Ministry of Finance dated 30January2004 relating to the transfer 109million in 2016 (previous year: 95million). The rent was al-
of civil servants to German federal authorities. Under this agree- ways paid on time. Deutsche Post Pensions-Treuhand GmbH&Co.
ment, civil servants are seconded with the aim of transferring them KG holds all of the shares of Deutsche Post Pensionsfonds AG.
initially for six months, and are then transferred permanently if they Deutsche Post Betriebsrenten-Service e.V. (DPRS) was liquidated in
successfully complete their probation. Once a permanent transfer the reporting year and the corresponding benefits have been dir
is completed, Deutsche Post AG contributes to the cost incurred ectly provided by Deutsche Post AG since 1May2016. Further di
bythe Federal Republic by paying a flat fee. In 2016, this initiative sclosures on pension funds can be found in notes 7 and 39.
resulted in 84 permanent transfers (previous year: 122) and 29
secondments with the aim of a permanent transfer in 2017 (previ- Relationships with unconsolidated companies, investments
ous year: 39). accounted for using the equity method and joint operations
In addition to the consolidated subsidiaries, the Group has direct
Relationships with the German Federal Employment Agency and indirect relationships with unconsolidated companies, invest-
Deutsche Post AG and the German Federal Employment Agency ments accounted for using the equity method and joint operations
entered into an agreement dated 12October2009 relating to the deemed to be related parties of the Group in the course of its ordin
transfer of Deutsche Post AG civil servants to the Federal Employ- ary business activities. As part of these activities, all transactions for
ment Agency. In 2016, as in the previous year, this initiative resulted the provision of goods and services entered into with unconsoli-
in no transfers. dated companies were conducted on an arms length basis at stand-
ard market terms and conditions.
Relationships with Deutsche Telekom AG and its subsidiaries
The Federal Republic holds around 32% of the shares of Deutsche
Telekom AG directly and indirectly (via KfW). A control relation-
ship exists between Deutsche Telekom AG and the Federal Republic
because the Federal Republic, despite its non-controlling interest,
has a secure majority at the Annual General Meeting due to its
average presence there. Deutsche Telekom AG is therefore a related
party of Deutsche Post AG. In financial year 2016, Deutsche Post DHL
Group provided goods and services (mainly transport services for
letters and parcels) for Deutsche Telekom AG and purchased goods
and services (such as IT products) from Deutsche Telekom AG.
168 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Transactions were conducted in financial year 2016 with major The remuneration of key management personnel of the Group
related parties, resulting in the following items in the consolidated requiring disclosure under IAS24 comprises the remuneration of
financial statements: the active members of the Board of Management and the Super
visory Board.
m The active members of the Board of Management and the
2015 2016 Supervisory Board were remunerated as follows:
Trade receivables 9 16
from investments accounted for using the equity m
method 5 4
2015 2016
from unconsolidated companies 4 12
Short-term employee benefits
Loans 28 52 (excludingshare-based payment) 13 15
to investments accounted for using the equity Post-employment benefits 3 2
method 0 21
Termination benefits 4 0
to unconsolidated companies 28 31
Share-based payment 7 24
Receivables from in-house banking 2 6
Total 27 41
from investments accounted for using the equity
method 2 0
from unconsolidated companies 0 6
Financial liabilities 26 28
As well as the aforementioned benefits for their work on the Super-
to investments accounted for using the equity
method 15 15 visory Board, the employee representatives on the Supervisory
to unconsolidated companies 11 13 Board and employed by the Group also receive their normal salaries
Trade payables 7 5 for their work in the company. These salaries are determined at
to investments accounted for using the equity levels that are commensurate with the salary appropriate for the
method 3 0
function or work performed in the company.
to unconsolidated companies 4 5
Post-employment benefits are recognised as the service cost
Revenue 4 3
resulting from the pension provisions for active members of the
from investments accounted for using the equity
method 3 2 Board of Management. The corresponding liability amounted to
from unconsolidated companies 1 1 35million as at the reporting date (previous year: 31million).
Expenses1 37 23 The share-based payment amount relates to the relevant expense
due to investments accounted for using the equity recognised for financial years 2015 and 2016; further details can be
method 14 3
found in notes49.2 and 49.3. The expense is itemised in the following
due to unconsolidated companies 23 20
Relate to materials expense and staff costs.
Share-based payment
Thousands of 2015 2016
Deutsche Post AG issued letters of commitment in the amount of SARs SARs
53million (previous year: 68million) for these companies. Of DrFrank Appel, Chairman 1,760 9,603
this amount, 48million (previous year: 63million) was attribut- Ken Allen 1,061 4,175
able to investments accounted for using the equity method, 1mil- Jrgen Gerdes 1,109 4,430
lion (previous year: 1million) to joint operations and 4million John Gilbert 91 600
Melanie Kreis 35 241
(previous year: 4million) to unconsolidated companies.
Lawrence Rosen (until 30 Sept. 2016) 1,029 5,071
Roger Crook (until 27April2015) 1,822
50.2 Related party disclosures (individuals)
Share-based payment 6,907 24,120
In accordance with IAS24, the Group also reports on transactions
between the Group and related parties or members of their families.
Related parties are defined as the Board of Management, the Super-
visory Board and the members of their families.
There were no reportable transactions or legal transactions
involving related parties in financial year 2016.
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Other disclosures
Deutsche Post DHL Corporate Real Estate Management GmbH DHL Delivery Leipzig GmbH
Deutsche Post DHL Corporate Real Estate Management DHL Delivery Lbeck GmbH
GmbH&Co. Logistikzentren KG DHL Delivery Magdeburg GmbH
Deutsche Post DHL Express Holding GmbH DHL Delivery Mainz GmbH
Deutsche Post DHL Research and Innovation GmbH DHL Delivery Mannheim GmbH
Deutsche Post Dialog Solutions GmbH DHL Delivery Mnchen GmbH
Deutsche Post Direkt GmbH DHL Delivery Mnster GmbH
Deutsche Post E-Post Development GmbH DHL Delivery Neubrandenburg GmbH
Deutsche Post E-POST Solutions GmbH DHL Delivery Nrnberg GmbH
Deutsche Post Fleet GmbH DHL Delivery Oldenburg GmbH
Deutsche Post Ident GmbH DHL Delivery Ravensburg GmbH
Deutsche Post Immobilien GmbH DHL Delivery Reutlingen GmbH
Deutsche Post InHaus Services GmbH DHL Delivery Rosenheim GmbH
Deutsche Post Investments GmbH DHL Delivery Saarbrcken GmbH
Deutsche Post IT BRIEF GmbH DHL Delivery Straubing GmbH
Deutsche Post IT Services GmbH DHL Delivery Stuttgart GmbH
Deutsche Post Mobility GmbH DHL Delivery Wiesbaden GmbH
Deutsche Post Shop Essen GmbH DHL Delivery Wrzburg GmbH
Deutsche Post Shop Hannover GmbH DHL Delivery Zwickau GmbH
Deutsche Post Shop Mnchen GmbH DHL Express Customer Service GmbH
DHL Airways GmbH DHL Express Germany GmbH
DHL Automotive GmbH DHL Express Network Management GmbH
DHL Automotive Offenau GmbH DHL Fashion Retail Operations GmbH
DHL Consulting GmbH DHL FoodLogistics GmbH (formerly: DHL Foodservices GmbH)
DHL Delivery GmbH DHL Freight Germany Holding GmbH
DHL Delivery Augsburg GmbH DHL Freight GmbH
DHL Delivery Bayreuth GmbH DHL Global Forwarding GmbH
DHL Delivery Berlin GmbH DHL Global Forwarding Management GmbH
DHL Delivery Bonn GmbH DHL Global Management GmbH
DHL Delivery Braunschweig GmbH DHL Home Delivery GmbH
DHL Delivery Bremen GmbH DHL Hub Leipzig GmbH
DHL Delivery Dortmund GmbH DHL International GmbH
DHL Delivery Dresden GmbH DHL Inventory Finance Services GmbH
DHL Delivery Duisburg GmbH DHL Paket GmbH
DHL Delivery Dsseldorf GmbH DHL Paketzentrum Obertshausen GmbH
DHL Delivery Erfurt GmbH DHL Solutions Fashion GmbH
DHL Delivery Essen GmbH DHL Solutions GmbH
DHL Delivery Frankfurt GmbH DHL Sorting Center GmbH
DHL Delivery Freiburg GmbH DHL Supply Chain (Leipzig) GmbH
DHL Delivery Freising GmbH DHL Supply Chain Management GmbH
DHL Delivery Gieen GmbH DHL Supply Chain VAS GmbH
DHL Delivery Gppingen GmbH DHL Trade Fairs&Events GmbH
DHL Delivery Hagen GmbH DHL Verwaltungs GmbH
DHL Delivery Halle GmbH Erste End of Runway Development Leipzig GmbH
DHL Delivery Hamburg GmbH Erste Logistik Entwicklungsgesellschaft MG GmbH
DHL Delivery Hannover GmbH European Air Transport Leipzig GmbH
DHL Delivery Herford GmbH Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH
DHL Delivery Karlsruhe GmbH interServ Gesellschaft fr Personal- und
DHL Delivery Kassel GmbH BeraterdienstleistungenmbH
DHL Delivery Kiel GmbH StreetScooter GmbH
DHL Delivery Koblenz GmbH Werbeagentur Janssen GmbH
DHL Delivery Kln West GmbH Williams Lea Tag GmbH
Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES Other disclosures RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT
The following companies in the UK make use of the audit exemption RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT
under section 479A of the UK Companies Act:
DHL Exel Supply Chain Limited To the best of our knowledge, and in accordance with the applicable
DHL Freight&Contract Logistics (UK) Limited reporting principles, the consolidated financial statements give a
Exel Freight Management (UK) Limited true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and
Exel Investments Limited profit or loss of the Group, and the management report of the Group
Exel Overseas Limited includes a fair review of the development and performance of the
Freight Indemnity and Guarantee Company Limited business and the position of the Group, together with a description
F.X. Coughlin (U.K.) Limited of the principal opportunities and risks associated with the expected
Joint Retail Logistics Limited development of the Group.
KXC (Exel) GP Investment Limited
National Carriers Limited (formerly Trucks and Child Safety Bonn, 16February2017
Ocean Group Investments Limited Deutsche Post AG
Ocean Overseas Holdings Limited The Board of Management
Power Europe Development No 3 Limited
Power Europe Operating Limited
Tibbett&Britten Applied Limited
Melanie Kreis
172 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Audit Opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements In our view, the key audit matters were as follows:
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of 1 Recoverability of goodwill
Deutsche Post AG, Bonn, and its subsidiaries (the Group), which 2 Pension obligations and plan assets
comprise the balance sheet as at December 31, 2016, and the con- 3 Deferred taxes on deductible temporary measurement
solidated income statement, the consolidated statement of compre- differences and loss carryforwards
hensive income, consolidated statement of changes in equity 4 Other provisions
According to (Article) 322 Abs. (paragraph) 3 Satz (sentence) 2 Audit approach and findings
1 zweiter Halbsatz (second half sentence) HGB (Handelsgesetz- 3 Reference to further information
3 The Companys disclosures relating to other provisions are con- In preparing the consolidated financial statements, manage-
tained in note 40 and its disclosures on other items where ment is responsible for assessing the Groups ability to continue as
judgment was involved are contained in notes 46 and 48 of the a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going
notes to the consolidated financial statements. concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
management either intends to liquidate the Group or to cease op-
Other Information erations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Management is responsible for the other information. The other The supervisory board is responsible for overseeing the Groups
information comprises financial reporting process for the preparation of the consolidated
the Corporate Governance Report according to section 3.10 of the financial statements.
German Corporate Governance Code,
the Corporate Governance Statement pursuant to 289a HGB and Auditors Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial
315 Abs. 5 HGB, as well as Statements
other parts of the annual report of Deutsche Post AG, Bonn, for Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
the financial year ended on December 31, 2016, which were not consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material
subject of our audit. misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an audi-
tors report that includes our audit opinion on the consolidated fi-
Our audit opinion on the consolidated financial statements does nancial statements. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assur-
not cover the other information and we do not express any form of ance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance
assurance conclusion thereon. with 317 HGB and German generally accepted standards for the
In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial audit of financial statements promulgated by the Institut der
statements, our responsibility is to read the other information, and, Wirtschaftsprfer (Institute of Public Auditors in Germany) (IDW),
in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially under additional consideration of the ISA, will always detect a ma-
inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements or our terial misstatement. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error
knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be ma and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they
terially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we could reasonably be expected to influence economic decisions of
conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other infor- users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
mation, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to re- As part of an audit in accordance with 317 HGB and German
port in this regard. generally accepted standards for the audit of financial statements
promulgated by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprfer (Institute of
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance Public Auditors in Germany) (IDW), under additional consider
for the Consolidated Financial Statements ation of the ISA, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
Management is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
financial statements, which comply with IFRS, as adopted by the EU, Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the con-
and the additional German legal requirements applicable under solidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, de-
315a Abs. 1 HGB, and give a true and fair view of the net assets, sign and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
financial position and results of operations of the Group in accord obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide
ance with these requirements. Furthermore, management is re- a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material mis-
sponsible for such internal control as management determines is statement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting
necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial state- from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional
ments that are free from material misstatement, whether due to omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
fraud or error.
Consolidated Financial Statements INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT
Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit We communicate with those charged with governance, amongst
in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and signif-
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion icant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in inter-
on the effectiveness of the Groups internal control. nal control that we identify during our audit.
Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the We also provide those charged with governance with a state-
reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures ment that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements
made by management. regarding independence, and to communicate with them all rela-
Conclude on the appropriateness of managements use of the going tionships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear
concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence ob- on our independence, and related safeguards.
tained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or From the matters communicated with those charged with gov-
conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Groups ability ernance, we determine those matters that were of most significance
to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our audi- period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these
tors report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial matters in our report on the audit of the consolidated financial state-
statements or the Group management report or, if such disclos ments unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about
ures are inadequate, to modify our audit opinion. Our conclu- the matter.
sions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of
our auditors report. However, future events or conditions may
cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern. OTHER LEGAL AND REGULATORY
Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the R EQUIREMENTS
consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and
whether the consolidated financial statements represent the Report on the Audit of the Group
underlying transactions and events in a manner that the consol Management Report
idated financial statements give a true and fair view of the net
assets and financial position as well as the results of operations of Audit Opinion on the Group Management Report
the Group in accordance with IFRS, as adopted by the EU, and the We have audited the group management report of Deutsche Post AG,
additional German legal requirements applicable under 315a Bonn, for the financial year from January 1, to December 31, 2016.
Abs.1 HGB. In our opinion, based on the findings of our audit, the accom-
Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the panying group management report as a whole provides a suitable
financial information of the entities or business activities within view of the Groups position. In all material respects, the group man-
the Group to express an audit opinion on the consolidated finan- agement report is consistent with the consolidated financial state-
cial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision ments, complies with legal requirements and suitably presents the
and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible opportunities and risks of future development.
for our audit opinion. Our audit has not led to any reservations with respect to the
propriety of the group management report.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance The audit of the group management report is integrated into the
for the Group Management Report audit of the consolidated financial statements.
Management is responsible for the preparation of the group man- We obtain an understanding of the policies and procedures (sys-
agement report, which as a whole provides a suitable view of the tems) relevant to the audit of the group management report in
Groups position, is consistent with the consolidated financial state- order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the cir-
ments, complies with legal requirements, and suitably presents the cumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an audit opin-
opportunities and risks of future development. Furthermore, man- ion on the effectiveness of these policies and procedures (systems).
agement is responsible for such policies and procedures (systems) We perform audit procedures on the prospective information pre-
as management determines are necessary to enable the preparation sented by management in the group management report. Based
of a group management report in accordance with the German legal on appropriate and sufficient audit evidence, we hereby, in par-
requirements applicable under 315 Abs. 1 HGB and to provide suf- ticular, evaluate the material assumptions used by management as
ficient and appropriate evidence for the assertions in the group a basis for the prospective information and assess the reasonable-
management report. ness of these assumptions as well as the appropriate derivation of
The supervisory board is responsible for overseeing the Groups the prospective information from these assumptions. We are not
financial reporting process for the preparation of the group man- issuing a separate audit opinion on the prospective information
agement report. or the underlying assumptions. There is a significant, unavoidable
risk that future events will deviate significantly from the prospect
Auditors Responsibilities for the Audit of the Group Management ive information.
Report We are also not issuing a separate audit opinion on individual
Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the disclosures in the group management report; our audit opinion
group management report as a whole provides a suitable view of the covers the group management report as a whole.
Groups position as well as, in all material respects, is consistent with
the consolidated financial statements as well as the findings of our
audit, complies with legal requirements, and suitably presents the RESPONSIBLE AUDITOR
opportunities and risks of future development, and to issue an audi
tors report that includes our audit opinion on the group manage- The auditor responsible for the audit is Verena Heineke.
ment report.
As part of an audit, we examine the group management report Dsseldorf, February 16, 2017
in accordance with 317 Abs. 2 HGB and German generally accepted PricewaterhouseCoopers
standards for the audit of management reports promulgated by the Aktiengesellschaft
IDW. In this connection, we draw attention to the following: Wirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaft
178 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Key figures 2009 to 2016
m 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
adjusted adjusted adjusted adjusted adjusted
Post- eCommerce- Parcel (until 2013 Mail) 13,912 13,913 13,973 13,972 15,291 15,686 16,131 16,797
Express 9,917 11,111 11,691 12,778 11,821 12,491 13,661 14,030
Global Forwarding, Freight 11,243 14,341 15,118 15,666 14,787 14,924 14,890 13,737
Supply Chain 12,183 13,061 13,223 14,340 14,227 14,737 15,791 13,957
Divisions total 47,255 52,426 54,005 56,756 56,126 57,838 60,473 58,521
Corporate Center/Other1 1,527 1,302 1,260 1,203 1,251 1,345 1,269 1,279
Consolidation1 2,581 2,340 2,436 2,447 2,465 2,553 2,512 2,466
Total (continuing operations) 46,201 51,388 52,829 55,512 54,912 56,630 59,230 57,334
Discontinued operations 1,634
Consolidated net profit for the period 693 2,630 1,266 1,762 2,211 2,177 1,719 2,781
04/0 1
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
adjusted adjusted
Employees/staff costs
(continuing operations)
Number of employees2 At Dec. 31 477,280 467,088 471,654 473,626 479,690 488,824 497,745 508,036
Full time equivalents3 At Dec. 31 424,686 418,946 423,502 428,129 434,974 443,784 450,508 459,262
Average number of employees2 488,518 464,471 467,188 472,321 478,903 484,025 492,865 498,459
Staff costs m 17,021 16,609 16,730 17,770 17,776 18,189 19,640 19,592
Staff cost ratio4 % 36.8 32.3 31.7 32.0 32.4 32.1 33.2 34.2
2014: Adjustment due to reorganisation in accordance with Strategy 2020. 2 Headcount including trainees. 3 Excluding trainees. 4 Staff costs/revenue.
EBIT/revenue. 6 Profit before income taxes/average equity (including non-controlling interests). 7 EBIT/average total assets. 8 Income taxes/profit
before income taxes. 9 Equity (including non-controlling interests)/total assets. 10 Group Management Report, page 58. 11 Net debt/net debt and equity
(including non-controlling interests). 12 Net debt/cash flow from operating activities. 13 The average number of shares outstanding is used for the calculation.
The average number of shares outstanding is adjusted for the number of all potentially dilutive shares. 15 Cash flow from operating activities. 16Proposal.
Year-end closing price/basic earnings per share. 18Estimate.
180 Deutsche Post DHL Group 2016 Annual Report
Air freight 23, 27, 49, 63f., 83 Finance strategy 51, 52f., 79, 84, 141 Parcel Germany 60
Annual General Meeting 34ff., 51, 84, 86ff., 93, 95ff., First Choice 80 Post- eCommerce- Parcel 22, 24f., 30, 38, 47, 50, 56,
136f., 152, 165, 167 Free cash flow 20, 32f., 38, 47, 57f., 82, 84, 113, 130, 59f., 67, 73, 77, 79f., 82f., 94, 96, 107, 122, 126, 130, 178
Articles of Association 34ff., 46, 136 151, 178 Press products 122
Auditors report 88, 172ff. Free float 66, 135 Price-to-earnings ratio 66, 179
Authorised capital 35, 136 Freight22, 28, 31, 63f., 72, 122, 130 Profit from operating activities 20, 32f., 47, 50ff.,
Freight forwarding business 63f., 83 57ff., 75, 77, 82ff., 100, 103, 107, 110, 121ff., 130, 150f.,
Balance sheet 50, 52, 55, 58, 76, 86, 102, 105ff., 112ff.,
119f., 123ff., 127, 129ff., 140, 142ff., 150ff., 157ff., 167f., Global Business Services 22f., 87, 96, 122 Q
172ff., 178 Global economy 48, 77f., 82f. Quality 30f., 71f., 78, 80f.
Board of Management 2ff., 22f., 34ff., 38ff., 47, 51, Global Forwarding 22, 26, 27f., 31, 63f., 67, 72, 87,
74ff., 82, 86ff., 90f., 92ff., 108, 136f., 139, 141, 152, 122, 130
164f., 168f., 171
Board of Management remuneration 38f., 96,
Global Forwarding, Freight 22f., 27f., 31, 38, 47, 55f.,
63f., 67, 73, 80, 87, 94, 96, 121f., 126, 130, 178
Global trade 48f., 82f., 130
Rating 52f., 55, 74, 79, 84, 144
Bonds 37, 48f., 50, 53ff., 57f., 108, 114, 118, 144, 147f., GoGreen34, 69 Regulation 22, 49, 77f., 162f.
152, 157f. Guarantees52, 55, 162 Responsibility statement 171
Brands 73f., 105ff., 112, 122, 129 Retail outlets 24, 71
Return on sales 20, 31f., 50, 59f., 61f., 63f., 65, 179
C I Revenue 20, 30f., 32f., 47, 50f., 54, 59f., 61f., 63f.,
65,78, 83, 100, 107, 109, 112, 120ff., 124, 134, 140, 162,
Illness rate 69 168, 178f.
Capital expenditure 47, 56f., 60, 84, 121f., 151, 178 Income statement 100, 105, 110, 112, 115, 117f., 120, Road transport 23, 28, 70, 83
Capital increase 58, 135ff., 164 123, 124ff., 133, 140, 142, 154f., 160
Cash flow statement 32, 57f., 103, 105, 110, 140, Income taxes 51, 100f., 103, 110, 119, 123, 127f., 132,
Change of control 37f., 39f.
Consolidated net profit 20, 50f., 58, 100ff., 123, 127f.,
140, 179
Investments 30, 32, 34, 36, 47f., 50f., 52, 55, 56f., 60,
84, 95f., 102f., 108f., 112, 114f., 120, 121, 130, 132, 145,
Segment reporting 121ff.
139, 150, 178 150f., 159, 160, 162, 166, 178 Share buyback 35, 37, 53f., 57, 66, 108, 128, 137, 139,
Consolidated revenue 30, 32f., 47, 50f., 100, 107, 109, 149, 152
112, 121, 123f., 140, 168, 178 Share capital 34ff., 50, 135ff., 166, 169
Contingent capital 35f., 136
Contract logistics 23, 28f., 31, 65, 72, 80, 83, 121f.
Corporate governance 37, 39, 46, 85ff., 93ff., 171, 174
L Shareholder structure 66
Share price 49, 66, 148, 163ff.
Letters of comfort 52, 55 Staff costs 32f., 51, 67, 100, 116f., 123, 125, 151, 163,
Cost of capital 32f., 130 Liquidity management 55, 79, 152ff. 165, 168, 179
Credit lines 54, 152f. Strategy 30f., 69, 79f., 83, 86f., 89, 93ff., 97, 179
Credit rating 52f., 55, 74, 79, 84, 144 Supervisory Board 34f., 38f., 46, 51, 86ff., 89, 92ff.,
Press Office
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Published on 8March2017.
2017 ANNUAL G 28 APRIL 2017