2 - Reisner G. A. The Archaeological Survey of Nubia 1907-1908 Vol. 2
2 - Reisner G. A. The Archaeological Survey of Nubia 1907-1908 Vol. 2
2 - Reisner G. A. The Archaeological Survey of Nubia 1907-1908 Vol. 2
a. Shellal, Cemetery 7, the whole plain, seen from the north-west. [A 63J.
b. Shellal, western end of Cemetery 7, seen from the southeast. Roman fort
marked with white crosses. [A 66J.
c. Shellal, eastern knolls of Cemetery 7. In the foreground, knoll 141-159. [A 48].
a. Shellsl, Cemetery 7, E-group graves before excavation. [A 51].
b. Shellsl, Cemetery 7, E-group graves after excavation. [B 207J.
c. Shellsl, Cemetery 7, part of knoll 201-260 after excavation. [B 209J.
'PLATE 3. Early Dynastic Period. Undisturbed multiple burials.
a. Grave 7 : 317, first view. [C 548].
b. Grave 7 : 317, top burial. [C 594].
c. Grave 7 : 317, second burial. [C 609].
d. Grave 7 : 317, lowest burial. [C 646].
e. Grave 7 : 346, upper skeleton. [C 655].
f. Grave 7 : 346, lower skeleton. [C 724].
PLATE 4. Early Dynastic Period. Examples of disturbance.
a. Grave 7 : 340, central plundering. [C 651].
b. Grave 7: 340 (on Plate, 7 : 370 by misprint), untouched legs. [C 680].
c. Grave 7: 335, plundered. [C 564].
d. Grave 7: 324, body turned over. [C 596].
e. Grave 7 : 320, heads plundered. [C 556].
j. Grave 7 : 104, accidental disturbance. [C 276].
'PLATE 5. aEarly B-group Graves.
a. Grave 7: 149, looking south. [C 345].
b. Grave 7 : 229, looking east. [C 453].
c. Grave 7 : 222, looking south. [C 449].
d. Grave 7 : 207, looking south. [C 434].
e. Grave 7 : 257, covered with hala (grass). [C 519].
J. Grave 7: 250, ostrich feathers.. [C 446].
a. Grave 7: 202, from the south. [C 419].
b. Grave 7: 224, from the east. [C 451].
c. Grave 7 : 204, from the west., [C 420].
d. Grave 7: 190, with copper ~e, from the south. [C 510J.
e. Grave 7: 147, goatskin covering. [C 344].
l. Grave 7: 151, Negro. [e. 347].
.1. Grave 7: 150, goatskin and matting. [C 346].
a. Grave 1: 232, goat. [C 456].
b. Grave 1: 252, three dogs. [C 451].
c. Grave 1: 255, two goats. [0459].
d. Grave 1: 216, child with bone bracelets. [C 513].
e. Grave 1: 118, over 7: 119. [C 379].
f. Grave 1: 119. [C 424].
PLATE 8. Burials of C and ~roups.
a. Grave 1: 161, plundered. [C 391].
b. Grave 7: 162, unplundered. [C 392J.
c. Grave 7: 156, superstructure. [C 390J.
d. Grave 7: 164, E-group.. [C 401].
e. Grave 1: 156, burial. [C 400] .
.f. Grave 7: 148, E-group. [C 356].
g. Grave 7: 182, E-group. [C 428].
It. Grave 7: 181, E-group. [0 427] .
. PLATE 9.
a. New Empire pit 7: 7, bones in pit. [B 223].
b. ,Executioner's trench 7: 11, looking down. [B 222].
c. Executioner's. trench 7: 21. [B 247].
d. Roman fort, trench filled with bricks. [0 542].
e. ~ewEmpire chamber 7: 13, section of debris. [0 550].
a. General view of Cemeteries 2 and 3 on Hesa. [B 3].
b. View of eastern part of Cemetery 3 before excavation. [B 22].
c. View ofeastern end ofCemetery 3after excavation. Tomb 15 marked with a cross.[A 37].
a. Tomb 3: 15, undisturbed door-block. [0 35].
b. Tomb 3: 15, sealed coffin. [0 732].
c. Tomb 3: 15, mummy in coffin. [B 305].
d. Tomb 3: 91, undisturbed door-block. [0 25].
e. Tomb 3: 91, interior. [C 876].
f. Tomb 3: 91, coffin A open. [0 877].
a. Tomb 3: 94. [0 880].
b. Coffin 3: 75 : h, papyrus roll. [0 1009].
c. Tomb 3 : 32, showing reuse. [0 188].
d. Tomb 3: 153, sealed coffins in broken chamber. [B 99].
e. Tomb 3: 88,clay coffins, plundered. [B 157].
,t: Tomb 3: 5, stone coffins, plundered. [B 83].
a. Cartonnage mummy 3 : 71 : E, ruined by damp. [A 82].
b. Cartonnage mummy 3: 91: B, covered with cloth. [A 90].
c. ,Oartonnage mummy 3 : 91 : B. [A 104].
d. Gilt cartonnage mummy 3: 154: A. [A 97].
a. Stela 3 : 98 and 100. [B 660].
b. SteIa 3 : 96. [B 666].
c. Stela 3 : 96. [B 662J.
d. Stela 3: 17 and5!. [B 662j.
6. Stem 3: 132. [B 6a3].
f. Stela 3: 112. [B 664].
g. Stem 3: 51 and 57. [B 661].
h. Stela 3 : 28. [A 265].
a. Hesa, Cemetery 2, seen from south, before excavation. [B 24].
b. Cemetery 2, middle part, seen from east, after excavation. [A 15].
a. Tomb 2: 1,063, superstructure. [C 1533].
b. Tomb 2: 1,063, filling. [C 1535].
c. Tomb 2: 1,063, burial. [C 1536].
d. Grave 2 : 381. [C 1056).
6. Grave 2 : 892. [e 125].
f. Superstructure, 2: 431. [C 1089] .
.q. Grave 2: 53: A, burnt bones. [e ].
h. Graves 2 : 119-120. [e 331].
i. Grave 2 : 160. [e 88}.
a. Cemetery 8, Coptic Church, northern half, seen from the west. . (l~ 310].
b. Cemetery 8, Coptic Church,' southern half, seen from the west. [E 309].
a. Khor Bahan, Cemetery 17, on the terrace of the upper tents.. Looking east. [A 130].
b. Cemetery 17, seen from the south. [A 13,1].
a. Cemetery 17, as found, disturbed by sebbakhin. From the north.. [E 396].
b. Cemetery 17, after excavation. From the north. [A 121].
c. Cemetery 17, near graves 5, 86, 6. Looking west. [B 400].
a. Grave 17: 63, undisturbed. [R 415].
b. Grave 17: 89, tray burial. [B 429].
c. Grave 17 : 66, double burial. [C 1301].
d. Gravc 17 : 66, as disturbed by plunderers.
e. Grave 17: 86, natural decay.
f. Graves 17 : 69, 68, 82, plundered.
a. Grave t 7 : 7, remains of wooden coffin. [B 407].
b. Grave 17: 7, skeletons. [B 409].
c. Graves 17: 58 and 59. [B 414].
d. Grave 17: 5. [C 1227].
e. Grave 17 : 50, plundered. [B 410].
/. Grave 17 : 78, plundered. [C 1317].
a. Grave 17 : 56, plundered. [B 413].
b. Grave 17 : 83. [C 1323].
c. Objects 17 : 40 from 17 : 64. [C 1271].
d. Grave 17 : 67, two dogs. [C 1305].
e. Mace-handle, arrow-points, etc., in 17 : 78. [B 424].
f. Mace-heads with handles in 17 : 88. [B 428].
a. Grave 17 : 26, dogs. (C 1257].
b. Grave 17 : 15, Late Predynastic. [C 1249].
c. Grave 17 : 27, Early Dynastic. [C 1258].
d. Grave 17 : 48, B-group. [C 1278].
e. Grave 17 : 1, Early Dynastic. (0 1222].
f. Grave 17 : 103. (C 1339].
a. Khor Ambukol, Cemetery 14, on crest of sandy knoll, seen from the east. [A 110].
b. Shemat el Wab, Cemetery 16, seen from the west. [A 111].
a. Grave 14 : 18, B-group. [C 918].
b. Grave 14 : 7, B-group. [C 1415].
c. Grave 14 : 29, C.group. . [C 982].
d. Grave 14: 26, E-group. [C 979].
e. Grave 16 : 1, New Empire. [C 1209].
f. Tomb 14 : 54, door-block, Roman Period. [C 991].
g. Tomb 14 : 54, interior. [C 1151].
a. Gudhi, Cemetery 15, between the black crosses, seen from the south-east. [A 132].
b. Grave 15 : 54, New Empire. [C 1197].
c. Grave 15 : 71, Roman Period. [C 1205].
a. Tomb 15 : 46, entrance-block. [C 1190].
b. Tomb 15: 46, buriaL [C 1191].
c. Tomb 15 : 47, buriaL [C 1192].
d. Tomb 15 : 44, burial. [C 1188].
. e. Tomb 15 : 40, entrance-block. [C 1182].
f Tomb 15 : 40, burial. [C 1183].
g. Tomb 15 : 36, entrance-block. [C 1177].
h. Tomb 15 : 36, burial. [C 1178].
a. Dabod, general view of Cemetery 23, from the north. [B 528].
b. Dabod, view of Cemetery 24, from the temple. [B 530].
c. Dabod, view of Cemetery 25, from the west. [R 532].
a. Dabod, general view of valley, temple and Cemetery 23, from the north.
west. [A 125].
b. Dabod, Cemetery 22, before excavation, from the north. [A 133].
c. Dabod, Cemetery 23, New Empire graves in the foreground, archaic graves
in the middle. Looking south. [A 153].
a. Grave 23 : 1, Late Predynastic. [C 1416].
b. Grave 23 : 19, Late Predynastic. [C 1428').
c. Grave 23 : 45, Early Dynastic. [C 1449].
d. Grave 23 : 12, B-group. [C 1422].
e. Grave 22 : 159, Cgroup. [C 1406].
f. Grave 22: 70, ram burial. [C 1353].
a. New Empire tomb 23: GO A, chamber seen through roof. [A .,134].
b. New Empire tomb 23: 62. [C 1461].
c. New Empire tomh 23: fil. [C 1463].
a. Grave 24: 2. [C 1504].
b. Tomb 24:1, chamber C seen through entrance. [C 1554].
c. Tomb 24:1, chamber B, New Empire objects near floor. [C 1508].
d. Grave 24: 5, under cliff. . [C 1558].
e. Tomb 24:~1, entrance. [C 1562].
;: Tomb 24: 51, chamber B. [C 1566].
a. Roman tomb 24:109. [C 1576].
b. Roman tomb 24:116. [C 1582].
c. Roman tomb 25: 65, in mud. [C 1606].
d. Tomb 2TH4, in mud. [C 1614].
e. Grave 27: 120. .[C 1620].
a. Birein, Cemetery 30, seen from north. [B 542].
b. Birein, Cemetery 30, archaic part, looking west. [A 238].
a. Grave 30:38, upper body. [C 1682].
b. Grave 30: 38, lower body. [C 1684].
c. Grave 30:2, upper body. [C 1646].
d. Grave 30 :2, lower body. [C 1647].
e. Grave 30: 3, plundered upper body. [C 1648J.
f. Grave 30: 36, two dogs. [C 1677].
a. Grave 30: 6, B-group. [C 1654].
b. Grave 30: 15, C-group. [C 1661].
c. Grave 30:21, New Empire. [C 1668J.
d. Grave 30:17 (on Plate, 30: 10 by misprint,) New Empire. [C 1663].
e. Mud-cut chamber 36: 78 (on Plate, 36 : 18 by misprint), Roman period. [C 1782].
j: Mud-cut chamber 36 :26, Roman period. [C 1770].-
a. Wadi Qamnr,Byzantine (?) fort and Cemetery 33. [B 550J.
b. Wadi Qamar, Cemetery 34, ~een from east. [B 551J.
c. Khartum, Cemetery 36, seen from south. [A 180J.
a. Siali, Cemetery 40, northern end,with Cemetery 41 at Meris, across the
river. Looking north-west. [A 267].
b. Siali, Cemetery 40, southern end, looking south. [A 218].
a. Grave 40 : 33. [C 1827J.
b. Grave 40: 65. [C 1837J.
c. Grave 40: 73. [C 1843].
d. Grave 40: 15. [C 1818].
e. Grave 40: 11, double beehive type. [C 1813J.
t: Grave 40 : 55 (on Plate, 50: 55 by misprint), recess grave. [C 1832J.
a. Meris-Markos, group 41: 200, looking south. Archaic camp marked with
crosses. [A 217].
b. Meris-Markos, graves 41 : 419-422 in right foreground, graves 41 : 423-430
in left middle ground. Note multitude of our small trial pits. [A 223].
a. Meris-Markos, Predynastic Camp 41: 300. The small pillars of sand mark
depth of deposit on old surface. Looking north. [B 535].
b. Meris-Markos, Predynastic Cemetery 41: 401-418, liear Predynastic
Camp. Looking south. [A 216].
a. Graves 41 : 401, 402, 403, Predynastic. [B 582].
b. Grave 41 : 404, as found. [B 583].
c. Grave 41: 404, interior. [B 585].
d. Grave 41 : 421, Early Dynastic. [B 596].
e. Grave 41: 424, C-group. [B 599].
a. Meris-Markos, Cemetery 41: 500, seen from the south-west. [A 226].
b. Grave 41 : 503, C-group~ [B 607].
c. Grave 41 : 511, C-group. [B 61'3].
a. Grave 41: 105, intrusive burials. [C 1900].
b. Grave 41 : 138, beehive type. [B 566].
c. Grave 41 : 130. [B 565].
d. Grave 41: 207, B-group. [B 571].
e. Grave 41: 227, B-group. [C 1910].
;: Grave 41 : 215, B-group. [B 576].
a. Dehmit, Bugga el Gharb, Cemetery 43, seen from the khor, looking north-east. [A 240].
a. Pottery of the Early Dynastic Period. [A 281].
1. 17 : 88 : 16, black-topped, red-polished.
2. 17 : 47(45) : 3, black-topped, red-polished. (M.P.)
3. 17 : 68 : 14, black-topped, red-polished.
4. 17 : 66' : 4, black-topped, rea-polished.
5. 17 : 88 : 5, black-topped, red-polished:
6. 17 : 50 : 4, black-topped, red-polished.
7. 17 : 78 : 9, black-topped, red-polished.
8. 17 : 68 : 19, black-topped, red-polished.
9. 17 : 68 : 11, black-polished.
10. 17 : 68 : 4, black-polished.
1 L 17 : 10 : 5, black.polished.
12. 17 : 15 : 4, black-topped, red-polished.
13. 17 : 50 : 5, black-topped, red-polished.
14. 17 : .50 : 10, black-topped, red-polished.
15. 17 : 66 : 7, black-topped, red-polished.
16. 17 : 68 : 2, black-topped, red-polished.
17.17: 78: 4, black-polished.
18. 17 : 15 : 1, black-topped, red-polished.
19. 17 : 50 : 2, black-topped, red-polished.
20. 17 : 57 : 9, black-topped, red-polished.
21. 17 : 6 : 1, black-topped, red-polished.
22. 17 : 58 : 11, black-topped, red-polished.
23. 17 : 50 : 24, black-topped, red-polished.
24. 17 : 7 : 6, black-topped, red-polished.
25. 17 : 50 : 23, black-topped, red-polished.
26. 17 : 49 : 1, black-topped, red-polished.
27. 17 : 82 : 5, black-topped, red-polished.
a. Pottery of the Early Dynastic Period.
1. 7: 360: 6, smooth pink ware, RD. VII 10.
2. 7: 317: 6, smooth pink ware, RD. VII 9.
3. 7: 334: 3, smooth pink ware, RD. VII 17.
4. 7: 316: 1, smooth pink ware, E.D. VII 16.
5. 7: 340: 10, smooth pink ware, RD. VII 26.
6. 7 : 338 : 1, smooth pink ware.
7. 7: 321: 3, smooth pink ware, E.D. VII 20.
8. 40: 70: 3, smooth pink ware (red), E.D. VII.
9. 40: 70: 2, hard pink ware, pebble-polished, E.D. V 14.
10. 40: 15: 4, hard pink ware, plum-polished, RD. III 4, with pot-mark.
11. 7: 360: 4, hard pink ware, red-painted, pebble-polished, E.D. V 11.
12. 40: 65: 1, hard pink ware, red-painted, pebble-polished, RD. V 22.
13. 40: 73: 4, hard pink ware, red-painted, pebble-polished, RD. V 12.
14:. 7: 360: 3, black-mouthed ware, dull, E.D. I 13.
15. 40: 73 : 2, hard pink ware, red-painted, pebble-polished, RD. 14.
Hi. 7 : 327 : 3, thin brown ware, red-painted, pebble-polished, E.D. 14.
17. 40: 14: 3, hard pink ware, plum-polished, RD r III 5.
IH. 7: 341: 1, red ware, red wash, pebble-polish, RD. V 17.
19. 7: 360: 1, red ware, red wash, pebble-polish, E.D. V 7.
20. 40: 73: 1, red ware, red wash, pebble-polish, RD.. V 9,
h. C-group Pottery.
1. 41 : 520: x, black-polished black ware, thick, white-filled incised pattern, Fig. 160, N0.4.
2. 14: 5 : x, hard pink-grey surface,'black interior, punctured pattern, Fig. 92, No. 4.
3. 41 : 425 : x, brig.ht red-polished, black-topped ware, Fig. 158, No. 4.
4. 41 : 504 : x, black-polished black ware, thick, white-filled incised pattern, Fig. 160,
No. 5. -
5. 23 : 42 : 3, thin red-polished black ware, black mouth and inside, incised pattern,
Fig. 99, No. 16.
6. 41 : 528 : x, black-polished black ware, white-filled incised pattern, Fig. 160, No,. 3.
a. Small Predynastic Flints, scale 1: 1. ~ame numbers as in, b.
3. 17 : 78 : x, three arrow-heads.
4. 17 : 50 : x, eleven examples of chalcedony arrow-tips.
5. 17 : 6 : x, fragments of wood with chalcedony teeth set in (a saw-like instrument).
6. 17 : 26 : x, twelve flint tips (for arrows or chisels ?).
8. 17 : 50 : x, nine samples of chalcedony arrow-tips.
a. Predynastic Slate Palettes.
1.' 17 : 86 : 1.
2.17:61:1 (a1so17:68:20).
3. 17 : 74 : 1.
4. 17: 89 : 5 (also 17 : 57 : 15; 17: 47 : 2).
5. 17 : 15 : 6.
6. 17: 50 : 41 (also 17 : 7 : 4; 17: 79 : 4).
7. li: 60 : 1 (also 17 : 6 : 4):
8. 17 : 49 : 6.
9. 17 : 48 : 5.
10. 17 : 66 : 4~1.
5. 17 : 63 : 2, slate with inlaid eye and a leather string passed through the suspension hole.
6. 45 : 497 : 1, slate.
7. 43 : 64 : 2, slate.
8. 45 : 498 : 2, slate.
9. 17: 66 : 59, slate.
10. 17: 56 : 11, slate.
11. 43 : 23 : 4, slate, suspension hole on side.
12. 41 : 207 : 1, slate.
13. 41 : 217 : 4, slate, broken.
14. 45 : 546 : 3, slate, same type as Nos. 3, 4.
15. 43 : 22 : 3, slate.
16. Seven pebbles from Cemeteries 40 and 43, and a large red stone from 43 : 16 : 5.
17. 40: 73 : 14, slate, incised lines on edge.
18. 40: 19 : 1, slate, incised lines on edge.
19. 40: 3 : 4, slate, incised lines on edge.
20. 40 : 46 : 1, slate, not incised.
21. 40 : 7 : 1, slate (green stain).
22. 40 : 17 : 1, slate.
d. Late Predynastic, Early Dynastic and B-group, Stone Implem~nts and IJTeapons~
10. 7: 230 : 2, black and pink speCkled stone.
11. 41 : camp, surface.
12. 41 : 316 : A, hard dark stone.
13. 41 : camp, surface, hard dark stone.
14. 41 : 313 : hard black-grey stone.
15. 41 : 302 : A, hard stone.
16. 41 : 312 : C, slate whorl or button.
17. 41 : 316 : B, dark stone.
18. 41 : 316, dark greenish-grey stone.
19. 41 : 311 : A, grey stone.
2Q. 41 : 305 : E, grey stone.
_21. 41 : 305 : A, grey stone.
22. 41 : 305, a flint nodule.
23. 41 : 306, on the right, pear-shaped grey s~ne mace-head and 4 clay (?) pellets; on
the left, metallic ore and resin.
a. Early Predynastic Stone Vessels from Cemetery 17. Numbers are from left to right.
1. 17 : 83 : 5, brecchia.
2. 17 : 83 : 6, basalt.
3. 17 : 83 : 1, basalt.
4. .17 : 50 : 35, basalt.
5. 17 : 83 : 7, brecchia.
b. Early Predynastic Stone Vessels from Cemetery 17. From left to right.
1. 17 : 6 : 10, alabaster.
2. 17 : 83 : 3, alabaster.
3. 17 : 6 : 3, alabaster.
4. 17 : 83 : 2, alabaster.
5. 17 : 83 : 4, alabaster.
6. 7: 317 : 5, alabaster.
c. Above, 17 : 68 : 8, alabaster.
Below, 45 : 604 : x, alabaster.
4. 24 : 4 : x, grey-black stone.
5. 50 : 111: 7, black-olished pottery.
6. 23 : 60 A : 14, hard speckled grey-black stone.
7. 7: 3 : i, hard speckled grey-black stone.
8. 7: 5 : 42, hard speckled grey-black stone.
PLATE 65. Gold, Copper and Bronze Objects, and a mud seal impression.
a. Copper and Gold, Archaic Period.
1. 43 : 78 : 3, fish-hook, copper.
2. 17 : 15 : 10, bracelet, copper.
3. 17 : 15 : x, bow-tip, gold.
4. 17 : 15 : ,v, bow-tip, gold.
5. 17 : 66 : 42, knife blade, flint form, copper.
6. 40 : 73 : 9, scorpion amulet, pierced through neck for suspension, copper.
7. 40 : 33 : 10, dog, pierced through shoulder for suspension, copper.
8. 40 : 3 : 5, bracelet, copper.
9. 41 : 500 : 2, basket-work awl with wooden handle, copper.
10. 47 : 23 : x, basket-work awl, copper.
11. 54: surface, same.
~~j30 : 1 : 10, awl, copper with bone handle.
14. 22 ~ 139 : ,v, fish-hook, copper.
15. 7: 190 : 1, piercer with string tied around middle, copper.
16. 29 : 7 : 1, piercer.
b. Archaic Copper.
~:~17 : 6~ : 17, three copper needles with bone case. Also 17 : 56 : 12.
3. 17 : 84 : 6, copper needle with eyelet broken off.
4. 41 : 217 : 1, copper needle with pierced eyelet.
5. 40 : 14 : 4, copper harpoon, with traces of binding on shaft.
6. 41 : 307, copper axe from camp.
7. 51 : 2. : x, pierced needle.
S. 7: 190 : 2, adze (broken and bent).
9. 7: 190 : 3, axe (bent).
10. 54, surface, basket-work awl, see PI. 65 a 11.
11. 41 : 500 : 2, see PI. 65 a 9.
12. 22 : 139 : x, fish-hook, see PI. 65 a 14.
13. 24: 5 : 2, fish-hook.
d. Mirrors.
1. 7: 117 : 1, B-group.
2. 41 : 423 : 1, C-group.
3. 23 : 86 : 7, C-group.
4. 7: 6 : 1, New Empire.
j. Two pieces of a mud seal impression found in 40 : 43 : :,v, Early Dynastic. Scale 1 : 6.
3. 17 : 3 : 4, shell bracelet.
4. 7: 321 : 7, ivory bracelet.
5. 50 : X :~, bone bracelet.
6. 50 : 20 :~, ivory ring.
7. 7: 313 : 4, ivory ring.
8. 50 : 37 : ~, shell ring.
9. 49 : 7 : ~, shell ring.
10. 41 : 423 : 3], ivory ring.
11. 41 : 423 : ~, shell ring.
12. 41 : 423 : 3, ball, white stone.
13. 30: 28 : 3], bone ring.
14. 45 : 405 : 2, shell bracelets.
15. 45 : 254 : 9, ivory bracelet.
16. 7: 234 : 7, ivory bracelet.
17. 7: 237 : 1, tortoise-shell bracelet.
18. 7: 254 : 11, tortoise-shell bracelet.
19. 7: 190 : 5, ivory armlet.
20. 7: 224 : 1, ivory figure.
21. 17 : 83 : 8, fragment of ivory mace-head (?).
22. 41 : 105 : 5, ivory bead.
23. 41 : 105 : 5, ivory bead.
24. 41 : 105 : 5, ivory bead.
25. 40 : 15 : 1, ivory spoon.
26. 50 : X : 3], ivory discs.
27. 7: 142 : 3], bone ornament, pierced through middle (tip broken off).
28. 7: 222 : 4, bone spoon.
29. 7: 250 : 4, horn spoon.
30. 7: 263 : 3, horn spoon, with handle.
31. 14: 6 : 1, ivory comb.
32. 23 : 46 : 1, ivory ornament.
33. 14: 18 : 1, ivory comb.
34. 50: 37 : 3], ivory pin.
35. 23 : 100 : 3], ivory pin.
36. 45 : 494 : 9, bone awl.
37. 7: 145 : 6, bone scraper (?).
38. 45: 494 : 17, bone awl.
39. 45 : 275 : 2, horn.
40. 7: 230 : 6, stripped horn.
41. 7 : 253 : 3], bone scraper ( ?).
42. 45 : 507 : 3J, bone awl.
43. 45 : 275 : 3, bone harpoon point.
44. 7 : 222 : 2, bone needle.
45. 23 : 83 : 3], bone needle.
46. 30: redim bone needle.
47. 41 : 419 : 3], bone piercer.
48. 41: 238 : 3], ivory piercer.
49. 41 : 238 : 3], ivory piercer.
50. 45 : 494 : 11, bone awl.
51. 45 : 494 : 15, bone awl.
52. 7 : 254: 7, wooden hairpin (?).
-18 -
e. Shells. Nos. 1-6, 10, 11, 14, 15, are forms found in ~arly Dynastic and B-group
graves. No. 7 occurs in C-group, in New Empire graves and later. Nos. 8 and 9
show the same shell which occurs most frequently in the Early Dynastic graves.
No. 12 is apparently coral, Early Dynastic. No. 13 represents the small shell so
commonly found in the B-group graves.
Predynastic and Early Dynastic Necklaces. [A 289, 290,291].
1. 17 : 68 : 18, clear light green crystal.
2. 17 : 15 : 12, garnet and green-glazed beads, in original order.
3. 17 : 70 : 4, carnelian beads.
4. 17 : 15 : 11, carnelian, green-glazed beads and lapis lazuli beads, in original order
.1. 17 : 6 : 11, slate beads and shell beads.
6. 17 : 66 : 58c,6 glazed beads, No.s. 5, 10, 15,20, 30, 36, from left; rest garnet,
in original order. .
7. 17 : 66 : 58b, barrel-shaped silver beads and garnet beads, in origin8l order.
8. 50 : 37 : 7, carnelian ami garnet in alternate groups of abOut 10,', in original order.
9. 40 : 37 : .x, the same. '
10. 17 : 58 : 2, carnelian beads, in original order.
11. 17 : 58 : 15, carnelian and garnet beads, in original order.
12. 17 : 66 : 58a, carnelian beads (dark) and translucent green crystal beads (light)
in alternate groups, in original order.
13. 17 : 58 : 15, green-glazed steatite beads.
a. Early Dynastic Beads. [A 292]
1. 23 : 24 : .x, green-glazed crystal beads.
2. 7: 346 : 12, shell beads.
3. 7: 211 : .x, green beryl beads.
4. 17 : 94 : 1, 2, slate beads, shell beads and alabas~r pendant.
5. 7: 346 : 10, carnelian and green-glazed beads, in original order.
a and b. Scarabs.
1. 7: 3 : 3, light green frit (?).
2. 7 : 6 : N aud 7 : 6 : x, green-blue-glazed steatite.
3. 7 : 7 : x (two), green-glazed steatite.
4. 7 : 9 : .x, dark green stone blank, and 7 : 9 : x, glazed steatite.
5. 7 : 10 : x, blue glass. -
6. 7 : 11 : .x, dark blue faience, pale blue glass, blue-glazed steatite set in gold, and
five glazed steatite scarabs.
7. 7 : 11 : S, dark blue glass.
8. 7 : 13 : .x, glazed steatite.
9. 7 : 14 : x, glazed steatite.
10. 9 : 9 : 3, blue-glazed.
11. 14 : redim, glazed steatite cylinder.
12. 16 : 2 : 9, green-glazed steatite.
13. 16 : 1 : 6, green-glazed steatite.
14. 23 : 22 : 7, green-glazed steatite.
15. 23 : 31 : x, green-glazed steatite.
16. 23: 16 : 2, green-glazed faience.
17. 23 : 16 : 1, green-glazed steatite.
18. 23 : 83 : 3, green-glazed steatite, and 23 : 61 : 8, green-glazed steatite.
19. 24 : 1 : 48, 93, 94, the first three blue-glazed. stffitlte, the fourth unglazed; the
fifth (hedgehog) and the sixth (smrab) are blue-glazed steatite; the seventh
(24 : 1 : 93) is amethyst; the eighth is carnelian; and the ninth (24 : 1 : 94)
is blue-glazed steatite.
20. 24 : 4 : Xi blue-glazed steatite.
21. 24: 10 : x, blue-glazed steatite.
22. 24 : 51 : 23, green-glazed steatite.
23. 28 : 3 : 3, green-glazed steatite.
24. 30: 19 : 1, dark blue-glazed.
25. First one, 40 : 72 : E; next four, 40 : 72 : N ; next five, 40 : 72 : E ; last three,
40: 72 : N.
26. The first one, 40 : 72 : W ; the second, 40: 72 : E; the third, 40 : 72 : W; the
fourth and fifth, 40 : 72 : E ; the sixth, 40 : 72 : W (carnelian).
27. 40 : 107 : X, four pieces.
28. 45 : 600, surface.
29. 45 : 419 : .x.
30. 48 : 101 : x, blue-glazed faience.
31. 47 : 1 : x, green-glazed steatite.
32. 47 : 5 : 11, green-glazed steatite.
33. 47 : 1 : x, blue faience.
34. 47 : 18 : 14, blue faience.
35. 47 : 18 : 25, steatite.
36. 50: 326, blue-glazed.
c. lJ<;hebtis. [A 299].
1. 7: 2 :.x, faded blue faience with black lines, inscribed.
2. 7: 2 : x, blue faience with black lines.
3. 37 : 18 : x, faded faience.
- 2"2-
1. Blue faience kohl tube, 24 : 1 : 47.
2. Blue-green faience saucer withnymphaea caerulea pattern in black lines, 7 : 13 : x.
3. Green-glazed steatite kohl box held by a monkey, 40 : 72 : 17.
d. Objects from E-group graves in Cemetery No. 7. A copper coin found on the surface.
Twelve pieces from 7 : 181 in the following- order: above, Nos. 1, 2, 7, 8,
4, 3; below, 5, io, 9, 6 (three shells). The eight pieces on the lower part
of the picture are from 7 : 164 in the following order: (on the left)
Nos. 4, 2, 3; (on the right), Nos. 1 and 5.
e. Ptolemaic amulets from Cemetery No. 3.
1. 3: 18 :.x, blue glass paste.
2. 3: 53 : .x, gilded bronze.
3. 3: 138 : .x, all blue-glazed faience.
4. 3: 75 : B. The scarab, the girdle amulet, the heart amulet and two of the
sacred eyes, are of red glass paste. The sacred eye in the middle is of
green glass paste. The other objects are gilded cartonnage.
5. 3: 71 : E. Heart amulet and girdle amulet of red glass paste. Four pieces
of gilded cartonnage.
6. 3: 56 : x, gilded wooden scorpion and two gilded plaster balls.
7. 3: 71 : E. The four genii, the three girdle amulet8, the menat-amulet, the four
ded-amulets, the stair amulet and the two beads, are of green faience. The
nipples and finger-nails are of gilded cartonnage.
t: Byzantine Amulets and Beads.
1. 39 : 35 : x, blue-glazed amulets (five), ivory amulet (on right), five glass beads.
2. 39 : 38 : "c, four glass beads and a blue-glazed amulet.
3. 39 : 15 : x, clear glass pendant, blue-glazed amulet, shell and eight opaque glass
4. 41 : 56 : .x, lead ring, a cowrie shell and glass beads.
5. 42: from the ear of a well-preserved b?dy, bronze.
g. Byzantine Bro!"ze Cuins from the surface debris of Cemetery 3.
1-4. Near 3 : 51.
5. Near 3 : 52.
- 23-
j. 1. Near 2 : 218. A 20-sided blue faience object with a Greek letter A to l' on
each face.
2. Fragment of a blue.glazed box from superstructure of 2 : 1570.
PI,A~ I.-Topographical map of the Nile Valley from Aswan to J\alab~ha; scale 1 : 250,000.
PI.AN I1.-Topographical map showing the sites of Cemeteries 1-17; scale 1: :!5,000.
PLAN IlL-Topographical map showing the sites of Cemeteries 15, 18-36; scale 1 : 25,000.
PLAN IV.-Topographical map showing the sites of Cemeteries 37-46 ; scale 1: 25,000.
PLAN V.-Topographical map show}ng the sites of Cemeteries 47-53 ; scale 1 : 25,000.
PLAN VI.-Topographical map showing the sites of Cemeteries 54-.56; scale 1: 25,000.
PLAN VII.-Topographie:tl maps of Cemeteries :!, 3, and 5, and detail plan of Cemetery 5.
PLAN VIII.-Detail plan:'! of Cemete)'ics 2 and 3 ; scale 1 : .500.
PLAN IX.-Topog1"uphical map of Shellal, and Cemeteries 1, 7, 8 and, 9 ; scale 1: 5,000..
PLAN X.-Detail plan of Cemetery 7 ; scale 1: 500.
PLAN XI.-Detail plan of Cemetery X and topographical maps of Cemeteries 12 and 13.
PLAN X~I.-Topographicalmap of Cemetery 14, and detail plan!'; of Cemet~ries 14 and 15.
PLAN XIlI.-Topographical maps pf Cemeteries 15, 16, IX, and 19 ; scale 1: 2,500.
PLAN XIV.-Topographicalmap and detail plan of Cemetery 17.
PLAN X V.-Topographical map of Dabod and Cemeteries 22-28 ; sCflle 1 : 5,000.
PLAN XVT.-Det.'lil plans of Cemetel'ies :!:! aud 2~ ; scale 1 : 500.
PLAN XVII.-Detail plan of Cemetery 24; scale 1: 200.
PLAN XVIlI.-Detail plan of Cemetery 25, and topographical maps of Cemeteries 30-35.
PLAN XIX.-Topographical map of Cemeteries 21 and 2~), and detail plans of Cemeteries
27 and 29.
PLAN XX.-Detail plans of Cemeteries 30, 34, and ;35; scale 1: 500.
PLAN XXI.-Topographical map and detail plan of Cemetery 36.
PLAN XXII.-Topographical map of Cemeteries 39, 41 and 42; scale 1 : 5,000.
PLAN XXIII.-Detail plan of Cemetery 39 ; scale 1 : .500.
PLAN XXIV.-Dete'til plan of Cemetery 40; scale 1 : 500.