Colonial Era Firearm Performance: A Live Fire Experimental Study For Archaeological Interpretation.
Colonial Era Firearm Performance: A Live Fire Experimental Study For Archaeological Interpretation.
Colonial Era Firearm Performance: A Live Fire Experimental Study For Archaeological Interpretation.
Douglas D. Scott, Joel Bohy, Nathan Boor, Charles Haecker, William Rose, and Patrick
With contributions by Daniel M. Sivilich and Daniel T. Elliott
With partial support from Modern Heritage Foundation
April 2017
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................1
Components of the Live Fire Experiment ..............................................................................2
Firearms Used in the Experiment ..............................................................................3
Firing Range...............................................................................................................3
Black Gunpowder Propellant .....................................................................................6
Lead Spherical Balls Used in the Experiment ...........................................................9
List of Figures
1. The firearms used in the live fire experiment ................................................................................ 4
2. The area of the firing range ............................................................................................................ 5
3. Patrick Severts seated at the shooting bench ................................................................................. 5
5. Charles Haecker and Corinne Rose standing on either side of the target frame ............................ 6
6. Unfired cast lead balls used in the experimental firing .................................................................. 10
7. Laid cartridge paper cut to standard form ...................................................................................... 11
8. Corinne and William Rose rolling cartridges ................................................................................ 12
9. Completed cartridges with notes .................................................................................................... 12
10. High speed camera setup ............................................................................................................. 13
11. LabRadar Doppler radar unit. ................................................................................................... 14
12. Man-sized torso paper target and target frame used as an aiming device .................................... 15
13. Metal detecting underway to recover a ball ................................................................................. 16
14. British and French gunflints used in the experimental firing ....................................................... 17
15. A buck and ball load hit on the paper target at 25 yards .............................................................. 18
16. Charles Haecker firing the 1740 Postdam musket ....................................................................... 19
17. French 1763/66 musket being fired ............................................................................................. 24
18. Bits of unburned laid cartridge paper in the duff ......................................................................... 25
19. Tails of laid paper cartridges lay strewn on the ground ............................................................... 25
20. The British 1742 Long Land pattern musket during live firing ................................................... 27
21. British Artillery Carbine - .580 ball and 110 grain powder charge at 960 f/s .............................. 29
22. British Artillery Carbine - 580 ball and 110 grain powder charge at 1335 f/s ............................. 29
23. British 1742 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball and 110 powder charge at 780 f/s ................ 30
24. British 1742 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball and 110 powder charge at 835 f/s ................ 30
25. British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball with 75 grain powder charge ........................ 31
26. British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball with 110 grain powder charge ...................... 31
27. British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball with 110 grain powder charge fired
at 25 yards into Clear Ballistic gel .................................................................................................... 32
28. French 1728/41 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 775 f/s .... 32
29. French 1728/41 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 960 f/s .... 33
30. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball and 3 .282 buckshot with 110 grain powder charge ............ 33
31. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball and 3 .282 buckshot with 110 grain powder
charge with a velocity of 1215 f/s ...................................................................................................... 34
32. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1025 f/s .. 34
33. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge fired into Ballistic gel ......... 35
34. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball with 75 grain powder charge with a velocity of 785 f/s ...... 35
35. Thomas Earle Fowler - .520 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1160 f/s ........ 36
36. Thomas Earle Fowler - .520 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1350 f/s ........ 36
37. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1415 f/s ........ 37
38. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1480 f/s ........ 37
39. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel ..... 38
40. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel ..... 38
41. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel ..... 39
42. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 75 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel ..... 39
43. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 75 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel ..... 40
44. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with .580 ball and 3 .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder ......... 40
45. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with 6 - .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder charge ................. 41
46. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with 6 - .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder charge ................. 41
47. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with 6 - .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder charge ................. 42
48. 1740 Potsdam Musket - .626 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 712 f/s ....... 42
49. 1740 Potsdam Musket - .626 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 858 f/s ....... 43
50. Ballistic gelatin block firing test set up ........................................................................................ 44
51. One of the cloth squares, 6x6 inch, used to simulate a Colonial era uniform clothing ................ 45
52. A .69 diameter ball fired from a British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket .................................. 46
53. A .69 diameter ball fired from the British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket with 75 grains........ 46
54. A fabric impressed .69 diameter ball fired from the British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket .... 47
55. A .626 diameter ball fired from a French 1763/66 musket creating an initial wound cavity....... 48
56. The .626 diameter ball fired from the French 1763/66 musket at it exits .................................... 48
57. A .626 diameter ball fired from the French 1763/66 musket at 785 f/s ....................................... 49
58. A .626 diameter ball fired from the French 1763/66 musket at 785 f/s that rebounded .............. 49
59. Fragments of fabric recovered from gelatin wound tracks .......................................................... 50
60. Unfired buckshot and bullet examples ......................................................................................... 52
61. Unfired. 0.69-inch ball, 0.69 ball fired at 600 f/s ......................................................................... 53
62. Unfired 0.626- inch ball, 0.626 ball fired at 775 f/s ..................................................................... 53
63. Top row: Unfired 0.282-inch buckshot and fired 0.282-inch buckshot at 865 f/s ....................... 54
64. Unfired 0.626-inch ball, fired balls .............................................................................................. 55
65. Left column, unfired 0.626-inch ball, fired 0.626 balls at 1110 f/s and 1175 f/s ......................... 55
66. Top row, Unfired 0.626-inch ball, fired 0.626 ball at 1205 f/s .................................................... 56
67. Unfired 0.520-inch ball and two fired 0.520 balls, center fired at 1345 f/s ................................. 56
68. Unfired 0.580-inch ball and fired balls, second fired at 1415 f/s .............................................. 57
69. Flattening is observed on balls as velocity increases regardless of ball diameter........................ 57
70. Change in diameter, A, observed on balls as velocity increases regardless of ball diameter ...... 58
71. Change in diameter, C, observed on balls as velocity increases regardless of ball diameter ....... 58
72. Muzzle velocity compared to thickness or flattening of fired balls ............................................. 59
73. Fired ball that struck wood showing little to no impact deformation .......................................... 61
74. Fired ball with moderate impact scarring and deformation ......................................................... 62
75. Fired ball that hit a palisade post with a wire tie.......................................................................... 62
76. Two fired balls with significant impact scarring as well as impact deformation ......................... 63
77. A Fowler .580-caliber ball hit on a live oak palisade paling ....................................................... 64
78. Typical denting and slight flattening caused by a ramrod head ................................................... 65
79. A fired ball with three dimples or small facets adjacent to one another ...................................... 66
80. The slight to moderate faceting seen on the two buckshot .......................................................... 67
81. A 40x magnification of the bore band seen on balls fired in smooth bore guns .......................... 68
82. A 75x magnification of the surface of an unfired lead ball .......................................................... 69
83. A 60x magnification of a ball fired in the 1724/42 French musket at 870 f/s.............................. 69
84. A 40x magnification of a ball fired from the British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket that passed
through the simulated uniform cloth and gelatin blocks .................................................................... 70
85. A 20x magnification of a ball fired from the 1763/66 French musket with fabric ...................... 70
86. A 75x magnification of a balls surface that shows small fabric threads ...................................... 71
87. A .626 ball embedded inch in a dry loblolly pine post ............................................................ 72
88. A .580 ball embedded in dry green oak ....................................................................................... 72
89. The .580 ball removed from the dry green oak ............................................................................ 73
90. Ball weight before firing compared to weight loss with recovered balls ..................................... 74
91. The percent of fired ball weight loss compared to muzzle velocity............................................. 74
92. The measured ball diameter compared to the calculated ball diameter using the
Sivilich Formula................................................................................................................................. 75
The live fire experiment could not have been undertaken without the cooperation and aid of
many individuals. We are extremely grateful to co-author Nathan Boor of Aimed Research for
his advice and expertise as well as good company during the field experiments. Nathan provided
the high-speed camera set-up that enabled us to collect not only muzzle velocities but also
incredible imagery that immeasurably added to our data interpretation.
We are very grateful to Modern Heritage Foundation for their financial support. Their grant
offset some travel costs and allowed for Nathan Boors participation.
We wish to express our appreciation to Margaret Watters Wilkes whose archaeological work at
Minute Man National Historical Park brought several of us together for the first time. We found
common ground in understanding historic firearm bullet performance relative to what we were
finding in the archaeological record. From that chance meeting, the group expanded during
discussions at other archaeological investigations, which resulted in the team coming together in
November 2016 to conduct the live fire experiments.
We extend our sincere thanks to Dan Sivilich for his willingness to undertake a blind study of the
fired bullets. His expertise and knowledge of spherical lead bullets found in archaeological
contexts is unparalleled. The blind study was designed to assess the validity of archaeological
analysis and interpretation of Colonial era lead ball artifacts. Dan proved that we are doing well.
We are grateful to Daniel Elliott of the LAMAR Institute who graciously conducted a portable
X-Ray Florescence study of the spherical balls we used in the live fire experiments.
Dr. Peter Bleed provided us with some insightful comments on an earlier draft of this report. His
comments are gratefully acknowledged, and served to make this report better in several ways.
Thanks to Dr. Aparna Palmer, Biology Department, Colorado Mesa University, for allowing the
use of the Leica DVM5000 3D microscope and the Leica Digital Binocular microscope. Access
to these microscopes was invaluable to the detailed analysis of the unfired and fired balls.
Nancy Williams, Lisa Palmer Bohy, Corinne Rose, Caroline Robinson, Carol and Tom Shanahan
not only aided in the live fire experiments but provided significant logistical support that is
sincerely appreciated. We are grateful to Joanna Baxter for providing accommodations for
several of the participants. We owe a sincere debt of gratitude to Doyle Hagler for the loan of his
generator that kept the camera running during long field days.
Firearms were a central feature of combat for the past millennium and a significant vector of
political, ecological, and cultural change. Guns entered the New World as a rather refined
technology that became a causal factor in Post-Columbian developments. Guns, gunpowder, and
projectiles affected interethnic, colonial, and political relations and were a major point of
commerce and trade. They also deeply impacted the ecology of the New World. To address
these kinds of issues, archaeologists need analytical tools to understand why gun parts failed,
what types of firearms fired discovered projectiles, and the meaning of projectile distribution
found on archaeological sites created by Colonists, American soldiers, traders and hunters, and
Native Americans. A systematic archaeological study of guns is, however, only beginning.
In recent years, battlefield and conflict studies have emerged as a significant focus of
archaeology internationally. This present study intends to enhance archaeological research on
these topics by using multidisciplinary experimentation to reveal residue patterns associated
with pre-modern gun use. Attempts to interpret the battlefield evidence indicate the need for
specialist expertise to explain the origins of firepower. This information is scattered across
various disciplines, with respective researchers not adequately sharing information with one
another. Forensic scientists, firearm examiners, and engineers have developed techniques for the
study of firearms, but these are rarely addressed by archaeologists.
Experimental archaeology has emerged as a rigorous approach to the study of material
reflections of human behavior. This is an increasingly refined field that lets archaeologists
develop insights and methods for making behavioral interpretations of things in the
archeological record. To study firearms, archaeologists need to design and carry out appropriate
experiments and draw on technical methods developed by firearm examiners, engineers, and
physicists. Recent battlefield archaeological investigations have given new impetuous to
identifying the rifling characteristics of historic rifled firearms, the external ballistic capability
of such firearms, and the combat efficiency of such arms. The goal of this study was to collect
information on the ballistic capability of late eighteenth smoothbore firearms.
With some modern exceptions (see External Ballistics section), there have been few controlled
studies of flintlock and percussion ignition system small arms combat efficiency. Neither have
there been external ballistics studies since a British experiment in 1840 (Hughes 1983; 1969;
1974). This study is a byproduct and outgrowth of conversations and personal interest associated
with the recovery of fired and dropped Colonial and British musket balls from the Parkers
Revenge site, a part of the April 19, 1775 battles that began the Revolutionary War in earnest.
The Parkers Revenge project at Minute Man National Historical Park directed by Margaret
Watters Wilkes (2016) was responsible for bringing the team together that eventually conducted
the live fire research effort.
The results of this live fire experiment with Colonial and Revolutionary War firearms is a
beginning for the investigation of late pre-modern gun use. To determine what happens when
large-caliber lead balls were used in combat or hunting we observed impacts of experimentally
fired balls into ballistic gelatin, an accepted tissue simulant with end coverings to simulate
clothing of the era, and into a sand backstop. We also used a wooden palisade made up of dry
loblolly pine, green loblolly pine, live oak, and maple palings to obtain bullet impact
information. Projectile deformation associated with varied ranges were catalogued. The results
of these experiments will permit archaeologists to better interpret recovered projectiles.
The study goals were to collect data and conduct live fire experiments with high-quality faithful
reproductions of typical and common Colonial and Revolutionary War weapons. The study
activities were designed to benefit several audiences:
1) those interested in the history of firearms;
2) re-enactors who will use the information in creating more authentic presentations;
3) professional historians, archaeologists, and interpreters who either deal with firearms or how
firearms were used; and
4) firearm examiners who can use the information to exclude historic bullets and cartridges that
are sometimes found on crime scenes from consideration and/or correctly assess black powder
and reproduction firearms that are sometimes used in shooting incidents today.
The live fire experiments were designed to capture information of flintlock firearm performance
and capabilities that will benefit the goal audiences in their understanding and interpretation of
archaeologically recovered spherical lead balls. To achieve these objectives, we designed the
experiments to collect data on:
1) the velocity, range, and ballistic performance of common spherical lead balls of the type used
in the Colonial era.
3) how deformation of lead balls can be linked to velocity, impact range, and target media.
This report is well illustrated for the simple purpose of providing the reader with illustrations of
weapon types, bullets, bullet deformation, etc. The extensive use of figures is, we believe,
important to visualize and make clear the complex elements of firearms external and terminal
ballistics that would result in a far wordier presentation otherwise.
The live fire experiment used common types of French and Indian War and Revolutionary War
flintlock firearms. Other components of the experiment included the firing range, consideration
of the black gunpowder used as a propellant, standardization of the lead balls, the construction of
authentic style cartridges, and the methods of data collection.
Firearms Used in the Experiment
Seven flintlock shoulder fired firearms were used in the live fire experiment. The seven are a
reasonable representation of guns commonly used in the French and Indian Wars and the
Revolutionary War. They are all custom-made replicas of actual Revolutionary War flintlock
firearms. One Colonial fowler, a copy of the .580-caliber Thomas Earle Fowler represents the
type of weapon used by Colonial militias and minute man companies. Two British Long Land
Pattern Brown Bess guns, the 1742 pattern and 1756 pattern in .76-caliber, represent the standard
British infantry firearm used in the French and Indian War as well as the American Revolution.
Another common British gun of the era is the Artillery Carbine in .65-caliber, which also
represents the British Officers Fusil and the British Sergeants Carbine. Two French patterns,
1728/41 and 1763/66 were also fired. The pattern 1728/41 has a slightly oval bore, as does the
original from which it was copied. The bore in .70-.71-caliber. The French 1728/41 musket was
also used in the French and Indian Wars as well as by Revolutionary War militia companies and
militiamen. The pattern 1763/66 has a .68-caliber bore. The seventh gun was a replica 1740
Potsdam musket, .73-caliber, of the type often carried by Hessian units recruited by the British.
The experimental firing was conducted over a three-day period, November 14-16, 2016 near La
Grange, Georgia.
Firing Range
For this study a 100-yard range was constructed to contain or concentrate the fired projectiles in
a safe and manageable way. At 100 yards a 7.5-foot high palisade wall was constructed from
freshly cut oak and pine logs. Directly in front of the palisade wall a sand backstop 5.5-foot high
by 10-foot wide was mechanically piled using fine clean sands. These media were chosen to
replicate soil impacts and wood impacts of various types to add to the data of the study. In
addition to the palisade and sand backstop a shooting bench was constructed to provide a stable
base for consistent shooting. While demonstrating accuracy was not the goal of the live fire
experiment, the bench and target provided a stable aiming point for all shots.
The range was established with safety as the priority. A large hill provided a natural backstop at
200 yards and a safe zone extended another 1500 yards. The range, located on private lands with
limited access, thereby provided access control for personal and equipment.
Figure 1. The firearms used in the live fire experiment. Top to bottom, British Artillery Carbine, British
1742 Long Land Pattern musket, British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket, French 1728/41 musket, French
1763/66 musket, Thomas Earle fowler, and a Potsdam 1740 musket.
One team member was designated as range safety officer, with all other shooting team
participants also remaining vigilant. Prior to all firing the safety officer, William Rose,
announced ready and proclaimed the range hot. After firing the weapon was cleared and a
recovery team proceeded down range to recover the projectile. When a hangfire or flash in the
pan occurred, the weapon was held in place for a count of 30 seconds, the pan cleaned and re-
primed, then an attempt to fire the weapon again. The range was declared clear only when the
weapon was successfully discharged.
The palisade wall was constructed to provide additional data on impacts of projectiles on
selected wood species. The trees selected; live oak (Quercus virginiana), loblolly pine (Pinus
taeda), and red maple (Acer rubrum) were all about four-inches in diameter. Each is a common
species found along the east coast, which allowed for a reasonably accurate recreation of a
Colonial block house palisade wall. Constructed with two 25-foot long 6-inch truss supports
screwed in place with 10-inch screws, the log palings were placed between two living oaks that
were 20-feet apart. These acted as addition supports for the palisade line. Each 4-inch post was
placed in a 12-inch deep post hole and backfilled after wood post placed. After placement,
baling wire was utilized as lashing to secure the post in place. After all posts were in place they
were trimmed to the same length. It was not the intention for the palisade to act as a backstop but
rather to add data on bullet impact and deformation. Because of the chance of projectiles passing
though the gaps or wood post, a tarpaulin was placed on the backside of the palisade to track
projectile trajectory.
Figure 2. The area of the firing range. The blue line is safety zone, black line is the 100-yard range, and
the yellow line delineates the western property boundary along a stream.
Figure 3. Patrick Severts seated at the shooting bench and taking aim at the 100-yard range.
The sand backstop in front of the palisade wall not only provided a backstop for projectiles but
also offered soil impact data. For this, clean loose sands were chosen to minimize escapement or
deflection. After each firing a metal detector sweep of the backstop was conducted to expedite
the locating of the fired projectile and to keep the sand free of potential hazards. Just to the front
of the sand backstop a target stand with a silhouette target provided a defined aiming point. The
target frame was constructed of 4x4 inch treated pine lumber with a sheet of fiberboard as a
target backing. A man-sized head and torso standard paper silhouette target was affixed to the
Figure 5. Charles Haecker and Corinne Rose standing on either side of the target frame. Note the sand
backstop behind the target and the palisade wall behind the backstop. The stake in front of the target is at
94 yards from the shooting bench, with the palisade at 100 yards from the bench location.
fourteenth centuries (Buchanan 1996). The first black powder was hand mixed and is referred to
as serpentine powder (Hall 1996:87-88). The black gunpowder used in this study is much more
refined and is referred to as corned gunpowder. Corning, the wetting of the dry mixture,
stamping, and glazing, as well as other manufacturing processes, began in the mid-1400s and
largely supplanted serpentine powders by about 1550. The corning process was refined over
time, but for all practical purposes corned black gunpowder was the only type used in the New
World after the mid-1500s (Hall 1996; Tascn et al. 1996; Howard 1996). The Swiss brand
corned black gunpowder used in our experiments is considered to be among the best at
producing reliable and replicable results in comparisons with other black gun powders and black
powder substitutes manufactured today for sporting purposes (Haag 2001; 2012).
Historically, the amount of black gunpowder used in various weapons in the eighteenth and early
nineteenth centuries varied substantially. One source (Force 1846:667-68).
list powder charges for muskets as:
"In Committee of Safety, May 29, 1776...The Committee appointed to consider of a
proper mode of providing Cartridges for the different bores of Fire-Locks in the hands of
the Associators report, that the practice of our Commissary, upon the authority of Books,
is, two-fifths of the weight of each Ball to a charge of Powder, which proportion has been
ascertained by actual experiment, as lately reported by a Committee appointed out of the
Battalions in this City, as published in the publick prints, adopted by this Board and
entered on our Minutes.
The Committee of Safety then listed several bore sizes in gauge or balls to the pound with their
respective pennyweight and grain weight powder charges. The list, with a conversion to standard
caliber measurements and powder charge by grains is:
Ayde (1800:60) lists a series of gunpowder charges for common European muskets of the late
eighteenth century, but does not list the calibers, although they were all in the .69 -.75-caliber
range for known muskets of the time.
English - 7 Drams = 192.5 grains
Hessian 6 Drams = 165 grains
Austrian -5 Drams = 137.5 grains
Dutch - 4 Drams = 110 grains
French - 3 Drams = 82.5 grains
Another source (de Marolles and Cleator 1789:200-201) suggests: "Some determine the charge
of a fowling piece, by the weight of the ball of the exact size of the caliber; estimating the weight
of the powder at one-third of that of the ball, whether it is proposed to shoot with ball or with
Spearman (1828) in his British Gunner treatise states the following charges were standard since
Proof charge: 23.334 drams (642 grains)
Service charge: 6 drams (165 grains)
Exercise charge (for blanks): 5 drams (138 grains)
Spearman also stated: "The service charges given in this table, although established by authority,
are too great, and might be reduced by about one-fourth. They have not been altered since 1775,
while the strength of the powder has been increased in nearly a two-fold ratio since that period."
Klatt (1999) reported on two surviving Revolutionary War era cartridge packets, containing buck
and ball loads. Both packets are dated 1777 and had powder charges of around 115 grains (7.45
grams). This charge is consistent with Spearmans observation of reducing the approved British
powder charge by one-fourth to account for the availability of better quality gun powders.
The range of black powder charge sizes for any given caliber is varied as these and other sources
cited later demonstrate. We choose to use a 110-grain black powder charge in .69-caliber to .75-
caliber guns including the priming charge as it most closely approximates the Spearman
recommendation and is consistent with the known charges in surviving Revolutionary War
cartridges. For smaller caliber firearms we choose to use an 85-grain powder charge including
the priming charge. We also used reduced charges to lower the muzzle velocity when firing at
ballistic gelatin in order to capture the bullet in the gelatin. Powder measures showed only 0.1-
gram variation in weight among any given charge size.
484 to 584 grains. He also noted the initial muzzle velocity of these early balls to range from 590
to 754 feet per second. La Garde does not provide a source for his data, and it seems in part
inaccurate, but it likely reflects the loss of accurate information on bullet diameter and weight for
spherical balls that occurred after the mid-nineteenth century shift to conical or cylindro-conical
Dr. Lawrence Babits conducted a series of live fire experiments to determine the accuracy of
buck and ball loads at different ranges. He conducted the experiments over several years with
French and U.S. regulation muskets (Babits 2002). His report used documentary sources and
compared them to his live fire experiments. He found that the ball was reasonably accurate out to
100 yards, but the buckshot rarely hit the target at that range. Buckshot would hit an intended
target at 25 to 30 yards, but beyond that range it was largely a matter of conincidence if a
buckshot hit its intended target.
The spherical balls used in the live fire experiment are commercially cast soft lead bullets (see
Appendix C for pXRF trace element information). The experimental spherical ball weights show
a minimum of 1.5 grain (0.1-gram) to a maximum of 4.6 grain (0.3-gram) weight variation in the
20% sample weighed. The measured ball diameter also showed very little variation, being about
0.001 to 0.003 inch among all the balls measured. They have far less variation in weight and
diameter than any of the published historical ball diameters or archaeological specimens
reported. The balls are less than bore size, except for the .580 ball which is bore size for the
Thomas Earle fowler. Typically, balls were less than bore sized to allow ease of loading,
especially after multiple rounds were fired which caused black powder fouling in the bore. The
common term for this is windage.
Figure 6. Unfired cast lead balls used in the experimental firing. L to R, .315 buckshot, .282 buckshot,
.520 ball, .580 ball, .626 ball, .663 ball, and .69 ball.
Figure 7. Laid cartridge paper cut to standard form and ready for rolling cartridges.
Figure 8. Corinne and William Rose rolling cartridges in preparation for the experimental firing.
Figure 9. Completed cartridges with notes on the laid paper body denoting ball size and intended firearm.
Live Fire Experiment Methods
The live fire experiments were conducted on November 14-16, 2016. Each firearm was loaded
for the experimental firings by a single individual. Each firearm was fired in either a 10 shot or 5
shot string by the same individual. Shooters were changed for each gun. The guns were fired
from a bench rest, not to achieve accuracy for each shot, but to enable the use of high speed
videography to capture the ball as it emerged from the muzzle as well as record initial muzzle
Nathan Boor of Aimed Research provided and operated a Phantom V611 high speed camera
that was calibrated for each shot string. The camera recorded imagery at approximately 6,900
frames per second in Raw format. For each shot string, the gun was placed on the bench, the
height from muzzle to ground surface was recorded. Each shot had the ball diameter and weight
noted. Also recorded were the weight of the propellant charge, the calculated muzzle velocity,
temperature, wind speed, and humidity. Barometric pressure was obtained from the local weather
service daily records.
Figure 10. High speed camera setup in progress with personnel measuring muzzle height above ground
surface and preparing to calibrate the camera.
A LabRadar unit, which is a Doppler radar tracking device, was set up to acquire initial muzzle
velocity data. The unit was unable to acquire any data due to the amount of gas, flame, and
smoke emanating from the muzzles of the flintlock muskets. The radar unit was moved down
range in several increments until it reach nearly 20 feet from the muzzle. It was unable to acquire
any data and was then retired from the project.
Figure 11. LabRadar Doppler radar unit. Due to the extensive downrange gas and smoke flare from
firing the unit was not capable of acquiring downrange velocity data and was withdrawn from service.
Most shots were fired at a range of 94 yards using a man-sized head and torso silhouette target
mounted on a 4x4 treated pine frame. Buck and ball loads were fired at ranges of 25 and 30 yards
with the target frame moved to each of those distances from the firing bench. On November 16
shooting was confined to firing three guns at blocks of Clear Ballistic gelatin as well as some
offhand shooting done to record the flintlock function and the nature of the recoil.
After each shot was fired two to three team members moved down range with metal detectors to
search for and recover the fired ball. Metal detectors employed included a Minelab CTX 3030,
a Minelab E TRAC, and a Fisher F75. Recovered bullets were bagged separately and labeled
with the gun type, shot number, ball diameter, muzzle velocity, date, and any other relevant
The Thomas Earle Fowler, .58-caliber, was fired on each of the three days of shooting. No
brushing or cleaning between shots was done on the first day. Twelve shots were fired with one
misfire on shot eleven on the first day. The load was 85 grains of 2F Swiss Black powder with a
.520 ball rolled in cartridge paper. Five shots were fired on the second day using 85 grains of
powder and an unpatched .580 ball. No misfires occurred. On the third day four shots were fired
using the unpatched .580 ball. Two shots were fired with 85 grains of powder and two with 75
grains of powder. No misfires occurred. The fowler was later fired, after resting several hours,
using six buckshot. Two misfires occurred and the flint was replaced. A total of 23 shots were
fired from the fowler with one misfire on the eleventh shot, and two misfires after 19 shots when
the flint was replaced and two additional shots were made with no misfires. The fowler was
cleaned each evening.
Figure 12. Man-sized torso paper target and target frame used as an aiming device during the firing. Hits
were patched with duct tape and the shot noted. The uncovered holes in the target show a buckshot and
ball hit from a buck and ball load.
Figure 13. Metal detecting underway to recover a ball after a shot at the 94 yard range.
Figure 14. British and French gunflints used in the experimental firing. The top left is a British unused
flint and the top right flint is fully expended. The bottom flint is a French style unused flint.
The British Artillery Carbine was fired ten times on the first day with three misfires occurring,
two on shot 7 and one on shot 9. The bore was dry brushed for safety after each shot, but not
thoroughly cleaned until completion of the days shooting.
The British 1742 Long Land Pattern musket was fired five times on the second day with two
misfires on shots 1 and 5. The bore was dry brushed for safety after each shot, but not thoroughly
cleaned until completion of the days shooting.
The British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket failed to fire and after four misfires was withdrawn
from use until the touchhole was cleaned using a vent pick and the loaded charge could be safely
fired. The gun was not properly cleaned after its last use and carbon fouling at the breech
prevented the powder charge from reaching the touchhole. Work with a vent pick helped clear
the hole and fouling to the point where sufficient powder grains worked into the chamber via the
touchhole allowed the gun to be safely discharged. The gun was given a thorough cleaning that
evening. The 1756 Long Land Pattern was fired twelve times on the third day. Ten shots were
fired at the Clear Ballistic gelatin and two additional live fire shots were made in the offhand
position to film details of the working of the flintlock mechanism and observed the full firing
sequence as well as recoil. The bore was dry brushed for safety after each shot, but not
thoroughly cleaned until completion of the days shooting.
The French 1763/66 was fired fifteen times on the second day with buckshot and ball loads. The
range was decreased to 25 yards for the first 10 shots. Shot 1 had a spread of 12 inches for the
buckshot and ball. Shot 2 had a spread of 8 and 9 inches from the ball to the two buckshot that
struck the target and target frame post. Shot 3 had a spread of 9 and 15 inches. Shot 4 had a
spread of 8 and 9 inches with one buckshot nicking the target frame post. Shot 5 had a spread of
9 and 15 inches.
Shot 6 did not strike the target. Shot 7 had a 9-inch spread between the ball and one buckshot.
Shot 8 had only a single buckshot hitting the target. Shot 9 did not strike the target. Shot 10 had a
6-inch spread between the ball and a buckshot.
The target was moved back to 30 yards and five more shots were fired with buckshot and ball
using three different shooters. Shot 1 had no hits, but the ball and one buckshot were recovered
at 100 yards in the soil backstop. Shot 2 had a spread of 9 inches between the ball and a single
buckshot. Shot 3 had only a single buckshot hit the target, but the ball and a buckshot were
recovered from the backstop at 100 yards. Shot 4 did not strike the target. Shot 5 had a 5-inch
spread between the ball and one buckshot. The bore was dry brushed for safety after each shot,
but not thoroughly cleaned until completion of the days shooting.
Figure 15. A buck and ball load hit on the paper target at 25 yards fired from the French 1763/66 musket.
The ball struck the center mass with the three buckshot striking, two at the lower 9 ring and one lower and
left in the 8 ring.
The French M1728/41 musket was fired five times on the first day with three misfires occurring
on shots three and four. The bore was dry brushed for safety after each shot, but not thoroughly
cleaned until completion of the days shooting.
The 1740 Potsdam musket was fired five times on the second day with one misfire occurring on
the fourth shot. The bore was dry brushed for safety after each shot, but not thoroughly cleaned
until completion of the days shooting.
Figure 16. Charles Haecker firing the 1740 Postdam musket. The musket misfired with only a flash in the
The live fire experiment resulted in the firing of 74 spherical balls and 63 buckshot. The
breakdown for each caliber fired by number of shots fired with recoveries noted, and total
number of balls recovered per caliber.
12 - .520 balls were fired 6 known shot sequence recoveries 2 unknown attribution total
19 - .580 balls were fired 9 known shot sequence recoveries 1 unknown attribution total
23 - .626 balls were fired 10 known shot sequence recoveries 9 with unknown attributions
total 19=82%
20 - .69 balls were fired 5 known shot sequence recoveries - 6 unknown attribution total
63 .282 and .315 buckshot were fired in 18 separate shots 2 known shot sequence recoveries - 8
with unknown attribution- total 10=16%
Total ball and buck fired 137 - Total known recoveries 32=23% Total unknown recoveries
26=19%. Total recovered 58=42.3%
Exterior ballistics is the study of the performance of a bullet after it leaves the gun. As Lucien
Haag (2006:214-215) observes there is a difference in what a ballistician and a forensic scientist,
or for our purposes an archaeologist, is seeking in studying bullet performance. The forensic
scientist or conflict archaeologist is seeking to reconstruct a shooting incident or event based on
residual physical evidence, the artifact, and knowledge of one or more types of firearm
ammunitions ballistic properties and performance.
Essentially all firearms send a projectile toward a target in a like manner (Garrison 1993; Hueske
2006). The target is determined to be at a certain range, and there is a line of sight between the
shooter and the target. When the bullet is fired from the firearm it has a line of departure, a bullet
flight path, and an angle of fall which are effected by various physical forces, initial velocity,
gravity, air resistance, wind direction, elevation, temperature, barometric pressure, and relative
humidity. Each of these factors can be accounted for in one or more ballistic formulae that are
used to calculate, with reasonable accuracy, how far the bullet will go before reaching a terminal
velocity and return to earth. Likewise, formulae exist to calculate how much energy as foot
pounds or joules, or kinetic energy a bullet will have at various ranges (Warlow 2005:130-134).
These data become important to understanding bullets ability to incapacitate or kill, or what
may happen to a bullet that is an under or overshot. Knowing this basic information allows the
archaeologist to understand better the pattern of bullet deformation observed on a battle site, the
patterns in which bullets are found, and better interpret an artifact assemblage.
External ballistics for post-1900 firearms and bullets are relatively well known and is the
continuing subject of analysis as new smokeless gun powders and conical bullets are developed.
Datasets on external ballistics and bullet performance are limited for the soft lead spherical balls
and cylindro-concodial bullets of the preceding centuries, especially the spherical lead ball. A
great deal of lore and apocryphal information exists on the ranges and performance of these
historical bullets. There are good summaries of test shooting, largely at pine boards and thick
catalogs or telephone books (Mattoo 1969; Cayton 1984; Fadala 1988; Osborne 1777a, b;
Herring 1971; 1972a, b, c), to determine bullet penetration at various ranges that were conducted
in the nineteenth century and well into the twentieth century. These data are of limited value to
the modern researcher. Thus, it becomes necessary to conduct first hand live fire research with a
variety of weapons under controlled experimental conditions to ascertain the behavior of
spherical bullets and other projectiles that will enhance our understanding of lead bullet behavior
of the pre-1900 era.
The background for several twentieth century studies of pre-nineteenth century bullet
performance are summarized for comparative purposes. A somewhat anecdotal study of a live
fire experiment using a circa 1600 German made combination matchlock and wheellock .75-
caliber (19mm) musket was done in the early 1950s (Grancsay 1954). The experiment used a
430-grain (27.9 grams) lead ball with 80 grains (5.1 grams) of black powder which is
approximately one-fifth the weight of the ball as prescribed in historical narratives. The
experimenters fired the weapon at 10 feet (ca. 3 meters) at several pieces of original armor plate.
A thin mild steel Italian shoulder defense plate dating to about 1575 was easily penetrated by the
bullet. Another experiment employed a German, circa 1620, buttock defense armor. The ball
struck the armor near the top edge and the metal was shot away, while an experimental firing
against an early 1600s German heavy armor backplate resulted in only a slight dent to the armor.
The author noted the ball literally disintegrated on impact with the heavy armor.
Late twentieth century well-controlled live fire experiments with historic and reproduction
firearms are limited. One such live fire study is reported by Krenn et al. (1995) employing
original matchlock, wheellock, and flintlock muskets and pistols held in the provincial arsenal at
Graz, Austria. The test involved fourteen firearms dating from 1571 to about 1800. The
experiment used modern rifle grade black powder with the powder charge calculated to be one-
third the weight of the lead ball used in the specific weapon. The calibers range from 0.539 inch
(13.7mm) to 0.811 inch (20.6mm). The bullet diameters and weights allowed for windage, but
apparently, bullets were specifically cast for each barrel diameter, ranging from 0.531 inch
(13.5mm) to 0.795 inch (20.2mm) for diameter and 147.5 grains (9.56 grams) to 758.3 grains
(49.14 grams) in weight.
The powder charges ranged from 77 grains (5 grams) to 309 grains (20 grams) of black
gunpowder. For safety reasons the guns were fired electrically thus no loss of pressure occurred
through the touchhole. The authors do not report if the gunpowder charges were reduced by 10 to
15 grains to account for priming in the pan. Every bullet fired achieved supersonic speeds
ranging from 1263 f/s (385 m/s) to 1748 f/s (533 m/s) suggesting they used a full charge without
consideration of reducing the main charge to account for priming. This coupled with the loss of
pressure at the touchhole due to the electrical firing likely artificially inflated the recorded
muzzle velocities.
Krenn et al. (1995) do not report recovering or examining any bullets except those fired at a
modern steel plate and historic mild steel breastplate armor as well as test fires into ballistic soap
(10%). The study concluded that while the bullets had lethal capacity the arms themselves were
largely inaccurate at ranges above 25 meters.
In 1998 the Royal Armouries in Leeds conducted a live fire test of a fifteenth century matchlock
musket and a hand of the same century for the filming of a documentary (Richardson 1999:50-
52). The description of the experiments is very limited with no information presented on the type
of gunpowder used, how the weapons were fired, if the priming amount was subtracted and a
host of other details. The hand gun was fired with a 50-grain (3.24 grams) black powder charge
of unspecified size and a 0.615-inch (15.6mm) diameter lead ball with an average muzzle
velocity of 590.7 f/s (180.05 m/s). The matchlock or arquebus was fired with 50 grain (3.24
grams), 65 grain (4.2 grams), and 90 grain (5.83 grams) black powder charges of unspecified
size. These resulted in an average muzzle velocity of 1242.3 f/s (378.65 m/s), 1443.7 f/s (440.05
m/s), and 1706.4 f/s (520.10 m/s) respectively. Penetration tests were conducted against 2mm,
4mm, and 6mm thick mild steel plates with the arquebus. The arquebus bullets pierced the 2 and
4mm plates but just failed to penetrate the 6mm mild steel plate.
A well-controlled experiment using a modern 0.75-caliber (19mm) diameter barrel to replicate
the caliber of an eighteenth-century Brown Bess musket was conducted by Roberts et al. (2008).
They (Roberts et al. 2008:4) summarize eighteenth and nineteenth century experiments that
suggest the Brown Bess achieved muzzle velocities of 1500 f/s (457.2 m/s) on a regular basis.
They did note that gunpowder of the era could be variable in quality and the resulting burn rates
and gas pressures were likely to result in muzzle velocities different from the ideal.
Roberts et al. (2008:7-10) fired the barrel using an electrical matchhead placed in the flash pan.
They used a replica rolled paper cartridge with various powder charges ranging from 116 grains
(7.5 grams), 154 grains (10 grams), and 231 grains (15 grams) and a 0.691-caliber (17.4mm) lead
ball. The experiments purpose was to reach a muzzle velocity of 1500 f/s (457.2 m/s). The gun
powders used were a 3A fine which is a military designation for special purpose black
gunpowder and is roughly the equivalent of the U.S. FFFg black gunpowder, G12 which is
roughly equivalent to U.S. Fg gunpowder, and coarse blasting powder. Each has a different burn
rate resulting in different internal pressures.
The loading and firing process did account for priming the pan. They deducted 10 grains (0.65
grams) from each charge to control for priming. The experiment fired 21 shots using the three
different gunpowder granulations. The firings resulted in a range of velocities based on powder
charges of 427 f/s (130.2 m/s) to 1685 f/s (513.9 m/s). The range of velocities achieved using a
154 grain (10 gram) powder charge is of more direct interest and value to our experiment as it is
the closest to the standard 110 grain charge used by the British during the American Revolution.
The 3A fine gunpowder 154 grain charge resulted in firings producing 1032.5 f/s (314.7 m/s),
925.8 f/s (282.2 m/s), and 672.2 f/s (204.9 m/s). The G12 gunpowder charge of 154 grains
resulted in muzzle velocities of 427.16 f/s (130.2 m/s), 691.3 f/s (210.7 m/s), and 1080.4 f/s
(329.3 m/s). The Blasting grade powder at a 154-grain charge achieved muzzle velocities of
363.2 f/s (110.7 m/s), 454 f/s (138.4 m/s), and 612.2 f/s (186.6 m/s).
Roberts et al. (2008:20) concluded that at 1500 f/s (427.2 m/s) a bullet fired at an elevation of 35
degrees would travel 3937 feet (1200 meters) or if fired horizontally would travel 663 feet (202
meters). Their work also included calculating wound effects using ballistic gelatin and
penetration studies of replica eighteenth century armor. They found the 1500 f/s bullet penetrated
the armor and simulated human arm tissue and bone at 150 yards (137 meters). They observed
that a shot would drag fragments of clothing into the wound as well as shatter human bone. They
concluded that the Brown Bess ball would most certainly have significant wounding and lethal
effect at traditional combat ranges of 100 yards (91 meters) and 75 yards (69 meters) if it was
traveling at 1500 f/s (457.2 m/s).
More recent controlled replica Brown Bess experimental firings were done by Lucien Haag
(personal communication March 28, 2015). In these tests, Haag used a .72-caliber (18.29mm)
Brown Bess with a 0.718-inch (18.23mm) diameter lead ball with a cotton patch. He used 100
grains (6.4 grams) of Goex FFg black powder. The firings resulted in a muzzle velocity of 951
f/s with 1108.3 ft-lbs (337.8m) of energy at the muzzle. At 200 yards (183m) the muzzle velocity
dropped to 668.4 f/s (203.7m) and the energy to 547.6 ft-lbs (167m/). The bullet is calculated to
have dropped 100.55 inches (2.55m) over 200 yards (183m). The highest muzzle velocity
reported was 1168 f/s (356m/s) with 1671 ft-lbs (509m/)of energy at the muzzle. At 200 yards
(183m) the bullet had slowed to 747.8 f/s (228m/s) and the energy dropped to 685.3 ft-lbs.
(209m/). The bullet drop was calculated at 75.64 inches (1.921m) at 200 yards (183m).
Haag (personal communication March 27, 2015) also fired a high-quality replica of a British
Ferguson rifle. His test firings used a .650-caliber (16.5mm) lead ball weighing 402 grains (26
grams). The powder was Goex brand of 60 grains (3.88 grams) mixed from FFFg and FFFg in
equal proportions. The firing produced several shots that exceeded the speed of sound, with one
reaching 1237.9 f/s (377.3m/s). He also fired .610-caliber balls (16.4mm) with FFFg Swiss black
powder with muzzle velocities at 1000 f/s (304m/s)m and below.
Mike Willegal in his 1999 online Brown Bess accuracy analysis reports the British Brown Bess
cartridge contained 6 to 8 drams of black powder which is equivalent to 165 (10.69 grams) to
220 grains (14.25 grams). He recognizes that some of that load is required to prime the flash pan.
He tested two different granulations of black powder using an American Civil War Mini ball,
presumably a .58-caliber (14.7mm). He found that on one case that 20 grains (6.1 grams) of
powder produced a muzzle velocity of slightly less than 400 f/s (122m/s) and by increasing the
charge up to 140 grains (9 grams) of powder he achieved a muzzle velocity of 1200 f/s (366m/s).
His second black powder of a different size using a 50 grain (3.2 grams) charge up to a 130
grains (8.4 grams) charge resulted in muzzle velocities of just over 600 f/s (182.8m/s)to nearly
1400 f/s (476.7m/s). He does not specify which grade or size of black powder he used in his
Willegals primary goal was to model musket accuracy and range. He calculated how the .75-
caliber (19mm) Brown Bess using a .69-caliber (17.5mm) ball would drop at 1000 (304.8m/s),
900 (274.3m/s), 800 (243.8m/s), and 700 f/s (213.3m/s). He determined the drop to be from an
average of 20 feet (6m) if fired at 1000 f/s (304.8m/s). His point is that for a shot to hit a target at
300 yards (274.3m) the gun would have to be aimed at a point 20 feet (6m) and 7.2 inches
(18.2cm) above the target. Conversely at 75 yards (68.5m) the bullet is expected to drop only 22
inches (55.9cm) with a muzzle velocity of 1000 f/s (304.8m/s). The slower the muzzle velocity
the greater the drop over distance. He cites Gibbon (1860) in describing the variation in drop of
.69-caliber (17.5mm) musket shots at 200 yards (182.8m) being from 36 inches (91.4cm) to 54
inches (1.37m). Willegal concludes his analysis by stating the Brown Bess musket was unlikely
to be effective beyond 150 yards (114m) given the reality of field conditions and general lack of
target practice by armies of the eighteen and early nineteenth centuries.
Results of Live Fire Experiment and General Observations
The live fire experiment collected a significant amount of controlled data on muzzle velocity,
bullet penetration, and bullet deformation from seven different flintlock firearms that represent
the common Colonial and Revolutionary War firearms. The data is presented in both quantified
and qualitative forms. Additional observations are presented that are relevant to shooting
incident reconstruction. Archaeologists often recover impact deformed lead balls from Colonial
era sites. The live fire experiment data enhances the capability to understand archaeological lead
ball finds as well as the distribution pattern and context in which they found. An appreciation of
how a bullet found its way into the ground as determined by this and other allows for better
archaeological interpretation of the site or event being investigated.
Laid Cartridge Paper Observations
The laid paper cartridges were largely fully combusted during firing. The high-speed video
confirms that cartridge paper did not fully combust in the barrel during firing, but numerous
fragments were expelled with the gases, and most combust before reaching the ground.
Fragments of laid cartridge paper are clearly seen in the videos being expelled down range from
the barrels. Incompletely consumed cartridge paper pieces were found 15 feet to 30 feet down
range from the shooting bench. In one case, about 30 feet from the bench, a piece of smoldering
cartridge paper caused a grass fire that was quickly extinguished. The burn area was about 12
inches in diameter. Historically, the same phenomena were observed after shooting events. Lines
of shooters have been interpreted from the discarded cartridge ends and fires are known to have
been started by gun fire. Archaeologically the evidence for fires, cartridge paper, and cartridge
tails or ends is not likely to survive. However, a careful vetting of oral history and historical
documentation may reveal similar phenomena and coupled with surviving artifact patterns may
allow for identification of potential firing lines.
Figure 17. French 1763/66 musket being fired, Note the laid cartridge paper debris and the buck and ball
in the center right of the debris field.
Figure 18. Bits of unburned laid cartridge paper in the duff.
Figure 19. Tails of laid paper cartridges lay strewn on the ground at the site where the muskets were
Lead Ball Ranges as a Function of Velocity and Energy Loss
When a bullet is fired, it achieves an initial maximum velocity then beings to deaccelerate due to
energy loss as a function of drag or resistance, and of course, gravity. Bullets have a maximum
range they can travel before all energy and forward momentum is lost. However, bullets often
fail to reach that maximum range due to hitting a target or some media. They also fail to reach
maximum range as a function of the angle at which the shot was fired, was the barrel level to the
ground or elevated? An elevated barrel will send the bullet further down range than a
horizontally aimed barrel simply due to physics. The less velocity a bullet has when it drops to
the ground the less deformation is likely to occur. This information is important to shooting
event reconstruction such as determining if the recovered bullets are on or near a firing line or
simply under or over shots. The live fire experiment data helps to address these questions in
several ways.
During the live fire experiments shooting ranges were 94 yards for the first series and then
reduced to 25 and 30 yards for buck and ball firing. Shooting into ballistic gel was done at 25
In dry air at 20 C (68 F), the speed of sound is 343 meters per second (1,125 ft/s; 1,235 km/h;
767 mph). The speed of sound is a function of air density at the local site and will vary with
location. The range site weather conditions during the live fire experiment are consistent with the
speed of sound being 1125 f/s (343 m/s).
The live fire experiment used seven flintlock firearms. The black powder charges were either
110 grains for the British and French muskets, British Artillery Carbine, and the 1740 Postdam
musket or 85 grains for the Thomas Earle Colonial fowler. Reduced charges were also used
during the ballistic gelatin experimental firing to capture the bullet in the gelatin.
The Thomas Earle fowler, .58-caliber using a rolled cartridge with a .520-caliber ball, achieved a
muzzle velocity range of 1160 to 1345 f/s with average initial muzzle velocity of 1259.3 f/s. The
fowler was also fired using a .580-caliber unpatched (loose) ball which resulted in a muzzle
velocity range of 1415 to 1480 f/s with an average muzzle velocity of 1444 f/s. A three shot
string using buckshot was also fired with 85 grains of black powder. The first shot used a .58-
caliber ball and three .282 dimeter buckshot that had an initial muzzle velocity of 655 f/s. The
second buckshot firing used 6 loose .282 diameter buckshot also resulted in a muzzle velocity of
655 f/s. The third shot used 6 loose .282 diameter buckshot. On this shot the muzzle velocity
varied for the buckshot. The first three buckshot exited the muzzle as a group and achieved 495
f/s, the second two buckshot were closely spaced but achieved only 240 f/s, and the third
buckshot was slower yet at 230 f/s. Except for the buck and ball shot and the two buckshot all
single ball shots exceeded the speed of sound.
The external ballistic calculations indicate the .520 and .580 balls would travel the farthest and
have greater penetration capability at greater ranges than the larger caliber bullets used in this
experiment. See the graphs for the bullet drop calculations that emphasize this point.
The .65-caliber British Artillery Carbine firing a .580 diameter ball also exceeded the speed of
sound for eight of its ten shots. The initial muzzle velocity ranged from 960 f/s to 1335 f/s with
an average of 1018 f/s, which is below the speed of sound. It is notable that the two shots that
were well below the speed of sound resulted in dropping the average muzzle velocity for all
shots to less than the speed of sound. Like the fowler the carbine balls would go further and have
greater penetration capability than the larger caliber muskets. This can be observed in the bullet
drop graphs.
The British 1742 Long Land Pattern musket, .76-caliber, was fired five times using a 110-grain
charge with a paper patched .69 diameter ball. The muzzle velocity ranged from 780 to 870 f/s
with an average velocity of 822 f/s. All shots were less that the speed of sound and had far less
range as can be observed in the drop graphs.
Figure 20. The British 1742 Long Land pattern musket during live firing with flame and smoke being
discharged from the muzzle, cartridge paper and the ball shown right of the smoke column.
The French 1728/41 .70-.72 slightly oval bore was fired 5 times with a 110-grain charge with a
paper patched ball .626 in diameter. This shot string ranged in muzzle velocity from 775 to 960
f/s with an average muzzle velocity of 870 f/s. Like the British 1742 Long Land the French
1728/41 did not reach the speed of sound. One reason for not reaching the speed of sound may
be the oval bore. This shape may not have allowed the balls to fully conform to the bore which,
including windage, allowed more gas to escape around the balls during firing. Such an event
would lower the gas pressure and the bullet velocity.
The French 1763/66 musket, .68-caliber, using a 110-grain charge with a .626 diameter bal. It
was fired 15 times with paper patched buck and ball loads. The three buckshot were .282
diameter and the ball .626 diameter. The 15 shots had a muzzle velocity range of 865 to 1215 f/s.
Eight of the fifteen shots were sub-sonic with an average muzzle velocity somewhat below Mach
1 at 1009 f/s. The muzzle velocity range is wide for this gun and is probably due to the amount
of windage between the .68 bore firing a .626 ball. Since 7 shots did exceed the speed of sound,
and all variables were held constant between the 1728/41 and the 1763/66 French muskets, this
helps support the contention that the earlier styles oval bore shape influenced the lower muzzle
velocities seen in that shot string.
The Hessian style 1740 Postdam musket is .73-caliber. It was fired five time with a 110 grain
charge and a .626 ball. Like the British 1742 and the French 1728/41 muskets the muzzle
velocity did not achieve Mach 1. It ranged from 712 to 858 f/s with an average of 817 f/s.
British Artillery Carbine Min. Velocity @ 960 f/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Velocity Fpe
Figure 21. British Artillery Carbine - .580 ball and 110 grain powder charge at 960 f/s. With the barrel
level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise
1.3 inches at 25 yards, 1.2 inches at 35 yards, and drop 14.6 inches at 100 yards then it is calculated to
strike the ground at 150 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 22. British Artillery Carbine - 580 ball and 110 grain powder charge at 1335 f/s. With the barrel
level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise
0.7 inch at 25 yards, 0.7 inch at 35 yards, and drop 9.5 inches at 100 yards then it is calculated to strike
the ground at 170 yards.
British 1742 Long Land Pattern Musket Min.
Velocity @ 780 f/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Velocity Fpe
Figure 23. British 1742 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball and 110 powder charge at 780 f/s. With
the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 1.6 inches at 25 yards, 1.7 inches at 35 yards, and drop 20.2 inches at 100 yards then it
is calculated to strike the ground at 135 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 24. British 1742 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball and 110 powder charge at 835 f/s. With
the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 1.6 inches at 25 yards, 1.4 inches at 35 yards, and drop 17.5 inches at 100 yards then it
is calculated to strike the ground at 140 yards.
British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket Min.
Velocity of 600 f/s with ball entering ballistic gel
at 25 yards and no exit
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Velocity Fpe
Figure 25. British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball with 75 grain powder charge with a
velocity of 600 f/s fired at 25 yards into Clear Ballistic gel with ball being retained in the gel. With the
barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated
to rise 3.2 inches at 25 yards, 3.1 inches at 35 yards, and drop 36.4 inches at 100 yards then it is
calculated to strike the ground at 110 yards.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Velocity Fpe
Figure 26. British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a
velocity of 830 f/s fired at 25 yards into Clear Ballistic gel with ball passing through 32 inches of gel.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 1.6 inches at 25 yards, 1.6 inches at 35 yards, and drop 17.8 inches at 100 yards then it
is calculated to strike the ground at 140 yards.
British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket Gel Exit
Velocity of 360 f/s
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Velocity Fpe
Figure 27. British 1756 Long Land Pattern Musket - .69 ball with 110 grain powder charge fired at 25
yards into Clear Ballistic gel with ball passing through 32 inches of gel. Ball exited gel at 360 f/s. With
the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 10.6 inches at 35 yards, and it is calculated to strike the ground at 80 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 28. French 1728/41 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 775 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the
calculated drop over distance indicates the ball is calculated to rise 2 inches at 25 yards, 1.7 inches at 35
yards, and drop 21.7 inches at 100 yards then it is calculated to strike the ground at 130 yards.
French 1728/41 Musket Max. Velocity @ 960 f/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Velocity Fpe
Figure 29. French 1728/41 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 960 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 1.2 inches at 25 yards, 1.1 inches at 35 yards, and drop 13.6 inches at 100 yards then it
is calculated to strike the ground at 150 yards.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Velocity Fpe
Figure 30. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball and 3 .282 buckshot with 110 grain powder charge with a
velocity of 865 f/s. With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the
ground the ball is calculated to rise 1.5 inches at 25 yards, 1.4 inches at 35 yards, and drop 16.4 inches at
100 yards then it is calculated to strike the ground at 140 yards.
French 1763/66 Musket
Buck and Ball Max. Velocity @ 1215 f/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Velocity Fpe
Figure 31. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball and 3 .282 buckshot with 110 grain powder charge with a
velocity of 1215 f/s. With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the
ground the ball is calculated to rise 0.7 inch at 25 yards, 0.7 inch at 35 yards, and drop 9.4 inches at 100
yards then it is calculated to strike the ground at 175 yards.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Velocity Fpe
Figure 32. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1025 f/s
fired into Clear Ballistic gel, and passing through 32 inches of gel. With the barrel level (0 degree of
elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise 1 inch at 25 yards,
0.9 inch at 35 yards, and drop 11.9 inches at 100 yards then it is calculated to strike the ground at 160
French 1763/66 Musket with ball capture in
ballistic gel - exit a velocity @ 280 f/s
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Velocity Fpe
Figure 33. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball with 110 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel
at 25 yards, and passing through 32 inches of gel with an exit velocity of 280 f/s. With the barrel level (0
degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise 16.1
inches at 35 yards, and drop 11.9 inches at 100 yards then the ball will strike the ground at 70 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 34. French 1763/66 Musket - .662 ball with 75 grain powder charge with a velocity of 785 f/s
fired into Clear Ballistic gel at 25 yards, with ball retained in gel. With the barrel level (0 degree of
elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the calculated drop over distance indicates the
ball would have struck the ground at 135 yards.
T. Earle Fowler with .520 ball, Min. Velocity 1160
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Velocity Fpe
Figure 35. Thomas Earle Fowler - .520 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1160 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 0.8 inch at 25 yards, 0.9 inch at 35 yards, and drop 11.4 inches at 100 yards then it is
calculated to strike the ground at 160 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 36. Thomas Earle Fowler - .520 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1350 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 0.7 inch at 25 yards, 0.7 inch at 35 yards, and drop 9.8 inches at 100 yards then it is
calculated to strike the ground at 170 yards.
T. Earle Fowler with .580 ball, Min. Velocity 1415
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Velocity Fpe
Figure 37. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1415 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 0.6 inch at 25 yards, 0.6 inch at 35 yards, and drop 7.9 inches at 100 yards then it is
calculated to strike the ground at 185 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 38. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge with a velocity of 1480 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 0.6 inch at 25 yards, 0.6 inch at 35 yards, and drop 7.5 inches at 100 yards then it is
calculated to strike the ground at 185 yards.
T. Earle Fowler with .580 ball into gel, Velocity
1340 f/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Velocity Fpe
Figure 39. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel at
25 yards, and passing through 32 inches of gel with at a velocity of 1340 f/s. With the barrel level (0
degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise 0.7 inch
at 35 yards, and drop 8.3 inches at 100 yards then the ball will strike the ground at 180 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 40. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel at
25 yards, and passing through 32 inches of gel with at a velocity of 1285 f/s. With the barrel level (0
degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise 0.7 inch
at 35 yards, and drop 8.8 inches at 100 yards then the ball will strike the ground at 175 yards. Note: The
graph legend incorrectly states the velocity as 1215 f/s, but it is correct in the caption at 1280 f/s.
T. Earle Fowler with .580 ball exit from gel,
Velocity 550 f/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Velocity Fpe
Figure 41. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 85 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel at
25 yards, and passing through 32 inches of gel with an exit velocity of 550 f/s. With the barrel level (0
degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise 3.7
inches at 35 yards, and drop 43.1 inches at 100 yards then the ball will strike the ground at 105 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 42. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 75 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel at
25 yards at a velocity of 1155 f/s. With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49
inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise 0.8 inch at 25 yards, 0.8 inch at 35 yards, and drop
9.8 inches at 100 yards then the ball will strike the ground at 170 yards.
T. Earle Fowler with .580 ball captured in gel, exit
Velocity 280 f/s
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Velocity Fpe
Figure 43. Thomas Earle Fowler - .580 ball with 75 grain powder charge fired into Clear Ballistic gel at
25 yards with an exit velocity of 280 f/s, however the ball rebounded and was captured in the gel.
Hypothetically with the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the
ground the ball is calculated to rise 15.7 inches at 35 yards then the ball will strike the ground at 70 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 44. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with .580 ball and 3 .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder
charge with a velocity of 655 f/s. With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49
inches above the ground the ball is calculated to rise 2.9 inches at 25 yards, 2.5 inches at 35 yards, and
drop 2.4 inches at 100 yards then the shot will strike the ground at 115 yards.
T. Earle Fowler with 6 .282 shot, 1st 3 shot
Velocity 495 f/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Velocity Fpe
Figure 45. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with 6 - .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder charge. The first
3 shot had a velocity of 495 f/s. With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49
inches above the ground the shot is calculated to rise 39.7 inches at 25 yards, 43.7 inches at 35 yards, and
the shot will strike the ground at 55 yards.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Velocity Fpe
Figure 46. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with 6 - .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder charge. The
second 2 shot had a velocity of 240 f/s. With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of
49 inches above the ground the shot is calculated to drop 43.6 inches at 25 yards and the shot will strike
the ground at 26 yards.
T. Earle Fowler with 6 .282 shot, sixth
shot Velocity 230 f/s
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Velocity Fpe
Figure 47. Thomas Earle Fowler loaded with 6 - .282 buckshot with 85 grain powder charge. The sixth
shot had a velocity of 230 f/s. With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches
above the ground the shot is calculated to drop 7.5 inches at 25 yards and the shot will strike the ground at
30 yards.
Velocity Fpe
Figure 48. 1740 Potsdam Musket - .626 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 712 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 2.2 inches at 25 yards, 2 inches at 35 yards, and drop 25.5 inches at 100 yards then it is
calculated to strike the ground at 125 yards.
1740 Postdam Musket, Max. Velocity 858 f/s
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Velocity Fpe
Figure 49. 1740 Potsdam Musket - .626 ball with 110 grain powder charge with a velocity of 858 f/s.
With the barrel level (0 degree of elevation) and at an average of 49 inches above the ground the ball is
calculated to rise 1.4 inches at 25 yards, 1.3 inches at 35 yards, and drop 16.6 inches at 100 yards then it
is calculated to strike the ground at 140 yards.
Most recovered balls and buckshot struck some type of media before coming to rest. Many hit
the sand backstop at the 94-yard range, some hit and passed through the target frame, others
struck and embedded in or passed through the wooden palisade behind the earth berm. Those
bullets are discussed in the bullet penetration and deformation section. The few bullets that did
not strike media and were recovered down range at or near ground surface represent those that
dropped at the end of their flight path. The landform where the firing range was established
slopes, very slightly, down and away from the shooting bench. Past the palisade line the ground
drops a bit more noticeably. That ground slope allowed bullets to travel farther than the predicted
model suggested. While there is no one-to-one correlation with the caliber and muzzle velocity
or where they dropped, bullets were recovered within a one or two standard error deviation of the
predicted drop range.
elastically until it reaches a critical point where it ruptures and then rebounds to near its original
position. The strain forces caused by the bullet diameter, mass, and velocity create an elastic
response in the gelatin that creates a wound track or cavity that expands with the initial strain and
then contracts leaving a visible but small wound track.
Figure 50. Ballistic gelatin block firing test set up. Two blocks placed end to end create 32 inches of
length. Note the wound tracks from previous shots in the two lower blocks. The large cavity on the left
side is a .626 diameter ball entering the block and creating an initial wound cavity.
The live fire experiment used Clear Ballistic gelatin obtained from Clear Ballistics. Clear
Ballistic gelatin meets the FBI and NATO protocols for testing terminal ballistics of human
tissue simulants. The protocol standard states that an acceptable calibrated gelatin must have a
steel BB (.177 inch or 4.5mm in diameter) shot at 590 f/s (180 m/s) at 10 feet (3.04m) come to
rest between 1.73 and 1.8 inches (4.4 and 4.6cm) into the gelatin.
The Clear Ballistics blocks are 6x6 inches square and 16 inches long. The blocks were placed
on a specially constructed wooden table covered with 2 inch thick foam pads. Two blocks
were placed end to end and aligned creating a 32-inch long area of gelatin. A roughly 6x6 inch
square of cloth, meant to simulate the thickness and weight of average Colonial era clothing, was
placed on the front and rear of the lower blocks.
The cloth squares were made up broadcloth followed by a piece of serge to represent a coat and
lining. Behind these was another piece of broadcloth and a piece serge to represent a waistcoat
and lining. The final piece of cloth was a square of linen representing a shirt. The cloth was
replica fabric that is the same weight and weave of known historic cloth constructed of similar
materials (Potter and Hanson 2014; Moore and Haynes 2003; Brown 1999; Kidwell and
Christman 1974).
The British 1756 Long Land pattern musket, .76-caliber, was fired nine times in the ballistic
gelatin shot series. The paper patched ball was .69 in diameter. The first four shots used a 110-
grain charge that resulted in muzzle velocities of 760, 790, 815, and 830 f/s. For one shot the
entrance and exit velocity for the gelatin was recorded. The entrance velocity was 830 f/s with
the ball passing through 32 inches of gelatin and exiting at 360 f/s, with a loss of 470 f/s.
Figure 51. One of the cloth squares, 6x6 inch, used to simulate a Colonial era uniform clothing thickness.
Two shots have passed through the cloth, and a recovered .626 diameter ball is shown next to the hole it
created. Note: entry holes in cloth or tissue are often smaller than the bullet that created it due to the
elasticity of the media.
The black powder charge was reduced to 75-grains to capture the ball in the gelatin. Five shots
were fired, reaching 600 f/, 605 f/s, 615 f/s, and two at 630 f/s. Four balls missed or passed
through the gelatin. One, 600 f/s, passed through the side of the blocks and exited at 22 inches
into the gelatin. One shot reaching 630 f/s was captured at 24 inches into the gelatin.
The French 1763/66 musket was fired twice into the gelatin. The first round was fired with a
110-grain charge and a .626 diameter ball. The muzzle velocity achieved 1025 f/s which is just
above Mach 1. The ball passed through 32 inches of gelatin and exited the block at 280 f/s.
The second shot used the .626 diameter ball but with a 75-grain charge to reduce the velocity
enough to capture the ball in the gelatin. The muzzle velocity was 785 f/s and the ball passed
through the gelatin along with a piece of the cloth, but did not break the plane of the block and
the ball rebounded back into the block. It was recovered at 29 inches into the gelatin block (see
ball penetration and deformation section).
Figure 52. A .69 diameter ball fired from a British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket exiting 32 inches of
gelatin. Note the initial wound cavity, bits of cloth in the wound cavity on the right and a larger piece of
cloth exiting the block behind the ball.
Figure 53. A .69 diameter ball fired from the British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket with 75 grains of
powder at 25 yards. The ball traveling at 630 f/s traveled 24 inches into the gelatin blocks.
Figure 54. A fabric impressed .69 diameter ball fired from the British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket
with 75 grains of powder at 25 yards. The fabric impressions resulted from passing through the simulated
uniform clothing.
The ball that rebounded back into the gelatin is a known effect in the study of wound trauma.
The rebounding effect seen with the French 1763/66 musket fired at 785 f/s into gelatin is
consistent with the MacPhersons (1994:156) experimental work. It reflects the static strain,
kinetic energy dispersion, and gelatin excitation of the bullet as it passed through the tissue
simulant. MacPherson (1994:224-227) concluded that bullets that rebound have lost enough
velocity to fall below the minimum velocity to either penetrate or exit the media. In cases
involving human skin that minimum velocity is somewhat variable but generally falls into the
range of 200 to 350 f/s. In part that is dependent on age, health, and body part involved.
The high-speed video shows the uniform fabric being pushed into the wound track and then the
ball, given its greater velocity and aerodynamic capability, passing ahead of the cloth. The cloth
often left debris in the wound channel that is easily observable as small fragments of thread
embedded in the wound track. In some cases the larger piece of cloth will exit the gelatin behind
the ball, but in some cases the cloth lost momentum and remained in the wound channel.
Figure 55. A .626 diameter ball fired from a French 1763/66 musket creating an initial wound cavity in
gelatin. The ball entered the block at 1155 f/s, has passed through one 16-inch long block, and is moving
through the second block.
Figure 56. The .626 diameter ball fired from the French 1763/66 musket at it exits the second gelatin
block at a velocity of 280 f/s. The ball has passed through 32 inches of gelatin and lost 745 f/s of velocity
passing through the tissue simulant.
Figure 57. A .626 diameter ball fired from the French 1763/66 musket at 785 f/s passes through 32 inches
of gelatin but does not break the plane of the tissue simulant.
Figure 58. A .626 diameter ball fired from the French 1763/66 musket at 785 f/s that rebounded or was
pulled back into the tissue simulant coming to rest about 30 inches from the entry point. Note the dark
spot to the left of the ball, which is a piece of fabric carried into the wound channel.
Figure 59. Fragments of fabric recovered from gelatin wound tracks. L to R. recovered from entry site 4
inch in, 12 inches in, 12 to 14 inches in, 14 to 16 inches in, 15 to 16 inches in and 30 inches in. In a real
wound track the fabric would be sources for infection and sepsis, a known issue in eighteenth century
The Thomas Earle fowler was fired four times at the gelatin blocks. The first two shots used the
.58 diameter ball without patch and with an 85-grain charge. The first shot achieved a muzzle
velocity of 1285 f/s, passed through 32 inches of gelatin and exited the blocks at 550 f/s. The
second shot entered the blocks at 1340 f/s and passed through 32 inches of gelatin. The third shot
had the powder charge reduced to 75-grains. It entered the block at 1140 f/s and exited the block.
The fourth shot, also using the 75-grain powder charge, entered the block at 1155 f/s and exited
the block after passing through 32 inches of gelatin at 280 f/s. The ball was recovered on the
ground surface at 100 yards from the shooting bench and 75 yards beyond the gelatin block
cannon firing sources demonstrated that with the development of the 1868 Bashforth
chronographic instrument, reasonably accurate velocity and drag measurements were attainable.
They also found the earlier ballistic pendulums (ca. 1787 and ca. 1839) were less accurate than
the Bashforth chronograph, but still produced reasonable data. Using modern data and
mathematical formulae they created drag models for spheres ranging in velocity from Mach 0.3
to Mach 2.0. Their basic research is incorporated into the ballistic models employed in this study.
Likewise, bullet deformation is dependent on the same issues. MacPherson (1994) studied and
modeled bullet penetration as related to incapacitation from wound trauma. Bullet penetration in
any substance, be it soil, wet or dry wood, or human tissue, is dependent on several factors
including the energy it has when it strikes a substance. This is kinetic energy, and here we
express it as foot/pounds (ft-lbs). A soft lead bullet traveling at a velocity has mass (weight),
speed, and stored but dissipating energy as it fights resistance or drag. The object or media the
bullet strikes, if soft, transfers the kinetic energy of the bullet in the form of heat; if hard the
bullet is deformed to some degree or another as a function of the laws of thermodynamics. The
force that results in bullet deformation is simply Newtons Third Law of Motion, for every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction. There is not an absolute direct correlation to bullet
deformation since kinetic energy and damage is not due directly to energy absorption, but to the
amount of force per area on the bullet and media. Bullets behave according to physical laws, and
by knowing the velocity, mass (weight), and other variables bullet deformation and penetration
can be mathematically modelled (MacPherson 194:11-14). Modern ballistic calculators take
these variables into account when calculating muzzle velocity, changes in velocity over time, air
resistance (drag), and gravity, to determine bullet speed loss over distance and drop from the
angle of the firearm muzzle relative to the ground surface.
In penetration studies the terms low and high velocity have specific definitions. Low velocity is
considered to be a bullet traveling at 300 f/s or less, while high velocity is considered to be a
bullet traveling at 600 f/s or more (MacPherson 1994:74-77). For all practical purposes all
charges fired in the arms in this experiment achieved high velocity as used in penetration and
wound trauma studies.
Bullet penetration and expansion or deformation is modelled using the principles of fluid
dynamics. Bullets expand more in higher density fluids and less in lower density fluids. Lower
density fluids include water, tissue, tissue simulants, and experiments have shown that bullets
penetrate and expand or deform in consistent ways in these lower density situations (MacPherson
1994:122-125; Fackler 1988:555-557).
Bullets yield or deform in response to the force applied on it. A ball striking a hard strong solid
(e.g. rock, hard woods, etc.) will deform at relatively low velocities because the hard and rigid
surfaces produce large forces on the bullet (Kerkhoff et al. 2015; Mattijssen et al. 2016). The
diameter of the bullet and its mass (weight, usually expressed as sectional density) is another
factor in the amount of deformation that occurs when a ball strikes a hard or rigid surface. Pure
or dead soft lead (not pure in the chemical sense, but with impurities present as such low levels
as to not be significant) is very ductile and deforms significantly based on static loading as
confirmed in experiments (MacPherson 1994:127) using spherical balls and black powder loads.
The experiments show that lead spherical balls show slight deformation at about 690 f/s velocity
and increase accordingly at higher velocities when fired into soft fluids like tissue or water.
Lucien Haag (personal communication December 15, 2004) conducted an experiment firing lead
spherical balls from modern cartridge pistols and rifles using controlled black powder charges.
He fired each shot into a water tank at velocities ranging from 360 f/s to 1026 f/s for .45-caliber
balls in a pistol and ranging from 1049 f/s to 1529 f/s for .45-caliber balls fired from a rifle. His
investigation found the higher the velocity the greater the deformation. His lower velocity
impacts ranging from 630 f/s to 1026 f/s had virtually no deformation while rounds fired above
1049 f/s to 1138 f/s showed some slight flattening. Recovered balls fired between 1281 and 1336
f/s were showed flattening to nearly half the diameter, while the round fired at 1529 f/s was
nearly completely flattened. Haags experiments largely confirm the work MacPherson (1994).
Figure 60. Unfired buckshot and bullet examples as used in the live fire experiments. l to r 0.28-inch
buckshot, 0.31-inch buckshot, 0.520-inch ball, 0.580-inch ball, 0.626-inch ball, 0.662-inch ball, and 0.69-
inch ball.
Figure 61. Unfired. 0.69-inch ball, 0.69 ball fired at 600 f/s that struck ground surface at 100 yards, 0.69
ball fired at 630 f/s that struck a wood table, foam, and ballistic gel at 25 yards and was collected laying
on the foam at the back of 32 inches of ballistic gel, and a 0.69 ball fired at 630 f/s that was captured in
the ballistic gel at 25 yards after passing through 28 inches of gel. Note fabric impression on second and
fourth balls.
Figure 62. Unfired 0.626- inch ball, 0.626 ball fired at 775 f/s recovered from a soil and sand backstop at
100 yards and a 0.626 ball fired at 785 f/s and captured in ballistic gel at 25 yards after passing through 30
inches of gel. Note ramrod mark on second ball and fabric impressions on third ball.
Figure 63. Top row: Unfired 0.282-inch buckshot and fired 0.282-inch buckshot at 865 f/s. Second row:
Unfired 0.626-inch ball and fired 0.626-inch ball at 865 f/s. Third row: Unfired 0.69-inch ball and fired
0.69-inch ball at 870 f/s. Note each recovered in the sand and soil backstop at 100 yards.
Figure 64. Unfired 0.626-inch ball, fired balls l to r fired at 905 f/s, 960 f/s, 960 f/s, and 1090 f/s. All balls
recovered at 100 yards in sand and soil backstop. Note third ball from the left passed through a pine 4x4
target frame upright and the fourth ball from left also struck the edge of the pine target frame before
embedding in the backstop.
Figure 65. Left column, unfired 0.626-inch ball, fired 0.626 balls at 1110 f/s and 1175 f/s, both found in
sand and soil backstop. Second column, unfired 0.282 buckshot and fired 0.282 buckshot at 1110 f/s
found in sand and soil backstop. Third column, unfired .580-inch ball and fired 0.580 ball at 1135 f/s
found in sand and soil backstop. Fourth column, 0.580 ball fired at 1155 f/s, and Fifth column, 0.580 ball
fired at 1170 f/s and found in soil and sand backstop. All balls recovered at 100 yards.
Figure 66. Top row, Unfired 0.626-inch ball, fired 0.626 ball at 1205 f/s and found in sand and soil
backstop, fired 0.626 ball at 1215 f/s which nicked the target frame post and was found in the sand and
soil backstop. Bottom row, Unfired 0.520-inch ball, fired 0.520 ball at 1215 f/s that hit oak palisade
paling and ricocheted back into sand and soil backstop, fired 0.520 ball at 1250 f/s which hit a pine
palisade paling and ricocheted back into sand and soil backstop, 0.520 ball at 1240 f/s that struck an oak
palisade paling and fell to the ground below the fence, and 0.520 ball fired at 1285 f/s that went through a
4x4 pine target frame upright and was recovered in the sand and soil backstop. All balls found at 100
Figure 67. Unfired 0.520-inch ball and two fired 0.520 balls, center fired at 1345 f/s and hit pine target
frame and right fired at 1350 f/s and hit pine target frame. Both found in sand and soil backstop at 100
yards. Note banding on last ball from being upset in firing from the musket.
Figure 68. Unfired 0.580-inch ball and fired balls, second fired at 1415 f/s and struck oak palisade
paling and found in sand and soil backstop below fence, third fired at 1435 f/s and found in sand and
soil backstop, fourth fired at 1480 f/s and found in sand and soil backstop. All balls recovered at 100
1 3 5 7 9 11 13
15 17 19 Ball diameter
21 23 25
27 29 31
Figure 69. Flattening is observed on balls as velocity increases regardless of ball diameter. The greater the
muzzle velocity the larger the degree of flattening observed.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13
15 17 19 Ball diameter
21 23 25
27 29 31
Figure 70. Change in diameter, A, observed on balls as velocity increases regardless of ball diameter. The
greater the muzzle velocity the larger the degree of diameter A change observed.
1 3 5 7 9 11 13
15 17 19 Ball diameter
21 23 25
27 29 31
Figure 71. Change in diameter, C, observed on balls as velocity increases regardless of ball diameter. The
greater the muzzle velocity the larger the degree of diameter C change observed.
The graphs of relationship of ball deformation to velocity clearly show a general linear trend, in
that that the greater the velocity the greater the deformation. A scatter plot with a linear
regression trend line confirms this relationship. However, the relationship can only be considered
as a general trend, as the variable of the media which a bullet strikes is not likely to be found in
the archaeological record.
Lead Bullet Deformation Index
For more than 30 years an intuitive scale based on personal experience with shooting muzzle
loading weapons has been used to assign value to impact deformed bullets. The scale is
descriptive using Low, Medium, and High Velocity Impact terms as a means of defining impact
deformation (e.g. Scott et al. 1989). The current live fire experiments where bullets fired at
known velocities were recovered allows a new more quantitative-base index scale to be
suggested. While this scale has recognized weaknesses, it does refine and replace the even less
precise Low, Medium, and High Velocity Impact scale that is in common use (e.g. Scott et al.
0 R = 0.3989
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Figure 72. Muzzle velocity compared to thickness or flattening of fired balls. The fired ball thickness is in
tenths of inches on the left and muzzle velocity is shown on the bottom as feet per second. There is
general agreement that balls flatten at higher velocities, but the linear regression trendline indicates the
relationship is only about 40%. This further reinforces the fact that the nature of the media the ball strikes
at the end of its flight as well as remaining velocity and kinetic energy are significant factors in
Using the ball deformation data acquired during the live fire experiment we present an ordinal or
nominal bullet deformation rating scale to equate to an approximate velocity range. We
emphasize that the Lead Bullet Deformation Index scale we propose cannot be used as a one-
to-one correlate to absolute velocity and the amount of deformation, rather it is intended to give
the user an approximation of the relationship between velocity and deformation. Using the
ordinal rating scale model results in a number that can be tested using ANOVA, Regression, or
Chi-square tests.
We define the Lead Bullet Deformation Index to be:
Based on a mixed qualitative and quantitative set of observations of the fired bullet a rating scale
number can be determined. Measurements should include the maximum diameter (diameter A),
the thickness or amount of flattening (diameter B), and the minimum diameter that is not in the
plane of deformation (diameter C). These data can be plotted and trendlines applied through
scatter plots and various statistical regression procedures to observe and refine trends.
Qualitative observations range from the amount of impact scarring present from minimal to
extreme as to the degree of impact flattening (commonly called mushrooming) the bullet
The ordinal scale is:
1. Likely velocity is less than 800 f/s based on little or no visible scarring or flattening.
Diameter measurements are essentially consistent for the three measured points on the
2. Likely velocity is between 800 and 1100 f/s based on slight to moderate visible impact
scarring, possibly some imbedded residue or negative impressions (sand or rock
inclusions or impressions), and some impact flattening that is less than half the diameter
of the ball. Diameter measurements show flattening to less than one half the balls
original diameter or caliber.
3. Likely velocity is greater than 1100 f/s based on significant impact scarring and
flattening of ball to becoming totally mushroomed. Measurements should reflect the
thickness of the flattening relative to the measured diameter as extreme.
We suggest when there is a question of whether a ball falls in one ordinal range or another that it
is appropriate to use an 0.5 number. An example is that a ball shows some minimal impact
scarring and some moderate flattening would be assigned a 1. However, the measurements in the
A and C axes are essentially the same, but the thickness or flattening measurement is notable and
could be assigned a 2. We suggest assigning it a 1.5 rating. That data can be used to refine any
statistical analysis. We do not endorse any finer intermediate resolution between the numbers as
this will only be pure speculation and confuse any statistical analysis.
Figure 73. Fired ball that struck wood showing little to no impact deformation. This would score as a 1 on
the Bullet Deformation Index indicating a likely velocity of less than 800 f/s.
Figure 74. Fired ball with moderate impact scarring and deformation that is consistent with a Bullet
Deformation Index of 2 indicating a likely velocity of 800-1100 f/s.
Figure 75. Fired ball that hit a palisade post with a wire tie. The impact scarring is moderate, but the
impact deformation is more than moderate but not extreme. It scores a 2.5 on the Bullet Deformation
Figure 76. Two fired balls with significant impact scarring as well as impact deformation. The left ball
shows significant flattening and the right ball also shows significant deformation. The left ball is scored at
3 and the right ball could be scored a 2.5 on the Bullet Deformation Index.
Figure 77. A Fowler .580-caliber ball hit on a live oak palisade paling with insets showing the complete
flattening or mushrooming effect of a high velocity hit on a hard media. The muzzle velocity was 1240
f/s. The ball scores a 3 on the Bullet Deformation Index.
Other Observations
Sometimes balls fired from muzzle loading firearms exhibit a variety of characteristics that can
be mistaken for impact deformation. These can be identified and interpreted with careful
observation and analysis. Sivilich (2016), Foard (2012), Foard and Morris (2012) and Harding
(2012) have observed, described, and interpreted these and other non-impact characteristics on
spherical lead bullets from a variety of archaeological contexts. Sivilich was one of the first to
use live fire data to validate interpretations of impact and non-impact marks on fired balls. The
current live fire empirical evidence further verifies and validates the archaeological based
descriptions and interpretations as well as those of Sivilich (2016)
The live fire recovered bullet data confirm characteristics found on balls relate to the loading or
the type of load. These characteristics, like ramrod marks from loading the round, or faceting or
multiple dimples on one surface likely indicate a buck and ball round. Another characteristic is a
smooth band completely or partially around the ball. The banding effect occurs when a ball is
upset in the bore during loading, slightly compressing the bullet. When fired the propellant gases
further force the ball against the bore creating the band. It is a tell-tale indication of a ball being
fired from a smooth bore gun. The following figures illustrate several of these observed non-
impact related characteristics.
Figure 78. Typical denting and slight flattening caused by a ramrod head being forced against the ball
during the loading of a muzzle loading firearm. There are different ramrod shapes for different firearms
types and that data can be used to aid in identification of the type of gun in which the ball was fired.
Figure 79. A fired ball with three dimples or small facets adjacent to one another. This dimple pattern is
typical of firing deformation when three buckshot are placed on a larger ball, known as a buck and ball
round. The flattening observed on the left side of the ball is impact deformation.
Figure 80. The slight to moderate faceting seen on the two buckshot are typical of buckshot that were in
proximity to one another when loaded and fired. The soft lead is compressed in loading and firing causing
the buckshot to press against and deform one another. The flat area on the left side of the right buckshot is
a ramrod impression.
Figure 81. A 40x magnification of the bore band seen on balls fired in smooth bore guns. Note the micro
striations run parallel to the line of the bore. This ball also has buckshot dimpling on the upper right
Microscopic examination of fired balls can often reveal a number of other micro characteristics
that may aid in identifying the media in which the ball imbedded or passed through. Traces or
impressions of wood, soil (e. g. sand or gravel), fabric impressions or fabric adhering to the ball
surface, or even bone embedded in the ball aid in the interpretation of the shooting incident
under investigation.
Figure 82. A 75x magnification of the surface of an unfired lead ball. The lines are a result of the
differential cooling at a micro scale of the lead ball when it was cast in a mold. Mold lines and these
microscopic cooling lines are indicative of a cast ball. These microscopic cooling lines are largely
obscured when a ball is fired.
Figure 83. A 60x magnification of a ball fired in the 1728/41 French musket at 870 f/s that hit the sand
backstop. Some slight impact scarring is seen in the upper portion of the image and the fine sand particles
impressed on the ball as it struck the backstop.
Figure 84. A 40x magnification of a ball fired from the British 1756 Long Land Pattern musket that
passed through the simulated uniform cloth and gelatin blocks. The fabric impressed its weave on the ball
providing a textile analyst data for interpretation. The raised circular area on the left of the ball is a sprue
from casting the bullet in a mold.
Figure 85. A 20x magnification of a ball fired from the 1763/66 French musket with fabric still adhering
to its surface after passing through the simulated uniform cloth and gelatin blocks.
Figure 86. A 75x magnification of a balls surface that shows small fabric threads and impression of soil
from passing through the simulated uniform cloth, gelatin blocks, and landing in the soil in front of the
target backstop.
Bullets, regardless of form or composition, deform on impact depending on the velocity and the
media which it strikes. We observed this on the balls recovered during the live fire experiment,
some of which are illustrated here. Balls also embedded in the wood palisade and provided
further examples of deformation that couples velocity and media.
Figure 87. A .626 ball embedded inch in a dry loblolly pine post. Note the deformation to the ball is
moderate and would fall on the Bullet Deformation Scale as a 2. Pine is a relative soft media which is
similar to tissue.
Figure 89. The .580 ball removed from the dry green oak. The ball is significantly deformed having hit at
a higher velocity into a hard wood media. The bullet deformation is a 3 on the Bullet Deformation Scale.
The deformed pure or soft lead spherical ball is particularly noted for being difficult to determine
its original nominal caliber in archaeological contexts due to impact. Several formulae have
been advanced that use the weight of the deformed spherical ball to calculate its approximate
original diameter. Arrowood and Berglund (1980) developed one formula that gave a 99.5%
level of confidence when at three standard deviations. Daniel Sivilich devised a similar
formula (1996; 2009) with only one standard degree of error which has proved quite reliable and
replicable. Branstner (2006) attempted to improve the Sivilich formula by recalculating the
density of lead and reformulating the Sivilich formula. Branstner devised a table of lead ball
diameters based on weights that range from 0.228 inch in diameter to 1.67 inch in diameter.
Sivilich (2016:25-27) revised his formula and included new data on lead density to more
accurately determine an original caliber, with only one degree of standard error.
We tested the revised Sivilich formula against the recovered fired balls from the live fire
experiment. We knew the original ball diameter weight before firing and we weighed the fired
balls as well as calculated the fired ball weight loss by caliber and average weight loss for each
ball diameter. The weight of the recovered balls was used to test the 2016 Sivilich formula (See
Appendix B for a blind study of the known velocity balls and their deformation).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Figure 90. Ball weight before firing compared to weight loss with recovered balls. Note that items 1-4 are
.580 balls, 5-8 are .69 balls, 9-16, 18, and 20 are .626 balls, 17 and 19 represent .282 buckshot balls, 21-
26 are .520 balls, and 27-30 are .580 balls. The overall average weight loss of fired balls is 2.4%,
although this generally increases as velocity increases ranging from 0.4 to 7.5%.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Figure 91. The percent of fired ball weight loss compared to muzzle velocity. The weight loss range is
from 0.4 to 7.5%. To some degree the fired ball weight loss is partially dependent on the hardness of the
media it struck when the balls flight terminated.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 92. The measured ball diameter compared to the calculated ball diameter using the Sivilich
Formula (2016). The differences are well within one standard deviation with an R value of .998.
The revised Sivilich Formula proved exceptionally reliable and accurate. A regression
correlation was run comparing the two data sets. Sivilichs Formula tends to overestimate the
ball diameter from a few thousandths of an inch to about one-hundredth of an inch. The R value
was calculated to be .998 with less than one standard error of deviation. The R value is near
ideal and proves the Sivilich Formula to be accurate and reliable for calculating the original ball
diameter using weight or mass from recovered archaeological specimens.
valuable finding is that the approximate original caliber of fired and deformed lead balls can be
accurately determined using the Sivilich Revised Formula. This validation of the Sivilich
Formula is of real value to archaeological investigations.
Our live fire experiments were designed to determine Colonial era musket and fowler bullet
performance. Accuracy was not a major component of the study; however, general shot accuracy
was noted. The least accurate firearms were the British Long Land pattern muskets. Regardless
of range the shots did hit the man-size torso target or were near misses, but had a very wide
spread, often exceeding 30 inches. The 1740 Potsdam musket never struck the target at 100
yards. In part this may have been a function of the shooters experience level, but given the range
of shooter experience in the eighteenth century this is not unrealistic. The British Artillery
Carbine and the French pattern muskets achieved good target hits at all ranges at about 75% of
the shots fired. The Thomas Earle Fowler had an exceptional record for accuracy. Regardless of
shooter experience, and nearly every shooter fired the fowler at least once, over 85% of the shots
hit the target at all ranges. This led several of the shooters to observe they would rather have
been Minute Men or Colonial Militia than British or Hessian troops during the Revolutionary
Another valuable lesson derived from the live fire experiments is the validation of bullet
deformation and a general correlation with velocity. We present a Lead Bullet Deformation
Index that we believe many archaeologist will find useful. The LBDI we present needs additional
testing and validation, but we believe that it has utility as an independent ordinal scale to assess
impact deformation on conflict sites. The LBDI assessment can be of use in determining possible
firing line distances on battlefields which will expand the archaeological interpretative potential
of bullet datasets.
The microscopic examination of unfired and fired lead balls revealed changes in the
microstructure of the balls surface that are observable and clear. We have not yet examined the
effect of patination on the observability of those surface changes in archaeological samples, but
knowing they do and did exist on fresh lead bullets offers another line of investigation and
interpretation to determine if a ball has been fired or not.
Much of the work we undertook was designed to aid archaeologists in better understanding of
the potential information yields that can be gained from bullet analysis from archaeological sites.
We have focused on conflict sites specifically and the role bullet analysis has in yielding
information that expands and enhances their interpretive value. An additional intent in
conducting the live fire experiments is to provide well controlled and defined data to forensic
firearm examiners so they may use the information to identity historic firearm types involved in
law enforcement cases either by inclusion or exclusion. We believe the data presented here will
aid firearms examiners with case work when it involves shooting incidents with smoothbore
muzzle loading black powder firearms.
The goals and objectives of this project were to collect data and conduct live fire experiments
with appropriate replica Colonial firearms. The goals also included recording that information
and disseminating it to battlefield archaeologists, interpreters, reenactment groups, and others to
enhance various aspects of public interpretation regarding of the effectiveness of selected
firearms in combat in the past. Firearms had an enormous impact on the European settlement and
conquest of the western hemisphere. We see this report as the first step in creating a wide-
ranging data base on effectiveness and external ballistic performance of firearms in general, and
in this specific study of Colonial era muskets and fowlers specifically. We also see this report as
the first step in creating a data base on bullet performance of firearms that were used in the New
World after 1492.
This study demonstrates the need to conduct additional live fire experiments of with a variety
weapons and firearms of the types used in the prior to the American Revolution, during the War
of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, and Indian Wars. Live fire experiments with bows and
arrows, lances, crossbows, matchlocks and common black powder weapons should be
undertaken. Using this or similar data collection models to acquire muzzle and downrange
velocities will result in better comparative observations of bullet velocity for a given weapon
type as well as ascertaining when the projectile falls below a velocity and kinetic energy
threshold that could cause death or a serious wound. Continued controlled live firing of weapons
into ballistic gelatin will further assess wounding and lethality effects of various ammunition
types in simulated tissue. Firearms functioned as tools throughout their history, evolving in
concert with the cultures and technologies in which they were used. Firearms deserve serious
study as points of industrial development and evolution and as factors in affecting cultural
change across the globe.
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Appendix A
Experiments with 3-D Microscopy in Modeling Bullet Surfaces
A Leica DVM 5000 3-D microscope was used to capture images of some bullet surfaces as an
experiment in the applicability of 3-D imaging to bullet analysis. The DVM 5000 microscope
complements traditional microscopic inspection and analysis. The microscopic image is
displayed directly on a high-resolution monitor and can reach extremely difficult-to-access
surfaces. This allows for nondestructive inspection of elements which are difficult to examine
using traditional microscope techniques. As an advanced digital microscope, it also offers a
variety of quantitative analysis options. Among those are shade relief models of surfaces, colored
wire frame models, and calibration functions.
The DVM 5000 has a large array of magnification capabilities. In the case of the lead balls the
surface area that could be modeled is limited to a 6 x 6-millimeter area for any given ball
tangent. In this experiment balls with fabric impressions were imaged at low magnification to
achieve the 6 x 6-millimeter area, then modeled as surfaces to show fabric impressions and
impact scarring. Relief models, profiles, and graphic profiles, and wire frame models were
collected. The 3-D experiment demonstrates analytical potential, but time constraints prevented
detailed comparisons and full analytical capability. More studies are needed to fully explore 3-D
modeling potential.
Figure 94. Ball segment, .69-caliber, showing detail of wood impact scarring.
Figure 95. Wire frame model of the ball segment, .69-caliber, showing detail of wood impact scarring.
Figure 96. Fabric impressions on a .69-caliber ball segment.
Figure 97. Profile location of the fabric impressions on the same .69-caliber ball.
Figure 98. Graphic representation of the profile of the fabric impressions on the .69-caliber ball.
Figure 99. Wire frame model of the fabric impressed .69-caliber ball.
Appendix B, Blind Lead Ball Analysis Study
by Daniel M. Sivilich
One component of the live fire study identified the need to conduct a blind study of the known
velocity and deformed lead balls recovered during the shooting event. Daniel Sivilich agreed to
undertake the blind study as if the bullets were archaeological artifacts in need of analysis and
interpretation. Mr. Sivilich is an acknowledged expert and published author (2016) on American
Revolution and Colonial era bullets.
His analysis demonstrated that he correctly identified the bullet type, approximate caliber, and
relative deformation at or above 90%. He suggested the submitted bullets were fired from at least
four types of firearms based on caliber and bore characteristics engraved on the bullet during
firing. In this he is essentially correct. He identified British Brown Bess caliber firearms, French
caliber firearms, and two smaller bore type firearms. In fact, the live fire experiment fired seven
different firearms. These can be grouped into two British Brown Bess caliber guns, two French
caliber guns, and three other smaller bore firearms. These smaller bore firearms, Thomas Earle
Fowler, British Artillery Carbine, and 1740 Potsdam musket used similar sized lead balls as
projectiles, and do fall into two groups based on ball caliber. While the blind study could not, as
expected, identify a ball as fired from a specific smoothbore musket, carbine, or fowler, the ball
diameters used in the live fire experiments do fall into four distinct groups.
Mr. Sivilichs analytical techniques are those commonly used by archaeologists who analyze and
interpret lead projectiles recovered in Colonial and post-Colonial sites in the United States, as
well as internationally. The blind study validates the commonly employed analytical techniques
and interpretations used in the study of dropped and expended ordnance from archaeological
The table shows Mr. Sivilichs blind analysis. We have inserted in the first four columns
information on the actual firearm, actual ball diameter, actual velocity, and actual range of the
ball recovery for comparison purposes.
Appendix C