Ami Func Req PDF
Ami Func Req PDF
Ami Func Req PDF
August, 2016
1 . Functional Requirements for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
The AMI system shall help utility to manage their resource and business process
efficiently. AMI system shall support the following minimum functionalities:
d) Net Metering/Billing
h) Integration with other existing systems like IVRS, Billing & collection software,
GIS mapping, consumer indexing, new connections & disconnection, analysis
software, Outage Management System etc.
i) Import of legacy data from existing modules/ MDAS of RAPDRP where ever
possible. The extent and modalities of integration with the existing system
including RAPDRP has to be worked out by the bidder.
This is only an indicative but not exhaustive list. The system should be capable to
support the other functionalities as per the requirement of utilities.
The System should accurately maintain system time synchronization across all
devices to ensure accuracy of data. The system should support the interfacing with
the future Smart Grid functionalities like outage management system, distribution
automation including self-healing system, distribution transformer monitoring units,
Electric vehicle, distributed energy resources etc. The communication network
shall preferably be able to support multiple applications.
The Bidder shall submit an approach paper describing overall architecture and
operational philosophy of the proposed AMI solution and methodology for
achieving different functionalities, specified in this document and also highlight
additional features, if any.
Smart Meter (Single phase whole current, Three phase whole current, CT & PT
operated three phase meters and CT operated three phase meters) for
consumers/ system shall be provided based on Radio Frequency (RF) mesh in
license free frequency band/ Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) or
GPRS/3G/4G communication technology or combination of these technologies as
per the site requirement and to ensure the performance level given in this
document. The smart meter data using RF mesh/PLCC shall be collected by
Data Concentrator Units(DCUs)/Access point and transported to HES through
WAN while the data from smart meters using GPRS/3G/4G technology shall be
transported directly to HES through WAN. The AMI Implementing Agency (AIA)
shall be responsible for proper data exchange among Smart meter, DCU, MDM,
HES and other operational/requisite software as part of fully functional AMI system.
AIA shall adhere with the appropriate security algorithm for encryption and
decryption. For smooth functioning of the entire system, it is essential that the
details of such algorithm including the mechanism of security key generation
be kept in a secured escrow account which shall be used by the utility only in
case of termination of the contract for reasons whatsoever.
AIA may design appropriate architecture for providing end to end metering
solution. AIA is free to decide upon the best solution out of all the available options.
However, the entire responsibility of fully functional AMI system shall rest with one
agency i.e. AIA in order to meet the performance levels as given in this document.
The communication provider may adopt Radio Frequency (RF) mesh in license
free frequency band/ Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) or GPRS/3G/4G
communication technology or RF based canopy system or a combination of these
technologies as per the site requirement adopting best available technology in the
proposed area of implementation.
a) Smart Meters
b) Communication infrastructure
c) Head End System(HES)
f) Mobile app: AMI Implementing Agency (AIA) shall provide a mobile app through
which consumer shall be able to log in through android/iOS/Window based mobile
app to see information related to his/her energy consumption. App shall also
provide platform for implementation of peak load management functionality by
providing existing tariff & incentives rates, participation options etc. This mobile
app shall be part of complete system and therefore no additional cost shall be
payable for upgradation / maintenance separately.
Single Phase & Three Phase whole current smart meters shall comply with
the enclosed Technical Specifications. Three Phase CT operated meter shall
comply IS 14697 till the relevant IS for CT operated smart meters is available. The
supplier / manufacturer would furnish valid BIS certification before supply of
After meter installation, customer identification no., meter ID, its hardware &
software configuration, name plate details, make, type i.e. 1 Phase or 3 Phase,
etc.( as per requirement of utility) shall be updated in DCU/HES/MDM. The
information would also be updated on the portal/app for providing information to
5. Communication infrastructure
The AMI Implementing Agency (AIA) shall design a reliable, interference free &
robust communication network keeping in view the site conditions. It shall be
flexible in terms of providing communication in variable terrain & urban density.
The AIA shall design the network architecture keeping in view the existing and
planned infrastructure of the utility. During designing, suitable consideration shall
be kept for future expansion as per requirement of Utility. Before designing the
communication network, the AMI Implementing Agency (AIA) shall do the site
survey and would provide the most efficient communication infrastructure.
The entire infrastructure & associated civil works required for installation &
commissioning of equipment/devices like DCUs, repeaters, routers & access
points etc. shall be in the scope of AMI Implementing Agency (AIA). The
operational testing of all the network elements has to be demonstrated by the
bidder to the satisfaction of the utility.
The network solution offered by the bidder should have disaster recovery
mechanism in place. The redundancy mechanism of HES and MDM and their
disaster recovery plan shall also be described by the Bidder.
The quality of installation of the various equipment & power supply wiring to all
field equipment shall be as per standards/ regulations/prevailing practices of the
utility. The supply of electricity needed for operation and maintenance of entire AMI
system shall be the provided by the utility free of cost.
A suitable network management system (NMS) shall be provided to monitor the
performance of the communication network round the clock. The NMS shall
provide viewing of all the networking elements deployed at site and enable
configuration & parameterization of the networking devices and the nodes.
The Network shall have adequate cyber security measures not limited to the
measures as described below. The network security would be extended to all the
interfaces also.
5.3. Communication Network Elements (DCU based or Router Based):
The Data Concentrator Unit is a gateway for communication of data between the
Smart Meters and the HES. The Data Concentrator Unit receives information from
the Smart Meter on a scheduled / need basis and stores the data, which can be
accessed by HES for onward transfer to MDM.
The DCU provides the central link between Smart Meters and HES, enabling
continuous/periodic meter read and control. DCU shall exchange data from smart
meters on RF / PLC communication and with HES on WAN.
DCU shall have built in Real Time Clock (RTC) with separate battery
backup. The battery shall have a guaranteed life of 10 years. It shall have self-
diagnostic feature for RTC, memory, battery, communication module, etc.
Alternatively, Software driven RTC may also be used as per agreement between
supplier and utility.
DCU shall ensure a secure communication to HES and shall have internal
memory for storing interval data for at least 5 days.
The DCU shall ensure the appropriate backhaul for secure transfer of data
to HES. In case of GPRS/3G/4G backhaul, it shall support SIM card from any
service provider. It shall have Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity to the
HES through suitable means.
It shall push events like tamper, power off etc. to HES immediately on
occurrence/receipt from field devices/meters. DCU shall be able to acquire
and send data to HES for full capacity (as per designed for no. of
meters/field devices) to ensure the performance level. Full capacity of DCU is
required to be indicated in the offer.
All meters falling under one DCU shall be commissioned and checked for
proper communication in presence of utility in-charge.
No of packet failures
Retry attempts
Missed periodic readings
Failure to connect
Tamper events
The general requirements for the Router based RF network are specified below:
5.3.3 Testing of the DCU /Access Point
DCU/Access Point shall be tested for the following:
Radio interference measurement (CIS PR 22)
Surge test (IEC 610004-5)
Fast transient burst test (IEC 61000-4-4)
Test of immunity to electrostatic discharges (IEC 61000-4-2)
Test of immunity to electromagnetic HF field (IEC 61000-4-3)
Resistance to heat and fire
The bidder shall provide IP-55 compliance test certificate for DUC/Access Point.
The main objective of HES is to acquire meter data automatically avoiding any
human intervention and monitor parameters acquired from meters.
The AMI Implementing Agency (AIA) shall provide the HES suitable to support the
collection and storage of data as per performance level for a defined no. of smart
meters with facility of future expansion as per the requirement of the utility.
Handling of Control signals / event messages on priority
6.1 Configuration
6.2. Integration
HES shall preferably interface with MDM on standard interfaces and the data
exchange models and interfaces shall comply with CIM / XML / IEC 61968 or any
other open standard. The solution shall be Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
7. Meter Data Management System (MDM)
The Meter Data Management System shall support storage, archiving, retrieval &
analysis of meter data and various other MIS along with validation & verification
algorithms. It shall act as a central data repository. MDM shall have capability to
import raw or validated data in defined formats and export the processed and
validated data to various other systems sources and services in the agreed format.
It shall provide validated data for upstream systems such as billing, consumer
Information system, customer care, analytics, reporting, Network planning &
analysis, load analysis/forecasting, Peak Load Management, Outage management
MDM should also support the future requirement of utility and should support the
integration of other smart grid functionalities like Distribution Transformer Health
Monitoring system, self-healing system etc. as and when implemented by the
The vendor shall specify and deliver an initial system that supports the collection
and storage of data for meeting the performance level for the defined no of
consumers/ smart meters (The exact Number have to be defined by the utility
as per no of consumers of city/town/village) with facility of future expansion.
The MDM shall have the ability to selectively choose which data to be maintained
and which to be purged or archived as per requirement of Utility (user selectable).
7.1.2 AMI Installation Support
The MDM shall also support device lifecycle management from device
registration, installation, provisioning, operations and maintenance to
decommissioning etc. The MDM shall generate exceptions for meter or modules
not delivering the correct meter data after installation.
The MDM shall provide a reconciliation report that identifies the meters
that have been installed but not communicating for a designated (configurable)
period. MDM shall generate reports on the number of meters installed in
comparison to the number of meters successfully communicating.
The MDM shall provide storage of all collected Meter Data, events and
alarm. It shall have capacity of storing 5 years data or more via archiving.
Correctly track & resolve energy usage across meter changes with no loss
of individual meter data.
Provide complete history and audit trail for all data collected from meters
including commands sent to meters and other devices for 30 days (configurable
Execute on-demand read processes.
Handle special metering configurations like net metering/multiple meters at
same premises.
The MDM shall have the ability to manage at a minimum 15 minute
interval data.
Data Integrity- AMI Implementing Agency (AIA) shall ensure data integrity
checks on all metered data received from data collection systems.
a. Registered Read Data including register reads, daily billing cycle, as well
as derived billing determinants like TOU
b. Interval Data channels with variable intervals and variable units of
c. Calculated Data that is derived or computed such as billing determinants
and aggregated loads.
d. Event data storage of all collected event and alarm data from meters,
network equipment, and MDMS itself
MDM shall flag, alarm and trigger an estimating process including but not
limited to when the following anomalies occur in the cumulative (CUM) register
o CUM Decrements within a billing cycle (except net-metering)
o CUM reads increments more than configurable threshold
o Future or old read dates
o Number of digits exceeds number of meter dials
MDM shall estimate usage for non-metered service points such as street
lights, farm lights, traffic signals, etc.
The MDM shall maintain both the original received raw data in a non-
manipulated state, in addition to VEE data.
Notwithstanding the latency of data collection via the AMI system, once
the MDM receives meter read data, the VEE process occurs in real-time and the
post-VEE data is then immediately available to user or external systems.
The MDM shall be able to automatically flag data changes from manual
edits, VEE (Validating, Editing and Estimating) rules and data source corrections
and electronically generate audit trail with timestamps and user-ids.
7.1.5 Billing Determinants Calculations
The MDM-
Shall allow configuring multiple TOU/TOD options (e.g. the number and
duration of TOU rate periods) by customer type, tariffs and day type (weekend,
weekdays, and holidays) and by season.
7.1.7 Service Orders
The MDM shall generate service orders based on configurable rules for
various events and alarms such as stop meter, tampers, problem in
communication networks, AMI host server, etc.
MDM shall send service orders via SMS, email, etc. with the email
addresses / phone numbers being configurable. MDM shall receive feedback on
action taken on the service order and track the status of service orders.
The solution shall provide customers with access to current and historical
consumption and interval data, outage flags, voltage and power quality
indications. The data shall be displayed in graphical and tabular form depending
on user choice. The Customer may also access data through customer portal. The
solution shall integrate via a user friendly graphical interface.
MDM shall support email/SMS notification of configured alarms & events to
selected users.
The MDM shall support the web portal or shall have the ability to interface
with the 3rd party portal/utility portal to provide the consumer near real time online
views of both usage and cost and helping consumers to understand electricity
usage and cost information, alerts and notifications and energy savings tips with
different levels of detail. The portal should support the view for past electricity
usage, last weeks, yesterdays, current days or other period etc. as per selection.
The portal should provide user friendly access to consumer for their data via
colorful graphs and charts and can download the data into a spreadsheet.
Shall support mobile app through which consumer shall be able to log in
through android/iOS/Window based mobile app to see information related to his
energy consumption. App shall also provide platform for implementation of peak
load management functionality by providing existing tariff & incentives rates,
participation options etc.
7.1.9 Analysis
The MDM shall have analysis capability based on configurable business
rules including but not limited to the following:
intermittent meter reads before taking into forecasting, load research or demand
Ability to receive and store outage and restoration event data from smart
meters and outage systems and to log all such events for analysis.
7.1.10 Reporting
The solution shall include a list of the standard reports that are provided with the
MDM including but not limited to following:
Usage exceptions
VEE validation failures
Missing interval Read date and times (on hourly, daily, weekly & monthly
Physical meter events (install, remove, connect, disconnect) & meter reset
Meter flags
Meter inventory
defective meters
AMI performance measurements
Threshold Exception
The solution shall support users modifying standard reports to better
meet specific reporting requirements.
The MDM shall enable the Utility to deliver reports in standard digital format
such as PDF, Excel, etc.
Ability for GUI (Graphical User Interface) to set up or change report delivery to
configurable email addresses, network file directories, ftp sites or printer
systems without modifying source program code and without any proprietary
language skills.
All queries shall be generated through user driven drop down menu in GUI.
The Bidder shall provide example queries to support internal report generation
Ability to provide daily & weekly interface exception reports between
MDM and other subsystems e.g. billing, outage, etc.
In case more than one technology of AMI (example PLC and RF between
Smart Meter & DCU) deployed in the field The MDM shall generate report on
the performance and availability of data being delivered per AMI technology.
The business rules for revenue protection alerts shall be configurable via
a user-friendly interface.
The MDM shall filter out revenue protection alerts that may be caused by field
activities if the field activity information is provided to the MDM.
The MDM shall support the analytics/investigation (i.e. view current and
historical usage patterns) to valid suspected revenue protection issues.
Bidder shall describe how its MDM supports Smart Grid Demand Response
programs involving Demand Response (DR) systems as part of PLM. The solution
shall support the following analysis:
Totaling the actual consumption during the DR event.
Totaling the actual consumption of different groups that participated in the DR
Comparing the actual to baseline consumption for the groups in above.
The MDM shall support the tracking, monitoring and managing of Smart Meter
and events, and monitors customer response to facilitate payment of customer
MDM shall support Smart Grid OMS system as per the requirement of the
utility. MDM shall s u p p o r t t h e interfacing with OMS software for providing
AMI meter data needed for fault location identification and other requisite services
like updating the data after attending the fault etc.
MDM should also support the interfacing of other smart grid functionalities like
Distribution Transformer Health Monitoring system, self-healing system, electric
vehicle etc. as and when implemented by the utility.
7.1.14. Additional Features
MDM shall flag, alarm and trigger an estimating process including but not
limited to when the following anomalies occur:
o CUM decrements of forward energy within a billing cycle
o Register decrements for Time of Use (ToU) of forward energy
o Power generated(exported) by any net-metering consumer more than the
installed capacity of solar PV rooftop system
o Energy exported(exported) in any given day by any net-metering consumer
more than the programmable threshold value
Prepaid functionality
The prepaid functionality can either be availed at smart meter level or through
MDM. In case of MDM, following shall apply
The AMI Implementing Agency (AIA) shall provide user interface for the following:
User interface for utility shall have ability for at least the following functionality:
Compare total energy costs on one rate schedule vs. one or many
alternative rates.
Enable the user to see how different options within a rate affect costs.
Enable the user to see how adjusting load or consumption levels or shifting
them to different time periods influences costs.
Display meter data at a user defined configurable cycle through a GUI that
allows authorized users to view energy usage patterns and the data behind them
for selected customers.
Allow authorized users to view metered data, initiate and view reports,
modify configurations, and initiate and update service requests via a GUI.
Display via a GUI the energy usage profile for a single meter or group of
meters. The load profile shall illustrate energy consumption and peak demand in
user defined intervals for a user-specified time period.
Display via a GUI the energy usage profile for a single meter or group of
meters according to Time of Use (ToU) tariff.
GUI to provide role-based access based on user identity and user role.
Shall have following types of users:
o Administrator
o Operator
o Field staff
o Viewer/Guest
Configure the look, feel, and functionality of the MDM in accordance with
business needs, business processes, and business conventions. (e.g. GUI,
content, look and feel of screens, validation rules, exception handling, etc.).
Ability for utility through user interface to set up alarm and event
notifications that can be directed to a combination of configurable email addresses,
cellular text messages or phone numbers.
User interface for utility to update the credit amount of prepaid consumers
to MDM. Such type of user interface before login shall require password & login
i.d. for authentication. User interface after getting information like consumer i.d.,
mobile number & recharge amount etc. shall update the same to MDM. The details
of payment information shall also update to consumer through SMS, email etc.
User interface for all authorized consumers shall have ability for at least the
following functionality:
o View metered data, initiate and view reports
o View data according to Time of Use(ToU) tariff
o Can make request for connection/disconnection
o User can update mobile number/email
o Can initiate service requests for maximum demand updating, meter
checking etc.
o In case on net-metering consumers, user can view data for both import &
o In case of prepaid consumers, consumers can view recharge history &
present balance.
o Prepaid consumers shall be provided facility to recharge their account by
logging on user interface. User interface shall require consumer id., mobile number
& password for secure login. This user interface shall be integrated with the
present online payment gateway of utility.
MDM shall preferably interface with other systems on standard interfaces and the
data exchange models and interfaces shall comply with CIM / XML / IEC
61968/IS15959/ Indian Companion Specification/ any other open standard. MDM
solution shall be Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) enabled.
MDM integration with other systems shall include but not limited to the following:
8. Performance Levels
(a) These performance levels shall apply to the complete AMI system.
(c) The performance levels are average performance levels over the period of
a year and exclude force majeure events.
The following are the performance levels required for the daily collection of the
previous days interval energy data and total accumulated energy:
(1) All interval data from 95% of meters within 8 hours after midnight; and
(2) All interval data from 99.9% of meters within 24 hours after midnight.
The performance level of an individual read applies to the collection of seven days
of interval energy data and the current total accumulated energy from a particular
AMI meter whose data is not being received on daily basis. The performance level
required shall be:
The performance level required for selected individual meters shall be:
(1) Action performed at 90% of meters within 10 minutes;
(2) Action performed at 99% of meters within 1 hour; and
(3) Action performed 99.9% of meters within 2hours.
Performance levels to remotely read events logs
Performance level required for reading the full event log that pertains to an
individual meter shall be:
(1) Action performed for 90% of consumers within 1 hour after receiving the
data in MDM;
(2) Action performed at 99.5% of meters within 6 hours after receiving the data
in MDM.
The performance level for generation of bills would be as per requirement of the
utility. The performance levels regarding meter discovery time line after installation,
on demand reading of meter data for operational purposes, outage restoration
enquiry response time etc. would also be declared by the bidder.
Any real time display and application Within 2 sec
display on workstation console along with
data values shall appear on screen.
Manual data entry of the new value appears Within 2 sec
on screen.
Display Update rate 2 sec for 4 displays
Response time for display of Alarm and Within 1 sec of receipt
event after receipt in system in system
Requests for printing of displays (to be Within 2 sec
acknowledged with an indication of
request is being processed).
Requests for generation of reports (to be Within 2 sec
acknowledged with an indication of request
is being processed).
Technical Specification
Single phase whole current
Smart Meter
The specification covers the design, manufacturing, testing, supply and delivery of AC
whole current 1 phase 2 wires Smart Energy Meter with bidirectional communication
facility. The meter shall be suitable for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). The
meter shall communicate with DCU/Access Point/ HES on any one of the
communication technologies mentioned in IS16444, as per the requirement of the
The Smart Meter would have the following minimum basic features-
Bidirectional Communication
Integrated Load limiting switch
Tamper event detection, recording and reporting
Power event alarms such as loss of supply, low/ high voltage
On demand reading
4 IS 15959 Part 1 & Part 2 Data Exchange for Electricity Meter
with latest amendments Reading, Tariff and Load Control-
Companion Standards
Meter shall have ability to communicate with DCU/Access Point/HES on any one of
the technologies mentioned in IS16444 in a secure manner, as per the site
conditions and as per design requirement of AMI Implementing agency. In case of
GPRS/3G/4G based meter, the meter shall accommodate SIM card of any service
provider. In case of Plug in type communication module, the meter shall log
communication module removal /non responsive event with snapshot.
Particulars Specification
Applicable Standards The meters shall comply with IS 16444 for all
requirements. Those parameters which are not
covered in IS 16444 have been specifically
mentioned in this specification.
Guarantee Manufacturer Shall undertake a guarantee to
replace meter up to a period of 60 months from
the date of supply. The meter which are found
defective/inoperative within the guarantee
period, these defective/inoperative meters shall
be replaced within one month of receipt of report
for such defective/inoperative meters
First Breath(power on) and As per IS 16444
Last gasp (power off)
condition detection and
communication to HES
Auto Scroll
Cumulative Active Energy kWh along with legend.
Current calendar month MD in kW with legend.
Instantaneous voltage
Instantaneous current
These parameters should be displayed on the LCD/LED continuously for a period
of 15 seconds on Auto scroll. In case of power failure, the meter should display
above parameters with push button.
o Last month MD occurrence Time
o Meter Serial Number
The meters display should return to default display mode (continues auto scroll) if
push button is not operated for more than 10 seconds. (The order of display may
be revised as per requirement of the utility)
The meter shall continue recording energy under any tamper condition and
would log the event and send alarm at Head End System after detection of the
defined theft features as per IS 15959 Part 2.
(Optional test as per requirement of utility: The Meter shall be immune under
external magnetic influences as per CBIP 325. Meter shall be tested for high
voltage discharge (Spark) up to 35 KV as per CBIP 325. )
Smart meter shall be type tested for all the type tests as per IS: 16444 (latest
version) in a third party independent lab. The number of sampling for testing of
meters and criteria for conformity would be as per IS 16444.
Necessary copies of test certificates shall be submitted as per agreement with the
The Factory Acceptance and Routine tests shall be carried out as per IS 16444.
Apart from above test, meter shall be also be tested for all functional requirement
through communication as part of acceptance test
9. METER BASE & COVER- Meter base & cover shall be as per IS 16444/
IS 13779. The meter Base & cover shall be break to open design. The material for
meter base and cover shall be made of high grade polycarbonate.
Voltage circuit, sealing arrangement, terminal block, terminal cover and nameplate
etc. shall be in accordance with IS-16444 (latest version).
The meter shall be compact and reliable in design, easy to transport and immune
to vibration and shock involved in transportation and handling.
The supplier should submit the details of source/agencies from whom purchase
of various components of meters used by them to the utility/purchaser.
The meter should bear a name plate clearly visible, effectively secured against
removal and indelibly/distinctly marked in accordance with relevant IS. In
addition, in the middle of the name plate the words Name of the Utility, purchase
order no. & year/month of manufacturing shall either be punched or marked
indelibly. The rating plate information shall be as per relevant IS.
The meter shall be mounted type. The Meter should have three fixing holes, one
at top and two at the bottom. The Top hole should be such that the holding screw
is not accessible to the consumer after fixing the meters. The lower screws
should be provided under sealable terminal cover. The requisite fixing screws
shall be supplied with each meter.
Arrangements shall be provided for proper sealing of the meter cover so that
access to the working parts shall not be possible without breaking the seal.
The sealing arrangement and number of seals shall be as per
relevant IS/ requirement of utility.
17. METER BOX: The Meter Box would be provided as per requirement of the
utility/ purchaser.
direction of placement of box. Each packing shall indicate marking details like
Manufacturers name, S.No. of meters, quantity etc.
The meter shall be compact in design. The meter block unit shall be capable of
withstanding stresses likely to occur in actual service and rough handling during
transportation. The meter shall be convenient to transport and immune to shock
and vibration during transportation and handling.
The meter should not be exposed to undue shock and mishandling during
transportation. The stacking of box inside transport media should be such as to
avoid their free movement. The packing should also be protected from rain and
dust by transport media. The Bidder shall be responsible for any damage during
transit due to inadequate or improper packing.
All meters shall be duly tested and sealed by the firm at their premises
prior to inspection. Manufacturer seal may be provided on one side of meter. For
the other side, the seal with engrave as Utility name may be sent in a pack for
provision by utility after completion of test by the utility & after receipt of the meter.
The ut i l it y/ pur ch ase r m a y i nspect the meter r andom ly as per
sampling plan for acceptance test as per IS 16444. The meters shall be tested
for all functional requirements as part of acceptance test as per IS 16444. After
testing, these sample meters shall be additionally sealed and would be kept in
safe lock for verification if needed.
Technical Specification
Three phase whole current
Smart Meter
The specification covers the design, manufacturing, testing, supply and delivery of AC
whole current 3 phase 4 wires Smart Energy Meter with bidirectional communication
facility. The meter shall be suitable for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). The
meter shall communicate with Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) / Access Point / HES
on any one of the communication technologies mentioned in IS16444, as per the
requirement of the utility / authorized system integrator.
The Smart Meter would have the following minimum basic features-
Bidirectional Communication
Integrated Load limiting switch /relay
Tamper event detection, recording and reporting
Power event alarms such as loss of supply, low/ high voltage
On demand reading
4 IS 15959 Part 1 & Part Data Exchange for Electricity Meter
2 with latest Reading, Tariff and Load Control-
amendments Companion Standards
Meter shall have ability to communicate with Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) / Access
Point / HES on any one of the technologies mentioned in IS16444 in a secure
manner, as per the site conditions and as per design requirement of AMI
Implementing agency. In case of GPRS/3G/4G based meter, the meter shall
accommodate SIM card of any service provider. In case of Plug in type
communication module, the meter shall log communication module removal/ non
responsive event with snapshot.
Particulars Specification
Applicable Standards The meters shall comply with IS 16444 for all
requirements. Those parameters which are not
covered in IS 16444 have been specifically
mentioned in this specification.
Maximum Demand As per IS 15959 Part-2
Time of Use registers As per IS 15959 Part-2
Power Quality As per IS 15959 Part-2
LED/LCD Indicators As per IS 16444
Load Survey/Interval Data As per IS 15959 Part-2
Guarantee Manufacturer Shall undertake a guarantee to
replace meter up to a period of 60 months from the
date of supply. The meter which are found
defective/inoperative at the time installation or
become inoperative/defective within the guarantee
period, these defective/inoperative meters shall be
replaced within one month of receipt of report for
such defective/inoperative meters
Auto Scroll
Cumulative Active Energy kWh along with legend.
Cumulative Energy in kVAh with legend
Current calendar month MD in kW with legend.
Current calendar month MD in kVAh with legend
Instantaneous voltage VRN
Instantaneous voltage VYN
Instantaneous voltage VBN
Instantaneous current IR
Instantaneous current IY
Instantaneous current IB
o Cumulative kWh
o Cumulative kVAh
o Date
o Real Time
Voltage VRN (V)
Voltage VYN (V)
Voltage VBN (V)
Current IR (I)
Current IY (I)
Current IB(I)
Power (kW)
Power (kVA)
o Current month MD in kW
o Current month MD in kVAh
o Last month cumulative kWh
o Last month cumulative kVAh
The meters display should return to default display mode (continues auto scroll) if
push button is not operated for more than 10 seconds. (The order of display may
be as per the requirement of utility)
(Optional test as per requirement of utility: The Meter shall be immune under
external magnetic influences as per CBIP 325. Meter shall be tested for high
voltage discharge (Spark) up to 35KV as per CBIP 325)
Smart meter shall be type tested for all the type tests as per IS: 16444 (latest
version) in a third party independent lab. The number of sampling for testing of
meters and criteria for conformity would be as per IS 16444.
Necessary copies of test certificates shall be submitted as per agreement with the
7.2 Routine & Acceptance Tests
The Factory Acceptance and Routine tests shall be carried out as per IS 16444.
Apart from above test, meter shall also be tested for all functional requirement
through communication as part of acceptance test.
The meter Base & cover shall be as per IS 16444/IS 13779. The meter base and
cover break to open design. The material for meter base and cover shall be made
of high grade polycarbonate.
Voltage circuit, sealing arrangement, terminal block, terminal cover and nameplate
etc. shall be in accordance with IS-16444 (latest version).
The meter shall be compact and reliable in design, easy to transport and immune
to vibration and shock involved in transportation and handling.
The supplier should submit the details of source/agencies from whom purchase
of various components of meters used by them to the utility/purchaser.
The meter should bear a name plate clearly visible, effectively secured against
removal and indelibly/distinctly marked in accordance with relevant IS. In
addition, in the middle of the name plate the words Name of the Utility, purchase
order no. & year/month of manufacturing shall either be punched or marked
indelibly. The rating plate information shall be as per relevant IS.
The meter shall be mounted type. The Meter should have three fixing holes, one
at top and two at the bottom. The Top hole should be such that the holding screw
is not accessible to the consumer after fixing the meters. The lower screws
should be provided under sealable terminal cover. The requisite fixing screws
shall be supplied with each meter.
Arrangements shall be provided for proper sealing of the meter cover so that
access to the working parts shall not be possible without breaking the seal. The
sealing arrangement and number of seals shall be as per relevant IS/ requirement
of utility.
17. METER BOX: The Meter Box would be provided as per requirement of the
The meter shall be compact in design. The meter block unit shall be capable
of withstanding stresses likely to occur in actual service and rough handling
during transportation.
The meter shall be convenient to transport and immune to shock and vibration
during transportation and handling.
The meter should not be exposed to undue shock and mishandling during
The stacking of box inside transport media should be such as to avoid their
free movement.
The packing should also be protected from rain and dust by transport media.
The Bidder shall be responsible for any damage during transit due to
inadequate or improper packing.
All meters shall be duly tested and sealed by the firm at their premises
prior to inspection. Manufacturer seal may be provided on one side of meter. For
the other side, the seal with engrave as Utility name may be sent in a pack for
provision by utility after completion of test by the utility & after receipt of the meter.
The utility/ purchaser may inspect the meter randomly as per sampling
plan for acceptance test as per IS 16444. The meters shall be tested for all
functional requirements as part of acceptance test as per IS 16444. After testing,
these sample meters shall be additionally sealed and kept in a safe lock for
verification, if needed.