PHYS3051 Methods in Theoretical Physics I (2016-17) : XX Yy ZZ
PHYS3051 Methods in Theoretical Physics I (2016-17) : XX Yy ZZ
PHYS3051 Methods in Theoretical Physics I (2016-17) : XX Yy ZZ
Homework 6
Due date: 5pm, April 21, 2017 (Friday)
Note: You should work out your steps in detail and show them clearly.
3. (28 marks) Given that an electric potential V in spherical coordinates is independent of , i.e.,
V = V (r, ) and V (r, ) satisfies the following equations
(r2 Vr )r + (sin V ) = 0, a<r<, 0
V (a, ) = 0
lim V (r, ) = Cr cos
1 2 1
4. (16 marks) Let A = 0 3 1 .
0 5 1
(a) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A.
(b) Is A diagonalizable? If yes, find a matrix C and a diagonal matrix D such that A = CDC1 .
= m2
[Note: Physical solutions of (4) exist for = n(n + 1), n = 0, 1, 2, . . .. For m = 0, they are
given by the Legendre polynomials Pn (x), as discussed in class. For m 0, they are given by
dm Pn (x)
the associated Legendre polynomials Pnm (x) = (1 x2 )m/2 .]