Geography P1 Feb-March 2010 Eng
Geography P1 Feb-March 2010 Eng
Geography P1 Feb-March 2010 Eng
MARKS: 300
TIME: 3 hours
7. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper.
9. ENCIRCLE the numbers of the question that you have answered on the front
page of your ANSWER BOOK.
1.1 Refer to FIGURE 1.1 showing a weather system that often occurs along the
east coast of Southern Africa.
A mid-latitude cyclone.
B coastal low pressure.
C line thunderstorm.
D tropical cyclone.
1.1.2 The following air movements are associated with the illustrated
weather system along the coast of Southern Africa:
1.1.3 The main cloud types associated with this weather system are
A cumulonimbus
B cumulus
C cirrus
D nimbostratus
A initial/formative
B immature
C mature
D decaying/dissipating (5 x 2) (10)
1.2 Use FIGURE 1.2 showing the four slope elements to assist you in giving ONE
word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the term next to
the question number (1.2.1 1.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example
1.2.6 base flow. The same term may be used more than once.
1.3.1 Winds will blow down into the city at night. What are these winds
called? (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.4 For how many days in July was the CO pollution above the level at
which it influenced people's health? (1 x 2) (2)
1.3.5 It is clear that CO pollution levels are unacceptably high over large
cities. Write a short essay (no more than 12 lines) to outline
reasons why a concerted effort should be made to reduce
CO levels over large cities. In your essay also provide solutions
that are geographically sound, to reduce CO levels over large
cities. (6 x 2) (12)
1.4 FIGURE 1.4 is a cross-section showing a berg wind that often occurs along
the south coast of South Africa. Use your knowledge of berg winds and also
refer to FIGURE 1.4 to answer the questions below.
1.4.1 Identify the type of low pressure, visible in FIGURE 1.4, which
plays a role in the development of berg winds. (1 x 2) (2)
1.4.2 Explain why berg winds will result in warm, dry conditions along the
south coast of South Africa. (3 x 2) (6)
1.4.3 Veld fires often accompany berg winds. Give ONE preventative
measure that can be introduced to reduce the spreading of veld
fires. (1 x 2) (2)
1.5 Refer to FIGURE 1.5A showing a longitudinal river profile after rejuvenation
has occurred. FIGURE 1.5B shows the effects of rejuvenation along the lower
course of a river. Meanders may have been present along the river course.
These meanders would have formed on a floodplain. Once the river is
rejuvenated, it will incise and the meanders will no longer be on a plain but in
deep, steep-sided valleys.
1.5.5 The local community has proposed the construction of a major dam
in the river system shown in FIGURE 1.5. Write a short essay (no
more than 12 lines) to outline the advantages and disadvantages of
such a proposal. (6 x 2) (12)
2.1 Refer to FIGURE 2.1 illustrating a weather system that develops west of
Cape Town.
Choose the correct term from those given in brackets to make all the
statements below TRUE. Write only the word/term next to the question
number (2.1.1 2.1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1.4 This weather system generally passes over Cape Town during
2.2 Refer to FIGURE 2.2 illustrating the relationship between stream type and the
water table.
Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write only
'true' or 'false' next to the question number (2.2.1 2.2.5) in the ANSWER
2.2.4 The water table lies at a lower level during a prolonged drought.
2.2.5 River Z does not receive any water from base flow to support its
flow. (5 x 2) (10)
2.3 FIGURES 2.3A and 2.3B show weather conditions that South Africa will
experience at different times of the year. Also read the extract on droughts
below. If the conditions illustrated in FIGURE 2.3B persist, South Africa may
experience a severe drought.
Hot, dry weather from January to March 2007 wilted crops in southern Africa.
The severe drought produced near-record temperatures that, combined with a
lack of rainfall, caused extensive crop damage, particularly in western crop
areas. In South Africa, the anticipated yield from the corn crop dropped from
ten million tons in December to six million tons in April, because farmers
couldn't plant in the dry conditions and many of the crops that were planted,
wilted in the dry heat. The last South African drought of this magnitude
occurred in 1992.
The CSIR said, "The 1982-'83 and 1991-'92 droughts were the most severe
meteorological droughts of the 20th century in southern Africa." In the
1991-'92 drought, 70% of the crops failed. It was estimated that half of the
population in the affected area was at risk of malnutrition, other related health
problems, and even starvation.
2.3.1 During which season would South Africa experience the weather
conditions represented in A and B respectively? (2 x 2) (4)
2.3.8 Write a short essay (no longer than 12 lines) in which you discuss
measures that can be introduced to reduce the effect of persistent
droughts in South Africa. Also give reasons why it is important to
reduce the effect of persistent droughts. (6 x 2) (12)
2.4 Refer to FIGURE 2.4 (A F) representing the drainage basins of two river
systems (A and B) and flow hydrographs (C F) to show run-off in rivers after
rain showers. Also read the extract on floods below.
Flooding occurs when water overflows its normal channels such as streams
and storm water drains. Floods may also occur when there is an accumulation
of water by drainage into areas which are not normally submerged. Floods
are common in South Africa following long periods of drought. Drought,
overgrazing and the deterioration of the land make the ecosystem vulnerable.
Humans can alter the flow characteristics of a river negatively by clearing
vegetation, constructing impermeable tar and concrete surfaces and building
on a river's flood plain.
2.4.3 List and explain any TWO factors that could influence the run-off in
a river. (4 x 2) (8)
2.4.5 Give a reason for each of the choices you have made in
QUESTION 2.4.4. (2 x 2) (4)
2.4.7 Give ONE reason for your answer to QUESTION 2.4.6. (1 x 2) (2)
Write a short essay (no more than 12 lines) to explain how the
sustainable management of drainage basins can reduce the risk of
flooding. In your answer also indicate the negative impact of
flooding for the local communities living in the drainage basin.(6 x 2) (12)
3.1 An urban area has different land-use zones and functions. FIGURE 3.1 is an
urban profile showing some of these land-use zones.
Give the correct term for each of the following land-use zones (3.1.1 to 3.1.5)
by using the words in the list below. Write only the correct term next to the
question number (3.1.1. 3.1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK. Refer to FIGURE
3.1 to assist you.
3.2 Refer to TABLE 3.2 which provides you with some vital statistics of South
Africa's nine provinces.
Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Write only
'true' or 'false' next to the question number (3.2.1 3.2.5) in the
3.2.2 GDP refers to the total value of goods and services produced in a
province over a period of one year.
3.2.3 The table shows that there is a direct link between the size of the
province, population size and contribution to the GDP.
3.2.5 South Africa's largest province contributes the least to the national
GDP. (5 x 2) (10)
3.3.3 Give ONE reason for your answer to QUESTION 3.3.2. (1 x 2) (2)
3.3.4 Name ONE social advantage of this settlement pattern for the
inhabitants living here. (1 x 2) (2)
3.3.5 By referring to the diagram, state TWO physical factors that played
a role in selecting the sites of these settlements. (2 x 2) (4)
3.3.6 Many inhabitants of this valley are moving out of this area to settle
in large cities. Explain why these people are moving to large cities
with reference to TWO push factors. (2 x 2) (4)
3.4 FIGURE 3.4 represents a cross-section of land-uses in a city from the CBD to
the edge of the city. Beyond the edge of the city one finds the rural-urban
3.4.2 Give ONE urban function that one finds here. (1 x 2) (2)
3.4.4 Many people living in the rural-urban fringe are not farmers. Why
do they prefer to live in this land-use zone? (2 x 2) (4)
3.5.2 Explain how the wine estates are part of all three economic
activities. (3 x 2) (6)
3.5.3 Outline the contribution made by the wine industry to the economic
development of this region. (3 x 2) (6)
3.6 Cape Town's location plays an important role in South Africa's foreign trade
with Africa and the rest of the world. This is favourable for South Africa's
balance of trade. Cape Town is thus part of the global market. Refer to
FIGURE 3.6 showing Cape Town's location in relation to the rest of the world.
3.6.1 Give ONE reason why Cape Town's location has a favourable
influence on South Africa's balance of trade. (1 x 2) (2)
3.6.3 Explain what is meant by the statement, 'Cape Town is part of the
global market.' (1 x 2) (2)
4.1.2 A settlement that provides the surrounding rural area with urban
4.2 Refer to FIGURE 4.2 showing the impact of road transport on people and the
Complete the mind map by choosing the correct terms from the possibilities
listed below. Write down only the correct term next to the question number
(4.2.1 4.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
4.2.1 undermines/promotes
4.2.2 increased/reduced
4.2.3 renewable/non-renewable
4.2.4 rise/decrease/fluctuate
4.3 On arrival in a large city, newcomers are confronted by a variety of urban land
uses and functions. Refer back to FIGURE 3.4 which represents a
cross-section of land uses from the CBD to the edge of the city. Study
FIGURE 3.4 carefully before answering the questions below.
4.3.1 (a) Name TWO land uses that do not occur in the core of the
CBD. (2 x 2) (4)
(c) Why do the two land uses named in QUESTION 4.3.1(a) not
occur in the core of the CBD? (2 x 2) (4)
(d) Why does the land use named in QUESTION 4.3.1(b) occur
on the edge of the CBD? (2 x 2) (4)
(d) Many shops and offices are found in the suburbs and the edge
of the city. What is the process called whereby these functions
relocate to the suburbs and the edge of the city? (1 x 2) (2)
4.3.3 Read the article below and then answer the question that follows.
Write a short essay (no more than 12 lines) outlining the need for
urban renewal projects in Cape Town. Comment on the success
rate of inner city renewal projects in Cape Town. (6 x 2) (12)
4.4 The Cape Peninsula is situated at the heart of the Southwestern Cape, the
third largest industrial area in South Africa. The centralisation of industries
has, however, resulted in many problems for the Cape Peninsula.
4.4.3 State any TWO problems that the Cape Peninsula might
experience as a result of centralisation of industries in this area.
(2 x 2) (4)
4.5 Read the article below before answering the questions that follow.
The official impoundment of the Berg River Dam, the biggest component of
the R1,5 billion Berg Water Project near Franschhoek, has begun. This is the
first step in completing the project that will increase the supply of water to the
City of Cape Town by 18 percent.
The go-ahead for the project was granted on condition that the City of Cape
Town reduces the demand for water by 20 percent. In response, the City of
Cape Town is implementing a water conservation and water demand strategy
and is on course to meet this target. Although the project will alleviate the
immediate water shortage, it is important that residents continue to use water
sparingly and that we develop a culture of saving water, not only in the
Western Cape, but throughout the country.
Developers were also extremely sensitive about the natural and social
environment. Prior to construction, an environmental monitoring committee
was established, comprising representatives from the Department of Water
Affairs and Forestry, the City of Cape Town, the Department of Environmental
Affairs and Tourism, mandated representatives from local communities,
elected officials, interested and affected parties and downstream
stakeholders. Maximising the socio-economic benefits of the project to the
local community was key to the project. The policy gave preference to local
residents and businesses with regard to employment and procurement
opportunities. In terms of landscaping, the downstream face of the dam wall,
visible from the main road into Franschhoek, has been re-vegetated with
indigenous flora. This ensures that the dam and associated structures do not
contrast with the surrounding landscape. Alien vegetation was removed from
the Berg River catchments, significantly increasing the amount of water
available for both storage in the dam and use by indigenous plant species.
4.5.1 The provision of water to the Cape Peninsula has become critical.
Name any TWO activities in the Cape Peninsula that are
dependent on a secure supply of water. (2 x 2) (4)
4.5.2 Give TWO possible reasons, ONE natural and ONE human, why
the Southwestern Cape experiences water shortages. (2 x 2) (4)
4.5.5 The introduction of a large project, such as the Berg Water Project,
should always be sensitive to social, economic and environmental
injustices. Write a short essay (no more than 12 lines) to outline
how the above-mentioned injustices were avoided. (6 x 2) (12)
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