Curved Bar Nodes
Curved Bar Nodes
Curved Bar Nodes
By Gary J. Klein
Compressive Stress at
A ts fy
C1 Curved-Bar Nodes
moment In a typical case, a strut bisects the angle formed
by the ties extending from the curved-bar node. For
Fig. 1: Strut-and-tie model of forces due to closing moment at a 90-degree corners with equal tie forces, the strut angle is
frame corner
45 degrees, and, using a pressure vessel analogy, the
compressive stress acting in the curved region of the bar
Worked example designs for strut-and-tie models using depends only on the radius of the bend and the tensile
curved-bar nodes are available with the online version force in the bar. It follows that no bond stresses are
of this article at required within the curved region itselfonly a uniform,
Fig. 2: Strut-and-tie models with curved-bar nodes: (a) column corbel; (b) dapped- rb (2)
end beam; (c) hammer-head bridge pier with rounded end; and (d) pocket in a bfce
spandrel beam
Node Strength
ACI 318 requirements for C-T-T nodes
ACI 318 limits the compressive stress at nodes to
0.85n f c. The n values reflect the degree of disruption of
the nodal zone due to the incompatibility of tension
strains in the ties and compression strains in the struts.
For C-T-T nodes, where there is tension strain in two
directions, n is 0.6, which is less than the 0.8 value for
compression-compression-tension (C-C-T) nodes. Thus,
the allowable compressive stress for a typical curved-bar
node (a C-T-T node) is 0.85 0.6 = 51% of the specified
compressive strength, f c.
Atsfy C1 = Atsfy
C-C-T curved bar nodes Fig. 6: Unequal tie forces in a frame corner result in bond stress along the circumference
of the bend. The radius of the bend must produce a bend length lc adequate to develop
A C-C-T node is formed by a the required bond force
curved-bar node with a 180-degree
bend. The upper right nodes shown
in Fig. 2(b) and (c) are examples of
such C-C-T nodes. Unlike the general Bond Stress at Curved- length ld should be at least (1 tanc);
case, where ties exiting the curved Bar Nodes that is
bar node create disruptive tensile In some cases, for example a
strains in two directions, parallel ties junction between a wall and a slab lb ld (1 tanc) (4a)
provide confinement. As such, Eq. (3a) with different effective depths (Fig. 6),
is too conservative for curved-bar the tie forces are not equal. The In terms of rb, Eq. (4a) becomes
nodes with 180-degree bends. Using compressive stress on the inside
the ACI 318 strength limit for C-C-T radius of the bar must therefore vary, rb 2ld (1 tanc) db (4b)
nodes (n = 0.8) the minimum radius and circumferential bond stress 2
from Eq. (2) becomes develops along the bar.9
The maximum nodal compressive Effective Width of
rb 1.5 (3b) stress occurs at the point of Curved-Bar Nodes
bfc' tangency for the tie carrying the The effective width of a node is
greater force. Assuming this tie usually taken as the width of the
where Ats is the area of nonprestressed yields, the compressive stress is member transverse to the plane of
tie reinforcement at one end of the given by Eq. (1). At 90-degree corners, the STM. This assumption is usually
180-degree bend. the resultant force in the strut is valid for curved-bar nodes, but
Ats fy /cosc, where c is the smaller of there are three potential concerns:
Multi-layer curved-bar nodes the two angles between the strut (or 1) excessive compressive stress
Where more than one layer of the resultant of two or more struts) under the bend region of the bar;
reinforcement is used in the plane and ties extending from a curved-bar 2) transverse eccentricity of the
of the STM, nodal zone stresses node. The bond force that must be bars relative to the member; and
are increased in proportion to developed along bend length lb is 3) side splitting of bars with shallow
the number of layers. Figure 5 Ats fy (1 tanc). In view of the high side cover.
illustrates the use of two layers of contact stress on the inside of the The minimum bend radii provided
reinforcement at a frame corner. In bend, it would seem that the in ACI 318 are sufficient to avoid
these cases, Eq. (3a) or (3b) may be development length ld for straight crushing under the bend region of the
used provided Ats is taken as the area bars can be conservatively applied to bar. Assuming the minimum bend
of tie reinforcement in all layers, and the bend region at a curved-bar node. radius provisions are met, this condition
rb is taken as the bend radius at the Accordingly, at 90-degree corners, the need not be checked, even when
inside layer. ratio of curve length to development large, widely-spaced bars are used.
7 ft 6 in.
In most cases, standard bend radii will exceed the
Lap splice
Design Examples
To provide additional practical guidance to designers,
design guidelines and five example designs using
curved bar nodes are provided in an appendix to
this article. The appendix can be viewed at the end
of the electronic version of this article available at
1. ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary, American Concrete
Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2008, 465 pp.
2. Mayfield, B.; Kong, F.-K.; Bennison, A.; and Twiston Davies,
J.C.D., Corner Joint Details in Structural Lightweight Concrete, ACI
Journal, Proceedings V. 68, No. 5, May 1971, pp. 366-372.
3. Nilsson, I.H.E., and Losberg, A., Reinforced Concrete Corners
and Joints Subjected to Bending Moment, Journal of the Structural
Division, ASCE, V. 102, No. ST6, June 1976, pp. 1229-1255.
4. Nilsson, I.H.E., Reinforced Concrete Corners and Joints
Subjected to Bending Moment, National Swedish Institute for Building
Research, Document D7:1973, Stockholm, Sweden, 1973, 250 pp.
5. stlund, L., The Influence of Bending Radius and Concrete
Cover for Deformed Bars on the Risk of Splitting Failure in Reinforced
Concrete Structures, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Sweden, 1963, 92 pp. (in Swedish)
6. Swann, R.A., Flexural Strength of Corners of Reinforced
Concrete Portal Frames, Technical Report TRA/434, Cement and
Concrete Association, London, UK, Nov. 1969, 14 pp.
7. Mattock, A.H., and Theryo, T.S., Strength of Precast Prestressed
Concrete Members with Dapped Ends, PCI Journal, V. 31, No. 5,
Sept.-Oct. 1986, pp. 58-75. CIRCLE READER CARD #15
Equations (3a) and (3b) ensure that node stresses are within the limits prescribed in Appendix A
of ACI 318-08. Equation (3a) applies to a C-T-T node formed by a bar bent over an included
angle of less than 180 degrees, and Eq. (3b) applies to what is effectively a C-C-T node formed
by a bar with a 180-degree bend. As a general rule, a larger bend radius will result in lower nodal
stress. For optimum performance, the bend radius should be as large as possible, but the center of
curvature must fall within the limits of the member or joint as defined by the geometry of the
truss. Figure A.1 illustrates the region in which the center of curvature must fall for a typical
frame corner.
Fig. A.1: Permissible zone for the center of curvature of a curved-bar node at a frame corner
Bond stress in curved-bar nodes
In cases where the compression strut (or the resultant of multiple struts) does not bisect the angle
formed by the ties extending from the curved-bar node, the length of the bend should be
proportioned to develop the difference in tie force. For 90-degree bends, the minimum radius
required for sufficient development length through the curve may be checked using Eq. (4b)
(repeated here for convenience):
Eq. 4b
Frame corners
Design using an STM with a curved-bar node has two distinct advantages over traditional
approaches. First, by assuring node stresses with ACI limits, the possibility of a diagonal flexural
failure at less than the full potential flexural strength of the connected members is avoided.
Second, the design is not limited by the available development length to the face of the support.
Dapped-end beams
Designs using curved-bar nodes can simplify the detailing of dapped-end beams. A continuous
bent bar (or series of parallel bars) can be used for two nodes: the C-C-T node above the reaction
point and the C-T-T at the lower corner of the full section. Designs that do not employ curved-
bar nodes require separately anchored ties at these locations. The details of the curved bar nodes
are, however, very important for a successful design. Eccentricity and side cover must be
Crack control
In addition to the primary tie reinforcement, confinement or skin reinforcement may be needed
to control cracking in the connection region, especially for connection of large members (see
Design Example 4).
Design Method
Design a wall/slab junction using an STM with a curved-bar node.
Flexural Design
Flexure at Section a:
Ats fy 0.88 x 60
a= = = 1.52 in.
0.85 1 fc b 0.85 x 0.85 x 4 x 12
c = a/1 = = 1.79 in.
The stresses at Section b will be different than at Section a. For simplicity,
however, the centroid of the compression strut is also assumed to be at a/2 = 0.76
in. from the inside face of the wall at Section b.
2 Ats fy 2 x 0.88 x 60
rb > = = 2.20 in. OK (STD rb = 3 db = 2.25 in.)
b fc 12 x 4
Also note that rb< d; therefore, the center of curvature is inside the C-C-C node,
as it must be.
ldh = (0.02 efy/ fc )db = (0.02 x 1.0 x 60,000 / 1.0 x 4000) x 0.75 = 14.2 in.
Note that the required development length far exceeds that available.
Example 2: Column Corbel
Use an STM with a curved-bar node to design a corbel. The example is based on
example 17.2 from the Notes on ACI 318-05 by the Portland Cement Association
(PCA), but the column reinforcement above the corbel is not continuous.
16 x 16 in. column
Check Ties
2Atsfy 2 x 1.76 x 60
rb > = = 2.64 in.
bfc 16x5
Development of Difference in Tie Forces
c = Arctan(11/18) = 31.4 degrees
Check basic bar development for No. 6 bars, which should be considered top
ldh = (0.02 efy/fc )db = (0.02 x 1.0 x 60,000 / 1.0 x 5000) x 0.75 = 12.7 in.
In this case, a standard hook could have been developed in the available length.
See example 17.2 in Notes on ACI 318-05 by PCA for additional design
Example 3: Dapped-End Beam
The reinforcement layout is shown below. The truss model used to calculate strut
and tie forces is also shown. A group of stirrups is modeled as a single vertical
tie at the left side of the model. To simulate the 180-degree bend at Node a, a rigid
beam element is used to connect the tie extending from each end of the 180-
degree bend. The beam element is hinged at Node a to assure the forces on each
side of Node a are equal. The resulting model is determinate.
Check Ties
Node Stresses
Check bend radius at C-C-T Node a per Eq. (3b):
Standard bend = 3db = 1.88 in. OK; use rb = 2.5 in. to match reinforcement layout
2Atsfy 2 x 0.62 x 60
rb > = = 2.8 in.
b fc 4.5 x 6
Therefore, rb > 2.8 x 1.25/0.75 = 4.7 in. Use rb = 6 in. Note that rb = 6 in. is
significantly greater than the standard 3db bend of 1.88 in.
Example 4: Pier Cap Cantilever
Design a pier cap cantilever with rounded ends using an STM with curved-bar
nodes. Node a is a C-C-T node.
Check Ties
Node Stresses
Check bend radius at C-C-T Node a per Eq. (3b). This is a multi-layer node. Ats is
taken as the area of reinforcement in both layers, and rb is bend radius at the
inside layer.
b 3+2+2 = 8 in.
Example 5: Spandrel Pocket
Design hanger reinforcement for a pocket spandrel using a curved-bar node. The
bend angle is less than 180, so the node will be considered a C-T-T node.
Check Ties
Node Stresses
Check bend radius at C-T-T node per Eq. (3a):
b 1+ 1 = 3 in.
2 Atsfy 2 x 0.31 x 60
rb > = = 2.1 in.
b fc 3x6