Aysha Lesson Plan
Aysha Lesson Plan
Aysha Lesson Plan
*who are they
* how many
* what ages
- KG2D Students * What grade
- They are 24 students * male/female ratio
- They are (16) male and (8) female students in the class * native language(s)
* learning styles (and
- Their Approximate age is 5
student intelligences
- Most of them are Native language is Arabic *personalities
- One of them speak English * special needs
- This lesson is a review of a prior lesson * prior learning
- No special need in this class * how this lesson fits into
prior & future learning
*what specific skill or
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: concept would students
have learned or
experience by the end of
They will know how to write a letter the lesson
* always expressed in
They will know which word start with this letter "" terms of student
* concrete, measurable &
They will know the objects which start with this letter realistic
* maximum of three
They will know how to read this letter in the board and in the objectives
book * include name of
curriculum guide &
objective numbers when
& where applicable
* goals are connected
to students
Engagement: what will you do to grab
student attention & to
- Play a video about the letter generate
- Show them different Object about the letter interest/enthusiasm in the
- I will put a start on their hands during the lesson lesson?
Teacher will Students will . *description of activities
used to meet the learning
Include your open and closed - First they will sit on objectives
ended questions here the carpet
* articulated in terms of
- Start the lesson by asking - Answer what is the student activity & teacher
about the day, date and date and day activity
weather. - Watching a video
- Put a song (video) about about the letter.
- Write the letter on the - Put a circle on the
board and show them how letter when I open the
to write. PowerPoint
* sources that
- Google. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2017, from you may have
https://www.google.ae/search?q= used/consulted in
%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%81%2B%D9%82&espv building your
=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved= lesson (includes
books, websites,
journals, etc)
* use APA citation
(refer to Noodle
# )( __: - Letters Iftah Ya Simsim. Tools when in
(2015, September 20). Retrieved March 20, 2017, from doubt).