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STD-BSI BS EN L 0 2 7 2 - E N G L 2000 l b 2 4 b b 9 0888' 8 999 m


Stainless steel bars for

pressure purposes


The European Standard EN 10272:2000has the status of a

British Standard

ICs 77.140.30


Copyright European Committee for Standardization

Provided by IHS under license with CEN
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National foreword
This British Standad is the officiai Engiish languageversion of EN 10272:2000.
This standard, along with BS EN 10273:2000,supersedesE S 1502:1982 which is
The UKparticipation in its preparation was enlrustedto Technid Committee
ISEBO, stainless steek, which has the responsibility to:

- aid enquirers to undemtmd the tea

- present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the
mterpretalion, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests inform@
- munitor related intematiod and European developmentsand promuigate
them in the UK.

A iist of organizationsrepresented on this commitke can be obtained on request to

its secrelay
The British Standards which implement internati'onal or European pubiidons
referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the
section entitled "Inteniatonal Standards CorrespondenceIndex", or by using the
"Find" facility of the BSI standards Electronic Catalogue.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the nec- provisions of a
c0nim.d. Usem of British Standardsare responsible for their correct a p p i i d m
Compliance w i t h a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obiigations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a h n t cover, an inside h n t cover, the EN title page,
pages2 to 39 and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document i n d i e when the document

ctireetionoftheEngineeling AmdNo. Date Comments
d e r the authony of the
into &ect on 16 December 2000

Q BSI 122000

ISBNOM#) 889992

Copyright European Committee for Standardization

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S T D - B S I BS EN 10272-ENGL 2000 - 1624669 0888770 547

EN 10272
EUROPhSCHE NORM October 2000

ICs 77.140.20; 77.140.30; 77.140.60

English version

Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes

Barres en acier inoxydable pour appareils pression Nichtrostende Stbe fur Druckbehlter

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 September 2000,

CEN members are bound to comply with the CENICENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this Europan
Standard the status of a national standardwithout any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographicalreferences concerning sich national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by traislation
under the responsibilityof a CEN member Into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as tie official

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

O 2000 CEN Ail rights of exploitation in any form and by any means resewed Ref. No. EN 10272:2000 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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EN 10272:2000



1 Scope 5

2 Normative references 5

3 Terms and definitions 6

4 Dimensions and tolerances on dimensions 6

5 Calculation of mass 6

6 Designation 6

7 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 7

7.1 Mandatory information 7
7.2 Options 7

8 Classification of grades 8

9 Requirements
9.1 Steelmaking process
9.2 Delivery condition
9.3 Chemical composition
9.4 Corrosion resistance
9.5 Mechanical properties
9.6 Surface quality
9.7 Internal soundness

10 Testing 10
10.1 General 10
10.2 Type and content of inspection documents 10
10.3 Tests to be carried out 11
10.4 Extent of testing 11
10.5 Sampling and preparation of samples and test pieces 11
10.6 Test methods 11
10.7 Re-tests 13

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EN 10272:2000

11 Marking 13

Annex A (informative) Guidelines for further treatment (including heat

treatment) in fabrication 32

Annex B (informative) Preliminary reference data for the tensile strength of

austenitic-ferritic steels at elevated temperatures 35

Annex C (informative) Applicable dimensional standards 36

Annex D (informative) National A-deviations 37

Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential

requirements or other provisions of EU directives 38

Bibliography 39

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Page 4.
EN 10272:2000


This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISSDT 22. Steels for pressure
purposes - Qualities, and ECISS/TC 23/SC 1, Stainless steels, the Secretariat of which is held by
Normenausschu Eisen und Stahl (FES) im DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 200 1,and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by April 200 1.

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of
EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive@), see informative annex ZAYwhich is an integral part of this


Annex D contains national A-deviations speciQing the restrictions for the application of this
European Standard in Sweden.

NOTE The clauses marked with a point contain information relating to agreements which are to

be made at the time of ordering. The clauses marked with two points (.o) contain information relating
to agreements which may be made at the time of enquiry and order.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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EN 10272:2000
1 Scope

1.1 This European Standard specifies the technical delivery conditions for hot and cold formed
stainless steel bars for pressure purposes supplied in accordance with one of the process routes and
surface finishes listed in Table 5.

1.2 The general technical delivery conditions specified in EN 10021 apply in addition to the
specifications of this European Standard, unless otherwise specified in this European Standard.

2 Normative references

This European Standard incorporatesby dated or undated reference, provisions fkom other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of these publications apply to
this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references
the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN 10002-1, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test (at ambient temperature)
includingAddendum AC1:1990

EN 10002-5, Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 5: Method of test at elevated temperature

EN I S 0 6506-1, Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method (IS0 6506-1:1999)

EN 10021, General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products

EN 10027-1, Designation systems for steels - Part I : Steel names, principal symbols

EN 10027-2, Designation systems for steels - Part 2: Numerical system

EN 10045-1, Metallic materials - Charpy impact test - Part 1: Test method

EN 10052, Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous products

EN 10079, Definition of steel products

EN 10088-1, Stainless steels - Part 1: List of stainless steels

EN 10204, Metallic products - Types of inspection documents (includes amendment Al: 1995)

EN 10221, Surface quality classes for hot-rolled bars and rods - Technical delivery conditions

EN IS0 377, Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples und test pieces for
mechanical testing (IS0 3 77:1997)

prEN 10168:2000,Iron and steel products - Inspection documents - List of information and description

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EN 102722000

EN IS0 365 1-2, Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2:
Ferritic, austenitic andferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media containing
suljkric acid (IS0 3651-2:1998)

IS0 14284, Steel and iron - Sampling andpreparation of samples for the determination of chemical

See also annex C.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 10052, EN 10079,
EN 10088-1 and the following shall apply.

person or organization that orders products in accordance with this standard. The purchaser is not
necessarily, but may be, a manufacturer of pressure equipment in accordance with the EU Directive
listed in annex ZA. Where a purchaser has responsibilities under this EU Directive, this standard will
provide a presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the Directive so identified in
annex ZA

4 Dimensions and tolerances on dimensions

The dimensions and the tolerances on dimensions are to be agreed at the time of enquiry and order, as
far as possible with reference to the dimensional standards listed in annex C.

5 Calculation of mass

When calculatingthe nominal mass fiom the nominal dimensions, the values given in Ei" 10088-1 shall
be used as a basis for the density of the steel concerned.

6 Designation

The steel names are allocated in accordance with EN 10027-1; the steel numbers are allocated in
accordance with EN 10027-2.

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EN 10272:2000

7 Information to be supplied by the purchaser

7.1 Mandatory information

The complete order of a product as specified in this European Standard shall include the following

a) the quantity to be delivered (mass, length, number of pieces);

b) the shape of bar;

c) the number of the European Standard specifying the tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass (see
clause 4) and, if the relevant European Standard permits the purchaser certain options, e.g. regarding
tolerance classes, specific information on these aspects;

d) the dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape;

e) the number of this European Standard;

I) the steel name or the steel number;

g) the delivery condition (see 9.2);

h) the process route and surface finish (see Table 5);

i) the type of inspection document in accordance with EN 10204 (see 10.2.1).

EXAMPLE 10 t rounds of a steel grade with the name X5CrNil8-10 and the number 1.4301 as specified in
EN 10272 of 50 mm diameter, dimensional tolerances as specified in prEN 10060:2000, in process route 1D
(see Table 5), inspection document 3.1.B as specified in EN 10204:

10 t rounds prEN 10060:2000 60-50

EN 10272-X5CrNi18-10+lD
Inspection document 3.1.B


10 t rounds prEN 10060:200060-50

EN 10272-1.4301+1D
Inspection document 3.1.B

7.2 Options

A number of options are specified in this European Standard and these are listed below. If the purchaser
does not indicate his wish to implement any of these options marked with 2 points (.o) at the
corresponding subclauses, the supplier shall supply in accordance with the basic specification of this
standard (see 7.1):

a) specification of the steelmaking process (see 9.1);

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Copyright European Committee for Standardization
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b) verification of product analysis (see 9.3.2 and Table 13);

c) verification of tensile properties at elevated temperature (see 9.5.2, 10.6.3 and Table 13);

d) verification of impact properties of austenitic steels at room temperature (see 9.5.1, 10.6.4 and
Table 13);

e) verification of impact properties at low temperature (see 9.5.1, 10.6.4 and Table 13);

f ) verification of resistance to intergranular corrosion (see 9.4, 10.6.5 and Table 13);

g) special requirements on surface quality (see 9.6);

h) verification of internal soundness (see 9.7);

i) specific tests for verification of general delivery requirements (see 10.1);

j) special marking requirements (see 11.2).

8 Classification of grades

Steels covered by this European Standard are classified according to their metallographic structure into:

-ferritic steels;
-martensitic steels;

-austenitic steels;

-austenitic-ferritic (duplex) steels.

NOTE For more details see EN 10088- 1.

9 Requirements

9.1 ** Steelmaking process

Unless a special steeimalung process is agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the steelmaking p e s s
for steels in accordance with this European Standard shall be at the discretion of the mandacturer.

9.2 Deliverycondition

The products shall be supplied in the delivery condition agreed in the order by reference to the process
route given in Table 5 and, where different alternatives exist, to the treatment conditions given in
Tables 6 to 8 (see also annex A).


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EN 10272:2000

9.3 Chemical composition

9.3.1 The chemical composition requirements given in Tables 1 to 3 apply in respect of the chemical
composition according to the cast analysis.

9.3.2 ** The product analysis shall not deviate fi-om the limiting values for the cast analysis as
specified in Tables 1 to 3 by more than the values given in Table 4.

9.4 Corrosion resistance

** Referring to resistance to intergranular corrosion as defined in EN I S 0 365 1-2, for austenitic and
austenitic-ferritic steels the specifications in Tables 7 and 8 apply.

NOTE 1 EN IS0 365 1-2 is not applicable for testing martensitic steels.

NOTE 2 The corrosion resistance of stainless steels is very dependent on the type of environment and can
therefore not always be clearly ascertained through laboratory tests. It is therefore advisable to draw on the
available experience of the use of the steels.

9.5 Mechanical properties

9.5.1 The tensile properties at room temperature and the impact energy at room and at low
temperatures as specified in Tables 6 to 8 apply for the relevant specified heat treatment condition.

NOTE Austenitic steels are insensitive to brittle fracture in the solution annealed condition. Because they do
not have a pronounced transition temperature, which is characteristic of other steels they are also useful for
application at cryogenic temperatures.

9.5.2 The values in Tables 9 to 11 apply for the 0,2 % and, Table 10 only, for the 1 % proof strength
at elevated temperatures. For austenitic steels, the values given in Table 12 apply for the tensile
strength at elevated temperatures.

Tensile strength values at elevated temperatures for austenitic-ferritic steels are given for guidance in
annex B.

9.6 ** Surface quality

Slight surface imperfections, inherent in the production process, are permitted.

If more exact requirements for the surface quality are necessary, these shall be agreed at the time of
enquiry and order, where appropriate, on the basis of EN 10221.

9.7 ** Internal soundness

For the internal soundness, where appropriate, requirements together with the conditions for their
verification shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

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Page 10
EN 10272:2000

10 Testing

10.1 0. General

The manufacturer shall carry out appropriate process control, inspection and testing to assure himself
that the delivery complies with the requirements of the order.

This includes the following:

-a suitable frequency of verification of the dimensions of the products;

-an adequate intensity of visual examination of the surface quality of the products;

-an appropriate frequency and type of test to ensure that the correct grade of steel is used.
The nature and frequency of these verifications, examinations and tests are determined by the
manufacturer, in the light of the degree of consistency that has been determined. In view of this,
verifications by specific tests for these requirements are not necessary unless otherwise agreed.

10.2 Type and content of inspection documents

10.2.1 The compliance with the requirements of the order shall be checked for products in accordance
with this European Standard by specific inspection. The purchaser shall specifj the type of inspection
document according to EN 10204 at the time of enquiry and order.

10.2.2 The inspection document shall contain, in accordance with prEN 10168:2000, the following

a) the infixmation blocks A, B and Z; the tempering temperature shall also be given in the case of
quenched and tempered products;

b) the results of the cast analysis in accordance with boxes C 71 to C 92;


e) the results of the tensile test at room temperature in accordance with boxes C O0 to C 03 and
C 1OtoC 13;

d) except for austenitic steels, the results of the impact test at room temperature in accordance with
boxes C O0 to C 03 and C 40 to C 43;

e) the result of the visual examination of the products (see information Block D);

f ) if one or severai of the following options have been agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the
relevant information on:

1) the steelmaking process (section C 70);

2) the product analysis in accordance with boxes C 71 to C 92;

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EN 10272:2000

3) verification of the tensile properties at elevated temperature in accordance with boxes

COOtoC03,C 10andC 11;

4) verification of impact properties of austenitic steels at room temperature in accordance

with boxes C O0 to C 03 and C 40 to C 43;

5) verification of impact properties at low temperature in accordance with boxes C O0 to C 03

and C 40 to C 43;

6) verification of resistance to intergranular corrosion (see information Block D);

7) the surface quality (see information Block D);

8) verification of internal soundness (see information Block D);

9) special marking requirements (see information Block D).

10.3 Tests to be carried out

The following tests shall be carried out (see Table 13):

a) tensile test at room temperature;

b) impact test (except for austenitic steels) at room temperature;

c) tests specially agreed at the time of enquiry and order (see 7.2).

10.4 Extent of testing

The tests to be carried out, either mandatorily (m) or by agreement (o) and the composition and size
of the test units, and the number of sample products, samples and test pieces to be taken are given in
Table 13.

10.5 Sampling and preparation of samples and test pieces

10.5.1 Sampling and sample preparation shall be in accordance with the requirements of I S 0 14284
and EN IS0 377. In addition, the requirements in 10.5.2 shall apply to the mechanical tests.

10.5.2 The samples shall be taken in accordance with Figures 1 and 2 for the tensile test at room
temperature, the impact test and the tensile test at elevated temperatures.

10.5.3 If, following agreement (see 9.2), the products are not to be delivered in the heat treated
condition, the samples shall be heat treated prior to the test.

10.6 Test methods

10.6.1 Unless otherwise agreed at the time of enquiry and order, the choice of a suitable physical or
chemical analytical method for the product analysis shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer. In
cases of dispute, the analysis shall be carried out by a laboratory approved by both parties. In this case,

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Copyright European Committee for Standardization

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Page 1-2
EN 10272:2000
the analysis method to be used shall be agreed upon, if possible, with reference to the corresponding
European Standardsor EURONORMs.

10.6.2 The tensile test at room temperature shall be carried out as described in EN 10002-1, generally
using a proportional test piece of gauge length LO= 5,65 ,&' (SO= cross-sectional area of the test

The tensile strength and elongation after hcture shall be determined and additionally for ferritic,
martensitic and austenitic-ferritic steels the 0,2 %-proof strength and for austenitic steels the
0,2 %- and 1 %-proof strength.

10.6.3 ** The tensile test at elevated temperatures shall be determined as described in EN 10002-5 at
a temperature to be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

If the tensile properties shall be verified, the 0,2 % proof strength shall be verified for ferritic and
martensitic steels. For austenitic-ferritic steels, the 0,2 %-proof strength and the tensile strength shall
be determined. In case of austenitic steels, the 0,2 %-proof strength, the 1 %-proof s t r e n a and the
tensile strength shall be determined.

Unless otherwise agreed, testing shall be carried out at the highest temperature for which the value is
specified in the relevant table.

10.6.4 ** The impact test on V-Notch test pieces shall be carried out as described in EN 10045-1.

The minimum impact values apply for the mean of three test pieces. One individual value may be lower
than the specified value provided that it is not less than 70 % of this value.

If the above conditions are not met, an additional set of three test pieces shall be taken fiom the same
specimen and shall be tested In order to regard the test unit as acceptable after testing the second set,
the following requirements shall also be met:

a) the mean value of six tests shall be greater thafi or equal to the specified minimum value;

b) not more than two of the six individual values shall be less than the specified minimum value;

c) not more than one of the six individual values shall be less than 70 % of the specified minimum

If these requirements are not met, the sample product shall be rejected and re-tests shall be carried out
on the remainder of the test unit.

10.6.5 ** The resistance to intergranular corrosion shall be tested in accordance with EN IS0 365 1-2.

10.6.6 The Brinell hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with EN IS0 6506-1

10.6.7 Dimensions and dimensional tolerances of the products shall be tested in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant dimensional standards, where available.

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Page 13
EN 10272:2000

10.7 Re-tests

See EN 10021.

11 Marking

11.1 The products or the bundle or boxes shall be marked in a suitable way such that it is possible to
determine the cast, the steel grade and the origin of the delivery (see Table 14).

11.2 Special marking may be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.

Dimensions in millimetres

Type of Round cross-section products Rectangular cross-section products

test ~

Tensile d S 25 25 < d I 160 b525 25 < b I 160

a2b a2b

I 19 R

Impact a 15Sd225

q 25 < d I 160

25 < b I160

rectangular cross-section, the axis of the notch is perpendicular to the greatest rolled surface.

Figure 1 - Position of test pieces for steel bars I 160 mm diameter or thickness
(longitudinal test pieces)

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Page 14
EN 10272:2000


tr transverse

Figure 2 - Position of test pieces for steel bars > 160 m m diameter or thickness
(transverse test pieces)


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~ ~~

S T D = B S I BS EN 10272-ENGL 2000 1624bb9 0888784 031 m

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Provided by IHS under license with CEN
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IA in

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v> in in in o o o 8 q8888-X
ri- Nri- ri- m- m- in- in-
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v i

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Page 18
EN 10272:2000
Table 4 - Permissible product analysis tolerances on the limiting values given in
Tables 1 to 3 for the cast analysis

Element Specified limits, cast analysis Permissible tolerance *

%by mass %by mass
Carbon I0,030 +0,005
> 0,030 I0,22 *0,01
Silicon I1,oo *,O5
Manganese 5 1,oo *,O3
> 1,oo I2,OO *,O4
Phosphorus 50,045 +0,005
Sulfur 5 0,015 *,O03
> 0,015 < 0,030 *,O05
Nitrogen 2 0,05 I0,35 *0,01
Chromium 2 10,50 < 15,OO *O, 15
2 15,OO s 20,OO *0,20
> 20,OO S 28,OO *0,25

copper I 1,oo *0,07

> 1,oo I2,50 *o, 1o
Molybdenum I0,60 *0,03
> 0,60 < 1,75 M,05
2 1,75 5 7,OO *o, 1o
Niobium I1,oo *0,05
Nickel I 1,oo *0,03
> 1,oo I5,OO *0,07
> 5,OO s 10,oo *o, 1o
> 10,oo I20,OO *O, 15
> 20,OO S 32,OO *0,20

Titanium I0,80 *0,05

Tungsten Il,oo *0,05

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EN 10272:2000
Table 5 - Type of process route and surface finish *

Abbreviation ry-pe of process Surface finish Notes e

Iot formed lu Hot formed, not =overedwith scale Suitable for products to be further hot
heat treated, not :spot ground if formed. For semi-finished products, ground
descaled iecessary) on all sides can be specified
1c Hot formed, heat lovered with scale Suitable for products to be further
treated ', not :spot ground if processed. For semi-finished products,
descaled iecesssry) ground on all sides can be specified
1E Hot formed, heat Largely free of scale The iype of mechanical &scaling, e.g.
treated ', put some black spots grinding, peeling or shot blasting, is lef to
mechanically nay remain) the manufacturer's discretion unless
descaled otherwise agreed. Suitable for products to
be further processed
1D Hot formed, heat Free of scale Tolerance 2 IT 14 c g
treated ', pickled
Hot formed, heat Metallically clean Tolerance 2 IT 12 c g
treated ', rough
machined (peeled
or rough turned)
lold 2H Heat treated ', Smooth and bright. On products formed by cold drawing with-
xocessed mechanically or Substantially out subsequentheat reatment, the tensile
chemically smoother than strength is substantiallyincreased,
descaled, told finishes lE, 1D or 1X particularly on austenitic structure,
processed hependingon the degree of forming.
ToleranceIT9toIT 11 c g
2D Cold processed d, Smoother than Finish for good ductility
heat treated ', finishes 1E or 1D
pickled (skin-
2B Heat treated ', Smoother and he-finish for close ISO-tolerances.

(peeled), lE, ID or 1X
Special 1G or 2G Centreless ground Uniform finish. Type Surface roughness can be specified. Finish
finishing and degree of for close ISO-tolerances. Normally
processes grinding to be agreed obtained from material in finishes lE, lD,
2H or 2B. Tolerance I IT 8
1P or 2P Polished Smoother and Surface roughness can be specified. Finish
brighter than for close ISO-tolerances. Normally
finish 1G or 2G. Type obtained from material in finishes lE, lD,
and degree of 2B, lG, 2G or 2H. ToleranceIIT 11 c g
polishing to be agreed
Not all process routes and surface finishes are available for all steels.
First digit, 1 hot formed, 2 cold processed.
On ferritic, austenitic and austenitic-ferriticgrades, the heat treatment may be omitted if the conditions for hot forming
and subsequentcooling are such that the requirementsfor the mechanical properties of the product and the resistance to
intergranularcorrosion are obtained.
The type of cold processing, e. g. cold drawing, turning, or centreless grinding, is left to the manufacturer's discretion,
provided that the requirementsconcerningtolerances on dimensionsand surface roughness are respected.
The notes contain information concerningtolerances for bright bars; special agreements are necessary if such
information should become obligatory. The given standard tolerance grades IT are taken from IS0 286-1 (see annex C).
For information.
e Specific tolerance within the ranges shall be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order.

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m o


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0888793 944 D



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E R n

Y 92

3o 3 E


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Page 26
EN 10272:2000

Table 9 Minimum values for the 0,Z YOproof strength of ferritic and
martensitic steels at elevated temperatures

condition a
I Minimum 0,2 % proof strength (N/mm2)
at a temperature (in OC) of
R ~ o Jmin
name number 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

X2CrNi12 1.4003 +A 240 230 220 215 210 - -


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-I -I -I


-I 1-1 31 hl al c





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Page 28
EN 10272:2000

Table 11 - Minimum values for the 0,2 % proof strength of austenitic-ferritic steels
at elevated temperatures in the solution annealed condition (see Table A.3)

Steel designation Minimum 0,2 % proof Limit temperature a I

strength (N/mm2)Rp02, min at in OC
a temperature
(in OC) of
name number 100 150 200 250
X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 1.4462 -
360 335 315 300
X2CrNiN23-4 1.4362 330 300 280 265
X2CrNiMoCUN25-6-3 1.4507 450 420 400 380

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EN 10272:2000

Steel designation Minimum tensile strength (N/mm2)

R,, min
name number at a temperature (in OC) of
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
X2CrNi18-9 1.4307 410 380 360 350 340 340 -
X2CrNil9-11 1.4306 410 380 360 350 340 340 -
X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 490 460 430 420 410 410 -

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Page 30
EN 10272:2000

Table 13 - Tests to be carried out, test units and extent of testing in specific testing

Number of samples Number

per test unit of test

Chemical analysis I I
m Cast The cast analysis is provided
by the manufacturer

Tensile test at room m Batch 1 sample per 2 O00 kg; 1

temperature maximum of 2 per test unit;
for individual bars of masses
Impact test at room md 3
more than 2 O00 kg, only one
sample shall be taken

Tensile test at elevated Oe To be agreed at the time of 1
ternrierature enauirv and order
Impact test at low To be agreed at the time of
; :ne and order
Resistance to intergranular To be agreed at the time of
corrosion en ui andorder
Tests marked with a m (mandatory) shall be carried out as specific tests. In all cases,
those marked with an O (optional) shall be carried out as specific tests only if agreed
at the time of ordering.
A product analysis may be agreed at the time of ordering; unless otherwise agreed, one
test piece per cast shall be taken for determining the elements indicated with numerical
values for the particular steel grade in Tables 1 to 3.
Each batch consists of products coming from the same cast. The products must have
been subject to the same heat treatment cycle in the same h a c e . In the case of a
continuous h a c e or in process annealing a batch is the lot heat treated without
intermission with the same process parameters.
The shape and size of cross-sections of products in a single batch may be different
providing that the ratio of the largest to the smallest areas shall be equal or less than
Optional for austenitic steels.
Unless otherwise agreed, testing shall be carried out at the highest temperature for
which the value is specified in the relevant table.
For steels for use at low temueratures.

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EN 10272:2000

Table 14 - Marking of the products

Marking of Symbol a
Manufacturers name, trade mark or logo +
Steel name or number +
Cast number +
Identification number +
Inspectors mark +
The symbol + means that the marking shall be applied.

The numbers or letters used for identification shall allow the product(s) to be related to
the relevant inspection certificate or inspection report and to this European Standard.

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EN 10272:2000

Annex A

Guidelines for further treatment (including heat treatment) in fabrication

A.l The guidelines given in Tables A.l to A.3 are intended for hot forming and heat treatment.

A.2 Flame cutting may adversely affect edge areas; where necessary, they should be machined.

A.3 As the corrosion resistance of stainless steels is only ensured with a metallically clean surface,
layers of scale and annealing colours produced during hot forming, heat treatment or welding
should be removed as far as possible before use. Finished parts made of ferritic and martensitic
steels with a minimum of 10,5 % Cr also require the best surface condition (e.g. polished) in order
to achieve maximum resistance to corrosion.

Table A . l - Guidelines on the temperatures for hot forming and heat treatment a of ferritic

and martensitic stainless steels

Steel designation Hot forming Heat Annealing Quenching Tempering

name number Temperature Type symbol Temperature Type of Temperature Type Temperature
"C of "C cooling "C of "C
cooling cooling

X2CrNi12 1.4003 I 1OOto 800 air +A 680 to 740 air

martensitic sta iless steels

Xi2Crl3 1.4006
- I
745 to 825 air r-
950to 1 O00 oil, air 580 to 780
1 O00
680 to 800 hm.,
X17CrNi16-2 I .4057 cooling
+QT800 950 to 1 050 750 to 800 +
800 I Oil1air 650 to 700

950 to 1 050 oil, air 600 to 650
600 to 650 fum.,
+PT650 950 to 1 050 oil, air 650 to 700 +
X3CrNiMo13-4 1.4313 600 to 620
+QT780 950 to 1 050 oil, air 550 to 600
+QT900 950 to 1 050 oil, air 520 to 580
air 600 to 650 air,
900 frn.
X4CrNiMo16-5-1 1.4418
950 to 1 050 oil, air 590 to 620 e
- 950t 1050 oil, air 550 to 620
The temperatures of annealing, quenching and tempering shall be agreed for simulated heat-treated test pieces.
Double annealing might be advisable.
in the case that the nickel is at the lower side of the range specified in Table I, a single tempering at 620 to 72OOC may be sufficient.
Tempering after martensitic transformation.
Either 2 x 4 h or i x 8 h as minimum time.

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EN 10272:2000

Table A.2 - Guidelines on the temperatures for hot forming and heat treatmenta
of austenitic stainless steels

Steel designation Hot fon ng Heat Solution annealing

Type of Temperature Type of
cooling OC cooling
X2CrNi18-9 1.4307 1 O00 to 1 100
X2CrNi19-11 1.4306 1 O00 to 1 100
X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 1 O00 to 1 100
X5CrNi 18-10 1.4301 1000to 1100
X6CrNiTi 18-10 1.4541 1 020 to 1 120

X2CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4404 1020to 1120
X2CrNiMoN 17-11-2 1.4406 1 020 to 1 120
XSCrNiMol7-12-2 1.440 1 1200 1 020 to 1 120 air
to air +AT
X6CrNiMoTi 17- 12-2 1.457 1 900 1 020 to 1 120
X2CrNiMo17-12-3 1.4432 1 020 to 1 120
X2CrNiMol8- 14-3 1.4435 1 020 to 1 120
X2CrNiMoN17-13-5 1.4439 1 020 to 1 120
XlNiCrMoCu25-20-5 1.4539
X6CrNiNbl8-10 1.4550 1 150 to 850
X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2 1.4580 1150to850 1 020 to 1 120
X2CrNiMoN17- 13-3 1.4429 1020 to 1 120
1 200 to 900
X3CrNiMol7- 13-3 1.4436 1 0 2 0 to 1 120
1050 to 1 150

1 140 to 1 200
1 120 to 1 180
The temperatures of solution annealing shall be agreed for simulated heat-treated test pieces.
The solution annealing may be omitted, if the conditions for hot working and subsequent cooling are
such that the requirements for the mechanical properties of the product and the resistance to intergranular
corrosion as defined in IS0 365 1-2 are obtained and maintained after an additional solution annealing.
The lower end of the range specified for solution annealing should be aimed at for heat treatment as part
of further processing, because otherwise the mechanical properties might be affected. If the temperature
of hot forming does not drop below the lower temperature for solution annealing, a temperature of
980 "C is adequate as lower limit for Mo-free steels, a temperature of 1 O00 OC for steels with Mo
contents up to 3 % and a temperature of 1 020 "C for steels with Mo contents exceeding 3 %.
Cooling sufficiently rapid.

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EN 10272:2000

Table A.3 - Guidelines on the temperatures for hot forming and heat treatment' of
austenitic-ferritic stainless steels

Steel designation Hot forming Heat Solution annealing

name number Temperature Type of Temperature Type of
"C cooling
X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 1.4462 1 200 to 950 i 020 to 1 100 water, air
X2CrNiN23-4 950 to 1 050 water, air
1 040 to 1 120 water
air +AT
to 1 040 to 1 120 water
X2CrNiMoCuWN25-7-4 I 1.4501 I 1 000 I 1 040 to 1 120 water
The temperatures of solution annealing shall be agreed for simulated heat-treated test pieces.

I Cooling sufficiently rapid.

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EN 10272:2000

Annex B

Preliminary reference data for the tensile strength of austenitic-ferritic steels at elevated

Table B.1- Minimum values for the tensile strength of austenitic-ferritic steels at elevated
temperatures in the solution annealed condition (see A.3)

Steel designation Minimum tensile strength

R,, min.
at a temperature
(in OC) of
name number 100 I 150 I 200 I 250
X2CrNiN23-4 1.4362 540 I 520 I 500 I 490 I
I X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 I 1.4462 590 I 570 I 550 I 540 I
X2CrNiMoCuN25-6-3 1.4507


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EN 10272:2000

Annex C

Applicable dimensional standards

EN 10278, Dimensions and tolerances of bright steelproducts

prEN 10058:2000,Hot rolledgat steel barsfor general purposes - Dimensions and tolerances on
shape and dimensions

prEN 10059:2000, Hot rolled square steel barsfor generalpurposes - Dimensions and tolerances
on shape and dimensions

prEN 10060:2000,Hot rolled round steel bars - Dimensions and tolerances on shape and

prEN 10061:2000, Hot rolled hexagon steel bars - Dimensions and tolerances on shape and

I S 0 286- I, I S 0 system of limits andfits - Part 1: Bases of tolerances, deviations andfits

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EN 10272:2000

Annex D

National A-deviations

A-deviation: National deviati ns due to regulations, the alteration of which is for the time b-ing
outside the competence of the CENKENELEC member.

In the relevant CENKENELEC countries these A-deviations are valid instead of the provisions of
the European Standard until they have been removed. This A-deviation becomes however invalid
when the EU Directive 97/23/EC comes generally into force, at latest 2002-05-30.

Swedish national legislative deviations on stainless steel bars for pressure purposes in
accordance with EN 10272.

This European Standard is, partly not considering the specific requirements laid down in Ordinance
AFS 1994-3g1), in conflict with the Swedish regulatory system which only accepts steels for which
the specific properties are adequately validated and documented in Sweden. Only the following
grades (given by the steel numbers) are therefore accepted for use in Sweden.

Austenitic steels: 1.4306,1.4307,1.4311,1.4404,1.4429,1.4432,1.4435,1.4436,1.4539,1.4541.


1.4550 and 1.4571.

) AFS is the abbreviation for the set of ordinances of the Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and

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Annex ZA

Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other provisions of

EU Directives

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European
Commission and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 97/23/EC.

Warning: Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s)
falling within the scope of this European Standard.

The clauses of this European Standard are likely to support the essential requirements of section 4
of annex 1, ?Essential safety requirements? of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (but see
Table 6, footnote e).

Compliance with this European Standard provides one means of conforming with the specific
essential requirements of the Directive concerned.


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EN 10272:2000


EN 10269, Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated a d o r low temperature

EN 10273, Hot rolled weldable steel bars for pressure purposes with specified elevated
temperature properties

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