Unit 3

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PART - A (2 marks)
1. Define effective length of a column. (NOV/DEC 11)
The effective length KL is calculated from the actual length L, of the member considering the
rotational and relative translational boundary conditions at the ends.
(Refer table 11 in IS 800-2007)

2. Draw a neat sketch of column with double lacing and mention the specifications for
lacing. (NOV/DEC 11)

3. What are the different types of column base connections? (MAY/JUNE 12)
There are two types of column bases commonly used in practice:
Slab base
Gusseted base

06 Semester Civil CE2352 Design of steel structures. by M.Alaguraj AP / Civil Page 1

4. How does the code account for imperfections in a compression member?
Common hot rolled and built up steel members used for carrying axial compression,
usually fail by flexural buckling.
The buckling strength of these members is affected by residual stresses, initial below
and accidental eccentricities of load.
To account for all these factors, the strength of member subjected to axial compression
is defined by buckling class a, b, c, d are given in table 7 in IS-800:2007.

5. What do you mean by latticed column? (MAY/JUNE 12)

To achieve maximum value for minimum radius of gyration, without increasing the area of
the section a number of elements are placed away from the principal axis using suitable lateral
system. Rolled steel flats and angles are used for lacing. The lacing provided in a column the
column is called latticed column.
6. What is the use of lug angle? (MAY/JUNE 12)
Lug angles connecting outstanding leg of a channel shaped member shall, as far as possible,
be disposed symmetrically with respect to the section of the member.

7. Draw the shapes of compression members.

8. What is the formula for effective sectional area required?

Pd=design strength
Fcd= design stress in compression

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9. What are the steps involved in design of compression members?

10. What is meant by short strut?

If the strut is short, the applied forces will cause a compressive strain, which results in
the shortening of the strut in the direction of the applied forces.

11. Draw the diagram of buckling of column

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12.what are the assumptions made in Eulers analysis

1. The material is homogeneous and linearly elastic (i.e. it obeys Hookes Law).
2. The strut is perfectly straight and there are no imperfections.
3. The loading is applied at the centroid of the cross section at the ends.
13. What are the effect of strain hardening and the absence of clearly defined yield point?
If the material of the column shows strain hardening after a yield platen, the onset of first
yield will not be affected, but the collapse load may be increased. Designers tend to ignore the
effect of strain hardening which in fact provides an additional margin of safety.
High strength steels generally have stress-strain curves without a clear yield point. At
stresses above the limit of proportionality (fp), the material behaviour is non-linear and on
unloading and reloading the material is linear-elastic. Most high strength structural steels have
an ultimate stress beyond which the curve becomes more or less horizontal.

14. Write the effect of eccentricity of applied loading

As has already been pointed out, it is impossible to ensure that the load is applied at the
exact centroid of the column. Fig. shows a straight column with a small eccentricity (e) in the
applied loading. The applied load (P) induces a bending moment (P.e) at every cross section.
This would cause the column to deflect laterally,in a manner similar to the initially deformed
member discussed previously. Once againthe greatest compressive stress will occur at the

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concave face of the column at a section midway along its length. The load-deflection response
for purely elastic andelastic-plastic behaviour is similar to those described in Fig. except that the
deflection is zero at zero load.

15. What are the buckled modes for different end connections?

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16. What are the different effective lengths for different boundary condition?
Boundary conditions Theory Code value
Both ends pin ended 1.0L 1.0L

Both ends fixed 0.5L 0.65L

One end fixed and the other end pinned 0.707L 0.8L

One end fixed, and the other free to

sway 1.2L 1.2L

One end fixed and the other end free 2.0L 2.0L

17. What is meant by flexural buckling and torsional flexural buckling?

When the strut buckles by bending in a plane of symmetry of the cross section, referred
to as flexural buckling.

Singly symmetric or un-symmetric cross-sections may undergo combined twisting about

the shear centre and a translation of the shear centre. This is known as torsional flexural

18. What are Steps in the design of axially loaded columns?

The procedure for the design of an axially compressed column is as follows:

(i) Assume a suitable trial section and classify the section in accordance with the classification in
(ii) Arrive at the effective length of the column by suitably considering the end conditions.
(iii) Calculate the slenderness ratios ( values) in both minor and major axes direction
(iv) Calculate fcd values along both major and minor axes
(v) Compute the load that the compression member can resist (pd=Acfcd)

19. Write about batten plates compression member.

When compression members are required for large structures like bridges, it willbe
necessary to use built-up sections. They are particularly useful when loads are heavy and
members are long (e.g. top chords of Bridge Trusses). Built up sections [illustrated in Fig.] are
popular in India when heavy loads are encountered.
The cross section consists of two channel sections connected on their open sides with
some type of lacing or latticing (dotted lines) to hold the parts togetherand ensure that they act
together as one unit. The ends of these members areconnected with batten plates which tie
the ends together.

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20. What are the three classifications for determination of size of plate?
Class I- will pertain to all base plates the moment on which is so small in proportion to the direct
load that there is compression over the entire area between the bottom of the base and its

Class II- will pertain a comparatively small range of base plates which have tension over a small
portion - one - third or loss of the area

Class III- will include those which are exposed to a comparatively large moment and which
therefore have tension over a large portion - more than one -third of the area between the
bottom of the base plate and its concrete footing.

21. Draw the column base plate diagram

22. What is the purpose for providing anchors bolt in base plate?
Anchor bolts are provided to stabilize the column during erection and to prevent uplift for
cases involving large moments. Anchor bolts can be cast-in place bolts or drilled-in bolts. The
latter are placed after the concrete in set and are not too often used. Their design is governed
by the manufacturer's specifications. Cast-in-place bolts are hooked bars, bolts, or threaded
rods with nuts (figure) placed before the concrete is set.

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1. in a truss a strut 3m long consists of two angles ISA 100100, 6mm.find the factored
strength of the member if the angles are connected on both sides of 12mm gusset
plate by
i) One bolt
ii) Two bolt
iii) Welding, which makes the joint rigid.

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2. Determine the load carrying capacity of the column section shown in fig. If its actual
length is 4.5m.its one end may be assumed fixed and other end hinged. The grade of
steel is Fe415.

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3. A column am long has to support a factored load of 6000kN.the column is effectively
held at both and restrained in direction at one of the ends. Design the column using
beam section and plates.

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4. Design a single angle strut connected to the gusset plate to carry 180Kn factored load.
The length of the strut between centre to centre intersections is 3m.

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5. Design a laced column with two channels back to back of length 10m to carry an axial
factored load of 1400kN.the column may be assumed to have restrained in position but
not in direction at both ends.

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6. Design the built up section as shown in fig. Using battens.

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7. A column section ISHB 300@577 N/m is carrying a factored axial load of 600 kN. A
factored moment of 30N-m and a factored shear force of 60 kN. Design a suitable column
splice. Assume ends are milled.

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8.a upper storey column ISHB 300 @577N/m carries a factored load of 1200 kN and a
factored moment of 12 kN-m.it is to be spliced with lower storey column ISHB 400
@806N/m. design a suitable splice.

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9. Design a slab base for a column ISHB 300 @577N/m carrying an axial factored load of
1000 kN.M20 concrete is used for the foundation. Provide welded connection between
column and base plate.

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10. Design a gusseted base for a column ISHB 350 @710N/m with two plates
450mmx20mm carrying a factored load of 3600 kN. The column is to be supported on
concrete pedestal to be built with M20 concrete.

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