Lesson: Three Unit Overview

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Rebecca Wambui Muriuki ADVERBS Grade 1

Lesson: Three

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Unit will enable students to identify and There will be a final and midterm exam on
write down adverbs. adverbs. The students will be given fill in
the blank questions and they will select
from a 3 choice list which adverb is best
fit for the verb given in the sentence.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

Student will be able to define what an
What is an adverb? adverb is.
What do adverbs describe? The student will identify adverbs.
How can adverbs be used in a sentence? The students will demonstrate how to use
adverbs to describe a verb and use them
in a sentence.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10- Beginning the Lesson
10:05 Teacher does two activities; first she walks quickly to the back of the class
AM and then she asks the students what she did. She then writes on the board
the title adjectives and underneath it the phrase walk quickly. Teacher
then jumps high three times and asks the students what she did, then writes
on the board jump high.

10:15 Developing the Lesson
AM Teacher describes an adjective as a word that modifies a verb. She gives
the two examples: walk quickly and jump high as examples. She then gives a
worksheet to each student with two sections. One section has 5 verbs listed
and the students are to give any adverb that can be used to describe it. The
second section has blank spaces for the students to write down 5 adverbs
they can think about. The students work in pairs and triads, and the teacher
walks round the class while the students work to help anyone who is stuck.
This activity takes 10 minutes. Teacher then reviews the worksheet with the
class and gives a list of adverbs from what the students have written. She
writes them on the board.

AM Closing the Lesson
Teacher gives the students to ask any questions that they may have. She
then concludes by giving a brief summary of what adverbs are and one or two
examples of adverbs. She then distributes homework sheets with 8 questions
that require the students to fill in the blank with an appropriate adverb for the
sentences given.

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Rebecca Wambui Muriuki ADVERBS Grade 1

Visual students watch the teacher move to

Worksheets are given to the students in act out the adverbs.
class. Collaboration when the students discuss
Homework that is due at the next class is with their partner.
given to individual students. Individual work given to the students for

Marker pen, whiteboard, worksheets, homeworksheets.

Rebecca Wambui Action ABCs: Creating A Verb Alphabet Book Lesson
Kindergarten 1-2


Term Definition Resources

Unit Overview Main Idea and Summative Assessment
copied from the unit plan in order to keep Students writing will improve
the goal in mind during the writing and after understanding verbs learning
implementation of the lesson plan. how to use them in sentences
both in class and in their daily
Guiding Questions these questions guide the inquiry for
the lesson, leading students toward a What will the student learn about
rich understanding of the objectives for verbs?
the lesson and ultimately, the unit.
Factual- knowledge or fact-based Why will the student learn about
Conceptual- questions that enable How will the student apply what
exploration of big ideas that connect they have learnt about verbs?
facts and topics
Debatable- questions that expose areas
of ambiguity, disagreement, or tension
within the unit of study
Objectives The specific aims of the lesson. As a The student will improve in writing
result of the instruction, this is what the by gaining a better understanding
students are expected to know, of what verbs are and how to use
understand, and be able to do. These them in a sentence.
should align with and lead to the unit
understandings, knowledge and skills.
Time - Marks the amount of time needed for 20 minutes
each stage of the lesson. Enables
effective time-management for the
Beginning the The opening or warm-up that will Teacher gathers the students
Lesson engage the learner, producing creative together on a carpet area and
tension. May include review and/or tells them they are going to play a
activation of prior knowledge. game where they will act out
words the teacher says.

Developing the The content learned and the strategies The teacher then asks students to
Lesson employed towards that end brainstorm verbs for the different
letters of the alphabet.

Closing the Lesson A conclusion or review of what was Teacher encourages the students
learned, providing closure to the lesson. to reflect upon the lesson by
sharing what they learned.
Formative Assessment throughout the lesson that Sheet should be submitted after
Assessment provides feedback that can be used to plan filling and the teacher will go
or alter instruction. Should prepare through each.
students for the summative assessment.
Differentiation ways of modifying instruction to meet Each student fills in the verb
the needs of diverse learners according to a letter of the
alphabet which they are assigned
Rebecca Wambui Action ABCs: Creating A Verb Alphabet Book Lesson
Kindergarten 1-2

Resources any texts, materials, technology, Blank sheets and book, class act
people, places or other resources that
have informed the unit and learning

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