Math Science Reading Auditory: Answer The Following Questions
Math Science Reading Auditory: Answer The Following Questions
Math Science Reading Auditory: Answer The Following Questions
Make notes about activities you observe in the classroom which use the learning
styles below:
Auditory Listen to the number Listen to News videos, Listen to sight word
Visual Matching the leaves to Observe the real leaves, Draw eyes for word
Kinesthetic Dance with video Go to balcony and observe Go to sight word and
Which learning styles did all the children seem to enjoy and why?
Bodily- Kinesthetic learning style, because student in this age 5 to 6 very active
and love to learn by playing.
Why do you think the teacher incorporates a variety of learning styles for
the children?
Because not all children are in same ability of learn so some student maybe dont
like to listen only they like to draw or move , so the teacher try to use deferent
learning style in one lesson to take attention from the students.
Notice which activities are repeated with a variety of learning styles e.g.
read a story, listen to a story, act the story, draw the story. Can you find
other examples e.g., math or science
-Go to discovery area and explore what the teacher need from this activity for
example, matching activity.
By observe each student and take note of what s/he like and good of it, so
the teacher should do develop their skills about what they didnt like.
Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer
A List of resources that target specific scientific skills and concepts in the school:
Resources for Science Scientific Skill(s) / Concept(s) that can be Exploring on possible activities to develop
teaching classroom: developed with it. mathematical skills and concepts using these
Magnifying glasses
Wind measuring device - Inferring. - Observe the movement of the
device to sure the strong of
wind and in which side.
- Predict and observe the wind.
- Speed (low, high)
Rain Gaug
- Big/Small. Measure.