Optimization of CNC Turning Process Parameters On Aluminium 6063 Using Response Surface Methodology
Optimization of CNC Turning Process Parameters On Aluminium 6063 Using Response Surface Methodology
Optimization of CNC Turning Process Parameters On Aluminium 6063 Using Response Surface Methodology
This project presents the effect of process parameter in turning operation to predict surface roughness. The turning
process by using CNC turning lathe is widely used in industry because of its versatility and efficiency. Applications of the
turning process can be found in many industries ranging from large engine manufactures to small die shops. The parameters
that affect the turning operation are vibration, tool wear, surface roughness etc. Among this surface roughness is an important
factor that affects the quality in manufacturing process. The main objective of this project is to predict the surface roughness on
aluminium 6063, by optimizing the input parameters such as spindle speed, feed rate and depth of cut by using coated carbide
tool. A second order mathematical model is developed using regression technique and optimization is carried out using Box-
Behnken of response surface methodology. The application of response surface methodology for optimizing the input
parameters such as spindle speed (rpm), feed rate (mm/min) and depth of cut (mm), the output parameter surface roughness
can also be optimized for economical production. Therefore, this study attempts the application of response surface
methodology to find the optimal solution of the cutting conditions for giving the minimum value of surface roughness using
design- expert 8.0 software
Turning is the process whereby a single point The turning processes are typically carried out on a lathe,
cutting tool is parallel to the surface. It can be done considered to be the oldest machine tools, and can be of
manually, in a traditional form of lathe, which frequently four different types such as straight turning, taper turning,
requires continuous supervision by the operator,or by using profiling or external grooving. Those types of turning
a computer controlled and automated lathe which does not. processes can produce various shapes performance
This type of machine tool is referred to as having computer measures surface roughness and flank wear were
numerical control, better known as CNC, and is commonly investigated. The relationship between the machining input
used with many other types of machine tool besides the parameters of materials such as straight, conical, curved,
lathe. or grooved work piece. In general, turning uses
When turning, a piece of material (wood, metal, plastic simple single-point cutting tools. Each group of work piece
even stone) is rotated and a cutting tool is traversed along 2 materials has an optimum set of tools angles which have
axes of motion to produce precise diameters and depths. been developed through the years
Turning can be either on the outside of the cylinder or on
the inside and produce tubular components to various 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
geometries. Although now quite rare, early lathes could 1. K.Saravanakumar, Dr.A.K.ShaikDawood,
even be used to produce complex geometric figures, even (ESTIJ),(August
the platonic solids; although until the advent of CNC it had 2012)This paper is aimed at conducting experiments on
become unusual to use one for this purpose for the last Inconel 718 and investigation the influence of
International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences IJETS
ISSN(P): 2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976
Volume III, Issue IV, April- 2016
machining process parameters such as cutting speed (X1, 3.1 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION:
m/min), feed rate(X2, mm/rev), and depth of cut (X3, mm)
on the output parameters such as material removal rate and Turning is the process whereby a single point
cutting tool is parallel to the surface. It can be done
surface roughness. By optimizing input parameters such as
manually, in a traditional form of lathe, which frequently
cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut, etc., the output requires continuous supervision by the operator, or by
parameters like surface finish and metal removal rate can using a computer controlled and automated lathe which
also be optimized for economical production. Number of does not. This type of machine tool is referred to as
experiments had been conducted with suitable having computer numerical control, better known as CNC,
combinations of input parameters. Relationship between and is commonly used with many other types of machine
material removal rate and input parameters and between tool besides the lathe. When turning, a piece
of material (wood, metal, plastic even stone) is rotated and
surface roughness and input parameters are arrived through
a cutting tool is traversed along 2 axes of motion to
Design expert software. These regression equations are produce precise diameters and depths. Turning can be
solved using genetic algorithm tool. either on the outside of the cylinder or on the inside and
2. Mr.Ch.Madhu.V.N, .Prof., A.V.N.L. Sharma, produce tubular components to various geometries.
Dr.K.VenkataSubbiah, (April 2012) The main objective of Although now quite rare, early lathes could even be used to
this paper is to predict the surface roughness on Work produce complex geometric figures, even the platonic
piece material TITANIUM. In machining process, solids; although until the advent of CNC it had become
unusual to use one for this purpose for the last three
Surface roughness is an important index to evaluate cutting
quarters of the twentieth century. It is said that the lathe is
performance. The influence of cutting speed, feed rate and the only machine tool that can reproduce itself.
depth of cut on the surface roughness is examined. The Traditionally, the selection of cutting conditions
model for the surface roughness, as a function of cutting for machining was left to the machine operator. In such
parameters, is obtained using ANN in MATLAB7.This cases, the experience of the operator plays a major role, but
research is to carry out the experiments by selecting even for a skilled operator it is very difficult to attain the
optimum values each time. Thus the selection of cutting
different variables and their levels, applying artificial
parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut
neural network (ANN) and then analyzing the results for machining became difficult and it created great impact
obtained. in product quality.
This trend toward automation has created a need in
3. J.S.Senthilkumaar,P.Selvarani, R.M.Arunachalam, industry for a comprehensive approach to product quality.
(November 2010)Inconel 718 is widely used in aerospace To realize successfully full automation in machining,
industries because of their ability to withstand excessive approaches and devices to predict and monitor
loads even at elevated temperature. This property makes it, continuously and reliably the machining process are
one of the most difficult to machining the material with needed. These will allow quality assurance to be merged
inferior surface quality and rapid tool wear. Cutting with manufacturing processes, with the goal of
experiments were conducted as per the full factorial design approaching Zero defect production. A large number of
under dry cutting conditions. The effects of the machining theoretical and experimental studies on surface profile and
parameters on these studies show that cutting conditions, roughness of machined products have been reported.
tool wear, the material properties of tool and work piece, as Cutting/process parameters (including cutting speed, depth
well as cutting speed V (m/min), feed rate f (mm/rev) of cut, feed rate, and tool geometry) significantly influence
and depth of cut a (mm) and Surface roughness Ra ( the surface finish of machined parts.
m) Flank wear VB (mm) Surface roughness Ra ( m)
Flank wear VB (mm) the performance measures were
established using the nonlinear regression analysisfactors
level, its significance to influence the surface roughness
and flank wear for the tuning and facing processes.
International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences IJETS
ISSN(P): 2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976
Volume III, Issue IV, April- 2016
Bicycle frames
Camera lenses
Electrical fittings and connectors
Al Bal
Si 0.40-0.80
Fe 0.70 max
Cu 0.15-0.40
Mn 0.15 Figure. 5.5.1, Surface interaction dimensional views and
Mg 0.8-1.2 direct effect views of spindle speed and feed rate over
Cr surface roughness.
Zn 0.25 max As the spindle speed increases from 1000 rpm to 2000
Ti 0.15 max
rpm the surface roughness value is reduced from 0.68 to
0.05 max 0.62 m, where feed rate has the inverse relationship on
Others surface roughness compared to the spindle speed. From
0.15 max the result it is concluded that the change in feed rate
Table 5.2 Factors and Levels tabulation (0.06-0.08 mm/min) has significant effect on surface
roughness (0.64-0.680.66m) at higher spindle speed
results. (2000rpm) whereas the change in feed rate (0.06-0.08
mm/min) has no significant effect on surface roughness
5.5Results and discussion: Response surface
(0.67-0.68m) at lower spindle speed (1000 rpm). The
conclusion can also be verified from the ANOVA.
5.5.1 Interaction effect of spindle speed,
5.5.2 Interaction effect of feed rate
The interaction and direct effect of spindle speed on
The interaction and direct effect of spindle speed on
surface roughness is discussed below.Fig.5.9.1, shows
surface roughness is discussed below. Surface roughness
the interaction and direct effect of feed rate and spindle
is discussed below
speed on surface roughness. The above interaction figure
evidenced that the spindle speed and feed rate on the
surface roughness of turning process has a significant
International Journal On Engineering Technology and Sciences IJETS
ISSN(P): 2349-3968, ISSN (O): 2349-3976
Volume III, Issue IV, April- 2016