Brave Potatoes
Brave Potatoes
Brave Potatoes
BOX SUB HEADING: Production and Distribution of Writing
STANDARD: W3.4 With guidance and support from adults,
produce writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task and purpose.
*Brave Potatoes
Potato for each student
Smart Board
Notebook paper
To get my students attention I will have potatoes sat out on their
desks when they get back from their specials class. Each student
will have one when they walk in the door. On the way into the
classroom I will tell them not to touch whatever is on their desk
until we are all in the room.
Today we will be describing potatoes! We will be using our potatoes
to list characteristics we see then we will get to use new exciting
words from our book to make our own story about potatoes!
Before we start, on the Smart board there will be a chart. One
column will say how we describe a potato the right will say How
the book describes a potato. The right column will have the words
brave, prize, rolling, wide-awake, fearless, aviating, wee buds,
mesmerizing, death-deifying, spinning, and chief-defying.
To start each student will be sitting at their desk (or in front of the
Smart board). We will then talk about how words can describe
different things. To describe the potatoes we will use our senses.
Ask the class What are our five senses? (taste (we will not do),
sight (what does it look like? Color, bumpy, hard?), smell (does it
have a smell), touch (what does it feel like), hearing (does it make a
sound? Pick it up and drop it on the table.) When they give an
answer write it in the column that says how we describe a potato.
Under this section we should end up with 20-25 different things.
Then we will look at the column that said how the book describes a
potato to see if we put any words that the book talked about.
(There will not be any of the same words.)
After we talk about our potatoes we will go to the carpet and read
the book.
When we are finished we will talk about how the book used different
words to make the story more interesting and caught our attention.
Today we described regular potatoes then used exciting new
describing words like daredevil, fearless, and brave to make
exciting stories about our potatoes!
Lower level students will use 5 words from the book to make a 3-4
sentence story about a potato. Higher students will come up with
their own words, not using words from the book, to make their 2
paragraph story.