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World of Payment Towards Mobile Payments

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World of Payment towards Mobile Payments

Akshata Churi Prof. Madhuri Gedam

M.E Student Department of Computer Engineering
Shree L.R. Tiwari College Of Engineering Shree L. R Tiwari College of Engineering
Kanakiya Park, Mira Road (East), 401107 Kanakiya Park, Mira Road (East), 401107
University of Mumbai

Abstract Mobile Payment which is developing subclass of a standards and allow the systems to be forward as well as
E-payment system proves its importance in our developing backward compatible.
economies. M-payment technique which proves its betterness to d)Security, Privacy and Trust: A customer must be able to
avoid frauds and supports customer as well as Seller with cashless trust a mobile payment application provider that his or her
system. This paper present study about various methods of
credit or debit card information may not be misused. As well
making mobile payments which is useful for knowing m- as customers privacy details should not reveal, it should be
payment very well.
foolproof, resistant to attacks from hackers and terrorists. This
Index Terms - Mobile banking payment system, E-
may be provided by using public key infrastructure security,
money, E-cash, M -payment
biometrics and passwords protection for authentication.
e)Cost:The m-payments should not be costlier than existing
I. INTRODUCTION payment systems.
f)Speed:The speed at which m-payments transactions are
As mobile phones have become commonplace throughout
executed should be acceptable b both the parties customers
the world there has been an increasing focus on their potential
and Sellers.
use for making payments. Adoption of mobile payments in our
g)Globally Availability: To become widely accepted the m-
country prove its benefits very well .Mobile payments are a
payment application must be available globally, word-wide.
natural evolution e-payment schemes that will facilitate mobile
commerce. A mobile payment or m-payment can be defined as
any payment where a mobile device is used to initialise, Mobile Payment Solutions
authorize and confirm an exchange of financial value in return Mobile payment solutions can be available in three different
for goods or services.[1] Mobile devices may include mobile models: [3]
phones, PDAs, wireless tablets and any other device that 1.1) Bank account based
connect to mobile telecommunication network and make it 1.2) Credit card based
possible for payments to be made. Mobile payments 1.3) Telecommunication company billing based
techniques replaces the use of cash, cheques, debit cards and 1.1 Bank Account based M-Payment
credit cards. It can also be used for payment of electricity bills, In this model as Banks and Telecommunication operators both
mobile recharge, and insurance premiums with access to have several million customers , they both collaborate to
account-based payment instruments such as electronic funds provide an m-payment solution as it is profitable for both
transfer, Internet banking payments. industries. In this model, the bank account is linked to the
mobile phone number of the customer. When the customer
makes an m-payment transaction with a seller, customer
Mobile Payment Characteristics account is debited with appropriate amount and the amount is
A mobile payment service has following characteristics: [3]
credited to the sellers account.
a)Simplicity and Usability: The m-payment application must
1.2 Credit Card based M-Payment
be user friendly that it should be quickly adaptable by its users
In the credit card based m-payment model, the credit card
with little or no learning .The customer must also be able to
number is linked to the mobile phone number of the customer.
personalize the application to suit his or her When the customer makes an m-payment transaction with a
convenience. seller, the credit card is charged and the appropriate amount is
b)Universality: M-payments service must provide credited to the sellers account.Although India as a developing
for transactions between customer to customer economy has limited number of Credit cards so, depending
upon these model limited number of M-payments supports.
(C2C), or from a business to a customer (B2C) or 1.3 Telecommunication Company Billing of M-Payments
between businesses (B2B). The coverage should Customers may make payment to sellers by using his or her
include domestic, regional and global environment. mobile phone and this may be charged to the mobile phone
c)Interoperability: Development of the bills of the customer. The customer then pay the bills to
applications should be in phase with existing telecommunication company.This may be further classified
into prepaid airtime (debit) and postpaid subscription (credit).
which is tedious work for customer which results in waste of
2.Technologies for M-payments 2.6 Near Field Communication (NFC)
The mobile technology provides various ways for NFC is the fusion of contactless smartcard (RFID) and a
implementing m-payments which are described as below : mobile phone.[4] The mobile phone can be used as a
2.1 Short Message Service (SMS) contactless card. NFC enabled phones can act as RFID tags or
This is a text message service that enables short messages that readers. This creates opportunity to make innovative
can be transmitted from a mobile phone. Short messages are applicatios.
stored and forwarded by SMS centers. SMS can be used to 2.7 Dual Chip
provide information about the status of ones account with the Usually the m-payment application is integrated into the SIM
bank or can be used to transmit payment instructions from the card. Normally, SIM cards are purchased in bulk by telecom
phone. companies and then customized for use before sale. [3] If the
2.2 Unstructured Supplementary Services Delivery (USSD) m-payment application service provider has to write an m-
[*99# - National Unified USSD Platform (NUUP)] payment application in the SIM card, this has to be done in
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) is a collaboration with the telecommunications operator. To avoid
technology unique to GSM. USSD provides session-based this, dual chip phones have two slots one for a SIM card and
communication. USSD is session oriented transaction-oriented another for a payment chip card.
technology while SMS is a store-and-forward technology. To 2.8 Mobile Wallet
use this technology you have to link your mobile phone A m-payment application software that resides on the mobile
number with your bank account, You will get your Mobile phone with details of the customer which allows the customer
Money Identifier (MMID) and Mobile PIN (MPIN) upon to make payments using the mobile phone is called as a mobile
registration, Remember your MMID and MPIN, Dial *99# wallet. Customers can multi-home with several debit or credit
from your phone and select appropriate options depending payment instruments in a single wallet. Several
upon requirements and proceed with the transaction. implementations of wallets that are company-specific are in
Turnaround response times for interactive applications are use globally. Used in purchasing items on-line with a computer
shorter for USSD than SMS. or a smartphone at a store. An individual's account is required
2.3 WAP/GPRS to be linked to the digital wallet to load money in it. Most
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a mobile data service banks have their e-wallets and some private companies.
available to GSM users. GPRS provides packet-switched data 1. Consumer Wallet Limits: Rs.20, 000/month for all.
for GSM networks. GPRS enables services are provided to its Rs.1 lakh/month with KYC
users. It will connect 34 worlds largest Mobile Network
Operators (MNOs) & all Credit and Debit card applications [ DOWNLOA DS THE APP ON SMARTPHONE
hosted on the Universal Integrated Circuit Chip to targets 1.5 SIGN UP USING MOBILE LOAD MONEY USING
billion customers worldwide. DEBIT CARD/CREDIT CARD OF NETBANKING
The client m-payment application can reside on the mobile 2. Sellers Wallet Limits: Rs.50, 000/month with Self
phone of the customer. This application can be developed in Declaration. Rs.1 lakh/month with KYC
Java for GSM mobile phones and in Binary Runtime
Environment for Wireless for CDMA mobile phones. The user [ SHOPKEEPER /SERVICE PROVIDER DOWNLOAD
has the option of accessing a menu selection program, in order S THE APP SIGN UP USING MOBILE SELF
to register his account and later carrying out an inquiry and DECLARE ITSELF AS A MERCHANT START
transfer of money. The Java based application solution is much ACCEPTING PAYMENT ]
easier to use because it is menu driven & provides user with Basic Requirements to Start Using a Wallet: Bank
the effective GUIs. Java application is more secure than the Account, Smartphone, 2G/3G Connection & a Free Wallet
USSD based solution. App
2.5 SIM-based Application
The subscriber identity module (SIM) used in GSM mobile 3.Network Requirements:
phones is a smart card with its own processing power and To increase profit in business Telecomm service providers as
memory. The information in the SIM can be protected for well as Financial institutions depends on computer networks
security purpose using some cryptographic algorithms. This to connect offices, partners, suppliers and most importantly
makes SIM applications relatively more secure than client customer. As the volume of financial transaction increases, the
applications that reside on the mobile phone, because it helps payment infrastructure must increase with it appropriately.
customer whenever the customer acquires a new handset, only Servers must be powerful enough to support the rapidly
the SIM card needs to be moved.[4] If the application is placed expanding customer base.The new payment methods should
on the phone, a new handset has to be personalized again, help to decrease transaction time, automate transaction.
Communication channels with higher bandwidth need to be
established to support the high volume of traffic. To support generating sufficient pieces of evidence.Ensuring proper
the real time requirements of most financial transactions, authorization is important as it provides provision for
networks supporting high transmission speeds are also needed. signatures, may be given legal status, at the right place
The network should be Reliable enough to avoid point of for the authorization.
failure.Redundancy is required to avoid failures, redundancy is 5.4.2. Privacy for Payer and Payee
achieved by having multiple routes for network traffic from the Users of mobile payment systems need the assurance
source to the destination, multiple telecommunications circuits that their financial information remains confidential
and / or alternative communications technologies. In mobile throughout the transaction, that only such information
payment, wire less networks begins to implement personal that the user considers needed to be disclosed, is
mobility ,service providrs mobility.Personal mobility is the actually disclosed. Further, the user needs the
ability of the user to access their required services independent confidence that the revealed information, which is
of their attachment point to the terminal . Service provider considered as confidential but has been disclosed due to
portability allows the user and/or the terminal to move beyond the need , is not used by any legal or real receipt entity.
regional mobile network.[2] The user wil be able to receive his 5.4.3. Fair Exchange
personalized end-to-end services regardless of the current In the electronic and mobile world, a party does not
network, within the limits of the visited network's service always have a physically identifiable place of doing
offerings. This freedom then requires the coordination of a business.[6] After behaving unfairly in the electronic
transaction, a party can simply vanish without a trace. In
wide range of service providers, compatibility of backbone
such cases, it may be next to impossible to enforce the
networks, and network operator's agreements.
penalties of the contract leading to losses for the other
party. For example, let a customer buy a product from a
4..Database Requirements seller. The customer pays for the product in some
Mobile Payment Systems process large amounts of data every manner. However, once the seller receives the payment
day. To manage this data, techniques must be developed that the merchant never delivers the product. This causes
can store and retrieve the data quickly and efficiently. As the financial loss for the customer. Thus, any electronic
volume increases, the technological infrastructure must be able payment scheme must ensure that at the end of the
to scale up appropriately. Powerful database engines are used protocol execution, each transacting party receives the
to support these functionalities. Storage and retrieval others product or none does.
performance of data depends not only how the data is logically
organized in the database by using relational database but also 6. Conclusion:
on the hardware platform on which that system is developed & With the rapid development of the Internet, information
which is used to store that data. Relational database design is a technology and electronics industry Mobile commerce system
technique which enables user to organize data in a user is developing rapidly. In this paper we have discussed
friendly manner. The results of relational database design are feasibility of mobile commerce and we analyse it for beginning
relations or tables, which can be efficiently stored and towards next generation of payment system.
retrieved data. Thus, using relational databases is a good In developing economies, the focus has been on encouraging
choice for providing storage and retrieval support for Mobile financial inclusion through mobile payments and ensuring
payment systems. Designing the database as well as providing appropriate regulation of the new products. In advanced
controlled access to that database as many users may accessing economies, where financial institutions and established
the same database at a time. payment networks are likely to continue to play a role .The
Bank expects to see mobile payments become a tool to support
5. Security Requirements competition, both between payment systems and between
participants in those systems.
Upon subscribing to an mobile payment system, users
are expected to place inherent trust in the system.All
steps should be secured/trusted from a technological as 7. REFERENCES
well as social perspective. Furthermore, mobile payment [1] Y. Liu*, X. Cao*, and L. Dang*Mobile Payment, ISN
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