Pediatrik Leukemias
Pediatrik Leukemias
Pediatrik Leukemias
called PEG-L asparaginase); and crisantaspase (asparaginase Delayed intensification or reinduction involves a
derived from Erwinia chrysanthemi, available in the repetition of the chemotherapy used during remission
United States on a compassionate use basis only). All three induction at 3 months after remission. Investigators found
preparations differ pharmacokinetically, and dosages are that one course of delayed intensification was most beneficial
different. Studies that have shown differences in efficacy for standard-risk leukemias. It was then shown that two
and toxicity used nonequivalent doses. courses of delayed intensification improved outcomes in
Patients who have the BCR-ABL translocation should high-risk patients.
be treated with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (e.g., imatinib,
dasatinib) throughout therapy. Reintensification Therapy
Patients with high-risk ALL may receive reintensification
Intensification (Consolidation) Therapy therapy to maximize killing of leukemic cells before
Although oncologists now agree that this phase of therapy hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). At St.
is essential to the treatment of ALL, there is no consensus Jude Childrens Research Hospital, the chemotherapy
regarding the best treatment. For example, St. Jude Childrens agents used include dexamethasone, cytarabine, etoposide,
Research Hospital uses high-dose methotrexate (MTX) asparaginase, and triple intrathecal therapy with
given every 2 weeks with continuous mercaptopurine. The methotrexate, hydrocortisone, and cytarabine.
dose of MTX is 5 g/m 2 given intravenously over 24 hours
for standard-risk and high-risk patients and 2.5 g/m 2 given CNS Therapy
intravenously over 24 hours for low-risk patients. Patients The need for CNS prophylaxis is based on the idea that
with T-cell leukemia accumulate fewer MTX polyglutamates the CNS can act as a sanctuary site for leukemic cells.
(active metabolites) than patients with B-lineage leukemia; Prophylaxis of the CNS can be achieved by various modalities,
patients with T-cell leukemia therefore require higher including radiation, intrathecal therapy, high-dose systemic
serum concentrations. The Childrens Oncology Group chemotherapy, or a combination of these. Cranial radiation
uses different regimens based on the risk classification. is the most effective CNS-directed therapy; however,
The regimens include combinations of vincristine, toxicity (including neurotoxicity, endocrinopathy, and brain
mercaptopurine, pegaspargase or cyclophosphamide, and tumors) offsets its efficacy. A study performed on survivors
cytarabine. 10 years after ALL diagnosis demonstrated that patients
who received cranial radiation were at a 21% higher risk of
Continuation (Maintenance) and Reinduction Therapy developing a second neoplasm than the general population
Children with ALL require long-term treatment to and had an increased unemployment rate. An earlier study
maintain remission. In general, treatment should continue resulted in a similar outcome for children who received
for at least 2.5 years. Many oncologists prefer to treat triple intrathecal therapy with MTX, hydrocortisone, and
boys for 3 years based on their higher risk of relapse. The cytarabine together with systemic chemotherapy compared
backbone of maintenance therapy is weekly MTX and daily with cranial radiation. The St. Jude Childrens Research
mercaptopurine. In addition, pulses of a glucocorticoid Hospital reported two studies that suggested early intensive
and vincristine have improved survival. Dexamethasone is triple intrathecal therapy decreased CNS relapse and
typically the glucocorticoid of choice during maintenance. increased event-free survival.
Down Syndrome
Children with Down syndrome have a 10- to 20-fold Acute Myeloid Leukemia
increased risk of developing leukemia (either ALL or AML).
Until the age of 5 years, the risk of developing AML is 4 Epidemiology and Risk Factors
times higher than for ALL; after the age of 5 years, ALL Acute myeloid leukemia is the second most common
is more common. Patients with Down syndrome are more acute pediatric leukemia. The annual incidence of AML in
likely to have a precursor B-cell phenotype. These patients the United States is 1.6 per million. Its rate of occurrence
are less likely to be hyperdiploid, have a T-cell phenotype, differs by race: Hispanics are more likely to have AML than
or have CNS leukemia at diagnosis. Patients with Down African American children, followed by white children.
syndrome and AML and ALL have an outcome similar to This disease is more common in patients 2 years or younger.
other patients, excluding patients with non Down syndrome Although AML accounts for only 15% to 20% of all acute
AML M7; however, they are more likely to have mucositis, leukemia cases, it is responsible for more than 30% of
myelosuppression, and infection. Patients with Down pediatric leukemia deaths. Recent advances in both therapy
syndrome are more sensitive to MTX and require a dosage for AML and supportive care measures have increased the
reduction. These patients also have a delayed clearance overall survival from this disease to 60%.
of MTX; this is most likely caused by the reduced folate Genetic and nongenetic risk factors have been identified
carrier gene on chromosome 21, which may lead to increased in the development of AML. Patients with genetic disorders
accumulation of MTX polyglutamates and therefore to such as Fanconi anemia, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Down
increased toxicity. syndrome, neurofibromatosis type I, and severe congenital
neutropenia have a greater risk of developing AML.
Relapsed ALL Nongenetic risk factors include exposure to ionizing
Clofarabine is a deoxyadenosine nucleoside analog radiation, organic solvents (e.g., benzene), herbicides, and
approved for the treatment of patients with relapsed ALL or pesticides. Although the number of de novo AML cases
ALL refractory to at least two previous treatment regimens. has reached a plateau, the incidence of secondary AML has
increased in the past three decades because of exposure to chemotherapy, followed by a consolidation (postremission)
alkylating agents or topoisomerase II inhibitors. phase. The goal of induction is to achieve a complete molecular
and morphologic remission, whereas consolidation therapy
Clinical Presentation aims at maintaining this remission and preventing relapse.
The clinical presentation of AML is identical to that The role of maintenance therapy remains controversial; it
of ALL with a couple of exceptions. Chloromas (solid is not discussed here because most cooperative groups no
collections of leukemic cells outside the bone marrow) longer incorporate it in AML trials.
and leukemic infiltration of the gum are more common in
AML, whereas mediastinal masses are less common. In Induction Therapy
addition, the median WBC count at diagnosis for patients This phase of treatment usually consists of administering
with AML is 2050 103 cells/mm3 (70% of the patients a backbone of cytarabine and an anthracycline agent.
present with a WBC in this range). Moreover, the incidence This backbone, usually called a 7+3 regimen, consists of
of hyperuricemia and the development of tumor lysis giving cytarabine for 7 days and daunorubicin for 3 days.
syndrome is lower compared with ALL. Certain groups have incorporated etoposide or thioguanine
into their induction therapy. However, it is unclear if the
Diagnosis, Classification, and Prognostic Factors addition of these agents contributes to increased remission
The diagnostic work-up of AML is similar to that of rates or if they are attributed to the better use and dosing
ALL. The bone marrow aspirate and biopsy should contain of the cytarabine and anthracycline. The optimal dosage of
at least 20% of myeloid blasts for a diagnosis of AML. The
cytarabine has yet to be determined and varies significantly
classification of AML involves the use of morphologic,
among study groups. Dosages from as low as 100 mg/m 2/
histochemical, immunophenotyping, and cytogenetic
day to as high as 6000 mg/m2/day given intravenously have
characteristics. Currently, there is no classification method
been used, and no one regimen has shown a significant
for AML that is specific to pediatric patients. The French-
American-British classification (Table 1-2) has been widely improvement in the remission rate. Because cytarabine is
used, but its application to pediatric AML has several secreted through the tear ducts, it can irritate the cornea
shortcomings, leading to an inability to classify some and cause chemical conjunctivitis. To decrease this adverse
children. Another classification now gaining acceptance effect, all patients who receive high dosages of cytarabine
and being incorporated in most pediatric AML trials is that should receive corticosteroid or lubricating eye drops from
of the World Health Organization. the beginning of cytarabine therapy until 24 hours after the
Patient age and cytogenetics are among the most last dose of this agent.
important prognostic factors of newly diagnosed AML. The Several anthracyclines are used during the induction
older the patient, the poorer the prognosis; this is because phase, including daunorubicin (most commonly used),
these patients tend to have more genetic mutations leading to idarubicin, and mitoxantrone. Idarubicin is thought to
multidrug resistance, which in itself carries a poor prognosis. be taken up by the leukemic blasts faster and retained
In general, inversion(16) AML carries a favorable prognosis, in the cells for a longer period; it is speculated to be
whereas monosomy 5 or 7 carries a poor prognosis. Finally, less cardiotoxic. The active metabolite of idarubicin is
the faster remission is achieved, the better the prognosis. also longer acting than all the other anthracyclines and
has been reported to have antileukemic activity in the
Treatment cerebrospinal fluid. Mitoxantrone, however, is thought to
The goal of therapy for pediatric AML is cure. Most be more myelosuppressive, leading to increased risk of
AML treatment regimens consist of intensive induction infection. Studies comparing daunorubicin with idarubicin
The Role of the Pharmacist and 0.3% have low or no detectable enzyme activity because
they inherit two nonfunctional alleles. Knowing the patients
thiopurine S-methyltransferase activity before initiating
Clinical pharmacists play an integral role in managing mercaptopurine therapy can reduce the incidence of toxicity,
pediatric patients with malignancies. The pharmacist because patients who inherit two nonfunctional alleles
must know all the different protocols that patients receive require significant decreases in mercaptopurine (to 5% to
10% of standard dosages) to prevent toxicity.
and how to manage adverse effects of therapy to provide
patients with a better quality of life. Supportive care issues
4. Borowitz MJ, Devidas M, Hunger SP, Bowman WP, Carroll
in treating patients with malignancies are often left to AJ, Carroll WL, et al. Clinical significance of minimal
the pharmacist to manage, so it is important to know the residual disease in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
short- and long-term complications of anticancer agents. and its relationship to other prognostic factors: a Childrens
Monitoring adherence to oral chemotherapy drugs is also Oncology Group study. Blood 2008;111:547785.
important to prevent resistance and relapse. With the advent It was previously determined that MRD is a predictor of
of pharmacogenetics, the role of the pharmacist in drug relapse in patients with ALL. This prognostic factor had
dosing will become even more critical. not been studied in relation to other variables that predict
outcome. The Childrens Oncology Group studied 2143
patients with precursor B-cell ALL and assessed MRD in
Annotated Bibliography the peripheral blood at day 8 of induction and in the bone
marrow at the end of induction and the end of consolidation.
Across all risk groups, patients who were MRD positive had
1. Pui CH, Evans WE. Treatment of acute lymphoblastic a lower event-free survival. Patients who still had detectable
leukemia. N Engl J Med 2006;354:16678. disease noted by the presence of MRD in the marrow at the
The authors of this article review in depth the treatment end of consolidation had a very poor response. The authors
of ALL, the most common malignancy affecting pediatric concluded that more intensive therapy might be necessary
patients. Factors predicting clinical outcome are discussed, for patients with positive MRD at the end of induction. This
including clinical features of the patient, genetics of more intensive therapy will need to increase survival, without
the leukemic cells, and host pharmacodynamics and increasing toxicity.
pharmacogenetic features. Included in the discussion are
risk factors that may predispose the patient to therapy-related 5. Larson RA. Three new drugs for acute lymphoblastic
adverse events. Current treatment strategies are discussed, leukemia: nelarabine, clofarabine and forodesine. Semin
focusing on the different courses of therapy and the goals Oncol 2007;34(6 Suppl 5):S13S20.
of each course. With a cure rate approaching 90%, future Current treatment strategies for pediatric ALL have cure
directions are discussed that focus on novel agents that may rates approaching 90%. New therapies should be developed
further improve outcomes. Studies are needed with these to continue to improve outcomes and decrease the toxicity
newer agents to improve the cure rate without increasing associated with current therapies. Three purine nucleoside
toxicity. analogs (i.e., nelarabine, clofarabine, and forodesine) have