My Microbiome and Me

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NEWS Jiao Tong Universitys Shanghai Center for

Systems Biomedicine, Zhao oversees several

My Microbiome and Me clinical studies that look at the role of the
microbiome in diabetes, obesity, and liver
Zhao Liping combines traditional Chinese medicine and studies of gut microbes function. But his work remains grounded in
to understand and ght obesity his personal storywhich friends say reects
a willingness to explore uncharted territory
SHANGHAI, CHINA In some ways its a old with flat-top hair and a square jaw through raw trial and error. As a scientist,
familiar story. In 1987, Zhao Liping mar- has become an unlikely spokesperson for a he says, you should work on questions for
ried Ji Liuying, a college classmate. Within burgeoning eld. In 2010, he presented his which there is very little evidence but that you
2 years, they had a daughter and Zhao n- weight-loss story at the Human Microbiome believe are important.
ished his Ph.D. Under new pressure and eat- Project meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, Uncertainty about cause and effect is
ing richlyJi is a good cookthe micro- at the invitation of George Weinstock of what plagues the eld right now. It is difcult
biologist put on weight. By 1990, when he Washington University in St. Louis. Gordons to prove, for example, that F. prausnitzii
started an environmental micro- facilitated Zhaos slimming and didnt just

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biology lab at Shanxi Academy show up once his gut was healthy. The list of
of Agricultural Sciences in Tai- the diseases that the microbiome may play a
yuan, China, Zhao had grown role in is just growing and growing, says Lita
from 60 to 80 kilograms. Later, Proctor, director of the U.S. National Institutes
on a postdoctoral fellowship at of Healths Human Microbiome Project in
Cornell University, he put on Bethesda, Maryland. But the problem is that
another 10 kilograms. By the were only able to look at associations of the
time he returned to China in microbiome with disease and arent yet able
1995, his waist measured a cor- to conduct cause-and-effect studies. What
pulent 110 centimeters and his were witnessing is a very young eld trying
health was poor. to gure out Okay, whats the right way to
But in 2004, he read a approach [these] data?
paper that eventually changed For Zhao, the way involves transferring his
the shape of his careerand weight-loss program to hundreds of human
his body. Jeffrey I. Gordon, a subjects and drawing on animal studies to
microbiologist at Washington decide what metabolic parameters to monitor
University School of Medicine in people. While his ultimate
in St. Louis, Missouri, and goal is to establish a molecular
colleagues showed a link pathway connecting the micro-
between obesity and gut biota to obesity, his e-mail
microbiota in mice (Science, signature reads: EAT RIGHT,
29 May 2009, p. 1136). Zhao KEEP FIT, LIVE LONG, DIE
was curious whether that link QUICK.
extended to himself and decided The science of shrinking. Microbiologist
to nd out. In 2006, he adopted a Zhao Liping, shown here before and after a Faith in traditional medicine
regimen involving Chinese yam change in diet, thinks he lost 20 kilograms by Zhao grew up in a small farming
and bitter melonfermented regulating his gut microbiota. town in Shanxi Province. Like
prebiotic foods that are believed most Chinese born on the eve of
to change the growth of bacteria in the research had set off a the Cultural Revolution, he and
digestive systemand monitored not just flurry of new studies, but his two younger brothers had a
his weight loss but also the microbes in his Weinstock says scientists simple upbringing. His father
gut. When he combined these prebiotics had reached something was a high school teacher and
with a diet based on whole grains, he lost of an impasse. The field his mother worked in a textile
20 kilograms in 2 years. His blood pressure, had been standardized to factory. Both of his parents were
heart rate, and cholesterol level came down. some extent by the early rm believers in traditional rem-

Faecalibacterium prausnitziia bacterium researchers following the edies. Zhao remembers watching
with anti-inflammatory properties same path, Weinstock says, and Zhaos his father try to ght a hepatitis B infection by
ourished, increasing from an undetectable willingness to dive in and experiment on drinking a pungent, murky herbal concoction
percentage to 14.5% of his total gut bacteria. himself brought a breath of fresh air. Even twice a day.
The changes persuaded him to focus on the more refreshing was that Zhao presented his A good student, Zhao earned a Ph.D. in
microbiomes role in his transformation. He ndings in a detached, agnostic, scientic molecular plant pathology from Nanjing
started with mice but has since expanded his way, Weinstock adds. He was not religious Agricultural University. When he returned
research to humans. about it at all. to Shanxi to start his lab, he focused on using
Zhaonow a slim, soft-spoken 49-year- Now associate director of Shanghai benecial bacteria to rein in plant pathogens.

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Published by AAAS
One day, a veterinary scientist colleague asked But microbiome studies on mice have
for some strains of Bacillus, explaining that their limitations (see sidebar, p. 1250).
the bacteria helped control diarrhea in pigs To establish a link between the human
and chickens. Zhao realized he was sitting on microbiome and obesity, Zhao knew he
bacterial strains that might control infections needed to study people: The only successful
in humans as well as plants. example was myself, he recalls.
Throughout the 1990s, Zhao dabbled in
research on the pig microbiome, exploring Testing in people
the idea that bacterial strains might control In 2009, Zhao returned to Taiyuan to start his
infections in pigs, but couldnt get funding. rst clinical trial. By then, potential candi-
Meanwhile, his familys health was falling dates for therapy abounded. Obesity was sky-

apart. His plump fathers cholesterol levels rocketing in China, particularly among chil-
spiked, and the elder Zhao suffered two dren, and the incidence of diabetes had spiked
strokes. Zhaos two brothers had become from roughly 1% of Chinese adults in 1980 to
obese as well. A few years later, Gordons nearly 10% today. After visiting several local

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paper provided what Zhao calls the first hospitals, he had 123 clinically obese volun-
evidence that gut microbiota can actually teers, with a body mass index of at least 30.
regulate host genes. Thus it seemed He put the patients on 9-week tailored
plausible that this was a way the microbiome programs that included prebiotic foods and
could affect health. He began using himself had them come in for regular checkups and
as a guinea pig to try to pin down what monitoring of gut microbiota and metabolic
microbes might be involved in weight gain. parameters. He followed 90 patients for an
Early microbiome research had raised Gut reaction. Prebiotic foods used in Chinese additional 14 weeks after the diet ended. At
more questions than it answered, however, medicine, including Chinese yam (top) and Chinese three points in the study, participants also gave
and figuring out which of the hundreds bitter melon, may promote the growth of helpful stool samples, which Zhao and colleagues
of microbial species living in the average gut bacteria. used to assess the microora.
human gut might be involved was tricky. The 93 participants who completed the
He dug into Western literature on weight to single out bacteria associated with obesity. trial showed a median weight loss of about
loss, but introducing a low-calorie diet and For a study published online 12 April in 7 kilograms. In their guts, meanwhile, toxin-
strenuous exercise didnt make sense to him. The ISME Journal, he and colleagues producing bacteria decreased and benecial
Nutritionally, your body is under stress, he switched mice from normal chow to a high-fat bacteria increased. Encouraged by the results,
says. Then you add to that physical stress. diet and then back to normal chow again while Zhao added trials in three additional Chinese
Maybe you can lose weight, but you might monitoring changes in their gut microbiota cities for a total of more than 1000 patients.
also damage your health. Zhao thought of at 2-week intervals. They found about Zhao hopes the research will establish
his fathers herbal concoctions and turned 80 bacterial species associated with a change the molecular pathway that underlies shifts
instead to the traditional medicine literature in diet. More promisingly, the shifts in in metabolism. Studies by Patrice D. Cani
for inspiration. microbiota induced by a high-fat diet were of the Catholic University of Louvain in
Obesity and diabetes plagued members of completely reversible. Belgium and others have shown that a clear
Chinas imperial court thousands
of years ago, and the diagnoses
of early doctors preserved in
ancient materia medica resonated
with Zhao. Traditional doctors
dont have any idea about gut
microbiota, Zhao says. But they
think that the gut is the foundation
for human healthand that the
foundation is acquired after birth.
(The microbiome is acquired after
birth, and there is increasing
evidence that early colonization
by the right bacteria is important
for health later in life.)
Zhao pinned his hopes on
medicinal vegetables commonly
eaten in China, guring upping his
dose of these mild foods couldnt
hurt. As his waistline shrank, he Slimming herbs? Rats fed a high-fat diet together with a compound derived from the herbs Coptis chinensis (left) or Berberis
undertook animal studies, trying vulgaris dont become obese. SCIENCE VOL 336 8 JUNE 2012 1249

Published by AAAS
sequence of changes occurs in an animals Beijing is an outspoken critic of what he looking forward to seeing results from Zhaos
gut after consuming a high-fat diet. Bad describes as overblown claims surrounding clinical studies when theyre published.
bacteria increase, the gut barrier becomes Chinese medicine, which he dismisses as Other studies of diet and the microbiome
more permeable, and toxins increase in the just herbs. But he says Zhaos research with fewer participants have yielded valuable
bloodstream. The spike in toxins, in turn, is encouraging. He cites a study in Beijing and statistically signicant results, he says.
triggers inammation, which prompts a fall in focused on gut microbiota and diabetes in Large clinical studies involving prebiotics
the hosts metabolism. Zhao now hopes to see which Zhao and colleagues are looking for like those Zhao runs may be easier to carry
the reverse in his human subjects as they adopt signature bacterial species connected to out in China. At a bustling vegetarian
healthier diets. All these markers should diabetes in humans. He is headed in the restaurant in downtown Shanghai one night,
show expected changes, he says. right direction, Zhu says. Zhao feasts on seaweed, ginkgo, bamboo,
Zhu Baoli of the Chinese Academy of Rob Knight, a microbiologist at the Chinese kale, and Chinese yam. Chinese
Sciencess Institute of Microbiology in University of Colorado, Boulder, says he is volunteers dont blink when asked to eat such
plants, he says. They look at the list we give
them and say, Oh, this is food. No problem.
Pigs as Stand-Ins for Microbiome Studies And because many of the substances are not

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yet accepted as food or medicines in
SHANGHAI, CHINAThe Chinese use pigs for Europe and North America, he adds,
just about everything, from processing waste to it would take years to get permission
enriching the dinner table. Now they are testing to do clinical trials.
piglets as a new model for human microbiome But Zhao has his sights set beyond
research. The past decade has seen an exponen- Asia, predicting this work will be more
tial rise in interest in how the microbes living fruitful than genome studies in leading
in and on the human body affect health (see to antiobesity drugs. Weinstock agrees
p. 1246). Studies often involve germ-free mice, that the end goal of Zhaos studies is to
but rodents have a very different physiology and nd active ingredients, not prove that
gut microbiota than humans. Pigs, by contrast, you can only treat people with the
have an anatomy and immune system closer to fungus that grows in the dung of some
those of peoplealong with an omnivorous beetles. In Zhaos lab, he says, its
diet and a similar digestive tract. Western reductionist science meets
For research published in 2007, Shang- traditional Chinese medicine.
hai Jiao Tong University microbiologist Zhao One promising compound Zhao
Liping led a team that inoculated 28 germ-free and colleagues are looking into is
piglets with the diluted excrement of a healthy berberine, the major pharmacological
10-year-old boy to see whether the boys gut component of the Chinese herb Coptis
microbiota would thrive in the piglets guts. chinensis, or huanglian. They have
That happened with two groups of bacteria found that when rats were given a
important to a healthy human gut, Bidobac- high-fat diet together with berberine,
terium and Bacteroides. More importantly, the rodents didnt develop obesity or
when the researchers analyzed the piglets gut insulin resistanceand in their guts,
microbiota 12 days later and compared it with populations of known pathogens
that of the human donor, conventionally raised decreased while those of known
piglets, and unrelated humans, the microbiota Whole hog. Humanized piglets show promise for beneficial bacteria increased. Other
most closely resembled that of the donor microbiome research. gut species that changed in abundance
suggesting that it is possible to establish a havent yet been studied, and its not known
human microbiome in piglets while maintaining their health and immunity. whether they are linked to good or bad health.
Piglets with human gut ora have great potential for use in microbiome research, Zhao But Zhao is quick to acknowledge that this
says. Sharon Donovan, a pediatric health researcher at the University of Illinois, Urbana- work is not going to produce a panacea. And,
Champaign, agrees: The piglet is an exceptional model for the human infant in terms of gastro- he adds, we need to do a lot more work
intestinal, immune, and cognitive development. to understand how [berberine] will affect

Several obstacles remain. Much less is known about pig genetics, so linking pig genes to the nutrition and metabolism.
microbiome will be a challenge. Also, piglets are relatively expensiveabout $120 apiece in If Zhao does one day prove a link
Chinaand, like other animals, not always receptive to human microbiota. In another study by between gut microbiota and health, it will
the Shanghai Jiao Tong scientists, seven out of 24 human-oraassociated piglets died because be bittersweet. His father, who suffers from
the bacteria they received from an otherwise healthy human donors stool contained a strain of inammation and lingering effects from his
pneumonia-causing bacteria, which scientists had missed. Nonetheless, says Imperial College strokes, is in his last days, and Zhao has spent
London systems biologist Jeremy Nicholson, pigs inoculated with human microbiota get closer much of the past few months at his bedside. I
to an animal model of human overall system behavior than other animals. Humanized pigs, he wish I had done this research 10 years ago, he
adds, could be the best thing you could do for human drug testing. M.H. says. I could have helped him.

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