Sharon Cavasos Mod 6-Tled 430

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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

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Subject Focus on one Social Sciences/Geography

subject area

Grade Level This 3rd Grade

may be the same or different
for each app.

Learning 3.5 The student will develop map skills by 3.5 The student will develop map skills by
Objective a) positioning and labeling the seven a) using the equator and prime meridian
The objective of the lesson is
continents and five oceans to create a to identify the Northern, Southern,
what students will be able to
do as they finish the activity. world map; Eastern, and Western Hemispheres;
For this objective, use the
Standards of Learning (SOL)
3.6 The student will read and construct b) locating the countries of Spain,
to say what you want to focus maps, tables, graphs, and/or charts. England, and France;
on. You can find the SOLs at c) locating the regions in the Americas
sting/ look on the right of the explored by Christopher Columbus (San
screen for the subjects and
go from there. Salvador in the Bahamas), Juan Ponce de
Leon (near St. Augustine, Florida), Jacques
Cartier (near Quebec, Canada), and
Christopher Newport (Jamestown,
TLED 430

Pedagogy Activity Describe what The students will use Flashcards by The teacher will assign students to
the learning activity will be.
What will the students and
NKO to make their own flash cards to groups on the Edmodo app. The
the teacher be doing with the help them learn the material from the students will then participate in
lesson. The app allows students to group study sessions via the app. The
share other students in the class. The students will be able to quiz each
app also has multi-player games that other on the assigned topic and also
students can use to test each other have discussion boards related to the
on the material and is also a topic.
collaboration tool for sharing flash
cards between students. The teacher is able to monitor the
Technology Flashcards by NKO students
Edmodo and keep track of student
y Technolog

The name of the

Mobile Application

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