Vertical Farming
Vertical Farming
Vertical Farming
Keywords Abstract
Land use efficiency, plant factory, urban
agriculture, vertical column grower. Vertical farming systems (VFS) have been proposed as an engineering solution
to increase productivity per unit area of cultivated land by extending crop
Correspondence production into the vertical dimension. To test whether this approach presents
Dionysios Touliatos, The Lancaster a viable alternative to horizontal crop production systems, a VFS (where plants
Environment Centre, Lancaster University,
were grown in upright cylindrical columns) was compared against a conventional
Lancaster, UK. Tel: 00441524593985; Fax:
00441524593985; E-mail: d.touliatos@
horizontal hydroponic system (HHS) using lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Little Gem) as a model crop. Both systems had similar root zone volume and plant-
ing density. Half-strength Hoaglands solution was applied to plants grown in
Funding Information perlite in an indoor controlled environment room, with metal halide lamps
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences providing artificial lighting. Light distribution (photosynthetic photon flux den-
Research Council (Grant/Award Number: BB/ sity, PPFD) and yield (shoot fresh weight) within each system were assessed.
Although PPFD and shoot fresh weight decreased significantly in the VFS from
Received: 4 February 2016; Accepted: 21
top to base, the VFS produced more crop per unit of growing floor area when
April 2016 compared with the HHS. Our results clearly demonstrate that VFS presents an
attractive alternative to horizontal hydroponic growth systems and suggest that
Food and Energy Security 2016; 5(3): further increases in yield could be achieved by incorporating artificial lighting
184191 in the VFS.
doi: 10.1002/fes3.83
184 2016 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
D. Touliatos etal. Vertical Farming Increases Lettuce Yield Per Area
conventional horizontal systems have confounded other after installing the VFS) revealed no shading effect of the
factors with crop orientation. For example, yield increases VFS on the PPFD in the HHS (data not shown).
of 129200% in VFS and increased profits of 3.65.5 US
dollarm2 compared to conventional soil cultivation have
The vertical farming system
been reported (Liu etal. 2004). However, their VFS uti-
lized a soilless growing medium; rendering the comparison Plants were grown vertically in upright cylindrical columns
essentially invalid. Similarly, significantly higher yields have comprised of individual modular units stacked on top of
been reported for strawberry grown in a vertical column each other to reduce the system footprint. Each modular
VFS compared to conventional grow bags and a multi- unit consisted of two stackable elements: a growing con-
tiered VFS (Ramrez- Gmez etal. 2012); although no tainer (10.5cm high and 7.5cm radius) and a spacing
information was provided regarding the root zone volume collar (20cm high and 7.5cm radius). Five growing
of the growth systems. containers and six spacing collars were sterilized in TriGene
The aim of this study was to compare a vertical column disinfectant (MediChem International Ltd., Sevenoaks, UK)
VFS and a conventional horizontal hydroponic system prior to filling each container with 130g0.5g medium
(HHS) with similar fertigation regimes, root zone volumes, grade perlite (LBS Horticulture Ltd, Lancashire, UK).
and planting densities to determine whether VFS represents Highly porous perlite was the substrate of choice in order
a viable alternative to HHS. Lettuce was used as a model to minimize the risk of root-zone hypoxia and the result-
plant as it is widely grown in hydroponics as a rapidly ant accumulation of ethylene within the airspace of the
growing leafy vegetable (Safaei etal. 2015) thereby avoid- vertical column. The perlite was held in place by horti-
ing some of the complexities of changes in crop biomass cultural frost fleece (LBS Horticulture Ltd, Lancashire,
allocation during the reproductive process (Heller etal. UK) that was placed at the bottom of each growing con-
2014). The study was conducted indoors using only arti- tainer. The perlite in each container was levelled and
ficial lighting, as this is the dominant approach found in seedlings were placed on the perlite at 90 to the horizontal.
most urban vertical farming projects, especially in plant Each VFS contained 20 lettuce plants in total. Distance
factory designs (Kang etal. 2014; He etal. 2015) and between the top of the VFSs and the light was 80cm.
allows more precise control of environmental conditions
(Poorter etal. 2012). Our results show that VFS increased
The horizontal hydroponic system
lettuce yield per unit area compared to HHS and suggest
that variation in light intensity between cropping systems The HHS comprised of five cylindrical PVC pipes (45.5cm
of different spatial orientation could explain differences high and 3.6cm radius), which were sterilized in TriGene
in crop yield. disinfectant (MediChem International Ltd), filled with 130g
0.5g of perlite (LBS Horticulture Ltd, Lancashire, UK)
and placed in parallel at 20cm apart center to center.
Materials and Methods
Horticultural frost fleece (LBS Horticulture Ltd, Lancashire,
UK) was placed in the outlet of each pipe to hold the perlite
in place. Each pipe held four plants placed in 4.4cm square
The study was conducted in a 3.4m4.15m walk- in holes, in rows. In order to prevent the growth of algae black
Controlled Environment room (CE room) at the Lancaster nylon fabric was used to cover the outlet channel of the
Environment Centre (LEC, Lancaster University, UK). system. Each HHS contained 20 lettuce plants in total. PVC
Illumination was provided by 12 400W metal halide lamps pipes were mounted on commercial growth benches (90 cm
(HQI-T 400N; Osram, St Helens, UK) for a 16hour pho- from the ground and 130 cm from the lights); which was
toperiod (06.00h to 22.00h). Highly reflective plastic film equivalent in height to VFSs layer 2 (Fig.1).
(LBS Horticulture Ltd, Lancashire, UK) was placed on the
walls of the room in order to increase the diffusion of
light. Room air temperature ranged between 16 and 18C
and relative humidity ranged from 60% to 80%. Room Each growth system was supplied with recirculated half-
temperature and humidity were recorded by an Ektron II strength Hoaglands solution (Hoagland and Arnon 1950)
C sensor (HortiMaX B.V., Pijnacker, the Netherlands), which from a 18L Titan PC4R Tank (Kingspan Environmental
was hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the CE Ltd, Armagh, UK), through a 1.27cm double-walled PVC
room, at 1.83m above the ground. The CE room accom- hose (LBS Horticulture Ltd). The composition of the nutri-
modated 2 VFS and 2 HHS, with one of each arranged ent solution was 0.5mmolL1 NH4NO3, 1.75mmolL1
on each side of the room. Preliminary measurements of Ca(NO3)24H2O, 2.01mmolL1 KNO3, 1.01mmolL1
photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) (before and KH2PO4, 0.5mmolL1 MgSO47H2O, 1.57molL1
2016 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists. 185
Vertical Farming Increases Lettuce Yield Per Area D. Touliatos etal.
Figure1. Schematic shows planting densities within the HHS and VFS. (A) Overhead view of HHS. (B) Side-view of VFS. (C) Overhead view of VFS.
The HHS occupied 0.4m2 of growing floor area, whereas the VFS occupied 0.02m2 per column of floor area. The grey rectangles show the exact
position of the 400W metal halide lamps above the growth systems. The grey circles within the VFS show the exact measurement positions of the
Macam Q203 Quantum radiometer quantum sensor. Light measurements in the HHS were obtained directly above the plants, at 20cm distance from
the PVC pipes. Scale bar is 20cm. VFS, vertical farming system; HHS, horizontal hydroponic system.
186 2016 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
D. Touliatos etal. Vertical Farming Increases Lettuce Yield Per Area
Table1. Comparison of the productivity of the vertical farming system using one- way ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc
(VFS) and horizontal hydroponic system (HHS). analysis (Fig.3). The relationship between PPFD during
Parameter HHS VFS Result
week 5 and shoot fresh weight was analyzed using linear
regression analysis (Fig.4), with P-value <0.05 consid-
Shoot fresh weight (g) 1386 956 P<0.001* ered to indicate a statistically significant difference. All
MeanSE (n=40) statistical tests were performed using R version 3.1.2
Yield per occupied growing 6.9 95 VFS/
software (R Development Core Team 2014).
floor area1 (kg FWm2) HHS=13.8
Number of plants per 50 1000 VFS/HHS=20
occupied growing floor Results
area1 (plant number m2)
1HHS growing floor area: 0.4m2, VFS growing floor area: 0.02m2.
The VFS produced more crop per unit area
*Students t-test on square root transformed data, t (78)=5.656. compared to the HHS
The VFS produced 13.8 times more crop, calculated as
a ratio of yield (kg FW) to occupied growing floor area
(m2). However, mean FW (g) for lettuce crops grown
within the HHS was significantly higher than those grown
within the VFS. Therefore, although the same number of
plants was grown in each system the two HHS produced
1.7kg more crop compared to the two VFS (5.5 and
3.8kg of crop in total, respectively). Consequently, the
higher productivity of the VFS, in terms of kg FWm2
growing floor area, can be attributed to the 20-fold higher
number of plants per growing floor area (Table1).
Figure3. PPFD within the vertical farming system (VFS; closed symbols) and the horizontal hydroponic system (HHS; open symbols) plotted against
layers in the growth systems. Values indicated with different letters indicate statistically significant differences, whereas those marked with the same
letters show statistically similar values. Error bars represent SE (n=8). VFS, vertical farming system; HHS, horizontal hydroponic system; PPFD,
photosynthetic photon flux density.
2016 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists. 187
Vertical Farming Increases Lettuce Yield Per Area D. Touliatos etal.
Although it has been proposed that increases in yield per
growing area can be achieved by extending plant cultiva-
tion into the vertical dimension using VFS (Eigenbrod
and Gruda 2014), to date there is no conclusive evidence
that this is indeed the case. However, our results show
that crop productivity, defined as a ratio of yield to occu-
pied growing floor area, is 13.8 times higher in VFS than
the HHS. This is likely because by incorporating the verti-
Figure4. Linear regression analysis of shoot fresh weight versus PPFD in cal dimension into the growth environment, the VFS can
the vertical farming system (VFS; solid line; closed symbols) and grow 20- fold more plants per unit area than the HHS
horizontal hydroponic system (HHS; open symbols), respectively. When (Table1). However, these calculations are based on inde-
the linear regression was not significant the regression line was omitted. pendent vertical columns and do not consider the effect
The regression equation, adjusted R2 values, and significance of the
of column spacing on yield per occupied growing floor
regression (P-value) are reported at the top of the panel. VFS, vertical
area. For example, in high wire crop training systems
farming system; HHS, horizontal hydroponic system; PPFD,
photosynthetic photon flux density. high planting densities impose intense competition for
light within the growth system (Pettersen etal. 2010).
This is an important factor that needs to be considered
within a nonnormal distribution with positive skewness in future studies, as spacing between vertical columns
(Sk=1.035). Plants grown within the top layer of the influenced crop productivity in VFS glasshouse trials (Liu
VFS and within all layers of the HHS were of similar etal. 2004).
shoot fresh weight. However, in the middle and bottom In contrast, the absolute yield of the HHS, in terms
layers (Layers 25) of the VFS, productivity decreased of shoot fresh weight, was higher than the VFS (Table1).
significantly. As a result, the bottom layer of the VFS This can be explained by the significant decrease in PPFD
produced 43% less shoot fresh weight than the top layer from top to base of the vertical columns (Fig.3) and
of the VFS (Fig.2). significant causal relationship between shoot fresh weight
and PPFD within the VFS (Fig.4) that limited growth
in the lower layers. Light intensity is one of the primary
Light intensity decreased from top to base
variables affecting lettuce yield and quality (Ferentinos
of VFS
etal. 2000; Son and Oh 2013; Ouzounis etal. 2015) and
Light intensity decreased significantly from top to base it is has been well documented that lettuce yield increases
of vertical columns within the VFS, whereas no significant with increasing light intensity (Knight and Mitchell 1988;
difference in PPFD was observed within the horizontal Frantz and Bugbee 2005). Therefore, since yield decreased
layers of the HHS. PPFD values varied between 491 and from top to base of the vertical column, and yield was
134 molm2s1 from top to base of vertical column of uniform within the HHS (Fig.2), it was anticipated that
the VFS and between 570 and 340molm2s1 within the VFS would produce less crop in total than the HHS.
the horizontal layers of the HHS. The top layer of the Similarly, light intensity and shoot fresh weight were highly
VFS received similar PPFD to all the horizontal layers of correlated and both decreased from top to base of vertical
the HHS. However, within the vertical layers, as distance columns in a glasshouse (Liu etal. 2004). Light gradients
from the light source increased, there was a significant from top to base of vertical column systems were also
drop in PPFD values within the VFS. There was no sig- reported in glasshouse vertical strawberry cultivation
nificant difference in PPFD between layers 2 and 3 and (Ramrez-Gmez etal. 2012). Therefore, our data suggest
between layers 3, 4, and 5 (Fig.3). that top to base gradients in light intensity and shoot
188 2016 The Authors. Food and Energy Security published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. and the Association of Applied Biologists.
D. Touliatos etal. Vertical Farming Increases Lettuce Yield Per Area
fresh weight limit plant growth in vertical columns in been claimed to influence crop uniformity within the NFT
both indoor and glasshouse settings. (Puerta etal. 2007). An important difference between the
Vertical light intensity gradients (e.g. Fig.3) could be VFS and the HHS of this study was that each layer of
altered by natural illumination. In glasshouse trials with the HHS received nutrient solution directly from the tank
vertical columns, light intensity decreased from top to whereas, in the VFS nutrient solution was delivered to
base of vertical columns, with lower PPFD values being the top layer and was gravity-driven drip-fed to vertical
recorded toward the northern side of columns compared layers beneath creating the potential for marked gradients
to the southern side (Liu etal. 2004). Thus, natural illu- in nutrient availability within the VFS. Identifying the
mination introduced an additional gradient in light dis- physiological effects of this putative nutrient concentration
tribution within the VFS. Future studies are therefore gradient to growth within VFS is therefore an important
required to test whether natural illumination diminishes area for future studies.
or exacerbates light intensity gradients. To conclude, from a commercial point of view, the
Light intensity in growth chambers is known to decrease effects of gradients within the VFS on crop value will
as distance from the light source increases (Poorter etal. depend on how the crop is going to be processed and
2012) and this phenomenon partially explained the large marketed. For example, if lettuce was grown to be sold
variance in PPFD observed in vertical layers 25 within as individual heads, then the nonuniform productivity
the VFS (Fig.3). In addition, a shading effect within of the VFS would be a potential weakness of the VFS
the VFS (Linsley-Noakes etal. 2006) was due to higher over the HHS. However, if the crop was destined for
positioned plants within the VFS obscuring lower positioned precut salad bags then crop uniformity may be irrelevant
plants from the light source. Side-on rather than top-down while increased yield per unit area could be a significant
illumination could potentially ameliorate the shading effect, advantage of the VFS. Therefore, crop utilization and
consequently mitigating the gradient in crop productivity marketability and an investigation of the cost-to-benefits
within the VFS. Side-on illumination, also known as inter- ratio of these growing systems will be the ultimate cri-
lighting has improved light distribution within tall canopies teria to decide whether VFS can provide an alternative
and, in some cases, increased crop yield and light use to HHS.
efficiency (Olle and Virile 2013). Interlighting with light-
emitting diodes (LEDs) ameliorated mutual shading within Conclusions
tomatoes at high planting density and increased tomato
yield by 1214% in comparison to the control (Lu etal. Vertical column-based VFS presented a viable alternative
2012). Overhead illumination combined with intracanopy to conventional horizontal growth systems by optimizing
lighting using HPS lamps increased cucumber yield in growing space use efficiency, thereby producing more crop
high-wire crop training system by 11% compared to tra- per unit area. Further increases in yield could be achieved
ditional overhead illumination (Pettersen etal. 2010). In by incorporating artificial lighting within the VFS to miti-
contrast, there were no differences in productivity when gate the observed PPFD gradient. Future studies could
comparing LED interlighting against overhead HPS in investigate the influence of putative additional gradients
high-wire tomato cultivation (Gmez etal. 2013). Similarly, (such as root and canopy zone temperature and nutrient
interlighting by fluorescent tubes improved fruit quality concentration gradients) within the VFS and interactions
but did not increase yield in high-wire cucumber produc- between vertical columns in terms of competition for
tion in the glasshouse (Heuvelink etal. 2006). This vari- PPFD in large-scale vertical farming settings.
ation in crop responses to interlighting may be due to
the different environmental conditions and crop manage- Conflict of Interest
ment applied. However, since vertical column systems share
similar light distribution properties within the vertical plane None declared.
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