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ISTP Career Report

ISTP Careers
Crafting the right career for your personality
By Ethan Lin

With so many career options out there, choosing the right one can be
Inside this Report a daunting task for anyone.

The overview of the ISTP personality Choosing the ideal career promises fulfilment, accomplishment and
progression in your life; choosing the wrong one often results in stress,
Ideal careers
frustration and mental exhaustion.
The ideal organizational
culture That is why learning to choose the right career is crucial and a worthy
The job search process

How to ace the interview Congratulations! Youve taken the first step by purchasing the ISTP
Careers Report from Personality Central. This guide will serve as an
Your strengths and invaluable tool for you as you embark on making one of the biggest
weaknesses decisions of your life.
Finding job satisfaction

Developing yourself
1. ISTP Overview
We will begin an overview of the ISTP personality with their strengths:

They are quietly observant of their environment and although they do
not speak as much, they do notice a lot of nuances.

They use language economically and efficiently, stating only the
Website Address: necessary things they think need to be stated.
If you have any enquiries about They are practical, down-to-earth individuals who are very much
personality centrals services, please grounded in reality. They trust facts and tangible evidence as a basis
contact me through the website or for their decisions.
email me at
[email protected]
Logical problem solvers
They use logical, objective analysis to look at problems and come up
with effective solutions.
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ISTP Career Report

Blind spots of the ISTP:

May find it hard to share their feelings

Because they use their mind more than their heart, ISTPs may find it hard to share their
inner most feelings. Others may find it hard to understand them as a result.

Lack planning skills

ISTPs often do not prepare beforehand and will prefer to plunge into projects and tasks di-
rectly. This will be an issue for work that does need preparation.

May be indecisive
ISTPs may be afraid to make decisions due to their spontaneous nature and their need for
harmony with those around them. As such, they may be perceived as indecisive.

2. Popular Careers for ISTPs

Some job and careers that ISTPs may enjoy

In the section strengths and weaknesses, I will be touching further on these in a professional
context, and also how you overcome these blind spots.

Before proceeding, I must stress that all personality types exist in all occupations. Due to oth-
er factors involved such as interests, geography, salary and working hours, most individuals
do not end up in occupations that ideally fit their personality.

However, if you are in a job or career that is not ideal for personalities of your type:

You may experience difficulty communicating or agreeing with your co-workers.

Because everyone else speaks a different language from you, you may find communication
issues arising in the course of your work.

What you deem to be important in a job may not be in sync with your colleagues;
hence, the use of your personalities strengths in the course of your work may not lead to
promotion or reward.

Because you do not feel your work is valued, you may experience stress,
dissatisfaction, burnout and lack of productivity.

That does not mean you have to quit your job right now. As you will learn later on in this
guide, you can find satisfaction in your current job with some simple strategies.

With that, lets look at some possible careers for the ISTP:

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ISTP Career Report

ISTPs are great with the use of their hands and are very suited for careers in the service, espe-
cially those related to crisis management.

Their flexibility and adaptability will allow them to thrive in situations where quick thinking
is needed. Some of the careers that would attract them are as follows:

Army Officer
Police Officer
Weapons operator
Road Marshall
Intelligence Agent
Private Detective
Crime Scene Specialist

Information Technology
ISTPs may also enjoy some careers from the technology industry which requires a lot of logi-
cal thinking applied to software, hardware and IT systems. These roles are usually independ-
ent which allows them to work alone in the course of their work and this will appeal to them.
Some jobs they may like are:

Electrical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Aerospace Engineer
Technical trainer
Software developer
Network integration specialist
Computer programmer
Product Tester
Product safety engineer
System support operator

General Business
ISTPs will thrive in the arena of business and finance, where a head for numbers, objective
analysis and macro-environment awareness is required. They will enjoy the nature of their
work which largely has to deal with numbers and logical thinking. These jobs may include:

Securities analyst
General manager
Management consultant

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Insurance Examiner
Purchasing agent and buyer
Civil Engineer

Specialized crafts
ISTP are adept at the use of their hands, and often they learn a craft or a skill very quickly by
practice. They will be attracted to jobs that require them to be hands-on and work at making
or repairing something. These jobs may include:

Race car Driver
Computer Repairman
Fitness Coach
Automotive products retailer
Park Ranger
Ship Captain
Flight Instructor
Studio, stage, and special effects specialist
Musical instrument maker

Particular segments of the healthcare industry will appeal to the ISTP. While listening to
patients needs and empathizing with their situation is not the strength of the ISTP, the ISTP
can work with hard data, medical instruments and come up with facts that the patient would
need to know.

Emergency room technician

Exercise physiologist
Dental assistant
Surgical technician
Emergency room doctor

Remember that this list only seeks to be a guide for what you can do and is not exhaustive.
There are hundreds of career choices out there that you can consider.

What you should take away from this section is to understand why certain jobs appeal to you
and apply it to possible career paths in your consideration.

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3. Organizational Culture
Job environments that ISTPs will enjoy and what to avoid

Even though youre in the right job, it is the culture or environment of the organization that
will ultimately determine your job satisfaction.

Work environments that support your development are important but there are some that
simply frustrate and stress you out.

When you are applying or considering a new job, consider looking for organizations that are
known to be:

Efficient Organizations
ISTPs enjoy being part of organizations that are efficient and where their policies and proce-
dures are well-thought out. They appreciate it when a standard operating procedure does not
interfere with their productive and economical ways.

From an interview, it is hard to see if an organization is efficient, but your best chance is in
choosing an organization with management related ISO certifications.

Value skills and craft

ISTPs like organizations that value their skills and craft. These are organizations that hire
employees to work with their hands and they are rewarded accordingly to the level of skill.

Generally, jobs that require field work, or technical skill like carpentry or repair work would
be suitable for the ISTP, but take note of and choose organizations that actually value and
recognize your skill on of the job.

Project Oriented
ISTPs prefer project oriented work cultures, where the work environment and culture is ever
changing based on the nature of the project being taken up; they are attracted to the flexible
and constantly changing dynamics within the company.

Generally, an organization that works with several different clients will likely have a project
oriented culture.

However, watch out for these potential stressors:

Too much unnecessary policy and procedure

In organizations where standard operating procedures and policy needs to be strictly
adhered to and everything has a due process to it, the ISTP will generally encounter a lot of
resistance to their work methods and their attempts at experimenting, leading to the ISTP
feeling drained and unfulfilled.

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Too much teamwork and interaction

ISTPs really enjoy the time they get to work alone on a project or a task. When they are
constantly asked to be part of committees, meetings and team projects, they get drained
very quickly and will seek more time alone to recharge, and if they do not get it, they will be
extremely frustrated, unproductive and burnt out after a while.

4. The Job Search Process

3 steps to choosing a job and what to watch out for

For ISTPs, the job search process is unique.

In this section, you will learn about strengths and weaknesses inherent to the ISTPs person-
ality during the job search process which includes exploring careers, choosing one, and the

To do that, we will break the job search process down to 3 basic steps:

Step 1: The Career Exploration Process

The ISTPs career exploration process usually consists of:

Having immediate and tangible goals

ISTPs usually have immediate and tangible careers goals like a target salary, working hours,
job nature and responsibilities. They will usually have a clear idea about what theyre looking
for before they start.

Taking advantage of unforeseen circumstances

ISTPs stay open to opportunities that present themselves along the way and readily take ad-
vantage of unforeseen circumstances that may favour them.

Visit career websites or read books for advice

ISTPs will likely go to career websites or read books for research to gain some advice on
choosing the right career for them.

ISTPs should consider these too:

May have no action plan

ISTPs may have an issue in coming up with an action plan to achieve their long-term career
goals. Often, they will choose a career simply based on their immediate preferences.

Speak to your peers in the industry and talk to them about how you should plan your
personal career progression; create a plan and stick to the plan.

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Missing long-term implications of choosing job

As mentioned, ISTPs may choose a career just based on their immediate preferences like
salary, working hours, job nature and so on.

However, they may reject a job based on these factors despite that job having a great long-
term potential. Consider and weigh long term and short term factors together before you
make a decision.

Step 2: Choosing a Career

After looking at all your options, you will come to a decision about your choice. Here are
some things ISTPs will usually do when it comes to making that decision:

Logical Analysis of Alternatives

ISTPs conduct a logical analysis of the alternatives with an objective cost-benefit analysis.
Its an impersonal decision-making process by looking at the pros and cons of their career

However, ISTPs should also consider these:

Personal Values
Before they make a decision for their careers, ISTPs should also consider the implications on
what is important to them as well such as on their personal interests, principles or relation-

Set deadlines for decision

Because of all the possibilities they are considering, ISTPs may be reluctant to come to a
decision for their career choice.

Set deadlines for your decision and ensure that you stick to them; possibly find someone you
can be accountable to.

Step 3: Getting the Job

After youve chosen a few possible alternatives and have sent your resumes, the next step is to
ace the interview.

In this section, you will understand your strengths in the interview process, and some blind
spots you have to watch out for.

Present detailed picture of experiences

Use your ability to recall your experiences in rich detail and share the relevant ones with your
employer to demonstrate your competence and track record. Share incidents where you
really displayed your analytical or leadership ability and made a difference.

Demonstrate your ability to think logically

If possible, show your ability to think objectively and logically when approaching situations.

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Show how you consider pros and cons of various alternatives. For most jobs you are attracted
to, your employers will appreciate the impartial logic you use.

Show how you are adept at crisis management

You are also very strong in crisis management. You are fast in thinking on your feet and re-
acting to unfamiliar situations. During the interview, talk about this and show how you have
successfully dealt with unexpected circumstances with confidence and calm.

With these three strengths, you should be able to ace your interview. Here are two tips to
make your
interview even better.

Prepare for hypothetical questions

You are comfortable with practical, concrete questions which deal with current realities;
however in interviews, sometimes you may get questions that deal with the hypothetical such
as, What would you do with a million dollars? Understand that these questions are to help
the interviewers understand you more as a person based on your decisions.

Speak up during interviews

ISTPs tend to be a little shy and soft-spoken, and this could work against them during the
interviews. Because of their demeanour, interviewers may under-rate their abilities and skills,
impressive as it may be.

Learn to be vocal and sell yourself confidently during the interview; employers do value an
individual who is willing to speak up.

5. Strengths and Weaknesses

The ISTPs work related competencies and challenges

Getting the job is not the end of your journey, but only the beginning. Along the way, you
will still face challenges in your workplace.

Ultimately, the way to excel in your workplace is to take up roles that take advantage of your
personality strengths and minimize the use of your weaknesses.

In this section, I have included your personality strengths, weaknesses, and some tips for
professional development.

Flexible and adaptable
ISTPs are flexible and adaptable and they are comfortable in adjusting and moving along
with organizational changes.

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Good observation skills

ISTPs are quietly observant and will often notice details about things and people that no one
has noticed or paid attention to.

Willingness to take calculated risks

ISTPs are risk-takers; they are willing to try and experiment with new ideas or methods even
with risk of failure. This makes them comfortable with pioneering or innovation efforts.

Practical and realistic attitude

ISTPs are practical and down-to-earth in their approach to work and prefer to deal with the
facts and concrete evidences in their decision making.

Calm under pressure

ISTPs thrive when in stressful or pressurizing situations. They often maintain a clam de-
meanour and can think fast on their feet.

Find it hard to see long term consequences
ISTPs primarily live in the present and find it hard to see long term consequences of their
everyday decisions. This means they may forgot long term benefits for short term gain.

Dislike verbal communication

ISTPs are economical with their actions and words but dislike small talk and communication
that they consider superfluous.

This means they will avoid building relationships with their colleagues unless absolutely

May be insensitive to others

ISTPs can be too straightforward and frank when expressing themselves, sometimes
unwittingly offending others without realizing it.

Little patience for abstract and complex theories

ISTPs like dealing with the practical and tangible facts, data and objectives. When abstract
and complex theories are shared with them, they get impatient and may feel theyre wasting
their time.

Bad organizational skills

ISTPs may have a problem dealing with policies, procedures, deadlines and schedules, which
are all part of making an organization run.

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6. Tips for Development

How the ISTP can develop and grow professionally

Improve your risk assessment skills

ISTPs can hone their analytical and logical ability by assessing risks inherent to particular
decisions made in the course of their work. To further stretch it, ISTPs can consider long
term risks as well and evaluate whether particular decisions are good based on the short and
long term pros and cons. They should bounce their ideas off others to check on its validity.

Brainstorm ideas with others
While uncomfortable for the ISTP, they can develop by brainstorming ideas with other
co-workers, and then hearing out their suggestions and attempting to integrate them with
their own. Brainstorming may be theoretical or just an exercise in imagination, but it will
help cultivate the ISTPs intuition.

Learn to work with a team to build a shared vision

ISTPs can learn to work with a team to build a shared vision. This will be very challenging for
the ISTP with their need for independence and their preference for working with the here-
and-now. Working in a team will train the ISTP to be sensitive to the feelings and opinions of
others and force them to communicate their ideas and learn how to cast a long-term goal.

7. Finding Satisfaction in your Job

Finding happiness in a job that does not suit you

You may not always get the job you want, or even if you do, you might find that the things
you do on a daily basis does not use your personality strengths. This is just reality; most
people do not get perfect fits for their jobs.

However, by altering your job scope, you can put yourself in a position where your
personality strengths are utilized and you become a recognized and valued individual in the
organization. Here are some tips for altering your job scope to your personality:

Seek independence in your role

You will probably find it stressful if you have to work in an environment with a lot of require-
ment for interaction with your co-workers or your supervisors. Speak to your supervisor
about having an independent work arrangement with fewer requirements for reporting.

Ask managers to be clear about their expectations of you

Unclear or subjective expectations can be frustrating for you; in your work review, ask your
manager or supervisor about their expectations of you and state that the clearer and more
tangible, the better.

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Considering taking a time management course

You may find it a challenge to manage multiple obligations and may end up missing dead-
lines or schedules. Consider taking a time management course if it helps you plan and
organize your time better.

Find time for physical activity

The office environment is usually not suited for physical activity. If you work in an office,
look for a nearby gym or some recreational group in your organization so that youll be able
to participate in to help fulfil your need for physical action and movement.

8. Conclusion
Some last words for the ISTP

Finding an ideal career is a challenging task and even with the guidelines and advice given in
this report, you still may not end up in your ideal career.

The truth is we live in a world where many other factors come into consideration: salary
required to support our families, working hours, travelling time, personal interests, economic
conditions, availability of jobs.

Nonetheless, this report will help you to understand more about yourself and which jobs will
appeal to you. Whatever career you are in, you can take these insights with you and use them
to your advantage.

Most importantly, understand that your personality is unique. Sometimes, we can be very
discouraged and second guess ourselves on the job, especially when we are in a career that
does not support our personality preferences.

Granted, to be successful in certain careers require you to act and behave in some ways, but
you must come to a point where you understand the difference between who you are and
what you do.

While you can adapt what you do and how you behave in certain situations, you must always
live with the understanding of who you are and not be apologetic about it. When you fully
accept yourself, you will find happiness, confidence and courage to be the best you can be.

Here at Personality Central, we hope to bring out the best in you through the insights with
personality type. For more information, please visit www.personality-central.com

If you would like to find out more about the courses we offer, please email us at
[email protected].

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9. Useful References
Additional Books and Resources

Dunning, D. (2010). Whats Your Type of Career?: Find Your Perfect Career by Using Your Per-
sonality Type. Nicholas Brealey America.

Hammer, A. L. (1993). Introduction to Type and Careers. CPP, Inc.

Keirsey, D. (2006). Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence. Pro-

metheus Nemesis Book Company.

Keirsey, D., & Bates, M. (1984). Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types.
Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.

Martin, C. R. (2010). Looking at Type: Your Career. CAPT.

Tieger, P. D., Barron, B., & Tieger, K. (2014). Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for
You Through the Secrets of Personality Type. Little, Brown and Company; 5 edition.

ISTP Career Report and TM 2009 2014 Personality-Central.com

All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted,
or reproduced in any way, including but not limited to digital copying and printing. The author, Lin Yihan,
and the publisher, Personality-Central.com have made their best effort to produce a high quality, inform-
ative and helpful book. But they make no representation or warranties of any kind with regard to the
completeness or accuracy of the contents of the book. They accept no liability of any kind for any losses or
damages caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, from using the information contained
in this book.

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