Daily Report-018 (Su Jinlong)
Daily Report-018 (Su Jinlong)
Daily Report-018 (Su Jinlong)
Item No. Quantity Description Tag No., Batch No., Serial No.,
Cast, Heat No.
3568-DB- 1 1778mmX25mmX28.7m(LSAW)+1778mmX40mmX6m
036 (LSAW)
3568-C12- 1 1778mmX25mmX2.7m(SSAW)+1778mmX30mmX5.7m
051 (LSAW) +1778mmX25mmX18.8m(SSAW)
(the generators is XL-21 CHNT NMI-630/3300, SAW) , calibrated on the 05th of May 2016 and with
calibration expiring date the 05th May 2017.
The activities carried out during the execution of the weld , with reference to EN 1090-2(EXC3).
- check of the setting of the welding parameters (Current range-A and Tension range- Volt)
- check of the parameters during the welding (Current renge-A and Tension range-Volt)
- check of the temperature before starting of the welding operation (preheat )
- check of interpass temperature
- identification of filler metal
- identification of flux type ( condition