Hydranencephaly: Case Note

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Kathmandu University Medical Journal (2010), Vol. 8, No.

1, Issue 29, 83-86

Case Note
Pant S1, Kaur G2, JK De3
Medical Officer, 2Associate Professor, 3Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Manipal
College of Medical Sciences

Hydranencephaly is a rare congenital condition where the greater portions of the cerebral hemispheres and the corpus
striatum are replaced by cerebrospinal fluid and glial tissue. The meninges and the skull are well formed, which is
consistent with earlier normal embryogenesis of the telencephalon. Bilateral occlusion of the internal carotid arteries in
utero is a potential mechanism. Clinical features include intact brainstem reflexes without evidence of higher cortical
activity. The infants head size and the spontaneous reflexes such as sucking, swallowing, crying, and moving the arms
and legs may all seem normal at birth. However, after a few weeks the infant usually becomes irritable and has increased
muscle tone and after a few months of life, seizures and hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid
in the brain) may develop. Other symptoms may include visual impairment, lack of growth, deafness, blindness, spastic
quadriparesis (paralysis), and intellectual deficits. Since the early behaviour appears to be relatively normal, the diagnosis
may be delayed for months sometimes. There is no definitive treatment for hydranencephaly. The outlook for children
with hydranencephaly is generally poor, and many children with this disorder die before their first birthday.

Key words: hydranencephaly, congenital anomaly, vascular disruption, thromboplastin,

A 19 years old, Gravida 2 Para 0 Abortion 1, presented

at 31+5 gestational week presented with complaints
of pain abdomen and bleeding per vaginum for 1 day.
HBV, blood sugars) were normal. Her blood group was
B positive.

The patient was a booked case in a district hospital Ultrasonogram(done at the time of presentation)showed
and had received routine antenatal care including an the following findings.
anomaly scan at 16 week period of gestation (POG) A single live fetus of calculated gestational age of
which had not revealed any abnormality. She gave 32 weeks.
history of burning micturition at around 24 week POG Right lateral fundal placentation.
for which she had taken Nitrofurantoin and urine Liquor volume was adequate.
alkaliniser from the same hospital. Beside this, her first
Massive intracerebral cavitation with non
and second trimesters were uneventful.
visualisation of cerebral hemispheres.
Past history: History of 1 spontaneous abortion at 20 Falx,midbrain and posterio fossa structures
week POG. are visualised suggestive of alobar type of
On examination:
The patient delivered spontaneously, a female baby
Vitals signs: weighing 1.8 kg. The head circumference was 33.5 cm,
length 40 cm and gestational age 32 weeks according to
Pulse-78 bpm ; BP -100/70mm Hg ; Respiratory rate New Ballard Scoring.
-20/min ; Temp-98.6 F

Abdominal examination: uterus 32 wk size; longitudinal

lie, cephalic presentation, fetal heart sound (FHS) @142
bpm, contractions :one every ten minute each lasting
for approximately twenty seconds( 1/10`/20`). Correspondence
Dr. Sadip Pant
Medical Officer
Routine Antenatal investigations (blood counts, urine Manipal College of Medical Sciences
routine and microscopy, serology for HIV,HCV and E-mail: [email protected]

The baby did not cry for 5 minutes following birth. Oral The baby was investigated and neurosonogram,
and nasal suctioning was done, tactile stimulation was echocardiogram and USG abdomen.
given and bag and mask ventilation (BMV) performed.
Apgar score at 1 min was 2/10 and at 5 min was 8/10. The neurosonographic findings were consitent with the
Baby was shifted to NICU for further management. obstretic scan findings as mentioned earlier.
Head Examination revealed: normal sized brilliantly
transilluminant head with wide open posterior Renal and cardiac anomaly ruled out.
The sepsis screen was negative.
Systemic Examination was within normal limit with
intact neonatal reflexes. The baby was taken against medical advice for
economical reasons on 3rd postpartum day.

Fig 1: Ultrasonogram obtained at 31+5 weeks shows Fig 2: Sagittal image in the same patient as in Image 1
unfused thalami surrounded by fluid in this fetus again demonstrates the absence of the cerebral
with hydranencephaly. Note the lack of cerebral hemispheres (which have been replaced by
hemispheric tissue. fluid). Because of the early age of gestation,
hydranencephaly was difficult to distinguish
from hydrocephalus.

Fig 3: Hydrocephalus. A transaxial USG scan of a Fig 4: Hydranencephaly.Transaxial image near the
fetus at 30 weeks gestation demonstrates an vertex demonstrates a discontinuous falx midline
enlarged fetal head with thinned but present echo (curved arrow). Normal hyperechoic
temporoparietal cortical mantle (arrows) choroid plexuses (straight arrows) are seen
along the posterolateral aspect of the calvaria. posterior to the thalami.There is no identifiable
Although the temporoparietal cortical mantle is cortical mantel14.
also present anteriorly, it cannot be appreciated
because of reverberation artifacts14.

Discussion light is passed through body tissues, usually confirms
Hydranencephaly is a rare, isolated abnormality the diagnosis.
occurring in less than 1 per 10,000 births worldwide 13.
It is the most severe form of bilateral cerebral cortical Preliminary diagnosis may be made in utero via
destruction. This is a condition in which the cerebral standard ultrasound, and can be confirmed with a level
hemispheres are absent and replaced by sacs filled with II or higher ultrasound.
cerebrospinal fluid. Hydranencephaly occurs after the
brain and ventricles have fully formed, usually in the Prognosis
second trimester. There is no standard treatment for hydranencephaly.
Treatment is symptomatic and supportive.
Etiopathogenesis Hydrocephalus may be treated with a shunt (e.g.a
Five theories have been proposed: ventriculoperitoneal shunt). The prognosis for children
1) Bilateral occlusion of the supraclinoid segment of with hydranencephaly is generally quite poor. Death
the internal carotid arteries or of the middle cerebral usually occurs in the first year of life11.
The differential diagnosis
2) An extreme form of leukomalacia formed by
confluence of multiple cystic cavities5. The common differentials for hydranencephaly include
extreme hydrocephalus, alobar holoprosencephaly and
3) Diffuse hypoxic-ischemic brain necrosis6.
porencephaly. On ultrasound, hydrancephaly presents
4) Infection causing necrotizing vasculitis. Intrauterine as a large cystic mass filling the entire cranial cavity
infections, particularly toxoplasmosis and viral with absence or discontinuity of the cerebral cortex
infections (enterovirus, adenovirus, parvovirus, and of the midline echo. The appearance of the thalami
cytomegalic, herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr, and and brainstem protruding inside a cystic cavity is
respiratory syncytial viruses), have been implicated characteristic. With either extreme hydrocephaly, alobar
in a number of cases7,8. Toxic exposures and cocaine holoprosencephaly or porencephaly, these structures
abuse have been reported, and hydranencephaly has should still be surrounded by a rim of cortex, and the
been described in rare syndromes9. choroid plexuses should be normally visible. Magnetic
5) Thromboplastic material from a deceased co- Resonance Imaging study can aid in confirmation
twin110. of these findings. There are important reasons to
differentiate hydranencephaly from hydrocephalus;
There is liquefaction of the brain tissue in the area these reasons relate to prognosis and management12.
involved (usually the hemispheres),with replacement of Sutton and associates13 followed 10 neonates with
the neural tissue by cerebrospinal fluid and preservation serial computed tomography, electroencephalograms,
of the membranes (the meninges). and developmental evaluations for 4-23 months.
Two syndromes were defined. The five infants with
Presentation hydranencephaly demonstrated neither neurologic nor
An infant with hydranencephaly may appear normal at radiologic improvement beyond 1 month of age despite
birth or may have some distortion of the skull and upper aggressive surgical management and shunt placement.
facial features due to fluid pressure inside the skull. The The five infants with maximal hydrocephalus improved
infant's head size and spontaneous reflexes such as dramatically over time following shunt placement.
sucking, swallowing, crying, and moving the arms and
legs may all seem normal, depending on the severity of Conclusion
the condition. However, after a few weeks the infant Although the number of cases of hydranencephaly
usually becomes irritable and has increased muscle diagnosed in utero by ultrasonography can be counted
tone (hypertonia).After several months of life, seizures in fingers15, the importance of such a diagnosis cannot
and hydrocephalus may develop. Other symptoms may be overlooked. The timely diagnosis of a congenital
include visual impairment, lack of growth, deafness, anomaly which is incompatible with postnatal life
blindness, spastic quadriparesis/plegia and intellectual like hydranencephaly can at least help in preventing
deficits. Some infants may have additional abnormalities maternal morbidity (in medical, psychological and
at birth including seizures, myoclonus (involuntary economical terms) by contemplation of medical
sudden, rapid jerks), and respiratory problems. termination of pregnancy under eugenic grounds. In
addition, the termination of pregnancy as late as the third
Diagnosis trimester may be justified when an antenatal diagnosis
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