Pan Section Vapour Header and Pan Vapour Line Dia Calculation in Sugar Industry

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Pan Section Vapour Header and Pan vapour

Line Dia Calculation

Formulas to Find Pan Section Vapour Header and Pan
vapour Line Dia with Online Calculator

1 Formulas to Find Pan Section Vapour Header and Pan vapour Line Dia with Online
o 1.1 Pan Section Vapour Header Dia :
1.1.1 Required Data For Calculation:
1.1.2 Formulas for calculation:
o 1.2 Pan Vapour Inlet and Out Line Dia:
1.2.1 Required Data For Calculation: As Per Hugot given Evaporation Rate of pans
1.2.2 Formulas for calculation:

in this article given formulas for calculate Pan Section Vapour Header and Pan vapour Line Dia
and also proved online calculator.

Pan Section Vapour Header Dia :

Required Data For Calculation:

Crushing Rate in TCH

A m/c % cane (To be Take percentage of m/c boiled in that particular bleed vapour).

(For example while calculating the 2nd bleed vapour header for pans , choose how may pans
boiled in 2nd vapour according to that consider the percentage of m/c )

B m/c % cane (To be Take percentage of m/c boiled in that particular bleed vapour).

(For example Consider total B m/c to be boiled on 3rd vapour bleeding than calculating the 2nd
bleed vapour header for pans, choose percentage of m/c is zero in calculator)

C m/c % cane (To be Take percentage of m/c boiled in that particular bleed vapour).
Temperature of input vapour in oC
Velocity of inlet vapour in m/sec (Taken as per bleed vapour from evaporator body)
Specific steam consumption for A massecuite in ton of vapour per ton of m/c ( For A
m/c it is having 0.4 to 0.5)
Specific steam consumption for B massecuite in ton of vapour per ton of m/c ( For B
m/c it is having 0.35 to 0.4)
Specific steam consumption for C massecuite in ton of vapour per ton of m/c ( For C m/c
it is having 0.30 to 0.35)
Specific volume of vapour in M3/kg ( Taken from Steam table for the particular

Formulas for calculation:

Vapour requirement m/c boiling in Ton/hr = ( TCH x m/c % cane x Steam consumption
of vapour)/100
Total vapour Requirement in T/hr = ( Vapour requirement for A m/c boiling + Vapour
requirement for B m/c boiling + Vapour requirement for C m/c boiling )
Than total vapour requirement to be covert into M3/sec by the multiplying the specific
volume of vapour
Dia of vapour Line header = SQRT [Volume of vapour / (0.785 x Velocity of vapour) ]

Pan Vapour Inlet and Out Line Dia:

Required Data For Calculation:

Heating surface of the pan in m2

Evaporation rate of the pan in Kg/ m2/hr ( Take maximum value for calculating the
vapour lines)
Pan Inlet Vapour Temperature in oC (Taken from evaporator bleed vapour temperature)
Pan Outlet Vapour Temperature in oC ( It is having 50oC to 60oC)
Pan Inlet Vapour Velocity in m/sec (Taken from evaporator bleed vapour velocity)
Pan Outlet Vapour Velocity in m/sec ( It is having 50 to 60 m/sec)
Specific volume of Pan inlet vapour ( Taken from Steam table for the particular
Specific volume of Pan Outlet vapour ( Taken from Steam table for the particular

As Per Hugot given Evaporation Rate of pans

Maximum Minimum
Kg/m /hr Lb/Ft /hr Kg/m2/hr Lb/Ft2/hr
2 2

Footing 85 17.5 17 3.5

A massecuite 71 14.6 32 6.6
B massecuite 46 9.4 11 2.2
C massecuite 36 7.5 1.7 0.34

Formulas for calculation:

Volume of the vapour in M3/sec = (Heating surface x evaporation rate of the pan x
Specific volume of vapour /3600 )
Dia of vapour Line = SQRT [Volume of vapour / (0.785 x Velocity of vapour) ]

For online calculation purpose please visit the below link

Online Calculator for Pan Section Vapour Header and Pan

vapour Line Dia
For sugar industry equipment design and drawing calculation and latest
technologies purpose please visit our website.

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