Delivery Timelines Using Cloud Ides: Achieve Shorter Software
Delivery Timelines Using Cloud Ides: Achieve Shorter Software
Delivery Timelines Using Cloud Ides: Achieve Shorter Software
o develop a software product, the development process code management system like GIT. Once the code is checked
plays a vital role. Software development consists in, it requires the consensus of other developers, which takes
of requirement gathering, design, coding, testing, more time if the number of developers is high in a project. So,
deployment and maintenance. Some of the basic requirements for there is the fundamental need to provide a software development
software development are hardware and software tools, a server environment for a large number of developers to work together on
to deploy and test the application and a coding development a collaborative project, yet achieve a shorter delivery time. A cloud
environment. Cloud based development brings in a lot of IDE is one of the best solutions to reduce the development process
cost savings and efficiency into the process. For example, the time, as it provides a more convenient and flexible common
cloud provides a deployment environment, and so users do not environment for software developers.
require to build, develop or maintain this environment but can
share it easily from the public environment. To leverage the The cloud IDE
customisation of software and hardware components, based The key idea behind the cloud IDE based platform is to create a
on the deployment requirements, we need to move to the next virtual development environment. It can provide the following
generation cloud computing platform. features for the software development process:
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a a. Users can develop an application in one or more software
software tool that integrates various features required for the technologies such as Java, C++, HTML, JavaScript and so on.
development of a software application. The latest improvement b. It has an application container to deploy the application on-
in this field is the cloud IDE, which is a virtual development the-fly.
environment. For example, to develop a Java application, we c. It offers repository management to store, retrieve and share
use Eclipse as the IDE, which provides an integrated plug- code between groups of developers.
in facility to develop Java code, auto complete In addition to these basic features, we need to add
Java APIs, has syntax highlighting, apart security to limit the access to only the selected group of
from the capability to compile, execute, developers. This can be achieved by an authentication
test and analyse static code. In a traditional system that protects the development environment
software development environment, all from public use.
developers install the IDE in their respective Here, lets consider an open source virtual
systems, and upload their developed code environment for cost effective and better community
into a concurrent version system (CVS) or source
Orion Content
Figure 7: PaaS support in Codenvy
Figure 5: Software supported by Eclipse Che
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Choose a technology
Codenvy provides an IDE, a builder, and a tester on separate nodes.
We configure each node by the type of project selected.
Java Java Web Java Java Script Ruby on Python PHP Node.js Maven
Library Application Spring Rails Multi-
(JAR) (WAR) Module