Purebiz Spring 17
Purebiz Spring 17
Purebiz Spring 17
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HERE are few places more
conducive to inspiration than
the Derbysh re (oLrntryside...
as lillTurner is finding out.
As Peak District & Derbyshire
Dales network leader for Think
Out ride - The Ent'ep'e'e-'s'Walk.
she has seen first hand the benefits of
combin ing networking activities with
walks through st!nning scenery.
"lt's a proven fact that when
you're talking face to face with
someone, you feel more vulnerable or
self conscious but that isn't the case .
when you're waikinq side-by-side, "
says.lill, principal financial adviser at Think Outside is part of the "The other driving force was that one
5heff ield-based iill Turner Associates. Fema e Rural Entrepreneur of my goals was to become fitter by
"Wken you're walking it's '''ore Empowerment (FREE) project, which walking more and lthought: why not
informal and we get some really supports women in five partner invite other women in business to
good conversations going. countries - UK, lceland, Lithuania, join me?
"Running your own business can Croatia and Bulgaria - to become "The walks have been really
be lonely but women on the walks successf ul in business. well received and some women are
can be soJndi-g ooa.ds for allsorts Funded by the EU, it aims to help already doing business together as a
of uncertainties: clients not paying; women build networks, support result.
not knowing which software to use business qrowth and provide online "As women in business,
or how to use it; which suppliers to courses. Walks are free of charge netwalking provides us with
call on; how to raise finance; business opportunities to meet new people,
trendsi grant availabilityj mentoring... build relationships and support
You might even be walking alongside each other. lt's a qreat way for us to
someone who's an expert in the field share our successes and ideas and
you need." OR commercial photographer gain advice through our different
Amanda Mcconnell, experiences. lt also gives us some time
establishing monthly netwalks out frorn our to-do listsl"
was the perfect way to achieve Netwalks are held on the first
two goals at once. Friday of every month at 1oam and
Ama nda launched the Women routes are around 5km. 50 far these
in Business Netwalking Group have been in the Chesterfield area,
(Derbyshire) in January and within however Amanda is also looking at
weeks had attracted more than 60 options in other areas of Derbyshire,
members to its Facebook page. dependinq on demand
"The idea was formed last year
when I was looking to join a women
in business group," says Amanda.