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Human Microbiota and Disease

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The Gut Microbiota

are also grappling with some of the social

and ethical issues related to microbiome
research, including concerns that exagger-
ated claims for so-called probiotic prod-
ucts that can alter the microbiomemany
of which are already on the retail market
could discredit the eld.

Gathering steam
Microbiome research didnt start with HMP
and MetaHIT, but those programs did help
in raising visibility and attracting a much
larger number of people to the eld, says
David Relman, a microbiologist at Stan-
ford University in Palo Alto, California, who

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has worked on the microbiome for at least
15 years. When he started, he and others
lacked good tools to identify the microbes
teeming in the human gut, skin, mouth, nose,
and reproductive tract. Since then, there
has been tremendous progress, says
S. Dusko Ehrlich, a molecular biologist
at the French research agency INRA and
coordinator of MetaHIT. New methods
have made possible the characterization
NEWS of our ora. Those methods include high-
throughput DNA sequencing; effective,
Taking Stock of the Human relatively low-cost techniques that allow the
cataloging of millions of sequences at a time;

Microbiome and Disease and the identification of bacterial species

without having to culture themlargely by
using a short segment of their ribosomal RNA
Programs that helped jump-start the microbiome eld have yet to come up with called 16S rRNA as a taxonomic marker.
the best way to follow up on their discoveries Over the past 4 years, for example, Meta-
HITs scientists carried out a sequencing
PARIS We are not alone. Our bodies, ers say, the human host can get into serious study on 124 subjects from Denmark and
inside and out, are teeming with trillions of troubleespecially because the 5 million Spain and found a total of at least 1000 differ-
microbes. Most of them are our friends, help- to 8 million different microbial genes in our ent bacterial species that inhabit the gut, with
ing us to digest food, strengthen our immune bodies vastly outnumber the 20,000 or so each subject harboring an average of 160 spe-
systems, and keep dangerous enemy patho- human genes. Indeed, recent research has cies. All told, the researchers have come up
gens from invading our tissues and organs. implicated microbiome imbalances in dis- with 3.3 million genes in the gut alone and
Evidence is building that this resident orders as diverse as cancer, obesity, inam- have proposed that people have one of three
community of microbes, called the micro- matory bowel disease, psoriasis, asthma, and enterotypes, microbiomes dominated by a
biome, plays a major role in health and possibly even autism (Science, 26 November particular bacterial genus.
disease. We humans co-evolved with our 2010, p. 1168; 1 April 2011, p. 32). HMP-funded researchers, meanwhile,
microbial communities, says Lita Proctor, HMP, together with a European program have sequenced more than 2000 microbial
a microbial ecologist and program director called Metagenomics of the Human Intesti- genomes, with a total goal of 3000 genomes,
of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), a nal Tract (MetaHIT) and government agen- creating a reference database that will allow
special project of the U.S. National Institutes cies in France, Japan, Canada, and other scientists to more rapidly sequence and
of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, that countries, have provided a major boost to assemble microbial genomes taken from
has spent $170 million over the past 5 years microbiome research over the past several human and animal subjects. And in stud-
to catalyze microbiome research. It is this years. But HMP and MetaHIT are now com- ies involving about 300 volunteers, HMP
co-evolved relationship that has expanded ing to a formal end this year, and the follow- researchers have decoded microbial genomes
our capabilities beyond what is coded in our on efforts are still unclear. The real challenge found in the gut, mouth, nose, skin, and repro-
genomes to defend against disease, adapt to is to establish cause and effect between the ductive tract, providing a detailed picture of
new environments, exploit a diverse diet, microbiome and health. At issue is whether how the microbiome differs between indi-
and thrive as a species. its best to tackle that challenge with a top- viduals and body sites. Other projects inves-
But when the normal composition of the down approach, investigator-initiated pro- tigated the role of the microbiome in diseases
microbiome is thrown off balance, research- posals, or a combination of both. Scientists affecting the gut, reproductive tract, and skin.

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What next Proctor agrees that funding such inde- Even before the commission commits,
One big question for the future is whether pendent work should be the ultimate goal France is putting its weight behind micro-
to stress gathering more data on healthy and but thinks that microbiome research still biome efforts. It will provide $25 million for
unhealthy microbiomes or focus on establish- needs a targeted approach for now. The the 10-year, $104 million MetaGenoPolis,
ing causal relationships between the micro- real success in human microbiome research which will create a biobank of up to 1 mil-
biome and disease. Indeed, Proctor says that will be when we no longer need standalone lion stool samples and expand gene prol-
intense discussions are now under ing and high-throughput gene
way within NIH and between the screening of the microbiome.
agency and microbiome research- The goal, says Ehrlich, the
ers over HMPs future. coordinator, is to speed con-
Microbiome scientists told Microbial connection? necting microbiota to health
Science that they want to see con- Future studies should and disease and open avenues
tinued development of computa- help clarify how the for interventions.
tional genomics. Both MetaHIT microbiome contributes
and HMP have pushed for new to obesity. Clouds on the horizon

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databases, mathematical algo- Although the future seems
rithms, modeling approaches, bright for microbiome research
and software packages. But funding, there are some prac-
more tools are necessary to take tical concerns. At the Paris
the effort to the next level, as meeting, Richard Sharp, direc-
Relman puts it, which would tor of bioethics research at
include functional studies to the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio,
determine more precisely what warned that the U.S. Food
role the microbiome is playing in and Drug Administration was
various diseases. Indeed, this past March at programs in human microbiome science, likely to be hesitant about microbiome clini-
the International Human Microbiome Con- she says. Nevertheless, Proctor argues, cal trials. Regulation could become a major
gress held here, Proctor said a prospective the catalytic role of HMP has already led roadblock, he says.
HMP2 would likely concentrate on devel- to an increase in total microbiome spend- Sharp also advocated that microbi-
oping new bioinformatics and computa- ing far beyond what Knight advocates. We ome researchers do more public outreach
tional tools, as well as expanding mouse and estimate that there has been an eightfold to counter the often grossly mislead-
other animal models to investigate whether increase in microbiome funding across all ing statements made by some companies
changes in microbiome composition are the NIH institutes, excluding HMP funding that sell probiotic products designed to
cause or effect of disease states. itself, since HMPs inception. alter the microbiome. This merchandise is
But others think that more ambitious Meanwhile, the European Commission is widely available in health food stores and
approaches are necessary. Rob Knight, an expected to put out a call for new microbiome via Internet retailers. Knight agrees that this
evolutionary biologist at the University of proposals in July, Ehrlich says. A draft pro- is a huge problem. Public enthusiasm
Colorado, Boulder, says he would also like posal now circulating suggests that the com- for probiotics greatly outstrips current evi-
to see a targeted effort to characterize the mission would fund more targeted research dence, even if the potential is very high.
diversity of the microbiome in different
populations, similar to how the Human My hope is that this will be one of the most rapid
Genome Diversity Project collected DNA
from indigenous populations (Science, translations from [lab] bench to bedside seen to date.
10 June 2005, p. 1554). And Relman says KJERSTI AAGAARD,
that an HMP2 could mount a microbiome BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE
version of the famous Framingham Heart
Study by following thousands of people than before, including the analysis of differ- He and others say that the promise of
from birth for at least 20 years to see how ences in microbiome proles between differ- interventions that can modulate and mod-
their microbiomes uctuate over time and ent populations, a focus on autoimmune and ify the microbes that we coexist with makes

correlate with disease states. inammatory diseases, and ways to restore the eld particularly important and attrac-
At issue, too, is how microbiome research the microbiome after it is disrupted by anti- tive. Says Proctor: Unlike the human
should be funded. Knight, for example, biotics or other treatments. The proposal genome, the microbiome is changeable,
advocates a boost in funding of two to ve also calls for giving priority to projects that and it is this changeability which holds real
times the $170 million that HMP spent over involve industrial partners. promise. Kjersti Aagaard, an obstetrician-
the past 5 years. But Relman worries that if Over the past 4 years, the commission con- gynecologist and microbiome researcher
too much money is allocated to the kind of tributed nearly $15 million to MetaHIT, and at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston,
centralized and top-down approach repre- this was matched by a nearly equal amount Texas, agrees: My hope is that this will
sented by HMP, we will end up with lim- from both public and private sources. The be one of the most rapid translations from
ited resources for grassroots, investigator- new plan could boost the European Commis- [lab] bench to bedside seen to date.
initiated proposals. sions share alone to nearly $40 million. MICHAEL BALTER

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