Human Microbiota and Disease
Human Microbiota and Disease
Human Microbiota and Disease
Gathering steam
Microbiome research didnt start with HMP
and MetaHIT, but those programs did help
in raising visibility and attracting a much
larger number of people to the eld, says
David Relman, a microbiologist at Stan-
ford University in Palo Alto, California, who
correlate with disease states. inammatory diseases, and ways to restore the eld particularly important and attrac-
At issue, too, is how microbiome research the microbiome after it is disrupted by anti- tive. Says Proctor: Unlike the human
should be funded. Knight, for example, biotics or other treatments. The proposal genome, the microbiome is changeable,
advocates a boost in funding of two to ve also calls for giving priority to projects that and it is this changeability which holds real
times the $170 million that HMP spent over involve industrial partners. promise. Kjersti Aagaard, an obstetrician-
the past 5 years. But Relman worries that if Over the past 4 years, the commission con- gynecologist and microbiome researcher
too much money is allocated to the kind of tributed nearly $15 million to MetaHIT, and at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston,
centralized and top-down approach repre- this was matched by a nearly equal amount Texas, agrees: My hope is that this will
sented by HMP, we will end up with lim- from both public and private sources. The be one of the most rapid translations from
ited resources for grassroots, investigator- new plan could boost the European Commis- [lab] bench to bedside seen to date.
initiated proposals. sions share alone to nearly $40 million. MICHAEL BALTER