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British Geological Survey


Overseas Geology Series


CJ Mitchell, EJ Evans & M T Styles

This document is an output of a project funded by the UK Overseas Development
Administration (ODA) for the benefit of developing countries. The views expressed
in this document are not necessarily those of the ODA.

ODA Classi$cation
Subsector: Geoscience
Theme: G2, Identify and ameliorate minerals-related and other geochemical toxic hazards
Project Title: Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards
Reference number: R6226
Bibliographic reference:
C J Mitchell, E J Evans & M T Styles,
A review of gold particle-size and recovery methods
BGS Technical Report WC/97/14
Gold, mineral processing, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Canada
Front cover illustration:
Processing of gold ore using a sluice box, Malaysia
0NERC 1997

Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards


Mineralogy & Petrology Group
Technical Report WC/97/14


CJ Mitchell, EJ Evans & MT Styles


This report reviews published literature concerning the particle-size distribution of

gold occurring in alluvial and bed-rock deposits and the various methods used for its
recovery. The aim of this review is to recommend methods for the recovery of fine-
grained gold (generally less than 100 pm in size) as an alternative to the
environmentally damaging use of mercury amalgamation. This work has been carried
out as part of an ODA / BGS Technology Development Research (TDR) project
R6226 "Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards".


Information on the particle-size distribution of gold is sparsely scattered throughout

the literature and presented in various different forms. Many gold assays are carried
out on sieved heavy mineral concentrates (HMC's). This is of limited use, to the
current review, as coarse grained gold present in the ore will not be included in the
analysis. This is simply due to the practicalities involved, often samples were pre-
sieved on site to remove coarse material (for example >2 mm) and only the fine
material was evaluated. Often laboratory evaluations will be geared toward the use of
specific gold recovery techniques. Many of these techniques have their effectiveness
limited to specific size ranges. Therefore the evaluation will often only be applicable
to gold within that size range, regardless of the presence of finer (or coarser) gold.

Even where a complete gold particle-size distribution is quoted the information

should be treated with caution. Gold generally occurs in minute amounts which
requires (for statistical accuracy) large bulk samples to be collected for size analysis,
especially to determine weight percentages of coarse gold grains (>500 pm). Various
physical methods are used in order to separate gold for analysis, most commonly
laboratory-scale gravity separators.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

However for particles below approximately 75 pm the processing efficiency of most

gravity separators starts to fall. Therefore it is important that the gold content of all
separation products, middlings and tailings (waste products) as well as concentrates,
are determined to ensure that an accurate gold particle-size distribution is produced
for the whole sample not just for certain size ranges.

The size at which gold is considered to be "fine-grained" varies. The following

classifications have been devised (Wang & Poling, 1983):

Russia Canada (British Columbia)

Fine gold -315 +100 pm Fine gold -1.5 mm +350 pm

Minute gold -100 +37 pm Flour -350 pm
Dispersible gold -37 pm

Others suggest that 75 pm or 100 pm (Stewart & Ramsay, 1993) should be the top
size of fine-grained gold. This report will use 100 pm.

The particle-size distributions quoted for gold do not reflect the particle-size
distribution of the ore. For example 50% of the gold by weight may exist in a size
fraction that only represents 10%of the ore by weight. Also the variation in the
weight distribution of gold with particle-size depends upon the nature of the ore ( and
for alluvial gold the source area). Some alluvial gold deposits may contain a
significant amount of fine grained gold whereas others will contain virtually none.

2.1. Alluvial Gold

Generally the particle-size of alluvial gold falls into the range 5 mm to 100 pm.
Several examples are given in the following Tables. The information given in Tables
1 to 6 is from a BGS study of alluvial gold. The samples were sieved in the field at 2
mm and hence will not contain gold grains larger than that, although it is unlikely that
they are present. Grain size was measured by image analysis of grains hand picked
for subsequent polishing and microanalysis. The minimum size is governed by that
which could be manipulated and was considered large enough for polishing. Many
samples actually contained a small proportion of finer grains that were not measured.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Samples purchased from artisanal alluvial miners and are shown with *. They often
contained less fine gold than the samples collected by BGS staff and counterparts.
This is due to both poor technique and, in some cases, poor equipment; African
miners were seen using broken washing-up bowls and old ice cream tubs as pans.
This explains the variation in data obtained for samples collected by different people
in different ways and makes establishing the true natural variation very difficult.

As can be seem from most of the tables little information is available for gold finer
than 100 pm. In part this may be due to the inefficiency of fine gold recovery in the
studies referred to.

Table 1. Ecuador (Styles et al, 1992)

Sample Size range (pm) Average (pm)

EQ1* 153 - 291 1 1393

EQ2* 186 - 2868 1607
EQ3* 980 - 3299 2288
EW* 608 - 3199 1552
EQ5* 544 - 3146 1431
EQ6* 555 - 4066 1898
EQ7* 123 - 3280 1347

Table 2. Mersing, Johore, Malaysia (Styles et al, 1994)

Site Size range (pm) Average (pm)

Kuala Mayang 312 - 893 63 1

Air Merah 208 - 481 342
Telok Bangka 110 - 727 385
Pulau Belanak 225 - 658 40 1

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Table 3. Lubuk Mandi area, Terengganu, Malaysia (Henney et al, 1994)

Site Size range (pm) Average (pm)

Lubuk Mandi
MA13* 560- 1477 939
MA14 136 - 879 442
MA 16* 136- 1599 904
MA17* 476 - 3624 1332

Table 4. Zimbabwe (Styles et al, 1995)

Site Size range (pm) Aversg:, (pn)

zM5 212- 1603 464
ZM89 30 - 550 249
ZM90 121 -451 222
Chegutu-Chakari" 171 - 2486 1264
Kadoma * 217 - 2067 958
ZM28* 196- 1961 865
ZM29* 365 - 2237 1047
zM35 217 - 476 242
ZM73* 234 - 2428 1070
m33* 165 - 1944 313
m34* 256- 1025 450
Zvishavane * 210- 1239 585

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Table 5. Penjom area, near Kuala Lipis, Pahang, Malaysia (Henney et al, 1995)

Site Size range (pm) Average (pm)

MA 105 283 - 719 439

MA 106 197 - 551 306
MA 107 241 - 822 383
MA108 222 - 745 364
MA 109 356 - 827 525
MA1 10 281 - 804 534
MA1 11 120 - 5 18 245

Table 6. Raub area, Pahang, Malaysia (Henney et al, 1995)

~~~ ~~

Site Size range (pm) Average (pm)

Luie River 215 - 519 386

Raub valley
MA 86 149 - 787 332
MA87 132 - 306 203
MA88 208 - 726 404
MA89 197 - 575 359
MA90 110- 844 369
20 km S of Raub
MA92 215 - 394 270
MA93 146 - 308 225
MA94 132 - 461 273
10 km N of Raub
MA100 266 - 575 413
MA101 405 - 723 528
MA 102 253 - 390 308

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Table 7. Mount Kare, SW of Porgera, Papua New Guinea (Bartram et al, 1991)

Particle-size Weight Percentage


+5 mm 0.4
-5 mm +800 pm 29.6
-800 +250 pm 66.2
-250 +75 pm 3.6
-75 pm 0.2

Other placer deposits in Papua New Guinea have up to 50% fine gold 4 0 0 pm
(Subasinghe, 1991).

Table 8. Average placer gold, Yukon, Canada (Clarkson, 1994)

~ ~~~

Particle-size Weight Percentage

+2.36 mm 10
-2.36 + 1.4 ~ll~ll 20
- 1.4 mm +600 pm 30
-600 +300 pm 30
-300 + 150 pm 10
-150 pm Not quoted

Table 9 Placer gold, 'Middle Asia' (Solozhenkin et al, 1993)

Particle-size Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt % Wt %
+1 mm - -
-1 mm+400pm eo.1 0.22
-400 +200 pm <o.1 0.65
-200 + 100 pm 99.9 59.58
-100 +80 pm 39.53
-80 pm 0.02

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

In New Zealand placer deposits contain gold up to 95% <2 mm, 50 - 70% <lmm,
mostly >200 pm (Braithwaite & Jury, 1993).

2.2. Bed-rock (& miscellaneous) gold

The particle-size distribution of bed-rock gold varies considerably with the type of
gold deposit and is too diverse to generalise. Much of the information gathered here
represents gold associated either with sulphide mineralisation or altered volcanic
rockdmetasediments. Gold occurs in a wide range of particle sizes from ultrafine
inclusions in pyrite (down to <1 pm, often called 'invisible gold') to native, or free,
gold particles up to 1 mm in diameter and coarser. Several examples are given :

Table lO* Average from gold-rich quartz veins. Archean Basement, Dondo Mobi,
Gabon (Leconte & Colin, 1989)

~~ ~

Particle-size Weight Percentage

+500 pm 14
-500 +250 pm 5
-250 +125 pm 11
-125 +63 pm 6
-63 pm 64

2.2.1. Explosion breccia, Wau Valley, Papua New Guinea (Eltham, 1984). The gold
occurs generally <100 pm, occasionally recrystallised as coarse grains (>100 pm).

2.2.2. Altered metasediments, Wafi River, Papua New Guinea (Erceg et al, 1991).
The gold occurs as grains <3 pm in diameter associated with pyrite.

2.2.3. Mineralised turbidites, Peak Gold Mine, New South Wales, Australia (Davies,
1992). The gold ranges in size from 2 to 300 pm.

2.2.4. Mineralised volcanic rocks, Ladolam gold deposit, Lihir Island, Papua New
Guinea (Moyle et al, 1991). The gold occurs as inclusions <5 pm within pyrite, as
free gold up to 100 pm in oxidised ore and up to 500 pm in quartz veins.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

2.2.5. Granulite, Renco Reefs gold mine, Zimbabwe (Leroy, 1995). The gold is fine
grained (65% e15 pm) and 28% occurs as free gold associated with native bismuth.

2.2.6. Gold in glacial till overlying Archean greenstone, Ontario, Canada (Shelp &
Nichol, 1987) is up to 90% 4 0 0 pm, mostly e125 pm.

2.2.7. Gold in streams draining gneiss & plateau basalts, Harris Creek, British
Columbia, Canada (Day & Fletcher, 1989) is mainly cl00 pm.

2.3. Summary of gold particle-size

The following table gives a summary of the overall range and average of the available
particle-size data for alluvial and bedrock gold (the figures in brackets represent the
particle-size which most of the data falls into).

Table 11. Summary of alluvial and bed-rock gold particle-size

Gold type Particle-size

Overall range Average

Alluvial 30 pm to 4 mm 222 to 2.3 mm

(100 pm to 3.5 mm) (300 pm to 1.5 rnm)

Bedrock e3 pm to >500 pm e100 pm


This section will briefly outline the various mineral processing methods commonly
used to recover gold, giving an indication of the size-range of material processed and
typical gold recovery figures. Panning is not considered as no 'hard data' was found.
The methods considered mainly involve the physical separation of gold from 'gangue'
(which ranges from vein material in bed-rock deposits to sand and silt grade material
in alluvial deposits) using gravity-based processing methods. Gold has a high specific
gravity (19.3 g/cm3) in relation to most common gangue minerals (ranging from 2.65
to 3 g/cm3) and is therefore eminently suitable for gravity processing. Considering the
minute quantity of gold normally present in even the most auriferous ores (down to

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

lgltonne in bed-rock and 0.25 g/tonne in alluvial deposits) gravity processing is

virtually the only method effective at producing the concentration ratios required,
especially with the high volume throughputs associated with alluvial mining.

Table 12. Particle-size range and typical ef'ficiencies of gravity and chemical
gold recovery methods

Method Effective size range Recovery efficiency

Sluice boxes 2500 to 100 pm As low as 20% for 4 0 0 pm

(+ Reichert cones) gold to 96% for <loo0 pm gold

2500 to 75 pm As low as 50% for 100 pm gold

to 98% for 1000 pm gold

Shaking tables 3000 to 15 pm As low as 20% for 20 to 40 pm

gold up to 90% for gold >40 pm

Spirals 3000 to 75 pm 65 to 80 %

Rotating cones &

Bowl concentrators 6000 to 30 pm u p to 99%

Amalgamation 1500 to 70 pm As low as 65% for <75 pm gold

up to 98% for 4 0 0 pm gold

Cyanidation Finer than 200 pm At least 80% to 99%

~~ ~~~ ~~

N.B. Recovery data are specific to particle-size, ore nature and processing operation.

Certain gold grain characteristics influence the efficiency of gold recovery methods,
particularly gravity separation. The influence of density upon the behaviour of a gold
grain will lessen as the surface area to mass ratio increases. Gold is usually non-
spherical, and it is typically flakier with decreasing grain size. This is mainly due to
the malleability of gold, distorting rather than fracturing in response to loading and
impact (during crushing and grinding of the ore, and alluvial transport). This irregular
shape leads to porosity; cavities and pores are often infilled with lower density
material lowering the density of the composite particle. The flaky shape, porosity and
hydrophobic surface properties often cause gold to float. This is especially a problem
for fine grained gold. Gold grain surfaces are often coated with an hydrophobic

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

organic layer or iron oxide coatings and some are leached free of impurities (such as
silver) leaving a rim of pure gold, all of these render the surface hydrophobic (Wang
& Poling, 1983).

The mineralogical character of the gold is often not considered when planning a
processing plant, especially if the gold responds well to standard gravity and
cyanidation processes. However, if the gold recovery is poor (430%) the ore is
termed refractory and a detailed mineralogical investigation becomes necessary.
This will involve the determination of the mode of occurrence of minute gold grains
and the proportion of invisible gold. Gold usually occurs as native gold. A solid
solution exists with many heavy metals including electrum (Au, Ag), argentian gold
(Au, Ag), cuprian gold (Au, Cu), palladian gold (Au, Pd), mercurian gold (amalgam)
(Au, Hg) and Au-Ag-Hg alloy. Other gold-bearing minerals occur only in very small
amounts including gold tellurides, gold selenides, gold sulphides and intermetallic
compounds such as amalgam (Au, Hg), aurostilbite (Au, Sb) and maldonite (Au, Si)
(Petruk, 1989).

3.1. Sluice boxes

3.1.1. Riffled sluice boxes

The sluice box is by far and away the most commonly used means of concentrating
gold from alluvial gravels. They are generally cheap to make, easy to operate and
require minimal technical knowledge to maintain (Hancock, 1991). Essentially a
sluice box consists of a sloping open rectangular flume with regularly spaced
transverse bars, or riffles,through which a dilute slurry of water and alluvial gravel
flows. Heavy minerals, including gold are usually captured in the upstream side of the
riffles (or the downstream side depending upon the design of sluice box). These are
regularly removed by raking or cleaning-out the sluice box riffles.

Sluice boxes are effective for the recovery of gold with particle-size from 25 mm to
100 pm. The efficiency of gold recovery varies from 80 to 100% in well operated
sluices run by modern commercial companies to less than 50% in makeshift sluices
run by small-scale miners. A typical small-scale operation would involve 2 to 3
people, with 1 digging and feeding the sluice, the second picking out stones and the
third monitoring the wash water (Hancock, 1991). In New Zealand gold recoveries
are up to 80%, the remainder is mainly finer than 250 pm and is physically
recoverable by gravity separation (Fricker, 1986). In Yukon recoveries up to 98% are

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

reported (Clarkson, 1994). The efficiency of gold recovery is influenced by a host of


i) The design of the sluice box, including the slope, width and length, and
the type of riffles incorporated.

In Papua New Guinea sluice boxes consist of a wooden launder tilted 5 to 15" with
transverse wooden slats (Subasinghe, 1991). In Yukon expanded metal riffles are
incorporated into sluices operating at a relatively shallow slopes (7- 12") with feed
rates of 20 m3/hr and water flows of 40 l/s/m are used for recovering gold finer than 1
mm. Angle iron riffles used in sluices with steeper slopes (12-14"), faster feed rates,
40 m3/hr and faster water flows, 80 l/s/m are used for recovering gold coarser than 1
mm. Flat bar riffles ('nugget trap') may be suitable for recovering gold coarser than 6
mm (Clarkson, 1994).

A porous matting is often used to line the floor between riffles, particularly in the
lower part of the sluice box, in order to enhance the recovery of gold during
operation. Oscillation of the sluice box during operation may improve gold recovery
from alluvial gravel with a high proportion of heavy minerals or clay. However
oscillation leads to reduced gold recovery from other alluvial gravels (Clarkson,

The recovery of gold increases with sluice length and particle-size as indicated here
(Fricker, 1986):

Table 13. Gold recovery with increasing sluice length and particle-size

Sluice Gold recovery for a given particle-size

length -100 pm -250 +100 pm -1 mm +250 pm
wt % wt% wt %

0.5 m 4 34 50
1.0 m 5 50 68
1.5 m 6 58 78
2.0 m 7 59 80

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

ii) The particle-size range of the gold and the accompanying sediments.

The recovery of gold present in sand grade as compared to gravel grade material has
been determined as follows (Fricker, 1986):

Table 13. Recovery of sand- and gravel-grade gold

Gold Gold recovery

size -4mmsand -16 mm gravel
Wt % Wt %
0.1 mm 74 nd
0.2 mm 84 65
0.5 mm 92 85
1.0 mm 97 95
2.0 mm 100 99

Fine gold (e100 pm) is a problem for sluices and up to 60% of the total gold content
reports to the tailings (i.e. is not recovered). Gold recovery efficiencies of up to 50%
are achievable for material finer than 200 pm (Wang & Poling, 1983) and up to 40 to
50% for material finer than 100 pm (Subasinghe, 1991; Stewart & Ramsay, 1993).
The 'slimes' content (this can mean material less than 10 pm in size to less than 75
pm in size) of the feed can adversely affect gold recovery. Scrubbing and screening
prior to sluicing can improve gold recovery (by up to 20%) by freeing gold trapped in
clay-bound and weakly cemented material (Clarkson, 1994). If no coarse-grained
gold is present the sluice can be operated using conditions appropriate for the
recovery of fine-grained gold. However if coarse-grained gold does exist the ore can
be split into coarse and fine grained material. Gold can then be recovered from the
coarse-grained material by using a second sluice operated using conditions
appropriate for coarse-grained gold recovery. The treatment of coarse and fine
material separately will increase overall gold recovery.

iii) The sluice feed and wash water rate

Sluices are often operated in an attempt to recover coarse- (nugget) and fine-grained
gold in a single pass (Subasinghe, 1991). However these require distinctly different
hydrodynamic conditions. Coarse gold is best separated using high feed rates, with
steep sluice tilt and high riffles - the coarse gold drops out and finer gold remains

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

entrained in the flow of material down the sluice. Fine gold recovery requires lower
feed rates, shallower tilts and smaller riffles. Attempting to recover both coarse- and
fine-grained gold at the same time will result in poor overall recoveries. A slower rate
will improve recovery of fine gold but decrease the removal of gangue and reduce
overall throughput. The effect of varying sluice feed and wash water is similar to that
of varying sluice tilt. In many cases sluices are operated with water diverted from
local streams and it is more practical to vary sluice tilt than the wash water rate. The
steeper the tilt the faster the wash rate.

iv) The time interval between cleaning out the riffles

The sluice box is essentially a batch, or semi-continuous, process. In order to recover

gold from the sluice box riffles the operation is halted. The sluice boxes operated in
Papua New Guinea are operated for approximately a week between clean-out. The
experience of the operator is important in deciding when to clean. Too long an
interval will allow an excessive amount of solids to pack up against the riffles. This
will stop gold being trapped and it will be displaced to the tailings. A shorter interval
will result in improved recoveries but this has to be balanced against the time spent
cleaning and decreased throughput (Subasinghe, 1991)

3.1.2. Pinched sluices (including Reichert cones)

A pinched sluice is similar to a riffled sluice box, minus the riffles, that tapers to the
downstream end (Figure 1). During operation the minerals present in the feed slurry
segregate with heavy minerals adjacent the floor of the sluice and progressively
lighter minerals occurring at the top of the flow. The heavy mineral concentrate is
separated by the use of an inclined plate over which the slurry flows from the end of
the sluice.

A Reichert cone has a similar separating principle to that of a pinched sluice. It

consists of a squat cone, as if the base of a pinched sluice had been stretched out into
a circle. A slot near the base of the cone removes the concentrate, whereas the
tailings, which are entrained in the flow, pass straight over.

Pinched sluices and Reichert cones are effective in the processing of material in the
size range 3 mm to 30 pm. Typically used as a primary rougher (preconcentration of
gold prior to gold recovery) or scavenger (reprocessing of waste to improve overall
gold recovery) where high capacity, low operating cost is required. For example gold
recoveries of 50 to 60% are achieved with Reichert cones at New Celebration gold

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Mine in Western Australia (Martins et al, 1993). Used (to remove coarse gold) ahead
of expensive stages such as froth flotation or chemical leaching, which work better on
fine gold, they can save costs. The recovery of coarse gold requires ore to be ground
to a size suitable for flotation or leach times to be extended. Up to 60% gold can be
recovered by Reichert cones this way (Feree, 1993).

3.2. Jigs

A jig is described as a 'hindered settling device used to concentrate heavy minerals

from feed material'. It consists of a shallow, flat tray with a perforated bottom plate
through which water is pulsed up and down (Figure 2). This causes the heavy
minerals to migrate downwards and the lighter minerals to remain at the top of the
pulsing liquid. The heavy minerals are drawn through the base plate and the light
minerals pass over the top as tailings.

Jigs are effective in the processing of material in the size range 25 mm to 75 pm.
Material is best pre-screened and processed as separate coarse and fine fractions.
Typically for gold below 100 pm recovery falls to less than 50%. In a combined
sluicing-jigging operation gold recovery may be as high as 89 to 95% (Wang &
Poling, 1983). In an Alaskan operation conversion of a sluice plant to a jig plant
increased gold recovery by 37% (Fricker, 1986) and in a New Zealand operation a
similar conversion increased gold recovery by 14% (Braithewaite & Jury, 1993). A
Kelsey centrifugal jig has been used to concentrate fine gold-bearing sulphides from a
process tailings stream with recoveries of >70% (Brewis, 1995). The following table
compares gold recovery between a jig and a sluice at different grain sizes (Fricker,

Table 14. Recovery of gold using a sluice versus a jig

Particle Gold recovery

-size Sluice Jig
Wt % Wt %
0.1 mm 20 48
0.2 mm 56 74
0.5 mm 88 95
1.0 m 96 98

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

3.3. Shaking tables

The commonest form of shaking table used is the wet table (the 'dry' form is known
as an air table, which uses air as the fluid separating medium). It consists of a flat
table (or 'deck') with parallel riffles to trap the heavy minerals (Figure 3). The 'deck' is
vibrated longitudinally and inclined laterally during operation. A perforated pipe
feeds wash water from the upslope side. The slurried feed is introduced at the top
upslope corner. The minerals in the feed segregate. The heavy minerals sink to the
deck, migrate along the riffles and are discharged over the end of the deck. The light
minerals, entrained in the water, pass straight over the riffles and down to the bottom
and so to the tailings.

Shaking tables are effective in the processing of xAerial in the size range 3 mm to 15
pm. Shaking tables have been used to recover 88% of the gold present in a
concentrate produced on a spiral (Eltham, 1984). Wang & Poling (1983) record that
up to 90% of gold coarser than 40 pm can be recovered, whereas typically only 20%
of 20 - 40 pm gold can be recovered. The efficiency drops greatly below 40 pm. The
following table gives the size distribution of gold present in a shaking table middling
product from a commercial mine in Malaysia i.e. material that had passed over the
table and was stockpiled for possible later reprocessing. Estimated assay of around 10
ghonne is higher than the mined ore. There is considerable scope for increased yield
with more effective processing.

Table 15. Particle-size distribution of gold in a middlings product from a gold

mine in Malaysia

Particle-size (pm) Yield (wt %)

+250 pm 35.3
-250 +120 pm 42.11
-120 +63 pm 21.81
-63 pm 0.75

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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

3.4. Spirals

The spiral concentrator is described as a 'low feed rate, low feed density' flowing film
gravity separator. It consists of a helical conduit of modified semi-circular cross-
section, usually with between 3 and 5 complete 'turns' (Wills, 1992) (Figure 4).
Material is fed onto the top of the spiral as a slurry with typically 25 to 30% solids by
weight. As the material flows spirally downwards the particles stratify due to factors
such as centrifugal force, differential settling, hindered settling and reverse
classification. There is usually a density gradation across the profile of the spiral with
heavy minerals concentrating next to the axis and minerals of lower density being
swept to the outer edge. Concentrate, middling and tailing products are collected with
the use of adjustable splitter plates.

Spirals are effective in the processing of material in the size range 3 mm to 75 pm

(although up to 5 % 'slimes' can be tolerated with sufficient wash water). Spiral
performance is controlled by : the diameter and pitch of the spiral; the pulp density
(i.e. the solids content of the slurry); the location of the splitters and take-off points;
and, the volume and pressure of wash water. In one operation hydrocyclones are used
to deslime (removing particles nominally finer than 30 pm in this case) the feed to
spirals (only rejecting gold finer than 14 pm) and this leads to spiral recoveries of up
to 65% (Eltham, 1984). At New Celebration gold mine in Western Australia a series
of rougher (producing gold pre-concentrates) and cleaner (removing impurities from
gold concentrates) spirals consistently achieve gold recoveries of 70 to 80% (Martins
et al, 1993). Spirals are also known to be used for the recovery of fine flat free gold
(recoveries up to 85%) and gold finer than 37 pm (recoveries up to 50%) (Feree,

3.5. Rotating cones

Rotating cones find application in arid and semi-arid countries where water is at a
premium. These concentrators use the least amount of water of any wet gravity
separator and produce a high-grade concentrate in a single pass. They consist of a
squat cone (included angles of 105" to 115") which is tilted and rotated. A high-
density pulp is introduced at the top edge of the cone and wash water at the bottom
leading edge. As the cone rotates the heavy minerals migrate to the centre of the cone
and are drawn off. The light minerals ovefflow the lower edge of the cone as a

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Rotating cones are effective in the processing of material in the size range 3 mm to 30
pm. The concentrate grade is determined by : the slope of the cone; the grade of the
ore; and, the residence time of the material in the cone during operation.

3.6. Bowl concentrators

Commonly used makes are the Knudsen and the Knelson bowl concentrators. A bowl
concentrator consists of a rotating cylinder that segregates heavy minerals from light
minerals by a combination of centrifugal force and wash water action. The Knelson
bowl concentrator is claimed to recover "gold particles ranging from 6 mm to less
than one micron in a single pass" (sales brochure). Recovery is effective down to
approximately 30 pm.

Typically Knelson concentrators have been retrofitted to process flotation tailings to

recover gold coarser than 100 pm and also to replace mineral jigs as a means of
recovering coarse gold ahead of flotation and cyanidation. A fully-automated Knelson
concentrator was installed at the Dome Mine, South Porcupine, Ontario in
replacement for a jig circuit and exceeded jig gold recovery using only a tenth of the
volume of jig feed (Brewis, 1995). A similar concentrator was installed at the Golden
Giant mine in north central Ontario which, accompanied by a single stage of tabling,
accounted for up to 30% of the overall gold recovery. This was free-gold recovered
directly from the grinding circuit prior to cyanidation (Brewis, 1995). Removal of
coarser free gold ahead of cyanidation leads to savings from lowered carbon stripping
(recovery of gold from solution) and a consequent reduction in the use of cyanide
acid and other consumables. Also removal of free gold grains ahead of the grinding
circuit will ultimately improve flotation efficiency as there is a reduction in gold
'smearing' onto other minerals and effecting flotation properties.

3.7. Drum concentrators

The Mozley Multi-gravity separator (MGS) consists of a tilted drum that tapers
slightly to the downslope end (Figure 5). The drum simultaneously rotates and is
shaken longitudinally. Sample slurry is added to the upslope end and as it migrates
down the drum it segregates into heavy and light minerals. The heavy minerals report
to the inside wall of the drum, where they are pushed to the upslope end by scrapers.
The light minerals remain entrained in the wash water and report to the downslope
end. The MGS has been likened to a shaking table wrapped round itself into a drum.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

The MGS can be used to process material in the size range 1 mm down to 1 pm. An
MGS has been used to recover 76% of the gold present in a zinc flotation concentrate
(Mozley sales literature).

3.7. Other gold recovery methods

3.7.1. Non-gravity methods

Magnetic separation - Magnetic separation is the process whereby minerals are

separated by exploiting differences in their magnetic susceptibility. Magnetic
separators, using either permanent magnets or electromagnets, can be used to process
material in a wet or dry state at varying magnetic intensities (depending on the
impurities to be removed). Magnetite often concentrates with gold, this is easily
removed by magnetic separation which makes subsequent gold recovery more
efficient (Wang & Poling, 1983). Magnetic separation is effective in the processing of
material in the size range 2 mm to 70 pm for dry magnetic separation and down to 5
pm for wet magnetic separation.

Electrostatic separation - Electrostatic separation is the process whereby minerals

are separated by exploiting differences in their electrical conductivity. Electrostatic
separators use electrodes to create an electrical charge on the surface of minerals. The
rate at which this charge dissipates controls the separation, conductive minerals lose
the charge rapidly and non-conductive minerals slowly. If non-conductive heavy
minerals occur with gold electrostatic separation can be used, leading to improved
gold recoveries (Wang & Poling, 1983). Electrostatic separation is effective in the
processing of material in the size range 600 pm to 70 pm.

Hydrocycloning - A hydrocyclone is a classification device used extensively in the

minerals industry for the beneficiation of a wide variety of material and also for the
dewatering of process products, for example ball mill discharge and flotation tailings.
A hydrocyclone consists of a downward pointing cone through which a slurry is fed
under pressure to produce a whirlpool effect. A separation of coarse from fine
material is effected by the resulting centrifugal forces within the cone. A relatively
coarse-grained product is discharged from the apex, known as the underflow and a
relatively fine-grained product is discharged from the base, known as the overflow.
Gold occurring in the underflow product may possibly exist as grains of free gold and
may therefore be amenable to recovery by gravity processing. Hydrocyclones are
effective in the processing of material in the size range 3 mm to 40 pm.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Compound water cyclones (a form of hydrocyclone composed of multi-angle cones)

have been tested on fine feed material. Gold recovery of 63% was achieved with a
sample containing 70% <75 pm (Wang & Poling, 1983). Pilot trials on sluice box
tailings yielded gold recoveries of 92% (-840 pm) and 56% (-3 mm). It is
recommended that they are used as a method of preconcentration ahead of more
expensive methods such as jigs and spirals (Walsh & Rao, 1988).

Froth flotation - Froth flotation is a widely-used processing technique which exploits

differences in the surface properties of minerals. Minerals with hydrophobic surfaces
(either natural or due to chemical treatment) attach to air bubbles passing through a
suspension and float to the surface to form a froth. Gold grain surfaces are often
coated with an hydrophobic organic layer or iron oxide coatings and some are leached
free of impurities (such as silver) leaving a rim of pure gold, all of these render the
surface hydrophobic (Wang & Poling, 1983).

Froth flotation has the potential to be used for the recovery of fine gold. Desliming is
usually required to remove material finer than 10 to 20 pm. Recoveries between 78%
and 93% have been achieved (Wang & Poling, 1983). Flotation trials using amy1
xanthate on different size fractions have reported gold recoveries of up to 90% (160
pm), 85 % (250 pm) and 70% (360 pm) (Lins & Adamian, 1993). Froth flotation
trials have been carried out on material from old tailings ponds in Canada. The
following collector combinaticx were tested: I) Aerofloat 208 (Sodium diethyl and
sodium di-secondary butyl dithiophosphate), and ii) Aero 30 1 Xanthate (Sodium
secondary butyl xanthate). A recovery of approximately 92% was achieved with
material sized to 60 - 70% e75 pm. Sieve analysis indicated that 95% of the gold in
the concentrate was e75 pm in particle-size (Cristovici, 1986). Froth flotation is
effective in the processing of material in the size range 850 pm to 100 pm.

3.7.2. Chemical methods

Mercury amalgamation - Gold is commonly extracted from process concentrates

using mercury which combines with gold to form an 'amalgam'. The gold is removed
from the amalgam by evaporation of the mercury. Mercury is commonly added to
sluice box riffles and also to grinding mills (Subasinghe & Maru, 1994). Also gold
can be recovered from fine-grained tailings by washing them over a copper plate
covered with mercury. Mercury amalgamation is effective for the recovery of gold
from material in the size range 1.5 mm to 70 pm. Gold recovery efficiency falls for
grains finer than 70 pm and typically only 65% of free gold grains finer than 75 pm

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

are recovered. A recovery of up to 98% is quoted for one operation in Papua New
Guinea (Eltham, 1984).

Mercury is occasionally poured between the riffles on a sluice box in an attempt to

capture fine-grained gold. However the contact time between the mercury and the
gold is not sufficient to allow amalgamation to occur. Often fine gold remains
suspended in the flow of material above the riffles and does not come into contact
with the mercury. Up to 30% of the mercury used in sluices in Papua New Guinea
finds its way directly into local rivers. Passing the tailings over amalgamation units
or through mercury filled columns has been recommended as a method of recovering
this fine gold. However these are ultimately unsatisfactory as they still pose a threat
to the environment (Subasinghe & Maru, 1994).

Cyanidation - Cyanidation is the process whereby gold is recovered using a cyanide

solution. Gold is dissolved using the cyanide solution and the resulting complex,
Au(CN),, can be removed from solution by various methods (Deschenes, 1986):

i) The Merill-Crowe process, is used to remove the gold from the cyanide by
cementation with powdered zinc.

ii) Activated carbon absorption (otherwise known as C-I-P, carbon-in-pulp) is used

for the processing of ores with a high slimes content which are difficult to treat by the
Merrill-Crowe process. The absorption of g d d is either performed by:

- Carbon-in-columnfrom solutions typically from heap leaching which are virtually

free of suspended material,

- Carbon-in-pulp (CIP) from leach pulps typically slimes, ground ores and calcines.
An alternative to CIP is RIP (Resin-in-pulp) which is easier to use and less sensitive
to the influence of naturally occurring carbon.,

- Carbon-in-leach (CIL) whilst leaching is still in progress. Typically with ores

containing carbonaceous material that could rob the gold from the pregnant
(gold-bearing) solution.

The carbon is reactivated by heating to 600 to 900C in a reducing atmosphere.

Electrowinning (deposition of gold by electrolysis) and zinc cementation is used to
recover the gold from the eluate.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Typical gold recovery efficiencies for cyanidation range from 95 to 99% (Marsden &
Fuerstenau, 1993). Gold recovery is reported to be 80% from refractory gold ore
residues from France (ground to 80% finer than 31 pm) ( Lucion & Cuyper, 1993).
Gold recovery is reported to be approximately 82.5% from the processing of uranium
mill tailings at Cluff Lake, Saskatchewan. It was found that gold loss to tailings was
associated with natural carbon present in the uranium tailings (Melis & Rowson,
1989). Cyanidation trials were carried out on material from old tailing ponds. A
recovery of 90.5% was achieved using material 60% <75 pm (Cristovici, 1986).
Cyanidation is more effective for finer grained gold as it relies on dissolution and is
particularly effective for the recovery of gold finer than 200 pm. Free coarse gold is
often recovered prior to cyanidation to avoid the cost of grinding and the extra
reagents required.

3.8. Relative cost and environmental impact of gold recovery methods

Table 16 gives relative ranking to gold recovery methods in terms of their financial
cost (capital and operating) and also their impact on the environment.

Table 16. Relative cost & environmental impact of gold recovery methods

Recovery method cost Environmental impact

Sluice box 1 1
Jig 3 1
Shaking table 2 1
Spiral 3 1
Rotating cone 2 1
Bowl 4 1
Drum 4 1
Magnetic separation 4 1
Electrostatic separation 4 1
Hydrocycloning 2 1
Froth flotation 3-4 4
Amalgamation (mercury) 2 4
Cyanidation 3-4 4

N.B. Ranlung from low (1) to high (4).

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

3.9. Typical large-scale gold processing flowsheets

3.9.1. Alluvial gold processing

Extraction - Typically by hydraulic sluicing or dredging.

Feed preparation - Drum scrubbing & trommel screening. Coarse material ( A 0 mm)
to tailings. Fines dewatered by hydrocyclone. Fine screening (e.g. 500 pm) optional.
Primary processing - Riffled sluice or jig concentration. Coarse tailings removed.
Secondary processing - Shaking table or bowl concentrator. Fine tailings removed.
Fine processing - Spiral and shaking table concentration to process fine material.
Gold production - Amalgamation of concentrates with mercury to extract gold.

3.9.2. Hard rock gold processing

Extraction - Open cast bench mining or deep mining.

Feedpreparation - Primary jaw or gyratory crusher (e.g. to e150 mm) followed by
secondary milling (e.g. ball-, rod- or semi-autogenous milling). Size classification by
screening or hydrocycloning .
Coarse processing ( ~ 5 0 pm)
0 - Jig and shaking table or bowl concentration.
Fine processing ( 4 0 0 p )- Reichert cone concentration followed by spiral andor
shaking table concentration. Froth flotation of very fine material (e.g. 4 8 0 pm).
Gold production - Coarse concentrate by amalgamation. Fine concentrate by milling
and CIP cyanidation.


The review of separation techniques shows that several methods are effective for the
recovery of gold coarser than approximately 100 pm but for gold finer than
approximately 50 pm only chemical methods are very efficient. The efficient
recovery of gold coarser than 50 pm should be possible using simple gravity methods
and some recommendations for possible implementation are given below. If there is
evidence that there is significant gold finer than 50 pm a cyanide treatment of the fine
tailings is necessary for recovery.

These recommendations apply to gold recovery by sluice box. Figure 6 summarises

the main recommendations made for their use in small-scale gold processing.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

4.1. Improvements to current practice

Optimise clean-out
The time interval between clean-out of sluice box riffles is dependent upon the
nature of the material processed and the operating conditions applied. It is
recommended that the time interval should be short enough to enhance the
recovery of fine gold (that would otherwise be lost due to solids packed
around the riffles). However this should be tempered by the requirement to
maintain a relatively high throughput, which if reduced by too much cleaning
will ultimately reduce gold production.

Appropriate configuration
It is recommended that the tilt of the sluice box should increase with
increasing particle-size. Typically (in the Yukon, Canada) for material finer
than 1 mm 7 to 12" is used and coarser than 1 mm 12 to 14".

Appropriate operating practice

Appropriate feed and wash water rates are dependent upon the nature of the
material being processed, especially the particle-size (and also the clay and /or
heavy mineral contents). It is recommended that the feed and wash water rates
are high enough to enable the efficient separation of coarse grained gold
without excessive loss of fine grained gold.

4.2. Process modifications

Washing prior to sluicing

It is recommended that gold ore with a significant proportion of clay-bound
and weakly-cemented material be washed (' scrubbed') and screened prior to
sluicing. This will enable the liberation of gold trapped in clay.

Processing coarse and fine separately

Operating conditions appropriate for the recovery of coarse-grained gold are
different to those for fine-grained gold. Typically material containing coarse
and fine grained gold will be processed on the same sluice. This will
invariably lead to a loss of gold. Ideally coarse gold should be recovered on a
steep sluice using high feed and wash rates, whereas fine gold should be
recovered on a shallower sluice using lower feed and wash rates. It is
recommended that ore is screened prior to sluicing and the resulting coarse
and fine streams be diverted down different sluices. This will improve overall
gold recovery.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Expanded metal and angle iron sluice rimes

The use of alternative riffles will enable a higher recovery of gold. Expanded
metal riffles are recommended for gold finer than 1 mm and angle iron riffles
for gold coarser than 1 mm.

4.3. Efficient alternatives

Replace sluices with jigs

Jigs are efficient in the recovery of gold down to 75 pm and have been used to
replace sluices, with a resultant increase in gold recovery.

Introduce shaking tables and bowl concentrators to concentrate fine gold

Shaking tables and bowl concentrators are efficient in the recovery of gold
down to at least 40 pm and are used to process fine gold-bearing ore. It is
recommended that these are considered for the recovery of fine gold that is
not recovered by sluice box.


5.1. Alluvial gold has a particle-size range typically between 5 mm and 100 pm
(however there is little information about the amount of gold finer than 100 pm).
Hard rock gold has a wide range of particle-size depending upon the nature of the ore,
and in some cases down to less than 5 pm.

5.2. Gold is usually recovered by a combination of physical and chemical processing

methods. Commonly riffled sluice boxes and jigs are used to pre-concentrate heavy
minerals (including gold) from gold-bearing ore. Shaking tables, spirals, rotating
cones and bowl concentrators are used to upgrade this to a heavy mineral concentrate.
Gold is commonly extracted from fine-grained concentrates by Carbon-in-pulp
cyanidation and from coarse-grained concentrates by mercury amalgamation.

5.3. The efficiency of gold recovery depends upon the processing method and the
proficiency of operation. A well operated modern sluice box can potentially recover
up to 98% of gold coarser than 100 pm. However gold finer than 100 pm will be lost
unless a fine processing method (e.g. shaking table or bowl concentrator) is used to
reprocess the fine tailings.

British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

5.4. If small-scale operators can be made to work at efficiencies close to that achieved
by large companies, and in the laboratory, this will be as good as, and often superior,
to mercury amalgamation.

5.5. Recommendations for the recovery of fine gold include improving current
operating practice, modifying the process used, and introducing more efficient


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Columbia, Canada. Journal of geochemical exploration, 32, p. 1- 16.

Deschenes, G (1986) Literature survey on the recovery of gold from thiourea

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British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

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Technical Report WC/94/21,28p.

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from the Raub area, Pahang, Malaysia. British Geological Survey Technical
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British Geological Survey, February 1997

Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

Leroy, JC (1995) New mines spring from old workings in Zimbabwe. The Northern
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Lins, FF & Adamian, R (1993) Some chemical aspects of gold particles flotation.
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Gold processing, hydrometallurgy & dewatering and miscellaneous,
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p. 1I 19-1122.

Lucion, Ch & Cuyper, J de (1993) Preprocessing of cyanided gold

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Volume 5 : Gold processing, hydrometallurgy & dewatering and
miscellaneous, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p. 1129-1 134.

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hydrometallurgy & dewatering and miscellaneous, Australasian Institute of
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Melis, LA & Rowson, JW (1989) Operation of a gold extraction circuit for recovery
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Moyle, AJ, Doyle, BJ, Hoogvliet, H & Ware, AR (1991) The geology and
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Mitigation of mining-related mercury pollution hazards

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British Geological Survey, February 1997

Long i t u d i n o I s e c t i on


Figure 1. Schematic outline diagram of a pinched sluice

Toi linqs
over f tow -- -

1I Concentrate
1 discharge spigot

Figure 2. Schematic outline diagram of a mineral jig



I -
Figure 5. Schematic outline diagram of an MGS (Multi-gravity
i Trammel screening
at 500 p m
SI uice box
to recover coarse
gold (>500


Coarse tailings
(>500 pm)

Sluicc$ box \ Fine tailings

to recover fine gold (e500 pm)
(c500 pm)
I 1
4 0 0 pm tailings
on 200 pm

Fine concentrate
(containing gold 4
200 - 40 pm)
Shaking table
to recover fine gold from
fine-grained sluice tailings

Fine tailings
(4200 pm; gold <40 pm
if present)

Figure 6. Recommended small-scale sluice box processing

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