Competences Lesson Plan
Competences Lesson Plan
Competences Lesson Plan
Singing the song I Can Run
Kinetic break
E. 10 min Look at these pictures; tell The Ls make up Indirect
Retention me please what can these sentences with the formative
To assure assurance children do?(see annex 4) modal verb can, and assessme
retention of and The T presents 5 sentences use the new learnt nt
the new obtaining on the blackboard and vocabulary Multiple Words,
vocabulary feed-back instructs learners to write choice simple
down sentences using the The Ls write down the exercises; statemen
To assure modal verb can (see annex sentences using the ts
retention of 5) modal verb can
the new L X, tell me please can you Listening
grammar drive a car? to speakers
rules In case the L meets instruction Lexical
difficulties the T helps by s and comparati
informing the Ls about the The L asked is to try to fulfilling of ve
negative form of the modal answer the question. some activities
verb can cant simple in English
Now let us transform the tasks. and
above 5 sentences into dialogue; Romanian
negative sentences using language
cant s
The learners that are the The Ls transform the
most active receive the sentences into
third star of the lesson negative form
To assess F. 7 min Ls are asked to translate the Ls translate the Exercises Plans, Direct
learners Formative sentences from Romanian sentences confirming schemes formative
assessment assessmen into English and vice versa an Descriptio assessme
of the new t from English into Romanian: understand n of the nt
introduces 1.Eu pot merge cu ing of the place the
material bicicleta. message; learner
(see annex 6) Answering lives in
The learners that are the questions;
most active receive the
fourth star of the lesson
To assure G. 2 min The T instructs Ls to form Ls complete the table Reading Completio Indirect
retention and Retention groups of 4 and gives them aloud n of a assessme
transference assurance a piece of paper and a Group work table nt
of the new and marker and complete the
learnt transferenc table with what they can
informational e of the and cant do
content new learnt (see annex 7)
informatio The learners that are the
nal content most active receive the fifth
star of the lesson
To grade H. 1 min Today we have learnt how Ls listen attentively, Fulfillment Dialogues Indirect
learners Conclusion to use the modal verb can, put down their of a assessme
To set s cant. You have been very homework and receive multiple nt
homework active and now you CAN use their grades which are choice
this modal verb. Your home introduced in their text;
task is to fulfill exercise 4, agendas.
p.41 Your grades are
Have a nice day and see
next lesson.