Construction Method Statement: 2 Holland Villas Road

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Andrew Smith
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Proposal ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Ground Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Structural Design ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Proposal .............................................................................................................................. 2 Condition 1 ...................................................................................................................... 2 Condition 2 ...................................................................................................................... 3 Condition 3 ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Method Statement...................................................................................................................... 3
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................
Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................
Appendix C ................................................................................................................................................
1 Introduction
The existing building is a four storey detached property with a swimming pool at the lower ground
level and a basement partially under the house. The building is constructed from traditional
materials with tiled roofs, masonry walls and timber floors. The basement constructed in 2004 using
contiguous piled wall and watertight reinforced concrete construction inside.

The neighbouring properties are of similar construction

1.1 Proposal
It is proposed to extend the existing basement wholly within the rear garden, retaining the existing
basement structure.

1.2 Ground Conditions

A soil report was carried out by Fastrack dated July 2014 (see appendix A), and this indicates made
ground over sandy clay to a depth of 3.4m, below this dense sand to 5.1m where clay was indicated.
This corresponds with the data from the March 2004 soils report by LBH Wembley (see appendix B)
which encountered made ground over Langley Silt to 3m, then river terrace gravels to approximately
6m, over London Clay.

The historic ground water level is understood to be approximately 3.0m below ground level.

1.3 Structural Design

1.3.1 Proposal
The existing basement was constructed using a cantilever contiguous piled wall and this method of
construction will be repeated for the basement extension. Prior to starting on site the current water
table will be established, if found to be higher than the proposed basement base slab a Secant pile
wall will installed instead of a contiguous piled wall to prevent water and fines seeping into the

The basement will be constructed from reinforced concrete, designed to level III, in accordance with
BS8102:2009 for water retaining structures. To achieve this Caltite Concrete is specified. Condition 1
Along the boundary with No 1 Holland Villas Road the existing basement construction, namely
contiguous piled wall with reinforced concrete wall will be retained and extended to form the new
outline. The contiguous piled wall is designed to cantilever and historic records indicate that the
original piles were constructed to a Toe depth of -9.0m below ground level. Condition 2
Adjacent to the existing lower ground floor and swimming pool a new cantilever contiguous piled
wall is proposed, designed for the surcharge of the existing structure. Internally a watertight
reinforced concrete wall will be built. In the permanent condition the top and bottom slabs are
designed to prop the basement wall. Condition 3
Adjacent to the boundary with No. 3 Holland Villas Road a new cantilever contiguous piled wall is
proposed, designed for the surcharge of the neighbouring land and trees. Internally a watertight
reinforced concrete wall will be built. In the permanent condition the top and bottom slabs are
designed to prop the basement wall.

1.4 Method Statement

The proposed method statement for the basement extension is outlined below:

Contactor to establish ground water level

Piling contractor to review all setting out as shown on the drawings to ensure minimum
clearance dimensions are achievable, with particular reference to the exiting lower ground
floor construction.
The final pile design will be by the specialist sub-contractor approved by the Structural
Engineer. Piles designed as cantilever in the temporary condition and propped in the
permanent condition.
Install contiguous Piled wall to all four sides of the extension
Cut-off level to be indicated on drawings.
Expose existing capping structure to current basement piled wall.
Locally reduce level to install capping beam to piled call. Alongside and adjacent to existing
structures this will need to be carried out in stages to avoid undermining said structures.
Excavate to formation level of new basement slab
During excavation any standing water is to be monitoring and pumped out as required.
Monitoring of the piled wall is also to be carried out to ensure movements are within
allowable limits
Locally demolish existing basement walls, roof slab and piled wall
Expose edge and clean existing basement slab
Construct new basement slab, ensure watertight joint to existing basement slab and lap
existing membranes as per manufactures instructions.
Install waterproofing to Contiguous piled wall
Construct RC basement walls upto ground floor level, including walls, columns around
internal lightwell
Construct ground floor slab and support beam.
Propping to ground floor slab to be removed once cube results achieve required strength or
one week which ever greater.
Make good walls and joints where necessary with aid of waterproof products.
Appendix A
Geotechnical Survey Report

FSI Ref: 8815

Issue Date: July 2014

Client Name: Joe Purcell

Risk Address: 2 Holland Villas Road
W14 8BP

Engineer: Joe Purcell

Company: Revive Renovations

Director: Martin Rush MSc FGS

Office Manager: Louise Hiscock BSc (Hons)
Report Writer: Perry Martin AMCIHT

Laboratory Manager: Lara Knight

Telephone: 0844 3358908 Appendix No: 1
Fax: 0844 3358907 FSI Ref: 8815
Email:[email protected]
Tyndales Farm, Southend Road, Woodham Mortimer,
Maldon, Essex, CM9 6TQ

Property Address: 2 Holland Villas Road, W14 8BP
Survey date: 27/06/2014 Operative: SE1



X1 Rear

White Tiles



Flower Bed
White Tiles

Grass Feature

White Tiles


Scale: Drawn by: Key: Surface

Rain Water
Trial Pit Pipe Water Gully Tree Tree
Manholes Shrub
NTS PM (Conifer) (Deciduous)
Soil & Foul
Vent Pipe Water Gully
Tel: 0844 3358908 Appendix No: 2
Fax: 0844 3358907 FSI Job No: 8815
Email: [email protected]
Tyndales Farm, Southend Road, Woodham Mortimer
Maldon, Essex, CM9 6TQ Web:

Property Address: 2 Holland Villas Road, W14 8BP

Client Claim Ref: N/A Survey date:27/06/2014 Operative: SE1

Borehole ID: BH1 Hole Type: HA Scale: 1:27

Water Samples Insitu Tests Depth
Strikes Type Depth (m) Type Results (m)
Legend Stratum Description and Observations

Mid/ dark brown CLAY containing stone

Mid brown sandy CLAY

D1 1.00 1
Noted to be soft to firm at 1.00m

Noted to contain sand pockets at 1.70m

D2 2.00 2
Noted to become firm to stiff at 2.00m

Mid brown silty sandy CLAY containing sand pockets

D3 3.00 3


D4 4.00 MP 41/ 75mm 4

4.08 MP 47/ 75mm Noted to become dense at 4.00m
4.15 MP 43/ 75mm
4.23 MP 48/ 75mm

D5 5.00 MP 46/ 75mm 5.00

5.08 MP 53/ 75mm End of Borehole at 5.00 m
5.15 MP 49/ 75mm
5.23 MP 49/ 75mm

Key: Water Strike D Disturbed Sample V Insitu vane test MP Mackintosh Probe Test
Remarks: Borehole closed at 5.00m clay was noted on the tip of the auger at 5.10m
Borehole was noted to be wet on completion
N.b. Unless otherwise stated small vane paddle used
Appendix B
Appendix C

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