Asilo v. Bombasi Report
Asilo v. Bombasi Report
Asilo v. Bombasi Report
Provincial Prosecutor
Marianito Sasondoncillo of Laguna.
Article 1431 of the New Civil Code provides
that, through estoppel, an admission or Visitacion wrote a reply letter to
representation is rendered conclusive upon the Mayor Comendador saying that:
person making it, and cannot be denied or
disproved as against the person relying (1) the lease contract was still existing
thereon and legally binding;
On 15 March 1978, Private Respondent (2) she was willing to vacate the store as
Visitacions late mother Marciana Vda. De long as same place and area would be
Coronado (Vda. De Coronado) and the given to her in the new public
Municipality of Nagcarlan, Laguna market; and
(represented by the then Municipal Mayor
Crisostomo P. Manalang) entered into a lease (3) in case her proposals are not acceptable
contract whereby the Municipality allowed to Mayor Comendador, for the latter to just file
the use and enjoyment of property an unlawful detainer case against her
comprising of a lot and a store located at pursuant to Sangguniang Bayan Resolution
the corner of Coronado and E. Fernandez Sts. No. 156.
at Poblacion, Nagcarlan, Laguna, in favor of
the respondents mother for a period of twenty Once again, the Respondent Visitacion was
(20) years beginning on 15 March 1978 until sent a letter by the Asst. Provincial Prosecutor
15 March 1998, extendible for another 20 ordering her to vacate the portion of the public
years.; market she was occupying. In connection to
this, the Sangguniang Bayan of Nagcarlan
Visitacion took over the store when her issued Resolution No. 183 authorizing
mother died sometime in 1984. From then
9 Mayor Comendador to demolish the store
on up to January 1993, Visitacion being occupied by Visitacion using legal
secured the yearly Mayors permits. means.