CAE Companion PDF
CAE Companion PDF
CAE Companion PDF
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Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
extract n An extract from a book or large mobile medical unit that temporar-
piece of writing is a small part of it that ily takes care of casualties on-site before
PRACTICE TEST 1 is printed or published separately. t they can be safely transported to more
Reading Part 1 (p. 34-35) Read this extract from an information permanent hospital facilities.
wellbeing n Someone's well-being is booklet about the work of an airline cabin ()
their health and happiness.t Singing can crew. vaccination n Vaccination is the
create a sense of wellbeing. poverty n Poverty is the state of being administration of antigenic material (the
struggle n A struggle is a long and extremely poor. t According to World vaccine) to produce immunity to a dis-
difficult attempt to achieve something Bank figures, 41 per cent of Brazilians live ease.
such as freedom or political rights. t in absolute poverty. committed adj obligated by a pledge
Life became a struggle for survival. stricken adj If a person or place is to some course of action
, stricken by something such as an contribution n If you make a contri-
cope (with) v If you cope with a prob- unpleasant feeling, an illness, or a natu- bution to something, you do something
lem or task, you deal with it successfully. ral disaster, they are severely affected by to help make it successful or to produce
t It was amazing how my mother coped it. t ...a family stricken by genetically it. t American economists have made
with bringing up three children on less inherited cancer... , important contributions to the field of
than three pounds a week. financial and corporate economics.
, aid v To aid someone means to help
inevitable adj If something is or assist them. t ...a software system to vital adj If you say that something is
inevitable, it is certain to happen and aid managers in advanced decision-mak- vital, you mean that it is necessary or
cannot be prevented or avoided. t If the ing... very important. t The port is vital to sup-
case succeeds, it is inevitable that other tri- desperate adj If you are desperate for ply relief to millions of drought victims.
als will follow. something or desperate to do something,
inherent adj The inherent qualities you want or need it very much indeed. t injustice n Injustice is a lack of fair-
of something are the necessary and nat- They'd been married nearly four years and ness in a situation. t They'll continue to
ural parts of it. t Stress is an inherent June was desperate to start a family. fight injustice.
part of dieting. , persuasive adj Someone or some-
(be) at stake prep.phr If something is chronic adj A chronic illness or dis- thing that is persuasive is likely to per-
at stake, it is being risked and might be ability lasts for a very long time.t suade a person to believe or do a partic-
lost or damaged if you are not success- ...chronic back pain. ular thing. t What do you think were
ful. t The tension was naturally high for a malnutrition n If someone is suffer- some of the more persuasive arguments on
game with so much at stake. ing from malnutrition, they are physical- the other side?
, ly weak and extremely thin because they intimidating adj If you describe
reward v If you do something and have not eaten enough food.t Infections someone or something as intimidating,
are rewarded with a particular benefit, are more likely in those suffering from you mean that they are frightening and
you receive that benefit as a result of malnutrition. make people lose confidence. t He was
doing that thing. t Make the extra effort testimony n In a court of law, some- a huge, intimidating figure.
to impress the buyer and you will be one's testimony is a formal statement
rewarded with a quicker sale at a better that they make about what they saw pamphlet n A pamphlet is a very thin
price. someone do or what they know of a situ- book, with a paper cover, which gives
anticipate v If you anticipate an ation, after having promised to tell the information about something.
event, you realize in advance that it may truth.t His testimony was an important
happen and you are prepared for it. t element of the Prosecution case. in the affirmative prep.phr. If you
At the time we couldn't have anticipated , reply to a question in the affirmative,
the result of our campaigning. vulnerable adj Someone who is vul- you say `yes' or make a gesture that
, nerable is weak and without protection, means `yes'. t He asked me if I was
exceed v If something exceeds a par- with the result that they are easily hurt ready. I answered in the affirmative.
ticular amount or number, it is greater physically or emotionally.t Old people
or larger than that amount or number. t are particularly vulnerable members of our deem v If something is deemed to
Its research budget exceeds $700 million a society. , have a particular quality or to do a par-
year. , swiftly adv quickly t The French ticular thing, it is considered to have that
function v If a machine or system is have acted swiftly and decisively to protect quality or do that thing. t He says he
functioning, it is working or operating. t their industries. would support the use of force if the UN
Conservation programs cannot function funding n Funding is money which a deemed it necessary. ,
without local support. government or organization provides for recommended adj suggested t
efficiently adv in a successful way t I a particular purpose. t They hope for Though ten years old, this book is highly
work very efficiently and I am decisive, government funding for the scheme. recommended.
and accurate in my judgement. , triple v If something triples or if you
border n The border between two triple it, it becomes three times as large
unpredicted adj someone or some- countries or regions is the dividing line in size or number. t I got a fantastic new
thing that you cannot foretell t The between them. t ...the isolated jungle job and my salary tripled.
reaction of the jury was unpredicted. area near the Greek border... devastating adj If you describe some-
field hospital n A field hospital is a thing as devastating, you are emphasiz-
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
ing that it is very harmful or damaging. quake (earthquake) n A quake is a under the sea.
t The city of Ormac took the full force of shaking of the ground caused by move- fabricated adj If something is fabri-
the winds and devastating floods. ment of the earth's. t The quake cated from different materials or sub-
, destroyed mud buildings in many remote stances, it is made out of those materials
coronary adj Coronary means belong- villages. or substances. t All the tools are fabricat-
ing or relating to the heart. t If all the threshold n A threshold is an amount, ed from high quality steel.
coronary arteries are free of significant level, or limit on a scale. When the
obstructions, all parts of the heart will threshold is reached, something else imminent adj If you say that some-
receive equal amounts of oxygen happens or changes. t She has a low thing is imminent, especially something
, threshold of boredom and needs the con- unpleasant, you mean it is almost certain
stant stimulation of physical activity. to happen very soon. t There appeared
no imminent danger.
obesity n fatness; If someone is obese, magnitude n If you talk about the straightforward adj If you describe
they are extremely fat t...the excessive magnitude of something, you are talking something as straightforward, you
consumption of sugar that leads to prob- about its great size, scale, or importance. approve of it because it is easy to do or
lems of obesity. t An operation of this magnitude is going understand. t The question seemed
knock-on adj If there is a knock-on to be difficult. , , straightforward enough. ,
effect, one action or event causes several
other events to happen one after the accompany v If one thing accompa- hurdle n A hurdle is a problem, diffi-
other. t The peseta's problems had a nies another, it happens or exists at the culty, or part of a process that may pre-
knock-on effect on the escudo. same time, or as a result of it. t This vol- vent you from achieving something. t
( , ) ume of essays was designed to accompany Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first
an exhibition in Cologne. hurdle and are packed off home.
Reading Part 2 (p. 36-37) endure v If you endure a painful or
invasion n If there is an invasion of a difficult situation, you experience it and squeeze v If you squeeze something,
country, a foreign army enters it by do not avoid it or give up, usually you press it firmly, usually with your
force. t He was commander in chief dur- because you cannot. t The company hands. t He squeezed her arm reassuring-
ing the invasion of Panama. endured heavy financial losses. ly. ,
audacious adj Someone who is auda- prone to adj To be prone to some-
cious takes risks in order to achieve thing, usually something bad, means to Reading Part 3 (p. 38-39)
something. t audacious plan to win have a tendency to be affected by it or to fraud n Fraud is the crime of gaining
the presidency. do it.t For all her experience as a televi- money or financial benefits by a trick or
strait n You can refer to a narrow sion reporter, she was still prone to camera by lying. t Tax frauds are dealt with by
strip of sea which joins two large areas nerves. .. the Inland Revenue.
of sea as a strait or the straits.t An esti- brave v If you brave unpleasant or rampant adj If you describe some-
mated 1600 vessels pass through the strait dangerous conditions, you deliberately thing bad, such as a crime or disease, as
annually. , expose yourself to them, usually in order rampant, you mean that it is very com-
expertise n Expertise is special skill or to achieve something. t Thousands have mon and is increasing in an uncontrolled
knowledge that is acquired by training, braved icy rain to demonstrate their sup- way. t ...the rampant corruption of the
study, or practice. t The problem is that port. administration. ,
most local authorities lack the expertise to gridlock n gridlock is used to
deal sensibly in this market. , describe high traffic congestion with staggering adj Something that is stag-
, minimal flow (a "traffic jam") gering is very surprising. t ...a three-year
bedrock n Bedrock is the solid rock in contract reputed to be worth a staggering
the ground which supports all the soil whisk v If you whisk someone or $5,000-a-week...
above it. t It took five years to drill down something somewhere, you take them or raid v If someone raids a building or
to bedrock. move them there quickly. t He whisked place, they enter it by force in order to
lateral adj Lateral means relating to her across the dance floor. steal something. t A 19-year-old man
the sides of something, or moving in a has been found guilty of raiding a bank.
sideways direction. t McKinnon estimat- withstand v If something or someone ,
ed the lateral movement of the bridge to be withstands a force or action, they survive spending spree phr If you spend a peri-
between four and six inches. it or do not give in to it. t ...armoured od of time spending money in an exces-
lateral strike-slip n vehicles designed to withstand chemical sive way, you can say that you are going
attack... on a spending spree. t Some Americans
immersed adj completely involved went on a spending spree in December to
fault n A fault is a large crack in the in something t He's really becoming beat the new tax.
surface of the earth. t ...the San Andreas immersed in his work. , prerequisite n If one thing is a pre-
Fault. requisite for another, it must happen or
abutting plates phr large abjoined tube n A tube is a long hollow object exist before the other thing is possible.
pieces of the earths surface, perhaps as that is usually round, like a pipe. t t Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a
large as continents, which move very He is fed by a tube that enters his nose. happy life.
slowly , , essential adj Something that is essen-
seabed n The seabed is the ground tial is extremely important or absolutely
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
necessary to a particular subject, situa- to speak or do anything. t Many cinema-
tion, or activity. t It was absolutely goers were stunned by the film's violent dome n A dome is a round roof. t
essential to separate crops from the areas and tragic end. , ...the dome of St Paul's cathedral.
that animals used as pasture. violated adj rudely or improperly dis-
turbed by someone t Her family's privacy auditorium n An auditorium is a large
modus operandi n A modus operandi was violated by these men room, hall, or building which is used for
is a particular way of doing something. events such as meetings and concerts.
t An example of her modus operandi was conceal v If you conceal something,
provided during a terse exchange with the you cover it or hide it carefully. t kick off phr.v If an event, game,
defendant. Frances decided to conceal the machine series, or discussion kicks off, or is
adore v If you adore something, you behind a hinged panel. kicked off, it begins. t The shows kick off
like it very much. t My mother adores gadgetry n Gadgetry is small on October 24th. ,
bananas and eats two a day. machines or devices which do something potential adj You use potential to say
impersonate v If someone imperson- useful. t In the days before domestic gad- that someone or something is capable of
ates a person, they pretend to be that getry and time-saving appliances, food developing into the particular kind of
person, either to deceive people or to preparation took up most of the day. person or thing mentioned. t The firm
make people laugh.t He was returned to has identified 60 potential customers at
prison in 1977 for impersonating a police hassle n A hassle is a situation that is home and abroad.
officer. difficult and involves problems, effort, or mannequin n A mannequin is a per-
pillar n If something is the pillar of a arguments with people. t Weddings are son who displays clothes, hats, or shoes
system or agreement, it is the most so much hassle that you need a good by wearing them, especially in fashion
important part of it or what makes it break afterwards. , shows or in fashion photographs.
strong and successful. t The pillar of her mug v If someone mugs you, they , ,
economic policy was keeping tight control attack you in order to steal your money. display n A display is an arrangement
over money supply. t I was walking out to my car when this of things that have been put in a particu-
rectitude n Rectitude is a quality or guy tried to mug me. lar place, so that people can see them
attitude that is shown by people who easily. t...a display of your work...
behave honestly and morally according flee v If you flee from something or ,
to accepted standards. t...people of the someone, or flee a person or thing, you gnome n In children's stories, a
utmost moral rectitude. , escape from them. t In 1984 he fled to gnome is an imaginary creature that is
Costa Rica to avoid military service. like a tiny old man with a beard and
mortgage n A mortgage is a loan of pointed hat. In Britain people some-
money which you get from a bank and justify v To justify a decision, action, times have small statues of gnomes in
you use your house or land as a guaran- or idea means to show or prove that it is their gardens. ,
tee. t increase in mortgage rates. reasonable or necessary. t No argument ale n Ale is a kind of strong beer. t
, can justify a war. ...our selection of ales and spirits.
assume v If something assumes a par- vigilance n the careful attention to a ,
ticular quality, it begins to have that particular problem or situation and leading adj The leading person or
quality. t In his dreams, the mountains alertness on noticing any danger or trou- thing in a particular area is the one
assumed enormous importance. ble that there might be. t Drugs are a which is most important or successful. t
problem that requires constant vigilance. Britain's future as a leading industrial
fraudster n A fraudster is someone , nation depends on investment.
who commits the crime of fraud. crucial adj If you describe something ,
as crucial, you mean it is extremely incorporate v If one thing incorpo-
warrant n A warrant is a legal docu- important. t He had administrators rates another thing, it includes the other
ment that allows someone to do some- under him but took the crucial decisions thing. t The new cars will incorporate a
thing, especially one that is signed by a himself. number of major improvements.
judge or magistrate and gives the police fraudulent adj A fraudulent activity is ,
permission to arrest someone or search deliberately deceitful, dishonest, or proceedings n The proceedings are an
their house. t Police confirmed that they untrue. t...fraudulent claims about being organized series of events that take
had issued a warrant for his arrest. a nurse. , place in a particular place. t The pro-
ceedings of the enquiry will take place in
sympathetically adv in a kind and Reading Part 4 (p. 40-41) private.
understanding way contemporary adj Contemporary gastronomic adj Gastronomic is used
overnight adv You can say that things are modern and relate to the to describe things that are concerned
something happens overnight when it present time. t Perhaps he should have a with good food. t Paris is the gastronom-
happens very quickly and unexpectedly. more updated look, a more contemporary ic capital of the world.
t The rules are not going to change style. , proms n The Proms are a series of
overnight. , literary adj Literary means con- concerts t ...his final Prom performance
cerned with or connected with the writ- of Elgar's First Symphony.
stunned adj If you are stunned by ing, study, or appreciation of literature. maritime adj Maritime is used to
something, you are extremely shocked or t Her literary criticism focuses on the way describe things relating to the sea and to
surprised by it and are therefore unable great literature suggests ideas. ships. t ...the largest maritime museum
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
of its kind. , mental alertness.
illuminate v To illuminate some- tempt v If you tempt someone, you instinctive adj An instinctive feeling,
thing means to shine light on it and to offer them something they want in order idea, or action is one that you have or
make it brighter and more visible. t No to encourage them to do what you want do without thinking or reasoning. t It's
streetlights illuminated the street. them to do. t...a million dollar marketing an absolutely instinctive reaction-if a child
campaign to tempt American tourists back falls you pick it up.
string adj The strings are the section to Britain... bloating n Bloating is the swelling of
of an orchestra which consists of beverage n Beverages are drinks. t a body or part of a body, usually because
stringed instruments played with a bow. Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel it has a lot of gas or liquid in it. t
t The strings provided a melodic back- lounge. ...abdominal bloating and pain.
ground to the passages played by the expenditure n Expenditure of some- ,
soloist. / thing such as time or energy is the using dizziness n the feeling of losing bal-
insight n If you gain insight or an of that thing for a particular purpose. t ance and be about to fall t His com-
insight into a complex situation or prob- The financial rewards justified the expen- plaint causes dizziness and nausea.
lem, you gain an accurate and deep diture of effort.
understanding of it. t The project would opt (for) v If you opt for something, or pins and needles phr If you have pins
give scientists new insights into what is opt to do something, you choose it or and needles in part of your body, you
happening to the earth's atmosphere. decide to do it in preference to anything feel small sharp pains there for a short
, else. t Depending on your circumstances period of time. It usually happens when
resound v When a noise resounds, it you may wish to opt for one method or the that part of your body has been in an
is heard very loudly and clearly. t The other. uncomfortable position. t I had pins and
soldiers' boots resounded in the street. intake n Your intake of a particular needles in the tips of my fingers.
, kind of food, drink, or air is the amount
quay n A quay is a long platform that you eat, drink, or breathe in. t upper adj You use upper to describe
beside the sea or a river where boats can t Your intake of alcohol should not something that is above something
be tied up and loaded or unloaded. t exceed two units per day. else.t There is a smart restaurant on the
Jack and Stephen were waiting for them influx n An influx of people or things upper floor. (, , )
on the quay. into a place is their arrival there in large signify v If an event, a sign, or a sym-
gospel n Gospel or gospel music is a numbers. t...the influx of American pop- bol signifies something, it is a sign of
style of religious music that uses strong corn into the British market. that thing or represents that thing. t
rhythms and vocal harmony. It is espe- emission n An emission of something The contrasting approaches to Europe sig-
cially popular among black Christians in such as gas or radiation is the release of nified a sharp difference between the
the southern United States of America. it into the atmosphere. t The emission of major parties. ,
t I had to go to church, so I grew up gases such as carbon dioxide should be confounded adj If someone or some-
singing gospel. stabilised at their present level. , thing confounds you, they make you feel
choir n A choir is a group of people surprised or confused, often by showing
who sing together, for example in a immersion n Immersion of some- you that your opinions or expectations
church or school. t He has been singing thing in a liquid means putting it into of them were wrong. t He momentarily
in his church choir since he was six. the liquid so that it is completely cov- confounded his critics by his cool handling
ered. t The wood had become swollen of the hostage crisis. ,
from prolonged immersion.
Use of English-Part 1 (p. 43) lump n A lump of something is a account v You account for something
shift v If someone's opinion, a situa- solid piece of it. t The potter shaped and that has happened when you explain it t
tion, or a policy shifts or is shifted, it squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful I couldnt account for the mistake
changes slightly. t Attitudes to mental ill- shape. , ,
ness have shifted in recent years. absorb v If something absorbs light,
, segment n A segment of something is heat, or another form of energy, it takes
sustain v If you sustain something, one part of it, considered separately it in. t A household radiator absorbs
you continue it or maintain it for a peri- from the rest. t ...the poorer segments of energy in the form of electric current and
od of time. t But he has sustained his society. , releases it in the form of heat.
fierce social conscience from young adult-
hood through old age. , Use of English Part 2 (p. 44) a wrinkle in the trend expr.
inhale v When you inhale, you breathe
indulge v If you indulge in something in. t He took a long slow breath, inhaling buoy n A buoy is a floating object that
or if you indulge yourself, you allow deeply. is used to show ships and boats where
yourself to have or do something that mental adj Mental means relating to they can go and to warn them of danger.
you know you will enjoy. t Only rarely the process of thinking. t The intellectu-
will she indulge in a glass of wine. al environment has a significant influence erupt v When a volcano erupts, it
on the mental development of the chil- throws out a lot of hot, melted rock
yield v If a tax or investment yields dren. , called lava, as well as ash and steam. t
an amount of money or profit, this alertness n full attention to things The volcano erupted in 1980, devastating
money or profit is obtained from it. t around and ability to deal with anything a large area of Washington state.
It yielded a profit of at least $36 million. that might happen t The drug improved
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together is a very self-conscious process. ,
Use of English Part 4 (p. 45) , oversee v If someone in authority
sculptor n A sculptor is someone who hinder v If something hinders you, it oversees a job or an activity, they make
creates sculptures. makes it more difficult for you to do sure that it is done properly. t Use a
sentence n In a law court, a sentence something or make progress. t Does the surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect
is the punishment that a person receives fact that your players are part-timers help the different stages of the work.
after they have been found guilty of a or hinder you? ,
crime. t They are already serving prison disturbing adj Something that is dis- potential n If you say that someone or
sentences for their part in the assassina- turbing makes you feel worried or upset. something has potential, you mean that
tion. t There was something about him she they have the necessary abilities or qual-
found disturbing. , ities to become successful or useful in
Use of English Part 5 (p. 45) the future. t The school strives to treat
barely adv You use barely to say that steady adj A steady situation contin- pupils as individuals and to help each one
something is only just true or only just ues or develops gradually without any to achieve their full potential.
interruptions and is not likely to change
the case. t Anastasia could barely
remember the ride to the hospital. quickly. t Despite the steady progress of
budget n Your budget is the amount
building work, the campaign against it is of money that you have available to
blast n A blast is a big explosion,
especially one caused by a bomb. t still going strong. spend. The budget for something is the
bravery n Bravery is brave behaviour amount of money that a person, organi-
250 people were killed in the blast.
or the quality of being brave. t He zation, or country has available to spend
forceful adj Something that is force- deserves the highest praise for his brav- on it. t She will design a fantastic new
ful has a very powerful effect and causes ery.
kitchen for youmand all within your budg-
you to think or feel something very praise v If you praise someone or et.
something, you express approval for cultivate v If you cultivate land or
strongly. t It made a very forceful
impression on me. their achievements or qualities. t The crops, you prepare land and grow crops
president praised him for his courage. on it. t She also cultivated a small gar-
den of her own.
Listening Part 1 (p. 46) peer n Your peers are the people who
retailer n A retailer is a person or are the same age as you or who have the
Listening Part 4 (p. 48)
business that sells goods to the public. t same status as you. t His engaging per-
Furniture and carpet retailers are among reluctance n unwillingness to do
something t Ministers have shown sonality made him popular with his peers.
those reporting the sharpest annual decline
extreme reluctance to explain their position
in sales. subsequent adj You use subsequent
credible adj A credible candidate, to the media.
annoyance n Annoyance is the feeling to describe something that happened or
policy, or system, for example, is one existed after the time or event that has
that appears to have a chance of being that you get when someone makes you
feel fairly angry or impatient. t To her just been referred to. t ...the increase of
successful. t The challenge before the population in subsequent years...
opposition is to offer credible alternative annoyance the stranger did not go away.
policies for the future. , tutor n A tutor is a teacher at a
inconsiderate adj If you accuse
someone of being inconsiderate, you British university or college. In some
spoil v To damage irreparably; American universities or colleges, a
mean that they do not take enough care
ruin. , tutor is a teacher of the lowest rank.
appeal n The appeal of something is a over how their words or actions will
affect other people. t Motorists were t He is course tutor in archaeology at the
quality that it has which people find University of Southampton.
criticised for being inconsiderate to pedes-
attractive or interesting. t Its new title
was meant to give the party greater pub- trians. ,
vindicate v If a person or their deci-
lic appeal. , sions, actions, or ideas are vindicated,
PRACTICE TEST 2 they are proved to be correct, after peo-
Listening Part 2 (p. 47) Reading Part 1 (p. 50-51) ple have said that they were wrong. t
uniform adj If you describe a number The director said he had been vindicated
commitment n If you make a commit-
of things as uniform, you mean that they by the experts' report.
ment to do something, you promise that
are all the same. t Along each wall overlap v If one thing overlaps
you will do it. t We made a commitment
stretched uniform green metal filing cabi- another, or if you overlap them, a part
to keep working together.
nets. discipline n A set of rules or methods of the first thing occupies the same area
angler n An angler is someone who as a part of the other thing. You can
fishes with a fishing rod as a hobby. also say that two things overlap. t When
collaboratively adv cooperatively t
the bag is folded flat, the bag bottom overlaps
He was not the kind of artist who worked
collaboratively. , one side of the bag.
Listening Part 3 (p. 47) generate v To generate something
self-conscious adj If you describe set the agenda expr decide what is means to cause it to begin and develop.
someone or something as self-conscious, important t Newspapers have been t The Employment Minister said the
you mean that they are strongly aware of accused of trying to set the agenda for the reforms would generate new jobs.
who or what they are. t Putting the work goverment. ,
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engagement n An engagement is an them. , comprehensive includes everything that
arrangement that you have made to do emotive adj An emotive situation or is needed or relevant. t The Rough
something at a particular time. t He issue is likely to make people feel strongGuide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide
had an engagement at a restaurant in emotions. t Embryo research is an emotive to the region.
Greek Street at eight. issue. , requirement n A requirement is a
input n Input consists of information accommodating adj If you describe quality or qualification that you must
or resources that a group or project someone as accommodating, you like have in order to be allowed to do some-
receives. t It's up to the teacher to pro- thing or to be suitable for something. t
the fact that they are willing to do things
vide a variety of types of input in the class- in order to please you or help you. Its products met all legal requirements.
room. (), , ,
friction n If there is friction between GCSE General Certificate of
hands-on adj Hands-on experience people, there is disagreement and argu- Secondary Education abbr. GCSEs
or work involves actually doing a partic- ment between them. t Sara sensed that are British educational qualifications
ular thing, rather than just talking about there had been friction between her chil- which school children take when they
it or getting someone else to do it. t dren. , are fifteen or sixteen years old. GCSE is
Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils now fag n A fag is a cigarette. an abbreviation for `General Certificate
have hands-on experience of computers. controversial adj If you describe of Secondary Education'. t She quit
, something or someone as controversial, school as soon as she had taken her
you mean that they are the subject of GCSEs.
tend v If something tends to happen, intense public argument, disagreement,
it usually happens or it often happens. t or disapproval. t Immigration is a con- profiling n An account of a person's
A problem for manufacturers is that lighter troversial issue in many countries. appearance, life and character. t The
cars tend to be noisy. profiling of the rebel leader was made by
virtually adv You can use virtually to resentment n Resentment is bitter- Tamar Golan, a Paris-based journalist.
indicate that something is so nearly true ness and anger that someone feels about ,
that for most purposes it can be regard- something. t She expressed resentment at preventative adj Preventative actions
ed as true. t Virtually all cooking was being interviewed by a social worker. are intended to help prevent things such
done over coal-fired ranges. as disease or crime. t Too much is spent
on expensive curative medicine and too lit-
blanket adj You use blanket to Reading Part 2 (p. 52-53) tle on preventive medicine.
describe something when you want to inconvenienced adj You feel incon- onboard adv on or in an aircraft t
emphasize that it affects or refers to vinienced when someone causes difficul- Smoking is not permitted onboard aircraft
every person or thing in a group, without ties or problems to you. t We felt nor other public transports, nor in public
any exceptions. t There's already a blan- incomvinienced during the repairs of the buildings or offices, nor other places open
ket ban on foreign unskilled labour in house. to the public.
Japan. , cockpit n In an aeroplane or racing
aviation n Aviation is the operation
ban n A ban is an official ruling that car, the cockpit is the part where the
and production of aircraft.
something must not be done, shown, or pilot sits.
used. t The General also lifted a ban on CCTV Closed Circuit Television
commercial adj Commercial means
political parties. involving or relating to the buying and abbr. t The CCTV picture taken near his
designated adj If something is desig- tower block flat in Huyton shows him car-
selling of goods. t Docklands in its hey-
nated for a particular purpose, it is set rying a plastic bag and wearing the same
day was a major centre of industrial and
aside for that purpose. t Some of the clothes he had on when arrested.
commercial activity.
rooms were designated as offices. accountable adj If you are account-
pricey adj If you say that something is
able to someone for something that you
feud n A feud is a quarrel in which do, you are responsible for it and must pricey, you mean that it is expensive. t
two people or groups remain angry with be prepared to justify your actions to Medical insurance is very pricey.
each other for a long time, although they that person. t The major service indus-
are not always fighting or arguing. t ...a tries should be accountable to their cus- irate adj If someone is irate, they are
long and bitter feud between the state gov- tomers. , very angry about something. t The
ernment and the villagers. , dial n A dial is the part of a machine owner was so irate he almost threw me out
or instrument such as a clock or watch of the place.
stroke n If someone has a stroke, a which shows you the time or a measure- corps n A corps is a part of the army
blood vessel in their brain bursts or ment that has been recorded. t The which has special duties. t ...the Army
becomes blocked, which may kill them luminous dial on the clock showed five Medical Corps. ()
or make them unable to move one side Air cadet n A cadet is a young man or
minutes to seven.
of their body. t He had a minor stroke in woman who is being trained to become a
1987, which left him partly paralysed. fierce adj Fierce conditions are very pilot in the airforce. ,
intense, great, or strong. t Polish
contention n If something is a cause climbers were trapped by a fierce storm disrupt v If someone or something dis-
of contention, it is a cause of disagree- rupts an event, system, or process, they
which went on for five days. ,
ment or argument. t They generally tried cause difficulties that prevent it from
to avoid subjects of contention between comprehensive adj Something that is continuing or operating in a normal way.
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t Anti-war protesters disrupted the birch n A birch is a type of tall tree responsibility, especially a difficult one,
debate. with thin branches. you accept it. t No other organisation
plus n A plus is an advantage or ben- nettle n Nettles are wild plants which was able or willing to take on the job.
efit. t Experience of any career in sales have leaves covered with fine hairs that
is a big plus. sting you when you touch them. t The lease n A lease is a legal agreement by
readily adv If you do something nettles stung their legs. which the owner of a building, a piece of
readily, you do it in a way which shows idyllic adj If you describe something land, or something such as a car allows
that you are very willing to do it. t I as idyllic, you mean that it is extremely someone else to use it for a period of
asked her if she would allow me to inter- pleasant, simple, and peaceful without time in return for money. t He took up
view her, and she readily agreed. any difficulties or dangers. t idyllic a 10 year lease on the house at Rossie
setting for a summer romance... Priory.
inflight adj In-flight services are ones naive adj If you describe someone as
that are provided on board an aero- resurrect v If you resurrect some- naive, you think they lack experience
plane. t entertainment on thing, you cause it to exist again after it and so expect things to be easy or peo-
long-haul aircraft... ( had disappeared or ended. t Attempts to ple to be honest or kind. t It's naive to
) resurrect the ceasefire have already failed think that teachers are always tolerant..
once. ,
rate n A rate is the amount of money
Reading Part 3 (p. 54-55) homeopathy n Homeopathy is a way that is charged for goods or services. t
creep v When people or animals of treating an illness in which the patient Calls cost 36p per minute cheap rate and
creep somewhere, they move quietly and is given very small amounts of a drug 48p at all other times.
slowly. t Back I go to the hotel and creep that produces signs of the illness in extent n If you are talking about how
up to my room. , healthy people. great, important, or serious a difficulty
prescribe v If a doctor prescribes or situation is, you can refer to the
fetch v If you fetch something or medicine or treatment for you, he or she extent of it. t The government itself has
someone, you go and get them from the tells you what medicine or treatment to little information on the extent of industri-
place where they are. t Sylvia fetched a have. t Our doctor diagnosed a throat al pollution. ,
towel from the bathroom. infection and prescribed antibiotic and misbehave v If someone, especially a
root v If you root a plant or cutting or junior aspirin. child, misbehaves, they behave in a way
if it roots, roots form on the bottom of that is not acceptable to other people. t
its stem and it starts to grow. t Most qualify v When someone qualifies, When the children misbehaved she was
plants will root in about six to eight weeks. they pass the examinations that they unable to cope.
need to be able to work in a particular demanding adj A demanding job or
scar n A scar is a mark on the skin profession. t But when I'd qualified and task requires a lot of your time, energy,
which is left after a wound has healed. t started teaching it was a different story. or attention. t He tried to return to work,
He had a scar on his forehead. , but found he could no longer cope with
impact n The impact that something his demanding job.
has on a situation, process, or person is surgery n A surgery is the room or uninspired adj If you describe some-
a sudden and powerful effect that it has house where a doctor or dentist works. thing or someone as uninspired, you are
on them. t They say they expect the meet- t Bill was in the doctor's surgery criticizing them because they do not
ing to have a marked impact on the future demanding to know what was wrong seem to have any original or exciting
of the country. with him. qualities. t The script was singularly
fall apart phr.v If something falls treatment room n a room where med- uninspired. ,
apart, it breaks into pieces because it is ical attention is given to a sick or injured revert (to) v When people or things
old or badly made. t The work was person or animal. t Many patients are revert to a previous state, system, or type
never finished and bit by bit the building not getting the medical treatment they of behaviour, they go back to it.
fell apart. need. t Jackson said her boss became increas-
bleak adj If a situation is bleak, it is complimentary adj A complimentary ingly depressed and reverted to smoking
bad, and seems unlikely to improve. t seat, ticket, or book is given to you free. heavily. , (
The immediate outlook remains bleak. t He had complimentary tickets to take )
his wife to see the movie. self-sufficient adj If a country or
salvation n If someone or something group is self-sufficient, it is able to pro-
is your salvation, they are responsible for dawn on sb phr.v if something daws duce or make everything that it needs. t
saving you from harm, destruction, or an on you, you begin to realize it for the This enabled the country to become self-
unpleasant situation. t The country's forst time t Suddenly it dawed on me sufficient in sugar.
salvation lies in forcing through democrat- that they couldnt possibly have met sensible adj Sensible actions or deci-
ic reforms. before. sions are good because they are based
landscape n The landscape is every- premises n The premises of a business on reasons rather than emotions. t It
thing you can see when you look across or an institution are all the buildings and might be sensible to get a solicitor.
an area of land, including hills, rivers, land that it occupies in one place. t
buildings, trees, and plants. t We moved The business moved to premises in flexible adj Something or someone
to Northamptonshire and a new landscape Brompton Road. that is flexible is able to change easily
of hedges and fields. take on phr.v If you take on a job or and adapt to different conditions and
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circumstances as they occur. t Look for bolt n If a piece of news comes like a
software that's flexible enough for a range bolt from the blue, it is completely unex- stability n The state of not being like-
of abilities. pected and very surprising. t The com- ly to change or come to an end sudden-
unreliable adj If you describe a per- pany decided to appoint a Japanese man- ly. t It was a time of political stability and
son, machine, or method as unreliable, ager as president of the company. progress.
you mean that you cannot trust them. t , rewarding adj An experience or
Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable enterprising adj An enterprising per- action that is rewarding gives you satis-
and misleading source of information. son is willing to try out new, unusual faction or brings you benefits. t ...a
ways of doing or achieving something. t career which she found stimulating and
Debra is a very enterprising young black rewarding...
Reading Part 4 (p. 56-57) business-woman who is involved in a lot
initial adj You use initial to describe of activities. au pair n An au pair is a young per-
something that happens at the beginning commission n Commission is a sum son from a foreign country who lives
of a process. t The initial reaction has of money paid to a salesperson for every with a family in order to learn the lan-
been excellent. sale that he or she makes. If a salesper- guage and who helps to look after the
hostile adj Someone who is hostile is son is paid on commission, the amount children.
unfriendly and aggressive. t Drinking they receive depends on the amount overnight adv You can say that some-
may make a person feel relaxed and they sell. t The salesmen work on com- thing happens overnight when it hap-
happy, or it may make her hostile, violent, mission only. pens very quickly and unexpectedly. t
or depressed. royalties n(pl) Payments made to The rules are not going to change
windfall n A windfall is a sum of someone whose invention, idea, or prop- overnight. ,
money that you receive unexpectedly or erty is used by a commercial company
by luck, for example if you win a lottery. can be referred to as royalties. t The integral adj Something that is an inte-
, royalties enabled the inventor to re-estab- gral part of something is an essential
sibling n Your siblings are your brothers lish himself in business. t part of that thing.t Rituals and festivals
and sisters.t His siblings are mostly in form an integral part of every human soci-
their early twenties. / encounter n An encounter is a partic- ety.
rivalry n Competition or fighting ular type of experience. t ...his first seri- adjust v When you adjust to a new
between people, businesses, or organiza- ous encounter with alcohol. situation, you get used to it by changing
tions who are in the same area or want canine adj Canine means relating to your behaviour or your ideas. t We have
the same things. t The rivalry between dogs.t ...research into canine diseases. been preparing our fighters to adjust them-
the Inkatha and the ANC has resulted in selves to civil society.
violence in the black townships. cuddly adj A cuddly person or animal resentful adj If you are resentful,
makes you want to put your arms round you feel bitterness and anger about
long (for) v If you long for something, them and hold them close as a way of something. t At first I felt very resentful
you want it very much. t Steve longed showing your affection. t ...these cuddly and angry about losing my job.
for the good old days. , cats from South East Asia. ,
, substitute n A substitute is something
conventional adj A conventional snarl v When an animal snarls, it that you have or use instead of some-
method or product is one that is usually makes a fierce, rough sound in its throat thing else.t She is seeking a substitute
used or that has been in use for a long while showing its teeth. t The dogs for the very man whose departure made
time. t ...the risks and drawbacks of snarled at the intruders. her cry.
conventional family planning methods... dreaded adj Dreaded means terrible invader n is used metaphorically to
and greatly feared.t No one knew how to characterize someone who disturds or
arrogant adj Someone who is arrogant treat this dreaded disease. , has an unwanted effect on somebodys
behaves in a proud, unpleasant way life t Most children said that their par-
towards other people because they fainthearted adj If you describe ents are invaders in their personal life
believe that they are more important someone or their behaviour as faint-
than others. t That sounds arrogant, hearted, you mean that they are not very wrench n If you say that leaving
doesn't it? confident and do not take strong action someone or something is a wrench, you
inclination n An inclination is a feel- because they are afraid of failing. t The feel very sad about it. t I always knew it
ing that makes you want to act in a par- voters may be ready to punish the politi- would be a wrench to leave Essex after all
ticular way. t He had neither the time cians who devised a faint-hearted solidari- these years.
nor the inclination to think of other things. ty pact. grumble v If someone grumbles, they
pan out phr.v If something, for complain about something in a bad-tem-
weird adj If you describe something example a project or some information, pered way. t I shouldn't grumble about
or someone as weird, you mean that pans out, it produces something useful Mummshe's lovely really.
they are strange. t He's different. He's or valuable. t None of Morgan's pro- ,
weird. posed financings panned out. divine adj You use divine to describe
aspiration n Someone's aspirations something that is provided by or relates
are their desire to achieve things. t crave v If you crave something, you to a god or goddess. t He suggested that
He is unlikely to send in the army to quell want to have it very much.t You may be the civil war had been a divine punish-
nationalist aspirations. craving for some fresh air. ment.
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obliged adj If you are obliged to do , or process of selecting them for an
something, a situation, rule, or law rage v You say that something power- organization or army and persuading
makes it necessary for you to do that ful or unpleasant rages when it contin- them to join. t...the examination system
thing.t The storm got worse and worse. ues with great force or violence.t Train for the recruitment of civil servants.
Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car services were halted as the fire raged for
and continue on foot. more than four hours. disgraceful adj If you say that some-
camaraderie n Camaraderie is a feel- maim v To maim someone means to thing such as behaviour or a situation is
ing of trust and friendship among a injure them so badly that part of their disgraceful, you disapprove of it strong-
group of people who have usually known body is permanently damaged. t One ly, and feel that the person or people
each other for a long time or gone man has lost his life, another has been responsible should be ashamed of it.t
through some kind of experience togeth- maimed. It's disgraceful that they have detained for
er. t ...the family camaraderie in Italy. in conjunction with prep. phr If one him so long. ,
, thing is done or used in conjunction with taxpayer n Taxpayers are people who
depot n A depot is a large building or another, the two things are done or used pay a percentage of their income to the
open area where buses or railway together. t The army should have operat- government as tax.
engines are kept when they are not ed in conjunction with the fleet to raid the
being used. enemy's coast.
plight n If you refer to someone's Use of English Part 3 (p. 60)
Writing Part 1 (p. 58) plight, you mean that they are in a diffi- enthuse v If you enthuse about some-
outgoing adj Someone who is outgo- cult or distressing situation that is full of thing, you talk about it in a way that
ing is very friendly and likes meeting and problems. t ...the worsening plight of shows how excited you are about it. t
talking to people. t She's very outgoing. Third World countries plagued by debts, Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste,
economic dependency, corruption and fragrance and character of Provencal cui-
entertainer n An entertainer is a per- militarism. sine.
son whose job is to entertain audiences, dwell v If you dwell somewhere, you utmost adj You can use utmost to
for example by telling jokes, singing, or live there. t They are concerned for the emphasize the importance or serious-
dancing. t Some have called him the fate of the forest and the Indians who ness of something or to emphasize the
greatest entertainer of the twentieth centu- dwell in it. , way that it is done. t It is a matter of the
ry. expansion n Expansion is the process utmost urgency to find out what has hap-
reliable adj People or things that are of becoming greater in size, number, or pened to these people.
reliable can be trusted to work well or to amount.t ...the rapid expansion of private jargon n You use jargon to refer to
behave in the way that you want them health insurance. words and expressions that are used in
to. t She was efficient and reliable. prosecution n Prosecution is the special or technical ways by particular
action of charging someone with a crime groups of people, often making the lan-
and putting them on trial. t Yesterday guage difficult to understand.t The
Writing Part 2 (p. 58) the head of government called for the manual is full of the jargon and slang of
debate n A debate is a discussion prosecution of those responsible for the self-improvement courses. ...the reading
about a subject on which people have deaths. habits of 600,000 C2 males
different views. t An intense debate is principle n A principle is a general /
going on within the Israeli government. belief that you have about the way you
should behave, which influences your
spring v If one thing springs from behaviour. t Buck never allowed himself Use of English Part 4 (p. 61)
another thing, it is the result of it.t to be bullied into doing anything that went ornament n An ornament is an
Ethiopia's art springs from her early against his principles. attractive object that you display in your
Christian as well as her Muslim heritage. motif n A motif is a theme or idea home or in your garden or yard.t ...a
that is frequently repeated throughout a shelf containing a few photographs and
temporary adj Something that is piece of literature or music. t The motif ornaments.
temporary lasts for only a limited time. of these volumes is that `solitude is the
t His job here is only temporary. richness of the soul, loneliness is its poverty.
Use of English Part 5 (p. 61)
venue n The venue for an event or
embark v If you embark on some-
activity is the place where it will
thing new, difficult, or exciting, you start
Use of English Part 1 (p. 59) happen.tBirmingham's International
doing it. t He's embarking on a new
over-regulated adj To be over-con- Convention Centre is the venue for a
career as a writer.
trolled, especially by means of rules. t three-day arts festival.
propel v If something propels you
It's a treatment that can carry risks, and in
into a particular activity, it causes you to
Britain it's strictly over-regulated.
do it. t It was a shooting star that pro-
pelled me into astronomy in the first Listening Part 1 (p. 62)
strangle v To strangle someone fall out with phr.v To have an argu-
place. ,
means to kill them by squeezing their ment and stop being friendly with them.
throat tightly so that they cannot You can also say that two people fall
breathe.t He tried to strangle a border
Use of English Part 2 (p. 60)
out.tShe fell out with her
policeman and steal his gun. recruitment n The recruitment of
workers, soldiers, or members is the act
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preconception n Your preconceptions an apprentice and worked my way up. everyone.t He is already a member of
about something are beliefs formed Britain's most exclusive club.
about it before you have enough infor- pensioner n A pensioner is someone
mation or experience. t Did you have who receives a pension, especially a pen- adverse adj Adverse decisions, condi-
any preconceptions about the sort of peo- sion paid by the state to retired tions, or effects are unfavourable to you.
ple who did computing? people. t The police said Mr Hadfield's decision
incentive n If something is an incen- prioritise v to treat something as would have no adverse effect on the
tive to do something, it encourages you more important to something else t progress of the investigation.
to do it. t There is little or no incentive to Parents have to prioritise childrens tuition n If you are given tuition in a
adopt such measures. needs. particular subject, you are taught about
cruel adj Someone who is cruel that subject.t The courses will give the
deliberately causes pain or distress to
people or animals. t Children can be so
PRACTICE TEST 3 beginner personal tuition in all types of
outdoor photography.
cruel. Reading Part 1 (p. 66-67) aboriginal adj The aboriginal people
preserve v If you preserve a situation or animals of a place are ones that have
Listening Parts 2 (p. 63) or condition, you make sure that it been there from the earliest known
probation n Probation is a period of remains as it is, and does not change or times or that were there before people
time during which someone is judging end.t We will do everything to preserve or animals from other countries arrived.
your character and ability while you peace. t Most Canadians acknowledge that the
work, in order to see if you are suitable withstand v If something or someone aboriginal people have had a rotten
for that type of work. t Employee withstands a force or action, they survive deal. ,
appointment to the Council will be subject it or do not give in to it. t ...armoured heritage n A country's heritage is all
to a term of probation of 6 months. vehicles designed to withstand chemical the qualities, traditions, or features of
attack... life there that have continued over many
inadequate adj If something is inad- shatterproof adj years and have been passed on from one
equate, there is not enough of it or it is armour n Armour is a hard, usually generation to another.t The historic
not good enough. t Supplies of food and metal, covering that protects a vehicle building is as much part of our heritage as
medicines are inadequate. against attack.t...a formidable warhead the paintings.
neglect v If you neglect someone or that can penetrate the armour of most insight n If you gain insight or an
something, you fail to give them the tanks. insight into a complex situation or prob-
amount of attention that they deserve.t puncture v If a car tyre or bicycle tyre lem, you gain an accurate and deep
He'd given too much to his career, worked punctures or if something punctures it, a understanding of it.t The project would
long hours, neglected her. hole is made in the tyre.t The tyre is give scientists new insights into what is
ambitious adj Someone who is ambi- guaranteed never to puncture or go flat. happening to the earth's atmosphere.
tious has a strong desire to be successful, ( ) ,
rich, or powerful. t Chris is so ambi- assailant n Someone's assailant is a content adj If you are content with
tious, so determined to do it all. person who has physically attacked something, you are willing to accept it,
them. t Other party-goers rescued the rather than wanting something more or
senior adj If someone is senior to you injured man from his assailant. something better.t I am content to
in an organization or profession, they admire the mountains from below. I'm
have a higher and more important job indistinguishable adj If one thing is perfectly content with the way the cam-
than you or they are considered to be indistinguishable from another, the two paign has gone. ,
superior to you because they have things are so similar that it is difficult to
worked there for longer and have more know which is which.t Replica weapons neglected adj not be given the
experience.tWilliams felt himself to be are indistinguishable from the real thing. amount of attention that you deserve t
senior to all of them. , The fact that she is not coming today
outdated adj If you describe some- makes her grandmother feel lonely and
thing as outdated, you mean that you rectify v If you rectify something that neglected.
think it is old-fashioned and no longer is wrong, you change it so that it array n An array of different things
useful or relevant to modern life. t becomes correct or satisfactory.t Only or people is a large number or wide
Caryl Churchill's play about Romania is an act of Congress could rectify the situa- range of them.t As the deadline
already outdated. tion. approached she experienced a bewildering
ethics n An ethic of a particular kind track down phr.v If you track down array of emotions. ,
is an idea or moral belief that influences someone or something, you find them, pristine adj Pristine things are
the behaviour, attitudes, and philosophy or find information about them, after a extremely clean or new. tNow the house
of a group of people.t ...the ethic of pub- difficult or long search.t She had spent is in pristine condition. ,
lic service. years trying to track down her parents.
legend n A legend is a very old and
Listening Part 4 (p. 64) exclusive adj If you describe some- popular story that may be true.t
apprentice n An apprentice is a thing as exclusive, you mean that it is ...the legends of ancient Greece.
young person who works for someone in limited to people who have a lot of
money or who belong to a high social portray v When a writer or artist
order to learn their skill.t I started off as
class, and is therefore not available to portrays something, he or she writes a
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description or produces a painting of fuselage n The fuselage is the main
it.t ...this northern novelist, who accu- legwork n body of an aeroplane, missile, or rocket.
rately portrays provincial domestic life. imply v If you imply that something is It is usually cylindrical in shape.
the case, you say something which indi-
Renaissance n The Renaissance was cates that it is the case in an indirect tricky adj If you describe a task or
the period in Europe, especially Italy, in way.t `Are you implying that I have problem as tricky, you mean that it is
the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries, when something to do with those attacks?' she difficult to do or deal with.t Parking can
there was a new interest in art, litera- asked coldly. be tricky in the town centre.
ture, science, and learning.t ...the acquire v If you acquire something, ,
Renaissance masterpieces in London's you buy or obtain it for yourself, or sponsor v If an organization or an
galleries... someone gives it to you. t General individual sponsors something such as
spitting image n If you say that one Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for an event or someone's training, they pay
person is the spitting image of another, about $400m. some or all of the expenses connected
you mean that they look very similar. t with it, often in order to get publicity for
Nina looks the spitting image of Sissy Reading Part 2 (p. 68-69) themselves. t Mercury, in association
Spacek. , superlative adj If you describe some- with The Independent, is sponsoring
stimulating adj encouraging of thing as superlative, you mean that it is Britain's first major Pop Art exhibition for
begining or developing something fur- extremely good. t Some superlative over 20 years.
ther wines are made in this region launch n To launch a large and
bypass v If you bypass someone or important activity, means to start it.t
something that you would normally have abound v If things abound, or if a The police have launched an investigation
to get involved with, you ignore them, place abounds with things, there are very into the incident.
often because you want to achieve some- large numbers of them.t Stories abound freighter n A freighter is a large ship
thing more quickly. t A growing number about when he was in charge. or aeroplane that is designed for carry-
of employers are trying to bypass the obscenely adv in an offensive or ing freight.
unions altogether. , immoral way tHe continued to talk
obscenely and also to make threats. follow suit phr.v If people follow suit,
bliss n Bliss is a state of complete they do the same thing that someone
happiness. t It was a scene of such extravagant adj Something that is else has just done.t Efforts to persuade
domestic bliss. extravagant costs more money than you the remainder to follow suit have contin-
blossom n Blossom is the flowers that can afford or uses more of something ued.
appear on a tree before the fruit.t The than is reasonable.t Her Aunt Sallie gave trickle n Stream; dript There was not
cherry blossom came out early in her an uncharacteristically extravagant so much as a trickle of water.
Washington this year. , gift. , ,
rival n Your rival is a person, busi- in a bind prep.phr If you are in a bind,
lantern n A lantern is a lamp in a ness, or organization who you are com- you are in a difficult situation, usually
metal frame with glass sides and with a peting or fighting against in the same because you have to make a decision or
handle on top so you can carry it. area or for the same things.t The world a choice and whatever decision or choice
champion finished more than two seconds you make will have unpleasant conse-
croon v If you croon, you sing or hum ahead of his nearest rival. , quences. t This puts the politicians in a
quietly and gently. t He would much bind as to what course to take.
rather have been crooning in a smoky successive adj Successive means hap-
bar. pening or existing one after another meaningful adj If you describe some-
cypress n A cypress is a type of without a break.t Jackson was the win- thing as meaningful, you mean that it is
conifer.(tree) ner for a second successive year. serious, important, or useful in some
stride v If you stride somewhere, you way. t She believes these talks will be the
walk there with quick, long steps.t They succession n A succession of things of start of a constructive and meaningful dia-
were joined by a newcomer who came the same kind is a number of them that logue.
striding across a field. exist or happen one after the other.t revenue n Revenue is money that a
dip v If something dips, it makes a Adams took a succession of jobs which company, organization, or government
downward movement, usually quite have stood him in good stead. receives from people.t One study said
quickly.t Blake jumped in expertly; the the government would gain about $12 bil-
boat dipped slightly under his weight. espionage n Espionage is the activity lion in tax revenues over five years.
of finding out the political, military, or ,
inherent adj The inherent qualities industrial secrets of your enemies or fund v When a person or organization
of something are the necessary and nat- rivals by using spies. t The authorities funds something, they provide money
ural parts of it.t Stress is an inherent part have arrested several people suspected of for it. t The Bush Foundation has fund-
of dieting. , espionage. ed a variety of faculty development pro-
preliminary adj A preliminary is weave v If you weave your way some- grams.
something that you do at the beginning where, you move between and around white elephant n If you describe
of an activity, often as a form of prepa- things as you go there.t The cars then something as a white elephant, you
ration. t It had taken about ten minutes weaved in and out of traffic at top mean that it is a waste of money because
to cover the preliminaries. speed. it is completely useless.t The pavilion
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has become a $14 million steel and glass around its edge or a continuous moving scree n Scree is a mass of loose stones
white elephant. belt. The weight of a person or animal on the side of a mountain.
scarcely adv You use scarcely to walking on it causes the wheel or belt to t Occasionally scree fell in a shower of
emphasize that something is only just turn. () dust and noise. ,
true or only just the case. t He could firmly adv in a secure and strong
scarcely breathe. way t The front door is locked and all the scramble v If you scramble over rocks
counterpart n Someone's or some- windows are firmly shut. , or up a hill, you move quickly over them
thing's counterpart is another person or or up it using your hands to help you.t
thing that has a similar function or posi- mentally adv intelectually t I think Tourists were scrambling over the rocks
tion in a different place. t The Finnish you are mentally tired. looking for the perfect camera angle.
organization was very different from that chore n A chore is a task that you
of its counterparts in the rest of the Nordic
must do but that you find unpleasant or straggling adj untidy or uneven
region. boring. t She sees exercise primarily as an ,
template n If one thing is a template unavoidable chore. - stagger v If you stagger, you walk very
for something else, the second thing is ferry v If a vehicle ferries people or unsteadily, for example because you are
based on the first thing. t The template goods, it transports them, usually by ill or drunk.t He lost his balance, stag-
for Adair's novel is not somebody else's means of regular journeys between the gered back against the rail and toppled
fiction, but fact. same two places. t Every day, a plane over.
assumption n If you make an assump- arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird altitude n If something is at a particu-
tion that something is true or will hap- Island Lodge. , lar altitude, it is at that height above sea
pen, you accept that it is true or will level. t The aircraft had reached its cruis-
happen, often without any real proof. t hurdle n A hurdle is a problem, diffi- ing altitude of about 39,000 feet.
They have taken a wrong turning in their culty, or part of a process that may pre-
assumption that all men and women think vent you from achieving something. t porter n an attendant
alike. , Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first decompression chamber n
conspire v If two or more people or hurdle and are packed off home. Decompression chamber is the room
groups conspire to do something illegal where the process of bringing someone
or harmful, they make a secret agree- ball n A ball is a large formal social back to the normal pressure of the air
ment to do it. t ...a defendant convicted event at which people dance. , after they have been deep underwater is
of conspiring with his brother to commit held. t ...after spending a short while in
robberies... stone n A stone is a measurement of the decompression chamber.
reassure v If you reassure someone, weight, especially the weight of a person,
you say or do things to make them stop equal to 14 pounds or 6.35 kilograms. t cerebral oedema n Cerebral edema is
worrying about something. t I tried to I weighed around 16 stone. an excess accumulation of water in the
reassure her, `Don't worry about it. We 6.348 intracellular and/or extracellular spaces
won't let it happen again.' filthy adj Something that is filthy is of the brain.
grace v If you say that something very dirty indeed.t He never washed, excess n Excess is used to describe
graces a place or a person, you mean and always wore a filthy old jacket. amounts that are greater than what is
that it makes them more attractive. t needed, allowed, or usual.t After cook-
He went to the beautiful old Welsh dresser hut n A hut is a small house with only ing the fish, pour off any excess fat.
that graced this homely room. , one or two rooms, especially one which
is made of wood, mud, grass, or stones. swell up phr v If something such as a
pertinent adj Something that is perti- part of your body swells up, it becomes
nent is relevant to a particular subject. tblister n A blister is a painful swelling larger and rounder than normal.tWhen
She had asked some pertinent questions. on the surface of your skin. Blisters con- you develop a throat infection or catch a
, tain a clear liquid and are usually caused cold the glands in the neck swell up.
desperately adv in a severe way t He by heat or by something repeatedly rub-
was a boy who desperately needed affec- bing your skin. When your skin blisters put sth into perspective phr.v If you
tion. or when something blisters it, blisters put something in perspective or into per-
appear on it. t The affected skin turns spective, you judge its real importance
Reading Part 3 (p. 70-71) red and may blister. by considering it in relation to every-
fundraising adj Fund-raising is the pitch v If you pitch your tent, or pitch thing else. t It helps to put their personal
activity of collecting money to support a camp, you put up your tent in a place problems into perspective.
charity or political campaign or organi- where you are going to stay. t He had ,
zation. t Encourage her to get involved in pitched his tent in the yard.
fund-raising for charity. summit n The summit of a mountain is infinite adj Something that is infinite
, the top of it. t ...the first man to reach has no limit, end, or edge. t infinite
pound v To walk with very heavy the summit of Mount Everest. number of atoms... ,
steps.t He pounded out of the room. loose adj If you loose something, you
hold it less tightly or untie it slightly or impulsive adj If you describe some-
treadmill n A treadmill is a piece of completely. t He gave a grunt and one as impulsive, you mean that they do
equipment, for example an exercise loosed his grip on the rifle. , - things suddenly without thinking about
machine, consisting of a wheel with steps , them carefully first.t He is too impulsive
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to be a responsible prime minister. training, or so that you are more able to thing, it becomes less in quantity, impor-
, deal with the problems of everyday life. tance, or quality. t There wasn't such a
resent v If you resent someone or t Many busy executives have begun to big decline in enrollments after all.
something, you feel bitter and angry practice yoga and meditation.
about them. t She resents her mother for have an edge expr If someone or
being so tough on her. under ones own steam prep.phr If you something has an edge, they have an
tackle v If you tackle a difficult prob- do something under your own steam, advantage that makes them stronger or
lem or task, you deal with it in a very you do it without any help from anyone more likely to be successful than another
determined or efficient way. tThe first else. t Patients who are well enough to thing or person. t The three days France
reason to tackle these problems is to save turn up under their own steam are well have to prepare could give them the edge
children's lives. enough to wait to be seen by a doctor. over England. ,
choir n A choir is a group of people grime n Grime is dirt which has col-
who sing together, for example in a primitive adj If you describe some- lected on the surface of something. t
church or school. t He has been singing thing as primitive, you mean that it is Kelly got the grime off his hands before
in his church choir since he was six. very simple in style or very old-fash- rejoining her in the kitchen.
ioned. t The conditions are primitive by hesitant adj If you are hesitant about
envious adj If you are envious of any standards. doing something, you do not do it quick-
someone, you want something that they land mine n A landmine is an explo- ly or immediately, usually because you
have. t I don't think I'm envious of your sive device which is placed on or under are uncertain, embarrassed, or worried.
success. the ground and explodes when a person t She was hesitant about coming forward
maternal adj Maternal is used to or vehicle touches it. with her story.
describe feelings or actions which are partially adv If something happens or boom v If the economy or a business
typical of those of a kind mother exists partially, it happens or exists to is booming, the amount of things being
towards her child. t She had little mater- some extent, but not completely. t bought or sold is increasing. t By 1988
nal instinct. Lisa is deaf in one ear and partially blind. the economy was booming.
cautionary adj A cautionary story or a
cautionary note to a story is one that is momentum n If a process or move- forge v If one person or institution
intended to give a warning to people. t ment gains momentum, it keeps devel- forges an agreement or relationship with
Barely fifteen months later, it has become oping or happening more quickly and another, they create it with a lot of hard
keeps becoming less likely to stop. t
a cautionary tale of the pitfalls of interna- work, hoping that it will be strong or
tional mergers and acquisitions. This campaign is really gaining momen- lasting. t The Prime Minister is deter-
tum. , mined to forge a good relationship with
pretentious adj If you say that some- mogul n A mogul is an important, America's new leader.
one or something is pretentious, you rich, and powerful businessman, espe- inquisitive adj An inquisitive person
mean that they try to seem important or cially one in the news, film, or television likes finding out about things, especially
significant, but you do not think that industry. t international media secret things. t Barrow had an inquisitive
they are. t His response was full of pre- mogul. nature.
tentious nonsense. , hike n A hike is a long walk in the pilgrim n Pilgrims are people who
country, especially one that you go on make a journey to a holy place for a reli-
for pleasure. gious reason.
Reading Part 4 (p. 72-73) bustling adj active, crowded expedition n You can refer to a group
era n You can refer to a period of his- , of people who are going on an organized
tory or a long period of time as an era grandeur n If something such as a journey that is made for a particular
when you want to draw attention to a building or a piece of scenery has purpose as an expedition. t Forty-three
particular feature or quality that it has. grandeur, it is impressive because of its members of the expedition were killed.
t ...the nuclear era. size, its beauty, or its power. t
fortress n A fortress is a castle or Venezuela is the ideal starting point to rural adj Rural means having fea-
other large strong building, or a well- explore the grandeur and natural beauty of tures which are typical of areas that are
protected place, which is intended to be South America. far away from large towns or cities.t
difficult for enemies to enter. t apartheid n Apartheid was a political ...the old rural way of life... ,
...a 13th-century fortress. system in South Africa in which people
subsequently adv afterwards t She were divided into racial groups and kept strive v If you strive to do something
subsequently became the Faculty's apart by law. t He praised her role in the or strive for something, you make a
President. struggle against apartheid. great effort to do it or get it. t He strives
incidental adj If one thing is inciden- hard to keep himself very fit.
tal to another, it is less important than scholar n A scholar is a person who
the other thing or is not a major part of diverse adj Diverse people or things studies an academic subject and knows a
it. t The playing of music proved to be are very different from each other. t lot about it. t The library attracts thou-
incidental to the main business of the Albert Jones' new style will inevitably put sands of scholars and researchers.
evening. him in touch with a much more diverse
meditation n Meditation is the act of and perhaps younger audience. daft adj If you describe a person or
remaining in a silent and calm state for a their behaviour as daft, you think that
period of time, as part of a religious decline n If there is a decline in some- they are stupid, impractical, or rather
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
strange. t He's not so daft as to listen to with his excitement. something or make progress. t Does the
rumours. fauna n Animals, especially the ani- fact that your players are part-timers help
bog n A bog is an area of land which mals in a particular area, can be referred or hinder you?
is very wet and muddy. to as fauna. t Brackish waters generally consult v If you consult an expert or
unmarred adj , support only a small range of faunas. someone senior to you or consult with
them, you ask them for their opinion
boardwalk n A boardwalk is a path scrumptious adj If you describe food and advice about what you should do or
made of wooden boards, especially one as scrumptious, you mean that it tastes their permission to do something. t
along a beach. extremely good. t ...a scrumptious apple Consult your doctor about how much
penetrate v If something or someone pie. , exercise you should attempt.
penetrates a physical object or an area,
they succeed in getting into it or passing confer v When you confer with some-
through it. t His men had been ordered Use of English Part 1 (p. 75) one, you discuss something with them in
to shoot on sight anyone trying to pene- soar v If the amount, value, level, or order to make a decision. You can also
trate the area. , volume of something soars, it quickly say that two people confer. t He con-
soggy adj Something that is soggy is increases by a great deal. t Insurance ferred with Hill and the others in his
unpleasantly wet. t ...a gray and soggy claims are expected to soar. office.
afternoon. aspire v If you aspire to something
murky adj Murky water or fog is so festive adj Festive means relating to a such as an important job, you have a
dark and dirty that you cannot see holiday or celebration, especially strong desire to achieve it.t They aspired
through it. t ...the deep, murky waters of Christmas. t With Christmas just around to be gentlemen, though they fell far short
Loch Ness. , the corner, starting your festive cooking of the ideal.
haven n A haven is a place where now will give cakes and puddings time to assorted adj A group of assorted
people or animals feel safe, secure, and mature. things is a group of similar things that
happy. t It's a real haven at the end of a foil v If you foil someone's plan or are of different sizes or colours or have
busy working day. attempt to do something, for example to different qualities. t It should be a great
elk n An elk is a type of large deer. commit a crime, you succeed in stopping week, with overnight stops in assorted
Elks have big, flat horns called antlers them from doing what they want. t A hotels in the West Highlands.
and are found in Northern Europe, brave police chief foiled an armed robbery
Asia, and North America. on a jewellers' by grabbing the raiders' squander v If you squander money,
den n A den is the home of certain shotgun. , resources, or opportunities, you waste
types of wild animals such as lions or down v If you say that someone them. t Hooker didn't squander his
foxes. downs food or a drink, you mean that money on flashy cars or other vices.
flora n You can refer to plants as they eat or drink it. t We downed bottles ,
flora, especially the plants growing in a of local wine. , surplus n If there is a surplus of
particular area. t ...the variety of food tempt v If you tempt someone, you something, there is more than is needed.
crops and flora which now exists in offer them something they want in order t Germany suffers from a surplus of
Dominica. to encourage them to do what you want teachers. ,
bittercress n them to do. t ...a million dollar market- supplementary adj Supplementary
ladys slipper n ing campaign to tempt American tourists things are added to something in order
conservation n Conservation is saving back to Britain... to improve it. t ...the question of
and protecting the environment. t ...a urge v If you urge someone to do whether or not we need to take supple-
four-nation regional meeting on elephant something, you try hard to persuade mentary vitamins...
conservation. , them to do it. t They urged parliament to
trust n A trust is a financial arrange- approve plans for their reform programme. Use of English Part 2 (p. 76)
ment in which a group of people or an delight n Delight is a feeling of very
organization keeps and invests money obscure v If one thing obscures anoth- great pleasure. t Throughout the house,
for someone. t You could also set up a er, it prevents it from being seen or the views are a constant source of surprise
trust so the children can't spend any inher- heard properly. t Trees obscured his and delight. ,
itance until they are a certain age. vision; he couldn't see much of the shun v If you shun someone or some-
Square's southern half. thing, you deliberately avoid them or
mast n The masts of a boat are the sober up phr.v If someone sobers up, keep away from them. t He has always
tall upright poles that support its sails. or if something sobers them up, they shunned publicity.
become sober after being drunk. t isolation n Isolation is the state of
ripple v When the surface of an area He was left to sober up in a police cell. feeling alone and without friends or
of water ripples or when something rip- ( ) & help. t Many deaf people have feelings of
ples it, a number of little waves appear distrust v If you distrust someone or isolation and loneliness.
on it. t You throw a pebble in a pool and something, you think they are not hon- capture v If an event is captured in a
it ripples. est, reliable, or safe. t I don't have any photograph or on film, it is photographed
mingle (with) v If things such as particular reason to distrust them. or filmed. t The incident was captured
sounds, smells, or feelings mingle, they on videotape.
become mixed together but are usually hinder v If something hinders you, it lag v If one thing or person lags
still recognizable. t Foreboding mingled makes it more difficult for you to do behind another thing or person, their
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
progress is slower than that of the other otherwise be. t He felt the apartment's or style. t Patricia looked beautiful and
thing or person. t Britain still lags behind only drawback was that it was too small. elegant as always.
most of Europe in its provisions for clumsy adj A clumsy action or state-
women who want time off to have bumpy road phr A bumpy road or ment is not skilful or is likely to upset
babies. , path has a lot of bumps on it. t ...bumpy people. t He denied the announcement
stake n If you have a stake in some- cobbled streets. was clumsy and insensitive.
thing such as a business, it matters to sober adj A sober person is serious
you, for example because you own part tandem n A tandem is a bicycle and thoughtful. t We are now far more
of it or because its success or failure will designed for two riders, on which one sober and realistic. ,
affect you. t He was eager to return to a rider sits behind the other. hazardous adj Something that is haz-
more entrepreneurial role in which he had ardous is dangerous, especially to peo-
a big financial stake in his own efforts. ple's health or safety. t Passive smoking
Use of English Part 4 (p. 77) can be hazardous to health.
tuck away phr.v If you tuck away hatch v When an egg hatches or when
something such as money, you store it in a bird, insect, or other animal hatches an precautionary adj Precautionary
a safe place. t The extra income has egg, the egg breaks open and a baby actions are taken in order to prevent
meant Phillippa can tuck away the rent. comes out. t The eggs hatch after a week something dangerous or unpleasant
or ten days. from happening. t The local administra-
astonishing adj Something that is damp adj Something that is damp is tion says the curfew is a precautionary
astonishing is very surprising. t It's slightly wet. t Her hair was still damp. measure.
astonishing, he's learned Latin in three , apprehensive adj Someone who is
hours! apprehensive is afraid that something
route n A route is a way from one Use of English Part 5 (p. 77) bad may happen. t People are still terri-
place to another. t ...the most direct reliable adj People or things that are bly apprehensive about the future.
route to the town centre... reliable can be trusted to work well or to
behave in the way that you want them knowledgeable adj Someone who is
Use of English Part 3 (p. 76) to. t She was efficient and reliable. knowledgeable has or shows a clear
pioneering adj Pioneering work or a understanding of many different facts
pioneering individual does something priority n If something is a priority, it about the world or about a particular
that has not been done before, for exam- is the most important thing you have to subject. t Do you think you are more
ple by developing or using new methods do or deal with, or must be done or knowledgeable about life than your par-
or techniques. t The school has won dealt with before everything else you ents were at your age?
awards for its pioneering work with the have to do. t Being a parent is her first
community. priority. reckless adj If you say that someone
overland adj An overland journey is is reckless, you mean that they act in a
made across land rather than by ship or Listening Part 1 (p. 78) way which shows that they do not care
aeroplane. t The overland route is across executive n An executive is someone about danger or the effect their behav-
some really tough mountains. who is employed by a business at a sen- iour will have on other people. t She
harsh adj Harsh climates or condi- loved to ride; on horseback, she was reck-
ior level. Executives decide what the
tions are very difficult for people, ani- less and utterly without fear.
business should do, and ensure that it is
mals, and plants to live in. t The weather done. t advertising executive. ,
grew harsh, chilly and unpredictable.
thrill n If something gives you a thrill,
spectacle n A spectacle is a strange or it gives you a sudden feeling of great
interesting sight. t It was a spectacle not excitement, pleasure, or fear. t I can Reading Part 1 (p. 82-83)
to be missed. disconcerting adj If you say that some-
remember the thrill of not knowing what I
prime adj You use prime to describe would get on Christmas morning. thing is disconcerting, you mean that it
something that is of the best possible makes you feel anxious, confused, or
quality. t It was one of the City's prime snap n A snap is a photograph. t embarrassed. t The reception desk is not
sites, giving a clear view of the Stock at street level, which is a little disconcert-
...a snap my mother took last year.
Exchange and the Bank of England. ing.
, victor n The victor in a battle or con-
rely v If you rely on someone or test is the person who wins.
Listening Part 2 (p. 79) triumphant adj Someone who is tri-
something, you need them and depend
property n A property is a building umphant has gained a victory or suc-
on them in order to live or work proper-
and the land belonging to it. t Cecil ceeded in something and feels very
ly. t They relied heavily on the advice of
inherited a family property near happy about it. t Duncan and his tri-
their professional advisers.
intrepid adj An intrepid person acts Stamford. , umphant soldiers celebrate their military
in a brave way. t intrepid space victory.
Listening Part 3 (p. 79) burden n If you describe a problem or
drawback n A drawback is an aspect elegant adj If you describe a person a responsibility as a burden, you mean
of something or someone that makes or thing as elegant, you mean that they that it causes someone a lot of difficulty,
them less acceptable than they would are pleasing and graceful in appearance worry, or hard work. t The developing
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countries bear the burden of an enormous t He had been accused of promoting dis- ed into the town after the violence.
external debt. , unity within the armed forces.
rift n A rift between people or coun- exploit v If you say that someone is discipline n Discipline is the practice
tries is a serious quarrel or disagreement exploiting a situation, you disapprove of of making people obey rules or stan-
that stops them having a good relation- them because they are using it to gain an dards of behaviour, and punishing them
ship. t The interview reflected a growing advantage for themselves, rather than when they do not. t Order and discipline
rift between the President and the govern- trying to help other people or do what is have been placed in the hands of head-
ment. , right. t The government and its oppo- masters and governing bodies.
perceive v If you perceive someone or nents compete to exploit the troubles to
something as doing or being a particular their advantage. gimmick n A gimmick is an unusual
thing, it is your opinion that they do this bond n A bond between people is a and unnecessary feature or action whose
thing or that they are that thing. t Stress strong feeling of friendship, love, or purpose is to attract attention or publici-
is widely perceived as contributing to coro- shared beliefs and experiences that ty. t It is just a public relations gimmick.
nary heart disease. unites them. t The experience created a
aggressor n The aggressor in a fight or very special bond between us. ,
battle is the person, group, or country side v If one person or country sides curb v If you curb an emotion or your
that starts it. t They have been the with another, they support them in an behaviour, you keep it under control. t
aggressors in this conflict. argument or a war. If people or coun- He curbed his temper. ,
tries side against another person or
betrayed adj Someone who has been country, they support each other against promiscuity n immoral behaviour
hurt and disappointed by the actions of them. t There has been much speculation ,
a person to whom has shown love or that America might be siding with the bindge n If you go on a binge, you do
trust. t His confidence has been betrayed. rebels. , too much of something, such as drinking
alcohol, eating, or spending money. t
clash n When people clash, they fight, excluded adj prevented from entering She went on occasional drinking binges.
argue, or disagree with each other. t A a place or taking part in an activity. t ,
group of 400 demonstrators ripped down The Academy excluded women from its Minister n In Britain and some other
the state Parliament's front gate and classes. countries, a minister is a person who is
clashed with police. , acknowledge v If you acknowledge a in charge of a particular government
sane adj If you refer to a sane person, fact or a situation, you accept or admit department. t When the government had
action, or system, you mean one that you that it is true or that it exists. t come to power, he had been named minis-
think is reasonable and sensible. t No Belatedly, the government has acknowl- ter of culture.
sane person wishes to see conflict or casu- edged the problem. parenting n Parenting is the activity of
alties. , oblivious adj If you are oblivious to bringing up and looking after your
negotiate v If people negotiate with something or oblivious of it, you are not child.t Parenting is not fully valued by
each other or negotiate an agreement, aware of it. t Llewelyn appeared oblivi- society. ,
they talk about a problem or a situation ous of his surroundings. initiative n If you have initiative, you
such as a business arrangement in order counselor n A counsellor is a person have the ability to decide what to do
to solve the problem or complete the whose job is to give advice to people next and to do it, without needing other
arrangement. t It is not clear whether who need it, especially advice on their people to tell you what to do. t She was
the president is willing to negotiate with personal problems. t Children who have disappointed by his lack of initiative.
the democrats. suffered like this should see a counsellor
harsh adj Harsh actions or speech are experienced in bereavement. amount to v If you say that one thing
unkind and show no understanding or settle v amounts to something else, you consider
sympathy. t He said many harsh and manipulate v when someone the first thing to be the same as the sec-
unkind things about his opponents. manipulates people, they skilfully force ond thing. t The banks have what
, or persuade people to do what they amounts to a monopoly.
destructive adj Something that is want. t He is a very difficult character.He meddle v If you say that someone
destructive causes or is capable of caus- manipulates people. , meddles in something, you are criticizing
ing great damage, harm, or injury.t ...the the fact that they try to influence or
awesome destructive power of nuclear unruly adj If you describe people, change it without being asked. t Already
weapons... especially children, as unruly, you mean some people are asking whether scientists
front n In a war, the front is a line that they behave badly and are difficult have any right to meddle in such matters.
where two opposing armies are facing to control. t It's not good enough just to ,
each other. t Sonja's husband is fighting blame the unruly children. , struggle v If you struggle to do some-
at the front. thing, you try hard to do it, even though
unquestioningly adv without any youngster n Young people, especially other people or things may be making it
doubt or disagreement t She supported children, are sometimes referred to as difficult for you to succeed. t They had
him unquestioningly. , youngsters. t I was only a youngster in to struggle against all kinds of adversity.
disunity n Disunity is lack of agree- draft v If people are drafted into a shy away from phr.v If you shy away
ment among people which prevents place, they are moved there to do a par- from doing something, you avoid doing
them from working together effectively. ticular job.t Extra police have been draft- it, often because you are afraid or not
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
confident enough. t We frequently shy or their remarks or thoughts as percep- persevere v If you persevere with
away from making decisions. tive, you think that they are good at something, you keep trying to do it and
charity n A charity is an organization noticing or realizing things, especially do not give up, even though it is diffi-
which raises money in order to help peo- things that are not obvious. t He was cult. t She persevered in her idea despite
ple who are ill, disabled, or very poor. t one of the most perceptive US political obvious objections raised by friends.
The National Trust is a registered chari- commentators. ,
ty. tangible adj If something is tangible, it
at ones wits end prep.phr If you say Reading Part 2 (p. 84-85) is clear enough or definite enough to be
that you are at your wits' end, you are mood n easily seen, felt, or noticed. t There
emphasizing that you are so worried and sure-fire adj A sure-fire thing is should be some tangible evidence that the
exhausted by problems or difficulties something that is certain to succeed or economy is starting to recover.
that you do not know what to do next. t win. t If something's a sure-fire hit then
We row a lot and we never have time on Radio One will play it. tantrum n If a child has a tantrum,
our own. I'm at my wit's end. predominate v When a feature or they lose their temper in a noisy and
quality predominates, it is the most uncontrolled way. If you say that an
debt n A debt is a sum of money that important or noticeable one in a situa- adult is throwing a tantrum, you are crit-
you owe someone. t Three years later, tion. t He wants to create a society where icizing them for losing their temper and
he is still paying off his debts. Islamic principles predominate. acting in a childish way. t My son had a
arrears n(pl) Arrears are amounts of , tantrum and banged his fist on the
money that you owe, especially regular random adj If you describe events as ground.
payments that you should have made random, you mean that they do not sulk n If you sulk, you are silent and
earlier. t They have promised to pay the seem to follow a definite plan or pattern. bad-tempered for a while because you
arrears over the next five years. t ...random violence against innocent vic- are annoyed about something. t He
tims... turned his back and sulked. ,
punitive adj Punitive actions are interval n An interval between two
intended to punish people. t Other econ- events or dates is the period of time ramification n The ramifications of a
omists say any punitive measures against between them. t The ferry service decision, plan, or event are all its conse-
foreign companies would hurt US inter- between Burnham and Wallasea Island quences and effects, especially ones
ests. has restarted after an interval of 12 years. which are not obvious at first. t The
rattle v When something rattles or () book analyses the social and political
when you rattle it, it makes short sharp strike v If you strike someone or ramifications of AIDS for the gay commu-
knocking sounds because it is being something, you deliberately hit them. t nity. ,
shaken or it keeps hitting against some- She took two quick steps forward and favourably adv If your opinion or
thing hard. t She slams the kitchen door struck him across the mouth. your reaction is favourable to something,
so hard I hear dishes rattle. , , you agree with it and approve of it.t
phobic adj Someone who is phobic has His recently completed chapel for
miscellaneous adj A miscellaneous a strong, irrational fear or hatred of Fitzwilliam is attracting favourable
group consists of many different kinds of something. t In Victorian times people comment.
things or people that are difficult to put were phobic about getting on trains. They stunt n A stunt is something interest-
into a particular category. t They eat a weren't used to it. ing that is done in order to attract atten-
lot of meats and dairy foods, along with a disregard v If you disregard some- tion and get publicity for the person or
lot of miscellaneous items that don't fall thing, you ignore it or do not take company responsible for it.t In a bold
into any group. account of it. t He disregarded the advice promotional stunt for the movie, he
apron n If you try to keep him under of his executives. , smashed his car into a passing truck.
control and tethered to your apron
strings there will almost certainly be a retrieve v To retrieve information frustrating adj Something that is frus-
row.tAt an airport, the apron is the area from a computer or from your memory trating annoys you or makes you angry
of hard ground where aircraft are parked. means to get it back. t As the child gets because you cannot do anything about
older, so his or her strategies for storing the problems it causes. t The current sit-
sincere adj If you say that someone is and retrieving information improve. uation is very frustrating for us.
sincere, you approve of them because ,
they really mean the things they say. shake off phr.v If you shake off some- consciously adv when a decision or
You can also describe someone's behav- thing that you do not want such as an ill- action is made or done deliberately with
iour and beliefs as sincere. t He accept- ness or a bad habit, you manage to you giving your full attention to it. t
ed her apologies as sincere. recover from it or get rid of it. t Sophie was not consciously seeking a
hierarchy n A hierarchy is a system of Businessmen are frantically trying to shake replacement after her father died.
organizing people into different ranks or off the bad habits learned under six
levels of importance, for example in decades of a protected economy. distract v If something distracts you
society or in a company. t Like most or your attention from something, it
other American companies with a rigid fume (with) v If you fume over some- takes your attention away from it. t
hierarchy, workers and managers had thing, you express annoyance and anger Tom admits that playing video games
strictly defined duties. about it. t He was still fuming over the sometimes distracts him from his home-
perceptive adj If you describe a person remark. , work. Don't let yourself be distracted by
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
fashionable theories. accolade n If someone is given an mother.
accolade, something is done or said ether n The air is sometimes referred
flash up phr.v If a picture or message about them which shows how much peo- to as the ether, usually when talking
flashes up on a screen, or if you flash it ple admire them. t The Nobel prize has about sounds being communicated or
onto a screen, it is displayed there become the ultimate accolade in the sci- broadcast through it. t ...vocals floating
briefly or suddenly, and often repeated- ences. , through the ether.
ly. t The figures flash up on the score- honorary adj An honorary title or sparkling adj lively, intelligent, and
board. membership of a group is given to some- witty t He is sparkling and versatile in
fraction n one without their needing to have the front of the camera.
ready v When you ready something, necessary qualifications, usually because cracking adj You use cracking to
you prepare it for a particular purpose. of their public achievements. t He will describe something you think is very
t John's soldiers were readying themselves be awarded the honorary degree in a cere- good or exciting. t It's a cracking novel.
for the final assault. mony at Newcastle University.
vigour n Vigour is physical or mental PhD Doctor of Philosophy abbr. mercenary n A mercenary is a soldier
energy and enthusiasm. t His body lacks A PhD is a degree awarded to people who is paid to fight by a country or
the bounce and vigour of a normal two- who have done advanced research into a group that they do not belong to.
year-old. , particular subject. PhD is an abbrevia-
pitch n If something is pitched at a tion for `Doctor of Philosophy'.t He is timelessness n If you describe some-
more highly educated, with a PhD in
particular level or degree of difficulty, it thing as timeless, you mean that it is so
is set at that level. t Whilst this is veryChemistry. good or beautiful that it cannot be
important material I think it's probably chuffed adj If you are chuffed about affected by changes in society or fashion.
pitched at rather too high a level for our something, you are very pleased about it. t There is a timeless quality to his best
purposes. , She had just moved into a new house work.
and was pretty chuffed about that. t immaturely adv In a way not com-
divert v I'm chuffed that the boss is staying. pletely grown or fully developed. t
stoke up phr.v If you stoke up some- She is acts immaturely.
thing such as a feeling, you cause it to befellow n A fellow of an academic or NSPCC abbr. National Society for the
felt more strongly. t These demands are professional association is someone who Prevention of Cruelty to Children t If
helping to stoke up fears of civil war. is a specially elected member of it, usu- you know or suspect that a child is being
ally because of their work or achieve- ill-treated or neglected please tell the
buffer v to protect someone/some- ments or as a mark of honour. t ...the NSPCC at once.
thing from harm t The company is fellows of the Zoological Society of
buffered by long-term contracts with grow- London. teary adj t I get a little teary-eyed
ers. when I think of my Nana.
foretell v If you foretell a future gown n A gown is a loose black gar-
event, you predict that it will happen. t ment worn on formal occasions by peo- senate n Senate or the Senate is the
...prophets who have foretold the end of ple such as lawyers and academics. t governing council at some universities.
the world. , old headmaster in a flowing black t By the time I was Vice Chancellor,
trigger v If something triggers an gown. Senate had become a much larger and a
puffy adj with a round, swollen
event or situation, it causes it to begin to much more democratic body.
happen or exist. t ...the incident which appearance t Her cheeks were puffy with entail v If one thing entails another, it
triggered the outbreak of the First World crying. , involves it or causes it. t Such a decision
War... presume v If you presume that some- would entail a huge political risk in the
hijack v The illegal taking control of a thing is the case, you think that it is the midst of the presidential campaign.
plane or other vehicle by force while it iscase, although you are not certain. t I
travelling from one place to another. t presume you're here on business. illustrate v If you say that something
Every minute during the hijack seemed , illustrates a situation that you are draw-
like a week. pull strings expr If you pull strings, ing attention to, you mean that it shows
fire up phr.v you use your influence with other people that the situation exists. t The example
, in order to get something done, often of the United States illustrates this point.
drain v If energy drains or is drained unfairly. t Tony is sure he can pull a few ,
from you, you lose all energy and strings and get you in. , preconception n Your preconceptions
become very tired. t As his energy about something are beliefs formed
drained away, his despair and worry grew. wind sb up phr.v about it before you have enough infor-
(& ) manner n If you refer to all manner mation or experience. t Did you have
of objects or people, you are talking any preconceptions about the sort of peo-
Reading Part 3 (p. 86-87) about objects or people of many differ- ple who did computing?
shower v If you shower a person with ent kinds. t Mr Winchester is impres- classist adj
presents or kisses, you give them a lot of sively knowledgeable about all manner incite v If someone incites people to
presents or kisses in a very generous and of things. behave in a violent or illegal way, they
extravagant way. t He showered her with missive n A missive is a letter or encourage people to behave in that way,
emeralds and furs. , other message that someone sends. t usually by making them excited or angry.
() ...the customary missive from your dear t He incited his fellow citizens to take
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their revenge. , discontent
recognition n When a person receives give sb the cold shoulder expr loathsome adj If you describe some-
recognition for the things that they have one or something as loathsome, you are
done, people acknowledge the value or watershed n If something such as an indicating how much you dislike them or
skill of their work. t At last, her father's event is a watershed in the history or how much they disgust you. t ...the
work has received popular recognition. development of something, it is very loathsome spectacle we were obliged to
important because it represents the witness.
beginning of a new stage in it. t The ultimatum n An ultimatum is a warn-
Reading Part 4 (p. 88-89) election of Mary Robinson in 1990 was a ing to someone that unless they act in a
hasty adj A hasty event or action is watershed in Irish politics. particular way, action will be taken
one that is completed more quickly than , against them. t They issued an ultima-
normal. t After the hasty meal, the men swiftly adv very quickly t He moved tum to the police to rid an area of racist
had moved forward to take up their posi- swiftly and sat upright. attackers, or they will take the law into
tions. get to grips with expr If you get a grip their own hands.
call for phr.v If something calls for a on yourself, you make an effort to con- pushover n You say that someone is
particular action or quality, it needs it or trol or improve your behaviour or work. a pushover when you find it easy to per-
makes it necessary. t It's a situation that suade them to do what you want. t
calls for a blend of delicacy and force. preoccupied adj If you are preoccu- He is a tough negotiator. We did not
, pied, you are thinking a lot about some- expect to find him a pushover and he has
undivided adj If you give someone or thing or someone, and so you hardly not been one.
something your undivided attention, you notice other things. t Tom Banbury was juggle v ,
concentrate on them fully and do not preoccupied with the missing Shepherd
think about anything else. t Eldest chil- child and did not want to devote time to intrigued adj If you are intrigued by
dren are the only ones to have experienced the new murder. something, especially something strange,
the undivided attention of their parents. mundane adj Something that is mun- it interests you and you want to know
dane is very ordinary and not at all inter- more about it. t They are intrigued by
reap v If you reap the benefits or the esting or unusual. t Be willing to do her story. ,
rewards of something, you enjoy the mundane tasks with good grace. interval v An interval between two
good things that happen as a result of it. , events or dates is the period of time
t You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of wary adj If you are wary of something between them. t There was a long inter-
being fitter. or someone, you are cautious because val of silence.
slave driver n a cruel employer who you do not know much about them and swear v If you say that you swear that
demands excessive work from the you believe they may be dangerous or something is true or that you can swear
employees , cause problems. t People did not teach to it, you are saying very firmly that it is
their children to be wary of strangers. true. t I swear I've told you all I know.
recharge v If you recharge your batter- ,
ies, you take a break from activities onwards adv ahead, beyond, forth, disguise v If you disguise yourself,
which are tiring or difficult in order to forward / you put on clothes which make you look
relax and feel better when you return to fine-tune v If you fine-tune something, like someone else or alter your appear-
these activities. t He wanted to recharge you make very small and precise changes ance in other ways, so that people will
his batteries and come back feeling fresh to it in order to make it as successful or not recognize you. t She disguised herself
and positive. effective as it possibly can be. t We do as a man so she could fight on the battle-
neglect v Not giving someone the not try to fine-tune the economy on the field.
amount of attention that they deserve. basis of short-term predictions. overdue adj If you say that a change
or an event is overdue, you mean that
rejuvenate v If you rejuvenate an you think it should have happened
organization or system, you make it unnerved adj If you say that some- before now. t This debate is long over-
more lively and more efficient, for exam- thing unnerves you, you mean that it due. ,
ple by introducing new ideas. t The gov- worries or troubles you. t The news bounce back phr.v If you bounce
ernment pushed through schemes to reju- about Dermot had unnerved me. back after a bad experience, you return
venate the inner cities. . very quickly to your previous level of
untenable adj An argument, theory, or tedious adj If you describe something success, enthusiasm, or activity. We
position that is untenable cannot be such as a job, task, or situation as lost two or three early games in the World
defended successfully against criticism tedious, you mean it is boring and rather Cup, but we bounced back.
or attack. t This argument is untenable frustrating. t Such lists are long and
from an intellectual, moral and practical tedious to read. Writing Part 1 (p. 90)
standpoint. , obstacle n You can refer to anything juvenile adj Juvenile activity or behav-
detach oneself v If you detach your- that makes it difficult for you to do iour involves young people who are not
self from something, you become less something as an obstacle. t yet adults. t Juvenile crime is increasing
involved in it or less concerned about it Overcrowding remains a large obstacle to at a terrifying rate. ,
than you used to be. t It helps them improving conditions. yob n If you call a boy or a man a yob,
detach themselves from their problems tide n Something that fluctuates like you disapprove of him because he
and become more objective. the waters of the tide t a rising tide of behaves in a noisy, rude, and perhaps
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violent way in public.t Violent and dan- philosophy concerned with the study of merely adv You use merely to empha-
gerous yobs deserve to be locked up. the idea of beauty. size that something is only what you say
, innovative adj Something that is inno- and not better, more important, or more
abusive adj Someone who is abusive vative is new and original. t ...products exciting. t Michael is now merely a good
behaves in a cruel and violent way which are cheaper, more innovative and friend.
towards other people. t He became vio- more reliable than those of their competi- assemble v To assemble something
lent and abusive toward Ben's mother. tors. means to collect them together or to fit
capsule n the different parts of it together. t
constructive adj A constructive discus- robust adj Someone or something that Greenpeace managed to assemble a small
sion, comment, or approach is useful is robust is very strong or healthy. t flotilla of inflatable boats to waylay the
and helpful rather than negative and More women than men go to the doctor. ship at sea.
unhelpful. t She welcomes constructive Perhaps men are more robust or worry pace n If you keep pace with someone
criticism. less? , who is walking or running, you succeed
curfew n A curfew is a law stating that sustainable adj A sustainable plan, in going as fast as them, so that you
people must stay inside their houses method, or system is designed to contin- remain close to them. t With four laps
after a particular time at night, for ue at the same rate or level of activity to go, he kept pace with the leaders.
example during a war. t The village was without any problems. t The creation of
placed under curfew. an efficient and sustainable transport sys- scheme n A scheme is someone's plan
tem is critical to the long-term future of for achieving something. t They would
London. first have to work out some scheme for
Writing Part 2 (p. 90) permeate v If an idea, feeling, or atti- getting the treasure out. ,
compensation n Compensation is tude permeates a system or permeates soar v If the amount, value, level, or
money that someone who has experi- society, it affects every part of it or is volume of something soars, it quickly
enced loss or suffering claims from the present throughout it. t Bias against increases by a great deal. t Insurance
person or organization responsible, or women permeates every level of the judi- claims are expected to soar. ,
from the state. t He received one year's cial system. ,
salary as compensation for loss of office. () spin v If something spins or if you spin
on the verge of prep.phr If you are on it, it turns quickly around a central
commitment n If you make a commit- the verge of something, you are going to point. t The latest discs, used for small
ment to do something, you promise that do it very soon or it is likely to happen portable computers, spin 3600 times a
you will do it. t We made a commitment or begin very soon. t The country was minute. , -
to keep working together. on the verge of becoming prosperous and circuit n A circuit is a series of places
pastime n A pastime is something that successful. that are visited regularly by a person or
you do in your spare time because you aspiration n Someone's aspirations group, especially as a part of their job. t
enjoy it or are interested in it. t His are their desire to achieve things. t ...the He joined the professional circuit.
favourite pastime is golf. , needs and aspirations of our pupils...
impose v If you impose something on
content adj If you are content, you are people, you use your authority to force
Use of English Part 1 (p. 91) fairly happy or satisfied. t He says his them to accept it. t Britain was the first
dwell v If you dwell somewhere, you daughter is quite content. country to impose fines on airlines which
, bring passengers without proper immigra-
live there. t They are concerned for the
fate of the forest and the Indians who compact adj Compact things are small tion papers.
dwell in it. ,
or take up very little space. You use this accurately adv precisely tThe test
word when you think this is a good qual- can accurately predict what a bigger explo-
intrinsic adj If something has intrinsic
value or intrinsic interest, it is valuable ity.t compact office in Washington. sion would do. ,
or interesting because of its basic nature ,
or character, and not because of its con- sleek adj If you describe someone as Use of English Part 2 (p. 92)
sleek, you mean that they look rich and convict n A convict is someone who is
nection with other things. t Diamonds
have little intrinsic value and their price stylish. t Lord White is as sleek and ele- in prison.
depends almost entirely on their scarcity. gant as any other multi millionaire busi- cringe v If you cringe at something,
, nessman. , you feel embarrassed or disgusted, and
tread v If you tread on something, pad n People can refer to the place perhaps show this feeling in your expres-
you put your foot on it when you are where they live as their pad, especially if sion or by making a slight movement. t
walking or standing. t Oh, sorry, I didn't it is a flat. t I moved on round the big Molly had cringed when Ann started pick-
mean to tread on your foot. , house to reach my pad. ing up the guitar. ,
proportion n A proportion of a group
boast v If someone or something can or an amount is a part of it. t A large awkwardness n The feeling of being
boast a particular achievement or pos- proportion of the dolphins in that area will embarrassed and have difficulty to deal
session, they have achieved or possess eventually die. with a situation.
mobility n ability of traveling easily faux pas n A faux pas is a socially
that thing. t The houses will boast the
latest energy-saving technology. from place to place t Two cars gave embarrassing action or mistake. t It was
, them the freedom and mobility to go their not long before I realised the enormity of
aesthetics n Aesthetics is a branch of separate ways. my faux pas.
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irrational adj If you describe some- ,
one's feelings and behaviour as irra-
tional, you mean they are not based on
muddy adj Something that is muddy
contains mud or is covered in mud. t
logical reasons or clear thinking. t The ground was still very muddy. Reading Part 1 (p. 98-99)
irrational fear of science. , aid n Aid is money, equipment, or
torture v To torture someone means cunning adj Someone who is cunning services that are provided for people,
to cause them to suffer mental pain or has the ability to achieve things in a countries, or organizations who need
anxiety. t He would not torture her fur- clever way, often by deceiving other peo- them but cannot provide them for them-
ther by trying to argue with her. ple. t These disturbed kids can be cun- selves. t They have already pledged bil-
ning. , lions of dollars in aid.
consistently adv in a stable and con- scheme n A scheme is someone's plan prominent adj Someone who is promi-
tinual way t It's something I have con- for achieving something. t ...a quick nent is important. t ...the children of very
sistently denied. , money-making scheme to get us through prominent or successful parents.
glimpse n A glimpse of something is a the summer... , ,
brief experience of it or an idea about it habitat n The habitat of an animal or
that helps you understand or appreciate Listening Part 2 (p. 95) plant is the natural environment in
it better. t As university campuses effectiveness n capability of produc- which it normally lives or grows. t In its
become increasingly multi-ethnic, they ing an effect t ...the effectiveness of com- natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up
offer a glimpse of the conflicts society will puters as an educational tool. to 25ft.
face tomorrow. endeavour v If you endeavour to do
something, you try very hard to do it. t I
Use of English Part 3 (p. 92) Listening Part 3 (p. 95) will endeavour to arrange it.
erode v If the value of something ,
fictional adj Fictional characters or
erodes or is eroded by something such breed v If you breed animals or plants,
events occur only in stories, plays, or
as inflation or age, its value decreases. t you keep them for the purpose of pro-
films and never actually existed or hap-
Competition in the financial marketplace ducing more animals or plants with par-
pened. t It is drama featuring fictional
has eroded profits. ticular qualities, in a controlled way. t
characters. ,
liberation n He lived alone, breeding horses and dogs.
misfortune n A misfortune is some-
stiff upper lip n One who has a stiff thing unpleasant or unlucky that hap- ,
upper lip displays courage in the face of aspect n An aspect of something is
pens to someone. t She seemed to enjoy
adversity, or exercises self-restraint in one of the parts of its character or
the misfortunes of others. ,
the expression of emotion. t I kept a stiff nature. t Climate and weather affect
upper lip, and bought a license to sell my unstable adj You can describe some- every aspect of our lives. ,
thing as unstable if it is likely to change
inhibited adj If you say that someone throes n(pl) If someone is experienc-
suddenly, especially if this creates diffi-
is inhibited, you mean they find it diffi- ing something very unpleasant or emo-
culty or danger. t After the fall of Pitt in
cult to behave naturally and show their tionally painful, you can say that they
1801 there was a decade of unstable gov-
feelings, and that you think this is a bad are in the throes of it, especially when it
thing. t Men are more inhibited about glorify v To glorify something means is in its final stages. t ...when the country
touching each other than women. was going through the final throes of civil
to praise it or make it seem good or spe-
cial, usually when it is not. t This maga-
ritual n A ritual is a religious service demise n The demise of something or
zine in no way glorifies gangs.
or other ceremony which involves a someone is their end or death.
series of actions performed in a fixed menace n If you say that someone or tSmoking, rather than genetics, was the
order. t This is the most ancient, and something is a menace to other people cause of his early demise.
holiest of the Shinto rituals. conservationist n A conservationist is
or things, you mean that person or thing
a someone who cares greatly about the
is likely to cause serious harm. t In my
despair n Despair is the feeling that conservation of the environment and
view you are a menace to the public.
everything is wrong and that nothing will who works to protect it.
improve. t I looked at my wife in obligation n If you have an obligation
stem from v If a condition or problem
despair. to do something, it is your duty to do
stems from something, it was caused
ignorance n Ignorance of something is that thing. t When teachers assign home-
originally by that thing. t All my prob-
lack of knowledge about it. t I am work, students usually feel an obligation to
lems stem from drink. ,
beginning to feel embarrassed by my com- do it.
plete ignorance of non-European history. diversity n The diversity of something
is the fact that it contains many very dif-
Listening Part 4 (p. 96)
ferent elements. t ...the cultural diversity
initiative n If you take the initiative in
Use of English Part 4 (p. 93) of British society.
a situation, you are the first person to fertilise v provide with fertilizers or
vicious adj A vicious person or a act, and are therefore able to control the
vicious is violent and cruel. t He was a add nutrients to
situation. t We are the only power willing
cruel and vicious man. to take the initiative in the long struggle to
own up to phr.v admit essential adj Something that is essen-
end the war. tial is extremely important or absolutely
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
necessary to a particular subject, situa- impoverished adj Reduced to poverty He collected some orange juice from the
tion, or activity. t It was absolutely essen- refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to
tial to separate crops from the areas that posture n A posture is an attitude that the kitchen window.
animals used as pasture. you have towards something. t The mili- dopy adj Someone who is dopy is
, tary machine is ready to change its defen- sleepy, as though they have been
crowd v If people crowd into a place sive posture to one prepared for action. drugged. t The medicine always made
or are crowded into a place, large num- , him feel dopey and unable to concentrate.
bers of them enter it so that it becomes swagger v If you swagger, you walk in ,
very full. t Hundreds of thousands of a very proud, confident way, holding territorial adj Territorial means con-
people have crowded into the center of the your body upright and swinging your cerned with the ownership of a particu-
Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. hips. t A broad shouldered man wearing lar area of land or water. t It is the only
, - a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up republic which has no territorial disputes
extinction n The extinction of a to the bar. , with the others.
species of animal or plant is the death of gum n Gum is a sticky substance
all its remaining living members. t An which comes from the eucalyptus tree or indifferent adj If you accuse someone
operation is beginning to try to save a from various other trees and shrubs. of being indifferent to something, you
species of crocodile from extinction. mean that they have a complete lack of
nonchalantly adv If you describe interest in it. t People have become
wetlands n A wetland is an area of someone as nonchalant, you mean that indifferent to the suffering of others.
very wet, muddy land with wild plants they appear not to worry or care about
growing in it. You can also refer to an things and that they seem very calm. t stake ones claim expr If you stake a
area like this as wetlands. t There are Clark's mother is nonchalant about her claim, you say that something is yours or
some areas of wetland which are of role in her son's latest work. that you have a right to it. t Jane is
ancient origin. , , determined to stake her claim as an
prairie n A prairie is a large area of conscientious adj Someone who is actress.
flat, grassy land in North America. t conscientious is very careful to do their
Prairies have very few trees. work properly. ,
coral reef n A coral reef is a long nar- Reading Part 2 (p. 100-101)
row mass of coral and other substances, wee adj Wee means small in size or emerge v To emerge means to come
the top of which is usually just above or extent. t I've got a wee kitten in the out from an enclosed or dark space such
just below the surface of the sea. t An flat. as a room or a vehicle, or from a posi-
unspoilt coral reef encloses the bay. insouciance n Insouciance is lack of tion where you could not be seen. t
concern shown by someone about some- Richard was waiting outside the door as
degraded adj Something that degrades thing which they might be expected to she emerged. ,
someone causes people to have less take more seriously. t He replied with dominance n The dominance of a par-
respect for them. t When I asked him if characteristic insouciance: `So what?' ticular person or thing is the fact that
he had ever been to a prostitute he said he they are more powerful, successful, or
wouldn't degrade himself like that. saunter v If you saunter somewhere, important than other people or things. t
you walk there in a slow, casual way. t The latest fighting appears to be an
cattle n Cattle are cows and bulls. t We watched our fellow students saunter attempt by each group to establish domi-
...the finest herd of beef cattle for two hun- into the building. nance over the other.
dred miles. nosy adj If you describe someone as comparatively adv relatively t ...chil-
fragment v If something fragments or nosy, you mean that they are interested dren who find it comparatively easy to
is fragmented, it breaks or separates into in things which do not concern them. t make and keep friends.
small pieces or parts. t The clouds frag- He was having to whisper in order to put sth into context expr If one put
mented and out came the sun. avoid being overheard by their nosy neigh- something into context, they consider it
bours. together with all the factors that relate
dam v A dam is a wall that is built tuck v If you tuck something some- to it. t Taxation is not popular in princi-
across a river in order to stop the water where, you put it there so that it is safe, ple, merely acceptable in context. ,
flowing and to make a lake. t They went comfortable, or neat. t He tried to tuck
ahead with plans to build a dam on the his flapping shirt inside his trousers.
Danube River. , intuitive adj If you have an intuitive
morally adv t When, if ever, is it voluminous adj Something that is idea or feeling about something, you feel
morally justifiable to allow a patient to voluminous is very large or contains a lot that it is true although you have no evi-
die? of things. t ...a voluminous trench coat... dence or proof of it. t A positive preg-
thrive v with respect to moral princi- , nancy test soon confirmed her intuitive
ples , promptly adv If you do something feelings.
indiscreet adj If you describe someone promptly, you do it immediately. t Sister enrich v To enrich something means
as indiscreet, you mean that they do or Francesca entered the chapel, took her to improve its quality, usually by adding
say things in public which they should seat, and promptly fell asleep. something to it. t An extended family
only do or say secretly or in private. t enriches life in many ways.
He is notoriously indiscreet about his stroll v If you stroll somewhere, you remnant n The remnants of something
private life. walk there in a slow, relaxed way. t are small parts of it that are left over
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when the main part has disappeared or insecticide n Insecticide is a chemical house. ,
been destroyed. t After twenty-four hours substance that is used to kill insects. t squalor n You can refer to very dirty,
of fighting, the remnants of the force were Spray the plants with insecticide. unpleasant conditions as squalor. t He
fleeing. was out of work and living in squalor.
charcoal n Charcoal is a black sub- startle v If something sudden and
stance obtained by burning wood with- unexpected startles you, it surprises and racketeer n A racketeer is someone
out much air. It can be burned as a fuel, frightens you slightly. t The telephone who makes money from illegal activities
and small sticks of it are used for draw- startled him. such as threatening people or selling
ing with. t inflict v To inflict harm or damage on worthless, immoral, or illegal goods or
game n Wild animals or birds that are someone or something means to make services. ,
hunted for sport and sometimes cooked them suffer it. t Rebels say they have inexorable adj You use inexorable to
and eaten are referred to as game. t As inflicted heavy casualties on government describe a process which cannot be pre-
men who shot game for food, they were forces. , vented from continuing or progressing.
natural marksmen. fatal adj A fatal accident or illness t ...the seemingly inexorable rise in unem-
causes someone's death. t .A hospital ployment. ,
abundance n An abundance of some- spokesman said she had suffered a fatal herd n A herd is a large group of ani-
thing is a large quantity of it. t This heart attack. , mals of one kind that live together. t
area of France has an abundance of safe last ditch expr Done or made as a final Chobe is also renowned for its large herds
beaches and a pleasing climate. recourse, especially to prevent a crisis or of elephant and buffalo. ,
disaster t A last-ditch effort to avert the pluck v If you pluck a fruit, flower, or
comrade n Your comrades are your threatened strike. leaf, you take it between your fingers
friends, especially friends that you share privilege n A privilege is a special and pull it in order to remove it from its
a difficult or dangerous situation with. t right or advantage that only one person stalk where it is growing. t I plucked a
Unlike so many of his comrades he sur- or group has. t The Russian Federation lemon from the tree. ,
vived the war. has issued a decree abolishing special priv- trot v When an animal such as a
tusk n The tusks of an elephant, wild ileges for government officials. horse trots, it moves fairly fast, taking
boar, or walrus are its two very long, locomotive n A locomotive is a large quick small steps. You can also say that
curved, pointed teeth. t vehicle that pulls a railway train. t the rider of the animal is trotting. t
scatter v If you scatter things over an Steam locomotives pumped out clouds Alan took the reins and the small horse
area, you throw or drop them so that of white smoke. started trotting. ,
they spread all over the area. t sanctuary n A sanctuary is a place
She tore the rose apart and scattered the where birds or animals are protected deflect v If you deflect something that
petals over the grave. and allowed to live freely. t ...a bird is moving, you make it go in a slightly
strain n A strain of a germ, plant, or sanctuary. different direction, for example by hit-
other organism is a particular type of it. against odds prep.phr ting or blocking it. t He stuck out his
t Every year new strains of influenza boot and deflected the shot over the bar
develop. conceive v If you conceive a plan or seconds before the final whistle.
maize n Maize is a tall plant which idea, you think of it and work out how it , -,
produces long objects covered with yel- can be done. t She had conceived the majestically adv in an impressive way
low seeds called sweetcorn. It is often idea of a series of novels, each of which t Fuji is a majestically beautiful moun-
grown as a food crop. t ...vast fields of would reveal some aspect of Chinese life. tain. ,
maize. waterbuck n ,
feasible adj If something is feasible, it administer v If someone administers ostrich n An ostrich is a very large
can be done, made, or achieved. t She something such as a country, the law, or African bird that cannot fly.
questioned whether it was feasible to stim- a test, they take responsibility for organ-
ulate investment in these regions. izing and supervising it. t The plan calls slender adj You can use slender to
for the UN to administer the country until describe a situation which exists but only
graze v When animals graze or are elections can be held. , to a very small degree. t He has won a
grazed, they eat the grass or other plants vote of confidence but only by a slender
that are growing in a particular place. t potentially adv possibly t Clearly majority.
Five cows graze serenely around a massive this is a potentially dangerous situation. attune v If you attune to a new situa-
oak. tion or attune yourself to it, you change
plough v When someone ploughs an nobility n A person's nobility is their your ideas or behaviour in order to deal
area of land, they turn over the soil noble character and behaviour. t ...his with it successfully. t The world will be
using a plough. t They ploughed nearly nobility of character, and his devotion to different, and we will have to be prepared
100,000 acres of virgin moorland. his country. , to attune to the change. ,
wheat n Wheat is a cereal crop grown furtive adj If you describe someone's impose v If you impose something on
for food. Wheat is also used to refer to behaviour as furtive, you disapprove of people, you use your authority to force
the grain of this crop, which is usually them behaving as if they want to keep them to accept it. t Britain was the first
ground into flour and used to make something secret or hidden. t With a country to impose fines on airlines which
bread. growing wheat, corn, or furtive glance over her shoulder, she bring passengers without proper immigra-
other crops. unlocked the door and entered the tion papers.
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legion n If you say that things of a par- rape v The rape of an area or of a inaccurate adj If a statement or meas-
ticular kind are legion, you mean that country is the destruction or spoiling of urement is inaccurate, it is not accurate
there are a great number of them. t it. t As a result of the rape of the forests,
or correct. t The book is both inaccurate
Books on the subject of Tarot Cards are parts of the country are now short of and exaggerated.
legion. , water. (& ) collaboration n Collaboration is the
substitute n A substitute is something act of working together to produce a
Reading Part 3 (p. 102-103) that you have or use instead of some- piece of work, especially a book or some
rear adj If you rear a young animal, thing else. t She is seeking a substitute research. t There is substantial collabora-
you keep and look after it until it is old for the very man whose departure made tion with neighbouring departments.
enough to be used for work or food, or her cry.
until it can look after itself. t She malaria n Malaria is a serious disease fussy adj Someone who is fussy is very
spends a lot of time rearing animals. carried by mosquitoes which causes peri- concerned with unimportant details and
ods of fever. is difficult to please. t She is not fussy
sprawl v If you sprawl somewhere, horrendous adj Something that is hor- about her food. ,
you sit or lie down with your legs and rendous is very unpleasant or shocking.
arms spread out in a careless way. t t He described it as the most horrendous versatility n having a wide variety of
She sprawled on the bed as he had left experience of his life. skills t Aileen stands out for her incredi-
her, not even moving to cover herself up. humbling adj If something or some- ble versatility as an actress.
one is humbling, they make you realize ,
crook n The crook of your arm or leg that you are not as important or good as ultimate adj You use ultimate to
is the soft inside part where you bend you thought you were. t Giving up an describe the most important or powerful
your elbow or knee. t She hid her face in addiction is a humbling experience. thing of a particular kind. t Of course,
the crook of her arm. the ultimate authority remained the presi-
buzz n If something gives you a buzz, deduce v If you deduce something or dency. ,
it makes you feel very happy or excited deduce that something is true, you reach evaluation n an appraisal of the value
for a short time. t Performing still gives that conclusion because of other things of something t "he set a high valuation
him a buzz. , that you know to be true. t Alison had on friendship" ,
silverback n got to work and cleverly deduced that I bulk n The bulk of something is most
was the author of the letter. of it. t The bulk of the text is essentially a
pane n A pane of glass is a flat sheet empathy n Empathy is the ability to review of these original documents.
of glass in a window or door. share another person's feelings and
overwhelmed adj If you are over- emotions as if they were your own. t extensive adj Something that is exten-
whelmed by a feeling or event, it affects Having begun my life in a children's home sive covers a wide range of details, ideas,
you very strongly, and you do not know I have great empathy with the little ones. or items. t Developments in South Africa
how to deal with it. t He was over- , receive extensive coverage in The Sunday
whelmed by a longing for times past. dictate v You say that reason or com- Telegraph.
, mon sense dictates that a particular distribution n The distribution of
slaughter n killing of animals t More thing is the case when you believe something is how much of it there is in
than 491,000 sheep were exported to the strongly that it is the case and that rea- each place or at each time, or how much
Continent for slaughter last year. son or common sense will cause other of it each person has. t One of the side
people to agree. t Commonsense now effects may be to change the geographical
kin n Your kin are your relatives. t dictates that it would be wise to sell a few
distribution of parasitic diseases such as
She has gone to live with her husband's shares. , malaria.
kin. eliminate v To eliminate something, scope n If there is scope for a particu-
primate n A primate is a member of especially something you do not want or lar kind of behaviour or activity, people
the group of mammals which includes need, means to remove it completely. t have the opportunity to behave in this
humans, monkeys, and apes. t The The Sex Discrimination Act has not elimi- way or do that activity. t He believed in
woolly spider monkey is the largest primate nated discrimination in employment. giving his staff scope for initiative.
in the Americas. ,
commercial adj Commercial means revenge n Revenge involves hurting or niggle n a small worry or doubt t
involving or relating to the buying and punishing someone who has hurt or So why is there a little niggle at the back of
selling of goods. t Docklands in its hey- harmed you. t The a ttackers were said to my mind?
day was a major centre of industrial and be taking revenge on the 14-year-old, invertebrate adj An invertebrate is a
commercial activity. claiming he was a school bully. creature that does not have a spine, for
timber n Timber is wood that is used example an insect, a worm, or an octo-
for building houses and making furni- pus.
ture. t These Severn Valley woods have Reading Part 4 (p. 104-105) unwieldy adj If you describe an object
been exploited for timber since Saxon misguided adj If you describe an opin- as unwieldy, you mean that it is difficult
times. ion or plan as misguided, you are critical to move or carry because it is so big or
plaster n A plaster is a strip of sticky of it because you think it is based on an heavy. t They came panting up to his
material used for covering small cuts or incorrect idea. t In a misguided attempt door with their unwieldy baggage.
sores on your body. , to be funny, he manages only offensive-
(& ) ness. misleading adj If you describe some-
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thing as misleading, you mean that it , degree t Doctors notoriously neglect
gives you a wrong idea or impression. refuge n A refuge is a place where their own health and fail to seek help
t It would be misleading to say that we you go for safety and protection, for when they should.
were friends. example from violence or from bad abide by v If you abide by a law,
shortcoming n Someone's or some- weather. t Eventually Suzanne fled to a agreement, or decision, you do what it
thing's shortcomings are the faults or refuge for battered women. says you should do. t They have got to
weaknesses which they have. t Marriages succinctly adv with concise and abide by the rules. ,
usually break down as a result of the precise brevity; to the point t He suc- resolve v To resolve a problem, argu-
shortcomings of both partners. cinctly summed up his manifesto as ment, or difficulty means to find a solu-
`Work hard, train hard and play hard'. tion to it. t We must find a way to
detract v If one thing detracts from , resolve these problems before it's too late.
another, it makes it seem less good or shun v If you shun someone or some-
impressive. t They feared that the publici- thing, you deliberately avoid them or unilateralism n Unilateralism is used
ty surrounding him would detract from keep away from them. t From that time to refer to a policy in which one country
their own election campaigns. forward everybody shunned him. or group involved in a situation takes a
, decision or action on its own, without
glaring adj If you describe something portraiture n Portraiture is the art of the agreement of the other countries or
bad as glaring, you are emphasizing that painting or drawing portraits. groups involved. t...the recent history of
it is very obvious and easily seen or American aggressive unilateralism on
noticed. t I never saw such a glaring hooray excl. People sometimes shout trade. ,
example of misrepresentation. `Hooray!' when they are very happy and
, excited about something. rugged adj A rugged area of land is
eulogy n A eulogy is a speech or piece grasp v If you grasp something that is uneven and covered with rocks, with few
of writing that praises someone or some- complicated or difficult to understand, trees or plants. t We left the rough track
thing very much. t A eulogy is a speech, you understand it. t The Government and bumped our way over a rugged moun-
usually at a funeral, in which a person has not yet grasped the seriousness of the tainous terrain. ,
who has just died is praised. crisis. , akin to adj If one thing is akin to
cum prep. -cum- is put between two stoat n A stoat is a small, thin, wild another, it is similar to it in some way. t
nouns to form a noun referring to some- animal that has brown fur. Some stoats Cooking is a physical activity, more akin
thing or someone that is partly one thing that live in northern Europe have fur to woodwork or gardening than to reading
and partly another. t ...a dining-room- that turns white in winter. or listening to music.
cum-study... whitethroat n common North chronicler n a person who is an
mount v If you mount a campaign or American finch with a white patch on authority on history and who studies it
event, you organize it and make it take the throat and black-and-white striped and writes about it
place. t The ANC announced it was crown , testament n If one thing is a testament
mounting a major campaign of mass to another, it shows that the other thing
political protests. flutter v If something light such as a exists or is true. t The fact that these
hype n Hype is the use of a lot of pub- small bird or a piece of paper flutters scandals are now public is testament to
licity and advertising to make people somewhere, it moves through the air the relative openness of the government.
interested in something such as a prod- with small quick movements. t The ,
uct. t We are certainly seeing a lot of paper fluttered to the floor. profound adj You use profound to
hype by some companies. emphasize that something is very great
tit n A tit is a small European bird or intense. t ...discoveries which had a
dissipate v When something dissi- that eats insects and seeds. There are profound effect on many areas of medi-
pates or when you dissipate it, it several kinds of tit. , cine. ,
becomes less or becomes less strong , span v If something spans a long peri-
until it disappears or goes away com- entanglement n An entanglement is a od of time, it lasts throughout that peri-
pletely. t The tension in the room had complicated or difficult relationship or od of time or relates to that whole peri-
dissipated. , - situation. t ...a military and political od of time. t His professional career
intricacy n Intricacy is the state of being entanglement the Government probably spanned 16 years. ,
made up of many small parts or details. t doesn't want. ,
Garments are priced from $100 to several factual adj Something that is factual is intimacy n Intimacy between two peo-
thousand dollars, depending on the intricacy concerned with facts or contains facts, ple is a very close personal relationship
of the work. rather than giving theories or personal between them. t ...a means of achieving
lust n A lust for something is a very interpretations. t The editorial con- intimacy with another person.
strong and eager desire to have it. t tained several factual errors.
It was Fred's lust for glitz and glamour , meticulous adj If you describe some-
that was driving them apart. concise adj Something that is concise one as meticulous, you mean that they
remote adj Remote areas are far away says everything that is necessary without do things very carefully and with great
from cities and places where most peo- using any unnecessary words. t Burton's attention to detail. t He was so meticu-
ple live, and are therefore difficult to get text is concise and informative. lous about everything.
to. t Landslides have cut off many vil- hefty adj Hefty means large in size,
lages in remote areas. notoriously adv to an infamous weight, or amount. t She was quite a
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
hefty woman. current n A current is a steady flow- separate it from others that it is connect-
rucksack n A rucksack is a bag with ing movement of air. t I felt a current of ed with, so that you can concentrate on
straps that go over your shoulders, so cool air blowing in my face. it or consider it on its own. t Our anxi-
that you can carry things on your back, eties can also be controlled by isolating
for example when you are walking or evaporate v When a liquid evapo- thoughts, feelings and memories.
climbing. rates, or is evaporated, it changes from a
liquid state to a gas, because its temper- jab v If you jab one thing into another,
Writing Part 1 (p. 106) ature has increased. t Moisture is drawn you push it there with a quick, sudden
trust n A trust is a financial arrange- to the surface of the fabric so that it evap- movement and with a lot of force.
ment in which a group of people or an orates. , - t He saw her jab her thumb on a red but-
organization keeps and invests money drench v To drench something or tonma panic button. ,
for someone. t You could also set up a someone means to make them com- carousel n At an airport, a carousel is
trust so the children can't spend any inher- pletely wet. t They turned fire hoses on a moving surface from which passengers
itance until they are a certain age. the people and drenched them. can collect their luggage.
afield adv Away from one's home or tingly adv If something makes your
Writing Part 2 (p. 106) usual environment. body feel tingly, it gives you a slight
unsupervised adj not supervised or intensity n The attack was antici- stinging feeling.t These lotions tend to
under constant observation t "the
pated but its intensity came as a shock. give the skin a tingly sensation.
school maintains unsupervised study halls ,
moderate adj You use moderate to paramedic n A paramedic is a person
during free periods"
budding adj beginning to develop or describe something that is neither large whose training is similar to that of a
grow t a budding actor nor small in amount or degree. t While nurse and who helps to do medical
a moderate amount of stress can be bene- work. t We intend to have a paramedic
backing n If someone has the back- ficial, too much stress can exhaust you. on every ambulance within the next three
ing of an organization or an important years.
person, they receive support or money drought n A drought is a long period critter n A critter is a living creature.
from that organization or person in of time during which no rain falls. t t...little furry critters.
...a country where drought and famines stow away phr.v If someone stows
order to do something. t He said the
president had the full backing of his gov- have killed up to two million people dur- away, they hide in a ship, aeroplane, or
ernment to negotiate a deal. ing the last eighteen years... other vehicle in order to make a journey
proximity n Proximity to a place or secretly or without paying. t He stowed
shelter n Something that provides person is nearness to that place or per- away on a ferry and landed in North
cover or protection, as from the weather. son. t Families are no longer in close Shields.
proximity to each other. capricious adj Something that is capri-
MP Member of Parliament abbr. In provoke v If something provokes a cious often changes unexpectedly. t
Britain, an MP is a person who has been reaction, it causes it. t His election suc- Both sides were troubled throughout by a
elected to represent the people from a cess has provoked a shocked reaction. capricious wind. ,
particular area in the House of
Commons. MP is an abbreviation for assert v If someone asserts a fact or serene adj Someone or something that
`Member of Parliament'. t ...Colin belief, they state it firmly. t The defen- is serene is calm and quiet. t She looked
Pickthall, MP for West Lancashire... dants, who continue to assert their inno- as calm and serene as she always did.
cence, are expected to appeal. ,
stray adj A stray dog or cat has wan- unleash v If you say that someone or
dered away from its owner's home. t A obtain v To obtain something means something unleashes a powerful force,
stray dog came up to him. to get it or achieve it. t Evans was trying feeling, activity, or group, you mean that
hazard n A hazard is something which to obtain a false passport and other docu- they suddenly start it or send it some-
could be dangerous to you, your health ments. where. t Then he unleashed his own,
or safety, or your plans or reputation. t shove v If you shove someone or unstoppable, attack.
A new report suggests that chewing-gum something, you push them with a quick, barrage n A barrage of something
may be a health hazard. violent movement. t He shoved her out such as criticism or complaints is a large
vaccinate v v If a person or animal is of the way. number of them directed at someone,
vaccinated, they are given a vaccine, usu- puncture v If a sharp object punctures often in an aggressive way. t He was
ally by injection, to prevent them from something, it makes a hole in it. t The faced with a barrage of angry questions
getting a disease. t Dogs must be vacci- bullet punctured the skull. from the floor.
lens n A lens is a thin curved piece of
nated against distemper.
Use of English Part 2 (p. 108) glass or plastic used in things such as
shin n Your shins are the front parts cameras, telescopes, and pairs of glasses.
Use of English Part 1 (p. 107)
of your legs between your knees and You look through a lens in order to
variability n the quality of being sub-
your ankles. t She punched him on the make things look larger, smaller, or
ject to variation t There's a great deal of
nose and kicked him in the shins. clearer. t I packed your sunglasses with
variability between individuals.
() the green lenses. ,
isolate v If you isolate something, you reclaim v When people reclaim land,
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they make it suitable for a purpose such when it is very cloudy. t It's always dull
as farming or building, for example by fruition n If something comes to and raining.
draining it or by building a barrier fruition, it starts to succeed and produce sloping adj having a slanting form
against the sea. t The Netherlands has the results that were intended or hoped or direction t...a brick building, with a
been reclaiming farmland from water. for. t His hopes for a new political party sloping roof.
, have little chance of reaching fruition. lash v If wind, rain, or water lashes
someone or something, it hits them vio-
defy v If you defy someone or some- lently. t The worst winter storms of the
thing that is trying to make you behave Listening Part 2 (p. 111) century lashed the east coast of North
in a particular way, you refuse to obey reserve n A nature reserve is an area America.
them and behave in that way. t This was of land where the animals, birds, and neglect v If you neglect someone or
the first (and last) time that I dared to plants are officially protected. t something, you fail to look after them
defy my mother. Marine biologists are calling for Cardigan properly. t The woman denied that she
urban adj Urban means belonging to, Bay to be created a marine nature reserve had neglected her child.
or relating to, a town or city. t Most of to protect the dolphins. apex n The apex of something is its
the population is an urban population. establish v If someone establishes pointed top or end. t Georgeanne
something such as an organization, a Woods led me up a gloomy corridor to the
simultaneous adj Things which are type of activity, or a set of rules, they apex of the pyramid.
simultaneous happen or exist at the create it or introduce it in such a way gauze n Gauze is a type of light, soft
same time. t ...the simultaneous release that it is likely to last for a long time. t cloth with tiny holes in it. t Extract the
of the book and the album... The UN has established detailed criteria juice by straining it through a piece of
for who should be allowed to vote. gauze or a sieve.
enthralling adj capturing interest as , hammock n A hammock is a piece of
if by a spell t enthralling race. intervene v If you intervene in a situa- strong cloth or netting which is hung
tion, you become involved in it and try between two supports and used as a bed.
fragile adj If you describe a situation to change it. t The situation calmed t
as fragile, you mean that it is weak or down when police intervened. futility n Futility is a total lack of pur-
uncertain, and unlikely to be able to pose or usefulness. t ...the injustice and
resist strong pressure or attack. t futility of terrorism.
The fragile economies of several southern Listening Part 3 (p. 111) ritual n A ritual is a way of behaving
African nations could be irreparably dam- refrain from v If you refrain from or a series of actions which people regu-
aged. doing something, you deliberately do not larly carry out in a particular situation,
do it. t He appealed to all factions to because it is their custom to do so. t
Use of English Part 4 (p. 109) refrain from violence. Cocktails at the Plaza was a nightly ritual
bully n A bully is someone who uses of their sophisticated world.
their strength or power to hurt or fright-
en other people. t I fell victim to the PRACTICE TEST 6 genre n A genre is a particular type of
office bully. literature, painting, music, film, or other
Reading Part 1 (p. 114-115) art form which people consider as a class
bunch v to form a group because it has special characteristics. t
Use of English Part 5 (p. 109) ,
mistrust v If you mistrust someone or ...his love of films and novels in the horror
fumble v If you fumble for something genre. ()
something, you do not trust them. t or fumble with something, you try and
It frequently appears that Bell mistrusts all bleak adj If a situation is bleak, it is
reach for it or hold it in a clumsy way. t bad, and seems unlikely to improve. t
journalists. She crept from the bed and fumbled for The immediate outlook remains bleak.
her dressing gown.
Listening Part 1 (p. 110) defiance n Defiance is behaviour or an yearning n A yearning for something
resent v If you resent someone or attitude which shows that you are not is a very strong desire for it. t He spoke
something, you feel bitter and angry willing to obey someone. t ...his coura- of his yearning for another child.
about them. t She resents her mother for geous defiance of the government. ,
being so tough on her. , biased adj If someone is biased, they
dump v If something is dumped volubly adv in a talkative way t In prefer one group of people to another,
somewhere, it is put or left there the next booth along he could see an eld- and behave unfairly as a result. You can
because it is no longer wanted or need- erly lady, talking volubly. also say that a process or system is
ed. t The getaway car was dumped near a unexceptionable adj If you describe biased. t He seemed a bit biased against
motorway tunnel. , someone or something as unexception- women in my opinion.
landfill n A landfill is a large deep able, you mean that they are unlikely to
hole in which very large amounts of rub- be criticized or objected to, but are not allude to v If you allude to something,
bish are buried. t The rubbish in modern new or exciting, and may have some hid- you mention it in an indirect way. t
landfills does not rot. den bad qualities. t The candidate was With friends, she sometimes alluded to a
incineration n the act of burning quite unexceptionable, a well-known travel feeling that she herself was to blame for
something completely t ...banning the writer and TV personality. her son's predicament. ,
incineration of lead batteries. dull adj You say the weather is dull
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overriding adj In a particular situa- result. t ...a young man whose relentless and pleasant, and seems suitable for
tion, the overriding factor is the one that pursuit of excellence is conducted with sin- close conversations between friends. t
is the most important. t My overriding gle-minded determination. intimate candlelit dinner for two.
concern is to raise the standards of state induce v To induce a state or condi-
education. , tion means to cause it. t Doctors said splash n A splash of a liquid is a
surgery could induce a heart attack. small quantity of it that falls on some-
nourishment n If something provides , thing or is added to something. t
a person, animal, or plant with nourish- striking adj Something that is striking Wallcoverings and floors should be able to
ment, it provides them with the food is very noticeable or unusual. t The withstand steam and splashes.
that is necessary for life, growth, and most striking feature of those statistics is interpretation n An interpretation of
good health. t The mother provides the the high proportion of suicides. something is an opinion about what it
embryo with nourishment and a place to , means. t The opposition Conservative
grow. , provisional adj You use provisional to Party put a different interpretation on the
quest n If you go in quest of some- describe something that has been figures.
thing, you try to find or obtain it. t He arranged or appointed for the present, sketchy adj Sketchy information about
went on to say that he was going to New but may be changed in the future. t something does not include many details
York in quest of peace. ...the possibility of setting up a provisional and is therefore incomplete or inade-
pilgrim n Pilgrims are people who coalition government... , quate. t Details of what actually hap-
make a journey to a holy place for a reli- pened are still sketchy.
gious reason. vague adj If something is vague, it
put sb up phr.v You put someone up does not express things clearly. t hue n The same hue will look differ-
when you give them accommodation in A lot of the talk was apparently vague and ent in different light. t ...a selection of
your house, especially a bed for the general. tops in natural hues and fibres.
night t I called Margaret to ask if she ephemeral adj If you describe some-
would put me up for a few nights. thing as ephemeral, you mean that it inference n An inference is a conclu-
lasts only for a very short time. t He sion that you draw about something by
disgruntled adj If you are disgruntled, talked about the country's ephemeral unity using information that you already have
you are cross and dissatisfied because being shattered by the defeat. about it. t There were two inferences to
things have not happened the way that fleeting adj Fleeting is used to be drawn from her letter.
you wanted them to happen. t describe something which lasts only for a vehicle n You can use vehicle to refer
Disgruntled employees recently called for very short time. t The girls caught only a to something that you use in order to
his resignation. fleeting glimpse of the driver. achieve a particular purpose. t Her art
erstwhile adj You use erstwhile to , became a vehicle for her political beliefs.
describe someone that used to be the contemporary adj Contemporary ,
type of person indicated, but no longer things are modern and relate to the intriguing adj If you describe some-
is. t Erstwhile workers may have become present time. t She writes a lot of con- thing as intriguing, you mean that it is
managers. temporary music for people like Whitney interesting or strange. t This intriguing
domestic adj A domestic situation or Houston. book is both thoughtful and informative.
atmosphere is one which involves a fam- pebble n A pebble is a small, smooth, ,
ily and their home. t It was a scene of round stone which is found on beaches endure v If something endures, it con-
such domestic bliss. , and at the bottom of rivers. tinues to exist without any loss in quality
pilgrimage n A pilgrimage is a journey or importance. t Somehow the language
quaint adj Something that is quaint is that someone makes to a place that is endures and continues to survive.
attractive because it is unusual and very important to them. t His father ,
rather old-fashioned. t ...a small, quaint took him on a sentimental pilgrimage to rational adj Rational decisions and
town with narrow streets and traditional Ireland. thoughts are based on reason rather
half-timbered houses... , bleak adj If you describe a place as than on emotion. t He's asking you to
bleak, you mean that it looks cold, look at both sides of the case and come to
grimy adj Something that is grimy is empty, and unattractive. t The island's a rational decision.
very dirty. t ...a grimy industrial city. pretty bleak. innocence n Innocence is the quality
, shingle n A shingle is a small sign of having no experience or knowledge of
that is hung outside a building, such as the more complex or unpleasant aspects
Reading Part 2 (p. 116-117) the place where a doctor or lawyer of life. t Youngsters are losing their
DIY Do It Yourself abbr. DIY is the works. , childhood innocence too quickly.
activity of making or repairing things .
yourself, especially in your home. DIY is nuclear adj Nuclear means relating to intricate adj You use intricate to
an abbreviation for `do-it-yourself'. t the nuclei of atoms, or to the energy describe something that has many small
He's useless at DIY. He won't even put up released when these nuclei are split or parts or details. t ...intricate patterns
a shelf. combined. t ...nuclear energy. and motifs.
pursuit n Your pursuit of something painstakingly adv A painstaking
is your attempts at achieving it. If you do intimate adj If you use intimate to search, examination, or investigation is
something in pursuit of a particular describe an occasion or the atmosphere done extremely carefully and thorough-
result, you do it in order to achieve that of a place, you like it because it is quiet ly. t Forensic experts carried out a
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painstaking search of the debris. under the most appalling conditions for ing them. t The hospital staff were very
, two months. , unapologetic and couldn't compensate.
brickwork n You can refer to the posture n Your posture is the posi-
bricks in the walls of a building as the tion in which you stand or sit. t You can sneer v If you sneer at someone or
brickwork. t There were cracks in the make your stomach look flatter instantly something, you express your contempt
brickwork. by improving your posture. for them by the expression on your face
discipline n Discipline is the quality or by what you say. t There is too great a
of being able to behave and work in a dire adj Dire is used to emphasize how readiness to sneer at anything the
controlled way which involves obeying serious or terrible a situation or event is. Opposition does. ,
particular rules or standards. t It was t The government looked as if it would nurture v If you nurture plans, ideas,
that image of calm, control and discipline split apart, with dire consequences for or people, you encourage them or help
that appealed to millions of voters. domestic peace. them to develop. t She had always nur-
pitch n A pitch is an area of ground tured great ambitions for her son.
precision n If you do something with that is marked out and used for playing ,
precision, you do it exactly as it should a game such as soccer, cricket, or hock- put out phr.v In a sporting competi-
be done. t The choir sang with precision. ey. t There was a swimming-pool, cricket tion, to put out a player or team means
pitches, playing fields. to defeat them so that they are no
depiction n A depiction of something mottled adj Something that is mottled is longer in the competition. t Another
is a picture or a written description of it. covered with patches of different colours Spaniard, Emilio Sanchez, put out Jens
t The lecture will trace the depiction of which do not form a regular pattern. t Woehrmann in three sets.
horses from earliest times to the present ...mottled green and yellow leaves. credit v If you credit someone with a
day. , quality, you believe or say that they have
curator n A curator is someone who whack v If you whack someone or it. t I wonder why you can't credit him
is in charge of the objects or works of art something, you hit them hard. t You with the same generosity of spirit.
in a museum or art gallery. t Peter Forey really have to whack the ball. (...)
is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural lacrosse n Lacrosse is an outdoor tease v To tease someone means to
History Museum. game in which players use long sticks laugh at them or make jokes about them
juxtapose v If you juxtapose two con- with nets at the end to catch and throw a in order to embarrass, annoy, or upset
trasting objects, images, or ideas, you small ball, in order to try and score them. t He told her how the boys in East
place them together or describe them goals. Poldown had set on him, teasing him.
together, so that the differences between suburban adj Suburban means relat-
them are emphasized. t Contemporary ing to a suburb. t ...a comfortable subur- encouragement n Encouragement is
photographs are juxtaposed with a six- ban home. the activity of encouraging someone, or
teenth century, copper Portuguese mirror. flap v If something such as a piece of something that is said or done in order
cloth or paper flaps or if you flap it, it to encourage them. t I also had friends
witty adj Someone or something that moves quickly up and down or from side who gave me a great deal of encourage-
is witty is amusing in a clever way. t to side. t Grey sheets flapped on the ment.
His plays were very good, very witty. clothes line. appreciate v If you appreciate a situa-
, thigh n Your thighs are the top parts tion or problem, you understand it and
carnation n A carnation is a plant of your legs, between your knees and know what it involves. t She never really
with white, pink, or red flowers. your hips. appreciated the depth and bitterness of
self-conscious adj Someone who is the Irish conflict.
prestige n If a person, a country, or self-conscious is easily embarrassed and excel v If someone excels in something
an organization has prestige, they are nervous because they feel that everyone or excels at it, they are very good at
admired and respected because of the is looking at them and judging them. t doing it. t Caine has always been an
position they hold or the things they I felt a bit self-conscious in my swimming actor who excels in irony.
have achieved. t ...efforts to build up the costume. , intimidate v If you intimidate some-
prestige of the United Nations... tension n Tension is the feeling that is one, you deliberately make them fright-
razzamatazz n Razzamatazz is a noisy produced in a situation when people are ened enough to do what you want them
and showy display. t ...the colour and anxious and do not trust each other, and to do. t Jones had set out to intimidate
razzmatazz of a US election. when there is a possibility of sudden vio- and dominate Paul.
, lence or conflict. t The tension between
the two countries is likely to remain. Reading Part 4 (p. 120-121)
Reading Part 3 (p. 118-119) thoughtless adj If you describe some-
hurdle n A hurdle is a problem, diffi- ill at ease adj If you are ill at ease, you one as thoughtless, you are critical of
culty, or part of a process that may pre- feel rather uncomfortable, anxious, or them because they forget or ignore other
vent you from achieving something. t worried. t He appeared embarrassed people's wants, needs, or feelings. t It
Two-thirds of candidates fail at this fi rst and ill at ease with the sustained applause was thoughtless of her to mention it.
hurdle and are packed off home. that greeted him.
unapologetic adj If you are unapolo- substantial adj Substantial means
appalling adj Something that is getic, you do not show or say that you large in amount or degree. t A substan-
appalling is so bad or unpleasant that it are sorry for causing trouble for some- tial number of mothers with young chil-
shocks you. t They have been living one, for hurting them, or for disappoint- dren are deterred from undertaking paid
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
work because they lack access to child- you need to block a street view. cause it to occur. t ...the scene evoking
care. memories of those old movies...
impact n The impact that something smack n a perceptible taste or tincture
has on a situation, process, or person is , subtle adj Something that is subtle is
a sudden and powerful effect that it has solidity n the quality or state of being not immediately obvious or noticeable.
on them. t They say they expect the meet- strong and not likely to collapse or fall t Intolerance can take subtler forms too.
ing to have a marked impact on the future over ,
of the country. impasto n the thick application of a clarity n The clarity of something such
medium n A medium is a way or pigment to a canvas or panel in painting as a book is its quality of being well
means of expressing your ideas or of explained and easy to understand. t
communicating with people. t In Sierra picturesque adj A picturesque place is ...the ease and clarity with which the
Leone, English is used as the medium of attractive and interesting, and has no author explains difficult technical and sci-
instruction for all primary education. ugly modern buildings. t Alte, in the hills entific subjects.
northwest of Loule, is the Algarve's most exiled adj If someone is living in exile,
interior adj The interior of something picturesque village. they are living in a foreign country
is the inside part of it. t The interior of underbelly n The underbelly of because they cannot live in their own
the house was furnished with heavy, old- something is the part of it that can be country, usually for political reasons. t
fashioned pieces. most easily attacked or criticized. t He is now living in exile in Egypt.
chalk and cheese expr If you say that The ANC are attacking rugby because it is
two people or things are like chalk and the soft underbelly of South African sport. dispossess v If you are dispossessed of
cheese, you are emphasizing that they , something that you own, especially land
are completely different from each bereft adj If a person or thing is bereft or buildings, it is taken away from you.
other. t The two places, he insists, are as of something, they no longer have it. t t ...people who were dispossessed of their
different as chalk and cheese. The place seemed to be utterly bereft of land under apartheid... ,
( 2 human life.
) . inalienably adv If you say that some-
abstract adj An abstract idea or way voracious adj If you describe a per- one has an inalienable right to some-
of thinking is based on general ideas son, or their appetite for something, as thing, you are emphasizing that they
rather than on real things and events. t voracious, you mean that they want a lot have a right to it which cannot be
...starting with a few abstract principles... of something. t Joseph Smith was a changed or taken away. t He said the
voracious book collector. , republic now had an inalienable right to
conceptual adj Conceptual means self-determination.
related to ideas and concepts formed in haphazard adj If you describe some- homage n Homage is respect shown
the mind. t NATO requires a better thing as haphazard, you are critical of it towards someone or something you
intellectual and conceptual framework to because it is not at all organized or is admire, or to a person in authority. t
guide its thinking. not arranged according to a plan. t Palace has released two marvellous films
deflect v If you deflect something that The investigation does seem haphazard. that pay homage to our literary heritage.
is moving, you make it go in a slightly ,
different direction, for example by hit- retrospective adj A retrospective is an immensely adv You use immensely to
ting or blocking it. t He stuck out his exhibition or showing of work done by emphasize the degree or extent of a
boot and deflected the shot over the bar an artist over many years, rather than his quality, feeling, or process. t Wind surf-
seconds before the final whistle. or her most recent work. t They hon- ing can be strenuous but immensely excit-
oured him with a retrospective exhibition ing.
sheen n If something has a sheen, it in 1987. coherent adj If something is coherent,
has a smooth and gentle brightness on it is well planned, so that it is clear and
its surface. t The carpet had a silvery elucidate v If you elucidate something, sensible and all its parts go well with
sheen to it. , you make it clear and easy to under- each other. t He has failed to work out a
temper v to mix oil with colours in stand. t Haig went on to elucidate his coherent strategy for modernising the serv-
making paint ready to use personal principle of war. ice. ,
wax n Wax is a solid, slightly shiny erroneous adj Beliefs, opinions, or assemblage n An assemblage of peo-
substance made of fat or oil which is methods that are erroneous are incor- ple or things is a collection of them. t
used to make candles and polish. It rect or only partly correct. t Some peo- She lived with her husband, who had an
melts when it is heated. t There were ple have the erroneous notion that one can assemblage of old junk cars and engine
coloured candles which had spread pools contract AIDS by giving blood. They parts scattered throughout the backyard.
of wax on the furniture. have arrived at some erroneous conclu-
mottled adj Something that is mottled sions. terrain n Terrain is used to refer to
is covered with patches of different poignant adj Something that is an area of land or a type of land when
colours which do not form a regular pat- poignant affects you deeply and makes you are considering its physical features.
tern. t ...mottled green and yellow leaves. you feel sadness or regret. t Harry
thought the sight of her was inexpressibly suffuse v If something, especially a
opaque adj If an object or substance is poignant. colour or feeling, suffuses a person or
opaque, you cannot see through it. evoke v To evoke a particular memory, thing, it gradually spreads over or
t You can always use opaque glass if idea, emotion, or response means to through them. t A dull red flush suffused
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
Selby's face. , tested an early vaccine on himself, some subvert v To subvert something
ethereal adj Ethereal means unrelated described the act as foolhardy. means to destroy its power and influ-
to practical things and the real world. t ence. t alleged plot to subvert the
...the ethereal nature of romantic fiction. at a whim prep.phr A whim is a wish state. ,
, to do or have something which seems to eclectic adj An eclectic collection of
vapour n Vapour consists of tiny have no serious reason or purpose objects, ideas, or beliefs is wide-ranging
drops of water or other liquids in the air, behind it, and often occurs suddenly.t and comes from many different sources.
which appear as mist. t ...water vapour. You have to remember that the premium t eclectic collection of paintings,
can increase at the whim of the insurers. drawings, and prints.
incandescent adj If you describe
someone or something as incandescent, arch Arch- combines with nouns refer- Writing - Part 1 (p. 122)
you mean that they are very lively and ring to people to form new nouns that
stifle v If someone stifles something
impressive. t incandescent perform- refer to people who are extreme exam-
you consider to be a good thing, they
ance from Jessye Norman. , ples of something. t For example, your
prevent it from continuing. t
arch-rival is the rival you most want to
Regulations on children stifled creativity.
swathe n A swathe is a long strip of beat.
something. t On May 1st the army took pursue v If you pursue an activity,
over another swathe of territory. interest, or plan, you carry it out or fol-
rival n Your rival is a person, busi-
low it. t It became harder for women
haunting adj Haunting sounds, ness, or organization who you are com-
married to diplomats to pursue their own
images, or words remain in your peting or fighting against in the same
thoughts because they are very beautiful area or for the same things. t The world exclude v If you exclude someone
or sad.t ...the haunting calls of wild birds champion finished more than two seconds
from a place or activity, you prevent
in the mahogany trees. ahead of his nearest rival. , them from entering it or taking part in
elemental adj Elemental feelings and
it. t The Academy excluded women from
types of behaviour are simple, basic, and aptly adv in a suitable way t ...the
its classes.
forceful. t ...the elemental life they would beach in the aptly named town of
be living in this new colony. Oceanside.
depict v To depict someone or some-
Writing - Part 2 (p. 122)
reflective adj If something is reflective
thing means to show or represent them precaution n A precaution is an
of a particular situation or attitude, it is
in a work of art such as a drawing or action that is intended to prevent some-
typical of that situation or attitude, or is
thing dangerous or unpleasant from
a consequence of it. t The German gov- painting. t ...a gallery of pictures depict-
ernment's support of the US is not entirely ing Nelson's most famous battles. happening. t I had taken the precaution
of doing a little research before I left
reflective of German public opinion.
enable v If someone or something
seethe v If you say that a place is enables you to do a particular thing, they
seething with people or things, you are give you the opportunity to do it. t The Use of English Part 1 (p. 123)
emphasizing that it is very full of them new test should enable doctors to detect joyous adj She had made their child-
and that they are all moving about. t the disease early. hood so joyous and carefree. t ...a joy-
The forest below him seethed and teemed painstakingly adv When a search, ous celebration of life.
with life. examination, or investigation is done enchanted adj If you are enchanted by
churning adj Churning water is mov- extremely carefully and thoroughly. t someone or something, they cause you
ing about violently. t ...anything to take Broken bones were painstakingly pieced to have feelings of great delight or pleas-
our minds off that gap and the brown, together and reshaped. ure. t Don't expect young children to be
churning water below. , illusion n An illusion is something as enchanted with the scenery as you are.
that appears to exist or be a particular ,
auction v If something is auctioned, it thing but does not actually exist or is in breed n A breed of a pet animal or
is sold in an auction. t Eight drawings by reality something else. t Floor-to-ceiling farm animal is a particular type of it. For
French artist Jean Cocteau will be auc- windows can look stunning, giving the illu- example, terriers are a breed of dog. t
tioned next week. , sion of extra height. , Certain breeds are more dangerous than
shortfall n If there is a shortfall in resident n Someone who is resident creed n A creed is a set of beliefs,
something, there is less of it than you in a country or a town lives there. t He principles, or opinions that strongly
need. t The government has refused to moved to Belgium in 1990 to live with his influence the way people live or work.
make up a s30,000 shortfall in funding. son, who had been resident in Brussels A creed is a religion. t The centre is
since 1967. open to all, no matter what race or creed.
wrath n Wrath means the same as unrest n If there is unrest in a particu- ,
anger. t He incurred the wrath of the lar place or society, people are express- transact v If you transact business, you
authorities in speaking out against govern- ing anger and dissatisfaction about enter into a deal with someone, for
ment injustices. something, often by demonstrating or example by buying or selling something.
foolhardy adj If you describe behav- rioting. t The real danger is civil unrest t This would free them to transact busi-
iour as foolhardy, you disapprove of it in the east of the country. , ness across state lines. ,
because it is extremely risky. t When he
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rehearse v When people rehearse a site is extremely beautiful or pleasant, supervise v If you supervise an activity
play, dance, or piece of music, they prac- especially in a delicate way. t The or a person, you make sure that the
tise it in order to prepare for a perform- Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to activity is done correctly or that the per-
ance. t In his version, a group of actors sell. son is doing a task or behaving correctly.
are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc. oversee v If someone in authority t University teachers have refused to
oversees a job or an activity, they make supervise students' examinations.
fasten v If you fasten one thing to sure that it is done properly. t Use a sur-
another, you attach the first thing to the veyor or architect to oversee and inspect strenuous adj A strenuous activity or
second, for example with a piece of the different stages of the work. action involves a lot of energy or effort.
string or tape. t There were no instruc- t Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.
tions on how to fasten the carrying strap to restoration n Restoration is used to ,
the box. , refer to the style of drama and architec- insomnia n Someone who suffers
territory n Territory is land which is ture that was popular during and just from insomnia finds it difficult to sleep.
controlled by a particular country or after the rule of Charles the Second in
ruler. t The government denies that any England. t ...a Restoration comedy. fulfill v If you fulfil something such as
of its territory is under rebel control. a promise, dream, or hope, you do what
you said or hoped you would do. t
penultimate adj The penultimate thing Use of English Part 4 (p. 125) President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of
in a series of things is the last but one. regain v If you regain something that announcing a date for the referendum.
t ...on the penultimate day of the Asian you have lost, you get it back again. t
Games. Troops have regained control of the city. potential n If you say that someone or
inaugural adj An inaugural meeting or something has potential for doing a par-
speech is the first meeting of a new ticular thing, you mean that it is possible
organization or the first speech by the Listening Part 1 (p. 126) they may do it. If there is the potential
new leader of an organization or a coun- conceited adj If you say that someone for something, it may happen. t John
try. t In his inaugural address, the is conceited, you are showing your disap- seemed as horrified as I about his poten-
President appealed for national unity. proval of the fact that they are far too tial for violence. ,
proud of their abilities or achievements.
t I thought him conceited and arrogant.
Use of English Part 2 (p. 124) , Listening - Part 4 (p. 128)
humiliation n Humiliation is the obstinate adj If you describe someone specialization n This degree offers a
embarrassment and shame you feel as obstinate, you are being critical of major specialisation in Social Policy
when someone makes you appear stupid, them because they are very determined alongside a course in Sociology. t
or when you make a mistake in public. t to do what they want, and refuse to economist who has avoided narrow
She faced the humiliation of discussing change their mind or be persuaded to do specialization.
her husband's affair. something else. t He is obstinate and
belt out phr.v If you belt out a song, determined and will not give up.
you sing or play it very loudly. t He held PRACTICE TEST 7
a three-hour family Karaoke session in his timid adj Timid people are shy, nerv-
hotel, belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits. ous, and have no courage or confidence Reading Part 1 (p. 130-131)
in themselves. t A timid child, Isabella inherit v If you inherit something such
naff adj If you say that something is had learned obedience at an early age. as a task, problem, or attitude, you get it
naff, you mean it is very unfashionable , from the people who used to have it, for
or unsophisticated. t The music's really overrated adj If you say that some- example because you have taken over
naff. thing or someone is overrated, you mean their job or been influenced by them. t
inner adj The inner parts of something that people have a higher opinion of The Endara government inherited an
are the parts which are contained or are them than they deserve. t More men are impossibly difficult situation from its pred-
enclosed inside the other parts, and finding out that the joys of work have been ecessors. (& )
which are closest to the centre. t She got overrated. obsession n If you say that someone
up and went into an inner office. has an obsession with a person or thing,
, Listening Part 2 (p. 127) you think they are spending too much
stunning adj A stunning person or naturalist adj A naturalist is a person time thinking about them. t She would
thing is extremely beautiful or impres- try to forget her obsession with
who studies plants, animals, insects, and
sive. t The minister resigned last night Christopher.
other living things. ,
after a stunning defeat in Sunday's vote. desperate adj If you are desperate for
something or desperate to do something,
aisle n An aisle is a long narrow gap you want or need it very much indeed. t
Listening Part 3 (p. 127) They'd been married nearly four years and
that people can walk along between
vague adj If you have a vague memory
rows of seats in a public building such as June was desperate to start a family.
or idea of something, the memory or
a church or between rows of shelves in a
idea is not clear. t They have only a
supermarket. t He started down the cen- flaw n A flaw in something such as a
vague idea of the amount of water avail-
tre aisle. pattern or material is a fault in it that
exquisite adj Something that is exqui- able. should not be there. ,
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reap v If you reap the benefits or the earth-shattering is very surprising or
guidance n Guidance is help and rewards of something, you enjoy the shocking. t news.
advice. opportunity for young people good things that happen as a result of it.
to improve their performance under the You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of
feat n If you refer to an action, or the
guidance of professional coaches... being fitter. result of an action, as a feat, you admire
infection n An infection is a disease it because it is an impressive and diffi-
filter v When news or information fil- caused by germs or bacteria. t Exactly cult achievement. t A racing car is an
ters through to people, it gradually extraordinary feat of engineering.
which bacteria cause the infection is still
reaches them. t It took months before unknown.
the findings began to filter through to the stamina n Stamina is the physical or urge n If you have an urge to do or
politicians. , mental energy needed to do a tiring have something, you have a strong wish
activity for a long time. t You have toto do or have it. t He had an urge to
nutrition n Nutrition is the process of have a lot of stamina to be a top-classopen a shop of his own. ,
taking food into the body and absorbing dancer.
the nutrients in those foods. t There are taint v If a person or thing is taintedengage with v If you engage with
alternative sources of nutrition to animal by something bad or undesirable, their something or with a group of people,
meat. status or reputation is harmed because you get involved with that thing or group
foundation n A foundation is an they are associated with it. t Opposition
and feel that you are connected with it
organization which provides money for a or have real contact with it. t She found
leaders said that the elections had been
special purpose such as research or char- tainted by corruption. , it hard to engage with office life.
ity. t ...the National Foundation for
Educational Research. frumpy adj If you describe a woman or influence n To have an influence on
picky adj Someone who is picky is dif- her clothes as frumpy, you mean that people or situations means to affect
ficult to please and only likes a small what they do or what happens. t Van
her clothes are dull and not fashionable.
range of things. t Some people are very t I looked so frumpy next to these women.
Gogh had a major influence on the devel-
picky about who they choose to share their opment of modern painting.
lives with. , sustainable adj A sustainable plan, competent adj Someone who is com-
endemic adj If a disease or illness is petent is efficient and effective. t
method, or system is designed to contin-
endemic in a place, it is frequently found ue at the same rate or level of activity
He was a loyal, distinguished and very
among the people who live there. t without any problems. t The creation ofcompetent civil servant.
Polio was then endemic among children an efficient and sustainable transport sys-
fashion n If you do something in a
my age. tem is critical to the long-term future of
particular fashion or after a particular
swing n A swing in people's opinions, London. , fashion, you do it in that way. t There is
attitudes, or feelings is a change in them, blessing n A blessing is a prayer ask- another drug called DHE that works in a
especially a sudden or big change. t ing God to look kindly upon the people similar fashion.
There was a massive twenty per cent swing who are present or the event that is tak-
transfixed adj If you are transfixed by
away from the Conservatives to the ing place. something, it captures all of your inter-
Liberal Democrats. vow n A vow is a serious promise or est or attention, so that you are unable
perceive v If you perceive someone or decision to do a particular thing. t I to think of anything else or unable to
something as doing or being a particular made a silent vow to be more careful inact. t We were all transfixed by the
thing, it is your opinion that they do this the future. images of the war.
thing or that they are that thing. t Stress dizzy spell n A dizzy spell is a casualslice n You can use slice to refer to a
is widely perceived as contributing to coro- feeling of losing your balance and are part of a situation or activity. t Fiction
nary heart disease. about to fall. takes up a large slice of the publishing
boost v If one thing boosts another, it palpitation n When someone has pal- market. ,
causes it to increase, improve, or be pitations, their heart beats very fast in an
abolition n The abolition of something
more successful. t It wants the govern- irregular way. t Caffeine can cause pal-
such as a system or practice is its formal
ment to take action to boost the economy. pitations and headaches. ending. t The abolition of slavery in
pull through phr.v If someone with a Brazil and the Caribbean closely followed
kit n Kit is special clothing and equip- the pattern of the United States.
serious illness or someone in a very diffi-
ment that you use when you take part in cult situation pulls through, they recov-
a particular activity, especially a sport. er. t Everyone was very concerned slavery n Slavery is the system by
t I forgot my gym kit. whether he would pull through or not. which people are owned by other people
appealing adj Someone or something as slaves. t My people have survived 400
that is appealing is pleasing and attrac- heed v If you heed someone's advice years of slavery.
tive. t There was a sense of humour to or warning, you pay attention to it andspark n A spark is a tiny bright piece
what he did that I found very appealing. do what they suggest. t But few at the of burning material that flies up from
conference in London last week heeded something that is burning. t The fire
rational adj Rational decisions and his warning. gradually got bigger and bigger. Sparks
thoughts are based on reason rather flew off in all directions.
than on emotion. t He's asking you to rage n Rage is strong anger that is
look at both sides of the case and come to Reading Part 2 (p. 132-133) difficult to control. t He was red-cheeked
a rational decision. earth-shattering adj Something that is with rage.
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ebb v If someone's life, support, or shape in something long, for example in behind another thing or person, their
feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and a piece of string. t Mrs. Morrell reached progress is slower than that of the other
gradually disappears. t a man's for a loop of garden hose. thing or person. t Britain still lags
physical strength ebbs... , interpret v If you interpret something behind most of Europe in its provisions for
in a particular way, you decide that this women who want time off to have babies.
despondent adj If you are despondent, is its meaning or significance. t The
you are very unhappy because you have whole speech might well be interpreted as capacity n Your capacity for some-
been experiencing difficulties that you a coded message to the Americans. thing is your ability to do it, or the
think you will not be able to overcome. amount of it that you are able to do. t
t John often felt despondent after drag- surge v A surge is a sudden powerful Our capacity for giving care, love and
ging his portfolio around various agencies. movement of a physical force such as attention is limited.
wind or water. t The whole car shud- head start n If you have a head start
impact n The impact that something dered with an almost frightening surge of on other people, you have an advantage
has on a situation, process, or person is power. over them in something such as a com-
a sudden and powerful effect that it has under-emotive adj petition or race. t Hungarian business-
on them. t They say they expect the men have had a head start over most of
meeting to have a marked impact on the pleasurable adj Pleasurable experi- their Eastern European neighbors.
future of the country. ences or sensations are pleasant and
longevity n Longevity is long life. t enjoyable. t The most pleasurable experi- pursuit n Your pursuit of something is
The main characteristic of the strike has ence of the evening was the wonderful fire- your attempts at achieving it. If you do
been its longevity. works display. , something in pursuit of a particular
dabble v If you dabble in something, hefty adj Hefty means large in size, result, you do it in order to achieve that
you take part in it but not very seriously. weight, or amount. She was quite a hefty result. t ...a young man whose relentless
t He dabbled in business. woman. t If he is found guilty he faces a pursuit of excellence is conducted with sin-
sideline v If someone or something is hefty fine. gle-minded determination.
sidelined, they are made to seem unim- ruthlessness n cruelty that someone broaden v When you broaden some-
portant and not included in what people shows in order to achieve t ...a powerful thing such as your experience or popu-
are doing. t For months he had been political figure with a reputation for larity, the number of things or people
under pressure to resign and was about to ruthlessness. that it includes becomes greater. t We
be sidelined anyway. muster v If you muster something must broaden our appeal.
indulgence n Indulgence means treat- such as support, strength, or energy, you appeal n The appeal of something is a
ing someone with special kindness, often gather as much of it as you can in order quality that it has which people find
when it is not a good thing. t The king's to do something. t He travelled around attractive or interesting. t Its new title
indulgence towards his sons angered the West Africa trying to muster support for was meant to give the party greater public
business community. his movement. appeal.
, boost v If one thing boosts another, it sedentary adj Someone who has a
settle on phr.v If you settle on a par- causes it to increase, improve, or be sedentary lifestyle or job, sits down a lot
ticular thing, you choose it after consid- more successful. t It wants the govern- of the time and does not take much
ering other possible choices. t I finally ment to take action to boost the economy. exercise. t Obesity and a sedentary
settled on a Mercedes estate. It's the ideal , lifestyle has been linked with an increased
car for me. , coach n A coach is someone who risk of heart disease.
reawaken v If something reawakens an trains a person or team of people in a discipline n A discipline is a particu-
issue, or an interest or feeling that you particular sport. t Tony Woodcock has lar area of study, especially a subject of
used to have, it makes you think about it joined German amateur team SC Brueck study in a college or university. t You've
or feel it again. t The King's stand is as coach. got to make sure that people work together
bound to reawaken the painful debate ignite v When you ignite something across disciplines.
about abortion. or when it ignites, it starts burning or sulky adj Someone who is sulky is
fist n Your hand is referred to as explodes. t The bombs ignited a fire sulking or is unwilling to enjoy them-
your fist when you have bent your fin- which destroyed some 60 houses. selves. t I was quite sulky, so I didn't
gers in towards the palm in order to hit take part in much.
someone, to make an angry gesture, or nagging n A nagging pain is not very
to hold something. t Angry protestors Reading Part 3 (p. 134-135) severe but is difficult to cure. t He com-
with clenched fists shouted their defiance. trainer n Trainers are shoes that peo- plained of a nagging pain between his
ple wear often for running and other shoulder blades.
feedback n If you get feedback on sports. slouch v If someone slouches, they sit
your work or progress, someone tells peak adj The peak of a process or an or stand with their shoulders and head
you how well or badly you are doing, activity is the point at which it is at its bent so they look lazy and unattractive.
and how you could improve. If you get strongest, most successful, or most fully t Try not to slouch when you are sitting
good feedback you have worked or per- developed. t The party's membership down.
formed well. t Continue to ask for feed- has fallen from a peak of fifty-thousand adamant adj If someone is adamant
back on your work. after the Second World War. about something, they are determined
not to change their mind about it. t The
loop n A loop is a curved or circular lag v If one thing or person lags prime minister is adamant that he will not
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resign. , force by police... as a basis for developing an idea. t
shell out phr.v If you shell out for turnover n The turnover of a company The premise is that schools will work
something, you spend a lot of money on is the value of the goods or services sold harder to improve if they must compete.
it. t You won't have to shell out a fortune during a particular period of time. t Her
for it. annual turnover is around s45,000. detox n Detox is the same as detoxifi-
aggravate v If someone or something cation which is treatment given to peo-
aggravates a situation, they make it dip v If you dip your hand into a con- ple who are addicted to drugs or alcohol
worse. t Stress and lack of sleep can tainer or dip into the container, you put in order to stop them being addicted. t
aggravate the situation. , your hand into it in order to take some- Each patient sees a detox therapist who
thing out of it. t She dipped a hand into does the initial assessment.
scrap v If you scrap something, you the jar of sweets and pulled one out.
get rid of it or cancel it t President underestimate v If you underestimate
Hussein called on all countries in the grubby adj A grubby person or object something, you do not realize how large
Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical is rather dirty. t His white coat was grub- or great it is or will be. t None of us
weapons. , by and stained. should ever underestimate the degree of
ban v To ban something means to preventable adj Preventable diseases, difficulty women face in career advance-
state officially that it must not be done, illnesses, or deaths could be stopped ment.
shown, or used. t Canada will ban from occurring. t Forty-thousand chil- liver n Your liver is a large organ in
smoking in all offices later this year. dren a day die from preventable diseases. your body which processes your blood
and helps to clean unwanted substances
resent v If you resent someone or minority n A minority is a group of out of it.
something, you feel bitter and angry people of the same race, culture, or reli- kidney n Your kidneys are the organs
about them. t She resents her mother for gion who live in a place where most of in your body that take waste matter from
being so tough on her. the people around them are of a differ- your blood and send it out of your body
practice what you preach phr If you ent race, culture, or religion. t Students as urine.
say that someone practises what they have called for greater numbers of women secrete v If part of a plant, animal, or
preach, you mean that they behave in and minorities on the faculty. human secretes a liquid, it produces it.
the way that they encourage other peo- t The sweat glands secrete water.
ple to behave in. t He ought to practise oversensitive adj Something that is
what he preaches. oversensitive to a physical force, sub- irrational adj If you describe some-
stance, or treatment is very easily affect- one's feelings and behaviour as irra-
Reading Part 4 (p. 136-137) ed by it and often harmed by it. t ...a tional, you mean they are not based on
access n If you have access to some- chemical which is oversensitive to light. logical reasons or clear thinking. t
thing , you have the opportunity or right irrational fear of science.
to see it or use it. t ...a Code of Practice stimulus n A stimulus is something exclude v If you exclude something
that would give patients right of access to that encourages activity in people or that has some connection with what you
their medical records. things. t Interest rates could fall soon and are doing, you deliberately do not use it
hygiene n Hygiene is the practice of be a stimulus to the US economy. or consider it. t They eat only plant
keeping yourself and your surroundings foods, and take care to exclude animal
clean, especially in order to prevent ill- threshold n A threshold is an amount, products from other areas of their lives.
ness or the spread of diseases. t Be extra level, or limit on a scale. When the
careful about personal hygiene. threshold is reached, something else bile n Bile is a liquid produced by
confession n If you make a confession happens or changes. t She has a low your liver which helps you to digest fat.
of your beliefs or feelings, you publicly threshold of boredom and needs the con-
tell people that this is what you believe stant stimulation of physical activity. digestion n Digestion is the process of
or feel. t ...Tatyana's confession of love. digesting food. t No liquids are served
, dosage n A dosage is the amount of a with meals because they interfere with
flexible adj Something or someone medicine or drug that someone takes or digestion.
that is flexible is able to change easily should take. t He was put on a high absorption n The absorption of a liq-
and adapt to different conditions and dosage of vitamin C. uid, gas, or other substance is the
circumstances as they occur. t Look for hooked adj If you are hooked on a process of it being soaked up or taken
software that's flexible enough for a range drug, you are addicted to it. t He spent a in. t This controls the absorption of liq-
of abilities. number of years hooked on cocaine, hero- uids.
reassess v If you reassess something, in and alcohol. virtual adj You can use virtual to indi-
you think about it and decide whether blase adj If a person is blase about cate that something is so nearly true that
you need to change your opinion about something, usually something that most for most purposes it can be regarded as
it. t I will reassess the situation when I people would care about, they are not true. t Argentina came to a virtual stand-
get home. interested in it or worried about it.t still while the game was being played.
excessive adj If you describe the Paul was blase about what he had done to
amount or level of something as exces- Carla. ( ) , tailor v If you tailor something such
sive, you disapprove of it because it is (..) as a plan or system to someone's needs,
more or higher than is necessary or rea- premise n A premise is something you make it suitable for a particular per-
sonable. t...the alleged use of excessive that you suppose is true and that you use son or purpose by changing the details
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of it. t We can tailor the program to the guinea pig to perfect a treatment which
patient's needs. has since saved the lives of countless peo- preventative adj Preventative actions
cost-effective adj Something that is ple. are intended to help prevent things such
cost-effective saves or makes a lot of regime n A regime is a set of rules as disease or crime. t Too much is spent
money in comparison with the costs about food, exercise, or beauty that on expensive curative medicine and too lit-
involved. t The bank must be run in a some people follow in order to stay tle on preventive medicine.
cost-effective way. , healthy or attractive. t He has a new fit- ,
ness regime to strengthen his back. beneficial adj Something that is bene-
commit v If you commit yourself to ficial helps people or improves their
something, you say that you will definite- compulsory adj If something is com- lives. t ...vitamins which are beneficial
ly do it. t I would advise people to think pulsory, you must do it or accept it, to our health... ,
very carefully about committing themselves because it is the law or because someone
to working Sundays. in a position of authority says you must. t accustomed adj If you are accustomed
cyberspace n In computer technology, In East Germany learning Russian was to something, you know it so well or
cyberspace refers to data banks and net- compulsory. have experienced it so often that it
works, considered as a place. life expectancy n The life expectancy seems natural, unsurprising, or easy to
of a person, animal, or plant is the deal with. t I was accustomed to being
keep tabs on expr If someone keeps length of time that they are normally the only child at a table full of adults.
tabs on you, they make sure that they likely to live. t The average life
always know where you are and what expectancy was 40. allowance n An allowance is money
you are doing, often in order to control that is given to someone, usually on a
you. t It was obvious Hill had come over deteriorate v If something deteriorates, regular basis, in order to help them pay
to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he it becomes worse in some way. t There for the things that they need. t He lives
didn't do anything drastic. are fears that the situation might deterio- on a single parent's allowance of s70 a
, rate into full-scale war. week.
szzled If something such as hot oil commencement n The commencement
or fat sizzles, it makes hissing sounds. t Use of English Part 1 (p. 139) of something is its beginning. t All appli-
The sausages and burgers sizzled on the dental adj Dental is used to describe cants should be at least 16 years of age at
barbecue. things that relate to teeth or to the care the commencement of this course.
consumption n The consumption of and treatment of teeth. t You can get
food or drink is the act of eating or free prescriptions and dental treatment mandatory adj If an action or proce-
drinking something, or the amount that while you are pregnant. , dure is mandatory, people have to do it,
is eaten or drunk. t Most of the wine was because it is a rule or a law. t ...the
unfit for human consumption. relish v If you relish the idea, thought, mandatory retirement age of 65...
or prospect of something, you are look-
ing forward to it very much.t Jacqueline compulsive adj You use compulsive
Writing Part 1 (p. 138) is not relishing the prospect of another to describe people or their behaviour
assess v When you assess a person, spell in prison. when they cannot stop doing something
thing, or situation, you consider them in mortgage n A mortgage is a loan of wrong, harmful, or unnecessary. t He
order to make a judgement about them. money which you get from a bank or was a compulsive gambler and often heav-
t Our correspondent has been assessing building society in order to buy a house. ily in debt.
the impact of the sanctions. t increase in mortgage rates. shallow adj A shallow container, hole,
crisps n Crisps are very thin slices of or area of water measures only a short
fried potato that are eaten cold as a queue n A queue is a line of people or distance from the top to the bottom. t
snack. t ...cheese and onion potato vehicles that are waiting for something. Put the milk in a shallow dish.
crisps. t I watched as he got a tray and joined implication n The implications of
fizzy adj Fizzy drinks are drinks that the queue. something are the things that are likely
contain small bubbles of carbon dioxide. NHS National Health Service n to happen as a result. t The Attorney
They make a sound like a long `s' when NHS is an abbreviation for National General was aware of the political impli-
you pour them. t ...a can of fizzy drink. Health Service. t This vaccine is not cations of his decision to prosecute.
normally provided free under the NHS. ,
confidential adj Information that is anticipate v If you anticipate an event,
confidential is meant to be kept secret access n If you have access to some- you realize in advance that it may hap-
or private. t She accused them of leak- thing such as information or equipment, pen and you are prepared for it. t At
ing confidential information about her pri- you have the opportunity or right to see the time we couldn't have anticipated the
vate life. it or use it. t ...a Code of Practice that result of our campaigning.
would give patients right of access to their
Writing Part 2 (p. 138) medical records. Use of English Part 2 (p. 140)
guinea pig n If someone is used as a overwhelmed adj If you are over- disconcerting adj If you say that some-
guinea pig in an experiment, something whelmed by a feeling or event, it affects thing is disconcerting, you mean that it
is tested on them that has not been test- you very strongly, and you do not know makes you feel anxious, confused, or
ed on people before. t Dr Roger how to deal with it. t He was over- embarrassed. t The reception desk is not
Altounyan used himself as a human whelmed by a longing for times past. at street level, which is a little disconcert-
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ing. crave their cigarette. , present time. t She writes a lot of con-
grope v If you grope for something, temporary music for people like Whitney
for example the solution to a problem, disciplined adj Someone who is disci- Houston.
you try to think of it, when you have no plined behaves or works in a controlled
real idea what it could be. t He groped way. t For me it meant being very disci- Listening Part 2 (p. 143)
for solutions to the problems facing the plined about how I run my life. abnormal adj Someone or something
country. that is abnormal is unusual, especially in
vanish v If someone or something van- the odds are stacked against you expr a way that is worrying. t ...abnormal
ishes, they disappear suddenly or in a If you say that the odds are stacked heart rhythms and high anxiety levels.
way that cannot be explained. t He just against someone, or that particular fac-
vanished and was never seen again. tors are stacked against them, you mean tense v If your muscles tense, if you
that they are unlikely to succeed in what tense, or if you tense your muscles, your
lapse n A lapse of something such as they want to do because the conditions muscles become tight and stiff, often
concentration or judgement is a tempo- are not favourable. t The odds are because you are anxious or frightened.
rary lack of that thing, which can often stacked against civilians getting a fair trial. t Newman's stomach muscles tensed.
cause you to make a mistake. t I had a
little lapse of concentration in the middle actively adv in an effective and ener-
of the race. obese adj If someone is obese, they are getic way t They have never been
dementia n Dementia is a serious ill- extremely fat. t The tendency to become actively encouraged to take such risks.
ness of the mind. obese is at least in part hereditary.
decline v If something declines, it hyperventilation n If someone hyper-
becomes less in quantity, importance, or palatable adj If you describe food or ventilates, they begin to breathe very fast
strength. t The number of staff has drink as palatable, you mean that it in an uncontrollable way, usually
declined from 217,000 to 114,000. tastes pleasant. t ...flavourings and because they are very frightened, tired,
, preservatives, designed to make the food or excited. t I hyperventilate when they
cruel adj A situation or event that is look more palatable. come near me with the needle.
cruel is very harsh and causes people bland adj Food that is bland has very -
distress. t By a cruel irony, his horse little flavour. t It tasted bland and herb n A herb is a plant whose leaves
came down on a flat part of the course. insipid, like warmed cardboard. are used in cooking to add flavour to
food, or as a medicine.
perspective n A particular perspective guilty adj If someone is guilty of doing spoil v If you spoil something, you
is a particular way of thinking about something wrong, they have done that prevent it from being successful or satis-
something, especially one that is influ- thing. t He claimed Mr Brooke had factory. t It's important not to let mis-
enced by your beliefs or experiences. t been guilty of a `gross error of judgment'. takes spoil your life. ,
He says the death of his father 18 months
ago has given him a new perspective on reinforce v If something reinforces a inhibit v To inhibit someone from
life. feeling, situation, or process, it makes it doing something means to prevent them
blip n A blip in a situation is a sud- stronger or more intense. t A stronger from doing it, although they want to do
den but temporary change or interrup- European Parliament would, they fear, it or should be able to do it. t It could
tion in it. t Interest rates generally have only reinforce the power of the larger end up inhibiting the poor from getting the
been declining since last spring, despite a countries. medical care they need.
few upward blips in recent weeks.
/ Listening Part 1 (p.142) Listening Part 4 (p.144)
deterioration n the state of becoming inadequate adj If someone feels inade- attendant n An attendant is someone
worse in some way t ...concern about quate, they feel that they do not have whose job is to serve or help people in a
the rapid deterioration in relations the qualities and abilities necessary to do place such as a petrol station, a car park,
between the two countries. something or to cope with life in gener- or a cloakroom. t Tony Williams was
al. t I still feel inadequate, useless and working as a car-park attendant in Los
mixed up. Angeles.
Use of English Part 3 (p. 140) relieved adj If you are relieved, you convenience food n Convenience food
trigger v If something triggers an feel happy because something unpleas- is frozen, dried, or canned food that can
event or situation, it causes it to begin to ant has not happened or is no longer be heated and prepared very quickly and
happen or exist. t ...the incident which happening. t We are all relieved to be easily. t Today we tend to rely on fast-
triggered the outbreak of the First World back home. food and convenience food.
War... , worthwhile adj If something is worth-
binge n If you go on a binge, you do while, it is enjoyable or useful, and
too much of something, such as drinking worth the time, money, or effort that is
alcohol, eating, or spending money. t spent on it. t The President's trip to
She went on occasional drinking binges. Washington this week seems to have been Reading Part 1 (p. 146-147)
, worthwhile. , trilling n
crave v If you crave something, you stall n The stalls in a theatre or con-
want to have it very much. t There may contemporary adj Contemporary cert hall are the seats on the ground
be certain times of day when smokers things are modern and relate to the floor directly in front of the stage.
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aggressive adj An aggressive person or glitch n A glitch is a problem which
ubiquitous adj If you describe some- animal has a quality of anger and deter- stops something from working properly
thing or someone as ubiquitous, you mination that makes them ready to or being successful. t Manufacturing
mean that they seem to be everywhere. attack other people. t Some children are glitches have limited the factory's out-
t Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet. much more aggressive than others. put, and costs are still far too high.
jam v To jam a radio or electronic sig- grove n A grove is a group of trees delete v If you delete something that
nal means to interfere with it and pre- that are close together. t fields has been written down or stored in a
vent it from being received or heard and groves of trees. computer, you cross it out or remove it.
clearly. t They will try to jam the trans- biofuel n Biofuel is defined as solid, t He also deleted files from the computer
missions electronically. , liquid or gaseous fuel obtained from rel- system.
atively recently lifeless or living biologi- disrupt v If someone or something
patron n A patron is a person who cal material and is different from fossil disrupts an event, system, or process,
supports and gives money to artists, writ- fuels, which are derived from long dead they cause difficulties that prevent it
ers, or musicians. t Catherine the Great biological material. Also, various plants from continuing or operating in a nor-
was a patron of the arts and sciences. and plant-derived materials are used for mal way. t Anti-war protesters disrupted
, biofuel manufacturing. the debate.
wreck v To wreck something means to rot v When food, wood, or another virus n In computer technology, a
completely destroy or ruin it. t He substance rots, or when something rots virus is a program that introduces itself
wrecked the garden. it, it becomes softer and is gradually into a system, altering or destroying the
corpse n A corpse is a dead body, destroyed. t If we don't unload it soon, information stored in the system. t
especially the body of a human being. the grain will start rotting in the silos. Hackers are said to have started a com-
puter virus.
resounding success n You can refer to citric adj plummet v If an amount, rate, or price
a very great success as a resounding suc- squeeze v If you squeeze something, plummets, it decreases quickly by a large
cess. t The good weather helped to make you press it firmly, usually with your amount. t In Tokyo share prices have
the occasion a resounding success. hands. t He squeezed her arm reassuring- plummeted for the sixth successive day.
ly. , ,
reverent adj If you describe someone's bioethanol n Bioethanol is the princi- handheld n A hand-held device such
behaviour as reverent, you mean that ple fuel used as a petrol substitute for as a camera or a computer is small and
they are showing great respect for a per- road transport vehicles. light enough to be used while you are
son or thing. t Ellen looks almost rever- pulp n If an object is pressed into a holding it. t Saivonsac shot the entire
ent. , pulp, it is crushed or beaten until it is film with a hand-held camera.
intelligentsia n The intelligentsia in a soft, smooth, and wet. t The olives are
country or community are the most edu- crushed to a pulp by stone rollers. swathe n A large area of something
cated people there, especially those t The mountains rose above a swathe of
interested in the arts, philosophy, and harvest v When you harvest a crop, thick cloud.
politics. t I was not high up enough in you gather it in. t Many farmers are grid n A grid is a network of wires
the intelligentsia to be invited to such refusing to harvest the cane. , and cables by which sources of power,
exalted meetings. , such as electricity, are distributed
dependency n You talk about some- throughout a country or area. t ...break-
priced out adj one's dependency when they have a downs in communications and electric
deep emotional, physical, or financial power grids.
affluent adj If you are affluent, you need for a particular person or thing, province n The provinces are all the
have a lot of money. t Cigarette smoking especially one that you consider exces- parts of a country except the part where
used to be commoner among affluent peo- sive or undesirable. t We saw his the capital is situated. t The government
ple. , dependency on his mother and worried plans to transfer some 30,000 government
clap v When you clap, you hit your that he might not survive long if anything jobs from Paris to the provinces.
hands together to express appreciation happened to her. ,
or attract attention. t The men danced revitalise v To revitalize something bug n If there is a bug in a computer
and the women clapped. that has lost its activity or its health programme, there is a mistake in it. t
imitate v If you imitate someone, you means to make it active or healthy again. There is a bug in the software.
copy what they do or produce. t ...a gen- t This hair conditioner is excellent for ,
uine German musical which does not try revitalizing dry, lifeless hair. , peg v If a price or amount of some-
to imitate the American model. thing is pegged at a particular level, it is
sector n A particular sector of a coun- fixed at that level. t They'll have to set
commission v If you commission try's economy is the part connected with the rate at which the pound is pegged to
something or commission someone to do that specified type of industry. t ...the the deutschmark. ,
something, you formally arrange for nation's manufacturing sector. forecast v If you forecast future
someone to do a piece of work for you. utilise v If you utilize something, you events, you say what you think is going
t The Ministry of Agriculture commis- use it. t Sound engineers utilize a range to happen in the future. t They forecast
sioned a study into low-input farming. of techniques to enhance the quality of a humiliating defeat for the Prime
, the recordings. Minister.
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malicious adj If you describe some- casual adj If you are casual, you are, changes quite often, and there usually
one's words or actions as malicious, you or you pretend to be, relaxed and not seems to be no fixed pattern to these
mean that they are intended to harm very concerned about what is happening changes. t The potassium content of
people or their reputation, or cause or what you are doing. t It's difficult for foodstuffs is very variable.
them embarrassment and upset. t That me to be casual about anything. array n An array of different things
might merely have been malicious gossip. or people is a large number or wide
appalled adj If you are appalled by range of them. t As the deadline
something, you are shocked or disgusted approached she experienced a bewildering
Reading Part 2 (p. 148-149) because it is so bad or unpleasant. t She array of emotions.
amid prep If something is amid other said that the Americans are appalled at simulate v If you simulate a set of con-
things, it is surrounded by them. t...a the statements made at the conference. ditions, you create them artificially, for
tiny bungalow amid clusters of trees. example in order to conduct an experi-
clumsy adj A clumsy person moves or ment. t The scientist developed one
rubble n When a building is handles things in a careless, awkward model to simulate a full year of the globe's
destroyed, the pieces of brick, stone, or way, often so that things are knocked climate.
other materials that remain are referred over or broken. t I'd never seen a clum- in essence expr When you consider the
to as rubble. t Thousands of bodies are sier, less coordinated boxer. most important points. t In essence your
still buried under the rubble. application n The application of a situation isnt so different from mine.
mound n A mound of something is a rule or piece of knowledge is the use of ...
large rounded pile of it. t The bulldoz- it in a particular situation. t Students adapt v If you adapt something, you
ers piled up huge mounds of dirt. learned the practical application of the change it to make it suitable for a new
theory they had learned in the classroom. purpose or situation. t Shelves were built
debris n Debris is pieces from some- to adapt the library for use as an office.
thing that has been destroyed or pieces integrate v If you integrate one thing
of rubbish or unwanted material that are with another, or one thing integrates collapse v If a building or other
spread around. t I stood at the foot of with another, the two things become structure collapses, it falls down very
the collapsed tower and watched the res- closely linked or form part of a whole suddenly. t A section of the Bay Bridge
cue workers sifting through the debris. idea or system. You can also say that had collapsed.
, two things integrate.t Integrating the duct n A duct is a pipe, tube, or chan-
tread n The tread of a tyre or shoe is pound with other European currencies nel which carries a liquid or gas. t ...a
the pattern of thin lines cut into its sur- could cause difficulties. big air duct in the ceiling.
face that stops it slipping. t The fat, immerse v If you immerse yourself in deploy v To deploy troops or military
broad tyres had a good depth of tread. something that you are doing, you resources means to organize or position
become completely involved in it. t them so that they are ready to be used.
shift v If you shift something or if it Their commitments do not permit them to t The president said he had no intention
shifts, it moves slightly. t He stopped, immerse themselves in current affairs as of deploying ground troops.
shifting his cane to his left hand. fully as they might wish.
fellowship n A fellowship at a univer- cause n A cause is an aim or principle
lens n A lens is a thin curved piece of sity is a post which involves research which a group of people supports or is
glass or plastic used in things such as work. t He was offered a research fellow- fighting for. t Refusing to have one leader
cameras, telescopes, and pairs of glasses. ship at Clare College. has not helped the cause.
You look through a lens in order to toss v If you toss something some-
make things look larger, smaller, or expertise n Expertise is special skill or where, you throw it there lightly, often
clearer. t I packed your sunglasses with knowledge that is acquired by training, in a rather careless way. t He screwed
the green lenses. study, or practice. t The problem is that the paper into a ball and tossed it into the
vantage n If you view a situation from most local authorities lack the expertise to fire. ,
a particular vantage point, you have a deal sensibly in this market. feature v When something such as a
clear understanding of it because of the contingent n A contingent is a group of film or exhibition features a particular
particular period of time you are in. t people representing a country or organi- person or thing, they are an important
The rules of Sparta seem needlessly cruel zation at a meeting or other event. t part of it. t It's a great movie and it fea-
from the vantage point of the twentieth The strong British contingent suffered mixed tures a Spanish actor who is going to be a
century. , fortunes. , world star within a year. ,
co-chair n If you co-chair a meeting or ordnance n Ordnance refers to mili-
a committee, you are one of the people in tary supplies, especially weapons. t ...a cadre n A cadre is a small group of
charge of it.t He was about to co-chair a team clearing an area littered with people who have been specially chosen,
meeting in Venice of EC foreign ministers. unexploded ordnance. , trained, and organized for a particular
purpose. t elite cadre of Euro-man-
coordinate v to bring together applause n Applause is the noise agers. ,
made by a group of people clapping
disarmingly adv In an angry or hostile their hands to show approval. t They Reading Part 3 (p. 150-151)
way. t She looked at him directly and greeted him with thunderous applause. e-assessment n e-assessment is the
occasionally smiled disarmingly at him. , use of information technology for any
variable adj Something that is variable assessment-related activity. This defini-
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tion embraces a wide range of student t The machine can recognise hand-writ- comprehensive adj Something that is
activity ranging from the use of a word ten characters and turn them into printed comprehensive includes everything that
processor to on-screen testing. script. is needed or relevant. t The Rough
self-defeating adj A plan or action Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide
invigilator n Someone who supervises that is self-defeating is likely to cause to the region.
the people who are taking an examina- problems or difficulties instead of
tion in order to ensure that it starts and pro ducing useful results. t Dishonesty is Reading Part 4 (p. 152-153)
finishes at the correct time, and that ultimately self-defeating. rebel n Rebels are people who are
there is no cheating. t exam invigi- fighting against their own country's army
lator. concede v If you concede something, in order to change the political system
on hand prep.phr. If someone or some- you admit, often unwillingly, that it is there. t ...fighting between rebels and gov-
thing is on hand, they are near and able true or correct. t Bess finally conceded ernment forces. ,
to be used if they are needed. t The that Nancy was right.
Bridal Department will have experts on IT Information Technology abbr. A transmitter n A transmitter is a piece
hand to give you all the help and advice broad subject concerned with aspects of of equipment that is used for broadcast-
you need. managing, editing and processing infor- ing television or radio programmes.
longhand n If you write something mation.
down in longhand, you write it by hand curriculum n A curriculum is all the predictable adj If you say that an
using complete words and normal letters different courses of study that are taught event is predictable, you mean that it is
rather than typing it or using shortened in a school, college, or university. t obvious in advance that it will happen. t
forms or special symbols. There should be a broader curriculum in This was a predictable reaction, given the
schools for post-16-year-old pupils. bitter hostility between the two countries.
kick in phr.v If someone kicks some-
thing down or if they kick it in, they hit implement v If you implement some- era n You can refer to a period of his-
it violently with their foot so that it thing such as a plan, you ensure that tory or a long period of time as an era
breaks or falls over. t She was forced to what has been planned is done. t The when you want to draw attention to a
kick down the front door. , government promised to implement a new particular feature or quality that it has.
system to control financial loan institu- t It was an era of austerity.
divvy up phr.v If you divvy up some- tions. scrupulous adj Someone who is
thing such as money or food, you share instantaneously adv Immediately and scrupulous takes great care to do what is
it out. t Johnson was free to divvy up his very quickly. t Airbags inflate instanta- fair, honest, or morally right. t You're
share of the money as he chose. , neously on impact to form a cushion being very scrupulous, but to what end?
between the driver and the steering col- ,
component n The component parts of umn. exemplary adj If you describe some-
something are the parts that make it up. foolproof adj Something such as a plan one or something as exemplary, you
t Polish workers will now be making or a machine that is foolproof is so well think they are extremely good.t
component parts for Boeing 757s. designed, easy to understand, or easy to Underpinning this success has been an
, use that it cannot go wrong or be used exemplary record of innovation.
nuance v wrongly. t The system is not 100 per cent
feedback n If you get feedback on your foolproof. quintessential adj Quintessential
work or progress, someone tells you how dumb down phr.v If you dumb down means representing a perfect or typical
well or badly you are doing, and how something, you make it easier for people example of something. t This was quin-
you could improve. If you get good feed- to understand, especially when this tessential Midwestern farming country.
back you have worked or performed spoils it. t This sounded like a case for
well. t Continue to ask for feedback on dumbing down the magazine, which no default adj A default situation is what
your work. one favored. , exists or happens unless someone or
something changes it. t Sometimes he
tailor v If you tailor something such as inherently adv in an innate way simply keyed in default passwords installed
a plan or system to someone's needs, t Aeroplanes are not inherently danger- on commercial machines and left unal-
you make it suitable for a particular per- ous. , tered by buyers.
son or purpose by changing the details rigorous adj A test, system, or proce- impinge v Something that impinges on
of it. t We can tailor the program to the dure that is rigorous is very thorough you affects you to some extent. t ...the
patient's needs. , and strict. t The selection process is cuts in defence spending that have
based on rigorous tests of competence and impinged on two of the region's largest
reckon v To consider that something experience. , employers. ,
has a particular quality. , initiate v If you initiate something, quota n A prescribed number or per-
you start it or cause it to happen. t centage that may serve as, for example, a
iron out phr .v If you iron out difficul- They wanted to initiate a discussion on maximum, a minimum, or a goal.
ties, you resolve them and bring them to economics. ,
an end. t `It was in the beginning, when affirm v If an event affirms something,
we were still ironing out problems,' a com- utilization n the use of something it shows that it is true or exists. t
pany spokesman said. t utilization on large farms. Everything I had accomplished seemed to
script n Script is any written material. affirm that opinion. ,
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ble, you think it is good because it is ravishment n the crime of forcing a
wreck n If you say that someone is a simple enough for people to understand woman to submit to sexual intercourse
wreck, you mean that they are very and appreciate easily. t Both say they against her will
exhausted or unhealthy. t It was embar- want to write literary books that are acces- scatter v If you scatter things over an
rassing and sad to see this man reduced to sible to a general audience. area, you throw or drop them so that
a mumbling wreck. thought-provoking adj If something they spread all over the area. t She tore
transparent adj If an object or sub- such as a book or a film is thought-pro- the rose apart and scattered the petals over
stance is transparent, you can see voking, it contains interesting ideas that the grave. , -
through it. t ...a sheet of transparent make people think seriously. t This is an at odds with prep.phr If someone is at
coloured plastic... entertaining yet thought-provoking film. odds with someone else, or if two people
wormhole n a wormhole is a hypo- are at odds, they are disagreeing or
thetical topological feature of spacetime lush adj If you describe a place or quarrelling with each other. t He was at
that is fundamentally a 'shortcut' thing as lush, you mean that it is very odds with his Prime Minister.
through space and time. luxurious. t The Carlton-intercontinental
hotel is lush, plush, and very non-back- cerebral adj If you describe someone
packer. or something as cerebral, you mean that
spyhole n a hole (in a door or an oven erudite adj If you describe someone as they are intellectual rather than emo-
etc) through which you can have a quick erudite, you mean that they have or tional. t Washington struck me as a pre-
look at something often secretly and qui- show great academic knowledge. You carious place from which to publish such
etly , can also use erudite to describe some- a cerebral newspaper.
charge v If you charge towards some- thing such as a book or a style of writing. dissident adj Dissident people dis-
one or something, you move quickly and t He was never dull, always erudite and agree with or criticize their government
aggressively towards them. He charged well informed. , or a powerful organization they belong
through the door to my mother's office. to. t She was suspected of having links
with a dissident group.
headlong adv If you rush headlong prose n Prose is ordinary written lan-
into something, you do it quickly without guage, in contrast to poetry. t Shute's round up phr.v If you round up ani-
thinking carefully about it. t The coun- prose is stark and chillingly unsentimental. mals or things, you gather them togeth-
try, they say, will inevitably now plunge er. t He had sought work as a cowboy,
headlong into decadence. , crumbling adj If an old building or rounding up cattle. ,
piece of land is crumbling, parts of it
pulp n If an object is pressed into a keep breaking off. t The high and low- sedate adj If you describe someone or
pulp, it is crushed or beaten until it is rise apartment blocks built in the 1960s something as sedate, you mean that they
soft, smooth, and wet. t The olives are are crumbling. are quiet and rather dignified, though
crushed to a pulp by stone rollers. metropolis n A metropolis is the perhaps a bit dull. t She took them to
largest, busiest, and most important city visit her sedate, elderly cousins.
jab v If you jab one thing into another, in a country or region. t Even Lhasa
you push it there with a quick, sudden was a small provincial town compared to be intercut with adj If a film is inter-
movement and with a lot of force. t He the bustling metropolis of Chengdu. cut with particular images, those images
saw her jab her thumb on a red buttonma appear regularly throughout the film.
panic button. dimension n A particular dimension t The film is set in a night club and inter-
premise n A premise is something that of something is a particular aspect of it. cut with images of gangland London.
you suppose is true and that you use as a t There is a political dimension to the
basis for developing an idea. t The accusations. gruesome adj Something that is grue-
premise is that schools will work harder to visualise v If you visualize something, some is extremely unpleasant and shock-
improve if they must compete. you imagine what it is like by forming a ing. t There has been a series of gruesome
fault v If you fault someone, you find mental picture of it. t Susan visualized murders in the capital. ,
reasons for criticizing them or the things her wedding day and saw herself walking
that they are doing. t You can't fault down the aisle on her father's arm. tagline n An often repeated phrase
them for lack of invention. associated with an individual, organiza-
clutter v If things or people clutter a tion, or commercial product; a slogan.
intrigue v If something, especially place, they fill it in an untidy way. t ,
something strange, intrigues you, it They clutter the desks and are strewn hammer v If you say that someone
interests you and you want to know across the floor. , hammers another person, you mean that
more about it. t The novelty of the situa- gore n Gore is blood from a wound they attack, criticize, or punish the other
tion intrigued him. that has become thick. t There were person severely. t The report hammers
pools of blood and gore on the pavement. the private motorist. ,
a-plenty adv If you have something indiscriminately adv In an unselective
aplenty, you have a lot of it. t There intimation n An intimation is an indi- way which is not based on careful dis-
were problems aplenty, and it was an rect suggestion or sign that something is tinctions. t I'm afraid this disease strikes
uncomfortable evening. likely to happen or be true. t I did not indiscriminately.
accessible adj If you describe a book, have any intimation that he was going to tap v If you tap a resource or situa-
painting, or other work of art as accessi- resign. , tion, you make use of it by getting from
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
it something that you need or want. t inaugural adj An inaugural meeting or had helped to thaw the atmosphere.
He owes his election to having tapped speech is the first meeting of a new
deep public disillusion with professional organization or the first speech by the
politicians. new leader of an organization or a coun- liquidize v If you liquidize food, you
lay adj You use lay to describe people try. t In his inaugural address, the process it using an electrical appliance in
who are not experts or professionals in a President appealed for national unity. order to make it liquid. t Liquidize the
particular subject or activity. t It is diffi- mixture and then pass it through a sieve.
cult for a lay person to gain access to med- instigate v Someone who instigates an
ical libraries. event causes it to happen. t Jenkinson amplify v To amplify something means
revelation n A revelation is a surpris- instigated a refurbishment of the old to increase its strength or intensity. t
ing or interesting fact that is made gallery. The mist had been replaced by a kind of
known to people. t ..the seemingly ever- dawn v If something is dawning, it is haze that seemed to amplify the heat.
lasting revelations about his private life. beginning to develop or come into exis-
tence. t Throughout Europe a new rail- diminish v When something diminish-
way age, that of the high-speed train, has es, or when something diminishes it, it
Writing Part 1 (p. 154) dawned. becomes reduced in size, importance, or
sterile adj Something that is sterile is intensity. t The threat of nuclear war has
completely clean and free from germs. t ratio n The ratio of something is the diminished. , -
He always made sure that any cuts were relationship between two things when it
protected by sterile dressings. is expressed in numbers or amounts. For Use of English Part 2 (p. 156)
example, if there are ten boys and thirty vast adj Something that is vast is
girls in a room, the ratio of boys to girls extremely large. t ...Afrikaner farmers
Writing Part 2 (p. 154) is 1:3, or one to three. t In 1978 there who own vast stretches of land...
were 884 students at a lecturer/student , ,
nominate v If you nominate someone
to a job or position, you formally choose ratio of 1:15. house v A building or container that
subscribe v If you subscribe to a mag- houses something is the place where it is
them to hold that job or position. t
azine or a newspaper, you pay to receive located or from where it operates. t The
Voters will choose fifty of the seventy five
deputies. The Emir will nominate the rest. copies of it regularly. t My main reason chateau itself is open to the public and
for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep houses a museum of motorcycles and
broadband adj Of, relating to, or hav- abreast of advances in science. cars.
ing a wide band of electromagnetic fre- in earnest phr If something is done or
put in perspective phr If you put happens in earnest, it happens to a much
quencies. t A broadband network.
something in perspective or into per- greater extent and more seriously than
spective, you judge its real importance before. t Campaigning will begin in
by considering it in relation to every- earnest tomorrow.
Use of English Part 1 (p. 155)
thing else. t Remember to keep things in tablet n Clay tablets or stone tablets
scramjet n A ramjet airplane engine
perspective. are the flat pieces of clay or stone which
designed for hypersonic flight that burns
fuel in the supersonic airstream pro- people used to write on before paper
breakneck adj If you say that some- was invented. t He also studied the
duced by the plane. thing happens or travels at breakneck
ancient stone tablets from around the pyr-
speed, you mean that it happens or trav- amids.
splashdown n A splashdown is the
els very fast. t Jack drove to Mayfair at swirl v If you swirl something liquid or
landing of a spacecraft in the sea after a
breakneck speed. flowing, or if it swirls, it moves round
flight. premature adj Something that is pre-
and round quickly. t She smiled, swirling
mature happens earlier than usual or the wine in her glass.
propulsion n Propulsion is the power
earlier than people expect. t Accidents chunk n A chunk of something is a
that moves something, especially a vehi-
are still the number one cause of prema- large amount or large part of it. t The
cle, in a forward direction. t Interest in
ture death for Americans. company owns a chunk of farmland near
jet propulsion was now growing at the Air
belated adj A belated action happens Gatwick Airport.
later than it should have done. t ...the flick n If something flicks in a particu-
margin n A margin is the difference
government's belated attempts to alleviate lar direction, or if someone flicks it, it
between two amounts, especially the dif-
the plight of the poor. , moves with a short, sudden movement.
ference in the number of votes or points
t The man's gun flicked up from beside
between the winner and the loser in an
detachment n Detachment is the feel- his thigh.
election or other contest. t They could ing that you have of not being personally
end up with a 50-point winning margin. scroll v If you scroll through text on a
involved in something or of having no computer screen, you move the text up
emotional interest in it. t She did not or down to find the information that you
reconnaissance n Reconnaissance is
care for the idea of socialising with her need. t I scrolled down to find `United
the activity of obtaining military infor-
clients. It would detract from her profes- States of America'.
mation about a place by sending soldiers
sional detachment. , train of thought n The train of
or planes there, or by the use of satel-
thought refers to the interconnection in
lites. t The helicopter was returning from thaw v To abandon aloofness, reserve
a reconnaissance mission. the sequence of ideas expressed during a
or hostility. t At least this second meeting connected discourse or thought, as well
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
as to the sequence itself, especially in Kamchatka. such as a job, task, or situation as
discussion how this sequence leads from spur v If one thing spurs you to do tedious, you mean it is boring and rather
one idea to another. another, it encourages you to do it. t frustrating. t Such lists are long and
tangible adj If something is tangible, it It's the money that spurs these fishermen tedious to read.
is clear enough or definite enough to be to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy launch v To launch a large and impor-
easily seen, felt, or noticed. t There boats. , tant activity means to start it. t The
should be some tangible evidence that the President was on holiday when the coup
economy is starting to recover. Use of English Part 4 (157) was launched. ,
, objection n If you say that you have tackle v If you tackle a difficult prob-
unveil v If you unveil a plan, new no objection to something, you mean lem or task, you deal with it in a very
product, or some other thing that has that you are not annoyed or bothered by determined or efficient way. t The first
been kept secret, you introduce it to the it. t I have no objection to banks making reason to tackle these problems is to save
public. t Mr Werner unveiled his new money. , children's lives.
strategy this week. g against the grain phr If you say that
declare v If you declare something, you Use of English Part 5 (157) an idea or action goes against the grain,
state officially and formally that it exists unlikely adj If you say that something you mean that it is very difficult for you
or is the case. t The government is ready is unlikely to happen or unlikely to be to accept it or do it, because it conflicts
to declare a permanent ceasefire. true, you believe that it will not happen with your previous ideas, beliefs, or prin-
or that it is not true, although you are ciples. t Privatisation goes against the
interface n If you refer to the user grain of their principle of opposition to pri-
not completely sure. t As with many
interface of a particular piece of com- technological revolutions, you are unlikely vate ownership of industry.
puting software, you are talking about its
to be aware of it.
presentation on screen and how easy it is offend v If you offend someone, you
to operate. say or do something rude which upsets
Listening Part 1 (p.158)
adapt v If you adapt to a new situation or embarrasses them. t He apologizes for
or adapt yourself to it, you change your forensic adj Forensic is used to
his comments and says he had no inten-
describe the work of scientists who
ideas or behaviour in order to deal with tion of offending the community.
examine evidence in order to help the
it successfully. t The world will be differ-
ent, and we will have to be prepared to police solve crimes. t They were convict-
adapt to the change. ed on forensic evidence alone.
morph v If one thing morphs into
another thing, especially something very conviction n If someone has a convic- PRACTICE TEST 9
different, the first thing changes into the tion, they have been found guilty of a Reading Part 1 (p. 162-163)
second. t Mild-mannered Stanley morphs crime in a court of law.t He will appeal chapel n A chapel is a small church
into a confident, grinning hero. against his conviction. , attached to a hospital, school, or prison.
, t We married in the chapel of Charing
equation n An equation is a situation Cross Hospital in London.
in which two or more parts have to be Listening Part 2 (p. 159) reflective adj If you are reflective, you
considered together so that the whole lay sth bare phr If you lay something are thinking deeply about something. t I
situation can be understood or bare, you uncover it completely so that it walked on in a reflective mood to the car,
explained. t The equation is simple: can then be seen. t The clearing out of thinking about the poor honeymooners.
research breeds new products. disused workshops laid bare thousands of
novelty n A novelty is something that Italianate glazed tiles. , context n The context of an idea or
is new and therefore interesting. event is the general situation that relates
t Seeing people queuing for food was a scanner n A scanner is a machine to it, and which helps it to be under-
novelty. which is used to examine, identify, or stood. t We are doing this work in the
concept n A concept is an idea or record things, for example by using a context of reforms in the economic, social
abstract principle. t She added that the beam of light, sound, or X-rays. t and cultural spheres.
concept of arranged marriages is misun- ...brain scanners. cantata n A cantata is a fairly short
derstood in the west. , ensure v To ensure something, or to musical work for singers and instru-
ensure that something happens, means ments.
Use of English Part 3 (p. 156) to make certain that it happens. t ,
Britain's negotiators had ensured that the
gravity n Gravity is the force which
treaty which resulted was a significant maternity ward n A room in a hospi-
causes things to drop to the ground. t
Arrows would continue to fly forward for- change in direction. tal which has beds for pregnant women
ever in a straight line were it not for gravi- who are about to give birth.and where
ty, which brings them down to earth. Listening Part 3 (p. 159) help and medical care is provided. t The
immortal adj Someone or something boy was born at the maternity ward of
sledge n A sledge is an object used for that is immortal is famous and likely to citys hospital.
travelling over snow. It consists of a be remembered for a long time. t ...the tempo n The tempo of a piece of
framework which slides on two strips of immortal Reverend Dr Spooner. music is the speed at which it is played.
wood or metal. t She travelled 14,000 t In a new recording, the Boston
miles by sledge across Siberia to tedious adj If you describe something Philharmonic tried the original tempo.
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choir and directs its performance. one's appearance, as compelling, you
cute adj Something or someone that is mean you want to keep looking at it or
cute is very pretty or attractive, or is acclaimed adj If someone or some- reading it because you find it so interest-
intended to appear pretty or attractive. thing is acclaimed, they are praised ing. t Her eyes were her best feature,
t Oh, look at that dog! He's so cute. enthusiastically. t More recently she has wide-set and compelling.
been acclaimed for the TV dramas `Prime ,
lullaby n A lullaby is a quiet song Suspect' and `Civvies'. pluck v If you pluck a guitar or other
which is intended to be sung to babies debut n The debut of a performer or musical instrument, you pull the strings
and young children to help them go to sports player is their first public per- with your fingers and let them go, so
sleep. formance, appearance, or recording. t that they make a sound. t Nell was
documentation n Documentation Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes plucking a harp. ,
consists of documents which provide his international debut. , burnished adj You can describe some-
proof or evidence of something, or are a thing as burnished when it is bright or
record of something. t Passengers must co-commision v To decide with other smooth. t The clouds glowed like bur-
carry proper documentation. people to put someone in trust or charge nished gold.
of something coloration n The coloration of an ani-
soothing adj Someone or something intruder n An intruder is a person mal or a plant is the colours and pat-
that has the quality to make you feel who goes into a place where they are not terns on it. t ...plants with yellow or red
calmer. t Put on some nice soothing supposed to be. coloration.
music. unabashedly adv Not in an ashamed, tinged adj If something is tinged with
OR Operating Room abbr. a room embarrassed, or shy way about some- a particular feeling or quality, it has or
in a health care facility in which surgical thing. t He still stands unabashedly shows a small amount of that feeling or
procedures requiring anesthesia are per- after his recent defeat. , quality. t Her homecoming was tinged
formed. with sadness. /
chatter n Quick and continuous talk, interpretation n A performer's inter- underlie v If something underlies a
usually about things which are not pretation of something such as a piece feeling or situation, it is the cause or
important. t Lila kept up a steady stream of music or a role in a play is the partic- basis of it. t Try to figure out what feeling
of chatter. ular way in which they choose to per- underlies your anger.
beneficial adj Something that is bene- form it. t ...her full-bodied interpretation creep into phr v If something creeps in
ficial helps people or improves their of the role of Micaela. or creeps back, it begins to occur or
lives. t ...vitamins which are beneficial to flatter v If something flatters you, it becomes part of something without peo-
our health... makes you appear more attractive. ple realizing or without them wanting it.
implement v If you implement some- Orange and khaki flatter those with t An increasing ratio of mistakes, perhaps
thing such as a plan, you ensure that golden skin tones. induced by tiredness, crept into her game.
what has been planned is done. t The chocolatey adj Made or flavored with ,
government promised to implement a new chocolate t White chocolate, dark delectable adj If you describe some-
system to control financial loan institu- chocolate and cocoa powder sound more thing as delectable, you mean that it is
tions. , like the ingredients for a cake recipe but in very pleasant. t ...delectable wine.
this yummy range of chocolatey products, ,
audition n An audition is a short per- for the eyes, lips and cheeks, how could we vibrance n active and energetic pulse
formance given by an actor, dancer, or possibly leave them out? ,
musician so that a director or conductor immerse v If you immerse yourself in striking adj Someone who is striking is
can decide if they are good enough to be something that you are doing, you very attractive, in a noticeable way. t
in a play, film, or orchestra. become completely involved in it. She was a striking woman with long
inspirational adj Something that is t Their commitments do not permit them blonde hair.
inspirational provides you with inspira- to immerse themselves in current affairs as iridescent adj Something that is irides-
tion. t Tolstoy was an inspirational fig- fully as they might wish. , cent has many bright colours that seem
ure in forming Gandhi's ideas about non- (& ) to keep changing. t ...iridescent bubbles.
violence. , notion n A notion is an idea or belief
enhance v To enhance something about something. t We each have a wrap n A wrap is a piece of clothing
means to improve its value, quality, or notion of just what kind of person we'd which women wear round their shoul-
attractiveness. t They'll be keen to like to be. ders, either to keep them warm when
enhance their reputation abroad. vocally adv To speak forcefully about wearing an evening dress, or for decora-
something that you feel strongly tion over a coat.
bassoon n A bassoon is a large musi- about.t Both these proposals were resisted
cal instrument that is shaped like a tube by the developed countries, most vocally drape v If you drape a piece of cloth
and played by blowing into a curved by the United States. somewhere, you place it there so that it
metal pipe. radiant adj Something that is radiant hangs down in a casual and graceful way.
percussion n Percussion instruments glows brightly. t The evening sun warms t Natasha took the coat and draped it
are musical instruments that you hit, the old red brick wall to a radiant glow. over her shoulders. ,
such as drums. () , gesture n A gesture is a movement
conductor n A conductor is a person compelling adj If you describe some- that you make with a part of your body,
who stands in front of an orchestra or thing such as a film or book, or some- especially your hands, to express emo-
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tion or information. t Sarah made a together firmly, usually because you are is extremely wet. t We stripped off our
menacing gesture with her fist. angry or upset. t Patsy had to clench her sodden clothes.
jaw to suppress her anger. pickle v When you pickle food, you
bead n A bead of liquid or moisture is keep it in vinegar or salt water so that it
Reading Part 2 (p. 164-165) a small drop of it. t He wiped away the does not go bad and it develops a strong,
wheeze v If someone wheezes, they beads of sweat on his forehead. sharp taste. t Select your favourite fruit
breathe with difficulty and make a or veg and pickle them while they are still
whistling sound. t He had quite serious
lever v If you lever something in a par- fresh.
problems with his chest and wheezed and ticular direction, you move it there, rancid adj If butter, bacon, or other
especially by using a lot of effort. oily foods are rancid, they have gone bad
coughed all the time. ,
t Neighbours eventually levered open and taste old and unpleasant. t Butter is
sprightly adj A sprightly person, espe- the door with a crowbar. perishable and can go rancid.
cially an old person, is lively and active.
blade n The blade of a knife, axe, or fabric n Fabric is cloth or other materi-
t ...the sprightly 85-year-old President.
, saw is the edge, which is used for cut- al produced by weaving together cotton,
slicked adj Made smooth by applying ting. t Many of them will have sharp nylon, wool, silk, or other threads.
a sticky or glossy substance. blades. Fabrics are used for making things such
mallet n A mallet is a wooden ham- as clothes, curtains, and sheets. t
crease n Creases are lines that are mer with a square head. Whatever your colour scheme, there's a
made in cloth or paper when it is abruptly adv suddenly t He stopped fabric to match.
crushed or folded. t She stood up, abruptly and looked my way. tatter n Clothes that are in tatters are
audible adj A sound that is audible is badly torn in several places, so that
frowning at the creases in her silk dress.
, loud enough to be heard. t The pieces can easily come off. t His jersey
wrestle v If you wrestle a person or Colonel's voice was barely audible. was left in tatters.
thing somewhere, you move them there perplexed adj If you are perplexed,
using a lot of force, for example by twist- lunge v If you lunge in a particular you feel confused and slightly worried by
ing a part of someone's body into a direction, you move in that direction something because you do not under-
painful position. t We had to physically suddenly and clumsily. t He lunged at stand it. t She is perplexed about what to
wrestle the child from the man's arms. me, grabbing me violently. do for her daughter. t
, chastise v If you chastise someone,
wax n Wax is a solid, slightly shiny sub- curve n A curve is a smooth, gradually you speak to them angrily or punish
stance made of fat or oil which is used to bending line, for example part of the them for something wrong that they
make candles and polish. It melts when edge of a circle. t ...the curve of his lips. have done. Thomas Rane chastised
it is heated. t There were coloured can- Peters for his cruelty. t The Securities
dles which had spread pools of wax on the mutter v To utter sounds or words Commission chastised the firm but
furniture. indistinctly or with a low voice and with imposed no fine.
fuse v When things fuse or are fused, the lips partly closed. incredulity n If someone reacts with
they join together physically or chemi- vinegar n Vinegar is a sharp-tasting incredulity to something, they are unable
cally, usually to become one thing. You liquid, usually made from sour wine or to believe it because it is very surprising
can also say that one thing fuses with malt, which is used to make things such or shocking. t The announcement has
another. t The skull bones fuse between as salad dressing. been met with incredulity.
lop-sided adj Something that is lop- blankly adv If you look blankly , your
the ages of fifteen and twenty-five.
.. sided is uneven because one side is face shows no feeling, understanding, or
porous adj Something that is porous lower or heavier than the other. t His interest. t She stared at him blankly.
has many small holes in it, which water suit had shoulders that made him look
and air can pass through. t The local lopsided. , purr v When a cat purrs, it makes a
limestone is so porous that all the rainwa- low vibrating sound with its throat
ter immediately sinks below ground. wreckage n When something such as because it is contented. t The plump
a plane, car, or building has been ginger kitten had settled comfortably in
clay n Clay is a kind of earth that is destroyed, you can refer to what remains her arms and was purring enthusiastically.
soft when it is wet and hard when it is as wreckage or the wreckage. t Mark
dry. Clay is shaped and baked to make was dragged from the burning wreckage of eagerness n Impatient desire or
things such as pots and bricks. t As the his car. interest to do something. t He had
wheel turned, the potter shaped and flick v If you flick something away, or eagerness to learn.
squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful off something else, you remove it with a glisten v If something glistens it shines,
shape. quick movement of your hand or finger. usually because it is wet or oily. t The
grunt n A low sound that someone t Shirley flicked a speck of fluff from the calm sea glistened in the sunlight.
makes especially because they are sleeve of her black suit. ,
annoyed or not interested in something. ineffectually adv In a way that does puddle n A puddle is a small, shallow
t The driver grunted, convinced that not produce the proper or intended pool of liquid that has spread on the
Michael was crazy. effect. t Her voice trailed off ineffectually. ground. t The road was shiny with pud-
clench v When you clench your teeth , dles, but the rain was at an end.
or they clench, you squeeze your teeth sodden adj Something that is sodden
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initially adv Initially means soon after ate and impeccably mannered.
the beginning of a process or situation, rim n The rim of a container such as groomed adj You use groomed in
rather than in the middle or at the end a cup or glass is the edge that goes all expressions such as well groomed and
of it. t Forecasters say the gales may not the way round the top. t She looked at badly groomed to say how neat, clean,
be as bad as they initially predicted. him over the rim of her glass. and smart a person is. t She always
appeared perfectly groomed.
register v If you register your feelings precise adj Something that is precise is
or opinions about something, you do exact and accurate in all its details. t badge n Any feature which is regard-
something that makes them clear to They speak very precise English. ed as a sign of a particular quality can be
other people. t Voters wish to register referred to as a badge. t Being a
their dissatisfaction with the ruling party. Communist was a badge of honour for
, Reading Part 3 (p. 166-167) thousands of trade union activists.
earthenware n Earthenware bowls, sharp practice n You can use sharp
pots, or other objects are made of clay practice to refer to an action or a way of sack v If your employers sack you,
that is baked so that it becomes hard. behaving, especially in business or pro- they tell you that you can no longer
The dresser is laden with earthenware fessional matters, that you think is clever work for them because you have done
pots. t , but dishonest. t He accused some solici- something that they did not like or
copious adj A copious amount of tors of sharp practice in quoting low fees because your work was not good
something is a large amount of it. t I which were later increased. enough. t Earlier today the Prime
went out for a meal last night and drank gear up phr.v If someone is gearing Minister sacked 18 government officials
copious amounts of red wine. up for a particular activity, they are for corruption.
wheel (around) v If you wheel preparing to do it. t The factory was probation n Probation is a period of
around, you turn around suddenly where geared up to make 1,100 cars a day. time during which someone is judging
you are standing, often because you are your character and ability while you
surprised, shocked, or angry. t He shuffle v If you shuffle somewhere, work, in order to see if you are suitable
wheeled around to face her. you walk there without lifting your feet for that type of work. t Employee
properly off the ground. t Moira shuf- appointment to the Council will be subject
soaking adj If something is soaking or fled across the kitchen. to a term of probation of 6 months.
soaking wet, it is very wet. t My face and ,
raincoat were soaking wet. issue v If you issue a statement or a ill-disguised adj Poorly hidden or
warning, you make it known formally or concealed t Ill-disguised animosity.
ashen adj Someone who is ashen looks publicly. t Last night he issued a state- (
very pale, especially because they are ill, ment denying the allegations. )
shocked, or frightened. t He was ashen nonchalantly adv With no worry or contempt n If you have contempt for
and trembling. care about things. t Does Will intend to someone or something, you have no
grit v If you grit your teeth, you make return with us?' Joanna asked as noncha- respect for them or think that they are
up your mind to carry on even if the sit- lantly as she could. , unimportant. t He has contempt for
uation is very difficult. t There is going those beyond his immediate family circle.
to be hardship, but we have to grit our dodgy adj If you say that something is ,
teeth and get on with it. , dodgy, you mean that it seems rather scam n A scam is an illegal trick, usu-
glee n Glee is a feeling of happiness risky, dangerous, or unreliable. t ally with the purpose of getting money
and excitement, often caused by some- Predicting voting trends from economic from people or avoiding paying tax. t
one else's misfortune. t His victory was forecasts is a dodgy business. They believed they were participating in an
greeted with glee by his fellow American frown v When someone frowns, their insurance scam, not a murder.
golfers. eyebrows become drawn together, bay n A bay is a partly enclosed area,
tumultuously adv In a noisy way. because they are annoyed, worried, or inside or outside a building, that is used
, puzzled, or because they are concentrat- for a particular purpose. t The animals
dread v If you dread something which ing. t Nancy shook her head, frowning. are herded into a bay, then butchered.
may happen, you feel very anxious and ,
unhappy about it because you think it suspend v If you suspend something,
will be unpleasant or upsetting. t I'm wispy adj If someone has wispy hair, you delay it or stop it from happening
dreading Christmas this year. , their hair does not grow thickly on their for a while or until a decision is made
head.t Grey wispy hair straggled down to about it. t The union suspended strike
appease v If you try to appease some- her shoulders. action this week.
one, you try to stop them from being incongruous adj Someone or some- deliberately adv on purpose
angry by giving them what they want. t thing that is incongruous seems strange
Gandhi was accused by some of trying to when considered together with other mistimed adj To be timed inaccurately
appease both factions of the electorate. aspects of a situation. t She was small or inappropriately ,
and fragile and looked incongruous in an
impatience n The fact of not being army uniform. , allegation n An allegation is a state-
able to wait for something. t There is ment saying that someone has done
considerable impatience with the slow impeccably adv in a perfect way with something wrong. t The company has
pace of political change. no faults. t He was charming, consider- denied the allegations.
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disaffected adj Disaffected people no fine. , wearily adv In a tired way. t He
longer fully support something such as borough n A borough is a town, or a trudged wearily down Arthur Street.
an organization or political ideal which district within a large town, which has its
they previously supported. t He attracts own council. t ..the South London bor- covert adj Covert activities or situa-
disaffected voters. ough of Lambeth. tions are secret or hidden. t They have
contractor n A contractor is a person regulate v To regulate an activity or been supplying covert military aid to the
or company that does work for other process means to control it, especially by rebels. ,
people or organizations. t We told the means of rules. t The powers of the blatant adj You use blatant to
building contractor that we wanted a European Commission to regulate compe- describe something bad that is done in
garage big enough for two cars. tition in the Community are increasing. an open or very obvious way. t Outsiders
will continue to suffer the most blatant
bear grudge against expr If you have expeditious adj Expeditious means discrimination.
or bear a grudge against someone, you quick and efficient. t The judge said deceitful adj If you say that someone
have unfriendly feelings towards them that arbitration was a fair and expeditious is deceitful, you mean that they behave
because of something they did in the decision-making process. in a dishonest way by making other peo-
past. t He appears to have a grudge vehicular adj Vehicular is used to ple believe something that is not true. t
against certain players. , describe something which relates to They claimed the government had been
vehicles and traffic. t Village streets were deceitful. ,
falsify v If someone falsifies some- actually broad pedestrian malls, closed to pose v If something poses a problem or
thing, they change it or add untrue vehicular traffic. a danger, it is the cause of that problem
details to it in order to deceive people. tolerance n Tolerance is the quality of or danger. t This could pose a threat to
t The charges against him include fraud, allowing other people to say and do as jobs in the coal industry. (
bribery, and falsifying business records. they like, even if you do not agree or )
, approve of it. t ...his tolerance and
at stake prep.phr If something is at understanding of diverse human nature. Reading Part 4 (p. 168-169)
stake, it is being risked and might be lost span v If something spans a long peri-
or damaged if you are not successful. t allege v If you allege that something od of time, it lasts throughout that peri-
The tension was naturally high for a game bad is true, you say it but do not prove od of time or relates to that whole peri-
with so much at stake. it. t She alleged that there was rampant od of time. t His professional career
enforcement n If someone carries out drug use among the male members of the spanned 16 years.
the enforcement of an act or rule, they group. dully adv In a not interesting or excit-
enforce it. t The doctors want stricter corruption n Corruption is dishonesty ing way. t His giant face had a rough
enforcement of existing laws, such as those and illegal behaviour by people in posi- growth of stubble, his eyes looked dully
banning sales of cigarettes to children. tions of authority or power. t The ahead. ,
President faces 54 charges of corruption angle n An angle is the direction from
reflect v When you reflect, you think and tax evasion. which you look at something. t Thanks
deeply about something. t We should all fixated adj If you accuse someone of to the angle at which he stood, he could
give ourselves time to reflect. being fixated on a particular thing, you just see the sunset.
mean that they think about it to an adaptation n An adaptation of a book
pounce v If someone pounces on you, extreme and excessive degree. t The or play is a film or a television pro-
they come up towards you suddenly and danger is we'll get so fixated on the tech- gramme that is based on it. t Branagh
take hold of you. t He pounced on the nology that we will substitute hardware won two awards for his screen adaptation
photographer, beat him up and smashed for people. , of Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth.
his camera.
coffer n The coffers of an organiza- rabbit-hutch n A pen or coop for prejudice n Prejudice is an unreason-
tion consist of the money that it has to small animals, especially rabbits. able dislike of a particular group of peo-
spend, imagined as being collected ple or things, or a preference for a one
together in one place. t The proceeds fraud n Fraud is the crime of gaining group of people or things over another.
from the lottery go towards sports and money or financial benefits by a trick or t There was a deep-rooted racial preju-
recreation, as well as swelling the coffers by lying. t He was jailed for two years for dice long before the two countries became
of the government. fraud and deception. rivals and went to war.
absurd adj If you say that something is snag v If you snag part of your cloth-
swell v If the amount or size of some- absurd, you are criticizing it because you ing on a sharp or rough object or if it
thing swells or if something swells it, it think that it is ridiculous or that it does snags, it gets caught on the object and
becomes larger than it was before. t not make sense. t It is absurd to be dis- tears. t She snagged a heel on a root and
The human population swelled, at least cussing compulsory redundancy policies tumbled to the ground. ,
temporarily, as migrants moved south. for teachers.
, revenue n Revenue is money that a nomination n A nomination for an
clamp v To clamp a car means to fit a company, organization, or government award is an official suggestion that
clamp to one of its wheels so that it can- receives from people. t ...a boom year at someone or something should be given
not be driven away. t Courts in Scotland the cinema, with record advertising rev- that award. t They say he's certain to get
have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked enue and the highest ticket sales since a nomination for best supporting actor.
on private ground and then to demand a 1980... ,
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pond n A pond is a small area of water ferent types of things. t The letter was a describe someone that used to be the
that is smaller than a lake. Ponds are mish-mash of ill-fitting proposals taken type of person indicated, but no longer
often made artificially. t She chose a from two different reform plans. is. t Erstwhile workers may have
bench beside the duck pond and sat down. become managers.
speechify v make speeches, espe- put bums on seats expr If the organiz-
derive v If you derive something such cially because you want to appear impor- ers of an event such as a concert want to
as pleasure or benefit from a person or tant. , put bums on seats, they want a lot of
from something, you get it from them. t sniper n A sniper is someone who people to attend it. t He is one of the
Mr Ying is one of those happy people who shoots at people from a hidden position. few players who puts bums on seats.
derive pleasure from helping others. ,
assassinate v murder someone resonate v You say that something
tribute n A tribute is something that important as a political act. t he plot resonates when it has a special meaning
you say, do, or make to show your admi- to assassinate Martin Luther King had or when it is particularly important to
ration and respect for someone. t The started long before he was actually killed. someone. t London is confident and
song is a tribute to Roy Orbison. alive, resonating with all the qualities of a
hackneyed adj If you describe some- civilised city. (.)
gorgeous adj If you say that something thing such as a saying or an image as aspiring adj If you use aspiring to
is gorgeous, you mean that it gives you a hackneyed, you think it is no longer like- describe someone who is starting a par-
lot of pleasure or is very attractive. t ly to interest, amuse or affect people ticular career, you mean that they are
It's a gorgeous day. because it has been used, seen, or heard trying to become successful in it. t
tweed-donning adj dressed with nubby many times before. t Power corrupts Many aspiring young artists are advised to
woolen fabric made in any of various thats the old hackneyed phrase, but its learn by copying the masters.
twill weaves and used chiefly for casual true. glean v If you glean something such
suits and coats. intellectual n An intellectual is some- as information or knowledge, you learn
one who spends a lot of time studying or collect it slowly and patiently, and
doofus n An incompetent, foolish, or and thinking about complicated ideas. t perhaps indirectly. t At present we're
stupid person. Teachers, artists and other intellectuals gleaning information from all sources.
flick n a movie urged political parties to launch a united
movement against the government. bewigged adj Wearing a covering of
slapstick n Slapstick is a simple type false hair which you wear on your head,
of comedy in which the actors behave in overstate v If you say that someone is for example because you have little hair
a rough and foolish way. t ...Laurel and overstating something, you mean they of your own or because you want to
Hardy's inspired bursts of slapstick. are describing it in a way that makes it cover up your own hair. t The bewigged
seem more important or serious than it face smiled.
shtick n An entertainer's schtick is a really is. t The authors no doubt overstat- re-enactment n When a re-enact-
series of funny or entertaining things ed their case with a view to catching the ment of a scene or incident takes place,
that they say or do. public's attention. , people re-enact it.
gag n A gag is a joke. t ...a gag about apparently adv You use apparently to fusty adj If you describe something or
policemen giving evidence in court. indicate that the information you are someone as fusty, you disapprove of
giving is something that you have heard, them because they are old-fashioned in
mincer n A mincer is a machine which but you are not certain that it is true. t attitudes or ideas. t The fusty old estab-
cuts meat into very small pieces by forc- Apparently the girls are not at all amused lishment refused to recognise the demand
ing it through very small holes. by the whole business. for popular music.
neat adj If you say that something is
slather v To spread something thickly neat , you mean that it is very good. t Writing Part 1 (p. 170)
or lavishly. , `Oh, those new apartments are really neat,' internship n An internship is the posi-
contamination n The processof cor- the girl babbled on. tion held by an intern, or the period of
rupting or infecting something. t The monsoon n The monsoon is the season time when someone is an intern.
contamination of the sea around Capri in Southern Asia when there is a lot of
may be just the beginning. very heavy rain. t ...the end of the mon- stipend n A stipend is a sum of money
patty n A patty is a small, round meat soon. that is paid to a student for their living
pie. poignant adj Something that is expenses.
plight n If you refer to someone's poignant affects you deeply and makes
plight, you mean that they are in a diffi- you feel sadness or regret. t ...a Writing Part 2 (p. 170)
cult or distressing situation that is full of poignant combination of beautiful sur- relevant adj Something that is relevant
problems. t ...the worsening plight of roundings and tragic history. to a situation or person is important or
Third World countries plagued by debts, , significant in that situation or to that
economic dependency, corruption and saga n A saga is a long story com-
person. t Is socialism still relevant to peo-
militarism. posed in medieval times in Norway or
ple's lives?
mishmash n If you say that something Iceland. t ...a Nordic saga of giants and nominate v If you nominate someone
is a mishmash, you are criticizing it trolls. , to a job or position, you formally choose
because it is a confused mixture of dif- erstwhile adj You use erstwhile to
them to hold that job or position. t
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Voters will choose fifty of the seventy five bish are buried. t The rubbish in modern resurrect v If you resurrect something,
deputies. The Emir will nominate the rest. landfills does not rot. you cause it to exist again after it had
, resin n Resin is a sticky substance disappeared or ended. t Attempts to res-
descent n You use descent to talk that is produced by some trees. t ...a urrect the ceasefire have already failed
about a person's family background, for tropical tree which is bled regularly for its once...
example their nationality or social status. resin. enchanted adj If you are enchanted by
t All the contributors were of African glucose n Glucose is a type of sugar someone or something, they cause you
descent. , that gives you energy. to have feelings of great delight or pleas-
bilingual adj Someone who is bilin- vegetal adj Of, relating to, or charac- ure. t Dena was enchanted by the
gual can speak two languages equally teristic of plants. house...
well, usually because they learned both decompose v When things such as bidding n n authoritative direction
languages as a child. t He is bilingual in dead plants or animals decompose, or or instruction to do something.
an Asian language and English. something decomposes them, they ,
change chemically and begin to decay. t converse v If you converse with some-
supplementary adj Supplementary The debris slowly decomposes into com- one, you talk to them. You can also say
things are added to something in order post. that two people converse. t Luke sat
to improve it. t ...the question of whether solid adj A solid substance or object directly behind the pilot and conversed
or not we need to take supplementary vita- stays the same shape whether it is in a with him... ,
mins... container or not. t He did not eat solid
food for several weeks. corporeal adj Corporeal means involv-
Use of English Part 1 (p. 171) component n The components of ing or relating to the physical world
fibre n A fibre is a thin thread of a something are the parts that it is made rather than the spiritual world. t
natural or artificial substance, especially of. t Enriched uranium is a key compo-'s corporeal existence. ,
one that is used to make cloth or rope. nent of a nuclear weapon.
t If you look at the paper under a micro- detriment n Damage, harm, or loss t immortal adj Someone or something
scope you will see the fibres. He took a long leave of absence without that is immortal is famous and likely to
bark n Bark is the tough material that detriment to her career. , be remembered for a long time. t
covers the outside of a tree. ...Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte's
stem n The stem of a plant is the thin, nauseous adj If you feel nauseous, you immortal love story...
upright part on which the flowers and feel as if you want to vomit. t If the sustain v If you sustain something, you
leaves grow. t He stooped down, cut the patient is poorly nourished, the drugs continue it or maintain it for a period of
stem for her with his knife and handed her make them feel nauseous. , time. t But he has sustained his fierce
the flower. social conscience from young adulthood
utilisable adj Able to be used. fabric n Fabric is cloth or other mate- through old age... ,
rial produced by weaving together cot- fabled adj If you describe a person or
volume n The volume of something is ton, nylon, wool, silk, or other threads. thing as fabled, especially someone or
the amount of it that there is. t Senior Fabrics are used for making things such something remarkable, you mean that
officials will be discussing how the volume as clothes, curtains, and sheets. they are well known because they are
of sales might be reduced. t Whatever your colour scheme, there's a often talked about or a lot of stories are
plantation n A plantation is a large fabric to match. told about them.t You cannot go
piece of land, especially in a tropical derive from v come from t "The pres- home without visiting the fabled art
country, where crops such as rubber, ent name derives from an older form." collections of the Prado.
coffee, tea, or sugar are grown. inevitable adj If something is
t ...banana plantations in Costa Rica. shatter v To break into many pieces. inevitable, it is certain to happen and
t "The wine glass shattered." cannot be prevented or avoided. t If the
stationery adj Stationery is paper, case succeeds, it is inevitable that other tri-
envelopes, and other materials or equip- tame v If someone tames a wild ani- als will follow...
ment used for writing. mal or bird, they train it not to be afraid
hectare n A hectare is a measurement of of humans and to do what they say. t Use of English Part 3 (p. 172)
an area of land which is equal to 10,000 The Amazons were believed to have been overtly adv openly t He's written a
square metres, or 2.471 acres. the first to tame horses. few overtly political lyrics over the years.
wrap v When you wrap something, you ,
fold paper or cloth tightly round it to draw on phr.v If you draw on or draw
cover it completely, for example in order Use of English Part 2 (p. 172) upon something such as your skill or
to protect it or so that you can give it to limitation n The greatest amount of experience, you make use of it in order
someone as a present. t Harry had care- something that is possible or allowed. t to do something. t He drew on his expe-
fully bought and wrapped presents for t is growing rapidly with no limitation in rience as a yachtsman to make a docu-
Mark to give them. sight" , mentary programme.
cord n Cord is strong, thick string. t conjure v If you conjure something versus prep You use versus to indicate
The door had been tied shut with a length out of nothing, you make it appear as if that two figures, ideas, or choices are
of nylon cord. by magic. t Thirteen years ago she found opposed. t Only 18.8% of the class of
landfill n A landfill is a large deep herself having to conjure a career from 1982 had some kind of diploma four years
hole in which very large amounts of rub- thin air... after high school, versus 45% of the class
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of 1972. handlebar n The handlebar or handle- called an apnea lasts long enough so that
provision n The provision of some- bars of a bicycle consist of a curved one or more breaths are missed, and
thing is the act of giving it or making it metal bar with handles at each end such episodes occur repeatedly through-
available to people who need or want it. which are used for steering. out sleep.
t The department is responsible for the () (
provision of residential care services.
Listening Part 3 (p. 175) )
segregated adj Segregated buildings or setback n A setback is an event that embarrassing adj Something that is
areas are kept for the use of one group delays your progress or reverses some of embarrassing makes you feel shy or
of people who are the same race, sex, or the progress that you have made. t The ashamed. t That was an embarrassing
religion, and no other group is allowed move represents a setback for the Middle situation for me. ,
to use them. t John grew up in East peace process.
Baltimore when that city was segregated. incident n An incident is something distraction n A distraction is some-
that happens, often something that is thing that turns your attention away
intent n A person's intent is their unpleasant. t These incidents were the from something you want to concentrate
intention to do something. t The timing latest in a series of disputes between the on. t I feel this is getting to be a distrac-
of this strong statement of intent on arms two nations. tion from what I really want to do.
control is crucial. , diligently adv in a careful and thor- ,
holistic adj Holistic means based on ough way. t The two sides are now work- deprivation n If you suffer depriva-
the principles of holism. t ...practitioners ing diligently to resolve their differences. tion, you do not have or are prevented
of holistic medicine. , from having something that you want or
need. t Millions more suffer from serious
integrate v If someone integrates into Listening Part 4 (p. 176) sleep deprivation caused by long work
a social group, or is integrated into it, corporate adj Corporate means relat- hours.
they behave in such a way that they ing to business corporations or to a par- drain v If energy drains or is drained
become part of the group or are accept- from you, you lose all energy and
ticular business corporation. t This
ed into it. t He didn't integrate success- become very tired. t As his energy
established a strong corporate image.
fully into the Italian way of life.
drained away, his despair and worry grew.
aspiration n Someone's aspirations , ()
catnap n A catnap is a short sleep,
are their desire to achieve things. t
Use of English Part 4 (p. 173) usually one which you have during the
He is unlikely to send in the army to quell
brass n Brass is a yellow-coloured day.
nationalist aspirations.
metal made from copper and zinc. It is amino acid n Amino acids are sub-
inexplicable adj If something is inexpli-
used especially for making ornaments stances containing nitrogen and hydro-
cable, you cannot explain why it happens
and musical instruments. t The instru- gen and which are found in proteins.
or why it is true. t His behaviour was
ment is beautifully made in brass. Amino acids occur naturally in the body.
extraordinary and inexplicable.
insanity n Insanity is the state of hav- GP General Practicioner abbr. A
ing a mind that does not work in a nor- GP is a doctor who does not specialize
mal way, with the result of a very strange in any particular area of medicine, but
behaviour. t The film is a powerful study
PRACTICE TEST 10 who has a medical practice in which he
of a woman's descent into insanity. Reading Part 1 (p. 178-179) or she treats all types of illness. GP is an
, yawn v If you yawn, you open your abbreviation for `general practitioner'. t
mouth very wide and breathe in more air Her husband called their local GP.
Listening Part 1 (p. 174) than usual, often when you are tired or
when you are not interested in some- down-to-earth adj If you say that
sacrifice v If you sacrifice something
someone is down-to-earth, you approve
that is valuable or important, you give it thing. t She yawned, and stretched lazily.
of the fact that they concern themselves
up, usually to obtain something else for
with practical things and actions, rather
yourself or for other people. t She sac- 40 winks n Forty winks is an English
than with abstract theories. t Gloria is
rificed family life to her career. idiomatic noun that can be used in the
probably the most down to earth person
singular or plural and means: to take a
obligation n If you have an obligation nap for a short period of time (usually I've ever met.
not in bed),[1] or to take a short sleep drowsy adj If you feel drowsy, you feel
to do something, it is your duty to do
sleepy and cannot think clearly. t He felt
that thing. t When teachers assign home- during the day.[2]
pleasantly drowsy and had to fight off the
work, students usually feel an obligation to frustrating adj Something that is frus-
urge to sleep.
do it. trating annoys you or makes you angry
because you cannot do anything about portion n A portion of something is a
the problems it causes. t The current sit- part of it. t Damage was confined to a
Listening Part 2 (p. 175)
uation is very frustrating for us. small portion of the castle. ,
pasture n Pasture is land with grass
growing on it for farm animals to eat.
sleep apnoea n Sleep apnoea is a interaction n Interaction is a kind of
t The cows are out now, grazing in the action that occurs as two or more objects
pasture. sleep disorder characterized by pauses in
breathing during sleep. Each episode, have an effect upon one another. t ...the
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interaction between physical and emotion- core of the city is a series of ancient hint (at) v She suggested a trip to the
al illness. squares. , shops and hinted at the possibility of a
violate v If someone violates an agree- defect n A defect is a fault or imper- treat of some sort... ,
ment, law, or promise, they break it. t fection in a person or thing. t He was
They went to prison because they violated born with a hearing defect. shuttle n A shuttle is a plane, bus, or
the law. misconception n A misconception is train which makes frequent journeys
intuition n Your intuition or your an idea that is not correct. t It is a mis- between two places. t ...shuttle flights
intuitions are unexplained feelings you conception that Peggy was fabulously between London and Manchester.
have that something is true even when wealthy. ,
you have no evidence or proof of it. t elevate v If you elevate something, you
Her intuition was telling her that some- Reading Part 2 (p. 180-181) raise it above a horizontal level. t Jack
thing was wrong. polish v If you polish something, you elevated the gun at the sky. ,
medley n A medley of different things put polish on it or rub it with a cloth to
is a mixture of them. t We communicat- make it shine. t Each morning he shaved cuff n The cuffs of a shirt or dress are
ed in a medley of foreign words and uni- and polished his shoes... , the parts at the ends of the sleeves,
versal gestures. , freight bay n A partly enclosed area, which are thicker than the rest of the
frontier n A frontier is a border inside or outside a building, that is used sleeve. t ...a pale blue shirt with white
between two countries. t It wasn't diffi- for goods that are transported by lorries, collar and cuffs. ,
cult then to cross the frontier. trains, ships, or aeroplanes. vibrate v If something vibrates or if
mattress n A mattress is the large, you vibrate it, it shakes with repeated
flat layer of padding which is put on a squeak v If something or someone small, quick movements. t The ground
bed to make it comfortable to sleep on. squeaks, they make a short, high-pitched shook and the cliffs seemed to vibrate...
sound. t The door squeaked open... ,
foundation n , cramped adj A cramped room or
box spring (mattress) n A box-spring suspend v If something is suspended building is not big enough for the people
is a hard sturdy wooden frame, covered from a high place, it is hanging from that or things in it. t There are hundreds of
in cloth, containing springs or some place. t ...a mobile of birds or nursery families living in cramped conditions on
other form of torsion. Usually the box- rhyme characters which could be suspend- the floor of the airport lounge...
spring is placed on top of a wooden or ed over the cot. ,
metal bedframe which sits on the floor steepening adj If a slope or an angle hull n The hull of a boat or tank is
and acts as a brace. The box-spring is steepens, it becomes steeper. t The road the main body of it. t The hull had suf-
usually the same size as the much softer steepened and then levelled out suddenly. fered extensive damage to the starboard
mattress which is placed above the box- side.
spring. stale adj Stale air or a stale smells is gristle n Gristle is a tough, rubbery
absorb v If something absorbs a force unpleasant because it is no longer fresh. substance found in meat, especially in
or shock, it reduces its effect. t A layer of smoke hung low in the stale meat of poor quality, which is unpleas-
t ...footwear which does not absorb the air. ant to eat.
impact of the foot striking the ground. dump v If you dump something some- fiddle with v If you fiddle with an
where, you put it or unload it there object, you keep moving it or touching it
sag v When something sags, it hangs quickly and carelessly. t We dumped with your fingers. t Harriet fiddled with a
down loosely or sinks downwards in the our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and pen on the desk.
middle. t The shirt's cuffs won't sag and hurried towards the market... buckle n A buckle is a piece of metal
lose their shape after washing. , or plastic attached to one end of a belt
, shiver v When you shiver, your body or strap, which is used to fasten it. t He
spine n Your spine is the row of shakes slightly because you are cold or wore a belt with a large brass buckle.
bones down your back. frightened. t I was sitting on the floor ,
shivering with fear. intricate adj You use intricate to
alignment n The alignment of some- ration n Rations are the food which is describe something that has many small
thing is its position in relation to some- given to people who do not have enough parts or details. t ...intricate patterns and
thing else or to its correct position. food or to soldiers. t Aid officials said motifs.
They shunned the belief that there is a that the first emergency food rations of damned adj Damned is used by some
link between the alignment of the plan- wheat and oil were handed out here last people to emphasize what they are say-
ets and events on the Earth. month... ing. t There's not a damned thing you
awed adj If you are awed by someone can do about it now.
curve n A curve is a smooth, gradually or something, they make you feel hesitation n The act of holding back in
bending line, for example part of the respectful and amazed, though often doubt or indecision.
edge of a circle. t ...the curve of his lips. rather frightened. t I am still awed by cockpit n In an aeroplane or racing
David's courage... car, the cockpit is the part where the
durability n Durability is the ability to chamber n A chamber is a room pilot or driver sits.
endure.t Airlines recommend hard-sided designed and equipped for a particular crane v If you crane your neck or
cases for durability. purpose.t For many, the dentist's surgery head, you stretch your neck in a particu-
core n The core of an object, building, remains a torture chamber. , lar direction in order to see or hear
or city is the central part of it. t The something better. t She craned her neck
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to get a better view... tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta. because they have had very little to eat
vent v To serve as a hole in something , for some time.
through which air can come in and infallible adj If a person or thing is offspring n You can refer to a per-
smoke, gas, or smells can go out. infallible, they are never wrong. t son's children or to an animal's young as
, Although he was experienced, he was not their offspring. t Eleanor was now less
whine n A long, high-pitched noise, infallible... anxious about her offspring than she had
especially one which sounds sad or jolt v If something jolts or if some- once been.
unpleasant. t ...the whine of air-raid thing jolts it, it moves suddenly and cognitive adj Cognitive means relating
sirens. , quite violently. t They were working fran- to the mental process involved in know-
angular adj Angular things have tically in the fear that an aftershock would ing, learning, and understanding things.
shapes that seem to contain a lot of jolt the house again. t As children grow older, their cognitive
straight lines and sharp points. t He had processes become sharper. ,
an angular face with prominent cheek- precariously adv In an uncertain way.
bones. t The hunter-gatherer lifestyle today sur- sprinkle v If you sprinkle a thing with
illicit adj An illicit activity or sub- vives precariously in remote regions. something such as a liquid or powder,
stance is not allowed by law or the social , you scatter the liquid or powder over it.
customs of a country. t Dante clearly sneak v If you sneak somewhere, you t Cheese can be sprinkled on egg or veg-
condemns illicit love. go there very quietly on foot, trying to etable dishes. , (&
ensue v If something ensues, it hap- avoid being seen or heard. t Sometimes )
pens immediately after another event, he would sneak out of his house late at genome n In biology and genetics, a
usually as a result of it. t If the night to be with me... , genome is the particular number and
Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a combination of certain chromosomes
trade war would ensue... , distorted adj If something you can see necessary to form the single nucleus of a
or hear is distorted or distorts, its living cell.
eclipse v If one thing is eclipsed by a appearance or sound is changed so that profoundly adv In a very great or
second thing that is bigger, newer, or it seems unclear. t Sound was becoming intense way. t This has profoundly affect-
more important than it, the first thing is more and more distorted through the use ed my life... ,
no longer noticed because the second of hearing aids. encode v If you encode a message or
thing gets all the attention. t The creep v When people or animals creep some information, you put it into a code
gramophone had been eclipsed by new somewhere, they move quietly and slow- or express it in a different form or sys-
technology such as the compact disc... ly. t Back I go to the hotel and creep up tem of language. t The two parties
, to my room... , encode confidential data in a form that is
ordeal n If you describe an experience not directly readable by the other party...
or situation as an ordeal, you think it is illusion n An illusion is a false idea or ,
difficult and unpleasant. t She described belief. t No one really has any illusions minute adj If you say that something
her agonising ordeal. about winning the war. is minute, you mean that it is very small.
utter adj You use utter to emphasize t The party was planned in the minutest
that something is great in extent, degree, Reading Part 3 (p. 182-183) detail.
or amount. t This, of course, is utter non- exaggerated adj Something that is fraction n A fraction of something is
sense. , exaggerated is or seems larger, better, a tiny amount or proportion of it. t She
nursery n A nursery is a room in a worse, or more important than it actual- hesitated for a fraction of a second before
family home in which the young children ly needs to be. t They should be sceptical responding...
of the family sleep or play. t He has of exaggerated claims for what such cours- nucleus n The nucleus of an atom or
painted murals in his children's nursery. es can achieve... cell is the central part of it. t Neutrons
dexterous adj Someone who is dexter- and protons are bound together in the
save for prep.phr. You can use save for ous is very skilful and clever with their nucleus of an atom.
to introduce the only things, people, or hands. t As people grow older they gener- endow v If you endow something with
ideas that your main statement does not ally become less dexterous. a particular feature or quality, you pro-
apply to. t The parking lot was virtually uncannily adv In a strange way that is vide it with that feature or quality. t
empty save for a few cars clustered to one diggicult to explain.t They have uncan- Herbs have been used for centuries to
side. nily similar voices... endow a whole range of foods with subtle
rasp n A harsh, unpleasant sound that flavours. ,
something makes as it rubs against eerily adv In a strange and frightening delve (into) v To search deeply and
something hard or rough. t ...the rasp of way that makes you feel nervous. laboriously: delved into the court
something being drawn across the sand. t Monrovia after the fighting is eerily records. ,
quiet. unravel v If you unravel a mystery or
commence v When something com- tuxedo n A tuxedo is a black or white puzzle, or if it unravels, it gradually
mences or you commence it, it begins. t jacket worn by men for formal social becomes clearer and you can work out
The academic year commences at the events. the answer to it. t A young mother has
beginning of October... , potbellied adj Someone, usually a flown to Iceland to unravel the mystery of
glide v If you glide somewhere, you man, who is pot-bellied has a a round, her husband's disappearance...
move silently and in a smooth and fat stomach which sticks out, either ,
effortless way. t Waiters glide between because they eat or drink too much, or susceptibility n If you have a suscep-
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
tibility to something unpleasant, you are Women tend to attribute their success to long dress, which women wear on formal
likely to be affected by it. t ...his external causes such as luck. occasions. t The new ball gown was a
increased susceptibility to infections. ( ) great success.
, league n A league is a group of teams era n You can refer to a period of his-
malaria n Malaria is a serious disease that play the same sport or activity tory or a long period of time as an era
carried by mosquitoes which causes peri- against each other. t ...the American when you want to draw attention to a
ods of fever. League series between the Boston Red Sox particular feature or quality that it has.
afflict v If you are afflicted by pain, ill- and World Champion Oakland Athletics... t It was an era of austerity.
ness, or disaster, it affects you badly and , venue n The venue for an event or
makes you suffer. Italy has been afflicted activity is the place where it will happen.
by political corruption for decades... t zeal n Zeal is great enthusiasm, espe- t Birmingham's International Convention
There are two main problems which afflict cially in connection with work, religion, Centre is the venue for a three-day arts fes-
people with hearing impairments... or politics. t Mr Lopez approached his tival...
, task with a religious zeal. attire n Your attire is the clothes you
sequence v To organize or arrange in overwhelming adj If something is are wearing. t women dressed in
a related or continuous series. overwhelming, it affects you very strong- their finest attire.
ly, and you do not know how to deal haystack n A haystack is a large, solid
molecular adj Molecular means relat- with it. t The task won't feel so over- pile of hay, often covered with a straw
ing to or involving molecules. t ...the whelming if you break it down into small, roof to protect it, which is left in the
molecular structure of fuel. easy-to-accomplish steps... , field until it is needed. ,
against all odds phr If something hap-
pens against all odds, it happens or suc- strip v To take something(usually
ceeds although it seemed impossible or clothes) away from (someone). Writing Part 2 (p.186)
very unlikely. t Some women do manage , submit v If you submit a proposal,
to achieve business success against all extra-curricular adj Extracurricular report, or request to someone, you for-
odds... activities are activities for students that mally send it to them so that they can
are not part of their course. t Each consider it or decide about it. t Head
primate n A primate is a member of the child had participated in extracurricular teachers yesterday submitted a claim for a
group of mammals which includes humans, activities at school. 9 per cent pay rise. ,
monkeys, and apes. t The woolly spider devastated adj If you are devastated .
monkey is the largest primate in the by something, you are very shocked and
Americas. upset by it. t Teresa was devastated, her
superficial adj If you describe some- dreams shattered. Use of English Part 1 (p. 187)
thing such as an action, feeling, or rela- twist v If you twist something, especial- at close quarters expr If you do some-
tionship as superficial, you mean that it ly a part of your body, or if it twists, it thing at close quarters, you do it very
includes only the simplest and most moves into an unusual, uncomfortable,
near to a particular person or thing. t
obvious aspects of that thing, and not or bent position, for example because of You can watch aircraft take off or land at
those aspects which require more effort being hit or pushed, or because you are
close quarters...
to deal with or understand. t His room- upset. t He twisted her arms behind her subsequent adj You use subsequent to
mate had been pleasant on a superficial back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on describe something that happened or
level... her wrists... existed after the time or event that has
tedious adj If you describe something perks n(pl) Perks are special benefits
just been referred to. t ...the increase of
such as a job, task, or situation as that are given to people who have a par-
population in subsequent years...
tedious, you mean it is boring and rather ticular job or belong to a particular
frustrating. t Such lists are long and group. t One of the perks of being a stu- mushroom v If something such as an
tedious to read. , dent is cheap travel. industry or a place mushrooms, it grows
, ,
or comes into existence very quickly. t
solely adv If something involves solely recruit v If you recruit people for an A sleepy capital of a few hundred thou-
one thing, it involves only this thing and organization, you select them and per- sand people has mushroomed to a crowd-
no others. t This program is a production suade them to join it or work for it. t In ed city of 2 million. ,
of NPR, which is solely responsible for its recruiting students to Computer Systems
content. , Engineering, the University looks for evi- breach v If someone or something
dence of all-round ability... breaches a barrier, they make an open-
multi-faceted adj Multi-faceted means (&), ing in it, usually leaving it weakened or
having a variety of different and impor- testament n If one thing is a testament
destroyed. t Fire may have breached the
tant features or elements. t Webb is a to another, it shows that the other thing cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.
multi-faceted performer... exists or is true. t Braka's house, just off
Sloane Square, is a testament to his proximity n Proximity to a place or
Gothic tastes... , person is nearness to that place or per-
Reading Part 4 (p. 184-185)
son. t Families are no longer in close
attribute v If you attribute something proximity to each other.
to an event or person, you think that it Writing Part 1 (p.186) conclude v If you conclude that some-
was caused by that event or person. t gown n A gown is a dress, usually a thing is true, you decide that it is true
Succeed in CAE - 10 Practice Tests Companion
using the facts you know as a basis. t spread damage. , be done. t The interior is planned with a
`The situation in the inner cities is bad ambush n An ambush is an attack on precision the military would be proud of.
and getting worse,' she concluded. someone by people who have been hid-
ing and waiting for them.t A police- potentially adv You use potential to
infrastructure n The infrastructure of man has been shot dead in an ambush in say that someone or something is capa-
a country, society, or organization con- County Armagh. ble of developing into the particular
sists of the basic facilities such as trans- courtly adj You use courtly to describe kind of person or thing mentioned.
port, communications, power supplies, someone whose behaviour is very polite, t Potentially this could damage the
and buildings, which enable it to func- often in a rather old-fashioned way. t reputation of the whole
tion. t ...investment in infrastructure... The waiter made a courtly bow. industry.
ventilation n The replacement of
five-fold adj -fold combines with num- shred n A small amount, a particle. stale or noxious air with fresh air. t
bers to form adjectives which say how t There was not a shred of evidence. The only ventilation comes from tiny slid-
much an amount has increased by. ing windows.
t One survey revealed a threefold increase virtuous adj A virtuous person
in breast cancer. behaves in a moral and correct way. t Use of English Part 4 (p. 189)
destine v To determine beforehand; Louis was shown as an intelligent, coura- absolute adj Absolute means total and
preordain. t London seems destined to geous and virtuous family man. complete. t A sick person needs absolute
lose more than 2,000 hospital beds... confidence and trust in a doctor.
assuage v If you assuage a need or Use of English Part 3 (p. 188) warehouse n A warehouse is a large
desire for something, you satisfy it. rationale n The rationale for a course building where raw materials or manu-
t The meat they'd managed to procure of action, practice, or belief is the set of factured goods are stored until they are
assuaged their hunger. reasons on which it is based. t However, exported to other countries or distrib-
connotation n The connotations of a the rationale for such initiatives is not, of uted to shops to be sold.
particular word or name are the ideas or course, solely economic... fragile adj Something that is fragile is
qualities which it makes you think of. , easily broken or damaged. t He leaned
t `Urchin', with its connotation of mis- cite v If you cite something, you quote back in his fragile chair.
chievousness, may not be a particularly it or mention it, especially as an example
apt word. or proof of what you are saying. t Listening Part 1 (p. 190)
Spain was cited as the most popular holi- rave about phr.v If you rave about
Use of English Part 2 (p. 188) day destination. something, you speak or write about it
literary adj Of, relating to, or dealing acute adj An acute illness is one that with great enthusiasm.t `Such lovely
with literature. t Literary criticism. becomes severe very quickly but does clothes. I'd no idea Milan was so wonder-
not last very long. t ...a patient with ful,' she raved.
dwarf n xtremely short persons pre- acute rheumatoid arthritis. , ,
viously known as dwarfs. elaborate adj You use elaborate to
Count n A nobleman in some implement v If you implement some- describe something that is very complex
European countries. thing such as a plan, you ensure that because it has a lot of different parts. t
hermit n A person who has with- what has been planned is done. t The elaborate ceremony that lasts for
drawn from society and lives a solitary government promised to implement a new eight days.
existence; a recluse. t The hermits would system to control financial loan institu- night shift n A group of employees
generally eat and work in their cells; tions... working during the night in a factory or
though there would also be goats to tend legislator n A legislator is a person business.
and wood to chop. who is involved in making or passing schedule n A schedule is a plan that
courtesy n Courtesy is politeness, laws. t attempt to get US legislators gives a list of events or tasks and the
respect, and consideration for others. to change the system. times at which each one should happen
t He did not even have the courtesy to inhale v When you inhale something or be done. t We both have such hectic
reply to my fax. such as smoke, you take it into your schedules.
amir n A prince, chieftain, or gover- lungs when you breathe in. t He was
nor, especially in the Middle East. treated for the effects of inhaling smoke. Listening Part 2 (p. 191)
maximise v If you maximise some-
feat n A notable act or deed, especial- adopt v If you adopt a new attitude, thing, you make it as great in amount or
ly an act of courage, an exploit. , plan, or way of behaving, you begin to
importance as you can. t In order to
have it. t Parliament adopted a resolu- maximize profit the firm would seek to
pardon n Exemption of a convicted tion calling for the complete withdrawal of
maximize output...
person from the penalties of an offense troops... corporate adj Corporate means relat-
or crime by the power of the executor of semiconductor n A semiconductor is ing to business corporations or to a par-
the laws. , a substance used in electronics whose
ticular business corporation. t This
inflict v To deal or mete out (some- ability to conduct electricity increases established a strong corporate image.
thing punishing or burdensome); with greater heat.
impose. t They inflicted heavy losses on precision n If you do something with release n Something issued for sale or
the enemy; a storm that inflicted wide- precision, you do it exactly as it should
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public showing.
freelancer n A freelancer is someone
who does freelance work.