Law On Negotiable Instruments (Ass1)
Law On Negotiable Instruments (Ass1)
Law On Negotiable Instruments (Ass1)
B negotiated the note to C. Later, Y stole the note from C. Y indorsed the note to D. Which of the following
statements is correct?
Ans. C
2. Which of the following is not negotiable under the negotiable instruments law?
a. Pay to E or order P20, 000. (Sgd. M)
To: A Accepted and payable 60 days from today.
b. Pay to order of J P20, 000. (Sgd. E)
To N- Accepted for P20, 000
c. Pay to P or order P20, 000. (Sgd. J)
To C- Accepted if P tops the CPA board exams
d. Pay to T P10,000 30 days after sight (Sgd. G)
To H- Accepted payable on Oct. 27, 2014
Ans. D
Ans. C
Ans. D
5. Consider the two statements.
Statement 1- An instrument originally payable to order may be converted into bearer instrument
Statement 2- An instrument originally payable to order may be converted into an order instrument
a. True, true
b. False, false
c. False, true
d. True, false
Ans. D
B assigned the note to C. Later, Y stole the note from C. Y indorsed the note to D. Which of the
following statements is correct?
Ans. D
7. A issued a negotiable promissory note to B. There was a total failure of consideration. B indorsed the
note to C, a holder is due course. C indorsed the note to D who knew of the failure of consideration. Which
is correct?
Ans. A
8. A check drawn by the bank upon itself and payable to a third person:
a. Certified check
b. Managers check
c. Travelers check
d. Crossed Check
Ans. B
a. True, true
b. False, false
c. False, true
d. True,false
Ans. D
Ans. A
p. Ans. C
a. Assignment;
b. Delivery of a bearer instrument;
c. Indorsement completed by delivery of an instrument payable to order;
d. Delivery of an instrument to the payee.
r. Ans. A
s. 23. The P1,000 bills issued by the Central Bank and in circulation are
a. Checks.
b. Bills of exchange.
c. Legal tender.
d. Promissory notes.
t. Ans. C
u. 24. The following are functions of a negotiable instrument. Choose the exception.
w. 25. I promise to pay to bearer, Juan dela Cruz, the sum of P20,000. (Signed)
Jose Paz. The promissory note is:
x. Ans. D
y. 26. Ellen signed a promissory note in favor of Flor promising to pay P10,000, 30
days after sight. Who can sue on this note and enforce the obligation?
z. Ans. C
aa. 27. Atoy issued a bearer note to Boy. The note is negotiated by delivery by Boy to
Cris to Doc, by Doc to Ely, by Ely to Fe, the holder. Fe can hold liable:
a. Cris.
b. Atoy.
c. Doc.
d. Boy.
ab. Ans. B.
ad. Ans. C
ae. 29. Marcelo makes a promissory note for P2,000 payable to the order of Patricia.
Patricia negotiates the note to Amel who, with the consent of Patricia, raises the
amount to P20,000 and thereafter indorses it to Ben, Ben to Cale, and Cale to
Dan who is not a holder in due course. In this case:
a. Dan can recover P2,000 as against Marcelo;
b. Patricia and Amel are liable to Dan for P20,000;
c. Ben and Cale are liable to Dan;
d. Answer not given
af. Ans. A
ag. 30. Which of the following does not discharge a negotiable instrument?
ah. Ans. A
aj. Answer: d
d. There are three (3) parties, the drawer, the payee and the drawee.
al. Answer: b
am. 33. A is maker of a promissory note for P100,000 payable to the order of
B who negotiates the same in favor of C. C loses the note and is found by X who
forges the signature of C and pretending to be C negotiates the note to D, D to E, E
to F and F to G who is a holder in due course. Under the circumstances which of
these is not an incorrect statement?
a. Being a holder in due course, G can recover from maker A.
c. E is not liable to F precisely because he was not the one who forged
the signature of C.
d. X is not liable to any party to the instrument since his name does not
appear thereon.
an.Answer: b
aq.Answer: d
ar. 35. Marie makes a promissory note payable to bearer to bearer and delivers the
same to Polido, who negotiates it to Arman by indorsing it without recourse. If the
note is dishonored in the hands of arman due to insolvency Marie.
a. Arman cannot recover from Polido because the latter does not warrant
Maries solvency.
b. Arman can recover from Polido because the latter is secondarily liable on
the instrument as indorser.
as. Answer: a
at. 36. Which of the following is not an essential element of a bill of exchange?
az. Answer: a
bb. 37. Which is not correct? The acceptor by accepting a negotiable instrument:
f. Admits the existence of the drawer, the genuineness of his signature and
his authority to draw the instrument.
bc.Answer: c
bd. 38. M is the maker of a note for P 30,000 payable to C or bearer. C negotiated
the note to D, D to E, E to F and F to M. Which is correct?
be. Answer: a
m. No, C could not sue B because B did not write the name of C as indorsee
bh. Answer: d
bi. 40. M is the maker of a note payable to J. Cruz or order for P 5,000 due July 30,
2009. Cruz borrowed P 2,000 from C payable July 31, 2009 and pledged the note by
indorsing it to C. Which of the following is correct?
bk. Answer: c