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Exact solution for the bending deformations of layered magneto-electro-elastic laminates based on thin-plate
performed by Ding and Jiang [8] using strict differential should be noted the relation c11 c12 2c66 for transversely
operator theory. They obtained the fundamental solutions for isotropic material is adopted in the above equation. As it can
an infinite MEE plane in terms of four harmonic functions be also learned from Ref. [11], the reduced extended traction
which satisfied a set of reduced second order partial vectors can be stated as follows,
differential equation for distinct eigenvalues case. Guan and
He [9] derived the fundamental equation for the plane 2 w 2 w
problem of a transversely isotropic magneto-electro-elastic x c11 z
c12 z 2 e31 q31
x y z z
media by applying the Almansis theorem and expressed all
physical quantities by four harmonic functions for distinct and 2 w 2 w
y c12 z
z 2 e31
q31 , (2)
non-distinct cases.
x y z z
In this study, a rather simple analytic solution for the
deformations of the magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) 2 w 2 w 2 w
xy c66 z z 2c66 z
rectangular plate under certain type of applied loads acting on
xy yx xy
the top surfaces are derived. By imposing the Kirchhoff
u v
thin-plate hypothesis on the plate constituent, the governing Dz e31 e31 33 d33 , (3)
equation in terms of only the transverse displacement of the x y z z
plate can be obtained and therefore a rather compact form u v
indicating the multiple effects between elasticity, electricity Bz q31 q31 33 33 . (4)
x y z z
and magnetism of the plate can be successfully presented. The
MEE plate is chose to be made of the two-layered Meanwhile, the following expression for the electric potential
BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 laminate, which can be thought as a and magnetic potential can be derived,
transversely isotropic magneto-electro-elastic medium and
the material coefficients for such continuum can be expressed 1 z 2 w 1 ( x, y ) , (5)
uniquely by introducing the volume-fraction of BaTiO3 in the
layered composite. The corresponding deformation analysis 2 z 2 w 1 ( x, y ) , (6)
regarding the elastic displacements, electric potential and z
magnetic induction of the MEE thin plate is evaluated through where 1 ( x, y ) and 1 ( x, y) represent the variations of
the formulation mentioned in this study. Some comparisons electric field and magnetic field in the thickness direction
with previous literatures are made and great agreements are while the plate is under deformation, and are both
reached which directly validate the proposed simplification independent of z variable.
for the MEE modeling.
In seeking for the solution to Eq. (1), we can assume the
II. FORMULATIONS following expression for the transverse deflection of the MEE
For a Magneto-Electro-Elastic (MEE) thin plate made of
two-layered BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 laminate, the fundamental
Kirchhoff hypothesis for the small-deflection of simple
w( x, y ) A
m 1 n 1
mn X m ( x)Yn ( y ) , (7)
bending problem can be applied, and thus the transverse shear
where X m ( x) and Yn ( y) are the homogeneous solutions of
deformations and rotary inertias can be neglected, also the
transverse shear strains are negligible. In accordance with the Eq. (1) and can be determined according to the assigned
assumptions that in-plane electric fields and magnetic fields inboundary conditions. Some mode shapes and corresponding
a very thin medium can be ignored [10], that is, only the eigenvalues with respect to commonly seen boundary
transverse electric, E3 , and magnetic field, H 3 , are under conditions are tabulated in Table 1 as a reference. It should be
noted that the mode shapes X m ( x) and Yn ( y) not only
consideration, the following governing equation for the
bending problem can be found [11] satisfy the corresponding boundary conditions but also
possess the intrinsic orthogonality, i.e., we will have
D 4 w E 4 w M 4 w P ( x, y ) , (1) L
X ( x) , if m M
X m ( x) mM , (8)
X m ( x) X M ( x)dx m
c11h 3 0
0, if m M
where D represents the plate rigidity,
12 and
e h3 Ly Y ( y ) , if n N
E 31 1 denotes the effective rigidities induced by
12 0
Yn ( y )YN ( y )dy n
0, if n N
Yn ( y ) nN , (9)
q h 3
electricity, M 31 2 is the corresponding effective where Lx and Ly denotes the plate lengths along x and y
directions. After X m ( x) and Yn ( y) are determined, we can
rigidities cause by magnetism and P( x, y ) denotes the
further expand the applied load on the top surface of the plate
applied load acting on the top surface. Herein h is the plate
into the generalized double Fourier series as
thickness, 33 33 d332
, 1 (e3131 d33q33 ) and
2 ( 33q31 d33e31 ) are extra-defined parameters aiming P ( x, y )
pmn X m ( x)Yn ( y ) ,
m 1 n 1
to simplify the derivations; cij , eij , qij , dij and ij are the
in which the Fourier coefficient pmn can be determined as
elastic, dielectric, piezoelectric, piezomagnetic,
magnetoelectric, and magnetic constants, respectively. It
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2016
Lx Ly Case I: Closed-circuit, i.e., ( x, y, h / 2) 0 and
pmn P( x, y ) X m ( x)Yn ( y )dxdy . (11)
X m ( x) Yn ( y ) 0 0 ( x, y, h / 2) 0
By substituting Eq. (7) and Eq. (10) into Eq. (1) and By carrying out the anti-derivatives for Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), we
collecting the constant term, we can have the following can have the following expressions for electric potential and
equation magnetic potential as
D E M m4 2 m2 n2 n4 Amn pmn , (12)
( x, y, z ) 1 z 22 w( x, y) z1 ( x, y) 0 ( x, y) (17)
where m and n are the corresponding eigenvalues 2
associated to the specific boundary conditions. Furthermore, ( x, y, z ) 2 z 22 w( x, y) z 1 ( x, y) 0 ( x, y) (18)
the magnitude of the transverse deflection, Amn , can be 2
since ( x, y, h / 2) 0 , after solving the above two
determined, i.e.,
equations, one can get
D E M m4 2 m2 n2 n4
(13) 1
1 ( x, y) 0 and 0 ( x, y) 2 (h / 2) w( x, y) ,
2 2
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Exact solution for the bending deformations of layered magneto-electro-elastic laminates based on thin-plate
(21) and (22). As a result, two more boundary conditions will the top and bottom surfaces, i.e.
be needed in order to resolve the expressions for the terms ( x, y,- H / 2) ( x, y,- H / 2) 0 . The thickness is
0 ( x, y) and 0 ( x, y) . For that reason, in this study, we normalized as Z z / H , the displacements and electric
dont specifically focus on the open-circuit case and only potential are normalized with respects to their own largest
adopt the closed-circuit boundary condition as our numerical values along thickness direction, i.e., W w / max(w) ,
examples discussed in the next section. U u / max(u ) and / max (u) . The normalized
It should be noted that the in-plane electric fields and
magnetic fields can be ignored if the plate thickness is very distributions for both the transverse and in-plane mode shapes
along with the electric potential for a PZT4 square thin plate
small (e.g. h 10 Lx ), and only the transverse electric field,
are depicted in Fig. 1, as we can detect from this figure, it is
E3 , and magnetic field, H 3 , are related to the electric almost identical to Fig. 2(a) in the paper conducted by
potential and magnetic potential in the follow form Heyliger & Saravanos [13]. Therefore, good agreement has
according to the Maxwells equations. been reached.
Ez - z 2 w - 1 ( x, y ) , (27)
Hz z 2 w - 1 ( x, y ) , (28)
in which the terms 1 ( x, y ) and 1 ( x, y) can be determined
by considering the closed-circuit case on the plate surfaces.
By substituting Eqs. (5)-(7) into Eq. (2), the stress
distributions are respectively
x ( x, y, z ) -c11 Amn zX m ( x)Yn ( y ) - c12 Amn zX m ( x)Yn( y)
- e31 1 q31 2 Amn z X m ( x)Yn ( y ) X m ( x)Yn( y ) , (29)
e311 ( x, y ) q31 1 ( x, y ) Fig 1. Thickness distributions for a PZT4 thin plate with
y ( x, y, z ) -c12 Amn zX m ( x)Yn ( y) - c11 Amn zX m ( x)Yn( y) dimension Lx / h 10 , Lx Ly and h 0.01 m subjected to
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2016
and close-circuit electric restriction is adopted in this paper ( H / 2 z 0 ) whereas the magnetostrictive CoFe2O4 is on
instead of open-circuit one. the top layer ( 0 z H / 2 ), the material constants for this
kind of MEE plate can be found in Table 2 with the
volume-fraction set to be 50% for the lamination case. The
dimensions are Lx 1000 m , Ly 20 m , h 1 m ,
S Ly / h 20 , n 1 and the related physical quantities are
normalized as follows with all of them still remain
dimensional, u / S 3 , v / S 3 , w 100 / S 4 , xx / S 2 , yy / S 2 ,
xy / S 2 , / S 2 , / S 2 , Dz / S , and Bz / S . The
deformation variations of the magneto-electro-elastic plate
due to external load, P( x, y) P0 sin y / Ly , applied on the
top surface with magnitude P0 1 N/m2 are presented in Fig.
3 at the location ( x0 , y0 ) ( Lx / 2, S / 4) . Fig. 3(a)-(h) are the
variations of the elastic displacements components w( x, y )
and u y ( x0 , y0 , z) , electric potential ( x0 , y0 , z) , magnetic
potential ( x0 , y0 , z ) , electric displacement Dz , magnetic
displacement Bz , the normal stress components
11 ( x0 , y0 , z)and 22 ( x0 , y0 , z ) along the thickness
direction with boundary condition to be simply-supported
around four edges. From these figures, we can obviously
observe the interactive behavior between the piezoelectric,
piezomagnetic and magnetoelectric effects for a
Fig. 2. Variations along thickness direction of the elastic magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) plate under mechanical
displacements, electric potential, magnetic potential, electric applied load. If the MEE plate is assumed to be very thin, the
displacement and magnetic displacement for a single layer deformation variations for both the electric and magnetic
BaTiO3 plate caused by sinusoidal loading on the top surface potentials reveal a quadratic dependence on the thickness
with all edges simply-supported. variable, however, for the other related quantities such as
shear deformations, electric and magnetic displacements as
Table 2. Material constants for both laminate and fibrous well as the stress distributions, linear dependence can be still
MEE multiphase composites, partially cited from Buchanan detected.
[12] From now on, the bi-layered BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 laminate
working as a magneto-electro-elastic plate will be discussed
based on the Kirchoff hypothesis and the thin-plate theory.
The simplified governing equation, Equation (1), will be
examined subjected to various kinds of surface applied load,
and the deformation behavior with different boundary
conditions imposed on the plate will also be inspected. Due to
the simplicity of the proposed model, the higher mode
response can be easily performed; therefore, the deformation
variation of the MEE plate with respect to different mode
numbers will be carried out as a reference.
The dimensions of the MEE plate is set to be
Lx Ly H 1m *1m *0.05m unless otherwise mentioned,
however, any kind of dimensions can be applied as long as the
span-to-thickness ratio is satisfying the requirement for
thin-plate theory, i.e., Lx / H 10 . The plate surfaces are
assumed to be traction free except on the top or bottom
surface, on which a z-direction surface load is applied. The
external load can be of any type possibly occurs in the study
of MEE plate, however, in order to observe the variation of
the deformations, three commonly seen static forces are
performed in this paper. They are
Example 2. In this example, a two-layered (1) uniform load, i.e., P( x, y) P0 ,
magneto-electro-elastic plate made of equally-placed (2) distributed load, i.e., P( x, y) P0 X M ( x)YN ( y) and
BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 laminate is then presented. The (3) concentrated load, i.e., P( x, y) P0 ( x - x0 , y - y0 ) .
piezoelectric BaTiO3 is placed on the bottom layer
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Exact solution for the bending deformations of layered magneto-electro-elastic laminates based on thin-plate
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2016
impulse force acting on the location ( x0 , y0 ) , i.e.,
P 1 ( x - x0 , y - y0 ) . The deformation behavior of a
cantilever MEE plate is quite similar to the corresponding one
of a simply-supported MEE plate except for the concavity.
Owing to the different characteristics of MEE plate with
different boundary conditions and subjected to different types
of applied load, the sign change on the concavity is reasonable
and expected.
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Exact solution for the bending deformations of layered magneto-electro-elastic laminates based on thin-plate
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2016
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a single phase material can be found to be quite different from
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The present study provides some commonly seen examples
for the magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) rectangular thin plate
under the action of 3 kinds applied loads, and offers the
discrepancy on the deformation variation of electric potential
and magnetic induction with respect to various typical
boundary conditions. This work proposed a much easier and
systematic way to seek for the analytic solutions for the
deformation characteristics of a bi-layered MEE thin plate,
and should be of interest to someone devoted on the practice
of structure design with the fully coupled medium.
This work was partially supported by the National Science
Council of the Republic of China under Grant
NSC-95-2211-E327-046. The author is grateful for this
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