BTech Main & Mini Project Report Guidelines

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Guidelines for the preparation of B.Tech.

Main Project
Thesis & Mini Project Report


A Project Report is a documentation of a graduate students project worka

record of the original work done by the students. It provides information on
the students research work to the future researchers.

Standardization, readability, conformance to ethical norms, and durability are

the four overriding criteria for an acceptable form of a report.

The objective of this document is to provide a set of guidelines that help

students to prepare the report to satisfy the above-mentioned criteria.


1. The final copy of the report has to contain all the

modifications/corrections suggested by the Internal Review Committee
and is to be submitted to the project coordinator latest by 11th April
2016 after all due signatures are taken by the students.

For Main Project Thesis, the number of copies to be submitted

equals three plus number of students in the team. For example if in
any project team there are 3 members, then they should submit (3+3)
= 6 copies.

For Mini Project Report, the number of copies to be submitted

equals two plus number of students in the team. For example if in any
project team there are 3 members, then they should submit (2+3) = 5

2. The report has to include a declaration by the students to the effect

that they have not resorted to any unethical practice while carrying out
the project work and preparing the report.


Report Size

1. The maximum number of pages of the Report apart from Appendix and
Preface/cover pages should be preferably between 50 - 80 pages for Main
Project and between 30 to 50 pages for Mini Project. Report shouldnt be
below the minimum number of pages prescribed.

Paper Size

2. The standard size of paper of a Report is A4 that is 21.5 cm (8 inch)

wide and 28 cm (11 inches) long.

3. Oversized figures and tables, if any, should be reduced to fit with the size
of the report but the reduction should not be so drastic as to impair clarity
of their contents.

4. It is suggested that the report be printed on one side of the paper.

Non-Paper Material

5. Digital or magnetic materials, such as CDs and DVDs, may be included in

the report. They have to be given in a closed pocket in the inside of the
back cover page of the report.

6. All non-paper materials, as above, must have a label each indicating the
name and roll number of the students and the year of submission.

Page Numbering

7. Page numbers for the prefacing materials of the report shall be in small
Roman numerals and should be centered at the bottom of the pages. Title
page should not have any page number.

8. Page numbers for the body of the report should be in Arabic numerals and
should be centered at the bottom of the pages. The pagination should
start with the first page of Chapter 1 and should continue throughout the
text (including tables, figures, and appendices).


9. The report submitted for Main project has to be hard bound and for Mini
Project it has to be spiral bound. The project reports should have, on their
spines, B.Tech then the abbreviated title of the report and the year of
submission of the report.

For Main Project, hard bound cover should be of Black Background with
Front Cover page having Letters in Golden Embossing and side cover should
have inscription B.Tech then project title and year of submission that is 2016.

After the text of the report is written, it is to be formatted in an appropriate

manner for printing. The following guidelines are provided to format the
report for easy readability.


1. The preferred font type is Times New Roman.

2. Chapter headings be 16 point. The preferred font size of the text in the
report is 12 point and sub-headings can be 14 point. The minimum font
size of materials within a table or a figure can be 9 point, no less.


3. A margin of 3.75 cm (1 inch) is to be given on the binding edge while

on the other sides it is to be 2.5 cm (1 inch). The text of the report,
including headings, figures, tables, and notes, but excluding page
numbers, must be accommodated within the page area.

Line Spacing

4. The line spacing in the main text for Main project must be double
spacing and for Mini Project it must be one-and-a-half (1). Single line
spacing can be given for abstract, declaration, figure captions, table
titles, figure legends, footnotes, references and appendix (if any).

5. Equations, tables, and figures should be set off from the main text with
adequate space (not less than the normal line spacing adopted for the
main text).

6. Two consecutive paragraphs should be separated by spacing.



1. Title Page (as attached in sample file)
2. Certificate from the industry/company (If applicable)
3. Department/BIET Certificate (as attached in sample file)
4. Declaration (as attached in sample file)
5. Acknowledgement
6. Abstract
7. Table of Contents
8. List of Tables
9. List of Figures (including graphs)
10. List of symbols & Abbreviations (as applicable)
11. About the organization (If applicable)


The contents to be:
1. Introduction and Motivation
2. Literature Survey (Dont reproduce or copy the reference paper
as it is, but do paraphrasing)
3. Problem Description / Objective and Theoretical Background
(Theory about the project)
4. Methodology/Approach/Steps and Detailed chapters as per the
Analytical Analysis and Design (Mathematical Modeling) &
Analysis & So on depending upon your project
5. Results and Discussions
6. Conclusions
7. Future Scope
Bibliography (as per APA referencing style)
Appendix (as applicable)
Chapter: Each chapter shall begin on a fresh page with an additional top
margin of about 75 mm. Chapter number and title shall be printed at the
centre of the line in 16 point font size in bold face using upper case. A vertical
gap of about 25mm shall be left between the Chapter number and Chapter
title lines and between chapter title line and the first paragraph.
Sections and Subsections: A chapter can be divided into Sections,
Subsections and Sub-sub Sections so as to present different concept
separately. Sections and subsections can be numbered using decimal points,
e.g. 2.2 for the second section in Chapter 2 and 2.3.4 for the fourth
Subsection in third Section of Chapter 2. Chapters, Sections and Subsections
shall be included in the table of contents with page numbers flushed to the
right. Further subsections need not be numbered or included in the contents.
The Section and Sub-Section titles along with their numbers in 14 and 12
point fonts, respectively, in bold face shall be flushed to the left (not centered)
with 15 mm space above and below these lines. In further subdivisions
character 12 point bold face and italics may be used for the titles flushed left.
These shall not feature in the contents.
Table / Figure Format: As far as possible, tables and figures should be
presented in portrait style. Small size table and figures (less than half of
writing area of a page) should be incorporated within the text, while larger
ones may be presented on separate pages. Table and figures shall be
numbered chapter wise.
For example, the fourth figure in chapter 5 will bear the number Figure
5.4 or Fig 5.4. and second table in chapter 3 will bear the number Table 3.2.
Table number and title will be placed above the table while the figure number
and caption will be located below the figure. Table and Figures reproduced
from elsewhere shall be also cited in the references for their original source.
For Bibliography, refer APA style. Some of the websites to look at,,

1. Each appendix should be identified as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
2. It should also have a title.
3. The appendices and their titles should be listed in the Contents.
4. Section and sub-section headings, equations, figures, and tables should
be identified as A.1, A.2, etc., in accordance with their appearance in an

1. With these guidelines sample cover page for Main Project Thesis and
Mini Project Report are also attached. If Main Project is done in some
industry then similar to mini project report, industry certificate is to be
included before department certificate and also to include one to two
pages information about the concerned industry/organization.
2. In the sample cover file attached, do the modifications appropriately
inserting the names and roll numbers, title, etc. From
Acknowledgement page onwards, do change the matter fully as per
your requirement but retain the overall format.
3. Maintain separate cover file and body of the report file so as to take
care of page number format variations.

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