BTech Main & Mini Project Report Guidelines
BTech Main & Mini Project Report Guidelines
BTech Main & Mini Project Report Guidelines
Main Project
Thesis & Mini Project Report
Report Size
1. The maximum number of pages of the Report apart from Appendix and
Preface/cover pages should be preferably between 50 - 80 pages for Main
Project and between 30 to 50 pages for Mini Project. Report shouldnt be
below the minimum number of pages prescribed.
Paper Size
3. Oversized figures and tables, if any, should be reduced to fit with the size
of the report but the reduction should not be so drastic as to impair clarity
of their contents.
Non-Paper Material
6. All non-paper materials, as above, must have a label each indicating the
name and roll number of the students and the year of submission.
Page Numbering
7. Page numbers for the prefacing materials of the report shall be in small
Roman numerals and should be centered at the bottom of the pages. Title
page should not have any page number.
8. Page numbers for the body of the report should be in Arabic numerals and
should be centered at the bottom of the pages. The pagination should
start with the first page of Chapter 1 and should continue throughout the
text (including tables, figures, and appendices).
9. The report submitted for Main project has to be hard bound and for Mini
Project it has to be spiral bound. The project reports should have, on their
spines, B.Tech then the abbreviated title of the report and the year of
submission of the report.
For Main Project, hard bound cover should be of Black Background with
Front Cover page having Letters in Golden Embossing and side cover should
have inscription B.Tech then project title and year of submission that is 2016.
2. Chapter headings be 16 point. The preferred font size of the text in the
report is 12 point and sub-headings can be 14 point. The minimum font
size of materials within a table or a figure can be 9 point, no less.
Line Spacing
4. The line spacing in the main text for Main project must be double
spacing and for Mini Project it must be one-and-a-half (1). Single line
spacing can be given for abstract, declaration, figure captions, table
titles, figure legends, footnotes, references and appendix (if any).
5. Equations, tables, and figures should be set off from the main text with
adequate space (not less than the normal line spacing adopted for the
main text).
1. Each appendix should be identified as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
2. It should also have a title.
3. The appendices and their titles should be listed in the Contents.
4. Section and sub-section headings, equations, figures, and tables should
be identified as A.1, A.2, etc., in accordance with their appearance in an
1. With these guidelines sample cover page for Main Project Thesis and
Mini Project Report are also attached. If Main Project is done in some
industry then similar to mini project report, industry certificate is to be
included before department certificate and also to include one to two
pages information about the concerned industry/organization.
2. In the sample cover file attached, do the modifications appropriately
inserting the names and roll numbers, title, etc. From
Acknowledgement page onwards, do change the matter fully as per
your requirement but retain the overall format.
3. Maintain separate cover file and body of the report file so as to take
care of page number format variations.