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Manual de Oasis Montaj

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Antony Wamalwa

Computer application in geosciences

Software manual

Generating data maps using Oasis Montaj.

Oasis Montaj software is mostly used to plot geophysical data but other earth science data
can be mapped too. These may include conductivity, magnetic and gravity data. This kind
of data processing allow for geophysical interpretation of the data in terms of surface
variations of different measured properties resulting from buried geological structures.
This will include;

a) Introduction to the software

This will include the type and the format of data that can be plotted.

b) Getting started

Starting up the program and loading the program

c) Loading data

This will involve loading the data to the program and converting it to appropriate format

d) Gridding data

This will involve selecting the gridding type/style and choosing the best grid size for the
e) Data plotting

This will involve the procedure of making a plot, and posting data points on the map.

f) Formatting map

This will involve formatting the plot for good and better communication or for readability

g) Exporting map

This will involve formatting the plot for good better communication, or for readability.

Oasis montaj is a powerful software that is mostly used in geosciences, for exploration of
oil, gas, minerals, buried structures and other kind of spatial data, which allows for both
simple and advanced processing, mapping and analysis. The software allows one to
import, process gridding, imaging and view earth datasets. These factors allow for
advanced processing and analysis of geophysical and geochemical data.


Data to be processed on Oasis montaj is preferable to be in spreadsheet file, with x, y and

z columns, the x and y values are coordinates lat and long, and the z columns takes the
readings which can either be magnetic, gravity, elevation or any other measured
quantities that is to be plotted. The geographical coordinates can either be in degrees or
meters. And the data must also be of same units.

Getting started with Oasis montaj

First, a project folder has to be created named and saved. This will have the name of the
project you will be working on. Therefore, all the files generated will be saved in the
folder for easy access and consistency save the spreadsheet data file in this folder.
Once the project folder has been created, open the program form the program from the
menu, a window will open up as shown in figure 1. Oasis montaj file project needs to be
created in the project folder.
Figure 1

Choose file from the three options on the Oasis montaj menu, then chose project-new
project form the pull down menu. A new window will open up that allows you to select
where to save the new project, and name the project. A window like the one on figure 2
opens up. At this point the program opens up several items on the menu bar, and is now
ready for data processing.

Figure 2
Loading data

To load data to be processed onto the program, a data base file has to be created but
selecting data, new database, figure 3 shows the dialog window that will open, name the
database and save it in the project folder. Once this is done the data can now be imported
to the database created from the spreadsheet file. Select data from the menu bar, and then
form the pull down menu select import, spreadsheet, and then single fine, since only one
spreadsheet fine was saved in the folder. The data will be loaded on the created database.

Figure 3

Gridding data

To grid the data, from the main menu select grid then select the kind of gridding you
want, like minimum curvature, krigging, for example for this case I chose minimum
curvature, a dialog box shows up (figure 4) and can select the channel to be gridded
which is the data channel, and name the new file and choose the grid size and save it on
the project folder.
Figure 4

Data plotting

a) Creating color maps

In geosciences plotting earth science data provides maps that are an important tool for
geological interpretation. These can provide an understanding of different geological
structures depending on the data being plotted. Oasis montaj has the capability of
generating maps from different earth science observations and in particular geophysical
data. This data can either be gravity, magnetic, electrical, elevation or borehole
From the main menu select map, then new map and choose from the list depending on the
kind of data you have, if in x, y format or the lat log format. A dialog box as in figure 8
has to be completed by selecting the appropriate values for the minimum and maximum x
and y values. Then go to the next step.
Figure 5

At this point a dialog box similar to figure 6 has to be completed by filling in the
appropriated fields. Then click next where to have to give the map a title and sub title,
then click ok when you have completed filling in the details.
Figure 6
b) Creating a contour map

After generating a color map, a contour map can also be generated so as to show clear
incremental boundaries within the data on the color map. This helps in visualizing and
interpreting the map. Contours lines show where there are abrupt changes in the signature
and where there are gradual changes in the data. They also help in visualizing similar
changes in the data if the color alone is not very clear.
To generate contour maps, select mapping from the main menu, then contour from the
pull down menu, then a dialog box similar to the one in the figure will open then, choose
the input grid from the project folder, and select the interval which solemnly depends on
the data being mapped.

Figure 7
Formatting map

a) Posting data stations

It is of importance that data stations are posted on the generated map, this will give the
viewer and understanding in the regions that are well constrained. This will show which
areas have more data and which ones have less data. This will help in understanding if
the signature observed is a single point anomaly or not. Oasis montaj gives the ability to
do this. On the mapping option on the main menu, choose symbols from the pull down
menu, then location plot, a window as shown in the figure will open and then complete it
depending channel or database that is to be plotted, in this case from the project folder
created. Select the size and colors for the symbol you want, and then click ok and the
stations will be plotted on the color map.

Figure 8

b) Adding color bar

A color bar is important because it gives meaning to the map plotted, this will show
values for different color displayed on the map. This can be done by selecting mapping
from the main menu then symbols, then color legend bar, this will plot the color bar for
the map.

Figure 9

c) Setting geographical projection

Oasis montaj allows for the use of utm and lat long geographical coordinates. Oasis
montaj gives the capability of switching from one coordinate system to another. This can
be done by selecting coordinates from the main menu and then select from the pull down
menu what you want to do. The dialog windows shown in figures below have to be
Figure 10

Figure 11
Exporting map

After all the processing is done, the maps both the colors map and the contour map have
to be exported to ArcGis for final editing to give the best output, this can be done by
exporting each item at a time. From the project explore column on the left hand side.
Each single map can be displayed at a time by un-checking the ones that dont need to be
displayed. Then select map form the main menu and then choose export from the pull
down menu, a window like the one shown on the figure below is displayed then to color
map GE Tiff output format is selected, and for contour map and enhanced meta file is
selected for output format, then click ok, this maps can then be imported into ArcGis and
overlaid for further editing.

Figure 12

I hope this provide a basic way out to get started with oasis montaj, many more things
can be done with the program that is not included in this manual, like advance modeling
of data like generating gravity and magnetic models.

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