The Parts of Plant Why Are A Plants Parts' Important? 1st Grade
The Parts of Plant Why Are A Plants Parts' Important? 1st Grade
The Parts of Plant Why Are A Plants Parts' Important? 1st Grade
Reading How do I will have the Students will use The students Students STE NETS for Teachers:
we benefit students form groups either a Laptop, will be will be able 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning
from of 3-4 students. I will Tablet, or assessed to get a and creativity
Plants? then assign each group Computer to during the last copy of the - c. Promote student reflection
a complete the part of the small book using collaborative tools to reveal
laptop/computer/tablet first activity. activity in they have and clarify students conceptual
which they will be which they read online understanding and thinking,
able to use. Using the The students will will each be for future planning, and creative processes
device, they are use the Smart required to references.
assigned to, the Board in the input a 2. Design and develop digital age
students will be able classroom which sentence onto learning experiences and assessments
to read as a group an will be their a paragraph to Teachers design, develop, and
online electronic book assessment. summarize evaluate authentic learning
titled, All about the small experiences and assessments
Plants which can be story. incorporating contemporary tools
found on Story Bird and resources to maximize content
Website. learning in context and to develop
Once the students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
have read the e-book, identified in the StandardsS.
they will then be able
to move onto the
Content Essential Centers Technology Assessment Student Standards:
or Questions (Activities) Integration and/or Rubric Products or The ISTE NETS and Performance
Subject (Must include at Scale Portfolio Indicators for Teachers and Students
Area least 2 Web 2.0 TEKS
name of that
part to its
place as well.
Art How can Students will each Students will use
Students will The finished STE NETS for Teachers:
we create construct their own Microsoft Word be assessed product 4. Engage in professional growth and
our own Plant with all its to create the based on the along with leadership
plant? corresponding parts labels needed for
placement of the online - b. Exhibit leadership by
using construction demonstrating a vision of technology
their artworks. the parts of collage.
papers, glue, scissors,
the plants and infusion, participating in shared
and other craft materials.
Students will the placement decision making and community
Students will also use also use a Digital of the labels building, and developing the
Microsoft Word to Camera to take a of the parts of leadership and technology skills of
create labels for each of picture of their the plants. others
their plants parts. artwork.
Students will then use a (2) Creative expression. The student
digital camera to take a communicates ideas through original
picture of their artworks using a variety of media with
completed artwork. With appropriate skills. The student expresses
the aid of the teacher
thoughts and ideas creatively while
students will be able to
create an online collage challenging the imagination, fostering
using everyones reflective thinking, and developing
artwork pictures, which disciplined effort and progressive problem-
will be displayed in the solving skills. The student is expected to:
schools website. (B) place components in orderly
arrangements to create designs; and
(C) increase manipulative skills necessary
for using a variety of materials to produce
drawings, paintings, prints, constructions,
and sculptures, including modeled forms.