Yerkow Charles Modern Judo Volume 2
Yerkow Charles Modern Judo Volume 2
Yerkow Charles Modern Judo Volume 2
Thi.. boo~ i~ ~uitahlc for judo players who
h ave h ad con-.i<lcrab lc basic randori experience
and who no'' !let- ire a text that ''ill point the
proper way lo uclvancttl phases in sport and
self-defense tccl m 1i qu c~ . l t i~; not intended for
NIQUE w ill nccpwint you more closely with
jntlo p1inciplc..,, Jprinriplcto~ which d ictate an y
form o f a ttack anti dt'f<' nsc, null at the same
time will give yo u lllOI'(' oppo1tuui1y to devel op
your i>(IOI'Ifig ht in 1~ and ~C'lf-cl t'fC"u~c techniques.
You arc cxp ertrcl to know l10w the various
th rows, holds, Jocks und hrcaks ure executed
in form-practi ce and in ramlori or Iree-stTie
playing, ... incP it is impossihh for thi book to
co,er the same m:1tc rial presented in MODERN
An yone who wi :;he;.. to Leach judo wiJJ reco g-
nize I hi,. book n an in va luable aid. Two
chapt<'r'- are cJc, otc d to u t e a c hin~ o utlim for
1 ho,.e en J!ngcd in j!h iu~ juclo in:.truction.
ln e ight c hapt e r~ C llnrlc-. Ycrko"' phototelle
about : port Toer huilftte-\d,anccd. Method!'
for All acJ... clfD(fen ,e-A th anced. Stick Plav.
Judo Instruc tion. TJo,, Lo pplr Principle's,
Kuatsn or K,, appo-Artific ial Respiration and
the B asis of J uJo Trchniquc.
\VAR LNG : D o not u ~E' this hook unless
you h n,c cxpcri<nfc in fa lling. Read a ll about
it in the com p anion \'Olume- MODERN J UDO
- - ..
. J'
Illustrated by
the author and Edward Beck
FI\TF.: Fm Judo l11structors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
System. Methods of \Vhar, How, \Vhy . .At-
tention and fnteresr. Student Types. The
Instructor and the Student. Hov: to instruct.
Srx: How To Apply Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
General review of movement, balance, lever-
age, giving-in, etc.
SE\;F.:-<: Kuatsu or Kr-..vappo-Artificial Respiratio11 . . no
_\natomy. In juries w bones, joints, <lnd
Eight: Tbe Balis of Judo Tec/:miques . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
D efinition. R elationship of Techniques.
Planning the Attack Judo is a Sport.
Part II
Sport Technique
TI-llS CHAPTER OF THE BOOK will show you how
to employ a throw and lock or hold as one single
move. Practice is essential, of course. Your main concern
at the presem: is to realize the vast training possibilities open
to you when you begin to couple the various throws, locks
and holds and escapes, all into one. This practice and tech-
nique, naturally, is mostly used in conducted judo contests
but its value, in case of emergency, can easily be estimated.
T hese two r ules are much more than just rules. The first
rule will train you to anticipate an attack and be ready when
the atrack comes; the second rule will train you not w waste
rime and effort. The two together are practiced by all
judo-players of advanced ability, though these judo-players
rna y not be aware of the exact wording as presented for you
here. These two rules, then, are really much more than
rules-they are tried and accepted methods employed in free-
style judo-playing ( randori), and therefore are not rules
but: principles! As such they can help you develop much
of your judo technigue.
This theoretical presentation may at :first seem impractical
to some, but then almost any rheory when viewed on paper
Figure 392. Whenever
your opponent pushes Sport Technique 3
hard egainst you sink to
the mat and use the seems impractical, but when you put rhe theory to work
over-head throw. Do not
bring y o u r attacking you are usually convinced of irs worrh.
foot up until you are For instance, in rhe examples which follow you will be
almost entirely under
your opponent. shown the quickest way to secure a hold or a lock against
a thrown opponent. It is only natural that he may not do
what the illustrations show him doing, in which case you
must have a ready, thought-our, move for his unexpected
action. You can rrain yourself for these unexpected moves
by a close study and application of the two principles set
forth. Do you realize their value now?
Over-bead Throw, and Straight Choke; or Full Arm Lock.
Figures 392 and 393 show the beginning of the Over-head
Throw, a throw mostly used when your opponent pushes
Figura 393. At this point
you can pull down hard
hard against you. You simply sit down next to your left
with your arms, and, heel, facing him, and place your right sole against his
when he has passed -over
the vertical position, push
stomach. Review Figures 89, 90, and 9r in Chapter 3
hard with your leg . Your opponent will land on his back, but even before
Never kid against his
stomach in this throw.
he lands you must begin your follow-through (Figure 394)
Keep your body ready by quickly pulling your own body up and over after his
to roll-out backward
after you have thrown
body. Thus, the moment you throw your opponent by an
him. Over-head Throw you instantly swing your legs over your
head and srradle him (Figure 395).
Figure 394. The moment he falls you must roll after him, best done by using
your grip against his sleeve and lapel to pull yourself over.
Figure 395. As you come
on top of your opponent,
stradle him, and . . .
Figure 398. Foil backward (in practice do this gently and smoothly). and if
he is still gripping your sleeve or lapel place your foot against the inside
of his elbow and push away.
Figure 401. Study this illustration closely, and note thot if' is the start of an
over-head throw, but also note that the opponent is held in this position and
Figure 400. Thus you con secure the full arm lock after on over-head throw. that you can easily place your other foot against his ankle as shown here, or
against his knee. Sweep his legs toward your left side, ond straighten out your
left leg, thus throwing him backward in such a way that ho falls on his left
side and near your crotch, enabling you to secure an orm lock.
Sport Tec/mique 9
stand still posmon, since too much momentum will smely
chrow your opponent over on his back.
Thus, you fall back and bring your left foot into his stom-
ach, and then begin to take him O\'C r. \\'hen he is directly
o,er you, stop. By chis time your right foot should have
found either his ankle or knee, and (tf you are using your
right foot) should sweep his legs to\\ ard your left side. At
rhe same rime straighten out your left leg and throw the
opponem from where he originally started, bur now he will
land on his back. As he falls backward ) ou must quickly
take your right leg om of his way and have ir ready to lock
his arm, as sho"n in Figure -f02.
Figure 402. With practice
this throw-and-lock can be Open-shoulder throw, rear-pull cboke; or rear cboke-lock.
perfected so that your \Yhcn you complete an open-shoulder throw your opponent
opponent lands exactly as
required, his arm between will have his back ro you, and thus two of the best rear-
your legs and the lock chokes can be quickly applied before he realizes what has
Figure 404. The moment you have thrown him, figure out what lock can be used.
Figure 407. Or you can drop behind your opponent and place your left fore-
arm across his neck and
Figure 406. In this ease a regular Fiqure 408. Complete the fu ll rear choke-lad as shown.
pull choke is practical, in which your
right hand reaches in front of his
~eck. and grabs his left lapel, pull-
ong ot hard across his ned, whi le
your left hand forces his head to
the front.
Figure o9. From this posi-
tion of the lo cked-shoulder
th row, a pull-choke is the Sport Tecbnique I J
easiest to secure. Review
Figures 96, 97, and 98. figures -fOJ, 404, 405, and 406 show a thrown opponent
and the natural way in which he tries to rise; ir is a simple
matter to reach in lor his left lapel, pull it across 10 from of
his neck, and with your left hand force Jm head forward,
and so complete the choke.
Figures 407 and 408 illustrate the rear choke-lock being
used after the same open-shoulder throw.
O f course, an experienced judo-player wilJ not get to his
feet in 1he abo,e-described manner but will roll w e1rher
side in his attempt ro get away from you.
Locked-sboulder tbrow and pull cboke. The point to
remember in this trick is not to let go of rhe opponent's lapel
after you throw him with this throw, since dle end of the
rhro\\ places your opponent in d1c exact positiOn for a pull
choke. Figures 409 and 41 o.
The choke is accomplished by pulling hard on the right
lapel, but at the same rime placing the left side of the oppo-
nent's face against your righr knee. Do not lift yotlr right
foot off the mat; both vour feer remain fim1ly on the mat
(Figure 41 o) in such ~~ way that the opponent's head au-
tomatica lly rests at your right knee. When properly exe-
cuted, the opponent will not be able ro roll awny.
Other throws th;u lend themselves to this trick are rhc
hip thro\\ series, ur ;tny throw which begins in a manner in
nhich you ha\'e a gnp on your opponent's sleeve and lapel.
See Figure 74-
A nk/e-fiip .md arm lock. As your opponent advances you
have the upportunit} to execute the ankle-flip against him,
bur here again your concern '' dl be more rhan a throw-
you will ,,am to perform the throw quickly and accurately,
and then you will want to secu re an arm lock against your
Figure 410. As your op- opponenr.
ponent takes the fall you
must retain your original Thus. at the instant in which you fup your opponent's
grip on his sleeve and left foO[ out of the way and begin rhrO\\ing him (Figure
lapel, then place your
knee hard aga inst his 41 1), pull your own attacking foot quickly back and swing
heed as shown, Md pull
upward aga inst his left
Figure -411. After Figure 413. The same
throwing your op- arm lock can be se-
ponent w it h an cured after a spring-
<'lnlle-flip. you can hip throw; as you
drop to the mat throw your opponent
Md catch his right end he slarls falling,
arm in an arm lock. you should at the
S<'lme time drop lo
the mat and spin
into position for the
Fig ure. '115. Here you seo an ankle bloc:klng throw which is completed in the
f o 11 owang illuatrotlon.
Figure 416. At this point you can allow your opponent to roll awoy from you
jan olperionced judo-player will roll away, whorees on inexperienced one will
t ry to sit up straight).
Figure 418. To lessen his chances of escape from this head lock, fall back
on your thigh and use your left foot to force his body hard against the mat,
all the while forci"g his head down with your shoulder and lifting your fore-
arm up against his neck.
Figure 419. From a cross-hook throw you can drop right into a side erm hold.
Figure 423. If, however, your opponent tries to roll away from you after
you have thrown him, you may want to let him start to roll away, and then .
Figure 424. Quickly swing your own body around and into position for the
roverse head lock..
urc B r) and, by u~ing the p(l\\er of your legs, lifr him off
rhc mat and rhrow him on his back.
For practice purposes. ho\\e\er, break ) our opponent'!:>
position by pulling him hanJ b<tcln, ard. mcr )'our thigh, and
force him to the mar, as shown in Figures 4- Jl and 4-3 3.
Experience will Later show you hm\ ro thro\\ an opponent
high inco the air by using rhe~e mmc~. then srep in under
him and employ other thro"s.
Ankle-flip to ankle-ftip. In judo-playing femring or fool-
ing is \'ery important and is practiced to a grent exrem
rhroughour judo schools and cluus. Of course, fooling calls
Figure 435. A counter-throw
for speed and proper riming, otherwise your opponent is not
is possible by quickl y lifting fooled but will instead succeed in throwing you . Experience
your attacked fool out of t he
way and .
is your only reacher in building up your speed anJ riming.
Figure 437. As you
throw him, I e a n
badward in order
to ma~e his weight
move forward in
your direction.
Figure 440. Once you 11re beside him on the mat the ne~~rest thing will be
4 side arm hold.
Figure 441. In the side arm hold remember to keep your head closely to
his, and to keep your thigh under his captured arm.
leg out of the way, then drop beside him on the mat (Fig-
ure 440).
Figure 441 shows the hold half-completed; to fully secure
the side arm hold, slip your left arm under opponent's right
arm, rather than attempt ro get the hold by going over his
Side-step cross-book. This trick will work when standing
in one spot and your opponent cries to use the cross-hook
throw (Figures 442 and 443). Simply take your foot our of
the way of his attacking foot, then step back, and twist him
Figure 443. As he
raises his leg for the
attack . . Figure 445. P111f
hard against ~is
left lapel, and
lake a s t e p
Figura 444. Slip your off-balance, rhus completing a throw agamst him. Sec Fig-
own leg out of his way
and start twisting his ures 4+4 445, and 446.
upper body. Since the cross-hook is usual! y execured when your oppo-
ncm is backing a-.vay from you, you ,.,.iJJ not be able to
coumcr the throw as here described because \rour momenru111
will uc forward. toward your opponent ,.Vho is trying to
rhro\\' ) ou. ln such a case your best counter-move is ro step
fun,artl faster rhan he expects you to. thus purring him off
his ualancc.
O'ter-kuee drop c:Otllltl!red by sprillg-bip tbrrnv. Tl1e
O\'er-kncc drop woultl usually be used by your opponent
,,hen you assume a defensi,re pos;rion, thar is, whenever you
sink low in your knees he will rry w place his knee agajnst
Figu re 448. Let
him fo rce your
left ~nee inward,
but a t the same
time s I o p in
close with your
right foot.
for a til row sucll <ts th e thigh-block or stra ight thigh rh row
or the spring-hip throw ()r over-head throw.
Figures 450, 4.P and 4-52 shm\: this pri11ciple of giving-in
to tbe pushing of t!u (){?-p()nent employed.
Cross-book agLrinst CT()S'r-book. Your opponent, in backi11g
away from you. migh t t ry to emp loy a cross-hook throw
(F igure +53) in which case you Jnust .instantly place your
attacked foot firmly on the mar and t hen use the power of
Figure 450. The above il- yom arms to t\.r ist him off his balance (Figure 454). By
lustration exemplifies the conti nuing to twist his upp er body, and blocking his attack-
iudo prin ciple of giving -in
to t he efforts of your ing foor (Figure 455 ). you can easily force him on his back
opponent. As he pushes or throw him h:trd r:o the mat.
cJgainst you , you should
resist sufficiently to induce
him to push harder, but
at the same moment you
have a pla nned attac~ of
your own.
Figure 454. T h is
Figure 452. Your opponent time you simply
will thus find himself off- brace y o u r s e If
balanced and already in against his attack
position for your throw. and lean hard to
Regardless how jowerful your front.
he mey be, he wil not be
able to defend himself at
this stage, and your throw
is completed.
trick, brace yourself for rhe jump, bur then slam him down
hard (Figure 460). If he continues to hang on with his
scissors, you should continue co slam his back against the
mat until he lets go of his lock. ln a street emergency you
'' ould naturally slam his head against the ground.
F" re 4bb. Though you may not be able to roll him off you, the scissors will
c~gu~t against his hold, so thai the point will be a ~raw.. If your op~onent Another manner in which escape is possible is to begin to
cannot take the pain accompanying tho scissors, he woll gove up the poont to rotate tu either side. Your opponent, to l'eep from being
you by patting the mat or your body. placed into a weak position, will rotate in the opposite direc-
tion w maint::~in his original hold. Then. you should suddenly
Figure 4b7. Sometimes it is possible. to escape this hold by arching your body, stop and arch yourself off the mat as shown in Figure 467,
then suddenly flipping over lo one sode.
and immediately twist over and try to force your opponent
onto his back (Figure 468). You will end up by having
) our opponent in the same t\\'o-arm hold.
Escaping the side-ann bold. Of course, the success of the
different holds and the escapes from them depends a great
deal on the experience and ability of the individual con-
testants; an inexperienced heavy man could not escape from
a small, light judo experr, and on the other hand seldom
will a highly experienced smaU judo expert escape from a
heavy man if that man knO\\'S what he is doing. I Iowevcr,
the \.vriter has seen many contests in which the exact op-
posite has happened, so rhar, in general, the outcomes of
sporting bouts definitely depend on the ability of the in-
Review Figure r r 1 and irs text.
Sport Technique 5'5
Figure <171. Pull hard against it, end since lt crosses his neck it might cause
Figure <169. Here your opponent has caught you in a ferfeC: side ~rm h?ld him to release his grip. Your aHading arm, in this ease your left arm, shou~d
and he is keeping his head low to prevent you from usong tneks agaonst hom. be held straight when you begin to pull and force away against his lapel.
If he menages to hold you this way for a count of twenty-five seconds the
point will be in his favor.
In attempting to escape from the side-arm hold you
Figure <170. The moment your opponent lifts hi_s h_ead out of p 1aee as shown
here, reo~~eh over with your free arm and grab hos roght lapel. definitely cannot hope to roll your opponem over your body
ro your left side (Figure 469) w1less you arc a powerful
person and your opponent a [jght and weak one.
The better escape is to reach over with your free arm,
your left arm in this case, and grab his right lapel in such
a way that it will cross his neck for an effective choke, as
shown in Figures 470 and 471. Tf the choke is effective he
will Le forced to release one of his grips, either your right
sleeve or. the back of your lapel, and rhus afford you the
opportumry to escape.
The success of rhe hold depends on your opponent keep-
ing his original position as in Figure 469. If you can bring
your left leg around quickly enough and at the right
moment, you will arrest his body (Figure 472), rhus break-
ing his position and making your escape possible.
Escaping tbe cross-body bold. Figure 473 shows the op-
ponent holding you down. Nore he is keeping his head
Flqure 472. Th e only r-
at her practical OlC4 pe Figure 475. Bri n9
is to be able to fool your ri9ht le9 up
him into makinq a o n d continue to
wronq move, I h n Ioree his head away.
quic ~l y arrestin9 h 1 ,
leqs by your leq around
his. Esc a pinq the holds
is always dependent
upon t he ability and
experience of the in.
dividual players.
Fi9ure 47b. T h u 1
catc:hin9 him in a
head sc:issors and
breakinq his hold.
Figure 478. Hitti ng 4 gainst the elbow as shown here is not permitted in spod
tightly to your right thigh, which is the p roper way. Review
Figure 113 and its text. You 11re helpless because the rules
Figure 479. To render a straight choke. ineflecti~e, place both forearms across of judo conrests permits you to use only skiU in escaping
the orms of your oppoMnt and preu hos orms toghtly to your chest.
f rom d1cse holds- pressing nerve-centers, pinching, and such
actions are forbidden.
Bur if your opponent holds his head away from your thigh
(Figure 47+) you can easily force his head down coward
your legs and apply a neck-scissors (Figures 475 and 476).
Stopping the straight cboke. If your opponent grabs your
lapels as in Figure 477 and applies the choke (Figure 478)
and in addition is srraddling your body, meaning that his
legs are on the outside of yours, you will have a hard rime
freeing yourself. The best method of stopping the choke
before its effect is felt is to cross your arms on top of your
opponent's arm, and press rhcm hard ro your chesr (Figure
Tf, howe\'er. your opponent's body is on the inside of
your legs and be grabs your lapels for the straight choke
(Figure 480), then you must twist in your waist in the
Sport Technique 6r
Figure 481. Twist slightly with the c:ho~e so that your right thigh resh flat
against the mat.
Figure 482. Now grab opponent's right arm and hold onto it as you bring
your left leg over his arm and . . .
Figure 483. And hoo~ it under his c:hin.
l'igure 415. Shou'd your opponent hang on to your sleeve or lapel. place the
sole of your left or right foot against the inside of his left elbow as shown
and force his arm off.
Figure 487. And you have him
Figure 488. Look at Figure 483 again, from which position your opponent may Figure 490. If your opponent catches you in this rear pull-choke and at the
twist into the position shown here. same time applies a kidney-scissor lod against you, do not roll to either side
but remain as shown. An experienced judo-player will try to roll to one side
for better effect.
Figure 489. In such a case, simply face the mat yourself a~d ~pply, the arm
lock in this reverse position. Be careful! The arm lock apploed on thos manner
is very dangerous and can easily snap the elbow or a bone.
his elbow and force his arm off (Figures 485, 486, and 487).
The fuiJ arm lock is rhus attained.
If your opponenr releases his grip before you have the
rime to roll him over on his back, you can still at[ain the
full arm lock except that ir will be' in a reverse position-
your opponent will be facing dowm~ard, coward the mar,
as shown in Figures 488 and 489. In this lock be particular! y
carcf ul, because a disjointed elbow can easily result from too
much eagerness to complete the trick.
Couutering the rear pull-cboke, and kid11ey-schsors. Your
opponent, whene\'cr he finds himself behind you, can easily
apply a kidney-scissors and a rear pull-choke (Figure 490)
the two being a formidable combination when employed
against an inexperienced judo-player.
To escape, all you need do is grip your own lapel and
pull it free (Figure 49r) rhus lessening the effect of the
choke, and at the same time cross your legs over rhe legs
Sport T ecbnique
F' 491 Simply pull on your lapel to ease the choke, .. nd cross Y'~t' legs
0 ~g~~ep
of his in a reverse scissors, arching your body to create pain an cause
him to glvo up the point.
Figure 492. To ease the regular chokes in which your opp.onent employs your
lapels, the best method it to grab your own lapel and pull ct away.
Figure 493. The choke will be broken. Of course, you cannot go through a
contest by simply easing choke .,u.,cks; you must counter with locks and holds
or the referee will disqu<!lify you,
Figure 495. Opponent straightens out to apply the choke. You should keep Figure 496. 6rab his forearms and pull them off, at the same time lifting your
your arms free as shown. hood so that your neck esc a pes tho choke.
Figu re 497. In this pull-choke from the rear, your opponent is pulling you r .left
lap el acrou your neck while his left hand is p ressing your head forwa rd tnto
the choke.
Bro ak the choke by p11lling downward aga inst your left lapel.
Figure 499. In t his more co mplex pu ll choke your opponent should have forced
your right arm straight up with his own rig ht forearm.
Figure 500. There- Figure 502. If your legs are to the outside of his you can unwind from this
fore you are able to choke by placing your right hand next to his right ear to prevent him from
break the choke by turning around, and with your left hand grab his left sleeve as shown.
keeping your right
arm down as shown
and using your left
hand to pull against bottom, is when your legs arc to the outside of your op-
your right lapel to ponent's body (Figures 501 and 502).
ease the choke.
Since you plan to secure a rear bod) hold against your
opponent who now holds ) ou in a hard cross choke, it is
necessary to plan ahead and usc such moves which will
render his moves worthless. The first thing is to make
certain he cannot follow you around when you start to
unwind from his choke, s.o you should place your right
F i g u r e 50 I The hand on the mat close to his head and right shoulder, and
cross-choke applied
from the bottom by
with your left hand reach inside between your body and
your opdonent as il- his and grip his left sleeve (Figure 502). Study this move
lustrate is difficult
to break when your closely.
opponent catches
your body as well in
a kidney-scissor lock.
Sport Teclmique 75
Figure 503. You can now unwind in safety toward your right side; always note
which arm of opponent is closest to your chin, Figure 501 , and unwind to that
side, in this case toward your right.
Figure 504. As you unwind from the choke grab opponent's belt at his side
with your left hand.
Figu re 505. With your right also g rab his belt, and you have a hold.
arm under his elbow, then place the palm of your bottom
hand, in this case your right hand, on your left forearm as
shown in Figure 507. To apply the lock all you need do
now is lift your opponent's elbow and upper arm upward
by the power of your right forearm, while you keep his
'' rist pressed ro the mar by the power of your left arm
(Figure ;o8).
Locking oppoueut's leg. To create pain in this particular
leg lock you must make sure your opponent cannot turn
aw<ly when you start applying the pressure for the lock.
Figure 509 illlustratcs how you must hold your opponent's
upper body down by gripping his slce,e or arm and holding
Figure 509. With your right arm hold your opponent's left side down to the
mot as shown, slip your right leg in pest his left nkle.
MODERN JUDO Sport Tccbuique
F1gure 511. Here you see the leg lock completed. It is possible to lie flat
on your opponent and employ both your legs for this trick.
Figure 510. Continue to hold his body flat to the mal, and now straighten
out your attacking leg.
it to the mat, while you slip your leg under his leg (Figure
51 o) and then straighten your attacking leg out for the
effect of the lock (Figure 51 I).
1f you are flat on top of your opponent, you can lock
borh his legs at the same time, in that way eliminating the
necessity of holding either side of his body co the mat. It is
an effective trick for mat-fighting purposes.
Now restudy Chapter 5 in whole, with particular emphasis
on how you can improve your present ability. Try to be
very critical in evaluating your own judo technique.
Metbods of Attack 8t
build your judo knowledge, and such a knowledge will
withstand any test you care to impose.
Figure 514, The instant your hand is free you ean chop bad at opponent's
col!or bone. Reme mber to ~eep your attacking arm relaxed-the moment you
hit, your hand must snap awey from his body in e whip-like ection. The force Figure 516. By bending your elbow again, snap your forearm toward your
of this blow is sufficient to breo~ the collar bone. opposite hip , as shown here.
Figure 517. You will break the hold as you did in Figure 513, and now you Figure 519. Or chop upward against his neck.
are re 11 dy for an entire set of aHach, and all of them can be executed by
whipping your hand 's edge against the most sensitive spots of you r opponent. Figure 520. From Figure 517 you con just as easily strike opponent under the
nose where a highly sensitive nerve-center is located.
518. You can easily strike him across the abdomen.
F 521 Or you can strike him a little higher across the eyes or across
th~u~~p of his nose where another nerve-center is loea!ed.
In .a~l thes.e forms
of hitt;ng with the edge of the hand, be careful whtle praet.emg wtth your
partner. Figure 523. Make sure you turn your captured forearm so that your opponent's
pa lm is in a perpendicular plane, at the same time press his hand tightly to
. 522 Note that this is a reverse grip on your forearm, in which ease your forearm and use your own right forearm to force his left forearm down-
Ftg u re
you should . cover your opponents
' h an d wt'th your f ree han d ward. This trick is painful and hard on opponent's wrist, so practice carefully.
Figu re 529. In infl ict injury, you can cover opponent's fore arm with you r left Fig ure 530. Keep opponent's c a ptured ha nd tightly against your body, and
hand , p la cing your righ t hand on your own left fo rearm as shown. now bend forwa rd and sin k low to cause opponent's wrist to bend in the wron g
d irection.
Figure 532. The force of this power-~ick must come from the downward stroke wh!ch you mostly use your roes; and the power-kick, in
of your leg. The distance must be correct; it is better to be c' ose to your
oppone-nt than to be short of distance when your heel lands. look up the whtch you employ your heel. Both types are dangerous,
charts on nervecenters in Chapter 12 for the exact spot to kick againlt. often deadly.
f'>ractice all kicking bare-footed I
Po'U;er-Kicks at Ankle and Knee. In order ro protect your
O\\'n body from a kick, you should always stand sideways to
your opponent's position. Contract your leg for a power-
kick as shown in Figure 53 1, and direct .the force of the
kick either downward at the ankle of your opponent or else
slightly higher at his knee. See Figures 532 and 533 Aim
your kick in such a manner rhar your heel is the point of
The kicking action illustrated in Figure 5 33 can be sub-
stituted by another form, in which case you must grab your
opponent's belt (or other clothing near the waist b el) and
pull him to\ovard you at the time you deliver the kick
(Figure 534).
Figure 536. Kic:k stra ight out, using your heel. If you happen to be too far
Figure 534. This is the same kic:k against opponent's knee, with the difference
owoy, or if your opponent tries to jum p away from you, it is possible to jump
that ynu have grabbed part of his clothing or his belt and are pulling hard toward him end still deliver the kid.
toward you ..t the moment of kicking. When practici ng , be c:arofu l.
Figure 535. For this kick you must sink low in your supporting leg , then raise
you r attacking foot high , aiming for opponent's groin. In all kicks of this type your supporting leg, in these
illustrations your left leg, must be bem slighrly to afford
' the balance necessary. Ne,errheless, your encire body must
be kept relaxed throughout, rhus making it possible to jump
our of the way of your opponent should he counter your
kick or attempt ro grab your attacking foot. Lean toward
him as you kick.
The same sort of power kick can be aimed for the groin
or stomach. You must pull your attacking leg high and
sink slightly in your supporting leg, then kick straight out
(Figures 535 and 53 6). These kicks are execmed with
speed. leaving the opponent helpless to defend himself, un-
less, of course, we assume he is another judo experr, in
which case he would sense your form of attack from the
position you assume at the beginning of the encounter.
Figure 537. These s~me power-kicks can be used in serious combat when you
have downed your opponent. In this ease his leg is straight, and a fracture
or dislocation of the knee is easily aeomplished by kicking straight down on
top of his knee joint or slightly above it.
Figure 539. The ha rdest kick and the most dangerous is the solar plexus power
kick, shown he re.
Figure 538. If opponent has bent his leg as shown here, and has as well laid
it so that his thigh is flat against the ground, then sufficient injury c~n be
inflicted against the knee by crashing your heel hard into the joint. If you
kid downward across his shin you can break the bone.
Po'IJ:er-kicks ,1gninst downed opponem. You can easiJy
disjoint the knee of your antagonist by using a power-kick
as shown in Figure 537, Jircccing the force of the kick ~
straight down "hen his knee and leg are flat against the
ground. The kick would, again, be started from the con-
tracted posicion shown in Figure 53 .
Should the antagonist bend his leg at the knee, you can
still inflict damage by kicking his knee in its exact bending
center as shown in Figure 5 38.
Place yourself in a posicion beside your downed op-
ponent so that your feet are ncar his hips. Before he can
rise, drive a powerful lcick at his solar plexus (Figures 539
and 540). Again, it is your heel that must be made to do
the work.
If you suspect that your antagonist might attempt to throw
Figure 540. Your heel h used again , but in approach ing your downed .op
ponent lor this altad you must be on guard not to be ihrown yourself. s;nce
your opponent might know something about judo or other systems of closl'
combat. Figure 542, This i~ the same swinging-kick aimed for opponent's chin. Do
not perform these kich with a loose swing, rather try to do them with snap
Figure 541. This is the simple swinging-kick, delivered to opponent's stomach and speed, as quickly u possible, or your opponent might be able to grab
01 groin . You aim your toes into the direction of the kick. your attacking foot a nd throw you on your back. See Figu res 573 and 574.
you off your feet when you approach him for your kick,
you must be on guard and should close-in carefully. Re-
member, a really clever opponent will always rry co deceive
you in every way!
Swing-kick at stomach and cbin. In these types of kicks
you use your toes and the kicking action is the same as when
you kick at a football.
Kicks can be delivered against any part of the body of
FOOTED) but by far the most sensitive points are the
stomach or groin (Figure 541) and the chin (Figure 542).
Kicking the stomach is a simple matter; to some the chin-
kick might appear impossible or impractical, but rest assured
Figure 543. Kicks to the nerve-centers of opponent's head and neck con be
deadly. Swinging-kicks are required for tftese attacks, since the toe of th e
shoe is more efficie nt for the purpose.
Figure 545. From the same start as in Figure 543, you can deliver the kick
to opponent's temple.
Figur~ 544. In this barefooted exercise you see tfte kick delivered to the
norvo-conlor be!ow the ear.
that the kick shown in Figure 542 can be easily executed and
irs effect is quite sufficient to floor anybody.
For practice purposes, extend your arms to the front of
your head at about chin level and kick upward with your
feet, alternating from left to right foot, and then begin lift-
ing your finger tips higher and higher, all the while kicking
ar them with serious intent. In this manner you cannot in-
jure yourself nor your opponent in practice, yet the exercises
are really of value for a possible future emergency. By way
of warning: if you overestimate the height at which you can
kick in safety you will kick yourself off your supporting
To deliver a kick at the head of your downed antagonist
it is best to employ these swinging-kicks instead of the
Figure 54b. If your oppone11t has been thrown and then starts to ge~. th h~
feet, and your position is behind him as shown, -4 kick to the base of IS ea
will have disastrous results.
Figure 547. Assuming that you have delivered a kick against opponent's groin
that fell short of its mark, you must instantly drop to your hands and let your Figure 548. As your attacking foot slides to the outside of opponeht's leg ,
attacking foot dide past the t high of your opponent. as shown, kick out with your other foot and place it between both his legs.
(Figures 572 and 573), and then lift his captured foot
high up to throw him off his supporting foot.
The finishing action is to slam him hard against the
ground as shown in Figure 574
Using kicks against knife attacks. Figures 575 to 582
illustrate what to do when your assailant advances at you
with a knife. Swinging-kicks and power-kicks can be em-
ployed against him to good effect, whether he is holding
the knife in the under-hand grip (Figure 57 5) or in the
over-hand grip (Figure 58 r).
Of course, the' effect of your kick depends on hard-soled
shoes; bare-footed practice is presented here for safety pur-
Leg throw; and defense. Should your opponent assume
the wrestler's stance as illustrated in Figure 58 3, you must
Figure 573. Grab his at-
tacking foot from under-
neath and lift it higher to
throw him off his support-
ing fopt.
Figure 575. If your Fi g u r e 577. All
opponent i1 threa t-
p o w e r kids are
ening you with e
started from this ap
knife your funda- proi mate position.
mental h-aining in
knife defense can be
employed (see
Chapter 7.
F i 9 u r e 576. The
quickHt defense is
a kicking attaclt to
some part of op-
ponent's b o d y.
Power-kicks are most
effective since your Figure 578. Swrng
upper body leans ing-kicks can also be
back out of reach used with good ef-
while your foot de- fect, in which case
livers a hard kick to you must face your
the knee or groin. opponent.
Figure 579. Kick fo r Figure 581 . All the
his knee. Note that described kicks can
your upper body co n be used whether the
be kept out of range opponent holds the
of his knife. kn ife in the under
hnd or overhend
force his head down and your left forearm to force his
body to roll over.
Defending standiug locks agaimt your arms. The point to
remember in these defenses is that most of the locks can be
defended up to a point, after which they arc too far gone
and brealcing them is next to impossible. Thus, whenever a
lock is begun against you, you must instantly begin your
own counter-attack.
Figure 589 shows the regular forearm lock being applied
against you. To render it worthless, turn your arm in such
a way that your palm faces downward, and be sure to
bend your elbow and keep ir bene, at the same time step
behind your opponent wtth your nearest foot, then tip
Figure 591. In this full
arm loek keep your
him over backward (Figure 590).
body bent well to the Figure 591 illustrates the full arm lock as it is begun by
front as your opponent
la kes your arm to ap
ply the lock, and step
behind him slightly.
Figure 593. To es-
cape this elbow lock,
Figure 595. To es
bend far to the
front at the moment cape the same elbow
lock, it is possible to
opponent begins to bend far to the
apply pressure. front and straighten
out your aHacked
arm, then quickly
slip your straight
arm slightly around
till you can grab
yo u r opponent's
right lapel.
Fi9ure 599. A s
he falls bac~
ward, you can
quickly follow up
the throw and
9el on lop of
him to continue
your attack.
the scick into the groin (Figures 627, 628, ami 629), into the
chin or across the neck (Figures 630, 631, 6p, and 633). a
hard jab into the stomach or abdomen (Figures 634, 635,
and 636). and using the full stick against opponent's neck
or face ( Figure 637).
Figure 667, at the end of this part of the book, shO\\'S
the ineffectiTencss of a boxer facing you when vou arc
armed with a stick or club.
Fund amema/ Exercises. Snck -swinging or stick-twirling
is somewhat similar to the forms used in s\nnging the Indian
Figure 625. This illustration shows that but 11 split second is lost in hitting back
from the miss in Figures 623 and 624.
Figure 626. From Figure 624 you can aim your stick in an upward sweep for
the head or chin of your opponent.
Figure 630. If your
opponent is the first to
Figure 628. Grab the ottod, your counter-at-
slid at both ends en d tock must be quick and
lunge at your op- powerful, directed at
ponent. his groin or head.
clubs, except that in the forms uset.l here the hand must
ne\'er be lowered below the level of your eyes.
The upper body must be kept upright, though at the
completion of a swing the upper body might be leaned
to the from or rear, and it also mighr be swayed from side
to side to keep from striking the stick against your hips.
The knees should be slightly bent, anti the feet are placed
as for fencing practice-right roes pointing straight at op-
ponent, left foot at right angles to the right foot. The
toes of your leading foot must always point toward the
Figure 637. Showing how
the middle part of the
toes of your opponent's leading foot regardless where he
stick or club ean be used moves to. The weight of your body should be on your rear
at dose quarters. From foot, in this case the left foot.
this attad you can fol-
low through by using the
tip of the stick in chop
ping downward against
his jaw or neck.
Figure 639. Note that your hand Figure 64 I. At this point
never drops below the level of your shift your weight to your
head. Hold the stick loosely enou~h fronf foot and straighten
to permit a rototing movement woth out your orm, reaching as
ease ond freedom. Keep your free far as possible to the front
hond dose to your side. at the imaginary oppon
around, first past your left hip and then past rour right hip.
Do not let your hand drop below the level o your eyes.
After gaining some skill with these exercises, reverse the
swings so that the stick swings backward over your head
and down past your hip, then cuts up in front to its
original position. In this manner you can practice describ-
ing figure 8's, first to the front, then the rear.
Practice advancing and retreating while twirling the stick
or dub. Keep your other arm loosely at your side as
shown. Sway in your waist. Do not try ro guide the stick
with your thumb.
Your next exercise is ro practice swinging the stick
horizontally around from side to side at about head level.
Figure 65 I. In facing an
opponent, keep your eyes
on his as you cut for his
Figure 655. Keep low in
your knees for this low
swinging exercise.
Figure 653. The stic~ must com-
plete the swing; do not attempt
to cut bac~ from this position.
Figure 663. The man on the right in this illustration stands in the proper man
ner as shown in Figure 638, and the man on left attach with a downward sweep
of his stick.
Figure 664. At the point of contact the opponent's stick will slide off as shown
figure 666. This
cut to the oppon Nerve Center Cbarts
enfs head would
not be pouible if
you try to bring
your stick or elub
I. To have any effeet,
first up over your
the pressure should be
head as you direeted inward at this
would use a ham spot, using either the
mer. A good thumb or knuckles. Gen-
method for prae erally used to Ioree open
tieing these forms a elenehed fist.
is to wear regular
fencing masks and 2. Using thumb and in-
use r o II e d u p dex finger, pinch deep
newspaper instead
of real stids.
2 inward on the soft por-
tion between the thumb
and first finger.
3. Direct pressure or a
~nudle blow inward at the
bone. Use thumb for pres
sure; ~nuekle of middle finger
for hitting.
4. Pressure of the thumb or
a blow with the knuckle should
be direeted at the shoulder
5. Use the knuckle or the
edge of the hand to strike
figure 667. With
proper training
against this spot, but be sure 5
to direct the force of the
in the use of a blow toward the bone.
stick you need
not fear an as 6. About two inches above
sailant a r m e d the wrist. A hard blow with
with a knife or the edge of the hand can
one who is an cause partial paralysis. Pinch-
expert box e r. ing the spot causes intense
Even an expert pain.
'ludo-player will
ose the bout to
you under these CHART B
MODERN J U D O Nerve Center Charts
MODERN JUDO Nerve Cemer Cbttrts r8s
32. This is a pressure
22. Located under the point; direct the
muscles on top of the pressure straight to
shoulders. Very painfu l the rear by using
when pinched. the thumbs of both
hands at the same
23. Same as 9, except time.
slightly lower. 33. These are also
pressure-points lo-
2-4. The region around the cated on both sides
24 kidneys; very sensitive and of the ned as those
dangerous, should be lo in 32. Proper press-
25 cated by slight pressure. ure can cut off tile
blood supply to the
22 head.
H. Highly sensi-
tive poinh when
the t hu mb is
34 pressed down into
these spots. Mili-
tary personnel are
25. Same os 2~. 36 taught lo drive their
26. Located on the hip bones; knuckle pressure will usu a lly Incite pain. CHART J knives and bayonets
through these spots
27. The base of the spine. Highly sensitive and dangerous. 35. The Adam's apple, and very dangerous for practice. when they attock an
36. The center hollow on the lower port of the throat. See H. from the
28. Located just below the two collar bones and con easily be found by rear.
pressing the thumb straight in on these spots. 37. Knuckles of the midd!e fingers should be used against this
spot on the temples. Not to be practiced.
29. Located on the sides of the abdomen; a hard blow is dangerous. 38. The bridge of the nose. Very dangerous!
39. The root of the nose, where the full finger or thumb should be placed
and the pressure directed upwards in 11 line running half-way between the
eyes and the ear.
-40. The point of tho chin,
used for the knock-out
-41, Located by pressing
30. Use knuckles to the bottom of the cheek
press against these spots
10 bones inward.
located on the insides of -42. Located by pressure
the thighs and high up slightly below the jaw l"'t"--38
at the groin. hinge and on the jaw line,
where a kink in the bone -~-- 41
31. This spot is not on will cause pain when
the surface as shown but pressed hard inward
is set deep behind t'he against the jaw bone.
stomach and in front of
-43. This is a preuure-
the spine. Direct the 43
force of your blow down
ward to reach and affect
this nerve-ce nter. Practice
I\---+--- 3o poirtt located within the
jaw hinge.
-4-4. Intense pain can be
with ca re! created by pressing both
CHART I thumbs into the soft de-
pressions behind the bot-
tom of the eors.
186 MODE R N J U D O
<45. Direct the prenure of
your thumbs upward to
locate these spots.
<46. Prenure must be from
the sides, and should be
directed inward.
47. Very dangerous spot.
Not for practice.
Part III
For Judo Instruct ors
JT MIGHT BE SAID that the .final test is: How much
judo has the smdent learned, and bow well has he
learned it?
The answer to this question is: How much has the in-
structor taught, and how well has he taught it?
Most of us accept the fact that everybody and anybody
can not teach, regardless how expert or proficient he hjm-
self may be in the subject- particularly the teaching of judo
or ju-jutsu.
It becomes evident then that a special aptimde is re-
quired in order to "get things across" and to cause the
srudent of judo to "see" what you are talking about when
you tell him of the importance of first doing this and then
following it up with that.
To cover the point of How much judo has the student
learned, and how well? it is in order to outline certain
important factors which (it is hoped) will help in teaching
of the art of judo. The outline of the factors presented here
is in no way intended as a criticism of any individuals or
schools-the writer is fully aware of the ease of criticism as
compared ro the difficulty of creation.
01ganization and System. The first consideration for the
instructor is Organization and System, for without these the
best instruction job will sooner or later bog down. In most
cases the Organization will already exist, and so the instr uc-
tor's main job, under this heading, will then be that of
For judo instructors
System (assuming the Organization has not instituted its
own System of instruction).
It is always left to the instructor to devise an easy
approach to judo phases, an approach that will not confuse
the students.
The usual approach, tO date, has been to throw a wide
and fancy maze of tricks at everyone starting in a course
of judo. These tricks, in most cases, represented a super-
structure, with no instruction (or very little of it) in
Principles or Fundamentals of Judo-the base upon which
this superstructure is built, with the result that very few
ever learned judo and its real values. The trick-superstruc-
ture usually developed a flaw, too often collapsed entirely,
and the students were unable and untrained to analyze and
extricate themselves from the mess.
Teaching judo, then, is more than teaching tricks. Teacb-
i17g judo centers first and primarily in standardizing an easy
approach or method wbich 'U)il/ point out and prove to the
students tbe importance and values of the major judo prin-
ciples, those or uwvement, balance, leverage, and the prin-
ciple of giving-in to the efforts of your opponent in order
to defeat him.
In standardizing your teaching methods you must make
them meet the needs or limitations of a great variety of
student types; remember-what is good for one man may be
poison for another.
As for teaching the principles of judo: it is appalling to
meet young men and women who discuss judo in terms of
"Jab your elbow in his side" and "I can break your wrist
with one t-..vist of my two fingers." So speaks and acts the
tough school, doing it for want of better understanding of
true ways of judo. The popular demand is for tricks and
more tricks, secrets of the trade, and how to learn it all
quickly, and far too many good instructors have made it
a habit to teach what the layman demanded.
MODERN J U DO For Judo Instructors 93
Und~r Systen:t the instructor should classify and form Another instructor may employ a different method. H e
an outlme for Ius own use of the following three points: may start the introduction of the particular throw in a slow-
1. What co teach. motion-like manner, anti only after the student has shown
2. H ow co teach it. some abi lity in repeating the throw simi larly will this in-
3 \Vhy reach it that way. structor present the speedy \ersion to show irs effect.
Both ways are legitimate, but the contention again is that
1. W bat to teach. 'Vil l you teach the sporting side of where one method works it may fail with another type of
judo? ' ''ill you reach methods of attack and defense? student. For instance, when a student sees for the first
Both are legitimate judo phases and can be used to good time a throw done with a flash and smash his normal re-
advantage, yet, w hich will you teach to your students? action might be fear-fear that he may not be able to master
What you reach will depend on your students. If you that throw, and thus when he attempts it in practice (even
are. a member of some government agency or rnilicary, at a slow pace) he may show signs of dislike for the throw,
poli~e, or g~ard f?rce Y?U will teach your men phases that he will appear awkward, afraid.
are m keepmg w1th the1r work. The military man wants Now consider the following:
~o know the quickest and easiest way to kill his enemy If the throw is at first demonstrated slowly so that the
tn battle (shou ld they by chance meet in bare-handed student is immediately able to see how the trick works, how
combat) while the police officer is interested mostly in he must stand for it to work, how and at what moment he
effective "come-along" tricks and defensive moves. Both must do a certain thing in order to make the throw or trick
groups shou.ld, of coll!se, be familiar with the other judo work, then the student will feel "That's easy; I know I can
phases, parucularly With the major throws and definitely do that just rhe way he showed it." And he usually does
with Principles. it, or at least comes close to it.
On the other hand there will be civilians, men and women The instructor should strive to make everything appear
who are mainly interested in the sport of judo. These mus; easy and simple to perfor~. in that way b.uilding con-
be taugl~t thrO\'_'S, holds and locks, and every other phase fidence in the student who as about to try domg the same
as used tn sponmg contests. thing. If you make things appear difficult, dangerous, then
rest assured that your students vvill make your instruction
The techniques of breaking falls and the principles of job difficult, and dangerous.
movement, balance, l.everage, and giving-in should be taught Certain instructors pair-off their students, and after the
to every student of JUdo, regardless of the particular phases instructor and his assistant have demonsm1ted what is to be
he may later specialize in. done the paired-off men follow through as best as they can.
This is a particularly bad method of teaching and should be
2. H ow to teach it. This is method. Your particular
a\oided; irs only excuse is that it may train an exceptionally
method may be a speedy demonstration of a throw (for
large group of men in a comparatively short time, such as
the purpose of effect) so that the student realizes how
9uickly the throw can be performed, and then demonstrate military and police groups.
The instructor must make it a point to explain the main
It once more slowly to illustrate irs ease of execution.
points of a throw or trick or break to his studentS. H e must
1 94 MODERN JUDO For Judo Instructors 195
then demonstrate it in such a manner that they can easily and when they meet up with a powerful and clever oppo-
understand what he is doing. He must then have an inexpe- nent they will realize that their judo knowledge is not suffi-
rienced student try to do the same thing in front of the class, cient to defeat him.
make corrections if corrections are needed as the inexpe- Teach your students the value of basic judo principles
rienced student demonstrates, and then have another student rather than scientific tricks.
and still another come out and try to do what the instructor
had done-all the while corrections being made and the im- Attention and Interest. The study of judo is in itself
portant points, the high-lights of the trick or throw, stressed s?fficiently interesting and in most cases will command atren-
and pointed out to the class. ',Yhen finally the class is aon.
allowed to pair-off and try it, the instructor must go among Your students will be interested and curious to know more
them and follow up his instruction. and more and to Jearn something new, and yet your job is
to reach them the right thing at the right time.
The usual fault is that inexperienced students are expected
to learn things as speedily as the instructor imagines they If you reach more than just the right proportion the
should. The instructor forgers that he himself knows judo so chances are your students will run ahead of you before they
well and so expertly that he is in all probability overlooking have had a fair try at the phases given them. Instead of
the important points of the throw or trick, points which learning, they will be clogging themselves full with things
must be explained to the student if he is to learn. The stu- they do not know how to use, things t!-tey at"e not yet ready
dent has no way of knowing what is in your mind; what you for.
do not explain and point out to him he will never know. \,Yhenever you teach more than what they are able to
grzsp you are indirectly crushing their ability, deterring
3 Why teach it that way. Since the hardest and most their advancement. They can learn only so much and no
critical test for judo players comes through a free-style more. You teach them more and what happens is that they
(randori) contest, and since such contests employ, (a) fall- begin to feel a lag, they feel they are not as good as they
ing; (b), the technique of off-balancing and throwing an thought they were, and so their original inte~est dies out.
opponent; (c), the technique of grappling, locking, holding, It is this fine point in the fine art of teachmg that enables
and strangulation, it stands to reason then that the serious some instructors to talk about little things yet in1bue these
students of the art should pursue these studies, since these little things with couches that command atten~on and crea~e
phases of the art can be employed to best advantage under interest in hearers and onlookers. Such an mstructor wtll
widely different conditions. Other phases of the art, such as keep your interest alive in A, B, and C, and only when you
scientific methods of attack and defense, etc., are too limited have mastered these points will he allow you to start in on
and specialized and will not withstand all conditions. points D, E, and F.
If you teach judo principles you will invariably dem- Feel when you have told enough, when too much, when
onstrate to your students how a physically inferior person too little. Feel what can possibly be going on in the minds
can defeat someone twice his size and power. of your students, and conduct ~he lesson. accordingly. .
If you reach scientific tricks your students will soon de- Interesting anecdotes and stones about JUdo help to revtVe
viate from the science side and will begin to use strength, attention and a desire to learn.
MODERN JUDO For Judo lnstmctors '97
In teaching judo the surroundings are as important as any \Vaisr Technique, and Throwing by the Foot Technique)
other factor. Too much noise cuts away at whatever atten- while 1\tar Fighting is also split into three main parts (Hold-
tion you have gained and whatever imerest you have created. ing an Opponent Down, Locking, and Strangulation). The
On the other hand, too much silence causes some men to fall \'arious forms and techniques afford a hiCThly 0
asleep. The man who is over-eager and the man who is tired study.
never make ideal students.
Surroundings in the training hall itself are important. If How 1111/C/.J to teacb, in bow many stages. Obviously,
you are reaching judo in an average gymnasium, one packed never try to teach too much roo quickly.
with various apparatus, punching bags, Lifting weights, etc., "-hen you explain and show a certain judo throw or move
you will find it difficult to keep your students from wander- ro a student and ask him "Do you understand?" he will nat-
ing away from the mats and trying their skj)! on rhe rings, urally say chat he does. So yo~ show him another thing, and
par.allels, or light punching bag rather than trying their skill again ask "Oo you understand this coo?" and again he will
at JUdo. For this reason the average gym is not considered say, in full s.incerity, that he does. Keep this up, and you
the ideal training hall for judo. To teach and practice judo \nll be surpnsed when through a full two hour period your
nothing more is needed than a large room with a high ceil- student conrinues to answer "Yes, 1 certainly understand
ing; the floor must be covered with mats. Contest rules rhat."
should be displayed on one of the walls. Members wearing The point is that he does understand. You explain and
street shoes should not be permitted on the mats, and since shov., and he sees exactly every move you make and under-
rubber-soled shoes are dangerous, there should be a rule stands. Bur now try him out, have him try the simplest move
against members practicing in them. Shoes with soft leather on you, and you will find tum unable to perform. Yet he
soles are the best for judo practice, though many schools and does understand what you were doing and what you were
clubs make it a rule to practice bare-footed. showing him.
Certain judo schools attempt to create an oriemal atmos- From the above it becomes evidem that the student must
phere by erecting screens and drapes, even lighting insense be gi,en just the right dose. The instructor must set up cer-
burners; actually they create nothing more than an artificial tain elements to be taught the student, but these elements
background which is most uncomfortable for sport or study must not exceed what the student is able to assimilate cor-
purposes. rectly. The instrucror must also set up certain stages of
progress along ,,hich the student will travel-so many ele-
Under Attention-Interest might be mentioned that the ments per stage- and an approximate time-standard in wluch
teaching of judo should be divided into clear phases and students will reach the many different stages.
these should be explained to students. Explain how all of Look back on your own training days anc form a rough
judo can be divided into two distinct parts (Sport Judo and idea how many hours of practice were necessary to perfect
~elf-Defense Judo) and how Sport Judo can then be divided your falling technique or to learn to execute in simple form-
mto two parts (Stand-Up Throwing and Mat Fighting) and practice the now-easy hip-throw or cross-hook throw, and
how Stand-Up Throwing can be divided into three main then formulate your training schedule, set up your elements,
parts (Throwing by the Hand Technique, Throwing by the stages, and rime-standards.
MODERN JUDO For Judo Instructors 991
For an example, the very first elements to be taught must is point out certain factors, causes, and treatments which,
be those of break-falling, and you will naturally present only through experience, the writer has found of definite value.
the forward roll-ours for an approximate period of 1 5 min-
utes. Do not make the mistake of forcing your students to 1. Do not make favorites. Meaning, do not busy yourself
practice these roll-outs for too long a time, for it will surely with one student (who may show better judo ability than
kill their interest and cause them to become impatient. the rest) while the others stand by idly watching.
Therefore, you add to these roll-outs one or two highly 2. Do not allow your students to take the initiative.
effective throws (easy-to-do throws which do not depend ShouJd they claim there is :t better way of doing the same
on expert technique). As you end off this first session you trick or throw that you have demonstrated, then make it
will have the men review the forward roll-out and the few emphatically clear that they are to do it your way until some
throws. rime in the future when you will allow them to experiment.
In your second session you 'Will still keep to these first 3 Never allow new or partially trained students to experi-
elements, explaining the basic principles as related to the few ment- they must do things in the exact manner as you have
throws you have shown them. Now your students will not taught them.
only know those few throws but will as well know what
the throws depend on for their success. In this second ses- 4 Establish the fact that you know how every major
sion you will shift from the forward roll-outs to teaching throw or trick is performed.
them the backward roll-ours, and then again showing them 5. Guard against in juring a student, bur also guard against
some effective throws or tricks. In your third session you being injured by him. New students have a habit of sud-
will demonstrate the underlying principles behind these denly and very speedily doing the unexpected whenever the
throws, and so forth. instructor is off-guard (talking or explaining), and the sorry
In this manner, experience has shown that students' interest result might be an elbow in your eye or a knee in your groin
is kept alive, and the instruction has sufficient variety and is (roo often they attempt to throw you on your head just to
practical. see if they can do it).
Your best method, and one that will keep the interest of
your students alive, is to demonstrate and prove the value of If your students have had previous athletic training, such
basic judo principles, particularly the principle of giving-in as boxing, wrestling, or foil fencing, they will tend to stand
to the efforts of your opponent to defeat him. in a manner contrary to judo ways. ~lost of these students
will be unable to realize why you want them tO relax v,:hile
Student Types. One of the main problems that arises for practising, why they must bring one foot up to the other
judo instructors is that of student types and how to deal and never cross their feet while walking against an opponent
with them. in practise, and many other things. Realize chat they are
Timid types must be encouraged; rowdy types must be entering into a new sport and new art; it will be your job as
disciplined; brawny types who persist in employing strength instructor to foresee and correct all these errors.
rather than judo principles must be guided and coached end- Wrestlers tend to employ strength to escape from certain
lessly. The list is long, and the most that can be done here holds and locks; the instructor must point out and prove by
200 MODERN JUDO For Judo Instructors 201
example how much better and easier an escape is through Without entering too deeply intO the speculative philos-
the employment of proper judo principles. ophy of what makes an instructor, it is enough to say that
You will have similar experiences with your students who the greatest harm, whether the subject be judo or grammar
have already had boxing lessons. or trigonometry, is done by men and women teachers and
instrucrors who persist in going on in their work although
Keep the following in mind: as an instructor you must
they are totally unsuited for it.
assume at all times that your student knows nothing of what
you are showing and telling him. In other words, your in- The usual question that arises in the minds of students is
struction must at all times be complete and thorough, never "How much judo should the instructor know before he can
haphazard, condensed, or modified. teach?"
Another point that you must keep in mind is that you Outside of Japan, there are no specific diplomas or degrees
must always discover in a safe manner how much judo your of proficiency that enable a judo player to teach. If one man
smdent really knows. Never take for granted anything he knows how to do the hjp-throw and you do not know any-
claims- the w riter performed a throw against a player who thing at all about this throw then it stands to reason that the
insisted he could fall, and broke his collar bone. man can teach you sometbing about the hip-throw. And so
But regardless of type, whether rowdy, timid, or what, on to infinity-the more a judo player knows the more he
your students are interested in learning judo, and your job can reach those who do not know it.
as instructor is to correct all their acquired or inborn short- But remember that all of judo cannot be learned from one
comings and teach them the arc of judo in an effective and
proper manner.
One student might attend classes under a particular in-
The Instructor and the Student. There is a saying that structor, whom we shall name Instructor A. T he student
you should not be a merchant if you haven't a smiling face. learns sport technique from this Instructor A, but all through
If you can't explain, get things across, make your hearers the practice the student feels that he is not entirely clear on
understand you- all in all, if you can't teach chen don't sec certain movements. He calls this to the attention of Lnstruc-
yourself up as an instructor. Not in judo, at any rate. tor A, and, since this instructor is a good one, a check-up
The writer has known many expert judo players, orientals wd review is started immediately to make these movements
and whires, who could do judo but invariably failed in their clear to the student.
attempts to teach judo. It is simply that if you are a cham- Instructor A understands the problem and begins to an-
pion chess player it will not mean that you will be able to alyze and explain, confident the student will soon be over
teach chess to a layman. In short, there is a difference this obstacle. But the student shows no improvement.
between doing and teaching. Time passes and this same smdenr mjght sign under a dif-
Power of analysis is the first requisite for an instructor. ferent instructor-Instructor B-and a few sessions of sport
You must be able to sense the needs of your students, and technique are taught him. By chance the student mentions
then be able to analyze, correct, and make the smdents fully those old difficulties in understanding certain movements.
understand you. Instructor B explains casually where the trouble might be
202 MODERN J UDO For Judo Instructors 203
and how to correct it, and soon after chjs the student shows And in conclusion, Student Types and The Instructor and
marked improvement in these phases. The Student offered suggestions which, the writer trusts,
Now the point is that both instructors explained this stu- will prove of practical value to all who are engaged in
~ent's trouble in the same way and both showed the same athletics.
lme to be followed in correcting it, with the exception that \\'hen the above block is tabulated and properly sub-
Instructor B used, perhaps, different words or terms, words di\-ided it will prove one fact: that before the student can be
a~d terms. that some~ow must have hit the student's imagina- shown or taught any judo (or anything, for that matter)
tion or h1s concepnve powers and thus caused him to vis- there must exist first a definite system or a prearranged set
ualize what it was that he was doing wrongly. It is not that of steps or stages to be systemancally employed hr the in-
Instructor A was in any way inferior to Instructor B, for structor. If the student should prove slow in graspmg ideas,
now the student might realize that both instructors rold him the instructor must have a definite plan on how to speed up
the very same thing. this particular student; if the student grasps ideas quickly
For this reason it was stated that all of judo cannot be and correctly, then the instructor mu.t be prepared to ad-
learned from one instructor. A slightly different method of vance his instruction, thereby keeping up with the particular
approach or of explaining and doing wiJJ spell the difference student's ability.
between success and fai lure for some students w hereas to No one is in a posmon to dictate to an instructor "Use
?thers it may not make much difference either way. J udo such and such method for speeding up a slow student" or
mstructors, as well as judo students, should keep this in mind "After you've taught him the hip-throw you 1uust teach him
for possible future reference. the spring-hip throw." Methods cannot ?e dictated, for the
Impatient, irritable, arrogant, careless people make bad simple reason that no two students are ahke. You may plan
instructors. T hese also make bad students. out your time-standard to the minutest detail and say "John
Doc must be able to perform the spring-hip throw after four
. How to instruct. Let us assume, in spite of your expe- lessons" and then find that it took John Doe fourteen lessons
nence as a judo instructor and in spite of what has so far before he could perform the spring-hip throw in form-
been outlined, that you still want to ask "\Vhat is the best practice alone.
way to teach judo? How should I instruct?" But ho"e\er this may be, it is still an accepted fact that
The need of Organization and System has been stressed, the instructor must always prepare himself, fortify him~elf,
and under System an outline of \Vhat to teach, How co aO"ainst his students. The instructor must always be leadmg,
reach it, and Why teach it that way, was presented. t~aching, going ahead of the srudenrs, always cont~olling his
students. He must have prearranged steps, defirute stages,
The factors of Attention and Interest were outlined and which he can use should any of his students disrupt the nor-
the general importance of Surroundings, as an aid to t~ach mal training routines and the training time-standards.
ing, was also given.
Without stressing it under Rules or such, a sort of time- Assume that suddenly one of your students finds himself
table or time-standard was suggested under the heading H ow unable to perform the hip-throw in the manner in whi~h you
much tO teach, in how many stages. have shown and explained it. \rVhat has happened IS that
J\1 0 DE R N JU 0 0 For Judo Instructors
your normal training routine does not work satisfactorily in s1ttmg around and watching others doing it. The student
this particular case, so that you now must h:we a different must practise.'
way of showing and explaining rhc same thing. 8. Stress the main points in a throw or trick. The main
:\s for training time-standards, whether these arc actually points are those little things that either make or break what
""rirren out on special sheers of paper or whether they are the student is trying to do. He may stand only an inch roo
mere mental pictures, they should tell you how capable your far ro the right (and cannot perform the throw) and it is as
srudents ,,ill be in a gi,en period of time. It is the instruc- much as if he were a mile from his opponent.
tor's job to check himself on this quire ?fr~n: if the student
9 Do not teach more than your student can swallow.
group is taking too long to learn certain J~1do phases,_ then
Remember that he can undoubtedly swallow a great deal,
either they arc a dumb aroup or else the mstructor IS nor
b but undoubtedly he will have indigestion- and you will be
doing a good job. There aren't many dumb groups.
labeled a bad instructor.
\ \'ithour effort and quite naturally you employ one or all 1 o. Find ways to .improve this list.
of the pointers that follow enry rime you attempt to teach
~nmeone something. Read them carefully.
1. Do nor frighten your student. Do not give him re~son
to imagine tho:1t you will handle him roughly or that he 1mght
be injured.
!. Get him interested in judo ways, by proving how much
superior this sport is in comparison to other hand-to-hand
~- Find our "hethcr he is totally ignorant of judo phases
or whether he has had pre,ious training. "'here, under
''hum' Decide right then and rhcrc whether this previous
training is acceptable.
+ Beain \our first les~ons carefully and slowly. Take
plenr~ ;f rintc to explain things properly. \\'hil~ e~p_laining
and showing, make sure the student can see what IS gomg on.
5. Encourage him to ask questions relative to what he has
6. Explain, show; show, explain. Always keep .in mind
that ~our sruJcnr knows nothing until you explain and show
it- correctly- to him.
7 Ah\ays keep in mind that he cannot learn judo by
How to Apply Principles
How to Apply Principles
Figure 671. The best and easiest way to learn falling is to start with this
simple crouch and roll forward.
Figure 672. All roll-out
types of falls require that
the body be ball-shaped. Figure 674. Be sure to keep your chin preued tightly to your chest, and hold
Note the circle formed by your breath.
the arms and curved back.
the importance of keeping his body shaped like a ball
throughour the forward and backward roll-outs, Figure 672.
Falling backward from a standing position as shown in
Figure 67 3, 67+ and 67 5 should not be attempted uncil the
student has shown good form and ability in the simpler falls.
Employing the fuU arm to break a fall, as well as placing
the feet correctly, is important and should be explained to
students (Figures 676 and 677). New students as a rule
always attempt to break their falls with the use of their
elbows (Figure 678); the instructor should caution them of
the danger involved.
The first judo principles needed by new students are
those of unbalanced forms, and the simplest way to explain
Figure 673. This is the
start of a backward stop
fall. As soon u the body
begins the fall, the arms
are raised to the front.
Fall close to your heels.
How to Apply Principles l I I
F i 9 u r e 677. The
same form as in
Figure 671>, except
that the right leg is
he~d straight. Both
forms are good.
Figure 675. By slapping the mat hard with your arms you will break the
lmpect of the fell.
Figure 676. Use the full arm for breaking the falls. In this illustration the
right leg is bent, and the sole of the left foot used to aid in breaking the fall.
F i g u r e 678. Stu
dents must be cau-
tioned against fall-
ing in this manner,
since in jury to the
elbow, shoulder, or
collar bone may
easily result.
Figure 681. Un-
Figure 679. Demon- balance your op
strat ing an unbalanced ponent while move-
fo rm to the front. ment is to~ing
place. Review the
first portion of
Chapter 3.
F i 9 u r e 689. Tho
front-ankle sweep.
Figure 691. The cross-hook or hock-hook.
Figure 692. The knee-wheeling throw. Figure 693. Blocking the ankle.
_lf you oppose strength. with strength you can IJe the own moves.
wmncr-lF y(~ur st:en~rh IS greater than that of your op-
ponenr. Real1ze rh1s s1mple face! \Yhy go aaainst it? Jr This then i!> the basis of vnur judo technique. The
1s,_ therefor~, far more efficient ancl practical n~t co oppose clements are there before you," all you need do is consider
sn_enwh w1rh sr:cn~th bur to employ a \'ery basic combat them and applr them in practice. "-nd in applying them
pnnc1ple-r_hc p~mc1ple ?f off-balancing your opponent be- you will be basing your technique on a sound and solid
fore arrackmg hun.. Th1s can be resol\'cd imo: arrack your foundation which will forever keep your superstructure
opponcn~ when he 1s off-balance. This is the so-called secret intact, and you will also find rhnt rhese elements will enable
With_ wh1ch the small and weak judo e-xponent defeats his y_ou to devise any number of attack and defense combiml-
h~av1~r and mor~ powerful opponents who are not familiar nons.
wnh JUdo rechmques. In conclusion, remember that judo is n sporr and a sport
Arrack and defense go together, and it is not wise to dis- should ne\'er be dangerous. Practice carefully, ''cirh ease
connect the two in training. The sayinrr "Offense is the ;md smoothness; help your opponent in his falls; don't
best defense" has its good points, but yo~ certainly would
234 MOD E R N JU D O
attack blindly and find rhe resulr ro be a broken bone. It
.1sn ' r necessary.
This ndvice applies to lone srudenrs and to groups. and
regardless whether you are doing form-practice or randrm
free-style playing.
For conducted judo contests, re,ic\\' rhc lasr part of
Chapter s in Volume One.