Thin Bamboo Culms For Trusses
Thin Bamboo Culms For Trusses
Thin Bamboo Culms For Trusses
Report by:
Sjoerd Nienhuys
Renewable Energy Advisor
October 2012
Title: Thin Bamboo Culms for Trusses Use of Two and Three Culms in Composite Beams
Abstract: Harvesting, curing, preservation and building construction using thin bamboo stems
or culms of 40 mm diameter. Making composite beams for trusses with connectors
and dowels. Stress reinforcement with galvanised wire for lightweight roof
constructions covered with thatch or reed. Illustrative sketches and photos.
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
1. Thin Bamboo Culms ................................................................................................... 2
2. Bamboo Trusses ........................................................................................................ 3
3. Making the Truss Design ............................................................................................. 4
4. Composite Beams in Trusses ....................................................................................... 7
5. Maximum Moment Area ............................................................................................ 13
6. Assembly of Components in the Roof .......................................................................... 14
However, the harvesting of bamboo is often done unplanned, allowing insufficient re-growth and
causing deterioration of the local ecosystem. This results in total disappearance of the bamboo
and eventually causing soil erosion and finally desertification. The loss of bamboo forests and
plantations has a negative effect on the local ecosystems and climate.
An underlying problem is that bamboo forests are often on public land and villagers use total
cutting and scavenging techniques in exploiting these fields. The stems (culms) are harvested
immature, bundled and sold for construction material without any curing or preservation.
Too early and improperly harvested, non-cured and non-preserved thin bamboo has a short
lifespan (less than five years) and should NOT be used for structural purposes. Culms with a
diameter <40 mm should not be used for permanent constructions or composition beams.
With improved forestry management, sustainable bamboo production can be achieved and a
constant supply of bamboo products generated. This can supply both the building and artisans
markets and generate permanent employment. Importing new bamboo species suitable for the
local climate of the region can greatly enhance the quality of the products. Bamboo plantations
can be used as final treatment for water purification installations when intermittently and
moderately flooded. Good management in combination with such filtration areas can greatly
increase the annual bamboo production.
Depending on the altitude above sea level and other climate conditions, thin stem bamboo may be
easier to grow than the thicker (>7 cm ) bamboo. In such a case, it is possible to use the thin
bamboo culms for various construction elements, including lightweight roof trusses and woven wall
panels. This paper presents some criteria and options for these light trusses.
The disadvantage of such constructions is that it is labour intensive and the exposed surface
becomes very large. Because the thinner bamboo is more vulnerable to termites, insects and
fungus, good preservation after curing is essential and good annual control, as well as periodic
cleaning of the construction in the roof, is required.
Thinner bamboo have diameters ranging from 1-6 cm, depending on the variety, and are often
harvested at < 3 cm. For construction purposes, it is recommended to harvest only culms of
4 cm and larger. The bamboo needs to be straight, cured and preserved before being used for
structural elements. Thin bamboo that is not cured and preserved will rapidly deteriorate by
climate and insects; thus losing its structural strength.
Spanning large areas with thick bamboo (> 7 cm) avoids the making of combination beams and
triangular truss constructions with several joints, and allows better maintenance control. Bamboo
constructions should not be covered up.
However, when the larger diameters are unavailable, it is still possible to construct 4-5 m spans
with thinner bamboo. The technical designs can also be used with the thicker bamboo to make
spans over 6-8 m.
Bamboo can be used as a lightweight, strong and durable construction material when ALL of the
following conditions have been met:
(a) Mature (fully grown) bamboo with straight stems need to be harvested. The forests need to
be pruned during the bamboo shooting season to allow the best shoots to produce new culms.
Most bamboo species can be harvested after three years. Bamboo can also be grown in
filtration and purification beds of sewage installations, but they should be only flooded
intermittently since permanent flooding is harmful to their root system and growth.
(b) The bamboo needs to be harvested in the dry season, preferably at new moon (first quarter),
and the leaves left on for a few days (until they turn yellow) to allow them to extract the
moisture from the stems. The plant sap and starch are the food sources for insects. A few
stems on each clump should be left for continued growth of the clump.
(c) The culms need to be cut from the clumps between 04:00 hrs and 06:00 hrs. If the weather is
overcast, this time period can be extended until 09:00 hrs. The point is that with sunlight at
daybreak, the fluids in the bamboo start rising up from the root system, caused by
photosynthesis in the leaves.
(d) The bamboo needs to be cured and treated against insects and beetles (Powderpost beetle)
with a borax + boric acid solution. The simplest curing method is to punch out the nodes and
soak the culms in clean river water for one month so the starch can leach out. When treating
vertically, the last node should be left untouched. 1
(e) After treatment, the bamboo should be fully air dried. This means that it needs to be stored
horizontally and ventilated under a roof for an extended period depending on local climate
conditions. Drying in a greenhouse construction will speed up the process. Given the
harvesting, curing, treatment and drying period, adequate time planning is required for
obtaining durable building material. For the making of furniture and gluing the bamboo into
floor boards, it needs to be air-kiln dried down to 8-10% moisture.
(f) The bamboo construction should be elevated from the ground, soil or any permanent moisture
areas. The construction should remain dry and ventilated under all climate conditions. The
foundation and the lowest column or wall section of the building should therefore be from
cement blocks, reinforced concrete or baked brick. Up-splashing water from rain should not
reach the bamboo elements.
(g) The bamboo construction should be dimensioned in such a way that the beams (trusses) are
not strongly bent during their static load period, otherwise the construction will permanently
deform. Occasional live loads will bend the constructions, but when the load disappears, the
construction will reshape.
Good instructions can be found on website:
Picture article:
Information on lime/heat treatment:
Large construction bamboo:
Further information on termite testing/treatment:
The following sketches are related to the use of treated bamboo posts that have diameters ()
between 4 cm and 4.5 cm and are assembled to double or triple beams to obtain greater strength
and stiffness. The lightweight roofing material is from reed, thatch, folded or woven coco palm
leaves, zinc aluminium roofing sheets, etc.
Roof Inclination
The roof inclination for natural or artificial thatch is between the 45 and 60. The sketch below
gives an inclination of 50 by which the length between the support and the roof ridge is about as
long as the span between the walls (4-5 m).
A roof inclination lower than 45 is not recommended because it may cause water infiltration,
which will reduce the lifetime of the thatch. When the thatch leaks, it will negatively affect the
underlying bamboo structure.
When the exterior walls of the building are made from stabilized soil construction or plastered
bamboo, these should remain dry under all climate conditions. The roof overhang should be
minimum 60 from the water-resistant foundation or wall material.
The plinth of the building needs to be fully water resistant with membranes between the
foundation and the upper wall construction. The inside floor should be minimum 40 cm above the
field around the building. In areas where flooding can occur, all sections below the maximum flood
level should be made from cemented building materials or fully water-resistant timber columns.
When the inclination above protruding roof windows is lower than 45, other roofing material
should be used instead, such as metal sheets, zinc aluminium or transparent polycarbonate.
The components for producing large roof trusses should be manufactured and pre-assembled on
the building site using jigs for similar components. The sections should be easy to handle and lift
to the roof where they are connected together. Temporary supports and diagonal bracing will be
required in the plane of the roof. The stress wires are connected to the junctions when assembling
the components. Trying to manufacture the entire truss on the ground and then lift it on the
support structure is not advised.
Permanent bracing can be realised in the plane of the roof either on the inside or outside
depending on the final roofing material.
The above two pictures show a high pitched saddle (tent) roof in which
the top part is extended outwards for sun and rain protection. In areas
where it may be expected that strong winds such as hurricanes or
tornadoes can develop, this construction needs to be additionally
reinforced. 2
The above houses have woven coco palm leaf roofing with a dense
spacing of 6-8 leaves per 20 cm. The leaves are attached with rubber
bands manufactured from used car tyres. These bands are very strong
and totally weather and sun resistant.
Due to global warming, the occurrence of hurricane force winds is increasing and becoming more frequent in
the tropical areas. It is highly likely that the frequency and the force of these winds will increase in the coming
decennia. House designs should be based on these strong winds.
When the outside diameter of the bamboo culms increases, the wall thickness will also increase
slightly. For many bamboo types, the thickness of the strongest part of the wall section is about
10% of the diameter. At the lower side of the stems, this section is thicker.
Because different types of bamboo have different growth patterns, the above table is a rough
approximation. The calculation shows that the strength increases substantially with the diameter
in combination with the thickness of the wall. A 8 cm culm is eight times as strong as a 4 cm
culm. Stems with <4 cm are not recommended because the amount of construction work will
greatly increase. Bamboo is a very strong material, but it will easily bend under a load
perpendicular to the stem.
For the calculation, only the outside zone of the culm is taken into account. The strongest fibres of
the bamboo are located in the outside 10% of the diameter of the culm. This is the stress or
compression zone that will take the load. The stem fibres towards the inside of the culm are softer
and more porous; thus having no contributing factor to the strength. The thickest portion of the
culm wall is near the base; this section should be for making the dowels.
The more members linked together into a single beam, the higher the reduction should be. The
reduction in the calculations below is obtained by not counting the strength of the intermediate
culm(s). The reduction is different from the safety margin. The safety margin in the construction
should be based on safety standards being applied in house and other building construction and
depends on its use. The safety margin can be obtained by adjusting the compression and stress
resistances of the material with the calculation of the maximum expected moment.
For the calculation of the triple hollow culms, the entire middle culm is not
From the last column of the table, the significant increase in strength can be observed for
combination beams. The double beam with either connector blocks or inside dowel is at least four
times stronger than the single culm. The double culm beam with the connector blocks or inside
dowel is 15-20% stronger than the double culm beam with the through-dowels. For this reason,
such through-dowels for the double culm beam are not recommended.
The triple culm beam with through-dowels is about 8 times as strong as the single culm.
The triple culm beam with inside dowels is about 10 times as strong as the single culm or 25%
stronger than the through-dowel beam. Because the middle culm has 1 cm holes in the top and
It is clear from the table that the inside dowels create a stronger construction than the through-
dowels, but the manufacturing requires precise handling. On the other hand, the finishing is
smoother than the through-dowel connection.
For the calculation of the block or
dowel constructions, the rounded
shape of the culm is vertically divided
into rectangular sections of 10 mm
wide (or 2 x 5 mm wide). The sections
A, B, C and D are added together to
obtain the total WY (see sketch).
WY= (sH3 sh3) / (6H) cm3 Because s = 1, the formula becomes: WY= (H3 h3) / (6H) cm3
Connector Blocks
Two culms together can be connected
with blocks when sawn together, assuring
that the blocks fit precisely.
As a guideline, the following dimensions can be used for the double culm-beam:
As a guideline, the following dimensions can be used for the three culm-beam:
The maximum external moment that can be applied depends on the material resistance, the
thickness of the culm wall and the maximum bending tolerated under full load. Test beams should
be made of the available bamboo material.
It is important that the people making the construction or the trusses on site are well aware of the
differences between the upper and lower side of each beam and where maximum positive and
negative moments will occur.
Long sides of trusses and long purlins over several truses will have alternating locations of the
maximum moment areas. In this case, the outside culms of the trusses and purlins should have
the longer sections at these maximum moment areas. It will be important to mark the correct
side of the beams precisely, indicating the inside or outside of the beams.
In areas where large forces are expected, or where junctions between different truss components
are to be made, the number of culms in the beam can be increased to four.
<<<<< Inside
Outside >>>>
In the pictures above, the support of the truss is connected with the wall plate and a horizontal tie-
bar or wall plate. The 3-culm truss beam continues outside the wall to create the roof overhang
and the veranda. At this support point, both positive and negative moments are possible and an
additional culm section has been added near the support area. The horizontal lower tie-bar can be
substituted with a few 3 mm galvanised wires; this is more cost efficient.
Depending on the strength of the elements, easy to lift and handle sections should be assembled
together in the roof by inserting the dowels and applying thin galvanised bolts/nuts.
Many truss designs are possible, but all should have a triangular section
providing support with a few 3 mm galvanised tension wires.
In this design, buttresses are supporting the trusses and provide some stability of the walls.
Shelves can be placed or storage areas made in between the buttresses or pennants.
During the assembly in the roof, bracing in the perpendicular direction of the truss is required.
This bracing can be temporary depending on the roof covering design and material.
The stiffness of the top ridge is important for having a straight rooftop. A double culm is
recommended here when the purlins are single culms. The top ridge of thatched roofs can have
an extra load because of cemented ridge tiles.
The simplest connection is to bolt the truss sides directly together with five galvanised bolts. The
ridge is wired fixed. To secure the bolts on the rounded bamboo, washers made from bottle tops
should be used directly on the bamboo to improve grip and then covered with the bolt washers.
When the two truss sides are linked together at the top, the length of each side can be a culm
thickness different (sketch below). This requires good marking of the components during the
prefabrication on the ground. Bottle tops are used as first washers on the round bamboo poles for
better grip.
The load from the roof trusses needs to be transferred down to the supporting walls or columns
and at the same point the horizontal stress wires need to be fixed. Several solutions are possible.
When there is no supporting wall, but a timber column, the same construction can be applied. In
this case, the block is replaced by the tailored top side of the column.
The three culm truss should not be fixed directly onto the wall plate because the thin bamboo can
get easily damaged due to the sideway point loads in combination with the stress wires.
When sections of thick HDPE water pipes cut-in-half are first fixed to the wall plate, placing the
trusses will be easy. Tying two short sections of bamboo to the lower and middle culms will further
strengthen the anchoring area of the truss. The horizontal stress wire will go around these
additional sections and through the middle culm of the truss leg. The vertical wall reinforcement
can also be brought upwards and anchored through the same middle culm of the truss leg.
All bamboo constructions should remain open and visible for inspection. No double or hollow wall
constructions should be present for animals to hide or build nests. All the open ends of all bamboo
culms need to be sealed to avoid insects from entering. This can be done in various ways, but the
filling should not fall out during the lifetime of the construction.
When the ends are plugged with small pieces of bamboo, those ends need to be reinforced first to
avoid splitting open. Hammering the pieces in place can close all small openings. The protruding
ends need to be sawn off straight.
Annual Inspection
The roof construction should remain accessible for inspection and maintenance. Ceilings and
horizontal truss components should be strong enough to hold the weight of a maintenance person.
The openings above the ceilings and in between the truss triangles should allow easy passage of a