Webmin User Guide

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The book provides an introduction to managing Linux systems using the Webmin administration tool. It covers installing and configuring Webmin as well as many of its system and server modules.

The book is about managing Linux systems using the Webmin administration tool. It provides instructions on installing Webmin and covers many of its system and server configuration modules.

Some of the system modules covered include users and groups, disk and filesystems, firewall configuration, network configuration, backups, and system logs.

Managing Linux Systems

with Webmin ™
Managing Linux Systems ®

with Webmin ™

System Administration and Module Development

Jamie Cameron

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cameron, Jamie.
Managing Linux systems with Webmin / Jamie Cameron.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-13-140882-8
1. Linux. 2. Operating systems (Computers). I. Title.
QA76.76.O63 C3545 2003

Editorial and production services: TIPS Technical Publishing, Inc.

Cover design director: Jerry Votta
Cover design: Nina Scuderi
Manufacturing buyer: Maura Zaldivar
Executive Editor: Jill Harry
Editorial assistant: Brenda Mulligan
Marketing manager: Dan DePasquale

© 2004 by Jamie Cameron

Published by Pearson Education, Inc.

Publishing as Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458

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Contents at a Glance

I INTRODUCTION 33 Downloading Email with

1 Introduction to Webmin .......................1 Fetchmail ..........................................378
2 Installing Webmin ................................6 34 Managing Majordomo Mailing
Lists ................................................388
3 Securing Your Webmin Server ..........14
35 The MySQL Database ......................405
II SYSTEM MODULES 36 The PostgreSQL Database................428
4 Users and Groups ...............................19 37 Configuring Sendmail ......................448
5 Disk and Network Filesystems...........39 38 Configuring Qmail ...........................476
6 NFS File Sharing ................................53 39 Analyzing Log Files .........................491
7 Disk Quotas ........................................60 40 The ProFTPD Server ........................500
8 Partitions, RAID, and LVM ...............68 41 The WU-FTPD Server......................525
9 Bootup and Shutdown ........................84 42 SSH Server Configuration................544
10 Scheduled Commands ........................93 43 Windows File Sharing with
11 Process Management ..........................99 Samba ...............................................554
12 Software Packages............................105 44 Configuring the Squid Proxy
13 System Logs .....................................113 Server................................................577
14 Filesystem Backups ..........................121 45 Filtering Email with Procmail ..........605
15 Internet Services ...............................129 46 Creating SSL Tunnels ......................615
16 Network Configuration.....................144 47 Usermin Configuration.....................620
17 Network Information Service ...........154 IV CLUSTER MODULES
18 PPP Server Configuration.................165 48 Cluster Software Management .........643
19 Firewall Configuration .....................173 49 Cluster User Management ................649
20 Setting the Date and Time ................191 50 Cluster Webmin Configuration ........660
21 Boot Loader Configuration...............195
22 Printer Administration ......................205
51 Webmin Configuration.....................669
23 Voicemail Server Configuration.......215
52 Webmin Access Control...................688
24 Remote Shell Login..........................220
53 Webmin Servers ...............................700
25 Running Custom Commands............224
54 Logging in Webmin..........................707
26 Webmin’s File Manager ...................232
27 Perl Modules.....................................244 VI DEVELOPER’S GUIDE
28 Status Monitoring with Webmin ......250 55 Webmin Module Development ........710
56 Advanced Module Development......721
57 Inside the Scheduled Cron Jobs
29 Apache Web Server Configuration ..264
30 DNS Server Configuration ...............315
58 Creating Webmin Themes................741
31 CVS Server Configuration ...............354
59 Inside the MSC Theme.....................747
32 DHCP Server Configuration.............361
60 The Webmin API..............................751
I INTRODUCTION Before and After Commands 34
Module Access Control 34
1 Introduction to Webmin 1 Other Operating Systems 37
Summary 38
What is Webmin? 1
Who Should Use Webmin? 2 5 Disk and Network Filesystems 39
How and Why Was it Developed? 3
What is this Book About? 4 Introduction to Filesystems 39
Who Should Read this Book? 4 The Disk and Network Filesystems
Conventions Used in this Book 5 Module 40
Acknowledgments 5 Mounting an NFS Network Filesystem 40
Mounting an SMBFS Windows
2 Installing Webmin 6 Networking Filesystem 43
Mounting a Local ext2 or ext3 Hard Disk
Downloading Webmin for Your System 6 Filesystem 44
Installing the RPM Package 7 Mounting a Local Windows Hard Disk
Installing the tar.gz Package 8 Filesystem 45
Installing the Solaris Package 10 Adding Virtual Memory 46
The Webmin User Interface 10 Automounter Filesystems 47
Uninstalling Webmin 13 Editing or Removing an Existing
Summary 13 Filesystem 48
Listing Users of a Filesystem 48
3 Securing Your Webmin Server 14 Module Access Control 49
Network Security 14 Configuring the Disk and Network
SSL Encryption 15 Filesystems Module 50
Requesting a Valid SSL Certificate 17 A Comparison of Filesystem Types 50
Summary 18 Other Operating Systems 51
Summary 52


Introduction to File Sharing with NFS 53
4 Users and Groups 19 The NFS Exports Module 54
Exporting a Directory 54
Introduction to UNIX Users and Groups 19
Editing or Deleting an NFS Export 55
The Users and Groups Module 20 NFS on Solaris 56
Creating a New User 21 NFS on BSD, MacOS X and
Editing an Existing User 23 OpenServer 57
Deleting a User 24 NFS on Irix 59
Creating a New Group 25 Summary 59
Editing an Existing Group 26
Deleting a Group 27
7 Disk Quotas 60
Viewing Recent and Current Logins 27
Reading Users’ Email 28 Introduction to Disk Quotas 60
Creating Users from Batch Files 28 The Disk Quotas Module 61
Configuring the Users and Groups Enabling Quotas for a Filesystem 62
Module 30 Disabling Quotas for a Filesystem 62
viii Contents

Setting Quotas for a User or Group 63 10 Scheduled Commands 93

Copying Quotas to Multiple Users 63
Setting Grace Times 64 Introduction to Cron Jobs 93
Setting Default Quotas for New Users 65 The Scheduled Cron Jobs Module 93
Other Operating Systems 66 Creating a New Cron Job 94
Configuring the Disk Quotas Module 66 Editing a Cron Job 95
Module Access Control 66 Controlling Users’ Access to Cron 96
Summary 67 Module Access Control Options 96
Configuring the Scheduled Cron Jobs
8 Partitions, RAID, and LVM 68 Module 96
Introduction to Hard Disk Partitions 68 Other Operating Systems 97
The Partitions on Local Disks Module 69 The Scheduled Commands Module 97
Adding and Formatting a New Partition 70 Creating a New Scheduled Command 98
Creating a New Filesystem 70 Summary 98
Partition Labels 71
Deleting or Changing a Partition 72 11 Process Management 99
Module Access Control 73 Introduction to Processes 99
Other Operating Systems 74 The Running Processes Module 99
Introduction to RAID 74 Viewing, Killing, or Reprioritizing a
The Linux RAID Module 75 Process 101
Introduction to LVM 77 Searching for Processes 102
The Logical Volume Management Running a Process 103
Module 78
Module Access Control Options 103
Creating a New Volume Group 79
Other Operating Systems 104
Adding and Removing a Physical
Volume 80 Summary 104
Creating and Deleting a Logical
Volume 80 12 Software Packages 105
Resizing a Logical Volume 81 Introduction to Packages 105
Creating a Snapshot 82 The Software Packages Module 107
Summary 83 Installing a New Package 107
Finding and Removing a Package 109
9 Bootup and Shutdown 84 Updating on Debian Linux 110
Introduction to the Linux Boot Process 84 Updating on Red Hat Linux 111
The Bootup and Shutdown Module 85 Other Operating Systems 111
Configuring an Action to Start at Summary 112
Bootup 85
Starting and Stopping Actions 86 13 System Logs 113
Adding a New Action 87
Introduction to Logging 113
Rebooting or Shutting Down Your
System 89 The System Logs Module 115
Configuring the Bootup and Shutdown Adding a New Log File 115
Module 89 Editing or Deleting a Log File 117
Other Operating Systems 89 Module Access Control 118
The SysV Init Configuration Module 91 Other Operating Systems 119
Summary 92 Summary 120
Contents ix

14 Filesystem Backups 121 Setting Up an NIS Master Server 157

Editing NIS Tables 159
Introduction to Backups with Dump 121 Securing Your NIS Server 160
The Filesystem Backup Module 121 Setting Up an NIS Slave Server 163
Adding a New Backup 122 Configuring the NIS Client and Server
Making a Backup 124 Module 163
Editing or Deleting a Backup 125
NIS on Solaris 163
Restoring a Backup 125
Configuring the Filesystem Backup Summary 164
Module 126
Other Operating Systems 128 18 PPP Server Configuration 165
Summary 128 Introduction to PPP on Linux 165
Configuring a PPP Server 166
15 Internet Services 129 Managing PPP Accounts 169
Introduction to Internet Services 129 Restricting Access by Caller ID 171
The Internet Services and Protocols Module Access Control 172
Module 130 Summary 172
Enabling an Internet Service 133
Creating Your Own Internet Service 133 19 Firewall Configuration 173
Creating and Editing RPC Programs 135
Configuring the Internet Services and Introduction to Firewalling with
Protocols Module 136 IPtables 173
Other Operating Systems 138 The Linux Firewall Module 175
The Extended Internet Services Allowing and Denying Network
Module 139 Traffic 177
Enabling or Editing an Extended Internet Changing a Chain’s Default Action 181
Service 140 Editing Firewall Rules 182
Creating an Extended Internet Service 141 Creating Your Own Chain 182
Editing Default Options 142
Setting Up Network Address
Summary 143
Translation 183
Setting Up a Transparent Proxy 184
16 Network Configuration 144
Setting Up Port Forwarding 185
Introduction to Linux Networking 144 Firewall Rule Conditions 186
Viewing and Editing Network Configuring the Linux Firewall
Interfaces 146 Module 189
Adding a Network Interface 147 Summary 189
Configuring Routing 149
Changing the Hostname or DNS Client
20 Setting the Date and Time 191
Settings 150
Editing Host Addresses 151 The System Time Module 191
Module Access Control 152 Changing the System Time 192
Other Operating Systems 153 Change the Hardware Time 192
Summary 153 Synchronizing Times with Another
Server 193
17 Network Information Service 154 Module Access Control 193
Introduction to NIS 154 Other Operating Systems 193
Becoming an NIS Client 155 Summary 194
x Contents

21 Boot Loader Configuration 195 The Shell In A Box Module 223

Summary 223
Introduction to Boot Loaders 195
The Linux Bootup Configuration 25 Running Custom Commands 224
Module 196
The Custom Commands Module 224
Booting a New Kernel with LILO 197
Creating a New Command 225
Booting Another Operating System with Parameter Types 227
LILO 198
Creating a New File Editor 229
Editing Global LILO Options 199 Module Access Control 230
The GRUB Boot Loader Module 200 Configuring the Custom Commands
Booting a New Linux Kernel or BSD with Module 231
GRUB 201 Summary 231
Booting Another Operating System with
GRUB 202 26 Webmin’s File Manager 232
Editing Global GRUB Options 202
Installing GRUB 203 The File Manager Module 232
Configuring the GRUB Boot Loader Navigating Directories and Viewing
Module 203 Files 232
Manipulating Files 234
Summary 203
Creating and Editing Files 234
Editing File Permissions 235
22 Printer Administration 205 Creating Links and Directories 236
Introduction to Printing on Linux 205 Finding Files 237
The Printer Administration Module 206 Editing EXT File Attributes 237
Adding a New Printer 206 Editing XFS File Attributes 238
Editing an Existing Printer 209 Editing File ACLs 239
Managing Print Jobs 210 Sharing Directories 240
Configuring the Printer Administration Module Access Control 242
Module 211 Summary 243
Module Access Control 212
Other Operating Systems 213 27 Perl Modules 244
Summary 214 Introduction to Perl Modules 244
Perl Modules in Webmin 245
23 Voicemail Server Configuration 215 Installing a Perl Module 245
Viewing and Removing a Perl Module 247
The Voicemail Server Module 215
Configuring the Perl Modules Module 248
Configuring Your System as an Answering Summary 248
Machine 216
Listening to Recorded Messages 218 28 Status Monitoring with Webmin 250
Setting a Greeting Message 219
Summary 219 The System and Server Status Module 250
Adding a New Monitor 252
24 Remote Shell Login 220 Monitor Types 253
Setting Up Scheduled Monitoring 260
The SSH/Telnet Login Module 220 Module Access Control 262
Configuring the SSH/Telnet Login Configuring the System and Server Status
Module 220 Module 262
The Command Shell Module 222 Summary 263
Contents xi

III SERVER MODULES Module Access Control 346

Configuring the BIND DNS Server
29 Apache Web Server Module 347
Configuration 264 The BIND 4 DNS Server Module 347
Summary 353
Introduction to Apache 264
The Apache Webserver Module 265 31 CVS Server Configuration 354
Starting and Stopping Apache 268
Editing Pages on Your Web Server 268 Introduction to CVS 354
Creating a New Virtual Host 269 The CVS Server Module 354
Setting Per-Directory Options 273 Setting Up the CVS Server 355
Creating Aliases and Redirects 276 Using the CVS Server 356
Running CGI Programs 279 Adding and Editing Users 356
Setting Up Server-Side Includes 282 Limiting User Access 358
Configuring Logging 284 Configuring the CVS Server 359
Setting Up Custom Error Messages 287 Browsing the Repository 359
Adding and Editing MIME Types 288 Configuring the CVS Server Module 359
Password Protecting a Directory 289 Summary 360
Restricting Access by Client Address 293
Encodings, Character Sets, and 32 DHCP Server Configuration 361
Languages 294
Editing .htaccess Files 297 Introduction to the Dynamic Host
Setting Up User Web Directories 299 Configuration Protocol 361
Configuring Apache as a Proxy Server 301 The ISC DHCP Server 362
Setting Up SSL 304 The DHCP Server Module 363
Viewing and Editing Directives 308 Adding and Editing Subnets 365
Module Access Control 310 Viewing and Deleting Leases 369
Configuring the Apache Webserver Editing Global Client Options 370
Module 311 Adding and Editing Fixed Hosts 370
Summary 314 Adding and Editing Shared Networks 372
Adding and Editing Groups 373
30 DNS Server Configuration 315 Module Access Control 374
Introduction to the Domain Name Configuring the DHCP Server Module 375
System 315 Summary 377
The BIND DNS Server Module 318
Creating a New Master Zone 321 33 Downloading Email with
Adding and Editing Records 322 Fetchmail 378
Record Types 325
Editing a Master Zone 330 Introduction to Fetchmail 378
Creating a New Slave Zone 332 The Fetchmail Mail Retrieval Module 379
Editing a Slave Zone 334 Adding a New Mail Server to Check 381
Creating and Editing a Forward Zone 336 Downloading Email 384
Creating a Root Zone 337 Running the Fetchmail Daemon 384
Editing Zone Defaults 338 Editing Global Settings 385
Configuring Forwarding and Transfers 340 Module Access Control 386
Editing Access Control Lists 341 Configuring the Fetchmail Mail Retrieval
Setting Up Partial Reverse Delegation 342 Module 386
Using BIND Views 344 Summary 386
xii Contents

34 Managing Majordomo Mailing 36 The PostgreSQL Database 428

Lists 388 Introduction to PostgreSQL 428
Introduction to Mailing Lists and The PostgreSQL Database Server
Majordomo 388 Module 429
Creating a New Database 431
The Majordomo List Manager Module 389 Creating a New Table 431
Using Other Mail Servers 391 Adding and Editing Fields 433
Creating a Mailing List 391 Deleting a Field 433
Managing List Members 392 Field Types 434
Editing List Information, Headers, and Viewing and Editing Table Contents 436
Footers 393 Deleting Tables and Databases 436
Editing Subscription Options 395 Executing SQL Commands 437
Backing Up and Restoring a Database 437
Editing Forwarded Email Options 396
Managing PostgreSQL Users 439
Editing List Access Control 397 Managing PostgreSQL Groups 441
Moderating and Maintaining a Mailing Restricting Client Access 441
List 398 Editing Object Privileges 442
Deleting a Mailing List 399 Module Access Control 443
Creating a Digest List 399 Configuring the PostgreSQL Database
Editing Digest Options 400 Server Module 444
Summary 447
Editing Global Majordomo Options 401
Module Access Control 401 37 Configuring Sendmail 448
Configuring the Majordomo List Manager
Module 402 Introduction to Internet Email 448
Summary 402 The Sendmail Configuration Module 449
Editing Local Domains and Domain
Masquerading 451
35 The MySQL Database 405 Managing Email Aliases 452
Introduction to MySQL 405 Configuring Relaying 455
Managing Virtual Address Mappings 456
The MySQL Database Server Module 406
Configuring Domain Routing 457
Creating a New Database 407 Editing Global Sendmail Options 458
Creating a New Table 408 Viewing the Mail Queue 460
Adding and Editing Fields 409 Reading Users’ Email 461
Field Types 412 Adding Sendmail Features with M4 463
Viewing and Editing Table Contents 412 Creating Autoreply Aliases 465
Deleting Tables and Databases 416 Creating Filter Aliases 466
Sendmail Module Access Control 468
Executing SQL Commands 417 Configuring the Sendmail Configuration
Backing Up and Restoring a Database 417 Module 469
Managing MySQL Users 419 Summary 475
Managing Database, Host, Table, and Field
Permissions 421 38 Configuring Qmail 476
Module Access Control 423 Introduction to Qmail 476
Configuring the MySQL Database Server The Qmail Configuration Module 477
Module 424 Editing Local Domains 478
Summary 427 Managing Email Aliases 479
Contents xiii

Configuring Relaying 480 41 The WU-FTPD Server 525

Managing Virtual Mappings 481
Configuring Domain Routing 483 Introduction to WU-FTPD 525
Editing Global Qmail Options 484 The WU-FTPD Server Module 526
Editing Mail User Assignments 484 Limiting Who Can Log In 528
Setting Up Anonymous FTP 529
Viewing the Mail Queue 486
Managing User Classes 531
Reading Users’ Email 486 Denying Access to Files 532
Configuring the Qmail Configuration Setting Up Guest Users 534
Module 488 Editing Directory Aliases 535
Summary 490 Message and Readme Files 536
Configuring Logging 538
39 Analyzing Log Files 491 Limiting Concurrent Logins 540
The Webalizer Logfile Analysis Restricting Clients by IP Address 541
Module 491 Restricting Access to FTP Commands 541
Configuring the WU-FTPD Server
Editing Report Options 492 Module 542
Generating and Viewing a Report 496 Summary 543
Reporting on Schedule 496
Adding Another Log File 497 42 SSH Server Configuration 544
Editing Global Options 498
Introduction to SSH 544
Module Access Control 498
The SSH Server Module 545
Summary 499 Restricting Access to the SSH Server 545
Network Configuration 547
40 The ProFTPD Server 500 Authentication Configuration 549
Introduction to FTP and ProFTPD 500 Editing Client Host Options 551
The ProFTPD Server Module 501 Setting Up SSH for New Users 552
Running ProFTPD from inetd or Configuring the SSH Server Module 553
xinetd 503 Summary 553
Using the ProFTPD Server Module 504
43 Windows File Sharing with
Creating Virtual Servers 505
Setting Up Anonymous FTP 506 Samba 554
Restricting Users to Their Home Introduction to SMB and Samba 554
Directories 507 The Samba Windows File Sharing
Limiting Who Can Log In 508 Module 556
Setting Directory Listing Options 510 Managing Samba Users 556
Message and Readme Files 511 Adding a New File Share 559
Setting Per-Directory Options 512 Adding a New Printer Share 560
Restricting Access to FTP Commands 514 Viewing and Disconnecting Clients 562
Editing Share Security Options 563
Configuring Logging 517
Editing File Permission Settings 564
Limiting Concurrent Logins 519 Editing File Naming Options 565
Restricting Clients by IP Address 520 Editing Other File Share Options 566
Limiting Uploads 521 Editing Printer Share Options 567
Manually Editing Directives 523 Editing Share Defaults 568
Configuring the ProFTPD Server Configuring Networking 568
Module 523 Configuring Authentication 571
Summary 524 Configuring Printers 572
xiv Contents

Accessing SWAT from Webmin 573 Configuring the SSL Tunnels Module 618
Module Access Control 573 Summary 619
Configuring the Samba Windows File
Sharing Module 574 47 Usermin Configuration 620
Summary 576 Introduction to Usermin 620
The Usermin Configuration Module 621
44 Configuring the Squid Proxy Starting and Stopping Usermin 621
Server 577 Restricting Access to Usermin 622
Introduction to Proxying and Squid 577 Changing the Port and Address 623
The Squid Proxy Server Module 578 Configuring the Usermin User
Changing the Proxy Ports and Interface 623
Addresses 580 Installing Usermin Modules 624
Changing the Default Language 625
Adding Cache Directories 581
Upgrading Usermin 625
Editing Caching and Proxy Options 583
Configuring Authentication 626
Introduction to Access Control Lists 584
Editing Categories and Moving
Creating and Editing ACLs 586 Modules 628
Creating and Editing Proxy Changing and Installing Themes 629
Restrictions 592 Turning on SSL 630
Setting Up Proxy Authentication 593 Configuring Usermin Modules 631
Configuring Logging 595 Restricting Access to Modules 632
Connecting to Other Proxies 596 Limiting Who Can Log In 636
Clearing the Cache 598 About the Usermin Modules 638
Setting Up a Transparent Proxy 599 Configuring the Usermin Configuration
Viewing Cache Manager Statistics 599 Module 641
Analyzing the Squid Logs 600 Summary 642
Module Access Control 601
Configuring the Squid Proxy Server
Module 601
Summary 604
48 Cluster Software Management 643
45 Filtering Email with Procmail 605
Introduction to Webmin Clustering 643
Introduction to Procmail 605
The Cluster Software Packages
The Procmail Mail Filter Module 606 Module 644
Setting Up Sendmail 606 Registering a Server 645
Creating and Editing Actions 608 Installing a Package 646
Creating and Editing Variable Searching for Packages 646
Assignments 611 Deleting a Package 647
Conditional Blocks and Include Files 612 Exploring and Removing a Server 647
Filtering Spam with SpamAssassin 613 Refreshing the Package List 648
Configuring the Procmail Mail Filter Configuring the Cluster Software Packages
Module 614 Module 648
Summary 614 Summary 648

46 Creating SSL Tunnels 615 49 Cluster User Management 649

Introduction to SSL and STunnel 615 The Cluster Users and Groups Module 649
The SSL Tunnels Module 616 Registering a Server 650
Creating and Editing SSL Tunnels 617 Creating a New User 651
Contents xv

Editing an Existing User 652 Changing Your Operating System 675

Deleting a User 653 Editing the Program Path and Environment
Creating a New Group 654 Variables 676
Editing an Existing Group 654 Changing Webmin’s Language 676
Deleting a Group 656 Editing Main Menu Settings 677
Refreshing User and Group Lists 656 Upgrading Webmin 678
Synchronizing Users and Groups 656 Installing Updates to Webmin 679
Listing and Removing a Server 658 Configuring Authentication 681
Configuring the Cluster Users and Groups Editing Categories and Moving
Module 659 Modules 682
Summary 659 Changing and Installing Themes 683
Referrer Checking 684
50 Cluster Webmin Configuration 660 Allowing Unauthenticated Access to
The Cluster Webmin Configuration Modules 685
Module 660 Turning on SSL 686
Setting Up a Certificate Authority 686
Registering a Server 661
Summary 687
Creating a New Webmin User 662
Editing or Deleting a Webmin User 662
Creating a New Webmin Group 664
52 Webmin Access Control 688
Editing or Deleting a Webmin Group 664 Introduction to Webmin Users, Groups,
Editing the User or Group ACL for a and Permissions 688
Module 665 The Webmin Users Module 689
Installing a Module or Theme 666 Creating a New Webmin User 689
Viewing and Deleting a Module or Editing a Webmin User 691
Theme 667 Editing Module Access Control 692
Refreshing User and Module Lists 667 Creating and Editing Webmin Groups 694
Listing and Removing a Server 668 Requesting a Client SSL Key 695
Configuring the Cluster Webmin Viewing and Disconnecting Login
Configuration Module 668 Sessions 697
Summary 668 Module Access Control 697
Configuring the Webmin Users
Module 698

51 Webmin Configuration 669 53 Webmin Servers 700

The Webmin Configuration Module 669 The Webmin Servers Index Module 700
Restricting Access to Webmin 669 Adding a Webmin Server 701
Changing the Port and Address 670 Editing or Deleting a Webmin Server 703
Setting Up Logging 671 Using Server Tunnels 703
Using Proxy Servers 672 Broadcasting and Scanning for Servers 704
Configuring the Webmin User How RPC Works 704
Interface 672 Module Access Control 705
Installing and Deleting Webmin Configuring the Webmin Servers Index
Modules 673 Module 706
Cloning a Webmin Module 674 Summary 706
xvi Contents

54 Logging in Webmin 707 57 Inside the Scheduled Cron Jobs

Introduction to Logging 707 Module 734
The Webmin Actions Log Module 708 Module Design and CGI Programs 734
Displaying Logs 708 The cron-lib.pl Library Script 735
Summary 709 Module Configuration Settings 737
The lang Internationalization
Directory 738
The acl_security.pl Access Control
The log_parser.pl Log Reporting
55 Webmin Module Development 710 Script 739
The useradmin_update.pl User
Introduction 710
Synchronization Script 740
Required Files 711 Summary 740
Module CGI Programs 712
Module Configuration 715 58 Creating Webmin Themes 741
Look and Feel 717
Introduction to Themes 741
Design Goals 718
Overriding Images and Programs 743
Online Help 718 Theme Functions 744
Module Packaging 719 Summary 746
Summary and Learning More 720
59 Inside the MSC Theme 747
56 Advanced Module Development 721
Theme Design and Graphics 747
Module Access Control 721 The index.cgi Program 748
User Update Notification 723 The theme_header Function 748
Internationalization 723 The theme_footer Function 749
File Locking 725 Summary 750
Action Logging 726
Pre- and Post-Install Scripts 728 60 The Webmin API 751
Functions in Other Modules 728 API Functions 751
Remote Procedure Calls 730 Summary 765
Creating Usermin Modules 732
Summary 733 Index............................................ 767
C H A P T E R 1

Introduction to


his chapter explains what Webmin is, why it was written, and what you
T can expect from this book.

1.1 What is Webmin?

Webmin is a program that simplifies the process of managing a Linux or UNIX system. Tradi-
tionally, you have needed to manually edit configuration files and run commands to create
accounts, set up web servers, or manage email forwarding. Webmin now lets you perform these
tasks through an easy-to-use web interface, and automatically updates all of the required config-
uration files for you. This makes the job of administering your system much easier.
Some of the things that you can do with Webmin include:

• Creating, editing, and deleting UNIX login accounts on your system

• Exporting files and directories to other systems with the NFS protocol
• Setting up disk quotas to control how much space users can take up with their files
• Installing, viewing, and removing software packages in RPM and other formats
• Changing your system's IP address, DNS settings, and routing configuration
• Setting up a firewall to protect your computer or give hosts on an internal LAN access to
the Internet
• Creating and configuring virtual web sites for the Apache Web server
• Managing databases, tables, and fields in a MySQL or PostgreSQL database server
• Sharing files with Windows systems by configuring Samba

These are just a few of the available functions. Webmin lets you configure almost all of the com-
mon services and popular servers on UNIX systems using a simple web interface. It protects you

2 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Webmin

from the syntax errors and other mistakes that are often made when editing configuration files
directly, and warns you before potentially dangerous actions.
Because Webmin is accessed though a web browser, you can log in to it from any system that
is connected to yours through a network. There is absolutely no difference between running it
locally and running it remotely, and it is much easier to use over the network than other graphical
configuration programs.
Webmin has what is known as a modular design. This means that each of its functions is con-
tained in a module that can generally be installed or removed independently from the rest of the
program. Each module is responsible for managing some service or server, such as UNIX users,
the Apache Web server, or software packages.
If you have been manually configuring your system up till now, any existing settings will be
recognized by Webmin. It always reads the standard configuration files on your system and
updates them directly, instead of using its own separate database. This means that you can freely
mix Webmin, manual configuration, and other programs or scripts that work in the same way.
Even though this book is written for Linux users, Webmin can be used on many other flavors
of UNIX as well, such as Solaris, FreeBSD, and HP/UX. One of its biggest strengths is its under-
standing of the differences between all these operating systems and the way it adjusts its user inter-
face and behavior to fit your OS. This means that it can often hide the underlying differences
between each UNIX variant and present a similar or identical interface no matter which one you
are using.
Webmin on its own is not particularly useful though—it is only a configuration tool, so you
must have programs installed for it to configure. For example, the Apache module requires that the
actual Apache Web server be installed. Fortunately, all of the services and servers that Webmin
manages are either included with most Linux distributions as standard, or can be freely down-
loaded and installed.

1.2 Who Should Use Webmin?

Webmin was written for use by people who have some Linux experience but are not familiar
with the intricacies of system administration. Even though it makes the process of creating
UNIX users or managing the Squid proxy server easy, you must first have some idea of what a
UNIX account is and what Squid does. The average Webmin user is probably someone running
it on their Linux system at home or on a company network.
The program assumes that you are familiar with basic TCP/IP networking concepts, such as IP
addresses, DNS servers, and hostnames. It also assumes that the user understands the layout of the
UNIX filesystem, what users and groups are, and where user files are located. If you use Webmin
to manage a server like Apache or Sendmail, you should first have an idea of what they can do and
what kind of configuration you want completed.
Webmin itself runs with full UNIX root privileges, which means that it can edit any file and
run any command on your system. This means that it is quite possible to delete all of the files on
your system or make it un-bootable if you make a mistake when using the program, especially if
you are configuring something that you don't understand. Even though Webmin will usually warn
you before performing some potentially dangerous action, there is still plenty of scope for causing
How and Why Was it Developed? 3

Even though it can be used on a system with no connection to the Internet, Webmin does ben-
efit if your Linux system is on a network. It can download new software packages, Perl modules, or
even new versions of Webmin for you, if connected. A permanent high-speed connection is best,
but even a dial-up connection is good enough for most purposes.
Because Webmin runs with root privileges, you must be able to log in to your system as
root to install and start it. This means that it cannot be used on a system on which you have only a
normal UNIX account, such as a virtual web server that is shared with other people. You might,
however, be able to get your system administrator to install and configure it for you.
If you are already an experienced UNIX system administrator, Webmin may not feel like the
tool for you because using it is generally slower than directly editing configuration files and run-
ning commands. However, even the experts can benefit from its automatic syntax checking and the
actions that it can perform automatically.
It is also possible to give different people different levels of access to Webmin, so that an expe-
rienced administrator can use it to safely delegate responsibility to less-skilled subordinates. For
example, you might want someone to be only able to manage the BIND DNS server and nothing
else, while giving yourself full access to the system and all of Webmin's functions.

1.3 How and Why Was it Developed?

Webmin, the program, was designed and created by me, Jamie Cameron—the author of this
book. I started it back in 1997 and released the first version (0.1) in October of that year. Since
that time, its user interface, features, and appearance have changed dramatically, and almost all
of the code has been re-written. The basic concept of a web-based administration tool, however,
has been the same since that very first release.
I started writing it when I was the administrator for a system running a DNS server and was
spending a lot of time updating the server's configuration files to add new host records requested by
users. Giving them the root password was not an option—they did not have the experience to
properly edit the zone files and re-start the server. The solution was a simple web interface that
would display existing DNS records and allow them to be edited, created, and deleted. Users could
then safely be given access to this interface to make the changes that they needed.
DNS management was just the start though. Once I saw the possibilities for simplifying the
configuration of a UNIX system though a web interface, I started adding other features to the pro-
gram and putting them into modules. Next came modules for UNIX users, Samba, mounting file-
systems, NFS, and Cron jobs. I thought up the name Webmin, made it available for anyone to
download, and announced it on a few mailing lists. The initial feedback was good, so I kept on
Over the years, the program has gone through three different user interfaces, grown to 83
modules, added support for non-English languages, provided advanced access control, included
lots more operating systems, and offered many other features. The Linux distribution companies
Caldera and MSC.Linux have supported the project financially, and many users have made contri-
butions of code patches, modules, translations, and suggestions. In addition to the standard mod-
ules, over 100 have been written by other people and are available to be added to Webmin on your
system once you have installed the program.
4 Chapter 1 • Introduction to Webmin

1.4 What is this Book About?

This book explains how to install Webmin, how to use almost all of its modules, and how to
write your own. The book focuses on the standard modules that come with the Webmin package,
not those written by other people. Not all of the 83 standard modules are covered, however, as
some are not very useful to the average administrator.
Although this book is written primarily for Linux users, the program behaves almost identi-
cally on other operating systems. Each chapter also lists any differences between Linux and other
UNIX variants in their “Other Operating Systems” sections. This means that it is still very useful if
you are running Webmin on FreeBSD, Solaris, MacOS X, or some other variety of UNIX.
Each chapter in the book covers the use of Webmin for managing a particular service or
server, such as NFS exports, Sendmail, or the ProFTPD FTP server. Most chapters only discuss a
single module, but some cover two or three that have similar or related purposes. Each chapter is
pretty much self-contained, so there is no need to read through the entire book in sequence if you
just want to find out how to configure one server. Chapters 2, 3, and possibly Chapter 52, however,
should be read first as they explain how to install Webmin, how to secure it, and how to limit what
other users can do with a module, respectively.
Each chapter is broken up into sections, and most sections explain how to perform a specific
task. A section will generally contain an introduction to the task explaining why you might want to
do it, followed by a list of steps to follow in the Webmin user interface to carry it out. At the begin-
ning of each chapter are sections that introduce the server being configured and the concepts
behind it, and list the underlying configuration files that get modified when you use the module
covered in that chapter.
Chapters 55 to 60 cover the development of your own Webmin modules and themes, and
therefore have a different style. The average user does not need to read them, but if you have an
idea for a module that is not currently available, they provide all the information that you need to
implement it.

1.5 Who Should Read this Book?

This book should be read by anyone wanting to use Webmin to manage their Linux or UNIX
systems. It was written for readers with a basic knowledge of UNIX commands and concepts—
people who have installed Linux and have used it for a while.
Each chapter starts with an introduction to the service being configured so that readers have
some idea of what the DNS protocol is for or how a firewall works. Even so, a complete novice
should not try to set up a server until he understands how it works and what he wants it to do. The
best way to learn is to use the service on some other system as a user. For example, if you have
used a proxy server before on some other network, then you will have the background knowledge
needed to use this book to set up the Squid proxy on your own system.
The development chapters, on the other hand, are written for someone who already under-
stands how to write Perl scripts and CGI programs on a UNIX system. This means that they are
more complex than the rest of the book, and assume some knowledge of programming and manual
system administration. They can be skipped, however, if you just want to learn how to use Webmin
rather than how to extend it.
Conventions Used in this Book 5

1.6 Conventions Used in this Book

The following special text styles are used in this book:

Bold Used for text that appears in Webmin itself, such as error messages, icon
names, buttons, and field labels.
Fixed width This style is used for the names of shell commands, UNIX users,
directories and files. Also used for text in configuration files, program code and API
Italics Used to indicate example input entered by the user into Webmin, example
commands, or directories. Also used in Chapter 60 “The Webmin API” for the
names of parameters to functions.

1.7 Acknowledgments
This book could not have been written without the support of Jill Harry and the others at Pren-
tice Hall, Robert Kern for suggesting the idea, my wife Foong Ching for her constant support,
and all the members of the Webmin mailing list for their ideas and suggestions over the years.
C H A P T E R 2

Installing Webmin

his chapter explains how to download the appropriate Webmin pack-

T age for your operating system, how to install it, and what you will see
after logging in for the first time.

2.1 Downloading Webmin for Your System

The latest version of Webmin can always be downloaded from www.webmin.com/. At the time of
writing, the latest release was Version 1.100, but new versions come out frequently. All of the
instructions below, however, will use Version 1.100 for the filenames. If you download a later
release, the version number in all the filenames and paths will have changed.
Some Linux distributions, such as Mandrake and Caldera, include Webmin as a standard fea-
ture, so it may already be installed on your system. The version that they include, however, may
not be the latest official version that is available for download. If you are happy with the release
that you already have, however, you can skip this chapter.
Other Linux distributions, like Debian and Gentoo, include Webmin as a package that can be
downloaded and installed automatically. On Debian, the command apt-get install webmin
will install the latest version available in the Debian APT repository. This can sometimes be a few
versions behind the newest official release, however, so you may want to download from
www.webmin.com/ instead. On Gentoo Linux, the command emerge webmin will install the latest
version from the Gentoo Portage repository, which should be the same as the newest official
If you are upgrading from an older Webmin version, the process is exactly the same as install-
ing for the first time. Any changes that you have made to the configuration of Webmin itself, or to
other servers like Apache or Sendmail, will be left unharmed by the upgrade.
While Webmin supports a wide variety of UNIX variants, it does not cover all of them.
Because it deals with system configuration files that differ in location and format between different

Installing the RPM Package 7

kinds of UNIX operating systems, it has been written to behave differently depending on the type
of operating system that it is running on. To see a complete list of supported operating systems,
visit the web page www.webmin.com/support.html. If your operating system is not on the list, you
cannot use Webmin.
Before downloading Webmin for installation on your system, you have to choose a package
format in which to download it. The available formats are:

RPM If you are running Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake, Caldera, MSC, or any other
Linux distribution which supports the RPM packaging format, then the RPM
package is your best choice.
tar.gz The tar.gz packaged version of Webmin will work on any operating system,
but is slightly harder to install than the RPM and Solaris packages.
Solaris package If you are running Solaris on Sparc or x86, then this is the
package format for you.

For instructions on installing your chosen package type, see Section 2.2 “Installing the RPM
Package” below.

2.2 Installing the RPM Package

In the top-right corner of every Webmin website page is a link for the RPM package. A link can
also be found on the page www.webmin.com/download.html. Once you have downloaded it, you
should have a file on your Linux system named something like webmin-1.1.100-
1.noarch.rpm. To install, run the following command as root:

rpm –U webmin-1.1.100-1.noarch.rpm

The RPM install can only fail if you do not have Perl installed, or if Webmin cannot identify
your operating system. If that occurs and your Linux distribution is on the list of supported operat-
ing systems, you should install the tar.gz version instead. Because all Linux distributions are
slightly different, the Webmin install process has to positively identify the exact distribution and
version that you are running, such as Red Hat 7.3. This can fail if one of the files that contain the
distribution name (such as /etc/issue) has been modified.
Assuming the RPM install successfully completes, you will be able to login to Webmin imme-
diately. Open a web browser, and go to the URL http://localhost:10000/ if you are running the
browser on the same Linux system on which Webmin was installed, or http://your-systems-host-
name:10000/ if the browser is being run on another PC. Either way, a web form will appear
prompting for a username and password, as shown in Figure 2.1.
You should be able to login as root, using the same password as the root UNIX user on your
Linux system. If the password is changed using the command-line passwd command or the Users
and Groups module, your Webmin password will change too.
If the OpenSSL library and the Net::SSLeay Perl module have already been installed on your
system, Webmin will automatically start in SSL mode. This means that you should use a URL start-
ing with https:// instead of http:// to connect to it. Attempting to connect with the non-SSL URL will
only bring up a page with a link to the https:// URL on it, which you should follow to log in.
8 Chapter 2 • Installing Webmin

Figure 2.1 The Webmin login page.

2.3 Installing the tar.gz Package

In the top-right corner of every Webmin website page there is a link for the tar.gz package. A
link can also be found on the page www.webmin.com/download.html. Once you have down-
loaded it, you should have a file on your system named something like webmin-
1.1.100.tar.gz. To install the package, follow these steps:

1. Login to your system as root.

2. Choose a directory under which you want Webmin installed. This is usually /usr/
local, but can be /opt or any other location that you prefer. The instructions below will
use /usr/local for simplicity.
3. Copy the webmin-1.1.100.tar.gz file to the /usr/local directory.
4. Run the following commands to uncompress and extract the tar.gz file and run the fol-
lowing setup script:
cd /usr/local
gunzip webmin-1.1.100.tar.gz
tar xf webmin-1.1.100.tar
cd webmin-1.1.100

5. After running the setup.sh script, you will be asked a series of questions that control
the installation process. The questions and their meanings are:
Installing the tar.gz Package 9

Config file directory [/etc/webmin] This is the directory in which

Webmin will store all of its own configuration files. It is best just to hit Enter to
accept the default of /etc/webmin. If this directory already exists from an older
version of Webmin that you are upgrading from, this is the only question that will
be asked.
Log file directory [/var/webmin] This is the directory in which
Webmin’s log and process ID files will be stored. Just hit Enter to accept the
default of /var/webmin for this one as well.
Full path to perl This is the location of the Perl executable on your system. If
it is at /usr/bin/perl or /usr/local/bin/perl, then you can just type enter to
accept the default. Otherwise, you must enter the full path to the Perl interpreter.
Operating system This question will only be asked if Webmin cannot
automatically identify your operating system. You must enter the number next to
one of the operating system names that appears in the list before the question.
Version Like the question above, this will only be asked if Webmin cannot
identify your operating system. Again, you must enter the number next to one of
the version numbers displayed.
Web server port (default 10000) This is the HTTP port on which
Webmin listens. It is best to stick with the default, unless you are running some
other network server on port 10000.
Login name (default admin) This is asking for the username that you will
use for logging into Webmin. admin is the traditional username, but anything can
be used.
Login password This is the password that must be entered along with the
username. You must enter this twice, to verify that you haven’t accidentally made a
Use SSL (y/n) This question will only be asked if you have already installed
the OpenSSL and Net::SSLeay libraries on your system, as explained in Chapter 3.
If you enter y, Webmin will use SSL right from the start. If you enter n now,
however, you can still turn it on later.
Start Webmin at boot time (y/n) This question controls whether
Webmin will be starting when your system boots up, which means that you do not
have to re-start it yourself manually every time you reboot. If you want to have it
started at boot, just enter y. If not, enter n.
6. After all the questions have been answered, the install process will finish, and a message
showing the URL that you can use to log in will appear. You can now delete the old
webmin-1.1.100.tar file if you no longer need it. Do not delete the /usr/local/
webmin-1.1.100 directory that was created when the tar file was extracted, however.
This contains all the scripts that Webmin needs to run.

Now that the package has been installed, you can open a web browser, and go to the URL http://
localhost:10000/ if you are running the browser on the same Linux system on which Webmin
was installed, or http://your-systems-hostname:10000/ if the browser is being run on another
10 Chapter 2 • Installing Webmin

PC. Either way, a web form will appear prompting for a username and password as shown in
Figure 2.1. Log in using the username and password that you chose before in response to the
Login name and Login password questions.
If you answered yes to the SSL question, you should use a URL starting with https:// instead
of http:// to connect. If Webmin detects a non-SSL connection when it is in SSL mode, it will dis-
play a page with a link to the correct URL.

2.4 Installing the Solaris Package

The Solaris version of Webmin is only available for download from www.webmin.com/down-
load.html. Once you have downloaded it, you should have a file on your Solaris system named
something like webmin-1.1.100-1.pkg.gz. To install, run the following commands as root:

gunzip webmin-1.1.100.pkg.gz
pkgadd –d webmin-1.1.100.pkg.gz WSwebmin

The Solaris package can only fail if you already have Webmin installed, or if you do not have
the Perl executable at /usr/local/bin/perl. If you have Perl installed somewhere else on your sys-
tem, you should create a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin/perl to the real location.
Assuming the Solaris package install completes successfully, you will be able to log in to
Webmin immediately. Open a web browser, and go to the URL http://localhost:10000/ if you are
running the browser on the same Linux system on which Webmin was installed, or http://your-sys-
tems-hostname:10000/ if the browser is being run on another PC. Either way, a web form will
appear prompting for a username and password, as shown in Figure 2.1.
You should be able to login as root, using the same password as the root UNIX user on your
Solaris system. If you change the UNIX root password down the road, however, the Webmin
root user will not change. This is because the package install just copies the current password
from the /etc/shadow file.

2.5 The Webmin User Interface

Assuming the installation process and login were successful, your browser should show the Web-
min main menu with the Webmin category selected, as shown in Figure 2.2. You can switch to
other categories by clicking on the icons along the top of the page, such as System, Servers, or
Others. Every module is a member of one category, and a table of icons for each module in the
selected category will appear in the body of the page. To enter a module, just click on its icon.
To log out of Webmin, just click on the Logout link that appears in the top-right corner of
every page. To send feedback to the author (that’s me), click on the Feedback link that is next to
the Logout button. To visit www.webmin.com/, click on the Webmin logo in the top-left corner of
any page.
If you are using a different theme, the user interface will appear different to the screen, as
shown in Figure 2.2. Some versions of Webmin that come with Linux distributions use a different
theme by default, such as Mandrake and Caldera. The main menu, however, will still show catego-
ries and modules, maybe using different sized icons in a different on-screen layout. All the screen
shots in this book were captured using the default theme, so you may want to switch to it now (see
Chapter 52 for instructions on how to change the current theme).
The Webmin User Interface 11

Figure 2.2 Modules in the Webmin category.

All Webmin modules have a common layout and user interface, in order to make navigation
easier. When you click on a module icon from the main menu, the main page of the module will
appear. For example, Figure 2.3 shows the main page of the Disk Quotas module.
At the top are the category icons that appear on every Webmin page, so that you can easily
switch to another module. Below are links for Help, Module Config, and Search Docs. Not every
module will display all of these links, but where they appear they have common purposes:

Help This link opens a pop-up window containing an overview of the module and
the options available on the main page.
Module Config This link displays a form containing configurable options for the
current module. See Figure 2.4 for an example of the options available in the Disk
Quotas module. Each module has its own set of options, but all use a similar
interface for editing them. In most cases, you will not need to change any of these
configuration options for normal use of a module.
Search Docs This link displays a list of UNIX man pages, package
documentation, HOWTO files, and websites related to the server or program that the
module is configuring. This can be useful for finding out additional information
about the underlying configuration files and commands that Webmin is using.

Other pages below the first page in each module also have a common layout. Figure 2.5 shows a
sample page from the Disk Quotas module. Below the list of category icons is a link labeled
Module Index, which will always return you to the module’s main page. This can be found on
almost every page of every module. Next to it is another Help link that pops up a window dis-
12 Chapter 2 • Installing Webmin

Figure 2.3 The Disk Quotas module main page.

Figure 2.4 The configuration page for the Disk Quotas module.
Uninstalling Webmin 13

Figure 2.5 An example page from the Disk Quotas module.

playing information on the current page. Not all pages have online help, so this link will not
always appear. Finally, at the bottom of the page is a link, whose label starts with Return to, that
will take you back one level in the module’s hierarchy of pages.

2.6 Uninstalling Webmin

If, for some unimaginable reason, you want to remove Webmin from your system, you can just
log in as root and run the command:


This command will ask if you are sure you want to uninstall, and if you do it will delete the
Webmin scripts and configuration directories. This means that any configuration you have done to
Webmin itself, such as changing IP access control, switching themes, or creating new Webmin
users will be lost. There will, however, be no harm done to the configuration of other servers such
as Apache or Sendmail, even if they were done using Webmin.

2.7 Summary
After reading this chapter, you should understand how to install Webmin for the first time on a
server, or upgrade an existing installation to the latest release. You should also know the differ-
ences between the three package formats, and which one is suitable for your operating system.
Because this entire book is about Webmin, it should definitely be installed before reading on!
C H A P T E R 3

Securing Your
Webmin Server

his chapter covers the necessary steps for adding additional security to
T Webmin on your system once it has been installed. It explains both IP
address restrictions and the use of SSL.

3.1 Network Security

Unless you are running Webmin on a system that is never connected to any other network, it is a
wise idea to restrict which client network addresses are allowed to log in. Because Webmin is so
powerful, anyone who manages to log in will have total control over your system—as though
they had root shell access. Even though a username and password is always required to log in,
it is always good to have an additional layer of security in case an attacker guesses (or somehow
discovers) your password. IP access control also protects you from any bugs in Webmin that
may show up in future that will allow an attacker to log in without a password—some older
releases have had just this problem.
To restrict the IP addresses and networks from which Webmin will accept connections, follow
these steps:

1. In the Webmin category, click on the icon for the Webmin Configuration module.
2. Click on the icon for IP Access Control. The form shown in Figure 3.1 will appear for
restricting client IP addresses.
3. Select the option Only allow from listed addresses, and enter the IP addresses or host-
names of client systems in the text box from which you will allow access. If you want to
allow access from an entire IP network, enter the address of the network with 0 for the
final octet. For example, if you wanted to allow all clients with IP addresses from up to, you would enter

SSL Encryption 15

Networks can also be entered in the standard network/netmask format, like You can also grant access from an entire domain by
entering a wildcard hostname like *.foo.com, assuming that reverse IP address
resolution has been set up for that domain.
4. When done, click the Save button to apply your changes. Webmin will warn you if the
restrictions will prevent the client system on which you are currently running your
browser from logging in so you do not accidentally lock yourself out!

Figure 3.1 The IP access control form.

3.2 SSL Encryption

If you are accessing your Webmin server over an untrusted network such as the Internet, you
should be aware that, by default, an attacker can capture your login and password by listening in
on network traffic. This is particularly easy if you are using a non-switched Ethernet network
shared by people that you do not fully trust, such as those in offices or universities.
Fortunately there is a solution that is relatively easy to set up—switching Webmin to use SSL
so that all network traffic between your web browser and the server is encrypted. The RPM pack-
age of Webmin will run in SSL mode by default if the OpenSSL library and Net::SSLeay Perl
module are installed. Most systems, however, do not meet these requirements so you will need to
follow the steps below to enable SSL:

1. Install the OpenSSL library, if you do not already have it. Most recent Linux distribu-
tions will include it as standard, but you may have to install it from your distribution CD.
16 Chapter 3 • Securing Your Webmin Server

If there are separate packages for openssl and openssl-devel, make sure both are
installed. If your operating system does not come with OpenSSL, you can download it
from www.openssl.org/ instead.
2. Install the Net::SSLeay Perl module, if it is not already installed. If your system is con-
nected to the Internet, the easiest way to do this is to enter the Perl Modules module of
Webmin (under the Others category), enter Net::SSLeay into the From CPAN field and
click the Install button.
After the Perl module has finished downloading, click on Continue with install to have
Webmin automatically compile and install it.
3. Once both are installed, go to the Webmin Configuration module and click on SSL
Encryption. The form shown in Figure 3.2 will appear.
4. On the top part of the page, change the Enable SSL if available? option to Yes, and
click Save. If all goes well, Webmin will be switched to SSL mode and your browser will
connect to it securely.
5. If this is the first time you have connected to Webmin in SSL mode, your browser will
display a warning about the certificate being invalid. For now, you can ignore this warn-
ing and choose to accept the certificate. For more details, see Section 3.3 “Requesting a
Valid SSL Certificate”.
6. From now on, when logging into Webmin you must use a URL starting with https://
instead of just http://. Once in SSL mode, it will no longer accept insecure connections.
7. Go back to the SSL Encryption page and scroll down to the second form. If a warning
starting with Because you are currently using the default Webmin SSL key… is dis-
played, you definitely should continue following these steps to create your own private
SSL certificate and key. If, however, it does not appear, then a private key was created at
installation time and there is no need to go on reading.
8. If your system is always accessed using the same hostname in the URL, enter it into the
Server name in URL field, such as www.example.com. This will cause the generated
certificate to be associated only with that hostname. Otherwise select Any hostname to
allow the certificate to be used with any URL hostname. This is more convenient, but
slightly less secure.
9. In the Email address field, enter your email address—such as [email protected].
10. If appropriate, fill in the Department field with the name of the department or group
within the organization to which this system belongs, such as Network Engineering. This
can be left blank if inappropriate, such as on a home system.
11. In the Organization field, enter the name of the company or organization that owns this
system, such as Foo Corporation. Again, this can be left blank if it makes no sense.
12. In the State field, enter the name of the state that your system is in, such as California.
13. In the Country code field, enter the two-letter code for the country in which the system
resides, such as US.
14. Leave the Write key to file field unchanged, and the Use new key immediately field set
to Yes.
15. Hit the Create Now button to generate a new key and certificate, write them to /etc/
webmin/miniserv.pem and immediately activate them. Your browser will probably
prompt you again to accept the new certificate.
Requesting a Valid SSL Certificate 17

Figure 3.2 The SSL activation form.

Older versions of Webmin just used a fixed SSL key that was included as part of the package.
This, however, was completely useless for securing network traffic because anyone with a copy
of that key can decrypt the data that is supposedly protected with SSL! For this reason, recent
Webmin versions create a new private key at installation time if possible, and warn you if the old
fixed SSL key is being used.

3.3 Requesting a Valid SSL Certificate

If you want to use a valid SSL certificate and do not have one for your hostname, it is possible to
generate one using the openssl command and a certificate authority. A valid certificate is one
that is recognized by all browsers because it was signed by a recognized authority. Those created
by Webmin itself, by following the steps in Section 3.2 “SSL Encryption”, do not meet this crite-
ria and will trigger a warning in all browsers when they connect to the Webmin server.
Unfortunately, certificate authorities charge money for signing and verifying that the owner of
the server in the hostname actually matches the company details in the certificate. For this reason,
most people do not bother to use a signed certificate with Webmin, as there is no real advantage in
security once you have accepted an unsigned certificate into your browser for the first time.
If you do want to obtain a real valid certificate, however, the steps to follow are:

1. At the shell prompt, run the openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024 command. This
will create the key.pem file, which is your private key.
18 Chapter 3 • Securing Your Webmin Server

2. Run the openssl req -new -key key.pem -out req.pem command. When it
asks for the common name, be sure to enter the full hostname of your server as used in
the URL, like www.yourserver.com. This will create the req.pem file, which is the cer-
tificate signing request (CSR).
3. Send the CSR to your certificate authority by whatever method they use. They should
send you back a file that starts with —BEGIN CERTIFICATE— which can be put in the
cert.pem file.
4. In Webmin, enter the Webmin Configuration module and click on SSL Encryption.
5. In the SSL Encryption form (shown in Figure 3.2), enter the path to your key.pem file
into the Private key file field, and the path to your cert.pem file into the Certificate
file field.
6. Click the Save button to switch to the new certificate.

From now on, your browser should no longer display a warning when connecting to Webmin in
SSL mode.

3.4 Summary
Securing your Webmin server to prevent unauthorized access is critical, as there are many poten-
tial attackers on the Internet who would love to use it to take over your system. This chapter has
covered the two different types of security configuration (IP access control and SSL) that should
be performed where possible. Because some versions of Webmin have had remotely exploitable
security holes, it is also advisable to always upgrade to the latest version as soon as it becomes
available to ensure your system's security.
C H A P T E R 4

Users and Groups

his chapter is devoted to the Users and Groups module, which allows
T you to create and manage UNIX user accounts and UNIX groups.

4.1 Introduction to UNIX Users and Groups

On Linux and other UNIX operating systems, a user is a person who can login to the system via
SSH, telnet, FTP or at the console. Users can also receive email and own files on the server's
local filesystems. Each user has a login name, a password, and a home directory in which all its
files are stored. Users also have several additional attributes, such as a real name, shell (the pro-
gram that is run when the user logs in), and expiry date.
Each user is a member of at least one group, called a primary group. In addition, a user can be
a member of an unlimited number of secondary groups. Group membership can be used to control
the files that a user can read and edit. For example, if two users are working on the same project
you might put them in the same group so they can both edit a particular file that other users cannot
Every system will have several standard user accounts like root and nobody that are created
when the system is installed—although most of these (except for root) cannot be used to login. If
your server will be used by more than one person, you will need to create an additional user
account for each person to keep their files and email separate. Even if you are the only person who
uses your machine, it is a good idea to create a user account for yourself that you use to login with
instead of using the root account.
Depending on your operating system, user and group information will be stored in different
files in the /etc directory. On modern versions of Linux, /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow are
used to store user details, and /etc/group for group details. The Users and Groups module works
by directly editing those files, not by calling any external programs or functions. This means that if
you are using NIS or storing users in an LDAP server, this module is not for you.

20 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

4.2 The Users and Groups Module

The Webmin module Users and Groups that is found under the System category (as shown in
Figure 4.1) can be used to create, edit, and delete all the UNIX users and groups on your system.
You should always be careful when using this module to edit existing system users like root
and daemon because changing or deleting them could stop your system from working. Some
users have their home directory set to / (the root directory). Deleting such a user would cause all
the files on your system to be deleted!
In addition to managing the UNIX users on your system, this module can also affect user set-
tings in other modules. For example, Samba has its own list of users and passwords that should be
kept in sync with the UNIX password list. Webmin can handle this for you automatically using the
other modules option that appears on the user creation, editing, and deletion forms. You must,
however, enable this in every other module that you want automatically updated. The module also

Figure 4.1 The Users and Groups module icon.

has options for synchronizing UNIX groups in a similar way, such as with Samba groups. How-
ever, since this feature only works with Samba 3.0, which is still under development, it is not cov-
ered in this chapter.
Once you enter the module, the main page lists all the users that currently exist on your system
in one table (Figure 4.2), and all the groups in another (Figure 4.3). If there are too many users or
groups to sensibly display in a table, then a small form allowing you to search for a user or group
will be displayed instead.
Creating a New User 21

Figure 4.2 List of existing users.

4.3 Creating a New User

To create a new UNIX user, complete the following steps:

1. Click on the Create a new user link above or below the table of existing users. A form
for entering the details of the new user will appear, as shown in Figure 4.4.
2. At this point you have to decide on a username for the new user, which should be some-
thing simple without spaces in it—like jcameron or jamie—and not used by any other
user. If your server is receiving email, the username determines the part of the user’s
email address to the left of the @. Enter your choice in the Username field.
3. The User ID field should generally be left unchanged, as it is worked out for you by
Webmin. If you set it to the same user ID as another user, they will be able to access each
other’s files. This is generally not a good idea.
4. In the Real name field, you should enter the user’s full name, such as Jamie Cameron.
5. Every user has a home directory, in which the user stores his personal documents and
preference files. In the Home directory field, you should enter a directory that does not
exist yet, such as /home/jcameron. When the user is created, this directory will be created
and its ownership granted to the new user.
If Webmin on your system offers an Automatic option for the home directory, it is
generally best to stick with that.
6. The user's shell is a program that is run when he makes a text mode login of some kind
(via SSH, for example), or opens a shell prompt after logging in graphically at the con-
22 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

Figure 4.3 List of existing groups.

sole. The shell is responsible for running the commands that you type (such as ls and
cat), running scripts on login and logout, and providing an interface for command edit-
ing. Shells like bash and tcsh are easier for users to use, because they allow the up and
down arrows to be used to scroll through previous commands, and the tab key to auto-
complete commands and filenames.
In some cases, you might not want a user to be able to make a shell login at all, as in
when the user is only meant to be able to read and send email. In that case, his shell
should be set to /bin/false, which is a program that does nothing and exits
You should select whatever shell you want the user to have from the list in the Shell field.
If your choice is not on the list, select the Other option and enter the path to the shell in
the field below.
7. For the Password field, you have four choices:
No password required The user can login without needing to enter any password.
No login allowed The user can never login.
Normal password You get to enter the user’s password.
Pre-encrypted password You must enter a password that is already encrypted, such as
one taken from the /etc/shadow file on another system.
Generally you will want to use the Normal password option. Note that on many
operating systems, only the first eight characters of the password are actually used.
Editing an Existing User 23

8. On most systems, a set of inputs under the heading Password options will be available.
The first of these is the Expiry date—if you want the user to be unable to login after a
particular date, fill in this field.
9. The Minimum days field is the number of days after the user is created or the password
is last changed that the user must wait before changing it again. Leave it blank to allow
changing as soon as the user wants.
10. The Maximum days field is the number of days after the user is created or the password
is last changed that the password will expire and need to be changed. A user with this
option set will be forced to change his password periodically, which is good for system
security. Leave it blank to prevent the password from ever expiring.
11. The Warning days field is the number of days before the password expiry date that the
user will be warned at login that his password is about to expire. If left blank, the user
will not know that his account has expired until he tries to log in and is forced to choose
a new password.
12. The Inactive days field is the number of days after the password expires that the entire
account will be disabled if the user has not chosen a new password. If left empty, the
account will never expire.
13. For the Primary group, either select an existing group or enter the name of a new one
that Webmin will create for you.
14. If you want the user to be a member of more than one group, select some of the groups
from the Secondary group list.
15. If you want the user’s home directory to be created, select the Create home directory?
option. If the directory does not already exist, you should select this as well as Copy files
to home directory? so that the user gets a basic set of preference files like .profile
and Desktop.
16. To create the user in other modules that you have configured for such action, select Cre-
ate user in other modules? It is possible to set up the Samba module to automatically
create a user in its user list, and the MySQL module to create a new database user, among
17. To create the user, click the Create button. After a short delay, you will be returned to the
list of existing users, which should include your newly created user.

Once the Create button has been clicked, the new user will be able to login via SSH, telnet, or
whatever other services you have set up

4.4 Editing an Existing User

You can change any of the details of any user that already exists on your system by following
these steps:

1. Click on the user you want to edit from the existing list. A form containing all the details
of the user will appear, as shown in Figure 4.5.
2. Change any of the details that you want to modify, including the username. The fields
have the same meanings as described inSection 4.3 “Creating a New User”.
3. If you have modified the User ID or changed the Primary group, files owned by the
user may need to be updated to use the new IDs. The options at the bottom of the page
24 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

Figure 4.4 The user creation form.

labeled Change user ID on files? and Change group ID on files? control which direc-
tories will be searched for files with the old IDs.
4. If you have changed the user’s home directory, you can have Webmin rename it to the
new path. However, if the new home directory already exists, this may not always be
what you want. The Move home directory if changed? option determines if it is moved
or not.
5. To have the user updated in other modules where this has been set up, select Modify
user in other modules? If you are changing the username, this will also rename the
user’s Sendmail mail file and Cron jobs.
6. Click the Save button to have Webmin update the user. Once it is complete, you will be
returned to the lists of users and groups.

4.5 Deleting a User

You should always be careful when deleting a user, as important files in the user’s home direc-
tory may be lost. It is generally never a good idea to delete any of the users that are created when
your system is first installed—especially root! Even normal users that you have created can be
disabled by editing the user and setting the password option to No login allowed.
If you still want to go ahead and delete a user, follow these steps:

1. Click on the user you want to edit from the existing list. A form containing all the details
of the user will appear, as shown in Figure 4.5.
Creating a New Group 25

Figure 4.5 The user editing form.

2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. This will bring up a form asking you to
confirm the deletion, with buttons to delete just the user or his home directory as well.
The amount of disk space used by the user’s home directory will be shown.
3. Select the Delete user in other modules? option if you want the user to be deleted from
other modules in which deletion has been set up. Any Cron jobs belonging to the user
will be deleted, as will his Sendmail mail file.
4. Click either the Delete User or Delete User and Home Directory button to delete the
user. A page showing the progress of the deletion will be displayed while it is taking

4.6 Creating a New Group

A new UNIX group can be added by following these steps:

1. Click on the Create a new group link at the top or bottom of the existing list of groups.
A form for entering the details of the group will appear, as shown in Figure 4.6.
2. Choose a name for the new group, and enter it into the Group name field. The name
must not be used by any other group, and should be short and contain no spaces.
3. The Group ID field should be left alone, as it is automatically determined by Webmin. If
for some reason you change it, make sure that it is not the same as any existing group’s ID.
4. The Password field can be ignored, as group passwords are never used.
26 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

5. In the Members field, enter the names of any existing users that you want included in
this group. You can use the button to the left of the field to pop up a selection window of
all existing users.
6. Click the Create button to have Webmin create the new group. Once it is complete, you
will be returned to the lists of users and groups.

Once the new group has been created, you can edit users to make it their primary group or one of
their secondary groups.

Figure 4.6 The group creation form.

4.7 Editing an Existing Group

You do not often need to edit an existing group, as users can be added to or removed from it by
editing them directly. However, if you do want to edit a group, follow these steps:

1. Click on the name of the group that you want to edit from the list of existing groups. This
will bring up the group editing form, as shown in Figure 4.7.
2. Change any of the details such as the group ID or member list. It is not possible to
change the name of an existing group.
3. If you are changing the group ID, files owned by the group may need to be updated to
use the new ID. Use the Change group ID on files? option to control which directories
will be searched for files that need updating.
4. Click on the Save button to make the changes active. Once they are complete, you will be
returned to the lists of users and groups.
Deleting a Group 27

Figure 4.7 The group editing form.

4.8 Deleting a Group

You can safely delete a group at any time, but Webmin will only let you do so if there are no
users who have selected it as their primary group. To delete, follow these steps:

1. Click on the name of the group you want to delete from the list of existing groups. This
will bring up the group editing form as shown in Figure 4.7.
2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. A page asking if you really want to
delete the group will appear.
3. Click the Delete Group button to confirm the deletion. A page showing the progress of
the deletion will be displayed.

4.9 Viewing Recent and Current Logins

All UNIX systems keep track of recent logins made by users using SSH, telnet, or at the console.
Some also track FTP logins as well. You can display recent user logins that include the date,
time, and source address by following these steps:

1. Below the lists of users and groups, enter the username of the one you want to track into
the Display logins by field, and click the button. If you want to see logins by ALL users,
just leave the field blank.
28 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

2. A page listing recent logins by the user or users will be displayed. The list may not cover
all logins from the date your system was first installed, as many operating systems auto-
matically truncate the log file periodically in order to save disk space.

It is also possible to display a list of users who are currently logged in by clicking the Logged In
Users button below the lists of users and groups. If a user is logged in graphically at the console,
he may be listed multiple times—once for each shell window he has open.

4.10 Reading Users’ Email

When editing a user, you can view mail in the user’s mailbox by clicking on the Read Email
button at the bottom of the page. This will take you directly to the mailbox viewing page of
either the Sendmail, Qmail, or Postfix module, depending on what you have chosen for the Dis-
play user email from option in the module configuration. For more documentation on using the
mail interface, see Chapter 37.

4.11 Creating Users from Batch Files

Sometimes you may want to create a large number of users at once without having to go through
the process of filling out the user creation form over and over again. You will often have the
details of these users in a text file of some kind containing their usernames, passwords, and real
names. Fortunately, Webmin has a feature that automates this task for you.
If you click on the Create, modify and delete users from batch file link above or below the
list of existing users, a form will appear that allows you to upload a file containing the details of
users to create, as shown in Figure 4.8. Your file must contain one line of text for each user that you
want to create, and the format of each line must match the format shown on the batch file page.
The exact file format depends on what information your system stores about each user, but on
most systems each line must follow this format:


An example line to create a user with the user ID automatically assigned by Webmin would be:

create:jcameron:mysecret::3001:Jamie Cameron:/home/jcameron:/bin/bash:::::

As you can see, the line is made up of a series of fields, each separated by a colon (:). When
creating a user, the first field must be the create field. The meanings of the other fields are shown
in Table 4.1.
Once you have created a file containing the details of users to create, select it using either the
Upload batch file or Local batch file fields, and click the Execute batch button. A page display-
ing each user created and any errors encountered will be displayed. The most common error is a
missing field in one of the lines—each must have exactly the right number of fields, and even if a
field is blank the colon separator next to it must still be included.
Creating Users from Batch Files 29

Figure 4.8 The batch file execution form.

Table 4.1 Batch File Fields and Their Meanings

username The user’s login name. This cannot be left blank.

passwd The user’s password. If this field is left blank, then no password will be needed for
the user. If it contains just the letter x, then the user will be locked and no login

uid User ID for the new user. This should be left blank, so Webmin can assign one

gid ID of the user’s primary group. This cannot be a group name, and cannot be left
blank. If more than one GID is entered, the user will be added as a secondary mem-
ber to all of those listed after the first one as well.

realname The user’s real name. Not mandatory, but should not be left blank.

homedir A directory that is created with ownership assigned to the user. You can leave this
blank if the module has been configured to assign home directories automatically.
30 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

Table 4.1 Batch File Fields and Their Meanings (Continued)

shell The user’s login shell. This field cannot be left blank.

min The number of days after the user is created or the password is last changed that the
user must wait before changing it again. Can be left blank to allow changing as
soon as the user likes.

max The number of days after the user is created or the password is last changed that the
password expires and must be changed again. If left blank, the password will never

warn The number of days before the password expiry date that the user will be warned at
login that his password is about to expire. If left blank, the user will not know that
his password has expired until it happens.

inactive The number of days after the password expires that the entire account will be dis-
abled, if the user has not chosen a new password.
If left empty, the account will never expire.

expire The date on which this account will expire. Unfortunately, you must enter this as a
number of days since January 1, 1970!

4.12 Configuring the Users and Groups Module

Like other Webmin modules, Users and Groups has several options that can be configured by
clicking on the Module Config link above the lists of users and groups, as shown in Figure 4.9.
The options that you can safely change and their meanings are shown in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Module Configuration Options

Command to run Whatever shell command you enter into this field will be run just before any
before making action is performed, such as adding, deleting, or modifying a user or group. It
changes can be useful for doing things like making a backup copy of the /etc/passwd
file before Webmin makes any changes.
The command can determine exactly what Webmin is about to do by checking
environment variables, as explained in the Section 4.13 “Before and After Com-

Command to run Like the above option, but this command is run after any action is performed.
after making It can be very useful if you want to have a command run after a user is created
changes in order to setup additional files for that user.

Permissions on The octal file permissions on newly created home directories, in the same for-
new home mat as used by the chmod command.
Configuring the Users and Groups Module 31

Table 4.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Copy files Directories or files to copy into the home directory of newly created users,
into new home assuming the Copy files to home directory? option is turned on. If any of the
directories from paths you enter is a directory, all files and subdirectories in that directory will
be copied. This option is usually set to /etc/skel by default, which is a sys-
tem directory containing files like .cshrc and .profile.

Automatic home The directory under which users’ home directories are usually created. If this
directory base option is set, an Automatic option will appear for the Home directory field in
the user creation form. If chosen, the home directory will be determined by
this option and the Automatic home directory style below.

Automatic home This option controls the path to a new user’s home directory under the base.
directory style The most common default option of home/username will make it just a sub-
directory under the base, with the same name as the username. So if you were
creating a user called jcameron and the home directory base was set to /home,
then the resulting home directory would be /home/jcameron.
Other options create subdirectories using the first one or two letters of the
username. They can be useful if you have a very large number of users on
your system, and want to avoid having thousands of entries in /home.

Lowest UID for When Webmin automatically chooses a user ID for a new user, it will never
new users pick one that is lower than specified in this option. On most systems, normal
users have user IDs above 500, and system users have IDs below that.

Lowest GID for Like the option above, but for group IDs.
new groups

Create new group If this option is set to Yes when creating a new user, the default action is to
for new users? create a group of the same name and make it the user’s primary group.

Assign same ID to This option only works if the previous one is enabled. If set to Yes when a new
new user and group is created for a new user, Webmin will make sure that their UID and
group? GID are the same. This doesn’t actually make any difference, but some admin-
istrators like it.

Don't use MD5 This option should only be changed to Yes if you run into an error when creat-
passwords if ing a new user caused by a missing MD5 Perl module.
missing perl
MD5 module?

Check for send- If set to Yes when creating or renaming a user, Webmin will check if there is a
mail alias clashes? Sendmail alias of the same name. This can be useful to prevent the creation of
users who would be unable to receive mail due to an alias redirecting it all to
another address.

Only delete files If set to Yes when deleting a user, files in the user’s home directory that do not
owned by user? belong to him will not be deleted.
32 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

Table 4.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Maximum user The maximum allowed length for a user or group name. If this is set by
and group name default, it is not a good idea to adjust it because your operating system will not
length recognize longer usernames.

Default group for The default primary group on the new user creation form.
new users

Default second- A space separated list of secondary groups that will be selected by default on
ary groups for the new user creation form.
new users

Default shell for The default shell on the new user creation form.
new users

Default minimum The default number of days before which password changing is not allowed.
days for new users

Default maxi- The default number of days after which the password must be changed.
mum days for new

Default warning The default number of days before password expiry that the user is warned.
days for new users

Default inactive The default number of days after password expiry that the user is disabled.
days for new users

Maximum num- If the number of users or groups on the module’s main page exceeds this num-
ber of users to ber, the table of users or groups will be replaced by a search form. You may
display want to adjust this if the number of users on your system is just over the
default limit.

Sort users and This option controls the ordering of users and groups on the module’s main
groups by page.

Number of This option limits the number of recorded logins to display so the table does
previous logins not become too large on systems that keep an unlimited login history.
to display

Display users and By default, users and groups are shown on the module’s main page in a table
groups by with one row per user or group. However, if you change this option to Name
only then only the username of each appears, saving a lot of screen space if
you have a large number of users.
Changing to Primary group categorized also displays users by username
only, but categorized by their primary group.

Conceal plain-text If set to Yes when editing or creating a user, the Normal password field will
password? show only stars instead of the actual password that you enter. Useful if you are
worried about people looking over your shoulder when creating users.
Configuring the Users and Groups Module 33

Table 4.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Get user and Even though the module reads and edits system user, group, and password
group info from files directly, there will in some cases be users and groups on your system that
come from another source, such as NIS. When displaying a user’s primary
group or the users who are members of a group, Webmin will use the getpw
family of system calls by default to get a list of users and groups, instead of
reading the user and group files directly.
This is normally the right thing to do, but in some cases it will not work prop-
erly or will be very slow. You should only change this option to Files if you
are sure that you want the module to never use the getpw functions.

Generate If this option is set to Yes when creating a new user, Webmin will generate a
password for random password for you by default.
new users?

Show office and Normally, a user’s Real name field only contains his name. However, it can
phone details? also contain additional information such as his office location, home phone,
and work phone. These extra fields are displayed by the finger command,
and are stored by the system in the real name field of the /etc/passwd file sep-
arated by commas.
If you want to be able to edit this additional information separately, set this
option to Yes. It will not work well if usernames on your system contain com-
mas in them—like Cameron, Jamie.

Display user email This option controls which module is used when the Read Email button is
from clicked on the user editing page. You should make sure it is set appropriately
depending on the mail system you are using because Sendmail and Qmail use
different locations and file formats for user mailboxes.

Minimum pass- If set, you will not be able to create or edit users whose plain-text passwords
word length are shorter than this length. This option and the three below also effect the
Change Passwords and Cluster Users and Groups modules. They can be use-
ful if you want to delegate user management to someone else, and don’t trust
the quality of his passwords.

Prevent dictio- If this option is set, passwords that exactly match any word from the dictio-
nary word pass- nary will not be allowed.

Perl regexp to If set, passwords must match this Perl regular expression. For example, you
check password could enter [0-9] for this option to force all passwords to contain at least one
against digit.

Prevent pass- When this option is set to Yes, passwords that exactly match or contain the
words containing user’s username will not be allowed.
34 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

The other options under the System configuration heading control the files Webmin reads
and writes user and group information from and to. Because they are set automatically based on the
type of operating system you use, they should not be changed unless you know what you are doing.

Figure 4.9 Configuration options for Users and Groups.

4.13 Before and After Commands

As Section 4.12 “Configuring the Users and Groups Module” explains, you can specify shell
commands to be run before and after any action is taken in the module. Because these com-
mands are called for every addition, modification, or deletion of a user or group, they need some
way of telling exactly what action is being performed. They can do this using environment vari-
ables that are set before the command is run. The available environment variables are shown in
Table 4.3.
If you wanted to send out email when a user is created, for example, you could set the
Command to run after making changes option to:

[ “$USERADMIN_ACTION” = “CREATE_USER” ] && echo “Added user

$USERADMIN_USER ($USERADMIN_REAL)” | mail –s “Added new user”
[email protected]

4.14 Module Access Control

It is possible to grant a Webmin user or group access to only a subset of features in the Users and
Groups module. This is most commonly used to allow a subadministrator the right to edit only
Module Access Control 35

Table 4.3 Environment Variables for Before and After Commands

USERADMIN_ACTION Indicates which action is being taken. Possible values are:


USERADMIN_USER The username of the user being created, modified, or deleted. Not
set when a group action is being performed.

USERADMIN_UID The user ID of the user being created, modified, or deleted.

USERADMIN_GID The group ID of the user.

USERADMIN_REAL The real name of the user, including any office and phone infor-

USERADMIN_SHELL The shell of the user.

USERADMIN_HOME The home directory of the user.

USERADMIN_PASS The plain text password of the user, if available.

USERADMIN_SECONDARY A comma-separated list of any secondary groups to which the

user belongs.

USERADMIN_GROUP The name of the group being added, modified, or deleted. Not set
when a user action is being performed.

selected users and groups on the system, and to change their attributes in only limited ways. In a
virtual hosting environment, for example, you may want to give a Webmin user the ability to cre-
ate and edit up to 10 users with UIDs in a limited range, and home directories under a fixed
directory. These privileges give the user no way to gain root access and affect users that do not
belong to him.
Chapter 52 explains how to create additional Webmin users and edit their module access con-
trol in more detail. The following steps cover just the parts of the process that grant the kind of lim-
ited access that is specific to the Users and Groups module:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Users and Groups next to the name of the user
that you want to edit. This will take you to the access control form shown in Figure 52.3.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.
36 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

3. The UNIX users who can be edited field controls the users that can be changed by this
Webmin user. You would typically set it to Users with UIDs in range and enter maxi-
mum and minimum UIDs into the fields next to it, such as 5000 and 5010.
4. To allow the addition of new UNIX users, set the Can create new users? field to Yes.
5. Set the Can view batch file form? option to No. This will prevent the Webmin user from
creating and editing users from a batch script, which is not normally necessary. Allowing
it, however, does not grant the user any additional privileges and is not a security risk.
6. For the UIDs for new and modified users fields, enter the same UIDs as in Step 4.
7. Deselect the More than one user can have the same UID option, but leave the UIDs of
existing users can be changed option selected. An untrusted subadministrator should
not normally be allowed to create multiple users with the same UID due to the problems
that this can cause.
When UID clashes are prevented, the Webmin user will not be able to create any more
UNIX users than fit in his allowed UID range.
8. In the Allowed groups for new or modified users field, you would typically select the
Only groups option and enter the names of any groups of which new users can be pri-
mary or secondary members. Normally you would just enter a single group like users.
Leaving this field set to All groups is a very bad idea, because it would allow the cre-
ation of users who are members of the root or bin groups, and who can thus edit impor-
tant system files and executables. The Groups with GIDs in range option can be useful
if this Webmin user is allowed to create multiple groups of his own within the same GID
9. To restrict the shells that a new user can be assigned, set the Allowed shells for new or
modifed users to Listed and enter their paths into the text box below. This can be useful
to allow the creation of only mail-only users who always have the shell /bin/false.
10. Set the Home directories must be under field to a directory that will only be used for
accounts created by this Webmin user. Setting it to /home is a bad idea, because this
would allow the subadministrator to rename or delete directories belonging to other users
that are under /home. Instead, enter something like /home/subadmin.
To force every user’s home directory to be based on his username (such as /home/
subadmin/username), check the Home directory is always same as username box.
11. To stop the Webmin user from deselecting some of the options at the bottom of the user
creation, editing and deletion forms, deselect the matching Allowed on save options.
Any that are not chosen will effectively always be turned on.
12. Assuming you just want the Webmin user to create and edit UNIX users, set the UNIX
groups who can be edited field to No groups.
13. If you want to restrict the user from viewing recent logins, change the Can display log-
ins by field. Any user who can login with telnet or SSH can run the last command any-
way to display logins, so setting this option to No users does not usually make your
system any more secure.
14. Finally, click Save. You will be returned to the module’s main page and the new access
control restrictions will be immediately applied to the Webmin user.

Be careful when granting a Webmin user access to certain UNIX users, as a mistake may allow
him to edit the root user or create a new user who is equivalent to root. There are also many
Other Operating Systems 37

other users like bin, uucp, and httpd that own important system files or are used for running
server and daemon processes. Someone who can edit or login as one of these users could gain
root privileges on your system or access files that he is not supposed to.
Often the access control in the Disk Quotas and Scheduled Cron Jobs module is set up to
allow editing of the quotas and Cron jobs of the same UNIX users as those that can be edited and
created in this module. All modules support the UID range and primary group access control
options, which can be set in the same way.
It is also possible to use the Users and Groups access control form to allow a user to edit or
create selected UNIX groups, though this is not generally as useful. Granting an untrusted user the
rights to edit all groups on the system is a bad idea, as he would make himself a member of the
root or bin group and so be able to read or write critical files.

4.15 Other Operating Systems

Different operating systems store different information about users than Linux does. This is due
to the different files and file formats used for storing user information. Some, for example, do
not have an /etc/shadow file, meaning that information about password change and expiry
times does not exist. The list below explains the major differences between other supported
operating systems and Linux:

FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD All these operating systems use the /etc/
master.passwd file for storing user information, which combines /etc/passwd
with some fields from /etc/shadow. When editing or creating a user, you can enter
a Password change time which is the date and time after which the password must
be next changed, and an Account expiry time after which an account can no longer
be used. Each user can also have a Login class, which is used in conjunction with
the /etc/login.conf file to determine memory, CPU, and other limits.
Sun Solaris and SCO UnixWare Both these operating systems use the same
files and formats as Linux, and so have all the same options.
HP/UX, SGI Irix, and Compaq Tru64/OSF1 Because none of these systems
use an /etc/shadow file by default, none of the options related to password and
account expiration are available when editing or creating a user.
Apple MacOS X OSX does not store user and group information in files at all—
instead, it uses a network database called NetInfo, which Webmin manipulates using
the nidump and niutil commands. This database, however, stores the same
information as the BSD master.passwd file, so when editing or creating a user the
same fields are available as for FreeBSD.
IBM AIX AIX uses the files /etc/passwd and /etc/security/passwd for
storing user information. Therefore, when editing or creating users on AIX there are
some options that do not exist on other operating systems. The Expiry date field
can be used to set the date and time after which the account cannot be used. The
Minimum weeks and Maximum weeks fields are very similar to the Maximum
days and Minimum days fields on Linux, but deal with weeks instead of days. The
Warning days field has exactly the same meaning as on Linux, and deals with days
38 Chapter 4 • Users and Groups

not weeks. The unique Account flags field sets special options whose meanings are
explained on the form.
SCO OpenServer OpenServer uses /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files, but
the shadow file stores slightly different information than on Linux. This means that
when editing a user, the Expiry date field is replaced with an option to control
whether the user is prompted for a password at their next login, and the Warning
days and Inactive days fields are not available.
Those few operating systems that are not listed above cannot use the Users and Groups module,
as their file formats are not currently know to Webmin.

4.16 Summary
This chapter has explained how to create and manage users and groups on a UNIX system.
Because they are used to enforce file security, to protect processes from each other, and as mail-
boxes, user management is one of the most important tasks on a multi-user server system. This
means that the module covered in this chapter is one of the most commonly used in Webmin,
and also one of the most powerful.
C H A P T E R 5

Disk and Network


he chapter explains how to mount filesystems, either from partitions on

T your system’s hard disks or from other file servers.

5.1 Introduction to Filesystems

On a UNIX system, all files exist in a tree of directories under the root / directory. Drive letters
used by other operating systems (like Windows) to identify different hard disks or network
drives do not exist. Instead, different hard disks, CD-ROMs, floppy disks, and network drives
are attached to the directory tree at different places, called mount points. For example, /home
may be a mount point for a different hard disk on your system, and /usr/local may be the
mount point for files that are shared from another server. The root directory is also a mount
point, almost always for a partition on a hard disk in your machine. The set of files that is actu-
ally mounted at a mount point is called a filesystem.
All operating systems divide each hard disk up into partitions, each of which can be a different
size. Each filesystem is normally stored on one partition of one disk, so it is possible to have multi-
ple filesystems of different types on the same hard disk—one for Linux and one for Windows, for
example. If you have multiple hard disks in your system, you will normally need to mount at least
one filesystem from each in order to make use of them.
UNIX systems support many different kinds of filesystems—some for files stored on local hard
disks and some for files on networked file servers. On Linux, the filesystems on your hard disks will
probably be in ext2 or ext3 format. Many other local filesystem types exist, such as iso-9660 for
CD-ROMs, vfat for Windows partitions, and xfs and reiserfs for high performance file access.
Every local filesystem type uses a different format for storing data on disk, so if a partition has been
formatted as a filesystem of a particular type, then it must be mounted as that type.
There are also filesystem types for different methods of accessing file servers across a network.
If the file server is running UNIX, then an nfs filesystem is usually mounted to access its files. How-

40 Chapter 5 • Disk and Network Filesystems

ever, if it is running Windows, an smbfs filesystem must be used instead. These different filesystem
types correspond to different network protocols for accessing files on another system.
Other special filesystem types contain files that do not actually exist on any disk or file server.
For example, a proc filesystem contains files that contain information about currently running
processes. Different UNIX variants have different types of special filesystems, most of which are
automatically mounted by the operating system and do not need to be configured.
No explanation of filesystems can be complete without also covering virtual memory. Often
a UNIX system will be running processes that take up more memory than is actually installed. This
is made possible by the operating system automatically moving some of those processes out of real
memory and into virtual memory, which is stored in a file or a local hard disk. Because filesystems
and virtual memory are both stored on disk and can be mounted and unmounted, the Disk and Net-
work Filesystems Webmin module also manages with virtual memory.
Depending on your operating system, the files /etc/fstab or /etc/vfstab contain a list
of filesystems that are known to your system and mounted at boot time. It is also possible for a file-
system to be temporarily mounted using the mount command without being stored in the fstab
file. Webmin directly modifies this file to manage filesystems that are mounted at boot time, and
calls the mount and unmount commands to immediately activate and deactivate filesystems.

5.2 The Disk and Network Filesystems Module

The Disks and Network Filesystems module is found under the System category, and allows you
to configure which filesystems are mounted on your computer, where they are mounted from
and what options they have set. The main page of the module (shown in Figure 5.1) lists all the
filesystems that are currently mounted or available to be mounted.
For each filesystem, the following information is displayed:

Mounted As The mount point directory for this filesystem, or the message Virtual
Type A description of the filesystem type, followed by the actual short type name.
Location The disk, fileserver, or other location from which this filesystem was
mounted. For nfs mounts, this column will be in the form servername:remotedirectory.
For smbfs mounts, it will be similar to \\servername\sharename.
In use? Yes or No, depending on whether the filesystem is currently mounted. For
most filesystems, you can click on this field to mount or unmount immediately.
Permanent Yes or No, depending on whether the filesystem is permanently
recorded so that it can be mounted at boot time.

5.3 Mounting an NFS Network Filesystem

Before you can mount a filesystem from another UNIX server, that server must be configured to
export the directory that you want to mount using NFS. For details on how to export a directory
using Webmin, see Chapter 6.
Assuming the directory that you want to mount has been exported properly, you can follow the
following steps to mount it on your system:
Mounting an NFS Network Filesystem 41

Figure 5.1 The list of existing filesystems.

1. On the main page of the Disk and Network Filesystems module, select Network Filesys-
tem from the dropdown box of filesystem types, and click the Add mount button. A
form will appear, as shown in Figure 5.2.
2. In the Mounted As field, enter the directory on which you want the filesystem to be
mounted. The directory should be either nonexistent or empty, as any files that it cur-
rently contains will be hidden once the filesystem is mounted.
3. If you want the filesystem to be mounted at boot time, select Save and mount at boot
for the Save Mount option. If you want it to be permanently recorded but not mounted at
boot, select Save. Select Don’t save if this is to be only a temporary mount.
4. For the Mount now? option, select Mount if you want the filesystem to be mounted
immediately, or Don’t mount if you just want it to be recorded for future mounting at
boot time. It makes no sense to set the Save and mount option to Don’t save and the
Mount now? option to Don’t mount, as nothing will be done!
5. In the NFS Hostname field, enter the name or IP address of the fileserver that is export-
ing the directory that you want to mount. You can also click on the button next to the
field to pop up a list of NFS servers on your local network.
6. In the NFS Directory field, enter the exported directory on the fileserver. If you have
already entered the NFS server’s hostname, click on the button next to the field to pop up
a list of directories that the server has exported.
7. Change any of the options in the bottom section of the form that you want to enable.
Some of the most useful are as follows:
42 Chapter 5 • Disk and Network Filesystems

Figure 5.2 Mounting a network filesystem.

Read-only? If set to Yes, files on this filesystem cannot be modified, renamed,

or deleted.
Retry mounts in background? When an NFS filesystem is mounted at boot
time, your system will normally try to contact the fileserver forever and ever if it is
down or unreachable, which can prevent the boot process from completing
properly. Setting this option to Yes will prevent this problem by having the mount
retried in the background if it takes too long.
Return error on timeouts? The normal behavior of the NFS filesystem in the
face of a fileserver failure is to keep trying to read or write the requested
information until the server comes back up again and the operation succeeds. This
means that if the fileserver goes down for a long period of time, any attempt to
access files mounted from the server will get stuck. Setting this option to Yes
changes this behavior so that your system will eventually give up on operations
that take too long.
8. To mount and/or record the filesystem, click the Create button at the bottom of the page.
If all goes well, you will be returned to the filesystems list, otherwise an error will be dis-
played explaining what went wrong.

Once the NFS filesystem has been successfully mounted, all users and programs on your system
will be able to access files on the fileserver under the mount point directory. If users can log in to
both your system and the remote fileserver, any files that they own on one machine should be
Mounting an SMBFS Windows Networking Filesystem 43

owned on the other because the NFS protocol supports UNIX file permissions and file owner-
ship information. This depends, however, on every user having the same user ID on both servers.
If this is not the case, you may end up in a situation in which user jcameron owns a file on the
fileserver, but the file appears to be owned by user fred when it is mounted and accessed on
your system.
The best solution to this problem is to make sure that user IDs are in sync across all servers
that share files using NFS. The best ways to do that are using NIS (as explained in Chapter 17), or
Webmin’s own Cluster Users and Groups module (as explained in Chapter 49).

5.4 Mounting an SMBFS Windows Networking Filesystem

smbfs is the protocol used by Windows systems to share files with each other. If you have files
on a Windows system that you want to be able to access on your Linux system, you must first
share the directory and assign it a share name using the Windows user interface.
Once that is done, follow these steps to mount the share on your UNIX system:

1. On the main page of the Disk and Network Filesystems module, select Windows Net-
working Filesystem from the drop-down box of filesystem types and click the Add
mount button. A form will appear, as shown in Figure 5.3.
2. In the Mounted As field, enter the directory on which you want the filesystem to be
mounted. The directory should be either nonexistent or empty because any files that it
currently contains will be hidden once the filesystem is mounted.
3. If you want the filesystem to be mounted at boot time, select Save and mount at boot
for the Save Mount option. If you want it to be permanently recorded but not mounted at
boot, select Save. Select Don’t save if this is to be only a temporary mount.
4. For the Mount now? option, select Mount if you want the filesystem to be mounted
immediately, or Don’t mount if you just want it to be recorded for future mounting at
boot time.
5. In the Server Name field, enter the hostname or IP address of the Windows server. The
button next to the field will pop up a list of Windows servers on your network, requested
from the domain or workgroup master set in the module configuration.
6. In the Share Name field, enter the name of the share. This will be something like mov-
ies, not the full path on the Windows server like c:\files\movies. If you have
entered the server name, clicking on the button next to the field will pop up a list of avail-
able shares.
7. If the Windows server requires a username and password to access the file share, fill in
the Login Name and Login Password fields. If no authentication is needed, these fields
can be left blank.
8. Because Windows networking has no concept of UNIX users, all files from the fileserver
will be owned by a single UNIX user and group when the filesystem is mounted. That
user is root by default, but you can change this by filling in the User files are owned by
and Group files are owned by fields.
9. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page to mount and/or record the filesystem.
If all goes well, you will be returned to the filesystems list, otherwise an error will be dis-
played explaining what went wrong.
44 Chapter 5 • Disk and Network Filesystems

Figure 5.3 Mounting a windows networking filesystem.

Windows networking filesystems can also be exported by UNIX servers using Samba, as explained
in Chapter 43. This means that you could share files between two UNIX servers using the Win-
dows file sharing protocol. As you might guess, however, this is not usually a good idea because
file permissions and ownership information will not be available on the mounting server.

5.5 Mounting a Local ext2 or ext3 Hard Disk Filesystem

Before you can mount a new filesystem from a local hard disk, a partition must have been pre-
pared and formatted with the corrected filesystem type. For details on how to do this, see Chap-
ter 8. If you have a choice, ext3 (called the New Linux Native Filesystem by Webmin) should
be used instead of ext2 (the Linux Native Filesystem) because of its support for journaling. See
Section 5.13 “A Comparison of Filesystem Types” for more details on the advantages of ext3.
To mount your local filesystem, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the Disk and Network Filesystems module, select Linux Native
Filesystem or New Linux Native Filesystem from the drop-down box of filesystem
types, and click the Add mount button. A form will appear for entering the mount point,
source, and options.
2. In the Mounted As field, enter the directory on which you want the filesystem to be
mounted. The directory should be either nonexistent or empty because any files that it
currently contains will be hidden once the filesystem is mounted.
Mounting a Local Windows Hard Disk Filesystem 45

3. If you want the filesystem to be mounted at boot time, select Save and mount at boot
for the Save Mount option. If you want it to be permanently recorded but not mounted at
boot, select Save. Select Don’t save if this is to be only a temporary mount.
4. For the Mount now? option, select Mount if you want the filesystem to be mounted
immediately, or Don’t mount if you just want it to be recorded for future mounting at
boot time.
5. If the Check filesystem at boot? option exists, it controls whether the filesystem is validated
with the fsck command at boot time before mounting. If your system crashes or loses power,
any ext2 or ufs filesystems that were mounted at the time will need to be checked before
they can be mounted. It is generally best to set this option to Check second.
6. For the Linux Native Filesystem field, click on the Disk option and select the partition
which has been formatted for your new filesystem. All IDE and SCSI disks will appear
in the menu.
If any of the partitions on your system are labeled, you can mount one by selecting the
Partition labeled option and choosing the one you want. Labels are explained further in
Chapter 8.
If your system has any RAID devices configured (as also explained in Chapter 8), you can
select the RAID device option and choose the one you want to mount from the menu.
If you are using LVM (Logical Volume Management, covered in Chapter 8), a list of all
available logical volumes will appear next to the LVM logical volume option for you to
select from.
You can also click on the Other device option and enter the path to the device file for
your filesystem, like /dev/hda2.
7. Change any of the options in the bottom section of the form that you want to enable.
Some of the most useful are:
Read-only? If set to Yes, files on this filesystem cannot be modified, renamed, or deleted.
Use quotas? If you want to enforce disk quotas on this filesystem, you must enable
this option. Most filesystem types will give you the choice of user quotas, group quotas,
or both. To complete the process of activating and configuring quotas, see Chapter 7.
8. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page to mount and/or record the filesystem.
If all goes well, you will be returned to the filesystems list, otherwise an error will be dis-
played explaining what went wrong.

5.6 Mounting a Local Windows Hard Disk Filesystem

If your system has a Windows partition on one of its hard disks, you can mount it using Webmin
so that all the files are easily accessible to UNIX users and programs. Windows 95, 98 and ME
all use the older vfat format by default, called a Windows 95 filesystem by Webmin. Windows
NT, 2000, and XP, however, use the more advanced ntfs filesystem format (called Windows
NT filesystem) which only a few Linux distributions support.

1. On the main page of the Disk and Network Filesystems module, select either Windows
95 Filesystem or Windows NT Filesystem from the drop-down box of filesystem types,
and click the Add mount button. A form will appear for entering the mount point,
source, and options.
46 Chapter 5 • Disk and Network Filesystems

2. In the Mounted As field, enter the directory on which you want the filesystem to be
mounted. The directory should be either nonexistent or empty because any files that it
currently contains will be hidden once the filesystem is mounted.
3. If you want the filesystem to be mounted at boot time, select Save and mount at boot
for the Save Mount option. If you want it to be permanently recorded but not mounted at
boot, select Save. Select Don’t save if this is to be only a temporary mount.
4. For the Mount now? option, select Mount if you want the filesystem to be mounted
immediately, or Don’t mount if you just want it to be recorded for future mounting at
boot time.
5. For the Windows 95 Filesystem or Windows NT Filesystem field, click on the Disk
option and select the partition that has been formatted for your new filesystem. All IDE
and SCSI disks, RAID devices, and LVM logical volumes will appear in the list.
You can also click on the Other device option and enter the path to the device file for
your filesystem, like /dev/hda2.
6. Select any options that you want to enable. Some useful ones are:
User files are owned by Because the vfat filesystem format has no concept of users
and groups, all files in the mounted filesystem will, by default, be owned by root. To
change this, enter a different UNIX username for this option.
Group files are owned by Like the previous option, this controls the group ownership
of all files in the mounted filesystem.
File permissions mask The binary inverse in octal of the UNIX permissions that you
want files in the mounted filesystem to have. For example, entering 007 would make files
readable and writable by their user and group, but totally inaccessible to everyone else.
This option is not available for Windows NT filesystems.
7. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page to mount and/or record the filesystem.
If all goes well, you will be returned to the filesystems list, otherwise an error will be dis-
played explaining what went wrong.

Because Windows 95 filesystems have no concept of file ownership, and Windows NT filesys-
tems have ownership information that is unsupported by Linux, it is impossible to change the
user, group, or permissions on files in a mounted filesystem.

5.7 Adding Virtual Memory

As explained in the introduction, virtual memory is used when the processes running on your
system need to use more memory than is physically installed. Because not all processes run at
the same time, those that are inactive can be safely swapped out to virtual memory and then
swapped back in again when they need to run. Because disks are far slower than RAM, however,
the constant swapping in and out (known as thrashing) will slow the system to a crawl if pro-
cesses on your system use up too much memory.
Files in an existing local filesystem as well as entire partitions can be used for virtual memory.
Using a partition is almost always faster, but can be inflexible if you have no free partitions on your
hard disk. A system can have more than one virtual memory file or partition, so if you are running
out of virtual memory it is easy to add more.
Automounter Filesystems 47

The steps for adding additional virtual memory are:

1. On the main page of the Disk and Network Filesystems module, select Virtual Memory
from the drop-down box of filesystem types, and click the Add mount button. A form
will appear for entering the source and other options.
2. If you want the virtual memory to be added at boot time, select Save and mount at boot
for the Save Mount option. Otherwise, select Don’t save if this is to be only a temporary
3. For the Mount now? option, select Mount if you want the virtual memory to be added
immediately, or Don’t mount if you just want it to be recorded for future addition at
boot time.
4. If you want to add an entire partition as virtual memory, select Disk for the Swap File
option and select the partition from the list. Otherwise, select Swap File and enter the
path that you want to use as virtual memory. If you enter a path to a file that already
exists, that file will be overwritten when the virtual memory is added.
5. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page. If you are adding a swap file which
does not exist yet, you will be prompted to enter a size for the file, and Webmin will cre-
ate it for you. If all goes well, the browser will return to the list of filesystems on the
main page.

Once the new virtual memory has been added, your system’s available memory should increase
by the size of the partition or swap file. Use the memory display of the Running Processes mod-
ule (explained in Chapter 11) to see how much real and virtual memory is available.

5.8 Automounter Filesystems

Before you can access files on any filesystem using Linux, it must first be explicitly mounted.
This is fine for hard disks that are mounted at boot time, but is not so convenient for removable
media like CD-ROMs, floppy disks, and Zip disks. Having to mount a floppy before you can
read or write files on it, and then unmount it when done, is not very user friendly—especially
compared to other operating systems like Windows.
Fortunately, there is a solution—the automounter filesystem. This system does not contain any
files of its own, but automatically creates temporary directories and mounts filesystems when
needed. An automounter filesystem mounted at /auto would normally be configured to mount a
floppy disk at /auto/floppy as soon as a user tries to cd into that directory. When the floppy’s
filesystem is no longer being used, it will be automatically unmounted so that the floppy can be
safely ejected.
Automounter filesystems can be created, viewed and edited in Webmin. Each has a configura-
tion file that specifies which devices it will mount and which subdirectories on which they will be
mounted. The editing of these configuration files cannot be done within Webmin, however—you
can only choose which one to use. Most modern Linux distributions come with an automounter
filesystem at /auto or /media set up by default, and configured to allow access to floppy and CD-
ROM drives.
Another common use for the automounter is to provide easy access to NFS servers. Often an
automounter on the /net directory is set up so that accessing the /net/hostname directory will
48 Chapter 5 • Disk and Network Filesystems

mount all the exported directories from hostname under that directory. This is all done using
another automounter configuration file.

5.9 Editing or Removing an Existing Filesystem

After mounting a filesystem, you can go back and change the mount directory, source, and
options at any time. Even most filesystems that were set up as part of your operating system’s
installation process can be edited. Some special filesystem types like proc and devfs, however,
cannot be edited though Webmin because changing them would probably break your system.
The only catch is that filesystems currently in use cannot be immediately edited. If any user
or process is accessing any file or is in any directory on a filesystem, it is considered busy and
cannot be unmounted and remounted by Webmin in order to change it. Because the root file-
system is always in use, making immediate changes to it is impossible. Fortunately, there is an
alternative—changing only the permanent record of a filesystem so the new options are applied
when your system reboots.
The steps to follow for editing a filesystem are:

1. From the list of filesystems on the main page, click on the mount point directory in the
Mounted as column. A form containing the current settings will appear, as shown in
Figure 5.4.
2. Change any of the settings, including the Mounted As directory, the device or server
from which the filesystem is mounted, or the mount options.
3. If you want to unmount the filesystem while still keeping it recorded for future mount-
ing, change the Mount now? option to Unmount. If you want to mount a filesystem that
is permanently recorded, however, change the option to Mount.
4. Click the Save button to make your changes active. If all goes well, the browser will
return to the list of filesystems on the main page.
If you are changing a mounted filesystem that is busy, you will be given the option of having
your changes applied to the permanent list only. If you are trying to enable quotas on a Linux
native filesystem, having the option applied to the permanent list is usually all that is needed.
To totally remove a filesystem, just edit it and set the Save Mount? option to Don’t save, and
the Mount Now? option to Unmount. Assuming it is not in use, it will be unmounted and
removed from the list of recorded filesystems and will no longer show up in the list on the mod-
ule’s main page.

5.10 Listing Users of a Filesystem

If you cannot unmount or edit a filesystem because it is busy, you may want to kill the processes
that are currently using it.
To find which processes are using a filesystem, follow these steps:

1. From the list of filesystems on the main page, click on the mount point directory in the
Mounted as column. The form shown in Figure 5.4 will appear.
2. Click the List Users button in the bottom-right corner of the page. This will display a list
of all processes that are reading, writing, or in any file or directory in the filesystem.
Module Access Control 49

Figure 5.4 Editing an existing filesystem.

3. To kill them, click the Kill Processes button at the bottom of the page. You should now
be able to return to the Disk and Network Filesystems module and unmount successfully.

5.11 Module Access Control

A Webmin user can be given limited access to this module so he can only edit the settings for
certain filesystems or only mount and unmount. Allowing an untrusted user to mount any file-
system is a bad idea because he can gain complete control of your system by mounting an NFS
or floppy disk filesystem containing setuid-root programs. Giving someone the rights to only
mount and unmount certain filesystems that have their options set to prevent the use of setuid
programs, however, is quite safe. This can be useful if your system has a floppy or CD-ROM
drive and you are not using an automounter.
Once a user has been given access to the module (as explained in Chapter 52), you can limit
him to just mounting or unmounting selected filesystems by following these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Disk and Network Filesystems next to the user’s
name to bring up the access control form.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No to stop him from configuring
the module to use a different fstab file or mount commands.
3. In the Filesystems that can be edited field, select Under listed directories and enter a list of
mount points into the adjacent text box. For example, you might enter /mnt/floppy /mnt/cdrom.
It is also possible to enter a directory like /mnt to allow access to all filesystems under it.
50 Chapter 5 • Disk and Network Filesystems

4. Change the Can add new filesystems? field to No.

5. Change the Only allow mounting and unmounting? field to Yes, so that the user can-
not actually edit filesystem details.
6. Hit the Save button to activate the new restrictions.

On Linux systems, the Allow users to mount this filesystem? field can be used to allow the use
of the command-line mount and unmount programs. Other tools like the Gnome mount panel
applet and Usermin also make use of this feature, which may be a better way to give normal
users mount and unmount privileges.

5.12 Configuring the Disk and Network Filesystems Module

Like other modules, this one has a few options that you can change. To see them, click on the
Module Config link in the top-left corner of the main page. This will take you to the standard
configuration editing page, on which the options shown in Table 5.1 are available under the
Configurable options header.

Table 5.1 Module Configuration Options

Server to request browse When mounting an smbfs filesystem, the button next to the
list from Server name field will pop up a list of Windows servers on your
network. This list is fetched from the server specified by this
option, which should be the domain or workgroup master.

Show long filesystem If this option is set to No, the main page will display only short file-
type names system type names (like EXT2). By default, it is set to Yes and long
filesystem types are displayed (like Linux Native Filesystem).

None of the other options on the configuration page should be changed, as they are set auto-
matically by Webmin based on your operating system type.

5.13 A Comparison of Filesystem Types

Unlike other operating systems, Linux supports several different types of filesystems that fully
support UNIX file permissions and ownership information. Originally, ext2 was the only
choice, but newer kernel versions and distributions have added support for ext3, reiserfs,
and xfs. This list explains the benefits of each of these alternative filesystem types.

New Linux Native Filesystem (ext3) Very similar to ext2, but with support for
journaling. This means that if your system crashes or loses power without having a
chance to properly unmount its filesystems, there is no need for the lengthy fsck
check of the entire ext3 filesystem that would be needed with ext2.
Because ext3 filesystems are so similar to ext2, they are stored on disk in almost
exactly the same format. This means that it is relatively simple to convert an existing
filesystem to ext3 by creating a special journal file.
Rieser Filesystem (reiserfs) ReiserFS is a totally new filesystem designed to
be faster and more efficient than ext2. It supports journaling like ext3 does, and
Other Operating Systems 51

deals much better with large numbers of small files than other filesystems. It is
probably not as mature as ext3 or xfs, however, and does not support quotas.
SGI Filesystem (xfs) XFS was originally developed by SGI for its IRIX
operating system, and if you are running Webmin on IRIX you can mount xfs
filesystems as well. It supports journaling and includes native support for ACLs
(access control lists) and file attribute lists. The ACL support in particular is very
useful, because it allows you to grant access to files in ways that would be
impossible with the normal UNIX user/group permissions. XFS has been used for
several years on IRIX, so it should be reasonably mature and reliable.
IBM Journaling Filesystem (jfs) JFS was originally developed by IBM for use on
its AIX and OS/2 operating systems, but has recently been ported to Linux. It supports
journaling and large (64-bit) file sizes, but does not current support quotas or ACLs.
Because JFS has been used for years on IBM operating systems, it should be reasonably
mature. It is quite new on Linux, however, and so may not be as well tested.

To see which of these filesystem types are supported by your system, go into the Partitions on
Local Disks module (covered in Chapter 8) and select an unused partition of type Linux. At the
bottom of the page will be a form that you can use to create a new filesystem on the partition in
one of the types that is available on your system. Most new Linux distributions will support
ext3, some will support reiserfs, but only a few include xfs support.
Linux also supports several older filesystem types such as ext, xiafs, and minix. You will
never need to use these unless you have an old disk formatted with one of them.

5.14 Other Operating Systems

The Disk and Network Filesystems module supports several other operating systems in addition to
Linux, using basically the same user interface. The main differences lie in the filesystem types sup-
ported by each operating system, and the type used for hard disk UNIX filesystems. Only Linux,
Solaris, and Irix display a drop-down menu of available partitions when adding a hard disk filesys-
tem—on other systems, you must enter the IDE or SCSI controller and drive numbers manually.
The operating systems on which the module can be used, and the major differences between
each of them and Linux, are:

Sun Solaris Solaris uses ufs (called the Solaris UNIX Filesystem by Webmin) as
its standard filesystem type for local hard disks. It has many of the same options as
ext2 on Linux, but does not support group quotas, only user quotas. Adding virtual
memory is also supported, in exactly the same way as on Linux.
The NFS filesystem type on Solaris is also similar to Linux, but supports mounting
from multiple NFS servers in case one goes down. When entering servers into the
Multiple NFS Servers field, they must be comma separated like host1:/
path,host2:/path,host3:/path. Solaris systems can only mount Windows
Networking Filesystems if the rumba program has been installed. They can only be
mounted temporarily, however, not recorded for mounting at boot time.
One interesting filesystem type that only Solaris supports is the RAM Disk (tmpfs).
Files in a filesystem of this type are not stored on disk anywhere, and so will be lost
52 Chapter 5 • Disk and Network Filesystems

when the system is rebooted or the filesystem is unmounted. By default, Solaris uses
tmpfs for the /tmp directory.
FreeBSD FreeBSD also uses ufs as its standard local hard disk filesystem type,
although it is called the FreeBSD UNIX Filesystem by Webmin. It has most of the
same options as Linux, and supports user and group quotas. Virtual memory is also
supported on FreeBSD, but with the catch that once added it cannot be removed
without rebooting. NFS is supported with similar options to Linux, but Windows
networking filesystems are not.
OpenBSD OpenBSD uses the ffs filesystem type for local hard disk, which is
called the OpenBSD UNIX Filesystem by Webmin. Like FreeBSD, it supports
virtual memory and NFS, but not Windows networking filesystems.
HP/UX HP’s UNIX variant uses hfs (HP UNIX Filesystem) as its standard local
hard disk filesystem type, but also supports the superior, journaled vxfs, called HP
Journaled UNIX Filesystem by Webmin. Both have an option for disk quotas, but
for users only. Virtual memory is supported and can be added and removed at any
time, but is always mounted at boot if permanently recorded. NFS is also available,
with similar options to Linux, but there is no Windows networking filesystem type.
SGI Irix Newer versions of Irix use xfs (SGI Filesystem) as their standard hard
disk filesystem type, which supports all the same options as xfs on Linux, including
user quotas, ACLs, and file attributes. The efs (Old SGI Filesystem) type is also
available, but should only be used if you have old partitions that are already
formatted for it, or are running an old version of Irix. Irix supports NFS with similar
options to Linux, but does not support Windows networking. AppleTalk and
Netware filesystems can also be mounted using command-line tools, but they can
not yet be mounted or edited from within Webmin.
The operating system also has standard virtual memory support, but with the
peculiarity that the first swap partition on the first hard drive is always added as
virtual memory automatically, using the special /dev/swap device file.
SCO UNIXWare UNIXWare has very similar filesystem support to Solaris, but
also adds support for the hard disk based vxfs (Veritas Filesystem) type.

If your operating system is not on the list above, then it is not supported by the Disk and Net-
work Filesystems module. In some cases, this is because the code has not yet been written, such
as with AIX or Tru64/OSF1. MacOS X, on the other hand, mounts all hard disk partitions at
boot time and automatically mounts network filesystems when requested by the user through the
GUI. It therefore has no need for a Webmin module for managing filesystems.

5.15 Summary
Unlike other operating systems, Linux and other variants of UNIX do not automatically make
files on hard disks and removable media available to you. This chapter has explained what file-
systems and partitions are and how to mount them to gain access to the data that they contain. It
has also covered the client-side part of file sharing between two or more systems over a network.
C H A P T E R 6

NFS File Sharing

his chapter explains how to export files to other UNIX systems by

T setting up an NFS server.

6.1 Introduction to File Sharing with NFS

NFS is the most common protocol for sharing files between UNIX systems over a network. NFS
servers export directories from their local hard disks to NFS clients, which mount them so that
they can be accessed like any other directory. Unlike other file sharing protocols, such as Win-
dows networking, Netware, and AppleShare, NFS was designed to support client systems that
have multiple users. This means that a client never logs into a server, and that the server almost
completely trusts the client to authenticate users. The down side is that NFS is not a good proto-
col for sharing files with client systems that are not fully trusted.
Instead of using usernames and passwords for authentication, NFS uses the IP address of the
client. Only trusted clients are allowed to mount directories from the server so that it is not vulner-
able to unauthorized file access from any client on the network. Some additional security can be
gained by restricting the access of particular UNIX users on a client, or treating all requests from a
client as a single user.
On Linux, the /etc/exports file contains a permanent list of directories exported by NFS
and the clients to which they are exported. Typically, this file is read at boot time by the nfsd and
mountd programs that run in the background to service NFS requests. When you change or create
exports using Webmin, the exports file is directly updated.
This chapter covers only the sharing of directories from a server using NFS. For details on
how to mount an NFS exported directory on a client, see Chapter 5. If you want to share files with
Windows clients, you should read Chapter 43 (which covers Samba) instead, as NFS support is not
widely available for Windows.

54 Chapter 6 • NFS File Sharing

6.2 The NFS Exports Module

On Linux, NFS server configuration is done using the NFS Exports module, which can be found
under the Networking category. After entering the module, the main page will display a list of
exported directories and the clients that are allowed to access them, as shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 The NFS Exports module.

Most Linux distributions come with the programs required for NFS file sharing installed by
default. If Webmin detects that they are missing from your system, however, an error message will
be displayed when you enter the module. If that happens, you will need to install the nfs-server
or nfs package from your distribution CD or website.

6.3 Exporting a Directory

Only directories on local filesystems can be exported via NFS, so it is not possible to re-export
files that have been mounted from another NFS server. It is also not possible to export directo-
ries from non-UNIX filesystems such as vfat, ntfs or iso9660. If an exported directory has
mount points under it, files under those mount points will not be accessible by NFS clients. So if
you exported the root directory / and it has a separate filesystem mounted at /home, you would
need to also export /home and clients would need to mount it in order to see the files under it.
The steps for exporting a directory are:

1. Click on the Add a new export link on the main page of the module. This will take you
to a form for entering the details of the export, as shown in Figure 6.2.
Editing or Deleting an NFS Export 55

2. Enter the directory that you want to share in the Directory to export field.
3. Unless you want the export to be unavailable, make sure the Active? option is set to Yes.
4. The Export to option allows you to choose which clients will have access to the direc-
tory. The possible choices are:
Everyone Any system that can connect to yours over the network will be able to mount
the directory. Be very careful with this choice, as it may allow anyone on the Internet to
access your files.
Host(s) Only the single specified host or IP address will be allowed. You can also enter
a wildcard hostname like *.foo.com for this option to allow all hosts from a domain.
However, if you want to export a directory to several specific client hosts then the only
solution is to create multiple exports of the same directory, each with a different
hostname in this field.
WebNFS clients WebNFS is a rarely used protocol for accessing NFS exports over the
Internet. Don’t use this option unless you know what you are doing, as it may allow
anyone to access your files.
Netgroup A netgroup is a list of hosts that is defined on an NIS server. Unfortunately,
your system must be an NIS client for this to be useful.
Network and Netmask All hosts on the specified network will be allowed to connect.
To allow all hosts with IP addresses from to, you would enter for the network, and for the netmask.
5. If you want to prevent clients from modifying or creating files in the exported directory,
set the Access mode option to Read only.
6. If exporting only to trusted systems, set the Trust remote users option to Everyone.
If you want to ensure that clients only have the permissions of a single UNIX user,
however, set Trust remote users to Nobody and enter the user and his primary group
into the Treat untrusted users as and Treat untrusted groups as fields respectively.
This can be very useful if exporting to a client workstation that is used by single user.
7. Click the Create button to save the export. If you have made any mistakes in any of the
fields, an explanatory error message will be displayed. Otherwise, the browser will
return to the list of exports.
8. Click the Apply Changes button to make your new export active.

Allowed clients should now be able to mount the exported directory. If not, check your system’s
error logs for messages from the NFS server processes that explain why the client is being

6.4 Editing or Deleting an NFS Export

All the details of any existing NFS export can be edited at any time by following these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the client under the Exported to column that
you want to edit. If a single directory is exported multiple times to different clients, each
one must be edited individually.
2. On the export editing form (which is almost identical to Figure 6.2), change any of the
options including the directory to share.
56 Chapter 6 • NFS File Sharing

Figure 6.2 The new NFS export form.

3. If you want to delete the export, click the Delete button at the bottom right of the page.
Otherwise, click Save to save your changes. Either way, your browser will return to the
module’s main page.
4. Click the Apply Changes button to make the changes active.

6.5 NFS on Solaris

On Solaris, NFS exports are managed by the separate NFS Shares module. Because Solaris uses
a different file (/etc/dfs/dfstab) and file format for storing exports, the module’s user inter-
face is different to that of the Linux module. Figure 6.3 shows the main page of the NFS Shares
module. As you can see, exports are configured by directory instead of by client.
To add a new NFS export on Solaris, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Start sharing a new directory link, which will take you to a form for enter-
ing the details of the new export.
2. Enter the directory that you want to share in the Directory field.
3. Fill in the Read-only access and Read-write access fields with the hostnames of clients
to which you want to grant access. As the names suggest, a host in the Read-only field
will not be able to write to or modify files on the server.
In addition to hostnames, you can also enter networks using the format @192.168.1 or
@192.168.1/24, NIS netgroups or even DNS domains like .foo.com (the leading dot
indicates an entire domain).
NFS on BSD, MacOS X, and OpenServer 57

Figure 6.3 The Solaris NFS Shares module.

4. By default, the root user on clients will have only limited access to files on the server.
To give root on some clients’ full file access privileges, enter their hostnames, net-
works, netgroups, or domains into the Root access field.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to create the export. Unless you have
made a mistake on the form, your will be returned to the list of exported directories.
6. Click the Apply Changes button to make your new export active.

Existing NFS exports can be edited by simply clicking on a directory on the main page of the
module. The same form used for creating an export will appear, allowing you to change any of
the options. If you want to delete the export, click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. Be
sure to click Apply Changes again after making any changes so that they will become active.

6.6 NFS on BSD, MacOS X, and OpenServer

FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, OS X, and OpenServer all use the /etc/exports file for stor-
ing NFS exports, but its format is different in different operating systems. This means that they
use a different NFS Exports module that has its own unique user interface, as shown in
Figure 6.4. Exports are configured by directory instead of by client, and you can specify options
and allowed clients for multiple directories at once.
To add a new NFS export on one of these operating systems, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add a new export link on the main page of the module. A form for entering
the details of the new NFS export will appear.
58 Chapter 6 • NFS File Sharing

Figure 6.4 The BSD NFS Exports module.

2. Enter the directories that you want to share into the Directories to export field. Be
aware that multiple directories on the same filesystem cannot be exported to the same cli-
ent separately.
3. If you want to allow clients to mount subdirectories as well, select the Export subdirec-
tories? option. If this is enabled, however, only one directory can be entered in the
Directories to export field and it must be the root of a filesystem.
4. To give all clients read-only access, set the Read only? option to Yes.
5. To limit access to a single host or list of hosts, select Hosts / netgroups for the Clients
option and enter the hostnames, IP addresses, or netgroups that you wish into the field.
To limit access to an entire network, select the Network option and entire network
address (like and netmask (like into the respective fields.
6. Click the Save button to create the export and you will be returned to the list of exports
on the main page.
7. Click the Apply Changes button to make your new export active.

Existing NFS exports can be edited by simply clicking on a directory on the main page of the
module. The same form as is used for creating an export will appear, allowing you to change any
of the options, or click the Delete button to get rid of it. Be sure to click Apply Changes again
after making any changes so that they will become active.
NFS on Irix 59

6.7 NFS on Irix

Irix has its own unique format for the /etc/exports file that is similar to the BSDs, but not
quite the same. It therefore also has its own special version of the NFS Exports module with a
slightly different user interface. The main page of the module lists the directories being exported
and the hosts they are exported to, in a very similar layout to the BSD NFS Exports module
shown in Figure 6.4.
To add a new NFS export on Irix, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add a new NFS export link on the main page, which will take you to a form
for entering the new export’s details.
2. Enter a directory into the Directory to export field.
3. Enter the hostnames, IP addresses, and netgroups of clients that you want to grant access
to into the Export to hosts/netgroups field. If this field is left empty, any host will be
allowed to mount the exported directory.
4. To prevent all clients for modifying exported files, set the Read-only? option to Yes.
5. If you want to give read/write access to some clients and read-only access to others, enter
the hostnames or IP addresses of the read/write clients into the Read/write access field.
6. By default, the root user on clients will have only limited access to files on the server.
To give root on some clients full file access privileges, enter their hostnames or IP
addresses into the Root file access field.
7. Click the Save button to create the export and you will be returned to the list of exports
on the main page, as long as there are no errors in the form.
8. Click the Apply Changes button to make your new export active.

Existing NFS exports can be edited or deleted by clicking on their directory on the module’s
main page. If you make any changes, you must click the Apply Changes button to make them

6.8 Summary
In this chapter the NFS file sharing protocol has been explained, and the steps to take to share
files from one system to others have been documented. You should now know how to export
data from a system running any of the supported UNIX variants to any client that can mount
NFS filesystems. You should also understand the security implications of sharing files with
NFS, and know that it should not generally be used to share files with untrusted clients.
C H A P T E R 7

Disk Quotas

n this chapter, the use of disk quotas to limit the amount of space that
I individual users can consume is explained.

7.1 Introduction to Disk Quotas

On a system with multiple users, it is often necessary to limit how much disk space each user
can take up. Quotas are the mechanism used by UNIX systems to enforce limits on the amount
of disk space and the number of files each user (and possibly group) can own. Each file counts
towards the quota of the user who owns it, and if group quotas are being used the file counts
towards the quotas of its group owner as well. Once a user exceeds his quota, he will not be able
to create or enlarge any files until some are deleted.
Quotas are set up on a per-filesystem basis, so that you can have different quotas for different
directories on your system. This means, however, that if two directories are both on the same file-
system then they must share the same quotas. Only UNIX filesystems like ext2, ext3, and xfs
on local hard disks support quotas—although if your system NFS mounts a remote directory that
has quotas enabled, they will be enforced on the server.
Each user or group has two different quotas, one for blocks and one for files. The blocks quota
controls how much disk space the user can use and is specified in disk blocks that are typically 1
kB in size. The files quota controls how many separate files the user can create, and is necessary
because UNIX filesystems often have a limit on how many files can exist at one time. Without a
files quota, a user could create millions of empty files until the filesystems limit was reached and
so prevent other users from creating any files at all.
Both the blocks and files quotas have what are called soft and hard limits. The soft limit is the
point at which the user is warned that he is close to exceeding his quota, but is still allowed to con-
tinue using up disk space. The hard limit is the number of blocks or files that can never be
exceeded, and any attempt to do so will result in an error. Both limits are optional, so that you can

The Disk Quotas Module 61

have only a hard limit and give the user no warning that he is approaching his quota, or only a soft
limit and only warn users of quota violations instead of actually enforcing them.
If a user stays above his soft limit but below the hard limit for more than a set period of time
(called the grace period), the system will treat him as though he has exceeded the hard limit and
prevent the creation or enlargement of any files. Only when the user deletes enough files to drop
his usage below the soft limit will it revert to just a warning level.
At the shell prompt, quotas can be viewed using the repquota and quota commands, and
edited using the edquota command. The files aquota.user and aquota.group in the mount
directory of each filesystem contain the actual records of how much disk space is allocated to each
user or group and how much they are currently using. When displaying and setting quotas, Web-
min calls the quota commands and parses their output. It does not use system calls or attempt to
edit the quota files directly.

7.2 The Disk Quotas Module

Webmin’s Disk Quotas module is found under the System category. When you enter the module,
a list of all filesystems on which quotas could be or are active is displayed, along with their cur-
rent active status and whether quotas are configured for users, groups, or both. See Figure 7.1 for
an example.
On most systems that have never used quotas before, none of your filesystems will be listed.
This is because quotas must first be enabled in the Disk and Network Filesystems module, as
explained in Chapter 5.

Figure 7.1 The Disk Quotas module.

62 Chapter 7 • Disk Quotas

If your system does not have the quota manipulation commands installed, Webmin will dis-
play an error message on the main page of the module and you will not be able to activate or edit
any quotas. All Linux distributions should have a package on their CD or website containing the
quota commands.

7.3 Enabling Quotas for a Filesystem

If the main page of the module shows User Quotas Active (or Group Quotas Active) under the
Status column for the filesystem, then quotas have already been enabled. If not, to configure and
turn on quotas for an ext2 or ext3 filesystem, follow these steps:

1. If the filesystem already appears in the list on the main page of the module, quotas have
already been configured and you can skip to Step 5.
2. Go to the Disk and Network Filesystems module and click on the filesystem on which
you want to enable quotas.
3. Change the Use Quotas? option to either User only, Group only, or User and Group
depending on which kinds of quota you want to enforce.
4. Click the Save button. If an error appears saying that the filesystem is already in use, just
click the Apply to Permanent List button. Quotas can usually be enabled without need-
ing to reboot, and will be automatically reenabled when the system is next rebooted.
However, if the next step fails you will need to reboot your system to activate them—this
is necessary on some newer versions of Linux.
5. Back in the Disk Quotas module, your filesystem should now be visible. Click on the
Enable Quotas link to activate quotas now.
6. Assuming all goes well, the browser will return to the list of quotas after a short delay
and the Status column will change to User Quotas Active.

For an xfs filesystem, the procedure is slightly different. You must first enable user and/or
group quotas in the Disk and Network Filesystems module, and then either reboot or unmount
and remount the filesystem. Quotas will be automatically activated at mount time, so there is no
need to enable them in the Disk Quotas module.

7.4 Disabling Quotas for a Filesystem

To permanently deactivate quotas for an ext2 or ext3 filesystem, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on Disable Quotas under the Action column for
the filesystem.
2. To prevent quotas from being reactivated at boot time, go to the Disk and Network File-
systems module and click on the filesystem from the list.
3. Change the Use Quotas? option to No.
4. Click the Save button. If an error saying that the filesystem is already in use appears, just
click the Apply to Permanent List button.

For an xfs filesystem, Step 1 is not necessary (or possible) as quotas are only enabled when the
filesystem is mounted. In Step 4, however, when saving the quota settings for the filesystem, it
must be unmounted and remounted cleanly for the deactivation to take effect.
Setting Quotas for a User or Group 63

7.5 Setting Quotas for a User or Group

The quotas for a user or group can be set or changed at any time on a filesystem that currently
has quotas enabled of the correct type. By default, any user or group whose quotas have not yet
been set will have no limits at all and thus be able to use up all the disk space on the filesystem.
To set quotas for a user, follow these steps:

1. From the list of filesystems on the main page of the module, click on the mount point of
one on which you want to edit quotas. This will take you to a page listing the quotas for
all users on the filesystem, as shown in Figure 7.2.
2. Click on the name of the user you want to edit under the User column, or enter the user-
name into the Edit Quota For field and press the button. Both will take you to a form
containing the user’s current quota settings and blocks and files used, as shown in
Figure 7.3.
3. Set the Soft Block Limit and Hard Block Limit fields to the number of blocks to which
you want to limit the user, or select Unlimited to not impose any limit. On most filesys-
tems, each block will be 1 kB in size, but this not necessarily always the case.
4. Set the Soft File Limit and Hard File Limit fields to the number of files that you want
to limit the user to owning.
5. Click the Update button. The new quota settings will take effect immediately.

The procedure for setting group quotas is almost identical. If a filesystem has both user and
group quotas enabled, the main page of the module will have two links for each filesystem—one
for users, and one for groups.

7.6 Copying Quotas to Multiple Users

If you have a large number of users on your system and want them to all have the same quotas,
there is an easier solution than setting each user individually. Instead, you can set the quotas that
you want for one user and duplicate his settings to as many other users as you want. The only
down side is that quotas are copied on all filesystems, not just a single one.
The steps for copying quotas like this are:

1. Set the quotas for a single source user, as explained in Section 7.5 “Setting Quotas for a
User or Group”.
2. On the main page of the module, enter the username of the source user into the Edit
User Quotas page and press the button.
3. On the page that appears listing the user’s quotas on all filesystems, click the Copy Quo-
tas button. This will take you to a form for choosing to which users the quota settings
will be copied.
4. Choose which target users to copy quotas to by selecting one of the options on the form:
All users on your system Every single user on your system will have the same quota
settings. You may want to set quotas for root back to unlimited after doing this.
Selected users Only the users entered into the field next to this option will have their
quotas set.
Members of selected groups All primary and secondary members of the groups
entered into the field next to this option will have their quotas set.
64 Chapter 7 • Disk Quotas

Figure 7.2 The list of users and their quotas.

5. Click the Copy button to copy the quotas for the source user on all filesystems to all tar-
get users.

If you are using group quotas, it is also possible to copy the settings for one group to multiple
other groups. The options for choosing which groups to copy to, however, are slightly different.
The Selected users option is replaced with Selected groups, and the Members of selected
groups option is replaced with Groups containing users. The latter option will copy to all
groups that have one of the entered users as a member.

7.7 Setting Grace Times

When a user exceeds his soft blocks or files limit, he will still be able to use up disk space up to
the hard limit for a certain period of time—the grace period. There are separate periods for the
blocks quota and the files quota on each filesystem. Once the period has expired, it will be as
though he had reached the hard limit. No more blocks of disk space can be used if it was the
blocks quota that was exceeded, or no more files can be created if it was the files quota. Grace
periods can also be set for group quotas, and if a filesystem has both user and group quotas
enabled, each has their own separate periods.
To set the grace periods for all users on a particular filesystem, follow these steps:

1. Click on the mount point from the list of filesystems on the main page of the module.
This will take you to the list of all users and their quotas, as shown in Figure 7.2.
2. Click the Edit Grace Times button, which will bring up a form for editing the periods.
Setting Default Quotas for New Users 65

Figure 7.3 The user quota form.

3. For both the blocks and files quotas, select the period and units. When done, click the
Update button to save your settings and put the grace periods into immediate effect.

The process for editing the group grace times on a filesystem is almost exactly the same. If a
filesystem has both user and group quotas enable, the main page of the module will have two
links for each filesystem—one for users and one for groups.

7.8 Setting Default Quotas for New Users

If a filesystem has user quotas enabled, you can configure the blocks and files quotas that will be
assigned to new UNIX users created using Webmin’s Users and Groups module. As explained in
Chapter 4, any time a user is added other modules will be notified so that they can perform addi-
tional actions. In the case of the Disk Quotas module, that action can be the setting of an initial
quota for the user on multiple filesystems.
To set the default quota for new users on a particular filesystem, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the mount point of the filesystem for which you
want to set the default. This will take you to the list of users and their quotas, as shown in
Figure 7.2.
2. At the very bottom of the page is a form in which you can set the default hard and soft
blocks and files quotas. When you are done filling it in, click the Apply button.
66 Chapter 7 • Disk Quotas

The same options can be set for UNIX groups created in the Users and Groups module on the
group quotas page.

7.9 Other Operating Systems

As disk quotas work in a very similar way across all versions of UNIX, this module appears
almost identical on all supported operating systems. The biggest difference is that some UNIX
variants do not support group quotas. Some (like Solaris) do not need quotas to be enabled in the
Disk and Network Filesystems module before activating them in this module. If there is a quotas
option for the filesystem, it determines whether they are enabled at boot time or not.

7.10 Configuring the Disk Quotas Module

The Disk Quotas module has only a few options that can be changed to configure its user inter-
face. To edit them, click on the Module Config link on the main page, which will take you to the
standard configuration editing page. The available settings under the Configurable options
header are displayed in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Module Configuration Options

Maximum When you click on a filesystem on the main page of the module, a full list of users
number of users or groups with quotas will be displayed. However, if the number of users exceeds
or groups to this option, a text box for entering a username to view and set quotas for will be
display displayed instead.

Sort users and Normally the list of users with quotas on a filesystem is ordered by disk usage, but
groups by by changing this option you can have them ordered by username or just displayed
in the order that the repquota command uses.

None of the other options on the configuration page should be changed, as they are set auto-
matically by Webmin based on your operating system type.

7.11 Module Access Control

As described in Chapter 52, it is possible to give a Webmin user access to only part of the func-
tionality of a module. In the case of the Disk Quotas module, you can limit which users and
groups quotas can be edited, and on which filesystems they can be edited. This can be useful if
there is a person in your organization who is allowed to edit some or all quotas, but not perform
any other administrative tasks.
Assuming you have already created a user with access to the module, the steps to follow to set
this up are:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Disk Quotas next to the name of the user that you
want to restrict.
2. Set the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so that the user cannot change the
commands used for setting and getting quotas.
Summary 67

3. To restrict the filesystems on which quotas can be assigned, change the Filesystems this
user can edit field to Selected and choose them from the list below.
4. Set the Can enable and disable quotas? field to No, unless the user is responsible for
all user and group quotas on the allowed filesystems—otherwise he will be able to turn
off quotas for users that he is not allowed to edit.
5. Change the Can configure quotas for new users? field to No, so that he cannot change
the quotas that are assigned to users created in the Users and Groups module. Only if the
Webmin user is allowed to edit all quotas on a filesystem should this be left set to Yes.
6. If you do not want this Webmin user to change grace times, set the Can edit user grace
times? and Can edit group grace times? fields to No.
7. To stop the user from handing out massive disk quotas, set the Maximum grantable
block quota and Maximum grantable file quota fields to the maximum blocks and
files that can be granted to any one user, respectively. There is nothing, however, to stop
him granting quotas to multiple users that add up to more than these limits.
8. To restrict the UNIX users whose quotas can be edited, change the Users this user can
edit quotas for field from All users to one of the other options. The most useful is Users
with UID in range, which restricts access to those users whose UIDs lie within the min-
imum and maximum numbers entered into the fields next to it. It is usually a bad idea to
allow the editing of the root user’s quotas, as setting it too low may prevent the system
from creating important PID, mail, and lock files. You can prevent this by selecting All
except users and entering root into the field next to it, assuming that you want to allow
the editing of every other user. To stop the Webmin user editing any user quotas at all,
select the Only users option and enter nothing into the field next to it.
9. Similarly, you can limit the groups whose quotas can be edited by changing the Groups
this user can edit quotas for field. Naturally, this only has an effect on filesystems that
have group quotas enabled.
10. When done, click the Save button to have the restrictions applied immediately.

7.12 Summary
After reading this chapter you should understand what disk quotas are useful for, and how to
enable them on any UNIX system. You should also know the difference between block and file
quotas, the connection between quotas and filesystems, and the effects of this on a server with
multiple filesystems containing user data. Finally, the differences between and effects of user
and group quotas should be clear.
C H A P T E R 8

Partitions, RAID,
and LVM

his chapter explains how hard disks are partitioned and how filesys-
T tems are created on those partitions. It also covers the use of RAID and
LVM to combine multiple partitions into one large filesystem.

8.1 Introduction to Hard Disk Partitions

All hard disks used by Linux and other operating systems on PC hardware are divided into one
or more non-overlapping regions called partitions. Sometimes an entire hard disk will be taken
up by one partition, but usually your system will have at least two partitions on the primary
disk—one for the root filesystem, and one for virtual memory (also known as swap space). As
explained in Chapter 5, each partition can be used for either a single filesystem or for virtual
Every partition has a type which identifies the kind of data that it stores. There is a type for
Linux filesystems, a type for Linux swap space, a type for Windows filesystems, and many more.
Almost every kind of operating system that runs on PC hardware has its own partition type for its
own filesystems. When adding new partitions on your system, however, you will very rarely use
any types other than those specifically for Linux.
On PC systems, each hard disk can only contain four primary partitions. Because this is often
not enough, it is possible for one of those four to be a special extended partition that can contain an
unlimited number of logical partitions. If you make use of an extended partition, there is effec-
tively no limit on the number that your hard disk can contain.
Every hard disk is divided into equal-sized cylinders, which represent concentric circles on the
surface of the disk. Larger hard disks generally have more cylinders, but due to different drive
geometries this is not always the case. Each partition has a starting and ending cylinder and occu-
pies all the space on the disk between them.

The Partitions on Local Disks Module 69

Be very careful when changing or reformatting any existing partitions on your system.
Because they contain filesystem data, deleting or modifying one could wipe out all your files or
make your system unbootable. Webmin tries to prevent this, but it is still possible to do a lot of
damage with only a few mouse clicks! Normally you should only need to create or edit partitions
when adding a new hard disk to your system.

8.2 The Partitions on Local Disks Module

All disk partition management in Webmin is done using the Partitions on Local Disks module,
which can be found under the Hardware category. When you enter the module, a page showing
all hard disks and partitions found on your system will be displayed, as shown in Figure 8.1.
All IDE and SCSI disks are shown, along with their manufacturers and model numbers. If
your system has a hardware RAID controller that is supported by the module, the RAID devices
will be shown instead of the actual underlying hard disks that make them up. Disks and partitions
used for software RAID will be shown, but not the logical or virtual drives that they have been
combined into.
For each disk, all partitions on it will be listed showing their type, start and end cylinders and
current mount point, or other use. If the partition contains a filesystem, the amount of free disk
space will be displayed as well. If a partition is being used for software RAID, the raid device that
it is part of will be shown. Similarly, if a partition is part of an LVM volume group, the group name
will be displayed under the Use column.

Figure 8.1 The Partitions on Local Disks module.

70 Chapter 8 • Partitions, RAID, and LVM

8.3 Adding and Formatting a New Partition

If you have just added a new hard disk to your system and want to make use of it with Linux,
you must first partition it and then format the partition as the filesystem type of your choice. The
steps for this process are:

1. Locate your new hard disk in the main page of the Partitions on Local Disks module. It
will probably not have any partitions on it, but it may have been set up with one large
partition by the manufacturer.
2. Assuming no partitions exist yet, click the Add primary partition link next to your new
hard disk. This will take you to the creation form shown in Figure 8.2 for entering the
details of the new partition.
3. If the new partition takes up the entire hard disk, the Extent fields can be left unchanged
as they are always automatically filled in to cover all the free space left on the disk. If
you want to create more than one partition, however, adjust the extent so that it takes up
only part of the disk.
4. If this partition is for an ext2, ext3, reiserfs, or xfs filesystem, set the Type field to
If it is to be for virtual memory, set the Type to Linux swap.
If it is for software RAID, set the Type to Linux raid.
If it is for LVM, set the Type to Linux LVM.
If you are creating the filesystem for some other operating system to use, set the Type
field to whatever is appropriate for that OS.
5. Click the Create button to add the partition. Assuming no errors were detected, you will
be returned to the list of disks and partitions on the main page of the module, which
should now include the new partition.
6. If the new partition is to have a Linux filesystem created on it, you must follow the steps
in Section 8.4 “Creating a New Filesystem”. Virtual memory partitions can be added
immediately in the Disk and Network Filesystems module. Partitions for use with RAID
can be also be used immediately in the Linux RAID module but you must have created
all the partitions that will make up a RAID device before creating it. Partitions that will
be part of an LVM volume group can be added immediately using the Logical Volume
Management module.

8.4 Creating a New Filesystem

Before a newly created partition can be used to store files, it must first have a filesystem created
on it. Filesystems can also be created on partitions that have been used before, perhaps by
another operating system. However, be very careful when formatting a partition with a new file-
system, as any files that it used to contain will be lost forever.
The steps for creating a new filesystem are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the number of the partition that you want to
reformat. This will take you to the partition editing form, as shown in Figure 8.3.
2. Near the bottom of the page is a button labeled Create Filesystem with a menu of sup-
ported filesystem types next to it. See Section 5.13 “A Comparison of Filesystem Types”
Partition Labels 71

Figure 8.2 The partition creation form.

for information on the pluses and minuses of each type. When you have made a selec-
tion, click the button and it will take you to a form for selecting options for the new file-
3. Depending on the type of filesystem chosen, different creation options are available. For
ext2 or ext3 filesystems, the only one that you might want to change is Reserved
blocks, which determines the amount of disk space reserved for the exclusive use of the
root user. The default is 5 percent, which I think is rather wasteful.
4. Click the Create Filesystem button to format the partition. A page showing the progress
of the new filesystem’s creation will be displayed, which can take some time for large
hard disks.
5. Assuming that the formatting is successful, you can now use the Disk and Network File-
systems module to mount the new filesystem.

8.5 Partition Labels

Labels are a feature of newer versions of Linux that allow a partition to be identified in the
/etc/fstab file by a short name rather than its IDE or SCSI device file, such as /dev/hdb3.
Device files can change if you change an IDE drive from one controller to another, change the
ID of a SCSI drive, or even add a new SCSI drive with an ID lower than an existing drive. Any
of these changes could cause a partition to fail to mount at boot time—possibly making your
system unbootable. Partitions with labels can be referred to be label name, however, which does
not change even if the device file does.
72 Chapter 8 • Partitions, RAID, and LVM

Figure 8.3 The partition editing form.

Some newer Linux distributions use labels by default for filesystems that you create at install
time. If you use the Disk and Network Filesystems module on such a system, the Location column
for these filesystems will be something like Partition labeled /home.
Only partitions with ext2, ext3 or xfs filesystems on them can be labeled, as the label is stored
in the filesystem rather than the partition table. To label an existing filesystem, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the number of the partition that you want to
label. This will take you to the partition editing form, as shown in Figure 8.3.
2. Assuming the partition is not currently in use, you will be able to enter the new label into
the Partition label field. It must be at most 16 characters long—for example /home or root.
3. After you have entered the label, click the Save button. It will be stored in the filesystem,
and the browser will return to the module’s main page.
4. At this point, the Disk and Network Filesystems module can be used to mount the
labeled filesystem by label name, as explained in Chapter 5.

8.6 Deleting or Changing a Partition

Once a partition has been created, its size or position on the hard disk cannot be changed using
Webmin. The only things you can do are change its type or delete it. Neither are possible, how-
ever, if a filesystem on the partition is listed in the Disk and Network Filesystems module—that
is, if it is currently mounted or recorded for mounting at boot time.
Module Access Control 73

Changing the type of a partition will not harm the data on it in any way. It may, however, make
it unusable by some operating systems or for some purposes.
The steps to change its type are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the number of the partition that you want to
change. This will take you to the partition editing form.
2. As long as the partition is not in use, you will be able to select a new type from the Type
field and click the Save button.
3. Once the change has been made, the browser will return to the list of disks and partitions.

Deleting a partition should be done only if you are sure that you want to lose all the data on it. It
is the only way to make some changes to the partition table in Webmin, however, such as replac-
ing two small partitions with one larger one. If you are sure that you want to go ahead with the
deletion, use the following process:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the number of the partition that you want to
delete, which will take you to the partition editing form.
2. Click the Delete button, which will only appear if the partition is not in use. This will
take you to a page for confirming the deletion.
3. If you are really sure you want to go ahead, click the Delete Now button. Once the job is
done, you will be returned to the main page of the module.

It is theoretically possible to restore a deleted partition by creating a new one with the exact
same size and extents.

8.7 Module Access Control

Surprisingly, it is possible to limit the access that a Webmin user has to certain disks in the Parti-
tions on Local Disks module. This could be useful if your system has a removable drive (like a
Zip or Jaz drive) that you want users to be allowed to partition with Webmin, while preventing
them from reformatting the primary hard disk.
Once a user has been granted access to the module, the process to restrict the disks that he
can access includes the following steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Partitions on Local Disks next to his username.
This will bring up the module access control form.
2. Change the Disks this user can partition and format field to Selected, and choose the
disks that the user should be allowed to partition and create filesystems on from the list
3. To stop the user seeing disks on the main page that he cannot manage, change the Can
view non-editable disks? option to No.
4. Finally, click the Save button to activate the access control restrictions.

Just being able to partition and format a disk is not particularly useful, unless it can be mounted
as well. The Disk and Network Filesystems module has no support for access control restric-
tions, because giving a user the rights to mount a filesystem would open up several security
74 Chapter 8 • Partitions, RAID, and LVM

holes. A better solution is to set up an automounter filesystem so that removable devices can be
mounted by just entering a special mount-point directory.

8.8 Other Operating Systems

Solaris is the only other operating system that has a module for managing disks and partitions,
however there are several differences between Linux and Solaris:

• Every Solaris disk has exactly 8 partitions, some of which may have no extent if they are
not being used. Partitions never need to be created or deleted and there are no extended
or logical partitions.
• When editing a Solaris partition, its extents can be changed without needing to delete
and recreate it. This will, however, almost certainly result in the loss of data on the
• Every partition has a type that indicates what it is used for. The root type is usually for
the root directory filesystem, the swap type is for virtual memory, the usr type is for
other filesystems, and the unassigned type is for empty partitions.
• Each partition has two flags—Mountable and Writable—which indicate whether it can
be mounted or written to, respectively.
• The only filesystem supported on Solaris partitions is ufs—the native UNIX filesystem
• Partition labeling is not supported on Solaris.
• When editing the module access control, there is no Can view non-editable disks?

The RAID and LVM modules explained below are not available on Solaris or any other operat-
ing system.

8.9 Introduction to RAID

RAID (which stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) is a method for combining mul-
tiple partitions on different disks into one large virtual device, also known as a RAID array. This
has several advantages:

• You can create a single filesystem that is as big as all your existing hard disks, instead of
needing to mount each one separately at a different mount-point directory.
• In most cases, reading to and writing from a RAID device is faster than accessing a
single disk, because the data being read or written is spread across multiple drives.
• With the right configuration, data on a RAID device can survive even if any one of the
hard disks fails. This is done by spreading redundant information across all drives, and
comes at the cost of some disk space.
The Linux RAID Module 75

The different types of RAID configuration are called levels. The levels supported by Linux are:

Concatendated or Linear In this mode, all the partitions in the RAID array are
combined end-to-end into one large virtual device. Data written to the device will
fill up the first disk and then go on to the second disk, and so on. Linear mode does
not generally make data access any faster, as all the blocks of a file being read or
written are likely to be next to each other on the same disk.
RAID 0 or Striped As in linear mode, multiple partitions in striped mode are
also combined into one large device. Data written to the array, however, will be
spread evenly across all disks so that reading or writing a single large file is much
faster. Ideally, if you had 5 disks in your striped RAID array, then accessing data
would be 5 times faster. The only problem with this mode is that it does not deal
well with disks that are not all the same size—any space on a disk that is larger than
the rest will still be used, but only at its normal speed.
RAID 1 or Mirrored In mirrored mode, every partition in the array contains
exactly the same data. This means that in the event of a disk failure, your data is safe
even if only one disk survives. The down side is that under normal conditions most
of the disks are wasted and the usable space on the array is only as big as the
smallest partition. Reading from a mirrored array is as fast as reading from a striped
array, but writing will be as slow as the slowest disk due to the need to write all data
to all disks simultaneously.
RAID 4 or Parity Parity mode is rarely used, as it offers no real advantage over
RAID 5. It provides protection against a single disk failure and increases read speed
but not write speed. A RAID 4 array can survive the loss of any one disk because it
dedicates one disk to the storage of parity information, which can be used to re-
construct data on other disks if one of them fails. Because all writes to the array
cause a write to this disk, it becomes a bottleneck that slows done the entire array.
RAID 5 or Redundant This is the most useful RAID mode as it provides
protection against a disk failure, increases read and write speeds, and combines
multiple partitions into one large virtual device. A RAID 5 array can survive the loss
of any one disk without the loss of all data, but at the expense of sacrificing some
space on all the disks for storing redundant information. It is faster than linear mode,
but not quite as fast as striped mode due to the need to maintain redundancy.

This chapter only covers the RAID configuration software on Linux. If your system has a sepa-
rate RAID controller card or external array, you will need special software to set it up. Virtual
RAID devices on hardware controllers will show up in the Partitions on Local Disks module for
partitioning, just like any real hard disk would. They will not be visible or configurable in the
Linux RAID module.

8.10 The Linux RAID Module

This module allows you to create, format, and delete RAID arrays on your Linux system. Like
the other hard-disk related modules, it can be found under the Hardware category. When you
76 Chapter 8 • Partitions, RAID, and LVM

enter the module, the main page will display existing RAID devices (if any), as shown in
Figure 8.4.
If Webmin detects that the commands used to set up RAID are missing from your system, an
error message will be displayed on the main page of the module. Most Linux distributions, how-
ever, should have a package on their CD or website containing the RAID commands. A different
error will be displayed if your Linux kernel has not been compiled with RAID support. In this case,
you may have to recompile the kernel with RAID supported turned on.
Assuming all the necessary packages have been installed, adding a new RAID device is rela-
tively easy. The steps to follow are:

1. In the Partitions on Local Disks module, create a partition on each disk that you want to
use for RAID. Existing partitions can also be used, as long as they do not contain any
data that you do not want overwritten. A disk that is partially used for some other pur-
pose can also have a new partition added for RAID use, although this may negate some
of the performance benefits.
Every partition that is going to be part of the RAID array should have its type set to
Linux raid. Unless you are using linear mode, all partitions should be the same
size so that space on the larger partitions is not wasted.
2. At this point, it may be necessary to reboot your system. Some Linux kernels can only
detect new partitions at boot time. If you do not reboot and the partition is not detected,
the creation of the RAID device will fail.

Figure 8.4 The Linux RAID module.

Introduction to LVM 77

3. On the main page of the module, select the RAID level that you want to use and click the
Create RAID device of level button. This will take you to a form for selecting the parti-
tions to be part of the array and other options, assuming Webmin detects at least one
unused partition on your system.
4. The Partitions in RAID option will list all hard disk partitions that are not currently in
use for possible inclusion in your RAID device. It will also list any other RAID devices
that are not in use, allowing you to theoretically create an array that contains other
arrays. Select all the partitions that you want to be part of your new RAID device.
5. The Force initialization of RAID? option should be set to Yes if any of the selected par-
titions have been used before for other purposes. Otherwise, the creation of the new array
will fail if a filesystem is detected on any of the partitions.
6. Click the Create button to set up the new array. If everything is successful, you will be
returned to the main page of the module, which should now include your new RAID
7. If you want to create a filesystem on the new device so that it can be mounted, click on
its icon to go to the device status page. If the RAID device is to be used for virtual mem-
ory, as part of an LVM volume group or as part of another RAID array, then this is not
8. Select the type of filesystem you want to create from the menu at the bottom of the page
and click the Create filesystem of type button.
9. Select any options for the new filesystem, as explained in Section 8.4 “Creating a New
Filesystem”. When done, click the Create button. A page showing the progress of the
new filesystem’s creation will be displayed, which can take some time for large arrays.
10. Assuming that the formatting is successful, you can now use the Disk and Network File-
systems module to mount the new filesystem.

Existing RAID devices that are not in use can be deleted or deactivated by clicking on their icon
on the main page of the module, and pressing the Delete button. Deleting a device will cause any
data stored on it to be lost forever.

8.11 Introduction to LVM

LVM (Logical Volume Manager) is a powerful Linux feature that adds a layer of abstraction
between the physical partitions on your system and the filesystems that they store. Partitions
managed by LVM are called a physical volumes, which are combined together to form volume
groups. From each volume group logical volumes can be created, on which filesystems are actu-
ally stored. The size of each volume group is the sum of the sizes of all its physical volumes.
This space can be handed out to as many logical volumes as will fit into it, so that it could con-
tain many small logical volumes or one huge one that spans multiple physical volumes (and thus
At first glance, LVM may not seem any more powerful than RAID, which can also combine
multiple partitions into one large filesystem. It does, however, give you far more freedom to carve up
disks into separate filesystems that may take up part of a disk, several disks, or anything in between.
The only down side is that LVM does not support redundancy as RAID does in Levels 1 and 5.
The most useful feature of LVM is the ability to resize logical volumes and the filesystems
within them up to the amount of free space in the volume group. Additional physical volumes
78 Chapter 8 • Partitions, RAID, and LVM

Volume 1 Volume Group 1 Logical Volume 1

Logical Volume 2

Volume Group 2
Volume 2

Logical Volume 3

Figure 8.5 An overview of the logical volume manager.

(such as newly installed hard disk partitions) can be added to an existing volume group, subse-
quently increasing the amount of free space. For example, if your system has two hard disks whose
partitions are combined to form a volume group, you might have a filesystem on a logical volume
that is as big as both disks combined. If you begin to run out of disk space and want to enlarge the
filesystem, you can install a new hard disk, add it to the volume group, and then enlarge the logical
volume to make use of all the new free space! This is far more convenient than mounting the new
hard disk as a subdirectory somewhere under the existing filesystem.
Physical volumes can also be removed from an LVM volume group, as long as there is enough
free space in the group to store data that used to be on the physical volume. This means that you
could theoretically remove a small hard disk from your system and replace it with a larger one,
without having to manually copy files around.

8.12 The Logical Volume Management Module

Webmin’s Logical Volume Manager module allows you to perform almost all of the tasks that
can be done using the command-line LVM tools. When you enter the module from the Hardware
category, the main page shows all existing volume groups and their physical and logical vol-
umes, as shown in Figure 8.6.
Because the module depends upon the LVM tools such as vgcreate, the main page will display
an error message if they are not found. They should, however, be available on your distribution
CD or website if you are running a reasonably recent version of Linux. It also checks to see if
your kernel supports LVM by looking for the /proc/lvm directory. If support is missing, you
will need to load the lvm-mod kernel module with the command modprobe lvm-mod or
recompile your kernel with LVM support.
Creating a New Volume Group 79

Figure 8.6 The Logical Volume Management module.

8.13 Creating a New Volume Group

Assuming you have at least one partition free for use by LVM, setting up a new volume group is
easy. The process to follow is:

1. In the Partitions on Local disks module, change the types of any partitions that you want
to include in the volume group to Linux LVM. Trying to use partitions of any other type
will fail.
2. Back in the Logical Volume Manager module, click on the Add a new volume group
link, which will take you to the volume group creation form.
3. Enter a name for your new volume group in the Volume group name field. This should
be short and contain no spaces, like data_vg.
4. Select the initial partition to be included in your volume group with the Initial physical
device field. Only partitions or RAID devices that Webmin determines are not in use will
appear in the list. You also specify a partition by device file name by selecting the Other
option and entering the file name into the field next to it.
If Other is the only option available, Webmin has not detected any partitions free for use
by LVM.
Be aware that any data on the partition or device that you select will be lost forever, even
if the volume group is not actually used.
5. Click the Create button. If all goes well, you will be returned to the main page of the
module and your volume group with its initial physical volume will be displayed.
80 Chapter 8 • Partitions, RAID, and LVM

6. To add more physical volumes to your new volume group, see Section 8.14 “Adding and
Removing a Physical Volume”.

8.14 Adding and Removing a Physical Volume

Once a volume group has been created with its initial physical volume, you can add new parti-
tions or RAID devices to it at any time. This will increase the amount of free space in the volume
group, and allow you to create more logical volumes or extend existing ones. To add a physical
volume, follow these steps:

1. If you are adding a disk partition, use the Partitions on Local Disks module to change its
type to Linux LVM.
2. On the main page of the Logical Volume Management module, click on Add a physical
volume to the group inside the section for the appropriate volume group. This will take
you to a page for selecting the partition or RAID device to add.
3. Choose the one that you want to add from the list in the Disk device field, or select the
Other option and enter a device file manually. Only partitions that Webmin thinks are
not in use elsewhere will be available for selection.
Be aware that any data on the partition or device that you select will be lost forever.
4. Click the Add to volume group button to add the physical volume. If successful, you
will be returned to the main page of the module.

It is also possible to remove a physical volume from a volume group, as long as there is enough
free space in the group to store all the data that was previously on the physical volume. The steps
for doing this are:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the physical volume that you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove from volume group button. Assuming that removal is possible, there
may be a delay as data is shifted to other physical volumes.
3. Once the removal is complete and the browser returns to the list of volume groups, you
can immediately use the partition for some other purpose. It can be formatted with a file-
system and mounted, included in a RAID group, or even added to another volume group.

8.15 Creating and Deleting a Logical Volume

As long as a volume group has some free space, you can add a logical volume to it at any time.
A logical volume can be any size, but the size will always be rounded up to a multiple of the
allocation block size used by the volume group (4 MB by default). You can see the current block
size, blocks allocated, and total blocks by clicking on a volume group’s icon on the main page of
the module.
The steps for adding a new logical volume are as follows:

1. On the list of volume groups, click on the Create a new logical volume link next to the
volume group to which you want to add it.
2. In the Volume name field, enter a name for your new logical volume. This should be
short and contain no spaces, like data_lv.
Resizing a Logical Volume 81

3. For the Volume size field, enter the number of kilobytes to allocate to this volume. What-
ever you enter will be rounded up to the nearest Allocation block size shown below.
By default, this field will be set to the total amount of free space in the volume group.
4. If the Allocation method option is set to Contiguous, all space reserved for this logical
volume will be in one large block on disk. This can speed up access to the data but is inflex-
ible if you are adding and removing logical volumes causing the volume group to become
fragmented. Therefore, it is usually best to leave the option set to Non-contiguous.
5. The Volume striping option controls how data for the logical volume is laid out on disk.
The Disabled option is similar to linear mode in RAID, while the Stripe across option is
similar to striped mode. See Section 8.9 “Introduction to RAID” for a more detailed
6. When all the fields are set to your satisfaction, click the Create button. As long as all
fields have been filled in properly and there enough free space in the volume group, the
browser will return to the main page of the module and a new icon for your logical vol-
ume should be visible.
7. Assuming you want to mount the new logical volume somewhere, you will first need to
create a filesystem on it. To do this, click on its icon on the main page of the module that
will take you to the logical volume editing page.
8. Select the type of filesystem you want to create from the menu at the bottom of the page,
and click the Create filesystem of type button.
9. Select any options for the new filesystem, as explained in Section 8.4 “Creating a New
Filesystem”. When done, click the Create button. A page showing the progress of the
new filesystem’s creation will be displayed, which can take some time for large volumes.
10. Assuming that the formatting is successful, you can now use the Disk and Network File-
systems module to mount the new filesystem.

Existing logical volumes can be deleted from their volume group to free up space or reduce the vol-
ume group size. Before you can delete a logical volume, it must have been unmounted in the Disk
and Network Filesystems module. When it is deleted, any data that it contained will be lost forever.
To remove a logical volume, follow these steps:

1. Click on its icon on the main page of the module, which will take you to the logical vol-
ume editing form.
2. Click the Delete button. This will bring up a page asking if you are really sure about
deleting it.
3. Click Delete Now to confirm. Once it has been removed from the volume group, your
browser will return to the main page of the module. The space freed up can be reused for
another logical volume immediately.

8.16 Resizing a Logical Volume

One of the most powerful features of LVM is its ability to enlarge or reduce existing logical vol-
umes, even if they contain a filesystem. Webmin, however, only supports the resizing of ext2,
ext3, reiserfs and jfs filesystems at the moment—logical volumes formatted with other
filesystem types (such as xfs) cannot be resized without losing data. You must also unmount a
82 Chapter 8 • Partitions, RAID, and LVM

logical volume before resizing it, and then remount afterwards—there is no way to resize a file-
system that is currently in use.
As would be expected, a logical volume can only be enlarged by the amount of free space in
its volume group. When shrinking a logical volume containing a supported filesystem, its size can-
not be reduced to less than the space occupied by files on the filesystem. Currently, jfs filesys-
tems cannot be shrunk at all—they can only be enlarged.
The steps to follow for resizing a logical volume are:

1. In the Disk and Network Filesystems module, make sure the logical volume is
2. On the main page of the Logical Volume Management module, click on its icon. This
will take you to the volume editing form.
3. Enter a new size in kB in the Volume size field. The size cannot be increased by more
than the amount of free space in the volume group, or reduced to less than the space
occupied by files on the filesystem, unless you plan to recreate the filesystem.
4. Click the Save button. When resizing a volume containing an ext2, ext3, reiserfs,
or jfs filesystem, you will be returned to the main page of the module as long as no
problems are encountered.
If the filesystem could not be shrunk below the amount of space occupied by its files,
however, an error page will appear offering you the option of resizing anyway. Clicking
the Resize Logical Volume button will force a resize, but any files on the volume will be
lost and you will need to re-create the filesystem.
If you are resizing a logical volume containing some other type of filesystem (such as
xfs), or one whose contents are unknown to Webmin, a page asking you to confirm the
resize will appear. If you click the Resize Logical Volume to go ahead, any filesystem
on the volume will be lost and need to be created again.
5. If the filesystem was resized successfully, you can remount it in the Disk and Network
Filesystems module. Otherwise, you will need to recreate it as explained in Section 8.15
“Creating and Deleting a Logical Volume”.

8.17 Creating a Snapshot

A snapshot is a special kind of logical volume that is actually a temporary, read-only copy of
another volume. When a snapshot is created, it appears to contain a copy of all the data in the
source volume, so that if the source is changed, the snapshot remains the same. In order to save
on disk space, the snapshot really only stores data that has changed on the original logical vol-
ume since it was created. This makes it possible to create a snapshot copy of a 100 MB of vol-
ume even if the volume group has less than 100 MB of free space.
Snapshots are useful for quickly freezing a filesystem at some point so that it can be safely
backed up. A snapshot can even act as a kind of backup itself, to which you can revert if something
goes wrong with files on the original volume. The only down side is that a snapshot can only be
safely created when the source logical volume is unmounted, as a mounted filesystem will not be
in a valid state for copying.
Summary 83

To create a snapshot, follow these steps:

1. In the Disk and Network Filesystems module, unmount the filesystem on the original
logical volume, if necessary.
2. Back in the Logical Volume Management module, click on the Create a new snapshot
link in the same volume group as the original volume.
3. On the snapshot creation form, enter a short name without spaces into the Volume name
field—data_snap, for example.
4. For the Volume size, enter the amount of disk space (in kB) that you want to allocate to
this snapshot for storing differences made to the original logical volume after the snap-
shot was created. If the amount of space is too small and too many changes are made to
the logical volume, I/O errors will start to occur when reading files in the snapshot file-
5. For the Snapshot of logical volume field, select the logical volume of which you want to
make a copy.
6. Click the Create button to create the snapshot and return to the main page. An icon for
your new snapshot will appear among the other logical volumes in its volume group.
7. In the Disk and Network Filesystems module, remount the filesystem on the original log-
ical volume. You can mount the filesystem on the snapshot separately here as well.

Once created, a snapshot can be resized in the same way that you would resize a normal logical
volume. This does not, however, resize the filesystem on the snapshot—instead, it changes the
amount of space available for storing differences between the snapshot and original volume
group. A snapshot can also be deleted, assuming the filesystem on it has been unmounted first.
Any data in the snapshot will be lost, but since it is just a copy of another volume this isn’t likely
to matter much.

8.18 Summary
This chapter has covered the three low-level devices that can be used by Linux systems to store
filesystems. The simplest are regular disk partitions, which are just a single section of a hard
disk. RAID devices are more complex, as they combine multiple partitions into single, large vir-
tual partitions. LVM, the most complex and powerful of all, can be used to create volumes that
cover multiple partitions and that contain filesystems that can be expanded as more space is
added. All of these device types appear the same to users when they have been initialized with a
filesystem and mounted on a directory somewhere.
After reading this chapter, you should understand the differences between them in terms of
simplicity, reliability, and flexibility. You should be able to choose the best one to use for your own
system based on the number of hard drives that you have and the importance of your data.
C H A P T E R 9

Bootup and

his chapter explains methods for starting servers and services at boot
T time, and tells you how to use Webmin to run your own commands at

9.1 Introduction to the Linux Boot Process

The very first thing that happens when a PC starts up is the loading of the BIOS from ROM. The
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) performs memory and other hardware checks, and then loads
a tiny piece of code from the first part of one of the system’s hard disks—known as the master
boot record or MBR. This piece of code is called a boot loader, and is responsible for displaying
a menu of operating systems to the user and loading one of them. There are several boot loaders
available for Linux, such as LILO and GRUB, but they all do basically the same thing.
Once the kernel has been loaded, it mounts the root filesystem and runs the init program,
which is responsible for managing the rest of the boot process. It reads the /etc/inittab file
and executes the commands it specifies—the most important of which begins execution of
bootup scripts. Each of these scripts is responsible for a single task, such as initializing network
interfaces, starting a web server, or mounting other filesystems. The scripts have a fixed order in
which they must execute because some of the later scripts are dependant on earlier ones. For
example, network filesystems cannot be mounted until network interfaces have been enabled.
At shutdown time, a series of scripts is also run to shut down servers and unmount filesys-
tems. These scripts also have a fixed order so that the deactivation of networking and other basic
services happens last. If requested and supported by the hardware, the last step in the shutdown
process will be the powering off of the system by the kernel.
When a Linux system starts up, different scripts are executed depending on the runlevel in
which it is starting. The runlevel can be set by the boot loader or by the /etc/inittab file.

The Bootup and Shutdown Module 85

The commonly used runlevels are:

5 – Graphical mode All servers and services will be started, and X started to
display a graphical login prompt on the console.
3 – Multi-user mode All servers and services are started, but only the normal text
login is available on the console.
2 – Multi-user mode without NFS Almost all servers and services are started, but
NFS filesystems are not mounted.
1 – Single user mode Only the most basic system initialization is done, and a root
shell opened on the console. This runlevel is useful if some bootup script is failing
and making your system unbootable.

See Section 9.9 “The SysV Init Configuration Module” for information on how to change the
bootup runlevel.
The directory /etc/rc.d/init.d is usually used to store the actual bootup shell scripts.
The scripts that are started or stopped in each runlevel are determined by symbolic links from
the /etc/rc.d/rcX.d directory, where X is the runlevel number. Each symbolic link has a
name like SYYscriptname, in which YY is the order that the script is started in the boot pro-
cess—the lower the number, the earlier the script starts. So /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network
would be run in runlevel 5 before /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S80sendmail.
Not all Linux distributions use these directories for their bootup scripts. Some use /etc/
init.d for the actual script files, while others (such as older versions of SuSE) put everything
in the /sbin directory. Fortunately, /etc/rc.d seems to be becoming the standard base direc-
tory in newer distributions. Of course, if you are using Webmin you don’t have to worry about
the locations of any of these directories as it always knows where they are.

9.2 The Bootup and Shutdown Module

This module allows you to create and edit the scripts that are run at bootup and shutdown, called
actions by the module. It can be found under the System category in Webmin, and when you
enter it, the main page will display a list of all available actions, whether or not they are started
at boot, and a short description for each. See Figure 9.1 for an example.
Each Linux distribution has its own set of standard action scripts, so on one system the
script httpd may start the Apache Web server, but on another in may be called apache. You
should, however, be able to get a good idea of what each script does from its description.

9.3 Configuring an Action to Start at Bootup

If some server on your system such as Apache or Squid is not currently being started at boot
time, you can use this module to change that. On most Linux distributions, every server that
comes with the distribution will have its own bootup action script, but not all will be enabled by
default. To configure an action to start at boot time, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the name of the action that you want to enable.
This will take you to the action editing page, as shown in Figure 9.2.
2. Change the Start at boot time? option from No to Yes.
86 Chapter 9 • Bootup and Shutdown

Figure 9.1 The Bootup and Shutdown module.

3. Click the Save button, and your browser will return to the list of actions on the main

If there is a server that is currently being started at boot time that you want to disable, just follow
the same steps but set the Start at boot time? option to No instead.

9.4 Starting and Stopping Actions

Even though action scripts are normally started at boot time and stopped at shutdown, you can
start or stop them at any time using Webmin. Many action scripts can also perform additional
functions, such as showing the status of a server or reloading its configuration. To start or stop an
action, do the following:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the name of the action. This will take you to
the action editing form shown in Figure 9.2.
2. At the bottom of the page (in the middle) will be a row of buttons, each for running an
action script to perform some function. Depending on the script there may be different
buttons available, but some of the most common are:
Start Now Immediately starts the server or service. On some versions of Linux, this
will do nothing if the action has already been started and the server is already running.
Stop Now Stops the server or service. In some Linux versions, this will do nothing
unless the action has already been started.
Adding a New Action 87

Figure 9.2 The action editing form.

Restart Now Stops and restarts the server. In many cases, this will do nothing if the
action has not been started yet.
Reload Now Where available, this function tells the server started by the action to
reread its configuration files.
Show Status Just displays a message telling you if the server is running or not, and if
so what its PID is.
3. After you click the button for the function that you want to perform, a page showing the
output from the action script will appear. This should indicate whether the action was
performed successfully or not.

9.5 Adding a New Action

If you have a command that you want run at boot time, creating a new action script is the best
way to set it up. Servers like Apache or Qmail that have been compiled and installed manually
do not have actions, so you will need to create one that runs whatever command is necessary to
start the server.
To create your own action, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click the Create a new bootup and shutdown action
link above or below the list of existing actions. This will take you to the form shown in
Figure 9.3 for entering the code for your new action script.
88 Chapter 9 • Bootup and Shutdown

Figure 9.3 The action creation form.

2. In the Name field, enter a short name for the action like qmail. Every action must have a
unique name.
3. In the Description field, enter a few lines of text to describe your action—maybe some-
thing like Start the Qmail mail server. This will show up on the main page of the module
under the Description column.
4. The Bootup commands field must be filled in with the shell commands that you want to
run when your action is started at boot time. For example, if you wanted to start Qmail
you might enter /var/qmail/rc.
5. The Shutdown commands field should be filled in with commands that you want to run when
your action is stopped. For example, to stop Qmail you might enter killall –9 qmail-send.
6. Assuming you want your action to run at boot time, set the Start at boot time? option to Yes.
7. Finally, click the Create button to save the new action. Webmin will create a script in the
/etc/rc.d/init.d directory combining the commands you entered with a standard
wrapper to make a valid action script. Your action will be set to run in the current run-
level, with order number 99 so that it is run last. If you want to control exactly which
runlevels and in what order your action is run, see the Allow selection of individual
runlevels option in Section 9.7 “Configuring the Bootup and Shutdown Module”.

After an action has been created, you can edit the start and stop commands by following this process:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the name of your action. This will take you to
the action editing form shown in Figure 9.2.
Rebooting or Shutting Down Your System 89

2. In the Action script text box, look for a line like 'start'). The commands that are run
at boot time will come after it, down to the a line containing just ;;. Edit them as you
wish, but leave the surrounding code alone.
Similarly, the commands that are run when the action is stopped are between 'stop')
and ;;. Changing any other part of the script is a bad idea unless you know what you are
3. Click the Save button to apply your changes.

Any of the existing action scripts can be edited using Webmin, not just your own creations. Be
careful editing them, as they may have a format totally different to the scripts created by Webmin.

9.6 Rebooting or Shutting Down Your System

Linux systems should always be rebooted or shut down using the appropriate commands, rather
than simply turning off the power or hitting the reset button. If not, you may lose data on your
local hard drives and will certainly have to wait through a lengthy filesystem check with fsck at
boot time if using a non-journaling filesystem.
To reboot, simply do the following:

1. At the bottom of the main page of the Bootup and Shutdown module, click the Reboot
System button. This will take you to a page confirming if you really want to reboot.
2. Click the Reboot System button on the confirmation page. The shutdown process will
start immediately, and if you are logged in at the console your session will be logged out.
After all the shutdown scripts have been run, the system will bootup again as explained
in the introduction.

The process for shutting down is almost identical—just use the Shutdown System button at the
bottom of the page instead.

9.7 Configuring the Bootup and Shutdown Module

Like most modules, Bootup and Shutdown can be configured by clicking on the Module Config
link on the main page. This will take you to the standard configuration editing page, on which
the settings in Table 9.1 are available under the Configurable options header.
None of the other options on the configuration page should be changed, as they are automat-
ically set by Webmin based on your operating system type.

9.8 Other Operating Systems

Many other UNIX operating systems—but not all of them—use the system of bootup scripts
used by Linux. Even those that do use it have some slight differences in their implementation,
and almost all use different directories for storing the actual scripts and links.

Sun Solaris, HP/UX, SCO UnixWare, SCO OpenServer, CompaqTru64/OSF1,

and SGI Irix All these operating systems use action scripts that are very similar
to Linux, but are stored in different directories. Because those that come with the
90 Chapter 9 • Bootup and Shutdown

Table 9.1 Module Configuration Options

Allow selection of individual If set to Yes when editing or creating an action, you will be able to
runlevels enter the exact order number for the action in each runlevel.
Because this is rather complex, this option is set to No by default
so that Webmin only displays a single Start at boot? option when
creating or editing an action.

Display actions with If this option is set to Yes, and show all runlevels, the main page
descriptions will show exactly which runlevels each action is started in, along
with the description.
If set to Yes, each action will only show whether it is started at boot
or not, and its description. This is the default on most systems.
If set to No, the main page will display only a table of action
names with no descriptions or boot information. This can be use-
ful if you have a lot of actions or your operating system does not
include descriptions in the action scripts.

Show boot order of actions? If Yes is selected, the main page will include the boot order of
each action in the current runlevel, or in some other runlevel. The
default No option hides this information.

Show current status of actions On some Linux distributions, the standard action scripts can
report the status of the servers that they start. This option allows
Webmin to display this status information in various places.
If set to No, the status of actions is never displayed unless you
click the Show Status button when editing an action.
If set to On action page only, Webmin will display the current
status of an action when you edit it by selecting it from the main
page of the module.
If set to On index and action pages, the main page of the module
will display the current status of every single action. This provides
a lot of information, but can be very slow.

Sort actions by When Boot order is chosen, actions on the main page are listed in
the order that they will be started by your system in the current
runlevel. The default of Name causes them to be sorted by name

system do not have descriptions, the main page of the module will just display
action names by default.
FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD The BSD family of operating systems does
not use action scripts at all, relying instead on a fixed set of scripts that are run at
The SysV Init Configuration Module 91

boot time. One of these scripts (/etc/rc.local) allows system administrators to

add their own commands to be run at boot time.
On any of these operating systems, the main page of the module will just display a
form for editing the rc.local file, above the Reboot System and Shutdown
System buttons. To add any commands that you want run at boot time, just enter
them into the text box and click the Save button.

IBM AIX AIX is very similar to the BSD operating systems in that it does not have
action scripts. Instead, the file /etc/rc can be edited to add additional commands
to be run at boot time, using the form on the main page of the module.
Apple MacOS X Apple’s version of UNIX uses a totally different set of files for
storing actions to be run at boot time than any other supported operating system.
Separate action scripts still exist, but the user interface in this module for viewing
and editing them is quite different.

If your operating system is not in this list, then the Bootup and Shutdown module does not sup-
port it at all, therefore the module icon will not appear in Webmin.

9.9 The SysV Init Configuration Module

As explained in the introduction to this chapter, the very first file read by the system to deter-
mine which commands to run at boot time is /etc/inittab. It is read by the init program,
which is the first process to be run after the Linux kernel finishes loading, and remains running
until the system is shut down. The inittab file specifies which runlevel to boot into, the com-
mands to be run to start all of the action scripts, processes to begin displaying text and graphical
login prompts, and commands to run in the case of an impending power failure.
The SysV Init Configuration module, found under the System category in Webmin, can be
used to edit any of these commands. As they are critical for ensuring that your system boots up
properly, however, editing them is a bad idea unless you really know what you are doing. The
only thing that you might want to change is the bootup runlevel so your system does not display
an unnecessary graphical login prompt if it is not needed.
To change the initial runlevel, follow these steps:

1. Enter the SysV Init Configuration module. The main page will display a list of com-
mands and the runlevels and situations in which they are executed, as shown in
Figure 9.4.
2. Click on the entry in the ID column for the row in which the Action is After system
boot. This will take you to a form for editing the inittab file entry.
3. For the Bootup runlevel option, de-select whichever level is currently selected and
choose a new one. Make sure that you choose exactly one level, such as 3 (for text login
mode) or 5 (for graphical login mode). See the explanation in the introduction to this
chapter for details on what each runlevel means.
4. Click the Save button to have your change written to the inittab file. The browser will
return to the main page of the module.
5. If you like, you can reboot the system now using the Bootup and Shutdown module.
92 Chapter 9 • Bootup and Shutdown

The module is also available on the Solaris, HP/UX, UnixWare, OpenServer, AIX, and Irix oper-
ating systems. Its basic structure and purpose is the same on all systems, but the actual default
commands will differ significantly. The previous instructions for changing the bootup runlevel,
however, will work on all operating systems.

Figure 9.4 The SysV Init Configuration module.

9.10 Summary
This chapter has covered the bootup scripts used on Linux and many other UNIX variants, and
shown how to manage them using Webmin. It has also explained where they fit into the overall
Linux boot process along with the BIOS, boot loader, and init program. Finally, it has covered
runlevels and the use of the SysV Init Configuration module to select the runlevel into which
your system boots.
C H A P T E R 1 0


n this chapter, you can learn about the UNIX Cron and At facilities, used
I for running commands on a regular schedule or once at some future time.

10.1 Introduction to Cron Jobs

A Cron job is a UNIX term for a command that is run on a regular schedule by the cron dae-
mon. Each job is owned by a UNIX user, and runs with the permission of that user. Each has a
set of minutes, hours, days, months, and days of weeks on which it runs, allowing considerable
flexibility in scheduling. For example, a job may run every 10 minutes, or at 3 a.m. every day, or
at 5 p.m. Monday to Friday in January, February, and March.
Cron jobs are very useful for performing regular system tasks, such as cleaning up log files,
synchronizing the system time, backing up files, and so on. Most Linux distributions will have
several Cron jobs that were set up by default as part of the operating system install process for
doing things like removing unneeded kernel modules, updating the database used by the locate
command, and rotating log files.
The actual Cron job configuration files are stored in different places, depending on whether
they are part of a package included in your Linux distribution or created by a user. The /var/
spool/cron directory is for jobs created manually by users, and contains one file per UNIX
user. The /etc/crontab file and the files under the /etc/cron.d directory contain jobs that
are part of packages, such as those that are part of your distribution.

10.2 The Scheduled Cron Jobs Module

The Webmin module for editing Cron jobs can be found under the System category. When you
enter it, the main page displays a table of all the existing jobs on your system, as shown in
Figure 10.1. For each action, the owner, active status, and command are listed. If the command
for a job is too long, it will be truncated for display on the page.

94 Chapter 10 • Scheduled Commands

Figure 10.1 The Scheduled Cron Jobs module.

10.3 Creating a New Cron Job

Using Webmin, you can easily create a new Cron job that will execute as any UNIX user on your
system. To achieve this, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Create a new scheduled cron job link
above or below the list of existing jobs. This will take you to the job creation form shown
in Figure 10.2.
2. In the Execute cron job as field, enter the name of the UNIX user you want the job to
execute as. The command executed by the job will run in the user’s home directory with
his full permission.
3. The Active? field can be set to No if you don’t want this new job to actually be executed.
This is useful for creating jobs to be enabled at a later date.
4. In the Command field, enter the shell commands that you want the Cron job to run. Just
as at the shell prompt, multiple commands can be entered separated by a semicolon (;),
and all the normal shell operators such as >, <, and && can be used.
By default, any output from the command will be emailed to the owner of the Cron job. If
you don’t want this to happen, make sure that output is redirected to a file or /dev/null.
5. Anything that you enter into the Input to command field will be fed to the command as
input when it is run. If for example your command was mail [email protected], anything
entered into the field would be sent to that email address.
6. In the When to execute section, choose the times and dates on which you want the com-
mand to execute. For each of the Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, and Weekdays
options you can choose multiple times or dates, or select the All option.
Editing a Cron Job 95

For example, to have a job executed at 3:15a.m. every Monday and Friday, you
should change the Minutes option to Selected and select 15, change the Hours
option to Selected and select 3, and the Weekdays option to Selected and select
Monday and Friday. The Days and Months options would remain on All.
7. Click the Create button to add the new Cron job. Assuming there are no errors in your
selections, you will be returned to the main page of the module and your new job should
appear next to its owner.

Figure 10.2 The Cron job creation form.

10.4 Editing a Cron Job

Existing Cron jobs, including those created by users through Webmin or included with your
operating system, can be edited and rescheduled using this module. Be careful when editing jobs
that came as part of your distribution though, as some perform important tasks like truncating
web server, mail, and login log files so that they do not use up all of your disk space.
To edit an existing job, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the command for the job that you want to edit.
This will take you to the module editing form, which is similar to Figure 10.2.
2. Change any of the details of the job, including the user, command, active status, and exe-
cution times and dates.
3. When done, click the Save button, and you will be returned to the main page of the module.
Existing Cron jobs can be deleted by following these steps, but clicking the Delete button
instead of Save. You can also force the immediate execution of a job by clicking the Run Now
button on the edit page, which will execute the command and display any output that it produces.
96 Chapter 10 • Scheduled Commands

10.5 Controlling Users’ Access to Cron

The Scheduled Cron Jobs module can also be used to control access to the crontab command
by UNIX users at the command line. This can be useful if you allow untrusted users to log in to
your system, and want to prevent some of them from setting up Cron jobs to run commands and
take up CPU time when they are not logged in. Usually by default, all users have the ability to
create Cron jobs, but you can change that by following these steps:

1. At the bottom of the module’s main page, click on the Control user access to cron jobs
link. This will take you to a form for entering the usernames of users who can or cannot
use Cron.
2. To grant access to all users, select the Allow all users option.
To grant access to only some users, select the Allow only listed users option and
enter their usernames into the text field.
To give access to all but a few users, select the Deny only listed users option and enter
the usernames of the people to whom you want to deny access into the text field.
3. When done, click the Save button.

If a user has been denied access to Cron, you will no longer be able to use the module to create,
edit, or delete jobs belonging to him. Existing jobs, however, may continue to execute!

10.6 Module Access Control Options

As described in Chapter 52, it is possible to use the Webmin Users module to control for which
UNIX users a Webmin user can edit Cron jobs. To set this up, you must first grant the user
access to the module, then follow these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Scheduled Cron Jobs next to the name of the
user that you want to restrict.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so the user cannot edit the
commands that Webmin calls to create and edit jobs.
3. Switch the Can edit cron jobs for field from All users to one of the other options. The
most commonly used is Users with UID in range, which allows you to enter a minimum
and maximum UID into the fields next to it.
Never allow an untrusted user access to the Cron jobs of system users like root or
bin, as this will clearly give him full access to your system and defeat any other
Webmin access control.
4. Set the Can control user access to cron? field to No, so that the Webmin user cannot
stop users outside his control using Cron.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to make the access control active.

10.7 Configuring the Scheduled Cron Jobs Module

Most of the module settings that you can view by clicking on the Module Config link on the
main page are set by default to match the installed operating system, and vary rarely need to be
changed. However, there is one field that effects the module's user interface, shown in Table 10.1.
Other Operating Systems 97

Table 10.1 Module Configuration Options

Maximum command length This field determines how many characters of each Cron job command
to display will be shown on the module's main page. You can either select Unlim-
ited to show them all (which may cause lines to be wrapped), or enter a
maximum number of characters. The default is 80.

10.8 Other Operating Systems

Cron is available on almost all UNIX systems, with very similar capabilities. That means that
this module appears almost identically on all operating systems, with only a couple of minor dif-
ferences. On some, there is no Input to command field available for when creating or editing a
job. On others, when controlling which users have access to Cron, the default Allow all users
option will be replaced with Allow all users except root or Deny all users.
Internally, other operating systems use different directories for storing Cron jobs—Solaris
for example uses /var/spool/cron/crontabs instead of /var/spool/cron on Linux.
Most other systems do not have an /etc/crontab file or /etc/cron.d directory, either.
When using Webmin, however, you do not have to bother about these differences as it knows
about the paths used by other UNIX variants and displays all Cron jobs using the same interface,
no matter which file they are stored in.

10.9 The Scheduled Commands Module

At jobs (called Scheduled Commands by Webmin) are similar to Cron jobs, but instead of exe-
cuting repeatedly on a schedule, they run only once at a specified date and time. Unlike Cron
jobs, they can be configured to execute in a specific directory instead of the user’s home direc-
tory. Scheduled commands also keep track of the environment variables that were set when they
were created, and make them available to the command when it runs.
Normally the at command is used to create At jobs, the atq command is used to list them,
and the atrm command is used to remove them. On Linux, the directory /var/spool/at is
used to store jobs—one per file. The daemon process atd, which runs all the time in the back-
ground, checks these files and runs them at the appropriate times. If the At daemon is not run-
ning, no commands will be run, which may be the case if it is not configured to start in the
Bootup and Shutdown module. After a job is run, it is automatically deleted, as it is no longer
The Webmin module for creating and deleting At jobs is called Scheduled Commands, and
can be found under the System category. When you enter it, the main page will display a list of
commands that are waiting to be run (assuming there are any), and a form for adding a new com-
mand. Figure 10.3 shows an example.
Any of the commands shown on the main page can be viewed in more detail by clicking on
its Job ID. This will take you to a page that shows the full shell script that will be run when the
command executes, including all environment variables. For this page, you can cancel the com-
mand before it gets a chance to run by clicking the Cancel this command button.
98 Chapter 10 • Scheduled Commands

Figure 10.3 The Scheduled Commands module.

10.10 Creating a New Scheduled Command

A new command that executes at the time and as the user of your choice, can be created by fol-
lowing these steps:

1. Enter the name of the user that you want the command to run as into the Run as user
field on the main page of the module in the New scheduled command form.
2. Fill in the Run on date and Run at time fields with the date and time on which the com-
mand is to run.
3. Set the Run in directory field to whatever directory in which you want the command to run.
4. In the Commands to execute text box, enter as many shell commands as you want—one
per line.
5. When done, click the Create button. The page will be refreshed and your new command
will appear on the list at the top of the page.

Scheduled commands created from within Webmin will use environment variables set by Web-
min itself, which are not be the same as the variables that would have been set if the command
was created by its owner at the shell prompt.

10.11 Summary
Cron and At are the two services used by UNIX systems to schedule tasks to be run in the future. This
chapter has explained how they work, what the differences between them are, and how to use Web-
min to configure them. It has also covered the use of Webmin’s access control features to restrict
access to the modules for managing these services, and the limitations of this kind of access control.
C H A P T E R 1 1

Process Management

his chapter explains how to manage running processes on your system

T using Webmin.

11.1 Introduction to Processes

Every program, server, or command running on a Linux system is a process. At any time, there
are dozens of processes running on your system, some for programs that you are interacting with
graphically, some for commands that you have started at a shell prompt, some for servers run-
ning in the background, and some that perform system tasks. Every time you type a command
like ls or vi at the shell prompt, a new process is created, only to exit as soon as its job is done.
Each process is identified by a unique ID known as the PID, or process ID. Each is owned by
a single user and is a member of multiple groups, which determine the privileges that the process
has. And each has a priority (also known as the nice level), which controls how much CPU time the
process can use up on a busy system. Almost every process has a parent, which is the process that
started it, and from which it inherits ownership, priority, and other settings.
A process will run until it chooses to exit, or until it is killed by a signal from another process.

11.2 The Running Processes Module

This module can be used to view, kill, re-prioritize and run processes on your system. When you
enter it for the first time from the System category, the main page will display a tree of processes
as shown in Figure 11.1.
The module has several different ways of viewing all the processes on your system, selectable
by the Display links at the top of the main page. They are:

100 Chapter 11 • Process Management

Figure 11.1 The Running Processes module tree display.

PID In this display mode each process is shown indented under its parent, forming
a tree of all the processes running on your system. At the top of the tree is the init
command, which is started by the kernel at boot time and so has no parent.
User This mode groups processes by their owner. It can be useful on systems with
many users for seeing at a glance what each user is running.
Memory In this mode, processes are ordered by the amount of memory they are
using up, with those using the most memory shown at the top of the page. A
process’s memory usage is not always indicative of the amount of memory it is
really using, because processes often share memory with each other.
In addition, the total and free amount of real and virtual memory on your system is
displayed above the process list.

CPU This display mode orders processes by their current CPU usage, with the
heaviest user appearing first. Sometimes the Webmin command that generates the
page will appear near the top of the list, but it can be safely ignored.
The system load averages will be displayed at the top of the page, to give some idea of
how busy the system has been over the last 1, 5, and 10 minutes. An average of 0
means no activity at all, 1 means the CPU is fully utilized, and anything above 1 means
that there are more processes wanting to run than the system has CPU time for.

The Search and Run options are for searching for processes and running new ones, respectively.
See the following sections for more details.
Viewing, Killing, or Reprioritizing a Process 101

11.3 Viewing, Killing, or Reprioritizing a Process

You can see the full details of any running process by clicking on its Process ID column entry in
any of the displays on the main page. This will take you to the process information page, shown
in Figure 11.2.

Figure 11.2 Detailed information on a process.

The page displays all available information about the process, including its full command line,
parent command, and any sub-processes. You can go to the information page for the parent by
clicking on its command, or to the page on any of the sub-processes by clicking on its process ID.
A list of files that the process has open and network connections that it is currently using can be
viewed by clicking the Files and Connections button.
The process can be stopping using a TERM signal by clicking the Terminate Process button.
Because this can be ignored by some commands, the Kill Process button can be used to send a
KILL signal if the termination fails. Unless the process is hung inside a kernel system call, killing
it is guaranteed to succeed.
Other signals can be sent by selecting the type of signal from the list next to the Send Signal
button before pressing it. Some of the more useful signals are:

HUP For many server processes, this signal will cause them to reread their
configuration files.
STOP Suspends the process until a CONT signal is received.
CONT Resumes a process that has been suspended by a STOP signal.
102 Chapter 11 • Process Management

The information page can also be used to change the nice level of a running process, giving it a
higher or lower priority. To change a process’s priority, select a new level from the Nice level
list, and then click the Change button. Lower levels mean higher priorities, so a process with a
nice level of –10 will get more CPU time than one with level 5.
On a system with multiple users, long-running processes that take up a lot of CPU time should
be given a higher nice level so that they do not slow down processes that are interacting with users.
Alternately, you can speed up a process at the expense of others by giving it a lower nice level. You
should be careful when setting an extremely low level (such as –20), as all other processes may
become starved of CPU time, making the system unresponsive.

11.4 Searching for Processes

If you have a large number of processes running on your system and want to find one or more to
kill or view, the Running Processes module’s search feature makes it easy. To find processes, fol-
low these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Search display mode link. This will take
you to a search form as shown in Figure 11.3.
2. The form shows several different criteria for finding processes, of which you can choose
one by selecting the radio button next to it. The criteria are:
Owned by Processes owned by the user whose name you enter next to this option will
be found.
Matching Finds processes whose command or arguments contains the text that you
enter next to this option.
Using more than Finds processes using more than the specified percentage of CPU
Using filesystem Processes whose current directory is on the chosen filesystem or are
accessing any file on it will be found. Useful if you cannot unmount a filesystem because
it is busy.
Using file Finds processes that have the entered file open for reading or writing. If you
enter a directory, any process that has it as its current directory will be found.
Using port Finds processes that are sending, receiving, or listening for network traffic
on the entered port using the chosen protocol. Useful if you know the port number a
server is listening on, and want to find the server process.
3. To filter the Webmin search processes from the results, select the Ignore search processes
in result option. This can be useful when searching by CPU usage, as the Webmin pro-
cesses use up a lot of CPU time.
4. After you have selected the search criteria, click the Search button. Any matching pro-
cesses will be displayed below the form.
5. If you want to see additional information about a process, change its priority, or send it
alone a signal, click on its Process ID in the results.
6. To kill all matching processes, click the Terminate Processes or Kill Processes button.
You can also send any signal to all processes by selecting it from the list next to the Send
Signal button. A page will be displayed listing each process ID and whether it was sig-
naled or killed successfully.
Running a Process 103

Figure 11.3 The process search form.

11.5 Running a Process

The module can also be used to run simple commands, either in the foreground so that their out-
put is displayed, or in the background as daemons. This can be useful if you just want to run a
command without having to log in via telnet or SSH (or if a firewall is preventing a telnet or
SSH login). The steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Run link next to the display mode options.
This will take you to the form for starting a new process.
2. Enter the command that you want to run into the Command to run field. Shell operators
and special characters like ;, < , >, and & can be used.
3. If the command is something that will take a long time to run, you can set the Run mode
option to Run in background to have Webmin automatically put it in the background.
However, if you want to see the output from the command, leave the option set to Wait
until complete.
4. Enter any input that you want fed to the command into the Input to command field.
5. Click the Run button to run it. If the Wait until complete option was selected, any out-
put from the command will be displayed.

11.6 Module Access Control Options

By default, any Webmin user with access to this module can manage all processes running on
the system, as though he were logged in as root. However, using the Webmin Users module,
you can limit a user’s access so that he can only kill or re-nice processes owned by a particular
104 Chapter 11 • Process Management

UNIX user. It is also possible to restrict a user to read-only mode, allowing him only to see pro-
cesses but not change them in any way or start new ones.
You should read Chapter 52 first to learn more about module access control and how to grant a
user access to the Running Processes module. Once you have done that, the steps to follow to edit
a Webmin user’s access to this module are:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Running Processes next to the name of the user
or group that you want to restrict.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.
3. To give the Webmin user access to only those processes owned by a particular UNIX
user, enter the username into the Manage processes as user field. If the UNIX and Web-
min users have the same name, you can select Current Webmin user instead. This can
be useful when setting up module access control for a group in which you want each
member to be able to manage only his own processes.
4. To put the user into read-only mode, set the Can kill and re-nice processes? and Can
run commands? fields to No. If this is done, it doesn’t really matter what username you
enter in Step 3 because no process management can be done.
5. Click the Save button to have your changes activated.

To restrict the processes that a Webmin user can manage, the module code simply switches to
run as the UNIX user specified in Step 3. Because a UNIX user cannot kill or re-prioritize any
process that he does not own, switching users like this causes the operating system to automati-
cally enforce process access control for Webmin.

11.7 Other Operating Systems

Because processes exist on all versions of UNIX with almost identical attributes, this module appears
almost exactly the same on all supported operating systems. The only minor differences are:

• When viewing detailed information about a process, different information may be

available on other operating systems. The range of nice levels may also be different, but
lower levels still mean a higher priority and vice-versa.
• When searching for a process, the Using filesystem, Using file, or Using port criteria
may not be available. These options depend on the fuser and lsof commands that are
not available for or installed by default on all systems.

11.8 Summary
After reading this chapter you should have a good understanding of what processes are, and their
importance on a UNIX system. You should also understand how to use Webmin to view pro-
cesses running on your system, search for those matching some criteria, and kill, signal, or repri-
oritize one or more of them. Finally, you should know how to configure the module to restrict
the capabilities of certain Webmin users, if required for your system.
C H A P T E R 1 2

Software Packages

his chapter covers the installation and management of software on

T your system using packages. It also overs the differences between the
various UNIX package formats, such as RPM, DPKG, and Solaris.

12.1 Introduction to Packages

All Linux systems use some kind of software packaging system to simplify the process of
installing and removing programs. A package is a collection of commands, configuration files,
man pages, shared libraries, and other files that are associated with a single program like Apache
or Sendmail, combined into a single package file. When it is installed, the package system
extracts all the component files and places them in the correct locations on your system. Because
the system knows which package every file came from, when you want to remove a package it
knows exactly which files to delete.
On almost all versions of Linux, packages generally contain compiled programs that will
only work on the CPU architecture that they were compiled for. Because Linux supports many
different CPU types (x86, Alpha, and IA64 to name a few), some programs have packages com-
piled for several different CPUs. A package can only be installed on a system with the right CPU
architecture—unless it is architecture-independent, in which case it will install on any system
type. Programs written in languages like Perl (such as Webmin) or packages that contain only
documentation are usually CPU-independent.
When a Linux distribution is installed, almost every file that is placed on the hard disk is a
member of one of the distribution’s packages. This makes it easy to remove unwanted software
that was installed by default, or add additional software from the distribution CD or website.
Because some programs depend on other programs to operate, packages can have dependencies
as well. Certain packages may fail to install unless you have installed another package first, and some
packages may not be removable if others depend upon them. This system of dependencies protects
the user from installing software that will not work due to a missing shared library or command.

106 Chapter 12 • Software Packages

Because the package system knows exactly which files are in each package, it can use that
information to validate the files after installation. All package systems also keep track of the MD5
checksum for each file, so that any manual modifications to files in a package can be detected. This
can be very useful for detecting unauthorized modifications, such as by an attacker who has
cracked your system and replaced important commands like ls and find with modified versions.
Unfortunately, on Linux there is more than one package system. The most common is RPM,
which stands for Red Hat Package Manager. It is used by Red Hat, Caldera, SuSE, Mandrake,
MSC, and a few other Linux distributions. It works well, and there is more software available in
RPM format than any other package system. Installation, querying, and deletion of RPM pack-
ages is done using the rpm shell command.
The biggest competitor to RPM is Debian’s DPKG package format. It is technically supe-
rior in many ways, particularly when it comes to dependencies—however, only Debian and a
few other distributions use it. The dpkg and deselect commands are used at the shell prompt
to manage Debian packages.
Another packaging system is Gentoo’s Emerge, which is only available on Gentoo Linux.
The biggest difference between Emerge and other package systems is that almost all packages
contain source code, which is compiled when the package is installed. All Gentoo package
installation and management is done using the emerge command.
Even though these package systems are internally different and use incompatible file for-
mats, they all offer basically the same features. All allow multiple files related to the same pro-
gram to be combined into one package file for easy installation and removal, and all support
dependencies. Unfortunately, once you have chosen your Linux distribution it is very difficult to
change to another packaging system, so you are stuck with what the distribution uses.
On most distributions that use RPM, packages are either installed from a distribution CD or
downloaded from various sites on the Internet. Debian Linux, however, includes a command
called apt-get that can automatically download and install packages from a repository run by
the distribution maintainers. If the package depends on others that are not yet installed on your
system, they will be automatically downloaded and installed as well. Because all packages in the
repository are created and maintained by the same people, incompatibilities between them are
reduced and dependencies easily resolved. The repository also contains a package for almost
every free software program that you might want to install, so there is no need to search the
Internet for the package that you want.
The Debian repository can also be used to update all the packages on your system to the lat-
est version. Because new versions of packages come out frequently (especially when using the
unstable or testing Debian releases), an update is an easy way of ensuring that you are run-
ning the latest version of everything. This can take a long time if you do not have a fast connec-
tion to the Internet though, as many new packages may be downloaded for each update.
Gentoo Linux’s Emerge system also has a repository from which packages can be automat-
ically downloaded and installed using the emerge command. Like Debian’s apt-get, it auto-
matically downloads and installs packages needed to fulfill dependencies.
Red Hat systems also have access to a package repository as part of the Red Hat Network.
This allows updated packages to be selected on the Red Hat website and installed automatically
or on request on multiple systems. Unlike the Debian and Gentoo repositories, it is not generally
used for installing new packages.
The Software Packages Module 107

12.2 The Software Packages Module

The Software Packages module provides a consistent interface for installing, searching, and
removing packages, independent of the actual packaging system being used. Its icon can be
found under the System category, and clicking on it will take you to the main page shown in
Figure 12.1.
Depending on your Linux distribution, the page may look slightly different—additional but-
tons and fields for installing from a repository may be visible. However, the top section for find-
ing packages, the middle section for installing a package, and the lower section for identifying a
file will always be there.

Figure 12.1 The Software Packages module main page.

12.3 Installing a New Package

Before you can install a new program using this module, you first have to locate a package file
for it that is in the correct format. For RPM-based distributions like Red Hat, the best places to
look are the distribution CDs or the rpmfind.net website. If you are using Debian Linux, it is
best to try installing from the APT repository as it contains almost all available packages. Either
way, the steps for installing a package are similar:

1. On the main page of the module, scroll down to the Install a New Package form, which
will be used to select the package and start the install process.
If the package file is on the system running Webmin, select the From local file option
and enter the full path to the package file. If your system uses RPM packages, you can
108 Chapter 12 • Software Packages

enter a directory containing multiple .rpm files or a wildcard like /tmp/*.rpm as well.
This can be used to install several packages at once.
If the package is on the computer your browser is running on, select the From uploaded
file option and click on the Browse button to select the package file. If you are running
your browser at the console of your Webmin system, there is no difference between this
option and the previous one.
If the package is on a website somewhere, select the From ftp or http URL option and
enter or paste the URL into the text field next to it. Webmin will do the download for you
before starting to install. If your system uses RPM packages and you have the rpmfind
command installed, the Search rpmfind.net button next to the URL field can be clicked
to pop up a window for searching the RPM database at rpmfind.net/.
If running Debian Linux, you can select the Package from APT option and enter the
package name into the text field next to it. Click the Search APT button to find the
package name if you don’t know exactly what it is called.
If running Red Hat Linux, the Package from Red Hat Network option can be used to
install one of the packages that you have available for downloading. The Search RHN
button can be used to display all those that are available.
If you are running Gentoo Linux, the From Portage repository option and Search
buttons can be used to install from the repository. In fact, very few Gentoo packages can
be found outside the repository.
2. Once the package source has been entered, click the Install button.
If you chose to install from a repository (such as APT, Red Hat Network, or Portage), the
download and installation process will start immediately. Webmin will display output
from the install command, and if successful, a list of packages that were installed. No
other steps are necessary to complete the install process.
If any other install source was chosen, the package will be downloaded if necessary and
the installation options form displayed.
3. The installation options available differ depending on your package system, but the
defaults will work fine for upgrading or installing a package with no dependency prob-
lems. RPM-based systems have several options, the most useful of which are:
Ignore dependencies? If a package is failing to install due to dependency errors that
you know are incorrect, set this option to Yes. It can also be useful if you are going to
install packages to solve the dependency problems later.
Replace new version with old? If you want to downgrade a package to an older
version, this option must be set to Yes.
Overwrite files? If a package cannot be installed due to conflicts with files from
another package, enable this option.
4. When you are done selecting install options, click the Install button. If everything goes
well, a page showing the details of the new package and all the files that it contains will
be displayed. However, if the install fails, an error message explaining why will be dis-
played. In that case, you can use the browser’s back button to return to the install options
form and try again with different choices.
Finding and Removing a Package 109

12.4 Finding and Removing a Package

A typical Linux system has hundreds of installed packages, most of which were added as part of
the distribution install process. Because there are so many, it is difficult to simply browse
through them to find one that you want to remove or view the details of. To find a package or
packages, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, enter a search keyword into the Search For Package
field. This will be matched against the names and descriptions of all packages, so you
can enter something like apache to find all that are related to Apache.
2. Click the Search For Package button, which will either display a list of all matching
packages, take you to the details of the package if only one is found, or show an error
message if none were found. If a list appears, click on one of the package names to see
its full details.
3. The package details page (shown in Figure 12.2) will display all available information,
including a full description. If you want to see all the files that it contains, click the List
Files button. This will take you to a page showing the path, type, owner and group, and
validation status for each file. The status is particularly useful, as it allows you to see if a
file has been changed manually since the package was installed.

Packages can also be browsed manually by clicking on the Package Tree button on the main
page. On most operating systems, each package is a member of a class such as Development or
Administration/Networking. The package tree page uses this class information to display all
installed packages in a hierarchy, much like a directory tree. You can open classes by clicking on
their folder icons until you get to the package level. Clicking on a package icon will take you to
the same details page as described in the steps above.
If you know the name of a command or file and want to find the package that it belongs to,
the Identify a File form on the main page can be used. Enter either a full path (like /etc/rc.d/
init.d/httpd) or a command (like apachectl) into the Search For field, and hit the button. If the
file or command is known to the package system, information on it will be displayed along with
a list of packages that it belongs to. Clicking on one of the package names will take you to the
information page described above.
Once a package has been found by searching or browsing the tree, you can delete it from
your system by following these steps:

1. On the package details page, click the Uninstall button. This will take you to a confirma-
tion page showing the number of files in the package and the amount of disk space that
they occupy.
2. If using the RPM packaging system, the Ignore dependencies? option can be set to Yes
to force an uninstall even if some other packages depend upon the one being removed.
3. Click the Delete button to remove the package. If something goes wrong, an error mes-
sage will be displayed. If successful, the browser will return to the module’s main page
or to the package search results list, if you found the package using a search.
110 Chapter 12 • Software Packages

Figure 12.2 The package details page.

12.5 Updating on Debian Linux

If you are running Debian Linux, at the bottom of the main page of the module there will be a
form headed Upgrade All Packages. This form has three options, which are:

Resynchronize package list If this option is set to Yes, the Debian package
repository will be queried to retrieve the latest list of packages available for
download. This should be done before any upgrade, so that your system knows
which URLs to download from when installing packages from the APT repository.
The actual command used to synchronize the package list is apt-get update.
Perform distribution upgrade When this option is set to Yes, your Debian
system will be upgraded to the latest distribution release when the form is submitted.
With the default No selection, it will simply be updated so that all packages installed
are the latest version. Unless you have a fast network connection and really want to
upgrade, it is advisable to leave this option set to No.
When Yes is selected, the command apt-get upgrade-dist will be run. For No,
apt-get upgrade will be used instead.
Only show which packages would be upgraded If set to Yes, nothing will
actually be installed when the form is submitted—instead, a list of packages that
would be updated or installed will be displayed. This can be useful if you want to
see exactly what would happen when doing an update before going ahead for real.
Updating on Red Hat Linux 111

After you have made your choices, click the Upgrade Now button. Webmin will run the appro-
priate apt-get commands and display their output, so that you can see which packages are
downloaded and updated.

12.6 Updating on Red Hat Linux

Red Hat offers a service to users of its Linux distribution, called the Red Hat Network. One of its
features allows you to have updated RPM packages automatically installed on your system, to
fix bugs or security holes that are found in the packages supplied with the distribution. If you are
running Red Hat Linux, there will be a form at the bottom of the main page under the heading
Red Hat Network Options that you can use to configure the automatic installation of updated
packages. Before it can be used, you must have signed up with the Red Hat Network and regis-
tered the system you are running Webmin on.
The form actually serves two purposes—changing the settings for the update daemon that peri-
odically checks for new packages and forcing an immediate update. The fields on the form are:

Automatically check for updates? If this option is set to Yes, the rhnsd daemon
that checks for updates will be configured to start at boot time. It will also be started
immediately when the Save and Apply button is clicked, if it is not currently
running. Setting it to No will stop the daemon and prevent it from being started at
boot time.
Checking interval When the automatic update daemon is enabled, the number of
minutes between checks for new packages is determined by this option.
Proxy server URL for downloading If your system cannot connect directly to
the Red Hat website, you will need to set this option to the URL of a web proxy
server. It must be formatted like this: http://proxy.company.com:8000/.
Skip packages matching This option is for entering a list of patterns for package
names that you do not want automatically updated. By default it prevents kernel
updates from being automatically installed.

The Save and Apply button will save your settings and start or stop the rhnsd daemon as neces-
sary. The Save and Check Now button will do the same thing, but will also run the up2date –u
command to immediately check for and download new packages. All output from the command
will be displayed so that you can see which packages are being updated.

12.7 Other Operating Systems

Linux is not the only version of UNIX that uses packages to simplify the process of installing
and removing software. The operating systems listed below can also use the Software Packages
module, with an almost identical user interface. However, each has its own packaging format
that is incompatible with Linux or any other variety of UNIX.
112 Chapter 12 • Software Packages

The differences between each UNIX’s package system and RPM are explained below:

Sun Solaris, SCO OpenServer, and SCO UNIXWare

• All of these operating systems use the same basic System V package format, but
packages from one cannot be installed on any of the others.
• Package files are usually named something.pkg or something.pkg.gz. If a package
file is compressed, Webmin will uncompress it automatically.
• Files can contain multiple packages, all of which will be installed when using Webmin.
• No package repository or search service exists for System V packages.
• Directories like /usr/bin are often shared between multiple system packages.

FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD

• Package files have names like something.tgz, and are actually just specially formatted
tar files.
• Webmin does not support any repository for BSD packages.


• HP/UX uses its own unique Depot package format.

• Package files are usually named like something.depot or something.depot.gz. If
a package is compressed, Webmin will automatically uncompress it for you.
• Webmin does not support any repository for HP/UX packages.

12.8 Summary
Package management is one of the most useful features of Linux and the other UNIX variants
that support it. This chapter has explained what packages are, what kinds of package manage-
ment systems exist, and how you can use Webmin to install and manage packages on your sys-
tem. It also covered other package-related services, such as automatic updates and repositories.
C H A P T E R 1 3

System Logs

n this chapter, the UNIX syslog service that controls where logs are
I written to is explained, and the Webmin module for configuring it is

13.1 Introduction to Logging

Many Linux servers and daemons generate log messages for errors, warnings, requests, and
diagnostic information. In most cases, these logs are not written directly to a file—instead, they
are passed to the UNIX logging program syslog which decides what to do with each log mes-
sage. Logs can be written to a file, sent to another server, passed to another program via a pipe,
or even broadcast to all users logged into the system. Different types of messages from different
servers can be logged using each of these methods.
Normally logs are written to files in the /var/log directory. On most Linux distributions the
file /var/log/messages contains general information, error and warning messages, the file /var/
log/mail records incoming and outgoing mail, and /var/log/secure records successful and failed
logins. However, your system may have a totally different syslog configuration and so use dif-
ferent logfiles.
Each log message that is sent to syslog has three attributes—the program that it comes
from, a facility, and a priority. The facility classifies the message, indicating which part of the
system it is coming from. Facilities that are recognized on Linux are seen in Table 13.1.
The priority or log level associated with each message indicates how serious it is. Many
servers generate messages with low priorities that contain only diagnostic or debugging informa-
tion, which can safely be ignored. However, messages with higher priorities indicate a serious
problem with a server or possibly the entire system. The recognized priorities on Linux (in order
from least to most serious) are seen in Table 13.2.

114 Chapter 13 • System Logs

Table 13.1 System Logging Facilities and Their Sources

auth or authpriv All messages related to successful or failed authentication attempts will use
this facility.

cron Used for log messages from the Cron and At daemons.

daemon Used for messages from other daemons, such as the NFS, NIS, and DHCP

kern For error, warning, and informational log messages that come from the kernel.

lpr For messages from the printer server and print commands.

mail For email delivery logs, and error messages from Sendmail or Postfix.

news For messages from news servers like INN.

syslog Used for log messages generated by the syslog daemon itself.

user For generic user-level messages. Not often used.

uucp For messages from the UUCP (UNIX to UNIX Copy) server programs,
which are hardly ever used anymore.

local0 to local7 These facilities are reserved for local use, such as by a server that can be
configured to use a different facility.

Table 13.2 System Logging Priorities and Their Meanings

debug Debugging information only, which can be safely ignored.

info An information message indicating that something has occurred, but noth-
ing serious.

notice Indicates a normal but significant event.

warning A warning about some potential problem.

err An error message indicating that something has failed.

The System Logs Module 115

Table 13.2 System Logging Priorities and Their Meanings (Continued)

crit Indicates a critical problem of some kind.

alert An extremely serious problem that must be looked into immediately.

emerg Indicates imminent or actual system failure.

The file /etc/syslog.conf contains the syslog configuration that controls which mes-
sages are logged to which files and destinations. Webmin reads and modifies this file directly to
change your system’s logging settings, and reads from the files in /var/log to display log mes-
Not all logs generated by all programs are controlled by syslog. For example, the Apache
Web server writes directly to a log file that records every HTTP request that it receives. Other
programs like Squid and Qmail also have their own private log files that are not under the control
of syslog and so cannot be configured using the System Logs Webmin module. Some of these
servers can be configured to log via syslog, but this is never the default and is usually a bad
idea for programs that generate large numbers of log messages, such as Apache. See Chapters
29, 38, and 44 for more information on configuring logging in these servers.

13.2 The System Logs Module

If you want to view log files on your system and configure where log messages are recorded, the
System Logs module under the System category is the place to go. The main page of the module
lists all files and other destinations that syslog is currently logging to, as shown in Figure 13.1.
For each log destination, its active status and the facilities and priorities that are logged to it are
Even if you don’t want to change existing logging settings, you can use the module to view
a log file by clicking on its View link. This will take you to a page showing the last 20 lines of
the file, with a Refresh button at the bottom to reload the page or increase the number of lines
displayed. You can also limit the display to only certain types of log messages with the Only
show lines with text field. Only logs written to normal files can be viewed—those sent to
another server, to users, to a named pipe, or to a device file cannot be read by Webmin.

13.3 Adding a New Log File

Because the messages written to each log destination have no effect on other destinations, you
can add a new log file without affecting any of the existing ones. This can be useful if there is
some information which you want to see but which is not currently being recorded, or if you
want to separate out messages of a particular facility or priority into a different file from the one
that they are currently being logged to.
To add a new log file or destination, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the System Logs module, click on the Add a new system log link
above or below the list of existing log files. This will take you to the form shown in
Figure 13.2 for entering the details of the new log destination.
116 Chapter 13 • System Logs

Figure 13.1 The System Logs module.

2. Select one of the five choices in the Log to field, which controls where messages are
written to. The choices are:
File If this option is selected, you must enter into the text field the name of a file to
write logs to. Log lines will be appended to the file, which will be created if it does not
exist. To ensure that syslog forces each line to be written to disk after adding it, select
the Sync after each message? option. Unless you are trying to reduce hard disk activity
on your system (such as on a laptop), it is wise to leave this option selected.
It is possible to create more than one log that writes to the same file. This can be done
safely without worrying that messages from one will overwrite another.
Named pipe A named pipe is a special file that can be written to by one program and
read by another. If you want log messages to be written to a pipe, first create it and then
enter its path into the field next to this option.
Syslog server on This option can be used to pass some or all of the log messages from
your system to another server, assuming it is running syslog as well. If selected, the
hostname or IP address of the remote server must be entered into the text field next to the
option. Unlike local log files, logs written to a remote server are safe from attackers who
break into your system.
Local user If this option is selected, log messages will be broadcast to any of the users
listed in the text box next to the option. Users must be logged in via SSH, telnet, or at the
console to receive log messages.
Editing or Deleting a Log File 117

All logged-in users This is like the previous option, but messages will be sent to all
logged-in users. In order to avoid annoying people, this option should only be used for
logging really serious errors.
3. The Logging active? field determines whether this log is enabled or not. If set to No, the
syslog.conf entry for the log will be commented out and nothing will be sent to the
chosen destination.
4. The Message types to log section controls which messages are written to the log desti-
nation. It is composed of two parts: Facilities and Priorities. A message will only be
logged if it matches both the selected facilities and the selected priorities.
For the Facilities, you can either select a single facility from the menu, select the All
option to include all of them, or enter a list of facilities separated by spaces into the
Many text field.
5. For the Priorities, you can select None to indicate that no messages of the select facili-
ties will be logged, select All to log messages of any priority, or choose one of the range
options from the menu (At or above, Exactly, Below or All except) and choose a prior-
ity from the final menu. This last option limits logging to messages of one or more prior-
ities depending on your range type and priority selection.
When creating a new log, you can select only one set of facilities and one range of
priorities. However, after saving, if you re-edit the log you can add an additional row
specifying facilities and priorities so that more than one type of message is logged. It is
even possible to use the None option under Priorities to exclude some facilities that
were included by a previous row.
6. When done making your selections on the form, click the Create button. As long as
there are no errors, you will be returned to the main page of the module.
7. Click the Apply Changes button to make your new log destination active.

13.4 Editing or Deleting a Log File

Any of the existing logs shown on the main page of the module can be edited or deleted using
Webmin. However, you should be careful when changing destinations that were included in the
system’s default configuration, as important messages may no longer be logged. Even changing
the filename that logs are written to could cause problems, as many Linux distributions include
software to automatically truncate the standard log files to prevent them from taking up too
much disk space.
To change a log, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the destination of the log that you want to edit.
This will take you to an editing form that is almost identical to the creation form shown
in Figure 13.2.
2. Change any of the existing settings, such as the destination type, log file, or active status.
You can also change which facilities and priorities are logged by adding to or editing the
rows in the Message types to log section. There will always be one blank row for select-
ing new facilities and a new priority range, as explained in Section 13.3 “Adding a New
Log File”.
118 Chapter 13 • System Logs

Figure 13.2 The new log destination form.

3. When done, click the Save button. As long as you have made no errors in the form, your
browser will return to the module’s main page.
4. Click the Apply Changes button to make your changes active.

To delete a log, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the destination of the log that you want to
2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. This will stop logging to the destina-
tion, but it will not delete any log files that have already been written—you can do that
manually if you wish.
3. Back on the main page, click the Apply Changes button to make the change active.

13.5 Module Access Control

The System Logs module can be restricted so that a Webmin user can use it only to view log
files instead of being able to create and edit them. As explained in Chapter 52, you must first
create or edit a user who has access to the module. Once that is done, follow these steps to limit
him to viewing log files only:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on System Logs next to the name of the user that you
want to restrict.
Other Operating Systems 119

2. Change the Can edit module configuration? option to No, so that he will not be able to
reconfigure the module to use a fake syslog.conf file.
3. Change the field Can only view logs? to Yes. When this is set, the only thing that the
user will be able to do on the module’s main page is click on the View link next to a log
file entry.
4. To limit the log files that the user can view, select Only listed files and those under
listed directories in the Can view and configure log files field and enter a list of filena-
mes into the adjacent text box. This can be useful if some of the logs on your system con-
tain sensitive or secure information.
5. Click the Save button to make the changes active.

13.6 Other Operating Systems

Almost all versions of UNIX use syslog to control the destinations that log messages are writ-
ten to, so the System Logs module is available on most operating systems. It has similar capabil-
ities on all systems, so the user interface is generally the same. However, there are some
differences, as explained below:

Sun Solaris, Apple MacOS X, HP/UX, SCO UNIXWare, SCO OpenServer, and
• On Solaris, the first time you use the module, Webmin may ask if you want to convert
syslog.conf from M4 format. Unless you have made manual changes that use M4
macros, this is safe to do.
• Logging to named pipes is not supported.
• There is no option to sync after each write to a log file.
• When selecting the priorities of messages to write to a log, the At or above, Exactly,
Below, and All except range types are not available. Instead, all messages with
priorities at or above the one you select will be logged.

FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD

• On FreeBSD, logging to named pipes is not supported.
• On OpenBSD and NetBSD, logs can be sent directly to the input of a command instead
of to a named pipe.
• There is no option to sync after each write to a log file.
• When selecting the priorities of messages to write to a log, the At or above, Exactly,
Below, and All except range types are replaced with >=, =, <, <>, which have similar
• Each log destination can be associated with a program, set using the optional Only for
program field. If set, only log messages from the entered server or daemon will be
written to this log file.
120 Chapter 13 • System Logs

SGI Irix

• Logging to named pipes is not supported. Instead, logs can be sent directly to the input of
a command.
• There is no option to sync after each write to a log file.
• Logs can be written to a UNIX domain socket file.
• When selecting the priorities of messages to write to a log, the At or above, Exactly,
Below, and All except range types are not available. Instead, all message with priorities
at or above the one you select will be logged.

If your operating system is not on the list above, then it is not supported by the System Logs

13.7 Summary
The log files on a UNIX system contain a wealth of useful information, such as the details of
email received, attempted and successful logins by users, hardware error reports from the kernel,
and much more. This chapter explains how to configure the files and other destinations that are
used for various types of messages, and how to view those files though Webmin. An important
part of system administration is keeping a look out for log messages indicating serious errors or
potential security violations.
C H A P T E R 1 4

Filesystem Backups

his chapter explains how to backup and restore files with the dump
T command, using Webmin’s Filesystem Backup module.

14.1 Introduction to Backups with Dump

There are many ways of backing up a UNIX system—you can just copy files to another direc-
tory, use the tar command to create an archive file or write to a tape device, or use the dump
family of commands. Although copying or using tar is easier, only dump can preserve all file
types (such as named pipes and symbolic links) and file information (such as ACLs and
attributes). It can do this because it has a more sophisticated knowledge of the underlying file-
system than other backup programs.
Another unique advantage of the dump program is its support for backup levels. If you are
regularly backing up the same directory, instead of writing all files to the backup device every
time, you can choose to save only those files that have changed since the last backup of a lower
level. For example, you could do a full backup (level 0) every week, and a much faster partial
backup (level 9) each day. The only down side is that if data needed to be restored, the weekly
backup and all the daily backups for the week so far would need to be read.
Using dump to make backups has some problems that other backup tools do not. The data
that it writes to a file or tape device is not compressed, although this is not a problem with most
tape drives as they compress data automatically. Another problem is that it cannot backup files
mounted via NFS from another server, as it reads directly from the disk, unlike the tar and cp

14.2 The Filesystem Backup Module

This module allows you to backup directories on your local filesystems, either on demand or on
a fixed schedule. The appropriate command for the filesystem type being backed up is used—for

122 Chapter 14 • Filesystem Backups

example, xfsdump on xfs filesystems or dump on ext2 or ext3. The module also supports the
restoration of backups, either to their original location or to a different path.
When you enter the module from the System category, the main page will display all back-
ups that you currently have configured, as shown in Figure 14.1. Of course, if this is the first
time you have used the module there will be none to display.
If Webmin detects that you do not have any of the necessary backup commands installed on
your system, an error message will be displayed on the main page instead. All Linux distribu-
tions should include a package containing the dump program on their CD or website.

Figure 14.1 The Filesystem Backup module main page.

14.3 Adding a New Backup

If you want to backup a directory, either just occasionally or on a regular schedule, you first need
to add a new backup configuration. This specifies a directory to backup, a set of options to use,
and the times at which it should be scheduled to run. The steps to follow to create a new config-
uration are:

1. On the main page of the module, enter the path to the directory that you want to backup
into the field next to the Add a new backup of directory button. When you click the
button, Webmin will determine what type of filesystem the directory is in (ext2, ext3,
or xfs) and display a backup creation form with options for that filesystem type.
Figure 14.2 shows the form for an ext2 or ext3 backup.
Adding a New Backup 123

2. The path you entered will appear in the Directory to backup field. You can still change
it if you wish, as long as the new directory that you enter is still on the same filesystem.
3. If backing up to a local file, set the Backup to field to the File or tape device option and
enter the file that you want the backup written to into the text field next to it.
Backing up to a tape drive is similar to writing to a file, but instead of entering a filename
into the File or tape device field you must enter the device file for the tape drive. For
example, /dev/st0 would be the device file for the first SCSI tape drive on your
If backing up to another server, you must select the Host option for the Backup to field
and enter a hostname, remote username, and file or device name on the remote server.
The server must have the shell service enabled in its Internet Services module, as
explained in Chapter 15. An appropriate .rhosts file must also be set up for the target
user, to allow the dump command to connect without needing to supply a password.
4. If your backup is being written to a local file that you do not want to be larger than a cer-
tain size, set the Split across multiple files? option to Yes and enter the maximum size
in kilobytes into the Tape size field. This can be useful if the backup is going to be later
saved to multiple CDs or Zip disks.
5. If you are doing multiple backups at different levels as explained in the introduction,
change the Dump level field to something other than Full backup. However, if you want
each backup to contain all files in the source directory, leave it unchanged at level 0.
6. If you are backing up to a tape, it is a good idea to set the Tape size field to the number of
kilobytes that can fit on your tape. Otherwise, the dump command may underestimate the
amount of data that can be written and fail to complete the backup.
7. The chattr command can be used to mark a file to be skipped when making backups,
which can be useful if the directory contains huge and useless files that you would rather
not save. However, when doing a level 0 backup such files will be included, unless the
Always exclude marked files? field is set to Yes.
8. If you are familiar with the dump command used on your operating system, the Extra
command-line parameters field can be used to enter extra options to be passed to the
program, such as –A /tmp/archive. Otherwise, leave it blank.
9. To have commands run before and after the dump command is executed, fill in the Com-
mand to run before backup and Command to run after backup fields. These com-
mands will be run as root when the backup is made, either as scheduled or manually
through Webmin. They can be useful for loading and unloading tapes, or copying files
into the backup directory before it is saved.
10. If you want the backup to be run on a regular schedule, set the Scheduled backup
enabled? option to Enabled and select the times and days for it to run from the lists at
the bottom of the page. The user interface for date and time selection is exactly the same
as the one used by the Scheduled Cron Jobs module, explained in Chapter 10.
11. To have a status report of the scheduled backup emailed to you, enter your email address
into the Email scheduled output to field.
12. By default, the subject of the backup email will be something like Dump of /etc. If you
are using this module on multiple systems, you may want to customize the subject line so
that the host the email is coming from and the data that has been backed up is more obvi-
124 Chapter 14 • Filesystem Backups

ous. To do this, de-select the Default option for the Email message subject field, and
enter a new subject line into the text field next to it.
13. Finally, click the Create button to save the details of the new backup configuration. If
there are no errors in the form, you will be returned to the modules main page.
Alternatively, you can begin a backup immediately by clicking Create and Backup
Now. This will take you to the page showing its progress, as explained in Section 14.4
“Making a Backup”.
Apart from ext2 and ext3, the only other filesystem type that has a similar backup command is
xfs. Because its xfsdump command has slightly different options, the fields on the new backup
form are not quite the same as described above. One important difference is that the Directory
to backup must be the mount point of a filesystem, not just any directory within it.

Figure 14.2 The new backup configuration form.

14.4 Making a Backup

Once you have created a backup configuration that appears on the main page of the module, you
can use Webmin to manually execute it at any time. To do this, the steps to follow are:

1. From the list of configurations on the module’s main page, click on the directory you want
to backup. This will take you to a form showing all the details of the backup configuration.
2. Click the Backup Now button at the bottom of the page. Webmin will execute the appro-
priate dump command and display its output as it writes to the backup file or tape device.
The output from any commands that are run before or after the backup will be shown as well.
Editing or Deleting a Backup 125

3. If all goes well, the message backup complete will be displayed at the bottom of the
page. However, if something goes wrong, backup failed will be displayed instead—
check the output of the dump command to see exactly what the problem was.

One limitation of the Filesystem Backup module is that it cannot create backups that span multi-
ple tapes. Usually the dump command would prompt the user to load a new tape when necessary,
but that is not possible when it is being run from Webmin.

14.5 Editing or Deleting a Backup

The backup configurations shown on the module’s main page can be edited at any time. To
change one, do the following:

1. Click on the directory of the backup configuration that you want to change. This will
take you to the editing form, which is similar to the creation form shown in Figure 14.2.
2. Change any of the options, including the directory to backup, destination, or schedule.
You cannot change the directory to a path on a different type of filesystem though, as it
may have different options or not be supported at all.
3. Click the Save button to record your changes, or click Save and Backup Now to imme-
diately begin a backup with the new options.

To delete an existing backup configuration, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page, click on the directory of the backup configuration that you want to
delete, which will take you to the editing form.
2. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the page. The backup configuration will be
immediately removed and you will be returned to the main page of the module. The
actual backup files created by the configuration will not be touched though.

14.6 Restoring a Backup

Backups made using Webmin (or by running the dump command manually) can be restored
using this module as well. If you have been creating backups of different levels, they must be
restored in ascending level order starting with the complete backup (level 0). A backup can be
restored to any directory, not just the one that it was originally saved from. However, some file
information such as ACLs and attributes will be lost if the restore directory’s filesystem does not
support them.
To restore a backup, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the Filesystem Backup module, select the type of filesystem that the
backup was made from, using the list next to the Restore backup of filesystem type but-
ton. Because there are different programs for restoring different types of filesystems, the
restore options will vary depending on the type you choose.
2. Click the Restore backup of filesystem type button, which will take you to the restore
options page. Figure 14.3 shows the page for restoring an ext2 or ext3 filesystem
126 Chapter 14 • Filesystem Backups

3. If restoring from a local file, set the Restore from file or device field to the File or tape
device option and enter the file that you want the backup read from into the text field
next to it.
Restoring from a tape drive is similar to reading from a file, but instead of entering a
filename into the File or tape device field you must enter the device file for the tape
drive: /dev/st0, for example.
If restoring from another server, you must select the Host option and enter a hostname,
remote username, and file or device name on the remote server. As explained in Section
14.3 “Adding a New Backup”, the server must have been configured correctly to allow
remote access.
4. By default, everything in the backup will be restored. To extract only some files, set the
Files to restore option to Listed files and enter paths to the files you want to restore into
the field next to it. To restore multiple files, the filenames must be separated by spaces.
Because the paths used in the backup are sometimes relative to the mount point of the
filesystem that they were originally on, it is often a good idea to use the Only show files
in backup? option to see what the correct filenames are.
5. In the Restore to directory field, enter the base directory under which you want the
restored files to be saved.
6. If the original backup spanned multiple files, set the Backup is split across multiple
files? option to Yes.
7. If you just want to view the contents of the backup without extracting any files, set the
Only show files in backup? option to Yes.
8. If you are familiar with the restore command used on your operating system, the
Extra command-line parameters field can be used to enter extra options to be passed
to the program, such as –A /tmp/archive. Otherwise, leave it blank.
9. When you are ready to restore, click the Restore Backup Now button. If extracting files
for real, a page showing the output of the appropriate restore command will be dis-
played. If you chose to just view the files in the backup, the page will display a list pro-
duced by the restore command instead.

When restoring a backup from an xfs filesystem, different options are available on the restore
form. The Files to restore option does not exist, so all files in the backup will be extracted.
However, there is an Overwrite existing files option that can be set to Never to protect existing
files, or Unless newer than backup to protect files that have been modified since the backup
was made.
One problem with using Webmin to restore is that it cannot cope with backups that span
multiple tapes. Normally the restore command would prompt the user to eject the first tape
and insert the second, but that is not possible when it is being run by Webmin.

14.7 Configuring the Filesystem Backup Module

Clicking on the Module Config link in the top-left corner of this module’s main page will bring
up a form for setting options that control how it behaves. The available settings and their mean-
ings are see in Table 14.1.
Configuring the Filesystem Backup Module 127

Figure 14.3 The backup restoration form.

Table 14.1 Module Configuration Options

Do strftime substitution of If Yes is selected in this field, the backup destination path will have
backup destinations? any special codes starting with % replaced with components of the
current time and date. For example, %m will be replaced with month
number, %d with the day of the month and %y with the year. These are
the same substations that the standard UNIX strftime function uses.
This option is useful if you want the backup to be written to a different
file each day, instead of over-writing the same file every time.
The default option is No, which turns off this behavior.

Send mail via SMTP server When Local sendmail executable is selected, the output from
scheduled backups will be sent by running the sendmail com-
mand on your system, the path to which is taken from the Sendmail
Configuration module. However, you can tell the module to send
email by making an SMTP connection to some other host instead,
which may be necessary if your system does not run a mail server
at all, or runs one other that Sendmail. Just select the second radio
button and enter a hostname into the text box.
128 Chapter 14 • Filesystem Backups

14.8 Other Operating Systems

Many UNIX operating systems have similar dump and restore commands to Linux, and several
of them are supported by this Webmin module. However, the options available differ slightly, so
the backup and restore forms on different systems will not be exactly the same as Linux.
The currently supported systems and their differences are:

Sun Solaris On Solaris, ufs filesystems can be backed up and restored using the
ufsdump and ufsrestore commands. When creating a backup, the Split across
multiple files? and Tape size options are not available—instead, there are Verify
data after backup? and Eject tape after backup? options whose meanings should
be obvious. Solaris also supports the backing up of multiple directories at once, by
entering multiple paths separated by spaces into the Directory to backup field.
For restoring on Solaris, the options are essentially the same as on Linux.
FreeBSD and Apple MacOS X Both these operating systems have almost
identical dump commands and available options in Webmin, due to the BSD
ancestry of MacOS X. When making a backup, the Split across multiple files? and
Dump label fields are not available, but Tape size is. The only filesystem type that
can be backed up is ufs and a backup must be of an entire filesystem, not just any
directory. Unfortunately, on MacOS X almost all filesystems are in Apple’s native
hfs format.

When restoring, the only difference is an additional Just test backup? option which
when set causes the restore command to do everything except write to disk.
SGI Irix On Irix, the only filesystem type that can be backed up with Webmin is
xfs, even though there is a dump command for older efs filesystems. As with the
xfs filesystem on Linux, only entire filesystems can be backed up, not arbitrary
directories. The Tape size option is not available, but instead you can limit the size
of files to include with the Maximum file size to include option, and turn off the
backing up of attributes with the Include file attributes? option.
When restoring a backup on Irix, there is no option to specify which files to
extract—instead, everything in the backup will be restored. However, there is an
Overwrite existing files? option to protect existing files, or existing files that are
newer than the backup, from being overwritten.

Due to the low-level nature of backups made using the dump family of commands, a backup cre-
ated on one operating system will not be restorable on any other.

14.9 Summary
After reading this chapter, you should be able to use Webmin to create backups of data on your
system’s local hard disks, and restore those backups if needed. You should also understand the
difference between the dump backup format used by the module covered here, and those created
by commands like tar and cpio. On a system running important servers or hosting vital data,
proper backups are vital—and Webmin can help you create them.
C H A P T E R 1 5

Internet Services

his chapter covers the super servers inetd and xinetd, which are
T responsible for starting servers for protocols like telnet and FTP when

15.1 Introduction to Internet Services

Heavily used network services such as email, proxying, and web serving are handled by server
processes that run continually and have their own complex configuration files and Webmin mod-
ules. However, there are other services like telnet, finger, and POP3 that do not need any config-
uration and do not need their own permanent server process. Instead, their servers are run when
needed by a super server like inetd or xinetd which listens for network connections on multi-
ple ports. Only when it receives a connection does it start the appropriate process to communi-
cate with the client, which exits when the connection is closed. This saves memory by limiting
the number of processes running at any one time, but makes the handling of new connections
slightly slower.
Every service has a short name like telnet or pop3, a port number like 23 or 110 and a
protocol like TCP or UDP. The file /etc/services lists all the service names and their corre-
sponding ports numbers that your system knows about, only a few of which may have a super
server or other server listening on them.
The most commonly used super server is inetd, which is used by almost all Linux distribu-
tions and UNIX variants. All server settings are stored in the configuration file /etc/
inetd.conf. In addition to starting servers in response to the TCP and UDP connections, it can
also handle RPC (remote procedure call) function calls in a similar way. One major shortcoming
of inetd is its inability to reject connections depending on the client IP address. However, this
can be overcome by using an intermediate TCP-wrappers server program, which has its own IP
access control configuration file.

130 Chapter 15 • Internet Services

Another super server that is gaining in popularity and has more features is xinetd, which
uses the /etc/xinetd.conf configuration file and sometimes other files under the /etc/
xinetd.d directory. Like inetd, it can launch server processes in response to TCP and UDP
connections, but does not support RCP. Its major advantage is built-in support for restricting
connections to certain client IP addresses without the need for a separately configured program.
It can also re-direct an incoming connection on certain ports to another host and port by making
its own client connection and forwarding data back and forth.
Because inetd and xinetd have totally different configuration files and file formats, there
is a separate Webmin module for configuring each of them. Most Linux distributions will ship
with one or the other, but in some cases both can be installed and co-exist peacefully. The only
limitation is that they cannot both listen on the same port at the same time.

15.2 The Internet Services and Protocols Module

This module deals with the configuration of inetd, and can be found under the Networking cat-
egory in Webmin. If the icon is not visible, Webmin has detected that it is not installed. This
could be because your distribution is using xinetd instead, in which case you should skip down
to Section 15.8 “The Extended Internet Services Module”. If neither module is visible, check
your distribution CD or website for an inetd or xinetd package.
The module’s main page (shown in Figure 15.1) displays two tables, one for Internet Ser-
vices that respond to TCP or UDP connections, and one for RCP Programs. In the Internet
Services section, the names and protocols of all services are shown—in some cases, the same
service may be recognized for more than one protocol. Each service can be in one of three states,
indicated by the font its name is shown in:

Enabled (bold) A server program has been assigned to this service, and it is
currently active.
Disabled (bold-italic) A server program has been assigned, but it is not active.
This corresponds to a commented-out entry in the inetd.conf file.
Unassigned (normal) No server program has been assigned to this service,
meaning there is no inetd.conf entry for it.

If the module configuration option Show services with no program has been set to No, services
in the unassigned state will not be displayed. This is the default on some operating systems, due
to the large number of services that the system knows about.
Most Linux distributions ship with almost all services in the disabled state by default. This
limits the number of unnecessary services that your system allows connections to, and thus
reduces the chance of a security hole in one of the server programs being exploited by an
Because each service is shown with only a short name like telnet or chargen, it is not
obvious to an inexperienced administrator what each of them do. Some of the more commonly
used services and their purposes are seen in Table 15.1.
The daytime, echo, and chargen services for both TCP and UDP protocols are handled
internally by inetd when enabled, not by a separate server program.
The Internet Services and Protocols Module 131

Figure 15.1 The Internet Services and Protocols module main page.

Table 15.1 Common Services and Their Purposes

Protocol Purpose

telnet TCP Remote login using the telnet command. Because a telnet connec-
tion is unencrypted, any username or password sent over it can theoret-
ically be captured by an attacker. On modern systems, the secure SSH
protocol is usually used instead.

pop3 TCP Mail retrieval using almost any mail client program, such as Outlook,
Eudora or Netscape. If you want users to be able to pick up mail from
your system, this protocol should be enabled.

imap TCP A superior mail retrieval protocol that supports folders and server-side
mail storage. However, fewer mail clients support it.

finger TCP Remote user lookup using the finger command.

ntalk TCP Person-to-person chat using the UNIX talk program.

132 Chapter 15 • Internet Services

Table 15.1 Common Services and Their Purposes (Continued)

Protocol Purpose

ftp TCP File upload or download using an FTP client. There are several differ-
ent FTP server programs available, the most common being wu-ftpd
and proftpd. Because they have many options that are configured
separately, each has its own Webmin module as covered in Chapters 40
and 41.

shell TCP Unauthenticated remote login using the rsh command. Because the
shell protocol validates users by client IP address only, it is not con-
sidered secure—ssh is a far better alternative. However, you may have
to enable it for remote backups from the Filesystem Backup module.

login TCP Remote login using the rlogin command. Because this can be config-
ured to validate users by client address only, it is considered insecure
and rarely used.

exec TCP Remote command execution using the rexec program. Rarely used on
modern systems, due to the superiority of ssh.

daytime TCP Upon connection, displays the server time in a human-readable format.

daytime UDP Like the TCP daytime service, but sends the human-readable time
back in a UDP packet.

time TCP Up connection, displays the system time as a 4-byte binary number.

time UDP Like the TCP time service, but sends the binary time back in a UDP

echo TCP Sends back any data that is sent to it.

echo UDP Sends back any packets that it receives.

chargen TCP Produces an endless stream of data containing printable ASCII charac-
ters for as long as a client is connected.

chargen UDP Like the TCP chargen service, but sends back a single UDP packet of
ASCII characters in response to each one received from a client.
Enabling an Internet Service 133

15.3 Enabling an Internet Service

If you want to allow users to fetch mail from your system using the POP3 protocol or login via
telnet, it is necessary to turn on the appropriate Internet service if it is not currently enabled. To
do this, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the name of the service that you want to enable
in the Internet Services table. This will take you to the page shown in Figure 15.2 for
editing its details.
If unassigned services are not displayed on your system, you can enter the service name
and select the protocol in the fields next to the Edit service button. Clicking the button
will take you to the editing form, assuming the service name is recognized.
2. The Service name, Port number, Protocol, and Aliases fields should be left unchanged
unless you want to rename the service or change the port it is listening on. For services
that you did not create yourself, changing any of these fields is a bad idea, as it may pre-
vent programs on your system connecting to other servers.
3. To enable the service in the Server program section, select the Program enabled
option. If Program disabled was selected previously, then all the other settings in the
section should be correct and will not need to be changed.
However, if No program assigned was selected before, then you will need to choose a
server program and a user for the server to run as. Select the Program field Command
option and enter the full path to the server program into the field next to it, such as /usr/
sbin/in.ftpd for an FTP server. In the Args field, enter the server command again and any
arguments that it needs, such as in.ftpd –l –a. Even though the program path is in the
Command field, the program name must appear in the Args field as well.
You will need to enter into the Execute as User field a username for the server program
to run as. For almost all servers, this will be root. One of the Wait Mode options must
be set as well—unless the server runs and executes very quickly, choose Don’t wait.
Some services such as daytime, echo, chargen, and discard are handed internally
by inetd. If you are enabling one of them, just select the Internal to inetd. No program
or arguments need to be entered, and the user the server executes as is irrelevant.
4. When you are done, click the Save button. As long as there are no errors and the chosen
server program actually exists, the browser will return to the list of services on the main page.
5. Click the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the page to make your changes active.

In some cases, you will not be able to enable a service because the corresponding server pro-
gram is not installed yet. If this is the case, use the Software Packages module to install it from
your Linux distribution CD or website.
If you want to disable a service, just follow the same steps but select the Program disabled
option instead. This is better than choosing No program assigned as it is easy to turn the service
back on again without having to re-enter the server program details.

15.4 Creating Your Own Internet Service

In some situations, you may want to add a new server to your system that listens on a port not
assigned to anything else. You might want to run a telnet server on some non-standard port, or
134 Chapter 15 • Internet Services

Figure 15.2 Editing an Internet service.

redirect traffic from one port on your system to another server using a program like nc. If you
are just trying to turn on some standard service like ftp or imap, the instructions in this section
are not for you—see Section 15.3 “Enabling an Internet Service” instead.
The steps to follow to create a new service are:

1. On the main page of the module, click the Create a new internet service link. This will
take you to the service creation form, which is similar to the editing form in Figure 15.2.
2. Fill in the Service Name field with a unique name for your service.
3. Enter the port number you want the service to be associated with into the Port Number
4. Select the protocol from the Protocol list. This will almost always be TCP, but in some
cases you may need to use UDP.
5. In the Aliases field, enter any alternate names that you want the service to be referred to by.
6. Assuming you want to have a server program associated with this service, choose the
Program enabled option in the Server Program section. Otherwise all that will be cre-
ated is an association between a service name and port number.
7. For the Program field, select the Command option and enter the full path to the server
program into the field next to it—for example /usr/local/bin/someserver. In the Args
field, enter the program name and any command line arguments that it should be run
with, such as someserver –foo.
To give another example, if you wanted to create a service that displayed all the
processes running on your system to anyone who connected via telnet, you could set the
Creating and Editing RPC Programs 135

Command to /bin/ps and the Args to ps auxwww. (This would be a bad idea from a
security point of view, though.)
8. If the server program is going to take more than a second to run, or if it accepts any input,
set the Wait mode field to Don’t wait. Otherwise inetd will stop handling new network
connections until the program has finished. The only advantage of this Wait until com-
plete mode is a slight reduction in memory usage.
9. In the Execute as User field, enter the username of the UNIX user that the server pro-
gram should run as. This is usually root, but can be anyone.
10. To limit the rate at which inetd will accept connections for your service, enter a number
into the Max per Minute field. If the limit is exceeded, subsequent connections will be
refused until the next minute.
11. By default, the group that the server program runs as is the primary group of the user set
in the Execute as User field. To change this, enter a group name into the Execute as
Group field.
12. Click the Create button to create your service. As long as there are no errors in the form,
you will be returned to the list of services on the main page.
13. Click the Apply Changes button to make the service active.

Once a service has been created, you can test it by running telnet localhost portnumber at
the shell prompt on your system. You can edit your service at any time by clicking on its name
on the main page, and changing any of the options before clicking Save—or Delete if you want
to get rid of it. After making any modifications, the Apply Changes button must be used to
make them active.

15.5 Creating and Editing RPC Programs

RPC is a protocol and data format that is the basis for other protocols like NFS and NIS. RPC
clients make function calls to RPC servers, passing parameters and getting back results. To the
client or server, making a remote procedure call is no more difficult than calling a normal library
function, which makes writing programs that use RPC much easier than creating your own pro-
tocol from scratch.
An RPC program is a set of functions that are handled by a server. Each program has a
unique number, similar to the port of an Internet service. Programs are not associated with a par-
ticular protocol, as they can generally accept connections and function calls via UDP or TCP.
Nor do they have a fixed port, as they are assigned dynamically when needed.
RPC servers (like the NIS and NFS servers) that handle a large amount of traffic have their
own processes that run all the time. However, some servers that need to be run only occasionally
can be executed by inetd only when needed—just like infrequently used Internet services.
Some of the more commonly used RPC programs are:
On some systems, these RPC programs may be handled by servers that are not run from
inetd but instead as stand-alone processes. In that case, the Bootup and Shutdown module
(explained in Chapter 9) is the place to activate or de-activate them. Due to the small number of
common RPC programs and their limited usefulness, many Linux distributions do not have any
programs enabled or disabled in the inetd configuration by default. However, this is not the
case on other operating systems like Solaris.
136 Chapter 15 • Internet Services

Table 15.2 Common RPC Programs and Their Purposes

Program name Purpose

rquotad Remote disk quota retrieval. If a system is NFS-exporting a filesystem with quo-
tas, this program can be used by the quota command on the client to display
used and available blocks and files on the NFS-mounted filesystem.

rusersd Requesting the list of users logged into a system. The rusers command can be
used to display users logged into one or more servers.

walld Broadcasting a message to users on a server. Like the wall command for sending
a message to local users, the rwall command sends to users on another system by
calling this RPC program.

If you want to make use of an RPC protocol which is not currently enabled, you can use this
module to turn it on. Of course the appropriate RPC server program must be installed first, and
the inetd on your system must support RPC programs. If so, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the program name from the RPC Programs
table. This will take you to the program editing form shown in Figure 15.3.
2. Under the Server Program section, select the Program enabled option. If Program
disabled was selected previously, then all the other settings in the section should be cor-
rect and will not need to be changed. However, if No program assigned was checked,
you will need to fill in several other fields.
The RPC Versions field should be set to the range of versions that the server program
supports, such as 1-3.
The Socket Type field should be set to Datagram, and the Protocol field set to only the
udp option.
For the Server Program field, enter the full path to the RPC program, such as /usr/sbin/
rpc.rusersd. For the Command field, enter the program name and any arguments, such
as rpc.rusersd –a.
For the Wait Mode, select Don’t wait.
For the Execute as User field, enter the username you want the server program to run
as—usually root.
3. When done, click the Save button. As long as there are no errors in your input, you will
be returned to the main page of the module where the RPC program should appear as
4. Click the Apply Changes button to make the program active.

15.6 Configuring the Internet Services and Protocols Module

To access the configurable options of the Internet Services module, click on the Module Config
link in the top left corner of its main page. This will take you to the standard configuration form,
on which you can change the options shown in Table 15.3.
Configuring the Internet Services and Protocols Module 137

Figure 15.3 The RPC program editing form.

Table 15.3 Module Configuration Options

Show services with no program If set to Yes, the main page will show only Internet services that
have an enabled or disabled server program assigned. On most
distributions the default is No, but some have so many known ser-
vices that this option has to be turned on to limit the size of the
services list.

Sort services and programs by Controls the ordering of Internet and RPC services on the main page.
If Name is selected, they will be ordered by service name.
If Assignment is selected, all those that have an enabled server
program will be listed first, followed by those with a disabled pro-
gram and finally those that are unassigned.
If Order in file is chosen, the services will be displayed in the
same order as they are stored in /etc/services, which is usu-
ally by port number.

The rest of the module configuration options under System configuration are set automati-
cally by Webmin based on your operating system type, and so should not be changed.
138 Chapter 15 • Internet Services

15.7 Other Operating Systems

Almost all versions of UNIX include inetd as standard, and use it to launch infrequently run
server programs in the same way that Linux does. However, its configuration file format and
capabilities are slightly different on other operating systems, which means that the module’s
user interface will not be exactly the same. The main page will always show lists of Internet and
RPC services, but when editing or creating a service, different fields and options will be avail-
able depending on the UNIX variant you are running:

Sun Solaris
• When editing an Internet service, the Max Per Minute and Execute as Group fields are
not available.
• Solaris versions 8 and above support IPv6 TCP and UDP protocols, as well as the
standard IPv4 that Linux uses.
• Many RPC services exist in the disabled state by default, for things like NFS quotas and

• RPC services cannot have programs assigned. All you can do is edit the service names
and program numbers.
• When editing or creating a service, you can control the number of server programs that
can be active at any one time with the Max Child Processes field.
• Also when editing, you can set the login class that the server program runs as with the
Execute as Login Class field.

• As on FreeBSD, the Max Child Processes and Execute as Login Class fields are
available when editing or creating a service.
• As with Solaris, Internet services can use IPv6 TCP and UDP protcols.

OpenBSD, Compaq Tru64/OSF1, IBM AIX, SCO OpenServer, and

SCO UnixWare
• As on Solaris, the Max Per Minute and Execute as Group fields are not available.

SGI Irix
• The Max Per Minute and Execute as Group fields are not available when editing a
• There is an additional checkbox below the server program Command field labeled
Command may not exist? If this is set, it tells inetd to ignore the service if the server
program is not installed. By default, this is turned on for many services related to Irix
packages that are not installed by default.
The Extended Internet Services Module 139

• On HP/UX, the module has exactly the same options as on Linux.

Apple MacOS X
• As on Solaris, the Max Per Minute and Execute as Group fields are not available.
• RPC services cannot have programs assigned, as on FreeBSD.
• Instead of being stored in the /etc/services file, service names and ports are in a
NetInfo table. Webmin dumps and re-loads this table to read and edit services.

15.8 The Extended Internet Services Module

This module allows you to configure xinetd, a super server that is similar in purpose to inetd
but has several additional features. Like the Internet Services and Protocols module, this one can
also be found under the Networking category. However, its icon will appear only if Webmin
detects that xinetd is installed, which it does by looking for the /etc/xinetd.conf file. If
you have compiled and installed it manually, you may need to create a symbolic link to the real
location of xinetd.conf.
The main page lists all services that have server programs assigned, their port numbers, pro-
tocol, program, and active status—see Figure 15.4 for an example. Services with no programs
are never shown, unlike in the Internet Services module.

Figure 15.4 The Extended Internet Services module.

140 Chapter 15 • Internet Services

On Linux distributions that use xinetd, most server program packages include a file that
adds an appropriate service to the list shown on the main page. These are generally disabled by
default, so that services are not unexpectedly enabled the moment you install them.
If you are using a different operating system on which you have installed xinetd, the user
interface will be exactly the same as on Linux. However, server program packages will probably
not set up services when installed.

15.9 Enabling or Editing an Extended Internet Service

If you want to allow users to fetch mail from your system using the POP3 protocol or login via
telnet it is necessary to turn on the appropriate service in this module, assuming it is listed on the
main page. If not, you will need to first install the appropriate package from your distribution
website or CD, which should add an entry for the service. If not, see Section 15.10 “Creating an
Extended Internet Service”.
Existing services can also be changed in other ways—for example, to restrict the allowed cli-
ent IP addresses or number of concurrent connections. To edit a service, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the Extended Internet Services module, click on the name of the ser-
vice that you want to edit. This will take you to the form shown in Figure 15.5.
2. The Service name, Socket type and Protocol options should all be left unchanged. The
Port field should be changed only if you know what you are doing.
3. To turn on the service, set the Service enabled? field to Yes. Or if it is already enabled
and you want to turn it off, select No.
4. If you want the service to be accessible only via a single IP address on your server, enter
it into the Bind to address field. This can be useful if you have multiple virtual IP inter-
faces on your system and want different servers to listen on different addresses.
5. Most of the fields under Server program options can be left unchanged, unless you
want to limit the amount of load the service puts on your system. If so, you can set the
Max concurrent servers field to the maximum number of server processes that should
be allowed to run at any one time. The Maximum connections per second and Delay if
maximum is reached fields can be set to limit the rate at which clients are allowed to
connect and the amount of time that the service is disabled if that rate is exceeded.
6. To control which addresses clients are allowed to connect from, use the fields in the Service
access control section. If Allow access from is set to Only listed hosts, only the IP addresses
(like, hosts (like server.foo.com) and networks (like entered
will be allowed. If Deny access from is set to Only listed hosts, the hosts, IP addresses, and
networks entered will be prevented from connecting.
If a client matches an entry in both lists, the most specific entry will be used to determine
whether access is allowed or denied. For example, if was allowed and was denied then a client with IP address would be able to
7. If you want to limit the times at which the service can be used, fill in the Allow access at
times field. It must be in the format HH:MM-HH:MM, such as 9:00-17:00 to allow access
during normal working hours.
Creating an Extended Internet Service 141

8. Click the Save button when you are done making changes. As long as you haven’t made
any mistakes, the browser will return to the module’s main page.
9. Click the Apply Changes button to make your modifications active.

If you want to delete a service totally, you can click the Delete button on the editing form instead.
However, it is usually better to simply disable it so that it can be easily turned back on later.

Figure 15.5 Editing an extended Internet service.

15.10 Creating an Extended Internet Service

If you want to enable a protocol that is not in the list on the main page, or redirect traffic from a
particular port to another host, then you will need to create a new service using this module. The
appropriate server program for the service must be installed first, unless you are setting a redi-
rection. The steps to follow are:

1. Click on the Create a new internet service above or below the list on the main page.
This will take you to the creation form, similar to the one in Figure 15.5.
2. If the service is for a standard protocol like telnet or finger, enter its name in the Service
name field. The Port number can then be left set to Standard.
Otherwise, enter a unique name into the Service name field and set the Port number to
the port you want the service to listen on.
142 Chapter 15 • Internet Services

3. If you want the service to be accessible only via a single IP address on your server, enter
it into the Bind to address field. This can be useful if you have multiple virtual IP inter-
faces on your system and want different servers to listen on different addresses.
4. Set the Protocol field to the protocol you want the service to use, usually TCP. The
Socket type field should be set to Stream for TCP protocol services, or Datagram for
UDP services.
5. If your service is going to use a server program, set the Service handled by option to the
Server program option and enter its command and any arguments into the field next to
it—for example, /usr/sbin/in.telnetd –a.
If the service is just redirecting traffic to another host, select the Redirect to host option
and enter the destination hostname and port in the corresponding fields. Redirection can
be useful for making services on an internal network system available to the rest of the
Internet, if your firewall or gateway host is running xinetd.
6. In the Run as user field, enter the name of the UNIX user that the server program will be
run as. This is not necessary for redirection services.
7. Unless the server program always completes very quickly, set the Wait until complete
field to No. If you leave it set to Yes, xinetd will not process any more connections
until the program finishes.
8. To limit the rate at which clients can connect, set the Max concurrent servers and Max-
imum connections per second fields as explained in Section 15.9 “Enabling or Editing
an Extended Internet Service”.
9. To limit the addresses from which clients can connect or the times at which connections
are allowed, set the fields under Service access control as explained in the list above.
10. When done, click the Create button. If there are no errors in the form, you will be
returned to the main page on which your new service should now be listed.
11. Click the Apply Changes button to make the service active.

Once a service has been created, you can test it by running telnet localhost portnumber at
the shell prompt on your system. You can edit or delete your service at any time by following the
instructions in Section 15.9 “Enabling or Editing an Extended Internet Service”.

15.11 Editing Default Options

There are several global options that apply to all services handled by xinetd, for logging and IP
access control. To edit these options, the steps to follow are:

1. Click the Edit Defaults button at the bottom of the module’s main page, which will take
you to the default options form.
2. To restrict the addresses from which clients can connect to any service, fill in the Allow
access from and Deny access from fields. They accept the same input as the fields of the
same name on the service form, as explained in Section 15.9 “Enabling or Editing an
Extended Internet Service”.
Any IP access controls configured for an individual service will override the default
settings that you enter on this form.
Summary 143

3. To have xinetd log to syslog, set the Xinetd logging mode field to Log to syslog
facility and choose the facility and priority that it should use. Chapter 13 explains in
detail how to configure the log file that messages from xinetd will be written to, based
on the selected priority and facility. Normally, this is the default and best option.
If you want xinetd to log directly to a file, select the Log to file option and enter the log
file path into the field next to it. To have a warning message logged when the file
becomes too big, enter a file size in bytes into the Soft file limit field. To set a file size
limit that will never be exceeded, fill in the Hard file limit field. If the soft limit is set but
the hard limit is not, it will default to 1 percent more than the soft limit. If neither is set,
the log file will grow forever—which could cause all your disk space to be consumed by
an attacker making millions of connections to xinetd.
To turn off logging altogether, set the Xinetd logging mode field to Disable logging.
4. To control which events are logged, choose the appropriate options from the On success-
ful connection log and On failed connection log fields.
5. When done, click the Save button. As long as there are no errors in your input, you will
be returned to the module’s main page.
6. Click the Apply Changes button to make the new defaults active.

15.12 Summary
This chapter has explained the purposes of the two common UNIX super server programs—
inetd and xinetd—and the differences between them. After reading it, you should know how
to enable standard services started by either of these programs, and how to create and edit your
own services, if necessary. Several other chapters refer back to the modules covered in this one,
especially those on FTP, CVS, and SSL tunnel servers.
C H A P T E R 1 6


his chapter explains how to set your system’s IP address, hostname,

T DNS servers, and other network settings. It covers both Linux and
other UNIX variants.

16.1 Introduction to Linux Networking

A Linux system can be connected to a network or the Internet in several different ways—for
example, via an Ethernet network card, a token ring card, or a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
connection over a dial-up modem. If your system is never connected to a network, then this
chapter is not for you. However, if you do need to set up network connections (especially to a
local area network), then read on.
Every Ethernet network card, PPP connection, wireless card, or other device in your system
that can be used for networking is known as an interface. Interfaces are usually associated with a
piece of hardware (like a network card), but they can also be dynamically created (like PPP con-
nections). For an interface to be used, it must first have an IP address assigned, which may be
fixed and set from a configuration file on your system or dynamically assigned by a server. An
Ethernet interface for a desktop PC on a company or home network would usually have a fixed
address, whereas a PPP connection interface to an ISP would have its address dynamically
assigned by a server at the other end.
PPP interfaces are configured in a very different way to Ethernet and other fixed hardware
interfaces. Before one can be activated, a modem must be used to dial an ISP at a particular
phone number and log in with a username and password. Only after the login is successful will
the PPP interface have an IP address assigned by the ISP’s access server. Other network settings
on your system such as the DNS server addresses and default gateway will be assigned by the
ISP as well. An Ethernet interface, however, can have an IP address set and start working at any
time, and a system connected via Ethernet usually uses fixed DNS server and gateway addresses.

Introduction to Linux Networking 145

Sometimes an Ethernet interface will have its addresses dynamically assigned as well. If so
configured, the system will broadcast a request for an address using the DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol) when the interface is activated at boot time. This will be answered by a
DHCP server, which supplies the IP address and possibly default gateway and DNS server
addresses as well. DHCP is often used on large networks with many systems that frequently con-
nect and disconnect (such as laptops), in order to avoid manually configuring each system with a
fixed IP address.
One special network interface that is always available is the loopback interface. It always
has the IP address, which is mapped to the hostname localhost. This interface can-
not be used to communicate with other systems, just your own—for example, running the com-
mand telnet localhost will bring up the login prompt of your own system (assuming a
telnet server is active).
Every interface has a name, like eth1 or ppp0. All Ethernet interfaces start with eth, PPP
interfaces with ppp, loopback with lo and token ring with tr. The number tells you which net-
work card of that type the interface is related to—if your system had two Ethernet cards, the first
would be eth0 and the second eth1.
If your system is connected to a network any bigger than a small home LAN, one of the
computers on the network will be the gateway. This is a server (or more likely a router) that
knows how to route traffic to other networks or the Internet, perhaps by a PPP link, broadband
connection, or other network card. For your system to communicate with those other networks,
it must be configured with the IP address of the gateway.
All communication on an IP network is done using IP addresses like or Because addresses like this are not too easy for the average person to remem-
ber, they can have names associated with them as well, like server.foo.com. Any time a sys-
tem needs to lookup an IP address for a hostname (or vice versa) it queries a DNS server which
will supply the needed information, either from its own records or by querying other DNS serv-
ers on the network or Internet. For your system to be able to query a DNS server, it needs to be
configured with the IP address or addresses of nearby servers and a default domain name to
append to any hostnames.
Not all IP addresses are looked up from a DNS server though—some are stored in the
/etc/hosts file on your system so that they can be found even when networking is not active.
Typically the IP addresses for localhost and your system’s hostname will be stored in this file,
because they rarely change.
As would be expected, the Network Configuration module can be found under the Network-
ing category in Webmin. The main page shows one icon for each of the four configuration cate-
gories—Network Interfaces, Routing and Gateways, DNS Client, and Host Addresses. All
the editable forms and options in the module are under one of those four categories.
This module was designed mainly for configuring networking on systems with permanent
network connections, such as Ethernet or token ring cards. If your system has only a dial-up PPP
connection to the Internet, it will not be much use to you. Instead, you should use Webmin’s PPP
Dialup Client module, which allows you to set phone numbers, usernames, and passwords for
dial-up connections.
The forms in this module only allow you to set up your system as a DNS and DHCP client.
If you want to run your own DNS server on your network, see Chapter 30. To learn how to set up
your own DHCP server, see Chapter 32.
146 Chapter 16 • Network Configuration

16.2 Viewing and Editing Network Interfaces

To view the interfaces that are currently active on your system, click on the Network Interfaces
icon on the main page of the module. This will take you to the page shown in Figure 16.1, which
lists interfaces on your system in two categories. At the top under Interfaces Active Now are
those that are currently enabled and have an IP address assigned. All loopback, Ethernet, and
PPP interfaces will be shown, although not all will be editable using Webmin. At the bottom
under Interfaces Activated at Boot Time are those which have been configured to be activated
at boot. The two lists will not necessarily be the same, as some types of interface (such as PPP)
are not activated at boot time and so will not appear in the second list.

Figure 16.1 The network interfaces page.

The steps to follow to change the IP address, active status, or other details of an interface are:

1. If the interface appears under both Interfaces Active Now and Interfaces Activated at
Boot Time (as most editable ones do), click on its name in the lower list. This will take
you to a form for editing its settings, shown in Figure 16.2.
2. To assign a different address, enter it into the IP Address field. Or select the From
DHCP option if you want the address to be dynamically assigned by a DHCP server on
your network.
3. If necessary, change the Netmask field. If it or the IP address is changed, you will also
need to set the Broadcast address field based on the new netmask and IP.
4. When editing an active interface, the MTU and Hardware address fields will be avail-
able. You should leave the MTU alone unless you really know what you are doing, as
Adding a Network Interface 147

changing it could reduce network performance or cut your system off from the network
altogether. The hardware address should be changed only if you want to give your net-
work card a different Ethernet address, which is rarely necessary.
5. If editing a boot-time interface, make sure the Activate at boot? field is set to Yes so that
the interface is brought up when the system starts.
If editing an active interface, make sure the Status field is set to Up so that it can be used
6. When done editing a boot-time interface, click the Save and Apply button to save your
changes for use at bootup time, and to make them immediately active.
If you are editing an active interface, just click Save to activate your changes.
After changing any of your system’s IP addresses, be sure to update any host address entries
associated with them as well. See Section 16.6 “Editing Host Addresses” for details on how to
do this. You may also need to update records in your DNS server as well.
An active interface can be shut down by clicking the Delete button on its editing form
instead. Similarly, a boot-time interface can be removed (for example, if you have removed a
network card) so that it will not be activated at startup by clicking the Delete button on its form.

16.3 Adding a Network Interface

There are two situations in which you might want to add a new network interface—if your sys-
tem has just had a network card installed, or if you are adding an additional virtual IP address to
an existing interface. In the latter case, the new virtual interface is not associated with its own
separate network card, but instead adds an additional IP address to an existing Ethernet card.
Virtual addresses are often used on systems hosting multiple websites, so that each site can have
its own IP address.
Before an interface for a new network card can be configured, you must make sure that it is
recognized by the Linux kernel and the appropriate kernel module loaded. There is no support in
Webmin for doing this at the moment, but most distributions include a graphical tool for loading
kernel modules, or a configuration file in /etc that specifies which modules to load. Once the
interface is recognized, the steps to configure it are:

1. On the main page of the module, click the Add a new interface link under Interfaces
Activate at Boot Time. This will take you to the creation form, which is similar to the
editing form in Figure 16.2.
2. Enter the interface name (such as eth1 or tr0) into the Name field. This must correspond
to whatever name has been assigned by the kernel.
3. In the IP Address field, either enter an address or select the From DHCP option for it to
be dynamically assigned.
4. Enter the netmask for the network the interface is on into the Netmask field, such as
5. Set the Broadcast field based on the address and netmask. For example, if the IP was and the netmask was, then the broadcast address would be
6. If you want the interface to be brought up at boot time, set the Activate at boot? field to Yes.
148 Chapter 16 • Network Configuration

Figure 16.2 The interface editing form.

7. Finally, click the Create button. Assuming there are no errors in your input, you will be
returned to the list of interfaces.
8. To make the interface active now, click on its name from the Interfaces Activate at Boot
Time list. Then on the editing form, click the Save and Apply button. If any error occurs
during activation (such as the interface not being recognized by the kernel) Webmin will
display an error message.

A virtual interface adds an additional IP address to an existing real interface. Virtual interfaces
have names like eth0:1, where eth0 is the name of the real interface and 1 is the virtual number.
To add one, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the real interface that you want to add a virtual
address for, under Interfaces Activate at Boot Time.
2. On the editing form, click the Add virtual interface link. This will take you to a cre-
ation form, similar to Figure 16.2.
3. In the Name field, enter a number for the virtual interface. This must not be used by any
existing virtual interface on the same real network card.
4. Fill in the IP Address field with the address that you want to assign to the virtual interface.
5. The Netmask and Broadcast fields should be set to the same addresses as the real inter-
face. They would only be different if the virtual interface was on a different IP network
that was sharing the same LAN as the network for the real interface.
Configuring Routing 149

6. Assuming you want the virtual interface to be created at boot time, set the Activate at
boot? field to Yes.
7. Hit the Create button. As long as there are no errors in your input, you will be returned
to the list of interfaces. Your new virtual interface will appear under its real parent in the
Interfaces Activate at Boot Time section.
8. To activate the virtual interface immediately, click on its name, and then on the editing
form click the Save and Apply button.

16.4 Configuring Routing

Any system attached to a large network needs to know the address of a default gateway, as
explained in the introduction. In some cases, the system itself may be a gateway as well—perhaps
forwarding data between a local area network and a dial-up or broadband connection. In this case,
it must be configured to forward incoming packets that are destined for some other address.
In some cases, traffic destined for certain networks may have to be sent via another router
instead of the default gateway. Or if more than one IP network shares the same LAN, traffic for
any of those networks must be sent using the correct interface. If either of these are the case on
your network, static or local routes need to be configured so that the system knows where to
send packets for certain destinations.
To change the default gateway used by your system or enable packet forwarding, the steps
to follow are:

1. On the Network Configuration module’s main page, click the Routing and Gateways
icon. This will take you to a form for configuring routing, which is unfortunately slightly
different on each Linux distribution due to differences in the underlying configuration files.
2. Enter the IP address of the default gateway into the Default router field.
On Red Hat Linux versions 8 and above, this field and the one mentioned in the next step
is replaced by a table of default routers and interfaces instead. This can be used to define
a different gateway for each interface, which can be useful if your system does not
always use the same one. In most cases, however, you should just select Any from the
menu under Interface and enter the router’s IP address into the field under Gateway.
3. Enter the name of the network interface that must be used to reach the default router into
the Default route device field. On some Linux distributions this field is optional, mean-
ing that the system will work it out automatically. On others, there is a Gateway field
next to the Default router input.
4. To enable routing, set the Act as router? field to Yes.
5. On Red Hat, Mandrake, MSC and Turbo Linux, you can set up static routing using the
Static routes table. For each static route, you must enter one row containing the follow-
ing information:
• In the Interface column, enter the interface that will be used to reach the router, such as eth0.
• In the Network column, enter the address of the remote network, such as
• In the Netmask column, enter the network’s netmask, such as
• In the Gateway column, enter the IP address of a router that knows how to forward
data to the network, such as
150 Chapter 16 • Network Configuration

6. On those same distributions, you can set up routing to additional IP networks on con-
nected LANs using the Local routes table. For each route, you must enter one row con-
taining the following details:
• In the Interface column, enter the name of the interface that the LAN is connected to,
such as eth1.
• In the Network column, enter the address of the additional IP network, such as
7. Click the Save button when done. Any changes will not be activated immediately—
instead, they will take effect when your system is next booted. On some Linux distribu-
tions, the module’s main page will have a button labeled Apply Configuration at the
bottom, which if clicked will activate the routing settings immediately. It will also make
any boot-time network interfaces immediately active as well, so be careful when using it
from a web browser on another system—your network connection may be cut off if the
network configuration is incorrect.

If your system’s primary network connection is via PPP dialup, then the default gateway will be
assigned automatically when you connect and removed when you disconnect. Therefore there is
no need to set it up using this form.

16.5 Changing the Hostname or DNS Client Settings

Every UNIX system has a hostname, which appears in the login prompt, system logs, outgoing email
and on every Webmin page. Normally the hostname is the same as or part of the DNS name for the
system’s IP address, but this does not have to be the case, especially if the system is not connected to
a network or only connects occasionally via dialup. However, for permanently connected systems the
hostname should be the hosts fully qualified DNS name (like server1.foo.com), or just the first part
(like server1). Anything else is likely to cause confusion and possibly network problems.
When a Linux system is first set up, you get to choose the hostname as part of the distribu-
tion’s installation process. However, it can be changed at any time, either using Webmin, a GUI
tool provided by the distribution, or the hostname command. To make the change in Webmin,
the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the Network Configuration module, click the DNS Client icon. This
will take you to the form for editing the hostname and DNS options shown in
Figure 16.3.
2. Enter the new hostname (composed of letters, numbers, underscores, and dots) into the
Hostname field.
3. Click the Save button to have it immediately changed. Your browser will be returned to
the module’s main page.
4. Change the host address for your old hostname to the new one, as explained in Section
16.6 “Editing Host Addresses”.
5. If you are running a DNS server, don’t forget to update the entry for your system there as well.

As explained in the introduction to this chapter, in order to look up hostnames and IP addresses
your system will almost certainly need to know the addresses of DNS servers on the network.
Editing Host Addresses 151

To change the system’s DNS settings, follow these steps:

1. Click on the DNS Client icon on the main page of the module, which will take you to the
form shown in Figure 16.3.
2. Enter the addresses of up to three servers into the DNS servers field. If the first is not
available, your system will try the second, and finally the third. Most networks will have
at least a primary and secondary DNS server to increase reliability in case one fails.
3. The Resolution order field can be used to control where your system will look when
resolving hostnames and IP addresses. Generally the defaults are reasonable, with Hosts
(the /etc/hosts file) listed first and DNS later. However, if you are using NIS for host-
name resolution you will need to make sure it is selected somewhere in the order.
4. In the Search domains field, enter any domain names that you want your system to automat-
ically append to resolved hostnames. For example, if foo.com was listed and you ran the com-
mand telnet server1 then the IP address for server1.foo.com would be looked up.
5. When done, click the Save button. Any changes will take effect immediately in all pro-
grams running on your system.

If your system’s only network connection is via dialup, the DNS servers may be assigned auto-
matically by your ISP depending on your PPP configuration.

16.6 Editing Host Addresses

Host addresses are mappings between an IP address and one or more hostnames that are stored
in the /etc/hosts file on your system. Because they are stored locally, they can be looked up
at any time, even when a DNS server is not accessible. On a small network with only a few sys-
tems, you may choose not to run a DNS server at all, but instead keep the addresses of every sys-
tem in the hosts file on each system. In fact, this is what was done in the early days of the
Internet before DNS was developed.
To view the addresses on your system, click the Host Addresses icon on the module’s main
page. There will always be an entry for localhost, and probably one for your system’s hostname as
well. If your system’s IP address or hostname has been changed, the host addresses list will probably
not reflect the change, which could cause problems. To change a host address, the steps to follow are:

1. Click on its IP address from the list, which will take you to an editing form.
2. Enter the new address into the IP Address field.
3. Enter any hostnames into the Hostnames field. It is always a good idea to enter both the
short and long forms of any hostname, such as server1.foo.com and server1 so that
both can be used.
4. Click the Save button, and if there are no errors in the form your browser will return to
the list of hosts and addresses.

You can add extra host addresses by clicking the Add a new host address link above or below
the link and filling in the same form. There are no restrictions on the same hostname being asso-
ciated with two different IP addresses, or the same IP address appearing twice in the list.
152 Chapter 16 • Network Configuration

Figure 16.3 The DNS client and hostname form.

16.7 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, it is possible to limit the features of this module that a particular Web-
min user or group can access. For example, you may want to allow a user to edit only the host
addresses list, or to be able to view settings only instead of editing them. To do this, create or
edit a Webmin user who has access to the module, and then follow these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Network Configuration next to the name of the
user or group that you want to restrict. This will bring up the module access control form.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so that the user cannot config-
ure the module to edit a host addresses file other than /etc/hosts.
3. The Can edit network interfaces? field determines which interfaces the user can see
and edit. Setting it to Yes allows editing of all of them, while choosing No prevents the
Network Interfaces page from being accessed at all.
If View only is chosen, all interfaces will be visible but the user will not be able to
change any of their attributes. If Only interfaces is chosen, only those whose names
(separated by spaces) are entered into the field next to it will be editable. All others will
be only viewable.
4. If the Can edit routing and gateways? field is set to Yes, the user will be able to set up
the default router and static routes as normal. If No is chosen, the Routing and Gateways
page will not be accessible at all, or if View only is chosen the current settings will be
visible but not changeable.
5. Similarly, the Can edit DNS client settings? and Can edit host addresses? fields can
be set to Yes, View only and No to control access to the DNS Client and Host Addresses
pages respectively.
6. When you are done making selections, click the Save button to have the new restrictions
immediately activated.
Other Operating Systems 153

Be very careful giving an untrusted user the rights to edit any network configuration in this mod-
ule, as he may be able to figure out a way to gain root access or disrupt other users by changing
routes, host addresses, or interface settings.

16.8 Other Operating Systems

The Network Configuration module is also available on several other operating systems, with
options fairly similar to those of Linux. Due to the different features supported by network con-
figuration files on other versions of UNIX, in some sections the user interface is quite different.
The supported systems and the variations between them and Linux are:

Sun Solaris and SCO UnixWare

• When editing a boot-time network interface, all that can be changed is the IP address.
• The boot-time settings for the loopback interface cannot be edited at all. Both operating
systems always enable it at boot with the IP address
• On the routing and gateways page, multiple default routers can be entered. There is no
need to specify a default route device though, as it is always worked out automatically.

FreeBSD and NetBSD

• There is no option to use DHCP to automatically assign an address for an interface at
boot time.
• On the routing and gateways page, there is no default route device field. However, there
is an additional Start route discovery daemon? option.
• The hardware address of an active interface cannot be changed.
• When creating a virtual interface, the netmask must be entered as

• On the routing and gateways page, there is no default route device field. However, there
is an additional Start route discovery daemon? option.
• The hardware address of an active interface cannot be changed.

Mac OS X
• On the routing and gateways page, only options for setting the default router and
controlling it if this system acts as a router are displayed.
• On the DNS client page, no list of resolution orders appears, because the hosts file is
always checked first, followed by DNS.

16.9 Summary
This chapter has explained how to perform basic network configuration on your Linux or UNIX
system. After reading it, you should know how to specify IP addresses for network interfaces,
define routes and choose an DNS server. Unless your system has only a single dial-up connec-
tion to the Internet, the information presented here is important if you want to connect your
machine to a network.
C H A P T E R 1 7

Network Information

IS is a protocol for sharing users, groups, and other information

N between multiple systems. This chapter explains how NIS works, and
how to set up your system as either a client or server using Webmin.

17.1 Introduction to NIS

NIS was originally developed by Sun Microsystems, but is now available on Linux and many
other UNIX operating systems. Its original name was YP (Yellow Pages), which is why many of
the NIS commands start with yp.
On a network with many systems, users may be allowed to log in to any of those systems.
Typically, to avoid having to create and update users on each system separately, NIS can be used
to distribute a master list of users and groups to all hosts. Although distributing user and group
information is the most common use of NIS, it can also be used to share hostnames and IP
addresses, automounter maps, Internet services, and netgroups.
An NIS server is a system that stores tables of user, group, and other information. A client
system connects to a server and queries it for stored information, usually by looking up user-
names, hostnames, and so on. Normally a server system is also one of its own clients, so that it
has access to the users and other data in its own tables.
Each server is responsible for a single NIS domain, and each client is a member of a domain. A
domain has a short name, like marketing or foo.com, which is not necessarily the same as the net-
work’s DNS domain. When NIS is started on a client system, it can either broadcast for any server on
the network for its domain, or connect to specific server IP addresses. A single network may have
multiple NIS servers for different domains, each of which supplies different tables.
In order to reduce the load on the NIS server, a network may contain multiple servers that
all have copies of the same tables. One is the master server and the rest are slaves, which just

Becoming an NIS Client 155

receive information from the master whenever it is changed. A client can then connect to either
the master or a slave and query the same tables.
In recent years, a new version of the old NIS protocol has been developed, called NIS+. It
solves many problems with the original protocol, the biggest being lack of security. However, it
is more complex to configure and not as widely available. For these reasons, Webmin supports
only the configuration of NIS clients and servers.
The file /var/yp/Makefile is usually the primary configuration file for an NIS server, as
well as a make script that generates binary format table data from source text files. The server
also reads the files /var/yp/securenets and /etc/ypserv.conf to control which clients
are allowed to connect, and which tables they can query. Webmin directly updates all of these
files, along with the table source files, when you are configuring NIS. The primary NIS server
program is called ypserv, but others such as yppasswd (for processing password change
requests from clients) and ypxfrd (for sending tables to slaves) may be run as well.
On client systems, the file /etc/yp.conf stores the domain name and NIS server IP
addresses. Information about which services to query NIS for is stored in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
All clients run the program ypbind, which passes queries for user, group, and other information
from local programs to the NIS server.
The NIS Client and Server Webmin module allows you to set up your system as an NIS cli-
ent and/or server. When you enter it from the Networking category, the main page simply shows
five icons for the different areas of client and server configuration. If Webmin detects that the
NIS client programs are missing from your system, the main page will instead display an error
message—if this happens, check your Linux distribution CD or website for a package named
something like ypbind.
The module is not supported on all versions of Linux. At the time of writing, only Red Hat,
Mandrake, OpenLinux, Debian, SuSE, UnitedLinux, and MSC.Linux could use it. Because each
distribution uses slightly different configuration files for NIS, there may be some differences in
the user interface and default settings between different distributions, in particular on the client
services and NIS server pages.

17.2 Becoming an NIS Client

To set your system up as an NIS client, there must already be an NIS server running on your net-
work. If not, see Section 17.3 “Setting Up an NIS Master Server” for information on how to start
one. Assuming there is an NIS server running and you know its NIS domain name, the steps to
become a client are:

1. On the module’s main page, click the NIS Client icon. This will take you to a form for
entering the domain name and NIS server IP addresses.
2. In the NIS domain field, enter the name of your network’s NIS domain.
3. If you do not know the IP address of an NIS server, set the NIS servers option to Find
by broadcast. This will work only if the server is on the same LAN as your system—if
not, the broadcast will not be able to reach it.
If you do know the address of an NIS server, select the Listed below option and enter all
the master and slave server addresses into the text box. The more you enter the better,
because your system will try to query each of them in turn when NIS is enabled.
156 Chapter 17 • Network Information Service

However, it is best to enter the nearest server first so that a more distant and thus slower
server is not always queried.
4. Click the Save and Apply button to have your settings saved and immediately activated.
If your system cannot contact a server for the NIS domain, an error message will be dis-
played—otherwise, the browser will return to the module’s main page.
5. Now that you are connected to an NIS server, you must configure the system to actually
query it for users, groups, and other information. To do this, click on the Client Services
icon which will take you to the form shown in Figure 17.1.
6. Each row of the client services form controls what your system will query when looking
something up for a particular service. For each, you can select several sources that will
be checked in order until one finds a match. The available sources are:
Files Local configuration files, such as /etc/passwd or /etc/hosts.
NIS This NIS server that your system is currently connected to.
NIS+ The NIS+ server that your system is connected to. Configuring NIS+ is not
supported by Webmin.
NIS and Files This option only works for the UNIX users and UNIX groups services.
If chosen, special lines in /etc/passwd and /etc/group starting with + or – can be
used to indicate that some or all NIS users should be included. This is actually more
flexible than just choosing the NIS source, as special + and – lines can be used to bring
in only some users and groups, or change the attributes of those that are included.
DNS This option makes sense only for the Host addresses source. It tells the system to
query a DNS server when looking up hostnames, which is almost always what you want
to do.
Typically, you should set each of the services for which you want to use NIS (such as
UNIX users and UNIX groups) to Files and NIS. Everything else should be left set to
just Files, or in the case of Host addresses just Files and DNS. Your system will then
look in the local system configuration file first (such as /etc/passwd) and then query
the NIS server.
7. When done, click the Save button. Your changes will take effect immediately in all pro-
grams, and any NIS users should be able to log in just as local users would.

Once you have used Webmin to make your system an NIS client, it will attempt to connect to a
server at boot time. Failure to connect could cause the system to hang part way through the boot
process, waiting for the server to become available. If the server goes down while your system is
connected, any program that looks up user information may hang as well.
To stop your system from being an NIS client, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click the NIS Client icon to go to the client options page.
2. Set the NIS domain field to None (NIS disabled).
3. Click the Save and Apply button. The system will no longer use NIS to look up any
information, and will not connect at boot time. Any services that are configured to use an
NIS source on the Client Services page will simply skip that source, and most likely use
only local files instead.
Setting Up an NIS Master Server 157

Figure 17.1 The NIS client services form.

17.3 Setting Up an NIS Master Server

Before your system can become an NIS, the appropriate server programs must first be
installed—if they are not, when you click on the NIS Server icon an error message will be dis-
played. Check your Linux distribution CD or website for a ypserv or nis-server package,
which should contain all the needed commands and files.
The first step in setting up an NIS server is deciding on a domain name. Typically, this will
be the same as your Internet domain (such as foo.com), but anything made up of letters, num-
bers, and dots is allowed. After deciding, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the NIS Server icon. This will take you to a form
for enabling the server and configuring other options, as shown in Figure 17.2. The form
will look the same on most Linux distributions, but on Caldera’s OpenLinux it will have
far fewer options.
2. Set the Enable NIS server? option to Yes. When the form is saved, the server processes
will be started immediately and at each subsequent reboot.
3. Enter your chosen domain into the Serve NIS domain field. This is better than choosing
the Same as client option, even if they are going to be the same.
4. Leave the Server type set to Master server. To set up a slave server, see Section 17.6
“Setting Up an NIS Slave Server”.
158 Chapter 17 • Network Information Service

5. If NIS clients are incapable of looking up hosts and addresses in DNS themselves, turn
on the Lookup missing hosts in DNS? option to have the master server do lookups for
them. Only very old client operating systems like SunOS 4 need this.
6. In the NIS tables to serve field, select all the tables that you want to make available to
clients. Some of the most commonly used tables and their contents are:
passwd UNIX users, as stored in the /etc/passwd file. Normally this contains
passwords as well, instead of having them stored in a separate shadow table.
group UNIX groups, as normally found in the /etc/group file.
hosts Hosts and IP addresses, as found in the /etc/hosts file. Even though NIS can
be used to store and lookup hostnames and addresses, it is almost always better to set up
a DNS server instead.
shadow Additional user information, including passwords. If this table and passwd are
selected, depending on your NIS Makefile configuration you may be able to edit
extended user information, such as expiry and warning dates.
netgrp Netgroups, which are groups of hosts. These can be used when exporting
directories via NFS, as explained in Chapter 6.
7. If your network will have slave servers, it is advisable to set the Push updates to slaves?
option to Yes. This way whenever a change is made to one of the NIS tables, all slave
servers will be notified immediately so that they are in sync.
8. Enter the IP addresses of any slaves (separated by spaces) into the Slave servers field.
9. In the Master NIS files section, you can choose which files will be used as the sources
for the NIS tables. Often by default the normal user, group, host, and other configuration
files in /etc will be used, such as /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/hosts. This
is not a good idea, though—instead, you should change the files for the tables that your
server is using to similar filenames in the /var/yp directory, such as /var/yp/passwd
and /var/yp/group. Once the server is running, it can be configured to become one of
its own clients and so have access via NIS to any records in these files, instead of access-
ing them locally.
10. When done, click the Save and Apply button. The NIS server will be started on your
system, and be configured to start at boot time in future.

Now that the server is running, you can test it by configuring some other system as an NIS client
for the chosen domain. Server settings on the form can be changed at any time by simply repeat-
ing the same steps, and they will become effective immediately.
To shut down your NIS server, the steps to follow are:

1. Make sure any clients are no longer using your system as a server, either by turning off
NIS on them altogether or having them use a different server.
2. On the module’s main page, click on the NIS Server icon to go to the server options form.
3. Set the Enable NIS server? field to No.
4. Click the Save and Apply button. The server processes on your system will be shut
down, and prevented from starting at boot time in future.
Editing NIS Tables 159

Figure 17.2 The NIS server configuration form.

17.4 Editing NIS Tables

Once your system is running as an NIS master server, you can use this Webmin module to edit
records in the tables that it is serving. To see the editable tables, click on the NIS Tables icon,
which will take you to a page with a menu of all tables and the contents of one displayed. Other
tables can be shown by selecting one of them from the list and clicking the Edit NIS table button.
For most table types, Webmin will parse the contents of their files and display them as a
table on the page, with one record per row. You can edit any record by clicking on its name in the
first column, or add a new one by clicking the Add a new record link. However, some tables are
in a format unknown to Webmin and so will be shown as raw text in a text box instead. If you
know the correct format, the table can be manually edited and saved with the Save and Apply
button. You can also switch any table to manual mode by clicking the Edit table manually link,
if you prefer to work with the raw text.
The fields that exist in each record and the form for editing them are different for each type
of table. The instructions below explain how to add, delete, and modify records in several fre-
quently used tables. One commonality is that any changes will cause the NIS table to be auto-
matically rebuilt from the changed source files, and pushed out to slave servers if configured to
do so.
To create a new UNIX user for NIS clients, the steps to follow are:

1. Select the UNIX users table from the menu and click the Edit NIS table button.
2. Click the Add a new record link above or below the table of existing users, which will
take you to the user creation form.
160 Chapter 17 • Network Information Service

3. Enter the user’s name into the Username field, and an ID number for the new user into
the User ID field. Unlike in the Users and Groups module, the ID will not be automati-
cally chosen for you, so make sure it is unique.
4. Enter the user’s full name into the Real name field.
5. Enter a home directory into the Home directory field. Unlike in the Users and Groups
module, this will not be created for you and files will not be copied into it.
6. Select a shell from the Shell menu, or select the Other option and enter the path to the
shell program into the field below.
7. Select the Normal password option for the Password field, and enter the new user’s
password into the text field next to it.
8. Enter the numeric ID of the user’s group into the Primary group ID field.
9. If the shadow NIS table is enabled, you can set the optional Expiry date, Minimum
days, Maximum days, Warning days, and Inactive days fields. These all have the
same meanings as in the Users and Groups module, covered in Chapter 4.
10. When done, click the Create button to have the new user added to the table.

Existing UNIX users can be edited by clicking on their names in the table, which will take you
to an editing form with all the same fields as described above. Change any of the fields, and click
the Save button—or to delete the user, click the Delete button at the bottom of the form. When
deleting, the user’s home directory will not be touched, so you may need to delete it manually.
To create a new UNIX group in NIS, the process is as follows:

1. Select the UNIX groups table from the menu and click the Edit NIS table button.
2. Click the Add a new record link above or below the table of existing groups, which will
take you to the user creation form.
3. Enter a name for the new group into the Group name field, and a numeric ID into the
Group ID field. Make sure that the ID is not used by any other existing group.
4. The Password field can be left untouched, as group passwords are almost never used.
5. Fill in the Group members field with the usernames of users who will be members of
the group, one per line.
6. When done, click the Create button to have the new group added to the table.

As with users, you can edit a group at any time by clicking on its name from the table, which
will take you to an editing form. Make any changes that you want, and click the Save button to
save them—or use the Delete button to remove the group. Note that no checking will be done to
see if it is the primary group of any existing users.
As the instructions for editing users and groups show, the process for editing any of the sup-
ported tables is quite similar. Currently, you can edit UNIX users, UNIX groups, Host addresses,
Networks, Services, Protocols, Netgroups, Ethernet addresses, RPC programs, Netmasks and
Aliases using forms in Webmin. All other tables must be edited manually.

17.5 Securing Your NIS Server

By default, an NIS server allows any client to connect to it and query tables, as long as the client
knows the domain name. If your system is connected to the Internet, an attacker could guess the
NIS domain and request a list of all NIS users. Even though their passwords are stored in
Securing Your NIS Server 161

encrypted format, it is still possible for obvious or dictionary word passwords to be discovered
by a brute-force attack on the password encryption.
For this reason, it is wise to limit the addresses of clients that connect to the server to only
those UNIX systems that are really clients. To set this up, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Server Security icon, which will take you
to the form shown in Figure 17.3.
2. The rows in the Allowed clients table control which clients are allowed to connect. You
can modify any of the existing entries, or use the empty row at the bottom to add a new
one. To add more than one row, you will have to add them one at a time, saving and
opening the form for each one.
To grant access to a single host, under the Netmask column select Single host, and enter
its IP address under Network/host address.
To grant access to an entire IP network, select Netmask and enter a netmask (such as into the field next to it, and the network address under the Network/host
address column.
To grant access to all clients, just select the Any host option under the Netmask column.
3. When done, click the Save and Apply button. The new restrictions will take effect
immediately, and you will be returned to the module’s main page.

It is a good idea to let only clients on your own network connect, and deny all others. An even
more secure alternative would be to allow only those systems that you know are NIS clients,
assuming they have fixed IP addresses and do not change often.
Even if you restrict access to only trusted client systems, users who can log in to those sys-
tems via SSH or telnet may still be able to get a list of all NIS users and their encrypted pass-
words. To prevent this, it is possible to configure the server to allow only clients using trusted
ports to access certain tables or fields within tables. Because on UNIX systems only the root
user can create TCP or UDP sockets with port numbers below 1024, these low ports are consid-
ered trusted and safe from use by regular users.
It is also possible to prevent certain clients from accessing some NIS tables, but still allow
them access to others. For example, you might want to give all client systems access to the Host
addresses table, but only a trusted few the rights to the UNIX users table.
To restrict access to tables on your server, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Server Security icon to get to the form
shown in Figure 17.3.
2. The Client map restrictions table controls which NIS tables can be accessed by certain
client systems, and who on those systems can access them. Each row specifies a rule that
applies to some or all clients, and can either allow access, block it entirely or filter the a
queried table. The fields and their meanings are:
Hosts An IP address or partial IP address (like 192.168.1.) that this restriction applies
to. Entering * will make the restriction apply to all clients.
NIS tables Select the All option to have the restriction apply to all tables, or enter a
single table name. Internally, the NIS server appends something like .byname or
162 Chapter 17 • Network Information Service

Figure 17.3 The server security form.

.byuid to table names to indicate what they are indexed by. The table name that you
enter must use this internal name, such as passwd.byuid or hosts.byaddr.
Restriction This field controls what the server does if a client request matches. Select
None to allow the request, Deny access to block it altogether, or Trusted port to block if
the client is using an untrusted port.
Mangle field If using the Trusted port restriction, you can use this option to hide only
a single field of the requested table from the client. Selecting None will block access to
the table altogether, but entering a field number will cause its contents to be replaced
with an x. The only practical use of this option is hiding passwords in the
passwd.byname, passwd.byuid or shadow.byname tables, which are in field 2.
New restrictions can be added using the empty row at the bottom of the table. To add
more than one restriction, you will need to save and re-open the form multiple times.
When a client requests a table, the NIS server will find the first row in the table that
matches and use the restriction defined. For this reason, you must make sure that any
new row you add is before the one that grants access to all clients and tables, which
usually exists by default.
3. When done, click the Save and Apply button. The browser will return to the module’s
main page, and any changes to restrictions will take effect immediately.

The most useful use of the Client map restrictions table is to add a row for all clients on the
passwd.byname table, with the restriction set to Trusted port and the Mangle field option set
Setting Up an NIS Slave Server 163

to 2. Then add another row for the passwd.byuid table, with all other options the same. These
will prevent non-root users from seeing encrypted passwords, while still allowing in programs
running as root, such as the telnet or SSH server.
If you are using the separate shadow table to store passwords and expiry information, the
restriction should be on the shadow.byname table instead. On many Linux distributions, a
restriction like this exists by default.

17.6 Setting Up an NIS Slave Server

Slave NIS servers are used in a similar way to secondary DNS servers—they keep a copy of the
tables held by the master server, and they can be used by clients if the master fails or is slow to
respond. If you are using NIS on a very large network that has multiple LANs connected by slow
links, it may also make sense to put a slave server on each LAN so that clients can use it instead
of the master.
On OpenLinux, there is no way to setup a slave server using Webmin, due to the unique NIS
configuration files used by the distribution. On all other versions of Linux, the steps to set up a
system as a slave server are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the NIS Server icon. This will take you to the
server configuration form, shown in Figure 17.2.
2. Set the Enable NIS server? field to Yes.
3. Enter the master server’s domain into the NIS domain field.
4. Change the Server type to Slave of server, and enter the IP address of the master into
the field next to it. None of the other fields need to be touched, because they all relate to
running a master server.
5. Click the Save and Apply button. The server should be started immediately, and config-
ured to start at boot time.

Make sure that the master server has the address of this slave entered into the Slave servers field
on the server configuration form. It should also have the Push updates to slave servers? option
enabled, so that any changes to tables will be immediately sent to the slaves. If not, you can use
the yppush command to send the contents of an NIS table to some or all slave servers.

17.7 Configuring the NIS Client and Server Module

The module has a few configurable options that can be changed by clicking on the Module Con-
fig link in the top left corner of the main page. The ones that you can safely change shown in
Table 17.1.
The other options on the module configuration page are set automatically based on your
operating system, and generally do not need to be changed.

17.8 NIS on Solaris

The only other operating system that Webmin allows you to configure NIS on is Sun’s Solaris.
On Solaris, the NIS Client and Client Services page are identical to those on Linux, and work
in the same way. However, the NIS Server and Server Security forms are slightly different:
164 Chapter 17 • Network Information Service

Table 17.1 Module Configuration Options

Maximum number of records If the number of records in an NIS table exceeds this number, then
to display the NIS Tables page will not display all of the records. Instead, it
will show a search form for finding records based on a field and
search term.

Automatically rebuild NIS Normally, any time you add, update, or delete a record in a table
maps? file, the NIS Makefile is run to rebuild all tables. Because this
can be slow on systems with many records or slave servers, setting
this option to No will turn off the automatic rebuild. Instead, you
can force a build whenever you want by clicking the button
labeled Rebuild NIS tables on the NIS Tables page.

• On the NIS Server page, whatever domain you enter will also be used for the NIS client
as well. This is a limitation of Solaris—unlike Linux, where a system can be a server for
one domain and a client of another.
• On the server page, you cannot specify the paths to individual table files directly. Instead,
the NIS source files directory and NIS password source files directory fields control
which directories they are stored in, usually /var/yp.
• There is no Client map restrictions table on the Server Security page, and so no way
to control which tables and fields clients can request. However, you can still allow or
deny certain hosts and networks entirely using the Allow clients table.

Solaris systems include client and server support for NIS+ as standard. However, because that
protocol is not supported by Webmin, attempting to use this module to reconfigure a system that
is already running as an NIS+ client or server will not work, and may even cause problems with
its configuration.

17.9 Summary
NIS is the standard way of sharing user, group, and other information between UNIX systems,
and this chapter has explained how to set up and configure it using Webmin. After finishing it,
you should know how to make your system a client of an existing NIS server on your network.
You should also understand how to run a master NIS server of your own to serve other clients,
and how to set up a slave to act as a backup for master.
C H A P T E R 1 8

PPP Server

his chapter covers the process of setting up a Linux system with an

T attached modem as a dial-in server, so that other computers can dial up
to it and access connected networks.

18.1 Introduction to PPP on Linux

Any Linux system with a modem attached can be configured so that other computers can dial up
to it and start a PPP session, giving them TCP/IP access to the system and any networks that it is
connected to. This allows it to act like a miniature ISP, and in fact some small ISPs have been
run using Linux systems with multiple serial port cards as access servers.
Two separate programs are responsible for different parts of the dial-in service. The first is
mgetty, which communicates on a serial port with an attached modem and instructs it to answer
the phone. Once the server and client modems are connected, mgetty displays a text login
prompt and waits for either a username or the start of a PPP session. A client can log in using
text mode and get a UNIX shell prompt without needing to start a PPP session at all, but this is
rarely done these days. Once the client disconnects or logs out, mgetty hangs up the modem
and waits for a new connection.
Because most clients start a PPP session as soon as they connect, mgetty is usually config-
ured to run the separate pppd program if it detects a PPP connection. This creates a ppp network
interface on the server, authenticates the client, assigns an IP address, and starts sending and
receiving data using the PPP protocol. The assigned IP address and other configuration options
are usually set on a per-serial port basis, so that you can have multiple modems and support sev-
eral simultaneous clients with different addresses.
The PPP Dialin Server module allows you to setup both mgetty and pppd so that clients
can dial in and start PPP sessions. When you enter it from the Networking category, the main
page simply shows four icons, under which are the actual configurable options.

166 Chapter 18 • PPP Server Configuration

Currently, the PPP Dialin Server module can be used only on Linux and Solaris systems, even
though mgetty is available on some other versions of UNIX. If neither of the programs that it con-
figures are installed, the main page will display an error message—however, all Linux distributions
include packages for pppd and mgetty on their CDs or websites. If only mgetty is installed, you
can use the Serial Port Configuration and Caller ID Access features. Conversely, if only pppd is
installed, you can access only the PPP Options and PPP Accounts pages.
When you use the module to set up mgetty to answer calls on a serial port, an entry is
added to the /etc/inittab file so that init will run the mgetty process at boot time, and re-
run it as necessary. You will be able to see this entry in the SysV Init Configuration module (cov-
ered in Chapter 9), but you should not edit it there unless you know what you are doing.
Even though this chapter was written with Linux in mind, the module behaves almost
identically on Solaris. The only difference is the names of the serial port device files—
whereas /dev/ttyS0 is the first serial port on Linux, Solaris would use /dev/term/a instead.

18.2 Configuring a PPP Server

Before you can set a system up to allow clients to connect with PPP, it must either have a modem
attached to a serial port, or be connected via a null-modem cable to another machine. Internal
modems that emulate a serial port can be used as well, although they are not recommended as they
do not have easily visible LEDs to indicate if the modem is connected, transmitting, and so on.
USB modems should work, as long as they are recognized by the kernel—however, they will prob-
ably use a special device file. Modems that require special drivers to operate (commonly known as
Winmodems) cannot be used at all, unless there is a driver for the modem available for Linux.
Naturally, any modem must be connected to a phone line. Because your system will be config-
ured to answer the phone after a few rings, the phone line should not be used for anything else—
otherwise, voice callers will have their calls answered by the modem, which is not very friendly.
Once all the hardware is ready, the steps to set up your system as a PPP server are:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Serial Port Configuration icon. This will
take you to a page listing any existing ports that have been configured for PPP or voicemail.
2. Click on the Add a new serial port link, which will bring up the port configuration form
shown in Figure 18.1.
3. Set the Serial device to the port on which your modem or null-modem cable is connected.
Serial port 1 corresponds to the device file /dev/ttyS0, and so on. For modems on serial
devices not starting with /dev/ttyS (such as USB modems), select the Other device
option and enter the full device file path into the text field next to the menu.
4. Set the Type option to either Direct connection (for a system connected via null-modem
cable), or Modem (for an actual dial-in modem).
5. The Port speed field should be set to the baud rate that the modem or null-modem con-
nection will use. This must be one of the standard speeds, such as 57600 or 33600.
6. In the Answer after field, enter the number of rings that you want mgetty to wait for
before answering the phone. If the phone line your modem is on will be also used for
receiving voice calls, you could set this to something large like 20 to give yourself plenty
of time to answer the phone before the modem does.
Naturally, this option has no meaning for null-modem connections.
Configuring a PPP Server 167

Figure 18.1 The serial port configuration form.

7. Click the Create button. A new entry will be added to the /etc/inittab file, and you
will be returned to the serial ports list.
8. Click Apply Configuration to activate mgetty on the new port. Phone calls to the line
your modem is on should now be answered after the configured number of rings.
If you care only about text-only clients, then nothing more needs to be done—they will
be able to dial up, authenticate at the login prompt and execute shell commands.
9. To set up PPP, click on the PPP Options icon back on the main page. This will take you
to the form shown in Figure 18.2, where you can set options that will apply to all PPP
10. Unless you want clients to log in using text mode and start the pppd command manually,
it is best to set the Automatically detect PPP connections on serial ports? option to
Yes. With this enabled, mgetty will detect that the client wants to start a PPP session
when the server is waiting for a log-in prompt, and run pppd automatically.
11. In the PPP IP Address fields, enter the IP address that you want the server’s end of the
connection to use (the Local IP) and the address for the client’s end of the connection
(the Remote IP). Normally these addresses will not be on your local LAN, but on a dif-
ferent subnet. Other systems on the network should be configured to route traffic for the
client’s address to your system, so that they can communicate.
If no addresses are specified, then the PPP server will use whatever addresses are
supplied by the client. This might make sense when connecting two machines via null-
modem, but will not work with most dial-up clients.
168 Chapter 18 • PPP Server Configuration

It is possible to assign the client an IP address that is within the range of the local LAN,
by turning on the Create proxy ARP entry? option. If this is enabled, enter an unused
LAN IP address into the Remote IP field and your system’s current Ethernet IP into the
Local IP field.
12. Set the Control lines mode field to Local for a null-modem connection, or Modem if
there is a real modem connected to the serial port.
13. Unless you are setting up a null-modem connection, clients should be forced to authenti-
cate to prevent potential attackers from connecting. To turn on authentication, set the
Require authentication? field to Yes. To turn it off totally for null-modem use, set the
field to No.
To set usernames and passwords for clients to authenticate against, see Section 18.3
“Managing PPP Accounts”.
14. To disconnect clients that have been idle for a long period, enter a number of seconds
into the Idle time before disconnect field.
15. Enter the IP addresses of any DNS servers on your network into the DNS servers for cli-
ents field. Client operating systems like Windows will use them automatically, which
simplifies their configuration.
16. Finally, click the Save button. Clients should now be able to dial in, establish a PPP ses-
sion and access your system and network.

If your system is going to have multiple simultaneous PPP clients connected, then you will need
to set different options for each serial port. In particular, each client must have a different remote
IP address, although the local address can be re-used.
To set up different PPP options for each serial port, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the PPP Options icon. Change the PPP IP
Addresses field back to From client, and change any other options that you want set on
a per-port basis back to their defaults as well.
2. Go back to the main page, click on Serial Port Configuration and then on the Edit link
under Port PPP Config for the serial port that you want to set options for. This will take
you to the per-port options page, which is very similar to the global PPP options form
shown in Figure 18.2.
3. Enter remote and local IP addresses to which you want PPP clients connecting on this
port to be assigned, and change any other options that have not been set on the global
PPP options page.
4. When done, click the Save button. Clients connecting on the configured port will use the
new options from now on.

The easiest way to stop your system from acting as a PPP server is simply to remove the serial
port configuration entry for your modem. If you have multiple modems attached, the steps below
can be used to disable one without any effect on the others:

1. On the main page, click on Serial Port Configuration and then on the device name of
the port with the attached modem.
Managing PPP Accounts 169

Figure 18.2 The PPP configuration form.

2. On the port options page, click the Delete button in the lower-right corner. The appropri-
ate entry will be removed from the /etc/inittab file, and you will be returned to the
list of enabled ports.
3. Click the Apply Configuration button to make the change active. From now on, your
system will no longer answer incoming phone calls or communicate with another com-
puter attached by a null-modem cable.

18.3 Managing PPP Accounts

If you enable dialin access to your system, you should force all clients to authenticate them-
selves by turning on the Require authentication? option on the PPP Options page. Even if you
think that your sever doesn’t need to authenticate clients because only you know the phone num-
ber of the line your modem is on, it is still a good idea to enable it in case someone stumbles
across the number by accident—or in case a “war dialer” trying out hundreds of phone numbers
in search of insecure servers finds it.
Once authentication is enabled, you can add a new account that is allowed to log in by fol-
lowing these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the PPP Accounts icon. This will take you to a
page listing all existing accounts, including those that have been created for dialing out
to other servers.
2. Follow the Create a new PPP account link, which will bring you to the account creation
form shown in Figure 18.3.
170 Chapter 18 • PPP Server Configuration

3. Enter a login name into the Username field, and make sure its Any option is not
4. Make sure the Server field is set to Any. If you set it to something else, then the user-
name will be accepted only when the client’s hostname matches whatever you enter.
5. Select the Set to option in the Password field, and enter a password for the account into
the text field next to it. It is also possible to have the PPP server read the password from
a separate file, by selecting the From file option and entering a file name into its text
field. Or you can remove the need for a password to be supplied at all, by selecting
None—however, this isn’t a very good idea from a security point of view.
6. Assuming that all clients are being assigned IP addresses, set the Valid Addresses field
to Allow any. However, if no addresses are specified in the PPP Options page, you may
want to select Allow listed and enter acceptable addresses into the text box below it.
7. Finally, click the Save button and the new PPP account will be created. It can be used
immediately by connecting clients.

To edit an existing PPP account, just click on its username from the accounts list. This will being
you to the account editing form, which is almost identical to the creation form shown in
Figure 18.3. Change the username, password, or any other options, and click the Save button to
save your changes and make them immediately active. Or click the Delete button on the editing
form to remove the account instead.

Figure 18.3 Creating a new PPP account.

Restricting Access by Caller ID 171

By default, Webmin will add new users to the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file. This is only
read by the PPP server when doing PAP authentication, which is used by default. If you have
manually configured your system to authenticate clients using the more secure CHAP protocol
instead, you will need to configure Webmin to edit the chap-secrets file instead. This can be
done by clicking on the Module Config link in the top left corner of the main page, and chang-
ing the PAP secrets file field to /etc/ppp/chap-secrets.

18.4 Restricting Access by Caller ID

If your phone line has caller ID enabled and your modem supports it, mgetty can be config-
ured to block certain callers based on their phone numbers. By default, any caller will be
allowed to connect—but you can change this so that only a few numbers are allowed by fol-
lowing these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Caller ID Access icon. This will take you
to a form listing restricted numbers, which will probably be empty if you have not added
any yet.
2. Click on the Add a new caller ID number link, which will take you to a form for enter-
ing the new number.
3. Set the Phone number option to Numbers starting with, and in the field next to it enter
a partial or complete phone number that you want to allow. If you enter something like
just 555, any caller whose phone number starts with 555 (such as 555-1234) will be
4. Set the Action field to Allow.
5. Click the Create button, which will save the number and return you to the list of those
that are allowed and denied.
6. To add another allowed number, repeat Steps 2 through 5.
7. Finally, click on Add a new caller ID number again and on the creation form set Phone
number to All numbers and the Action to Deny.
8. Click the Create button to have this final deny entry added to the list. From now on, only
the phone numbers that you explicitly allowed will be able to connect.

Because the system checks each entry in the list in order and stops when it finds one that
matches, any entry that denies (or allows) all callers must appear at the bottom of the list—
otherwise, those after it will never be processed. If you want to allow a new phone number in
the future, you must add it, then use the arrows in the Move column to move it above the final
entry that denies everyone.
Because some clients may not provide caller ID information, the Unknown numbers
option for the Phone number field can be used to match their calls. Allowing all unknown call-
ers is not a good way to block known attackers though, as they may just disable the sending of
caller ID information on their phone line.
Caller ID restrictions should never be the only form of security on your dial-in server, as
caller numbers are supplied by the phone company and thus not totally under your control. PPP
authentication should be enabled as well, so that all clients are forced to log in.
172 Chapter 18 • PPP Server Configuration

18.5 Module Access Control

Like others, this module has several options that you can set in the Webmin Users module to
control which of its features are available. They are most useful for disabling parts of the module
that are no use on a particular system—for example, you may want only the PPP Accounts page
to be visible for a certain user.
To edit access control options in this module for a user or group, the steps to follow are:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on PPP Dialin Server next to the name of a user
who has been granted access to the module.
2. For the Available pages field, de-select those icons on the module’s main page that you
don’t want the user to be able to access. If PPP Options is de-selected, the user will not
be able to edit the options that apply to a single serial port either.
3. If the user is granted access to only a single page, setting the Go direct to one page?
field to Yes will cause the browser to jump directly to that page when the module is
4. Click the Save button to make the access control settings active.

18.6 Summary
After reading this chapter, you will be able to set up any Linux system with an attached
modem as a dial-in server to which PPP clients can connect. You should understand the secu-
rity implications of doing this, and how access can be restricted to only trusted systems. You
should also know how a dial-up connection like this fits in with, and is accessible from, the
rest of your network.
C H A P T E R 1 9


If your system is connected to the Internet, it should be protected with a

I firewall to prevent unauthorized access. This chapter covers the process
of setting up and configuring a firewall with Webmin and IPtables.

19.1 Introduction to Firewalling with IPtables

A firewall is a system that protects itself and other hosts on a network from attackers on
untrusted networks, such as the Internet. It can block packets and connections based on a variety
of criteria, such as the source address, destination address, port, and protocol. Typically a fire-
wall is also a router, forwarding packets between a secure local network and the untrusted Inter-
net—however, it is also possible for a system to protect just itself.
A firewall system can also be configured to hide multiple hosts behind a single IP address,
using a process known as NAT (Network Address Translation). Typically, the hidden hosts are
on an internal LAN using a private IP network (such as and the firewall has a single
Internet IP address. NAT allows these internal hosts to communicate with others on the Internet,
even though they do not have real public IP addresses.
The Linux kernel has included several different firewall implementations over the years,
such as IPfwadm and IPchains. The 2.4 series of kernels include the IPtables firewall, which is
more powerful and flexible than its predecessors. All Linux distributions that use the 2.4 ker-
nel have IPtables support enabled, and include the commands needed to configure it. This chap-
ter and the Linux Firewall module cover only the setting up of a firewall using IPtables, not any
of the older implementations like IPchains or IPfwadm.
All IP network traffic is broken up into packets, which are chunks of data with a source,
destination, and protocol information. Even a continuous flow of data such as the download of a
large file is broken into packets when sent, and re-assembled at its destination. Because the IPta-

174 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

bles firewall operates at the IP level, all of its rules and chains evaluate and operate on individual
packets, not TCP connections or HTTP requests.
An IPtables firewall is made up of three different kinds of objects—tables, chains, and rules.
Each of the three tables contains two or three standard chains, and possibly many user-defined cus-
tom chains. Each chain contains zero or more rules, which are applied to packets received by or
sent out from the firewall to determine their fate. The three tables and their standard chains are:

Packet filtering (filter) The INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD packets chains in
this table apply to packets received by, sent out from, or forwarded by the firewall,
respectively. If the firewall system is acting as a router, only the FORWARD chain
applies to routed packets. Network traffic destined for the system itself is processed
by the INPUT chain, and traffic sent out by local process by the OUTPUT chain.
For a system that is an ordinary router and not doing any masquerading, or a system
that needs a firewall only to protect itself, this is the only table that rules need to be
added to.
Network address translation (nat) This table is used only for packets that start a
new connection. The rules in its PREROUTING chain are applied to packets as soon
as they are received by the system for routing, and the POSTROUTING for packets
about to leave after routing. The OUTPUT chain rules are applied to locally
generated packets for modification before routing.
Rules are typically added to this table to set up masquerading, transparent proxying,
or some other kind of address translation.
Packet alteration (mangle) This table is used only for specialized packet
alteration. It contains two chains—PREROUTING for modifying packets before
routing, and OUTPUT for modifying locally generated packets.
This table is rarely used in a typical firewall configuration.

When a network packet is processed by a chain, each rule in the chain is executed in order. Every
rule has a set of conditions that determine whether the rule matches or not, and an action that is
taken in the case of a match. This action may be to immediately accept the packet, immediately
drop it, perform some modification, or continue execution. If the end of a chain is reached, its
default action will be taken instead, which is usually to allow the packet through.
Figure 19.1 shows the tables and chains that a packet passes through, and the order in which
they are checked. Packets coming in from the network enter the diagram at the top, and are pro-
cessed by both the PREROUTING chains. At this point, a decision is made—packets destined
for the local system go to the left, while those being forwarded to some other destination take the
right hand branch. Those that go left are processed by the incoming packets chain before being
delivered to local processes, such as servers. Forwarded data is processed by the Forwarded
packets and After routing chains before being sent on to its destination.
The firewall can also affect packets sent out by processes on the local system. These are
checked against the three Output chains and the After routing chain before being transmitted via
the appropriate network interface to their destinations. This means that an IPtables firewall can be
used to limit the addresses that local processes can connect to, and the protocols that they can use.
The Linux Firewall Module 175


mangle table
Before routing

nat table
Before routing

filter table
Incoming packets

Local processes

mangle table filter table

Outgoing packets Forwarded packets

nat table
Outgoing packets

filter table
Outgoing packets

nat table
After routing


Figure 19.1 An overview of IPtables.

19.2 The Linux Firewall Module

This module can be used to set up a firewall on a Linux system with IPtables enabled, or to edit
any part of an existing firewall. It stores the firewall configuration in a save file created and read
by the iptables-save and iptables-restore commands, not in a shell script containing
calls to the iptables command. Red Hat, Debian, and Gentoo Linux all use a save file like this
as standard, which Webmin knows about and will work with.
176 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

If you have manually created a firewall using a shell script and want to use this module to
edit it from now on, it will have to be converted to an IPtables save file so that Webmin can edit
it. Fortunately, the module can do this for you automatically—all you have to do is stop your
custom script from being run at boot time, and tell the module to create its own firewall setup script
This also applies to firewalls created by tools such as YaST or fBuilder, which write out
shell scripts of iptables commands. Unless the tool can also edit an IPtables save file (such as
knetfilter), it should not be used alongside Webmin’s Linux Firewall module, or they will proba-
bly overwrite each other’s settings.
When you enter the module from the Networking category, the main page will usually dis-
play a list of all chains and rules in the first table that contains any (usually Packet filtering), as
shown in Figure 19.2. However, if Webmin detects that the iptables or iptables-save
commands are not installed, an error message will be displayed instead—check your distribution
CD or website for a package containing them.

Figure 19.2 The Linux Firewall module.

If this is the first time you have used the module and no firewall has been set up on your sys-
tem yet, the main page will instead display a form to simplify the initial firewall creation. Three
options will be displayed—select one and click the Setup Firewall button to set it up. If neces-
sary, Webmin will also display an Enable firewall at boot time? Checkbox, which if selected
will cause a boot-up script to be created so that the firewall is enabled at boot time as well.
Allowing and Denying Network Traffic 177

The firewall setup options are:

Allow all traffic If this is selected, the firewall will be created “empty” and all
traffic allowed through.
Do network address translation on external interface The firewall will be set
up for NAT, so that hosts on an internal LAN can access the Internet via a host with
a single public IP address. You must select the network interface that is connected to
the Internet from the list next to this option, such as ppp0.
Block all incoming connections on external interface If this is chosen, the
firewall will be set up to block all traffic coming into your system on the selected
network interface, except for established connections, DNS replies, and harmless
ICMP packets. The interface you select should be the one connected to the Internet,
such as ppp0.
Block all except SSH and IDENT on external interface Similar to the previous
option, but SSH and IDENT protocol traffic will be allowed as well.
Block all except SSH, IDENT, ping, and high ports on interface Similar to the
previous option, but ICMP pings and connections to ports above 1024 will be
allowed as well.

If this is the first time the module has been used and Webmin detects that a firewall already
exists on your system, its rules will be displayed and you will be prompted to convert it to a save
file so that the module can be used to edit it. If you choose to do this by clicking the Save Fire-
wall Rules button, all existing tables, chains, and rules will be safely recorded. An Enable fire-
wall at boot time? checkbox will also be displayed if necessary, which if selected will cause
Webmin to create a boot script to activate the saved firewall rules at boot time.
If you choose to convert an existing manually created firewall configuration, be sure to dis-
able any existing script that sets it up at boot time. Otherwise both the old script and the one cre-
ated by Webmin will be run, possibly causing the rules set up in this module to be cancelled out
by the older manual configuration.

19.3 Allowing and Denying Network Traffic

To restrict the types of connections and packets that your firewall will accept or forward, you
need to create additional firewall rules. The best place for these rules is the Packet filtering
table, in either the Incoming packets or Forwarded packets chain. If your firewall is acting as
a router and you want to protect systems on the secure network that it is attached to but not the
firewall itself, the Forwarded packets chain should be used. However, if you want to protect
both the firewall and other systems that it routes to, rules should be added to the Incoming
packets chain.
It is also possible to restrict data being sent out by your system, which may come from local
processes or be forwarded from other hosts. To do this, you can add rules to the Outgoing pack-
ets chain. This can be useful for limiting what addresses and ports local users can connect to, if
you desire.
178 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

To create a new rule to block traffic, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, select Packet filtering from the list next to the Show
IPtable button, and then click it to switch to the filtering table.
2. To add a rule that applies to all incoming traffic, click the Add Rule button in the
Incoming packets section. If you want to restrict only forwarded traffic, click the button
under Forwarded packets instead.
Either way, you will be taken to the rule creation form, shown in Figure 19.3.
3. Change the Action to take to Drop, so that packets matching this rule are silently dis-
carded by the firewall.
4. In the Rule comment field enter a short explanation for this rule if you wish.
5. In the Condition details section, select the conditions that determine which packets will
be matched and thus dropped. Only packets matching all conditions that are not set to
<Ignore> will be dropped.
Some examples of the conditions to select to block certain kinds of traffic are:
Blocking all connections to a certain TCP port Set the Network protocol field to
Equals and select TCP. To block a port, a protocol must always be selected.
Set the Destination TCP or UDP port to Equals and enter a port number into the
Port(s) field next to it. You can block several ports by entering a list of numbers
separated by commas into the Port(s) field, or block an entire range by selecting Port
range and entering the start and end ports into the fields next to it.
Blocking all traffic from a particular address Set the Source address or network to
Equals and enter the IP address to block into the field next to it. You can also block an
entire network by entering a network/prefix pair like into the field.
Set the Connection state to Does not equal and select Existing connection from the
menu next to it. This step will allow your system to connect to the blocked addresses, but
not vice-versa.
Blocking traffic to a particular address Set the Destination address or network to
Equals and enter the IP address or network to block into the field next to it.
Because this will effectively stop the blocked system from connecting to yours as well, it
may be a good idea to set the Connection state to Does not equal and select Existing
connection from the menu next to it.
In all cases, it is usually a good idea to set the Incoming interface to the network
interface that is connected to the Internet (such as ppp0), so that the restriction does not
apply to connections from your local LAN.
6. When you are done selecting conditions, click the Create button. As long as there are no
errors in your input, you will be returned to the module’s main page on which the new
rule will be listed.
7. To make the new rule active, click the Apply Configuration button at the bottom of the

The rules in each chain are evaluated in order from top to bottom, and the action taken is deter-
mined by whichever one matches first. If none match, then the chain’s default action is taken,
Allowing and Denying Network Traffic 179

Figure 19.3 The rule creation form.

which is usually to accept the packet. You can make use of this evaluation order to create a rule
that allows a single IP address, followed by a rule to deny an entire network. The final effect will
be that every host within the network is denied except one.
Because the ordering of rules is important, you may sometimes want to add a rule in the
middle of an existing chain. To do this, use one of the arrow buttons under a chain’s Add column
on the module’s main page to create a new rule either before or after an existing one.
The most common actions and their meanings are listed below. Not all are available in all
chains and tables.

Do nothing If a rule with this action is matched, nothing will be done and
processing will continue to the next rule.
Accept Matching packets will be immediately accepted, and no further processing
will be done in the chain. However, rules in other tables may still affect the packet.
Drop Matching packets will be silently discarded, as though they were never
received at all. No further processing will take place in this chain or any other.
Userspace Packets will be passed to a normal userspace process. This action is
rarely used.
Exit chain Jump immediately to the end of the chain, and execute its default
action instead. If this is used in a user-defined chain, processing will return to the
rule that called it.
180 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

Masquerade Matching packets will have their source address changed to appear
to come from the firewall system, and no further rules in the chain will be processed.
When this action is selected, you can use the Source ports for masquerading field
to control which ports the firewall will use for masqueraded connections. See
Section 19.7 “Setting Up Network Address Translation” for more details.
The Masquerade option is available only in the Network address translation
table, in the Packets after routing chain.
Source NAT Similar to the Masquerade option, but better suited to systems that
have a fixed Internet IP address. If selected, you can use the IPs and ports for
SNAT field to control which addresses and ports are used for NAT, as explained in
Section 19.7 “Setting Up Network Address Translation”.
This option is only available in the Network address translation table, in the
Packets after routing chain.
Destination NAT Matching packets will have their destination address and port
modified based on the IPs and ports for DNAT field. This is the basis for transparent
proxying, so to learn more, see Section 19.8 “Setting Up a Transparent Proxy”.
This action is available only in the Network address translation table, in the
Packets before routing and Output chains.
Redirect This action redirects all matching packets to a port or ports on the
firewall box, specified by the Target ports for redirect field. It can also be used for
transparent proxying, although Destination NAT is more flexible.
The redirect action is available only in the Network address translation table, in
the Packets before routing and Output chains.

You can also choose the Run chain option for the Action to take, which will pass the packet on
to the user-defined chain or custom target entered into the field next to it. See Section 19.6 “Cre-
ating Your Own Chain” for more information on user-defined chains. Some of the targets avail-
able are LOG (for logging packets to syslog), MIRROR (for reflecting packets back to their
sender), and MARK (for marking a packet for later conditions).
For each condition, the options <Ignored>, Equals, and Does not equal can be selected.
The first means that the condition is not used at all when checking if a packet matches the rule.
The second means that a packet must match the condition for it to match the entire rule, and the
third means that the packet must NOT match the condition for the rule to be executed. If for
example the Incoming interface condition was set to Does not equal and eth0 selected, the
rule would match only packets coming in on any interface except the primary Ethernet card.
Because almost all network protocols involve traffic flowing in two directions, attempting to
block just incoming traffic from some address using the Source address or network condition
will also block connections to the address as well, because reply packets that are part of the con-
nection will be dropped. The same goes for blocking incoming data on a particular port using the
Destination TCP or UDP port condition—if in the unlikely case that the randomly chosen
source port of a connection from your system matches the blocked port, any replies to it will be
dropped. For these reasons, it is usually a good idea when creating deny rules to set the Connec-
tion state condition to Does not equal and select Existing connection from the menu next to it.
Changing a Chain’s Default Action 181

This will cause IPtables to keep track of outgoing connections made by your server, and not
block them.
As you can see, there are many different conditions available which can be combined to cre-
ate quite complex rules. To learn more about what each of the available conditions do, see Sec-
tion 19.10 “Firewall Rule Conditions”. Because there are so many conditions, Webmin allows
you to create new rules that are almost identical to existing ones. To do this, click on an existing
rule to edit it and use the Clone rule button at the bottom of the page to go to the rule creation
form, with all conditions and actions set based on the original rule.

19.4 Changing a Chain’s Default Action

Packets that do not match any rule in a chain will be processed using the default action, which is
usually to accept the packet. On the module’s main page, the default action for each chain is
shown next to the Set default action to button. To change it, the steps to follow are:

1. Select the new action from the menu next to the Set default action to button. Only the
Accept, Drop, Userspace, and Exit chain actions are available—see Section 19.3
“Allowing and Denying Network Traffic” for their meanings. Typically, only Allow and
Drop make sense as default actions.
2. Click the Set default action to button to save the new default.
3. If changing to Drop, add any additional firewall rules needed so that your system can
still access other servers and supply important services.
4. When done, click the Apply Configuration button to make the new default active.

Just changing the default action to Drop for incoming packets is an easy way to totally cut your
system off from the network, and possibly make it unusable. Before you do so, make sure you
allow at least the following kinds of traffic:

• All established connections Create an Allow rule with the Connection state set to
Equals and Existing connection chosen.
• Connections related to those that are established, such as FTP data connections
Create an Allow rule with the Connection state set to Equals and Related connection
• All traffic on the loopback interface Create an Allow rule with Incoming interface
set to Equals and lo chosen.
• Traffic from your system to itself on its primary network interfaces For each
interface create an Allow rule with both the Source address or network and
Destination address or network set to the interface IP address.
• Safe ICMP types Create four Allow rules with the ICMP packet type set to Equals and
echo-reply, destination-unreachable, source-quench, and time-exceeded chosen.

Changing the default action for forwarded packets to Drop will not cause as many problems—it
will just be the equivalent of turning off forwarding altogether. Changing the default action for
outgoing packets to Drop is a bad idea as it will cut off all network access, and probably makes
very little sense in most cases.
182 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

19.5 Editing Firewall Rules

Webmin can be used to edit any of the existing firewall rules that have been created manually, in
another program or using this module. Even though the module does not support all of the avail-
able IPtables condition and action options, you can still use it to safely edit rules containing
unknown options. Only those known to Webmin can be changed, and others will be left
To edit a rule, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, select the table the rule is in from the list next to be
Showing IPtable button before clicking it.
2. Click on the action of the rule you wish to change in the table for its chain. This will take
you to an editing form, which is identical to the creation form shown in Figure 19.3.
3. Change the action or any of the conditions, and click the Save button to return to the list
of chains and rules. Or to delete the rule altogether, click the Delete button.
4. To make the changes active, click on Apply Configuration.

Rules can be moved up and down within their chain using the arrows under the Move column on the
main page. Because rules are evaluated in order by the firewall, changing their ordering can affect
which traffic is allowed or denied. Whenever you create a new rule, it will be added to the end of its
chain, so it may be necessary to move it up to the correct position to get the desired effect.

19.6 Creating Your Own Chain

It is possible to create your own custom chains of rules in addition to the standard ones. The dif-
ference is, they will only be executed if a rule in one of the standard chains has its action set
explicitly to jump to a custom chain. When execution of a custom chain finishes (or a rule with
the Exit chain action is matched), evaluation will return to the calling chain. This means that
custom chains can be used to define rules that are shared by several standard chains, instead of
repeating the same rules in multiple places. In a way, a custom chain is like a subroutine in a pro-
gramming language.
To create your own chain, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, select the table you want the chain to be in from the
menu next to Showing IPtable, and click the button. Custom chains can only be called
from other chains in the same table.
2. Enter the name of your new chain into the text box next to the Add a new chain named
button, and then click the button to create it. Chain names must be unique, and are gener-
ally composed of only lower-case letters and numbers.
3. Once the new chain has been created, it will appear at the bottom of the page. You can
use its Add rule button to append rules to it, just as with one of the normal chains.

Custom chains do not have a default policy, so they have no Set default action to button on the
main page. If execution of the chain reaches the end, control will always return to the caller. Cus-
tom chains can be deleted though, using the Delete chain button underneath their tables of rules.
Setting Up Network Address Translation 183

A custom chain can contain rules that jump to other custom chains. However, a chain cannot
jump to itself, nor can you create loops by jumping to another chain that jumps back to the first.
Even if this were possible, it would be a very bad idea!

19.7 Setting Up Network Address Translation

If you have several systems in your home or office connected by a LAN and only one Internet IP
address, network address translation can be used to give all those systems almost complete Inter-
net access. NAT hides the addresses of all systems on the internal LAN behind a single Internet
address, converting addresses and ports back and forth as needed. This allows all internal sys-
tems to make connections to any host on the Internet, such as web servers, DNS servers, POP3
servers, and so on. The only limitation is that internal systems cannot receive connections from
other Internet hosts, which can cause some protocols (such as Internet telephony and network
games) to fail.
Because of this limitation, internal systems are protected from most attacks from other hosts
on the Internet, just as if you were to block all forwarded packets coming in on the external
interface. NAT also makes IP address assignment easier, as there is no need to worry about run-
ning out of real Internet addresses to assign to internal hosts that do not really need them. For
these reasons, it may make sense to set up NAT in your organization even it is not totally neces-
sary from a networking point of view.
NAT works by modifying the source address and port of packets sent by internal hosts and
routed through the firewall. The source address is always changed to the external IP address of
the firewall system, and the source port to a randomly chosen unused port. When a reply packet
comes back, its destination port is used to determine the original internal client IP address and
port to which the packet should be forwarded.
To set up NAT, all you really need is a system with two network interfaces—one for the
internal LAN, and one that is connected to the Internet via dialup, ISDN, ADSL, or cable
modem. Once you have this, the steps to follow are:

1. On the internal LAN, every system’s Ethernet interface should be assigned an address on
a private IP network such as, including the gateway system.
2. Set the default router on all internal systems to the LAN IP address of the gateway system.
3. Make sure that the gateway has IP forwarding enabled in the Network Configuration
module under Routing and Gateways. See Chapter 16 for more information on how to
do this.
4. On the main page of the Linux Firewall module on the gateway system, select Network
address translation from the list next to the Showing IPtable button. Then click the
button to display chains in the NAT table.
5. Click the Add rule button in the Packets after routing section, which will take you to
the rule creation form.
6. Set the Action to take to Masquerade.
7. To control which ports the firewall will use for masqueraded connections, set the Source
ports for masquerading option to Port range and enter starting and ending port num-
bers into the fields next to it. Usually just selecting Any to let the firewall use any avail-
able port will work fine.
184 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

8. Change the Outgoing interface condition to Equals and select the external network
interface from the list next to it, such as ppp0.
9. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to return to the list of chains and rules.
10. Click on Apply Configuration to make the new rule (and NAT) active.

It is possible to combine NAT with other firewall rules in the Packet filtering table to block con-
nections to the firewall host itself. You can also prepend deny rules to the Packets after routing
chain to stop certain internal hosts from accessing the Internet, or limit the ports to which they
can connect.
The instructions above will work on any network that has a gateway system with a single
Internet IP address. However, if your gateway’s address is static it is better to select Source NAT
in Step 6 instead of Masquerade. When using masquerading, any connections being forwarded
by the firewall will be lost if the external network interface goes down, even if it comes back up
again with the same IP address. If the external interface has a dynamically assigned address, this
doesn’t matter as the connections would be lost anyway. But when using a static IP address, it is
possible for a connection to be maintained even through a short network outage.
To use it, in Step 6 set the Action to take to Source NAT. Then set the IPs and ports for
SNAT to IP range and enter your system’s static external IP address into the field next to it. All
other steps in the NAT setup process are the same.

19.8 Setting Up a Transparent Proxy

Many networks use proxy servers like Squid to cache commonly accessed websites and thus cut
down on the amount of bandwidth used by web browsing clients. Normally, each client must be
configured to use the proxy server instead of making direct connections to websites. On a large
network with many client systems or at an ISP where they are owned by many different people,
this individual configuration can be difficult. It is made worse by each browser having its own
proxy server settings, so if a user installs a new browser it will probably default to not using a
proxy at all.
Fortunately, there is a solution—transparent proxying. If all client systems access the Inter-
net through a gateway running an IPtables firewall, it can be configured to redirect connections
to port 80 (used by most websites) to a proxy server on some other system. This means that cli-
ents do not need to be configured to access a proxy, as any HTTP requests that they make will be
transparently sent to the proxy server without their knowledge.
To set up transparent proxying, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the Linux Firewall module on the gateway system, select Network
address translation from the list next to the Showing IPtable button, then click the button.
2. In the Packets before routing section, click on Add rule to go to the rule creation form.
The rule being added will redirect all traffic on port 80 forwarded by the firewall system
to a proxy server.
3. Set the Action to take to Destination NAT.
4. In the IPs and ports for DNAT field, select IP range and enter the address of the proxy
server system into the field next to it. If the proxy is running on the same system, enter its
Ethernet IP address (not
In the field next to Port range, enter the port the proxy server is running on, such as 8080.
Setting Up Port Forwarding 185

5. Set the Incoming interface to Equals and select the internal LAN interface, such as eth0.
6. Set the Network protocol to Equals and select TCP.
7. If the proxy is on another system that is also on the internal LAN, make sure that its con-
nections on port 80 will not be proxied by the firewall as well! To do this, set the Source
address or network condition to Does not equal and enter the IP address of the proxy
server into the field next to it.
If the proxy is on a different LAN or is the firewall system, this is not necessary.
8. Set the Destination TCP or UDP port to Equals and enter 80 into the Port(s) field.
9. Click the Create button to save the rule and return to the module’s main page.
10. Click on Add rule under Packets after routing to bring up the rule creation form again.
This rule will forward packets back in the other direction from the proxy to the client. If
your firewall system is also running the proxy server, this rule is not necessary and you
can skip to Step 16.
11. For the Action to take, select Source NAT.
12. In the IPs and ports for SNAT field, select IP range and enter the LAN IP address of
the firewall server into the field next to it.
13. Set the Destination address or network to Equals and enter the IP address of the proxy
server into the field next to it.
14. Set the Network protocol to Equals and select TCP.
15. Click the Create button to add the new rule.
16. Back on the main page, click the Apply Configuration button. All packets on port 80
forwarded by your firewall will now be sent to the proxy server instead.
17. Assuming you are running the Squid proxy server (version 2.4 or above) on the proxy sys-
tem, you can use Webmin to configure it. Otherwise, you will need to set it up manually to
accept transparent proxy connections, and there is no point reading beyond this step.
18. On the proxy system, enter the Squid Proxy Server module and click on Miscellaneous
19. Set the HTTP Accel Host field to Virtual, and the HTTP Accel Port to 80.
20. Set both the HTTP Accel With Proxy and HTTP Accel Uses Host Header fields to Yes.
21. Finally, click Save to return to the main page of the Squid module, and click the Apply
Changes link near the top of the page to activate the new configuration.

From now on, any HTTP requests on port 80 forwarded by your firewall will be sent to the proxy
server for processing. Transparent proxying can be safely used at the same time as conventional
NAT by creating a masquerade rule in the Packets after routing chain, as explained in Section
19.7 “Setting Up Network Address Translation”.

19.9 Setting Up Port Forwarding

On a network that uses NAT to hide internal systems from the Internet, outside hosts cannot con-
nect directly to those on the internal network. This is great for security, but can be annoying if
there is some internal service that you do want to make available to the outside world. For exam-
ple, your mail server system may not be the firewall host, which would normally make it inac-
cessible from the Internet. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem—port forwarding.
186 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

This lets you redirect all connections to some port on the firewall system to a different host
and port on your internal network. For a mail server, all data received on port 25 might be sent to
the same port on the host that is actually being used for user email. Of course, this would make it
impossible for your firewall system to receive email itself.
To set up port forwarding, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the Linux Firewall module on the gateway system, select Network
address translation from the list next to the Showing IPtable button, then click the button.
2. In the Packets before routing section, click on Add rule to go to the rule creation form.
The rule being added will redirect all external traffic received by the firewall to some
internal address.
3. Set the Action to take to Destination NAT.
4. In the IPs and ports for DNAT field, select IP range and enter the address of the inter-
nal host into the adjacent text box, such as In the Port range box, enter the
port number on the internal host to which data should be sent, such as 25 for SMTP, 110
for POP3 or 80 for HTTP.
5. Set the Network protocol to Equals and select TCP.
6. In the Destination TCP or UDP port field, select Equals from the menu and enter the
external port number for which forwarding should be done into the adjacent text field.
Typically this will be the same as the port entered in Step 4.
7. Hit the Save button to create the rule and return to the main page, and then click the
Apply Configuration button.

The only problem with this method is that connections from inside your network to the firewall
system will not be forwarded to the other host.

19.10 Firewall Rule Conditions

When creating a firewall rule, you can select many different conditions to control which packets
the rule matches. A rule’s action will only be executed if all the conditions are matched. Each
condition can be in one of three states, chosen by the menu next to it on the rule creation form:

<Ignore> The condition will be totally ignored when deciding whether the rule
matches or not.
Equals The rule will only match if the packet matches the address, port, interface,
or whatever was selected for this condition.
Does not equal The rule will only match if the packet does NOT match whatever
was selected for this condition.

The available conditions and what each one matches are listed in Table 19.1. Note that some are
not available in all tables and chains.
Remember that each condition is applied on a per-packet basis, and that a single TCP con-
nection may involve multiple packets flowing in both directions.
Firewall Rule Conditions 187

Table 19.1 Firewall Conditions

Condition Matches
Source address or The IP address, host, or network that the packet was sent from. When
network entering a network, you can use the network/prefix notation
(like or the network/netmask notation

Destination address or The IP address, host, or network that the packet is going to. As with the
network source address, you can use both the network/prefix and network/netmask

Incoming interface The network interface on which the packet entered the firewall server. See
the discussion of interface types and names in Chapter 16 for more

Outgoing interface The network interface on which the packet is being sent out by the fire-
wall server.

Fragmentation When an IP packet is too large for the physical network it is being sent
over, it will be broken into multiple fragments. If Is fragmented is cho-
sen, the rule will apply only to fragments after the first one. If Is not frag-
mented is chosen, the rule applies only to the first fragment, or packets
that were not fragmented at all.
Because fragments after the first do not contain any protocol or port infor-
mation, rules that have protocol, port, TCP, state, or type of service condi-
tions will never match a fragment.

Network protocol The network protocol of the data carried by the packet. TCP is used by
HTTP, FTP, telnet, SSH, SMTP, POP3, and many other higher level proto-
cols. UDP is used by the DNS, NFS, and NIS protocols. ICMP is used by
commands like ping and traceroute.

Source TCP or UDP The port that a TCP connection or UDP packet came from. For packets sent
port by a client to a server, the source port is usually randomly assigned and thus
useless for firewalling. But for packets sent back from the server to the cli-
ent, the source port is the same as the port that the client connected to.
If the Port(s) option is selected, you can enter one or more ports into the
field next to it, separated by commas. If Port range is selected, you must
enter a starting and ending number to cover all ports between them.
This condition can be used only if your Network protocol is set to TCP
or UDP.

Destination TCP or The port that a TCP connection or UDP packet is going to. Instead of
UDP port entering a port number, you can enter a name from the /etc/services
file that is associated with a port, such as telnet or http.
As with the Source TCP or UDP port condition, a list or range of ports can
be entered, and the Network protocol must be set to either TCP or UDP.
188 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

Table 19.1 Firewall Conditions (Continued)

Condition Matches
Source and destination For a condition of this type to match, both the source and destination ports
port(s) must be in the comma-separated list of port names or numbers entered into
the field next to it. This condition has never seemed particularly useful to me.

TCP option number Matches if the entered TCP option number is set.
is set

TCP flags set The flags set on a TCP packet. The selections in the second row determine
which flags the firewall will look at, while those in the first row indicate
whether a particular flag must be set or not.
This condition can be used to detect TCP packets that are part of an exist-
ing connection. However, the Connection state condition is a far superior
and simpler way of doing the same thing.
For this condition to be used, the Network protocol must be set to TCP.

ICMP packet type For ICMP packets, this condition matches if the packet type matches what-
ever is chosen from the menu next to it. Some types such as echo-request
and echo-reply are sent by the ping command, while others are used for
low-level network flow control. Because ICMP packets are usually harm-
less and sometimes important, it is not necessary to block them.
As would be expected, the Network protocol must be set to ICMP for
this condition to be used.

Ethernet address The MAC address (usually Ethernet) of the packet sender. If the packet
was forwarded by another router after being sent by the original host, its
MAC address will be that of the router.
Ethernet addresses must be formatted like 00:D0:B7:1D:FB:AA, as dis-
played by the ifconfig command.

Packet flow rate Matches packets up to the rate entered (if Below is chosen), or above the
rate entered (if Above is chosen). This condition cannot be used for limit-
ing the amount of traffic a host can send—rather, it is useful for logging
with the LOG target only a fraction of the packets that match some rule.

Packet burst rate The maximum initial number of packets to match. This number gets
recharged by one every time the Packet flow rate is not reached, up to the
number entered.
Configuring the Linux Firewall Module 189

Table 19.1 Firewall Conditions (Continued)

Condition Matches
Connection state Matches packets depending on their connection status and the options chosen
from the menu. You can select more than one to match packets with any of
the chosen statuses. The available options and the packets they match are:
New connection Matches packets that are part of a new TCP connection.
Existing connection Packets that are part of a connection that has
already been established.
Related connection Packets in a connection that is related to one
already established, such as an FTP data connection.
Not part of any connection Packets that do not fit in with any new or
existing connection at all.

Type of service Matches packets whose IP type-of-service field is the same as the type
selected from the menu next to this condition.

Sending unix user Packets sent by a local process owned by the chosen UNIX user. This condi-
tion (and the three below) make sense only in the Outgoing packets chain.

Sending unix group Packets sent by a local process owned by the chosen UNIX group.

Sending process ID Packets sent by a local process with the specified PID.

Sending process group Packets sent by a local process with the specified process group ID.

Additional parameters This field can be used to enter additional parameters to a rule that cannot
be set through the module's user interface, such as—log-level warn. It
should only be used if you are familiar with the iptables command.

19.11 Configuring the Linux Firewall Module

This module has several configurable settings, reachable by clicking on the Module Config link
on the main page. It is shown in Table 19.2.

19.12 Summary
Any system that is directly connected to the Internet is potentially vulnerable to attacks by hack-
ers and other malicious people. After reading this chapter, you should know how to limit the
kinds of traffic that your system will accept, making it much harder for attackers to break in. You
should also know how to set it up as a masquerading gateway that protects hosts on an internal
LAN which still allows them access to the Internet. Finally, you should know how to set up a
transparent proxy and configure port forwarding, if required, on your network.
190 Chapter 19 • Firewall Configuration

Table 19.2 Module Configuration Options

Directly edit firewall rules Normally, this field is set to No, which tells the module to edit
instead of save file? firewall rules in a save file that can be applied by hitting the
Apply Configuration button. Selecting Yes switches the module
to a different mode, in which all changes are made directly to the
active firewall rules. The user interface in this mode is similar, but
the apply, revert, and boot-time buttons on the main page are no
longer displayed, as they do not make any sense.
Directly updating the firewall rules makes sense if some other
program on your system is editing them as well, such as PortSen-
try. However, all rules will be lost when your system is re-booted,
unless you have manually created a script to save them at shut-
down time with the iptables-save command, and restore them
at boot time with iptables-restore.

IPtables save file to edit This field can be used to specify an alternate file for the module to
read and update IPtables rules in. You should only change it if
your system is using some custom save file, perhaps created by
another firewall tool.

Display comment? This field determines if the comment for each rule is shown on the
module’s main page along with the condition and action.

Display condition? This field determines if each rule’s condition is shown on the
module’s main page.
C H A P T E R 2 0

Setting the Date and


his chapter explains how to set the system and hardware clocks on
T your server.

20.1 The System Time Module

All UNIX systems have an internal clock to keep track of the current time, even when the system
is powered off. Linux systems effectively have two clocks—one that is maintained by the kernel
when the system is running, and a separate hardware clock that runs all the time. The kernel’s
system time is set based on the hardware time when the kernel is loaded, so they should be syn-
chronized. However, if one of the clocks is slower than the other it is possible for the hardware
and system times to fall out of sync on a system that has been running for a long time.
All UNIX systems store the time internally as the number of seconds since January 1,
1970 GMT. For display, this is converted to a human-readable local time based on the sys-
tem’s configured time zone. All Linux distributions allow you to choose your time zone at
install time, and include a tool for changing it later. However, there is no support in Webmin
for choosing a time zone.
The system and hardware times can be displayed and set using the date and hwclock com-
mands respectively. Only the root user can change the system time, and only root can use the
hwclock command to display the hardware time.
You can adjust both the system and hardware times using the System Time module, which
can be found under the Hardware category. The module really has only one page, which is
shown in Figure 20.1. Both times on the page are updated every five seconds, so that they remain
correct even if the page has been displayed in your browser for a long period.

192 Chapter 20 • Setting the Date and Time

Figure 20.1 The System Time module.

20.2 Changing the System Time

The system time can be brought forwards or sent backwards at any time using this Webmin
module. Generally, this is quite safe—however, large changes may confuse some programs that
do not expect to see the current time go backwards or jump forwards by a huge amount.
To change the system time, the steps to follow are:

1. On the main page of the module, select a new Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, and
Second in the System Time section.
2. Click the Apply button below the fields. The new date and time will be set, and the page
will be redisplayed.

It is also possible to force the system time to be set to the current hardware time, by clicking the
Set system time to hardware time button. Either way, any change will immediately be visible
to all programs running on your system, such as desktop clocks, syslog and mail clients.

20.3 Change the Hardware Time

Because the hardware time is read by the kernel only when the system boots, it can be changed
without having any effect on programs that are currently running. To change it, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, select a new Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, and
Second in the Hardware Time section.
Synchronizing Times with Another Server 193

2. Click the Apply button below the fields. The new date and time will be set, and the page
will be redisplayed.

You can also synchronize the hardware time with the system time by clicking the Set hardware
time to system time button. It is a good idea to do this every now and then on a system that
hasn’t been rebooted for a long time, so that the times do not drift too far out of sync.

20.4 Synchronizing Times with Another Server

The System Time module can also be used to set the system or hardware time based on the sys-
tem time of another server. The other server must be either running an NTP (Network Time Pro-
tocol) server, or have the time protocol enabled in inetd (as explained in Chapter 15). For your
system to use NTP for synchronization you must have the ntpdate NTP client program
To synchronize the time, the steps to follow are:

1. Enter the hostname or IP address of the other server into the Host/Address field in the
Time Server section. It is always better to choose a server that is close by, so that the
effect of network latency is minimized.
2. Click either the Sync system time or Sync system time/Sync hardware time button, to
set just the system time or both the system and hardware times, respectively. If the server
cannot be contacted or does not support the NTP or time protocols, an error message will
be displayed. Otherwise the time or times will be set and the page redisplayed.

20.5 Module Access Control

As with many other modules, it is possible to restrict what a Webmin user or group can do in the
System Time module. However, the available restrictions are very basic due to module’s limited
functionality, and do not really make it any more secure for use by untrusted users.
Once a Webmin user has been granted access to the module as described in Chapter 52, you
can limit what he can do by following these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on System Time next to the name of the user or
group that you want to restrict.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so that the user cannot change
operating-specific settings.
3. To stop the user changing the system time, set the User can edit system time field to No.
4. To prevent the user from changing the hardware time, set the User can edit hardware
time field to No.
5. When done, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to make the new restrictions

20.6 Other Operating Systems

Linux is the only operating system supported by the System Time module that has separate hard-
ware and system times. Solaris, Irix, HP/UX, and OpenServer have only a single system time,
which can be set in exactly the same ways as on Linux. FreeBSD, NetBSD, and MacOS X like-
194 Chapter 20 • Setting the Date and Time

wise support only system time, which can also be set in the same ways, but only to the nearest
minute. Other operating systems cannot use this module at all.

20.7 Summary
You should now know how to manually adjust the two clocks on your Linux or UNIX system.
You should also now have a firm grasp of the process for synchronizing your system’s clock
with another server.
C H A P T E R 2 1

Boot Loader

his chapter covers the Linux boot process and the LILO and GRUB
T boot loaders. It explains how to run different operating systems or load
different kernels at boot time.

21.1 Introduction to Boot Loaders

When a Linux system running on PC hardware is started, the first code to be run is the BIOS
(Basic Input Output System) which is loaded from ROM. After it has finished testing the sys-
tem’s memory and discovering what hardware is installed, it attempts to pass control to an oper-
ating system boot loader to continue the boot process. The boot loader is a tiny program that
may prompt the user to choose which OS to run, and then loads the rest of the operating system
kernel from a hard drive, floppy disk, or some other source.
On a normal system, the boot loader is loaded by the BIOS from the first block on the pri-
mary hard drive, called the master boot record or MBR. The BIOS, however, may (depending on
its configuration) check the floppy drive or CD-ROM for a boot loader first, so the system can be
booted off a removable disk. This is usually only done when installing a new operating system—
for normal everyday use, almost every system boots from hard disk.
There are several boot loaders available for Linux, but the two most common (and the two
which will be covered in this chapter) are LILO and GRUB. Both work only on x86-compatible
PC hardware, so if you are running Linux on an Apple, SPARC, or Alpha system, this chapter
will not be much use to you. Each non-PC hardware platform has its own specialized Linux boot
loader designed to deal with the particular quirks and requirements of the platform.
Other operating systems (such as Windows, FreeBSD, and Solaris) have their own boot
loaders, which do basically the same thing as LILO or GRUB, but are designed to load the ker-
nel of a different OS instead. Webmin does not support the configuration of any non-Linux boot
loader, so if you are running a different version of UNIX, this chapter can be skipped.

196 Chapter 21 • Boot Loader Configuration

On a Linux system, the boot loader’s primary responsibility is the loading of the kernel.
Once the kernel has been loaded into memory and control has been transferred to it, the boot
loader’s job is done. The kernel then mounts the root filesystem, initializes drivers, and finally
runs the init program to continue the boot process as explained in Chapter 9.
The boot loader can also start the process of loading a totally different OS on systems that
have more than one installed. It does this by loading the other operating system’s boot loader
from the first block of a partition or other hard disk, and then transferring control to it. The other
OS then loads exactly as it would if its boot loader were run directly by the BIOS. Being able to
decide which operating system to load at boot time makes it practical to have two or more
installed on the same system, such as Windows and Linux.
Both LILO and GRUB can be configured to display a menu of boot options when they are
loaded, allowing the user to select which particular kernel to load or another operating system to
load. Being able to choose from several different kernels can be particularly useful when you
have installed a new one and want to have the option of booting into both the new and the old. It
is even possible to have several boot options that all load the same kernel version but with differ-
ent command-line options.
All Linux distributions will give you the option of automatically setting up a boot loader at
installation time. You can usually choose to boot other installed operating systems as well—for
example, if you are adding Linux to a system with Windows already installed on a different par-
tition. If this default configuration is working for you, be very careful when changing the LILO
or GRUB configuration manually or through Webmin. A single mistake may render your system
unbootable, and necessitate the use of a rescue disk to recover.
LILO’s configuration is stored in the file /etc/lilo.conf. The boot loader itself, how-
ever, does not actually read this file—instead, it reads from a separate map file that is built from
lilo.conf whenever the lilo command is run. This map file contains the actual on-disk block
locations of the kernel files, which allows LILO to load a kernel without having to understand
the format of the filesystem on which it is mounted. Any time lilo.conf is changed or a kernel
is recompiled or installed, the lilo command must be rerun to update the map file so the boot
loader knows where to look on disk.
One major limitation of LILO is that on systems with older BIOSs, it can only boot kernels
that lie within the first 8 GB of a hard disk. With drives over 100 GB in size becoming common,
this can be a serious problem unless the disk is partitioned properly. Typically, the /boot direc-
tory in which kernels are stored is mounted from a separate partition that is located at the start of
the disk, and the root directory is mounted from a partition that takes up the rest.
GRUB usually uses the configuration file /boot/grub/menu.lst, but unlike LILO it
does understand the format of ext2, ext3, and vfat filesystems and can read the menu.lst
and kernel files without the need for a block map. For this reason, and because GRUB can load a
kernel stored anywhere on the hard disk, it is usually considered to be a superior boot loader and
is slowly overtaking LILO on modern Linux distributions.

21.2 The Linux Bootup Configuration Module

This module allows you to configure LILO—the most common Linux boot loader. It can be
found under the Hardware category, and when you enter it, the main page displays a table of
Booting a New Kernel with LILO 197

icons as shown in Figure 21.1. Each icon represents a boot-time menu option, which can be
either a Linux kernel or another operating system.
If Webmin detects that you do not have LILO installed, the main page will display an error
message to that effect. If this is the case, your distribution probably set up GRUB as its boot
loader—see Section 21.6 “The GRUB Boot Loader Module” instead.

Figure 21.1 The Linux Bootup Configuration module.

Some Linux systems have both GRUB and LILO installed, even though only one can actu-
ally be used as a boot loader at any one time. If your system uses GRUB, you should probably
not use this module even though it will work correctly. Any time the Apply Configuration but-
ton on the main page is clicked, LILO will be installed on the disk or partition configured on the
global options, possibly overwriting GRUB.

21.3 Booting a New Kernel with LILO

If you have just compiled a new kernel and want to be able to use it, you will need to add a new
LILO boot kernel entry. To do this, follow these steps:

1. After compiling the kernel, copy its compressed kernel image file (usually found under
the source directory at arch/i386/bzImage) to the /boot directory. Normally it
should be renamed to vmlinuz-xx.yy.zz, where xx.yy.zz is the kernel version number.
2. On the main page of the Linux Bootup Configuration module, click on the Create a
new boot kernel link to go to the kernel creation form.
198 Chapter 21 • Boot Loader Configuration

3. Enter a unique name for your new kernel into the Name field, such as linux-xx.yy.zz.
Whatever you enter will appear in the LILO menu at boot time.
4. In the Kernel to boot field, enter the full path to the kernel file that you copied to the
/boot directory.
5. To pass extra options to the kernel, set the Kernel options field to Add options and enter
them into the text field to its right. Most of the time, no additional options are needed
6. Set the Boot device field to Device, and choose the partition that contains your system’s
root filesystem from the menu next to it.
7. If the root directory on your system is mounted from a device that is not compiled into
the kernel (such as a SCSI disk or hardware RAID controller), you will need to create an
initial RAM disk containing the kernel modules needed to access the root filesystem. The
simplest way of checking to see if this is necessary is to look at other existing boot kernel
configurations. To create an initial RAM disk file under the /boot directory for kernel
version xx.yy.zz, you will need to run a command like
mkinitrd /boot/initrd-xx.yy.zz xx.yy.zz
and then set the Initial ramdisk file option to the path of the newly created file.
8. Click the Create button to create the new LILO book kernel and return to the module’s
main page. An icon for the kernel should now be visible.
9. Click Apply Configuration at the bottom of the page to have LILO reinstalled on your
hard disk with the new kernel in its map file. A page showing the output of the lilo
command and any errors encountered will be displayed so you can see if the installation
was successful or not.
10. To use the new kernel, you will need to reboot. Depending on the LILO configuration, it
will either display a menu of options at boot time, or prompt you to enter an option name.
Either way, select your new kernel to have it loaded and started. Be sure to watch the
debugging output and error messages that the kernel displays while booting so that if any-
thing goes wrong you can diagnose the problem. If there is a problem, you may need to
reboot and select the old kernel option, then use Webmin to fix the LILO configuration.

An existing boot kernel can be edited by clicking its icon on the main page, which will take you
to an editing form. Any of the fields can be edited and the changes saved by clicking the Save
button, or the kernel can be removed by clicking Delete. Always be careful when editing any
kernel configurations that you did not create yourself, as a mistake may make the system

21.4 Booting Another Operating System with LILO

If your system has multiple operating systems installed on different partitions or hard disks, you
can use LILO to select which one to load at boot time. To add a new operating system that you
can select at boot time, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the Linux Boot Loader module, click on the Create a new boot
partition link to bring up the partition creation form.
Editing Global LILO Options 199

2. Enter a unique name for your new boot option into the Name field, such as windows98.
Whatever you enter will appear in the LILO menu at boot time.
3. Select the partition on which the operating system you want to boot from the Partition to
boot menu. The selected partition must have an appropriate boot loader or boot sector
installed. Windows, for example, does by default, but other operating systems like FreeBSD
may need a boot loader to be installed separately.
4. Set the Pass partition table to OS field to Yes, and select the drive on which the operat-
ing system’s partition is located.
5. Click the Create button, and if you have not made any errors on the form you will be
returned to the module’s main page.
6. Click Apply Configuration at the bottom of the page to have LILO reinstalled on your
hard disk with the new boot option in its map file. A page showing the output of the
lilo command and any errors encountered will be displayed so you can see if the instal-
lation was successful or not.
7. You should now be able to reboot and select the new OS from the LILO menu.

Once you have created a new operating system boot option, you can edit or delete it at any time
by clicking on its icon on the module’s main page. If you make any changes, remember to click
Apply Configuration so they can be used at boot time.

21.5 Editing Global LILO Options

LILO has several configurable options that apply to all bootable kernels and operating systems.
The steps to edit them are:

1. Click on Global Options on the module’s main page to go to the global options configu-
ration form.
2. To change the drive or partition on which LILO is installed, select it from the Write boot
loader to menu. Generally you will not need to change this if LILO is already being cor-
rectly run at boot time.
3. Normally LILO will give the user a chance to select a kernel or operating system to load
at boot time. To disable this, set the Display LILO prompt? option to No. To give the
user the opportunity to select an OS, set it to Yes.
4. To change the kernel or OS that is loaded automatically at boot time if no other selection
is made, adjust the Default kernel/partition field.
5. To adjust the amount of time that LILO will wait for user input before loading the default
kernel, enter a new time into the Time to wait at LILO prompt field.
6. To prevent untrusted users from booting the system, enter a password into the Default
boot password field. Unless a boot option has the Password needed for field set to
Booting kernels with extra options, it will not be loadable unless the password is
7. On systems with modern BIOSs, LILO can be configured to load a kernel located any-
where on the hard disk. To enable this, set the Allow booting from beyond 1024 cylin-
ders? field to Yes.
8. Click the Save button to save your changes to the global options and return to the mod-
ule’s main page.
200 Chapter 21 • Boot Loader Configuration

9. Click on Apply Configuration so LILO will use the new options at the next boot time. If
the disk or partition on which LILO is to be installed was changed, it will be written to
the new location now.

21.6 The GRUB Boot Loader Module

As the name suggests, this module allows you to set up GRUB. Like the LILO module, you
enter it from the Hardware category and the main page shows a list of icons—one for each boot-
time option. Figure 21.2 shows an example.

Figure 21.2 The GRUB Boot Loader module.

The module’s icon will only appear if Webmin detects that GRUB is installed on your system. If
it is not visible or if an error is displayed when you enter the module, GRUB is not installed. If
so, LILO is probably being used instead and you should use the Linux Boot Loader module.
One peculiarity of GRUB is that internally it refers to all hard disks by their BIOS disk
number. The first drive identified by the BIOS is hd0, and hd0,0 is the first partition on that
drive. On a system with only IDE hard drives, this numbering is quite simple—BIOS disk 0 is
the primary master, or /dev/hda on Linux. Disk 2 (called hd1 by GRUB) is the primary slave,
and so on. On a system with SCSI and IDE drives, however, things get more complex. IDE disks
usually come before SCSI in the BIOS ordering, but this may be reversed on some systems. For-
tunately, the GRUB module in recent versions of Webmin can automatically detect the relation-
ship between Linux device files and BIOS disk numbers.
Booting a New Linux Kernel or BSD with GRUB 201

21.7 Booting a New Linux Kernel or BSD with GRUB

If you have just compiled a new kernel and want to be able to use it, you will need to add a new
GRUB boot option.
A similar process should be followed if you have both Linux and FreeBSD, NetBSD, or
OpenBSD installed on your system and want to be able to choose one of them at boot time. To
set this up, follow these steps:

1. To boot a Linux kernel after compiling, copy its compressed kernel image file (usually
found under the source directory at arch/i386/bzImage) to the /boot directory. It
should normally be renamed to vmlinuz-xx.yy.zz, where xx.yy.zz is the kernel version
2. On the main page of the GRUB Boot Loader module, click on the Add a new boot
option link to go to the option creation form.
3. Enter a unique name for your new kernel into the Option title field, such as linux-
xx.yy.zz. Whatever you enter will appear in the GRUB menu at boot time.
4. Set the Boot image partition field to Selected and choose the partition that contains
your kernel from the list next to it. If the partition does not appear in the menu, you will
need to choose Other instead and enter the disk and partition into the field next to it, in
the hdX,Y format used by GRUB. For example, hd2,1 would be the second partition on
BIOS drive 3.
5. For Operating system to boot, select Linux kernel and enter the path to the kernel’s
compressed image file into the field next to it. To pass additional arguments to the kernel,
enter them into the Kernel options field below it. For FreeBSD, you must also select
Linux kernel and enter /boot/loader into the field. No additional kernel arguments are
allowed. For NetBSD or OpenBSD, select Linux kernel as well and enter this:
–type=netbsd /netbsd-elf
6. If the root directory on your system is mounted from a device that is not compiled into
the Linux kernel (such as a SCSI disk or hardware RAID controller), you will need to
create an initial RAM disk containing the kernel modules needed to access the root file-
system. The simplest way of determining if this is necessary is to look at other existing
boot kernel configurations. To create an initial RAM disk file under the /boot directory
for kernel version xx.yy.zz, you will need to run a command like
mkinitrd /boot/initrd-xx.yy.zz xx.yy.zz
and then set the Initial ramdisk file field to the path to the newly created file.
7. Finally, click the Create button. As long as there were no errors detected in your input,
you will be returned to the module’s main page, which will now contain an additional
icon for the new kernel.
8. To boot into the new kernel, you will need to restart your system. When GRUB loads at
boot time, it will display a menu of available boot options, from which you can select the
newly added kernel. Be sure to watch the debugging output and error messages that the
kernel displays while booting, so that if anything goes wrong you can diagnose the prob-
lem. If there is a problem, you may need to reboot and select the old kernel option, then
use Webmin to fix the GRUB configuration.
202 Chapter 21 • Boot Loader Configuration

Once you have created a new kernel boot option, you can edit it by clicking on its icon on the
module’s main page. On the editing form, any of the fields can be edited and the changes saved
by clicking the Save button, or the kernel can be removed by clicking Delete instead. Always be
careful editing any kernel configurations that you did not create yourself, as a mistake may make
the system unbootable.

21.8 Booting Another Operating System with GRUB

If your system has another operating system installed on a different hard disk or partition, you
can configure GRUB so it can be chosen and started at boot time instead of Linux. If you want to
boot FreeBSD, NetBSD, or OpenBSD, see Section 21.7 “Booting a New Linux Kernel or BSD
with GRUB” instead—but for Windows, UNIXWare, or any other OS, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on Add a new boot option to bring up the boot option
creation form.
2. Enter a unique name into the Option title field, such as windows.
3. Set the Boot image partition field to Selected and choose the partition that contains the
other OS from the list next to it. If the partition does not appear in the menu, you will
need to choose Other instead and enter the disk and partition into the field next to it, in
the hdX,Y format used by GRUB.
4. Change the Operating system to boot to Other OS.
5. Normally, GRUB will simply run the boot loader in the first sector of the chosen parti-
tion. There may not always be a boot loader there if, for example, the operating system
normally writes its loader to the master boot record.
If the other operating system is Windows, select the From chainloader file and enter +1
into the field next to it. You must also check the Make root partition action? option.
If booting SCO UNIXWare, you need to also select the From chainloader file and enter
–force +1 into the field next to it. The Make root partition action? option must also be
6. Click the Create button to have the new OS added. Your browser will return to the mod-
ule’s main page, which will now include an icon for your new boot option.
7. To boot into the other operating system, restart your system and select it from the GRUB
menu at boot time.

As with boot options for Linux kernels, you can edit or delete the option for another operating
system by clicking on its icon on the module’s main page. Any changes will take effect immedi-
ately, to be used when the system is next rebooted.

21.9 Editing Global GRUB Options

GRUB has several options that apply to all bootable kernels and operating systems. To edit these
global options, follow these steps:

1. Click the Edit Global Options button on the module’s main page, which will take you to
the options form.
Installing GRUB 203

2. To control which kernel is booted automatically if the user does not choose one from the
GRUB menu within the configured time limit, change the Default boot option field. If
the option you choose cannot be loaded, GRUB will fall back to whatever is selected in
the Fallback boot option field.
3. To change the amount of time that GRUB will wait for the user to choose a boot option
before it uses the default instead, edit the Timeout before using default field.
4. The GRUB boot menu allows users to do things like change kernel parameters and read
arbitrary files on Linux filesystems. To prevent this, enter a password into the Boot pass-
word field. This will limit users to the available boot options unless the password is
entered. Furthermore, boot options in which the Password locked? field has been set
will not be selectable either.
5. When done, click the Save button and you will be returned to the module’s main page.

21.10 Installing GRUB

If you have been using the LILO boot loader and want to switch to GRUB, you will need to
install it on the same master boot record or partition that LILO is currently using. This only has
to be done once, unlike LILO which has to be effectively reinstalled every time its configuration
is changed.
Follow these steps to install GRUB:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Edit Global Options button.
2. From the Install GRUB on disk/partiton menu, select the disk or partition onto which
you want GRUB installed. This will typically be the first hard drive on your system.
3. Click the Save button to return to the module’s main page.
4. Click on the Install GRUB button to have it written to the drive or partition chosen in
Step 2.
5. Create any necessary kernel boot options as explained in the Section 21.7 “Booting a
New Linux Kernel or BSD with GRUB” so your system can be booted into Linux from
now on. If you reboot before doing this, it will be impossible to start Linux again!

21.11 Configuring the GRUB Boot Loader Module

This module has only one configuration setting that you might want to change. The rest are
related to the location of GRUB and its configuration file on your system, and generally do not
need to be modified. The setting, which you can edit by clicking on the Module Config link on
the main page, is shown in Table 21.1.

21.12 Summary
This chapter has explained the purpose of boot loaders on a Linux system, and shown how to set
up and configure the two most common loader—LILO and GRUB. After reading it you should
know how to add an option to start a different operating system at boot time, or use a different
Linux kernel. Because a mistake can render the system unbootable, you should also understand
the risks involved in reconfiguring your boot loader.
204 Chapter 21 • Boot Loader Configuration

Table 21.1 Module Configuration Options

File for device name mappings When Get from GRUB is selected, the module will use the
command grub –-device-map to obtain a list of BIOS disk
numbers and their associated Linux device files. This works
perfectly, but can be very slow on some systems. The alternative is
to have the module read a file containing the disk mappings, usually
found at /boot/grub/device.map. This is faster, but if a new
hard disk is added to your system, it may not get added to this file
depending on how often your Linux distribution updates it. This
means that a new disk may not show up in the menus in this
C H A P T E R 2 2


his chapter shows you how to use Webmin to set up printers and
T printer drivers on your system. It covers the many different print sys-
tems in use, such as CUPS, LPRng, and the Solaris print server.

22.1 Introduction to Printing on Linux

Like other operating systems, Linux can print directly to attached printers or indirectly to print-
ers connected to another system on a network. Any program that wishes to print runs a com-
mand like lpr to submit a job to the print server daemon, which adds the job to a queue for the
specified printer. When the printer is ready, the daemon opens the appropriate parallel port or
USB device file and sends it the print job data. If the printer is attached to another system on the
network, the daemon connects using the appropriate protocol and sends it the job for queuing
and printing.
Almost all Linux programs submit print jobs in one of two formats—plain text, or Post-
Script. Because most consumer-grade printers do not support PostScript, the print server dae-
mon must convert the submitted PostScript to a format that the printer does recognize. This is
done using a driver program or script, most of which are based around the freely available
ghostscript PostScript rendering program.
Almost every different printer manufacturer (and even different models by the same manu-
facturer) has its own data format in which it accepts print jobs. All manufacturers supply driver
software for Windows with their printers, but very few include drivers for Linux. This means
that the job of writing drivers has to be done by free software enthusiasts who cannot always
keep up with the rate at which new printers with new data formats are released. Some newer
printer models may not be supported on Linux until a while after their release, and some models
for which driver information is not available may never be supported.

206 Chapter 22 • Printer Administration

Several different print system packages exist for Linux, such as LPR, LPRng, and CUPS.
All perform basically the same task but have different capabilities and are configured in different
ways. Most modern Linux distributions include either LPRng or CUPS, but some older versions
may just include LPR.
There are also several different packages of printer drivers, many of which were created by
Linux distribution vendors. All have the same purpose of converting postscript into the data format
accepted by a printer, but have different configuration files and capabilities. The best are the CUPS
drivers, because they have been designed for and well integrated with the CUPS print server.

22.2 The Printer Administration Module

No matter which kind of print server is installed on your system, it can be configured using Web-
min’s Printer Administration module. The module attempts to provide a similar user interface
regardless of the print system and drivers being used, while still allowing you to use all of their
capabilities. By default, the module assumes that you are using the driver and printer daemon
packages that are installed as standard by your Linux distribution. If you have installed a differ-
ent print server (such as the superior CUPS), then you will need to tell Webmin which print sys-
tem you are using. See Section 22.6 “Configuring the Printer Administration Module” for
All of the instructions in this chapter are written with the CUPS print system and drivers in
mind, and all of the screenshots are taken from a system using CUPS. This is because I believe it
to be the best print system available for Linux, and because it is used by default on many modern
Linux distributions.
When you enter the module from the Hardware category, the main page will list all printers
installed on your system, as shown in Figure 22.1. On Red Hat Linux versions 7.0 and above,
only printers that have been created using Webmin will be shown. Those added by other pro-
grams (such as Red Hat’s printconf tool) will not be listed, as they cannot be editing using
this module.
When the print server daemon is running, there will be a button labeled Stop Scheduler at
the bottom of the main page. If clicked, the daemon will be stopped, causing all printing to
cease. To start it again, click the Start Scheduler button that will appear in its place.
If Webmin detects that the currently configured print system is not installed, an error message
will appear on the main page instead. This indicates that either print software has not yet been
installed on your server, or the wrong system was chosen on the module configuration page.

22.3 Adding a New Printer

If you have just connected a printer to your system or want to access one connected to another
system on a local network, you must add it to the printer daemon’s configuration before any pro-
gram on your Linux system can print to it. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add a new printer link on the module’s main page. This will take you to
the printer creation form shown in Figure 22.2 (the screenshot is taken from a system
using the CUPS print system, so the user interface may not be the same on your Linux
Adding a New Printer 207

Figure 22.1 The Printer Administration module.

Figure 22.2 The Printer Creation form.

208 Chapter 22 • Printer Administration

2. Enter a unique name for the new printer (such as epson or hp_laser) into the Name field.
This will be the name by which the printer is specified when using the lpr command or
printing from other programs.
3. Enter a short description into the Description field, such as Office Epson Stylus 740.
4. If you want every print job to be preceded by a banner page containing the name of the
file being printed and the user who printed it, set the Print banner? field to Yes. This is
usually a waste of paper unless the printer is being used by a large number of people in a
large organization.
5. To make this the default printer that will be used if no printer name is specified in the
lpr command line, set the Default printer? option to Yes. This option is not available
for all print systems.
6. When using some print systems, you can control the maximum size of a job that can be
submitted to the printer using the Max print job size field. For a printer on your own
personal machine, this should be set to Unlimited, but on a network with many users it
may make sense to enter a lower number of 1 KB blocks.
7. If your system is using the Linux or LPRng print systems, you can enter multiple space-
separated aliases for the printer into the Alternate printer names field. To make the
printer the default, enter lp as one of the aliases.
8. If the printer is connected directly to your system, select the Local device option in the
Print Destination section and select the parallel or USB port that it is on from the menu
next to it.
If the device is not on the list, select Local file instead and enter the device path into its
field, such as /dev/ttyS5. You could also enter a filename to which to print, as long as it
already exists and is writable by the print server daemon.
9. If the printer is attached to another system on a network (or is directly connected to the
network itself), you must choose a protocol to print to it.
For a printer attached to a UNIX system, select Remote Unix server and enter the
hostname of the server and the name of the printer on that server into the fields next to it.
For most UNIX systems, the Type can be set to BSD, but if the remote server is running
CUPS you can select IPP instead.
For a printer on a Windows system, select Remote Windows server and enter the
hostname and printer name into the appropriate fields next to it. If the server requires
clients to log in before printing, fill in the User and Password fields with a valid login
for the Windows system. If you have multiple workgroups on your network, you may
need to fill in the Workgroup field as well.
For some printers that can be plugged directly into the network, you must select the
Direct TCP connection option and enter a hostname and port number into the fields
next to it.
If the hpnp command is installed on your system, the option Remote HPNP server will
be available so that you can print to HP network printers that use that protocol. If
selected, you must enter a hostname and port number into the fields next to it.
10. To have Webmin check if the remote printer can actually be reached using the chosen
protocol, click the Check if remote server is up? box.
Editing an Existing Printer 209

11. If the printer supports PostScript, select the None option in the Printer Driver section.
You should also select this option when printing to a remote UNIX server, as conversion
from PostScript to the correct data format will be done on the server.
For printers that do not support PostScript and are connected directly to your system or
accessed over the network using the Direct TCP connection or Remote Windows
server options, you must select a printer driver (explained in the next step).
12. If your printer does not use PostScript and needs a driver, select the CUPS driver option.
When using another print system, this option may be labeled Webmin driver or Redhat
driver or COAS driver instead. Either way, next to it will be a list of printer models
from which you can select the make and model of your printer.
If it does not appear in the list, try selecting the entry with the same manufacturer and
closest model number that you can find (for example, if you have a FooTronic 810 and
only FooTronic models 800 and 1000 appear, select the model 800).
13. With print systems, other options such as DPI and paper size may be available under the
printer model list. Select those that are appropriate for your printer.
14. Finally, click the Create button. If anything goes wrong (such as an inability to contact
the remote print server or a failure to create the printer), an error message will be dis-
played. Otherwise, you will be returned to the module’s main page which will now list
your new printer.
15. If you are using the CUPS print system and have set a driver for the printer, click on the
name of your new printer on the list to go to the printer editing form. At the bottom,
below the printer model list, will be an additional set of fields for configuring things like
the paper size, print quality, and paper type. Because the fields are dependent on the type
of printer chosen, they are not displayed on the printer creation form. Set the paper size,
DPI, and so on to whatever is appropriate for your system. The defaults will usually pro-
duce fast low-quality output, so if you want to use your printer’s photo-quality mode on
glossy paper, you will need to change them. When you are done changing the printer-
specific options, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
16. The newly created printer can now be printed to using the lpr command or any program
that supports printing.

22.4 Editing an Existing Printer

Any printer created using Webmin or any other tool can be edited using the Printer Administra-
tion module. You can also temporarily disable a printer so that it no longer accepts jobs or sends
them to the printer. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on the name of the printer on the module’s main page. This will take you to an edit-
ing form, which is similar to the creation form shown in Figure 22.2.
2. To prevent users from submitting new jobs to the printer, set the Accepting requests?
field to No. You can enter a reason why the printer is unavailable into the Why not field,
which will be displayed to users who try to use the lpr command. This field, however,
may not be available with some print systems.
3. To stop the printer from printing or sending jobs to a remote server, set the Printing
enabled? field to No. This can be useful if the printer is going to be taken offline for
210 Chapter 22 • Printer Administration

maintenance, as the queue will still accept jobs to be printed when the field is set back to
Yes again. You can also enter a reason into the Why not field, which will be displayed
when the print queue is displayed with the lpq command.
4. All other fields on the page can be changed, as explained in Section 22.3 “Adding a New
Printer”. The only exception is the printer name, which cannot be modified after the
printer is created.
5. When you are done changing the printer’s details, click the Save button. The changes
will be made immediately and you will be returned to the module’s main page.

Existing printers can also be deleted by clicking the Delete button on the editing form. Any jobs
in the printer’s queue will be deleted as well.

22.5 Managing Print Jobs

When a job is submitted to a printer, it is placed in the printer’s queue. It is removed only when
it has been successfully printed or sent to a remote server. On a system with many users or a
slow printer, the queue can grow quite large if jobs are being submitted faster than they can be
You can use this Webmin module to list jobs in the queue for a printer, view their contents,
or delete them. To manage these tasks, complete the following steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the list link under the Jobs column for the printer
whose queue you want to manage. This will take you to a page listing all jobs currently
being printed or waiting to be printed.
2. To view the contents of a print job, click on its size. Because most jobs are submitted in
PostScript format, your browser must have a plug-in or helper application that can han-
dle the format.
This is not possible for remote printers or on some print systems.
3. To delete a print job, click on its ID in the first column. Or to remove all the jobs in the
queue, click the Cancel all print jobs button.

The print jobs page can also be used to submit a test page to the printer for verifying from within
Webmin that it is working. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the list link under the Jobs column for the printer
on which you want to print a test page.
2. Click on the Print Test Page button.
3. Select either the Black and white Postscript page, Colour Postscript page, or Plain
ASCII text option to use one of Webmin’s built-in test pages. Or, select Any uploaded
file and use the field next to it to choose a file on your system for printing.
4. Click the Print page button to submit the chosen page to the printer. A web page show-
ing the output from the lpr command will be displayed so that you can see if any imme-
diate errors occurred.
Configuring the Printer Administration Module 211

22.6 Configuring the Printer Administration Module

Like many Webmin modules, Printer Administration has several options that can be configured
by clicking on the Module Config link on the main page. The options that you can safely change
are listed under Configurable options on the configuration page, as shown in Table 22.1:

Table 22.1 Module Configuration Options

Show enabled and accepting If this option is set to Yes, the module’s main page will display for
status instead of driver? each printer whether it is currently printing and if it is accepting
new jobs. If set to No (the default), each printer’s driver will be
shown instead.

Seconds to wait before If Don’t refresh is not chosen, then the print jobs page will be
refreshing print queue periodically refreshed automatically if it is displayed in your
browser. The number entered for this option is the number of sec-
onds between each refresh.

Sort printers by If Name is selected, the list of printers on the module’s main page
will be ordered by name. Otherwise if Order in system is
selected (which is default), they will most likely be displayed in
the order that they were created.

On main page show Normally the module’s main page contains a lot of information
about each printer, such as its destination, driver, and description.
On some systems that have a large number of printers, this can be
very slow—particularly on Solaris.
If Just printer names is chosen for this option, only each
printer’s name will be shown on the main page, speeding up the
display and reducing the page size.

Show number of jobs in queues This field can be used to have the size of each printer’s queue
on main page? shown on the module’s main page. However, it can make the page
much slower to display if you have a large number of printers.

If you upgrade the print server daemon on your system, you will need to change some of the
other module configuration options under System configuration so that it can be managed by
Webmin. The most common upgrade is to CUPS, which can be installed on almost any Linux or
UNIX system and is available as an optional package for many distributions. If you upgrade to
CUPS, follow these steps to change the module configuration:

1. Click on the Module Config link on the module’s main page to get to the configuration
2. Select CUPS from both the Printer configuration style and Printer driver style menus.
3. Change the Printers file field to None, as it is not needed by Webmin when using CUPS.
212 Chapter 22 • Printer Administration

4. Set the Directory containing interface programs to the base directory under which all
of CUPS’s .ppd driver files can be found. This is usually /usr/share/cups/model, but
may be different depending on how it was installed.
5. Set the Command to start scheduler to the init script command needed to start cupsd,
such as /etc/init.d/cups start. If there is no such init script, just leave it set to Determined
by printer style.
6. Similarly, set the Command to stop scheduler to the init script command that stops
cupsd, such as /etc/init.d/cups stop.
7. Make sure the Command to run after making changes should be set to None.
8. Click the Save button to return to the module’s main page. You should now be able to
create and edit printers using CUPS.

Another popular print system that you may want to upgrade to is LPRng, particularly if you are
running a UNIX variant with a poor print server daemon. If you do, the module must be recon-
figured using the following steps:

1. Click on the Module Config link on the module’s main page to get to the configuration
2. Set the Printer configuration style to LPRng.
3. Set the Printer driver style to Webmin. Make sure that ghostscript is installed on your
system, as Webmin uses it to create drivers for non-PostScript printers.
4. Set the Printers file to /etc/printcap.
5. Change the Directory containing interface programs to None.
6. Enter the full paths to the smbclient and gs commands into the Path to smbclient and
Path to ghostscript fields, respectively.
7. If ghostscript was compiled and installed manually, you may need to set the Ghostscript
font directories and Ghostscript library directories options to colon-separated lists of
directories that contain PostScript font files. These options are used to set the
GS_FONTPATH and GS_LIB environment variables, respectively.
8. Set all the remaining options to their default values.
9. Finally, click the Save button to return to the module’s main page.

22.7 Module Access Control

It is often useful to give a user the rights to view print queues and delete jobs, but not create or
edit printers. This can be done using the Webmin users module, once you have created a user
with access to the Printer Configuration module or edited an existing user to give him access.
Chapter 52 explains how to do this in more detail.
Once a user with access to the module exists, you can limit which printers he can manage
and what he can do to them by following these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Printer Administration next to the name of the
user or group.
2. Set the field Can edit module configuration? to No, so the user cannot change the print
system or paths to configuration files.
Other Operating Systems 213

3. You can limit the printers for which a user can edit the destination, driver, and other
attributes by changing the Printers this user can configure field to Selected and choos-
ing them from the list. This will not stop him from managing jobs on those printers
though—the option in Step 4 controls that.
To prevent the user from managing any printers, choose Selected, but do not select any
printers from the list. Be aware that a user who can edit or create a printer can gain root
access by specifying his own driver program (which is typically run as root), or having
the printer write to a system file such as /etc/passswd.
4. To limit the printers on which the user can manage print jobs, change the Can cancel
print jobs? field to Only on selected printers and choose them from the list below. Or,
select No to stop him from canceling or viewing the contents of jobs on any printer.
5. It is also possible to further restrict the jobs that can be managed using the Manage print
jobs owned by field. By default, jobs submitted by any user on allowed printers can be
cancelled. If the last option in this field is selected and a username entered into the field
next to it, however, only jobs owned by that user can be managed.
You can also select the Current Webmin user option, which will limit the user to jobs
submitted by a UNIX user with the same name as the Webmin user.
6. To prevent the Webmin user from creating new printers, set the Can add new printers?
option to No. This should be done if he is not allowed to edit existing printers.
7. Because there is no reason why the user should need to stop or restart the scheduled print
process, change the Can stop or start scheduler? field to No.
8. To hide printers on the main page on which the user is not allowed to edit or manage
print jobs, set the Show non-configurable printers? option to No.
9. To stop the user from printing pages through Webmin, change the Can print test pages?
option to No.
10. Finally, click the Save button to have your new restrictions activated.

22.8 Other Operating Systems

In addition to Linux, the Printer Configuration module is also available on several other UNIX
operating systems. Because each has its own unique print system, the module’s user interface is
slightly different—just as there are differences between the Linux print systems such as CUPS
and LPRng.
The supported operating systems and their differences are:

Sun Solaris and SCO UnixWare Solaris and Unixware have a very similar
print systems to CUPS, so the Printer Configuration module has an almost identical
user interface. One difference is the addition of a Driver accepts field on the printer
creation form, which tells the print system what data format the driver program can
handle. In most cases you should just select postscript—or if you want all data to be
passed directly through to the printer without filtering, select other and enter binary
into the field next to it.
214 Chapter 22 • Printer Administration

Another unique feature is the ability to control which users can use each printer,
using the Access control field on the creation form. The biggest omission on these
UNIX variants is the Direct TCP connection destination type.
HP/UX and SGI Irix The print systems on these operating systems lack many
options available on Linux, such as the Description field and Banner options. Once
a printer has been created, it is impossible to change its destination or driver.
Printing via a direct TCP connection is not supported either.
FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and Apple MacOS X The print system on
these operating systems is very similar to LPRng on Linux. You cannot, therefore,
designate a printer as the default or enter a reason why a printer is unavailable or
offline. It is possible, however, to specify a maximum print job size and enter
alternative names for a printer.

Because none of these listed operating systems include printer drivers, Webmin has to create its
own using the ghostscript package. If the module detects that the gs command is not installed,
you will not be able to choose a driver when creating or editing a printer. Similarly, to be able to
print to Windows servers, the Samba smbclient program must be installed and its path set in
the module configuration page.
For all of these listed operating systems, the module will, by default, use their standard print
systems. Therefore, if you have installed a different package such as CUPS or LPRng, the mod-
ule configuration will need to be changed so that Webmin can configure it correctly. See Section
22.6 “Configuring the Printer Administration Module” for details.

22.9 Summary
This chapter has explained how to configure your Linux system with Webmin to print to either a
locally connected printer or one attached to a print server of some kind. After completing it, you
should understand how printing on UNIX works, how drivers are set up, and what differences
exist between the various available print systems. You should also know how to restrict access to
the module so that certain Webmin users can only manage particular printers or jobs.
C H A P T E R 2 3

Voicemail Server

f your system has a modem with voice capabilities attached, read this
I chapter to learn how to set up it up as an answering machine using the
vgetty program.

23.1 The Voicemail Server Module

If you have a modem attached to your Linux system that supports voice recording and playback,
the Voicemail Server module can be used to turn your computer into a powerful answering
machine. Not all modems support voice, so check your user manual to make sure that yours does
before trying to use this module. Some modems that require special drivers (often called Win-
modems) are not generally usable on Linux at all, and so cannot be used with this module.
Almost all modern external modems that attach to a serial port, however, will work fine. Some
internal modems that emulate a serial port can be used as well.
A Linux system running as an answering machine is far more flexible than a traditional
machine. The number of messages that you can store is limited only by hard disk space—mes-
sages can be viewed and listened to from any host on the network, and actions can be taken
when a message is received (such as emailing it to an address). Like any answering machine,
your system can be configured to answer the phone after a certain number of rings so that you
have a chance to pick up the phone before the answering system kicks in.
The underlying software that makes all this possible is called vgetty, which is a modified
version of the mgetty modem control program covered in Chapter 18 “PPP Server Configura-
tion”. Not all Linux distributions include it, but it can be downloaded from rpmfind.net/ or the
developer’s website at alpha.greenie.net/mgetty/. Webmin adds entries to the /etc/inittab
file so that vgetty will be started at boot time and listen on the appropriate serial ports. This is
exactly the same as the method used to set up mgetty, as explained in Chapter 18.

216 Chapter 23 • Voicemail Server Configuration

The Voicemail Server module can be found in Webmin under the Hardware category, and
when you enter it the main page simply displays four icons. If the module detects that vgetty is
not installed, the main page will display an error message instead, telling you that you need to
install it before the module can be used. All of the actual configuration forms and pages can be
reached by clicking on the appropriate icons.

23.2 Configuring Your System as an Answering Machine

Assuming you have a modem attached to a serial port on your system and plugged into a phone
line, and that it supports voice recording and playback, you can set up your system as an answer-
ing machine by following these steps:

1. On the main page of the Voicemail Server module, click on the Serial Port Configura-
tion icon. This will take you to a page listing any existing ports that have been config-
ured for PPP or voicemail.
2. Click on the Add a new serial port link, which will bring up the port configuration form
shown in Figure 23.1.

Figure 23.1 The serial port configuration form.

3. Set the Serial device to the port to which your modem or null-modem cable is connected.
Serial port 1 corresponds to the device file /dev/ttyS0, and so on. For modems on serial
devices not starting with /dev/ttyS (such as USB modems), select the Other device
option and enter the full device file path into the text field next to the menu.
Configuring Your System as an Answering Machine 217

4. If the Rings before answering field is visible, you can deselect Global default and enter
the number of rings that your system will wait for before answering a call. This applies
only to the modem on this serial port, however. If the field is not visible, or you want to
use the same setting on all modems, you can set the number of rings in Step 6, instead.
5. If the Answer mode field is visible, just leave it set to Global default.
6. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page to return to the list of serial ports.
7. Return to the module’s main page and click on the Voicemail Server Options icon. This
will take you to the form shown in Figure 23.2.
8. Enter the number of rings that the server should wait for before picking up a call into the
Rings before answering field, unless it was already set in Step 2. If you have multiple
modems and want to set a different number of rings for each of them, check the Can be
set for each serial port box.
9. In the Answer mode field, make sure that at least one of the menus is set to Voice. If this
phone line is only going to be used for answering voice calls, you should set the first
menu to Voice and leave the other two blank.
10. To limit the length of a message than can be left on your system, change the Maximum
message length field. Entering too high a number could cause all of your disk space to
be consumed by extremely long messages.
11. To stop very short messages from being saved, change the Minimum message length
field. If a caller hangs up before the time specified in this field is elapsed, the recorded
message will not be saved to a file.
12. The Silence threshold level field determines the percentage volume level below which
vgetty treats recorded audio as silence. If the Remove silence from end of messages? field
is set to Yes, any audio at the end of a message that falls below the threshold will be truncated.
13. To set the volume levels for recorded messages and for greeting messages played by the
modem, set the Recording volume level and Playback volume level fields, respectively.
Both can be set to either Default or to a volume percentage. Not all modems, however,
support playback and recording volume configuration.
14. To have newly recorded messages emailed to you, change the After recording message
field to Email in WAV format to, and enter your address into the field next to it. You can
also select Run command on message file and enter the path to a program into its field.
Whenever a message is recorded, the program will be run with the message file in RMD
format as its first command-line argument.
15. Click the Save button to record your new configuration settings and return to the mod-
ule’s main page.
16. Click the Apply Configuration button to tell vgetty and init to use the new configu-
ration. You can now try calling your phone number to test and see if the call is answered
and a message recorded. Because no greeting message has been set yet, you will only
hear a beep when the system is ready to record.

There are several things that can go wrong that cannot be detected until vgetty tries to
communicate with your modem and answer a call. Fortunately, detailed logs are written to the
file /var/log/vgetty.ttyname so that you can see what is going wrong. If your modem is on
the first serial port, the log file will be /var/log/vgetty.ttyS0. Log in as root and use the
tail –f command on it to monitor it when a call comes in, so you can see what is happening.
218 Chapter 23 • Voicemail Server Configuration

Figure 23.2 The voicemail server options form.

If your modem does not support voice playback and recording, an appropriate error message
will be written to the log as soon as the Apply Configuration button is clicked. If this happens,
there is nothing you can do apart from buying a new modem. Another common problem is a failure
to play the greeting message, due to the same rate or compression format not being supported by
your modem. See Section 23.4 “Setting a Greeting Message” for details on how to resolve this.

23.3 Listening to Recorded Messages

Every time a message is received, it is written to a file in the /var/spool/voice/incoming
directory in RMD format. Fortunately, these files can be easily converted to more useful formats,
like WAV, using commands like rmdtopvf and pvftowav that come with vgetty. Webmin
does this for you automatically when you use it to listen to a message.
To view and manage recorded messages, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Received Messages icon. This will take you to
a page listing all available recorded messages, their sizes, and audio formats. The most
recently recorded message is shown at the top of the table.
2. To listen to a message, just click on the date and time under the Received at column.
Webmin will convert it to WAV format, and if your browser has been configured to play
audio files in this format you should hear it immediately.
3. To delete messages, check the box to the left of each message in the table and click the
Delete selected messages button.
Setting a Greeting Message 219

Even if a message has been emailed to some address or had a program run on it when received,
it will still be displayed on this page.

23.4 Setting a Greeting Message

When your system answers the phone, it can play a greeting message so callers know who they
have reached. After the message, vgetty will play a short beep as well, so the caller knows
when to start talking. By default, however, there is no greeting message, so callers will just hear
a beep. Because this is not very friendly, you can use Webmin to set up one or more messages to
be played when the call is answered. If multiple messages are set up, vgetty will choose one of
them at random for each call.
To add a greeting message, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Greeting Messages icon. This will take you to
a page listing all existing messages, if there are any.
2. Record a message in WAV format using some other program, such as the Windows
Sound Recorder application. Make sure that the sample rate is the same as the rate used
by recorded messages shown on the Received Messages page. If it is not, your modem
will probably not be able to play it.
3. Back in Webmin, select the WAV file using the Upload message field. From the menu
next to it, select the same audio format and number of bits as is used by recorded mes-
sages. Once again, the chosen format must be correct for your modem to be able to play
the message.
4. Click the Upload message button to have the file converted to RMD format and added to
the greeting messages list.

Existing greeting messages can be listened to by clicking on their filename from the list, which
will cause Webmin to convert the chosen audio file back to WAV format before sending it to
your browser. If you don’t want to use some of the greeting messages anymore, just select the
checkbox next to them and click the Delete selected messages button.
There is another way to create a greeting message that avoids any format or sample rate
problems and does not require a sound card or microphone to be attached to your computer. An
existing recorded message can be converted to a greeting by following these steps:

1. Call your own answering machine and leave the greeting message as a recording.
2. On the module’s main page, click on the Received Messages icon and find the new
recording on the list.
3. Select the checkbox next to it and click the Convert selected to greetings button. This will
remove the message from the list, and add it to the list on the Greeting Messages page.

The only problem with converting messages like this is that they may be of poor audio quality or
have silence or telephone sounds at the beginning and end.

23.5 Summary
This chapter has explained how any Linux system with a suitable modem attached can be con-
verted into a simple voicemail server or answering machine. It has also covered the playing back
of messages, recording of greetings, and configuration of automatic email notification.
C H A P T E R 2 4

Remote Shell Login

his chapter explains the various ways that you can make a remote shell
T log in to your system through Webmin.

24.1 The SSH/Telnet Login Module

If your system is running either an SSH or telnet server (as most do by default), you can use
Webmin’s built-in SSH and telnet client module to do a normal shell login. When you use it to
log in, the connection is coming from the client host on which your web browser is running—
just as if you ran a normal telnet client program—because the module uses a Java applet. This
means that if there is any firewall blocking telnet or SSH access from the client, this Webmin
module will not be able to get around it.
To use the module, click on its icon under the Others category in Webmin. The main page
simply contains a Java applet that will, by default, make a telnet connection to the server running
Webmin. If your browser does not support Java, an error message will be displayed instead. If
the applet loads and is able to connect, it should display a login prompt—just click on the applet
and enter your username and password to log in. Figure 24.1 shows an example.
Not all versions of Linux have a telnet server running by default. Many new distributions
include an SSH server instead, which means that the applet will be unable to make a telnet con-
nection. If this happens, you need to reconfigure it as explained in Section 24.2 “Configuring the
SSH/Telnet Login Module”.

24.2 Configuring the SSH/Telnet Login Module

This module has several configuration options that control its user interface and connection. To
edit them, click on the Module Config link in the top-left corner of the main page. The editable
options that will be displayed are shown in Table 24.1.

Configuring the SSH/Telnet Login Module 221

Figure 24.1 The SSH/Telnet Login module.

Table 24.1 Module Configuration Options

Hostname to connect to Normally this field is set to Automatic, which tells the SSH/telnet
applet to connect to the Webmin server from which it was loaded.
You can enter a different hostname or IP address instead to log in
to a different system, but this will usually not work due to the
restrictions on where a Java applet can connect.

Port to connect to When this field is set to Default, the applet will connect to either
port 23 for telnet or 22 for SSH. These are the standard ports for
those servers so this field can almost always be left alone. If they
have been changed on your system, however, this module config-
uration option will have to be changed as well so that the applet
can connect.

Connection type For the applet to make an SSH connection, select Secure Shell.
To stick with telnet, choose Telnet instead. If SSH is mode is cho-
sen, your system must be running an SSH server that supports ver-
sion 1 of the protocol, as the applet does not support version 2.
222 Chapter 24 • Remote Shell Login

Table 24.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Applet size This field has three options:

80x24 characters—The applet will be sized to 80 characters wide
and 24 high, the same as a standard telnet or shell window.
Maximum—The applet will take up all available space in the
Custom size—The size is determined by the values entered into
the next field.
If the Separate window mode option is enabled, this field is irrel-

Custom width x height If the Applet size field is set to Custom size, you must enter a
width and height separated by an x into this field, such as

Font size in points The size of the font used by the applet. If this is changed from the
Default setting of 11 points, more or fewer rows and columns will
fit into the applet.

Separate window mode If set to Yes, all that will appear on the module’s page is a button
labeled Connect. Only when it is clicked will a separate window
be opened to log in via SSH or telnet. The window can be resized
manually as soon as it is opened.

Test telnet or SSH server Normally this field is set to Yes, which causes Webmin to check to
see if there really is an SSH or telnet server running on your sys-
tem. Because this test can sometimes fail incorrectly due to a fire-
wall preventing your system from connecting to itself, you can set
it to No to disable the test.

24.3 The Command Shell Module

One problem with the SSH/Telnet Login module is its inability to connect if there is a firewall of
some kind blocking telnet or SSH connections to your system. Even though the rest of Webmin
may work fine using HTTP connections, the ports used by the applet may not be available. Even
though it is possible to do almost everything in Webmin that you can do at the command line, it
is sometimes useful to have a shell prompt for executing UNIX commands.
To get around firewall restrictions that prevent an SSH or telnet connection, you can use the
Command Shell module, found under the Others category. It allows you to enter shell com-
mands into the field next to the Execute command button that are run when the button is clicked
or the return key pressed. All output from the command is displayed in the Command history
section at the top of the page.
You can rerun old commands by selecting them from the menu next to the Execute previ-
ous command button, and then clicking it. If the command history becomes too large, it can be
The Shell In A Box Module 223

wiped clean using the Clear history button. This will not affect the menu of previously run
The module’s biggest limitation is that interactive commands like vi, passwd, and telnet
cannot be run. There is no support for providing input to a command once it has started, so you
are limited to noninteractive programs like cp, ls, and rm.

24.4 The Shell In A Box Module

This module combines the best features of both SSH/Telnet Login and Command Shell—it allows
you to make a fully interactive login that is tunneled though an HTTP connection, thus avoiding
any firewall restrictions. It is not included as one of the standard Webmin modules, but you can
download it from www.webmin.com/download/modules/shellinabox.wbm.gz. See Chapter 51 for
instructions on how to install it.
When you enter the module, its main page is taken up entirely by a Java applet. To start the
login process, click the Connect button in the lower right-hand corner. A normal login:
prompt should appear at the top of the window, allowing you to enter a username and password
to log in and get a shell prompt. When you are done, just click the Disconnect button to log out.
The module’s biggest disadvantage is that it uses compiled Linux x86 code, and so cannot
be run on other UNIX systems or on non-PC hardware. It also uses up a lot of CPU time on the
server due to the high frequency of HTTP requests that it makes.

24.5 Summary
This simple chapter explains the ways that Webmin can be used to log in to your system via SSH
or telnet, even when you do not have a normal client for either of these protocols available. It
also mentions modules for executing simple commands from a web interface, and logging in
remotely even when SSH or telnet connections are blocked.
C H A P T E R 2 5

Running Custom

his chapter covers Webmin’s Custom Commands module, which can

T be used to create buttons for running frequently used shell commands.

25.1 The Custom Commands Module

Most system administrators like to create shell scripts to perform common tasks, such as back-
ing up a database or adding a new user of some kind. Because every system and organization is
different, there will always be tasks that a generalized tool like Webmin cannot do as easily as a
simple, customized script. Unfortunately, scripts run at the command line are not easy for an
inexperienced user to use.
The Custom Commands module allows you to create simple web interfaces for shell scripts
and commands so they can be run from within Webmin at the click of a button. It also allows you
to define the parameters of various types for each command that can be entered by the user and
substituted into the shell command. This can be used to provide additional arguments or input to
the scripts that are run, depending on selections made by the user before running it.
Another feature of the module is the ability to define file editors so frequently changed files
can be edited through Webmin’s web interface. You can also define commands to be run before
and after the file is edited so it can be validated, copied, or backed up before editing.
Possibly the most useful feature of the module is its access control support. You can grant
other Webmin users the rights to use some or all of the commands and editors, while giving only
yourself and other trusted administrators permissions to create and edit commands. This means
that the other users can only execute the scripts and edit the files that you allow them to, but with
full root privileges.
Unlike most other modules, this one does not deal with the configuration of some separate
server or service, therefore it has the exact same user interface and functionality on all versions of
UNIX on which Webmin can run.

Creating a New Command 225

When you enter the module from the Others category, its main page shows all existing custom
commands and file editors, along with their parameters. Figure 25.1 shows an example from a sys-
tem with one file editor and eight commands defined—two of which have a parameter. If you have
not used the module before, however, the page will be empty.
You can run any command shown on the main page by just clicking its button. If the command
has parameters fields or choices, however, you must fill them in or make the appropriate selections
before running it. When the button is clicked, you will be taken to a page showing all output from
the command so you can see if it succeeded or failed.
To use a file editor, just click on its button on the main page. This will take you to an editing
form showing the current file contents, which you can change freely. When done, click the Save
button below the text box to write out the new file contents.

Figure 25.1 The Custom Commands module.

25.2 Creating a New Command

To create a new command that can be run using a button on the module’s main page, follow
these steps:

1. Click on the Create a new custom command link above or below the existing buttons.
This will bring up the creation form shown in Figure 25.2.
2. Enter a short description for your command into the Description field. Whatever text
you enter will appear on the command’s button on the main page. You can also enter
additional text (including HTML tags) into the larger text box below it, to be displayed
underneath the button.
226 Chapter 25 • Running Custom Commands

Figure 25.2 Creating a new custom command.

3. In the Command field, enter the shell script or command that you want to execute. All
standard shell metacharacters are supported, such as |, &, <, and >. To enter multiple
commands, separate them with ; or &&.
If your command has parameters (see Step 10) they will be converted into environment
variables when the command is run. So, if you have a parameter called foo, all
occurrences of $foo in the command string will be replaced with whatever the user
enters for that parameter. For example, a command that allows the user to finger any user
on the system might look like finger $user .
4. By default, the command will run in the Webmin directory for this module. To change
this, deselect Default for the Run in directory field and enter a different path into the
text box next to it.
5. In the Run as user field, enter the name of the UNIX user that the command should run
as. You can select Webmin user instead, which will cause it to run as the UNIX user with
the same name as the Webmin user who runs it.
When the command is executed, it will not normally have access to the same environment
variables that the UNIX user would have if he logged in via telnet or SSH. If you check the
Use user’s environment option, however, then all variables set in the user’s .profile,
.cshrc, and other login files will be available. Webmin runs the command with su, which
switches to the user, executes his shell and then executes the command.
6. If your command produces HTML output that you want to appear in the browser when it
is run, change the Command outputs HTML? field to Yes. Otherwise Webmin will
Parameter Types 227

escape all HTML tags in the output, which is the correct thing to do for commands that
produce just normal text.
7. To control the placement of the new command on the module’s front page, enter a number
for the Ordering on main page option. Commands are ordered so that those with the high-
est number appear first. If Default is chosen, the ordering number is taken to be zero.
If you do not set the ordering number for any of your custom commands, they will be
displayed in the order that they were created.
8. To prevent the user from seeing the actual shell command being run when its button is
clicked, set the Hide command when executing? field to Yes. This is a good idea if
your command contains passwords or other sensitive information you want to hide from
the user.
9. To have the command appear in Usermin’s Custom Commands module, change the
Available in Usermin? field to Yes. See Chapter 47 for more information on how to
install and configure Usermin.
10. If you want your command to have parameters that the user can set on the main page,
you need to fill in the Command parameters section. Each row in Table 25.1 defines
one parameter, and for each parameter the following information must be entered:
Name A short, unique name for this parameter, which can be used in the Command
field (prefixed with a $) to indicate where the value entered by the user should be
substituted. The name should be made up of only letters, numbers and the underline (_)
Description The text that will label the parameter on the module’s main page. This can
contain any characters including HTML tags, but should not be too long.
Type This menu controls how the parameter is displayed on the module’s main page,
and what inputs are allowed. The most common choice is Text, but all available options
and their meanings are covered in Section 25.3 “Parameter Types”.
Quote parameter? If set to Yes, the value entered by the user will be enclosed in
quotation marks (“ ”) before substitution.
When creating a new command, only one empty row for entering a single parameter is
available. To add more, you will need to re-edit the command after saving it.
11. Finally, when you are done entering the details of your new command, click the Create
button. As long as there are no errors in the form, you will be returned to the module’s
main page on which the new command button should be visible

Once a command has been created, you can edit it by clicking on the Edit command link below
it on the module’s main page. All the fields described above can be changed, and an additional
parameter added. Once you are done making changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the
page. To get rid of the command, click the Delete button in the bottom-right corner, instead.

25.3 Parameter Types

For each parameter in a command, you can choose a type from its menu under the Type column.
The available options and their meanings are listed in Table 25.1.
228 Chapter 25 • Running Custom Commands

Table 25.1 Custom Command Parameter Types

Text The parameter is a text field, into which any string can be entered.

User The parameter is a small text field with a user selection button next to it. Only valid
UNIX users can be entered or selected from the pop-up user window.

UID Like the User option, but the username entered will be converted to a UID for substitu-
tion into the command when it is run.

Group The parameter is a small text field with a group selection button next to it. Only valid
UNIX groups can be entered or selected.

GID Like the Group option, but the group name entered will be converted to a GID for substi-
tution into the command when it is run.

File A text field with a file chooser button next to it. No validation is done to check that an
actual file or valid filename is entered.

Directory Like the File option, but the chooser button pops up a directory chooser instead.

Option.. The parameter is displayed as a pair of radio buttons, labelled Yes and No. If Yes is chosen,
the text entered in the field next to the type menu on the command creation form will be sub-
stituted into the command string. If No is chosen, an empty string will be substituted instead.
This type can be useful for optional shell command arguments—for example, in a com-
mand like rm $force /some/directory. In this example, the force parameter would
use the Option type and have –f entered into the text field next to the type menu.

Password Like the Text type, but an HTML password field is used instead to hide the text entered
by the user.

Menu.. If this type is chosen, the parameter is displayed as a drop-down menu in which the choices
are taken from the file entered in the field next to the type menu. Each line in the file defines
one menu entry. If the line contains a comma, the text after the comma is what appears to
the user in the menu, while the text before it is the actual value to which the parameter is set
when the command is run. An example file might contain the following lines:
jcameron,Jamie Cameron
emily,Emily Cameron

The menu that appears on the module’s main page would contain the choices Jamie
Cameron and Emily Cameron, but the actual parameter passed to the command would
be either jcameron or emily.

Upload This type displays a file upload input that the user can use to select a file on his PC. When
the command is run, the file is uploaded to the server and placed in a temporary file. The
full path to this file is then used as the parameter when the command is run, so that it can
be copied to some directory, converted to a different format, or whatever you like. When
the command completes, the temporary file will be deleted.
Creating a New File Editor 229

Table 25.1 Custom Command Parameter Types (Continued)

Text box A parameter of this type is shown as a text box into which anything can be entered. How-
ever, any newline characters are replaced with spaces before the parameter is passed to
your command.

25.4 Creating a New File Editor

To add a new button to the module’s main page for editing a file, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Create a new file editor link above or below the existing buttons. This will
bring up the editor creation form shown in Figure 25.3.
2. Enter a short description for the file to be edited into the Description field. Whatever text
you enter will appear on the editor’s button on the main page. You can also enter addi-
tional text (including HTML tags) into the larger text box below it, to be displayed
underneath the button.
3. Enter the full path of the file to be edited into the File to edit field. The file does not nec-
essarily have to exist yet.
4. To have the file’s owner changed when it is saved, set the File ownership field to User
and enter a UNIX username and group name into the fields next to it. This is especially
useful when editing a file that does not yet exist, so the ownership of the newly created
file is set properly.
If you leave the field set to Leave as is, the file’s ownership will not be changed when it
is saved. Newly created files will be owned by root.
5. To have the file’s access permissions changed when it is saved, set the File permissions
field to Set to octal and enter the permissions (like 700 or 664) into the field next to it. If
you select Leave as is, the file’s permissions will not be changed when it is saved. The
permissions on newly created files depend on the Webmin processes’ umask.
6. To have a command run just before the file is saved by the user, fill in the Command to
run before saving field. This could be useful for making a backup copy, checking the
file out of RCS, or anything else that you can come up with.
7. Similarly, to have a command run just after the file is saved fill in the Command to run
after saving field. This can be useful for validating the file’s contents, copying it to
another system, or checking it back into RCS.
8. To control the placement of the new editor’s button on the module’s front page, enter a
number for the Ordering on main page option. Commands and editors are ordered so
that those with the highest number appear first. If Default is chosen, the ordering number
is assumed to be zero.
If you do not set the ordering number for any of your file editors, they will be displayed
in the order in which they were created.
9. To have the editor appear in Usermin’s Custom Commands module, change the Avail-
able in Usermin? field to Yes. See Chapter 47 for more information on how to install
and configure Usermin.
10. Finally, click the Save button. If there are no errors in the form, you will be returned to
the module’s main page which will include a button for the new editor.
230 Chapter 25 • Running Custom Commands

Once an editor has been created, you can edit it by clicking on the Edit file editor link on the
module’s main page. Once you are done making changes, click the Save button at the bottom of
the page. To get rid of the editor, click the Delete button in the bottom-right corner instead.

Figure 25.3 Creating a new file editor.

25.5 Module Access Control

The access control options in the Custom Commands module are designed to allow a master
Webmin user to give some other users the rights to run selected commands, but not edit or create
them. From a security point of view, it makes no sense to give an untrusted user permissions to
create his own custom commands because that would allow him to run any command as root
and so compromise the security of the entire system. Similarly, you can restrict the file editors
that a Webmin user can use, and prevent him from creating new editors.
Once you have created a user or group with access to the Custom Commands module (as
explained in Chapter 52), the steps to follow to limit his access are:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Custom Commands next to the name of the user
or group to which you want to grant access. This will bring up the access control form
for the module.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.
3. Unless you want the user to be able to run all commands and use all editors, set the Com-
mands this user can run field to Selected and choose those that he should be allowed to
use from the list provided. You can also choose All except selected and select from the
list the commands that the user should not be allowed to use. All others will be available.
Configuring the Custom Commands Module 231

4. Change the Can create and edit commands? field to No.

5. Click the Save button. The access control settings will be activated and you will be
returned to the main page of the Webmin Users module.

If you want to grant access to selected custom commands and editors to a large number of users,
a better solution may be to install Usermin, which allows any UNIX user to log in. Any com-
mand for which the Available in Usermin? field is set to Yes will be visible in Usermin’s Cus-
tom Commands module and work in exactly the same way. See Chapter 47 for more information
on Usermin and how it can be configured to limit which UNIX users can run custom commands.

25.6 Configuring the Custom Commands Module

This module has several configuration options (shown in Table 25.2), which you can edit by
clicking on the Module Config link on its main page.

Table 25.2 Module Configuration Options

Main page shows When this option is set to All commands and parameters, the
module’s main page will behave as documented in this chapter.
Every command and editor and their parameters will be shown.
However, if Links to commands is chosen the page will only dis-
play a table of commands and their descriptions. To actually set
parameters and run a command, you must first click on it to go to
separate page. This mode is useful if you have a large number of
commands with lots of parameters, and want to keep the size of
the module’s main page down.

Width of file editor window This field can be used to change the width of the text box used by
file editors.

Height of file editor window This field can be use to change the height of file editor’s text boxes.

File editor wrap mode This option controls the text wrapping mode that affects lines
longer than the width of the text box used by file editors.
The default of Soft will cause lines to be wrapped for display, but
not when they are actually saved.
The Hard option will also wrap lines in the saved file.
The Off option turns off wrapping altogether and forces the use of
the scrollbar to view long lines.

25.7 Summary
After reading this chapter, you should be able to create your own custom command buttons,
which run shell commands and can take multiple inputs from the user as parameter. You will
also be able to create file editor buttons, for easily editing common files through a web interface.
Finally, you should understand how to restrict access to these commands and editors, so that cer-
tain Webmin users (or Usermin users) can run them without being able to define their own.
C H A P T E R 2 6

Webmin’s File

his chapter documents the File Manager module and its features, such as
T copying and pasting, ACL and EXT attribute editing, and file sharing.

26.1 The File Manager Module

Under the Others category in Webmin is a module that is quite different from any of the others.
Instead of configuring some server or service, it allows the user to view and manipulate files on
the server through a Java applet file manager. The user interface is similar to the old Windows
explorer—on the left is a tree of directories, and on the right is a list of files in the current direc-
tory. At the top is a row of buttons on a toolbar that is used for carrying out various operations on
selected files. Figure 26.1 shows an example.
Unlike other modules, this one only has a single page that is taken up entirely with the Java
applet. To return to Webmin’s main menu, you have to click on the Index arrow in the top-left
corner. Naturally, if your browser does not support Java then the applet cannot be used.
The File Manager module’s user interface is almost exactly the same on all versions of
UNIX. The only differences are that some of the EXT, ACL, and Attr buttons (described in
Section 26.10 “Editing File ACLs”) may not exist on some operating systems. This is because
the filesystems on those UNIX variants do not support the extended attributes that the buttons
allow you to configure.

26.2 Navigating Directories and Viewing Files

When you first load the file manager, the right-hand pane will display the contents of the root
directory on your system. To enter another directory, just double-click on it in the list. To go
back up a directory, double-click the .. link at the top the current directory’s listing.
You can also view the contents of a directory by clicking on it in the tree in the left-hand
pane. Double-clicking will open the directory in the tree, causing any subdirectories under it to

Navigating Directories and Viewing Files 233

Figure 26.1 The File Manager module.

appear. Double-clicking again will close it. Whenever you enter a directory using the right-hand
pane, it will be opened in the tree on the left as well. Similarly, when the .. link is double-
clicked to go back to the parent, the old directory will be closed in the tree.
It is also possible to jump to any directory on your system by entering its path into the text
field above the right-hand directory listing. Assuming that it actually exists, Webmin will open
all parent directories in the tree and displays its contents in the list on the right.
To speed up the user interface, the file manager caches the contents of all directories that
you view while using it. This means that if a file is created, modified, or deleted on the server, it
will not be reflected in the directory listing until you click the Refresh button on the toolbar.
The contents of any file on your system can be displayed by double-clicking on it in the
right-hand pane. A separate browser window will be opened and the contents of the file will be
displayed by your browser. Any file type that the browser supports, therefore, can be viewed
using the file manager.
If you want to download a file from your Webmin system to the host that your browser is
running on, hold down the shift key while double-clicking on the file. The browser should
prompt you to save the file instead of opening a window to display its contents. You can also
force a download by selecting a file from the right-hand pane and clicking the Save button on the
toolbar at the top of the file manager window.
234 Chapter 26 • Webmin’s File Manager

26.3 Manipulating Files

The File Manager module allows you to rename, move, and copy files in the just the same way
that any other file manager would. To select the file that you want to manipulate, just click on it
in the right-hand pane. To select multiple files, hold down the control key while clicking, or hold
down the shift key to select an entire range.
To move files to a different directory, select one or more and click the Cut button on the tool-
bar. Then navigate to the destination and click the Paste button. If a file with the same name
already exists, Webmin will prompt you to rename the pasted file to avoid the clash. If you choose
not to rename, the file in the destination directory with the same name will be overwritten.
To copy files, select them in the right-hand pane and click the Copy button. Then go to the
directory to which you want them to be copied, and click Paste. As when moving files, you will
be prompted to rename any that clash with files that already exist in the destination directory.
Multiple copies of a file can be made by pasting in different directories. To create a copy of a file
in the same directory, just select it, hit Copy and then Paste, and enter a new filename.
You can delete one or more files and directories by selecting them and clicking the Delete
button on the toolbar. Before they are actually removed, a confirmation window listing all cho-
sen files will be displayed. When the Delete button in the window is clicked, all chosen files,
directories, and their contents will be permanently deleted.
A single file can be renamed by selecting it in the right-hand pane and clicking the Rename
button on the toolbar. This will bring up a window containing the current filename and a text box
for entering a new name. If the new name is the same as an existing file in the same directory, it
will be overwritten when the Rename button in the window is hit.

26.4 Creating and Editing Files

The File Manager module offers two methods for creating new files—you can either create a text
file from scratch, or upload data from the host on which your web browser is running. To create a
new empty text file, click on the New document button on the toolbar to the right of the Delete but-
ton. This will bring up a window in which you can enter the full path to the file and its contents.
When you are done editing, click the Save button at the bottom of the file creation window.
To upload a file from the PC on which your browser is running, click the Upload button on
the toolbar. This will open a small browser window with two fields. The File to upload field is
for selecting a file on your PC, while the Upload to directory field is for entering the directory
to which the file will be uploaded. When both fields have been filled in, click the Upload button
to have the file sent to your Webmin server. Once the upload is complete, the directory list will
be updated to show the new file.
Because many people run their web browsers on the Windows operating system, which uses
a different text file format from UNIX, there is an option in the upload window to convert the
uploaded file to the correct format. This Convert DOS newlines? field should only be set to Yes
when uploading a text file from a Windows system. Enabling conversion when uploading binary
files will cause them to be corrupted.
The file manager can also be used to edit existing text files on your system. To do this, select
a file in the right-hand pane and click the Edit button on the toolbar. A window showing its cur-
rent contents will be displayed, allowing you to edit the file as you wish. When done, click the
Editing File Permissions 235

Save button to have it written back to the server. Do not attempt to edit and save nontext files, as
their contents will be corrupted.
Any existing file can be renamed simply by selecting it in the right-hand pane and clicking
the Rename button on the toolbar. This will bring up a window displaying the current filename
and prompting for a new one. Click the Rename button in the window after entering a new name
to have it changed.

26.5 Editing File Permissions

Each file or directory on a UNIX filesystem is owned by a single user and group and have a set
of permissions that determines who can access it. Normally these are changed by the chown and
chmod commands, but you can edit them in the file manager as well. To do this, select a single
file from the right-hand pane and click the Info button on the toolbar. This will bring up the per-
missions window shown in Figure 26.2.

Figure 26.2 The file permissions window.

The File section of the window displays its full path, size, type, and last modification date.
The Permissions section contains checkboxes that control which users can read, write, and exe-
cute the file. These are the same permissions that you can change at the command line with the
chmod command. As they are selected and deselected, the octal permissions that would nor-
mally be used with chmod are shown in the Octal field below.
236 Chapter 26 • Webmin’s File Manager

To change the file’s owners, enter new user and group names or IDs into the User and Group
fields in the Ownership section of the window. For executables, you can also control which user
the program runs as using the Execute as user and Execute as group fields. Because these options
correspond to chmod permissions, changing them will update the Octal field as well.
When editing a directory, the checkboxes available are slightly different. The execute per-
mission is replaced with list, an Only owners can edit files box is added, and the Execute as
checkboxes are replaced with Files inherit group. These all correspond to standard UNIX file
permissions that any system administrator should already be familiar with.
If changing the permissions and ownership of a directory, you can also choose to change
those of any subdirectories and files that it contains. The Apply changes to menu determines to
which files and directories the permissions are applied, and has three options:

This directory only The ownership and permissions chosen will be set on the
selected directory only.
This directory and its files The ownership and permissions will be set on the
chosen directory and all files that it contains. Subdirectories and their files will not
be effected.
This directory and all subdirectories Ownership and permissions will be set on
the chosen directory and all files and subdirectories that it contains.

If the file that was selected when the Info button was clicked is actually a symbolic link, the
window will contain an additional Link to field that can be changed if you want to edit the link
destination. Changing the permission and ownership fields is pointless, as they cannot be edited
for symbolic links on UNIX systems.

26.6 Creating Links and Directories

The file manager can be used to create a new symbolic link in the current directory by following
these simple steps:

1. Navigate to the directory in which you want the link to be created, and click the New
link button on the toolbar.
2. In the window that appears, enter the path of the new link file in the Link from field.
3. Enter the path to an existing file or directory that you want the link to point to into the
Link to field.
4. Click the Create button to have it created on the server and added to the directory listing.

New directories can also be created using the following steps:

1. Navigate to the directory under which you want the new subdirectory to be listed, and
click the New directory button on the toolbar.
2. Enter the full path to the directory into the New directory field.
3. Hit the Create button to create it.
Finding Files 237

26.7 Finding Files

The file manager can be used to search for files or directories on your system that match certain
criteria. This can be useful if you know the name of a file but not the directory in which it is
located, or if you want to find files owned by a particular user or larger than a certain size. To
search for files, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Find icon on the toolbar, which will bring up a search window.
2. In the Search directory field, enter the directory under which the files you are looking
for are listed. To search the entire system, just enter /. This may take a long time, how-
ever, on a server with large filesystems.
3. To search by filename, enter a pattern into the For files matching field. This can be
something like *.txt or foo?.c. If the field is left blank, filenames will not be included in
the search criteria.
4. To find files owned by a particular user, enter the username or ID into the Owned by
user field.
5. Similarly, to find files owned by group, enter its name or ID into the Owned by group field.
6. To limit the search to normal files, directories, or some other type of file, select it from
the File type field.
7. If you want to find files larger than a particular size, change the File size field to More
than and enter the minimum size in bytes into the adjacent field. To find those smaller than
a particular size, select Less than and enter the maximum size into the field next to it.
8. To prevent filesystems mounted under the search directory from being checked, change
the Search past mounts option to No. This can be useful if you want to avoid searching
NFS filesystems, which can be much slower than those mounted from local disks.
9. Finally, click the Search Now button. When the search is complete, all files and directo-
ries that match all of the chosen criteria will be displayed in the window under the
Search results tab. You can double-click on one to have the file manager automatically
navigate to the directory that contains it, and select it in the right-hand pane.
To do another search, click back on the Search criteria tab and follow the preceding
steps again.

In the background, the file manager’s search function uses the UNIX find command to locate
files matching the criteria that you enter. All of the available options correspond to command-
line options to find, such as –name, -user, and –group.

26.8 Editing EXT File Attributes

Several UNIX filesystem types support special attributes on files beyond those that can be set
with the normal chmod and chown commands. On Linux ext2 and ext3 filesystems, each file
has several special options that are normally set with the chattr command. Assuming your sys-
tem has at least one filesystem of this type, you can change the EXT attributes for files that it
contains by following these steps:
238 Chapter 26 • Webmin’s File Manager

1. Select the file that you want to modify in the right-hand pane, and click the EXT button
on the toolbar. This will bring up a window showing attributes that are currently set,
assuming that the file is on an ext2 or ext3 filesystem.
2. To stop the file’s last access time being updated very time it is read, turn on the Do not
update access times option. This can prevent a lot of useless disk writes on files that are
read frequently.
3. To stop processes modifying the contents of a file, check the Can only append to file
option. This is useful for logfiles that you want to save from truncation or overwriting.
4. To have the kernel automatically and transparently compress the contents of a file, turn
on the Compress data on disk option. This will only have an effect if your kernel sup-
ports transparent file compression.
5. To stop a file being read by the dump backup command (explained in Chapter 14), turn
on the Do not backup with dump option.
6. To prevent a file from being modified or deleted, check the Do not allow modification
7. To have the kernel overwrite the disk blocks containing the file when it is deleted, turn on
the Zero blocks when deleting attribute.
8. To force any writes to the file to be written to disk immediately, turn on the Always sync
after writing option. Normally, the kernel buffers data for writing to disk when it is most
9. To have the kernel save the contents of the file when it is deleted, turn on the Save con-
tents for undeletion option.
10. Finally, click the Save button to have your changes applied to the file.

Because all the preceding attributes can be changed at the shell prompt using the chattr com-
mand, making a file unchangeable or setting it to append-only mode does not provide any pro-
tection against someone who has root access to your system.

26.9 Editing XFS File Attributes

On Linux and IRIX xfs filesystems , files have totally different kinds of attributes. Every file or
directory can have an unlimited number, each of which is simply a mapping between a text name
and value. Normally, the attr command is used for editing attributes, but the file manager can
be used as well by following these steps:

1. Select the file that you want to modify in the right-hand pane, and click the Attrs button
on the toolbar. This will bring up a window listing existing attributes, unless the filesys-
tem on which the file is located does not support them.
2. To create a new attribute, click the Add Attribute button at the bottom of the window.
This will open another window for entering its name and value that can contain several
3. Click the Save button in the new attribute window to add it to the list.
4. To edit any existing attribute, just double-click on it. This will bring up a window like the
one used for creating a new attribute but with an additional Delete button.
5. When you are done creating and editing attributes for the file, click the Save button
below the list. Only then will they actually be applied to the file on the server.
Editing File ACLs 239

Attributes are generally used for storing metadata about files, such as a description, character
set, or icon. See the manual page for the attr command for more information on what attributes
can be used for.

26.10 Editing File ACLs

Standard UNIX file permissions and ownership are a simple way of controlling who can access
a file, but are not very flexible. A superior alternative that is available on many operating sys-
tems is POSIX ACLs. POSIX is a set of standards that applies to many UNIX systems, and ACL
stands for Access Control List. By setting up an ACL for a file, you can grant permissions to
additional users or groups in addition to the normal owner and group. When editing the ACL for
a directory, defaults for newly created files in that directory can be set as well.
The xfs filesystem type on Irix and Linux includes ACL support, as do ufs filesystems on
Solaris. If you have the right kernel patches installed, ext2 and ext3 filesystems on Linux can
support ACLs as well. Fortunately, they are implemented in an almost identical way on all oper-
ating systems, so the user interface in Webmin for editing them is the same.
An access control list contains at least four entries, each of which grants some permissions
to a user or group. The permissions granted by each entry are the same as those set by the chmod
command—read, write, and execute/list. The default ACL for a file contains entries for its owner
user, owner group, and other UNIX users. These are exactly the same as the permissions granted
to user, group, and others by chmod and the Info window in the file manager.
One special entry that appears in all ACLs is the mask, which defines the maximum permissions
that can be granted to the group owner and to any other users (except the file’s owner). Because the
mask limits the permissions that can be granted by other entries, you will often need to change it to
achieve the desired effect from your ACL. Exactly one mask entry must exist in every ACL.
The most commonly used ACL entry is one that that grants permissions to a UNIX user
other than the owner. Similarly, entries that grant permissions to another group can also be
defined. There is no limit on the number of such entries that can be created.
The ACL for a directory can include several special default entries that determine the initial
ACL of any file created in the directory. Default user, group, and mask entries can be created,
and the default user and group can apply to either a specific user or the owner of the file. On
most operating systems, if you create any defaults you must create entries for at least the default
user owner, default group owner, and default mask.
At the shell prompt, the commands getfacl and setfacl are used on Linux and Solaris
to view and change ACLs, respectively. On Irix, the ls –D command is used to display ACLs
and the chacl command is used to set them. Webmin will call these commands on the server
whenever the file manager is used to view or change the ACL of a file.
To edit the ACL for a file or directory, follow these steps:

1. Select the file from the list in the file manager’s right-hand pane, and click the ACL but-
ton on the toolbar. This will bring up a window listing all existing ACL entries, as shown
in Figure 26.3.
2. To add a new entry, select its type from the menu next to the Add ACL of type button
before clicking it. This will bring up another window for entering the user or group to
which the entry applies, and the permissions that they are granted. An ACL can only
240 Chapter 26 • Webmin’s File Manager

have one mask or default mask entry, so if either is chosen when one already exists, an
error message will be displayed.
3. For user or group ACL entries, you must fill in the Apply to field with the name of the user
or group to which the permissions are being granted. For default user or default group
entries, the Apply to field can be set to the File owner option, or the name of a user or
group can be entered. In the former case, the permissions will apply to the owner or group
of any new file created in the directory. In the latter, they will be granted to the entered user
or group. For mask ACL entries, there is no field for choosing to whom they apply.
4. In the Permissions field, check those permissions that you want granted to the user or
group. These have the same meaning as those set by the chmod command in the window
described in Section 26.5 “Editing File Permissions”.
5. Click the Save button to have the new ACL entry added the list in the ACL window. It
will not, however, be saved to the server yet.
6. To edit an existing ACL entry, just double-click on its row in the list. You can change the
user or group to which it applies (if any) and the permissions, but not the type. Click the
Save button to keep your changes or the Delete button to remove the entry from the list.
Not all types of ACL entry can be deleted—only those that grant permissions to a spe-
cific user or group or the various default types for a directory.
7. Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the ACL window to have the ACL applied
to the file on the server. Because not all combinations of entries are valid on all operating
systems, an error message may be displayed if your ACL is incorrect in some way. If this
happens, either fix the problem or use the Cancel button to discard your changes.

Figure 26.3 The ACL window.

26.11 Sharing Directories

If you have Samba installed on your system (covered in Chapter 43), it is possible to use the file
manager to share directories to Windows clients. In addition, if you are running Linux or Solaris,
the file manager can be used to export directories via NFS (as explained in Chapter 6). When
sharing directories, the file manager has very few options compared to the modules designed
Sharing Directories 241

specifically for the purposes of configuring Samba and NFS. It does, however, provide a much
simpler user interface.
Assuming the Samba is installed and working on your system, the following steps should be
used to share a directory with Windows clients:

1. Select the directory that you want to share in the right-hand pane and click the Sharing but-
ton on the toolbar. This will bring up a window with two tabs, labeled Windows and NFS.
2. Under the first tab, turn on the Windows file sharing enabled option.
3. Enter a short description for this directory into the Comment field.
4. Unless you want the share to be temporarily disabled, make sure the Currently active?
field is set to Yes.
5. To stop clients writing to the directory, change the Writable field to No. Otherwise,
leave it set to Yes.
6. To allow clients to access this share without needing to log in, set the Guest option to
Yes. If you set it to Only, clients will be treated as guests for the share even if they do
login to the server. If you select No, clients will not be able to access it at all without log-
ging in.
7. Click the Save button to make your new share active. On the server, an entry will auto-
matically be added to the Samba configuration file. From now on, when the directory
appears in the file manager, its icon will have the letter S on it to indicate that it is shared.

In the same way, directories that are already shared via Samba can be modified using the file
manager. Any options that have been set in Webmin or manually will not be affected by editing
the share in this module, even though only a few of them are visible under the Windows tab. To
turn off the sharing of a directory to Windows clients, just select the Windows file sharing dis-
abled option and hit Save. This will cause the entire share to be deleted from the Samba config-
uration, including all options.
If you are running Linux and the NFS server software is installed on your system, you can
export a directory to UNIX clients by following these steps:

1. Select the directory that you want to share in the right-hand pane and click the Sharing
button on the toolbar. In the window that appears, select the NFS tab.
2. Turn on the NFS file sharing enabled option.
3. The NFS export options section contains a table of hosts to which the directory is
shared, and the options that apply to those hosts. When setting up sharing for the first
time, only one empty row is available, so if you want to add multiple rows you must save
the export and re-edit it.
In the field under the Hosts column, enter the hostname, IP address, or netgroup to
which you want the directory to be exported.
From the menus under the Options column, you can control whether clients are allowed
to write to the directory, and how client UNIX users are treated by the server. Chapter 6
explains the meanings of these menu options in more detail.
4. Click the Save button to have the export settings written back to the server and the NFS
server automatically restarted. Allowed UNIX clients will be able to access the directory
242 Chapter 26 • Webmin’s File Manager

5. To add another host to the directory, click the Sharing button on the toolbar again and
repeat Steps 3 through 5.

On Solaris, the steps for sharing a directory via NFS are not quite the same due to the different
options that are available on that operating system. Those steps are:

1. Select the directory that you want to share in the right-hand pane and click the Sharing
button on the toolbar. In the window that appears, select the NFS tab.
2. Turn on the NFS file sharing enabled option.
3. Enter a short description for this export into the Description field, if you like.
4. To give some hosts read-only access to the directory, change the Read-only hosts field to
Listed and enter their hostnames, IP addresses, or netgroups into the field below, sepa-
rated by spaces. You can specify an entire network by preceding it with an @, such as
To give all hosts read-only access, select the All option instead. This means that any
system that can connect to yours over the network will be able to mount the directory and
read the files that it contains.
5. To give hosts read-write access to the directory, change the Read-write hosts field to Listed
and enter their hostnames, IP addresses, netgroups, or networks into the field below it.
If you select All, any system that can connect to yours will be able to read and write files
in the directory, which is probably a bad idea from a security point of view.
6. By default, even those hosts that have read or write access will not be able to access files
as the root user. To grant this to some hosts, change the Root access hosts field to
Listed and enter their hostnames, addresses, netgroups, or networks into the field below.
See Chapter 6 for more details on what root access means in relation to NFS.
7. Finally, click the Save button to have your new NFS export saved and made active.

On both Linux and Solaris, once a directory is shared via NFS its icon in the file manager’s
right-hand pane will be marked with the letter S. Directories that have been shared manually or
by Webmin’s NFS module will also be similarly indicated, and you can edit their settings by
selecting them and hitting the Sharing button. Any NFS options that are not configurable in the
file manager will be unaffected.
In the sharing window, you can turn off the NFS exporting of a directory by selecting the NFS
file sharing disabled option and clicking the Save button. All entries in the NFS configuration file for
the directory will be deleted, and the NFS server restarted to make the changes immediately active.

26.12 Module Access Control

Like other modules, the file manager can be configured in the Webmin Users module (covered in
Chapter 52) to restrict the access that a user has to it. Specifically, you can limit a Webmin user
to particular directories and allow him to access files with the rights of a non-root UNIX user.
The directory limitation feature is particularly powerful, as a user can be given root access
within that directory but prevented from seeing or touching any files outside of it.
Summary 243

Once you have created a Webmin user with access to the module, the steps for restricting his
access to it are as follows:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on File Manager next to the name of the user or
group for which you want to edit access control restrictions.
2. To change the UNIX user that files are accessed as, enter a new name into the Access files
on server as field. Alternatively, you can select the Same as Webmin login option, in which
case the Webmin user will the same privileges as the UNIX user with the same name.
Anyone who uses the module with non-root privileges will not be able to use its file
sharing features, as this would open up a large security hole. Webmin users who do not
have access to the Samba or NFS modules will also not be able to configure file sharing.
3. The Umask for new files field controls the permissions that are set on newly created files
and directories. It contains an octal number which is the binary inverse of the number used
in the chmod command to set permissions. For example, a umask of 022 would give new
files 755 permissions, while a umask of 077 would give them permissions of 700.
4. To prevent the user from creating or editing symbolic links and to force all links to
appear as the file that they are linked to, change the Always follow symlink? field to
Yes. This should be done when restricting a user to a directory so he cannot create links
to files outside of the directory and then edit or view them in the file manager.
5. To stop the Webmin user from editing or changing any files, set the Read-only mode?
field to Yes.
6. To restrict him to only certain directories, enter them into the Only allow access to
directories text box. By default, this field contains the root directory, which you must
remove if the restrictions are to make any sense. When the user opens the file manager, it
will appear as though directories other than those that have been allowed do not exist.
The full path to each directory, however, will still be visible.
To automatically include the home directory of the UNIX user with the same name,
check the Include home directory of Webmin user option. To have the file manager
navigate to the first accessible directory automatically, leave the Open first allowed
directory? option checked.
7. Finally, click the Save button to have the new restrictions activated.

If you want to give a large number of users access to the file manager, it may be better to install
Usermin (covered in Chapter 47), instead. It includes an identical file manager that always runs
as the UNIX user logged into Usermin, and can be restricted to the user’s home directory.

26.13 Summary
Even though Webmin’s file manager should be relatively intuitive if you have ever used a similar
program on Linux or other operating systems, it does have some extra features that you may not
have seen before. After reading this chapter you should be able to navigate your system’s direc-
tories, and perform basic operations like editing, copying, and deleting files. If necessary and
supported by your filesystem, you will also be able to share files with NFS or Samba, and edit
the ACLs and extended attributes of files.
C H A P T E R 2 7

Perl Modules

his chapter explains how to install new Perl modules onto your system
T using Webmin, and how to view or delete modules that are already

27.1 Introduction to Perl Modules

The Perl programming language has many of its functions in separate modules, which are
loaded only when they need them by Perl scripts. The standard distribution of Perl includes
many modules, but there are far more available that can be installed separately. Modules exist for
a wide variety of purposes, such as connecting to databases, creating images, using network pro-
tocols, and parsing data formats.
All Perl modules have short names like GD or Net::Telnet. All those that have multi-part
names separated by double-colons are part of a family of related modules, which are often pack-
aged together. Modules are distributed in tar.gz files which need to be extracted and compiled
before they can be installed. Often, a single distribution file will contain multiple modules that
must all be installed together.
The best source of Perl modules is CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network),
located at www.cpan.org/. It has a vast database of almost every third-party module available,
and is easily searchable. Webmin can install a Perl module for you directly from CPAN if you
know the name of the module that you want.
Because Webmin is itself written in Perl, it can make use of some optional modules. For
example, to run Webmin in SSL mode (as explained in Chapter 2), it is necessary to install the
Net::SSLeay module. To reliably connect to and manage MySQL and PostgreSQL databases,
you need to install the DBD::mysql and DBD:Pg modules, respectively.

Perl Modules in Webmin 245

27.2 Perl Modules in Webmin

Under the Others category in Webmin is a module called Perl Modules that can be used to view,
install, and remove Perl modules from your system. When you enter it, the main page lists all the
modules that are currently installed, as shown in Figure 27.1. For each module, the name, a short
description, installation date, and number of submodules is shown. Submodules are Webmin’s term
for Perl modules that are included in the distribution tar.gz file along with a primary module.
Because Perl behaves the same on all versions of UNIX, this Webmin module has the same
user interface and functionality on all operating systems. The only problem that you may
encounter on non-Linux systems is the lack of a C compiler, which is often needed when install-
ing Perl modules. All versions of Linux include the gcc compiler as standard, but many com-
mercial UNIX variants do not come with a free C compiler.

Figure 27.1 The Perl Modules main page.

27.3 Installing a Perl Module

If you need to install a new Perl module for use by Webmin or for developing your own scripts,
it can easily be done using this Webmin module. The steps to install a Perl module are:

1. At the bottom of the module’s main page is the installation form. It offers four options
for types of source from which to install a module in tar.gz distribution file format, but
the most common and useful is From CPAN. Just select it and enter the name of the
module (such as Net::Telnet) into the adjacent text field.
246 Chapter 27 • Perl Modules

If the module file is already on your system, you can choose the From local file option
and enter the path to the tar.gz file into the field next to it. Or if you have the file on the
system on which you are running your browser, click on From uploaded file and select
the file using the Browse button.
The final source from which a module can be installed is a URL on another server. To
have Webmin download it for you, select the From ftp or http URL option and enter the
URL into the field next to it.
2. If the From CPAN option was chosen and this not the first module that you have
installed from that source, the Refresh module list from CPAN checkbox next to the
module name field will be visible. If checked, Webmin will again download the complete
list of modules and the URLs on which they can be found from the CPAN website. Oth-
erwise, it will use a local cache of the list from the previous download.
The module list should be downloaded periodically to ensure that the local copy remains
up-to-date. For this reason, the box will be checked by default every 30 days, or whatever
period you have set in the Webmin module’s configuration.
3. When you have selected the source, click the Install button. This will take you to a page
showing the progress of the downloaded CPAN module list and the module file itself, if
necessary. If the Perl module cannot be found on CPAN or the select tar.gz file does
not appear to be in the correct format, an appropriate error message will be displayed.
If the module file was downloaded and successfully verified, however, an installation
options form like the one in Figure 27.2 will be displayed.
4. The Install action field determines which steps of the module installation process will
be carried out by Webmin. The available options are:
Make only The file will be extracted, its Makefile generated with the command
perl Makefile.PL, and then the make command run to build the modules it contains.
No actual installation will take place.
Make and test Like the Make only mode, but compiled module will be tested with the
make test command as well. Almost all Perl modules include test code to verify that
they have been compiled properly.
Make and install The module file will be extracted, the modules it contains built, and
then the make install command will be run to copy the compiled files to the
appropriate Perl directories on your system. Once they have been installed, the modules
will be usable by other Perl scripts and programs (like Webmin).
Make, test, and install Like the Make and install mode, but the make test
command will be run on the compiled modules before they are installed to verify that
they were built correctly. This is the default mode, but for some modules it may not be
appropriate if the testing phase is prone to failing incorrectly.
5. For some Perl modules, additional parameters may need to be passed to the perl
Makefile.PL command for them to be built correctly. If so, you can enter them into the
Makefile.PL arguments field. The Net::SSLeay module, for example, requires the
path to the OpenSSL directory to be given as a parameter, if it has not already been
installed in the standard directory. Generally though, you will not need to fill in this field.
Viewing and Removing a Perl Module 247

6. Some Perl modules need certain environment variables to be set before perl Makefile.PL
is run. If that is the case with the module you are trying to install, fill in the Makefile.PL
environment variables table with the names and values of those that need to be set. The
average module does not require any special variables.
7. To have Webmin carry out the compile and installation steps chosen in Step 4, click the
Continue with install button at the bottom of the form. This will take you to page show-
ing each command run to build the module and any output or error messages that it pro-
duces. Only if everything is successful will a message like Make, test, and install of
Net::SSLeay successful appear at the bottom of the page.
If something goes wrong, check the error messages for clues. Many Perl modules
provide an interface to some C library and require that the included files for that library
be installed. On many Linux distributions, these are in a different package to the library
itself. For example, Net::SSLeay uses the OpenSSL C library, whose included files are
often in a separate openssl-devel package. See Chapter 12 “Software Packages” for
instructions on how to install packages on your system.
8. Assuming everything works and you choose to install the module, you can now return to
the main page. The new module should be listed there and will be usable in Perl scripts
and programs.

Some Linux distributions include various Perl modules in RPM format. They must be installed
using the Software Packages module, not this one. Be warned that if you have upgraded Perl
from the version included with your distribution, these RPMs will not work. For this reason, it is
almost always better to install Perl modules using this Webmin module.

27.4 Viewing and Removing a Perl Module

The main page of this Webmin module displays all non-core Perl modules installed on your sys-
tem for which a .packlist file can be found. Unfortunately, some modules do not create a
.packlist file, especially those installed from an RPM package. Modules like this will still be
usable in Perl scripts, but cannot be viewed or uninstalled by Webmin.
Most Perl modules include documentation on their API for programmers who want to make
use of them in scripts. To view a module’s documentation, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the module name under the table’s Module column. This will
bring you to a page showing its complete documentation, as generated by the perldoc
command. Not all modules have documentation, so in some cases none will be dis-
2. If the module has submodules, they will be listed as well. Each may have additional doc-
umentation that you can view by clicking on its name.

Webmin can also be used to delete Perl modules from your system, as long as they have properly
formatted .packlist files. The process should be used to remove a module:

1. On the main page, click on the module’s name to go to the documentation page.
2. If the Uninstall module and submodules button exists, click on it. If the button is not
displayed, then Webmin cannot remove this Perl module.
248 Chapter 27 • Perl Modules

Figure 27.2 The module install options form.

3. Once you click on the button, a page listing all the files to be deleted is displayed. To go
ahead with the uninstall, click the Uninstall now button at the bottom of the confirmation
page. All the module’s files will be removed, and you will be returned to the main page.

As mentioned in Section 27.3 “Installing a Perl Module”, some Perl modules are installed from
RPM packages. To remove one of these, use the deletion feature of the Software Packages mod-
ule instead.

27.5 Configuring the Perl Modules Module

This Webmin module has one configurable option that you might want to change and two others
that should only be modified if using a different repository for Perl modules than the normal
CPAN website. All of the options listed in Table 27.1 can be found by clicking on the Module
Config link in the top-left corner of the main page.

27.6 Summary
This chapter has explained what Perl modules are and how to use Webmin to install new mod-
ules into your system. It has also covered the viewing of documentation and other information
for existing modules and explained how to remove those that you no longer need.
Summary 249

Table 27.1 Module Configuration Options

Days before refreshing CPAN This field determines the number of days that Webmin will wait
module list before recommending that the CPAN module list be downloaded
again, as explained in Section 27.3 “Installing a Perl Module”. It
is a good idea to refresh occasionally as the URLs it contains may
become out-of-date when a new version of a Perl module is

CPAN perl modules list These fields determine where Webmin downloads the list of
CPAN modules from, and where it downloads actual module files-
from. The defaults will work perfectly well, but because there are
many CPAN mirror sites around the world you may want to
change them to use a site closer to you.
If so, the CPAN perl modules list field must be set to the URL of
the 02packages.details.txt.gz file on the mirror server.

CPAN modules base URL The CPAN modules base URL field must contain the URL of a
directory under which module files are categorized by author,
which will typically end with authors/id.
C H A P T E R 2 8

Status Monitoring
with Webmin

his chapter covers the use of Webmin’s System and Server Status mod-
T ule, which can be used to check for and report down systems, failed
servers, network outages, and other problems.

28.1 The System and Server Status Module

This module allows you to monitor the status of various servers and daemons running on your
system, so you can easily see which ones are running properly and which are down. It can also
be configured to check the status of servers on a regular schedule, and to email you or run a com-
mand if something goes down. This can be useful if your system runs critical servers that other
people depend upon, such as web or DNS servers.
The module can also monitor servers running on other hosts. This can be done in two ways—
by making a TCP or HTTP connection to the port on which the server runs or by communicating
with the Webmin server on the remote host and asking it to check the status of the server. The latter
method is more powerful because it can be used to monitor things such as disk space and daemons
that do not accept any network connections.
Each server or service that you want to watch, using the module, must have a monitor defined.
Every monitor has a type that indicates what kind of server it is supposed to check, such as Apache
or BIND. Monitors also have additional parameters, some of which are specific to their type. The
module allows you to create many different types of monitors, for things like checking to see if
Sendmail or Squid is running, watching for excessive network traffic or a shortage of disk space, or
pinging or connecting to some host.
A monitor can run either on the system on which you are using the module or another server
running Webmin. In the latter case, the server must be defined in the Webmin Servers Index mod-
ule, explained in Chapter 53. You can also check another system that does not have Webmin
installed using the remote TCP, HTTP, and ping monitor types.

The System and Server Status Module 251

Many monitors use other Webmin modules to find the locations of the servers and daemons
that they check. For this reason, those other modules must be configured and working properly for
the associated monitor to work as well. For example, if you have compiled and installed Apache in
a different directory from the standard for your Linux distribution, the module configuration for
Apache Web server will have to be adjusted to use the correct paths. If not, this module will not
know where to look for the Apache PID file.
When you enter the System and Server Status module from the Others category on the Web-
min menu, its main page will display a table of all configured monitors. Several monitors for com-
mon servers and services will be defined by default, but you can edit, delete, or add to them as you
wish. Figure 28.1 shows an example of the module’s main page.

Figure 28.1 The System and Server Status module.

For each monitor, a description, the Webmin server that it runs on, and its current status are
shown. A monitor can be in one of the following three states:

Up Means that the monitored server or service is running correctly. This state is
indicated by a green tick on the main page.
Down Means that the monitored server is down. This state is indicated by a red
“X” on the module’s main page.
Webmin down Means that Webmin on the remote system is down, and so the
monitor cannot be run. Indicated by a red “W” on the module’s main page.
252 Chapter 28 • Status Monitoring with Webmin

Timed out Means that the monitor did not return a result within 60 seconds,
perhaps because it ran a command that never completed. Indicated by a red clock
symbol on the main page.
Not installed Means that the server being monitored is not installed on your
system. This state is indicated by a black circle with a line through it.

By default, the status of every monitor is queried every time you view the module’s main page.
Because this may take a long time, if you have many monitors or are checking the status of serv-
ers on remote hosts, there is a module configuration option that can be used to display the status
from the last scheduled check instead.

28.2 Adding a New Monitor

To have Webmin check on the status of a new server or service, you must add an additional mon-
itor in this module. Before you can do this, you must decide on the monitor’s type, which is
determined by the type of service that you want it to check. See Section 28.3 “Monitor Types”
for a list of all those that are available, their purposes, and optional parameters.
Once you have chosen a type, you can add the monitor by following these steps:

1. Select the type from the menu next to the Add monitor of type button on the module’s
main page. When you click the button, the browser will display a form for adding a new
monitor, as shown in Figure 28.2.

Figure 28.2 Adding a new HTTP monitor.

Monitor Types 253

2. Fill in the Description field with a short description of this monitor, such as Office web
server. This will appear on the main page and in any status emails.
3. To have the monitor executed on another Webmin server, select it from the Run on host
menu. If you have no servers defined in the Webmin Servers module (covered in
Chapter 53), no menu will appear.
4. If you have scheduled monitoring enabled and want this service to be regularly checked
by it, make sure the Check on schedule? field is set to Yes. If it is set to No, scheduled
checking will be turned off for this particular monitor.
The other options starting with Yes allow you to control when email is sent if the monitor
goes up or down. They correspond to the options for the Send email when field,
explained in Section 28.4 “Setting Up Scheduled Monitoring”.
5. To have a command executed when a scheduled check determines that the monitor has
gone down, enter it into the If monitor goes down, run command field. This could be
used to attempt to restart the monitored server, or to notify a system administrator by
some method other than email.
6. You can also fill in the In monitor comes up, run command field with shell commands
to execute when a scheduled check determines that the service has come back up again.
7. If the Run on host field is set to another Webmin server, you can choose whether the up
and down commands in the previous two steps are run on this system or the remote
server. This is controlled by the Run commands on field.
8. If the monitor is being run locally and is checking a server configured in another Webmin
module for which multiple clones exist, the Module to monitor field will appear on the
form. This menu can be used to choose from which of the clones the monitor should get its
configuration. So, for example, if you had two versions of Apache installed on your system
and two Apache Webserver modules set up to configure them, you would be able to choose
which one should be checked when creating an Apache Webserver monitor.
See Chapter 51 for more information on how module clones work.
9. Depending on the type of monitor being created, there may be several additional options
that you can set on this form. See Section 28.3 “Monitor Types” for the details.
10. When done, click the Create button to have the monitor created and added to the main
page. Its status should be immediately displayed.

Existing monitors can be edited by clicking on their description on the main page. When editing,
all the same fields as described above are available, in addition to a Current status field that
indicates whether the service is up or down. For some monitor types, additional information is
displayed when it is up, such as the time that the server being checked was started.
After you have finished editing a monitor, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to
record your changes. To get rid of a monitor, use the Delete button instead. Either way, the changes
will be applied immediately.

28.3 Monitor Types

The System and Server Status allows you to monitor many different kinds of servers and dae-
mons, using different monitor types. All types perform some kind of check, and either succeed
or fail depending on whether the check passes or not. In some cases, a monitor can return a third
254 Chapter 28 • Status Monitoring with Webmin

result indicating that the server being checked is not installed or that the check that it is trying to
perform is impossible.
The available types, their purposes, and additional parameters are listed in Table 28.1:

Table 28.1 Monitor Types and Their Options

Monitor Description Parameters

Apache Web server Determines if Apache is running by None

looking at its PID file, using the
configuration set in the Apache
Webserver module.

BIND 4 DNS Server Checks if BIND version 4 is run- None

ning by looking at its PID file, using
the path set in the BIND 4 DNS
Server module.

BIND DNS Server Checks if BIND version 8 or 9 is None

running by looking at its PID file,
using the configuration from the
BIND DNS Server module.

Check File Can be configured to make sure that File to check The full path to the
some file exists, does not exist, or file whose existence or size should
that its size is smaller or larger than be checked by the monitor.
a certain number of bytes. Test to perform If File must
This monitor can be useful for exist is chosen, the monitor will fail
detecting log files that have become if the file does not exist.
too large, critical files that have If File must not exist is chosen, the
gone missing, or indicator files cre- monitor will fail if the file does exist.
ated by other programs. If File must be bigger than is
selected, the monitor will fail if the
file is smaller than or equal to the
size entered next to this option.
If File must be smaller than is
selected, the monitor will fail if the
file is bigger than or equal to the
size entered.
Monitor Types 255

Table 28.1 Monitor Types and Their Options (Continued)

Monitor Description Parameters

Check Process Checks if the process matching Command to check for A Perl
some pattern is running or not. This regular expression to search the list
can be useful for ensuring that serv- of running processes for, such as
ers and daemons are running, or for httpd or nfsd.
detecting suspicious processes. Fail if process is Determines if
the monitor checks to make sure
that the command is running, or if it
does the opposite and makes sure
that it is not running.

Configuration Engine Checks to see if the CFengine dae- None

Daemon mon is running.

DHCP Server Checks to see if the ISC DHCP None

server is running by looking at its
PID file, taken from the configura-
tion of the DHCP Server module.

Disk Space Makes sure that a filesystem has at Filesystem to check For this
least a certain amount of free disk parameter, you must select the file-
space. A monitor of this type can be system whose size should be checked
used to give you an early warning of from its menu. Or you can choose the
an impending shortage of disk space. Other option and enter the mount
point into the text field next to it.
Minimum free space (in kB) If
the amount of disk space free on the
filesystem is less than the number
of kilobytes entered for this param-
eter, the monitor will fail.

Execute Command Executes an arbitrary shell command Command to check exit status of
and checks its exit status. This is the A shell command or commands that
most flexible monitor, as you can use the monitor will run as root and
it to run your own custom scripts that check to see if it succeeds or fails,
perform checks that none of the based on its exit status. All the
built-in monitor types can. usual shell metacharacters such as
;, &&, and | can be used.

Extended Internet Checks to see if the xinetd None

Server Extended Internet Server is running
by looking at its PID file.
256 Chapter 28 • Status Monitoring with Webmin

Table 28.1 Monitor Types and Their Options (Continued)

Monitor Description Parameters

File Change Determines if a file has changed File to monitor The full path to a
since the last time the monitor was file or directory whose last modifi-
run. Useful for detecting changes to cation time will be checked. The
critical files or log files that record monitor will report a failure if the
serious error messages. time has changed since the monitor
was last queried.

Free Memory Makes sure that the amount of free Minimum free memory (in kB)
memory available on your system is If the amount of available memory
not less than a certain amount. is less than the number of kilobytes
entered for this parameter, the mon-
itor will fail. On Linux, free mem-
ory is defined as the sum of free
RAM, free swap, and the memory
used for buffers and caches.

Hostsentry Daemon Checks to see if the Hostsentry dae- None

mon is running on your system.

Internet and RPC Server Checks to see if the inetd Internet None
Server is running by looking at its
PID file.

Jabber IM Server Checks if the Jabber Instant Mes- None

saging Server is running by looking
at its PID file.

Load Average Monitors the system load average, Load average to check As
and checks to see if it has exceeded explained in Chapter 11, all UNIX
some limit. systems keep track of the average
system load over the last 1, 5, and
15 minutes. This parameter controls
which average the monitor will
Maximum load average The
average above which the monitor
will fail. On a single-CPU machine,
an average of 1.0 means that the
system is fully loaded.
Monitor Types 257

Table 28.1 Monitor Types and Their Options (Continued)

Monitor Description Parameters

MON Service Monitor Checks to see if MON is running by None

looking at its PID file, which is
taken from the configuration of the
MON Service Monitor module.

MySQL Database Checks to see if MySQL is running None

Server by attempting a test connection,
using the username and password
set in the MySQL Database Server

NFS Server Checks to see if the nfsd process None

exists on your system, indicating
that the NFS server is running.

Network Traffic This monitor type checks the num- Interface to monitor The net-
ber of bytes that have passed work interface that will be checked
through a network interface, and for excessive traffic.
fails if the data rate exceeds some Maximum bytes/second The
limit. Because the rate is just the data rate above which the monitor
number of bytes that have passed will report a failure.
since the last check divided by the Direction to monitor This
number of seconds since the check, parameter determines whether
a monitor of this type must be run incoming, outgoing or traffic on
every few minutes on schedule. both directions is counted towards
This can be useful for warning you the data rate.
of a denial of service attack
launched from or at your system.

Portsentry Daemon Checks to see if Postsentry is run- None

ning by looking at its PID file, which
is taken from the configuration of the
Security Sentries module.

Postfix Server Checks to see if Postfix is running None

by looking at its PID file, the loca-
tion of which is taken from the
Postfix Configuration module.
258 Chapter 28 • Status Monitoring with Webmin

Table 28.1 Monitor Types and Their Options (Continued)

Monitor Description Parameters

PostgreSQL Database Checks to see if PostgreSQL is run- None

Server ning by attempting a test connec-
tion, using the username and
password set in the PostgreSQL
Database Server module.

ProFTPD Server Checks the ProFTPD PID file to see None

if the server process is running.
This monitor can only be used if the
FTP server is running in stand-
alone mode, not from a super server
like inetd or xinetd.

QMail Server Checks to see if Qmail is running None

by looking for the qmail-send

Remote HTTP Service Attempts a connection to an HTTP URL to request An HTTP or

server running on some host, and HTTPS URL for the monitor to
requests a page. If something goes download when it is run. FTP URLs
wrong, the monitor will fail. This are not supported.
type is useful for testing web serv- Connection timeout The number
ers running on systems that do not of seconds that the monitor will wait
have Webmin installed, or for to make the connection and request a
checking to see that critical pages page. If the process takes longer than
are available. this time, a failure will be reported.
The default is 10 seconds.
Login as If the URL is password
protected, this parameter can be
used to specify a username and
password with which to log in.

Remote Ping Sends and listens for ICMP packets Host to ping The IP address or
to determine if some host is up or hostname of a system to check. If
down. This can be useful for testing the host fails to respond to ICMP
network connectivity and server echo-request packets, the moni-
availability. tor will fail.
Time to wait for response The
number of seconds that the monitor
should wait for an ICMP echo-
reply response.
Monitor Types 259

Table 28.1 Monitor Types and Their Options (Continued)

Monitor Description Parameters

Remote TCP Service Attempts a TCP connection to a Host to connect to The IP

host and port to ensure that the address or hostname of the system
server listening on that port is run- to which the monitor should open a
ning. If the connection is success- TCP connection.
ful, it will be closed immediately. Port to connect to The TCP port
on the host on which the connection
should be made.
Connection timeout The num-
ber of seconds to wait for the TCP
connection to succeed before the
monitor gives up and reports a fail-
ure. The default is 10 seconds.

Samba Servers Checks to see if both the smbd and None

nmbd Samba server processes are
running, unless they have been con-
figured to run from inetd or

Sendmail Server Checks to see if the Sendmail server None

is running by looking at its PID file,
which is taken from the configura-
tion of the Sendmail Mail Server

Squid Proxy Server Checks to see if the Squid server is None

running by looking at its PID file,
which is taken from the configuration
of the Squid Proxy Server module.

Usermin Web server Checks to see if the Usermin HTTP None

server is running by looking at its
PID file, the location of which is
taken from the Usermin Configura-
tion module.

Webmin Web server Checks to see if Webmin itself is None

running. This monitor type is only
really useful when run on schedule.
260 Chapter 28 • Status Monitoring with Webmin

Not all monitors are available on all operating systems. Because they use Linux-specific files
in /proc, the Free Memory and Network Traffic monitors are only available on that OS. The Load
Average type can only be used on systems that support the Running Processes module, and the
Disk Space monitor will only work on systems to which the Disk and Network Filesystems mod-
ule has been ported.
In addition, many monitors depend upon other Webmin modules. For example, if the Apache
Webserver module has been deleted from your Webmin installation, you will not be able to use the
Apache Webserver monitor type. If you attempt to add a new monitor that depends upon a module
that is not installed or will not work on your operating system, an error message will be displayed
when the Create button is clicked.

28.4 Setting Up Scheduled Monitoring

The monitors that you can configure using this module are most useful when they are run on
schedule, so that you can be automatically notified via email if a monitored server or daemon
goes down. When scheduled checking is enabled, all your monitors will be run at a periodic
interval, just as they are all run when you visit the module’s main page.
To set up scheduled monitoring, the steps to follow are:

1. Click on the Scheduled Monitoring button found on the module’s main page below the
table of monitors. This will take you to the form shown in Figure 28.3.
2. Change the Scheduled monitoring enabled? field to Yes.
3. The Check every field controls when the scheduled check is run. The first lets you set
the period, such as every 1 hour or 5 minutes, while the second part controls how many
hours or minutes into the period it is run. For example, to have the monitors checked at
3:00 a.m. every day, you would set the Check every field to 1 days, and the with offset
field to 3.
4. To limit the check to only certain hours of the day, deselect those hours on which you
don’t want it to run from the Run monitor during hours list. This does not make much
sense if the scheduled check is being run only once per day.
5. Similarly, to limit the check to certain days of the week, deselect the days that you don’t
want it to run from the Run monitor on days list.
6. The Send email when field determines which events will cause an email message to be
sent by the scheduled check.
If When a service changes status is chosen, email will be sent when a service goes
down or up.
If When a service goes down is chosen, email will only be sent when a service goes down.
If Any time service is down is chosen, email will be sent as long as any service is down,
and will be sent again at each check until service comes back up.
It is possible to override this field on a per-monitor basis using the Check on schedule
field on the monitor creation form.
7. To receive email when a service goes down, enter your address into the Email status
report to field. If it is left set to Nobody, then no email will be sent.
8. To set the source address of the status email, change the From: address for email field.
The default is just webmin@yourhostname.
Setting Up Scheduled Monitoring 261

Figure 28.3 The scheduled monitoring configuration form.

9. By default, any status email will be sent by running the sendmail program on your sys-
tem. To have it sent via an SMTP server on another system, change the Send mail via
field to SMTP server and enter the hostname of the mail server into the field next to it.
10. If you want to receive an email for each monitor that goes down, change the Send one
email per service? field to Yes. Otherwise, all services that are determined to have failed
by a single check will be reported in a single email.
11. If you have a pager command set up and working on the module’s configuration, you can
enter a pager number into the Page status report to number field. It will receive a
shortened version of the message that is sent via email.
12. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate scheduled monitoring. Web-
min will automatically set up a Cron job that runs a script on the chosen schedule.

Once scheduled monitoring is active, you should begin receiving email messages notifying you
when services go down and come back up. If a service is down when scheduled checking is first
enabled, however, and you have chosen to be only notified when services go down or come up,
you will not receive a message about it.
To modify any of the scheduled monitoring options, just repeat the preceding steps again. To
turn it off altogether, change the Scheduled monitoring enabled? field to No and click Save. If
you want to change the monitoring schedule, it is best to do it in this module instead of in the
Scheduled Cron Jobs module that is covered in Chapter 10.
262 Chapter 28 • Status Monitoring with Webmin

28.5 Module Access Control

You can grant a Webmin user the right to only see the current status of configured monitors but
not create or edit them. This can be done in the Webmin Users module, which is covered in
Chapter 52. Once you have created a user who has access to the module, follow these steps to
give him read-only access:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on System and Server Status next to the name of
the user or group that you want to restrict.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? option to No to prevent him changing dis-
play options.
3. Set the Can create and edit monitors? field to No so he can only view the status of
existing monitors.
4. Set the Can change scheduled monitoring? field to No.
5. Click the Save button to make the module access control restrictions active.

28.6 Configuring the System and Server Status Module

This module has several configuration options, mostly related to the way the main page is dis-
played. The options, which you can edit by clicking on the Module Config link on the main
page, are listed in Table 28.2.

Table 28.2 Module Configuration Options

Status to display in list By default, this field is set to Current status which will cause the
main page to query and display the current status of all configured
modules. If you change it to From last scheduled check, how-
ever, the status of each monitor at the time the last scheduled
check was run will be displayed instead. This option will make
the main page load much faster, especially if you have a large
number of monitors. It doesn’t make much sense, however, if you
do not have scheduled monitoring enabled.

Command to send message to When the scheduled check needs to send a message to a pager
pager number, it will invoke this command with two parameters. The
first is the number to which to send the message, and the second is
the actual message text. The freely available yaps works well
with these parameters.

Seconds between page refreshes When Don’t refresh is deselected and a number entered, the main
page of the module will be periodically reloaded by any browser
viewing it. The time between refreshes is the number of seconds
Summary 263

Table 28.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Display monitors sorted by This field controls the ordering of monitors on the module’s main
The Order created option will show them in the order that they
were added.
The Description option will sort them by their description.
The Host option will sort them by the remote Webmin server on
which each runs.

28.7 Summary
By the time you have finished this chapter, you should understand how Webmin’s System and
Server Status module can be used to easily monitor various servers and services on one or more
systems. You should know how to add and edit monitors, how to set up scheduled checking, and
how to configure outage notification via email, pager, or SMS. If you are looking for a more
advanced monitoring tool, try MON, which can be configured using the MON Service Monitor
C H A P T E R 2 9

Apache Web Server


his chapter explains how to use Webmin to configure the Apache Web
T server. It covers virtual hosts, IP access control, password restrictions,
and much more.

29.1 Introduction to Apache

Apache is the Internet’s most popular HTTP server, due to its zero cost, wide availability, and
large feature set. All Linux distributions include it as a standard package, and it can be installed
on or compiled for every other UNIX variant supported by Webmin. It has a very large number
of option directives defined in a text configuration file, however, and so can be hard for an inex-
perienced administrator to set up.
Over the years since it was first introduced, many versions of Apache have been released.
Starting with 1.0 and moving through to the current 1.3 and 2.0 series, each version has included
more features and options. The basic web server functionality and configuration file layout has
remained the same throughout, even though the internal implementation has changed significantly.
Apache has a modular design, in which each module is responsible for some part of its overall
feature set. There are several standard modules that are included with almost every install of
Apache, and many more that are optional or have to be downloaded separately. Modules can be
compiled into the web server executable, or dynamically loaded from shared libraries at runtime.
This modular architecture can be used to save memory by avoiding the need to load modules that
do not provide any useful functionality for a particular system.
Apache takes its configuration from multiple text files, each of which contains a series of
directives, usually one per line. Each directive has a name and one or more values and sets an
option such as the path to a log file or the MIME type for some file. The directives that Apache rec-
ognizes are dependant on the modules in use. Most modules add support for several directives to
configure the functions that they provide.

The Apache Webserver Module 265

Often, you will want to host more that one website on a single server. Apache can be config-
ured to use a different configuration depending on the website that is requested by a browser. Each
one of these sites is called a virtual host and is defined in the configuration file with a special
<Virtualhost> section. All directives inside this virtual host section apply only to requests that
match their IP address or hostname.
Similarly, <Directory> and <Files> sections can be defined in the configuration file to
contain directives that apply to only a certain directory or to files matching a particular pattern.
These are often used to deny access to certain files on your system, to password protect them, or to
control the way that they are displayed to clients.
Another method of creating directives that apply to only a single directory is to put them in a
special configuration file named.htaccess that resides in the directory itself. Often these files
will be created by regular users so they can configure their websites without needing full access to
the master configuration file. This is very useful on a system that hosts multiple sites that are each
owned by a different UNIX user, rather than on a system with only one website that is set up by the
server’s owner.

29.2 The Apache Webserver Module

This is one of the most complex and powerful Webmin modules, as it allows you to configure
almost every feature of Apache. It can determine the version of Apache that is installed on your
system and the modules that it uses, and adjusts its user interface accordingly so that you can
edit only those directives that the web server understands. The interface, however, is generally
the same for all versions of Apache.
Because there are so many directives and the module attempts to allow configuration of all of
them, it groups directives into categories like Processes and Limits, Networking and Addresses,
and CGI Programs. These categories are represented by icons that will appear when you open a
virtual server, directory or options file in the module. In all cases, you can view and edit the set-
tings under each category by clicking on its icon.
Apache has a large number of standard modules and an even larger number of separate mod-
ules that were developed by other people. Webmin does not support the editing of directives in
most of these non-standard modules, such as mod_perl and mod_php. It will safely ignore any
configuration file directive that it does not understand, however, so any settings for unsupported
modules that you make manually will not be harmed.
The Apache Webserver module can be found under the Servers category on the Webmin main
menu. When you enter it for the first time the main page will display a list of all Apache modules
that it knows how to configure, with those available on your system selected. Figure 29.1 shows an
example of this.
In almost every case, the default selections will be correct for your system and you can just
click the Configure button to begin using the module. If, however, you have a complex Apache
configuration file that Webmin cannot parse properly to find dynamically loaded modules, the
default selections may be incorrect. If so, you will need to change them so that the module does not
attempt to set directives that are not supported on your system.
Once you have submitted the module configuration form, the main page will be redisplayed as
shown in Figure 29.2. From this point on, this page will be displayed immediately whenever you
266 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Figure 29.1 Selecting available Apache modules.

enter the module, unless Webmin detects that a new version of Apache has been installed on your
At the top of the main page are icons for the various categories of global options, as well as a
few extra features. Below them is a list of all current virtual servers, followed by a form for adding
a new virtual host. If you have a very large number of virtual servers on your system (more than
100 by default) a search form for finding servers will be displayed instead. The first server will
always be the special Default Server, which contains directives that apply to all other virtual serv-
ers and handles requests that other servers do not.
Naturally, the Apache module will not work if you do not have Apache installed on your sys-
tem. If this is the case, the main page will display an error message instead of the module configu-
ration form or list of virtual servers. All Linux distributions include a package or packages for it on
their CD-ROM or website, so install it from there using the Software Packages module (covered in
Chapter 12) before continuing.
Because the module assumes that the Apache executable and configuration files will be in the
locations used by your distribution’s package, it will report the same error about the software not
being installed if you have compiled and installed it manually. If this is the case, click on the Mod-
ule Config link and adjust the paths to the correct locations for your system. The instructions in
Section 29.22 “Configuring the Apache Webserver Module” explain how to do this in more detail.
On versions of UNIX that do not include Apache by default, Webmin assumes that it will be
installed from the standard source distribution at www.apache.org. If you have installed the web
The Apache Webserver Module 267

Figure 29.2 The Apache Webserver module main page.

server from an optional package that has been made available for your OS, then the main page will
complain that it is not installed and you will need to adjust the module’s configuration.
The module’s user interface is quite complex and has a large number of pages, forms, and sub-
pages due to the complexity and power of the Apache configuration files. There are, however, ele-
ments of the interface that are repeated on many pages throughout the module, such as:

Category icons When you click on the icon for a virtual server, directory, or
options file, a table of icons with names like MIME Types and CGI Programs is
displayed at the top of the page. Under each of these icons are fields and tables for
configuring options related to the label of the icon they are under. This commonly
used layout breaks down the vast number of editable Apache options into categories,
as there are far too many fields to display on a single page. The exact icons that
appear and the fields under them differ depending on the part of the web server
configuration you are editing, and the version of Apache that is installed. Their basic
layout, however, is always the same.
Tables fields On many forms, some fields use tables for entering multiple values
such as MIME types and their associated file extensions. There is no limit on how
many rows each table can have, but Webmin will only display a single empty row in
each table at any one time. This keeps down the size of forms that have lots of
tables, but means that you can only add one new row to a table at a time. To add
more than one, you will need to save the form and then re-enter it, which will cause
a new blank row to be displayed below the one you just filled in.
268 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

The following sections explain in more detail exactly which icons to click and which tables to
fill in when you are doing things like enabling CGI scripts and setting MIME types.

29.3 Starting and Stopping Apache

Before browsers can connect to the Apache Web server on your system, Apache’s server process
must be started. You can check to see if it is currently running by looking at the top of any of the
pages in the module. If links labelled Apply Changes and Stop Apache appear, then it is cur-
rently active. If only the link Start Apache appears, however, it is not yet running.
To start it, click the Start Apache link. If all goes well, the page that you are currently on will
be redisplayed and the links at the top should change to indicate that it is now running. Otherwise,
an error message will appear explaining what went wrong. Most likely the cause will be an error in
the configuration file.
To stop the web server once it is running, click the Stop Apache link on any of the module’s
page. In the unlikely event that Webmin is unable to stop the server, an error message page will be
shown. If it is successfully stopped, the same page will redisplay with the links at the top changed
to show that it is no longer running.
When Apache is active, every page will have an Apply Changes link at the top that can be
used to signal the web server to reload its current configuration. After you make any changes in
this module (except those in .htaccess files), this link must be clicked to make them active.
Unlike other Webmin modules that have an Apply button on the main page, this one has it on every
page so you do not have to return to the index every time you make a change.

29.4 Editing Pages on Your Web Server

This section explains how to find and edit the files on your system that are displayed when a cli-
ent connects to your Apache Web server. If you already know how to do this, feel free to skip it
and move on to Section 29.5 “Creating a New Virtual Host”.
When Apache is first installed from a package or from source, its initial configuration will
typically not have any virtual servers set up. Instead, just the default server will exist, serving pages
to any client that connects on port 80. You can view the default pages by running a web browser
and going to the URL http://yourhostname/, or http://localhost/ if you are running the browser on
the same system on which Webmin resides. The page that appears will probably just be one sup-
plied with Apache or your Linux distribution.
The document root directory out of which Apache serves files will be shown on the mod-
ule’s main page next to the Default Server icon. On Red Hat Linux for example, this direc-
tory is /home/httpd/html by default. The files in this directory can be edited by logging in
as root or by using Webmin’s File Manager module. Any changes that you make will imme-
diately be reflected on the website.
If your system is just going to host a single static website, it may not be necessary to configure
any other aspects of Apache. You can just upload or copy HTML, images, and other files to the
directory and its subdirectories to create the site that you want. The most important file is
index.html, which is served by Apache whenever a browser does not request a specific page.
Because most people will go to http://yourserver/ first, the index.html page will be the first one that
they see.
Creating a New Virtual Host 269

To make editing easier, you may want to change the ownership of the document root direc-
tory and all its files to a non-root user. You must make sure, however, that they are still readable
by the user as whom the Apache server process runs , which is typically named httpd. The easiest
way to do this is to make all files and directories world-readable and world-executable.

29.5 Creating a New Virtual Host

If you want to host multiple websites on your system, then you will need to create an Apache
virtual host for each one. Before you can add a site, its address must first be registered in the
DNS, either on a DNS server on your system or on another host. If the site’s files are to be
owned by a different UNIX user than the one who owns the document root directory, then he
must be created first as well.
The entire process for adding a virtual server is:

1. Decide on a hostname that will be used in the URL for the new website, such as
2. Decide if your new site is going to be IP-based, or name-based. A name-based site will
work fine with all except for old browsers and so is, by far, the best choice these days. An
IP-based site will work with any browser, but needs its own separate IP address to be
added to your system. Because IP addresses are often scarce, this only makes sense if
you need to set up a virtual FTP or POP3 server for the domain as well.
3. If your site is going to be IP-based, use the Network Configuration module (covered in
Chapter 16) to add a new virtual IP address to the external network interface on your sys-
tem. Make sure that it will be activated at boot time and is active now. If your system has
only a single static internet IP address assigned by your ISP, then any extra virtual IP
addresses that you add to it will not work. In that case, you will have to use a name-based
virtual server instead, or request that your ISP assign you multiple addresses.
4. If the example.com domain already exists on a DNS server, add a record for www.exam-
ple.com with the external IP address of your system (for a name-based site) or the
address chosen in the previous step (for an IP-based site).
If the domain does not yet exist, you will need to add it to a DNS server and register it
with a DNS registrar like Network Solutions. Either way, Chapter 30 explains how to add
records and domains in detail.
5. If the site will belong to a different person, add a UNIX user account for him in the Users
and Groups module covered in Chapter 4. It is a much better idea for the files for each
site to be owned by separate users than a single one if they are going to be managed by
different people.
When you create the user account, make sure it has a valid home directory such as
/home/example. Then create a subdirectory called www under the home and make sure
that it is owned by the new user. This can be done automatically for new users by
creating a www sub-directory under /etc/skel, or wherever default files for new users
are stored on your system.
6. If the site is going to use the standard HTTP port 80 (which is almost always what you
want), then you can skip to Step 8. Otherwise, click on the Networking and Addresses
270 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

icon on the Apache Webserver module’s main page to bring up the form shown in
Figure 29.3.
7. In the empty row in the Listen on addresses and ports table, select All under the
Address column and deselect Default under the Port column. Then, enter the TCP port
number for your website in the field next to it and click the Save button at the bottom of
the page.
8. On the module’s main page, scroll down to the Create a New Virtual Server form
below the list of existing virtual hosts.
9. If you are setting up an IP-based virtual server, you should enter the virtual IP address in
the Specific address field that was added in Step 3. If setting up a name-based virtual
server, enter the external IP address of your system into the field instead. If your Apache
server has been configured to accept name-based connections on any IP address, you can
select the Any address option for this field instead. See the following explanation for
more details.
If your new virtual server is going to use a port other than 80 and will be the only server
on that port, you can select the Any address option as well so it handles all requests that
come in on the port.
10. If you are setting up an IP-based virtual server, deselect the Add name virtual server
address checkbox. For name-based servers, it should be left enabled.
11. If the new virtual host is going to use a nonstandard port, select the last option for the
Port field and enter the number into the field next to it.
12. In the Document Root field, enter the full path to the directory that will contain files for
this website. For example, this might be /home/example/www.
13. In the Server Name field, enter the hostnames that clients will use to refer to this website
such as www.example.com. You can enter more than one name, such as web.example.com
and example.com, if this is going to be a name-based server that should be accessible at
several different URLs.
14. Unless you have a separate file on your system that contains all virtual hosts, leave the
Add virtual server to file field set to Standard httpd.conf file. Otherwise, you can
choose Selected file and enter the path into the field next to it. Make sure that the chosen
file is actually used by Apache (such as by an Include directive in httpd.conf) or the
virtual server will be useless and will not appear in Webmin.
If you always use the same separate file for storing virtual hosts, the File to add virtual
servers to field explained in Section 29.22 “Configuring the Apache Webserver
Module” may be useful. When this configuration field is set, an option for creating the
virtual host in the chosen file is added to the Add virtual server to file field.
15. To have Webmin copy all of the directives from another virtual server to the one that you
are creating, select it from the Copy directives from menu. This can be useful if all of
your virtual hosts have a similar configuration.
16. When you are done filling in the form, click the Create button. The new virtual server
will be added to the Apache configuration file and to the list of servers on the main page.
17. Click on the icon for the new virtual server, which will take you to its options page,
shown in Figure 29.4.
Creating a New Virtual Host 271

18. Scroll down to the form under Per-Directory Options and enter the document root
directory that you chose in Step 11 in the Path field. Make sure the Type is set to Direc-
tory and the Regexp? field to Exact match.
19. Click the Create button to add a new section to the configuration file for the directory.
This is necessary for granting clients the rights to browse files contained in the directory,
because the default Apache directory configuration will deny access.
20. Click on the new icon for the directory that has been added to the virtual server options
page. This will take you to the directory options page shown in Figure 29.5.
21. Click on the Document Options icon and change the Directory options field to
Selected below on the form that appears. Under the Set for directory column, change
the entry for Generate directory indexes to Yes. Then click the Save button at the bot-
tom of the page.
22. To make all your changes active, click the Apply Changes button at the top of any page.
23. You or the user who owns the virtual server can now start adding files to the document
root directory. You can test it out by opening the URL (such as www.example.com/) in
your web browser to make sure that everything is working properly.

Figure 29.3 The global networking and addresses page.

When Apache receives an HTTP request, it must first work out which virtual server the request
is for. It will first look for a name-based virtual server whose hostname matches the host
requested by the client, and whose address and port are the same as the ones to which the client
272 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Figure 29.4 The virtual server options page.

connected. If none is found, the first defined virtual server for the address and port will be used
instead, or if there are none then the request will be handled by the default server.
Name-based virtual servers can only be used on addresses listed in the Addresses for name
virtual servers field on the global Networking and Addresses page. If you follow the instructions
above, an address will be added to this list automatically when you create a new virtual server. If all
the virtual servers on your system are going to be name-based, you can open this page, select the
Include all addresses option, and click Save so that Apache will handle such requests on any IP
address. This also makes sense if your system has a dynamically assigned IP address and you want
to serve multiple virtual hosts.
Once a virtual server has been created, you can edit its settings or delete it by following these

1. On the module’s main page, click on the virtual server’s icon. This will take you to the
server options page shown in Figure 29.4.
2. Scroll down to the Virtual Server Details form at the bottom of the page.
3. Change the Address, Port and other fields to whatever you want and click the Save but-
ton. These fields have the same meanings as on the virtual server creation form. If the
address is changed on a name-based virtual server, however, you may need to change it
on the global Networking and Addresses page as well.
Or if you want to get rid of the virtual server and all the configuration directives that it
contains, click the Delete Virtual Server button instead.
Setting Per-Directory Options 273

Figure 29.5 The directory options page.

4. Back on the module’s main page, click on the Apply Changes link to make the new set-
tings active.

You cannot change the settings for the default server, nor can you delete it.

29.6 Setting Per-Directory Options

Apache allows you to specify different options for certain directories—either for all virtual serv-
ers or just a single one. Including directories, you can actually set options that apply to three
types of objects on your Apache server:
Directory The options apply to a specified directory and all files in it or in the
subdirectories that it contains.
Files The options apply to files with a specified name in any directory.
Location The options apply to any files or directories requested by a URL whose path
starts with the specified location. For example, in the URL www.example.com/foo the
path would be /foo.
Whenever Apache processes a request, it checks for the options that apply to it in a fixed order.
Those from directory sections and .htaccess files are read in order so that the most specific
directories are checked first. They are then followed by files and then location sections. Options
from the virtual server to which the request was made (if any) are then read, and finally options
from the default server.
274 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

This means that options set for a directory will override the same options set in a higher level
directory, or in the virtual server of which it is a member. To set options for a directory, files, or a
URL location, follow these steps:

1. Even though the options you are going to set apply to a directory, they must be defined
under one of the virtual servers or the default server. If they are under a virtual host, they
will apply only to requests to that server for files in the chosen directory or URL loca-
tion. If they are under the default server, however, requests to any virtual host for files in
the directory will be affected.
On the module’s main page, click on either the Default Server icon or the icon for a
virtual server to which you want the directory options to be limited. For directories, it is
usually simplest to put their options under the default server as each virtual host typically
has its own separate document root directory. URL location options, however, should be
put under the virtual server to which they are related because the same URL path may be
used in different ways on more than one virtual host. The same goes for file options.
2. On the server options page that appears (shown in Figure 29.4), scroll down to the Cre-
ate Per-Directory, Files, or Location Options form.
3. From the Type menu, choose one of the options previously described.
4. If you are setting options for a directory, enter it into the Path field such as
/home/example/www/images. You can also enter a wildcard path such as /home/example/w*,
which will cause the options to apply to all directories that match.
If the options are being set for a URL location, enter the part of the URL after the
hostname into the Path field, such as /images. You can also use shell wildcard characters
like * and ? in the URL as well. If setting options for files, enter a filename into the Path
field such as secret.html. Once again, wildcard characters can be used in the filename, for
example secret*.
5. If you want to be able to use complex regular expressions in the directory, filename, or
URL location, set the Regexp? field to Match regexp. This will allow you to use Perl
regular expression characters like [, ], +, . and * in the path.
6. Click the Create button to add the new directory section to the Apache configuration. The
virtual server options page will be displayed again, but with a new icon for the directory.

Now that you have created a new icon for a directory, URL location, or filename, you can set
options that apply to it. One of the most common per-directory changes is configuring how files
are listed when a browser requests a directory with a URL like www.example.com/images/. By
default, if there is an index.html file in the directory it will be displayed. If not, a page listing
all files that it contains will be shown instead.
If you want to change the name of the index file, the style of the directory listing, or any other
settings related to indexing, follow these steps:

1. Click on the icon for the directory that you want to configure on the virtual server
options page. This will take you to the directory options page shown in Figure 29.5.
2. Click on the Directory Indexing icon to bring up a form for setting indexing and listing
Setting Per-Directory Options 275

3. To change the appearance of directory listings, set the Directory index options field to
Selected below and change the fields in the box provided. The defaults will generate a
very plain list of files, but you can enhance it by setting the following options:
Display fancy directory indexes If enabled, the list of files will include their icon,
size, and modification date.
Display HTML title as description If enabled, the description for HTML files will be
taken from their <title> tags.
Icon height This option allows you to change the height of icons included in the
directory listing. If it is set to Default, the height of the standard Apache options will be
Icon width Like the previous option, this one allows you to specify the width of icons
in the directory listing.
Allow user sorting of column When this is enabled, users will be able to sort the list
of files by clicking on the column headings, assuming they are being displayed.
Show file descriptions If enabled, the directory listing will include a description for
each file taken from its MIME type or HTML title.
Output HTML header tags When enabled, the directory listing will include the
normal <html> and <head> tags that should begin every HTML page. You will only
want to turn it off if you are providing your own header and footer files.
Show last modified times When enabled, the directory listing will include the last
modified date for each file.
Show file sizes When enabled, the listing will include the size of each file.
Include icon in link If this option is enabled, the icon in the listing will be a link to the
file itself. Otherwise, only the filename is a link.
Filename width This option controls the length of the filename column in the
directory listing. You can either enter a number of characters or * to size the column to
the length of the longest filename.
Description width This option controls the length of the description column in the
directory listing, if any. You can either enter a number of characters or * to size the
column to the length of the longest description.
Display directories first If enabled, the listing will show any directories above any
files, regardless of any other files.
The options that are available depend on the version of Apache that you have installed on
your system. Those listed above are valid for version 1.3.19, but if you have a newer
release more options may be available.
4. If you want Apache to return a file other than the default (usually index.html) when a
browser requests the directory, enter a list of filenames into the Directory index files
field. More than one can be entered and the first that is found will be used. If none of the
index files are found, a directory listing using the options chosen in Step 3 will be
returned to the browser instead.
5. To have the web server ignore certain files when generating a list of files in the directory,
enter their filenames into the Files to ignore in directory index field. You can use shell
wildcards in the regular expressions, such as *.doc.
276 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

6. To have an HTML file inserted at the start of the directory listing, enter its filename (rel-
ative to the directory) into the Directory index header file field.
7. Similarly, to have a filename added at the end of the directory listing, enter its name into
the Directory index footer file field.
8. To control the default ordering of the directory, deselect Default in the Sort directory
index by field and select an order and column to sort on from the two menus next to it.
9. You can set descriptions for files by filling in the Directory index descriptions table. In
the table’s empty row, enter a short message describing the file in the Description col-
umn and a list of filenames or wildcard names in the Filenames column.
Because only one empty row is shown at a time, you will need to revisit this page after
adding each description if you want to enter more than one.
10. Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to store your changes and return
to the directory options page. To activate them, click the Apply Changes link anywhere
in the Apache module.

Most of these options can be set for an entire virtual server by clicking on the Directory Indexing
icon on the Virtual Server Options page as well. In this case, they will apply to all files requested
from the virtual host unless overridden by options for a directory or URL location.
On the directory options page, there are many more icons on which you can click to set
options that apply only to that directory, URL path, or filename. Some of these are explained in
later sections of this chapter, such as Section 29.7 “Creating Aliases and Redirects” and Section
29.13 “Password Protecting a Directory”.
You can change the directory, filenames, or URL location to which settings apply by using the
Options apply to form at the bottom of the Directory Options page. It has the exact same fields as
the creation form described at the start of this section. If you make any changes, click the Save but-
ton to update the Apache configuration and then the Apply Changes link to make them active. You
can also click on Delete to remove the directory configuration and all its options.

29.7 Creating Aliases and Redirects

Normally, there is a direct relationship between the path in the URL and the file that is returned by the
web server. For example, if a browser requests www.example.com/images/foo.gif and the document
root for www.example.com is /home/example/www, the file /home/example/www/images/foo.gif will
be read by the web server and returned to the client.
This can be changed, however, by using what Apache calls aliases. An alias maps a particular
URL path to a file or directory, which does not necessarily have to be under the document
root. In the previous example, the /images URL path might actually be an alias to the directory
/www/images, which would cause the file /www/images/foo.gif to be read instead.
Aliases can be defined globally or in a virtual server. To create one, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server under which you want
to create the alias. If you want it to apply to all virtual servers (or you don’t have any),
click on the Default Server icon instead.
2. On the virtual server options page that appears next (shown in Figure 29.4), click on the
Aliases and Redirects icon. This will take you to the page shown in Figure 29.6.
Creating Aliases and Redirects 277

3. Fill in the empty row in the Document directory aliases table with the URL path (under
From) and the file or directory to which it should map (under To). If you are editing the
default server, there may already be several entries in this table that are part of the stan-
dard Apache configuration.
There will always be exactly one empty row in the table. If you need to add more than
one alias, you will need to revisit this page after filling in the row and saving.
4. Click the Save button to have your new alias stored in the Apache configuration. The
browser will return to the virtual server options page.
5. To make the alias active, click on the Apply Changes link at the top of the page.

Figure 29.6 The aliases and redirects form.

Existing aliases can be editing by just changing the entries in the Document directory aliases
table and then clicking Save. You should not change the alias for /icons in the default server,
though, as this is used by Apache when it generates icons for directory listings. If you want to
delete an alias, just delete the contents of both its fields in the table.
Aliases that use Perl regular expressions can also be created to match more complex URL
paths. These must be entered into the Regexp document directory aliases table on the Aliases
and Redirects form, which has the same columns as the Document directory aliases table
described above. The difference is that any regular expression can be entered into the From field,
such as ^/images/(.*)\.gif$. The To field can take a string that refers to bracketed sections in the
expression, such as /images/$1.jpg. This would convert any request for a GIF file into one for the
JPEG with the same name.
278 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Redirects are similar to aliases, but have a different purpose and work in a different way.
Whenever a client requests a URL path that has been redirected, Apache will tell it to go to
another URL (possibly on another server) instead. For example, you might redirect all
requests to www.example.com/webmin/ to www.webmin.com/. Unlike the way aliases behave,
if a browser requests a page like /webmin/foo.gif it will not be redirected to www.webmin.com/
foo.gif—it will just go to the URL www.webmin.com/ instead.
Redirects are implemented by the web server sending the special 302 status code to the
browser, which tells it to go to a new location. It is quite possible for the new URL to be a redirect
itself, and you can even create a loop of redirects—not that this is a good idea.
To set up redirection for a path on your server, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server under which you want
to create the redirect. If you want it to apply to all virtual servers, click on the Default
Server icon instead.
2. On the virtual server options page that appears, click on the Aliases and Redirects icon
to go to the page in Figure 29.6.
3. In the empty row of the URL redirects table, enter the URL path on your server under
the From column, such as /webmin. Under the To column, enter the URL to which
requests should be redirected, such as www.webmin.com/.
The Status field is optional, but can be filled in if you want to change the HTTP status
code that will be used for this redirect. The default is 302, which indicates a temporary
redirection. You can, however, 301 to tell browsers that the direction is permanent or 303
to tell them that the original content has been replaced.
There will always be exactly one empty row in the table. If you need to add more than
one redirect, you will need to revisit this page after filling in the row and saving.
4. Click the Save button to have your new redirect stored in the Apache configuration. The
browser will return to the Virtual Server Options page.
5. To make the redirection active, click on the Apply Changes link at the top of the page.

As with aliases, existing redirects can be edited by just changing the entries in the URL redi-
rects table and then clicking Save. To delete a redirect, just delete the contents of all of its fields
in the table.
You can also create regular expression redirects that behave in a similar way to regexp aliases,
using the Regexp URL redirects table on the same page. Under the From column you can enter a
URL path expression such as ^/webmin/(.*)$, and under the To column you can enter a URL that
can refer to bracketed parts of the path, such as http://www.webmin.com/$1. In this example, a
request by a client for a page under /webmin would be redirected to the same file at
Also on the Aliases and Redirects page are two more tables labeled Permanent URL redi-
rects and Temporary URL redirects. The first behaves exactly like a normal redirection, but with
the status code always set to 301, indicating a permanent redirection. The second also behaves like
a normal redirect, but always uses a status code of 302 (temporary redirection). This option is
really quite useless, as normal redirections default to using status 302 if one is not specified.
Redirects can also be defined in the options for directories, URL locations, filenames, and
.htaccess files. When editing the options for one of these (described in Section 29.6 “Setting
Running CGI Programs 279

Per-Directory Options”), the exact same icon and table are available as when setting up aliases for
a virtual server. Naturally, a redirect in a directory only makes sense if the URL path being redi-
rected actually refers to some file or subdirectory that it contains. The same goes for redirects in
URL locations—the path being redirected must start with the location’s path.
If Apache on your system has been compiled with or dynamically loads the proxy module
(covered in Section 29.18 “Configuring Apache as a Proxy Server”), tables labeled Map locale to
remote URLs and Map remote Location: headers to local will appear on the Aliases and Redi-
rects form under the virtual server options page. These allow you to specify a URL path that, when
requested, will cause Apache itself to request pages from another website and return them to the
browser. Although the URL that the user is accessing is on your server and their browser is con-
necting only to your system, the content is actually being loaded from elsewhere.
To set up this URL mapping, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server that you want to cre-
ate the mapping under. If you want it to apply to all virtual servers, click on the Default
Server icon instead.
2. On the virtual server options page that appears, click on the Aliases and Redirects icon
to go to the page shown in Figure 29.6.
3. In the empty row in the Map locale to remote URLs table, enter a URL path on your
server (like /webmin) into the first field, and the full URL from which you want the pages
to be requested into the second (like http://www.webmin.com/).
4. In the empty row in the Map remote Location: headers to local table, enter the same
full remote URL into the first field and the URL path on your server into the second. This
second table controls the conversion of redirects issued by the remote server and should
almost always be set. If it is not set, the browser will end up connecting directly to it
instead of to your server whenever the remote server issues a redirect.
5. Click the Save button to have your new mapping stored in the Apache configuration. The
browser will return to the virtual server options page.
6. To make the mapping active, click on the Apply Changes link at the top of the page.

You can test it out by going to the mapped URL path on your system. You should see pages that
have been requested from the remote server. The process is not totally transparent though,
because it does not convert HTML files in any way. If in the previous example the remote server
contained an HTML page with a link like <a href=/https/www.scribd.com/foo.html>, following it would take the
browser to /foo.html on your system, not /webmin/foo.html as you might expect. There is
no solution to this problem, apart from making sure that the remote server always uses relative
links and image paths.

29.8 Running CGI Programs

CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface and is a standard method for web servers to run exter-
nal programs, pass them details of a browser’s request, and read back any content that the program
generates. CGI programs are one of the simplest ways of adding dynamic pages to your web
server, and are relatively easy to set up and develop. Server-side includes (covered in Section 29.9
“Setting Up Server-Side Includes”) are even simpler, but very limited in what they can do.
280 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

A CGI program can be written in any language as long as it follows certain rules. The most
common language is Perl, but C, Python, PHP, or any other language that can access environment
variables and produce output can be used. You can even write shell scripts that are valid CGI pro-
grams. This section is not going to explain the details of how to write them, however—there are
plenty of books that cover that already.
CGI programs are just files on your system, like any other HTML or image file. The differ-
ence is that when they are requested by a browser, Apache executes them and returns their output
instead of the contents of the file. Because you only want this to happen for programs and not for
HTML files, the server must be configured to identify certain files as CGI programs. This is nor-
mally done in one of two ways—by putting all CGI programs into a certain directory, or by giving
them all a file extension like .cgi.
The choice is yours, but the latter option is simpler to use as you can freely mix CGI scripts,
HTML, and image files in the same directory. To set it up, use the following steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server for which you want to
set up CGI programs. Or, click on the Default Server icon if you want to use them on all
2. Click on the icon for the directory under which you want CGI programs to be enabled.
Typically, each virtual server will have an icon for options for its document root directory,
but if not, you can create one by following the steps in the earlier Section 29.6 “Setting Per-
Directory Options”. If you only want to allow CGI programs to be run in a particular subdi-
rectory of the website, you can create a new directory icon for that as well.
3. On the directory options page, click on the Document Options icon and change the Direc-
tory options field from Default to Selected below. Then, set the rows Execute CGI pro-
grams and Generate directory indexes to Yes, and click the Save button at the bottom of
the page. This tells Apache that CGI programs can be executed in the directory.
4. Back on the directory options page, click on the MIME Types icon. In the Content han-
dlers table, select cgi-script from the first blank menu under the Handler column, and
enter .cgi into the field next to it under the Extensions column. Then click the Save but-
ton at the end of the form. This tells Apache to treat all files in the directory ending in
.cgi as CGI programs.
5. Finally, click the Apply Changes link on any page. You should now be able to create a
file with a .cgi extension in the chosen directory and test it out in a web browser.

An alternative to this approach is to specify a directory in which all files are treated as CGI pro-
grams. This has the advantage that they can be given any name you like, instead of being forced
to have a .cgi extension. You can also set permissions on this directory to restrict who is
allowed to create CGI programs, while still allowing others to edit normal HTML pages.
To set up a directory for CGI scripts, use the following steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server for which you want to
set up a CGI directory. Click on the Default Server icon if you want to set it up for all
2. Click on the CGI Programs icon to bring up a page for setting various CGI options.
3. The CGI directory aliases table works in a very similar way to the Document directory
aliases table described in Section 29.8 “Running CGI Programs”. In addition to mapping
Running CGI Programs 281

a URL path to a directory on your server, it also tells Apache that any files accessed
through that path should be treated as CGI programs.
In the first empty row of the table, enter a URL path like /cgi-bin/ into the From field
and a directory like /home/example/cgi-bin/ into the To field.
4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to return to the virtual server options
page. Then click the Apply Changes link to make the CGI directory active.

You should now be able to create CGI programs in the directory and test them out in a web browser.
On some Linux distributions, the default Apache configuration will already have a CGI directory
available at the URL path /cgi-bin/ mapped to a directory like /home/httpd/cgi-bin/. If this is good
enough for you, there is no need to follow these steps. Instead, you can just put CGI programs in
that directory.
All CGI programs normally execute as the UNIX user as whom the web server runs, typically
named httpd or apache. On a system with multiple users who cannot be fully trusted, this is not
a good thing—anything that one user’s CGI program can do, everyone else’s can as well. For
example, if a user writes a CGI program that edits a particular file, he has to make that file writable
by the httpd user, meaning that everyone else’s CGI programs can write to it as well.
Fortunately, there is a solution. Apache ships with an optional program called suexec that can
be used for running CGI programs as another UNIX user rather than as the web server user. Typi-
cally the CGI programs under each virtual server will be run as the UNIX user who owns that
server’s files. To set this up, you can follow these steps:

1. Make sure that the suexec program exists on your system, and that it has setuid-root per-
missions. Apache typically expects to find it in /usr/sbin or /usr/local/apache/sbin
and most Linux distributions include it as a standard part of their Apache package. Some
do not have it setuid by default, however, so you may need to run chmod 6711 /usr/
sbin/suexec to make it so.
2. On the main page of the module, click on the icon for the virtual server on which you
want to have CGI programs run as a different user. This will take you to the options page
shown in Figure 29.4.
3. Click on the User and Group icon on the Virtual Server Options page.
4. For the Run as UNIX user field, select User name and enter the name of the user who
owns the virtual server into the field next to it.
5. Similarly, for Run as UNIX group, select Group name and enter the primary group of
the user specified in the previous step.
6. Click the Save button to return to the options page for the virtual server.
7. To activate suexec for the first time, you need to stop and restart Apache. Use the Stop
Apache link at the top of the page to halt it, and then the Start Apache link to start it up
8. To check that suexec is actually working, check the Apache error log file for a line con-
taining suEXEC mechanism enabled that was logged when the web server was

Because it can execute commands as any user on your system, suexec has many security
restrictions to prevent misuse by normal users. It will only run CGI programs that are owned by
282 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

the user and group specified in Steps 4 and 5, and only if they are not writable by any other user
or in a directory that is writable by another user. The IDs of the user and group must be above the
minimums that are compiled into the program to prevent programs owned by system users (such
as root or bin) from being run. Finally, the program must reside under a directory that is com-
piled into suexec and nowhere else on the filesystem.
This last restriction can be very annoying if you have a large number of virtual servers and
want to enable the execution of CGI programs in their directories. The default allowed directory is
typically the standard CGI directory for Apache, such as /home/httpd/cgi-bin. To change
this, you will need to recompile suexec with a different directory, such as /home.
Whenever suexec fails to run a CGI program, it fails with HTTP status code 500. Because
there are many things that can go wrong, you should check the file suexec_log in the same direc-
tory as the other Apache logfiles to see why it is refusing to execute a particular program. For each
failure, a line is written to this file explaining the problem, such as incorrect permissions or a file
ownership mismatch.
Writing CGI programs can be difficult, because when they fail, very little information is dis-
played in the browser. All you see is a message like 500 server error, with no explanation of
the real cause. More detailed error information, however, is written to the Apache error log file.
This is usually named error_log, and can be found in the same directory as the Apache access
log files. See Section 29.10 “Configuring Logging” for more details on how to find and change it.
Anything that a CGI programs outputs to STDERR will also be written to the error log, which is
useful if you want your program to generate debugging information that is not sent to the web
browser. Because many programming languages like Perl output error messages on STDERR if a
script fails to compile or run, all such messages will also be written to the error log file.
The biggest problem with CGI programs is that the web server has to launch a new process
every time one is requested. If the CGI is written in Perl or PHP, the process then has to load the
interpreter for that language, which can be a large program in itself. The end result is that process-
ing a request for a CGI page takes much longer than a request for a static HTML or image file, and
generates much more load on the server system.
For this reason, optional modules have been developed that allow the web server to run Perl
and PHP scripts using an interpreter that is part of the Apache process. These modules are called
mod_perl and mod_php and are included in the Apache package in many Linux distributions.
Installing and configuring them, however, is not covered in this chapter.

29.9 Setting Up Server-Side Includes

Server-side includes allow you to create simple dynamic web pages without the complexity of
writing an entire CGI program in a language like Perl. When active, some of the HTML files
served by Apache are checked for special tags starting with <!--. The content of each tag is
then replaced by dynamically generated text that depends on the tag’s parameters and the result-
ing page is sent to the web browser.
The most common use of server-side includes is incorporating the contents of one HTML
page into another. This can be useful if you have a common header or footer that you want to
share among multiple pages without repeating it over and over again. Where a special tag like
<!--include file=“something.html” --> appears in the HTML of the page, it is replaced
with the contents of the file something.html.
Setting Up Server-Side Includes 283

Server-side includes can also be used to access and set environment variables, to conditionally
display HTML based on variables, and to run CGI programs or shell commands and have their out-
put included in the page. This section will not cover the tags that are available and their purposes.
For more information on tags, read the documentation on the Apache website or a good book on
Normally, allowing untrusted users to create HTML pages containing server-side include tags
is perfectly safe because they cannot be used to perform potentially dangerous operations like edit-
ing files on the server. The exception to this is the <!--#exec --> tag, which can be used to run
an arbitrary shell command and include its output in the web page. Because the command runs as
the UNIX user as whom Apache is running (normally httpd), a user who is not allowed to create
CGI programs may be able use this kind of tag to read or modify files that he would not normally
be able to access. For this reason, Apache can be configured to enable server-side includes with or
without the risky exec tag.
Because checking an HTML file for server-side include tags is CPU-intensive, they are often
only activated for files with the .shtml extension. This way you can put static HTML in .html
files and dynamic content into .shtml files so the server does not have to waste time looking for
tags in files in which they do not exist. You can also check all .html files for server-side includes
if you wish.
To turn on includes for a virtual server, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon of the virtual server on which you want to
enable server-side includes. Or, click on the Default Server icon to enable them for all
virtual hosts.
2. Click on the icon for the directory under which you want server-side includes to be
enabled. Typically, each virtual server will have an options icon for its document root
directory. If not, you can create one by following the steps in Section 29.6 “Setting Per-
Directory Options”.
If you only want to enable server-side includes in a subdirectory of the website, you can
create a new directory icon for that as well.
3. On the directory options page, click on the Document Options icon and change the
Directory options field from Default to Selected below. If you want to enable server-
side includes without the exec tag, change the Server-side includes row to Yes. If you
want to enable the potentially risky exec tag as well, change Server-side includes and
execs row to Yes. Either way, when they have been enabled, click the Save button at the
bottom of the page.
4. Click on the MIME types icon on the directory options page.
If you want to enable includes on all HTML files, find the Content handlers table and
select server-parsed from the first empty menu under the Handler column. Enter .html
into the field next to it under the Extensions column. This tells Apache that files ending
in .html should be checked for server-side include tags.
If you want to enable includes for only .shtml files, enter .shtml instead of .html under
the Extensions column. In the Extra MIME types table, enter text/html into the first
empty field under the Type column and .shtml into the field under Extensions next to it.
This tells Apache that .shtml files should be checked for server-side include tags and
that they actually contain HTML.
284 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

5. Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the MIME Types page and then click the
Apply Changes link back on the directory options page.

Once server-side includes are enabled, you can test them by creating an .html or .shtml file in
the chosen directory with some special tags it in. Then, open the page in your web browser to see
the result. If for some reason server-side includes were not enabled properly, nothing will show
up at all because the <!-- tag indicates an HTML comment. If, however, the tag is replaced by
the message an error occurred while processing this directive, then includes are
active but there is an error in the tag’s parameters. More details will be written to the Apache
error log file (described in Section 29.8 “Running CGI Programs”) if an error of this kind
There is another method of indicating to Apache that certain HTML files should have server-
side include processing performed on them. The web server can be configured so that any .html
file with the UNIX execute permission set is processed for include, by following these steps (you
can set this permission with a command like chmod +x file.html).

1. Follow Steps 1 through 3 of the preceding instructions to enable server-side includes for
some directory.
2. On the directory options page, click on the CGI Programs icon.
3. On the page that appears, change the Process includes on files with execute bit? field to
Yes. You can also set it to Yes and set last-modified date to have Apache read the mod-
ification time for each processed HTML file and use that to set the Last-Modified
HTTP header.
4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the CGI Programs page and then the Apply
Changes link on any page.

You should now be able to set execute permissions on HTML files in the directory, and Apache
will parse them for server-side include tags when they are requested. This allows you to selec-
tively turn on include processing, while avoiding the problem of having to rename a file (and
break links) just because it now contains include tags.

29.10 Configuring Logging

By default, every request that Apache finishes processing is written to a log file in a standard
format. For each request, the client IP address, website username, date, time, URL path, status
code, and number of bytes transferred is logged. In the default Apache configuration, there is
only a single log file that is used for all virtual servers. You can, however, reconfigure the web
server to use different files for different virtual hosts, and even to log additional information for
each request.
Apache also has a log file for recording error messages, which are generated when a browser
requests a page that does not exist, when an HTTP connection is terminated, or if some other unex-
pected condition occurs. As Section 29.8 “Running CGI Programs” explains, this log file also con-
tains error output from CGI programs and failure messages from server-side include directives.
Configuring Logging 285

To see which log files are being used by Apache on your system and to change them, follow
these steps:

1. On the Apache Webserver module’s main page, click on the Default Server icon. This
will bring you to the default server options page similar to the one shown in Figure 29.4.
2. Click on the Log Files icon to bring up the log files configuration form shown in
Figure 29.7.
3. The Error log to field controls where CGI and web server error messages are written.
Typically, the File option is selected and the path to a file into which error messages
should be written is displayed in the field next to it.
You can select the System Log option if you want to have messages sent to syslog
instead (covered in Chapter 13). All messages will use the local7 facility.
The other available option is Program, which, when selected, will cause Apache to run
the command entered into the field next to it and feed error log messages to it as input.
This can be useful for performing your own filtering or analysis of errors as they are
4. The Named log format table lists predefined formats that can be used for logfiles
defined in the next step. Each has a Nickname which is used to refer to it, and a Format
string that specifies the fields written to the log for each request. When a log line is writ-
ten, each of the % fields in the format string is replaced by some detail of the request,
such as the client address, HTTP status code, or virtual server name. See the online
Apache documentation for more details on which % fields are available.
Several standard formats such as common and combined are already defined in the
default Apache configuration. To create your own log format, fill in the empty row at the
bottom of the table. Each format must have a unique nickname.
5. The Access log files table specifies the files that are used for logging actual requests pro-
cessed by the Apache Web server. Multiple files can be specified and the format of each
can be selected independently from one of those explained in the previous step. All
requests will be written to all listed logfiles.
Each row of the table defines one logfile. Under the Format column you can choose the
format for the file or select the Default option to use the standard Apache log file format.
Under the Write to column, you can choose whether the logging is being done to a file
or to the input of a program. The path to that file or program must be entered into the
field in the File or program column.
If you want to add an additional log file, fill in the fields in the empty row at the bottom
of the table.
6. If you have made any changes to the logging configuration, click the Save button at the
bottom of the page and then the Apply Changes link.

Apache also allows you to define different log files for each virtual server, so requests to the var-
ious virtual hosts on your system do not all get mixed up into one file. By default, all requests
are written to a single access log file without any field that identifies the virtual server that pro-
cessed them. To change this and have a virtual server write to its own separate log file, use the
following process:
286 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Figure 29.7 Default server log files configuration form.

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon of the virtual server for which you want to
configure a new log file.
2. Click on the Log Files icon, which will take you to a page similar to the one in
Figure 29.7.
3. If you want this virtual server to have its own separate error log file, change the Error
log to field from Default to one of the other options.
4. To add a log format that exists only for this virtual server, fill in the empty row in the
Named log formats table. It is usually a better idea to define all log formats in the
default server, however, so they can be used in any virtual host.
5. Add a row to the Access log files table for this virtual server’s separate log file. As soon
as one is defined, requests to the virtual host will be written to it only instead of the
access log list on the Log Files page under the default server.
6. When done, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to have your new log-file set-
tings written to the Apache configuration. Then, back on the virtual server options page,
hit the Apply Changes link at the top to make them active.

If you have multiple virtual servers and want to identify to which one each request was made,
another solution is to change the format of the default access log file to include the virtual server
hostname in each log line. To set this up, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Default Server icon and then on the Log Files
icon on the default server options page.
Setting Up Custom Error Messages 287

2. Find the row for the common format in the Named log formats table and change its For-
mat field so that it reads
%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b %{Host}i "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"
The extra fields will tell Apache to include the virtual server hostname, referrer URL,
and browser name for each request on every log line.
3. Find the row for your server’s main log file in the Access log files table and make sure
that the Format field is set to common, rather than Default or some other named format.
4. Click the Save button, and then the Apply Changes link. All entries written to the logfile
from now on will include the additional information.

29.11 Setting Up Custom Error Messages

When a browser attempts to access a page that does not exist, a directory that is password pro-
tected, or a CGI program that is malfunctioning, Apache returns one of its built-in error mes-
sages. Because these error message pages are not always friendly or nice to look at, you can
configure the web server to use your own pages instead. This can be set up to apply to all virtual
servers, a single server or just one directory. The steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on either a virtual server or the Default Server icon if
you want to define a custom error message that applies to all servers.
2. If you only want the custom message to be displayed for requests to a particular direc-
tory, URL path, or filename, click on its icon on the server options page. If no icon for
the directory exists yet, you will need to define one by following the steps in Section 29.6
“Setting Per-Directory Options”.
3. Click on the Error Handling icon in the directory or on the virtual server options page.
4. You can enter error codes and their corresponding custom messages in the Custom error
responses table. Any existing error messages for the directory or server will be listed,
followed by a blank row. To add a new code, start by entering the HTTP error number
into the Error code field. Some of the more common codes and their causes are:
404 – The requested page does not exist.
403 – Access to the page is denied.
401 – The browser must log in first before accessing the page.
500 – A CGI program failed, or some other internal error occurred.
If you just want to change the message that Apache displays when the error occurs,
select Show message under the Response column and enter the text of your new
message into the field under URL or message.
On the other hand, if you want the contents of another page to be displayed instead,
select Goto URL and enter either a URL page (like /errors/500.html) or a full URL (like
http://www.error.com/505.html) into the URL or message field. In the latter case, the
browser will be redirected to the URL when an error occurs with the chosen code.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. If you want to add another custom error
message, click on the Error Handing icon again and fill in the new blank row in the table.
6. Click the Apply Changes button on any page to make the new custom error message active.
288 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Some web browsers, such as IE in its default configuration, will not display the text of error
messages sent by the web server. Instead, only the error code number and a more friendly mes-
sage generated by the browser is displayed.

29.12 Adding and Editing MIME Types

MIME types are the method used by Apache, mail clients, and many other programs to indicate
the type of files and other data. A MIME type consists of two words separated by a slash, such as
text/html, image/gif, or video/mpeg. As those examples show, the first word is the gen-
eral category of type, while the second is the actual type name.
Every response sent by a web server to a browser is accompanied by a type, so that the
browser knows how to display it. When a normal file is requested, the web server typically works
out the type by looking at the file’s extension, such as .gif or .html. CGI programs must supply
their type to the web server before any other content that they generate, which is then forwarded on
to the browser. This allows a CGI program to generate HTML, plain text, images, or any other kind
of data, regardless of the filename of the CGI script itself.
Browsers never attempt to work out the type of a page by looking at the filename extension in
the URL. Instead, they always rely on the MIME type sent by the web server. Apache gets its glo-
bal list of MIME types and the extensions with which they are associated from a configuration file
that applies to all virtual servers. To edit and add to this list of types, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the MIME Types icon in the Global Configuration
section. This will bring you to a page listing all the types about which Apache currently
knows, along with the filename extensions. Almost every type that you would ever need
to use should already be listed.
2. Click on the Add a new MIME type link above or below the list to create a new type.
3. Enter a type name such as text/foo in the MIME type field of the form that appears. It is
acceptable for the same type to be defined twice, as long as each entry has different asso-
ciated filename extensions.
4. Enter all the filename extensions that you want associated with this type, such as .foo and
.fo, in the Extensions text box. Make sure that no other MIME types are using the same
5. Click the Save button below the form. The browser will return to the types list, which
will include your new entry.
6. Click the Apply Changes link on any page to make the new type active.

You can edit or delete an existing global MIME type by clicking on its name in the list, which
will bring up the type editing form. Either change the MIME type or Extensions fields and
click Save, or hit the Delete button to totally remove it. Either way, you must use the Apply
Changes link afterward to make the changes active.
MIME types can also be defined on a per-virtual server or per-directory level in the Apache
configuration. This can be useful if you want to override a type for some extension in a particular
directory or create a type that is only needed by one virtual server. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server for which you want to
define the MIME type.
Password Protecting a Directory 289

2. If you only want the type to be used for requests to a particular directory, URL path, or
filename, click on its icon on the server options page. If no icon for the directory exists
yet, you will need to define one by following the steps in Section 29.6 “Setting Per-
Directory Options”.
3. In the directory or on the virtual server options page, click on the MIME Types icon.
4. The Extra MIME types table is for entering types that apply only to this virtual server or
directory. In the first blank field under the Type column, enter a type such as text/foo. In the
field next to it, under Extensions, enter one or more filename extensions such as .foo.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. If you want to add more than one type,
you will need to click on the MIME Types icon again so a new blank field appears in the
6. When you are done, use the Apply Changes link at the top of any page to make the new
type mapping active.

On the MIME types page, there is a useful field labeled Default MIME type. If set, any files for
which Apache cannot identify the type will be treated as whatever is entered into this field
instead. Normally, this is set at the default server level to text/plain, but you may want to
change it to something else for a particular directory that contains lots of files that have no file-
name extension.
There is a similar field on the MIME types page for directories, URL paths, and filenames
labeled Treat all files as MIME type. When it is set, Apache will identify all files in that directory
as the specified type, no matter what their extension. This can be used to forcibly set the types of
files whose names do not follow the normal convention of ending with a type extension.

29.13 Password Protecting a Directory

The HTTP protocol has a standard method of indicating that a directory or site requires a user-
name and password to be supplied before it can be accessed. Apache can be configured to force
users to log in before being able to view some or all of the pages on your system. Logins are typ-
ically checked against a separate password file, instead of the UNIX user list.
Password protection can be useful for securing a directory that only some people should be
allowed to access, or for setting up a website that uses CGI programs to display different content to
different users. To protect a directory, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server under which you want
password protection to be enabled.
2. Click on the icon for the directory, URL location, or filename that you want to protect. If
one does not exist yet, follow the steps in Section 29.6 “Setting Per-Directory Options”
earlier in this chapter to create it.
3. Click on the Access Control icon, which will bring you to the page shown in Figure 29.8.
4. In the Authentication realm name field, deselect Default and enter a description for the
protected directory, such as Private files. This will be displayed to the user in the browser
when he tries to log in.
5. Change the Authentication type to Basic. The Digest type is more secure, but is not
supported by a lot of browsers.
290 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

6. Change the Restrict access by login field to All valid users. This tells Apache that any
of the users in the password file set in Step 7 will be allowed to log in.
You can restrict access to only a subset of users by selecting the Only these users option
and entering the names of users to allow into the text field next to it. You can also select
Only these groups and enter the names of groups whose members you want to allow
into its field. These options can be useful if the same authentication files are entered on
this page for several directories.
7. In the Text file authentication box, enter the full path to the file that you want to use to
store usernames and passwords into the text field next to User text file. This authentication
file must contain one line per user, each in the username:encrypted-password format.
Standard UNIX encryption is used for the passwords, just like in the /etc/shadow file.
The file doesn’t necessarily have to exist yet, as it will be created when you follow the
instructions in later steps to add users. It should not be under your web server’s
document root directories though, as this might allow an attacker to download it, crack
the passwords, and log in to your website.

Figure 29.8 The access control form.

8. If you want to categorize users into groups for further restriction, as explained in Step 6,
enter the full path to a group file into the Group text file field. This file must contain one
line per group, in the groupname: username1 username2 etc format.
Password Protecting a Directory 291

The file does not have to already exist because it will be created when you add groups in
later steps. If you just want to set up simple username and password authentication, then
this step is unnecessary.
9. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page, and you will be returned to the directory
options page.
10. If the user and group files already exist or if you are planning to edit them manually, you
can skip to Step 21. Otherwise, click on the Access Control icon again to redisplay the
11. Click on the Edit users link next to the User text file field. This will bring up a page list-
ing all web server users currently listed in the file, if any.
12. To create a new user, click on the Add a new user link above or below the list.
13. On the user creation form, enter a login name into the Username field.
14. In the Password field, select the Plain text option and enter the user’s password into the
field next to it.
15. Click the Save button to have the user added and the list of users redisplayed.
You can edit an existing user by clicking on its name in the list, changing its details, and
hitting the Save button. To remove a user, click the Delete button on the user editing
form instead.
16. When you are done creating users, use the Return to access control link to go back to
the access control form.
17. If you are using a group file as well, click on the Edit groups link next to the Group text
file field to bring up a list of existing groups and their members.
18. To create a new group, click on the Add a new group link and fill in the Group name
and Members fields on the creation form that appears, then click Save. Members must
be entered as a space-separated list of usernames.
19. Existing groups can be edited and deleted by clicking on their names in the list, just as
users can.
20. When you are done creating groups, follow the Return to access control link to go back
to the access control form.
21. Finally, click on the Apply Changes link on any page to activate password protection for
the directory. You can test it out by trying to visit the protected page and logging in as
one of the users that you created.
22. You can add and edit users and groups in the future by editing the text files directly, or by
following the relevant steps in this list. There is no need to use the Apply Changes link
after changing the user or group lists, though, as Apache rereads the files on every

The instructions in the preceding list explain how to create text files for storing users and groups,
but if your website is going to have a very large number of users, text files are not the best way to
store them. Because Apache rereads the user file on every request, the larger it gets, the longer it
will take for the web server to look up a user and generate a response. When editing or deleting
a user, the entire file must be read in and written out again by the program that is changing it,
which can take some time if the file is large. This increases the chance of file corruption if more
than one process attempts to manipulate the same user file at the same time.
292 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

The solution is to use DBM files for storing users and groups instead. These are binary format
database files that are indexed by a key (such as the username), and can be safely edited in-place.
Their only down side is that they cannot be viewed or changed by UNIX programs that deal with
plain text, like cat and vi.
The process of setting up authentication from DBM files is almost identical to the steps in the
preceding list. The only difference is that the user and group filenames must be entered into the
User DBM file and Group DBM file fields in the DBM file authentication box. The User text
file and Group text file fields must be left set to Default. Unfortunately, Webmin does not allow
you to edit users or groups in DBM files like you can with text files. Instead, you will need to write
a Perl script or use a program like makemap to create them at the command line.
Apache user and password files are totally separate from the system’s UNIX user list. This
module, however, can be configured to add, update, or remove a user in a password file when a
user with the same name is created, edited, or deleted in the Users and Groups module. This is
done using that module’s synchronization feature, covered in more detail in Chapter 4.
Synchronization can be useful if you want to grant access to a specific web directory to some
of the UNIX users on your system and want their usernames and passwords to remain in sync if
they are ever changed. To set up synchronization between an Apache text authentication file and
UNIX users managed by the Users and Groups module, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server under which the pro-
tected directory can be found, and then on the icon for the directory.
2. Click on the Access Control icon, then on the Edit users link next to the User text file field.
3. Below the list of users is a form for setting up synchronization for this users file. The
checkboxes labeled Add a user when a UNIX user is added, Change the user when a
UNIX user is changed, and Delete the user when a UNIX user is deleted are fairly
self-explanatory. You would typically select all three, or maybe just the last two if you
want to manually add new users to this file.
4. After selecting the options that you want, click the Save button. Any changes made in the
Users and Groups module from now on will cause this user list to be updated as well.

Each Apache users text file has its own separate synchronization options. Because they are asso-
ciated with the name of the file, the options will be reset to their defaults if it is renamed. Only
changes made in Webmin’s Users and Groups or Change Passwords modules will be synchro-
nized with the Apache users file. If a user changes his password with the command-line passwd
program, his web password will not be changed to match.
If you want to turn off authentication for a directory so that any browser can access it, there is no
need to delete the entire Directory Configuration icon. Instead, you can just follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server under which the pro-
tected directory can be found, and then on the icon for the directory.
2. Click on the Access Control icon to go to the page shown in Figure 29.8.
3. Change the Authentication realm name, Authentication type, Restrict access by
login, User text file, and Group text file fields all back to Default. If you are using
DBM files instead of text, change the User DBM file and Group DBM file fields to
Default as well.
4. Click the Save button and then the Apply Changes link back on the directory options page.
Restricting Access by Client Address 293

29.14 Restricting Access by Client Address

Apache can also be configured to limit access to a directory, URL location, or filename to cer-
tain client systems. The web server knows the IP address of every browser that connects to it and
can use that address to determine whether or not the browser is allowed to request certain pages.
In some situations, the client’s real IP address will not be available to the web server. If the cli-
ent is accessing the web through a proxy server or a firewall doing NAT, then the IP address from
which the request appears to originate will be that of the proxy or firewall system. There is a way to
get the real address, but generally it is not a problem because all clients behind the proxy or firewall
are usually treated the same from an access control point of view.
Apache determines whether a client is allowed access or not by checking its IP address and
hostname against a list of rules. There are two types of rules—those that allow access and those
that deny it. Depending on its configuration, the web server will either check all of the allow rules
before the deny rules, or vice-versa. The first one to match determines whether or not the client is
denied and no further rules are checked.
Most people who set up IP access control want to allow access from certain addresses and net-
works and deny everyone else. For example, you might want to give hosts on your company LAN
access to your intranet, but prevent others on the Internet from accessing it. To set up this kind of
access control, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server under which you want
IP access control to be enabled.
2. Click on the icon for the directory, URL location, or filename to which you want to
restrict access. If one does not yet exist, follow the steps in Section 29.6 “Setting Per-
Directory Options” earlier in this chapter to create it.
3. Click on the Access Control icon, which will bring you to the page shown in
Figure 29.8.
4. Scroll down to the Restrict access table and change the Access checking order field to
Allow then deny. This tells Apache that any request that is not specifically allowed by
access control rules should be denied, and that all rules that allow access should be
checked before rules that deny.
If the alternative Deny then allow option is chosen, requests that do not match any rule
will be allowed and deny rules will be checked before allow rules.
The Mutual failure option has the same effect as Allow then deny and should not be
5. At first, this table will contain only one empty row for entering your first access control
rule. Because you are going to allow only certain clients and block the rest, select Allow
from the menu in the Action column.
The menu and field under the Condition column determine what kind of check is done
to see if the client is allowed or not. The following are the available condition types:
All requests If chosen, all client requests will have the selected action performed.
Request from host If chosen, only clients whose hostname is the same as or ends with
the text entered into the field next to it will have the action performed. Apache gets the
hostname by performing a reverse DNS lookup on the client’s IP address, which may not
always work.
294 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Request from IP If the client’s IP address is the exactly same as the one entered into
the field next to the menu, the selected action will be performed.
Request from partial IP If chosen, clients whose IP addresses start with the partial IP
entered into the field next to the menu will have the selected action performed. For
example, you could enter 192.168 to match all clients on that network.
Request from net/netmask If the client’s IP address is within the network specified by
the entered network address and netmask, the selected action will be performed. An
example network specification would be
Request from net/CIDR If the client’s IP address is within the network specified by
the entered network address and prefix bits, the selected action will be performed. is an example of this kind of network specification.
If variable is set If this option is chosen, the selected action will only be performed if
the environment variable whose name is entered into the adjacent field is set. Apache
provides several ways to set variables based on request headers and browser types and
are too complex to cover here.
6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the form and, if there are no errors in your selec-
tions, you will be returned to the directory options page. To allow more than one client IP
address or network, click on the Access Control icon again and fill another blank row in
the Restrict access table. You can build up complex access control rulesets by adding
many allow and deny rules.
7. When you are totally done, use the Apply Changes link on any page to make the restric-
tions active.

It is possible to combine both IP address restrictions and username/password access control for
the same directory. This can be done in two ways—clients are either checked for any IP restric-
tions and then forced to enter a password or only prompted for a password if they do not pass the
IP restrictions.
The mode that Apache uses is determined by the Clients must satisfy field on the access con-
trol form. If you set it to All access controls, then they must pass both password and IP checks. If
Any access control is selected, however, a password will only be prompted for if the IP checks
fail. This can be useful for granting access to a directory to everyone on your internal network and
to people on the Internet who have a valid username and password.

29.15 Encodings, Character Sets, and Languages

As Section 29.12 “Adding and Editing MIME Types” explains, Apache attempts to determine a
MIME type for every file that it sends to a browser. In addition to the type, files can also have an
encoding that is usually used to indicate how they were compressed. The encoding is determined
by the file extension (such as.gz for gzipped data) and can be used by the browser to uncom-
press the file before displaying it.
For example, this would allow you to create a file called foo.html.gz that contains com-
pressed HTML data and is identified by the web server as such. For large files, sending them in
compressed format can save bandwidth and reduce the time it takes for them to be downloaded.
Unfortunately, not all browsers support the common .gz and .Z encoding formats, so this feature
Encodings, Character Sets, and Languages 295

is not always useful. At the time this book was written, Mozilla and Netscape supported com-
pressed encoding, but IE did not.
Encodings can be defined globally, on a per-virtual server basis, or just for a single directory
or URL location. They are usually defined globally, however, and can be viewed and edited by fol-
lowing these steps:

1. Click on the Default Server icon on the Apache Webserver module’s main page.
2. Click on the MIME Types icon, and scroll down to the Content encodings table. Each
row in the table defines two encodings and there is always at least one pair of empty
fields for adding a new one. Typically, entries for the x-compress and x-gzip encod-
ings will already exist as they are included in the default Apache configuration.
3. To add a new encoding, enter its name into the first empty field under the Content
encoding column. In the field next to it, enter a space-separated list of filename exten-
sions that are used by files encoded in that format.
4. To change the name or extensions for an existing encoding, just edit its fields in the table.
For example, you can add extra extensions for an encoding by just entering them into the
same field as existing ones.
5. If you want to delete an encoding, just clear its entries in the fields under the Content
encoding and Extensions fields.
6. When you are done editing encodings, click the Save button at the bottom of the page
and then click the Apply Changes link.

Apache takes all filename extensions into account when determining a file’s MIME type, encod-
ing, language, and character set and does not care about their order. This means that files named
foo.html.gz and foo.gz.html are both identified as containing gzip-compressed HTML
Another piece of information that Apache can supply to browsers requesting a file is the charac-
ter set used by text in the file. If all your web pages are in English, or a language like Malay that does
not use any non-English letters, then you don’t need to care about this. If you are creating HTML
pages in a different language that uses characters outside the standard ASCII character set, however,
then it is useful and often necessary to indicate to browsers what character set each page is in.
Languages like German and French use special characters, like ö, that are represented by bytes
above 128. Others like Chinese and Russian have so many characters that each must be represented
by two bytes, using special character sets like Big5 and KOI8. For these languages, it is vital that
the browser be informed of the character set of each page so that it can decode the text that it con-
tains and use the correct font to display characters.
As with encodings, Apache determines the character set of each file by looking at its filename
extension. For example, a file named foo.html.Big5 would be identified as HTML, in which the
text was encoded in the Chinese Big5 format. A file can have both a character set and an encoding,
such as foo.html.Big5.gz, and the order in which its extensions fall does not matter.
Character sets can be defined globally or for individual virtual servers and directories. To view
and edit the global list of character sets, follow these steps:

1. On the Apache Webserver module’s main page, click on the Default Server icon.
2. Click on the Languages icon and scroll down to the Extra character sets table. Each
row in the table defines two character sets, and there is always at least one pair of empty
296 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

fields for adding a new one. In the default Apache configuration, several commonly used
character sets are already defined.
3. If you need to add a new character set, enter its standard ISO name into the first empty
field under the Charset column and the filename extensions associated with it into the
adjacent field under Extensions. Many common character sets are defined by default, so
you may just be able to use one of the existing recognized extensions for your files. Mul-
tiple extensions must be separated by spaces.
4. You can change the name or extensions for existing character sets by just editing the
fields in the table. It is not usually a good idea to rename the default sets because they use
the standard names that are recognized by browsers. Adding extensions is perfectly safe,
5. To delete a character set, just clear out the fields containing its name and any associated
6. When you are done editing, click the Save button. If you used up all the blank fields in
the Extra character sets table and want to add more, click on the Languages icon
again. Otherwise, use the Apply Changes link to make your changes active.

Because most of the commonly used character sets are defined by default in the Apache config-
uration, it is not usually necessary to add new ones. Instead, you can just find the associated
extensions and use them on your filenames.
Apache can also identify the language in which an HTML or text file is written by looking at
its filename extensions. At first it may seem that there is no difference between a file’s language
and its encoding, but that is not always the case. For example, the ISO-8859-2 character set is used
for many different European languages, and the Chinese language can be represented by both the
Big5 and GB character sets.
Unfortunately, few browsers actually make any use of the language in which a file is written .
Some can be configured to request pages in a language chosen by the user, however, and Apache
can be set up to use this information to identify the correct file to return. This happens when the
Generate Multiviews option on the directory options page is turned on for a directory.
When that option is active, a request for a page like /documents/foo, which does not actually
exist, will cause Apache to scan the directory for /documents for all files starting with foo, iden-
tify their types and languages, and return the one that best matches the client’s specified language.
This is useful if you want to be able to have multiple versions of the same page in different lan-
guages, but have them all accessible via the same URL.
To view and edit the languages and file extensions recognized by Apache, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Default Server icon on the Apache Webserver module’s main page.
2. Click on the Languages icon and find the Content languages table. Each row in the table
defines two languages, and there is always at least one pair of empty fields for adding a
new one. The default Apache configuration contains several commonly used languages.
3. To add a new language, enter its ISO code into the first empty field under the Language
column and a list of extensions separated by spaces for files in that language under the
Extensions column.
Editing .htaccess Files 297

4. Existing languages can be edited by just changing their codes and extensions in the table,
or deleted by clearing out their fields. It is wise not to change the standard codes for
existing default languages.
5. When you are done editing languages, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. If
you ran out of blank fields when adding new ones, click on the Languages icon again to
return to the table. Otherwise, use the Apply Changes link to activate your new settings.

As with encodings and character sets, Apache does not care about the ordering of extensions in a
filename when working out its type and language. Therefore, both the foo.html.de and
foo.de.html files would be identified as HTML documents written in German.

29.16 Editing .htaccess Files

As explained in the introduction, Apache options can be set for a directory by creating a file in the
directory named .htaccess. These are often created by normal users who do not have permission
to edit the master web server configuration file and want to change the way Apache behaves when
accessing their directories. .htaccess files can be used to set almost all of the options that you
can configure on a per-directory basis, as explained in other sections of this chapter.
The options in one of these files apply to all the files in its directory and in any subdirectories.
They can, however, be overridden by another such file lower down in the directory tree. Per-directory
options in the main Apache configuration will be overridden by those in a .htaccess file for the
same directory, but directory options for a subdirectory will override those in a parent .htaccess file!
Webmin can be used to create and edit .htaccess files, as well. If some already exist on your
system that were created manually, they must be discovered by Webmin before you can use it to
edit them. To have Webmin search for existing files on your system, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Per-Directory Options Files icon (this is what
Webmin calls .htaccess files).
2. On the page that appears, there is a button labeled Find Options Files, with two options
next to it. If Automatically is selected, Webmin will look in the document root directory
of each virtual server for options files. If From directory is chosen, you can enter a
directory that will be searched instead.
The latter option is useful if the websites on your system have pages that are outside of
the document roots due to the use of aliases or user web directories.
3. Click the button to have the module search the select directories and any under them. The
same page will be redisplayed, but with a table of all .htaccess files at the top, assum-
ing some were found.

To edit the options set in a file, just click on its path from the Per-Directory Options Files list.
This will bring up a page similar to the directory options page shown in Figure 29.5. You can
click on the icons to edit redirects, username and password access control, IP address restric-
tions, MIME types, and custom error messages. The instructions in previous sections that apply
to directories can be followed here as well. The only difference is that you do not have to use the
Apply Changes link after making changes, as Apache always rereads the .htaccess files that
it encounters on every request.
298 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

You can also create a new .htaccess file by entering the path to the directory in which it
should be created into the field next to the Create Options File button. When the button is clicked,
the file will be created empty and have its ownership set to the user and group configured on the
user and group page of the default server. It will be added to Webmin’s list of known options files
and your browser will be redirected to the options file for the page.
To delete a per-directory options file, click on the Delete File link that appears at the top of the
page that appears when you click on its name from the list. As soon as it is removed, Apache will
cease using any options that it defines for the directory in which it resides.
Section 29.6 “Setting Per-Directory Options” earlier in this chapter explains how to set
options that apply only to files of a particular name, no matter what directory they are in. It is also
possible for a .htaccess file to contain options that apply to only some of the files in the direc-
tory that contains it. This can be useful for doing things like denying access to all files matching the
pattern *.c in the directory /usr/local/src, which you cannot do just by using per-directory or
per-file options.
To set options like this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Per-Directory Options Files icon. Then, click
on the .htaccess file in the directory to which you want the options to apply. If it
doesn’t yet exist, use the Create Options File button to create it as explained in the pre-
vious instructions.
2. Scroll down to the Create Per-File Options form and enter the filename or pattern into
the Path field. Patterns can only use shell wildcard characters like * and ?, unless you
change the Regexp? field to Match regexp, in which case you can enter a Perl regular
expression using characters like |, [, ], and +.
3. When you click the Create button, the same page will be redisplayed but with an addi-
tional icon for the filename or name pattern that you just entered.
4. Click on the new icon, which will bring up another page of icons for different categories
of options that can be applied to files whose names match the specified filename or pat-
tern. This page is very similar to the directory options page shown in Figure 29.5, and the
pages that it links to are mostly identical.
5. The instructions in other sections of this chapter for creating redirects, custom error mes-
sages, or IP access control can be followed on this page as well to set the same options
for matching files in the directory. The only difference is that there is no need to click on
the Apply Changes link to make new settings active.

You can change the filename or pattern for which the options are saved by editing the Path field in
the Options apply to form and then clicking Save. You can also remove them altogether so that
the options for the directory apply instead by clicking on the Delete button in the same form.
On a system that has many virtual websites run by untrusted users, you may want to restrict
the directives that those users are allowed to enter into .htaccess files. This can also be useful if
you have user web directories enabled, which is explained in Section 29.17 “Setting Up User Web
Directories”. It is possible for a user to enable CGI scripts for his directory by putting the right
directives into an options file, which could pose a security risk on your server.
Setting Up User Web Directories 299

You can restrict the directives that can be used in .htaccess files on a per-directory basis. To
do this, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the Apache Webserver module, click on the icon for the virtual
server under which the directory resides.
2. Click on the icon for the directory in which you want to restrict .htaccess files or, if
one does not exist yet, follow the instructions in Section 29.6 “Setting Per-Directory
Options” to create it.
3. Click on the Document Options icon.
4. In the Options file can override field, select the Selected below radio button. Then
deselect those categories of directives in the table provided that you don’t want users to
be able to include in .htaccess files. The available categories are:
Authentication options Deselect this option to prevent the use of directives related to
password authentication.
MIME types and encodings Deselect this option to prevent the setting of MIME
types, character sets, encodings, and languages for files. This will also stop files with
certain extensions being indicated as CGI programs.
Indexing and index files This option controls the use of directives for directory
Hostname access control Deselect this option to stop the use of IP access control
Directory options This option controls the use of directives that set options for the
directory, such as whether indexing is done and if CGI programs are enabled.
5. Click the Save button and then the Apply Changes link.

Whenever a user tries to use directives that he is not allowed to use, Apache will display an error
message when files in the directory containing the .htaccess file are requested. It will not sim-
ply ignore the disallowed directives.

29.17 Setting Up User Web Directories

On a system with many UNIX users, you may want to allow each user to create his own set of
web pages. Instead of creating a subdirectory for each user under some document root directory,
you can instead designate a subdirectory in each user’s home directory as a location for web
page files. Typically, this subdirectory is called public_html and its contents are made avail-
able at a URL like http://www.example.com/~username/.
The special ~username path in the URL is converted by Apache to a directory under the home
of the user named username, no matter what document root directory is being used for the rest of
the files on the website. It is also possible for files in the user’s actual home directory to be made
available instead, so that ~username actually maps to the user’s home directory and not a subdirec-
tory. This is a bad idea, however, as it makes all of the user’s files available to anyone with access
to the website.
300 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

To turn on Apache’s user web directories feature so ~username URL paths can be used, follow
these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server for which you want to
activate user directories. To activate them for all virtual servers, click on the Default
Server icon instead.
2. Click on the Document Options icon.
3. In the User WWW directory field, deselect the Default option and enter public_html
into the field next to it. Or, if you want a different subdirectory to be used for users’ web
pages, enter its name instead. To make users’ entire home directories available via
~username URL paths, enter . into the field.
On many systems, this option will already be set to public_html in the default Apache
configuration, meaning that user web directories are already enabled.
4. If the All users accessible option is selected, Apache will allow the pages in any user’s
web directory to be accessed.
To configure the web server to only allow access to the pages belonging to certain users,
select the Only users option and enter the names (separated by spaces) into the field next
to it. This can be useful if there is a small fixed list of UNIX users who should be allowed
to publish web pages.
To block only a few users’ web pages and allow the rest, select the All users except
option and enter the names of the blocked users into its field. This is useful for protecting
files belonging to important system users such as root.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page, then use the Apply Changes link to acti-
vate the new settings. Try creating a public_html subdirectory in the home directory of
a user, putting some HTML files in it, and seeing if they can be accessed using the ~user-
name/filename.html URL path.
6. It is also possible to have ~username URL paths mapping to directories outside users’
home directories by entering values starting with / into the User WWW directory field.
For example, if you were to enter /www and a browser requested ~jcameron/foo.html,
then the file returned by Apache would be /www/jcameron/foo.html. If you entered /
home/*/public_html, then the file returned would be /home/jcameron/public_html/
foo.html, even if the user jcameron did not have his home directory at /home/
jcameron. As that example shows, any occurrence of a * in the user web directory is
replaced by the username.

Similarly, you can enter a URL into the directory field, which will be used by Apache to gener-
ate a URL to redirect browsers to when a user web directory is requested. For example, if you
enter http://home.example.com/users/ and the URL path ~jcameron/foo.html is requested by a
browser, it will be redirected to http://home.example.com/users/jcameron/foo.html instead. This
is useful if you want to move user web directory hosting to a separate server, while allowing
URLs on your main server to be used to access them.
Even though the above are sufficient to enable user web directories, there are some other
things that you might want to do. As the earlier Section 29.16 “Editing .htaccess Files” explains,
you may want to limit the kinds of directives that users can put in their .htaccess files so that
Configuring Apache as a Proxy Server 301

they cannot execute CGI programs or use server-side includes. You can also change the default
directory indexing and document options that apply to user web directories. To accomplish both of
these tasks, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server in which user web
directories were enabled, or the default server.
2. Assuming all your users have their home directories under /home and the web subdirec-
tory is named public_html, enter /home/*/public_html into the Path field of the create
per-directory, files, or location options form at the bottom of the page.
3. Leave the Type field set to Directory and the Regexp? field to Exact match.
4. Click the Create button to create a new set of options that will apply to users’ web direc-
tories, then click on its newly created icon. This will bring up the document options page
shown in Figure 29.5.
5. Click on the Document Options icon.
6. Change the Directory options field to Selected below and set to Yes those options that
you want to apply to user web directories. It is advisable to turn on Generate directory
indexes and safe to enable Server-side includes, but not Execute CGI programs or
Server-side includes and execs.
The Follow symbolic links option is relatively safe to turn on as well, but will allow
users to make available via the web files that are not in their public_html subdirectory
by creating links to them.
7. To prevent users from overriding these settings in .htaccess files, change the Options
file can override field to Selected below and deselect the MIME types and encodings
and Directory options checkboxes. The others control options that present no security
risk and so can be safely left selected.
8. Click the Save button and then the Apply Changes link to save and activate the restrictions.
9. If you want to turn on server-side includes, set some custom MIME types or IP access
controls for user web directories, you can do it by following the instructions in the appro-
priate sections for this directory. Because server-side includes are quite harmless with the
ability to execute external programs disabled, they can be safely enabled for users by set-
ting the right content handler for .html or .shtml files, as Section 29.9 “Setting Up
Server-Side Includes” explains.

29.18 Configuring Apache as a Proxy Server

An HTTP proxy is a server that accepts requests for web pages from browsers, retrieves the
requested pages from their servers, and returns them to the browser. They are often used on net-
works on which clients are not allowed to connect to web servers directly so that restrictions on
who can access the web and what sites they can view can be enforced. A proxy can also cache
commonly accessed pages, so if many clients visit the same site its pages only have to be down-
loaded once. This speeds up web access and reduces bandwidth utilization.
Apache is not the best proxy server available for UNIX systems—Squid (covered in
Chapter 44) takes that honor. Squid has many more configurable options, is more efficient, and can
deal with much larger caches. If you want to set up a proxy on a system that is already running
302 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Apache, however, then it may make sense to use the existing web server as a proxy instead of
installing and running a separate server process for Squid.
Apache’s proxy support is only available if the mod_proxy module has been compiled into
the web server or is available to be dynamically loaded. You can see if the module is available by
clicking on the Re-Configure Known Modules icon on the main page. If mod_proxy is checked,
then your server can be used as a proxy. If so, you can skip the next paragraph, which deals with
loading the proxy module.
On some Linux distributions, the proxy module is included with the Apache package but not
loaded by default. If this is the case on your system, you can enable it by following these steps:

1. On the Apache Webserver module’s main page, click on the Edit Config Files icon. This
will bring up a page showing the contents of the primary configuration file, called
2. Look for a line starting with LoadModule proxy_module, which is currently com-
mented out with a # at the start. If no such line exists, then the proxy module is probably
not installed at all and therefore cannot be used.
3. Delete the # at the start of the line and then click the Save button at the bottom of the
4. Click the Stop Apache link on any page to shut down Apache and then the Start
Apache link to start it again. This is necessary for the web server to load the enabled
proxy module.
5. On the module’s main page, click on the Re-Configure Known Modules icon and then
on the Save button at the bottom of its page. This tells Webmin to reanalyze the Apache
configuration so that it detects that the mod_proxy module is now available.

If Apache was compiled on your system from source, then you will need to recompile it with
mod_proxy enabled in order to use the proxy features. If you do, Webmin will detect that a new
version of the Apache server executable has been installed and will redisplay the form shown in
Figure 29.1 when you next visit the module’s main page. The proxy module will be automati-
cally selected, so you should be able to just click the Configure button to tell Webmin that proxy
features are now available.
Once mod_proxy has been enabled, you can set your system up as a proxy server by follow-
ing these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the virtual server that you want to use
as a proxy. This must be an IP-based virtual server or the default, as it is impossible to
turn on proxying for just a single name-based virtual server. The normal operation of
whichever server you choose, however, will not be affected.
2. Click on the Proxying icon that should be visible on the virtual server options page. If
the icon does not exist, then the proxy module has not been detected by Webmin.
3. Change the Act as proxy server? field to Yes.
4. By default, Apache will not cache any pages that are requested through it when acting as
a proxy server. To change this, create a directory that is writeable by the web server user
(usually httpd) and enter it into the Cache directory field.
5. To limit the amount of data that will be cached, enter a number of kilobytes into the
Cache size field. If this is left set to Default, Apache will only cache 5 Kb of pages.
Configuring Apache as a Proxy Server 303

6. To turn off caching for particular websites, enter a space-separated list of hostnames and
domains into the Domains not to cache field. This can be useful for avoiding the cach-
ing of sites that frequently change.
7. To stop users of the proxy from accessing certain domains, enter a space-separated list of
full or partial hostnames into the Block requests to domains field. For example, to deny
access to all sites in the foo.com domain you could just enter foo.com.
8. If you have another proxy server on your network and want to pass all requests on to that
proxy, enter its URL (like http://proxy.example.com:8080/) into the empty field under
Forward to in the Requests to pass to another proxy table and leave the All option
selected. You can also have just a few requests passed on by selecting the Matching
option and entering a partial URL or URL type (like http://www.foo.com/ or ftp) into the
field next to it.
Like other tables in the Apache module, this one only displays one blank row at a time. If
you want to set up several other proxies to which to forward different requests, you will
need to re-edit this page after saving and fill in the next blank row. For example, you
might want to forward all FTP requests to one proxy, but all other types of requests to
9. To exclude some requests from being passed to the other proxies (for example, if they are
on your local network), you can fill in the Don’t pass requests to another proxy for
table. In each empty row you can choose from one of the following types:
IP address If this type is chosen, you must enter a complete IP address into the field next
to it. Any requests to the web server with this IP will not be passed on to another proxy.
Hostname When this type is chosen, any requests to the web server whose hostname is
entered into the adjacent field will not be passed on.
Domain Any requests to websites in the domain entered into the field next to the menu
will be retrieved directly and not passed on.
IP network Any requests to websites in the specified IP network (entered as a partial
IP address, like 192.168) will not be passed on to another proxy.
Network/bits Any requests to websites in the IP network (entered in address/prefix,
like format into the adjacent field) will not be passed on.
To add more than one row, you will need to save the form and edit it again so that a new
blank row is displayed.
10. Most of the other options on the form control the layout of the cache directory and the
amount of time for which pages are cached. In most cases, the defaults will work fine so
you can just leave them set to Default.
11. When done, click the Save button to update the Apache configuration file with the proxy
settings, then the Apply Changes link to make them active.

You should now be able to try your settings by configuring a web browser to use your Apache
server as a proxy and visiting some web pages. All proxy requests that Apache processes will be
written to the access log file for the virtual server in the usual format, but with the full URL
recorded instead of just the page.
You may sometimes want to limit who has access to proxy, either by client IP address or by
username and password. This can be done by following the instructions in Section 29.14 “Restrict-
304 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

ing Access by Client Address” and Section 29.13 “Password Protecting a Directory” and substitut-
ing the special directory proxy:*. If you set up client address access control, then only hosts with
allowed addresses will be able to use your server as a proxy. They will, however, still be able to
access normal web pages, as IP address restrictions for the special proxy:* directory only apply
to proxy requests.
If you set up username and password authentication for your proxy server, then any web
browsers that attempt to use it will be forced to log in first. This login is to the proxy server, not to
any website that is being accessed through it. If a user visits a password-protected website using
the proxy, he will have to log in separately to that site.
It is also possible to set up IP or password restrictions that apply only to some protocols or
sites accessed through the proxy, by creating them for special directories like proxy:http or
proxy:http://www.example.com/. Only requests for URLs that start with the text after proxy: will
be effected by restrictions like these. They can be useful for blocking or limiting access to certain
sites or preventing the proxy from being used to request certain protocols like http or ftp.

29.19 Setting Up SSL

SSL is a protocol for making secure, authenticated connections across an insecure network like
the Internet. It encrypts network traffic so an attacker cannot listen in on the network and capture
sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers. It allows servers to authenti-
cate themselves to clients, so that a web browser can be sure that it is connecting to the website
that it thinks it is. It also allows clients to authenticate themselves to servers, which can be used
to replace usernames and passwords with digital certificates.
The SSL protocol can be used to encrypt any kind of data that would normally travel over an
unencrypted TCP connection. In this chapter, however, we are only concerned with the encryption
of web page requests and responses, which is done by encrypting HTTP protocol data with SSL.
The result is a new protocol called HTTPS, which is used by all websites that want to operate
securely. Almost every browser supports the HTTPS protocol and uses it when retrieving URLs
that start with https:// instead of the normal http://. Whereas the normal HTTP protocol use
TCP port 80, the HTTPS protocol uses port 443.
You can configure Apache to use HTTPS on a per-virtual server basis or to use it for all serv-
ers. This depends, however, on having the mod_ssl Apache module compiled in or available for
dynamic loading, which is not always the case. Section 29.18 “Configuring Apache as a Proxy
Server” explains how to check for and possibly enable the mod_proxy module and you can follow
those same instructions for mod_ssl, as well. Most modern Linux distributions include SSL sup-
port in their Apache package as standard.
At the heart of the SSL protocol are digital certificates, which are used for both authentication
and encryption. The server typically sends its certificate to the client to prove its identity so the client
knows that its connection to the website has not been redirected by an attacker. Certificates issued by
a proper certificate authority, such as Verisign or Thawte, are impossible to forge because they have
been signed by the authority’s master certificate. All web browsers include a list of authorities that
they can use to validate signatures and thus ensure the authenticity of website certificates.
The down side of this method of certificate validation is that you cannot simply generate your
own certificate for your website that will be accepted without complaint by web browsers. It is pos-
sible to create a self-signed certificate that Apache will happily use, but any browser connecting to
Setting Up SSL 305

that web server in SSL mode will display a warning message to the user because the certificate is
not signed by a recognized authority. Self-signed certificates are fine for encrypting HTTPS traffic,
but if you want browsers to be able to validate your site you will need a real certificate signed by a
proper authority—and that costs money.
Before you can enable SSL in Apache, you must have a certificate. The easiest way to get one
for testing purposes is to generate your own self-signed certificate, which can be done by following
the upcoming instructions. To generate a real certificate from a recognized authority, follow the
steps at the end of this section, instead. To create a certificate, you will need the openssl com-
mand, which is included with most modern Linux distributions and freely available for download
from www.openssl.org/. If Apache on your system already includes the mod_ssl module, then
openssl is probably already installed or on your distribution CD or website.
To generate your own self-signed certificate, use the following steps:

1. Log in to your system as root.

2. Change to the directory in which you want to store your certificate files, such as
/usr/local/apache/conf or /etc/httpd.
3. Run the command openssl req -newkey rsa:512 -x509 -nodes -out
cert.pem - keyout key.pem.
4. The command will ask the following questions in order to obtain attributes for your new
key. To leave any of the requested fields blank, just enter a single period.
Country name The two-letter code for the country in which your web server is
located, such as AU or US.
State or Province Name The name of the state in which your server is located, such as
Locality Name The city in which your server is located, such as San Francisco.
Organization Name The name of your company or organization, such as Example
Organizational Unit Name The name of your division within the company, such as
Common Name The hostname of your web server as used in the URL. For example, if
browsers usually access the server as http://www.example.com/, then you should enter
www.example.com for this question. Unfortunately, you can only enter a single
hostname, so if your web server is accessed by more than one name (such as
www.example.com and example.com), then only one will match the certificate. The
hostname, however, can contain the wildcard character *, so you can enter
*.example.com or even just *.
Email Address The email address of the administrator for this web server, such as
[email protected].
5. When all the questions have been answered, the files cert.pem and key.pem will be
created in the current directory. These are your website’s certificate and its private key,
6. Because the private key must be kept secure to ensure the security of SSL connections to
your server, change its ownership to the user as whom Apache runs, with a command
306 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

like chown httpd key.pem. Then, set the permissions with the command chmod 600
key.pem so no other user can read it.

Now that a certificate and private key have been created, you are ready to configure your web
server to use SSL. The best way to do this is to create a new virtual server that handles all
requests to port 443 (the HTTPS port) in SSL mode. This way, any existing virtual servers on
your system will not be affected. To do this, follow these steps precisely:

1. On the main page of the Apache Webserver module, click on the Networking and
Addresses icon.
2. In the blank row at the end of the Listen on addresses and ports table, select All under
the Address column and enter 443 under the Port column. Then click the Save button at
the bottom of the page.
3. Back on the main page, scroll down to the create a new virtual server form.
4. Set the Address field to Any and the Port field to 443.
5. If you want the pages that browsers see when connecting in SSL mode to be the same as
those that they see when making a normal HTTP connection, enter the document root
directory for your default server into the Document Root field. Otherwise, you can enter
a different directory so clients will see different pages when making HTTPS requests.
6. In the Server Name field, enter the same hostname that you specified for the Common
Name when creating the SSL certificate.
7. Click the Create button to have the new virtual server added to your Apache configura-
tion. An icon for it will be added to the module’s main page.
8. Click on the icon for your new server to go to the virtual server options page. An icon
labelled SSL Options should be visible. If not, either your Apache Web server does not
have the mod_ssl module or Webmin hasn’t detected it yet.
9. Click on the SSL Options icon to bring up the page shown in Figure 29.9.
10. Change the Enable SSL? field to Yes. This tells Apache that the virtual server should
treat all connections as HTTPS.
11. In the Certificate/private key file field, deselect Default and enter the full path to the
cert.pem file that you created earlier.
12. In the Private key file field, enter the full path to the key.pem file. If you only have a
single file that contains both the certificate and private key, you can leave this field set to
Default and enter its path into the field above it.
13. Click the Save button and then the Apply Changes link back on the virtual server
options page.
14. Unless an error is reported when applying the configuration, your web server should
now be running in SSL mode on port 443. Test it out by using a web browser to go to
https://www.example.com/ or whatever the URL of your site is. Note that there is no need
to specify port 443 in the URL as it is used by default for HTTPS—just like port 80 is the
default for HTTP.

It is also possible to create IP-based virtual servers that use SSL and handle connections to port
443 on particular IP addresses. It is not, however, possible to create several name-based virtual
servers that use SSL because the server sends its certificate to the client before any HTTP proto-
col data is exchanged. Normally, the Host: HTTP header is used by Apache to determine to
Setting Up SSL 307

Figure 29.9 The SSL options page.

which name-based virtual server a request is being made, but this header has not been sent by the
browser at the time the web server selects the certificate to send to the client. The end result is
that having multiple named-based virtual servers on the same IP address in SSL mode will not
work properly, if at all.
On some Linux distributions, the included Apache package may already include an example
virtual server running on port 443 with SSL enabled. It will probably also come with usable certif-
icate and private key files, although they are likely to be self-signed and to have a different host-
name for the common name. In this case, there is no need to follow the steps above to set it up—all
you need to do is generate your own SSL certificate files and then visit the SSL options page in the
existing virtual server to change the Certificate/private key file and Private key file fields.
If you want to use Apache to host a real Internet website running in SSL mode, you will need
to request a certificate signed by a recognized authority. To do this, you must generate a certificate
signing request (CSR) and send it to the authority for verification along with your website’s name,
company name, and other details to prove that you really do own the website and domain. After
they have verified your details, the CA will sign the certificate and send it back to you for use in
your web server.
To generating a CSR, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your system as root.

2. Change to the directory in which you want to store your certificate files, such as
/usr/local/apache/conf or /etc/httpd.
308 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

3. Run the command openssl genrsa -out key.pem 1024. This will create just the
private key file key.pem.
4. Make sure that the file can only be read by the web server user, with commands like
chown httpd key.pem and chmod 600 key.pem.
5. Run the command openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem to generate
the CSR.
6. The command will ask the following question to obtain attributes for your new key. To
leave any of the requested fields blank, just enter a single period.
Country name The two-letter code for the country in which your web server is
located, such as AU or US.
State or Province Name The name of the state in which your server is located, such as
Locality Name The city in which your server is located, such as San Francisco.
Organization Name
The name of your company or organization, such as Example Corporation.
Organizational Unit Name The name of your division within the company, such as
Common Name The hostname of your web server as used in the URL. For example, if
browsers usually access the server as http://www.example.com/, then you should enter
www.example.com for this question. Wildcards cannot generally be used in the hostname
of certificates signed by CAs.
Email Address The email address of the administrator for this web server, such as
[email protected].
7. When all the questions have been answered, the csr.pem file will be created in the cur-
rent directory. This is your certificate signing request, which should be sent to the certif-
icate authority for signing.
8. After your details have been verified and your money taken, the authority will send you
back a signed certificate. It should be a text file that starts with the line

Put it in the same directory as the private key, in a file named cert.pem.

If you have overwritten existing self-signed private key and certificate files, it is best to stop and
restart Apache to force the new ones to be used. You should now be able to connect to your web
server in SSL mode with no warning displayed in the browser.

29.20 Viewing and Editing Directives

The Apache Webserver module can be used to view and edit directives manually, instead of the
usual method of editing them through the module’s forms and pages. Manual editing is only rec-
ommended if you are familiar with the configuration file format, as no checking will be done to
make sure that you have entered valid directives or parameters. It is often faster, however, to con-
figure the web server in this way, especially if you are an experienced Apache administrator.
Viewing and Editing Directives 309

On the options page for every virtual server, directory, URL location, filename, and
.htaccess file there is an icon labeled Show Directives. When clicked on, it will display all of
the directives inside that virtual server or directory, as shown in Figure 29.10. Any directive that
the module knows how to edit will be linked to the appropriate form for editing, which will be one
of those that can be reached by clicking on another icon on the virtual server or directory’s options
page. Next to each directive is the name of the file in which it is located and the line number in that
file, so that you can use another program like vi or emacs to edit it manually, if you wish.
Below the list are two buttons labeled Manually edit directives and Edit Apache directive.
The first will take you to the editing form described in the next paragraph. The second will bring
you to the form for editing the directive selected from the menu next to it, which will be one of
those linked from an icon on the previous page. This can be useful if you know the name of the
Apache directive that you want to use but do not know where in Webmin it can be edited.

Figure 29.10 Viewing directives for a directory.

To directly edit the text of directives in a virtual server or directory, you can click on the Edit
Directives icon located next to Show Directives on every options page. This will display a text
box containing the exact text that appears in the Apache configuration file for that server or direc-
tory, including any comments and indentation. When the Save button is clicked, any changes that
you have made will be written back to the file without any verification. To make them active, you
will need to click on the Apply Changes link on any of the module’s pages.
It is also possible to edit entire an Apache configuration file at once using the Edit Config
Files icon on the module’s main page. When selected, the complete contents of the primary config-
310 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

uration file (usually httpd.conf) will be displayed in a text box. Above it is a menu for selecting
another file to edit and a button labeled Edit Directives in File that will switch to the contents of
the chosen file. Your Apache Web server may use several different files that Webmin normally
hides from you. Only on this page can you see that all files that the module has detected are being
used, either by default (such as httpd.conf, srm.conf, or access.conf) or through
Include directives in the default configuration files.
This page is the only place where you can view and manually edit directives that apply to all
virtual servers that are normally editable under the Default Server icon in the module. Because
these default directives are usually split across multiple files, no Show Directives or Edit Direc-
tives icons appear on the options page for the default server.
If you change any of the directives in the text box, click the Save button below it to have the
configuration file rewritten. No validation will be done, so be careful with your changes—a mis-
take with a container directive like <Directory> or </IfModule> may make it impossible for
Webmin to parse some or all of the file. As usual, you will need to click on the Apply Changes
link back on the module’s main page to make the changes active.

29.21 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, you can use the Webmin Users module to give a user limited access to
some modules. In the case of the Apache Webserver module, a Webmin user or group can be
restricted so that he can only edit a subset of the available virtual servers. This can be very useful
in a virtual hosting environment in which you want to give people the right to edit the settings
for their own servers, but not those belonging to everyone else.
It is also possible to restrict the pages in the module that the user is allowed to edit, as some
allow the setting of directives that could be used to subvert security on your system. For example,
you would not want a user to be able to change the user and group as whom the CGI programs on
his virtual server run.
To set up the Apache module for a user so that he can only edit a few virtual servers, follow
these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Apache Web server next to the name of a user
who has been granted access to the module.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No so that he cannot change the
paths that the module uses for the web server configuration files.
3. For the Virtual servers this user can edit field, choose the Selected option and select
those servers that he should be allowed to manage from the list provided. It is generally a
bad idea to allow an untrusted user to edit the default server, as its configuration effects
all other virtual servers.
4. Change the Can edit global options? field to No so that he cannot change settings like
the ports and addresses that Apache listens on.
5. Change the Can create virtual servers? field to No so that he is not allowed to add new
virtual hosts.
6. To stop him from changing the user and group as which CGI programs are run, set the
Can change virtual server users? field to No. This only really matters if you have
suexec installed, as explained in Section 29.8 “Running CGI Programs”.
Configuring the Apache Webserver Module 311

7. Unless you want him to be able to change the address and port on which the virtual
server accepts requests, set the Can change virtual server addresses? field to No. If
they are changed, they could interfere with other virtual servers.
8. If the Can pipe logs to programs? field is set to Yes, he will be able to configure the vir-
tual server to log to a command that will be run as the user as whom Apache normally
runs (usually httpd). This may be a security risk on your system, so it is usually a good
idea to set this field to No.
9. Change the Can start and stop Apache? field to No. He will be able to apply changes
but not shut down the entire web server.
10. The Limit files to directory field controls where he can configure the server to write its
log files to. Allowing them to be written anywhere may allow him to overwrite files, so it
is best to set this to something under his home or document root directory, such as /home/
11. The Directive types available field determines what icons appear in the virtual server
options page, and therefore what kinds of directives he is allowed to edit. If you choose
All, then all of the icons will be visible, along with the Show Directives and Edit Direc-
tives icons for manually editing the configuration files. If you choose Selected instead,
only those pages chosen from the list provided will be visible and the manual editing
icons will not.
It is usually a good idea to deny access to the user and group and log files pages, and
always good to prevent inexperienced users from editing the configuration files
manually. An error in the httpd.conf file might cause the entire web server to stop
working the next time is it restarted.
12. Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The restrictions will be applied
to the user or group immediately.

You should be aware that these restrictions will not stop a truly malicious user causing problems
with your Apache configuration. It is quite possible to use the forms to introduce intentional
syntax errors into the configuration files which could interfere with the proper working of the
web server. Fortunately, you can always track who has done what using the Webmin Actions
Log module, covered in Chapter 54.

29.22 Configuring the Apache Webserver Module

Like other modules, this one has several options that can be changed by clicking on the Module
Config link on the main page. Those listed under System configuration are related to the loca-
tions of the Apache configuration files and programs on your system, which, by default, will be set
to match the Apache package that comes with your operating system. If your version of UNIX
does not come with Apache, then the module will assume that the web server has been compiled
and installed from the source distribution and will use the paths to files that the source install does.
Table 29.1 lists both the configurable options that you can safely change (in the first section), and
those that are related to file locations that generally do not need to be edited (in the second).
312 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Table 29.1 Module Configuration Options

Display virtual When this field is set to Icons, all virtual servers on the module’s main
servers as page will be shown as icons. When changed to List, however, they will be
shown in a table instead. This latter option makes sense when you have
lots of virtual servers, as it uses up less space on the page.

Order virtual servers by This field controls the ordering of virtual servers on the main page, but
regardless of which option is selected, the default server will always
appear first. The available choices and their meanings are:
Order in config files Servers appear in the same order that they are
listed in the Apache configuration file, which will typically be the order in
which they were added.
Server name Virtual servers are ordered by their primary hostname.
IP address Servers are ordered by the IP address on which they listen.
This option only really makes sense if you have a large number of IP-
based virtual hosts.

Maximum number of If the number of virtual servers exceeds the number set in this field, then
servers to display the module’s main page will display a search form instead. On a system
with thousands of servers, this keeps the size of the page manageable;
however, you can change it if the default maximum is too low or high for
your liking.

File to add virtual By default, all new virtual servers will be added to the primary Apache con-
servers to figuration file, usually httpd.conf. If, however, you put all servers into a
separate file on your system, then this field should be set to the full path to
that file. Naturally, Apache must be configured to read the specified file,
such as by an Include directive in the primary configuration file.
This field only controls the default setting for the Add virtual server to
file field on the virtual server creation form, covered in Section 29.5 “Cre-
ating a New Virtual Host”. You can still choose to add a server to a differ-
ent file when filling out the form, if you wish.

Test config file before When this field is set to Yes, the module will use the apachectl
applying changes? configtest command to test your Apache configuration before actually
applying it when the Apply Changes link is clicked. This is turned on by
default so that in the event that your configuration is invalid it will be
detected before Apache is signaled to reread it, which would cause the
web server to stop.
If for some reason the testing always fails on your system, you may need
to set this option to No instead. This will have no negative effect as long as
your configuration files never have any syntax errors in them.

Test config file after When this option is enabled, the module will test the Apache configuration
manual changes? after any manual changes and revert to the old settings if an error is
If you are not too familiar with the configuration file format, this option
can protect you from mistakes.
Configuring the Apache Webserver Module 313

Table 29.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Test config file after This option tells the module to test the Apache configuration after any
other changes? form is submitted, to ensure that incorrect input has not caused the config-
uration files to somehow become invalid. It is most useful on systems that
have untrusted or inexperienced users managing their own Apache virtual

Show Apache directive By default, this field is set to No. If you change it to Yes, however, then the
names name of the Apache directive that each field sets will be shown next to its
label on every page in the module that allows you to edit directives. In
addition, the name will be a link to the Apache documentation for that
directive at the location set in the Base directory for Apache documenta-
tion module configuration field.
This option can be useful for finding out more about what each field actu-
ally does, and for learning the directives actually used in the Apache con-
figuration. Some fields and tables in the module’s forms actually set more
than one type of directive. In cases like these, all of the directives will be
listed, each with its own link to its documentation.

Base directory for This field controls where the linked to Apache documentation is located
Apache documentation when the Show Apache directive names option is enabled. When Apache
website is selected, the links will be to the official documentation pages at
httpd.apache.org. This will work fine, but may not be the best choice if
you have a local copy of the documentation or do not have Internet access.
The alternative is to enter a base URL under which the Apache module
HTML files can be found. If, for example, you entered http://www.exam-
ple.com/docs/, then Webmin would generate links like

Apache server root This is the directory under which all the Apache configuration files are
directory located. If you installed from source code, then it should be set to /usr/
local/apache. Webmin uses this directory to find configuration files like
httpd.conf if they are not set explicitly in some of the fields below.

Path to httpd executable In this field, you must enter the full path to the httpd server program,
such as /usr/local/apache/sbin/httpd. Webmin executes this program in
order to find out which version of Apache you are running and which
modules are compiled into it.

Apache version Normally this field is set to Work out automatically, which causes Web-
min to run httpd with the –v flag to get the Apache version number.
There are some special modified versions of the web server, however, that
do not report the version in the format that the module expects, which will
cause an error message to be displayed when you try to use the module.
If this happens on your system, you may need to enter the correct version
number into this field. It must be entered in the format that Apache version
numbers are normally in, such as 1.3.19 or 2.0.43.
314 Chapter 29 • Apache Web Server Configuration

Table 29.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Path to the apachectl This field must contain the full path to the command apachectl, such as
command /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl. Webmin uses it to start and stop Apache,
test the configuration, and apply changes. The older releases of the web
server did not include this command, so if you do not have it on your sys-
tem you can select the None option instead. This will cause Webmin to use
TERM and HUP signals to stop the server and apply changes, and run the
httpd command directly to start it or test the configuration.

Command to start If this field is set to something other than Automatic, the module will run
apache the specified command when the Start Apache link is clicked. Many
operating systems that include an Apache package have boot scripts that
can be used to start and stop the web server. On systems like those, this
field will be set to something like /etc/init.d/apache start so that
the boot script is used.
If Automatic is chosen instead, Webmin will use the apachectl com-
mand to start Apache, or run the httpd server program directly. If you
have compiled and installed Apache from the source code, it is best to
select the Automatic option so that the module will not attempt to use a
boot script that does not exist or will not work.

Command to stop This field is similar to the previous one, but determines the command used
apache to shut down the web server when the Stop Apache link is clicked on. As
with the start command, you should set this to Automatic if you have
installed Apache from source code.

Path to httpd.conf These three fields control where Webmin looks for the httpd.conf,
srm.conf, and access.conf configuration files, respectively. When set
Path to srm.conf to Automatic, the module will look in the etc and conf subdirectories
under the server root directory, which is the correct location most of the
Path to access.conf
time. If the files are located elsewhere (as they are by default in some
Linux distributions), however, then these fields need to be set to the correct
full paths to the configuration files.

Path to mime.types Like the fields above, this one controls where the module looks for the
mime.types file that contains the global list of MIME types and exten-
sions. If TypesConfig directive exists in one of the configuration files,
then the path that is specified will be used. If a path is entered for this field,
then it will be used. Otherwise, if the field is set to Automatic, then Web-
min will attempt to locate the mime.types file in the etc and conf subdi-
rectories under the server root.

29.23 Summary
This chapter has introduced the Apache Web server, and explained how Webmin can be used to con-
figure it to perform various common tasks. After reading the chapter you should know what virtual
hosts are and how to create them, how to set different options for different directories, how to redi-
rect requests, how to set up authentication, and much more. Because Webmin’s Apache module has
a vast number of configurable settings, only those related to common operations are covered.
C H A P T E R 3 0

DNS Server

n this chapter the DNS protocol and the BIND DNS server are explained,
I as is the Webmin module for creating and managing DNS domains.

30.1 Introduction to the Domain Name System

DNS is a protocol used primarily for converting hostnames like www.example.com into IP
addresses like, and vice-versa. At the IP level, all hosts on the Internet refer to each
other by IP addresses, not by the hostnames that users enter into programs like web browsers and
telnet clients. This means that a system needs a way of finding out the IP address associated with
a hostname before they can communicate. Although there are several ways this can be done
(such as reading the /etc/hosts file or querying an NIS server), DNS is the most common.
As well as looking up IP addresses for hostnames, the DNS protocol can also be used to find
the hostname associated with an IP address. This is most often used for finding the hostname of
a client that is connecting to a server, such as a web server or SSH daemon. DNS can also be
used to look up the address of a mail server for a domain and additional information about a host
such as its location, operating system or owner. However, by far its most common application is
converting hostnames to IP addresses.
Most systems use the DNS protocol to send requests to a server, which does most of the
work of resolving a hostname into an IP address. A normal system is only a DNS client, and
never has to answer requests from servers or other clients. Almost all companies, organizations
and ISPs will already have one or more DNS servers on their network that all the other hosts can
use. If your company already has a DNS server, then there is no need to read this chapter.
Instead, see Chapter 19 for information on how to set up your Linux system as a DNS client.
The domain name system is divided into zones (also called domains), each of which has a
name like example.com or foo.com.au. Zones are arranged in a hierarchy, which means that the

316 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

foo.com.au zone is part of the com.au zone, which in turn is part of the au domain. At the
very top of the hierarchy is the . or root zone, upon which the entire DNS system depends.
For each zone, there is at least one DNS server that is primarily responsible for providing
information about it. There may also be several secondary or slave servers that have copies of
information from the primary, and act as backups in case the master server for the zone is
unavailable. A single DNS server may host multiple zones or sometimes may not host any at all.
A server is typically responsible for providing information about the zones that it hosts and for
looking up information in other zones when requested to by DNS clients.
For a zone hosted by a server to be available to DNS clients that do not query that server
directly, it must be registered in the parent zone. The most common parent domains like .com,
.net and .com.au are managed by companies that charge for zones registered under them.
This means that you cannot simply set up a DNS server that hosts a domain like example.com
and expect it to be visible to the rest of the Internet. You must also pay for it to be registered with
one of the companies that adds sub-domains to the .com domain.
Each zone contains multiple DNS records, each of which has a name, type and values. The
most common type of record is the address or A record, which associates a hostname with an IP
address. Other types include the NS or name server record which specifies the DNS server for
the zone or a sub-domain, and the MX or mail server record type which defines a host that
should receive mail for the zone.
Every zone should have at least one secondary server in case the primary is down or un-con-
tactable for some reason. Secondaries can also share the load on the primary server, because
other servers looking up records in the domain will randomly choose a server to query instead of
always asking the primary first. In fact, there is no way for other systems to know which server
is the master and which are the slaves for a particular zone.
Slave servers can request a copy of all the records in a zone at once by doing a zone transfer.
This is done a secondary DNS server when a zone is first added to it and periodically when it
detects that the zone has changed or the records in it have expired. A master server can also be
configured to notify slaves when a zone changes so that they can perform a zone transfer imme-
diately, ensuring that they are always up to date.
Every zone has a serial number, which is simply a counter that must be incremented each
time any record in the zone is changed. The serial is used by slave servers to determine if a zone
has changed, and thus if a transfer is needed. Most of the time, it does not matter what the serial
number is as long as it gets incremented. However, some domain authorities require it to be in a
certain date-based format, such as YYYYMMDDnn.
Normally a single server hosts either entirely master zones or entirely slaves. However, this
does not have to be the case—a DNS server can be both a master for some zones and a slave for
others. There is no upper limit on the number of servers a zone can have, although few have
more than three. The important .com and root domains have 13 servers, as they are critical to the
functioning of the Internet and frequently accessed. Generally, the more slaves a domain has the
better, as long as they can all be kept synchronized.
When a server receives a request from a client to lookup a record, it first checks to see if the
record is in one of the zones that it hosts. If so, it can supply the answer to the client immedi-
ately. However, if the record is not in a hosted zone then the server must query other servers to
find it. It starts by querying one of the servers responsible for the root zone, which will reply
with the address of another DNS server. It then queries that other server, which will either pro-
Introduction to the Domain Name System 317

vide an answer, or the address of yet another DNS server to ask. This process continues until a
server that is responsible for the domain is found and an answer retrieved from it. If the record
that the client asked for does not actually exist, then one of the servers in the query process will
say so, and the search will be terminated.
For example, imagine if a DNS client asked a server for the IP address of www.webmin.com.
The steps that would be followed by the server to find the address are:

1. Ask one of the root servers, such as a.root-servers.net ( for the address
of www.webmin.com. The server would reply with a list of servers for the .com domain,
one of which is a.gtld-servers.net (
2. Ask the .com server for the address of www.webmin.com. The reply would be a list of
servers, one of which is au.webmin.com (, the master server for the
webmin.com domain.
3. As the server for webmin.com for the address of www.webmin.com. The reply would be, which is the correct IP address.
4. The resulting IP address is returned to the client, along with a TTL (time to live) so that
the client knows how long it can cache the address for.

As you can see, a DNS server can find the address of any host on the Internet by following the
simple process used in the steps above. The only addresses that it cannot discover are those of
the root servers. Instead, they read from a file when the server program starts. Because the
addresses of the root servers very rarely change, it is safe for a DNS server to store them in a
fixed file.
If the steps above were followed exactly for every DNS request, then the root servers would
have to be queried every time a client anywhere in the world wanted to lookup an IP address.
Even though there are 13 of them, there is no way that they could deal with this massive amount
of network traffic. Fortunately, DNS servers do not really query the root servers for every
request. Instead, they cache results so that once the IP address of a server for the .com domain is
known, there is no need to ask for root servers for it again. Because every response from a server
includes a TTL, other servers know how long it can be safely cached for.
The relationships between IP addresses and their hostnames are stored in the DNS in a dif-
ferent way to the relationship between hostnames and addresses. This is done so that it is possi-
ble to lookup a hostname from an IP using a similar process to the steps above. However, this
means that there may be a mismatch between the relationship between an IP address and host-
name, and between the hostname and IP address. For example, www.webmin.com resolves to, but resolves to usw-pr-vhost.sourceforge.net! This can be
confusing, but is an inevitable result of the way that queries for IP addresses work.
When a client wants to find the hostname for an IP address like, it converts
this address to the record As you can see, this is just the
IP address reversed with in-addr.arpa appended to the end. The special in-addr.arpa zone
is hosted by the root DNS servers, and its sub-domains are delegated to other DNS servers in
exactly the same way that forward zones are. Typically each of the final class C zones (like
171.136.216.in-addr.arpa) will be hosted by the DNS server for the company or ISP that
owns the matching class C network, so that it can create records that map IP addresses in that
network to hostnames. All of these records are of the special PTR or reverse address type.
318 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

The biggest problem with this method of reverse zone hosting is that there is no easy way
for anything smaller than a class C network (which contains 256 addresses) to be hosted by a
single DNS server. So if a server hosts the zone example.com which contains just a single record,
www.example.com with IP address, the same server cannot also control the reverse map-
ping for the IP address Instead, this will be under the control of the ISP or hosting com-
pany whose network the web server for www.example.com is on. Only organizations big enough
to own an entire class C network can host the reverse zone for that network on their own DNS
Many organizations have an internal network that uses private IP addresses such as those
starting with 192.168. A network like this might not be connected to the Internet at all, or con-
nected only through a firewall doing NAT. Some people even have networks like this at home,
with several machines connected to a small LAN. Only one of these machines (the gateway)
might have a single real Internet IP address assigned by an ISP.
On a private network like this, it can also make sense to run a DNS server to assign host-
names to the systems on the internal LAN. It is quite possible to host a zone called something
like home or internal that contains records for internal systems, as well as a reverse zone for the
192.168 network so that IP addresses can be looked up as well. The server can also be set up to
resolve real Internet hostnames by querying the root servers, just as any normal Internet-con-
nected DNS server would. However, it will never receive queries from outside the LAN for
records in the home network because, as far as the rest of the Internet is concerned, that zone
does not exist.

30.2 The BIND DNS Server Module

BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is the most common DNS server for UNIX systems. Sev-
eral versions have been released over the years, the most recent being version 9. The BIND DNS
Server module (found under the Servers category) supports the configuration of versions 8 and 9.
The older version 4 has a different configuration file format and can be configured using the BIND
4 DNS Server module, documented in Section 30.18 “The BIND 4 DNS Server Module”.
Because BIND is available for almost all UNIX systems and works identically regardless of
the operating system, the instructions in this chapter apply not just to Linux but to other versions
of UNIX as well. Most versions of UNIX and Linux include BIND 8 or 9 as a standard package,
so it is rarely necessary to install it. If the module cannot find the DNS server, an error message
will be displayed on the main page. If this happens, check your operating system CD or website
for a BIND package or download and compile the source from www.isc.org/.
BIND’s primary configuration file is /etc/named.conf, which contains all of the zones
that the server hosts, and global configuration settings that apply to all zones. The records in
each zone are stored in separate files, usually found in the /var/named directory. This Webmin
module always updates all of these files directly, instead of by communicating with the running
BIND process. This means that if you are running some other program that dynamically updates
zones by communicating with BIND (such as a DHCP server), then this module should not be
used as it may interfere with these changes. However, very few systems have this kind of
dynamic updating activated.
Versions 9 of BIND has some features that version 8 does not. The most important one that
is supported by this Webmin module is views. A view is a set of zones that are visible to only
The BIND DNS Server Module 319

some DNS clients. Normally, all clients see the same zones, but with BIND 9 you can restrict the
visibility of some domains to only particular clients, identified by their IP addresses. This can be
useful for creating zones that are only visible to systems on an internal network, even if your
DNS server is connected to the Internet.
If you have never set up BIND on your system, when you enter the module for the first time
the main page will display a form for setting up the DNS server, as shown in Figure 30.1. This
form is only shown if Webmin detects that the configuration file named.conf does not exist or
if the zone files directory that is specifies is non-existent. If you are certain that your BIND con-
figuration is valid and that the DNS server is already running, do not click the Create button, as
your named.conf file will be overwritten. Instead, click on the Module Config link and check that
all the paths are correct for your system.

Figure 30.1 The BIND setup form.

If you are setting up BIND for the first time, the setup form gives you three choices:

Setup nameserver for internal non-internet use only If you choose this option, your
DNS server will be set up so that it can only resolve records in zones that it hosts.
This is only useful on a private network that has no Internet connection at all.
Setup as an internet name server, and download root server information This is the
most useful option. It sets your DNS server up to be able to host zones and to lookup
records on the Internet. In order to query other Internet domains, a list of the root
zone servers is needed, as explained in the introduction. When this option is
320 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

selected, Webmin will FTP to rs.internic.net and download a file listing the
server names and IP addresses for inclusion in the BIND configuration.
Setup as an internet name server, but use Webmin's older root server information
option is identical to the previous one, but does not download the root zone file.
Instead, it uses a copy of the file that comes with Webmin which may not be as up to
date. However, if for some reason your system cannot connect to the
rs.internic.net FTP server, this is your best choice.

Depending on which option you choose, a basic named.conf file will be created the root zone
added to it. The module’s main page will then be re-displayed, so that you can add more zones
or configure the server further.
When BIND has been set up on your system, the main page will appear as shown in
Figure 30.2. At the top is a table of icons for setting global options that apply to your entire DNS
server. Below them are icons for each of the zones your server hosts, followed by icons for views
if you are running BIND version 9. At the very bottom are buttons for applying the current DNS
configuration or starting the BIND server.
If you have just set up BIND for the first time, there will probably be only one zone icon—
the root zone. Some Linux distributions that include a BIND package come with a basic config-
uration file that defines zones like localdomain and 127.0.0, which are used for resolving
the localhost and 127.0.0.l loopback hostname and IP address.

Figure 30.2 The BIND DNS Server module main page.

Creating a New Master Zone 321

30.3 Creating a New Master Zone

A master zone is one for which your DNS server is the authoritative source of information. A
single zone may be hosted by multiple servers, but only one is the master—all the rest are slaves.
If you want to add a new master zone to your server’s configuration, the steps to follow are:

1. Decide on a name for the new zone, such as example.com or internal. If this is going to
be Internet domain that will be visible to other everyone in the world, the domain name
must not have been registered by anyone else yet. However, you cannot normally register
it yourself until your DNS server has been set up to host it.
2. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new master zone link below the table of
existing zones. This will take you to the page shown in Figure 30.3 for entering the
details of the new zone.
3. If this is to be a forward zone like example.com or foo.com.au, leave the Zone type field
set to Forward. However, if it is a reverse zone for looking up hostnames from IP
addresses, set the field to Reverse.
4. In the Domain name / Network field, enter the name of the zone without any trailing dot.
For a reverse zone, just enter the network address like 192.168.1. Webmin will automati-
cally convert this to the in-addr.arpa format for you when the domain is created.
5. The Records file field controls where the configuration file containing the zone’s records
is stored. If you leave it set to Automatic, the filename will be determined automatically
based on the module’s configuration and the directory setting in the named.conf file.
This is usually the best option, as it will result in the records file being created in the
same directory as any existing zones, such as /var/named.
However, if you de-select the Automatic option and enter a filename instead, all records
for the zone will be written to that file. If you enter the name of an existing file, it will be
overwritten when the domain is created.
6. In the Master server field, enter the full domain name of the master DNS server for this
zone. This must be the canonical name of your system, such as server.example.com, not a
short name like server. This server (and the values from the next 5 fields) are used to cre-
ate the new zone’s SOA record.
7. In the Email address field, enter the address of the person responsible for this zone. You
can use the @ symbol in the address, which Webmin will automatically convert to a dot
for inclusion in the SOA record.
8. The Refresh time field determines how often secondary servers should check with this
master server for updates to the zone. The default is reasonable, but you may want to
increase it for zones that rarely change, or decrease it for those that are frequently
9. The Transfer retry time field determines how long a secondary server should wait after a
failed zone transfer before trying again.
10. The Expiry time field controls the maximum amount of time that a secondary DNS server
for the zone should cache records for before re-transferring them from the master.
11. The Default time-to-live field determines the TTL of records in the zone that do not have
one set explicitly.
322 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

Figure 30.3 The new master zone creation form.

12. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page. As long as the form has been filled in
correctly and the zone does not already exist on your server, you will be taken to a page
for adding new records to the zone.
13. Return to the module’s main page which will now include an icon for your new zone and
click the Apply Changes button at the bottom to activate it.

A newly created zone will contain only one record (unless you have set up a template). To add
more, follow the instructions in Section 30.4 “Adding and Editing Records”. Once you have set
up the basic records in your domain, you can register it with the authority that manages the par-
ent domain, such as .com or .com.au. Some domain authorities will not allow you to register
zones that do not have at least two servers (one master and one slave) and name server records in
the zone for those servers.

30.4 Adding and Editing Records

The most useful feature of the BIND DNS Server module is the ability to add, edit and delete
records in the master zones hosted by your server. For example, if you wanted to set up a web
server in your domain example.com, you would need to add an Address record for www.exam-
ple.com with the IP address of the server. To add a new record like this, the steps to follow are:
Adding and Editing Records 323

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the zone that you want to add to. This
will bring up the page shown in Figure 30.4, at the top of which is a table of icons, one
for each record type.
2. Click on the icon for the type of record that you want to add. The most common type is
Address, which associates an IP address with a hostname. See Section 30.5 “Record
Types” for a complete list of all the supported record types.
3. Clicking on the icon will take you to a page listing all existing records of that type.
Above the list is a form for entering a new record.
4. In the Name field, enter the name of the new record relative to the zone name. For exam-
ple, if you wanted to add the record www.example.com, you should just enter www. It is
also possible to enter the full record name, as long as it has a dot at the end to indicate
that it is not relative to the zone. Do not enter just www.example.com, as it will be con-
verted to www.example.com.example.com, which is probably not what you want.
5. If this record is going to change more frequently than the rest of the zone, change the
Time-To-Live field from Default to the estimated time between changes. This determines
how long DNS clients and other servers will cache the record for.
6. If you are adding an Address record, enter the complete IP address of the host into the
Address field. See Table 30.1 on page 348 for a description of the fields that appear when
adding other types of records and what they mean.
7. The field Update reverse? only appears when adding an Address record. It controls the
automatic creation of a corresponding record in a reverse zone which associates the host-
name with the IP address. Naturally, this can only be done if the IP that you enter is in a
network that your system is the primary reverse DNS server for. This keeps the forward
and reverse zones synchronized, which can be very useful.
If Yes is selected, a reverse address record will be added as long as one does not already
exist in the reverse zone for the same IP address. Often many hostnames will have the
same IP, such as those use for name-based virtual hosting. In cases like these, you don’t
want to change the reverse mapping if one already exists.
The Yes (and replace existing) option works the same as Yes, but if a reverse record for the
IP address already exists it will be updated with the new hostname. This can be useful if
you know there is an existing record that you want to replace.
If No is selected, no reverse address will be created even if it is possible.
8. When you are done filling in the form, click the Create button at the bottom. As long as it
is filled in correctly, the record will be added to the list below the form. When writing to
the zone’s records file, Webmin will use the full canonical format for the record name,
such as www.example.com., even if you just enter www.
9. To activate the new record so that it can be looked up by DNS clients and other servers,
you will need to click the Apply Changes button on the module’s main page. If you are
planning to add or edit several records, it is usually better to wait until all the changes are
complete before hitting the apply button.
If it is available, you can instead use the Apply Changes button at the bottom of the
master zone page shown in Figure 30.4. This uses the ndc command to tell BIND to
reread only the file for this zone, which can be much faster on a system that hosts are
large number of domains.
324 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

Figure 30.4 The master zone editing page.

Although the instructions above are focused on adding an Address record, the process of adding
other record types to a forward zone is almost identical. The Update reverse? field does not exist
and the Address field is replaced with one or more different fields. Section 30.5 “Record Types”
explains in detail what fields are available for each type of record known to Webmin.
When adding a Reverse Address record to a reverse zone, the form is quite different. The
Address field appears before the Hostname and the hostname must always be entered in canoni-
cal form with a dot at the end, like www.example.com. The Update reverse? field is replaced with
Update forward?, which controls the automatic creation of a record in the corresponding forward
zone. However, there is no option to overwrite an existing forward record. If one with the same
name already exists, it will not be touched even if Yes is selected.
Every time a record is added to or updated in a zone using Webmin, its serial number will be
automatically incremented. This also applies to reverse zones that are automatically updated
when adding an Address record and vice-versa. This means that when you apply the changes,
other DNS servers will be able to detect that the zone has changed by comparing the new serial
number with the old one that they have cached.
To edit an existing record in a zone, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the zone that you want to edit, which
will bring you to the page shown in Figure 30.4.
2. Click on the icon for the type of record that you want to change, which will display a
page listing all records of that type in the zone. Alternately, you can click on the All
Record Types 325

Record Types icon which will bring up a list of every single record in the zone regardless
of type.
3. Click on the name of the record that you want to edit. Your browser will display a form
similar to the one used for adding a record, but with the fields already filled in with the
details of the existing address.
4. To re-name the record, edit the contents of the Name field. It will be shown in canonical
form with a dot at the end initially, but you can change it to a name relative to the domain
if you wish.
5. Adjust the Time-To-Live field in you want this record to have a different TTL or set it to
Default to make it the same as the rest of the zone.
6. If this is an Address record, change the IP in the Address field. For other record types, the
fields are the same as those on the record creation form and have the same meanings.
7. For Address records, the field Update reverse? is displayed. Selecting Yes will cause the
corresponding record in the reverse zone to be have its name and address changed to
match this forward record. If you change the IP so that the reverse address is no longer in
the same network, it will be removed from the old reverse zone and added to the new
reverse zone (if it is hosted by your server).
8. For Reverse Address records, the field Update forward? is shown instead. If Yes is
selected, the corresponding Address record in its forward zone will be changed to match
any changes that you make on this form.
9. Click the Save button to update the record in the zone file and return to the list of record
10. To activate the changes, click the Apply Changes button back on the module’s main page.

To delete a record from a zone, click on the Delete button on the editing form instead of Save. For
Address records, if the Update reverse? field is set to Yes, the corresponding Reverse Address
record will be deleted as well. Apart from that, the process of deleting a record is identical no
matter what type it is. The same thing happens when deleting a Reverse Address record. The
matching Address record is deleted as well, as long as the Update forward? field is set to Yes.
The list of records in a zone is initially sorted according to the module configuration, which
usually means that records will be displayed in the order that they were added. To change this,
you can click on a column heading like Name, Address or Real Name to sort them by that column
instead. The sorting is only temporary though, and will be lost if you return to the main page and
re-open the zone. To change it permanently, see the Order to display records in field in Section
30.17 “Configuring the BIND DNS Server Module”.

30.5 Record Types

Webmin does not support all of the record types that BIND knows about, only those that are
most commonly used. The list below covers all of the supported types, and explains what they
are used for and what fields are available when adding or editing a record of that type in Web-
min. Next to each type name is the short code used by BIND itself for identifying the type in the
records file.

Address (A) An Address records associates an IP address with a hostname. Any

system that you want to be able to connect to via HTTP, telnet or some other
326 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

protocol using its hostname must have an address record so that clients can look up
its IP. A single hostname can have more than one Address record, which is often
done to spread the load for a website across multiple servers. It is also valid to create
multiple records of this type with different names but the same IP, such as when
setting up name-based Apache virtual servers.
When creating or editing an Address record, the field Address is displayed for
entering the IP associated with the hostname. A field labelled Update reverse? also
appears, which controls the automatic creation and modification of a Reverse
Address record in the appropriate reverse zone. See Section 30.4 “Adding and
Editing Records” for more details.
Name Sever (NS) Records of this type defines a name server that is responsible for a
zone. Every zone must have at least one Name Server record for itself and may have
additional records that specify the DNS servers responsible for subdomains. If you
set up a secondary DNS server for a zone, be sure to add a Name Server record for
the zone on the master server. In this case, the name of the record will be the
canonical name of the zone, such as example.com.
When creating or editing a record of this type, a field labelled Name Server will be
displayed. This must be filled in with the IP address or hostname of the DNS server
that is responsible for the zone. If you enter a hostname, it must have an IP address
set by an Address record in some zone on your server.
Name Alias (CNAME) This type of record creates an additional name for an existing
Address or Reverse Address record. When a DNS client requests the IP address of a
record of this type, it will get the IP of the record that the Name Alias points to
instead. This kind of record can be useful if you have a single host that needs to be
accessible under several different names, such as a web server doing name-based
virtual hosting. Even though this could also be done by creating multiple Address
records, creating just a single Address and multiple Name Aliases is more flexible as
it allows easier updating if the IP address of the host ever changes.
The form for editing and creating Name Alias records contains a field labelled Real
Name. This must be filled in with either the canonical name of the record that the
alias points to (such as webserver.example.com.), or with a short name that is
relative to the zone that the Name Alias record is in.
Mail Server (MX) Mail Server records tell mail delivery programs like Sendmail and
Qmail which system to contact when delivering mail to a domain or host. Without a
record of this type, mail for a domain will be delivered to the system whose IP is
specified in the Address record for the zone itself. This is not always desirable, as
you may want that IP to be the address of a web server, so that web browsers can
connect to http://example.com/ as well as http://www.example.com/. A Mail Server
record can solve this problem by having only email for example.com sent to another
hosts, and all other traffic to the web server.
Each Mail Server record has a priority, which tells mail delivery programs which
mail server should be tried first. The record with the lowest priority should point to
the system that actually receives and stores email for the domain, while those with
Record Types 327

higher priorities generally point to systems that will simply relay mail. Delivery
programs will try each in turn starting with the lowest, so that if the primary mail
server is down, email will still be sent to a relay that can hold it until the primary
comes back up.
When adding or editing a Mail Server record, two additional fields are displayed.
The first is labelled Mail Server and must be filled in with the canonical or relative
hostname of a system that can accept mail for the domain or hostname entered in the
Name field. The second is labelled Priority and must be used to specify a numerical
priority for this particular mail server. Normally a priority of 5 is used for the
primary mail server and 10 for backup relays. If you only have one mail server for
your domain, it doesn’t really matter what number is entered into this field. It is
possible for two servers to have the same priority, in which case one will be chosen
randomly to deliver to.
A Mail Server record can use the * wildcard in its name, which indicates to mail
programs that a particular mail server is responsible for all hosts in a domain. For
example, a record named like *.example.com would match the hostname
pc1.example.com and any other hosts in the zone. This can be useful if you want
to force mail that would otherwise be delivered directly to workstations in your
domain to go through a central mail server instead. Webmin will not let you use
wildcards unless the Allow wildcards module configuration option is set to Yes
though, as explained in Section 30.17 “Configuring the BIND DNS Server Module”.
Host Information (HINFO) Records of this type are used to record information about
the hardware and operating system of a particular host. For example, you might
create one that says that server1.example.com is an x86 PC running Linux. However,
they are very rarely used and are in fact considered a security risk, as they give out
information to potential attackers that could be used to take over a server.
When creating or editing a Host Information record, the fields Hardware and
Operating System are displayed for entering the architecture and operating system
type of a host. The values you enter must not contain any spaces. Typically, they are
replaced in the hardware type and operating system strings with _ characters.
Text (TXT) A Text record associates an arbitrary message of some kind with a name.
Although they are hardly ever used, they can be useful for attaching comments to
hostnames. Be aware though that any such comments will be available to anyone on
the Internet that can look up records in your domain, and so should not contain
sensitive information.
The field Message is displayed when entering or editing a Text record. You can enter
any text that you like, including spaces.
Well Known Service (WKS) A record of this type associates a hostname, port and
protocol with a name. It can be thought of as a generalized variant of the Mail Server
record, which tells clients which host provides a particular service for some domain
or hostname. However, almost no programs actually look up WKS records, so in
practice they are pretty much useless.
328 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

When adding or editing one of these records, the fields Address, Protocol and
Services are available. The first is for entering the IP address of a host that provides
the services for the host or domain entered into the Name field. The second is for
selecting the network protocol that the services use, either TCP or UDP. The last is
for entering a list of port numbers or names (from the /etc/services file) for
services that the host provides.
Responsible Person (RP) This type of record is used for specifying the person or
group responsible for a particular host. Each of these records has two values
associated with it—an email address, and the name of Text record containing the
person’s name. Responsible Person records are rarely seen and are not used by any
mail delivery program or Internet client.
The Email Address field shown when editing or adding one of these records is for
entering the complete address (like [email protected]) of the person
responsible for the host whose name is entered into the Name field. The Text Record
Name field is for entering the relative or canonical name of a Text record that
contains the person’s real name.
Location (LOC) Location records are used to specify the physical location in latitude
and longitude of a host. They are hardly ever seen, and thus not used by many
programs. However, they can be useful in large organizations that have hosts in
many countries.
When adding or editing a Location record, the field Latitude and Longitude is
displayed for entering the location of the host in the Name field. It must be formatted
like 42 21 43.528 N 71 05 06.284 W 12.00m 30.00m 10000.00m 10.00m.
Service Address (SRV) Records of this type are used to associate a domain name,
service name and protocol with a particular host. They allow you to specify which
server a client should contact for a particular service and hostname, instead of just
connecting to the host. In a way, they are like Mail Server records but far more
flexible. For example, you can specify that the POP3 server for example.com is
mail.example.com, but the web server is www.example.com. At the time of writing,
SRV records are mostly used by Windows client systems.
When adding or editing a Service Address record, the fields Protocol and Service
name are displayed near the Name text box. For the protocol, you must select either
TCP or UDP from the menu. For the service name, you must enter a well-known
name from the /etc/services file, such as pop3 or telnet. To look up an SRV
record, a client combines the service name, protocol and name to get a record name
like _telnet._tcp.example.com. Webmin does this for you automatically when
editing or adding a Service Address record, but you can see the combined name on
the page listing records of this type. Webmin also automatically added the _s
before the service and protocol, but hides them when an SRV record is being
displayed or edited. This means that there is no need to enter them manually when
creating or editing a record of this type.
The Priority field must be used to enter a numeric priority for this server, which has
the same meaning as the priority in a Mail Server record. The Weight field must
Record Types 329

contain a weighing for this particular server or zero if there is only one record with
the same name, protocol and service name. A higher weighting tells clients to try
this server more often than one with a lower weight.
The Port field must contain a port number for clients to connect to on the server,
which does not necessarily have to be the standard port for the service. In the Server
field, you must enter the hostname or IP address of the system that actually provides
the service, and that clients actually connect to.
Public Key (KEY) This type of record stores key information for a host, used for
IPsec VPNs. Since they are rarely used and Webmin’s IPsec module is not covered
in this book, the details of this record type are not explained here.

The record types support by Webmin in reverse zones are:

Reverse Address (PTR) A reverse address record associates a hostname with an IP

address in a reverse zone. For DNS clients to be able to lookup hostnames from IP
addresses in your network, you will need to create one record of this type for each
host. However, most of the time this is done automatically by Webmin when adding
and editing Address records. If you create your own Reverse Address records, make
sure that they are synchronized with the matching Address records.
When adding or editing a record of this type, the fields Address and Hostname are
displayed. The first is for entering a complete IP address, like This
will be automatically converted by Webmin to the in-addr.arpa format used
internally by the DNS system for reverse addresses. The second field is for entering
a hostname in canonical form, such as pc1.example.com.—be sure to always put a
dot at the end, or else the hostname will be relative to the reverse zone, which is
definitely not what you want.
Name Server (NS) Name Server records in a reverse zone have an identical purpose
to those in a forward domain—they tell other DNS servers the IP address or
hostname of a server responsible for the zone or a sub-domain. This means that one
must be added for each primary or secondary DNS server for the zone.
The Zone Name field that appears when adding or editing a record of this type is for
entering the name of the zone that the server is responsible for, which will typically
be the zone that contains the record. However, unlike Reverse Address records this
field is not automatically converted to in-addr.arpa format. Instead, you must
enter it in fully qualified form like 1.168.192.in-addr.arpa. if defining a name server
for the 192.168.1 network. In the Name Server field, you must enter an IP address or
canonical form hostname for the DNS server, such as ns1.example.com.
Name Alias (CNAME) Records of this type behave exactly the same in reverse zones
as they do in forward domains. However, you must fill in the Name and Real Name
fields with reverse names in in-addr.arpa format, as Webmin will not convert
them for you.
Name Alias fields are most useful in reverse zones for doing partial subnet
delegation, as covered in Section 30.14 “Setting Up Partial Reverse Delegation”.
330 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

30.6 Editing a Master Zone

You can use Webmin to edit many of the settings that apply to an entire master zone, such as the
expiry and retry times, and the clients that are allowed to query it. These settings effectively
apply to all records in the zone, although some (such as the TTL) can be overridden on a per-
record basis.
Webmin uses the term zone parameters to refer to all information stored in the domain’s
SOA record, including the primary name server, administrator email address and retry and
expiry times. All of these are set when the zone is created, but you can edit them at any time by
following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the zone that you want to edit. This will
take you to the form shown in Figure 30.4.
2. Click on the Zone Parameters icon, which will bring up a form for editing the parameters.
3. The Master server field only needs to be edited if the Internet hostname of the DNS
server has changed. Enter a fully-qualified hostname, with a dot at the end.
4. To change the address of the person responsible for the zone, edit the Email address field.
Any @ symbols that it contains will be automatically converted to dots for use in the
SOA record, as BIND requires.
5. The Refresh time, Transfer retry time, Expiry time and Default time-to-live fields all have
the same meanings as explained in Section 30.3 “Creating a New Master Zone”. If
records in your zone are going to be changing frequently in future, you may want to
reduce some of these times. However, any changes, may not be detected by secondary
servers and DNS clients until the old refresh or expiry time has elapsed, even if the new
times are much lower. This is because they will wait for the old times to elapse before
checking with the master server again to discover the new ones.
6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page when you are done, and then the Apply
Changes button back on the module’s main page. The serial number in the SOA record
will be automatically incremented when the form is saved, so that secondaries know that
the zone has changed.

The is another set of options that you can edit for a master zone which are stored in the
named.conf file in the zone’s section. These control which servers and clients are allowed to
query records in the zone, do zone transfers and update records over the network. The most useful
of these options specifies a list of slave DNS servers for the zone that should be notified when a
change occurs, so that they can perform immediate zone transfers and thus remain synchronized.
To edit these master zone options, the process to follow is:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the zone that you want to edit. This will
take you to the form shown in Figure 30.4.
2. Click on the Edit Zone Options icon, which will bring up a form showing the existing settings.
3. The Check names? field determines the level of checking that BIND performs on records
in this zone when it reads the records file. The available options are:
Warn If an invalid record is found, an error will be written to the system log file, but
processing of other records continues normally.
Editing a Master Zone 331

Fail Invalid records cause the entire zone to be rejected, but other zones will still be
processed normally.
Ignore No checking is done at all.
Default The global default from the Zone Defaults page is used. If it is not set, then the
default compiled into BIND will be used instead. The default is to fail when invalid
records are encounterd.
4. To have secondary servers notified when records in the zone change, set the Notify slaves of
changes? field to Yes. BIND works out which slaves will be notified by looking at the Name
Server records for the zone, and the list of IP addresses in the Also notify slaves field. If your
zone has an secondary servers, then you should definitely turn this option on.
5. To allow some systems to update records in the zone dynamically, fill in the Allow
updates from field with a list of IP addresses, IP networks (like and
BIND ACL names. Only those hosts that match will be able to modify records using
commands like nsupdate and if the list is left empty updates will not be allowed at all.
You should be careful allowing the dynamic update of zones in which Webmin is also
being used to edit records, as it is very likely that updates made dynamically will be
overwritten by changes made in this module or vice-versa.
6. By default, all DNS clients and servers will be able to lookup records in the zone. This
may not be what you want for a zone that is used only on an internal network, as it may
give away sensitive information to potential attackers. To restrict queries, fill in the Allow
queries from field with a list of IP addresses, IP networks and BIND ACL names. If the
field is left empty, the field with the same name on the global Zone Defaults page deter-
mines which clients are allowed.
7. To restrict the clients and servers that are allowed to perform zone transfers of all the
records in this domain, fill in the Allow transfers from field. Often you will only want to
allow secondary servers to perform transfers, especially if your zone is very large or con-
tains records that you want to hide from attackers. Enter a list of IP addresses, IP net-
works and ACL names into the field to limit transfers to only matching clients. If it is left
empty, the Allow transfers from field on the Zone Defaults page applies instead.
8. To specify additional slave servers to be notified when the zone changes, fill in the Also
notify slaves field with a list of IP addresses. BIND normally uses the addresses of all sec-
ondary servers for the zone from its Name Server records, but this may not always be
9. When you are done, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the BIND
configuration file with your changes. You will need to use the Apply Changes button on
the module’s main page to make them active.

If a master zone is no longer needed, you can use this Webmin module to totally delete it along
with all the records that it contains. To do this, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the zone that you want to edit.
2. Click on the Delete Zone button at the bottom of the page.
3. When deleting a forward zone, the field Delete reverse records in other zones? controls
whether matching Reverse Address records in hosted reverse zones for all of the address
332 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

records in this one should be removed as well. It is generally safe to set this to Yes, as
only records with the exact same IP address and hostname will be deleted.
4. Similarly, when deleting a reverse zone the field Delete forward records in other zones?
determines whether matching forward records should be deleted too.
5. Once you have made your selection and are sure you want to go ahead with the deletion,
click the Delete button. The zone’s entry in the named.conf file will be removed and its
records file deleted.

You can convert a master zone to a slave zone of the same name without needing to delete and
re-create it. This can be useful if the new server is taking over as the master for some domain, or
if the master and secondary servers are switching roles. Section 30.8 “Editing a Slave Zone”
explains how to carry out the reverse action of converting a slave zone to a master, which may be
useful in this situation.
To convert a zone, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the zone that you want to edit, then on
the Edit Zone Options icon.
2. When you click on the Convert to slave zone button, the zone’s entry in named.conf will
be immediately updated to convert it to a slave zone. The browser will then return to the
module’s main page.
3. Normally, every slave zone has a list of master server IP addresses it can use to perform
zone transfers from. In the case of converted zones, this list will be initially empty unless
the Default master server(s) for slave zones module configuration option is set. Follow the
instructions in Section 30.8 “Editing a Slave Zone” to set the master servers addresses
4. To activate the change, click on the Apply Changes button on the module’s main page.

30.7 Creating a New Slave Zone

A slave or secondary zone is one for which your DNS server gets the list of records from a mas-
ter server for the zone. Generally, slave servers are used to reduce the load on the primary server
or act as a backup in case it goes down. For important zones (such as a company’s Internet
domain), you should always have at least one slave server so that your website is still accessible
and email can still be delivered even if the primary goes down.
The secondary DNS server for a domain should not usually be located on the same network
as the master, so that the failure of that network cannot take them both down. Many ISPs and
hosting companies will host secondary zones for their customer’s domains for free, on their own
DNS servers. If your ISP provides this service and you want to set up a secondary server for an
Internet domain, you should take advantage of it. If so, most of this section can be skipped.
However, if you want to add a slave server for an internal domain or have a large company net-
work with many connections to the Internet, then the instructions below explain how to set it up:

1. On the main page of the BIND DNS Server module, click on the Create a new slave zone
link above or below the list of existing zones. This will bring up the form shown in
Figure 30.5, for entering the details of the new domain.
Creating a New Slave Zone 333

Figure 30.5 The slave zone creation form.

2. For a forward zone like example.com, set the Zone type field to Forward and enter the
zone name into the Domain name / Network field. For a reverse zone that maps IP
addresses to hostnames for a network, choose the Reverse option and enter the network
address (like 192.168.1) into the Domain name / Network text field.
3. The Records file field determines if BIND keeps a cache of the records in this zone in a
file and, if so, where that file is located. If the option None is chosen, records that the
DNS server transfers from the master will be kept in memory only, and lost when the
server is re-started. This should only be chosen if there is a good network connect
between the master and slave servers, as it will increase the number of zone transfers that
your server must perform.
If you choose Automatic, Webmin will generate a filename in the zone files directory
specified in the named.conf file (usually /var/named). Whenever your server does a
zone transfer, all records will be written to this file in the standard format.
If the final option is selected, you can enter the full path to a file in which records should
be stored into the field next to. This can be useful if you want to separate the records files
for master and slave zones.
4. In the Master servers field, enter the IP addresses of the master DNS server and any other
secondary servers for the zone. BIND will try these servers in order when doing a zone
transfer, so the master should be first on the list. You must enter at least one address, so
that your server knows where to get records from.
334 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

5. Click the Create button to have the new slave zone added to your server’s configuration.
Your browser will be re-directed to a page for editing options for the zone.
6. Return to the module’s main page and click the Apply Changes button on the main page
to make the addition active.
7. On the master server, add a new Name Server (NS) record for the zone with the IP
address of the secondary server. This can be easily done in Webmin by following the
instructions in Section 30.4 “Adding and Editing Records”.
8. Configure the master DNS server to notify this slave of any changes to records in the
zone. The steps in Section 30.6 “Editing a Master Zone” explain how.
9. If this is an Internet domain, notify the registrar for the parent zone of the new secondary
server. Most provide online forms for editing the list of nameservers for a domain, to
which you can add the secondary’s IP. This is necessary so that other hosts on the Inter-
net know to use the slave server is the master is down.

Another type of zone that is closely related to the slave zone is the stub. They are like slave
zones, but only contain Name Server records that have been transferred from a master server,
instead of all the records. Stub zones are rarely used, but can be useful for ensuring that the
Name Server records in a zone for its sub-domains are the same as those use in the sub-domain
itself. The steps for creating one are almost identical to those above, but in Step 1 you must use
the Create a new stub zone link on the main page instead.

30.8 Editing a Slave Zone

After a slave zone has been created, it is still possible to edit several options that apply to it. Nat-
urally there is no way to add or edit the actual records within the zone, but you can still change
the list of master servers, the records file and the clients that allowed to query it. To change these
setting, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the slave zone that you want to edit.
Your browser will display the form shown in Figure 30.6.
2. Scroll down to the Zone Options form at the bottom of the page.
3. To edit the list of other master and slave servers for this zone, change the IP addresses in
the Master servers field. If a new secondary server has been added, it should be added to
this list on all other secondaries so that they can do zone transfers from it. If the IP
address of the master has changed, the list must be updated with the new address.
4. To change the amount of time that the server will wait before giving up on a zone trans-
fer, de-select Default for the Maximum transfer time field and enter a number of minutes
into the text box next to it.
5. If the Records file field is set to None, records transferred from the master server for this
zone will be kept in memory only. However if a filename is entered, records will be writ-
ten to that file instead in the standard format. This is the best option, as it minimizes zone
transfers and allows you to view the records on the secondary server, as explained below.
6. To have this DNS server notify others when the zone changes, change the Notify slaves of
changes? field to Yes. This is only really useful if there are other secondary servers that
perform zone transfers from this one, and may not be able to receive update notifications
from the master server.
Editing a Slave Zone 335

Figure 30.6 The slave zone editing form.

The DNS servers to notify are determined from the Name Server records for the zone,
and the contents of the Also notify slaves field.
7. By default, all DNS clients and servers will be able to lookup records in the zone. To
change this, fill in the Allow queries from field with a list of IP addresses, IP networks
and BIND ACL names. If the field is left empty, the field with the same name on the glo-
bal Zone Defaults page determines which clients are allowed.
8. To restrict the clients and servers that are allowed to perform zone transfers of all the
records in this domain, fill in the Allow transfers from field with a list of IP addresses, IP
networks and ACL names. If it is left empty, the Allow transfers from field on the Zone
Defaults page applies instead.
9. The other fields on the form such as Check names? and Allow updates from? are not really
used for slave zones, and so can be left unchanged.
10. When you are done making changes, click the Save button. As long as there were no
syntax errors in your input, you will be returned to the module’s main page. Click the
Apply Changes button there to make the modifications active. Note that this will not
always force a re-transfer of the zone, even if the master servers have changed. For slave
zones that use records files, BIND will only do a transfer when the zone expires or the
server receives notification of a change.

When editing a slave zones that uses a records file, it is possible to browse the records in Web-
min. At the top of the page that appears when you click on the slave zone’s icon is a table of
record types, just like the one that appears on the master zone form. Each can be clicked on to
336 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

list the names and values of records of that type in the zone, as known to the secondary server.
Editing or adding to them is impossible of course, as any changes must be made on the master
server which is the authoritative source of records for the domain.
To stop your system acting as a slave server for a zone, you will need to delete it from the
BIND configuration. This is generally a safe procedure, as the all the records in the zone have
been copied from a master server and can be easily replaced. However, you should update the
Name Server records in the zone and notify the parent domain’s registrar that you system is no
longer a secondary for the zone, so that other DNS servers do not waste time querying it.
To delete a slave zone, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the slave zone that you want to edit.
This will take you to the form shown in Figure 30.6.
2. Click on the Delete button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page, which will display
a confirmation form.
3. Hit the Delete button if you are sure you want to delete the zone.
4. After your browser returns to the module’s main page, click on Apply Changes to make
the deletion active.
5. On the master server, remove the Name Server (NS) record for this secondary server
from the zone.
6. If this is an Internet domain, notify the parent zone registrar of the removal of this sec-
ondary server. Failure to do so could cause problems if other DNS servers attempt to
query this one for records in the domain when it cannot provide answers.

The final thing that you can do to a slave zone is convert it to a master. This is only possible for
zones that use a records file, so that Webmin can view and edit that file in future. If you do such
a conversion, make sure that the original master server is changed to become a slave or stops
hosting the zone altogether—the same domain cannot be served by two masters.
The steps to convert a zone are:

1. Click on its icon on the module’s main page.

2. Scroll down to the bottom of the slave zone page and hit the Convert to master zone but-
ton. This will immediately update the named.conf file to change the zone’s type, but
will not make any other changes.
3. To make the conversion active, click on the Apply Changes button on the module’s main
4. You can now edit records in the domain just as you would with any normal master zone,
by following the instructions in Section 30.4 “Adding and Editing Records”.

30.9 Creating and Editing a Forward Zone

A forward zone is one for which your DNS server simply forwards queries to another server on
behalf of whoever is making the request. They can be useful if the zone is actually hosted by
another server that cannot be reached by clients of this server. It is possible to set up BIND to
forward all requests for any non-hosted zones to another server, as explained in Section 30.12
“Configuring Forwarding and Transfers” below. A forward zone entry does the same thing, but
for just a single domain.
Creating a Root Zone 337

To set one up, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new forward zone link above or below
the list of existing domain icons. This will take you to the zone creation form.
2. Set the Zone type field to either Forward or Reverse, as when creating master and slave
3. For a forward zone, enter its full name (without a dot at the end) into the Domain name /
Network field. For a reverse zone, enter its network (like 192.168.1) into the field instead.
Webmin will automatically convert it to in-addr.arpa format when the zone is added.
4. In the Master servers field, enter a list of IP addresses for the DNS servers that can be
queried to look up records in the zone. These must all be master, slave or forward hosts
for the domain.
If no addresses are entered at all, BIND will always perform normal lookups of records
in the zone instead of forwarding requests to another server. This can be used to override
the global forwarding settings on the Forwarding and Transfers page for a single zone.
5. Click the Create button to have the zone added to BIND’s configuration file. Your
browser will be taken to a page for editing options in the new domain.
6. Return to the module’s main page, and hit the Apply Changes button to make it active.

After a forward zone has been created, you can delete it or edit the few settings that it has by fol-
lowing these steps:

1. Click on the icon for the zone on the module’s main page, which will bring your browser
to a small form for editing its options.
2. To change the list of DNS servers that requests are forwarded to, edit the IP addresses in
the Master servers field. If none are entered, requests for records in this domain will be
looked up directly.
3. If the Try other servers? field is set to Yes, BIND will try a normal direct lookup for
requests in this zone if it cannot contact any of the listed servers.
4. Click the Save button to store your changes and then Apply Changes back on the main
page to activate them.
Or to delete the forward zone, click on Delete and then Delete again on the confirmation

30.10 Creating a Root Zone

As the introduction explains, a root zone is one that contains the information that your DNS server
needs to contain the Internet root servers. Without one, it is impossible to resolve records in
domains other than those hosted by your server. Fortunately, one will almost always exist already
in your BIND configuration, created either by Webmin or included as part of the default setup.
You may need to create a root zone if one does not exist yet because you selected the inter-
nal non-internet use only option when setting up the module for the first time, but have now con-
nected your system to the Internet. Adding a second root zone can also be useful when views
have been configured, as explained in Section 30.15 “Using BIND Views”.
Webmin will only allow you to create a root zone if none yet exists or if a view exists that does
not contain one, because there is no point having two such zones. To add one, the steps to follow are:
338 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new root zone icon.
2. Fill in the Store root servers in file field with a filename to use for the root zone file. If one
already exists, then this field will already contain its path. Oherwise, you should enter
something like /var/named/db.cache.
3. The Get root servers from field controls where Webmin copies the root file from. The
choices are:
Download from root FTP server This is the best option, as it tells the module to make an
FTP connection to rs.internic.net and download the latest version of the file.
However, this may not work if your system cannot make perform FTP downloads due to
a firewall.
Use Webmin's older root server information This option should be used if the first will
not work. If selected, the module will use a copy of the root zone file that comes with
Webmin, which will work but may not be up to date.
Existing root servers in file If the file entered in Step 2 already exists, then this option
should be chosen. If you are adding a root zone to a view and one already exists in
another view, it will be selected by default so that the file can be shared between both
4. Click the Create button to add the zone and return to the module’s main page. Then hit
Apply Changes to make it active.

Once a root zone has been added, an icon representing it will appear on the main page. You can
delete it by clicking on the icon and hitting the Delete button; however, this may prevent the
lookup of records in non-hosted Internet domains from working as explained above.

30.11 Editing Zone Defaults

If you add lots of zones that contain similar records, then it can be a lot of work to add them
manually after creating each one. For example, in a web hosting company all of your domains
might contain a www Address record for the IP address of your web server and an Mail Server
record that directs mail to a central server. Fortunately, Webmin allows you to create a list of
records that get added to all new domains, called a zone template.
A template consists of one or more records, each of which has a name, type and value. For
Address records, the value can be an option which indicates that it can be entered by the user at
zone creation time. This is useful if one of the records (such as www) in the new domains does
not have a fixed address, and you want to be able to easily set it when the zone is added. Tem-
plates can only be used when creating forward zones, as they do not make much sense for
reverse zones.
It is also possible to edit the default expiry, refresh, TTL and retry times for new zones.
Webmin’s initial defaults are reasonable, but may not be appropriate for your network. To
change these defaults and set up template records, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Zone Defaults icon. The form at the top of the
page labeled Defaults for new master zones contains all the fields that need to be edited.
Editing Zone Defaults 339

2. Edit the Refresh time, Transfer retry time, Expiry time and Default time-to-live fields if you
want to change the defaults times for new zones. Existing master zones will not be
effected by any changes you make here though.
3. If all your new domains are managed by the same person, enter his address into the
Default email address field. This will save you from having to type it in on the master
zone creation page every time.
4. In the Template records table, two blanks rows appear for entering new records. To add
more than two, you will need to save this page and re-edit it. The records in existing rows
can be edited by just changing their fields, or deleted by clearing out the record name.
Under the Record name column you must enter the name of the record relative to the
zone, such as www or ftp. To create a record for the zone itself (such as a Mail Server
record for the domain), just enter a single dot.
Under the Type column, select a type for the record from the list. See Section 30.5
“Record Types” for more information on what each is used for.
As its name suggests, the field under the Value column is for entering a value for the new
record. For the Address type, you can select From form in which case you will be able to
enter an address when creating a new domain, which will be used by all template records
that have this option selected. For Mail Server records, both the priority and server name
must be entered separated by a space, such as 5 mail.example.com. Values for records of
all other types should be entered in the same format as is used when adding a record to a
5. If you are familiar with the records file format used by BIND, you can create your own
file of records to be included in new zones. If a filename is entered into the Additional
template file field, its contents will be added to the zone file created by Webmin for new
master domains.
6. When you are done adding template records, click the Save button at the bottom of the
page. The changes will apply to any new master zones created from now on.

Now that you have created a template, you can choose whether or not to use it for each new mas-
ter zone that you create. On the creation form (explained in Section 30.3 “Creating a New Mas-
ter Zone”) is a field labeled Use zone template?, which is set to Yes by default if there are any
template records. Next to it is a field named IP address for template records, which used for
entering the IP for records for which the From form option is selected. If you chose to use a tem-
plate and if there are any records that do not have an IP address specified, then this field must be
filled in.
The Zone Defaults page also contains several options that apply to all existing domains, but
can all be set or overridden on a per-zone basis as explained in Section 30.6 “Editing a Master
Zone”. You can control which clients are allowed to query the server and what kind of checking
is done for the records of various domain types. Being able to limit the allowed client hosts is
particularly useful, so that you can stop non-internal clients using your DNS server. However,
you should make sure that master Internet zones hosted by your server are accessible to every-
one, so that other DNS servers on the Internet can look them up.
To change these global options, the steps to follow are:
340 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Zone Defaults icon and scroll down to the
Default zone settings section.
2. To control which hosts are allowed to query your DNS server, change the Allow queries
from field to Listed and enter a list of IP addresses, IP networks (like and
ACL names into the text box below. Clients that do not match any entry on the list will be
denied, unless they are requesting a record in a zone which has its own separate settings
allowing them.
3. To control which hosts are allowed to perform zone transfers from your server, change
the Allow transfers from field to Listed and fill in the text box below with a list of IP
addresses, IP networks and ACL names. Only servers that are acting as secondaries for
zones that this server hosts really need to be able to do transfers, so it is usually a good
idea to enter just their IP addresses. If you are restricting queries, this field must be filled
in so that hosts that cannot lookup records are not allowed to perform transfers either.
4. The fields Check names in master zones? and Check names in slave zones? control the
checking of records in all zone files for master and slave zones respectively. The avail-
able options for each are:
Warn If an invalid record is found, an error will be written to the system log file, but
processing of other records continues normally.
Fail Invalid records cause the entire zone to be rejected, but other zones will still be
processed normally.
Ignore No checking is done at all.
Default The default checking level is used, which is Fail.
5. To have BIND check responses that it receives from other DNS servers, set the Check
names in responses? field to Warn or Fail. The default is simply to pass potentially errone-
ous responses on to clients.
6. The Notify slaves of changes? field determines whether BIND sends a notification to all
slaves of master zones hosted by this server when they change. To turn this on, select Yes.
Otherwise, select No or Default. Enabling notification is a good idea, as it ensures that
secondary servers are kept in sync with the master.
7. When done, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the BIND configu-
ration file and then the Apply Changes button on the module’s main page to make the
changes active. The new settings will apply to all zones that do not explicitly override
them on their own options pages.

30.12 Configuring Forwarding and Transfers

BIND can be configured to forward all requests for zones that it is not the master or slave for to
another DNS server. When doing this, it acts like a DNS client itself, accepting requests from
real clients and then sending them off to another server or servers for resolution instead of carry-
ing out the normal process of contacting the root zone servers and finding the correct server for
the domain. This can be useful if your DNS server is unable to contact the rest of the Internet,
but can still communicate with a DNS server that does have full network access. For example, it
may be on an internal network behind a firewall that only allows connections to a limited set of
Editing Access Control Lists 341

To set up forwarding, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Forwarding and Transfers icon.
2. In the form that appears, fill in the Servers to forward queries to field with the IP
addresses of DNS servers that requests should be sent to. BIND will try them in order
until one returns a positive or negative a response.
If the list is empty, the server will revert to the normal method of looking up records by
contacting the root servers and so on.
3. If you want your server to attempt to resolve a client’s query directly when it cannot con-
tact any of the forwarding servers, set the Lookup directly if no response from forwarder
field to Yes. This is only useful if your server is actually capable of doing lookups.
4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page, and then hit Apply Changes back on the
main page to make the new setting active. Assuming the forwarding list was filled in,
your server will now send all client queries to the listed servers.

The same form also contains fields for configuring BIND’s behavior when doing zone transfers.
You can control how long it will wait for a transfer to complete, the protocol used for transfers
and the number that can be active at the same time. To edit these settings, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Forwarding and Transfers icon.
2. By default, BIND will wait 120 minutes (2 hours) for a zone transfer from a master to
complete. To change this, enter a different number of minutes into the Maximum zone
transfer time field. This can also be set or overridden on a per-slave zone basis.
3. BIND versions before 8.1 only support the transfer of a single zone at a time. Because
this can be slow when transferring many zones from the same master server, the Zone
transfer format field can be set to Many to use a new format that combines multiple
domains into the same transfer. If One at a time or Default is chosen, then each zone will
be transferred separately. This is the best choice unless you are sure that all slave servers
are running BIND 8.1 or above.
4. By default, your name server will not carry out more than 2 concurrent zone transfers
from the same master server. To increase this limit, change the Maximum concurrent zone
transfers field to something higher. This can speed up the process of transferring a large
number of domains, but at the expense of putting a higher load on the master server.
5. Click the Save button when you are done making changes and then click Apply Changes
on the main page to activate them. The new settings will apply to all subsequent zone

30.13 Editing Access Control Lists

An access control list (or ACL) is a list of IP addresses, IP networks or other ACLs that are
grouped together under a single name. The ACL name can then be used when specifying the list
of clients allowed to query, update or perform zone transfers from a zone. This can be used to
reduce the amount of duplication in your BIND configuration, and to make it clearer. For exam-
ple, the ACL corpnet might match the IP networks,, and
24, which are all part of your company’s network. When configuring who can query a zone, you
could just enter corpnet instead of that list of network addresses.
342 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

To view and edit ACLs in Webmin, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Access Control Lists icon. This will take you to a
page listing existing ACLs and allowing the addition of one more. If you want to add
more than one ACL, you will need to save the form and re-edit it to force the display of a
new blank row.
2. To add a new ACL, find the blank row at the bottom of the table and enter a short name
consisting of only letters and numbers in the ACL Name column. Then in the field under
Matching addresses, networks, and ACLs, enter a list of IP addresses, IP networks and
other ACL names that this new ACL will contain.
IP addresses must be entered in their standard format like, but hostnames are
not allowed. IP networks must be entered in network/prefix format like
or 192.168.1/24. You can also precede any address, network or ACL name with a ! to
negate it. For example, the entry ! would match all hosts outside the
192.168.1 network.
3. Existing entries in the list can be edited by changing their fields in the table and ACLs
can be deleted by clearing out the field containing their names.
4. When you are done adding and editing ACLs, click the Save button. To activate the
changes, hit Apply Changes back on the main page. After an ACL is created it can be
used in the query and it can transfer and update restrictions of master and slave zones.

BIND has four built-in ACLs that can be used in all the same places that user-defined ACLs can.
They are:

any Matches any client address.

none Matches nothing.
localhost Matches the IP addresses of all network interfaces on your system.
Even though it is called localhost, it doesn’t just match
localnets Matches all clients on all networks that your system is directly
connected to. BIND works this out by looking at the IP addresses and netmasks of
all network interfaces.

30.14 Setting Up Partial Reverse Delegation

Partial reverse zone delegation is method for transferring the management of a small set of
reverse IP addresses to another DNS server. Normally, reverse zones cover an entire class C net-
work containing 256 addresses. However, many organizations have networks much smaller than
this, containing maybe 16 or 32 addresses. Normally, this would make it impossible for the orga-
nization to manage its own reverse address mappings, as the addresses come from a network that
is owned by an ISP or hosting company.
Fortunately, there is a solution. The ISP can set up Name Alias (CNAME) records in the
reverse zone for the parent network that point to Reverse Address records in a special zone on
the organization’s DNS server. The parent zone must also contain a Name Server (NS) record for
the special sub-zone that points to the customer’s server, so that other DNS clients know where
to look when resolving the Name Alias records.
Setting Up Partial Reverse Delegation 343

An example may make this clearer. Imagine for example that an ISP had granted addresses
in the range to to Example Corporation, which owns the exam-
ple.com domain. The company already runs its own DNS server to host the example.com zone,
but wants to control reverse address resolution for its IP range as well. The ISP would create
Name Alias records in the 192.168.1 zone pointing to the special sub-zone
110, which will contain the actual Reverse Address records named like
The ISP also needs to create a Name Server record for which tells other serv-
ers that Example Corporation’s DNS server should be used to find records under that zone.
Webmin handles reverse address delegation well and automatically converts special net-
work zones like to and from the real zone names used by BIND such as
100- The exact steps to follow on both the server that hosts
the actual class C network zone and the server that a subset of it is being delegated to are:

1. Decide on the range of addresses that are being delegated, such as to Typically, the sub-zone name is based on the range of addresses being
delegated, but this does not have to be the case as long as it is under the parent network
2. On the server that hosts the class C network zone, add a Name Server record for with the server set to the IP address or name of the sub-zone’s DNS
3. For each address in the range, add a Name Alias record to the reverse zone named like with the Real Name set like 101.100-
addr.arpa. As you can see, the alias points to a record inside the zone for the sub-net-
4. When all of the Name Alias records have been created, everything that needs to be done
on this server is finished and you can hit Apply Changes.
5. On the DNS server for the sub-network, create a new master zone for the reverse
network Webmin will automatically convert this to the correct
in-addr.arpa format for you.
6. Add Reverse Address records to the new zone as normal for IP addresses like Adding a record for the IP will not work.
7. When you are done creating reverse records, click the Apply Changes button to make
them active. You should now be able to look them up using a command like nslookup
on the server for the parent network zone.

The instructions above can be used to delegate multiple ranges from a single class C network to
several different DNS servers. There is no limit on the size of ranges, nor any requirement that
they follow normal network block boundaries; however, for routing reasons most IP allocation is
done in power-of-two sized blocks (like 4, 8, 16 and so on), which means that any sub-zone
ranges will be the same size.
The only problem with reverse address delegation when using Webmin is that Reverse
Address are not automatically created and updated when Address records are. This means that
you will have to create all such records manually on the sub-zone server, as in the steps above.
One inconvenience in setting up partial reverse delegation is the number of similar Name
Alias records that must be created on the parent network zone server. Fortunately, there is a sim-
344 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

pler alternative—record generators. A generator is a special BIND configuration entry that cre-
ates multiple similar records using an incrementing counter. This module allows you to created
and edit generators, by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the reverse zone that you want to create
records in. This will typically be a class C network domain that is going to have a range
of addresses delegated to some other server.
2. Click on the Record Generators icon. This takes you to a page containing a table of exist-
ing generators, with a blank row for adding a new one.
3. In the empty row, select CNAME from the menu under the Type column.
4. Under the Range column, enter numbers for the start and end of the address range into
the first two fields, such as 100 and 110. The third field is for entering the gap between
each step and should be left blank. If you were to enter 2, then the range would go 100,
102, 104 and so on.
5. In the Address pattern field, enter $ (a single dollar sign). When the records are created,
the $ will be replaced with the number of each record, which will in turn resolve to an IP
address in the range.
You could also enter $.1.168.192.in-addr.arpa., which makes things more obvious but is
longer to type.
6. In the Hostname pattern field, enter $.100-110. Similarly, the $ will be replace with the
number of each record, which will resolve to something like 101.100-110.
7. If you like, enter a comment that describes what this generator is for into the Comment
8. Click the Save button, return to the module’s main page and click on Apply Changes.

A generator can replace the Name Alias records that the first set of instructions in this section
tell you to create, so there is no need for them anymore. Note that the automatically generated
replacements will not be visible or editable in the normal way, only through the Record Genera-
tors page.

30.15 Using BIND Views

BIND version 9 introduced the concept of views, which are groups of zones that are visible only
to certain DNS clients. Views can be used to hide internal zones from the Internet, to present the
same zone in two different ways, or to stop non-local clients resolving non-hosted domains
through your server. Every view has a unique name, and a list of matching IP addresses and IP
networks that determines which clients and servers it is visible to.
When it detects that you are running BIND 9, several additional features are available in the
module. You can create views, move zones from one view to another, and choose which view
zones are created in. On the main page, each current view is represented by an icon under Exist-
ing Client Views heading and each zone icon has a label that indicates which view it is in.
If any views exist, then every zone must be in a view. If none are defined will Webmin allow
the creation of zones outside views, as this is not supported by BIND. This includes the root
zone, which must be available to a client for DNS requests for records in domains not hosted by
Using BIND Views 345

this server to succeed. For this reason, it often makes sense to put the root zone in a view that is
available to all clients.
To add a new view to your BIND configuration, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new view link in the Existing Client
Views section. This will take you to a form for entering its details.
2. Enter a short alphanumeric name for the view (such as internal or everyone) into the
View name field. Each view must have a unique name.
3. Leave the DNS records class field set to Default.
4. If the zones in this view are to be visible to everyone, set the Apply this view to clients
field to All clients. Otherwise, choose Selected addresses, networks, and ACLs and enter a
list of IP addresses, IP networks and BIND ACL names into the text box below. Only cli-
ents that match one of the entries in this list will have access to the view.
5. Click the Create button at the bottom of the form. You will be returned to the main page,
which will include an icon for your new view.
6. Move any existing zones that you want to be in this view into it. A zone can be moved by
clicking on its icon, then on Edit Zone Options, and then selecting the new view from the
menu next to the Move to view button before clicking it.
If this is your first view, all existing zones must be moved into it (or another view) before
the new configuration will be accepted by BIND.
7. When you are done moving zones, click the Apply Changes button on the main page.

Once a view has been created, you can change the list of addresses and networks that it matches
by clicking on its icon on the main page and updating the Apply this view to clients field. Then hit
the Save button followed by Apply Changes to make the new client list active.
A view can be deleted by clicking the Delete button on the same form. This will bring up a
confirmation page that allows you to choose what should happen to the zones that it contains, if
any. The available options are:

Delete totally All zones in the view are deleted, along with their records files.
Move out of views Zones in the view are moved out to the top level. This option
should only be used when deleting the last view, for the reasons explained above.
Move to view Zones are moved to a different existing view.
When one or more views have been defined on your system, you can choose which one to use
when adding new zones. This is done using the Create in view field on the master, slave, forward
and root zone creation forms, which allows you to select a view from its menu. Naturally, there
is no option for creating a zone outside of any views as this is not allowed by BIND.
One common use of views is hiding internal zones from clients outside your internal net-
work. This is a good way of hiding the structure of your network and the hosts on it from poten-
tial attackers. To set it up, the steps to follow are:

1. Create a new view called internal that matches clients on your internal LAN.
2. Create a second view called everyone that matches all clients.
346 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

3. Move any zones that are for internal use only into the internal view. Zones for Internet
domains such as example.com must not be put in this view, as that would make them
inaccessible to the rest of the world.
4. Move all other zones (including the root zone) to the everyone view.

Views can also be used to prevent clients outside your network looking up non-hosted
domains on your server, as follows:

1. Create a new view called internal that matches clients on your internal LAN.
2. Create a second view called everyone that matches all clients.
3. Move the root zone to the internal view, which will prevent the server from looking up
records for non-local clients that require contact with the root servers.
4. Move all other zones to the everyone view.

30.16 Module Access Control

Like others, the BIND DNS Server module allows you to control which of its features are avail-
able to a particular Webmin user or group. This can be useful for giving people the rights to
manage only records in their own zones and nobody else’s. Even though this would normally
require root access to the records files, with Webmin it can be granted to people without giving
them level of power that a root login would allow.
Once you have created a user with access to the module as explained in Chapter 52, the
steps to limit his access to only certain zones are:

1. Click on the BIND DNS Server next to the name of the user in the Webmin Users mod-
ule. This will bring up a page of access control options.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so that the user is not allowed to
change the paths that the module uses to named.conf and other files.
3. For the Domains this user can edit field, choose Selected zones and select the ones that you
want him to have access to from the list to its right. If you want him to be able to edit
almost all zones, it may be better to choose All except selected and select only those that
he should not be allowed to manage records in. If your DNS server uses views, you can
use the Zones in view options to allow or deny access to all zones in a view as well.
4. Change the fields Can create master zones?, Can create slave/stub zones?, Can create for-
ward zones? and Can edit global options? to No.
5. If you want Reverse Address records in zones that the user does not have access to to be
updated by changes to Address records in zones that he does, set the Can update reverse
addresses in any domain? field to Yes. This may not be a good idea from a security point
of view though, as he would be able to change almost any existing Reverse Address
record on your system. For that reason, I suggest that this field be set to No.
6. To stop the user creating more than one Address record with the same IP, set the Can
multiple addresses have the same IP? field to No. Even though creating multiple records is
harmless, you may want to set this to No to prevent the user allocating the same IP twice.
7. Leave the Read-only access mode? field set to No. If it is changed to Yes, the user will only
be able to view zones and records using the module, and not change anything. This might
Configuring the BIND DNS Server Module 347

be useful for creating a different kind of restricted user though—one who can see all set-
tings, but not edit them.
8. Leave the Can apply changes? field set to Yes, so that he can use the Apply Changes button
to make his additions and modifications active.
9. Unless you want the user to be able to edit his records file manually, change the Can edit
records file? field to No. Most untrusted users are not smart enough to perform manual
10. The Can edit zone parameters? field determines if the user can see and use the Edit Zone
Parameters icon for his domains. Setting this to Yes is quite safe, as the user can only
harm his own zones by setting the parameters to silly values.
11. Similarly, the Can edit zone options? field determines if the Edit Zone Options icon is vis-
ible or not. You should set this to No, as it is possible for a user to create a syntax error in
named.conf by improper use of the zone options form.
12. Unless you want the user to be able to delete his own domains, change the Can delete
zones? field to No. Users should contact the master administrator instead if they want to
delete zones.
13. The Can edit record generators? field can be left set to Yes, as it simply allows the cre-
ation of multiple records at once. However, some users may get confused by this feature
so it might be a good idea to change the field to No.
14. The Can lookup WHOIS information? And Can search for free IP numbers? fields can also
be left on Yes, as those features merely display information to the user.
15. Change the Can create and edit views? field to No, so that the user cannot manage BIND 9
views. If the user is allowed to create zones, you can use the Views this user can edit and
add zones to field to limit those that he can create zones in.
16. Can create slave zones on remote servers? should be set to No, but this doesn’t really mat-
ter as the user is not going to be allowed to create master or slave zones anyway.
17. Finally, click the Save button to make the new restrictions for the user active.

30.17 Configuring the BIND DNS Server Module

The BIND module has several options that can be set by clicking in the Module Config link on
the main page. Those listed under System configuration control where Webmin looks for the
BIND configuration file, PID file and program on your system, are initially set to match the
BIND package that comes with your operating system. Normally they do not need to be
changed, unless you have compiled and installed the DNS server software yourself.
Table 30.1 lists both the configurable options that you can safely change (in the first three
sections) and those that are related to file locations which generally do not need to be edited (in
the fourth). Most of the options only need to be changed by people who have customized their
BIND setup or run large name servers. For the average sites, the defaults will work fine and there
is no need to adjust the module configuration.

30.18 The BIND 4 DNS Server Module

Even though BIND version 8 has been available for several years now, version 4 is still in use by
many people and is included as standard by even the latest release of HP/UX and possibly other
operating systems. Fortunately, there is a Webmin module that supports BIND 4, which was
348 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

Table 30.1 Module Configuration Options

Chroot directory For security reasons, some people like to run BIND limited to a single directory
to run BIND with the chroot command. If you are doing this, then Webmin will be confused
under by your configuration files unless this option is set to the directory that the
server is restricted to, such as /home/bind. The module will then treat all con-
figuration and record file paths as relative to this directory, just as BIND would.
If you do not know what chroot is or are not using it, leave this option set to

User to start When this field is set to Default, the module will start BIND as root. However,
BIND as you can enter a different username such as named to have it run as that UNIX
user instead. This can prevent your system being taken over by an attacker who
finds a bug in the DNS server program. Be sure that all zones files are readable
by the user. The Owner for zone files option documented below can help with

Group to start If Default is chosen for this field, the UNIX group that BIND runs as is deter-
BIND as mined by the primary group of the user set in the User to start BIND as field. If
you enter a group name, the DNS server will be run as that group instead.
If the previous field is set to Default though, it makes no difference what you
select as BIND will always be run as the root user and root’s primary group.

Add new zones Normally, Webmin will add new all new zones to the named.conf file. If this is
to file not the way things are done on your system, you can enter a different filename
for this field. However, for the new zones to be recognized by BIND and Web-
min, named.conf must have an include directive to read this file.

Display domains If Icons is selected, the module’s main page will display each zone as an icon.
as However, if you choose List instead zones will be shown in a table, which takes
less space and is easier to read. This makes sense if you are hosting a large num-
ber of domains.

Order to This field controls the default sorting method used when viewing the list of
display records in records of some type in a domain. The available options and their meanings are:
By name Records are sorted by name, or in the case of Reverse Address
records by IP address. IP sorting is done the correct way, not simply alphabeti-
By value Records are sorted by their value part. For Address records, their
means sorting by IP address—all other types are sorted alphabetically.
By IP Address and Reverse Address records are sorted by IP, others types by
As added No sorting is done at all—records are simply shown in the order
that they were added to the file.
The BIND 4 DNS Server Module 349

Table 30.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Maximum If the number of zones hosted by your server exceeds the number set in this
number of zones field, they will not be displayed on the module’s main page. Instead a simple
to display search form is shown for finding domains whose names contain the entered text.

Update reverse is This field determines the default setting for the Update reverse? option on the
Address record creation and editing forms. Normally it is set to On by default,
but if you rarely want Webmin to automatically update reverse records you
should change it to Off by default.
This option also effects the Update forward? field on the form for creating and
editing a Reverse Address, in exactly the same way.

Reverse zone must Normally, adding an Address record with an IP address in a reverse zone that is
exist? not hosted by this server is not a problem, even if Update reverse? is set to Yes.
Sometimes though you do want Webmin to generate an error message is this
case, so that you know that the entered IP address is incorrect. Setting this field
to Yes turns on this behavior.

Support DNS for If this field is set to Yes, the module will allow the creation and editing of
IPv6 addresses records of a new type—the IPv6 Address. Because they are only useful if you
are running an IPv6 network, this option is turned off by default.
When editing or adding IPv6 Address records, the appropriate reverse address
records will be updated and created as well. However, they will be in the special
ip6.int. domain instead of in-addr.arpa.

Allow comments When this field is set to Yes, an additional Comment field will be displayed on
for records the form for adding and editing records. This allows you to enter a comment for
the record, which will be displayed in the records list. These can be useful for
adding additional notes to hostnames which are visible only to you, rather than
to everyone on the Internet as would be the case with a comment in a Text
In the records file, comments are added to the end of record lines using the
BIND comment character ;. This means that if you have existing comments in
your files, they should shown up when this option is enabled.

Allow wildcards Normally, the module does not allow the * wildcard character to be used in
(not recom- record names as it is not well supported by some DNS servers and clients. If you
mended) do want to use wildcards (such as for a Mail Server record for all hosts in a
domain) then you will have to set this field to Yes.
350 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

Table 30.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Allow long Normally Webmin prevents record names from exceeding 255 characters. When
hostnames this field is set to Yes, you are allowed to create names of up to 635 characters
long, which are supported by some versions of BIND. The length restriction
applies to the complete canonical name of the record, not just to the short name
that you might enter on the record creation form.

Allow under- The use of the _ character in DNS names is not technically allowed by the pro-
scores in record tocol specification, but many DNS servers and clients support it. In fact, Win-
names? dows systems often depend upon such records to operate properly. When this
field is set to No the module will prevent you from creating such records, while
selecting Yes will allow it.

Convert record When this field is set to Yes (as it is by default), Webmin converts the names of
names to any new or updated records to canonical form before adding them to the records
canonical form? file. This means that relative names like www have their domain added, to become
like www.example.com., both when they are written to the records file and dis-
played in the module. The advantage of this approach is the elimination of records
that have no name, and thus are dependent on the name of the previous record.
However, this automatic conversion will cause problems if you have two zones
that share the same records file. It can also be annoying if you like to edit
records manually and prefer to use short names. To turn it off, change this field
to No. The only downside is that the module’s automatic updating of reverse
address records may stop working for records with relative names.

Categorize zones By default, when using BIND 9 views the module’s main page simply displays
by view? the name of its parent view under the icon for each zone. If this field is set to
Yes, zones will be categorized by views instead so that you can more clearly see
which zone belongs to which view.

Serial number When Running number is chosen for this field, Webmin will generate a serial
style number for new zones that starts with the current UNIX time number, and is
incremented by one for each change. Selecting Date based instead forces the
serial number to be in YYYYMMDDnn format, which uses the current date fol-
lowed by an incrementing counter for the changes within the day.
This section option generates serial numbers in the format that is required by
some registrars, such as those in Germany. As far as BIND and the DNS proto-
col are concerned, there is no difference between the two methods.

Add $ttl to top of If Yes is chosen for this field, the module will add a $TTL line to the top of all
new zone files new records files that it creates. Newer versions of BIND log a warning message
if this line is not present, but older versions complain if it is there, and some
really old releases cannot handle it at all. If BIND on your system doesn’t like
$TTL lines, then you will need to set this field to No.
The BIND 4 DNS Server Module 351

Table 30.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Directory for When Default is selected, the module works out which directory to put new
master zone files master zone files into from the directory line in the named.conf file. If you
normally put master and slave files in separate directories, then the master direc-
tory should be entered into this field.

Directory for Like the previous field, this one allows you to specify a different directory from
slave/stub zone the default for new slave zone record files.

Format for the This field determines the filename format that Webmin will use for new record
name of forward filenames. An occurrence of ZONE in the filename will be replaced with the
zone files name of the new forward domain. If you do change this field because you like to
use a different name format like example.com.db, make sure that the new
value contains the string ZONE.

Format for the This field has the same purpose as the previous one, but is used for reverse zone
name of reverse filenames instead of forward.
zone files

Owner for zone This field controls the ownership of newly created record files. It must be
files (user:group) entered in user:group format, such as named:daemon. If you are running
BIND as some user other than root, this field should be changed so that the
zone files created by Webmin are readable and editable by the DNS server user.

Permissions for Like the previous one, this field controls the UNIX permissions on new record
zone files (in octal) files. You must enter a 3-digit octal number of the kind that is used by the
chmod command, such as 755.

Default master The IP addresses entered into this field will be listed by default in the Master
server(s) for slave servers text box when adding a slave zone, and will be added to a zone’s config-
zones uration when converting it from a master to a slave. This can be useful if you
create lots of slave zones that get their records from the same master server.

Default remote This field determines the default Webmin server to add a slave zone to when
slave server adding a master zone. It is only used when using the module’s cluster features,
which are not covered in this chapter.

Automatically Normally this field is set to Yes, which causes the module to automatically update
update serial num- a zone’s serial number every time a record in it is changed. To turn off this behav-
bers ior, change the field to No instead—however, this will cause problems with cach-
ing by secondaries and other DNS servers unless you have some mechanism to
update the serial numbers separate, such as a script that runs once per day.
352 Chapter 30 • DNS Server Configuration

Table 30.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Domain for This field is only relevant if you are using the module to manage IPv6 address
reverse IPv6 and reverse address records. It determines which root domain is used for reverse
addresses addresses—either the old ip6.int, or the new ip6.arpa. If any such zones already
exist on your system, you will need to make the right choice here for the module
to behave properly.

Full path to the This field determines where the module looks for the primary BIND configura-
named.conf file tion file, named.conf. You should only need to change it if you have compiled
and installed the DNS server software yourself, and chosen to use a different
location for the configuration file such as /usr/local/etc/named.conf.

Full path to the If you have installed the BIND server program in a different location to the
named executable default expected by Webmin, then you will need to change this field. This may
be the case if the server has been compiled and installed manually.

Full path to whois The module uses the whois command to display ownership information about a
command domain which you click on the Lookup WHOIS Information icon. This field must
contain the path to the command on your system, such as /usr/local/bin/whois.

Command to When the Apply Changes button is clicked on a master zone’s options page, the
reload a zone command set in this field is used to signal BIND to reread the zone’s records
file. By default the ndc command is used, which communicates with BIND via
a socket file. However, you may want to use rndc instead, which can communi-
cate via a network connection.

Default PID file To determine if BIND is running, the module looks for a PID file containing its
location process ID. Normally the path to this file is specified in named.conf, but if not
the code will use the path in this field instead. If you have compiled and install
the server yourself, you may need to change this to something different like /usr/

Command to start If Webmin detects that BIND is not running, a button will be displayed on
BIND the module’s main page so that you can start it. If Default is chosen the
named executable is run directly, but an alternate command can be used
instead. On some operating systems, this field is set by default to a bootup
script like /etc/init.d/named start. If you have compiled and install
BIND yourself, you should change it back to Default as the script is unlikely to
work properly if it is exists at all.

written long before version 8 became available. In fact, it was the very first module to be written,
and was the inspiration for the rest of the package.
BIND 4 lacks many of the features of version 8, such as zone options that control who can
query and transfer records, generators, forward zones, stub zones, change notification, and many
Summary 353

global options. However, it can still perform the basic tasks of hosting forward and reverse mas-
ter and slave zones.
Version 4 uses /etc/named.boot as its primary configuration file, which has a totally differ-
ent format to versions 8 and 9. The records files for zones are still in the same format though, which
makes it relatively easy to upgrade to the latest version of BIND if necessary. The types of records
that are supported are the same, with the exception of the Location and IPv6 Address types.
Because BIND 4 is rarely seen these days, its icon will only appear under the Servers cate-
gory if the named.boot file exists on your system. When you enter it, the main page displays
only a table of zone icons, a form for setting new zone defaults and a button for either starting
the server or applying changes.
The form for adding a master zone is pretty much the same as in the BIND DNS Server
module, except that zone templates are not supported. The slave zone creation form is identical,
except for the rarely used Server port field. The process of editing records in a master zone is the
same, and automatic updating of reverse zones works in the normal way. You can never view
records in a slave zone though.
Master zone parameters from the SOA record can be edited using a form below the list of
record types in a zone, which is identical to the form on the Zone Parameters page in the BIND
8 module. These are the only parameters that you can edit for a master zone, as BIND version 4
does not support any other associated options. When editing a slave zone, only the list of master
servers and the records filename can be changed.
The process of deleting a master or slave zone is the same in the BIND 4 DNS Server mod-
ule, and the removal of reverse or forward records in other zones is supported. You cannot view
or delete the root zone, however, even though it exists in the configuration file, the module never
displays an icon for it.

30.19 Summary
This chapter has introduced the Domain Name System and explained the roles of DNS clients
and servers. It has also introduced the popular BIND server and described how Webmin can be
used to configure it. The chapter has covered the creation of various types of domains, the man-
agement of records within master domains, and the use of advanced DNS features such as record
generators and partial reverse delegation. After reading it you should know everything necessary
to set up your system as a DNS server.
C H A P T E R 3 1

CVS Server

f you have already have a CVS repository on your system, this chapter
I explains how to make it available to other hosts by setting up a network-
accessible CVS server.

31.1 Introduction to CVS

CVS stands for Concurrent Versions System and is a set of programs that allows multiple devel-
opers to work on the same source code without interfering with each other. This chapter assumes
that you are already familiar with the workings of CVS and want to know how to set up a server
that allows a repository to be accessed over the network. A server allows people to check out
code to their personal computers, work on it, and then check it back in again over the network.
There are actually several ways of making a repository network-accessible, such as via SSH
or RSH. The method that Webmin supports is the running of CVS in pserver mode from a
super server like inetd or xinetd. There is no actual separate CVS server process that runs all
the time in the background, like Apache or an NFS daemon. Instead, the CVS program is run by
inetd only when a client CVS program connects to it.
To control who can access files, a CVS server uses username and password authentication.
The supplied login can be checked against the system UNIX user list or a separate file of user-
names and passwords. Users can be given full read-write access to the repository or read-only
access to prevent them from checking in files.

31.2 The CVS Server Module

This module can be found in Webmin under the Servers category. When you enter it, the main
page displays a list of icons as shown in Figure 31.1. Almost all of the actual forms and pages
for configuring the server can be reached by clicking on the icons.

Setting Up the CVS Server 355

Figure 31.1 The CVS Server module.

If a CVS repository is not found on your system, the main page will display an error mes-
sage instead. By default, Webmin looks in /usr/local/cvsroot, but this is unlikely to be
correct on most systems. To change the path, click on Module Config and update the CVS root
directory field.
The module’s main page can also display an error message if the cvs command is not found
on your system, or if its version number cannot be determined. If the command is not in Web-
min’s search path, you will need to adjust the Path to CVS executable field on the module con-
figuration page.

31.3 Setting Up the CVS Server

If the CVS server has not yet been set up on your system, a button labeled Setup CVS Server
will be displayed at the bottom of the module’s main page. When clicked, an entry will be added
to the inetd or xinetd configuration (covered in Chapter 15) to run the server program cvs
pserver on the standard TCP port 2401. The current CVS root directory will be supplied as a
parameter to this command, so make sure that it is set correctly before clicking the button. Cli-
ents should now be able to connect to the repository, as explained in Section 31.4 “Using the
CVS Server”.
The server is always set up to run as a service called cvspserver, which runs as root with no
IP access control restrictions. If you are using xinetd, the Extended Internet Services module can
be used to restrict access to the service. Because most repositories only need to be accessible to CVS
356 Chapter 31 • CVS Server Configuration

clients on a company network, this is usually a good idea. It is also possible to control access to the
service if you are using inetd through the use of TCP wrappers, but that must be done manually.
When the server is active, the button will be replaced with one labeled Deactivate CVS
Server instead. If clicked, the appropriate entry in the inetd or xinetd configuration will be
disabled so that clients can no longer connect. To enable it again, hit the Activate CVS Server
button that will appear on the main page instead.
If you have both xinetd and inetd installed, then the former will be used when setting up
the server for the first time. When setting up, activating, or deactivating the server, the module
will automatically signal inetd or xinetd to reread its configuration file, so there is no need to
click the Apply Changes button in the appropriate module.

31.4 Using the CVS Server

Once your server is running, CVS clients can connect to it using a repository path like
:pserver:username@hostname:repository. Naturally, username must be replaced with the
name of a user that the CVS server accepts, hostname with the hostname of your system, and
repository with the correct repository directory.
To check out a directory, you could run commands like:

CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/usr/local/cvsroot
export CVSROOT
cvs login
cvs checkout path/to/directory

The cvs login command should only be run if the server requires a password for the user-
name. It will prompt you for a password, which is permanently stored in the file ~/.cvspass
for use by other CVS commands in the future. Any time the cvs command is run to update,
check out, commit to, or access the repository in any way, it will make a connection to the server
specified in the CVSROOT environment variable and log in with the username from the variable
and the specified password.

31.5 Adding and Editing Users

The CVS server requires that all clients supply a valid username and password before they can
perform any operations on the repository. Users are authenticated against a list of accounts used
only by the server and optionally against the standard UNIX user database from the /etc/
passwd and /etc/shadow files. Using only the server’s user list for authentication is the best
option, as it gives you more control over who is allowed to connect. See the documentation for
the Check users against system password file? field in Section 31.7 “Configuring the CVS
Server” for more information on turning on or off UNIX authentication.
For each CVS user, you can specify the name of a UNIX user whose permissions will be
used for all file access. This can be useful if all files in your repository are owned by a single
user, in which case all CVS access should be done as that user. This avoids the problem of ensur-
ing that file permissions in the repository are set correctly so that people can edit and read each
others’ files.
Adding and Editing Users 357

To add a new login to the CVS user list, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the CVS Users icon. This will take you to a page
containing a table of all existing users, as shown in Figure 31.2.
2. Click on the Add a new CVS user link above or below the table to go to the user cre-
ation form.
3. Enter a unique name for the user into the Login username field. A UNIX user of the
same name must already exist. If not, the Access files as UNIX user field must be set.
4. The Login password field is for entering the user’s password. The available options are:
None required If selected, the CVS server will accept any password or none at all
when a client connects as this user.
Copy from UNIX If chosen, the user’s password is initially set to that of the UNIX
user with the same name.
Set to If selected, you must enter a password for the user into the field next to it.
5. The Access files as UNIX user field controls which UNIX user the CVS server will
switch to when this CVS user connects. If Same as username is selected, then the UNIX
user with the same name will be used. If the other option is chosen, however, you must
enter a UNIX username into the adjacent field to access files as instead.
6. Click the Create button to have the user added to the server’s list. You will be returned to
the table of users, which should include your new entry. If you choose for it to access
files as a different UNIX user, the name will be shown in brackets next to the CVS login

Once a user has been created, you can edit it by clicking on its name in the table on the CVS
users page. The editing form is the same as the one used for user creation, except that the Copy
from UNIX option in the Login password field is replaced with Leave unchanged, which must
be selected if you are not changing the password. When you are done editing a user, click the
Save button. Or to delete the user, click on Delete on the editing form instead.
This page can also be used to set up synchronization between the CVS user list and the
UNIX user database. This can be useful for keeping passwords in sync, or for having a CVS user
deleted when the corresponding UNIX user is removed. Chapter 4 explains in more detail how
user synchronization works in Webmin, but follow these steps to set it up for this module:

1. On the main page, click on the CVS Users icon and then scroll down to the form below
the list of existing users.
2. To have a new CVS user created for each UNIX user created in Webmin, select the Add
a new CVS user when a UNIX user is added checkbox. Below it is a field labeled
Access files as UNIX user that you can use to set the UNIX access user for automati-
cally created CVS users.
This option is most useful when all users access repository files as a single UNIX user.
Otherwise, you might as well just allow all UNIX users to log in to your CVS server.
3. To have the password or username of a CVS user changed when the corresponding
UNIX user is updated, check the Update a CVS user when the matching UNIX user is
modified checkbox.
358 Chapter 31 • CVS Server Configuration

Figure 31.2 The CVS users list.

4. To have a CVS user deleted when the UNIX user of the same name is removed, check
the Delete a CVS user when the matching UNIX user is deleted box.
5. Click the Save button to save the new synchronization settings. They will apply to users
created, edited, and deleted in the Users and Groups module from now on.

31.6 Limiting User Access

This section explains how to configure the CVS server to limit which users are allowed to write
to the repository. This can be useful if you want to give anyone on the Internet access to your
source code. For example, if you are hosting an open-source project. A user with no password
but read-only access could be created for anyone in the world to log in as, while developers log
in with password-protected accounts that have full read-write privileges.
To restrict write access to your server, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User Access Control icon. This will take you to
a form listing users who currently have read and write access.
2. To give read-only access to only a few users and read-write to the rest, select the Listed
users are read-only radio button. Then, enter the names of those users who should not
be able to write to the repository into the left-hand text box provided. On the right, the
option All users can write should be selected.
Alternately, to give read-write access to a few users and read-only to everyone else,
select Only listed users can write. Then, enter the names of those users who will be
Configuring the CVS Server 359

able to write to the CVS repository into the right-hand text box. On the left, No read-
only users should be selected.
There is not much point entering usernames into both boxes, as any user who is in both
lists will be given read-only access.
3. Click the Save button to make your changes immediately active and return to the mod-
ule’s main page.

31.7 Configuring the CVS Server

There are a few options related to authentication and logging that can be set for the CVS server.
In most cases the defaults will work fine, but you can change them by following these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Server Configuration icon to go to a form
for editing server options.
2. To allow any UNIX user to log in to the server, set the Check users against system
password file? field to Yes. If No is selected, only those users defined on the CVS users
page will be able to access the repository.
3. The Event types to log in history field controls what kind of client activity is logged to
the CVSROOT/history file. You can either select All types to log everything or
Selected types to log the kinds of events that are checked below.
4. To change the directory in which CVS puts lock files, edit the Lock files directory field.
This is necessary if you have read-only users who cannot write to the repository, as when
Default is selected lock files will be created within the repository itself.
5. Click the Save button to have the server begin using the new settings.

31.8 Browsing the Repository

One handy feature of the CVS Server module is the ability to view files and directories in the
repository. You can do this by clicking on the Browse Repository icon on the module’s main
page, which will take you to a page listing the contents of the repository root directory. A list of
modifications to a file can be viewed by clicking on its name, and the latest checked-in version is
displayed by clicking on the number under the Rev column.
The listing can be sorted by clicking on column headings, such as Age or Author. Below
the listing is a menu labelled Show only files with tag for restricting the listing to files tagged
with the chosen name. Tags are often used to identify code for a branch or version of a project,
or from a particular source.

31.9 Configuring the CVS Server Module

This module has a few settings that can be changed by clicking on the Module Config link on
the main page. Those that you can safely edit are shown in Table 31.1.
360 Chapter 31 • CVS Server Configuration

Table 31.1 Module Configuration Options

CVS root This must be set to the directory that contains your CVS repository. The module
directory will check for a CVSROOT subdirectory and display an error on the main page if
it is not found. There is currently no way to specify multiple root directories,
even though the CVS server can be manually configured to support them.

Repository This field can be used to specify a file containing HTML to be displayed at the
browser header top of each page in the repository browser. The default file, header.html, con-
file tains information about the authors of the browser script. You may want to enter
the full path to some other file instead, perhaps containing information about the
files on your CVS server.

Character set Normally, Webmin chooses a character set for each page based on the currently
for repository selected language. This information is sent to the browser, which uses it to work
file out the encoding of text on the page and the font with which to display it.
This may not be appropriate when browsing the repository, however, as your
source code probably just uses the us-ascii or iso-8859-1 character set. This
field can be used to specify an alternate character set to be used on the browser
pages if they are not being displayed properly when Webmin is using a different
language. Most people can just leave it set to From Webmin language.

31.10 Summary
If your system hosts a CVS repository, the instructions in this chapter can be used to make the
files it contains available to other hosts. After reading it you should understand how to create and
edit CVS users, how to restrict what certain users can do, and how to browse the files that your
repository contains.
C H A P T E R 3 2

DHCP Server

his chapter tells you what DHCP is and how to use Webmin to set up a
T DHCP server on your network so that other systems can obtain IP
addresses automatically.

32.1 Introduction to the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DHCP is a protocol that allows hosts to request and be assigned an IP address on a local area
network. It is used to simplify the process of IP assignment, as a single server can manage the
addresses of multiple clients. It is also useful for systems like laptops that are moved between
multiple networks, as they do not need to be reconfigured for each LAN to which they are con-
DHCP is usually used on Ethernet networks, although it can be used on any type of LAN
that supports broadcast traffic such as 802.11b and Tolken Ring. It is not used for address assign-
ment for dial-up connections—the PPP protocol has its own method of telling clients their IP
addresses. Because broadcasts are not normally forwarded by routers, a DHCP server can only
assign addresses to hosts on a single LAN, unless you have a router that is configured to forward
DHCP packets.
A DHCP server can also supply other information to clients in addition to an IP address.
The addresses of DNS servers and the network gateway can be sent, along with the DNS
domain, NIS server, NIS domain, static routes, and much more. DNS and routing information
allows clients to fully integrate themselves into the network to which they are connected without
needing any manual configuration.
When a server assigns an IP to a client, it is given a lease on that address for a certain
amount of time, during which no other client will be assigned the same address. When the lease
expires, the client must contact the server again. Typically, it will be assigned the same IP
address as before and the lease will be extended for the same time period. If a client does not

362 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

contact the server when its lease is up, the server assumes that the client has been shut down and
marks the address as available to be assigned to other hosts.
Most operating systems include support for configuring a network interface to use DHCP to
get its IP address. Chapter 16 explains how to set it up for Linux systems, and it is relatively sim-
ple to configure Windows and MacOS clients to use it as well. DHCP has become the standard
protocol for address assignment on IP networks, replacing the older BOOTP protocol used by
some UNIX operating systems.

32.2 The ISC DHCP Server

The most common DHCP server for UNIX system is the ISC server, of which several versions
have been released. The latest is version 3, but version 2 is still in common use. Release 1 uses a
very different configuration file format to later versions and is not seen much anymore. The ISC
DHCP server supports a wide range of options and can be configured to behave differently for
different clients, networks, and address ranges.
The ISC server can be used to assign fixed addresses to hosts or addresses from certain
ranges. Every host is identified by its MAC addresses, which on an Ethernet LAN is the address
on the host’s Ethernet card. A static IP address and other options can be associated with a partic-
ular hardware address, which allows you to fix the address that certain systems receive while
using dynamic allocation for others.
The server’s configuration file contains four different types of entries, which contain
options that affect different clients:

Subnet A subnet is an entire IP network, such as Entries of this type

are used to dynamically allocate addresses within certain ranges to clients within the
Shared network A shared network is a group of subnets that share the same
physical network.
Host This is a single client host identified by its MAC address and assigned a
fixed IP address.
Group This is a group of hosts for which the same options can be set.

Entries in the server configuration are arranged in a hierarchy that determines what client
options and other settings apply to a particular client. Options in higher-level entries are overrid-
den by those lower in the hierarchy, which allows an administrator to avoid repeating configura-
tion information while still being able to set individual options for specific hosts. Figure 32.1
below shows which kinds of entries can be defined under which other types.
The ISC DHCP server’s primary configuration file is called dhcpd.conf and can usually
be found in the /etc directory. Other configuration files can be included by the primary file, but
on most systems only dhcpd.conf is used. The only other file used by the server is
dhcpd.leases, which contains all granted leases and is always kept up-to-date. Whenever the
server is started, it rereads this file to find out which leases are currently active. This means that
there is no danger of lease information being lost if the server is stopped and restarted, which is
necessary for it to reread the primary configuration file.
The DHCP Server Module 363


Shared Net Subnet Group Host

Host Group Subnet Host

Host Group Host

Host Group Host


Figure 32.1 The DHCP Server configuration hierarchy.

Webmin’s DHCP Server module directly updates the configuration and lease files when you
manage subnets, hosts, groups, and leases. To activate the current configuration, it kills the
server process and reruns it, as there is no way to signal the server to reread its configuration file.

32.3 The DHCP Server Module

This module can be used to set up your system as a DHCP server so that clients on your LAN
can be automatically assigned IP addresses, DNS servers, and other information. If there is
already a server on your network, setting up another one is a bad idea as they may interfere with
each other. If you just want to configure your system to obtain its own IP address via DHCP,
then there is no need to set up a server. Instead, see Section 16.3 “Adding a Network Interface”.
The DHCP Server module can be found in Webmin under the Servers category. Clicking on
its icon will take you to the main page, which lists all existing subnet, shared network, host, and
group configurations. Figure 32.2 shows an example. If this is the first time that you have used
the module, however, and the server has not been configured manually, then the page will proba-
bly be almost empty.
At the bottom of the page are buttons for editing global settings and displaying current
dynamic address leases. Below them is the Start Server or Apply Changes button, which either
364 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

Figure 32.2 The DHCP Server module.

starts the server if it is not running or restarts it to force a reload of the configuration if it is run-
ning. You cannot, however, start the server until at least one valid subnet has been defined.
If the ISC DHCP server is not installed on your system, the main page will display an error
message notifying you that the dhcpd program could not be found. All Linux distributions
include a DHCP server package on their CD or website, which you will need to install before
you can use the module. Make sure that the package you add is called dhcpd or dhcp-server,
as there is often a separate package for the DHCP client programs.
The same error can also appear if the server is installed, but in a location other than the one
that the module expects. This can happen if you have compiled and installed it yourself from the
source code, rather than using your distribution’s standard package. If so, you will need to adjust
some of the paths explained in Section 32.11 “Configuring the DHCP Server Module”.
Because this module only supports the configuration of ISC DHCP server versions 2 and 3,
the main page will also display an error message if it detects that version 1 of the server is
installed. Unfortunately, this older release uses a totally different configuration file format and
so cannot be managed by the module. Some operating systems (such as Solaris) include this
older version by default, but it can be replaced by the latest one.
The ISC DHCP server is also available for several other UNIX operating systems in addi-
tion to Linux. Because it works the same on all of those systems, the behavior of this module is
identical as well. The only differences are the default paths that it uses for the server configura-
tion files and programs.
Adding and Editing Subnets 365

On some operating systems and Linux distributions, the DHCP server package includes a
sample configuration file that defines several hosts and subnets. These are not going to be of
much use for your network and will probably prevent the server from working at all as they do
not match its actual network interfaces. For this reason, it is best to simply delete them before
setting up your own configuration.
Once a few entries have been added to the server configuration, the main page displays a
table of icons networks under the heading Subnets and Shared Networks. Each icon represents
either a subnet (shown with its network address under it) or a shared network (shown with its
name). By default, subnets are listed first, followed by shared networks, and both lists are in the
order that they appear in the configuration file. If you have a complex DHCP configuration, you
can change this by clicking on one of the following links next to Display nets and subnets by:

Assignment The default sorting mode. Subnets are shown before shared networks
and both are listed in the order in which they appear in the configuration file.
File structure Subnets are listed after the shared networks of which they are part,
which are sorted by their order in the configuration file.
Name/IP address Subnets are listed, sorted by IP address, followed by shared
networks sorted by name.

In the bottom part of the page is a table of icons with the heading Hosts and Host Groups. An
icon is shown for each host or host group, with the name or number of members displayed
beneath it. Because many servers have a large number of hosts, you can control the order that they
are displayed in by clicking on one of the following links next to Display hosts and groups by:

Assignment Hosts are listed before groups and both are in the same order in
which they appear in the configuration file.
File structure Hosts are listed after the groups of which they are part, which are
sorted by their order in the configuration file.
Name Hosts are listed, sorted by name, followed by groups in the order in which
they appear in the configuration file.
Hardware address Hosts are listed, sorted by MAC addresses, followed by all
IP address Hosts are listed, sorted by their fixed IP address, followed by all

Changes to the sorting modes will be remembered by the module, so that they will be used every
time you visit the main page from now on.

32.4 Adding and Editing Subnets

In the simplest DHCP server configuration, all you need is a single subnet entry to hand out IP
addresses within particular range to clients on a single LAN. The server allows you to do much
more than that, but for many networks this is all that is needed. Unless, of course, you want to
assign fixed addresses to some hosts or have multiple IP networks on the same LAN.
366 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

To add a new subnet entry, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new subnet link in the Subnets and
Shared Networks section. This will take you to the page shown in Figure 32.3.
2. In the Network address field, enter the address of your local LAN, such as
This must be a network to which your system is directly connected.
3. In the Netmask field, enter the mask for the local LAN, such as The best
way to find the correct network address and netmask is to use the Network Configuration
module to look at the settings for your Ethernet interface.
4. The Address ranges section is actually a table for entering multiple ranges, but only one
blank row is displayed at a time. In the first field, enter the starting address for the range
of IPs that you want assigned to clients, such as In the second, enter the
ending address for the range, such as Both addresses must be within the
network, and the first must be lower than the second.
To add more than one range, you will need to reedit this subnet after saving so that a new
blank row appears in the table. The server will always assign addresses from the start of
the first range up to the end, then go on to the second and any subsequent ranges.
Because each client must have a unique IP, make sure that your ranges are big enough to
support all the client hosts that may be connected to the network at any one time.
5. If you want this subnet to be part of a shared network (explained in Section 32.8 “Adding
and Editing Shared Networks”), select it from the Shared network menu. Otherwise,
choose <None> to have the subnet created outside of any shared nets.
6. To set the lease length for clients on this network, change the Default lease time from
Default to the number of seconds by adding that number into the field next to it. This
will be the length of the lease for hosts that do not explicitly request one.
You should also set the Maximum lease time field, so that clients cannot request a lease
longer than the specified number of seconds. If not set, there is no upper limit on lease
7. Unless the client systems on your LAN will be network-booting from another server, the
Boot filename and Boot file server fields can be left set to Default. Only diskless work-
stations need to do this.
8. The Server name field is for entering the network hostname of your DHCP server sys-
tem. Usually this can be left set to Default, in which case the server will work it out auto-
9. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page. An new entry for the subnet will be
added to the server’s configuration, and you will be returned to the module’s main page.
10. Click on the new icon for the subnet, which will take you to an editing form that is
almost identical to the creation page.
11. Click on the Edit Client Options button to go to a page listing information that will be
sent to clients, as shown in Figure 32.4. All of the fields have a Default radio button,
which, if selected, typically indicates that no information related to that option will be
sent to clients.
12. Fill in the Default routers field with the IP address of the default gateway on your net-
work, such as This will be used by clients that have their address assigned
by DHCP to communicate with systems outside the network.
Adding and Editing Subnets 367

13. Fill in the Subnet mask field with the netmask for your network, such as
14. Enter the broadcast address for your network into the Broadcast address field, such as
15. Fill in the Domain name field with the DNS domain name such as example.com that cli-
ents should append to partial hostnames.
16. In the DNS servers field, enter a space-separated list of DNS server IP addresses that cli-
ents can use, such as
17. If you are running NIS (covered in Chapter 17) and want clients to connect to an NIS
server at boot time, fill in the NIS domain field with the name of your NIS domain, and
fill in the NIS servers field with the IP address of your NIS master or slave server. This
is only useful if the client hosts are capable of getting their NIS settings from DHCP.
18. If you have Windows clients and are running a Samba or Windows server, fill in the Net-
BIOS name servers field with the IP address of a system that can do NetBIOS name res-
olution for clients. Any UNIX system running Samba will be able to perform this role.
19. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to go back to the subnet form.
20. If this is your first subnet, you will need to make sure that the server is configured to use
the right network interface for your system. Return to the module’s main page and click
on the Edit Network Interface button at the bottom of the page.
Then, select the interface for the new subnet from the Listen on interfaces list and click
Save. If you have multiple network interfaces and have created subnet configurations for
each of them, then all the interfaces must be selected for the server to work properly.
21. If you are running version 3 of the ISC DHCP server (shown on the main page) and this
is your first subnet, you may need to set the DDNS update style before the server can be
started. Even if you are not using DDNS, some versions insist on an entry existing in the
configuration file for it. Click on the Edit Client Options button on the main page and
scroll down to the Dynamic DNS update style field. Select None and click Save to
return to the module index.
22. Back on the main page, click on the Start Server or Apply Changes button. If
something goes wrong, the error message generated by the DHCP server will be dis-
played. The most common problem is a mismatch between the network interface set-
tings and the network address for the subnet. Another that often shows up is related to
the ddns-update-style directive, which Step 21 explains how to set.

Once your first subnet has been created and the server started, you can test it by configuring a
client system to use DHCP. When the client boots up, it should contact the server and be
assigned an address, DNS, and routing information. You should also be able to see the client on
the leases page, covered in Section 32.5 “Viewing and Deleting Leases”.
An existing subnet can be edited by clicking on its icon on the main page, changing fields,
and hitting the Save button. If you want to edit options for clients in the subnet, you will need to
click on Edit Client Options as in the instructions above, make your changes, and then click
Save on that page. After any modifications, the Apply Changes button must be used to make
them active.
A subnet can be deleted using the Delete button on its editing form. Any hosts, groups, or
address pools that it contains will be removed as well—so be careful. After deleting, use the net-
work interfaces page to deselect the interface for the subnet. Failure to do so will cause the
368 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

Figure 32.3 The subnet creation form.

DHCP server to display an error message when Apply Changes is clicked, which must be done
to make the deletion active.
If the subnet contains any hosts or groups, a confirmation page will be displayed when
Delete is clicked that lists all the groups and hosts that will be deleted as well. Only when the
Yes button is hit will the subnet (and all it contains) actually be removed.
Another way to create a subnet inside a shared network is to click on the Add a new subnet
link on the shared network’s page. This will bring up the same subnet creation form shown in
Figure 32.3, but without the Shared network field. Instead, the shared network is shown at the
top of the page under the title. The rest of the creation process is identical.
A subnet configuration entry must be created for each IP network on which you want to
allocate addresses. Typically, there will be one for each LAN connected to your system via an
Ethernet, Tolken Ring, or 802.11b network card. If two IP networks are actually on the same
LAN, then both their subnets must be inside a shared network, as explained in Section 32.8
“Adding and Editing Shared Networks”.
You must also make sure that every network interface that is connected to a network on which
your DHCP server is assigning addresses is selected on the network interface page. If not, an error
will be reported when the server is started or when changes are applied. For most system adminis-
trators, this is not a big issue though as they have only a single LAN in their organization.
Viewing and Deleting Leases 369

Figure 32.4 The subnet client options page.

32.5 Viewing and Deleting Leases

Every time the DHCP server supplies a dynamic address to a client, it records information about
the assignment in its lease file. Fixed addresses assigned to specific hosts (covered in Section
32.8 “Adding and Editing Shared Networks”) do not trigger the creation of a lease, as they are
considered permanent. You can use this module to view all current leases or expired leases, and
to delete those that exist. Removing a lease tells the server that its IP address is no longer in use
and can be assigned to some other client. This should only be done if the client really isn’t using
the address any more, for example, if it crashed while holding a long lease.
To view and delete leases, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the List Active Leases button. This will display a
table listing all currently active leases, with the IP address, client name, and start time
shown for each.
2. To show leases that have expired as well, click on the List all active and expired leases
button at the bottom of the page.
3. To remove a lease, click on its IP address in the list. The DHCP server will be stopped
and restarted automatically to make the deletion active.

It is also possible to view the leases to clients in just a single subnet by clicking on the List Leases
button on the subnet editing form. This can be useful if you have several networks connected to
your system with a large number of clients and want to limit the size of the lease display.
370 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

32.6 Editing Global Client Options

Section 32.8 “Adding and Editing Shared Networks” explains how to set client options (such as
DNS and gateway IP addresses) that are supplied to all clients in a subnet. If you have more than
one network or many fixed hosts, however, it can be more convenient to set options that apply to
all clients of the server. These options can still be overridden for individual subnets, hosts, and
groups if you wish.
To edit global client options, follow these steps:

1. Click on Edit Client Options near the bottom of the module’s main page. This will take
you to a form similar to the one shown in Figure 32.4.
2. Change any of the fields as explained in Steps 11 through 18 of Section 32.4 “Adding
and Editing Subnets”.
3. At the bottom of the form are fields for setting the default and maximum lease times for
all clients, along with a few other options. These have the same meanings as similarly
named fields on the subnet creation page.
4. Click the Save button to update the DHCP server configuration file and return to the
module’s main page.
5. Hit the Apply Changes button to make your new settings active.

Client options specified for a subnet override those defined globally, and are in turn overridden
by options for hosts within the subnet.

32.7 Adding and Editing Fixed Hosts

If you want to fix the IP address that is assigned to a specific host, you will need to add a host
entry to the DHCP server configuration. This also allows you to set client options that apply only
to that host, such as the DNS server addresses or default router.
The server identifies hosts by their MAC (Medium Access Control) address, which on an
Ethernet LAN is the Ethernet address of the client’s network card. Typically this address is fixed,
but a few network cards allow it to be changed. On Linux systems, you can find the MAC
address by running the ifconfig eth0 command as root and looking for a string of 6 bytes in
hex separated by colons, like 00:D0:B7:1D:FB:A1. On Windows, the winipcfg program can
provide the information, although it is displayed with dashes instead of colons. Other operating
systems have their own ways of finding the Ethernet address.
Once you know the MAC address of the host, it can be added to the DHCP server configura-
tion as follows:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new host link in the Hosts and Host
Groups section. This will bring up the host creation form shown in Figure 32.5.
2. Enter a name into the Host name field. This should match the hostname that the client is
configured with, or its fully qualified name on your network. This, however, is not man-
3. Select the type of network (such as Ethernet) that the host is on from the menu in the
Hardware address field. In the text box next to it, enter the host’s MAC address as a
series of 6 hex bytes separated by colons, like 00:D0:B7:1D:FB:A1.
Adding and Editing Fixed Hosts 371

4. Enter the IP address that should be always assigned to this client into the Fixed IP
address field.
5. If you want this host to inherit client options from a subnet, select Subnet from the menu
in the Host assigned to field. The list next to it will be filled in with the names of all
existing subnets, allowing you to select the one under which the host should be located.
The fixed IP address must be within the subnet’s network, however, and the client must
be connected to its LAN.
Hosts can also be created inside shared networks or host groups by choosing Shared
Network or Group from the menu and selecting the appropriate entry from the list to the
6. If this host needs to network boot from a server, enter the name of that server into the
Boot file server field. You must also fill in the Boot filename field with the path to an
appropriate boot file (downloadable via TFTP) on the server.
Generally, network booting is used by simple clients like X terminals and diskless
workstations. For it to work, you must set up a TFTP server that contains the correct boot
files for the client, which is not covered in this chapter.
7. Click the Create button at the bottom of the form, and you will be returned to the mod-
ule’s main page, which will now include an icon for the new host.
8. To edit the client options that are assigned to this host, click on its icon to go to its editing
page, then on Edit Client Options. This is not always necessary if the host is a member
of a subnet that already has these options set, or if they have been defined globally as
explained in Section 32.6 “Editing Global Client Options”.
9. Fill in the form as you would for a subnet, as explained in Section 32.4 “Adding and
Editing Subnets”.
10. Click the Save button to return to the host form.
11. Return to the main page, and hit the Apply Changes button. From now on the host will
be assigned the IP address and options that you have chosen. It will no longer appear on
the lease list, as its IP assignment is permanent.

Once a host has been created, you can change its fixed IP address, MAC address, and other
options by clicking on its icon on the module’s main page, which will take you to the host edit-
ing form. After making modifications, hit Save to update the server configuration and then
Apply Changes to make them active. A host can also be deleted with the Delete button on the
editing page. From then on, the client system will receive a dynamically allocated address from
one of the ranges for its subnet rather than a fixed address.
A host can also be created by clicking on the Add a new host link on the subnet, shared net-
work, or group editing page. If done this way, the Host assigned to field is no longer displayed
on the creation form. Instead, the parent to which it will be added is shown at the top of the page.
All the other steps in the process of adding the host are the same.
If you have a large number of hosts and want all of them to use the same client options, then
they should be placed in a group or shared network. See the Section 32.9 “Adding and Editing
Groups” for more information on group management. The DHCP server configuration allows
you to define several levels of groups, which allows for quite complex configurations. If you
have more than one fixed address host on your network, they definitely should be under a subnet
or group to avoid duplicating settings.
372 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

Figure 32.5 Creating a new host.

32.8 Adding and Editing Shared Networks

A shared network is a group of subnets that share the same physical LAN. If you have multiple
IP networks on the same physical network, the DHCP server configuration entries for all of them
must be placed inside a shared network. Failure to do so may cause the server to behave incor-
rectly or report an error message when started. On the other hand, you cannot put subnets that do
not share the same LAN in the same shared network.
It is also possible for a shared network to contain a single subnet, although this does not
really achieve anything. It may be useful for grouping configuration entries, however, as a
shared network can contain hosts and groups as well and have client options that apply to all its
To create a shared network, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new shared network link under Sub-
nets and Shared Networks.
2. Enter a short name for the network into the Network name field, such as homelan. This
is used only when displaying the shared network on the main page.
3. To set the lease lengths for all clients of subnets under this shared network, fill in the
Default lease time and Maximum lease time fields. Their meanings are the same as on
the subnet creation form, documented in Section 32.4 “Adding and Editing Subnets”.
4. In the Subnets in this shared network field, select any existing subnets that you want to
move into this shared network. All existing subnets—including those in other shared net-
Adding and Editing Groups 373

works—will be listed. You must choose at least one subnet, as a shared network cannot
be empty.
5. Click the Create button at the bottom of the page. Your new shared network will be
added to the server’s configuration and an icon for it will appear on the module’s main
6. If you want to set client options that will apply to all subnets in the shared network, click
on its icon and then on Edit Client Options. Set any of the fields that you want and then
hit Save to return to the shared network form.
7. Click the Apply Changes button to make it active.

Once a shared network has been created, subnets can be created in or move to it using the
Shared network field on the subnet form. The same field can also be used to move a subnet out
of any shared networks by selecting the <None> option.
Once a shared network has been created, it can be renamed or edited by clicking on its icon,
changing fields, and hitting the Save button. It can also be removed altogether with the Delete but-
ton. Trying to delete a shared network that contains subnets, hosts, or groups will bring up a confir-
mation page asking if you really want to go ahead. If you click Yes, all the configuration entries
that the shared network contains will be deleted as well. As usual, after making changes or delet-
ing, you must click the Apply Changes button on the main page to activate the new settings.

32.9 Adding and Editing Groups

Unlike subnets, hosts, and shared networks, group entries in the DHCP server configuration do
not actually effect the server’s behavior in any way. Instead, they are just used to define options
that will apply to multiple hosts. Even though there are other ways that this can be achieved
(such as putting the hosts under a subnet), using a group gives you extra flexibility.
Groups can be defined under subnets and shared networks, but not other groups. Groups do
not normally have names. Instead, they are identified in Webmin by the number of hosts that
they contain. Newer versions of the DHCP server do support group names and Webmin will dis-
play them, but there is no support yet in the module for setting the name of a group.
To create a new host group, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new host group link under Hosts and
Host Groups to go to the group creation form.
2. Select any existing hosts that you want to be members of this group from the Hosts in
this group list.
3. If you want this group to be under a subnet, choose Subnet from the menu in the Group
assigned to field and select the subnet in the list next to it. All hosts in the group must
have fixed IP addresses that fall within the subnet’s network.
Similarly, a group can be created inside a shared network by choosing Shared Network
from the menu and selecting the network name from the list. In both cases, the group will
inherit client options and other settings (like the lease length) from its parent subnet or
shared net.
4. If hosts in the group need to network boot from a server, enter the name of that server
into the Boot file server field. You must also fill in the Boot filename field with the path
to an appropriate boot file (downloadable via TFTP) on the boot server.
374 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

5. Click the Create button. You will be returned to the module’s main page, which will now
include an icon for the new group.
6. Click on the group icon to bring up its editing form, and then on Edit Client Options.
This will take you to the page shown in Figure 32.4 for setting options that are sent to cli-
ent hosts in this group.
7. Set any of the options such as the DNS or NIS servers by following Steps 10 through 18
of Section 32.4 “Adding and Editing Subnets”.
8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the options and return to the
group form.
9. Go back to the module’s main page and hit Apply Changes to make your new group

Once a group has been created, new or existing hosts can be moved into it using the Host
assigned to field on the host form. Any host added to a group will inherit client options and net-
work boot settings from the group, unless overridden by settings for the host itself.
As usual, a group can be edited by clicking on its icon on the module’s main page, making
changes, and clicking Save. A group can also be removed with the Delete button on its editing
page. However, if it contains any hosts, you will be asked to confirm the deletion before it and
the hosts are actually removed.
A group can also be created under a subnet or shared network by clicking on the Add a new
host group link on the page reached by clicking on one of their icons. The group creation form
that is displayed no longer has a Group assigned to field. Instead, the name of the subnet or
shared network to which it will be added is displayed at the top of the page. Apart from that dif-
ference, the preceding instructions can still be followed.

32.10 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, the Webmin Users module can be used to limit what a user or group can
do with a particular module. For this module, you can control exactly which hosts, groups, sub-
nets, and shared networks a user can edit. This can be useful for granting a subadministrator the
right to set options for only a few hosts within your server configuration, while preventing him
from changing subnets and other hosts.
Once a user has been given access to the module, limit him to editing only certain hosts by
following these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on DHCP Server next to the name of the user. This
will bring up the module access control form.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No so he cannot edit the configura-
tion file path and the commands that the module uses.
3. Leave Can apply changes? set to Yes so he can activate any changes that he makes.
4. Change Can edit global options? to No so he cannot change options that apply to all clients.
5. Can view leases? can be safely left set to Yes, but Can remove leases? should be set to No.
6. The Uniq host names?, Uniq subnet IP addresses?, and Uniq shared-net names?
fields should be changed to Yes to prevent the creation of clashing hosts, subnets, and
shared networks.
Configuring the DHCP Server Module 375

7. The Use security level field determines to which configuration entries in the hierarchy
the user is allowed access. The available options and their meanings are:
Level 0 The user will have access to all entries to which he has been granted.
Level 1 The user will have access to granted entries, as long as he can access all their
children as well.
Level 2 The user will have access to granted entries, as long as he can access all parent
and ancestor entries.
Level 3 Like levels 2 and 3 combined. Generally, you should leave this option set to
level 0 for simplicity’s sake.
8. Assuming you are limiting the user to editing only certain hosts, deselect all three
options in the Access groups and Access shared nets fields. This will stop the user from
viewing and editing any groups or shared networks.
To stop the user from creating hosts and subnets, deselect create in the Access hosts and
Access subnets fields.
9. Change the Enable per-subnet ACLs? and Enable per-host ACLs? fields to Yes. This
allows you to select exactly which hosts and subnets the user can access from the Per-
object ACLs section provided.
If the first of these fields is set to No, the Access subnets checkboxes determine whether
the user can view and edit all subnets. Similarly, if the Enable per-host ACLs? field is
set to No then the Access hosts checkboxes control the viewing and editing of all hosts.
10. In the Per-object ACLs section, select read/write for any hosts and subnets that the user
should be able to configure and not allowed for the rest. Choosing read only will allow
him to view the host or subnet without being able to change it.
11. Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to make the new restrictions

Another common use of the DHCP Server module’s access control page is limiting a user to the
viewing and cancelling of leases only. This can be done by setting the Can view leases? and
Can remove leases? fields to Yes and everything else to No. The user should also be denied
access to all hosts, subnets, and so on, or possibly given read-only permissions.

32.11 Configuring the DHCP Server Module

Like most others, the DHCP Server module has several options that can be set by clicking on the
Module Config link on the main page. They are divided into two groups—those under Config-
urable options control the module’s user interface, while those under System configuration tell
the module where to look for the server’s configuration files and programs. Because the latter set
of options are set automatically by Webmin based on your operating system or Linux distribu-
tion, you should not need to change them unless you have compiled and installed the DHCP
server yourself.
Table 32.1 covers the user interface and DHCP server path options.
376 Chapter 32 • DHCP Server Configuration

Table 32.1 Module Configuration Options

Sort leases by This field controls how the list of leases is sorted. The available options are:
Order in file Leases are displayed in the order in which they appear in the
leases file, which normally means they will appear in the order in which they
were granted.
IP address Leases are sorted by the IP addresses assigned to the clients.
Hostname Leases are sorted by client hostnames, which are not necessarily
related to their IP addresses. The hostname is determined by the client itself, and
reported to the server when a lease is obtained.

Display subnets When Icons is selected (as it is by default), all subnets, shared networks, hosts,
and hosts as and groups on the main page are shown as icons. Choosing List instead changes
the display to a text table, which contains more information and uses less screen

Icons in row When using the icon display mode, this field determines the number of icons that
appear in each row of the subnet and host tables.

Display lease When Local time is selected for this field, times in the lease table are shown in
times in the time zone of the server system. Changing it to GMT forces GMT to be used
as the time zone instead, which may make more sense when administering a
server in a different country.

Show IP addresses When this field is set to Yes, the fixed IP address of each host will be shown
for hosts? under its icon along with the hostname on the module’s main page.

Show MAC When Yes is selected, the Ethernet address of each host will be shown under its
addresses for icon on the main page. It is possible to have both the IP and MAC address dis-
hosts? played.

DHCP server This field must be set to the full path to the DHCP server’s configuration file,
config file dhcpd.conf. You should only need to change it if you have compiled and
installed the server manually instead of using the version that comes with your
operating system.

DHCP server This field must contain the full path to the DHCP server program, usually called
executable dhcpd. When starting or restarting the server, Webmin runs this command with
the appropriate command-line arguments for the configuration file, lease file,
and interfaces.
Summary 377

Table 32.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Command to start If this field is not set to Run server executable, the module will use this com-
DHCP server mand instead when the Start Server button is clicked. On some Linux distribu-
tions, it is set to a bootup script that is normally used to start the server at boot
time. If you have compiled and installed the DHCP server yourself, however,
you should set it back to Run server executable.

Command to When this field is set to Kill and restart, Webmin will kill the DHCP server pro-
apply cess and rerun it when the Apply Changes button is clicked. If you have com-
configuration piled the server yourself, then you should select this option. Only on Linux
distributions that provide a bootup script that can restart the server will it be set
to something different by default, such as /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart.

Path to DHCP This field must be set to the full path to the DHCP server’s PID file, such as
server PID file /var/run/dhcpd.pid. The module uses the PID file to determine if the server is
running and restarts it when Apply Changes is clicked.

DHCP server lease This configuration field should be set to the full path of the file in which the
file DHCP server stores leases. You should always make sure that the specified path
is the same as the default compiled in the dhcpd server executable, otherwise the
page listing leases will be empty or incomplete.

Interfaces file type This field determines which file the module updates when you change the net-
work interfaces on which the server listens. Various Linux distributions have
their own special files, which are read by the bootup script specified in the Com-
mand to start DHCP server field.
This option should only be changed if you have compiled and installed the server
yourself. If so, set it to Webmin, which tells the module to just keep the list of
interfaces in its own configuration file.

32.12 Summary
This chapter has introduced the DHCP protocol and the common ISC DHCP server for UNIX
systems. It has explained how you can use Webmin to configure the server to automatically
assign dynamic or fixed IP addresses to clients on your network and how to set options that
apply to single hosts, groups of hosts, or entire subnets. Even though not all of the module’s fea-
tures are covered, after reading the chapter you should know enough to set up a DHCP server for
a typical network.
C H A P T E R 3 3

Downloading Email
with Fetchmail

his chapter explains how to configure the Fetchmail program to

T download email from another server and deliver it to addresses on your

33.1 Introduction to Fetchmail

Fetchmail is a relatively simple program that downloads email from another server using the
POP3 or IMAP protocol and delivers it to a mailbox on your system. It is most useful if you
want to run your own mail server, but cannot have mail delivered directly, for some reason. The
solution is to have Fetchmail download email periodically using a protocol like POP3 and then
connect to the SMTP server on your system to have it delivered as if it were sent directly.
If your system has a dial-up connection to the Internet that is only occasionally active, it is
not usually possible to have mail delivered directly. The same applies if you do not have a fixed
IP address. In situations like this, it is still possible to run your own email domain and server by
having mail for your domain sent to a mailbox at your ISP and using Fetchmail to periodically
transfer it to your system.
Even if you do not have your own Internet domain, Fetchmail can still be used to download
email from an email account in your ISP’s domain. Many mail clients like pine, elm, and User-
min read the UNIX mail file in /var/mail directly, instead of downloading messages via the
POP3 or IMAP protocol. To use one of these programs, email must be downloaded to your sys-
tem and delivered to a local user.
Fetchmail can download email from multiple mailboxes on different servers and deliver it to
different addresses on your system. If email to all addresses in a domain has been combined into a
single mailbox, Fetchmail can usually separate it for delivery to the correct users on your system.
This is possibly Fetchmail’s most useful feature, but unfortunately it is not 100 percent reliable.

The Fetchmail Mail Retrieval Module 379

The Fetchmail program can retrieve mail using the POP2, POP3, and IMAP protocols, one
of which will be supported by almost all mail servers. It can also use the ETRN mode of the
SMTP protocol to force a mail server to deliver all queued messages that are awaiting delivery to
your system. Unfortunately, it does not support the retrieval of mail from proprietary email sys-
tems, like Exchange or Lotus Notes, or from web-based email services, like Hotmail, unless they
support one of the standard protocols as well.
To perform periodic checks, Fetchmail is usually run as a background daemon process that
connects to all mail servers at regular intervals. It can also be run from a Cron job at times and
dates of your choosing, or even started manually from the command line or some other script.
Fetchmail is often run by individual users rather than the system administrator, each with
their own separate .fetchmailrc configuration file in their home directory. Because it does
not require root privileges to run, each user can safely configure Fetchmail on a multi-user
UNIX system to download mail from his own remote mailboxes. This means that each user may
have his own separate Fetchmail daemon process running that uses his own configuration.
A single configuration file can also be used and Fetchmail can be run as root to download
email for all users on your system. This option makes more sense if you are the only user of your
Linux box, or if you are downloading email for an entire domain to be redistributed to local
users. Typically, /etc/fetchmailrc is used as the global configuration file.
In fact, it is possible for Fetchmail to be run on both individual users’ configuration files and
a global file at once. The Webmin module for configuring it, however, expects you to use one
mode or the other.

33.2 The Fetchmail Mail Retrieval Module

Webmin’s module for managing Fetchmail can be found under the Servers category. When you
click on its icon for the first time, the main page will display the Fetchmail configurations of all
users on your system. For each user who has a .fetchmailrc in his home directory, the user’s
name and all servers from his file are displayed along with the protocol used to connect to each
and the users as whom to login. Figure 33.1 shows an example.
If Webmin cannot find the fetchmail program, then the main page will display an error
message instead. This may be because it is not installed or because the module is looking in the
wrong place. Most Linux distributions come with a package for Fetchmail—check the CD or
website and use the Software Packages module (covered in Chapter 12) to install it.
If you want to manage just a single Fetchmail configuration file on your system, now is the
time to switch the module to that mode. Unless you want to manage the configurations of all the
users on your system, this is the best choice. It allows you to set up a daemon process to period-
ically check for and download email to local mailboxes, which is what most administrators use
Fetchmail for.
To change the module to use a single file, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Module Config link in the top left corner of the main page.
2. In the Fetchmail config file to edit field, select the second radio button and enter the
configuration file path into the field next to it. If you already have a Fetchmail configura-
tion file, then naturally you should enter its path; otherwise, /etc/fetchmailrc will
do fine.
380 Chapter 33 • Downloading Email with Fetchmail

Figure 33.1 The Fetchmail module main page.

3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the form to update the module configuration and
return to the main page.

When in single configuration file mode, only servers from that file will be displayed on the main
page under the file’s name. Below them is a form for starting the Fetchmail daemon to regularly
check the listed servers and accounts, as will be explained in more detail later in the chapter.
Because the module does not support the starting of the Fetchmail daemon for individual
users, if you are using it to manage multiple individual configuration files you will need to create
a Cron job or start a daemon for each users’ configuration. The easiest method is to use the
Scheduled Cron Jobs module (covered in Chapter 10) to create a job for each user that runs the
fetchmail command on a schedule of your choice. Once every 30 minutes is usually good
enough, depending on how much email you get. By default, the fetchmail program will use
the ~/.fetchmailrc file in the home directory of the user that runs it.
Another package that can be used by users to manage their own Fetchmail configurations
and even start their own daemons is Usermin, which is closely related to Webmin. See
Chapter 47 for more details.
Because Fetchmail is available for UNIX (and works mostly the same on all varieties), this
module behaves the same as well. The only difference is that the Check condition field for turn-
ing off checking if a particular network interface is down will not work on operating systems
other than Linux and FreeBSD, at least with the current version of Fetchmail. Even though the
field always appears, it should not be used on other versions of UNIX.
Adding a New Mail Server to Check 381

33.3 Adding a New Mail Server to Check

Before Fetchmail will download email from a mail server for you, an entry for it must be added
to its configuration. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new server link below the table of exist-
ing servers. If you are managing multiple users’ configurations, you must use the link in
the section for the user to whose list you want to add the server.
The Add Fetchmail server for user button can also be used to add a server to the user
entered into the adjacent field. This method must be used if the user does not have any
servers defined yet.
2. No matter what link or button you use, the form shown in Figure 33.2 will be displayed
for entering the new server’s details.
3. In the Server name field, enter a unique name for this mail server entry. Typically, this
will be its actual hostname, such as mail.yourisp.com.
4. If you want this server to be checked on schedule, make sure the Polling enabled? field
is set to Yes. Otherwise, it will only be checked if manually run from Webmin or at the
command link.
5. The Mail server to contact field is useful if you need to connect to more than one port
or protocol on the same host. Because the Server name must be unique, you can only
create two entries for the same actual mail server by entering different values for the
server name (such as mail.yourisp.com-1 and mail.yourisp.com-2) and entering the
actual hostname for the server into this field.
This situation is fairly rare, however, so you can usually just leave this field set to Same
as server name.
6. From the Protocol menu, select the mail retrieval protocol to use for this server. The
most common are POP3 and IMAP. Your ISP or mail server administrator will be able to
tell you which one to use.
7. If the mail server is using a nonstandard port for the chosen protocol, then the Default
option will not work for the Server port field. Instead, you must enter the correct port
number, such as 1110.
8. The Check condition field can be used to prevent periodic checking of this server if a
network interface is down. This is useful if you have a dial-up connection to the Internet
that is only active occasionally and want to avoid useless attempts to connect to the mail
server when it is not active.
If Always check is chosen, Fetchmail will always try to connect. If, however, Only if
interface is up is selected, no connection will be made if the network interface entered
into the field next to it is down. Your primary PPP interface for dialup is normally named
ppp0. See the Network Configuration module (covered in Chapter 16) for a list of active
For checking to be performed, you must enter an interface name as well as a network and
netmask to specify a range of valid local addresses for the interface. This can be useful if
you dial up to several different ISPs, but only want Fetchmail to check for mail when
connected to a particular one. Most ISPs assign addresses within a certain class C or B
network to all customers, such as
382 Chapter 33 • Downloading Email with Fetchmail

To allow Fetchmail to check as long as the interface is up, no matter what IP address it
has, just enter into both the network and netmask fields. This covers all possible
9. In the Mail server user details section, enter the login name with which to connect to
the mail server into the Remote user field.
10. Enter the correct password for the user into the Remote password field.
11. The Local user(s) field is for entering the email address to which to send retrieved mes-
sages. This is typically a local username like jcameron, but it can also be an address on
another server like [email protected].
It is also possible to enter several usernames, in which case Fetchmail will attempt to
work out which of those names each downloaded message is for. This is useful if you
have email for several addresses forwarded to the same mailbox on your ISPs mail server
and want to split up the retrieved messages for delivery to the correct local mailboxes. If
Fetchmail encounters a message whose recipient is not in the list, it will be bounced back
to the sender.
The final alternative is to just enter * in the Local user(s) field, which tells Fetchmail to
deliver each message to the local user on your system whose name is the same as the
username part of the message’s destination address.
12. If you want Fetchmail to delete messages from the mail server after downloading them,
set the Leave messages on server? field to No. Unless another mail client is being used
to access the mailbox, this is the best option as it prevents an additional copy of every
message being stored on your ISP’s server—which may have a limit on mail file sizes.
Selecting Yes causes Fetchmail to keep track of received messages and only download
those in the mailbox that are new. In effect, it is synchronizing the remote mailbox to a
local one, except that messages deleted on the server will not be deleted locally.
13. If you are keeping messages on the remote server, the Always fetch all messages? field
should be set to No. Otherwise, set it to Yes to guarantee that all messages in the mailbox
are downloaded.
14. The Command to run before connecting field can be used to enter a shell command
that will be executed by Fetchmail just before connecting to the mail server. One of the
most common uses of this feature is running a command to set up an SSH tunnel to allow
access to a server that you cannot connect to directly. This can be quite complex though,
and so is not covered here. Typically, this field can be left empty.
15. Similarly, the Command to run after disconnecting field is for entering a shell com-
mand to be executed after Fetchmail logs off from the remote mail server. It is often used
for killing the SSH process started by the before command.
16. Finally, click the Create button to save the new server. It will be used hereafter whenever
Fetchmail is run when it makes a periodic check.

Once you have created a new server entry, it will be listed on the module’s main page. To edit it,
just click on the server name in the Server to poll column, which will bring up the editing form in
your browser. Change any of the fields and click Save to update the Fetchmail configuration file.
Servers can be deleted by hitting the Delete button on the editing form. It is usually better,
however, to change the Polling enabled? field to No, which effectively disables the server.
Adding a New Mail Server to Check 383

Figure 33.2 The server creation form.

Fetchmail will not connect to it unless you explicitly tell it to check that server, as explained in
Section 33.4 “Downloading Email”.
It is possible to have Fetchmail check more than one mailbox on the same server and deliver
mail from additional mailboxes to different users. This could be done by creating multiple con-
figuration entries for the same server, but there is a simpler and better method, done using the
following steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the name of the server to which you want to add an
additional mailbox to check.
2. Click on the Add another user button. The editing form will be redisplayed, but with an
additional empty Mail server user details section at the bottom.
3. Fill in the empty Remote user, Remote password, Local user(s), and other fields in the
new section, as explained in the steps in Section 33.2 “The Fetchmail Mail Retrieval
4. Hit the Save button. You will be returned to the module’s main page and the new remote
and local usernames will be displayed next to the server.

Even though its ability to extract mail for multiple users from a single mailbox is one of Fetch-
mail’s most useful features, it is not 100 percent reliable. There is no way that the program can
accurately determine what address an email was sent to in all cases. Normally, the To: or Cc:
header will contain the destination address, but for messages received from mailing lists this is
not the case—instead, the To: header contains the list’s address. There are other mail headers
384 Chapter 33 • Downloading Email with Fetchmail

that Fetchmail attempts to check to find the real destination address of a message, but they are
not always available.
When an email message is delivered directly to a server via the SMTP protocol, the source
system informs the destination server of the message’s real destination address. Unfortunately,
the address does not have to be in the actual message at all—instead, it is specified as part of the
SMTP conversation between the servers. When the email is delivered to a mailbox, this informa-
tion is lost and cannot be accurately recovered.
Only when Fetchmail is downloading email from a mailbox and delivering it to a single
recipient is it guaranteed to do the right thing. In this case, it never has to check the destination
address of each message because they are all being sent to a single local mailbox.

33.4 Downloading Email

Once you have created at least one server entry, you can use this module to have Fetchmail con-
nect to the server and download messages. The module can be used to retrieve email from all
servers in a configuration file, or just a single server.
To check them all, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on Check all servers below the table of servers. If you
are managing the configurations of multiple users, this link will appear under the table
for each user.
2. A page showing the output of the fetchmail command will be displayed so you can see
the POP3 or IMAP protocol exchange between your system and the remote mail servers
as Fetchmail downloads messages. If an error occurs (such as a failure to connect or an
incorrect password), you will be able to see it in the output.
3. Downloaded messages will be delivered it to the local addresses specified in the server
configuration entry. By default, mail will be sent by making an SMTP connection to the
mail server on your system. The actual SMTP protocol commands used to deliver the
mail will be shown on the generated page so you can see if any errors occur.
Delivery can fail if there is no mail server running on your system or if it does not access
email for the specified local address. If this happens, Fetchmail will attempt to send a
bounce message back to the sender.
It is also possible to check for mail on a single server, even one that has the Polling enabled?
field set to No. To do this, use the following process:

1. On the module’s man page, click on the name of the server to bring up its editing form.
2. Click on the Check this server button at the bottom of the page.
3. A page showing output from Fetchmail as it downloads and delivers messages will be
shown, as described earlier.

33.5 Running the Fetchmail Daemon

If you are using the module to manage a single Fetchmail configuration file, it is possible to start
a background process to regularly check the servers and mailboxes in that file.
Editing Global Settings 385

To do this, follow these steps:

1. At the bottom of the main page is a button labeled Start Fetchmail Daemon. In the
description next to it is a text field for entering the number of seconds that the daemon
should wait between checks. A short period (such as 60 seconds) means that you will
receive email sooner, but at the cost of using more bandwidth and CPU time, due to fre-
quent checking.
2. After entering a checking period, hit the Start Fetchmail Daemon button to start the
background fetchmail process. The page will be redisplayed, but with the button now
labeled Stop Fetchmail Daemon.

As the name suggests, you can click on the new Stop button at any time to kill the running daemon
process. When the module detects that it is no longer running, the Start button will appear again.
If your system is rebooted, the Fetchmail daemon will, of course, be stopped. For it to be
started again automatically at boot time you will need to create a bootup action as explained in
Chapter 9. This action must run the fetchmail –d interval –f configfile command, with
interval replaced by the checking period and configfile replaced with the full path to the configu-
ration file.

33.6 Editing Global Settings

The Fetchmail module can also be used to edit options that apply to all servers in a configuration
file. This can be useful for stopping any server from being contacted if a network interface is
down, or defining a default protocol. To edit these global options, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Edit default settings link below the table of
servers. If the module is being used to manage the Fetchmail configurations of multiple
users, this link will appear under the table for each user who has any servers defined.
Either way, your browser will display a page for editing global options.
2. To set a default protocol for all servers, select one from the Protocol menu. The most
common are POP3 and IMAP, with the former being used if the Default option is
selected. When the Protocol field on the server editing or creation form is set to Default,
then the protocol selected here will be used.
3. To define a default port for Fetchmail to connect to, fill in the Server port field. It is usu-
ally best to leave this set to Default, though, in which case the program will use the
appropriate port for the protocol selected for each server. Only when the Server port
field on the server form is set to Default will the value entered here be used; otherwise, it
will be overridden with whatever you enter for that server.
4. The Check condition field can be used to prevent Fetchmail from connecting to any
servers if a particular interface is down or does not have the correct IP address. The
instructions in Section 33.3 “Adding a New Mail Server to Check” explain how this field
works and what to enter.
Setting the check condition globally makes more sense than setting it repeatedly for
individual servers, as the servers that Fetchmail is checking are all likely to be accessible
over the same network connection.
5. Click the Save button to make the new global settings active.
386 Chapter 33 • Downloading Email with Fetchmail

When you are using the module to manage multiple users’ Fetchmail configurations, there is no
way to define options that apply to all users—just the global settings for a single user at a time.

33.7 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, it is possible to restrict what a Webmin user can do with a module to
which he has been granted access. For the Fetchmail module, you can limit the UNIX users for
whom he can edit Fetchmail configurations. Once a user has been created, you can further
restrict access by following these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Fetchmail Mail Retrieval next to the name of the
user. This will bring up the module access control form.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration field? to No to stop the Webmin user from
switching the module to single-file mode or changing the path to the Fetchmail program.
3. The Can edit fetchmail config for field determines for which UNIX users this Webmin
user can edit Fetchmail servers. The available options and their meanings are:
All users The configuration of any user can be edited. This is the default.
Current Webmin user Only the UNIX user whose username is the same as the
Webmin user can be edited. This option can be useful for allowing people to edit their
own Fetchmail settings, although the Usermin program is a better alternative.
Only users Only the configurations of users entered into the text field next to this
option can be edited.
All except users The Fetchmail settings for all users except those entered into the
adjacent text field can be edited.
4. Click the Save button to make the new module restrictions active.

This kind of access control is only useful if the module has been configured to allow the editing
of individual .fetchmailrc files. In single configuration file mode, no restrictions apply.

33.8 Configuring the Fetchmail Mail Retrieval Module

Like other modules, this one has several options that can be edited by clicking on the Module
Config link on the main page. The options are shown in Table 33.1.

33.9 Summary
After completing this chapter you should understand what Fetchmail does, and how to set it up
on your system to download email from other servers to local users. You should be familiar with
the various options that can be set for each remote server and mailbox and understand the differ-
ence between the module’s single-file and all-users modes.
Summary 387

Table 33.1 Module Configuration Options

Fetchmail config As explained earlier in the chapter, the module can manage either a single Fetch-
file to edit mail configuration file or files belonging to all UNIX users. When this field is
set to All users’ .fetchmailrc files, the contents of every user’s .fetchmailrc
file will be displayed on the main page for editing. Selecting the other option
tells the module to edit the single configuration file whose path is entered into
the text field next to it.

User to run Normally, the Start Fetchmail Daemon button runs the background checking
the fetchmail process as root. To have it run as a different UNIX user, enter some other user-
daemon as name into this field.
Often there is no need for the daemon to be run as root because it requires no
special privileges. Running as an unprivileged user like nobody reduces the
chance that a security hole in Fetchmail could lead to the takeover of your sys-
tem by an attacker.

Mail delivery When this field is set to Use SMTP (as it is by default), Fetchmail will deliver
command downloaded email by making an SMTP connection to the mail server on the
same system on which it is running.
The alternative is to enter a command that can accept an email message for
delivery as input, such as /usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -f %F %T. This option can be
useful if you do not have a mail server running all the time to accept SMTP con-

Path to the This field must contain either the full path to the Fetchmail executable (such as
fetchmail program /usr/local/bin/fetchmail), or just fetchmail if it is in Webmin’s program search
path. You should only need to change it if you have installed the program in
some directory that is not in the search path.

Path to the This field must contain the location of the PID file that Fetchmail creates when
fetchmail daemon started in daemon mode. The default is always /var/run/fetchmail.pid, but
PID file this may be incorrect if you have compiled it from the source or installed a pack-
age that uses a different PID file path.
C H A P T E R 3 4

Majordomo Mailing

his chapter documents the process of setting up mailing lists on your

T system using Webmin and the freely available Majordomo list
management program.

34.1 Introduction to Mailing Lists and Majordomo

Mailing lists provide a way of facilitating group discussions via email or broadcasting messages
to multiple email addresses. At its heart, a mailing list is simply an email address that forwards
all mail sent to it to a list of member addresses. Typically, messages are modified so that replies
go back to the list address instead of to the original sender, making it easy for members to partic-
ipate in a group discussion via email.
Majordomo is the most popular mailing list management program for Linux and UNIX sys-
tems. As well as forwarding mail from the list address to members, it handles subscription and
unsubscription, moderation, and message filtering. It can append headers and footers to mes-
sages, send out periodic digests containing list mails from the past few days, create archives of
list messages, and much more.
Because it is written in Perl, Majordomo will run on almost all versions of UNIX and
behaves the same on all supported operating systems. It only requires that you have a mail server
installed that can forward messages to a program or to a file of addresses, which Sendmail and
Postfix can do. See Chapter 37 for more information on setting up Sendmail on your system.
Users of a mailing list typically subscribe by sending email to the special Majordomo
address on your system, such as [email protected]. In fact, there are several types of
commands that can be sent to this address by simply including them in a message body. The
most commonly used ones and their parameters are:

subscribe list address Adds the address to the specified list. The address can
actually be omitted, in which case the From: address of the command email will be

The Majordomo List Manager Module 389

used instead. If this list requires confirmation for new subscriptions, the subscriber
will receive a confirmation message that he must answer before being added.
unsubscribe list address Removes the address from the specified list. If the
address is not supplied, the sender of the command email will be used instead.
lists Sends back a list of all mailing lists on the server and their descriptions. Some
lists may be hidden from certain addresses.
who list Sends back the list of subscribers for the specified list. Access to this
command is often restricted to subscribers.
info list Sends back the information text for the specified list, which is usually a
description of what the list is for and who can join it.
intro list Sends back the welcome message for the specified list, which
subscribers get when they join.
index list Sends back a list of files available for download associated with the
specified list, which can be retrieved by the get command.
get list file Returns the contents of a downloadable file associated with the
specified list.

For example, to add yourself to a mailing list you could just send email to Majordomo@exam-
ple.com containing the line subscribe example-list [email protected] . A single
message can contain several commands—one on each line. After Majordomo receives a mes-
sage, it will process the commands and send back a response email containing information about
the success or failure of each command and any information that they produce.
Of course, before any of these commands will work on your system you must set up Major-
domo and create at least one mailing list. Section 34.2 “The Majordomo List Manager Module”
explains how.

34.2 The Majordomo List Manager Module

This module allows you to set up and manage multiple Majordomo mailing lists on your system.
It is designed to interface with the Sendmail Configuration module to set up the mail aliases that
Majordomo needs to operate, but can be used with any mail server that uses an /etc/aliases
file. If you are not using Sendmail, see Section 34.3 “Using Other Mail Servers” for details on
how to configure the module to work with your server. If Webmin detects that Sendmail is not
installed, an error message will be displayed on the main page notifying you that its configura-
tion file cannot be found.
Like other email-related modules, this one can be found under the Servers category in Web-
min. When you enter it, the main page displays a table of icons—one for each mailing list on
your system. Figure 34.1 shows an example.
For Majordomo to operate, it requires that you define the Majordomo and Majordomo-
owner mail aliases and forward messages to the Majordomo program and the list administrator,
respectively. If the module detects that these aliases do not exist (usually because you have never
set up Majordomo or used the module before), a field labeled Owner email address will be dis-
played on the main page.
390 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

Figure 34.1 The Majordomo module main page.

You must enter the address of the master mailing list administrator (usually yourself) into
this field and hit the Setup Aliases button. The necessary aliases will be created, and the main
page re-displayed without the button and field. Until you do this, Majordomo will not work
properly—people will not be able to subscribe and unsubscribe, get information about existing
mailing lists, and so on.
Naturally, if the module cannot find Majordomo on your system at all, the main page will dis-
play an error message instead of any of the icons and fields mentioned. If you are sure that it really
is installed, read Section 34.16 “Configuring the Majordomo List Manager Module” for instruc-
tions on how to adjust the paths that the module uses to find the configuration files and programs.
Only a few operating systems and versions of Linux come with Majordomo as standard,
such as OpenLinux, SuSE Linux, MSC.Linux, Debian Linux, and AIX. If you are running one
of these, check your operating system CD or website for the Majordomo package and install it
using the Software Packages module. Users of all other operating systems will need to down-
load, compile, and install the source code from www.greatcircle.com/majordomo/. The module
assumes that you will use the package on systems that have it, and the source code if not. If you
installed the source even though there was a package available, or used a package that I don’t
know about, you will need to adjust the paths on the module configuration page.
If you are already an extensive user of Majordomo, the module should find and display all
your existing lists and their settings. It depends, however, on the majordomo.cf not being too
different from the original format so it can be parsed properly. If you have made extensive mod-
ifications to this file, the module may not find some or all of your lists.
Using Other Mail Servers 391

Neither does it deal well with multiple virtual email domains. Some systems have one
Majordomo configuration file for each domain, and possibly multiple alias files as well. The
only way to use the module in this situation is to clone it once for each domain (as explain in
Chapter 51), and configure each clone to use a different majordomo.cf file.

34.3 Using Other Mail Servers

By default, this module assumes that you are using the Sendmail mail server. Many people, how-
ever, prefer alternatives like Postfix or Qmail due to their superior configuration file formats,
reliability, and design. Fortunately, the module can work with any mail server that uses an
aliases file in the same format as Sendmail’s /etc/aliases.
All that you need to do is tell the module where the aliases file is located instead of having it
read the Sendmail configuration and find it automatically. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Module Config link. This will bring up the
standard module configuration form.
2. For the Sendmail-style aliases file field, deselect the Get from sendmail.cf option
and enter the full path to your mail server’s aliases file. This will usually be something
like /etc/aliases or /etc/postfix/aliases.
3. Click the Save button to return to the main page. Any error message about the Webmin’s
inability to find the sendmail.cf file will have disappeared.
4. Click on the Edit Majordomo Options button at the bottom of the page and fill in the
Sendmail command path field with the path to a program that works in the same way
as the real sendmail command. All mail servers come with a program like this to pre-
serve compatibility with programs that expect Sendmail to be installed—usually found
at /usr/sbin/sendmail or /usr/lib/sendmail. Majordomo uses this command to
send outgoing email to list members.
5. Click Save to return to the main page. The module and Majordomo will now function
properly with your mail server.

Not all mail servers have a standard aliases file, so this module cannot be used with them. Qmail
requires a patch before it will read an aliases file, as normally it uses .qmail files in the /var/
qmail/aliases directory to define aliases.

34.4 Creating a Mailing List

Once the Majordomo module has been set up correctly, you can use it to create a new mailing
list. Every list must have a name that cannot be used by any other list, UNIX user, or email alias.
Lists are typically named like example-list or engineering-l, but really any short name consisting
of numbers, letters, and dashes is allowed. The name forms the part of the list’s email address
before the @, so the resulting address will be something like [email protected].
To create a list, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new mailing list link above or below the
table of existing list icons. This will bring you to the list creation form, shown in Figure 34.2.
2. Enter the chosen name into to List name field.
392 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

3. Fill in the List maintainer’s address field with the email address of the person who will
be responsible for this list. They will receive notifications of subscriptions and unsub-
scriptions, and bounce messages if delivery to a list member fails.
4. The password entered in the Maintenance password field can be used by the maintainer to
change the list’s configuration by email. Make sure that this password does not fall into the
hands of anyone else, as it grants full control over the list to anyone who knows it.
You will generally not need to configure the list via email anyway, as this Webmin
module provides a much nicer interface than manually editing the configuration file.
5. In the Description field, enter a short description of this list that will be displayed next to
its name when a user sends the lists command to Majordomo.
6. The text in the Introductory message field will be sent to all new list members when
they subscribe. You should enter a description of the list, posting guidelines, and any
other information that new subscribers might need to know.
7. To have a footer appended to each email sent to the list, fill in the Forwarded mail
footer field. Often the footer contains the list name and information about how to un-
8. If you want this list to be moderated, change the Moderated list? field to Yes. A moder-
ated list is one that requires all messages sent to it be approved before they are sent to list
9. If the moderator is the same as the list administrator, leave the Moderator’s address
field set to Same as maintainer; otherwise, enter an email address into the adjacent text
field. This address will receive a copy of every email sent to the list for approval.
10. If you want Majordomo to store copies of messages sent to this list in archive files, select
one of the options other than No from the Archive mailing list? menu. An archive is a
collection of files under the list’s directory that contains email to the list for a year,
month, or day.
11. Finally, click the Create button to have the module create the list and all the Sendmail
aliases that it needs to operate. You will be returned to the main page, which should now
contain an icon for your new list.

People can subscribe to the new list and send email to it as soon as it is created. However, you
will probably want to customize its settings some more before announcing its existence. The
next few sections explain how.

34.5 Managing List Members

Even though people can subscribe and unsubscribe themselves to and from a mailing list, you
can also use this Webmin module to manage the membership list. To directly edit the member
list, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the mailing list. This will bring you to a
page which contains icons for various categories of list options.
2. Click on the List Members icon to go to the membership management page shown in
Figure 34.3.
Editing List Information, Headers, and Footers 393

Figure 34.2 Creating a new mailing list.

3. On the page that appears, add to, remove from, or edit the list of members in the text box.
Any new subscribers that you add by editing this list will not receive a welcome email or
confirmation message.
4. Hit the Save button to make the new member list active.

The same page can also be used to subscribe people to the list. Just enter an address into the Sub-
scribe address to list field and click the Add button. When a member is added this way, he will
receive the usual welcome message as though he subscribed normally by sending email to Major-
[email protected]. Internally, the module does the subscription in the proper way by faking
an email to Majordomo instead of just directly updating the file containing list members.
An address can be deleted from the list by entering it into the Remove address from list
field and hitting Remove. As far as the subscriber is concerned, there is no difference between
this method and just deleting his address from the member text box. Internally, however, the
unsubscription is done by a faked email to Majordomo that tells it to delete the address from the
member file, rather than Webmin updating that file itself.

34.6 Editing List Information, Headers, and Footers

After a list has been created, you can still edit the description, welcome message, and footer that
were chosen on the creation form.
394 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

Figure 34.3 Managing mailing list members.

To do so, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the list.
2. Click on the Messages and Description icon to bring up a page for editing the descrip-
tion, welcome, and information message.
3. To change the description shown in response to the lists command sent to the Major-
domo address by users, edit the List description field.
4. The Informative message field contains text that will be sent back in response to the info
listname command, and possibly also to new subscribers. Change it to whatever you want.
5. The welcome message is usually the same as the informative message. To change this,
select As entered below for the Introductory message field and fill in the text box with
a message to be sent to new subscribers.
6. Click Save to return to the list icons page, and then hit the Headers and Footers icon.
7. To have a header added to the top of all list messages, fill in the Resent email header
field. Most lists don’t use a header—a footer is less annoying to readers.
8. To edit the footer appended to the bottom of list messages, change the Resent email
footer field.
9. If you want every list message to have additional mail headers added to it, fill in the
Extra SMTP headers for resent mail field. These must be in the standard email header
format, such as:
Subject: blah
X-Mailing-List: [email protected]
Editing Subscription Options 395

New headers cannot override those in forwarded messages—they can only add to them.
If you want to change the subject or reply-to address, see Section 34.8 “Editing
Forwarded Email Options”.
10. Click the Save button at the bottom of the form. All the new list information, header, and
footer settings will be immediately active.

34.7 Editing Subscription Options

By default, Majordomo allows anyone to subscribe themselves to a newly created list and sends
a confirmation message to new members to make sure that they really do want to subscribe.
These features prevent people from being subscribed against their wishes by someone else, but
can be annoying on a small company mailing list with trusted users.
To change these and other subscription options, follow these options:

1. Click on the list’s icon on the module’s main page, and then on Subscription and Mod-
2. The Subscribe policy field controls who can be subscribed to the list. The options are:
Anyone can subscribe themselves When selected, an address can only be added to the
list (by an email to Majordomo) if the address that it comes from is the same. This
security feature can be trivially defeated by faking the source address of a message,
however, and can be irritating to people who want to use a special address for
Anyone can subscribe anyone When this option is selected, any address added to the
list will be accepted.
Maintainer approval required This option tells Majordomo to forward all
subscription requests to the list maintainer for approval. It should be used if you want to
control who can join the list, instead of allowing just anyone to sign up.
3. The Unsubscribe policy field controls who can be removed from the list. Its options are
the same as the Subscribe policy field.
4. To have Majordomo send a message to new addresses confirming their subscriptions, set
the Require subscribe confirmation? field to Yes. This confirmation message must be
replied to before the address is actually added to the list, indicating that the person really
does want to subscribe. I would recommend always turning this feature on unless you are
running a very small internal mailing list.
5. If you want the welcome message (entered when the list was created) to be sent to all
new members, set the Sent introductory message? field to Yes.
6. The Add only raw addresses to list? field determines whether Majordomo stores com-
plete addresses (like Jamie Cameron <[email protected]>) or just raw addresses
(like [email protected]) in the membership list. Unless you want to be able to see
the real names associated with subscriber addresses, this field should be set to Yes.
7. If you want the list maintainer to receive a copy of all subscription and unsubscription
requests, set the Forward subscribe/unsubscribe requests to maintainer? field to Yes.
This does not, however, mean that the maintainer must approve the requests.
396 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

8. The password specified in the Maintenance password field must be included in all mes-
sages to approve subscriptions or change the list’s configuration by email. It should be
given only to the maintainer, as anyone who knows it can edit any of the list’s settings.
9. To require that every message to the list be approved by a moderator, change the Moder-
ated list? field to Yes.
10. The Moderator’s address field controls where requests to approve messages to the list
are sent. You can either set it to Maintainer (in which case the address in the Approval
email address field will be used) or enter something different.
11. The Moderation password field is for entering a password that must be included in all
messages that approve postings to the list. It should be known only by the moderator (if
there is one) and yourself—otherwise, subscribers could approve their own postings!
12. To change the address of the list owner (to which email to listname-owner is sent), edit
the Owner’s email address field. The owner will receive bounce messages that are sent
back if email to a subscriber cannot be delivered.
13. To change the maintainer’s address, edit the Approval email address field. All notifica-
tions of and requests for subscription and unsubscription will be sent to this person.
14. Finally, click Save. The new settings will take effect immediately.

When confirmation is enabled for a list, anyone who sends a subscribe command to the
Majordomo address will receive an email asking them to send back a special auth command.
This additional step guarantees that the person being added to the list actually wants to join
because the auth command contains a random number that Majordomo associates with the sub-
scribing address.
When moderation or subscribe/unsubscribe approval is enabled, additional messages will
be sent to the moderator’s or maintainer’s addresses. See Section 34.10 “Moderating and Main-
taining a Mailing List” for more information on how to actually deal with these emails.

34.8 Editing Forwarded Email Options

When an email message is sent to the list, Majordomo does not just forward it to subscribers
unchanged. Instead, it modifies the headers—and possibly the content—based on the list’s con-
figuration. The most common modification is the addition of a Reply-To: header so that mem-
ber replies will go to the list rather than to the original sender. This is generally what you want in
a group discussion list.
Other modifications that Majordomo can perform on list messages include adding some text
to the subject line and changing the priority. To configure these changes, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the list icon and then on Email Options.
2. To have Reply-To: header added to list email, enter the list’s email address (such as
[email protected]) into the Reply-To: address in resent email field. Selecting
the None option will cause reader replies to go the original sender of each message by
3. To set the sender address of forwarded messages, fill in the Sender: address in email
field. This should be owner-listname, which is forwarded to the actual owner’s address.
Any bounce messages that come back from subscribers will be sent to this address.
Editing List Access Control 397

4. The Hostname for resent email should be set to the mail domain of your system, such
as example.com. Leaving the Default option selected tells Majordomo to work out the
domain automatically, which it may not do correctly.
5. To have specific text prepended to the subject line of every list message, enter it into the
Subject: prefix for resent email field. Typically the list name in brackets will be added,
such as [example-list].
6. To change the priority of list messages, select one from the Resent email priority menu.
Traditionally, mailing lists use the Bulk priority, and some programs depend on this to
identify list email.
7. Every email message has several Received headers, each of which is added by a mail
server through which the message passes. To have Majordomo strip them from for-
warded messages, change the Remove Received: headers from resent email field to
Yes. You may want to do this to hide the IP address and other details of people who post
to the list.
8. To limit the size of messages that can be sent to the list, fill in the Maximum allowable
message size field. On a list with many members, it is wise to stop people from sending
large messages due to the load that their forwarding will place on your system and net-
work. A 40,000 byte limit is quite enough for the kinds of text emails that most people
send to a mailing list.
9. When you are done editing email forwarding options, click Save. As long as there are no
errors in the form, you will be returned to the list option icons page.

Even though the addition of a Reply-To: header is convenient for most users, some people con-
sider it to be a bad idea. Because almost all email clients have a Reply to all: button for sending
email to the original sender and all recipients, there is no need for the normal Reply: button to
send mail to the list. In fact, having a Reply-To: header makes it difficult for readers to reply just
to the original sender instead of to the entire list.

34.9 Editing List Access Control

Majordomo can be configured to restrict who can get information about a list, who can post to it,
and the content of messages that they send. Often you will want to restrict posting to list mem-
bers or to a limited group of people, instead of allowing anyone in the world who knows the list
address to send email to its members. These poster restrictions are not totally effective, however,
as it is easy for anyone to forge their From: address.
To control access to a list, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the list’s icon to bring up the page of option cate-
gory icons.
2. Click on Access Control to display a form for editing information and posting restrictions.
3. The first six fields on the page can be used to restrict access to the get, index, info,
intro, which, and who Majordomo commands (explained in the introduction). You
may want to do this to hide details of the list from some or all people. In particular, the
list of members should not be available to potential attackers.
398 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

The fields—named Access to get command and so on—have the following options:
Anyone The command is available to anyone who can send email to the Majordomo
List members The command is only available to list members, identified by the
From: address of messages to Majordomo.
Nobody Nobody can use the command for this list at all.
4. The Majordomo lists command usually returns information about all mailing lists on
your system.The Include this list in response to lists command for field, however, can
be used to limit the senders who will see this particular list, which can be useful if you
want to hide it from casual queries. The available choices are:
Everyone The list is visible to anyone who can send email to Majordomo.
Addresses matching regexps Only senders whose addresses match one of the Perl
regular expressions entered into the adjacent text box will be able to see the list.
Addresses not matching regexps Only senders whose addresses do not match one of
the entered regular expressions will be able to see this list.
5. To limit posting to list members only, change the Who can post to the list? field to List
members. This makes a lot of sense as it protects your list from spammers who have
somehow obtained its address.
If only a few people should be allowed to post, create a file containing their email
addresses and enter the path into the Addresses in file field. This option is useful for
announcement lists on which most subscribers only receive information and cannot post.
6. To block postings containing certain words or text, use the Taboo body regexps field.
All banned words or sentences must be entered one per line with a / at the start and end,
such as /smeg/.
7. It is also possible to block messages whose headers match certain regular expressions by fill-
ing in the Taboo header regexps field. For example, you could enter /Subject:.*money.*/ to
block all postings with the word money in their subject line.
8. When you are done on this page, click the Save button. The new restrictions will take
effect immediately.

34.10 Moderating and Maintaining a Mailing List

If your mailing list requires maintainer approval to subscribe or unsubscribe, you will have to
deal with messages sent by Majordomo when someone wants to join or leave the list. These
emails will have subject lines like SUBSCRIBE example-list [email protected] or
UNSUBSCRIBE example-list [email protected]. To approve a subscription, you must send
email to the Majordomo address on your system containing the line approve password
subscribe list address.
In this command, password must be the maintenance password set for the list on the sub-
scription and moderation page, list must be the name of the list to which to add the subscriber,
and address must be his email address. In fact, it is possible to use this command at any time to
add someone to a list, even if they have not asked to join.
Deleting a Mailing List 399

Similarly, to approve the unsubscription of a list member you must send the command
approve password subscribe list address to the Majordomo address.
If you are the moderator for a mailing list, you will receive a message with a subject like
BOUNCE: [email protected]: Approval required whenever someone tries to post to the list. In
the body of the message will be the original email that was sent to the list address, which you are
supposed to read to make sure it is appropriate for posting.
Unfortunately, the only way to approve a message is to save the entire email to a file and run
the approve command on it. For example, if the message was saved to /tmp/email you would
run approve /tmp/email to send it to the list. In addition, you must create a file called
.majordomo in your UNIX home directory that contains the names of lists, their moderator
passwords, and Majordomo email addresses. The .majordomo file must be formatted like this:

first-listname first-password [email protected]

second-listname second-password [email protected]

Future versions of Webmin will hopefully simplify the approval process.

34.11 Deleting a Mailing List

If a list is no longer needed, you can easily delete it and all associated files and aliases using this
module. The membership list, configuration files, and any archives will be permanently
removed. To delete a list, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the list’s icon.

2. Hit the Delete List button below the table of option category icons. A confirmation page
will be displayed, showing all the files and Sendmail aliases that Webmin will delete
when removing the list. Because the aliases include any that start or end with the list
name, make sure that none of your own unrelated aliases are included.
3. To go ahead, click on the Delete List button. Once the deletion is complete, you will be
returned to the main page of the module.

34.12 Creating a Digest List

A digest mailing list is one that combines several messages from another list into a single email
before sending it to subscribers. Digests are always associated with normal lists and have their
own subscribers who only receive postings in digest format. Digests are never moderated, and
are not posted to by subscribers—instead, posts go to the original list.
The number of messages that are combined into a single digest email can be determined by
their size, or by a time period. Majordomo can be configured to send out a new digest once it
reaches a certain size, or after a certain number of days from the time the first message was
added. It will never send out an empty email to digest subscribers.
The process of adding a digest list is similar to that for adding a normal list, as explained in
Section 34.4 “Creating a Mailing List”. To add a digest list, follow these instructions:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new digest list link. This will take you to
the list creation form, which is similar to the one shown in Figure 34.2.
400 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

2. Enter a name for the list into the List name field, such as example-digest. Traditionally, a
digest list will have the same name as the original list, but with –digest added to the name.
3. Select the name of the original list that you want to send out in digest form from the
Make digest of list menu. Although it is possible to have a digest of a digest, this is not
very useful in practice.
4. Enter the address of the person who is responsible for this list into the List maintainer’s
address field.
5. Enter a password for the maintainer to use in the Maintenance password field.
6. In the Description field, enter a short description of this digest that will be displayed
next to its name when a user sends the lists command to Majordomo.
7. Fill in the Introductory message field with a message that will be sent to all new list
members when they subscribe.
8. Fill in the Digest mail footer field to have a footer appended to each digest sent out.
9. To have the digest sent on a regular schedule, select Oldest message is for the Send
digest when field and enter the number of days between digests into the adjacent field.
This assumes that messages are being regularly posted to the list. Because Majordomo
only checks the age of the digest when a message is added, it is possible in practice for
the interval to be greater than the specified number of days.
To have a digest email sent out when it reaches a certain size, select the Messages total
option and enter the minimum number of lines that the digest must reach into the
adjacent field. As soon as it exceeds this limit, the digest will be sent to subscribers.
10. Finally, click Create to have Webmin create the new digest list and all the Sendmail aliases
that it needs. The alias for the original list will be updated to support the digest as well.

Once a digest list has been added, an icon for it will appear on the main page. Just as with a nor-
mal list, you can click on it and then on the category icons to edit the membership list and
change settings such as the subscription policy, footers, Reply-To: address, and so on. Typically
the Reply-To: address should be set so that replies to a digest email go to the original mailing
list—in fact, there is no way to post directly to a digest list created by Webmin. Any mail to
[email protected] will bounce because the module does not create a mail alias with
that name.

34.13 Editing Digest Options

After a digest list has been created, you can still edit options that are specific to digests such as
the time period or message size that will trigger an email. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on the icon for your digest list on the module’s main page, and then click on the
Digest Options icon.
2. To change the subject line used for digest messages, edit the Digest title field. By
default, this will be set to whatever was supplied for the Description on the creation
3. To have the digest sent out on a regular basis, enter a number of days for the Oldest mes-
sage age before sending field. If the Unlimited option is selected, Majordomo will not
take the age into account when deciding when to send.
Editing Global Majordomo Options 401

4. To have the digest sent when it reaches a certain size, enter the minimum number of lines
into the Max digest size before sending field. Selecting Unlimited tells Majordomo to
ignore the size when deciding when to send the digest.
It is actually possible to enter values for both the Oldest message age and Max digest
size fields. If so, it will be sent as soon as either condition is met. You can set both fields
to Unlimited instead, but this means that the digest will never be sent!
5. Every digest message has volume and issue numbers which are included in the subject
line. The current volume is shown in the Current volume number field—if you like,
you can increase it by one every year and reset the issue number to 1 at the same time.
6. The number set in the Current issue number field is automatically incremented by
Majordomo every time a digest is sent out. You should only change this when changing
the volume number.
7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page when you are done editing digest options.
Any new settings will take effect immediately.

34.14 Editing Global Majordomo Options

There are a few options related to the email domain and mail program that effect all mailing
lists, as well as the master Majordomo email address. Generally, you will not need to adjust
them, but if you do, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Edit Majordomo Options button to bring up
the global options form.
2. The Mail server hostname field must contain the default email domain name for your
server, such as example.com. This can be overridden on a per-list basis by the Hostname
for resent email field on the email options page, but it is simpler to set it globally here.
The value entered here sets the Majordomo variable $whereami, which can be used in
the subsequent fields.
3. To change the address to which Majordomo commands must be sent, edit the Major-
domo master address field. Changing this is rarely necessary, however, and you must
update the actual Majordomo email alias as well for it to work properly.
4. To change the address of the Majordomo administrator, edit the Majordomo owner’s
address field. This is typically set to an alias that forwards mail to the real owner
address, which can be changed instead of this field.
5. To have Majordomo use a different program for sending email, edit the Sendmail com-
mand path field. Whatever you enter must be able to accept the same parameters as the
sendmail command; however, most replacements for this command supplied with other
mail server packages will work.
6. Click the Save button to make the new settings active.

34.15 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, it is possible to give a Webmin user limited access to a module. People
who are granted access to this module can be restricted to managing only certain mailing lists
and prevented from creating new ones or editing global Majordomo options. This allows you to
402 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

give a user the rights to edit his own lists, without giving him root access or control over other
mailing lists.
Once a user has been given access to the module, follow these steps to restrict his access:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Majordomo List Manager next to the user’s
name. This will take you to the module access control form.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so that he cannot edit the paths
to Majordomo commands.
3. In the Mailing lists this user can manage field, choose the Selected option and select
the lists that he should be able to configure from the box below it. Or, choose All lists to
let him manage all mailing lists.
4. Change the Can edit global options? and Can create new mailing lists? fields to No.
5. If the Can edit list membership? field is set to No, the user will be not be allowed to
directly edit the member list or subscribe and unsubscribe people from within Webmin.
From a security point of view, this doesn’t really achieve much as the user will still be
able to subscribe anyone he wants by sending mail to the Majordomo address with the
list password.
6. Click Save to make the restrictions active.

34.16 Configuring the Majordomo List Manager Module

The configurable options for the Majordomo module are divided into two groups—those that
control the module’s operation and user interface that can be safely edited, and those related to
configuration file and program paths. When you click on the Module Config link on the main
page, the first groups of options are displayed under Configurable options, and the second
under System configuration.
Fields in the latter group generally do not need to be changed unless you are not using the
standard Majordomo package for your operating system, or if you are running a mail server
other than Sendmail. The names and meanings of all configuration fields are shown in
Table 34.1.

34.17 Summary
This chapter has explained what mailing lists are and introduced the Majordomo package that
can be used to run mailing lists on your system. It has explained how to set up a list, how to edit
the various options that apply to it, and how to subscribe and unsubscribe people. It has also
described how to require moderation for a list and how to approve or reject messages if you are a
Summary 403

Table 34.1 Module Configuration Options

Use random When you create a list called example, the module will normally add a mail alias
number for list called example-list that sends mail directly to the file of list members. Even
alias though this alias is not supposed to be sent to by anyone except Majordomo
itself, an unscrupulous person may send mail to it to bypass the usual modera-
tion and content checks.
To prevent this, set this configuration field to Yes. From now on, new lists will
use a random name for this special alias that cannot be guessed by someone try-
ing to bypass list restrictions. If you don’t care or just want to use consistent
names for mailing list aliases, leave it set to No instead.

Sort mailing When this field is set to Name, mailing list icons on the module’s main page will
lists by be sorted by name. If the default of Order create is chosen, they will be shown
in the order in which they were added instead. Sorting by name makes lists much
easier to find if you have a large number on your system.

Permissions for This field controls the permissions on all new files created by the module. If you
majordomo files select User writable, they will be set to mode 644. If you choose User and
group writable, mode 664 will be used. Sometimes Sendmail fails if an alias
include file is writable by anyone except its owner, in which case you will have
to choose the User writable option.

Full path to This field must contain the full path to the majordomo.cf file, such as
majordomo /usr/local/majordomo/majordomo.cf. This is the primary configuration file that
config file contains the locations of list files and other global settings. You should only need
to change it if you have Majordomo installed in a directory different from what
Webmin expects.

Directory This field must be set to the directory that contains programs such as
containing majordomo.pl, resend and majordomo_version.pl.

Path to If the setuid-root program wrapper is in the same directory as all the other
majordomo Majordomo programs, this field can be set to In programs directory. If is
wrapper installed elsewhere, however, you must enter the full path to the program, such
as /usr/bin/wrapper.
404 Chapter 34 • Managing Majordomo Mailing Lists

Table 34.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Sendmail-style When Get from sendmail.cf is selected, the module will read the Sendmail con-
aliases file figuration to find the location of the mail aliases file. If you are running a differ-
ent mail server such as Postfix or Qmail, however, this will not work. Instead,
you must enter the path to the server’s aliases file into this field. See Section 34.3
“Using Other Mail Servers” for more details.

Directory On some systems, Sendmail uses the SMRSH program to restrict the directory
containing in which programs run from aliases can reside. Because Majordomo is driven
sendmail safe entirely by alias programs, the module needs to create a link from this directory
programs to the real program location when creating a mailing list. If you are using
SMRSH on your system, this field must be set to the restricted directory, usually
C H A P T E R 3 5


n this chapter, the MySQL database and the Webmin module managing it
I are explained, and the instructions for creating databases, tables, and
users are provided.

35.1 Introduction to MySQL

MySQL is a free, easy-to-use database server that supports multiple databases and tables, and
allows clients to query them with SQL. It is most useful for programmers writing applications
that need to use a simple database to store information. Popular languages like Perl, C, Java, and
PHP all have APIs for accessing a MySQL database.
A MySQL server can host multiple databases and each database can contain multiple tables.
A table in turn contains fields, each of which has a type and size. Tables contain records, each of
which usually contains information about some object, such as a person, product, or purchase.
Fields can be thought of as the columns in a table, and the actual records of data as the rows.
SQL (which stands for Structured Query Language) is a language for extracting data
from—or updating data in—a database. Almost all databases use SQL and its syntax is generally
the same across all the different database packages such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
This chapter does not cover the SQL syntax, however, as it is too complex. There are plenty of
other good books devoted entirely to it.
Compared to other databases, MySQL lacks some features. It does not support transactions
for most table types, which means that every SQL command is executed immediately and cannot
be undone. It cannot execute certain complex SQL commands, particularly those that involve
nested queries. Other databases like PostgreSQL and Oracle support transactions and more com-
plex SQL and deal better with extremely large tables. Chapter 36 explains how to use Postgr-
eSQL, but Oracle (being an expensive commercial product) is not covered in this book.

406 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

Packages for MySQL come with almost all Linux distributions and it can be compiled on
most UNIX variants. Its behavior is identical on all systems, with the exception that some ver-
sions of UNIX support larger table sizes due to their filesystems’ support for larger files. On a
standard ext2 or ext3 Linux filesystem, a table cannot be bigger than 4 GB. The Webmin
MySQL module, however, will behave exactly the same on all operating systems.
MySQL is divided into two parts—the server that manages the actual files containing tables
and records, and client programs that communicate with a server. The standard mysql client pro-
gram allows users to execute SQL commands and display their results, while the mysqladmin
program is for performing basic administrative tasks and the mysqldump program is for making
backups. Other applications that query the database (such as Webmin itself) are also clients.
The data files in which tables are actually stored are located in subdirectories under a direc-
tory like /var/lib/mysql or /usr/local/mysql/var. These files are never read or written
to by any programs except the MySQL server and should not even be copied for backup pur-
poses unless the server process has been shut down.

35.2 The MySQL Database Server Module

This module allows you to create databases, tables, and fields, edit records, and manage MySQL
users through a simple web interface. Its icon can be found under the Servers category, and
when you click on it, the module’s main page will display a table of icons for existing databases
as shown in Figure 35.1 (assuming MySQL is installed and running).
If the MySQL server process is not running, the message MySQL is not running on your
system will appear on the main page instead. To start it, just hit the Start MySQL Server but-
ton at the bottom of the page. If you want to make use of the database in future, use the Bootup
and Shutdown module (covered in Chapter 9) to have it started at boot time. On Linux systems,
the MySQL package will probably include a mysql action that you can easily enable.
If the database server is running but Webmin does not know the correct password to log in
to it with, the main page will display a MySQL Login form instead. You should enter the
administration username into the Login field (usually root), and the corresponding password
into the Password field. Even though it is possible to enter the username and password for any
MySQL user, non-root users cannot perform tasks such as creating databases and tables, so
neither will the module be able to.
By default, the module is configured to log in with the username and password that the
MySQL package for your distribution uses by default. Only if you have changed it manually or
through Webmin will the MySQL Login page appear.
If the database server is not installed at all on your system, the main page will display an error
message like The MySQL client program /usr/bin/mysql was not found on your system.
Check your distribution CD or website for all MySQL-related packages and install them using the
Software Packages module. Often there are several, named something like mysql, mysql-client,
mysql-server and mysql-devel. Each Linux distribution seems to use a different set of pack-
ages, so make sure you install them all.
On FreeBSD and NetBSD, the module expects the MySQL package for those operating sys-
tems to be installed. On other UNIX variants, it assumes that you have compiled and installed
MySQL from the source code distribution, available from www.mysql.com/.
Creating a New Database 407

Figure 35.1 The MySQL Database Server module main page.

If the module complains that it cannot find the mysql program even though you have it
installed, you will need to adjust the paths that it uses. This can happen if you installed it from
the source instead of using the package that comes with your Linux distribution. See Section
35.14 “Configuring the MySQL Database Server Module” for details.
The MySQL module uses SQL commands to perform actions like creating tables, adding
fields, and editing records. Webmin must connect to the database server to execute these com-
mands, which can be done in one of two ways. It can either run the mysql command with the
correct parameters and parse its output or use the Perl DBI library to connect directly.
The former method is always available, because the mysql command is always installed when
the database server is. It is not totally reliable, however, as certain kinds of table data produce output
that cannot always be parsed. For this reason, you should install the DBI and DBD::mysql Perl mod-
ules. If either is missing, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the main page prompting you to
install one or both by clicking on a link. This will take you to a page in the Perl Modules module
(covered in Chapter 27) where DBI and/or DBD::mysql are downloaded and installed for you.

35.3 Creating a New Database

When MySQL is first installed, a database called mysql is created that contains authentication
and access control related tables. If you want to store your own data, it is best to create your own
database to which to add tables instead of messing with the mysql database.
408 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new database link above or below the
table of existing database icons. This will take you to a form for entering the new data-
base’s details.
2. Enter a name for the new database into the Database name field. Names should contain
only letters and numbers, and no spaces.
3. It is possible to use the form to create an initial table for the new database. You can, how-
ever, just as easily add one after it is created, as Section 35.4 “Creating a New Table”
4. Click the Create button at the bottom of the form to create the database. You will be
returned to the module’s main page, which will now include a new database icon.

35.4 Creating a New Table

Tables can be added to newly created or existing databases at any time. Every table has one or
more fields, each of which has a type (such as integer, decimal, or text) and a size. Fields can
also be indexed to speed up SQL queries that look up records based on the values in that column.
To add a new table to a database, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the database icon. This will bring you to the data-
base editing page shown in Figure 35.2 that contains an icon for each existing table and
buttons for performing various actions.
2. Enter the number of fields that you want your new table to have in the Fields text box
next to the Create a new table button, and click the button. This brings up a form for
entering the details of the new table and its initial fields.
3. Enter a name for this table into the Table name field. It should consist of letters, num-
bers, and the _ character, and must be unique within this database.
4. To have its fields copied from an existing table, select it from the Copy fields from table
menu. Any additional fields that you enter below in the Initial fields table will be added
after the copied one.
5. The Table type menu can be used to choose a different storage type for this table. The
most commonly used types are:
MyISAM This is a standard table type for MySQL versions 3.23 and above. On
operating systems that support large files, tables of this size can be approximately
2,000,000,000 GB in size. Table files are OS independent, keys can be 500 bytes long,
and 32 key columns can be used in a single table.
ISAM This is an old standard MySQL table type, now replaced with MyISAM. An
ISAM table file can only be 4 GB in size, keys can only be 256 bytes long, and a table
can have at most 16 key columns.
Heap The data in Heap tables is stored only in memory. This makes them very fast, but
useful only for temporary data as the table’s contents will be lost if MySQL is shut down.
If you select the Default option, or if the chosen type is not supported by MySQL on
your system, the MyISAM type will be used.
Adding and Editing Fields 409

6. The Initial fields section is for entering the details of the actual fields that your new table
will contain. Each row that you fill in defines a single field, based on the values that you
enter under each of the following headings:
Field name You should choose a unique name for this field, which should consist of
letters, numbers, and the _ character. It is not a good idea to choose a name that is the
same as an reserved SQL word, such as select, update, or index.
Data type From this menu, you must select the type for data in this field. The most
common are varchar (for variable length text strings) and int (for integer numbers).
See Section 35.6 “Field Types” for a complete list of supported types.
Type width This refers to the size of data that can be stored in this field. This has
different meanings depending on the type. For example, the width is the maximum text
length for a varchar field, but it is the maximum number of decimal digits for an int
field. Once again, Section 35.6 “Field Types” covers widths in more detail.
If you leave this text box blank, the default width will be used. Many types (such
as blob, text, and date) have fixed sizes and so should not have a width entered
at all.
Primary key? If this box is checked, this field will be part of the primary key for the
table. Key fields are indexed by MySQL so that SQL statements that refer to all primary
keys in the table in the where clause run faster. However, no two records can have the
same values in their primary key field(s).
Traditionally, the first field in a table is the key. Not all types can be used—
typically, a primary key field is an int or varchar. All tables should have a
primary key, so that data in them can be edited in Webmin.
Autoincrement? If this option is checked for a numeric field, MySQL will
automatically insert a number one higher than the maximum in the table whenever a
record is added (unless the record creation statement specifies a value explicitly). This
can be useful for the automatic generation of ID numbers and is often enabled for
primary key fields.
7. Once you have entered all fields, hit the Create button at the bottom of the form. If the
table cannot be created for some reason, a SQL error message from MySQL will be dis-
played. This can occur if a field name is invalid or if a type width does not make sense
for a type. If this happens, use your browser’s Back button to return to the form and fix
the problems.

Once the table is successfully created, you will be returned to the database editing page which
will now include a new table icon.

35.5 Adding and Editing Fields

New fields can be added to a table and existing ones changed or deleted. Adding a field poses no
risk to existing data, but changing the type or size of one may, and deleting a field will cause the
data that it contains to be lost.
410 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

Figure 35.2 The database editing page.

To add a new field, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database that contains the table, and
then on the table icon. This will bring up the page shown in Figure 35.3, which lists the
names, types, and other details of all existing fields.
2. Select the type for the new field from the menu next to the Add field of type button
before clicking it. See Section 35.6 “Field Types” for a list of types and their purposes.
3. On the field addition form that appears, enter a unique name for this field into the Field
name text box. No two fields in the same table can have the same name, and only letters,
numbers and _ can be used.
4. If you are adding a char or varchar field, you must enter a maximum number of charac-
ters into the Type width text box.
If adding a float, double, or decimal field, you must enter two numbers into the Width
and decimals text boxes. The first is the total number of digits that a value can contain
and the second is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For negative
numbers, the minus sign counts as a digit, so a field with Width and decimals set to 5
and 2 could store numbers from –99.99 to 999.99.
For date, datetime, time, blob, and text fields, there is no width input at all, as these
types have fixed or unlimited sizes.
For enum and set fields, you must enter a list of possible values into the Enumerated
values text box.
Adding and Editing Fields 411

For all other field types (such as int) the Type width can be either set to Default to have
the field use the default size for the chosen type, or a width can be entered. For int fields,
this is the maximum number of digits that a value in this field can contain.
5. For integer field types (such as int and smallint), the Type options radio buttons allow
you to choose whether values in this field should be left-filled with zeros (the Fill with
zeros option) or if they should be unsigned (the Unsigned option). If None is selected,
values will be signed and no additional zeros will be added.
For float, double, and decimal fields, the same Type options are also displayed but
without the Unsigned option. Fields of these types are always signed.
For char and varchar fields, Type options has two different choices—Case sensitive
and Case insensitive. If insensitive is selected, SQL queries that match values in this
field will ignore case differences.
6. To prevent SQL NULL values being inserted into this field, change the Allow null?
input to No. This can be useful if every record has a value for this field and must be
selected if this field is going to be part of the primary key for the table.
7. To have a default value inserted when a record is added to the table and no value is spec-
ified for this field, fill in the Default value text box. Naturally, the value must be of the
correct type for the field.
If your table already contains some rows, their values for this field will be set to whatever
you enter here when the new field is added.
8. Change the Part of primary key? selection to Yes if this field is going to be the key for
the table. More than one field can be part of the key, in which case the key is a combina-
tion of all of them.
9. Finally, click Create. If there are no errors in your inputs, the field will be added to the
table and you will be returned to the table editing page shown in Figure 35.4.

Newly created or existing fields can be edited as well, by following the next set of steps. Making
changes to the type of field or reducing its size, however, may result in data loss if the old values
are not compatible with the new type. For example, converting a varchar to an int will cause all
nonnumeric values to be lost—however, converting an int to a varchar is generally safe as long
as the new size is large enough.

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database that contains the table, and
then on the table icon. This will bring up the page shown in Figure 35.3, which lists the
names, types, and other details of all existing fields.
2. Click on the name of the field that you want to modify to go to the field editing form.
3. To rename the field, edit the Field name text box.
4. To change the field’s type, select a new one from the Data type menu. As explained
above, this should be done with care.
5. Depending on the current type, different inputs will be displayed for editing its size.
These are the same ones as explained in Step 4 of the preceding field creation instruc-
Increasing the size of a field will not harm any data that it contains, but decreasing it will
cause values to be truncated if they are longer than the new size.
412 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

Figure 35.3 The table editing page.

6. The Type options, Allow nulls?, Default value and Part of primary key? inputs have
the same meanings here as in the field creation steps. Change them if you want to adjust
these options for the existing field.
7. When you are done, hit the Save button at the bottom of the form. The field will be
immediately updated, and any data that it contains will be modified or truncated as

An existing field can be removed by clicking the Delete button on the field editing form instead
of Save. Any data that it contains will be immediately deleted forever. Naturally, you cannot
delete the last field in a table.

35.6 Field Types

MySQL supports most of the same field types as other SQL databases. Table 35.1 lists all the
types about which Webmin knows, and gives a short description of each one.
Newer versions of MySQL may introduce more types, but at the time of writing these are
the only ones that can be used in new or modified fields in Webmin. You should still be able to
edit the data in fields of unsupported types though.

35.7 Viewing and Editing Table Contents

The MySQL module allows you to view the contents of any table in any database. Tables that
have a primary key can have their records modified or deleted and new ones added as well.
Viewing and Editing Table Contents 413

Table 35.1 MySQL Field Types and Their Uses

Type Description

int Stores a single integer, which can be signed or unsigned. An int field can, at
most, store numbers in the range –231 to +231, but this can be further restricted
by specifying a maximum number of decimal digits when the field is added.

tinyint Like an int, but only numbers in the range –128 to +127 can be stored.

smallint Like an int, but only numbers in the approximate range –32768 to +32767 can
be stored.

mediumint Like an int, but only numbers in the approximate range –223 to +223 can be

bigint A bigint is similar to an int, but supports the much larger maximum range of
–263 to +263.

float Stores a non-integer number, using the potentially imprecise floating point for-
mat. When a field of this type is added, you must specify the number of bytes
used internally to store it, which changes the number of digits of precision that a
float field can support. By default, a float occupies 4 bytes.
If a number is inserted that contains more digits than the float can represent, it
will be rounded to the nearest supported value. For this reason, you should not
use a field of this type for storing numbers that must be recorded precisely, such
as amounts of money. Instead, a decimal field (which has a specific decimal pre-
cision) should be used.
You must also specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal point that
should be stored and displayed for a float field. If a value with more fractional
digits is inserted, it will be rounded off.

double A double field is like a float, except that it uses 8 bytes for internal storage and
thus can be used to store values with more digits.

decimal A field of this type can store a noninteger number to a specific decimal preci-
sion. When adding one, you must enter the total number of digits to store and the
number to the right of the decimal point. Any inserted value that uses more dig-
its will be truncated or rounded off.
Because decimal fields are stored internally as strings, using them in mathemat-
ical SQL expressions will not be as fast as using a float or double. They do,
however, have a guaranteed known precision.
414 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

Table 35.1 MySQL Field Types and Their Uses (Continued)

Type Description

date A date field stores a day, month, and year. The year is always in 4-digit format,
and if you attempt to insert a date with a 2-digit year, MySQL will convert it to 4
digits by adding 1900 or 2000, depending on whether the year is before or after
1970. Any valid date in the years 1000 to 9999 can be stored.
When displayed or inserted, dates always use the format YYYY-MM-DD, such as

datetime Like a date field, this type stores the time as well. For insertion or display,
datetime fields must always use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

timestamp Fields of this type are typically used to store the date and time that a record was
last modified. Unless a value is explicitly specified, MySQL will update any
timestamp field in a record with the current time whenever it is inserted or
Internally, timestamp fields use the UNIX time format, which means they are
limited to the years 1970 to 2037. When displayed, the format YYYYMMDDH-
HMMSS is always used.

time A time field stores only a time without a date. The HH:MM:SS format is always
used for display and updates. Because they can be used to represent an elapsed
period of time as well, the hours can range from –838 to +838.

year This kind of field is used to store a 4-digit year, but only in the range 1901 to

char This type stores a string of characters up to a specified length. Internally, any
value in a char field is padded with spaces to the right, which are removed when
it is displayed. This means that if you add a char field with a size of 100, it will
use up 100 bytes for each row.
The maximum size of a field of this type is 255.

varchar Stores a variable-length string of characters, up to the maximum specified when

the field is added. The number of bytes used internally is related to the amount
of data inserted, instead of being fixed at the specified size.
Like a char, the maximum size is 255 characters. varchar is a better field type
than char in almost all situations and should be used for all storage of short text
Viewing and Editing Table Contents 415

Table 35.1 MySQL Field Types and Their Uses (Continued)

Type Description

blob A blob (which stands for Binary Large Object) can store any kind of data up to a
maximum 216 bytes. The number of bytes used internally is proportional to the
amount of data inserted.

text This type is similar to a blob, but is used for storing text. The biggest difference
between the two is that text fields are sorted and compared case-insensitively,
while blob fields are case sensitive.

tinyblob Like a blob, but can only store 256 bytes of data.

tinytext Like a text field, but can only store 256 bytes of text.

mediumblob Like a blob, but can store more data - 224 bytes to be exact.

mediumtext Like a text field, but can store 224 bytes of text.

longblob An even larger kind of blob, which can hold up to 232 bytes of data.

longtext An even larger kind of text field which can hold up to 232 bytes.

enum An enum field stores a single text value, which must be a member of a list that is
specified when adding or modifying the field. Up to 65535 different possible
values are allowed.

set The set type is like enum, but fields of this type can store from 0 to 64 different
values from the allowed list, instead of just a single value.

Unfortunately, there is no way to edit the contents of a table without a key, as the module needs
some way of identifying specific records. All tables in a database should have one, however.
To view the contents of a table, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database that contains the table, and then on
the icon for the table itself.
2. On the table editing form, click on the View Data button at the bottom. This will bring
you to a page displaying the first 20 rows in the table.
3. If the table contains more rows than can be displayed on one page, the start and end of
the visible range and the total number of rows will be displayed at the top. Next to it are
left and right arrows for moving to the next or previous 20 records.
416 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

4. For large tables, a search form is also displayed at the bottom of the page. To use it,
select a field name from the first menu and a comparison type from the second, and enter
a value to search for in the final text box. When the Search button is clicked, only rows
for which the chosen field matches will be displayed. To switch back to viewing all
records, click the Reset search link that now appears above the table.
The contains comparison type finds records in which the field contains the entered text,
while the matches type finds records for which the field value matches an SQL pattern
as used in a like clause. In such a pattern, % matches any string of characters, and _
matches any single character, just like * and ? do at the shell prompt.
5. When viewing a large table, a button labeled Jump to is also displayed at the bottom of
the page. If a number is entered into the adjacent field and the button is clicked, the dis-
play will move immediately to that row.

If the table has a primary key, this same page can also be used to edit, delete, or add records.
Records to edit must first be selected using the checkboxes to the right of each row or the Select
all and Invert selection links. When you click the Edit selected rows button, the page will be
re-displayed with the values of all chosen records in text boxes. Make whatever changes you like
and click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the database. Or, hit Cancel if you
want to stop editing without saving your modifications.
To delete records, select them using the same checkboxes and selection links, and click the
Delete selected rows button. The chosen records will be immediately removed from the data-
base with no further confirmation.
To add a new record, hit the Add row button below the table. An additional row will appear
containing empty text boxes for you to enter new details. Clicking Save will add the new record
to the table and move the display so that you can see the new row. You can also click Cancel if
you change your mind about adding a record.
Records are normally edited or added in text fields that appear in the table in the appropriate
columns. If you are editing a table that contains a blob or text field, however, or if the Use
vertical row adding interface module configuration option is enabled, a different layout is
used. Text boxes for fields are listed in a separate box inside or below the table instead, with
field name labels to the right. For text or blob fields, a text box is displayed so you can enter
multiple lines of text if necessary.

35.8 Deleting Tables and Databases

When a table is removed from a database, all records and fields that it contains will be lost. You
can remove any table, although deleting those in the mysql database is a bad idea as they con-
tain important MySQL access control information.
To remove one, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database from which you want to
remove the table, and then on the icon for the table itself.
2. Click on the Drop Table button below the list of fields. This will take you to a confirma-
tion page that asks if you are sure and tells you how many records will be deleted.
3. To go ahead, click the Drop Table button again. Once it has been removed, you will
return to the list of surviving tables in the database.
Executing SQL Commands 417

It is also possible to delete an entire database and all the tables and records in it. Any database
can be removed, but deleting the mysql database is a very bad idea. As usual, unless you have
made a backup there is no way to undo the deletion.
Assuming you really want to delete a database, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database that you want to remove.
2. Hit the Drop Database button below the list of tables. A confirmation page will be dis-
played, telling you how many tables and records will be lost if you go ahead.
3. To continue with the deletion, click the Drop Database button and you will return to the
module’s main page when it is done.
4. Alternately, you can choose to remove all the tables and their records by clicking on Just
delete all tables instead. The database itself will be left empty.

35.9 Executing SQL Commands

The MySQL module also provides a simple interface for running SQL commands on a database
and displaying their output. To use it, follow these directions:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database in which you want to run commands.
2. Click on the Execute SQL button below the list of table icons. This will take you to a
page for entering SQL commands, running files of commands, and loading data into the
3. Enter any one SQL command into the text box at the top of the page and hit the Execute
button. If there was a mistake in your SQL syntax or the command cannot be executed,
the error message from MySQL will be displayed. Otherwise, a table of results from the
SQL (if any) will be shown. Only SELECT statements produce results—UPDATE,
INSERT, and other commands that modify records do not.
4. When you are done viewing the results, use the Return to Execute SQL form to return
to the form.
5. Every command that is executed successfully is added to a history for the database. You
can rerun a previous SQL command by leaving the text box empty and selecting it from
the menu below, then hitting Execute.
To clear out the command history, click the Clear History button instead. This can be
useful if it is getting cluttered up with old statements that you don’t need to reuse.

The same page can be used to run multiple commands from a text file and display their output.
Because the process is exactly the same as restoring a backup, it is explained in the restoration
part of Section 35.10 “Backing Up and Restoring a Database”.

35.10 Backing Up and Restoring a Database

If one of your databases contains important information, it should be backed up regularly in case
of a disk failure or SQL mistake, which could cause data loss. It is also a good idea to create a
backup before performing some potentially risky operation, such as changing the type of a field
or running a complex SQL statement that modifies lots of records.
To use the module to make a backup, follow these steps:
418 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database that you want to back up.
2. Click on the Backup Database button below the list of tables. This will take you to a
form for entering the backup destination and options.
3. In the Backup to file field, enter the full file path to which the backup should be written,
such as /tmp/backup.sql. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
4. To restrict the backup to only some records, deselect the All rows option for the Only
backup rows matching where clause field and enter an SQL WHERE clause into the
adjacent field, for example foo = “bar”. This only works if the clause is valid for all
tables in the database, so in the example all tables would need to have a foo field.
5. If the Add drop table statements to backup? field is set to Yes, the backup will include
SQL statements to delete existing tables of the same name when restoring. This means
that if you restore it on another system, data in those tables will be replaced with the new
data from the backup. If No is selected, the restored data will be added to any that
already exists.
The best choice really depends on what you are trying to do. For a normal backup, you
should select Yes so that any corrupt or conflicting data is removed when the backup is
restored. If you are transferring records to another system or database, however, No
should be selected instead so that existing records in the target table are not lost.
6. To start the backup, hit the Backup Now button at the bottom of the form, and a page
showing its success or failure will be displayed.

MySQL backup files are, in fact, just lists of SQL CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements that,
when run, restore the database to the state it was in when the backup was made. Although this
uses more disk space than a more compressed binary format would, it allows you to easily view
and modify the file if you wish. It also means that a backup file can be used on a system with a
different architecture, as the file contains only ASCII text.
If you have a database that is being used for an important production purpose, it should be
backed up regularly, such as once per day. Instead of following the preceding instructions every
day, you can use the Scheduled Cron Jobs module (covered in Chapter 10) to create a job that
does the backup for you. To find out what command to run, use the preceding instructions to
make a backup first and then visit the Webmin Actions Log module (covered in Chapter 54) to
see the command that it used.
Once a backup file has been created, it can be restored on the same system or on another
server running MySQL. Depending on what the Add drop table statements to backup? field
was set to at backup time, the contents of any existing tables with the same names as those in the
backup may be deleted. Therefore, you should generally only restore if the tables do not exist or
contain outdated or invalid data that you want to overwrite.
Because a backup file is just a list of SQL statements, the restoration process just involves
running all the commands in the file. This means that you can use the following same steps to
execute a file of your own commands as well:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database into which the backup
should be restored.
2. Click on the Execute SQL button, and scroll down to the Select SQL commands file to
execute on database section.
Managing MySQL Users 419

3. If the backup file is on the system running MySQL and Webmin, choose the From local
file option and enter the full path to the file into the adjacent text field.
If the backup is on the PC that your browser is running on, choose From uploaded file
and use the Browse button to select the backup file.
4. Hit the Execute button to restore the backup or execute the SQL commands in the file. A
page listing all output from MySQL as the execution proceeds will be displayed. Gener-
ally there will be none unless an error occurs or the file contains SELECT statements.

35.11 Managing MySQL Users

Your MySQL database server requires all clients to authenticate themselves with a username
and password before they can execute SQL commands. It has its own tables of users, pass-
words, and permissions that are consulted when a client tries to log in, rather than the UNIX
user files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. Detailed permissions can be defined for each user
to limit the kinds of SQL statements that he can use, the client hosts he can connect from, and
the databases, tables, and fields that he can modify.
Typically after MySQL has been first installed, only the root user be able to log in. This
user will have permissions to access all databases and tables and perform all actions, and so is
generally used for administration purposes only. If you want to write an application that uses a
database, it is a good idea to create another user for that purpose and set up the application to log
in as that user.
The standard MySQL install also creates an Anonymous user with no password and access
to databases starting with test. This special user is used for any login attempt for which no
other matching user is found. Anonymous users are explained in more detail later in this chapter.
To add a user, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User Permissions icon. This will take you to a
page listing existing users, as shown in Figure 35.4.
2. Click on the Create a new user link above or below the table to go to the user creation form.
3. In the Username field, select the second radio button and enter a name for this user.
Even though it is possible to create multiple user entries with the same name (as
explained later), this new one should be unique.
4. Assuming you want the user to have a password, change the Password field to Set to and
enter it in the adjacent field. If you choose None, no password needs to be given and
attempts to log in with a password will be rejected.
5. To allow this user to log in only from a specific host, select the second radio button in the
Hosts field and enter a hostname into the text box. The hostname must be the same as the
one returned by a reverse lookup of the client’s IP address, which will almost always be a
complete hostname like pc.example.com instead of just server. You can enter an IP
address instead, or a hostname or IP address SQL pattern like %.example.com. To allow
a user to connect only from the same system as the database server is running on, enter
localhost as the host.
If Any is selected, this user will be able to connect from any host. Be careful when
creating a user who has a host specified. If he tries to connect from somewhere else and
420 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

Figure 35.4 The MySQL user list.

an Anonymous user exists with a matching host, he will be logged in as the Anonymous
user instead!
6. Select the entries for the actions that you want the user to be able to perform in the Per-
missions list. For an application user, being able to select, insert, update, and delete
records is usually enough. Untrusted users should never be given permissions beyond
Drop tables, as that would allow him to harm the database, access arbitrary files, or
enhance his own permissions.
If a user does not have any permissions at all, he will be unable to connect unless some
have been granted for a specific database or host (as explained in Section 35.12
“Managing Database, Host, Table, and Field Permissions”).
7. To create the user, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. The new MySQL
login will be usable immediately and will have access to all databases and tables with the
permissions specified in Step 6. See Section 35.12 “Managing Database, Host, Table,
and Field Permissions” for information on how to restrict a user to only certain databases
or tables.

When a client tries to log in, MySQL searches for the first matching user and host in the list of
users. The server always checks entries with specific hostnames before those that allow any host
and Anonymous user entries before those for a specific user. This means that a user may end up
with the Anonymous permissions even though he is in the user list with greater privileges. Due
to the confusion this can cause, I recommend deleting all Anonymous user entries unless you
fully understand their effects.
Managing Database, Host, Table, and Field Permissions 421

It is possible and even useful to have multiple entries for the same user in the list, as long as
they have different hostnames. For example, if you want to allow the user fred to log in from
only server.example.com and www.foo.com clients, you would need to create two entries from
fred with the Host field set differently. They should have the same password and permissions,
however, unless you want to require a different password or grant different permissions depend-
ing on the host from which the user is connecting.
New and existing users can be edited by clicking on their names in the list, which brings up
an editing form almost identical to the one used for creating a user. The only difference is that
the Password field has a Don’t change option that is selected if the user has a password and that
tells Webmin to leave the password unchanged when the user is saved. After making changes,
click the Save button at the bottom of the form to update the user in the database. Or, to delete it,
hit the Delete button. If there are multiple entries for the same user, you will have to update them
all individually when changing the password or permissions.
Unless you have already created another administration user with full privileges, the root
user should not be deleted. Because this Webmin module normally logs in as root itself, modi-
fying or removing this user may force you to log in to MySQL again, as explained in the intro-
duction to the module earlier in the chapter. By deleting the root user or removing its
privileges, it is possible to deny yourself access to the database, which can only be fixed using
command-line programs like mysqladmin.
Like many other modules, the MySQL Database Server module can be configured to auto-
matically create, update, or delete a MySQL user when the same thing happens to a correspond-
ing UNIX user. This can be useful if you allow some of the UNIX users on your system to
access databases and want to keep their passwords and usernames synchronized.
To set up synchronization, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User Permissions icon. Scroll down to the form
below the list of existing MySQL users.
2. If you want a new MySQL user to be created for each new UNIX user, check the Add a
new MySQL user when a UNIX user is added box. Then, select the permissions that
should be granted to the user from the list to the right. When a MySQL user is automati-
cally added, it will be allowed to log in from any host.
3. If you want MySQL users to be renamed or have their passwords changed when the
same thing happens to matching UNIX users, check the Update a MySQL user when
the matching UNIX user is modified box. If more than one entry exists for the same
user, they will all be affected.
4. To have a MySQL user deleted at the same time as the UNIX user of the same name,
check the Delete a MySQL user when the matching UNIX user is deleted box. If
more than one entry exists for the same user, they will all be deleted.
5. Click the Save button to make the new synchronization settings active.

35.12 Managing Database, Host, Table, and Field Permissions

Users created by following the instructions in Section 35.11 “Managing MySQL Users” have
access to all databases on the server with the same permissions. It is possible, however, to give a
user access to only specific databases by following these steps:
422 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

1. Make sure the user does not have any permissions on the user permissions page. Any that
he has set here will apply to all databases, which is not what you want.
2. On the module’s main page, click on the Database Permissions icon. This will bring up
a list of users and the privileges they have for specific databases.
3. Click on the Create new database permissions link above or below the list.
4. In the form that appears, the Databases field controls which databases he will have
access to. You can either select the Any radio button to grant permissions for all data-
bases, select the second radio button to grant access to the database selected from the
menu, or choose the final button to grant access to databases whose names match the
SQL pattern entered into the adjacent field.
Typically, the second option is the one that you want to select so you can grant access to
a single database. If the user should have access to more than one, you will need to add
multiple database permissions entries.
5. In the Username field, select the second radio button and enter the name of the MySQL
user to whom access should be granted.
6. The Hosts field allows you to choose from which client host(s) the user will be able to
connect to the database. You should normally select Any, which gives him access from
anywhere unless the user himself is prevented from connecting from some hosts, as
explained in Section 35.11 “Managing MySQL Users”.
7. From the Permissions list, select the privileges that the user should have for the chosen
database. These will be added to any that are set for the user on the user permissions
8. Click the Save button to add and activate the new permissions. You will be returned to
the database permissions list.

You can edit database permissions by clicking on a database name from the list. This will take
you to an editing form identical to the creation form in which the database, username, hosts, or
permissions can be changed. The Save button saves and activates any changes, while the Delete
button removes the permissions from the database.
When MySQL is first installed, database permissions for the Anonymous user in the test
and test_% databases will be created automatically. Assuming the Anonymous user exists on
the user permissions page, these give anyone who can connect to MySQL access to records in
those databases. Unless you are making use of anonymous logins, these database permissions
can be safely deleted.
MySQL also allows permissions to be granted on databases to all users connecting from
certain client hosts. This can be useful if you want to increase the privileges that a particular cli-
ent system has, such as a web server connecting to your database server.
To add host permissions, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Host Permissions icon. This will take you to a
page listing existing permissions granted to client hosts, if any. When MySQL is
installed, no permissions of this type are initially defined.
2. Click on the Create new host permissions to bring up a form for adding a new host per-
missions entry.
Module Access Control 423

3. If the permissions should apply to all databases, select the Any radio button in the Data-
bases field.
If they are for only a specific database, select the second radio button and choose a
database from the menu next to it.
If you want to grant permissions to databases whose names match a SQL pattern, select
the final radio button and enter the pattern into the adjacent text field.
4. In the Hosts field, select the second radio button and enter a hostname, IP address, or
hostname or IP pattern (like %.example.com or 192.168.1.%) into the field next to it.
Selecting the Any button isn’t particularly useful.
5. From the Permissions menu, choose those privileges that will be granted to all users con-
necting to the chosen database from the specified host. These will be added to any other
permissions that are granted on the user permissions or database permissions pages.
6. Click the Save button to activate the new client host permissions.

As usual, you can edit existing an host permissions entry by clicking on the database name from
the list, editing fields, and clicking Save. You can also remove it with the Delete button.
MySQL also supports the granting of permissions to specific tables and fields to users con-
necting from certain hosts. Webmin allows you to set these up by clicking on the Table Permis-
sions and Field Permissions icons on the main page. Because they are quite complex and rarely
used, however, they are not covered in this chapter.

35.13 Module Access Control

Normally, a Webmin user who has access to the MySQL Database Server module can manage
all databases and use all of the module’s features. As Chapter 52 explains, however, it is possible
to restrict what a user can do with a module. In this case, you can grant access to only certain
databases, control the directory to which backups can be written, and restrict the creation and
deletion of databases. This can be useful if various databases on your server are owned by differ-
ent people and you want to give each of them a Webmin login to manage only those that belong
to them.
To set up this kind of module access control, follow these instructions:

1. Click on MySQL Database Server next to the name of a user or group in the Webmin
Users module who has access to the module.
2. On the access control form, change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.
This is necessary to prevent the user changing the programs that the module uses for
accessing the database.
3. In the Databases this user can manage field, choose the Selected option. Then, select
the databases he should have access to from the list below.
4. Change the Can create new databases? field to No. There is no reason that a restricted
user of this type should be able to add new databases.
5. Unless you want the user to be able to delete his own databases, change the Can drop
databases? field to No. Leaving it set to Yes is harmless, though, as he will only be able
to delete those to which you have granted him access.
6. Change the Can stop and start MySQL server? field to No.
424 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

7. If you want this Webmin user to be able to control access by MySQL users to his data-
bases, change the Can edit permissions? field to Only for managed databases. This
will give him access to the database, host, table, and field permissions pages, but limit
him to viewing and editing entries for the databases to which he is granted access.
To deny access to MySQL permission management altogether, select No instead.
Choosing Yes is a bad idea, as it will allow the user to create MySQL users with access
to all databases on the server.
8. If the Can edit table data? field is set to No, the user will not be able to create tables,
edit fields, run SQL commands, or make backups. Instead, he will only be able to use the
module’s record-viewing and editing feature.
9. When the Login to MySQL as field is set to Username from Module Config, all data-
base actions performed by this user will be done as the MySQL user set in the module
configuration—typically root. You may, however, want the Webmin user to log in as a
less-privileged MySQL user as an additional security precaution. This way, even if the
user finds a way to defeat the module’s restrictions, he will still not be able to execute
SQL commands as root.
To use a different login, select the Username option and enter a valid MySQL login and
password into the adjacent fields. This alternate user must have the privileges to perform
everything that the module needs to do, however, such as creating tables and possibly
granting permissions.
10. Normally, Webmin runs the mysqldump command to make backups as the root UNIX
user and allows the backup file to be created anywhere on your system. Because this may
allow important files to be overwritten, you should change the Backup file directory
field to a safe directory in which to create backups, such as /home/someuser/backup.
Better still, the Write backup as UNIX user field should be changed to a user other than
root, such as the Webmin user’s UNIX login. The mysqldump command will be run as
this user instead, which prevents it from being used to overwrite files.
11. Finally, to make the new access control restrictions active, click Save.

If you want to give a large number of users access to MySQL though a web interface, an alterna-
tive to configuring the Webmin module for each user is to install Usermin. It has a MySQL mod-
ule with an identical interface, and can be easily configured to limit which databases are visible.
See Chapter 47 for more information.

35.14 Configuring the MySQL Database Server Module

Like many other modules, this one has several options that you can set by clicking on the Mod-
ule Config link in the top-left corner of the main page. Those fields listed under Configurable
option relate to the module’s user interface and the method it uses to connect to the database,
while those under System configuration define the paths to the MySQL programs and files.
Unless you have installed the database server in a different directory from the default for
your operating system, fields in the second section do not generally need to be changed. This can
happen if you installed MySQL from the source code instead of using the package supplied with
Configuring the MySQL Database Server Module 425

your Linux distribution, or if you have two copies of MySQL installed and are configuring a
clone of the module (covered in Chapter 51) to manage the second install.
If you have multiple copies of MySQL installed on your system, you should clone this mod-
ule once for each server. The last three configuration options can then be customized to connect
to each of the MySQL installs, which will probably be listening on different ports or using dif-
ferent socket files.
The names and purposes of all the module configuration fields are listed in Table 35.2.

Table 35.2 Module Configuration Options

Administration This field contains the username as whom the module logs into MySQL to per-
login form all its actions. It is normally set by the MySQL Login form on the mod-
ule’s main page, which appears if Webmin cannot log in the first time you use
the module. It does not usually need to be changed after that.
If you change this field, make sure the new user has full access to all databases
or some parts of the module will not work. You will probably need to change the
Administration password field as well to match the new username.

Administration This is the password with which Webmin logs into the database. Like the
password Administration login field, this is normally set by the MySQL login form.

Number of rows When viewing and editing records in a table, the module limits the number of
to display per records displayed at a time so the page does not become too large. To increase or
page decrease the number appearing on each page, change this field.

Show databases Normally, databases on the module’s main page and tables on the database edit-
and tables as ing page are shown as icons. If this field is changed to List, they will be shown
in table form instead. Because a table takes up less screen space, this mode can
be useful if you have a large number of databases or tables in your MySQL

Use vertical row If this field is set to Yes, an alternate interface will be used for editing and adding
editing interface records, as explained in Section 35.7 “Viewing and Editing Table Contents”.

Show blob and When this field is set to Links to download, blob, or text fields in the table
text fields as viewing page will not have their actual contents shown. Instead, a link to a sepa-
rate page for viewing or downloading the contents of each page will appear. This
can be useful if your MySQL database contains large binary objects such as GIF
images or PDF files, which make no sense to display in an HTML table.
426 Chapter 35 • The MySQL Database

Table 35.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Use DBI to When this field is set to Yes (as it is by default), the module will use the Perl DBI
connect if interface to connect to the database server as long as the appropriate Perl mod-
available? ules are installed. Only if DBI is not available will it use the mysql command to
connect, as the output from that command cannot always be reliably parsed.
Changing this field to No tells the module to always use the mysql command,
even if DBI could be used instead. This should only be necessary if there is
something wrong with the DBI modules on your system.

Path to This field must contain the full path to the mysqlshow command, such as /usr/
mysqlshow local/mysql/bin/mysql. The module uses it to get lists of databases and tables for
command display on the main and database editing pages.

Path to This field must contain the full path to the mysqladmin command, which the
mysqladmin module uses to check to see if the database server process is running.

Path to mysql This field must contain the full path to the mysql command, which is used to
command execute SQL commands if the Perl DBI modules are not installed.

Path to This field must contain the full path to the mysqldump command, which the
mysqldump module uses to make backups of databases.

Path to This field must contain the full path to the mysqlimport command, which the
mysqlimport module uses to import records from text files. This feature is not covered in this
command chapter, however.

Command to This field must contain the full path to a command for starting the MySQL data-
start MySQL base server, such as /usr/local/mysql/bin/safe_mysqld. On many Linux distribu-
server tions, it is set by default to the script that is used to start the server at boot time,
like /etc/init.d/mysql start. If you have installed MySQL yourself, however, you
should change it to use the safe_mysqld command instead.

Command to When this field is set to Automatic, the module will use the mysqladmin com-
stop MySQL mand to shut down the database server when the Stop MySQL Server button on
server the main page is clicked. Otherwise, the entered command will be run to shut it
On Linux distributions that contain a shutdown script that can stop the database,
this field is set to that script by default, such as /etc/init.d/mysql stop. If you have
compiled and installed MySQL manually, however, you should choose the
Automatic option.
Summary 427

Table 35.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Path to MySQL When MySQL is installed from the source distribution, the mysql, mysqlshow,
shared libraries and other programs make use of shared libraries that are installed as well. For
directory Webmin to be able to run them, it must set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable to include the directory containing those libraries, such as /usr/local/
mysql/lib. Normally, the module’s main page will display an error message
warning you of a shared library problem if it is not set correctly.
Because Webmin assumes that shared libraries are in the lib directory above
the directory containing the mysql program, this field does not usually need to
be set. Most of the time, it is only necessary if your MySQL commands depend
upon other libraries in non-standard directories like /usr/local/lib.

MySQL host to When this field is set to localhost, the module will connect to the MySQL server
connect to on the same system. Entering a hostname tells it to connect to the server on that
host instead, which can actually be a completely different system. Although
most features of the module will work properly in this case, starting and stop-
ping the database server will not.

MySQL port to This field is only used when connecting to another host. It defines the TCP port
connect to on which to connect to the database server. If Default is selected, the standard
MySQL port is used, which is usually the right thing to do.

MySQL This field is only used when MySQL host to connect to is set to localhost. It
socket file specifies the UNIX socket file used for communication with the database server,
which MySQL clients use instead of making a TCP connection. If Default is
chosen, the default socket file path compiled into the mysql program or DBI
module is used.

35.15 Summary
After reading this chapter you should understand what the MySQL database server can do and how
it compares to other similar database packages. You will be able to use Webmin to create databases
and tables stored in MySQL on your system and to view and edit records of data that those tables
contain. You should also understand how to manage MySQL users and how the permissions sys-
tem can be used to grant access to certain databases, tables, and fields to specific users.
C H A P T E R 3 6

The PostgreSQL

his chapter covers the PostgreSQL database server and explains how to
T use Webmin to manage tables, users, groups, and data.

36.1 Introduction to PostgreSQL

Like MySQL, PostgreSQL is a free database server that supports multiple databases and tables
and allows clients to query them with SQL. It is most useful for programmers writing applica-
tions that need to use a database to store information. Popular languages like Perl, C, Java, and
PHP all have APIs for accessing a PostgreSQL database.
A PostgreSQL server can host multiple databases, and each database can contain multiple
tables. A table, in turn, contains fields, each of which has a type and size. Tables contain records,
each of which usually contains information about some object—such as a person, product, or
purchase. Fields can be thought of as the columns in a table, and the actual records of data as the
rows. Some fields can also contain multiple values, like an array.
SQL (which stands for Structured Query Language) is a language for extracting data from
or updating data in a database. Almost all databases use SQL, and its syntax is generally the
same across all the different database packages, such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Its
syntax, however, is not covered in this chapter.
PostgreSQL has many features that other free databases (like MySQL) lack, such as trans-
actions, array fields, views, and triggers. It is not quite as powerful as expensive commercial
databases like Oracle, but it comes close. Because it can use multiple files to store each table,
their sizes are not limited by the maximum file size on your system—instead, a single table can
contain up to 16 TB of data.
Packages for PostgreSQL come with many Linux distributions, and they can be compiled
and installed on almost all varieties of UNIX. Its operation is the same on all operating systems,
and therefore so is the Webmin module for managing it.

The PostgreSQL Database Server Module 429

PostgreSQL consists of a server process that reads and writes the actual database files and a
set of client programs that communicate with the server. The most commonly used is the psql
command, which allows a user to execute SQL queries and view the results. None of the clients
access the database files directly—that is left entirely to the server.
All of the PostgreSQL database files are stored under a directory such as /var/lib/pgsql
or /usr/local/pgsql. There are several text configuration files that affect the operation of the
server and clients, as well. The most important is pg_hba.conf, which lists client hosts that are
allowed to connect to the server. This is the only file that Webmin edits directly. All other data-
base configuration is done by connecting to the database server, either directly or through the
psql command.

36.2 The PostgreSQL Database Server Module

This module allows an administration to manage databases, tables, fields, and records in a Post-
greSQL server. In many ways, it is very similar to the MySQL module covered in Chapter 35.
When you click on its icon in the Servers category of Webmin, the main page displays a list of
existing databases on your system, as shown in Figure 36.1.

Figure 36.1 The PostgreSQL module main page.

If Webmin detects that PostgreSQL is not installed, has not been initialized, or cannot be con-
nected to, the main page will not appear as shown in Figure 36.1. Instead, some kind of error
message will be displayed. The most common ones are covered in the next few paragraphs.
430 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

If the message PostgreSQL is not running on your system appears, you will need to start
the database server before this module can be used to manage it. Just click the Start Postgr-
eSQL Server button at the bottom of the page. If you want it to be started at boot time from now
on, use the Bootup and Shutdown module (covered in Chapter 9) to create a new action to start
it. On most Linux distributions, the PostgreSQL packages include a bootup action script called
postgres, or postgresql, that is not enabled by default.
If PostgreSQL is running through Webmin, Webmin does not know the administration user-
name and password needed to connect to it, and the PostgreSQL Login form will be displayed
on the main page. You must enter valid login details for your database server, typically for the
postgres user who has full access to all databases and features. Logging in as another less
privileged user may work at first, but you will not be able to use all of the features of the module.
Sometimes PostgreSQL is set up to authenticate users by their UNIX username, rather than by a
separate login and password (the ident authentication mode). If this is the case on your system,
you will need to check the Connect as same Unix user? box on the form.
If an error message like The PostgreSQL host configuration file hba.conf was not found
appears, then either the module’s configuration is incorrect or your server has not yet been ini-
tialized for the first time. Many packaged versions for Linux systems need to be initialized
before they can be used, usually by running the initdb command. If the module knows how to
do this on your system, an Initialize Database button will be displayed that you can click on to
set up the server for the first time.
The error message The PostgreSQL client program psql was not found on your system
indicates that PostgreSQL is not installed at all, or that it is in a different directory from the one
Webmin expects. On Linux and FreeBSD systems, the module assumes that you have installed
the packages for the database included with your distribution, while on other operating systems
it assumes that a standard installation from the source code was done into /usr/local/pgsql.
If you have installed it and the error message still appears, you will need to read Section 36.17
“Configuring the PostgreSQL Database Server Module” for details on how to adjust the paths
that the module uses.
If you are running Linux, and PostgreSQL is not installed, use the Software Packages mod-
ule (covered in Chapter 12) to install all packages starting with postgres from the distribution
CD or website. Often there will be several, such as postgresql, postgresql-server, and
postgresql-devel. For other operating systems, visit www.postgresql.org/ to download the
source code distribution, then compile and install it.
The PostgreSQL module uses SQL commands to perform actions like creating tables, add-
ing fields, and editing records. To execute these commands, Webmin must connect to the data-
base server, which can be done in one of two ways. It can either run the psql command with the
correct parameters and parse its output, or use the Perl DBI library to connect directly.
The former method is always available, because the psql command is always installed when
the database server is. It is not totally reliable, however, as certain kinds of table data produce output
that cannot always be parsed. For this reason, you should install the DBI and DBD::Pg Perl modules.
If either is missing, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the main page prompting you to
install one or both by clicking on a link. This will take you to a page in the Perl Modules module
(covered in Chapter 27) where DBI and/or DBD::Pg are downloaded and installed for you.
Creating a New Database 431

36.3 Creating a New Database

When PostgreSQL is first installed, a database called template1 is usually created. Because
this is used as the template for any new databases, you should create your own to contain tables
in which your application can store data. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new database link above or below the
table of existing database icons.
2. Enter a unique name for it into the Database name field. This should consist only of let-
ters, numbers, and the _ character.
3. When the Database file path field is set to Default, the files that actually contain the
database’s data will be created in the default directory. On Linux systems, this will usu-
ally be something like /var/lib/pgsql/data—on other operating systems, it will
probably be /usr/local/pgsql/var.
To use a different directory, as the UNIX user the database runs as (usually postgres),
first create it with the mkdir command and then run initlocation with the directory
name as a parameter. Then select the section radio button for the Database file path
field and enter the directory in the adjacent text box.
Unfortunately, unless PostgreSQL has been compiled to support absolute data directory
paths, an error will occur when you click the Create button. By default, this feature is
not enabled.
4. Click the Create button. The database will be added, and you will return to the module’s
main page, which should include its new icon.
If a database called template1 exists on your server, any tables or other objects that it
contains will be copied to the newly created database. This can be useful if you want to
add many databases with similar structures.

36.4 Creating a New Table

A table can be added to an existing database at any time. Each table has one or more fields, each
of which has a type, a size, and other attributes. To add a table, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database to which you want to add the table.
This will take you to the database editing page shown in Figure 36.2, on which is an icon
for each existing table.
2. Enter the number of fields that you want your new table to have into the Fields text box
next to the Create a new table button, and then click the button. This brings up a form
for entering the details of the new table and its initial fields.
3. Choose a name for the table and enter it into the Table name field. The name must be
unique within the database, and should use only letters, numbers, and the _ character.
4. Each row of the Initial fields table defines a field that will be added to the new table. The
kind of field that is added depends on what you put in the row under each of the follow-
ing columns:
Field name The name for this field, which must be unique within the table and should be
made up of only letters, numbers, and _. If left blank, no field will be added in this row.
432 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

Data type The selection that you make from this menu determines the type of data that
can be stored in this field. The most common types are varchar for variable-length text
strings, int4 for integer numbers, and float4 for fractional numbers. See Section 36.7
“Field Types” for more details.
Type width This field can be left blank, in which case the default size for the chosen
type will be used. Otherwise, you must enter a number that is the number of characters (for
char or varchar fields) or digits (for numeric fields) that the field can store. Some types,
such as blob and date, do not need or allow a type to be specified at all. Again, see
Section 36.7 “Field Types” for more information on the meanings of sizes for each type.
Field options If Array? is checked, this field will be an array capable of storing more
than one value. If Allow nulls? is checked, the database will allow SQL NULL values to
be inserted into this field. If Primary key? is checked, this field will be part of the
primary key for the table. All tables should have a key, which is usually the first field and
of int or varchar type. When Unique? is checked, PostgreSQL will prevent more than
one record from having the same value for this field. Primary key fields are also
automatically unique.
5. When you are done entering fields, hit the Create button at the bottom of the page. The
table will be added to the database, and you will return to the page listing existing tables.

Figure 36.2 The database editing page.

Adding and Editing Fields 433

36.5 Adding and Editing Fields

New fields can be added to tables, and the names of existing fields can be changed. There is no
way to change the type of field size , though, unless you delete and re-add it. When a field is cre-
ated, it will always initially contain NULL values in existing rows of the table.
To add a field, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database that contains the table.
Then click on the icon for the table itself. This will bring you to a page listing the names,
types, and sizes of existing fields, as shown in Figure 36.3.
2. Select a type for the new field from the menu next to the Add field of type button. When
clicked, your browser will display the field creation form for entering the rest of the
3. Choose a name for this field that consists of only letters, numbers, and the _ character,
and enter it into the Field name text box. No two fields in the same table can have the
same name.
4. For a char or varchar field, enter the maximum number of characters that it can hold
into the Type width text box. For a numeric field, you must instead enter two numbers
separated by a comma, like 10,2. The first is the maximum number of digits that a num-
ber in this field can store, and the second is the number of digits to the right of the deci-
mal point.
For other field types, the Type width text box does not appear at all.
5. If you want this field to be able to store multiple values of the same type, select Yes for
the Array field? option.
6. Click Create to have the field added to the table, as long as there were no errors in your

Once a field has been created, you can only change its name, unlike in MySQL where its type or
size can be modified. This means, however, that there is no risk to the data that it contains. To
rename a field in a table, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database containing the table, and
then on the table icon. This will bring you to the list of fields in the table, an example of
which is shown in Figure 36.3.
2. Click on the name of the field that you want to change.
3. On the editing form, update the Field name text box with a new name. Naturally, this
must follow the same naming rules as apply when creating a field.
4. Click the Save button to have the change made in the database.

36.6 Deleting a Field

Unlike MySQL, the PostgreSQL database server has no built-in SQL command for deleting a
field from a table. It is possible, however, to carry out the removal of a field by creating a new
temporary table that lacks the field, deleting the old table, and renaming the temporary table
back to the original name. This works, and Webmin can do it all for you automatically; however,
some information such as indexes and default field values will be lost in the process. The actual
data in the table (apart from that in the deleted field), however, will be safe.
434 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

Figure 36.3 The table editing page.

If your table does not contain any indexes or fields with default values, you can go ahead
and remove a field by following these steps:

1. Click on the icon for the database containing the table on the module’s main page, and
then on the table icon itself.
2. Click on the Drop Field button on the table editing form, below the list of existing fields.
This brings you to a page listing all the fields in table, each of which has a radio button
next to it under Drop This One.
3. Select the radio button field that you want to remove from the table.
4. Check the Select box to confirm… checkbox at the bottom of the form.
5. Hit the Drop Field button to remove the chosen field. Once it has been deleted, the same
page will be redisplayed so that you can remove another if you wish.

36.7 Field Types

PostgreSQL has a large number of field types, all of which are supported by Webmin. Not all of
them are particularly useful for the average database, however. Those that are commonly used
are listed in Table 36.1.
PostgreSQL has several types for storing geometric objects, such as point, path, box, and
circle, and types for network information such as inet, cidr, and macaddr. Fields of all
these types can be created and edited using this module, even though they are not documented
above. No other databases (such as Oracle or MySQL) support these types, however, so it may
be wise to avoid them if you want your programs to be database-independent.
Field Types 435

Table 36.1 PostgreSQL Field Types

Type Description
char A fixed length string of text, padded to the right with spaces, if necessary. Fields of
this type must have a width, which determines the number of characters that they
can store. This width cannot be greater than 254 characters. To store larger strings,
use a text field.

varchar Similar to the char type, except that text is not padded with spaces. This is the best
type to use for the storage of short strings.

int2 A 2-byte integer, which can store numbers in the range –215 to +215 (approximately

int4 A 4-byte integer, which can store values from –231 to +231 (approximately 2 billion).

int8 An 8-byte integer, which can store numbers in the range –263 to +263.

float4 A number that can contain decimals, such as 12.34. Because this type uses a 4-byte
floating-point format internally, numbers with many digits cannot be stored accu-
rately and will be rounded off to the nearest possible number. For this reason,
float4 and float8 fields should not be used for values that must always be accu-
rate, such as monetary values. The numeric type should be used instead.

float8 Like the float4 type, but uses 8 bytes for storage and thus can handle values with
more significant digits.

numeric Fields of this type can accurately store decimal numbers up to a maximum number
of digits. When adding a numeric field, you must specify the width as two num-
bers separated by a comma. The first is the total number of significant digits that it
can store and the second is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

date Stores a year, month, and day. Dates are always displayed by PostgreSQL in the for-
mat YYYY-MM-DD, and should be entered in that format as well.

time Stores an hour, minute, and second. Times are always displayed in the format

timestamp Stores a year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and timezone offset. Values in a
timestamp field are always shown in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS+ZZ, and
should be entered in that format as well.

text A field of this type can store an unlimited amount of text. No maximum size can be
or needs to be specified.
436 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

36.8 Viewing and Editing Table Contents

The PostgreSQL module allows you to view and edit the contents of any table in any database,
even those that do not have primary keys. Unlike the MySQL module, it can identify specific
rows to edit using the special oid column, which contains a unique identifier for each record.
To view the contents of a table, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database that contains the table, and then on
the icon for the table itself.
2. On the table editing form, click on the View Data button at the bottom. This will bring
you to a page containing the first 20 rows in the table.
3. If the table contains more rows than can be displayed on one page, the start and end of
the visible range and the total number of rows will be displayed at the top. Next to it are
left and right arrows for moving to the next or previous 20 records.
Unlike the MySQL module, there is no way to search for records or jump to a particular
row number on this page.

This same page can also be used to edit, delete, or add records. Records to edit must first be
selected using the checkboxes to the right of each row, or the Select all and Invert selection
links. When you click the Edit selected rows button, the page will be redisplayed with the val-
ues of all chosen records in text boxes. Make whatever changes you like, and click the Save but-
ton at the bottom of the page to update the database. Or hit Cancel if you want to stop editing
without saving your modifications.
To delete records, select them using the same checkboxes and selection links, and click the
Delete selected rows button. The chosen records will be immediately removed from the data-
base with no further confirmation.
To add a new record, hit the Add row button below the table. An additional row will appear
containing empty text boxes for you to enter new details. Clicking Save will add the new record
to the table, and move the display so that you can see the new row. You can also click Cancel if
you change your mind about adding a record.

36.9 Deleting Tables and Databases

This module also contains buttons for deleting a table from a database, or an entire database and
everything in it. When a table is removed, all records and fields that it contains will be lost.
To remove a table, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database from which you want to
remove the table, and then on the icon for the table itself.
2. Click on the Drop Table button below the list of fields. This will take you to a confirma-
tion page that asks if you are sure and tells you how many records will be deleted.
3. To go ahead, click the Drop Table button again. Once it has been removed, you will
return to the list of surviving tables in the database.

It is also possible to delete an entire database and all the tables and records in it. Any database
can be removed, but deleting template1 is a bad idea as the module connects to it when retriev-
Executing SQL Commands 437

ing the list of other databases and assumes that it will always exist. As usual, unless you have
made a backup, there is no way to undo the deletion.
Assuming you really want to delete a database, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database that you want to remove.
2. Hit the Drop Database button below the list of tables. A confirmation page will be dis-
played, telling you how many tables and records will be lost if you go ahead.
3. To continue with the deletion, click the Drop Database button and you will return to the
module’s main page when it is done.

It is possible to remove the template1 database if you change the Initial PostgreSQL data-
base field on the module configuration to some other database that is not going to be removed.

36.10 Executing SQL Commands

The PostgreSQL module also provides a simple interface for running SQL commands on a data-
base and displaying their output. The steps for using it are:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database in which you want to run commands.
2. Click on the Execute SQL button below the list of table icons. This will take you to a
page for entering SQL commands, running files of commands, and loading data into the
3. Enter any one SQL command into the text box at the top of the page and hit the Execute
button. If there was a mistake in your SQL syntax or the command cannot be executed,
the error message from PosygreSQL will be displayed. Otherwise, a table of results from
SQL (if any) will be shown. Only SELECT statements produce results—UPDATE,
INSERT, and other commands that modify records do not.

Unlike the MySQL module, there is no command history or support for running multiple SQL
statements from a file.

36.11 Backing Up and Restoring a Database

If one of your databases contains important information, it should be backed up regularly in case
a disk failure or SQL mistake causes data loss. It is also a good idea to create a backup before
performing some potentially risky operation, such as running a complex SQL statement that
modifies lots of records.
Due to changes in the parameters of the pg_dump and pg_restore commands, the module
only allows you to create and restore backups when using PostgreSQL versions 7.2 and above. If
you are using an older release, the buttons explained in the following steps will not be visible.
To use the module to make a backup, complete the following steps:

1. On the main page, click on the icon for the database that you want to backup.
2. Click on the Backup button below the list of tables. This will take you to a form for
entering the backup destination and options.
438 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

3. In the Backup file path field, enter the full file path that the backup should be written to,
such as /tmp/backup.tar. The file must not already exist. If it does an error will occur
when you hit the Backup button.
4. From the Backup file format menu, select the type of file that should be created. The
available options are:
Plain SQL text The file will contain a series of SQL commands that recreate the tables
in the database and repopulate them with data. This format is convenient in that backup
files can be manually edited, but you cannot include large objects (like blobs) in an SQL
backup or selectively restore from it.
Tar archive The backup file will be a standard UNIX tar file, containing various files
that specify table structures and contents. Large objects are supported, and selective
restoring is possible.
Custom archive The file will be in PostgreSQL’s custom backup format, which is
compressed and supports large objects, data exclusion, and reordering at restore time.
5. To make the backup, hit the Backup button at the bottom of the form. If everything goes
well, you will be redirected to the table list—otherwise, a page showing the backup com-
mand run and its error output will be displayed.

If you have a database that is being used for an important production purpose, it should be
backed up regularly, such as once per day. Instead of following the preceding instructions every
day, you can use the Scheduled Cron Jobs module (covered in Chapter 10) to create a job that
does the backup for you. To find out what command to run, use the instructions above to make a
backup first and then visit the Webmin Actions Log module (covered in Chapter 54) to see the
command that it used.
Once a backup file has been created, it can be restored on the same system or on another
server running PostgreSQL. The steps to restore a backup are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the database into which the backup
should be restored.
2. Hit the Restore button below the list of tables to bring up a form for selecting the backup file.
3. In the Backup file path field, enter the full path to the file containing PostgreSQL
backup data such as /tmp/backup.tar. This file can be in any of the formats available on
the backup form.
4. Normally, the restore process will attempt to recreate tables before restoring data into
them. To avoid this, change the Only restore data, not tables? field to Yes. This will
only work if all the tables in the backup already exist. All data that the tables currently
contain will be combined with restored records.
5. Normally, the restore process will fail if a table in the backup already exists in the data-
base. To have existing tables dropped before restoration, change the Delete tables before
restoring? field to Yes. It makes no sense to set both this and the previous field to Yes.
6. Click the Restore button to reload data and tables from the backup file. An error mes-
sage showing output from the pg_restore command will be displayed if something
goes wrong—otherwise, you will be returned to the list of tables in the database.
Managing PostgreSQL Users 439

36.12 Managing PostgreSQL Users

As you would expect, the PostgreSQL database server does not simply allow anyone to connect
and start manipulating data. Instead, it verifies clients by requiring them to send a username and
password, which it checks against its own internal user list. This list of database users is totally
separate from the UNIX user list in the /etc/passwd file.
By default, only the user postgres will exist, and he will have full access to all databases
and tables. If you are writing an application that uses a database, a new user should be created
for that application to log in as. If multiple people will be accessing your database using the
psql command or other client programs, each should have his own login and password.
To add a new user, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the PostgreSQL Users icon. This will take you to a
list of existing users and their abilities, as shown in Figure 36.4.
2. Click on the Create a new user link above or below the list, which will bring up the user
creation form.
3. Enter a unique name for the user, made up of only letters, numbers, and the _ character,
into the Username field.
4. To set a password for this user, select the second radio button in the Password field and
enter a password into the text box next to it. If None is chosen, the user will not be able
to log in unless the server has been configured to allow connections without a password
(as explained in Section 36.14 “Restricting Client Access”).
5. If you want this user to be able to create his own databases, change the Can create data-
bases? field to No. Only the master administration user (postgres) really needs to be
able to do this.
6. To give this user the rights to edit and create PostgreSQL users, change the Can create
users? field to Yes. Again, this should normally be left as No.
7. The Valid until field controls for how long this user can be used. If Forever is selected,
it will have no expiry date—but if the second option is chosen and a date in YYYY-MM-DD
format is entered into the text field, the account will not be usable after that date.
8. Click the Create button to have the new account added to PostgreSQL’s user list. People
or programs will be able to log in as this user immediately.
Often the database server is set up by default to allow any local user to log in without
needing to supply a password at all. To change this, see Section 36.14 “Restricting Client
9. To configure exactly which tables and views this new user can access, follow the instruc-
tions in Section 36.15 “Editing Object Privileges”.
10. Once a user has been created, it can be edited by clicking on its name in the user list
shown in Figure 36.4. This takes you to the editing form that is almost identical to the
user creation form, except that the user’s name cannot be changed. Once you have fin-
ished modifying the password, expiry date, and other fields, hit the Save button to make
the changes active.

A user can be deleted as well by clicking the Delete button on its editing page. Be careful not to
remove the postgres user, as it is normally used by this Webmin module to log in to PostgreSQL.
440 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

Figure 36.4 Existing PostgreSQL users.

In fact, even editing this user can cause problems if you set an expiry date or take away the user’s
ability to create databases or other users.
Like many other modules, this module can be configured to automatically create, update, or
delete a PostgreSQL user when a UNIX user is added, modified, or removed, respectively. This
can be useful if you allow some of the UNIX users on your system to access databases and want
to keep their passwords in sync.
To set up synchronization, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the PostgreSQL Users icon and scroll down to the
form below the list of existing accounts.
2. If you want a new PostgreSQL user to be created for each new UNIX user, check the
Add a new PostgreSQL user when a UNIX user is added box. Automatically created
users will not, however, have any specific object permissions.
3. If you want PostgreSQL users to have their passwords changed when the same thing
happens to matching UNIX users, check the Update a PostgreSQL user when the
matching UNIX user is modified box.
4. To have a PostgreSQL user deleted at the same time as the UNIX user of the same name,
check the Delete a PostgreSQL user when the matching UNIX user is deleted box.
5. Hit the Save button to make the new synchronization settings active.
Managing PostgreSQL Groups 441

36.13 Managing PostgreSQL Groups

PostgreSQL keeps its own internal list of groups, each of which can contain zero or more users.
Groups are most useful when assigning object permissions, as they allow you to grant access to
a table or view to many users at once. Apart from that, they perform no role in access control or
To create a group, complete the following steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the PostgreSQL Groups icon. Your browser will
display a table of existing groups and their members, if any. When PostgreSQL is first
installed, no groups are defined.
2. Click on the Create a new group link to go to the group creation form.
3. Enter a name consisting of letters, numbers, and the _ character in to the Group name
field. No other group or user can have the same name.
4. Leave the Group ID field unchanged as Webmin automatically chooses the ID.
5. Select the users who will be members of this group from the Members list. In most
browsers, you can Ctrl-Click to select more than one username, or Shift-Click to select
an entire range.
6. Click Create to add the group. Object permissions can now be assigned to it, as
explained in Section 36.15 “Editing Object Privileges”.

Just like a user, a group that you have created can be edited by clicking on its name in the list on
the PostgreSQL Groups page, changing the name or membership list on the editing form, and
hitting Save. It can also be deleted by clicking the Delete button on the same form.

36.14 Restricting Client Access

The default PostgreSQL configuration usually allows any user to connect to the database server
from the same system without needing to log in, but prevents all remote access. If you want to
allow clients to connect from other systems (for example, if you are setting up a database server
that will be accessed from a separate web server), then PostgreSQL needs to be configured to
allow this.
To grant access to another host, follow these instructions:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Allowed Hosts icon. You will be taken to a
page listing hosts from which connections are allowed, the databases clients can access,
and the authentication modes used. Typically, only local connections and those from will initially be allowed.
2. Click on the Create a new allowed host link above or below the list to bring up the host
creation form.
3. In the Host address field, select Single host and enter the IP or hostname of the remote
client system into the adjacent field. You can also select Network and enter the network
address (like and netmask (like into the fields next to it to
allow an entire LAN.
4. To give the specified host or network access to all databases on your server, leave the
Database field set to All databases. Otherwise, make a selection from the menu to limit
the client to just that one.
442 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

If you want to grant a client access to two databases, you will need to add two host
entries each with a different choice selected from Database menu.
5. In the Authentication mode field, select Plaintext password. The No authentication
required option will also allow users on the client system to connect, but without need-
ing to provide a valid password. Clearly, this is not very secure.
6. Hit the Create button to add the new allow host entry.

If your system has multiple users, each of whom has data in a PostgreSQL database that belongs
to them, you should not allow them to log in to the database server without a password. By
default, PostgreSQL allows exactly this, which is not particularly secure! Fortunately, it can be
easily fixed. There is a risk that you will lock Webmin itself out of the database, however, as it is
often set up by default to log in as the user postgres without a password.
Follow these instructions to reconfigure the module to log in with a password and to force
local users to do the same thing:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the PostgreSQL Users icon and then on the post-
gres user to bring up its editing form.
2. Select the second radio button for the Password field and enter a nice, secure password
into the adjacent text field. Click Save.
3. Go back to the module’s main page, and hit the Module Config link.
4. In the Administration password field, select Set to and enter the password you chose
into the text field. Click Save at the bottom of the form.
5. Click on the Allowed Hosts icon, and then on Local connection in the Host address
column. Change the Authentication mode field to Plaintext password, and click the
Save button. After your browser returns to the list of allowed hosts, click on
and make the same change.
6. Return to the module’s main page. If all went well, you will still be able to see and man-
age databases, and all users will require a password to connect.

When a client connects to the database server, PostgreSQL checks the host entries on the
Allowed Hosts page in order. As soon as it finds one that matches the client address and
requested database, the authentication mode for that entry is used. You can use this feature to
block certain hosts while allowing all others by creating a host entry with the Host address field
set to the IP you want to block, and the Authentication mode set to Reject connection. This
entry must appear in the list above any broader entry that would allow the same client.
Because new allowed host entries are always added to the end of the list, the page has a fea-
ture for moving around. The up and down arrows under the Move column in the list can be
clicked on to move an entry up or down one place, respectively.

36.15 Editing Object Privileges

Each PostgreSQL object (a table, view, index, or sequence) has an owner, who is the user who
created it. By default, only the owner can select data from or update records in an object, which
is not too useful if your server has multiple users who will all need access to the same tables.
Fortunately, it is possible to grant access to database objects to other users or groups by follow-
ing these steps:
Module Access Control 443

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Granted Privileges icon. Assuming you actu-
ally have some tables in your databases, this will bring up a page listing all existing
objects and their current permissions.
2. Click on the name of the object to which you want to grant access, which will take you to
its privileges editing form.
Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to make the new permissions active.The
Grant privileges to table lists all users and groups to whom access has been granted,
followed by a blank row for adding a new user or group. Most of the time, however, it
will just contain that one empty row.
In the User column, select the name of the user or group to whom to grant privileges
from the menu, or choose Everyone to grant access to all PostgreSQL users.
In the Privileges column, check the boxes for the rights that should be granted to the
chosen user or group. The available options are their meanings are:
SELECT When checked, the user will be able to view records in this table or view
with an SQL SELECT query.
UPDATE When chosen, this option gives users the ability to update existing records in
the table.
INSERT This option gives users the right to add new records to the table with an SQL
INSERT statement.
DELETE When checked, the user will be able to delete existing records from the
RULE Allows the user to create rules on the table or view. A rule is a piece of SQL
code that is executed to transform data inserted, updated, or deleted in the table.
REFERENCES Allows the user to create a field that references this table as a foreign key.
TRIGGER When checked, the user will be able to create triggers for this table.
Because the table only displays one empty row at a time, you will need to save and re-
edit the object permissions if you want to grant access to more than one user. If several
users are to be given the same permissions, it is better to put them in a group and grant
access to the group, instead.
Unlike MySQL, there is no way to give a user access to an entire database, or just to a field
within a table. All privileges are granted at the table level only.

36.16 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, it is possible to create a Webmin user who has access to only a subset of
the features of some modules. In the case of the PostgreSQL Database Server module, you can
limit a user to managing tables and fields in specific databases, and prevent him from editing
users, groups, or granted permissions. This can be useful if different people own various data-
bases on your server and you want to give each of them a Webmin login to manage only those
that belong to them.
444 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

Once a user has been given access to the module, you can limit him to only certain data-
bases by following these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on PostgreSQL Database Server next to the name of
a user or group who has access to the module.
2. On the access control form, change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.
This is necessary to prevent the user changing the programs that the module uses for
accessing the database.
3. In the Databases this user can manage field, choose the Selected option. Then select
the databases he should have access to from the list.
4. Change the Can create new databases? field to No. There is no reason that a restricted
user of this type should be able to add new databases.
5. Unless you want the user to be able to delete his own databases, change the Can drop
databases? field to No. Leaving it set to Yes is harmless though, as he will only be able
to delete those to which you have granted him access.
6. Change the Can stop and start PostgreSQL server? field to No.
7. Change the Can edit users, groups, hosts and grants? field to No, so that he cannot
create a new PostgreSQL user with access to all databases.
8. Set the Can create backups? field to No, as giving a user the rights to make a backup
may allow him to overwrite files on your system.
9. The Can restore backups? field can be safely set to Yes, as there is no danger in allow-
ing a user to reload data into his databases from a backup file.
10. Finally, to make the new access control restrictions active, click Save.

36.17 Configuring the PostgreSQL Database Server Module

Like most other modules, this one has several options that you can set by clicking on the Mod-
ule Config link in the top-left corner of its main page. Those fields listed under Configurable
option relate to its connection to the database and user interface, while those under System con-
figuration define the paths to the PostgresSQL programs and files.
Unless you have installed the database server in a different directory to the default for your
operating system, fields in the second section do not generally need to be changed. This can hap-
pen if you installed PostgreSQL from the source code instead of using the package supplied with
your Linux distribution, or if you have two copies of PostgreSQL installed and are configuring a
clone of the module (covered in Chapter 51) to manage the second install.
The names and purposes of all the module configuration fields are listed in Table 36.2.

Table 36.2 Module Configuration Options

Administration This field contains the username that the module logs in to PostgreSQL as in
login order to perform all its actions. It is normally set by the PostgreSQL Login form
on the module’s main page, which appears if Webmin cannot log in the first time
you use the module. It does not usually need to be changed after that.
If you change this field, make sure the new user has full access to all tables and
features or some parts of the module will not work. You will probably need to
change the Administration password field as well to match the new username.
Configuring the PostgreSQL Database Server Module 445

Table 36.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Administration The password with which Webmin logs into the database server. Like the Admin-
password istration login field, the PostgreSQL Login form normally sets this.

UNIX user to When Same as Administration login is selected, the module will connect to the
connect to database as the UNIX user with the same name as the database user in the
database as Administration login field. This is necessary if your server has been configured
to only perform ident authentication, which is the case on some Redhat and
Debian Linux releases.
If root is selected instead, all database connections will be done as the root
UNIX user. This is the default, and should be used whenever the server is config-
ured to authenticate clients by a username and password.

Number of rows When viewing and editing records in a table, the module limits the number of
to display per records displayed at a time so that the page does not become too large. To
page increase or decrease the number appearing on each page, change this field.

Use DBI to When this field is set to Yes (as it is by default), the module will use the Perl DBI
connect if interface to connect to the database serve, as long as the appropriate Perl modules
available are installed. Only if DBI is not available will it use the psql command to con-
nect, as the output from that command cannot always be reliably parsed.
Changing this field to No tells the module to always use the psql command, even
if DBI could be used instead. This should only be necessary if there is something
wrong with the DBI modules on your system.

Path to psql This field must contain the full path to the psql command, which is used to exe-
command cute SQL commands if the Perl DBI modules are not installed.

Path to When PostgreSQL is installed from the source distribution, the psql program
PostgreSQL makes use of shared libraries that are installed as well. For Webmin to be able to
shared libraries run them, it must set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the
directory containing those libraries, such as /usr/local/pgsql/lib. Normally, the
module’s main page will display an error message warning you of a shared library
problem if it is not set correctly.
Because Webmin assumes that shared libraries are in the lib directory above the
directory containing the psql program, this field does not usually need to be set.
Most of the time, it is only necessary if your PostgreSQL commands depend upon
other libraries in nonstandard directories like /usr/local/lib.

Initial Because PostgreSQL always requires clients to specify a database when connect-
PostgreSQL ing, the field must contain the name of a database that always exists for Webmin
database itself to use when connecting. The default template1 database will work fine,
unless you decide to delete it.
446 Chapter 36 • The PostgreSQL Database

Table 36.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Command to When the Start PostgreSQL Server button on the module’s main page is clicked,
start PostgreSQL the command in this configuration field is run. It must contain a valid shell com-
mand to start the database server as the correct user. On most Linux systems that
have a package for the database, it will be set to use a bootup script like /etc/
init.d/postgresql start by default.
If you have installed PostgreSQL manually, however, you will need to change it to
something like su postgres -c "/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -i
-S -D/usr/local/pgsql/var" instead. This command runs the postmaster
database server process with the correct parameters as the user postgres.

Command to stop This field controls what happens when the Stop PostgreSQL Server button on
PostgreSQL the main page is clicked. If Kill process is chosen, the module will simply kill the
running postmaster server process. If the second option is selected, however, the
shell command entered into the adjacent text field will be run. This is default on
Linux systems that include a PostgreSQL package that has a shutdown script for
stopping the server, such as /etc/init.d/postgresql stop.
If you have compiled and installed PostgreSQL yourself, you should choose the
Kill process option, as no such shutdown command or script exists.

Command to This field specifies the command that the module runs when the Initialize Data-
initialize base button on the main page is clicked. Because this is only shown when the
PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file is not found, the command is typically only run once. It must
be set to some script or program that can initialize the database for the first time
and create the pg_hba.conf file. On Linux distributions that have PostgreSQL
packages, it is set by default to run a bootup script like /etc/init.d/postgr-
esql start, which runs the correct initdb initialization command.
If the option None is chosen, the Initialize Database button will not be shown
even if the database needs initialization. If you have compiled and installed Post-
greSQL yourself, this is the safest option, as the install process should set up the
database and configuration files for you.

Path to This field must contain the full path to the PID file created by the postmaster
postmaster server process, such as /usr/local/pgsql/var/postmaster.pid.
PID file

Path to host This field must be filled in with the full path to the pg_hba.conf file that con-
access config file tains host access restrictions, as explained in Section 36.14 “Restricting Client
Access”. If it is not set correctly, the module will assume that PostgreSQL has not
yet been initialized and display an error message on the main page.
Summary 447

Table 36.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

PostgreSQL host When this field is set to localhost, the module will connect to the PostgreSQL
to connect to server on the same system to view and manage databases. It is possible to enter a
different hostname instead, however, in which case the module will connect to the
server on that host.
Not all features of the module can be used on a remote server, however. The
Allowed Hosts page and the Start and Stop buttons are examples of this.

PostgreSQL port This field can be used to have the module connect to a port other than the default
to connect to when your database server is running on a non-standard port.

Path to pg_dump This field must contain the full path to the pg_dump command, used for backing
command up a database.

Path to This field must contain the full path to the pg_restore command, used for re-
pg_restore loading the contents of a backup into a database.

Default backup This field sets the default value for the backup form’s Backup file path field. It
repository can be useful if all your backups are made to the same directory.

36.18 Summary
This chapter has introduced the PostgreSQL database server, and explained its capabilities and
limitations. It has shown how Webmin can be used to manage a PostgreSQL server on your sys-
tem. After reading it, you should know how to create databases, create tables and fields, edit
table data, manage users, groups and permissions, and create and restore backups.
C H A P T E R 3 7


n this chapter, a basic introduction to email is given, followed by a

I description of the Sendmail mail server and the Webmin module for con-
figuring it.

37.1 Introduction to Internet Email

When you use a mail client program like Outlook or Evolution to send email, the program simply
passes the message to a mail server for delivery to the destination. This server (also known as the
MTA or Mail Transfer Agent) locates the correct system for the destination address, connects to
the MTA on that system, and transmits the message. When the other server receives the email, it
checks to make sure it is truly destined for this system and, if so, stores it in a local mail file.
Later, when the destination user checks his email, the file is read by a program such as Elm,
Pine, or Usermin, or by a POP3 server. Mail clients like Evolution and Outlook are usually run
on a different system from the mail server, and use the POP3 protocol to download messages for
local storage. Once the email has been retrieved in this way, the delivery process is complete and
the messages can be read by a user.
Mail transfer agents use the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send email to each
other over the Internet. Clients also use SMTP to send mail to servers for onward delivery. Very
few MTAs implement the POP3 protocol for mail retrieval. Instead, they simply write mail to a
file that is read by a separate POP3 server program. Chapter 15 explains how to enable a POP3
server on your system, and Chapter 33 explains the protocol in a little more detail.
The mail server that a client contacts to send a message is usually on its local network, at the
ISP the client system is connected to, or even the same system. Ideally, this first MTA will con-
tact the destination server directly, but this is not always the case. The destination MTA may be
down or unreachable, in which case email will be sent to an alternate server instead. SMTP for-

The Sendmail Configuration Module 449

warding rules or per-user mail forwarding settings may cause an email message to be sent to
other servers before it is finally delivered into a mailbox file.
If you want your system to be able to receive email, you will need to run an MTA program.
This is only the first step. To run your own mail domain—such as example.com—so that mail to
[email protected] is delivered to the mailbox foo on your system, some network and DNS con-
figuration is required. Typically, your system will need a fixed IP address and a permanent con-
nection to the Internet. This means that running a proper mail server on a system that connects
occasionally via dialup is impractical.
For other servers on the Internet to know to send mail to your system, appropriate DNS
records must be created. Typically, an MX (Mail Server) record is defined for the domain—like
example.com—that has the hostname of your system as its value, like server.example.com. This
tells other MTAs to connect to your system to deliver email for the example.com domain. If you
are running your own DNS server for the domain, Chapter 30 explains in detail how to create an
MX record. Otherwise, you will have to tell whoever is hosting the domain (your ISP, for exam-
ple) to add the correct record.
In fact, it is possible for any system to receive email addresses to its full Internet hostname,
such as [email protected]. As long as there is no MX record matching linux-
box.example.com, other mail servers will do a normal A (Address) record lookup for the host-
name and connect directly to the system.
Sometimes it makes sense to run a mail server even if you have a dynamically assigned IP
address or ephemeral Internet connection. The Fetchmail program (covered in Chapter 33) can
be used to download email using the POP3 protocol and deliver it to a local mailbox on your
system, which requires that an MTA be running. This local mail server may never accept a direct
SMTP connection from another system on the Internet, but it can still deliver mail sent by pro-
grams on your system to local mailboxes.
Occasionally it is useful (and even necessary) to run a mail server that only deals with out-
going mail sent by local client programs, and not with delivering incoming messages. Instead of
configuring mail clients to use a remote MTA (such as the one at your ISP), you can tell them to
use your own system’s mail server instead. It will accept messages from local clients and try to
deliver them to their final destinations, or put them in a queue for later delivery. Some programs
that send email can only use a local mail server, to which they connect by running the sendmail
Almost all ISPs and companies run their own mail servers. If you are happy to use an email
address at your organization or ISP’s domain, there is no need to run your own. Instead, you can
simply configure your Linux mail client, like KMail or Evolution, to download mail from and
send mail out via another server. For most people who just have a single email address and don’t
need to host their own email domain, there is no need to set up a mail server.

37.2 The Sendmail Configuration Module

Sendmail is the most popular MTA in use on the Internet today and has been since it was first
developed. It is included as standard with almost all variants of the UNIX operating system, and
works the same on all of them. It has many useful features for routing and processing email,
such as aliases, domain routing, and user-creatable forward files.
450 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Sendmail has a one-to-one mapping between UNIX users and mailboxes. Each user has his
own mail file, typically in the /var/mail or /var/spool/mail directory. Each time a mes-
sage is delivered to a user, it is appended to the file with the same name as the user in that direc-
tory, such as /var/mail/jcameron. Sendmail has no concept of “mail users.” If you want to create
a new mailbox, you will need to add a new UNIX user as explained in Chapter 4.
Sendmail can accept email in two different ways, either from an SMTP connection or by another
program invoking the sendmail command with the right parameters and feeding the email to it as
input. Either way, the message is delivered to either a local user’s mailbox or to another system. As
you would expect, if the Sendmail server process is not running, then it is impossible for email to be
sent to your system via SMTP. Any queued email will also not be delivered.
Sendmail’s primary configuration file is appropriately named sendmail.cf, and is found
in the /etc or /etc/mail directory. There are also separate text and DBM format files for local
domains, mail forwarding aliases, address mappings, and other features discussed later in this
chapter. Almost all of these additional files are actually in the UNIX DBM database format but
are built from a corresponding text file that the system administrator (and Webmin) can edit.
Sendmail only reads the DBM files though and rechecks them for every message received so
that any change to one of the databases files becomes immediately active.
To set up Sendmail using Webmin, you will need to visit the Sendmail Configuration mod-
ule, which can be found under the Servers category. Assuming you have the server installed, the
module’s main page will look like the example shown in Figure 37.1.
If the module cannot find the Sendmail server program or primary configuration file on
your system, an error message to that effect will be displayed instead. Check your Linux distri-
bution CD or website for the sendmail package, and install it using the Software Packages
module (covered in Chapter 12). If other packages whose names start with sendmail- are
available (such as sendmail-cf or sendmail-docs), install them as well.
This error can also occur in the unlikely event that you have installed Sendmail or its config-
uration file in a different location than the one the module expects. By default, it assumes that
you will use the packages that come with your operating system, but these are often out-of-date.
For this reason, you may have compiled and installed the latest version in a different directory. If
so, see Section 37.15 “Configuring the Sendmail Configuration Module” for instructions on how
to change the program and configuration file paths.
Sendmail has gone through many different releases over the years, and in that time its pri-
mary configuration file (usually found at /etc/sendmail.cf) has changed. If you are running
a very old version or using an old configuration file, the module’s main page will display an
error message indicating that the file format is not supported. Configurations older than version
7 trigger this error, but fortunately they are rarely found on modern UNIX systems.
If no error message appears on the main page, the table of icons shown in Figure 37.1 will
be displayed. Each can be clicked on to access one of Sendmail’s features, such as mail aliasing,
domain routing, or the mail queue. The rest of this chapter explains how to use the pages and
forms under each of the icons. Next to the name of each icon (such as Address Mapping) is the
internal name of the Sendmail configuration feature in brackets that it controls, such as virtuser.
These names are mostly useful to experienced administrators who want to know how the icons
in the module relate to actual configuration files and directives.
When clicked on, some of the icons may display a message like Your Sendmail configura-
tion does not have the address mapping (virtuser) feature enabled. On many operating sys-
Editing Local Domains and Domain Masquerading 451

Figure 37.1 The Sendmail Configuration module.

tems, the primary Sendmail configuration file does not have all the available features activated
by default. To make the chosen icon’s pages available, follow the instructions in Section 37.11
“Adding Sendmail Features with M4”.
If the Sendmail server process is running, a button labeled Stop Sendmail will appear at the
bottom of the main page. As its name suggests, clicking on this button will shut down the server
so that your system no longer accepts SMTP connections and no longer scans the mail queue.
When Sendmail is not running, a Start Sendmail button will appear instead, which can be used
to start the server process.
If you want Sendmail to run all the time, use the Bootup and Shutdown module (covered in
Chapter 9) to have its server process started at boot time. Most packages will include an action
script that can be enabled, and may even be enabled by default. If yours does not, you will need
to create an action that runs the command /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q30m at boot time.

37.3 Editing Local Domains and Domain Masquerading

When Sendmail receives an email message via an SMTP connection, it needs to work out
whether it should be delivered locally or forwarded to another server. This is done by looking at
the message’s To: address—specifically the domain part after the @. The domain is compared a
list of local domains, and if a match is found the email is delivered to the mailbox of the user
whose name is to the left of the @ in the To: address. If no such user exists, a bounce message is
generated and sent back to the original sender.
452 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

If the domain is not local, Sendmail will look up the mail server for the domain and attempt
to connect to it in order to transfer the message. This is what usually happens when a client on
the same network connects to send out email. A problem will occur, however, if Sendmail
attempts to connect back to itself, which can happen if the DNS says that it is the mail server for
a domain that is not on its local domain list. If this happens, a bounce message will be sent back
to the sender, containing text like mail loops back to me.
By default, this local domains list contains only the full hostname of your system, such as
server.example.com. If you are setting up a server to receive email from the Internet for a specific
domain (like example.com), it will need to be added to the list. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Local Domains icon. A page containing a text
box in which all current local domains are listed will be displayed.
2. Add as many extra domain or hostnames to the list as you like—one per line. It is quite
possible for a server to accept mail for several domains, especially if it is going to be
used for virtual hosting. As the introduction explains, mail will only be sent to your sys-
tem in the first place if an appropriate MX DNS record exists for each domain.
3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to make them active.

Sendmail will always accept email messages for local delivery in which the To: address does not
contain a domain and instead contains just a username. These are often sent by programs run-
ning on the system itself, such as the Cron daemon or the mail command.
The flip side of the local domains list is domain masquerading. This Sendmail feature
allows you to set the domain that is added to email sent out from your system when none is spec-
ified, such as by the mail command. It is also possible to have Sendmail modify the From:
address domains of messages received via SMTP, such as those send by mail clients.
To set up domain masquerading, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Domain Masquerading icon on the module’s main page.

2. Fill in the Masquerade as domain field with the name of the domain that should be
appended to outgoing From: addresses that lack one, such as example.com. If the field is
left blank, Sendmail will not do domain modification.
3. To have Sendmail rewrite the From: addresses of messages from other domains, fill in
the Domains to be masqueraded field. This can be useful if some of the mail clients
that send out messages via your server insist on using the wrong domain.
4. Click the Save button to make masquerading active.

On most mail servers, you do not need to bother configuring masquerading, as all mail is sent by
client programs using SMTP. All mail clients allow the user to specify a complete From:
address, which should include the correct domain.

37.4 Managing Email Aliases

A mail alias specifies that email received by your server for a particular mailbox should be
forwarded to a different destination instead. That destination can be another email address, a
file of addresses, a local file, or even the input to a program. They can be useful for setting up
pseudo mailboxes that actually send email to a real person, such as [email protected] or
Managing Email Aliases 453

[email protected]. An alias can have the same name as a UNIX user, in which case it
will intercept all mail to that user and forward it to a different destination.
On most operating systems, Sendmail has several aliases defined by default for system users
like bin, nobody, and uucp, all of which forward mail to root. There will also be a postmas-
ter alias, which every mail server must have, and which should forward messages to someone
responsible for the mail server. Typically, this will be the root user, as well.
To create a mail alias of your own using Webmin, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Mail Aliases icon. You will be taken to a page
listing all existing aliases and their destinations, with a form at the top for adding a new
one. Figure 37.2 shows an example.
2. In the Address field of the Create Alias form, enter the user or mailbox name for this
alias (the part of the address to the left of the @). If your server hosts multiple domains,
the alias will forward email sent to the entered name at any of those domains. For exam-
ple, if your server accepts mail for foo.com and bar.com, then an alias called sales will
forward email to both [email protected] and [email protected].
If you want to be able to forward the same mailbox name differently at multiple domains,
see Section 37.6 “Managing Virtual Address Mappings”.
3. Assuming you actually want this alias to be used by Sendmail, leave the Enabled? field
set to Yes. Changing it to No will cause the alias to be ignored. This field can be used
when editing an alias to temporarily disable it, rather than totally deleting it.
4. The Alias to field determines where email to this alias will be sent. The following
options are available from the menu:
<None> Nothing at all will be done with received email. It makes no sense to select
this option when creating a new alias.
Email address Email will be forwarded to the user or address that is entered into the
adjacent field. Be careful not to set up a forwarding loop by sending email back to the
alias’ address again! If you are creating an alias that has the same name as a UNIX user
and really do want email to be delivered to his mailbox as well as some other
destinations, enter the username preceded by a backslash (like \jcameron) into this field.
The backslash tells Sendmail to bypass alias checking.
Addresses in file Email to the alias will be sent to all the addresses in the text file
whose file path is entered into the adjacent text field. Each address must be on a separate
line. This option can be useful for creating a simple mailing list, and the Majordomo list
manager uses aliases of this type (covered in Chapter 34).
Write to file The full text—including all headers—of email received by the alias will
be appended to the file whose path is entered into the text box.
Feed to program The program whose path and parameters are entered into the text box
will be run and the full text—including all headers—of email received by the alias will be
fed to it as input. This kind of alias is most useful to programmers who want to perform
their own custom processing or filtering of email messages. The program is usually run as
the UNIX user daemon, not root, or the user with the same name as the alias.
454 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Figure 37.2 The mail aliases list.

Autoreply from file When email is sent to the alias, the contents of the file specified in
the adjacent text box will be sent back to the original sender. See Section 37.12 “Creating
Autoreply Aliases” for more information on using aliases of this type.
Apply filter file Email sent to the alias will be processed according to the rules in the
filter file entered into the text box, which can forward to different destinations depending
on the message contents. See Section 37.13 “Creating Filter Aliases” for more
details. It is possible for an alias to have multiple destinations. To add more than one,
you will need to re-edit this alias after saving it and fill in the row with <None> selected
at the bottom of the Alias to table.
5. Click Save to have the alias added to the list and immediately made active.
6. As is usual in Webmin, you can edit an existing alias by clicking on its name in the list on
the Mail Aliases page. This will bring up an editing form that contains all the same fields
as the creation form, but has Save and Delete buttons at the bottom. The first of these
will update the alias with any changes that you have made, while the second will perma-
nently delete it.

If a UNIX user has a file named .forward in his home directory, email that would normally be
delivered to his mail file will be sent to the addresses listed in the .forward file. In many ways,
these files are equivalent to aliases that can be created by individual users instead of by the system
administrator. It is even possible for a .forward file to contain entries that tell Sendmail to send
email to a list of addresses in another file, feed it to a program as input, or append it to a file.
Configuring Relaying 455

This module does not support the editing of .forward files. Usermin (covered in Chapter 47),
however, does allow normal users to edit their own forwarding files using a web-based interface
almost identical to the one described in this section.

37.5 Configuring Relaying

In the early days of the Internet, mail servers could safely deliver mail to local domains and for-
ward all other email to another MTA, regardless of its source. Today, allowing your server to for-
ward any email that it receives is an invitation for spammers to use your system as a relay. A
well-configured server should only accept email for non-local domains from trusted client hosts,
such as those on the company network or home LAN. Email sent to local domains is safe, and
can be accepted from anywhere.
For this reason, the Sendmail packages that come with modern Linux distributions are con-
figured by default to prevent the server accepting non-local email from anywhere excpt the same
system. If you are setting up a mail server for a company or for your home LAN, you will need
follow these steps to allow other hosts to relay mail as well. If Sendmail on your system is an
open relay (one that accepts non-local email from anywhere), people sending out millions of
spam email messages can use it to cover their tracks. Even if you are running a small mail server
for a tiny company that you think no spammer will ever know about, it is still a very bad idea to
leave your system open to relaying.

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Relay Domains icon to bring up a form for
entering relay networks and domains.
2. In the Domains to which relaying is allowed field, add the address of the network from
which you want to allow clients to relay. It should be entered without any trailing zeros,
for example, 192.168.1. More than one network can be entered, as can specific IP
You can also enter domain names like foo.com to which Sendmail will allow relaying.
Any received email message (no matter what its source) that is destined for a specified
domain will be delivered to the appropriate server. This can be useful if your system is a
mail gateway for other domains that cannot be reached directly by the rest of the Internet,
as explained in Section 37.7 “Configuring Domain Routing”.
3. Click the Save button to activate the new relay domains list.

One side effect of Sendmail’s relaying restrictions is that there is no way to use your system as a
server for outgoing email when you are connecting from an untrusted network. In fact, that is the
whole point. It can sometimes be annoying—if you dial into many different ISPs and don’t want
to reconfigure your mail client to use a different outgoing mail server for each one, for example.
In an ideal world, it would be possible to use your own mail server for outgoing email no matter
where you are connecting from, but this is normally impossible without turning off relay restric-
tions altogether.
There has been an attempt to solve this problem by adding extensions to the SMTP protocol
to support authentication, so that clients who log in with a username and password are allowed
to relay. Unfortunately, these extensions are not widely supported by mail clients or Sendmail
yet, and there is no support in this Webmin module for configuring them.
456 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Another solution involves trusting clients that make a POP3 connection before SMTP,
which most mail client programs do. This requires cooperation between the POP3 server and
Sendmail, however, which are usually unrelated programs. At the time of writing, Webmin does
not support the configuration of Sendmail and a POP3 server to do this either.

37.6 Managing Virtual Address Mappings

Address mappings are similar to aliases, except that they apply only to email sent to a specific user
and domain, rather than to a user at any domain as aliases do. Another difference is that address
mappings can only forward email to a single address, rather than to a program, file, or list of
addresses. This limitation, however, can be overcome by combining both mappings and aliases.
You can use address mappings to send email to [email protected] and [email protected] to dif-
ferent final destinations, even though your server hosts both domains. This is particularly useful
if you manage a large number of email domains for different customers, many of whom want to
have similar addresses (such as sales) in their domains.
Address mappings can also be used to redirect all email to a particular domain to the same
users at a different domain, so that mail to [email protected] and [email protected] will be sent to
[email protected] and [email protected], respectively. Better still, you can have all email to any address
at a domain sent to another single address, which is useful for the POP3 mail client Fetchmail
that is explained in Chapter 33.
To create a new address mapping, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Address Mappings icon. A page listing all
existing mappings will be displayed, with a form at the top labeled Create Mapping for
adding a new one.
2. If you want to create a mapping for email to just a single address, select Address in the
Mail for field, and enter the address into the adjacent text box. Unlike an alias, it must be
entered in full like [email protected].
If you are creating a mapping for all email to a domain, select the Domain option and enter
the complete domain or hostname into the text field next to it, such as example.com.
Either way, the domain in the address or the entered domain must appear in Sendmail’s list
of local domains, explained in the “Editing Local Domains” section earlier in this chapter.
3. If the destination of the mapping is a single address, select Address in the Send to field
and fill in the text box next to it with either a complete address (like [email protected])
or a mailbox name (like just jcameron).
If Domain was selected for the Mail for field, you are allowed to select the Domain
option for this field as well. If so, you must enter a domain name (like foo.com) into the
adjacent text box, to which all email sent to the original domain will be forwarded.
The final Return error option in the Send to field can be selected if you want a specific
error message to be returned to senders. If chosen, an error type must be selected from
the menu next to it, and a more detailed error message entered into the text box. This
option can be useful for sending back bounce messages that explain why a particular
address or entire domain is no longer reachable.
4. Click the Create button to add the address mapping to the list of those shown below the
form. It will be made immediately active.
Configuring Domain Routing 457

As with aliases, you can edit or delete existing mappings by clicking on their addresses in the
list. This will bring up a form identical to the one used for creating a mapping, but with Save and
Delete buttons at the bottom.
If a mapping exists for both a domain and an address in that domain, Sendmail will use the
second for email to that specific address, and the first for email to any other mailbox in the
domain. In effect, more specific address mappings take precedence over those that are more gen-
eral. Their ordering in the list on the Address Mappings page does not matter at all.
If you want to create a mapping that forwards email to a program, file, or list of addresses,
you will need to create an alias as well. The address mapping will send email to the alias, and
then the alias will forward it on to the real destination. The alias should assign a name that is
related to the address mapping, such as jcameron-example-com for mapping for the virtual
address [email protected].
On a system with many domains and users, it is quite likely that two people will want to
have the same mailbox name in different domains, such as [email protected] and [email protected].
Because Sendmail ultimately only delivers email to UNIX users’ mail files, and two UNIX users
cannot have the same name, this can be a problem. The usual solution is to create users named
like bob-foo and bob-bar, and set up appropriate address mappings to forward email to them.
The only downside is that the users will need to log in to the POP3 server as bob-foo or bob-bar
instead of just bob.

37.7 Configuring Domain Routing

Sendmail’s domain routing feature can be used to forward all email to a particular domain to a
different server. It is most useful if the DNS is set up to send email for some domain to your sys-
tem, which should then be forwarded to another MTA that is unreachable by the rest of the Inter-
net. Routing can also be used to override the normal method by which Sendmail works out
which host to send email to, which can be handy on networks in which connectivity is incom-
plete or some DNS information is not available to all hosts.
To add a new domain routing rule, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Domain Routing icon. A page listing
existing routings (if any) will be displayed, above which is a form for adding a new one.
2. To have email to just a specific domain or host routed elsewhere, select the Host option
in the Mail for field and enter the domain or hostname into the adjacent field.
Alternately, if you want email for all hosts within a domain to be routed, select Domain
instead and enter the domain name into its field. A routing of this kind for the domain
example.com will not affect email send to an address in the domain (like
[email protected]), but only email to addresses on hosts under the domain (like
[email protected]). Normally, this is not what you want.
Any domain or hostname that you enter must be on the list for which Sendmail allows
relaying, as explained in Section 37.5 “Configuring Relaying”.
3. From the Delivery menu, select SMTP. This field tells Sendmail which protocol to use
when routing email for the domain. Most of the other options are useless, as they relate
to UUCP, which is hardly used anymore.
458 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

4. In the Send to field, enter the hostname of the system to which mail should be for-
warded. The Ignore MX for SMTP delivery box should be checked as well, so that
Sendmail always delivers directly to this host instead of trying another DNS look up to
determine the correct destination.
5. Hit the Create button to add and activate the new domain routing. You should test it to
make sure it is really working, as small mistakes (such as selecting Domain instead of
Host) can prevent a route from working.

As on other similar pages in the module, an existing routing rule can be edited or deleted by
clicking on its domain name in the list on the Domain Routing page. There is no way to tempo-
rarily disable a rule, however, as there is with aliases.
Sendmail can also be configured to forward all non-local email to a specific server, rather
than just email to particular domains. This is useful if your company or ISP has a central mail
server to which you want to hand off email, rather than having your system connect to the real
destination server. The next section explains how to set this up.

37.8 Editing Global Sendmail Options

The global options control such things as the maximum message size, number of days to retry
email, load average limits, and the outgoing mail server. The following steps explain how to edit
some of the most useful ones:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Sendmail Options icon. A form for editing glo-
bal options (shown in Figure 37.3) will be displayed.
2. When the Send outgoing mail via host field is set to Deliver directly, Sendmail will
look up the correct mail server for non-local messages and connect to it to deliver email.
If you select the second option and enter a hostname into the text box, however, all mes-
sages except those for local users will be send to that host instead. This will typically be
a central mail server at your ISP or on your company’s network.
If a domain routing rule exists for an address, it will take precedence over any server set
using in this field.
3. The Delivery mode field controls how Sendmail processes incoming messages. The
available options are:
Background or Default In this mode, email is immediately accepted from clients and then
delivered to the destination by a separate background process. This is usually what you want.
Queue only or Deferred When one of these modes is chosen, Sendmail will simply
add incoming messages to its mail queue. Only when the queue is explicitly flushed will
they be sent to their destinations. This can be useful if your system is not always
connected to the Internet, or if you want explicit control over when the server sends out
messages. When a message is received in either of these modes, Sendmail performs no
validation of the source or destination address, which would otherwise cause problems if
your system is disconnected from the network.
Interactive This mode is similar to Background except that email is delivered by the same
process that accepts it from the client. This means that clients must wait until Sendmail has
Editing Global Sendmail Options 459

transferred their messages to the next or destination server, which may take some time. It
does, however, cut down the number of processes that Sendmail needs to start.
4. The SMTP port options field can be used to set the TCP ports that Sendmail listens on
for SMTP connections. The actual value that can be entered can be quite complex, but if
you want your system to accept connections from anywhere on the standard SMTP port,
you should enter just Name=MTA. On some operating systems, this is not the default and
Sendmail will only accept connections from localhost.
5. The Max load average for sending field can be used to set a load average above which
Sendmail will not send out messages. The load average is a rough estimate of the number
of processes running on your system at a moment in time, as explained in Chapter 11.
This option and the next are useful for limiting the amount of CPU time that Sendmail
can use up on your system, although the latter is more useful.
If Default is selected, the server will continue to process the mail queue and send
messages no matter what the load average is.
6. To set a load average above which Sendmail will no longer accept new messages, enter a
value in the Max load average for receiving field. When this level is reached, the server
will close the SMTP port until the load drops back below it again. Typically, whatever
you enter should be lower than the limit set for the Max load average for sending field,
so that the mail queue is still processed even when the load is high.
When Default is selected, Sendmail will accept new connections regardless of the load
7. The Time before giving up field specifies the amount of time that Sendmail will attempt
to send an email to an uncontactable remote server for before returning a bounce mes-
sage to the sender. The value you enter must be a number followed by d (for days) or h
(for hours). It should only be changed if your system is likely to be disconnected from
the Internet for longer than the default of 5 days and you don’t want messages in the
queue to bounce.
8. The similar Time before sending warning field specifies the time that Sendmail will
hold a message in the queue before sending a warning to the original sender. If your sys-
tem is a secondary mail server for some domain or is often disconnected from the net-
work, it should be increased to the same time as the previous field.
9. To change the address to which Sendmail sends fatal or double-bounced messages, enter
a new address in the Send error messages to field. When Postmaster is selected, they
will be sent to the Postmaster mailbox instead, which is usually an alias for root.
10. To limit the amount of disk space that Sendmail will use up for queued messages, fill in
the Min free disk space field. If the number of free blocks drops below this level, new
incoming messages will no longer be accepted. The exact size of a block depends on the
type of filesystem in use, but they are typically 1 kB or 512 bytes in size.
11. To stop large messages being sent via your mail server, fill in the Max message size
field. Any email larger than the number of bytes entered will be rejected when it is
received. If you have a slow network connection and untrusted client users, this option
can be useful for saving bandwidth.
12. Finally, click Save and Apply to save the new global options. Webmin will automati-
cally restart Sendmail for you to activate them.
460 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Figure 37.3 The Sendmail options page.

37.9 Viewing the Mail Queue

When Sendmail receives a message, it is placed into the mail queue. If it can be sent to its desti-
nation immediately, then it will be removed from the queue almost at once. If, however, some
temporary error occurs when sending, then it will remain queued for later processing. The Send-
mail server process makes periodic checks of messages in the queue, retrying each one at longer
and longer intervals. Finally, after a message has been in the queue for too long (usually 5 days),
it will be removed and a bounce email will be sent back to the original sender.
Most messages that are in the queue for a long time are there because the destination mail
server is down or unreachable. Another common cause is a temporary error reported by the
remote MTA, such as a lack of disk space. Webmin allows you to view messages in the queue
and even delete them by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Mail Queue icon to go to a page listing the
details of queued messages. The number of emails in the queue is displayed below the
icon so you can see how long it is at a glance.
2. The ID, sender, destination, subject, and size of all queued messages are displayed in a
table on the mail queue page. In the final column is the current status, which indicates
what Sendmail is trying to do with the message at the moment. Sending will appear
when Sendmail is trying to connect to the remote server, and Deferred will be shown—
along with a reason—when a connection has been tried and failed.
Reading Users’ Email 461

If the queue contains more than 20 messages, only the first 20 will be displayed. To page
through the rest, use the left and right arrow buttons that appear above the list.
3. To view the actual contents of an email, click on its ID in the queue listing. All headers,
the text body, and any attachments will be displayed. To view an attachment, just click
on its icon. To remove just this message from the queue, hit the Delete button at the bot-
tom of the page.
If the email is locked because it is currently being sent, Webmin will display an error
message along with a button labeled Force deletion anyway, that you can click to
override the lock. This may cause the message to be only partially sent, however, and so
is not recommended.
4. To remove multiple messages from the queue, first select them using checkboxes next to
their IDs and the Select all and Invert selection links on the queue list page. Then, click
the Delete selected messages button to get rid of those that you have chosen. To override
any locks on the selected emails, check the Even if locked box first.
After you hit the Delete button, a page listing the ID and deletion result of each chosen
message will be displayed. Deletion can fail if the message is no longer in the queue, or
if it is currently locked.

Even though Sendmail will automatically retry messages in the queue, you can force it to
attempt delivery of all queued messages immediately using Webmin. This can be useful if you
have a dial-up Internet connection and queue up several emails while you are disconnected. The
steps for flushing the queue are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Mail Queue icon to bring a list of queued messages.
2. As long as the queue is not empty, a button labeled Flush Mail Queue will be visible at
the bottom of the page. Click it to begin immediate processing of all waiting messages.
3. A page showing the output from Sendmail as it attempts to deliver queued email will be
displayed. If you have a large queue containing messages for down remote servers, it
may take a long time to completely appear.

37.10 Reading Users’ Email

As the introduction explains, Sendmail stores messages received by users in files in the /var/
mail or /var/spool/mail directory. These are read and emptied by the POP3 server, com-
mand-line mail clients like pine or elm, or web-based mail clients like Usermin. This Webmin
module, however, can also act as a simple mail client, allowing you—the system administra-
tor—to read any user’s email.
This feature is useful for deleting large messages in user mailboxes that would otherwise
take a long time to download over a dialup POP3 connection. It also allows you to read email for
system users such as root without needing to telnet in or run a separate mail client. More con-
troversially, you can even invade people’s privacy on a multi-user system by reading their per-
sonal email—assuming they have not downloaded and deleted it via POP3 yet.
462 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

The following steps show you how to check the contents of a user’s mailbox:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User Mailboxes icon. A page listing all of the
users on your system and the sizes of their mailboxes will be displayed, unless you have
more than 200 users. In that case, a small form for entering a username will appear
2. To view an actual message, click on the sender’s name in the From column. A page
showing the important headers, body text, and attachments will appear. Click on an
attachment icon to view it, assuming that the data type is supported by your browser or
some external program.
To remove just this email from the user’s mailbox, click the Delete button at the bottom
of the page. This can take quite some time if the mailbox is extremely large (over 10
MB) or contains lots of messages, as Webmin needs to rewrite the entire mail file. Click
on the name of a user to bring up a list of messages in his mailbox, an example of which
is shown in Figure 37.4. By default, the most recent messages are shown first, even
though they are actually at the end of the mail file.
If the mailbox contains more than 20 emails, only the first 20 will be displayed. To page
though the rest, use the left and right arrow buttons located above the list.
3. To delete multiple messages, first select them using the checkboxes and Select all and
Invert selection links on the mail list page. Then, click the Delete button above or below
the list. Once again, this can take awhile for large mailboxes.
4. To search the user’s mailbox for messages matching some criteria, use the Find messages
where form below the list. The following types of search can be selected from the menu:
From: matches, Subject: matches, To: matches, or Cc: matches Finds messages in
which the From, Subject, To, or Cc field contains the text entered into the adjacent text box.
The comparison is case insensitive, but regular expression characters cannot be used.
Date: matches Finds messages in which the sending date header contains the entered
text. This header will not be converted to local format, so whatever you enter must match
the date format used by the sender.
Body matches Finds messages whose body contains the entered text. The body
includes all attachments in their unencoded form, not just the text that is shown when
you read an email.
Size is greater than Finds messages whose total size is greater than the number of
bytes entered into the adjacent field.
For each of the above search types, an inverse type is also available, such as From:
doesn’t match or Size is less than. After choosing your search type and entering the text
to match, hit the Search button. A page listing all matching messages will be displayed,
from which you can view the contents of emails or select some or all to delete, just like
in the normal mail list.

The mail reading section of the module actually allows you to compose new messages and reply
to or forward existing ones. In fact, it can be used as a full-featured email client, although it is
not the best program for the job. The default From address for sent messages is determined from
the mailbox user’s name and the system hostname, but this can be changed on the module access
Adding Sendmail Features with M4 463

Figure 37.4 The contents of a user’s mailbox.

control page on a per Webmin-user basis. It is even possible to create Webmin users who can use
this module to read only their own mailbox and send email from only their address. You should
really use a program like Usermin, however, if you want to give the same mail-reading web
interface to a large number of users on your system.
By default, the module assumes that the mail for each user will be stored in a file with the
user’s name in the /var/mail or /var/spool/mail directory. It is possible to configure
Sendmail to use a different file path instead, such as the mbox file in each user’s home directory.
If this is the case on your system, you will need to reconfigure the module, as explained in Sec-
tion 37.15 “Configuring the Sendmail Configuration Module”. Otherwise, all the mailboxes will
show up empty because Webmin is looking in the wrong place for them.

37.11 Adding Sendmail Features with M4

The primary Sendmail configuration file sendmail.cf is extremely complex, and almost
impossible to edit manually. Fortunately, it is usually built from a series of M4 macro files that
are much simpler and can be modified using this module or by manual editing. M4, for those
who have not heard of it before, is a program that parses text files and expands macros in them.
These macros can include other text files, define variables and functions, or exclude text based
on certain conditions. M4 is very similar to the preprocessor used by the C programming lan-
guage which handles #include and #define statements. Fortunately, this module hides most
of the complex details from you.
464 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Often, the default Sendmail configuration that comes with your operating system will not
have some features enabled, such as address mapping or domain routing. Webmin can detect
this, and will display an error message if you try to use a module page for a Sendmail feature
that is not enabled in the primary configuration file. To turn on a missing feature, an entry must
be added to the primary M4 configuration file, from which sendmail.cf is rebuilt. Sendmail
will then be able to use it and this module will be able to configure it.
Before you can manage your Sendmail M4 configuration, this module must know where to
find the M4 files. To check if it has the correct paths and to set them if not, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Sendmail M4 Configuration icon.

2. If an error message like The Sendmail M4 configuration file /etc/sendmail.mc was
not found or The locations of the Sendmail M4 base directory and M4 config files
have not been set is displayed, then the module cannot find the M4 files. If a table of
entries from the file is displayed instead, then everything is configured OK and you can
skip the rest of these steps.
3. If you are running Linux, check your distribution CD or website to make sure that all the
packages whose names start with sendmail are installed. Sometimes the M4 files are in
a separate package named something like sendmail-cf. If you do find and install such
a package, go back to Step 1 and check again to see if the module has found the configu-
ration files.
4. If you have compiled and installed Sendmail from the source package, the M4 files will
be in the cf subdirectory of the source code. Click on the Module Config link on the
module’s main page, and set the Sendmail M4 base directory field to /path/to/source/
cf, and the Full path to M4 config file to the appropriate generic- in the /path/to/
source/cf/cf directory. For the latter field, the file you choose depends on your operat-
ing system—for example, on Linux you would enter generic-linux.mc, while on
Solaris you should enter generic-solaris2.mc. The .cf files in that directory should
not be selected, as they are fully built Sendmail primary configurations, not M4 macro
files. See Section 37.15 “Configuring the Sendmail Configuration Module” for more
information on these fields.
5. If you are using the Sendmail package that came with your version of UNIX and cannot
find any M4 files on your system, then this feature of the module cannot be used. This is
unfortunately the case on some operating systems.

Once the Sendmail M4 Configuration page displays the contents of your primary M4 file, you
can use it to add new features such as address mapping or domain routing. The page can in fact
be used to modify any of the M4 macros in the file, but unless you are any experienced Sendmail
administrator it is best to stick to these instructions for adding features:

1. From the menu next to the Add new entry of type button at the bottom of the page,
select Feature and then hit the button to go to the feature creation form.
2. Select the one that you want to add from the Feature menu. The most commonly used
features have names next to them in brackets that correspond to their icons on the mod-
ule’s main page.
3. In the Parameters field, enter hash –o followed by the path that should be used for the
feature’s text and DBM files. For example, if adding a virtusertable feature you
Creating Autoreply Aliases 465

should enter hash –o /etc/mail/virtusertable (assuming your system has an /etc/mail

4. Log in to your system as root via SSH, telnet, or at the console and create the empty
text file with a command like touch /etc/mail/virtusertable. Naturally, this is
not necessary if it already exists.
5. Click the Create button to update the M4 file and return to the previous page.
6. At the very bottom of the M4 file contents list, click the Rebuild Sendmail Configura-
tion button. A confirmation page showing the exact changes that will be made to your
sendmail.cf file will be displayed. Typically they will be limited to directives for the
new feature. If the confirmation form indicates that a huge number of lines are going to
be changed, it is likely that the M4 file being edited was not originally used to build your
current sendmail.cf file, and so should not be used in future.
7. To go ahead and use the newly rebuilt Sendmail configuration, click the Yes, replace it
now button. Your sendmail.cf file will be updated and the server process restarted to
immediately activate it.
8. Go back to the module’s main page, and click on the icon for the feature that you have
just enabled. You will not be able to add and edit address mappings or whatever it was
for which you added support.

As you can see from looking at the existing M4 file entries, editing or adding to it can still be quite
complex. For this reason, the book does not cover all of the possible features or other macro types
that you can add. For most people, however, the defaults will work just fine. At most, all you
should need to do is add a feature or two as explained above. If you want to learn more about edit-
ing the M4 configuration, you should buy a book dedicated to Sendmail administration.
One problem with using the M4 page to rebuild your Sendmail configuration is that any
changes that have been made directly to sendmail.cf will be overwritten. The module’s Send-
mail Options page unfortunately does precisely this, so if you follow the instructions above to
add a new feature, any changes made on that page will be lost! The only real solution is to edit
the entries in the M4 file that correspond to those on the Sendmail Options page. For example,
the Send outgoing mail via host field is set by the SMART_HOST define.

37.12 Creating Autoreply Aliases

The Sendmail Configuration module lets you easily create an alias that triggers an automatic
reply to anyone who sends email to it. When you do this, Webmin creates a simple script that is
run from the alias and receives the contents of email sent to it as input, just like a command spec-
ified using the Feed to program alias type.
To set up an autoreply alias, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Mail Aliases icon.

2. In the Create Alias form, enter a name for the alias, and select Autoreply from file from
the type menu. The name can be that of an existing UNIX user if you want to set up an
automatic reply to any message sent to him—for example, if he is on vacation.
3. In the field next to the type menu, enter the path to a file that will contain the autoreply
message, such as /home/someuser/autoreply.txt. The file does not have to exist yet.
4. Click the Create button to add the alias, then click on its name in the list to edit again.
466 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

5. Follow the Edit link next to the autoreply filename field. This will bring up a page con-
taining a large text box for entering the contents of the reply message.
6. After entering the text that you want sent back to any sender, click Save at the bottom of
the page. The autoreply alias is now fully active.

The reply text can contain several special macros that start with $, such as $SUBJECT, $TO,
$FROM, $DATE, and $BODY. When the reply is sent, these will be replaced with the original mes-
sage’s subject, destination address, sender address, sending date, or body, respectively. Be care-
ful using the $BODY macro though, as it will be replaced with the entire unencoded contents of
the email to which you are replying.
You can also add to, or override, the headers used in the reply message by starting the
autoreply text with one or more lines in standard SMTP header format, followed by a blank line.
For example, to set the subject of the automatic reply you could enter Subject: This is an auto-
matic reply at the top of the text box, with an empty line after it.
One problem with Webmin’s autoreply script is its inability to reliably determine the From:
address to use when sending the reply. This is normally just taken from the To: address of the
original message, but this is not possible when replying to a message that was sent to multiple
people. Even though the code attempts to find the right address automatically, it can sometimes
get the wrong one and send an automatic reply that appears to be from the wrong person. For
this reason, you should set the correct address by including a header line like From: Jamie Cam-
eron <[email protected]> at the top of your reply text.
If you are setting up an automatic reply alias for a UNIX user, it is usually a good idea to
have a copy of all email sent to the user stored in his mailbox as well. To do this, re-edit the alias
and select Email address from the second type menu. Then enter the user’s name, preceded by a
backslash, into the text field next to it (like \jcameron) and hit Save.

37.13 Creating Filter Aliases

Sendmail aliases normally forward email messages to their destinations regardless of their con-
tent. It is possible, however, to use this Webmin module to create an alias that forwards to differ-
ent addresses or files depending on the headers or body of a message sent to it. When you create
an alias like this, the module internally creates a script that passes the contents of email to the
alias as input, just like a command specified using the Feed to program alias type.
A filter consists of a series of rules, each of which has a condition and action. The condition
specifies both a header and text to check if it is contained in that header, while the action speci-
fies an address to which to forward or a file to which to append the message. When a message is
received by the filter, it is checked against the rules, in order, until one that matches is found and
its action is performed. At the end of the list is a default action, which determines where to for-
ward email that does not match any of the conditions.
Compared to other mail filtering or classification programs like Procmail and SpamAssas-
sin, Webmin’s filters are limited in their functionality and flexibility. They are easy to create,
however, and require no additional software. To create one, the steps to follow are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Mail Aliases icon.

2. In the Create Alias form, enter a name for the alias and select Apply filter file from the
type menu. The alias name can be that of an existing UNIX user if you want to filter his
email before delivery.
Creating Filter Aliases 467

3. In the field next to the type menu, enter the path to a file that will contain the filter rules,
such as /home/someuser/filter.rules. Because the file format is fairly complex, you should
not enter the name of any existing file unless it was created by following these same steps.
4. Click the Create button to add the alias, and then click on its name in the list to edit again.
5. Follow the Edit link next to the filter rules file field. This will take you to the form
shown in Figure 37.5, which contains a table of empty rows for entering new rules and a
text field for the default action address.
6. In the first row, select the header on which you want to filter from the menu next to If
the. To check the entire undecoded email body, select body from the list instead.
To have the action performed if some text is found in the header or body, select matches
from the second menu. To perform the action only when some text is not found, choose
doesn’t match, instead.
In the field next to this menu, enter the text for which the filter should check the header
or body. The comparison will always be case insensitive, and Perl regular expression
characters like [, ., +, and * can be used.
In the then forward to field, enter the email address or mailbox name to which messages
matching the condition that you specified will be sent. It is also possible to enter an
absolute file path like /home/someuser/mail/somefolder to which email will be appended
instead. This could be another user’s mail file, or a mail folder—however, it must be
writable by the UNIX user daemon as whom Sendmail runs.
7. To enter another rule, fill in the second blank row by repeating the instructions in Step 6
again. Only five empty rows are displayed, but you can create more than five rules by
saving and re-editing the filter file.
8. In the Otherwise forward to field at the bottom of the table, enter an address or file-
name to which messages that do not match any of the rules will be sent or appended. If
this is left blank, unmatched email will be thrown away!
9. Finally, click the Save button to activate the new filter rules. To make sure they are really
working, you should send a few text messages to the alias and check to see that they are
delivered correctly.

To have email forwarded to multiple addresses by a single rule or the default action, just enter
them separated by commas into one of the forward to fields. You can also enter the name of
another alias as the destination, which can then send messages to multiple files, addresses, and/
or programs.
When creating a filter alias with the same name as a UNIX user, it is often useful to specify
that messages matching some rule be delivered to the user’s normal mailbox. Just entering the
user’s name as the destination, however, would be a big mistake as this would trigger an endless
loop through the filter! Instead, you should prepend a backslash to the username—like
\jcameron. As with aliases, this tells Sendmail to ignore any aliases for this mailbox.
Because it can often be difficult to work out what a filter alias is doing and why it is doing it,
the filter script creates a log file in the same directory as the rules file. The log has the same
name as the filter file, but with .log appended. Every message received by the alias and deliv-
ered to some destination by the filter causes a line to be added to the log, containing the date,
time, sender, destination, and rule matched. The log file will only be created if the directory or
log itself is writable by the daemon user, though.
468 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Figure 37.5 The filter creation form.

37.14 Sendmail Module Access Control

The Sendmail Configuration module probably has the most powerful access control features of
any module in Webmin. You can use them to limit the aliases and virtual addresses a Webmin
user can edit, or restrict him to reading only the mailboxes of certain UNIX users. These features
are most useful in a virtual hosting environment, where customers own email domains and the
user accounts. On this kind of system, you can create one Webmin user per customer who can
only manage the address mappings, aliases, and mailboxes for his own domains, while not being
able to use other features of the module or touch other customers’ information.
Once you have created a Webmin user who has access to the module (as explained in
Chapter 52), follow these steps to restrict what he can do:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Sendmail Configuration next to the name of the
user whom you want to restrict.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so that he cannot modify paths
to Sendmail programs and files.
3. Set all of the Yes/No fields in the second section to No, which will prevent the user from
seeing most of the module’s icons.
4. Select No from the Can manage mail queue? menu, or View only if you just want the
module user to be able to see the contents of the queue. Selecting Yes would be a bad
idea, as it would allow him to delete queued email belonging to other domains.
5. For the Address mappings this user can edit field, select the Matching option and
enter a Perl regular expression for allowable mapping sources into the text field next
Configuring the Sendmail Configuration Module 469

to it. For example, to let him create and edit mappings in the domains foo.com and
example.com, you should enter (@foo.com|@bar.com)$.
6. It is safe to select all of the checkboxes in the Address mapping types this user can
edit field.
7. In the Aliases this user can edit field, select Matching and enter a regular expression that
only lets him modify or create aliases starting with the customer’s domain names. For
example, if the user owns the domains foo.com and example.com you should enter
^(foo|example)- to limit him to aliases like foo-jcameron or example-fred. This naming
convention ensures that users cannot step on each others’ aliases. To limit the number of
mappings that the user can create, select the second radio button in the Maximum number
of address mappings field and enter a number into the box next to it. This can be useful
for preventing a single customer from more address mappings than he has paid for.
8. In the Alias types this user can edit field, deselect the checkboxes for types of aliases
that the Webmin user should not be allowed to create. Good candidates to deny access to
are Write to file, Feed to program, Autoreply, and Filter file, as they use the permis-
sions of the Sendmail daemon user and thus may be a security risk.
9. To limit the number of aliases that the customer can create, select the second radio button
in the Maximum number of aliases field and enter the maximum into the box next to it.
10. To stop the Webmin user from creating aliases that run programs, append to files, or use
address files outside a certain directory, enter it into the Limit files and program to
directory field. Unfortunately, this can be subverted by the clever use of symbolic links
and so is not a very strong security measure.
11. In the Outgoing addresses this user can edit field, select Matching and enter the same
regular expression as in the Address mappings this user can edit field. This will limit
the user to rewriting addresses for only his own domains. To prevent the editing of outgo-
ing addresses at all, select None. In most cases, there is no need for a Sendmail adminis-
trator to edit them anyway.
12. In the Users whose mail can be read field, select one of the last five options to limit the
customer to only those UNIX users who belong to him. If he has been given limited
access to the Users and Groups module as well, then you should allow him to read the
email of the same users that he can create and edit in that module.
13. Leave the rest of the fields on the form set to their defaults. They are only really useful if
you are setting up the module as a web-based mail reading interface. Although this is
possible, there are much better alternatives such as Usermin (covered in Chapter 47).
14. Click the Save button to make the restrictions for the user active.

Even though it is possible to configure this module to limit a user to certain domains, the module’s
interface is not particularly friendly compared to products like Plesk or Cpanel. These are web-
based virtual server management interfaces that have been designed from the ground up for that
purpose, unlike Webmin which was designed to allow the management of everything on a system.

37.15 Configuring the Sendmail Configuration Module

The Module Config link on the main page takes you to a form seen in many other modules for
editing settings that apply to the operation of the module itself. Those listed under Configurable
470 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

options relate to its user interface, while those under System configuration define the paths to
the Sendmail programs and files.
Settings in the latter group do not usually need to be changed. By default they are set to
match the Sendmail package supplied with your operating system. If you have compiled and
installed the MTA yourself from the source code, however, then it is quite possible that they will
be incorrect.
The available module configuration options are shown in Table 37.1.

Table 37.1 Module Configuration Options

Seconds to wait When Don’t refresh is selected, the mail queue display will only be refreshed
before refreshing when you click the reload button in your browser. On the other hand, if the
mail queue second option is selected and a number entered, the browser will automati-
cally reload the page after that number of seconds has elapsed. This can be
useful if you want to continually monitor the mail queue as it changes.

Mail messages to This field controls the number of email messages that appear per page in the
display per page users’ mailboxes and when viewing the mail queue. You may want to increase
it if you like to use a large browser window.

Width to wrap mail When reading a message in a mailbox or in the queue, Webmin will automati-
messages at cally wrap the body text so that each line is less than the number of characters
specified in this field. You may want to change it depending on the width of
your browser window.

Sort tables by When Order in file is chosen, the lists of aliases, address mappings, routed
domains, outgoing addresses, domain mappings, and spam control rules will
be displayed in the order in which they appear in their source text files, which
is typically the order in which they were added. If Name is chosen, however,
they will be sorted by name instead, which can make individual entries much
easier to find.

Send mail via As Section 37.10 “Reading Users’ Email” explains, this module can be used
connection to to compose and send email messages. When this field is set to Sendmail exe-
cutable, Webmin will send these messages by running the Sendmail com-
mand with the –t option—usually /usr/lib/sendmail. Assuming your
mail server is running properly, this should work fine.
To have messages sent via an SMTP connection to some other MTA instead,
select the second option for this field and enter another mail server’s hostname
into the text box. You can even enter localhost to have email sent via the
Sendmail server on this system, but using SMTP instead of running a program.

When reading mail When Latest is selected, user mailboxes will be sorted so that the newest
start at email appears first. If the Oldest option is chosen, the oldest email will appear
at the top of the list instead.
Configuring the Sendmail Configuration Module 471

Table 37.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Wrapping mode in This option sets the wrapping mode used for bv HTML textarea on the mail
mail textarea composition page. If Off is chosen, no wrapping is done and long lines will
cause the text box to scroll to the right. If any of the other options are selected,
long lines will be wrapped as you entered them (but not in the actual email!).

Keep track of read/ When this field is set to Yes, the module will keep track of which messages in
unread emails user mailboxes have been read and show ticks next to those that have. It will
also display additional buttons for marking single emails or multiple messages
as read or unread. This feature is really only useful if you are using the module
as an actual mail client, which is why the default for this field is No.

Show To: address in When Yes is selected, the display of messages in a user’s mailbox will include
mailboxes? the To address as well as the From, Subject, and Date headers. This can be
useful if mail to several different addresses ends up in the same mailbox.

Maxiumum number If the number of entries in the list of aliases, address mappings, routed
of records to show in domains, outgoing addresses, domain mappings, or spam control rules
tables exceeds the number in this field, then they will not be shown. Instead, a search
form will appear allowing you to find entries by name. This is done to prevent
an extremely large alias file, making the Mail Aliases page enormous and slow
to display. On most small systems the default limit of 200 will never be hit.

Show buttons at On the pages for listing a user’s email and reading a single message, buttons
top for appear at the bottom for deleting, replying, and so on. This field controls when
those same buttons appear at the top as well, so that you do not have to scroll
all the way down to the Both the mailbox list and single message display
pages have buttons at the top.
Mailboxes only Only the mailbox list has buttons above the table as well as
at the bottom.
Never Neither page has buttons at the top, only at the bottom.

Headers to show in The boxes checked for this field determine which columns are shown on the
mail queue mail queue listing. The first five correspond to actual email headers, while the
Size box enables the display of message sizes and the Status box enables the
display of the current status or last error.

Sort mail queue by This field controls the order in which messages in Sendmail’s mail queue are
shown. The default is to sort by queue ID, but you can have the module sort by
other attributes of each message instead—but at the cost of slowing down the
display for a large queue.
472 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Table 37.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Show size of mail This field determines if the current size of the mail queue is shown on the
queue on main module’s main page below the mail queue icon. You may want to disable this
page? if your system consistently has a large queue that Webmin is slow to count.

Minimum mail file Normally, Webmin creates an index file of messages in a user’s mailbox so
size to index that it does not have to reread the mail file on every page. This speeds up the
display of the mailbox and single email pages, but can break down if the mail-
box changes often. A common symptom of index failure is the display of
numerous blank messages instead of the actual contents of a mailbox.
This field can be used to turn off indexing altogether, or limit it to only large
mail files. The default of 1 MB stops the indexing of small mailboxes that are
frequently cleared by POP3, while enabling it for large boxes that are left off
the server.

Forward messages When this option is enabled (as it is by default), single messages forwarded
with quoting? using the module’s mail reading feature will have > characters prepended to
each line. Since some people don’t like this form of quoting, this configuration
field can be used to turn it off.

Confirm before This field determines if Webmin will ask you for confirmation before deleting
deleting messages? messages in a user’s mailbox.

Full path to This field must contain the full path to the primary Sendmail configuration
sendmail.cf file, sendmail.cf. It can almost always be found in the /etc or /etc/mail

Sendmail M4 base If you want to use the module’s M4 reconfiguration page (covered in Section
directory 37.11 “Adding Sendmail Features with M4”), this field must be set to the base
directory under which all the .m4 file subdirectories can be found. These sub-
directories are named cf, domain, feature, mailer, and ostype among
If you have compiled Sendmail from the source code, the M4 configuration
files will be included with the source and you should set this field to point to
their base directory. It is important to use the files that come with the version
of Sendmail you actually have installed, so that the primary configuration file
can be generated properly.
Configuring the Sendmail Configuration Module 473

Table 37.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Full path to M4 To use the module’s M4 reconfiguration page, this field must be set to the pri-
config file mary M4 configuration file that specifies which features to enable. If you have
compiled Sendmail from the source code, the primary file will be one of the
generic-*.mc files in the cf directory under the M4 base directory. The
exact one depends on your operating system—for example, generic-
linux.mc should be used if you are running Linux.
Of course, if you have already manually created your own primary M4 config-
uration file and generated a sendmail.cf file from it, then its path must be
entered here instead.

Full path to This field must contain the full path to the file into which the Sendmail server
sendmail pid file process writes its process ID, such as /var/run/sendmail.pid. If it is not set cor-
rectly, the module will not be able to tell that the server is running.

Command to start This field must contain a command to start the Sendmail server as a back-
sendmail in server ground process, which is run when the Start Sendmail button on the module’s
mode main page is clicked. If you have compiled the program yourself, you should
set it to /usr/lib/sendmail –bd, assuming that the sendmail executable is in
the /usr/lib directory.
On many operating systems, this field will be set by default to use a bootup
script like /etc/init.d/sendmail start, which is included with the Sendmail
package for the OS. This is unlikely to work if you have compiled the server
yourself instead of using the package.

Command to stop When Kill process is selected for this field, the module will simply kill the
Sendmail Sendmail server process when the Stop Sendmail button on the main page is
clicked. If a command is specified (such as /etc/init.d/sendmail stop) it will be
run instead.
If you have compiled and installed manually, you should select the Kill pro-
cess option as no bootup script to stop the server is likely to exist.

Makemap command This field must contain the path to the makemap command used for rebuild-
ing DBM files from text files. It is acceptable to enter just makemap if the
program is in one of Webmin’s search path directories, such as /usr/bin or

Sendmail command This configuration field must contain the full path to the actual Sendmail pro-
gram, such as /usr/sbin/sendmail or /usr/lib/sendmail.

Full path to When Automatic is selected, the module works out the path to the Sendmail
sendmail aliases file automatically aliases text files from the AliasFile entry in the send-
mail.cf file. If for some reason this is not correct on your system, however,
you can choose the second option and enter a specific alias file path instead.
474 Chapter 37 • Configuring Sendmail

Table 37.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Source file for The address mappings (also known as virtusers) that Sendmail actually uses
virtusers database are taken from a DBM format file, rather than from the text file that the mod-
ule reads and edits. The path to the DBM is specified in sendmail.cf, and
when this configuration field is set to Same as DBM, the module will assume
that the text file has the same path, minus any .db or .dir extension.
Even though this is almost always the right thing to do, the source text file
from which the DBM is built may be in a totally different location on some
systems. If this is the case on your system, then you must select the section
option for this field and enter the correct path to the virtusers text file, such
as /usr/local/etc/virtusers.

Source file for This field has a similar purpose to the Source file for virtusers database, but
mailertable data- applies to the domain routing or mailertable file instead. Once again, the
base default of Same as DBM is almost always correct.

Source file for This field has a similar purpose to the Source file for virtusers database, but
generics database applies to the outgoing addresses or generics file instead—the usage of
which is not covered in this chapter.

Source file for the This field has a similar purpose to the Source file for virtusers database, but
access database applies to the spam control or access file.

Source file for the This field has a similar purpose to the Source file for virtusers database, but
domains database applies to the domain mapping or domaintable file.

User mail file For the User Mailboxes feature of the module to work properly, this field must
location be set to the directory containing user mail files, such as /var/mail. The only
time you would need to change it is if you have reconfigured Sendmail to
deliver to a different directory—for example, by using Procmail as the local
delivery agent.
If the option File under home directory is selected, the module will look for
a mail file in each user’s home directory instead. The exact filename is speci-
fied by the Mail file in home directory field below. Again, this should only
be chosen if you have actually configured Sendmail to deliver to such files
instead of to the /var/mail directory.

Mail file in home When the User mail file location configuration field is set to File under
directory home directory, this field must contain the name of a file in users’ home
directory to which incoming email is appended. The default is mbox, but
Mailbox or Inbox may be used on some systems.
Summary 475

Table 37.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Mail file directory When a directory is specified for the User mail file location field, this menu
style controls where the module looks under it for the actual mail files. The default
of mail/username tells the module that mail files are in the directory, and
have the same name as the user who owns them. For 99 percent of systems,
this is correct and thus this field should not be changed.
If you have a large number of users on your system, however, and have config-
ured Sendmail to group user mail files into subdirectories under /var/mail,
then the other menu options will be useful. Their meanings should be self-

SMRSH directory SMRSH is a program that Sendmail can be configured to use when executing
programs from aliases or .forward files. It limits the programs that can be
run to those in a particular directory, usually /etc/smrsh. If you have
SMRSH on your system and want to be able to use this module to create
autoreply or filter aliases, this field must be set to the SMRSH directory. This
tells the module to create a symlink from that directory to the autoreply or fil-
ter script that it generates, so that they can actually be run. If None is selected,
no such links will be created.
Many Linux distributions include a Sendmail package that uses SMRSH. On
those systems, this field will be set to /etc/smrsh by default.

Extra mail queue This field can be used to specify extra mail queue directories for the module to
directories check for queued messages that are not defined in the sendmail.cf file. This
is rarely necessary unless you have two separate Sendmail configurations—
one for incoming mail and one for outgoing. In this case, the module can only
read one of the configuration files and so will not be able to automatically
work out all the queue directories. Because recent versions of Mandrake
Linux include Sendmail packages that work like this, the field will be set cor-
rectly by default on that distribution.

37.16 Summary
After completing this chapter, you should be familiar with the concepts behind Internet email,
the protocols used to transport it, and the types of programs that use them. You should also
understand what tasks Sendmail performs, and how it can be configured to redirect email with
aliases, limit the addresses from or domains to which email is forwarded, and support multiple
virtual domains. The use of Webmin’s Sendmail module for reading users’ email and viewing
the mail queue should also be clear. Finally, if necessary, you should know how the module can
be set up to grant limited access to a Webmin user so that he can manage only a subset of the
email domains hosted on your system.
C H A P T E R 3 8

Configuring Qmail

his chapter explains how to configure the Qmail mail server on your
T system and compares it to the other popular server—Sendmail.

38.1 Introduction to Qmail

Qmail is probably the second most popular UNIX mail server on the Internet, behind Sendmail
and in competition with Postfix. Because Sendmail uses a single server process that runs as
root, any security hole in that process can allow an attacker to take over an entire system.
Qmail was designed to avoid this problem by using multiple server processes and programs,
each of which has only the privileges that it needs.
Before you can configure Qmail, you need to understand how Internet email works. Section
37.1 “Introduction to Internet Email” explains pretty much everything you need to know, so read
it now if you are unfamiliar with SMTP, MX records, and so on. All the same principals apply to
Qmail as well.
The biggest difference between Qmail and Sendmail is the location and format of the user
mail file directories. Even though Qmail usually has a one-to-one mapping between UNIX users
and email accounts, it does not store user email in a directory like /var/mail. Instead, the
Mailbox file or the Maildir directory in each user’s home directory is used, depending on the
Qmail configuration. The Mailbox file has the same standard format as normal user mail files
created by Sendmail, but the Maildir directory is quite different. It contains three subdirecto-
ries, under which each message is stored in its own separate file. This mail storage system makes
delivery of new mail much more reliable, and avoids the need to rewrite a large file when delet-
ing a message.
All of the Qmail programs, configuration files, and queued messages are stored under the
directory /var/qmail. There is no single master file—instead, numerous small files in the

The Qmail Configuration Module 477

control and alias subdirectories tell the server what to do. Because they are reread for each
incoming message, any changes to these files take effect immediately.
Unlike Sendmail, Qmail does not have a permanently running server process to accept
SMTP connections. Instead, it depends on a super server like tcpserver, inetd, or xinetd
(covered in Chapter 15) to run a small program when a mail client or other MTA connects to the
SMTP port. As soon as the email has been accepted and added to the queue, this program exits.
A separate Qmail daemon process periodically scans the mail queue and attempts delivery of
messages in it to remote systems or local mailboxes.
Email can also be added to the Qmail queue by feeding it as input to the appropriately named
program qmail-queue, which is found in the /var/qmail/bin directory. Also in that directory
is a program named sendmail, which takes the same input and parameters as the real Sendmail
command but is actually just a wrapper for qmail-queue. On most systems that have Qmail
installed, symbolic links exist from /usr/lib/sendmail and/or /usr/sbin/sendmail to this
program so that other scripts or programs that expect Sendmail to be installed still work.

38.2 The Qmail Configuration Module

Webmin’s module for configuring Qmail can be found under the Servers category. Assuming
you have Qmail installed, clicking on its icon will take you to the module’s main page, as shown
in Figure 38.1. Each of the icons on the main page is a link to a page for one of the module’s fea-
tures, such as aliases or local domains. Under the name of each is the Qmail file or program
name related to the feature, so that experienced administrators can see what each icon page is
really configuring.
At the bottom of the page is a button labeled either Start Qmail Processes or Stop Qmail
Processes. As their names suggest, they start the queue-processing daemon if it is not running,
or stop it if it is running, respectively. Because the Qmail SMTP listener is run from inetd,
other hosts will always be able to connect to your system. However, any email that they send
will not be delivered to local mailboxes or other servers if the queue-processing server is down.
If you do not have Qmail installed, the error message The QMail base directory /var/
qmail does not exist will appear on the main page instead. Unfortunately, very few operating
systems include a Qmail package, so you will almost certainly need to download it from
www.qmail.org, compile it, and install it manually. The installation process involves the creation
of several UNIX users and an inetd or xinetd service, both of which can be done using Web-
min. It should be possible to compile Qmail on any UNIX system, and its behavior and installa-
tion location is the same on all of them. As you would expect, this module behaves identically
on all operating systems as well.
If you install Qmail, you should also configure the POP3 server program qmail-pop3d that
is included in the package. The standard POP3 server that comes with most UNIX variants is writ-
ten to look for Sendmail-style mail files in /var/mail, and will not work with Qmail’s ~/Mail-
box files or ~/Maildir directories. Users will be able to log in, but will not see their email!
At the time of writing this book, only MSC and Debian Linux include Qmail packages as
standard. These can easily be installed using the Software Packages module, and will set up all
the required users and Internet services for you. The developer of Qmail is reluctant to allow it to
be packaged in formats other than the source .tar.gz file, which is why it is not as commonly
included with Linux distributions as other MTAs.
478 Chapter 38 • Configuring Qmail

Figure 38.1 The Qmail Configuration module.

Before you can install Qmail, you will need to shut down or uninstall any other mail server
installed on your system, such as Sendmail or Postfix. This is necessary because only one program
can be listed on the SMTP port, and you want to be sure that the listener is always Qmail. Uninstal-
lation is the best option because it ensures that all start-up scripts that might restart Sendmail are
deleted, and that the sendmail command can be linked to Qmail’s wrapper program.

38.3 Editing Local Domains

When Qmail receives an email message via SMTP or one of its programs, it needs to work out
whether it should be delivered locally or forwarded to another server. This is done by looking at
the message’s To: address—specifically the domain part after the @. The domain is compared to
a list of local domains and, if a match is found, the email is delivered to the mailbox of the user
whose name is to the left of the @ in the To: address (if it exists).
If the domain is not local, Qmail will look up the mail server for the domain and attempt to
connect to it in order to transfer the message. This is what usually happens when a client on the
same network connects to send out email. A problem will occur, however, if your server
attempts to connect back to itself, which can happen if the DNS says that it is the mail server for
a domain which is not on its local domain list. If this happens, a bounce message will be
returned to the sender, containing text like that domain isn't in my list of allowed
rcpthosts or too many hops.
Managing Email Aliases 479

To edit Qmail’s list of local domains, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Local Domains icon. A page containing a text
box for entering domain or hostnames will be displayed.
2. Select the Domains listed below radio button. If you leave Only local hostname
selected, Qmail will only accept email to addresses at the system’s hostname (such as
3. Enter all the domains for which your system should accept mail into the text box.
4. Click the Save button to activate them. It is a good idea at this point to send a test email
to any new domains to make sure that everything is working properly.

38.4 Managing Email Aliases

A mail alias tells your server that mail for a particular address should be forwarded to a different
destination. That destination can be another email address, a local file, a directory, or even the
input to a program. They can be useful for setting up pseudo mailboxes that actually send email
to a real person, such as [email protected] or [email protected]. An alias can have
the same name as a UNIX user, in which case it will intercept all mail to that user and forward it
to a different destination instead.
To create a mail alias using Webmin, the steps to follow are:

1. Click on the Mail Aliases icon on the module’s main page. You will be taken to a page
listing all existing aliases and their destinations, with a form at the top for adding a new
one. Figure 38.2 shows an example.
2. Enter a name for your new alias, such as sales, in the Address field of the form. Leave
the menu set to <All domains> for now. Its use is explained in Section 38.6 “Managing
Virtual Mappings”.
The special alias named default will be used for any email that does not match any
other alias or user mailbox. It can be useful for forwarding all messages that would
otherwise bounce to some address.
3. The Alias to field determines where email to this alias will be sent. The following
options are available from the menu:
<None> Nothing at all will be done with received email. It makes no sense to select
this option when creating a new alias.
Email address Email will be forwarded to the user or address entered into the adjacent
field. Be careful not to set up a forwarding loop by sending email back to the alias’s
address again! If you are creating an alias that has the same name as a UNIX user and
really do want email to be delivered to his mailbox, as well as some other destinations,
enter the username preceded by a backslash (like \jcameron) into this field. The
backslash tells Qmail to bypass alias checking.
Mail directory Email to the alias will be added to the Qmail mail directory, whose
path is entered into the text box. It must contain subdirectories named cur, tmp, and new
to be valid.
Mail file Email received by the alias will be appended to the file whose path is entered
into the text box. This should be a standard Sendmail-style mail file.
480 Chapter 38 • Configuring Qmail

Feed to program The program whose path and parameters are entered into the text
box will be run and the full text, including all headers of email received by the alias, will
be fed to it as input. This kind of alias is most useful to programmers who want to
perform their own custom processing or filtering of email messages. The program is
usually run as the Qmail UNIX user alias, not root or the user with the same name as
the alias.
Autoreply from file When email is sent to the alias, the contents of the file specified in
the adjacent text box will be sent back to the original sender. Section 37.12 “Creating
Autoreply Aliases” explains how autoreply files work in the Sendmail module, and they
have exactly the same functionality in this module as well.
Apply filter file Email sent to the alias will be processed according to the rules in the
filter file entered into the text box, which can forward to different destinations depending
on the message contents. See Section 37.13 “Creating Filter Aliases” for more details.
It is possible for an alias to have multiple destinations. To add more than one, you will
need to re-edit this alias after saving it, and fill in the row with <None> selected at the
bottom of the Alias to table.
4. Click Save to have the alias added to Qmail’s configuration and activated.

As is usual in Webmin, you can edit an existing alias by clicking on its name in the list on the
Mail Aliases page. This will bring up an editing form that contains all the same fields as the cre-
ation form, but has Save and Delete buttons at the bottom instead. The first of these will update
the alias with any changes that you have made, while the second will permanently delete it.
If a UNIX user has a file named .qmail in his home directory, email that would normally
be delivered to its mail file will be sent to the addresses listed in the .qmail file instead. If a file
named .qmail-suffix exists, email to username-suffix at your server will be sent to the
addresses in that file. These .qmail files have exactly the same format as those in the /var/
qmail/alias directory that Webmin creates when you follow the instructions above, and thus
can be used to deliver to files, directories, or programs, too.
This module does not support the editing of per-user .qmail files, though. Usermin (cov-
ered in Chapter 47) does allow normal users to edit their own forwarding files, however, using a
web-based interface almost identical to the one described in this section.

38.5 Configuring Relaying

Qmail can be configured to restrict the destination domains to which it will relay email. This is
typically done to stop spammers from using your system as an open mail relay, which allows
them to hide their true addresses. There is no support in Qmail, however, for allowing clients
from certain addresses to relay, so setting up relay domain restrictions will make the server use-
less for sending outgoing email. One solution to this problem is to run two SMTP servers—one
for incoming messages that only relays mail for local domains, and another for outgoing email
that uses TCP-wrapper or xinetd restrictions to limit access to trusted clients.
The solution recommended by the Qmail website is to use the tcpserver daemon to run
the Qmail SMTP program, and have it set the RELAYCLIENT environment variable for certain
clients. This tells the latter program to allow relaying no matter what is in the relay domains list,
which achieves the desired objective of giving trusted clients full relay privileges. It is complex
Managing Virtual Mappings 481

Figure 38.2 The mail aliases list.

to set up, however, and does not work with inetd or xinetd. At the time of writing of this
book, Webmin does not support the configuration of this kind of relaying access control.
By default, Qmail will allow relaying to any domain. The steps to follow to change this are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Accepted Domains icon. A page listing domain
and hostnames to which relaying is allowed will be displayed.
2. Select the Domains listed below radio button.
3. Enter domains to which relaying should be allowed into the first text box on the page. All
local domains (discussed in Section 38.3 “Editing Local Domains”) must be included as
well, or mail to them will bounce.
4. You can also enter less frequently used relay domains into the second text box. The only
difference between the two is that email to domains in the first box will be processed
5. Click the Save button to make the relaying restrictions active.

To turn off relay domain limitations, select the Any domain checkbox on the Accepted Domains
page and hit Save. Any domains that you have entered will be lost.

38.6 Managing Virtual Mappings

Qmail can be configured to treat email to the same mailbox at different domains differently, so
that [email protected] and [email protected] are not delivered to the same user or alias. This is
vital if you are hosting multiple mail domains, as there are certain to be clashing mailbox names
482 Chapter 38 • Configuring Qmail

(like sales or webmaster) in several of them. Creating an alias that only applies to a certain
domain, rather than to all domains, accomplishes this because the aliases created by following
the instructions in Section 38.4 “Managing Email Aliases” do.
Before you can add domain-specific aliases, Qmail must first be configured to treat the
domain specially. It adds a suffix like example- or foo-internally to the To: address of any email
sent to the domain, so that you can create aliases like example-sales or foo-sales. Fortunately,
Webmin does most of the work of adding these prefixes for you where appropriate.
To designate a domain as special for aliases, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Virtual Mappings icon. A page listing all
existing domains and their prefixes will be displayed, with a form at the top for adding a
new one.
2. In the Mail for address field, select Addresses with domain and enter the domain name
(like example.com) into the text box next to it.
If the Any address not matching another virtual mapping option is chosen, the suffix
entered in the next step will be added to all To: addresses that do not match another
virtual domain. This is not normally very useful.
If Address is selected and a mailbox name and domain is entered into the two text fields
next to it, the mapping will apply only to that specific address. The suffix will be
prepended to the username part of the address, for example, transforming
[email protected] to [email protected]. This is less useful than mapping an
entire domain, but can be done to give the user fred the ability to create personal .qmail
files for different domains.
3. In the Prepend to username field, it is simplest to leave Automatically chosen prefix
selected. This tells the module to take the first part of the domain name (like example in
the case of example.com) as the prefix, which almost always works fine.
If you prefer to select your own prefix, choose the Specified prefix option and enter it into the
adjacent text box. It should consist of only letters, numbers, and the – character. If you enter a
UNIX username as the prefix, mail to the domain will be effected by the .qmail- files in his
home directory. For example, if the prefix is bob and email is received for [email protected],
then ~bob/.qmail-fred will control where it is forwarded to.
If Nothing is chosen, no prefix will be added for the domain at all. This can be useful if
a parent domain has virtual mapping enabled.
4. Hit the Create button to add the new virtual domain mapping to the list.
5. Go back to the main page, and click on the Local Domains icon.
6. Remove the domain you have just added from the list. Otherwise, any email to it will be
delivered normally as though the virtual mapping did not exist.
7. Click Save to update the local domains list.

As is usual in Webmin, you can edit or delete a virtual mapping after it has been created by
clicking on the domain name on the list in the Virtual Mappings page. Change any of the fields
and click Save to activate the new prefix, or hit the Delete button to remove it altogether. Be
careful changing the prefix or deleting a mapping, as any existing aliases that use that prefix will
not be updated and thus will stop working.
Configuring Domain Routing 483

Once you have configured Qmail to perform virtual mapping for a domain, you can add
aliases that are specific to it. To do this, follow the instructions in Section 38.4 “Managing Email
Aliases”, but select the domain that the alias should be in from the menu in Step 2. After it has
been added, the alias will appear in the list with its prefix—like example-sales—rather than as
the actual address that it really matches, like [email protected].
Be aware that an alias that is not specific to any domain will not apply to email sent to that
mailbox name at other domains. This is unlike the behavior of Sendmail aliases, and can be con-
fusing if you have just added a virtual mapping for a domain and are wondering why all your old
aliases have stopped working.

38.7 Configuring Domain Routing

Normally, Qmail delivers email for nonlocal domains by looking up the appropriate mail server
in the DNS and connecting to it. You can use this module to configure the MTA for connecting
to a different server for certain domains instead, or to send all outgoing mail via a single server.
This can be useful if your system is a gateway for several internal mail servers that cannot be
reached directly from the rest of the Internet, or if you want all outgoing email to be sent via
your ISP or company’s server.
To specify an alternate mail server for a domain, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Domain Routing icon to go to a page containing
a list of all existing routings (if there are any) with a form at the top for adding a new one.
2. In the Send via SMTP server field, select the second radio button and enter a hostname
or IP address into the field next to it. If the Delivery directly option is chosen, Qmail
will perform a DNS lookup for the domain and deliver mail to the resulting server manu-
ally, even if it has been configured to send all outgoing mail via another server. In the
Create Domain Route form, enter the domain name that you want routed via a different
server into the Mail for host or domain field.
3. The SMTP port field should normally be left set to Default. If you choose the second
option, however, Qmail will connect to the port number entered into its text field instead
of the SMTP default of 25. This can be useful if, for some reason, a particular mail server
is not using the normal port.
4. Click the Create button to save and activate the new domain routing rule.

Once a routing has been added, it will appear below the creation form on the Domain Routing
page. You can edit or delete it by clicking on the domain name, changing the details, and hitting
the Save or Delete button, respectively. Once again, any changes will be immediately made
To tell Qmail to send all outgoing email via a specified mail server, do the following:

1. Click on the Domain Routing icon on the main page.

2. Scroll down to the Deliver all other outgoing mail via field and select the second radio
button. Then enter the hostname or address of the server into the text box next to it.
3. Click Save to activate the new setting.

To have Qmail look up and deliver normally to destination servers again, select Deliver directly
in Step 2 instead.
484 Chapter 38 • Configuring Qmail

38.8 Editing Global Qmail Options

Qmail has several settings that apply to all email messages that it processes, related to the host-
name that it uses, SMTP timeouts, and the maximum message size. The steps below explain how
to set them and what they mean.

1. On the main page of the module, click on the QMail Options icon to bring up a form
showing and allowing the editing of global options.
2. The Local host name field can be used to tell Qmail your system’s hostname. It should
be set to the Internet domain or hostname, such as example.com.
3. To set the hostname that Qmail will send to remote SMTP servers, select the second
option for the Hostname for SMTP HELO field and fill in its text box. If Default is
selected, the hostname from the previous field will be used.
4. To change the amount of time that your server will wait for a remote MTA to accept an
SMTP connection, fill in the SMTP connection timeout field. If Default is selected, a
timeout of 60 seconds will be used. It may be useful to lower this to prevent your system
wasting too much time trying to contact down servers—60 seconds is usually far too
long to wait.
5. To set the number of seconds that Qmail will wait for a response to each SMTP com-
mand sent to a remote server, modify the SMTP outgoing response timeout field. If
Default is chosen, a 20-minute timeout is used.
6. To stop your MTA from accepting large emails, select the second button in the Maxi-
mum message size field and enter the maximum number of bytes that an email can con-
tain in the text box next to it. If Unlimited is chosen, mail of any size will be accepted.
Setting a limit can be useful on systems with limited disk space or network bandwidth.
7. To set the amount of time that Qmail will wait for new data from a remote mail server
connecting to your system, fill in the SMTP incoming data timeout field. The default is
20 minutes.
8. When your server accepts a message to an address like [email protected] where is one
of the system’s local IP addresses, it will convert that address into the hostname specified
in the Hostname for email to local IP address field. Even though email is not supposed
to be addressed like this, it can sometimes happen and Qmail can deal with it. If Default
is selected, the host or domain name from the Local host name field is used instead.
9. To change the greeting that Qmail will present to SMTP clients when they connect,
choose the second radio button in the SMTP greeting message field and enter some text
into the adjacent text box. This message should start with the system’s hostname, and if
Default is selected, that is all it will contain.
10. Click the Save button to update the Qmail configuration files with the new settings.

38.9 Editing Mail User Assignments

Qmail’s mail user assignment feature allows you to create “fake” mailboxes that can receive
email just like real UNIX users. Each user assignment defines an additional mailbox, and has an
associated UNIX username, UID, GID, and home directory in which the mail file and .qmail
files are located. They are most useful if you want to avoid having to create a UNIX account for
Editing Mail User Assignments 485

every mailbox on your system, or if you want to direct mail to multiple users into the mailbox of
a single real UNIX user.
To create a new mail user, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Mail User Assignments icon. A page listing
existing assignments will be displayed, with a form at the top for creating a new one (as
seen in Figure 38.3).
2. In the Address username field, select Exact username and enter a name (like fred or
joe) into its text box. You can also choose Usernames starting with and enter a prefix
into the box next to this option to have the mail user receive email addressed to any mail-
box whose name starts with the prefix. This can be useful if you want to have email for
an entire domain delivered to a single user, for later retrieval and separation by a program
like Fetchmail (covered in Chapter 33). For example, if the domain foo.com was mapped
to the prefix foo on the Virtual Mappings page, you could select this section option and
enter foo- here.
3. In the UNIX user field, enter or select the name of a user who will own the destination
mail file or directory.
4. In the Home directory field, enter a directory into which delivery will be made. This
does not have to be the home directory of the user from the UNIX user field, but must be
writeable by him.
5. In the UID box, enter the ID of the user from the UNIX user field.
6. In the GID box, enter the primary group ID of the user from the UNIX user field.

Figure 38.3 The mail user assignments list.

486 Chapter 38 • Configuring Qmail

7. Hit the Create button to add and activate the new mail user assignment. It will now
appear in the list on this page.

As usual, you can edit existing mail users by clicking on their names in the list, making changes
on the form that appears, and clicking the Save button. You can also delete a user with the
Delete button located next to Save. Again, any such changes take effect immediately.
One problem with mail users created by following the preceeding steps is that the standard
Qmail POP3 server setup does not recognize them. There are instructions and programs on the
www.qmail.org, however, for setting up a POP3 server to support “fake” users and virtual
domains, where they are most useful.

38.10 Viewing the Mail Queue

When Qmail receives a message, it is placed into the mail queue. If it can be send to its destina-
tion immediately, then it will be removed from the queue almost at once. If some temporary
error occurs when sending, however, then it will remain queued for later processing. The Qmail
server process makes periodic checks of messages in the queue, retrying each one at longer and
longer intervals until it eventually gives up.
Most messages that are in the queue for a long time are there because the destination mail
server is down or unreachable. Another common cause is a temporary error reported by the
remote MTA, such as a lack of disk space. Webmin allows you to view messages in the queue
and even delete them by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Mail Queue icon to go to a page listing the
details of queued messages. The number of emails in the queue is displayed below the
icon, so that you can see how long it is at a glance.
2. On the mail queue page, the ID, sent date, sender, and destination of all queued messages
are displayed in a table. If the queue contains more than 20 messages, only the first 20
will be displayed. To page through the rest, use the left and right arrow buttons that
appear above the list.
3. To view the actual contents of an email, click on its ID in the queue listing. All headers,
the text body, and any attachments will be displayed. To view an attachment, just click
on its icon. To remove just this message from the queue, hit the Delete button at the bot-
tom of the page.
4. To remove multiple messages from the queue, first select them using the checkboxes
next to their IDs and the Select all and Invert selection links on the queue list page.
Then, click the Delete selected messages button to get rid of those that you have chosen.

Unlike in the Sendmail module, there is no button on the queue page to force an immediately
delivery attempt for all queued messages.

38.11 Reading Users’ Email

As the introduction explains, Qmail can be configured to store email in Mailbox files or
Maildir directories in user home directories, or even under /var/mail like Sendmail does.
Webmin allows you to read users’ email, but before it can do that you must properly configure
the module so that it knows where to look. See Section 38.12 “Configuring the Qmail Configu-
Reading Users’ Email 487

ration Module” for details on which fields need to be changed. By default, the ~/Maildir
directories will be used because it is the most common Qmail configuration.
To read mail in users’ mailboxes, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User Mailboxes icon. A page listing all of the
users on your system and the sizes of their mailboxes will be displayed, unless you have
more than 200 users. In that case, a small form for entering a username will appear instead.
2. Click on the name of a user to bring up a list of messages in his mailbox. By default, the
most recent messages are shown first, even though they are actually at the end of the
actual mail file.
If the mailbox contains more than 20 emails, only the first 20 will be displayed. To page
though the rest, use the left and right arrow buttons above the list.
3. To view an actual message, click on the sender’s name in the From: column. A page
showing the important headers, body text, and attachments will appear. Click on an
attachment icon to view it, assuming that your browser or some external program sup-
ports the data type. To remove just this email from the user’s mailbox, click the Delete
button at the bottom of the page.
4. To delete multiple messages, first select them using the checkboxes and Select all and
Invert selection links on the mail list page, then click the Delete button.
5. To search the user’s mailbox for messages matching some criteria, use the Find messages
where form below the list. The following types of search can be selected from the menu:
From: matches, Subject: matches, To: matches, or Cc: matches Finds messages in
which the From, Subject, To, or Cc field contains the text entered into the adjacent text box.
The comparison is case-insensitive, but regular expression characters cannot be used.
Date: matches Finds messages in which the sending date header contains the entered
text. This header will not be converted to local format, so whatever you enter must match
the date format used by the sender.
Body matches Finds messages whose body contains the entered text. The body
includes all attachments in their unencoded form, not just the text that is shown when
you read an email.
Size is greater than Finds messages whose total size are greater than the number of
bytes entered into the adjacent field.
For each of the above search types, an inverse type is also available, such as From:
doesn’t match or Size is less than. After choosing your search type and entering text to
match, hit the Search button. A page listing all matching messages will be displayed,
from which you can view the contents of emails or select some or all to delete—just like
in the normal mail list.

The mail reading interface even allows you to compose, forward, and reply to messages in a
user’s mailbox. It was not designed, however, to be a general purpose web mail client. Instead,
you should use a program like Usermin that has a nicer interface and supports Qmail mail direc-
tories just as well.
488 Chapter 38 • Configuring Qmail

38.12 Configuring the Qmail Configuration Module

Like most other modules, this one has several settings that apply to the operation of the module
itself rather than to Qmail. They are divided into two groups—those that affect the user inter-
face, and those that specify the paths to Qmail configuration files and programs. When you click
on the Module Config link on the main page, the first group of settings is listed under Config-
urable options while the second appears under System configuration.
Table 38.1 lists all of the available fields and explains what they do.

Table 38.1 Module Configuration Options

Sort tables by When Order in file is chosen, the lists of aliases, virtual mappings, domain
routes, and mail users will be displayed in the order in which they appear in
their source text files, which is typically the order in which they were added.
If Name is chosen, however, they will be sorted by name instead, which can
make individual entries much easier to find.

Maximum number If the number of entries in the list of aliases, virtual mappings, domain routes,
of records to show in or mail users exceeds the number in this field, they will not be shown. Instead,
tables a search form will appear allowing you to find entries by name. This is done to
prevent an extremely large alias file making the Mail Aliases page enormous
and slow to display. On most small systems, the default limit of 200 will never
be hit.

Mail messages to This field controls the number of email messages that appear per page in the
display per page users’ mailboxes and when viewing the mail queue. You may want to increase
it if you like to use a large browser window.

Send mail via As the Section 38.11 “Reading Users’ Email” explains, this module can be
connection to used to compose and send email messages. When this field is set to
qmail-inject executable, Webmin will send these messages by run-
ning the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject command and feeding it the
email as input. Assuming your mail server is running properly, this should
work fine.
To have messages sent via an SMTP connection to some other MTA instead,
select the second option for this field and enter another mail server’s hostname
into the text box. You can even enter localhost to have email sent via the
Qmail server on this system, but using SMTP instead of running a program.

Mailbox format If you have configured Qmail to store users’ email in individual files under a
directory (usually called Maildir), this field must be set to Directory. If a
standard Sendmail-style file is used per user, then Single file must be chosen
Configuring the Qmail Configuration Module 489

Table 38.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Minimum mail file When displaying the contents of a single file mailbox, Webmin creates an
size to index index file of messages that it contains so that it does not have to reread the
mail file on every page. This speeds up the display of the mailbox and single
email pages, but can break down if the mailbox changes often. A common
symptom of index failure is the display of numerous blank messages instead
of the actual contents of a mailbox.
This field can be used to turn off indexing altogether, or limit it to only large
mail files. The default of 1 MB stops the indexing of small mailboxes that are
frequently cleared by POP3, while enabling it for large boxes that are left on
the server.

Forward messages When this option is enabled (as it is by default), single messages forwarded
with quoting? using the module’s mail reading feature will have > characters prepended to
each line. Since some people don't like this form of quoting, this configuration
field can be used to turn it off.

Sort mail queue by This field controls the order in which messages in Qmail’s mail queue are
shown. The default is to sort by queue ID, but you can have the module sort by
other attributes of each message instead—but at the cost of slowing down the
display for a large queue.

Show size of mail This field determines if the current size of the mail queue is shown on the
queue on main module’s main page below the mail queue icon. You may want to disable this
page? if your system consistently has a large queue that Webmin is slow to count.

Confirm before This field determines if Webmin will ask you for confirmation before deleting
deleting messages? messages in a user’s mailbox.

Qmail base This field must be set to the base directory under which all the Qmail files and
directory programs are located. This is pretty much always /var/qmail.

Sendmail mail file If the Mailbox format field is set to Single file, this field tells the module
location where to look for user mail files. If File under home directory is chosen, the
module will use the filename from the next configuration field—usually
Mailbox. If the second option is selected, however, you must enter a path
(like /var/mail) into the box next to it. The module will then assume that
Qmail delivers to files in this directory with the same names as their owners,
just like Sendmail does.

Sendmail mail file in When using the Single file mailbox format, this file tells the module the name
home directory of the mail file in users’ home directories. It should almost always be set to
490 Chapter 38 • Configuring Qmail

Table 38.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Qmail maildir in When using the Directory mailbox format, this file tells the module the name
home directory of the Qmail mail subdirectory in users’ home directories. It should almost
always be set to Maildir.

Mail file directory If the Mailbox format field is set to Single file and the second option chosen
style in the Sendmail mail file location field, this menu tells the module how user
mail files are laid out under the directory (usually /var/mail). The default of
mail/username tells the module that mail files are in the directory and have
the same name as the user who owns them. For 99 percent of systems, this is
correct, and thus this field need not be changed.
If you have a large number of users on your system, however, and have con-
figured Qmail to group user mail files into subdirectories under /var/mail,
then the other menu options will be useful. Their meanings should be self-

Command to start When the Start Qmail Processes button on the module’s main page is
Qmail clicked, this field is consulted to see which command to run. If Just run rc
script is selected, the /var/qmail/rc script is used, which starts the qmail-
send queue-processing daemon. If instead you select the second radio button,
whatever command you enter into the adjacent text field will be run—it must
be something that actually starts qmail-send though.

Command to stop When the Stop Qmail Processes button on the module’s main page is clicked,
Qmail this field is consulted to see how to stop the qmail-send process. If Just kill
qmail-send is selected, the module will kill all processes with that name. If
you choose the second option and enter a command into its text field, how-
ever, that command will be run instead.

The two most common Qmail configurations are delivery to the Mailbox file or Maildir direc-
tory in users’ home directories. By default, the module is set up to read mail from ~/Maildir, but if
you have set up Qmail to use the ~/Mailbox file instead you must change the Mailbox format field
to Single file.

38.13 Summary
This chapter has explained how Qmail differs from Sendmail and how it can be configured using
Webmin. After reading it, you should be familiar with the creation and management of mail
aliases, virtual domains, mail routing rules, and user assignments. You should also know how to
read users’ email and manage the mail queue.
C H A P T E R 3 9

Analyzing Log Files

his chapter explains how to create reports from your web or proxy
T server log files using the Webalizer package.

39.1 The Webalizer Logfile Analysis Module

Webalizer is a freely available program for analyzing and generating reports from Apache,
Squid, and WU-FTPd log files. If you are running a website and want to see which pages are vis-
ited the most, at what times the most traffic comes, or which countries it comes from, Webalizer
is the tool to use. If you manage a Squid proxy server and want to see which sites clients most
commonly access and when the proxy is most heavily used, it can generate reports showing that
information as well.
Unlike many of the other servers that Webmin can configure, Webalizer is relatively simple.
When the webalizer command is run, it reads in a log file and generates HTML pages and
images based on the records in that log. It can also read statistics gathered in previous runs from a
history file, so that the report can include data that is no longer in the log file. The same history file
is then updated with information from the latest report for use in subsequent processing. This
allows the system administrator to safely delete the original log file once it has been summarized.
By default, Webalizer uses the global configuration file /etc/webalizer.conf, which
specifies the kinds of tables and graphs to generate and titles to use. On a system that hosts mul-
tiple virtual servers, several configuration files usually exist so that different reporting options
can be set for different sites. Unfortunately, there is no way to combine both options from both
the global and per-log configuration files—only one can be used when generating a report.
Because log files are always having new requests appended to them, Webalizer is usually
run on schedule by a program like Cron. It does not have its own server process or daemon, so it
depends upon a scheduler to invoke it every day or two to reprocess each log file and regenerate
each report.

492 Chapter 39 • Analyzing Log Files

Due to its relative simplicity, Webalizer behaves identically on all varieties of UNIX. This means
that the functionality and layout of the Webmin module is identical as well, although the Scheduled
Cron Jobs module must be installed and working for the scheduled reporting feature to work.
Webmin’s Webalizer module icon can be found in the Servers category. When you first click
on it, a page listing all the log files that Apache or Squid have been configured to use on your sys-
tem will be displayed, as shown in Figure 39.1. By analyzing the configurations of those servers,
the module can generally work out where all of the logs on your system that can be analyzed are
located. However, you can easily add extra log files to the module for reporting as well.
If the module detects that Webalizer is not actually installed on your system, the main page
will display an error message. If this happens, you will need to install it either from your Linux
distribution CD or the program’s website at www.webalizer.org. Many versions of Linux include
a Webalizer package as standard, which you can install using the Software Packages module
(covered in Chapter 12).
If you plan to use the module to analyze multiple log files, it is important to make sure that
the global Webalizer configuration is set up correctly to support this. The version that comes
with some Linux distributions (like Red Hat) incorrectly uses absolute paths for the history and
caches files that store information about previous processing runs. To fix this, follow these steps
before setting the options for any log files:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Edit Global Options button at the bottom. This
will take you to a form for editing options that apply to all log files.
2. In the Webalizer history file field, make sure that the second radio button is selected and
webalizer.hist appears in the text box. If some absolute path like /var/stats/
webalizer.hist is displayed, change it.
3. Similarly, make sure that the Webalizer incremental file field is set to
webalizer.current and not some full path.
4. The Webalizer DNS cache file can be left set to an absolute path, if you like, so that
DNS information is shared between different reports.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to record the new settings.

39.2 Editing Report Options

Before you can generate a report from a log file, you must set certain options, such as the output
directory, the UNIX user to run the report as, and report layout settings. Assuming the log has
been automatically identified by the module and is displayed on the main page, you can use the
following steps to set these options:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the name of the web server log file for which you
want to generate a report. A page listing the current settings for that file will be dis-
played, as shown in Figure 39.2.
2. The All log files in report field shows exactly which files will be used in any report cre-
ated by Webmin and Webalizer. Because many systems are configured to move, truncate,
compress, and eventually delete the Apache and Squid log files on a regular basis (often
using a program like logrotate), the module will include all files in the same directory
that start with the same name as the primary log file. For example, if you are reporting on
Editing Report Options 493

Figure 39.1 The Webalizer module main page.

/var/log/httpd/access_log, the files access_log.0.gz, access_log.1.gz,

and so on in the /var/log/httpd will be displayed in this field as well.
3. In the Write report to directory field, enter the directory in which the HTML pages for
the report should be created. This must already exist and should generally be under the
website’s document root—for example, /home/example.com/stats. It must be owned or
writeable by the user specified in the next field. Make sure that the directory is not used
for anything else, as Webalizer will create an index.html file and other HTML pages
that may overwrite anything that it already contains.
4. Enter the name of the UNIX user that the generated report files should be owned by into
the Run webalizer as user field. This should be the user who owns the website’s HTML
files, so that he can edit or move them if necessary. You can also just enter root if the
reports are only for your own use.
Because of the way the module runs Webalizer, the user you specify does not have to have
read access to the log file. He must, however, be able to write to the report directory!
5. Leave the Always re-process log files? field set to No so that Webalizer can make use of
cached information from previous report runs. Setting it to Yes will cause all caches and
previous statistics to be thrown away before each run, so that the entire log file is repro-
cessed. This means that any data that is no longer in the log files will not be included in
the report.
Selecting Yes is most useful if you want to bypass Webalizer’s caching of old statistics,
which may be incorrect if the log file has completely changed since the last run.
494 Chapter 39 • Analyzing Log Files

6. In the Report options field, select Custom options to have the module copy the global
Webalizer configuration file for this log, so you can later define options that apply only
to this report. If you have only one website on your system or don’t care about customiz-
ing reports for different virtual servers, you can select the Use global options radio but-
ton instead. If so, Steps 9 through 19 can be ignored.
The final option for this field, Other config file, allows you to specify an existing Webalizer
configuration file to be used when generating the report. This can be useful if you have used
the program before on this log file and have already customized settings for it.
7. Leave Scheduled report generation set to Disabled for now. Section 39.4 “Reporting
on Schedule” explains how to enable it.
8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. As long as there were no errors in your
input, you will be returned to the module’s main page.
9. If Custom options was chosen in Step 6, click on the log filename again and then on the
Edit Options button at the bottom of the page. This will bring up the Options form
shown in Figure 39.3.
10. In the Website hostname field, select the second radio button and enter your website’s
name from the URL into the text field, such as www.example.com.
11. To customize the kinds of files that Webalizer considers to be pages, edit the extensions
in the File types to report on field. Other types (such as images or audio files) are not
counted for most reporting purposes.
12. If your site uses other directory index HTML files than those starting with index. (such
as home.html) enter their filenames into the Directory index pages field. Normally, this
field can be left empty.
13. Webalizer generally converts times in log files into your system’s local time zone. To
force the use of GMT instead, change the Report times in GMT? field to Yes. Unless
people in different time zones are viewing the report, you should leave it set to No.
14. If the log file might contain records that are dated after the records that they appear
before, set the Handle out-of-order log entries? field to Yes. This will slow down report
generation slightly, but if No is chosen and the log does contain out of order records,
Webalizer will not process it completely. Some web servers like Netscape’s are guilty of
generating log files like this.
15. The Webalizer history file, Webalizer incremental file, and Webalizer DNS cache
fields can generally be left unchanged, as long as they are set to relative paths. The intro-
duction to this chapter explains in more detail why this is necessary.
16. In the Graphs and tables to display section, deselect those that you don’t want included
in the report.
17. In the Table rows and visibility section, you can change the size of each table that
appears or remove it altogether by selecting None.
18. To turn on the creation of extra pages in the report listing all clients that access your site,
URLs accessed, and so on, select the appropriate checkboxes in the Generate pages list-
ing all section. Otherwise, only tables showing the top 20 will be include in the report.
19. Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. Reports generated from now on
will use these options.
Editing Report Options 495

Figure 39.2 The log file options page.

Figure 39.3 The report options page.

496 Chapter 39 • Analyzing Log Files

Although the preceding instructions are written with Apache log files in mind, they apply to
Squid logs as well. The only difference is that Squid has no document root directory, so you
will have to create a new directory for the report. This could be under the root directory of your
web server so that the report can be viewed by anyone. If so, the name of the UNIX user who
owns the web server’s HTML files should be entered in the Run webalizer as user field.

39.3 Generating and Viewing a Report

Once you have set the options for a report, actually generating it is simple. Just follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the name of the log file for which the report is being generated.
2. Hit the Generate Report button at the bottom of the form. A page showing the output
from Webalizer as it is run on each of the log files will be displayed so that you can see
any errors that occur. This can take a long time (perhaps hours) the first time a large log
file is processed, as a reverse look up must be done for every client IP address in the file.
Fortunately, the actual CPU and network load that is generated is minimal.
3. If all goes well, the report’s HTML pages will be created in the destination directory. To
view it, click on the View completed report link below the output.
4. The report’s first page shows a graph of hits received by the website by month, with links
below to pages containing details for each individual month. Each of the month pages
show tables and graphs of hits by day, hour, client, page, and country for the site, and
may also show hits by user, browser, and referrer as well—if that information is included
in your log files.
5. The same report can be viewed directly from the module’s main page by clicking on the
View link in the Report column for the log file or by hitting the View Report button on
the log file options form.

39.4 Reporting on Schedule

Instead of manually generating a report from a log file, you can use the Webalizer Logfile Anal-
ysis module to set up a Cron job that runs Webalizer on a regular basis. A report should gener-
ally be refreshed every one or two days, depending on the size of the log file. Because some
large logs take a long time to process, refreshing too frequently (such as once per hour) could
cause multiple Webalizer processes to be run on the same log file at the same time, which will
corrupt the resulting report.
It is generally a good idea to generate a report for the log file from within Webmin at least
once before setting up scheduled reporting, so that you can see if it is really working or not.
Once you have done that, follow these steps to set up scheduled reporting:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the log file’s name. This will bring you to the
options form shown in Figure 39.2.
2. Change the Scheduled report generation field to Enabled, at times chosen below.
3. Select the times and days on which the log file should be reprocessed from the Minutes,
Hours, Days, Months, and Weekdays lists. For each one, you can either choose All to
have the report generated every minute, hour, or whatever. Or you can choose Selected to
have Webalizer run only at the times or dates selected from the list. To select multiple
Adding Another Log File 497

entries, hold down the Control or Shift keys while clicking. You can also Control-click
to deselect entries that have already been chosen.
By default, the log will be processed at midnight every day. If you have multiple reports
that are being generated on schedule, try to stagger them so that they are not all run at the
same time. For example, in your second report, select 1 as the hour instead of 0 and so on.
4. Click the Save button to have Webmin create a Cron job for the report. You will be able
to see it in the Scheduled Cron Jobs module (covered in Chapter 10), but you should only
edit the dates and times here.

To turn off regular report generation for a log file, select Disabled for the Scheduled report
generation field. The Cron job will be deleted, but the times and dates at which it was set to run
will be remembered so that you can easily enable it again.

39.5 Adding Another Log File

Even though the module attempts to automatically identify all the log files on your system by
reading the Apache and Squid configuration files, there may be some that it misses. This can
happen if the Apache Web server or Squid Proxy Server modules (covered in Chapters 29 and
44, respectively) have not been set up properly, if you have more than one copy of Apache
installed on your system, or if the web server has been configured to log to a filter program
rather than to a normal file.
If you want to generate a report from an FTP server log file, you will definitely need to add
the file to the module, as it does not detect WU-FTPd logs automatically. You can also add logs
from other web servers such as Zeus, TUX, Netscape, or NSCA, assuming they use the standard
CLF format that Apache does. It is even possible to create a report on the logs created by Web-
min and Usermin, found at /var/webmin/miniserv.log and /var/usermin/minis-
erv.log, respectively.
The steps to manually add a log file for reporting are:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new log file for analysis link above or
below the table of existing logs.
2. In the Base logfile path field, enter the full path to the log file, such as /usr/local/apache/
var/foo.com.log. If any other log files exist in the same directory whose names start with
foo.com.log, they will be included in the report as well.
3. From the Log file type menu, select either Apache for CLF format files generated by a
web server, Squid for logs from the Squid proxy server, or FTP for transfer logs from
4. The rest of the form can be completed in exactly the same way as you would for an exist-
ing log file. Just follow Steps 3 through 19 in Section 39.2 “Editing Report Options”.

One difference between manually added log files and those automatically detected by the mod-
ule is the presence of a Delete button at the bottom of the log file options page. Clicking it will
delete the log from the list on the main page, but will leave any reports and the log file itself
498 Chapter 39 • Analyzing Log Files

39.6 Editing Global Options

Webalizer has a master configuration file named /etc/webalizer.conf that is used by the
module if the Report options field is set to Use global options. It is also copied when you select
Custom options to provide the initial settings for the per-log file configuration. Changing the
global options afterwards, however, will have no effect on any logs that are already using their
own configuration file.
If you only have one log file on your system that needs analysis, it makes more sense to use
only the global webalizer.conf file instead of having one created just for the report on that
log. And if you plan to set up reporting on multiple log files, you should edit the global Webal-
izer configuration first to provide a template from which the per-log configurations are copied.
To edit it, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Edit Global Options icon. Your browser will
display an Options form similar to the one in Figure 39.3.
2. Follow Steps 11 through 19 in Section 39.2 “Editing Report Options” to configure the
appearance of all reports. The fields on this form have exactly the same meanings as
those on the per-report options page.
3. Click the Save button to update the configuration file with your changes.

If you are generating more than one report, it makes much more sense to set options for each
individually. That way, you can set a different web server hostname for each so that the title and
links to pages on each report are correct.

39.7 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, you can create a Webmin user or group that has access to only a limited
subset of the features of most modules. In the case of the Webalizer module, you can grant a user
the rights to edit options for and generate reports from only some of the logs on your system.
This can be useful if your system hosts multiple Apache virtual servers, each owned by a differ-
ent person. As long as each server has its own separate log file, you can give a Webmin user the
rights to manage both a virtual server and its log report.
Once a user has been given access to the module, you can use the following steps to limit
him to only some of the log files on your system:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Webalizer Logfile Analysis next to the name of
the user. This will bring up the standard module access control form.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No so he cannot modify the paths
to Webalizer or its global configuration file.
3. Leave Can only view existing reports? set to No so the user can edit the options for
reports on log files that he owns.
4. Set Can edit global webalizer options? to No to prevent the user editing options that
may apply to other people’s logs.
5. In the Run Webalizer as user field, select the last radio button and enter the name of the
UNIX user as whom this Webmin user normally logs in. This will stop him from setting
up reports that are generated as root, which could be a serious security risk, as it would
allow system files and those belonging to other people to be overwritten.
Summary 499

6. In the Only allow viewing and editing of reports for logs under field, enter either the
full path to a log file (like /var/log/httpd/example.com.log) or a directory that has log
files under it (such as /home/example.com/logs). The module will hide any automatically
discovered logs outside that directory so that the user cannot set up reports for other peo-
ple’s websites.
7. Hit the Save button to activate the new restrictions.

Once a user has been restricted in this way, he will be able to use the module to set up reporting
for only those log files in the directory set in Step 6. Reports will only be generated as the UNIX
user specified in Step 5, which stops the Webmin user from overwriting files that he would not
normally be able to at a shell prompt. This makes the module quite safe for untrusted people to
use, although a malicious user could set up a reporting Cron job that runs extremely frequently
and uses up an excessive amount of CPU time.
You can set the paths that the module uses for the Webalizer program and its global configuration
file by using the module configuration form, reachable through the standard Module Config link
on the main page. When clicked on, it displays a form containing the fields shown in Table 39.1.

Table 39.1 Module Configuration Options

Path to webalizer This field must contain the full path to the webalizer executable, or just
command webalizer if it is in one of Webmin’s program path directories, as is usually the

Path to webalizer This field must contain the full path to the global Webalizer configuration file,
configuration file which is usually /etc/webalizer.conf. Additional files created for specific log
file reports are always stored in the /etc/wemin/webalizer directory.

Sample webalizer If the global configuration file does not exist, the module will copy the file from
configuration file the path specified in this field instead. This is used on some Linux distributions
that include a sample file in some other directory, but not /etc/
webalizer.conf. Once the module is running, the same file is never used so
changing this field will have no effect.

Automatically The checkbox in this field controls from which servers the module automati-
include logfiles cally retrieves log files. By default, both Apache and Squid are selected, but if
from you are only generating reports on one (or neither) of these servers, you may
want to deselect them so that the main page is not cluttered up with log files
that you don’t care about.

39.8 Summary
This chapter has explained how to use Webalizer to create reports containing graphs and tables
from the web, FTP, and proxy server log files on your system. It has explained how to set up
scheduled report generation, how to view reports, and how to restrict a Webmin user to only
being able to configure reports for selected log files.
C H A P T E R 4 0

The ProFTPD Server

his chapter explains the FTP protocol, how to set up the ProFTPD
T server and how to configure it for various purposes.

40.1 Introduction to FTP and ProFTPD

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and along with telnet and SMTP is one of the oldest pro-
tocols still in common use on the Internet. FTP is designed to allow client programs to read,
write, and delete files on a remote server, regardless of the operating system that the server is
running. It is essentially a file sharing protocol, but unlike the more common NFS and SMB pro-
tocols, it is better suited to use over a slow or high-latency network.
Typically, FTP is used to transfer files from one system to another. Sometimes those files
are Linux distribution CD images or RPM packages, downloaded by various client hosts on the
Internet from a large server system that hosts them for everyone to access. Other times, the files
are pages for a website, uploaded by an FTP client run by the site’s owner to a system that runs
both the web server and an FTP server.
Even though the FTP protocol has been mostly replaced by HTTP as a method of down-
loading files, it still has many advantages. The biggest is the clients’ ability to upload files to the
server, assuming that is has been configured to allow them. Another is a semi-standard directory
listing format, which clients can use to fetch a list of files in a directory from the server.
When an FTP client connects to a server, it must first authenticate itself before any file trans-
fers can take place. Often, clients will log in as the special anonymous user, which requires no
password and is usually configured to be only able to download files. On UNIX systems, most FTP
servers allow any local user to log in with the same username and password that he would use for
telnet or SSH, and give his client access to the same files with the same permissions.
Another unique feature of the FTP protocol is its support for translating files between the
data format used on the client and that used on the server. The most common use of this is the

The ProFTPD Server Module 501

conversion of text files between the UNIX, Windows, and MacOS formats, each of which uses
different characters to represent the end of a line. This feature can be disabled for the transfer of
binary files such as images, executables, and ISOs, as it corrupts non-text data.
Many different FTP client programs exist, from the basic UNIX ftp command to browsers
like Internet Explorer and Mozilla. Every modern operating system has at least one, and almost
all include a client of some kind as standard. FTP servers are also plentiful, but this chapter
focuses on only one—ProFTPD, which in my opinion is the most flexible server available for
UNIX operating systems.
Even though all varieties of UNIX ship with an FTP server as standard, the supplied server
is usually either very basic and lacking in features, or the more powerful WU-FTPd. The latter is
the most common FTP server in use today, and although it has many configurable options, it is
not as capable as ProFTPD when it comes to virtual hosting, directory restrictions, and locking
users into their home directories. It is covered in Chapter 41, however, so if you already have
WU-FTPd installed and don’t want to bother switching, read that chapter instead.
ProFTPD generally uses a single configuration file, found at /etc/proftpd.conf. This
file is made up of directives, each of which usually occupies a single line and has a name and
value. Each directive sets a single configurable option, such as the name of a hidden file or the
path to a welcome message. There are also special container directives for grouping other direc-
tives that apply only to a single virtual server or directory, and which span multiple lines.

40.2 The ProFTPD Server Module

The ProFTPD Server module icon can be found in Webmin under the Servers tab on the main
menu. When you click on it, the module’s main page will appear as shown in Figure 40.1,
assuming that you actually have the server installed. If the main page displays an error message
like The ProFTPD server /usr/sbin/proftpd could not be found on your system instead, then
the server is probably not installed and thus the module cannot be used. Most Linux distributions
include a ProFTPD package on their CD or website, so use the Software Packages module (cov-
ered in Chapter 12) to install it. If no package exists, download the source code from
www.proftpd.org, compile, and install it. If you already have some other FTP server installed, it
should be removed first so that the two programs do not clash.
Another error that the main page might display is The program /usr/sbin/ftpd does not
appear to be the ProFTPD server error. This will occur if Webmin detects that some other
FTP server is installed instead—if so, you will need to remove it and install ProFTPD.
ProFTPD can be run in two different modes—either as a standalone daemon process that
listens for FTP connections, or from a super server like inetd or xinetd. The former accepts
connections faster, but at the cost of more memory being used up by a process that is running all
the time. The latter is better for systems that do not expect to receive a lot of FTP traffic, as the
ProFTPD program is run only when it is needed.
Because the standalone mode is easier to set up and because memory is plentiful on most
systems, this chapter assumes that you will be running it in that mode. To start the ProFTPD
server process, follow these steps:

1. In the Internet Services and Protocols module (covered in Chapter 15), make sure that
any existing service named ftp has Program disabled or No program assigned
selected. This ensures that no FTP service will be run by inetd. If you disable a service,
502 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

Figure 40.1 The ProFTPD Server module.

make sure to hit the Apply Changes button on that module’s main page to activate your
2. In the Extended Internet Services module, make sure that any services with ftp in their
names (such as wu-ftpd, proftpd, or vsftpd) have their Service enabled? field set to
No. Again, you will need to hit the module’s Apply Changes button to activate any
3. Back in the ProFTPD Server module, click on the Networking Options icon.
4. Select Standalone daemon from the Server type menu.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
6. Back on the module’s main page, a button labeled Start Server should appear at the bot-
tom. Click it to start the ProFTPD daemon.
7. If you want the daemon to be restarted at boot time, use the Bootup and Shutdown module
to create an action called proftpd that runs the command /usr/sbin/proftpd at boot
time. The actual path may be /usr/local/sbin/proftpd or /usr/sbin/
in.proftpd, depending on which Linux distribution you are running or if you compiled
and installed the program yourself instead of using a package. Also, some ProFTPD pack-
ages may include a bootup script like this already, which you may just have to enable.

Once ProFTPD has been started, you can test it by using the command line UNIX FTP client to
connect to your own system. Just run ftp localhost, and make sure that you can log in as
some user other than root. You can verify that the server really is ProFTPD by checking the
version displayed by the ftp command just before it prompts for a username, unless it has been
configured by default not to display version information.
Running ProFTPD from inetd or xinetd 503

40.3 Running ProFTPD from inetd or xinetd

Setting up ProFTPD to run from a super server isn’t too hard either, and may be a good idea if
your system is low on memory or hardly ever receives FTP connections. Before you can do this,
you must kill any existing proftpd server process (easily done with the Running Processes
module), and disable or delete any action that starts it at boot time.
If your system uses the superior xinetd, follow these instructions to set up the FTP service.
Because many packages include an /etc/xinetd.d configuration file for the server, some of
the fields explained below may already be filled in correctly.

1. Go to Webmin’s Networking category and click on the Extended Internet Services

icon. If it does not exist, xinetd is not installed and you will need to set up the server
using inetd instead.
2. On the module’s main page, check for an existing service named ftp or proftp. If one
exists, click on it—otherwise, follow the Create a new internet service link above or
below the table.
3. In the Service name field, enter ftp (unless it has already been filled in).
4. Make sure the Yes option is selected in the Service enabled? field.
5. Leave the Bind to address field set to All, and the Port number to Standard or 21.
6. Select Stream from the Socket type menu, and Default or TCP from the Protocol list.
7. In the Service handled by field, select the Server program option and enter the path to the
proftpd executable (such as /usr/sbin/proftpd) into the adjacent text box. The path depends
on whether you installed the program from a package or compiled it from the source code.
8. In the Run as user field, enter root.
9. Select No for the Wait until complete? field.
10. Leave all the other fields set to their defaults, and hit the Save or Create button at the
bottom of the form.
11. Back on the module’s main page, click the Apply Changes button below the list of services.

To set up an inetd service for ProFTPD using the Internet Services and Protocols module
instead, follow these steps:

1. Go to Webmin’s Networking category and click on the Internet Services and Protocols
icon. If it does not exist, your system is probably using xinetd instead. See the steps in
the previous paragraph for instructions on how to configure it.
2. On the module’s main page, click on ftp in the Internet Services table. If it is not visi-
ble, enter ftp into the Edit service field and hit the button. Either way, the same page for
editing the FTP protocol service will be displayed.
3. In the Server Program section, select Program enabled.
4. In the Program field, select the Command option and enter the full path to the
ProFTPD server executable into the field next to it, such as /usr/sbin/proftpd. In the Args
field, enter just proftpd. The path depends on whether you installed the program from a
package or compiled it from the source code.
5. Set the Wait mode to Don’t wait, and enter root in the Execute as User field. All others
can be left unchanged.
6. Click the Save button, and then click Apply Changes back on the module’s main page.
504 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

Once ProFTPD has been set up to run from inetd or xinetd, you can test it by using the com-
mand-line UNIX FTP client to connect to your own system. Just run ftp localhost, and make
sure that you can log in as some user other than root. If your test connection fails with an error
like Service not available, the most likely cause is that ProFTPD is configured to run as a stan-
dalone server. This can be easily fixed by following these steps:

1. Go to the ProFTPD Server module and click on the Networking Options icon on the
main page.
2. From the Server type menu in the form that appears, select Run from Inetd.
3. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The instructions in the rest of this chapter will work fine no matter in which mode ProFTPD is
running. The only difference is that the Apply Changes button will not appear on the main page,
as there is no need to restart a server process for any configuration changes to take effect.
Instead, changes will apply to the next FTP session that is started.

40.4 Using the ProFTPD Server Module

ProFTPD uses a very similar configuration file format to Apache, and so the user interface for
this module is the same in many ways as the Apache Configuration module. At the highest level
in the configuration are global settings that affect the entire server. Below them are virtual serv-
ers, and then anonymous FTP options, per-directory options, and options that apply only to cer-
tain FTP commands. The diagram in Figure 40.2 shows the hierarchy.
The options that apply to each connection or FTP command are determined by the virtual server
to which it is connected, the type of login, the directory in which the requested file sits, and the spe-
cific FTP command used. Options set by objects lower in the hierarchy override those at upper levels,
so you can prevent uploading to a server but allow it for a directory. Similarly, options for a more spe-
cific directory (like /usr/local/upload) override those for its parents (such as /usr/local).
A special case is the default server, which defines settings for clients that do not connect to
any specific virtual server. Unlike Apache, options set in the default server do not affect virtual
servers. Instead, if you want to specify a setting that affects all of them, it must be in the special
global section of the ProFTPD configuration. This applies to directory and FTP command-spe-
cific options as well.
The module has a page for editing options for each object in the tree, which contains icons
linking to objects further down. For example, on the virtual server options page are icons for the
various categories of options that apply to that server (such as logging, users, and groups), along
with icons for any directories or FTP commands that have their own options within the virtual
server. There is also an icon for options specific to anonymous FTP connections.
On each page in the hierarchy, are forms for adding objects (such as a directory or group of
FTP commands) under it, and a Configure icon for changing or deleting the current object.
Every page also contains an Edit Directives icon allowing you to view and manually change the
ProFTPD directives for the directory, virtual server, or whatever it is that the page represents.
The exception is the default server page, which has no such icons because it cannot be changed
or deleted and because its directives cannot be separated from the rest of the configuration file.
At first glance, some of the forms in the module may appear daunting as they display fields
for almost all of the available ProFTPD options in some category related to an object. Many of
Creating Virtual Servers 505


Directory Virtual Command

options server options

Command Anonymous Directory Command

options FTP options options

Command Directory Command

options options options


Figure 40.2 The ProFTPD configuration hierarchy.

these options, however, are extremely specialized and can be ignored most of the time. The steps
in the various sections of this chapter explain which ones you need to modify to achieve a spe-
cific result. The others can be left alone, as their defaults are usually adequate.
Because each new version of ProFTPD that is released supports new directives, the
ProFTPD Server module can detect the version that you are running and adjust its user interface
to display only those fields that are valid for your version. This means that the forms may not
look exactly the same on all systems, and that some parts of the instructions in this chapter may
not be valid for your FTP server if you are running an older release.

40.5 Creating Virtual Servers

ProFTPD’s most useful feature is probably its support for virtual FTP servers. This allows you to
define a totally different set of options that apply to clients connecting to a particular IP address.
In most ways, they are similar to Apache’s IP-based virtual servers, with which most website
administrators should be familiar.
Virtual servers are only really useful if your system has multiple IP addresses. Typically,
this is done by adding additional virtual IP addresses to your Internet-connected network inter-
face, as explained in Chapter 16, which covers Network Configuration. As usual, any extra IP
addresses must be properly routed to your system. If you are connected to an ISP and assigned
only a single static address, you cannot just add additional virtual interfaces and expect them to
506 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

work. Unlike Apache, ProFTPD does not support name-based virtual servers because there is no
provision in the FTP protocol for them. Clients never tell the server the hostname to which they
are connecting, so the FTP server can only use the IP address on which a connection was
received to determine which virtual server the client wants.
When your system receives an FTP connection, ProFTPD will compare the connected
address with those of all configured virtual servers. The first one to match defines the options
that apply to the connection. If no match is found, the default server is used instead.
To add a new virtual FTP server to your system, follow these steps:

1. In the Network Configuration module, add a new virtual IP address to the external network
interface on your system. Make sure that it will be activated at boot time and is active now.
2. Back in the ProFTPD Server module, scroll down to the Create virtual server form at
the bottom of the main page.
3. In the Address field, enter the IP address that you just assigned. It should not be used by
any other virtual server already defined.
4. Leave the Port field set to Default.
5. In the Server name field, select the second radio button and enter a name for this server
that will be displayed to connecting clients. For example, you could enter Example Cor-
poration’s FTP server. If Default is selected, clients will see a message like ProFTPD
1.2.2rc2 Server instead.
6. Hit the Create button to add the server. Once it has been created, you will be taken to the
new server’s options page.
7. Return to the module’s main page and click the Apply Changes button to make it active.

Once a virtual server has been created, you can set options that apply to it by clicking on its icon
on the main page, then clicking on one of the category icons. Some of these are explained in
more detail later in this chapter. It is also possible to change the attributes of a virtual server by
clicking on the Configure Virtual Server icon, editing the fields on the form (which have the
same meanings as those on the creation form) and clicking Save. Or you can remove it alto-
gether by hitting the Delete virtual server button on the configuration form.

40.6 Setting Up Anonymous FTP

In its default configuration, ProFTPD will generally allow all UNIX users to log in with their
normal passwords and access all files on the system with the same permissions that they would
have if logged in via telnet or SSH. Some packages also have anonymous FTP enabled for the
default server as well, so that anyone can connect as the anonymous user and view files in a spe-
cific directory. To set up anonymous FTP for a new virtual server, configure what clients can do,
and determine which directories they can access, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the default or virtual server for which
you want to configure anonymous FTP.
2. On the virtual server options page, click on the Anonymous FTP icon. If this is the first
time that it has been setup for this server, a small form will appear for entering anony-
mous FTP settings.
Restricting Users to Their Home Directories 507

3. In the Limit to directory field, enter the directory to which anonymous clients should be
restricted, such as /home/example.com/anonftp.
4. In the Access files as user option, select the second radio button and enter the name of an
unprivileged UNIX user such as ftp or nobody. Clients will not only be restricted to the
chosen directory, but will also be only able to access files with the permissions of that
UNIX user. Naturally, you should make sure that it can actually read and list the direc-
tory and files that it contains. This user must not be in ProFTPD’s denied list, or have an
invalid shell. See Section 40.8 “Limiting Who Can Log In” for more information on edit-
ing this list and allowing users with any shell.
5. If you are happy for clients to use the group permissions of the user set in the previous
field, leave the Access files as group field set to Default. Otherwise, select the second
radio button and enter a group name into its field.
6. Hit the Create button to set up the initial anonymous FTP configuration. Assuming it is
successful, the browser will be redirected to the anonymous FTP options page on which
are icons for the various categories of configurable options that relate to anonymous FTP
7. Click the Save button to return to the anonymous FTP options page. Click on Authenti-
cation and in the Username aliases table enter anonymous under Login username, and
the name of the user that you chose in Step 4 under Real username. This tells ProFTPD
that clients logging in as anonymous should be given the permissions of that user.
8. In the FTP commands field, enter WRITE and hit the Create button to start the process
of defining options that apply to FTP commands that modify data on the server. You will
be taken to the per command-options page.
9. Click on the Access Control icon, and select Deny all clients in the Access control pol-
icy field. This tells ProFTPD to block attempts by anonymous clients to upload, delete,
or rename files.
10. Click the Save button.
11. Return to the module’s main page, and hit Apply Changes. To make sure that everything
is working, try logging into the virtual server as the anonymous user and downloading
some files.

If you are using your system to host multiple web and FTP sites for different customers, each
can be given his own virtual anonymous server to make files available to people via FTP. Brows-
ers assume that ftp:// URLs require an anonymous login and most don’t deal well with FTP serv-
ers that require authentication.

40.7 Restricting Users to Their Home Directories

By default, clients that log in to ProFTPD as a valid UNIX user (not anonymous) can browse
your system’s entire filesystem, just as they could if the user logged in via SSH or telnet. This is
not always desirable on a system that has multiple untrusted users whom you want to prevent
from seeing each others files. Even though UNIX permissions can be used to stop users from
listing each others’ directories, they cause problems if you are also running a webserver and
need its httpd user to have access to everyone’s files.
Fortunately, ProFTPD makes it easy to restrict users to their home directories or to some
other directory. Because this only applies to FTP connections, it is pretty useless if those same
508 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

users can telnet or SSH in. It is easy, however, to allow a user to connect only via FTP by giving
him a shell like /bin/false. On a virtual hosting server, users only really need to upload files
for their websites and do not need UNIX shell access at all. Just make sure that /bin/false or
whatever nonfunctional shell that you choose is included in the /etc/shells file so that
ProFTPD does not deny the users access.
To restrict the directories that FTP clients can access, follow these steps:

1. If you want the restriction to apply to only a single virtual server, click on its icon on the
module’s main page and then on the Files and Directories icon on the virtual server
options page. This is not advisable, however, as it may allow users to avoid the restriction
by connecting to another virtual server. Instead, you should just hit the Files and Direc-
tories icon in the Global Configuration section on the main page. Any restrictions
defined on it will apply to all servers. Either way, the page for configuring how the server
lists directories and which ones are available (shown in Figure 40.3) will appear.
2. The Limit users to directories field is actually a table that allows you to enter one direc-
tory limitation at a time. It will always have one blank row, and if this is the first such
restriction you have created that is all it will contain.
In the Directory column, select Home directory if that is to what you want users to be
restricted. You can also select the third radio button and enter a path like /home or /var/
www to confine users to that directory. It is also possible to enter a path relative to the
users’ home directories, such as ~/public_html.
In the UNIX groups column, either select Everyone to have the restriction apply to all
users, or select the second radio button and enter a group name to have it apply only to
the members of that group. Multiple groups can be entered by separating their names
with commas, like users,staff.
3. Click the Save button to return to the virtual server options page. If you want to add
another restriction (such as for a different group and directory), click on Files and Direc-
tories again and fill in the new blank row in the table.
4. When done, return to the module’s main page and hit the Apply Changes button to make
the restrictions active.

From now on when restricted users connect, they will be unable to see files outside the speci-
fied directory or even work out to which directory they have been limited. Unlike some other
FTP servers that support this kind of restriction, there is no need to copy any files or libraries
like /bin/ls into the directory, as ProFTPD does not depend on any external programs.

40.8 Limiting Who Can Log In

ProFTPD does not allow every UNIX user to log in, even if they have valid usernames and pass-
words. The separate /etc/ftpusers file lists users who are not allowed to authenticate, which
typically include system accounts such as bin, daemon, and uucp. In addition, there is a sepa-
rate configuration option that controls whether the root user is allowed to log in or not. By
default it is not, because passwords sent by the FTP protocol are not encrypted, so allowing
root to authenticate could be a major security risk.
Limiting Who Can Log In 509

Figure 40.3 The files and directories form.

ProFTPD also prevents users without a valid shell from logging in by default. A valid shell
is one listed in the /etc/shells file. This feature can be useful for preventing a large group of
users from logging in, such as those who should only be able to connect to a POP3 server to
download their email. It can be turned off, however, if necessary.
To edit the list of denied users and other login restrictions, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Denied FTP Users icon. In the form that
appears is a text box listing all blocked UNIX users. Edit it to add or remove any that
should or should not be allowed to log in, and hit the Save button.
2. To allow the root user to connect, click on the Authentication icon and change the
Allow login by root? field to Yes.
3. To allow users with unlisted shells to log in, change the Only allow login by users with
valid shell? field to Yes as well.
4. Hit the Save button to return to the main page, then click Apply Changes to make the
new restrictions active.

The options for allowing the root user and users with invalid shells to log in can also be set on
a per-virtual server basis as well, under the Authentication icon on the virtual server options
page. It is not generally useful from a security point of view, however, to allow clients of just a
single server to log in, as users can choose any server to connect to.
510 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

40.9 Setting Directory Listing Options

Normally, when an FTP client requests a directory listing, ProFTPD will return a complete,
accurate list in the format produced by the ls –l command. Sometimes this gives away too
much information about your system, such as the names of users and groups or symbolic link
destinations. It can often be useful to hide certain files that are not relevant to clients but must be
kept in an FTP-accessible directory for other reasons. This kind of information hiding is best
applied to anonymous FTP users, as they should not be able to discover anything about your sys-
tem that they do not need to know.
To change the format of directory listings, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the icon for the default or virtual server for which
you want to change directory listings to bring up its options page.
2. Assuming that you only want to change the listed information for anonymous clients,
click on the Anonymous FTP icon to go to the anonymous FTP options page. Otherwise
normal UNIX users will be affected as well.
3. Click on the Files and Directories icon to bring up a form similar to the one in
Figure 40.3 for setting the various listing options.
4. To hide files with certain group owners, enter one or more group names, separated by
spaces, into the Hide files owned by groups field. Be aware that files hidden in this way
can still be downloaded, renamed, or deleted unless UNIX permissions or the server’s
configuration prevents it.
5. Similarly, to hide files with certain user ownership, fill in the Hide files owned by users
field with a list of UNIX usernames.
6. To hide files that the anonymous FTP user would not be able to read, change the Hide
files that cannot be accessed? field to Yes.
7. To have ProFTPD convert symbolic links in listings to their target file permissions and
size, change the Show symbolic links? field to Yes. Normally both the link and target
name are shown, and the displayed permissions and ownership are those of the link.
Even with this feature enabled, however, the link target must still be within the anony-
mous FTP directory.
8. Normally, directory listings include the real user and group owners of files. To change
this, set the Fake group in directory listings? field to Yes, as group. Then, from the
box provided, select either ftp to force the group owner to be always shown as ftp, or
the third radio button to have it shown as whatever group you entered into the adjacent
text box. The Connected group option only really makes sense for non-anonymous cli-
ents, as it makes files appear to be owned by the primary group of the connected user.
9. You can also change the UNIX user owner of files with the Fake user in directory list-
ings? field. If Connected user is chosen, files will appear to be owned by the user cur-
rently logged into the FTP server.
10. By default, ProFTPD will show real UNIX file permissions in listings. To force the dis-
play of fakes instead, select the second option in the Fake permissions in directory list-
ings field and enter an octal number like 0644 of the kind used by the chmod command.
This has no effect on the actual permissions that apply if a client tries to download or
upload a file of course.
Message and Readme Files 511

11. To hide dot files like .login and .profile in listings (as the ls command usually
does), set the Show files starting with . in listings? field to Yes.
12. Finally, hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the ProFTPD configura-
tion file.
13. Return to the module’s main page and press the Apply Changes button to make the set-
tings active.

As well as hiding certain files (as explained in Steps 4 and 5), you can also prevent clients from
reading or writing those files altogether. This can be done using the Make hidden files inaccessi-
ble? field, explained in Section 40.12 “Restricting Access to FTP Commands”.

40.10 Message and Readme Files

ProFTPD can be configured to display messages to clients when they log in or enter certain
directories. This can be useful for notifying users of possible mirror sites, the locations of vari-
ous common files on the server, and the details of the contents of a directory.
To set the messages that are displayed to clients, follow these steps:

1. If you want the messages to be used by all virtual servers, click on the Authentication
icon on the module’s main page. To set messages for a specific virtual server, click on its
icon and then on Authentication on the server options page. Either way, the same form
will be displayed.
It is also possible to set most of the message file options below for only anonymous
clients by clicking on the Anonymous FTP icon on the virtual server page and then on
Authentication. Naturally, you cannot set the pre-login message because the server does
not know if a client is anonymous or not at that stage.
2. In the Pre-login message file field, enter the full path to a file whose contents should be
sent to clients as soon as they connect. If you don’t want any message file to be used at
all, select None instead.
3. In the Post-login message file field, enter the path to a text file whose contents will be sent
to clients after they have been properly authenticated. If the client is limited to a directory
(because it logged in anonymously or has a home directory restriction in force), the file
must be within and relative to that directory. If the filename is relative (like welcome.txt), it
will be searched for in the directory in which the client is initially placed.
4. To set a message sent to clients when they request to disconnect, fill in the Logout mes-
sage file field. Again, this must be relative to and under any directory in which the client
is restricted.
5. If you have a restriction on the maximum number of simultaneous logins in force, you
can set the message sent to clients blocked by it by filling in the Too many connections
message file field. You should enter a full path, which can be anywhere on your system.
See Section 40.14 “Limiting Concurrent Logins” for more details.
6. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to go back to the global, virtual server or
anonymous FTP options page.
7. Click on the Files and Directories icon on the same page.
8. In the Directory README filename field, enter a relative name like readme.txt that
will be searched for in each directory that a client enters. If this is the first time the client
512 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

has entered the directory in this session (or if the file has changed since the last time), its
contents will be sent to the FTP client.
9. To have the server send a message to clients suggesting that a particular file should be
read, fill in the Notify user of readme files matching field. If files in the directory
matching the specified regular expression (like README.*) exist, a short message con-
taining their names and modification times will be sent.
10. Click the Save button on this form, then return to the module’s main page. Finally, click
the Apply Changes button to activate the new message file settings.

The files sent to the client by the options covered above can contain certain special cookies that start
with a %, which are replaced by ProFTPD with text determined at the time of sending. According to
the ProFTPD documentation, the currently supported cookies are listed in Table 40.1.
Not all may make sense in all situations though. For example, %U will not be set in the pre-
login message file.

Table 40.1 Cookies Usable in Files

%T Current date and time

%F Available space on file system

%C Current working directory

%R Remote host name

%L Local host name

%u Remote username reported by ident protocol

%U Username originally used in login

%M Max number of connections

%N Current number of connections

%E Server administrator’s email address

%x The name of the user’s class

%y Current number of connections from the user’s class

%z Maximum number of connections from the user’s class

40.11 Setting Per-Directory Options

The ProFTPD module allows you to set options that apply only to a specific directory, rather
than globally or to an entire virtual server. This allows you to do things like hide a directory from
clients, allow uploads by anonymous clients in just one location, or set the user and group own-
ership of files added to a directory.
Setting Per-Directory Options 513

To create a new set of per-directory options, follow these steps:

1. If you want the options to apply to all virtual servers, enter the directory into the Direc-
tory path field in the Add per-directory options for form on the module’s main page
and hit the Create button. Alternately, you can limit them to a particular virtual server by
clicking on its icon and using the same form on the virtual server options page. You can
also define options that only apply to anonymous clients by hitting the Anonymous FTP
icon for a virtual server and using its directory options creation form.
In all cases, the directory should be entered as an absolute path like /usr/local. It is also
possible to specify a path relative to the connecting user’s home directory, like ~/public_html.
You can even enter a path in a particular user’s home directory, like ~jcameron/www.
Normally, the options will apply to the directory and all its contents and subdirectories.
To have them apply to only the contents and not the directory itself, add /* to the end of
the path that you enter, like /usr/local/*.
2. After hitting Create, you will be taken to a page of option category icons for the direc-
tory, as shown in Figure 40.4. As usual, clicking on these icons will take you to forms for
configuring various settings that apply only to requests for, and listings of, that directory.
3. To totally deny access to clients, click Access Control and change the Access control
policy field to Deny all clients, then click Save.
4. Normally, files uploaded by clients will end up owned by the UNIX user as whom the cli-
ent logged in. To change this, click on the User and Group icon and enter a username for
the Owner of uploaded files field. The uploaded files’ group will be the primary group of
the specified user, unless you fill in the Group owner of uploaded files field as well.
Again, click Save after making any changes to return to the per-directory options page.
5. To limit only the uploading or downloading of files in this directory, you will need to cre-
ate a set of per-command options under it. Section 40.12 “Restricting Access to FTP
Commands” explains how.
6. To activate your changes for this directory, return to the module’s main page and hit the
Apply Changes button.
7. Once a set of options for a directory has been created, an icon for the directory will
appear on the main, virtual server options, or anonymous FTP page—depending on
where you created it. You can click on this icon to bring up the Per-directory Options
page again and use the icons and forms to make any changes that you wish. It is also pos-
sible to change the path to which the options apply by clicking on the Configure Direc-
tory icon and updating the Directory path field on the form that appears. Then, hit the
Save button followed by the Apply Changes button back on the main page. All the
options set for the old directory will now apply to the new.

You can also remove a directory options object from the ProFTPD configuration entirely by
clicking on Configure Directory and then hitting the Delete directory config button. All set-
tings and per-command options for the directory will be immediately and permanently deleted
from the FTP server’s configuration.
If you define options for both a directory and one of its children (such as /usr/local and
/usr/local/bin), ProFTPD will always give precedence to the most specific directory when
deciding which options to apply to a particular client request. This means that a setting
514 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

Figure 40.4 The per-directory options page.

made for /usr/local will apply to a download of /usr/local/bin/foo, unless it is overridden by

a setting for /usr/local/bin.

40.12 Restricting Access to FTP Commands

When a client wants to download or upload a file, list a directory, or perform any other opera-
tion, it sends a command to the server. ProFTPD can be configured to restrict which commands
a client can use for a particular virtual server or directory, or when logged in anonymously. How-
ever, before you can do this, you need to have a basic understanding of which FTP commands
exist and what they do. Table 40.2 lists the ones that are relevant for access control purposes.
ProFTPD allows you to define options that only apply to particular client commands or
groups of commands. Typically, this is used to deny access to certain operations, such as upload-
ing by anonymous FTP users. It is also possible to allow or deny only certain UNIX users, or
only clients connecting from certain addresses.
To create a new set of per-command options, follow these steps:

1. First decide if the options should apply to commands only in a particular directory, only
to clients of a virtual server, only to anonymous clients, or to all users of your FTP
server. On the per-directory, virtual server, anonymous FTP, and main pages is a form
titled Add per-command options for. In the FTP commands field, enter one or more
commands from the list above, separated by spaces. When you hit the Create button,
your browser will be taken to the page shown in Figure 40.5.
Restricting Access to FTP Commands 515

Table 40.2 FTP Commands and Their Purposes

CWD Change to a different current working directory (Like the UNIX cd command)

MKD Create a new empty directory (Like the UNIX mkdir command)

RNFR Rename an existing file or directory (Like the mv command)

DELE Delete a file (Like the rm command)

RMD Delete a directory, which must be empty (Like the rmdir command)

RETR Download a file from the server to client

STOR Upload a file from the client to server

SITE_CHMOD Change the UNIX permissions on a file

READ This is not a command, but a shorthand for all FTP commands that deal with file

WRITE Again, this is not a command but a shorthand for all commands for writing or
modifying files

DIRS This is shorthand for all directory listing and movement commands

LOGIN This one is not really an FTP command at all, but is used to represent client con-
nections. See Section 40.15 “Restricting Clients by IP Address” for information
on how to use it

ALL Represents all FTP commands

2. Click on the Access Control icon to bring up a form for restricting who can use these
3. To completely deny access to everyone, change the Access control policy field to Deny
all clients. To allow access to everyone, select Allow all clients instead. This is most
useful if you are editing options for commands within a directory and there is a set of
options for the same commands at a higher level (such as for the virtual server or anony-
mous FTP) that denies access. For example, anonymous clients cannot typically use the
WRITE commands, but you may want to allow it for a particular directory.
4. To only allow certain UNIX users or members of a certain group access to the com-
mands, fill in the Only allow users and Only allow group fields. Multiple user or group
names must be entered separated by spaces.
5. Certain users and groups can be denied while allowing everyone else access to the FTP
commands, by filling in the Deny users and Deny groups fields.
6. The Restrict access table can be used to block clients from certain IP addresses by enter-
ing a series of rules. The three radio buttons at the top control the order in which entries
in the table are evaluated. If Deny then allow is selected, any client that matches a Deny
516 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

row or that does not match an Allow row will be blocked. Conversely, if Allow then
deny is chosen only clients that match a Deny row and do not match an Allow row will
be prevented from using the commands. This mode is also the default.
The table will always have one empty row for adding a new rule, and because this is a
new set of per-command options, that is all it will contain. In the empty row, select either
Allow or Deny from the Action menu. Then from the Condition menu, choose one of
the following to determine which clients match and thus are allowed or denied:
All All clients match, no matter where they are from.
None No clients match the rule.
IP address Only clients from the IP address entered in the adjacent text field match.
Network Only clients from the entered IP network match. The network address must
be a partial IP with a trailing dot, like 192.168.1.
Hostname Only clients whose IP address reverse resolves to the entered name match.
You can specify an entire domain by putting a dot at the front, like .example.com.
If you want to add more than one rule, you will need to re-enter this page after saving so that
a new blank row appears. To delete a rule, select the blank option from the Action menu.

7. When you are done choosing who can use the FTP commands, hit the Save button. Then,
return to the module’s main page and click Apply Changes to make the restrictions active.

Figure 40.5 The per-command options page.

Configuring Logging 517

8. Once a set of options for a command or commands has been created, an icon for them
will appear on the main page, virtual server options page, anonymous FTP page, or
directory options page, depending on where you created it. You can click on this icon to
bring up the same per-command options page again and use the icons and forms to make
any changes that you wish. It is also possible to change the commands that the options
apply to by clicking on the Configure Commands icon and selecting different entries
from the FTP commands list on the form that appears. Then hit the Save button, then
the Apply Changes button back on the module’s main page. Alternately, you can click
on Delete commands config to remove the options for these commands from the config-
uration entirely.

40.13 Configuring Logging

By default, ProFTPD logs all transfers to the file /var/log/xferlog in the standard FTP log-
ging format (unless a different path has been selected at compile time). You can configure the
server to log transfers to and from each virtual server differently, however, and anonymous FTP
traffic as well. This is most useful in a virtual hosting environment in which your system hosts
FTP sites for many different customers.
It is also possible to define additional log files that use different formats, and optionally
include only a subset of FTP commands. This can be useful if you only care about uploads and
don’t want your log files clogged up with useless information.
To configure where and how logs are written globally or for an individual virtual server, fol-
low these steps:

1. If you want to change the location of the global log file that is used for all transfers
(unless overridden by a virtual server), click on the Logging icon on the main page.
If you want to configure a specific virtual server to use a different log file, click on its
icon and then on the Logging icon on the virtual server options page.
To change the logging settings for anonymous clients only, click on a virtual server icon,
then on Anonymous FTP and finally on the Logging icon on the anonymous FTP
options page.
2. On the resulting logging options form, the FTP transfers logfile field controls
where logs are written to. To specify a file, select the last option and enter a full
path like /var/log/example.com.xfers, into the adjacent text field. To turn off logging
altogether, select Logging disabled. To use the global default, select the Default
option. If you are editing the global logging settings, ProFTPD will use the compiled-
in default log file /var/log/xferlog.
3. The Custom logfiles table can be used to define additional logs for specific commands
and with arbitrary formats. As usual, it will always have one empty row for adding a new
custom log file. To add one, fill in the fields under these headings:
Logfile The full path to the log file, such as /home/example.com/ftplog.
For FTP commands If All is selected, all FTP commands will be logged. If you
choose the second option, however, only those command classes in the adjacent text box
will be included. Recognized classes are NONE (no commands), ALL (all commands),
INFO (information requests), DIRS (directory navigation), READ (file download),
518 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

WRITE (file upload and directory creation), SITE (non-standard commands like
CHMOD), and MISC (other miscellaneous commands). Multiple classes must be
separated by commas, like READ,WRITE. You cannot use the names documented in
Section 40.12 “Restricting Access to FTP Commands”.
Log format If Default is selected, the standard FTP log format will be used. But if the
second option is chosen, you must enter a recognized log format name into the text box.
The next paragraph explains how to set up named log formats.
Because only one empty row appears in the table, you can only add one custom log at a
time. To add more, click on the Logging icon again after saving and fill in the new blank
row. To delete a custom log, just clear out its field in the Logfile column.
4. Click the Save button to save the new settings, and then click Apply Changes on the
main page to activate them.

If you want to use your own custom formats for log files, they must first be defined globally. To
create a format, complete the following steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Logging icon to bring up the global log file
options page.
2. The Custom log formats table is for defining your own formats. In the first blank field
under Format name, enter a short name for your new format such as filesonly. In the
field next to it, under Format string, enter text containing the log codes recognized by
ProFTPD, like Downloaded %f at %t. The special codes in the string starting with % are
replaced by the server with information about the command, as explained in Table 40.3.
As usual, you can add more than one custom format by re-entering the page after saving
so that a new blank row appears. A format can be deleted by just clearing out its Format
name field.
3. Click the Save button to return to the main page, and then click Apply Changes. The
new format can now be used in custom log files.

According to the ProFTPD documentation, the recognized log format codes are those shown in
Table 40.3.

Table 40.3 Logging Format Codes

%a Remote client IP address

%A Anonymous password, or UNKNOWN for non-anonymous clients

%b Bytes sent for request

%{NAME}e Contents of environment variable NAME. Note that the server does not set any
environment variables itself.

%f The absolute filename stored or retrieved

Limiting Concurrent Logins 519

Table 40.3 Logging Format Codes (Continued)

%F The filename stored or retrieved, as the client sees it

%h Remote client DNS name

%l Remote username (from ident), or UNKNOWN if none is available

%L Local server IP address

%m FTP command name received from client, such as RETR

%p Local server port number

%P Local server process ID

%r Full command line received from client

%s Numeric FTP response code

%t Current local time

%{FORMAT}t Current local time formatted by the standard UNIX strftime function using

%T Time taken to transmit or receive the file, in seconds

%u Local authenticated username as which the client logged in

%v Name of the virtual server that the client is connected to, from the ProFTPD

%V DNS name the virtual server that the client is connected to

40.14 Limiting Concurrent Logins

If your system is configured to allow anonymous FTP logins and you expect to receive a lot of traf-
fic, it makes sense to limit the number of connections that can be open to the FTP server at any one
time. This puts a ceiling on the network and CPU load that FTP transfers can generate, which is
important if the system is being used for some other purpose (such as running a web server).
This limit can be set globally, on a per-virtual server basis, or just for anonymous clients.
This means that you can set a limit that applies to all servers, and then increase or decrease it for
a particular virtual host. You can also set a lower limit for anonymous clients versus those that
have valid logins.
520 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

ProFTPD can also be configured to limit the number of concurrent connections that a single
client host can have. This is useful if you want to stop people from downloading more than one
file at a time from your server, and thus taking more than their fair share of bandwidth.
To set a connection limit for your server, follow these steps:

1. If you want to set a global limit, click on the Networking Options icon on the module’s
main page.
To set a limit for a single virtual server, click on its icon and then on Networking
To define a limit that applies only to anonymous clients, click on the icon for a virtual
server, then click on Anonymous FTP, and finally click the Networking Options icon
on the anonymous FTP options page.
2. On the form that appears, find the Maximum concurrent logins field. To set a limit,
select the third radio button and enter a number in the text box next to it. Alternately, you
can select Unlimited to turn off any restriction that applies to this virtual server that has
been set globally.
3. To define an error message sent to clients that try to connect when the limit has been
reached, enter it into the Login error message box in the Maximum concurrent logins
field. If the message contains the special code %m, it will be replaced with the maximum
allowed number.
4. To set the per-client host limit, fill in the Maximum concurrent logins per host field in
the same way. It also has a Login error message box that can be used to set a message
that is sent to FTP clients that exceed the limit.
5. If you are editing the global networking options, you can also set a limit on the total
number of ProFTPD subprocesses that can be active at any one time. This is useful for
protecting your system from denial-of-service using hundreds of useless connections.
Just select the second option for the Maximum concurrent sessions field and enter a
number into its adjacent text box. If Default is selected, no limit will be enforced.
If you are running the server from a super server like inetd or xinetd, this limit will
have no effect. Fortunately, both those servers have configuration options that can be
used to achieve the same result.
6. When you are done editing client restrictions, click the Save button at the bottom of the
form to update the ProFTPD configuration, and then the Apply Changes button back on
the main page.

40.15 Restricting Clients by IP Address

By default, ProFTPD will allow clients to connect from any IP address. Like everything else,
however, this is configurable so that you can restrict access to systems on your own network—
either globally or for particular virtual servers. This comes in handy if you are setting up an FTP
server that is for internal use only, even though the system it is running on is accessible from the
Limiting Uploads 521

To restrict clients by address, follow these steps:

1. To create a global restriction that will apply to all virtual servers, enter LOGIN in the
FTP commands field of the per-command options form on the module’s main page,
then click Create. If you only want to limit who can connect to a particular virtual
server, click on its icon before entering LOGIN into the same form on the virtual server
options page.
2. Regardless of at what level the restriction is being defined, you will be taken to the per-
command options page shown in Figure 40.5. Click on the Access Control icon to go to
the aptly named Access control form.
3. The Restrict access table can be used to block clients from certain IP addresses by enter-
ing a series of rules. The three radio buttons at the top control the order in which entries
in the table are evaluated. If Deny then allow is selected, any client that matches a Deny
row or which does not match an Allow row will be blocked. Conversely, if Allow then
deny is chosen, only clients that match a Deny row and do not match an Allow will be
prevented from logging in. This mode is also the default.
The table will always have one empty row for adding a new rule, and because this is a
new set of per-commands options, that is all it will initially contain. In the empty row,
select either Allow or Deny from the Action menu. Then, from the Condition menu,
choose one of the following to determine which clients match and thus are allowed or
All All clients match, no matter where they are from.
None No clients match the rule.
IP address Only clients from the IP address entered in the adjacent text field match.
Network Only clients from the entered IP network match. The network address must
be a partial IP with a trailing dot, like 192.168.1.
Hostname Only clients whose IP address reverse-resolves to the entered name match.
You can specify an entire domain by putting a dot at the front, like .example.com.
If you want to add more than one rule, you will need to re-enter this page after saving so that
a new blank row appears. To delete a rule, select the blank option from the Action menu.
4. When you are finished entering client restrictions, click the Save button at the bottom of
the form. Then return to the main page and click Save and Apply to activate them.

You will generally want to give access only to clients on a single network. To do this, select the
Deny then allow option, choose Allow from the Action menu, choose Network from the Con-
dition menu, and enter the network address with a trailing dot (like 10.254.1.) into the condition
text box.

40.16 Limiting Uploads

If clients are allowed to upload files to your server, they will be able to choose any name that
they wish for uploaded files. Sometimes this is not desirable; however, you may want to allow
the storing of only image files whose names end with .gif or .jpg, or prevent the uploading of
522 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

Windows executables with filenames ending in .exe or .com. Fortunately, ProFTPD has con-
figuration options that allow you to set this up.
There are also several other settings that apply to uploads that can control whether clients
are allowed to overwrite files and whether partially transferred files are visible. All can be set
globally for a single virtual server or for anonymous clients only. To set these options, complete
the following steps:

1. If you want the settings to be global, click on the Files and Directories icon on the mod-
ule’s main page. To have them apply to just a single virtual server, click on its icon and
then on Files and Directories. Or, to effect just clients that log in anonymously, click on
a virtual server icon, then on Anonymous FTP, and finally on the Files and Directories
icon on the virtual server options page.
No matter which configuration object you chose, the files and directories form that
appears will be almost identical.
2. To hide files that are in the process of being uploaded, change the Hide files during
upload? field to Yes. This tells ProFTPD to use a temporary file whose name starts with
.in. for transferred data, which is only renamed to the real filename when the upload is
complete. This prevents incomplete uploads, and stops files from being downloaded or
accessed while they are still being sent.
3. To have ProFTPD delete uploaded files that are not fully transferred, select Yes for the
Delete aborted uploads? field. Again, this prevents corrupt, partially uploaded files
from being created on your system.
4. To allow users to only create files whose relative names match a certain pattern, fill in the
Allowed uploaded filename regex field with a Perl regular expression. For example, to
allow only GIF files, you might enter ^.*\.gif$.
Because clients are normally allowed to rename files, this option alone is not enough to
stop the creation of invalid filenames. You will also need to block access to the RNFR
command, as explained in Section 40.12 “Restricting Access to FTP Commands”.
5. You can also block the use of certain filenames by filling in the Denied uploaded file-
name regex field with a regular expression like ^.*\.exe$. If both this and the previous
field are set, only files that match the allow expression, but not this deny expression, will
be permitted.
Another common use of this option is blocking the upload of .ftpaccess or
.htaccess files, which set per-directory ProFTPD and Apache options.
6. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page.
7. If you want to stop clients overwriting files with new uploads, click on the Access Con-
trol icon and change the Allow overwriting of files? field to No. This can be useful on a
server that allows anonymous users to upload to a particular directory, perhaps for
incoming files of some kind. Remember to click Save if you make this change.
8. Return to the module’s main page and hit the Apply Changes button to activate your
new filename restrictions.
Manually Editing Directives 523

40.17 Manually Editing Directives

If you prefer to manually edit your ProFTPD configuration file in some cases or just want to see
which directives an action in Webmin has set, you can do so using this module. Except for the
default server, every object’s options page (virtual server, per-directory, and per-command) has
an icon labeled Edit Directives. When clicked, it will take you to a form containing a large text
box showing the lines from the configuration file in the section related to the object. You can edit
them to your heart’s content, then click the Save button to update the actual file. Be aware
though that no validation of your input is done. Also, you will need to use the Apply Changes
button on the module’s main page to activate any changes, as usual.
To view and edit the entire ProFTPD configuration, use the Edit Config Files icon on the
module’s main page. This will bring up a similar form, but showing and allowing the editing of a
complete configuration file at once. Because ProFTPD can read multiple configuration files
(though the use of Include directives), at the top of the form is a button labeled Edit Directives
in File with a menu of filenames next to it. To switch the view to a different file, just select the one
you want and hit the button. Normally, though, only a single proftpd.conf file will be used.

40.18 Configuring the ProFTPD Server Module

To change the paths that the module uses for the ProFTPD configuration files and programs, you
will need to click on the standard Module Config link in the top-left corner of the main page.
Unlike other modules, there are no options related to the user interface, so it is rare that you will
need to change anything once the module is working. By default, all the configuration fields are
set to match the ProFTPD package available for your operating system—or if there is no such
package, the fields match the paths used by an installation from the source distribution instead.

Table 40.4 Module Configuration Options

Path to ProFTPD This field must contain the full path to the ProFTPD primary configuration
config file file, which is usually /etc/proftpd.conf.

Path to ProFTPD This field must contain the path to the ProFTPD server program, such as
executable /usr/sbin/proftpd.

Path to ProFTPD This field must contain the path to its PID file, such as /var/run/proftpd.pid so
PID file the module can determine whether or not the FTP server is running.

Path to ftpusers file This field must contain the path to the file that ProFTPD reads to find out
which users are not allowed to log in. Normally, that is /etc/ftpusers, which is
used by several FTP servers as well.

Command to start If Automatic is selected when you click the Start Server button on the main
ProFTPD page, the module will simply run the ProFTPD executable program. Alter-
nately, you can enter a command such as /etc/init.d/proftpd start, which will
be used instead to do the same thing.
524 Chapter 40 • The ProFTPD Server

40.19 Summary
This chapter has introduced the FTP protocol and explained the purposes of FTP clients and
servers. It has also covered the features of ProFTPD, and covered the steps that you need to take
to install it. After reading the chapter, you should know how the FTP server can be configured to
allow anonymous logins, to restrict clients from certain addresses, to limit users to their home
directories, and to log in custom formats. You should also understand ProFTPD’s powerful vir-
tual FTP hosting support, which can be used to define different options depending on to which
of your system’s IP addresses a client connects.
C H A P T E R 4 1


n this chapter, the WU-FTPD server for the FTP protocol is explained
I and the steps for configuring it for many common tasks are provided.

41.1 Introduction to WU-FTPD

WU-FTPD (the WU stands for Washington University) is probably the most popular UNIX FTP
server on the Internet and is included by default with most UNIX and Linux operating systems.
Its large number of configurable options make it superior to the “classic,” or BSD FTP, server
that is still used by some flavors of UNIX, but it is not as flexible or cleanly implemented as
ProFTPD, which is covered in Chapter 40. That chapter also has a brief general introduction to
the FTP protocol, which you should read before going further if you are unfamiliar with con-
cepts such as FTP clients and servers.
In its normal default configuration, WU-FTPD will allow any UNIX user (except for system
users) to log in with their standard usernames and passwords and upload, download, and manip-
ulate files on the server system with the same permissions that they would have if connected via
telnet or SSH. It can also be set up to support anonymous logins, so that anyone can connect
without needing a valid UNIX account, although anonymous clients are typically restricted to a
certain directory and prevented from uploading files.
WU-FTPD’s primary configuration file is called /etc/ftpaccess, but it also makes use
of several other files such as /etc/ftpusers and /etc/ftphosts. The ftpaccess file con-
tains a series of directives—one per line—each of which has a name and several values. Each
directive sets a single option, such as the path to a message file or a directory alias.
Like ProFTPD, WU-FTPD can be run either as a permanent standalone daemon process or
from a super server like inetd or xinetd. Typically the latter option is used, as this removes
the need for an additional server process to be running at all times waiting for an FTP connec-

526 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

tion. As far as clients and the configuration file are concerned, there is no difference between
either mode other than performance.

41.2 The WU-FTPD Server Module

To configure the FTP server from within Webmin, click on the WU-FTPD Server icon under
the Servers category. If it is properly installed and working, the module’s main page (as shown in
Figure 41.1) will be displayed. Each of the icons will take you to a form for setting a class of
configurable options, such as those related to logging or messages and banners.
If the module cannot find the WU-FTPD server executable, an error message like The FTP
server /usr/sbin/in.ftpd could not be found on your system or The FTP server configuration
file /etc/ftpaccess does not exist will be displayed. This usually means that the program is not
installed. Check your Linux distribution CD or website for the wu-ftpd package and install it
using the Software Packages module, covered in Chapter 12. It can also mean that the module is
looking in the wrong location for the server program or configuration file. If you are certain that
WU-FTPD is installed, see Section 41.14 “Configuring the WU-FTPD Server Module” for
information on adjusting the paths in which Webmin looks for them.
Sometimes, even though WU-FTPD is installed, it will be disabled by default. If you run
ftp localhost at the command prompt and get back the error message Connection
refused, no FTP server is running. This may be because no inetd or xinetd service has been
created for FTP yet, or because one exists but it is disabled. Follow the instructions below to set
up or activate a super server service for WU-FTPD.

Figure 41.1 The WU-FTPD Server module.

The WU-FTPD Server Module 527

If WU-FTPD really does need to be installed, you must first remove any other FTP server
(such as ProFTPD or PureFTP) that is currently installed on your system. Make sure that you
kill all of its processes as well, so that nothing is left listening on the FTP port. You can verify
that the other server has been fully shut down by running ftp localhost at the command
prompt. The error message Connection refused should be displayed, indicating that nothing
is listening on port 21.
After installing WU-FTPD, you will need to configure inetd or xinetd to listen on the
FTP port and run the server program. Before you can do this, find out where the program has
actually been installed on your system. Typically it will be at /usr/sbin/in.ftpd, but this
may differ depending on your operating system.
If your system uses the superior xinetd super server, use the following instructions to set
up the FTP service. Because many packages include a /etc/xinetd.d configuration file for
the server, some of the fields explained in the following list may be filled in correctly already.

1. Go to Webmin’s Networking category and click on the Extended Internet Services

icon. If it does not exist, xinetd is not installed and you will need to set up the server
using inetd instead.
2. Check for an existing service named ftp or wu-ftpd on the module’s main page. If one
exists, click on it—otherwise, follow the Create a new internet service link above or
below the table.
3. In the Service name field, enter ftp (unless it has already been filled in).
4. Make sure the Yes option is selected in the Service enabled? field.
5. Leave the Bind to address field set to All, and the Port number to Standard or 21.
6. Select Stream from the Socket type menu and Default or TCP from the Protocol list.
7. In the Service handled by field, select the Server program option and enter the path to
the WU-FTPD executable with the arguments -l -a (such as /usr/sbin/in.ftpd –l -a) into
the adjacent text box.
8. In the Run as user field, enter root.
9. Select No for the Wait until complete? field.
10. Leave all the other fields set to their defaults, and hit the Save or Create button at the
bottom of the form.
11. Back on the module’s main page, click the Apply Changes button located below the list
of services.

To set up an inetd service for WU-FTPD using the Internet Services and Protocols module,
you can also follow these steps:

1. Go to Webmin’s Networking category and click on the Internet Services and Protocols
icon. If it does not exist, your system is probably using xinetd.
2. On the module’s main page, click on ftp in the Internet Services table. If it is not visi-
ble, enter ftp in the field next to the Edit service button and hit the button. Either way, the
same page for editing the FTP protocol service will be displayed.
3. In the Server Program section, select Program enabled.
4. In the Program field, select the Command option and enter the full path to the WU-
FTPD server executable into the field next to it, such as /usr/sbin/in.ftpd. In the Args
field, enter in.ftpd –l -a.
528 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

5. Set the Wait mode to Don’t wait and enter root in the Execute as User field. All others
can be left unchanged.
6. Click the Save button and then, back on the module’s main page, hit Apply Changes.

Once WU-FTPD has been set up to run from inetd or xinetd, you can test it by using the
command-line UNIX FTP client to connect to your own system. Just run ftp localhost, and
make sure that you can log in as some user other than root. If not, check your log files (using
the System Logs module covered in Chapter 13) for any message from inetd or xinetd that
may explain what went wrong.

41.3 Limiting Who Can Log In

In its normal configuration, WU-FTPD will allow any UNIX user to log in with the exception of
system accounts such as root, bin, and daemon. The root user is almost always denied by
default because the FTP protocol does not encrypt passwords as they are sent over the network,
which means that a remote login as root could expose its password to attackers.
To change the users and groups who can log in to your system, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Users and Classes icon to bring up the form
shown in Figure 41.2.
2. Add to the Unix users to deny field any accounts that you want to prevent from
using your FTP server, or remove those that you want to allow. This will update the
/etc/ftpaccess file, which is used by other FTP servers such as ProFTPD (in
case you decide to switch).
3. To deny users whose UIDs lie within a certain range, fill in the Unix users and UIDs to
deny field. You can enter a UID range like %3000-4000, which will block all users with
UIDs between 3000 or 4000. Or, you can enter ranges like %-100 or %5000-, which will
deny users with UIDs less than 100 or greater than 5000, respectively. Multiple ranges
can be entered, separated by spaces. Normal usernames can be used in this field as well,
although this has the same effect as putting them in the Unix users to deny field.
4. To deny users whose primary group IDs are within certain ranges, fill in the Unix groups
and GIDs to deny field. Again, you can enter ID ranges like %100–200 or %–10, as
well as group names like users. Only primary group membership counts. If a user is a
secondary member of one of the listed groups, he will not be blocked.
5. To exclude some users or groups from the deny lists defined in the previous two steps,
fill in the UNIX users and UIDs not to deny and UNIX groups and GIDs not to deny
fields. The first field will accept UID ranges or usernames, and the second accepts group
ID ranges or group names. These fields are useful if you want to allow just a couple of
users while blocking everyone else with a UID range that covers all accounts.
6. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to save and activate the new user restrictions.

WU-FTPD will also normally prevent users from logging in whose shell is not listed in the
/etc/shells file. This is normally done to allow the creation of accounts that can log in to a
POP3 server, but cannot connect via telnet, SSH, or FTP. Unfortunately, there is no WU-FTPD
configuration option that can be changed to turn off this shell check. It is either hard-coded into
the program or enforced by the ftp PAM service that is really used to authenticate users.
Setting Up Anonymous FTP 529

Figure 41.2 The users and classes page.

If WU-FTPD on your system uses PAM (as it does on most Linux distributions), follow
these steps to turn off /etc/shells checking:

1. Go to the PAM Authentication module, which can be found under the System category
on the Webmin main menu.
2. Click on the ftp or wu-ftpd service on the main page.
3. On the editing form that appears, click on pam_shells.so in the PAM module column in
the Authentication steps section.
4. From the Failure level menu, select Optional so the success or failure of the shells
file check is ignored for authentication purposes.
5. Click the Save button. Users with an invalid shell will no longer be able to log in to your
FTP server.

On other operating systems, the steps above are useless, as the PAM Authentication module is
only available on Linux.

41.4 Setting Up Anonymous FTP

Configuring WU-FTPD to accept anonymous logins is slightly more complex that you would
expect, due to its use of the ls command to generate directory listings. So that this command
(and others used by server) cannot escape the directory to which anonymous clients are
restricted, the server uses the UNIX chroot system call to restrict itself and all programs that it
530 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

runs to that directory. This means that the root directory must contain all the programs, files, and
shared libraries that WU-FTPD and the ls command need to run.
By default, the home directory of the special UNIX user ftp is used as the anonymous FTP
root, but different roots can be assigned to different client classes. Whatever directory is chosen,
however, must contain a bin subdirectory with the ls, gzip, tar, recompress, cpio, and
zcat commands. It must also have a lib subdirectory containing any shared libraries needed by
those commands, an etc subdirectory with passwd and group files, and a pub directory in
which downloadable files are stored.
As you can imagine, copying all these files into place and making sure that they work is
quite tricky. Fortunately, many Linux distributions that include a wu-ftpd package also have a
package named anonftp that places all the needed files in the home directory of the ftp user.
In most cases, all you need to do is install this package and WU-FTPD will allow clients to log
in anonymously.
Regardless of the permissions on the root directory, WU-FTPD will always prevent anony-
mous clients uploading, renaming, or deleting files. All they will be able to do is download the
files that you place in the pub subdirectory for public distribution.
Anonymous logins can be further configured by following these steps:

1. Click on the Anonymous FTP icon on the module’s main page.

2. The Anonymous FTP root directories table allows you to specify different root directo-
ries to be used for different classes of client. Any existing directories (apart from the
default of ~ftp) are listed in the table for editing, and there will always be one empty
row for adding a new one. As soon as an entry is added, it will replace the default, so be
sure to explicitly add it if you want it to continue working. If you want to add more than
one directory, you will need to save and reopen this page so that a new blank row
appears. Each row has two fields:
Directory In this field you must enter full path to a valid anonymous FTP directory
(one that contains etc, bin, lib, and pub subdirectories and all the needed programs).
For class From this menu, you must choose a client class that the directory should be
used for, assuming that clients in that class log in anonymously. If Any is selected, it will
be used for clients not in any other class in this table. See Section 41.5 “Managing User
Classes” for details on how to define your own classes.
3. When a user logs in to your FTP server anonymously, they must still supply a password
even though it is not used for authentication. Typically this password is the user’s email
address, which can be used to get a rough idea of what domain clients are coming from.
For privacy reasons, however, many modern FTP clients and browsers do not send a real
email address anymore, logging in instead with a fake one like mozilla@exam-
ple.com. You can configure WU-FTPD to check the format of anonymous login pass-
words to make sure that they look like email addresses using the Anonymous FTP
password check field on this page. If Default is selected, no checking will be done. If
the second option is chosen, however, the level of checking depends on the choice that
you make from its menu:
Allow anything Any password is allowed, even a blank one (this is the same as the
default mode).
Managing User Classes 531

Must contain @ The password must contain the @ symbol.

Must be an RFC882 email address The password must look like a valid email
address, with letters and numbers before and after the @. The second menu determines
whether the FTP server just warns clients that violate the check (if Warn only is chosen),
or blocks them altogether (if Deny login is selected).
4. To block certain anonymous passwords altogether (even if they are valid), fill in the
Anonymous FTP passwords to deny field with a list of complete or partial email
addresses. This can be useful for blocking FTP clients that are configured by default to
use a fake address. I recommend against using this feature, however, as it will block a lot
of people, especially those using web browsers.
5. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new anonymous FTP settings.

41.5 Managing User Classes

The FTP server categorizes clients into classes based on their source addresses and types of
login. Classification can be used in several different places in the WU-FTPD configuration to
define settings that apply only to certain clients. It can also be used to block non-anonymous
logins (or even all logins) from outside your network. This can be useful if you only want to
allow certain trusted hosts to upload data to your server and let anyone on the Internet log in
anonymously to download.
Each class has a name, a list of login types, and a list of client addresses, hostnames, or net-
works. Only clients that match both the login types and the addresses are considered to be in the
class. If more than one class is matched, the first one is used. Clients that do not fall into any
class are not allowed to use the FTP server.
The following three types of logins are recognized by WU-FTPD:

UNIX Normal UNIX users can log in via telnet or SSH and access all files on the
system with their regular permissions.
Guest UNIX users who have been designated as guests. These are limited to a
directory (usually their home) in the same way that anonymous users are. See
Section 41.7 “Setting Up Guest Users” for more details.
Anonymous Users who log in anonymously are limited to a certain directory.
To define and edit classes using the module, follow these instructions:

1. Click on the Users and Classes icon in the top-left corner of the module’s main page.
The form shown in Figure 41.2 will appear in your browser.
2. At the top of the page is a table labeled User classes. Each row defines a class and there
will always be at least one listed already (typically the all class, which matches all cli-
ents). The table always has a single empty row at the bottom for you to add a new class.
If you want to add more than one, you will need to create them one at a time. You can
edit existing classes by changing their fields, or delete a class by clearing out its name
field. Make sure you don’t delete them all, though, as this will prevent all users from log-
ging in. The fields for each class are:
Class name A short name for this class that should consist of only letters and numbers,
such as homenet or trusted. More than one row can have the same class name, and a
532 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

client that matches the user type and addresses in any row will be considered a member
of the class.
User types The types of login that this class matches, as explained above. You must
select at least one of the three checkboxes.
Matching addresses This field is where you get to enter the client addresses that the
class matches. You can enter single IPs (like, hostnames (like
www.foo.com), wildcard IPs and hostnames (like 10.254.1.* or *.example.com), or even
paths to files containing more such addresses and hostnames. Multiple entries must be
separated by spaces. Negated entries like !*.foo.com are even allowed, which would
match all clients whose hostnames are outside the foo.com domain. Be careful when
using hostnames, as WU-FTPD must look up clients’ hostnames from their IP addresses,
the result of which can be faked by an attacker.
3. When you are done defining classes, hit the Save button at the bottom of the form. You
can now use them in other pages in the module.

41.6 Denying Access to Files

Sometimes it is useful to restrict the types of files that users can download, especially for
untrusted anonymous clients. You can block access to a filename in any directory (like
secret.txt), an absolute path (like /etc/passwd) or even a directory and all its contents (like
/var/log). The shell wildcards characters * and ? can be used in file and path names as well,
which provides extra flexibility. This can be useful if you want to protect files containing secret
information, or limit clients to downloading from a certain directory (like /home). There is no
way, however, to prevent the listing of directories using this feature.
To set up filename download restrictions, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the Limits and Access Control icon to bring up the form
shown in Figure 41.3.
2. Each row in the Deny access to files table defines a single filename restriction. As with
other tables in this module, at the bottom of the table is a single blank row for adding a
new filename or path and, if this is the first time you have used this feature, a single row
is all the table will contain. Otherwise, existing restrictions will be listed, allowing you to
edit or delete them.
The fields in each row and their meanings are:
Files to deny A list of relative or absolute filenames or patterns to which to deny
access, separated by spaces. The wildcard characters * and ? can be used for both,
allowing you to enter files like secret.* or /home/*/public_html.
Relative to chroot? If Yes is selected, any absolute path entered in the first field is
considered to be relative to the anonymous FTP root directory. If No is chosen, paths are
taken to be relative to the real root directory.
Deny for classes In this field you must select the checkboxes for classes to which the
restriction applies. See Section 41.5 “Managing User Classes” for more information on
how to add classes of your own. This can be useful if you want to block access by
anonymous clients to some file, but allow real UNIX users.
Denying Access to Files 533

3. The Allow access to files even if denied table has exactly the same structure as the
denial table, but is for entering filenames and paths to which access should be allowed
even if they are denied by an entry in the table above. This can be used to deny access to
everything (by entering * in a Files to deny row) and then granting back download rights
on only files matching a pattern (like *.html for example).
4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save and activate any new file restric-
tions. If you want to add more than one entry in either table, click on the Limits and
Access Control icon again to redisplay the form and fill in the new empty rows that appear.

Figure 41.3 The limits and access control form.

There is also a similar feature for restricting the names of files that clients can upload. This can
be useful for blocking the creation of hidden files or directories whose names start with a dot, or
hard to comprehend names containing spaces and control characters. These are often used by
sneaky people to hide files on your anonymous FTP server if you allow uploading. Because
trusted people may have good reasons for creating such files, you can define restrictions that
apply only to anonymous or guest users.
To add and edit upload filename limits, follow these steps:

1. On the main page of the module, click on the Permissions icon.

2. In the form that appears, the Disallowed upload filenames table at the bottom lists file-
names that are allowed and denied for different types of users. Existing restrictions can
be edited by just changing their fields in the table, and a new one created by filling in the
534 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

final blank row (which will be all the table contains if you haven’t used this form before).
The columns in the table and the meanings of their fields are:
Allowed characters A single Perl regular expression that all uploaded files must
match. For example, if you entered ^[a-z]+$, only filenames made up of lower-case
letters would be allowed.
File regexps to deny A space-separate list of regular expressions that are not allowed
in filenames. A good example is ^\., which blocks any name starting with a dot, which
hides the file.
User types The types of users to which this restriction applies. Often you will want to
place stricter limits on anonymous clients than real or guest users.
Error message file The full path to a file that will be sent to any client which tries to
upload a file whose name does not match the allowed expression or does match one of
the denied expressions.
3. As usual, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate any new restrictions
when you are done.

If more than one restriction is defined for the same type of user, they will all be checked to deter-
mine if an uploaded filename is allowed.

41.7 Setting Up Guest Users

A guest FTP user is a real UNIX user who is limited by WU-FTPD to a certain directory, just as
anonymous clients are restricted. They still have full privileges within that directory, though,
including the rights to upload files, rename, and chmod files. Limiting a user to guest access can
be useful if you want to prevent him from seeing parts of your filesystem outside his home direc-
tory or some parent directory, like /home.
Every user who is designated as a guest by the FTP server configuration can have a different
root directory, or some can be the same. The chosen root directories, however, must be set up in
the same way as the anonymous FTP root is—with bin, lib, and etc subdirectories containing
all the programs and files needed by WU-FTPD. You can just copy those directories across from
the anonymous root, though, so the set up process is not that hard.
To set up a user as a guest, his home directory must be specially modified. To do this using
Webmin, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Users and Groups module (covered in Chapter 4) and click on the name of the
user that you want to restrict.
2. Change his home directory to guestroot/./homedir, in which guestroot is the root
directory that you have prepared, and homedir is a subdirectory under it. If you are
using /home as the root, /home/./jcameron could be the directory for the user
jcameron. This special /./ entry in the path tells WU-FTPD where the root is, but
should not confuse other programs.
3. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. Webmin will move his home directory to
the new location, if necessary.
Editing Directory Aliases 535

Of course, you can specify such a home when creating a new user as well. This is only the first
step, though. To configure WU-FTPD to treat certain users as guests, you will need to follow
these steps:

1. In the WU-FTPD Server module, click on the Users and Classes icon to bring up the
form shown in Figure 41.2.
2. In the Unix users and UIDs to treat as guests, enter a space-separated list of usernames,
UIDs, or UID ranges (like %1000-2000 or %5000-) of users to be designated as guests.
You can also enter a list of group names, IDs, and ID ranges in the Unix groups and GIDs
to treat as guests field to have all their primary members treated as guests, as well.
3. To stop some users from being converted to guests even if they are in the lists or ranges
set in Step 2, fill in the Unix users and UIDs not to treat as guests and Unix groups
and GIDs not to treat as guests fields. This can be useful if you want to make everyone
a guest except a few trusted users.
4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new guest designations.

If a user has been configured as a guest but does not have /./ in his home directory, he will not
be restricted to any root directory.

41.8 Editing Directory Aliases

To simplify life for users that frequently need to access directories with long paths, WU-FTPD
allows you to define directory aliases that can be used when changing to a different directory.
This means that someone using a command-line FTP client can enter cd stuff: instead of
cd /usr/local/etc/stuff, assuming that a suitable alias has been created.
To set up aliases, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Aliases and Paths icon.
2. The CD directory aliases field is actually a table that lists existing aliases (if any) and
always has one blank row for adding a new one. In the first empty field under the Alias
name column, enter the name for a new alias like stuff: or junk:. There is no requirement
that an alias end with a colon—however, this is a good idea as it reduces the risk of an
alias name being the same as an actual relative directory.
In the corresponding field under Alias to directory, enter a full directory path—like
/usr/local/junk—that the alias is equal to. If you want to add more than one alias, you
will need to save and reopen this page so that a new empty row appears. To delete one,
just clear out both of its fields in the table.
3. The CD directory search path text box lets you enter a list of directories that will be
searched if a client tries to change to a relative subdirectory that is not in the current
directory. For example, if /usr/local was included and a client tried to switch to the bin
directory, he would be placed in /usr/local/bin (assuming no real bin subdirectory
4. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new aliases.

Aliases are not particularly useful in graphical FTP clients that present the user with a directory
listing on which to click. Because users do not (and often cannot) change to an explicit pseudo-
536 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

directory like stuff: and aliases are not included in listings, they are hard to use. Command-
like FTP clients like ncftp and the classic UNIX ftp program are more suited to using them.

41.9 Message and Readme Files

WU-FTPD can be configured to send the contents of various message files to clients when they
log in or enter certain directories. This can be useful to display information about your FTP
server (such as who runs it and what files are hosted) or details of the contents of a particular
directory to FTP users. Each file is only sent once to a client in a single session, to avoid annoy-
ing the user with repeated messages.
The server can also be set up to notify clients that certain files exist and inform them of their
last modification dates. This is typically used for README files containing slightly less important
information about a directory or the server, which users may want to read. Again, clients are
only notified once per session for each such file.
To define message and banner files, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Messages and Banners icon on the module’s main page, which will take
you to the form shown in Figure 41.4.
2. The Message files section is a table for specifying files whose contents will be sent to
clients. As usual with tables in Webmin, it lists existing files and their contexts, and has
one blank row at the bottom for adding a new one. The meanings of the fields are:
Path The path to the file whose contents should be sent to the client. This can be either
an absolute path like /etc/login.message or a relative filename like message.txt. In the
latter case, it is looked for in each directory that the client enters. If you enter a full path
and want anonymous clients to be able to see it, it must be under the anonymous FTP
root directory.
When to display If At login is selected, the file will be sent to clients after logging in.
If Entering any dir is chosen, the file will be searched for and sent when changing to
any directory. When Entering dir is chosen, the file will only be sent when the directory
whose path you specify in the adjacent text box is entered. Again, this must be relative to
the root directory for anonymous clients.
Classes to display for If this field is left blank, the message is sent to all clients. If one
or more classes of client is entered (separated by spaces), however, it will only be used
for clients that fall into those classes. This can be useful for defining message files just
for anonymous users, especially when using absolute paths.
3. To define files that clients will be notified that they exist, you will need to fill in the
README files table. Again, this lists all existing files and has a blank row for adding a
single new one. The meanings of the fields in this table’s columns are:
Path The path to the file whose existence and modification time should be sent to the
client. This can be either an absolute path like /etc/README or a filename relative to the
directory being entered like README.txt. You can even use shell wildcard characters
like * and ? in the filename to match multiple files—for example, README*.
When to display last modified date If At login is selected, the information will be
sent to clients after logging in. If Entering any dir is chosen, the file will be searched for
and its modification date sent when changing to any directory. When Entering dir is
Message and Readme Files 537

Figure 41.4 The messages and banners form.

chosen, the modification date will only be sent when the directory whose path you
specify in the adjacent text box is entered.
Classes to display for If this field is left blank, the modification is sent to all clients. If
one or more classes of client is entered (separated by spaces), however, it will only be
used for clients that fall into those classes.
4. To change the amount of information that WU-FTPD sends to clients when they connect,
adjust the Greeting level field. If Hostname and version is selected, both the system’s
hostname and the FTP server version will be sent. If just Hostname is chosen, only the
hostname will be displayed. If Neither is selected, no information will be sent. The latter
two options are the most secure, as an attacker may be able to use your FTP server’s ver-
sion to find a bug in it that could be exploited to take over your system.
5. If you want to have the server send a message to clients as soon as they connect, put it in
a file and select the From file option for the Pre-login banner file field. Then, enter the
full path to the message file into the text box next to it.
6. To change the hostname that WU-FTPD sends in the greeting and other messages, select
the second option in the Hostname for messages field and enter an alternative name in the
text box. This can be useful if your system’s real hostname does not match the name the
FTP clients use (server5.example.com instead of ftp.example.com, for example).
7. When you are done with this form, click the Save button to activate your changes. They
will apply to all new FTP clients that connect from now on.
538 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

On many operating systems, the WU-FTPD configuration will include one or two messages and
README file definitions by default. The .message file is typically searched for in every direc-
tory and sent to clients, as is the modification time of any file whose name matches the README*
Any message files that you define can contain special codes starting with % that are replaced
when the file is sent by dynamically generated text. For example, %U is replaced with the client’s
FTP login name, so a file containing the line Welcome %U to the example.com FTP server would
be sent to the client as something like Welcome jcameron to the example.com FTP server. Accord-
ing to the WU-FTPD manual page, the available codes are those shown in Table 41.1.

41.10 Configuring Logging

In a typical default configuration, WU-FTPD will log all uploads and downloads to the /var/
log/xferlog file. You can, however, choose the types of users for which logging will be done
(UNIX, anonymous, or guest), have the log written to syslog instead and select to record com-
mands that are security violations for some types of users. Logging to the system log gives you
more flexibility, as you can choose which file messages are written to, although they will be
mixed in with other daemon facility messages. See Chapter 13 and the System Logs module for
more information on how syslog works and to which files it ultimately writes.
Enabling the logging of all commands allows you to track exactly what clients are doing,
but it can consume a large amount of disk space. The logging of security violations (attempts to
violate WU-FTPD’s file restrictions, covered in Section 41.6 “Denying Access to Files”) can be
useful for detecting hackers and is unlikely to use up much space, as such violations are not usu-
ally very frequent.
To edit FTP logging-related options in Webmin, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Logging icon to bring up the small logging
options form.
2. To have all FTP commands executed by clients (including trivial ones such as CWD and
LIST) recorded in the system log, select types of users for which they should be logged
from the Log all commands for field.
3. To change the types of users for whom transfer logging is done, select them from the
Log transfers for field. The In directions subfield lets you choose whether uploads
(Inbound), downloads (Outbound), or Both are recorded. On an anonymous FTP
server, it may make sense to only record uploads due to the large number of downloads.
4. To have transfers written to syslog, select System log in the Log transfers to field. Or,
to tell WU-FTPD to write to the /var/log/xferlog file instead, select XFER log file.
If Both is chosen, transfers will be logged to both destinations. If you want to use a pro-
gram like Webalizer (covered in Chapter 39) to analyze your FTP server’s logs, they
must be written to xferlog as the lines that end up being written out by syslog have
additional information added and thus cannot be parsed.
Anything written to the system log will use the daemon facility, unless WU-FTPD has
been compiled to use a different one, such as local7. This can in fact be quite useful, as
it allows you to separate out the FTP messages and have them written to a different file
while still enjoying all the benefits of syslog.
Configuring Logging 539

Table 41.1 Codes Usable in Message Files

%T Local time on the server, formatted like Thu Nov 15 17:12:42 1990

%F Free space on the filesystem of the current directory, in kilobytes

%C The current working directory

%E The maintainer's email address

%R Remote host name

%L Local host name

%u Remote username as determined via ident authentication

%U Username given at log in time

%M Maximum allowed number of users in this class

%N Current number of users in this class

%B Absolute limit on disk blocks allocated

%b Preferred limit on disk blocks

%Q Current block count

%I Maximum number of allocated inodes (+1)

%i Preferred inode limit

%q Current number of allocated inodes

%H Time limit for excessive disk use

%h Time limit for excessive file use

540 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

5. To enable the logging of attempted filename security violations, select the types of users
for which this should be enabled from the Log security violations for field. These will
always be written to syslog.
6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save and activate the new logging settings.

41.11 Limiting Concurrent Logins

If your system is configured to allow anonymous FTP logins and you expect to receive a lot of
traffic, it makes sense to limit the number of connections that can be open to the FTP server at
any one time. This puts a ceiling on the network and CPU load that FTP transfers can generate,
which is important if the system is being used for some other purpose (such as running a web
WU-FTPD allows you to define limits on a per-class basis, so that anonymous clients can be
restricted while real UNIX users are not. It also lets you specify the times during which restric-
tions apply, so that a higher limit can be granted when the server is not as heavily used for other
purposes (such as at night).
To set up concurrent login limits, follow these instructions:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Limits and Access Control icon. The form
shown in Figure 41.4 will appear in your browser.
2. The Concurrent user limits table is where limits on the number of connections can be
entered. Each row defines a limit that applies to a certain class at certain times. As usual
with tables in this module, there will be one empty row at the bottom for adding a new
limit (and if this is the first one, the table will only contain that one row). Existing limits
can be edited by changing their fields in the table or deleted by selecting the Empty
option from the class menu.
3. The fields in each row should be filled in as follows:
Apply to class You must select the name of the class to which this limit will apply
from the menu. Multiple limits can be defined for the same class at different times.
Maximum users To set a limit for the chosen class, select the second radio button and
enter the maximum number of concurrent connections into the adjacent text box. If the
Unlimited button is selected, no limit will apply to the class at the specified times. For
example, you could add a row that turns off restrictions at night above another row that
sets them for the entire day.
At times If Any time is selected, the limit will apply all the time. If you choose the
second option and enter a UUCP-style time specification into the text box, however, only
connections made during that period will be restricted. For example, Any0900-1700
means 9am to 5pm every day; Mo,Tu,We means Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays;
Wk means weekdays; and Wk1700-0900,Sa,Su means times outside office hours.
WU-FTPD always checks the table in descending order for an entry that matches a
connecting client’s class and the current time, and stops when it finds one. This means
that entries that specify times (such as Any0900-1700) should be placed above those that
have Any time selected, so that the specific entry is actually used when appropriate.
Restricting Clients by IP Address 541

Error message file This is the full path to a file containing a message that will be sent
to clients whose connections exceed the limit. This should explain why they are being
rejected and suggest other times or FTP servers to try.
4. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the connection limits. To add more
than one, you will need to revisit the form so that a new blank row appears in the table.

41.12 Restricting Clients by IP Address

Even though it is possible to block clients from certain addresses by ensuring that they do not
fall into any class, there is a feature in the module dedicated specifically to blocking clients
based on their IP addresses or hostnames. This can be used to lock out specific hosts that are
abusing your FTP server, or to restrict access to clients from only your own company or home
To define banned client systems, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Limits and Access Control icon on the module’s main page to open the
form shown in Figure 41.4.
2. Each row in the Deny access from table specifies an IP address, hostname, or pattern
from which block logins. As with other tables in this module, there will always be an
additional empty row for adding a new restricted address.
In the Deny from address field, you can also enter the full path to a file containing
banned addresses, using negated patterns like !192.168.1.*, or even the special address
!nameserved, which matches all clients that do not have a valid reverse DNS address.
Only one can be entered, however—to block additional addresses, you will need to add
more rows.
In the Error message file field, you must enter the full path to a file containing a
message that will be sent to blocked clients. This should explain to connecting users that
they have been blocked, and perhaps give a reason why.
If you want to add more than one row, you will need to save this form and reopen it so
that a new empty row appears at the bottom of the table. Existing restrictions can be
edited by just changing their fields, or deleted by clearing out the address.
3. When you are done, hit the Save button at the bottom of the form to activate the new
address restrictions.

41.13 Restricting Access to FTP Commands

WU-FTPD can be configured to restrict the FTP commands that certain types and classes of
users can use. This is useful for stopping anonymous clients from modifying files, as on most
FTP servers they are only allowed to download, not upload, rename, or delete. In fact, this is
exactly how WU-FTPD is set up in its usual default configuration.
There are five commands to which you can restrict access, all related to server-side data
modification. They are:

chmod Change the UNIX permissions of a file on the server (chmod in the UNIX
FTP client).
542 Chapter 41 • The WU-FTPD Server

delete Delete a file or directory on the server (del or rmdir in the UNIX FTP
rename Change the name of a file or directory (rename in the FTP client).
overwrite Upload a file with the same name as one that already exists.
umask Change the default UNIX permissions for newly created files (umask in
the UNIX FTP client).

It is not possible to stop clients from using directory listing or download commands. It is also
not possible to use this feature to prevent the upload of files that do not already exist. This can be
achieved, however, by setting directory permissions appropriately or blocking all uploaded file-
names as explained in Section 41.6 “Denying Access to Files”.
To define which clients can use particular commands, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Permissions icon on the module’s main page.

2. On the form that appears, the Command restrictions table lists existing commands and the
user types and client classes that are or are not allowed to use them. As usual, you can add a
new command using the blank row at the bottom, edit existing entries, or delete the restric-
tions on a command altogether by selecting the blank option from the Command menu.
3. The FTP server processes this table in descending order when a client tries to do some-
thing, and uses the selection in the Allow? column for the first entry that matches to
decide whether or not it is allowed. This means that the order matters, and if two entries
match, the first one in the table will decide what happens.
4. The fields for each row and their meanings are:
Command You must select the command being restricted from this menu or the blank
option to delete the row.
Allow? This field determines whether or not an attempt to use the command by a client
that matches the chosen user types and classes is allowed.
For user types The restriction will only apply to the types of user selected in this
column. See Section 41.5 “Managing User Classes” earlier in the chapter for details on
what each means.
For classes Only the client classes selected in this column will be effected by the
5. When you are done editing or adding to the table, hit the Save button to activate your

If a client command does not match any entry in the table, it will be allowed by the FTP server
(unless blocked by some other filename restriction set elsewhere).

41.14 Configuring the WU-FTPD Server Module

To change the paths that the module uses for the WU-FTPD configuration files and programs,
you will need to click on the standard Module Config link in the top-left corner of the main
page. Unlike other modules, there are no options related to the user interface so you will proba-
bly not need to adjust anything on the configuration form if the module is working for you. By
Summary 543

default, all the configuration fields are set to match the WU-FTPFD package included with your
operating system or Linux distribution. The configurable fields are shown in Table 41.2.

Table 41.2 Module Configuration Options

Full path to wuftpd This field must contain the full path to the WU-FTPD server program,
such as /usr/sbin/in.ftpd. If it is incorrect, the module will think that the
server is not installed.

Full path to ftpaccess file This field must contain the full path to the primary ftpaccess configu-
ration file, usually found in /etc. Again, an error will be displayed on
the main page if it cannot be found.

Full path to This field should contain the full path to the ftpconversions file.
ftpconversions file

Full path to ftpgroups file This field should contain the path to the ftpgroups file.

Full path to ftphosts file This field should contain the path to the ftphosts file.

Full path to ftpusers file This field must contain the full path to the ftpusers file, which lists
users who are not allowed to log in to the FTP server.

FTP server PID file If you are running WU-FTPD in standalone mode, this field must con-
tain the full path to its process ID file. If it is incorrect, the module will
assume that the server is not running when it really is.

Even though there are fields for configuration files other than ftpaccess, at the time this
book was written, the module did not actually edit those files yet.

41.15 Summary
After reading this chapter, you should understand what the WU-FTPD server does and how it
compares with other FTP servers, like ProFTPd. You should also know how to set it up, and how
to perform configuration tasks such as restricting access to directories and files, specifying mes-
sage files, and creating aliases. You should also understand how anonymous and guest access
work, and which files are needed for these forms to enable access in WU-FTPD.
C H A P T E R 4 2

SSH Server

his chapter explains the SSH protocol and how to use Webmin to con-
T figure both an SSH server and clients on your system.

42.1 Introduction to SSH

SSH is a protocol for securely logging into and transferring files to and from a UNIX system
over a network. All SSH traffic is encrypted so that anyone listening in on the network cannot
capture passwords, which is a vast improvement over the insecure telnet and FTP protocols. In a
way, SSH can be thought of as a secure replacement for those protocols, although in fact it can
be used for much more.
An SSH server is a daemon process that runs on a UNIX system waiting for connections. An
SSH client is a program run by a user (or from a script) that connects to a server to start a remote
login session or transfer some files. Both the client and server authenticate themselves to each other,
so that each can be sure of the other’s identity. Client authentication is done either with a username
and password or a username and private key, while server authentication always uses a key.
There are many different SSH clients and servers available, but the two most common client/
server packages on UNIX systems are the freely available (open source) OpenSSH and the origi-
nal, commercial SSH. In addition, there are two different versions of the protocol that are not com-
patible—versions 1 and 2. Fortunately, the latest releases of both packages support both versions.
The directory /etc/ssh contains all the configuration files used by both SSH servers, and
even though the filenames are the same, their formats are slightly different. The primary file is
called sshd_config and consists of a series of directives—one per line. As is usual with UNIX
server configuration files, each sets some option such as the list of denied users or the IP address
on which to listen. The same directory also contains the file ssh_config, which sets options
that apply to the SSH client programs (such as ssh and scp) running on your system. The Web-
min module covered in this chapter can edit both files directly.

The SSH Server Module 545

42.2 The SSH Server Module

This chapter deals with the configuration of both the SSH and OpenSSH servers, and assumes
that you have a basic user’s knowledge of the client programs. The Webmin module that can be
used to carry out this configuration is named SSH Server and can be found under the Servers
category. Clicking on its icon will take you to the main page shown in Figure 42.1, assuming
that the SSH package is installed.
If an error message like The SSH server config file /etc/ssh/sshd_config was not found on
your system appears instead, there is probably no SSH server installed on your system. Most
modern Linux distributions come with an OpenSSH package, so check your distribution CD or
website for any packages whose names start with openssh or ssh. Often there will be several,
such as openssh, openssh-client, and openssh-server, all of which should be installed.
You may also need to install the OpenSSL library as well, which should also be available in
package form. Use the Software Packages module (covered in Chapter 12) to check for and
install everything that is needed.
If no SSH package exists for your operating system, you will need to down download, com-
pile, and install the OpenSSH or SSH source code. As you might expect, OpenSSH can be found at
www.openssh.org/, while the original SSH can be downloaded from www.ssh.com/. Installing
should be easy on any UNIX operating system, assuming you have a compiler avalable. The only
dependency is an SSL library like OpenSSL, which can be downloaded from www.openssl.org/.
After installation, you should make sure that the SSH server will be started at boot time.
Use the Bootup and Shutdown module (from Chapter 9) to create an action that runs the sshd
command when started. If there is already an action named sshd or ssh-server, all you will
need to do is make sure that it is enabled.
No matter how you install the SSH server, it should allow clients to log in and transfer files
immediately using the default configuration once the server process is started. In fact, on a typi-
cal system, very little configuration is needed at all as the defaults are suitable for the average
The two different SSH implementations and their many versions all have slightly different
configuration file formats, to which the module needs to adapt itself. This means that the forms
and fields that make up its user interface are not always the same, depending on the version and
type of server that you have installed. The instructions and screenshots in this chapter have been
written with OpenSSH version 2.5 in mind, but any differences or extra features that other SSH
versions have will be mentioned as well.
The main page will always display six icons, under each of which is a form containing
fields for setting options related to some category—such as authentication or networking. At the
top, the implementation and version of the installed SSH is displayed so you can see which of
the instructions in this chapter apply to your system. At the bottom is a button labeled Apply
Changes, which, when clicked, signals the SSH server to reread its configuration file. No
changes made in the module will take effect until you hit this button.

42.3 Restricting Access to the SSH Server

By default, any UNIX user will be allowed to log in remotely to the SSH server on your system,
or use it to upload and download files. On a mail server system or one that hosts websites, how-
ever, this may not be appropriate. You might want to allow most users to only log in to your
546 Chapter 42 • SSH Server Configuration

Figure 42.1 The SSH Server module.

POP3, FTP, or Usermin servers instead. Although it is possible to achieve this by giving them a
shell like /bin/false, this could cause other problems with user Cron or At jobs.
Fortunately, the SSH server can be configured to restrict who can log in. Just follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Access Control icon to bring up a form listing
allowed and denied users.
2. To block everyone except a few users, enter a list of usernames separated by spaces into
the Only allow users field. The * and ? wildcard characters can be used, so you could
enter foo* to allow any user whose name starts with foo.
You can also deny SSH access for everyone except the members of some groups by
filling in the Only allow members of groups field. Users who are secondary members
of any matching groups will be allowed as well. If both fields are filled in, users specified
in either will be allowed.
3. You can also block only a few specific users or groups using the Deny users and Deny
members of groups fields. Again, wildcards may be used and, if both fields are filled in,
users from either will be denied.
4. If you are running SSH, the fields Only allow client hosts and Deny client hosts will
appear on the form as well. If filled in, the former tells the SSH server to reject any con-
nections except those from the IP addresses or hostnames entered, while the latter tells it
to deny only the hosts and addresses listed in the adjacent field. Both fields accept the *
and ? wildcard characters.
Network Configuration 547

If your system has OpenSSH installed, you can use the TCP-wrappers configuration files
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to block untrusted clients. Unfortunately,
there is not yet a standard Webmin module for editing these files.
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the SSH server configuration
file and return to the main page.
6. Hit the Apply Changes button to activate the new restrictions.

42.4 Network Configuration

The SSH server has several options that allow you to configure the IP address on which it listens,
the port it uses, and various protocol-related settings. To edit them, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Networking icon on the module’s main page to bring up the form shown in
Figure 42.2.
2. By default, the server will accept connections made to any of your system’s IP addresses.
To change this (perhaps because you want it to be only accessible from an internal LAN),
select the second radio button in the Listen on address field and enter an IP address into
the text box.
If you are running OpenSSH, version 3 or above, this field will instead contain a table in
which you can enter multiple addresses and ports. Above it are two radio buttons: All
addresses, which if selected tells the server to accept connections to the default port on
any IP address, and Entered below, which indicates that the addresses and ports in the
table should be used. As is usual with tables in Webmin, this one will always have a
single blank row at the bottom for adding a new address and port. If none have been
defined yet, it will only contain one blank row. The meanings of the fields in the table’s
two columns are:
Address In this field you must enter a single IP address or hostname on which the
server is listed.
Port If Default is selected in this column, the standard port set in Step 3 will be used.
If the second option is selected, the SSH server will listen on the port entered into the
text box in the column.
3. To change the port on which the SSH server listens for connections, edit the Listen on
port field. If you do change it, clients will need to specify the new port when connecting.
If your system uses OpenSSH version 3 or above, this field only sets the default port,
which can be overridden in the Listen on address table.
4. In the Accept protocols field, check the boxes for the SSH protocol versions that your
server should accept. It is generally wise to allow both, so older or newer clients can con-
nect without difficulty. This field only appears if you are running OpenSSH; however,
SSH accepts only version 1 or 2 depending on the SSH version you have installed.
5. If you are running SSH, the Idle timeout field can be used to disconnect clients that have
neither sent or received any data for a certain amount of time. Select the second radio
button, enter a period of time into the text box, and select the units for that period from
the menu. If Default is selected, clients will never be cut off no matter how long they are
idle. On a busy system, this feature can be useful for stopping people from leaving idle
548 Chapter 42 • SSH Server Configuration

Figure 42.2 The networking options form.

SSH sessions open for days at a time, each of which has an associated memory-consum-
ing sshd and shell process.
6. To set the SSH server to disconnect clients that shut down or crashed without properly
logging out, select Yes in the Disconnect if client has crashed? field. The server will
periodically send messages to the client to make sure it is still really running, and close
the connection if there is no reply. The only time you would want to choose No is if this
extra traffic causes problems on your network, such as the automatic activation of an
ISDN or dial-up connection when it is not really necessary.
7. To configure the amount of time that the server will wait for a client to authenticate after
it has connected, change the Time to wait for login field. If Forever is chosen, the
server will never disconnect a client no matter how long it takes, which could allow an
attacker to overload your system by making lots of SSH connections that do nothing.
8. One of the SSH protocol’s more interesting features is its support for port forwarding,
which allows clients to access ports on the server’s network that they could not ordi-
narily. Even though this is very useful for users, you might consider it a security risk as it
allows anyone who can make an SSH effectively bypass IP address restrictions on inter-
nal servers. To turn off this feature, change the Allow TCP forwarding? field to No.
This field only appears if you are running SSH version 2 or above or OpenSSH.
9. A related field is Allow connection to forwarded ports?, which determines if hosts
other than the server itself are allowed to connect to ports forwarded back to the client.
You may want to set this to No to protect client users from attackers who are misusing
Authentication Configuration 549

possibly insecure forwarded connections back to the client’s network. It only appears,
however, if your system runs OpenSSH version 2 or above.
10. To have the server look up the hostnames for client addresses and the address for those
hostnames, and then block those that do not match, select Yes in the Reverse-validate
client IP addresses? field. This is useful if you have hostname-based access controls in
place and want to detect attackers using falsified DNS records. This field is only visible
if you are running OpenSSH version 2.3 or above.
11. To save and activate your changes, hit the Save button at the bottom of the page and then
Apply Changes back on the module’s main page. They will take effect for any new cli-
ent connections.

42.5 Authentication Configuration

All SSH implementations have options related to how clients authenticate and the messages dis-
played to them after login. Specifically, you can permit or deny authentication by username and
password or username and certificate, stop the root user from logging in, and control whether
or not rlogin-style .rhosts files are trusted. The exact options differ quite a lot between SSH
versions, however, so what is possible with OpenSSH may not be if you are running the com-
mercial SSH server.
To edit authentication settings, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Authentication icon on the module’s main page to bring up a form like the
one shown in Figure 42.3.

Figure 42.3 The authentication options form.

550 Chapter 42 • SSH Server Configuration

2. Select Yes for the Notify user of new mail? field to have users informed of any new mail
in their mail files when they log in. This only works if you are using the standard mail
file location on your system, though, and not if delivery is done to Mailbox or Maildir
in users’ home directories.
3. To prevent users logging in with a password, change the Allow authentication by pass-
word? field to No. This means that only certificate authenticates will be accepted, which
is not too useful for users who have never logged in before and thus cannot create a pri-
vate key. It is only useful if your system uses NFS-mounted home directories, or if some
other mechanism exists for users to set their public keys. This field is not available if you
are running SSH version 3 or above.
4. To allow or deny logins with an empty password (assuming this is actually correct for a
user), change the Permit logins with empty passwords? field. You may want to block
this until users have set their passwords by some other method.
5. Even though a root login via SSH is much more secure that one via telnet (which is
unencrypted), you may still want to prevent it. To do this, select No from the Allow login
by root? menu. You can also choose Only with RSA auth to force root logins to use a
certificate for authentication, or Only for commands to only permit the execution of a
single command instead of allowing a full interactive login. That final option is only
available, however, if your system runs OpenSSH version 2 or above.
6. To stop users from using certificates to authenticate (and thus forcing the use of pass-
words instead), select No from the Allow RSA authentication? field. You might want to
do this to force people to enter a password every time, instead of relying on a possibly
unencrypted private key to do the authentication for them.
7. To stop the server from strictly checking permissions on users’ files in their ~/ssh direc-
tory, select No in the Check permissions on key files? field. Even though turning off
these checks is a bad idea from a security point of view, the checks can be annoying for
users who have set the wrong permissions and cannot figure out why they cannot be
authenticated with a certificate.
8. To have the server display the contents of the message-of-the-day file to users after log-
ging in, select Yes for the Display /etc/motd at login? field. This file usually contains
information about your system or notices to users.
9. If you want to have a message sent to clients before they log in, select the second option
in the Pre-login message file field and enter the full path to a file containing the text you
want sent into the adjacent text box. This text often contains a warning about unautho-
rized use of the system.
This field is only available if you are running OpenSSH 2.3 or SSH version 2 or above.
10. The rest of the options on the page relate to rlogin-style authentication using rhosts and
/etc/hosts.equiv files. Because they trust the client host to have already authenticated
the connecting user, they are rather insecure with the ease with which a source IP address
can be faked. For this reason, enabling this kind of authentication is not recommended.
11. To save and activate your new authentication settings, hit the Save button at the bottom
of the form, followed by Apply Changes on the main page.
Editing Client Host Options 551

42.6 Editing Client Host Options

Although the SSH Server module is primarily for configuring an SSH server, it also lets you set
options that apply to all client connections made from your system using the ssh and scp com-
mands. Options can be set for connections to all hosts, or just to a specific one. You can set the
port to which to connect, the protocol to use, and local and remote ports to forward.
The settings made in this module apply to all users on your system, but can be overridden by
individual users who edit their ~/.ssh/config files. This can be done manually or using User-
min, which has an SSH Client module with an identical interface to the one documented here for
editing global client settings. Many of the settings do not make much sense to set for all users,
even though it is possible to do so using Webmin. For this reason, the instructions in this section
only cover fields that are useful on a global level.
To define settings for connections to a specific host, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Client Host Options icon. A page containing
one icon for each of the hosts for which options have been set will be displayed. Unless
you have used this page before, only the special All hosts icon will appear, which can be
clicked on to edit options for connections to any host.
2. Click on the Add options for client host link at the bottom of the page to bring up a
form for specifying a host and the options that apply to it. All of the fields on this form
have a Default option, which, if selected, indicates that the setting for all hosts should be
used instead. This allows you to define options globally, and then override them on a per-
host basis.
3. In the Options for host field, enter the name of the host (as used in the ssh command
line) to which the options will apply. Wildcards can be used. For example, you could
enter *.webmin.com to match any host in the webmin.com domain. Remember that the
name must match that used by users in the ssh or scp command, so if you enter foo and
a user runs ssh foo.example.com, the options will not apply even though both names
would resolve to the same IP address. For this reason, you may want to enter the host-
name as foo* to catch both possibilities.
4. To have SSH clients connect to a different hostname, fill in the Real hostname to con-
nect to field. This could be useful if combined with the Port to connect to field to
secretly redirect user connections to a specific host to a port on another address which is
actually a tunnel to the actual destination.
5. To force clients to use a different port by default, fill in the Port to connect to field. This is
useful if the SSH server on a particular host runs on a different port from the usual 22, and
you want to avoid the need to explicitly specify the port in every ssh and scp command.
6. The SSH client normally treats the ~ (tilde) character as an escape that indicates that the
next character entered by the user is actually a command for the ssh program itself. For
example, ~. closes the connection, and ~^Z suspends the program. The Escape charac-
ter field can be used to specify some different character by selecting the third radio but-
ton and entering a single character into the adjacent text box. You can also turn off
escape support altogether by selecting None. This latter option is useful if you are using
the ssh command to transfer binary data that may contain a tilde.
7. By default, the SSH client and server will compress and uncompress data sent between
them, which can speed up large transfers of text or other compressible data. Sometimes,
552 Chapter 42 • SSH Server Configuration

however, this can actually slow things down or be a useless waste of CPU time, for exam-
ple, if you are using scp to copy lots of GIF files or always connecting to the host over a
fast network. To turn off compression, change the Compress SSH traffic? field to No.
If compression is enabled, the Compression level menu controls the trade off between
CPU utilization and the amount of bandwidth used. If 1 is selected, very little
compression is done, whereas if 9 is chosen, a lot more CPU time will be expended on
reducing the actual amount of data transferred.
These fields and those in the next two steps are not available if your system is running
SSH version 3 or above.
8. By default, SSH clients will use the privileged source port 22 when connecting, which
indicates to the server that it is a trusted program and thus can be relied on to provide
correct information about the user running it. This is necessary for rlogin-style authen-
tication to work, but unfortunately many networks have their firewalls configured to
block connections with privileges source ports, which completely blocks SSH. To have
the clients use a normal port instead, select No for the Use privileged source ports?
field. Unless you are using host-based authentication, this will cause no harm.
9. To set the SSH protocol versions that clients will try when connecting to this server,
choose Selected in the Try SSH protocols field and check the ones to try. The default is
to try them both.
10. Hit the Create button at the bottom of the page to save the new per-host settings. They
will be used by all new client connections made from your system from now on.

After a set of host options is created, an icon for the host will appear on the Client Host Options
page. You can click on this icon to bring up its editing form, make changes to the same fields,
and hit the Save button. To remove the host and have connections to it revert to the default
options, hit Delete on the same form. It is also possible to change the defaults that apply to all
connects by clicking on the special All hosts icon and making changes on the form that appears.
Of course, some fields do not really make sense in this context, such as Real hostname to con-
nect to and Port to connect to, and so should not be used.

42.7 Setting Up SSH for New Users

Before a UNIX user can use certificate authentication to log in to an SSH server, he must gener-
ate a private key with the ssh-keygen command. This module can be configured to work with
the Users and Groups module to run this command for all newly created users. If your network
uses NFS-mounted home directories, this will allow new users to log in to other hosts without
needing to supply a password, with no further setup needed.
To configure the setup of SSH for new users, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User SSH Key Setup icon.
2. Check the Setup SSH key for new UNIX users checkbox, so that ssh-keygen will be
run for new accounts.
3. To have the new user’s public key added to the list of keys that are authorized to use his
account, check the Copy new identify.pub to authorized_keys box. If it is not selected, they
will need to do this manually before authentication with their new certificate will be accepted.
Configuring the SSH Server Module 553

4. To set a passphrase for new users’ private keys, check the Use password as key pass-
phrase box. If it is left unchecked, no passphrase will be set (which is more user-
friendly, but less secure).
5. Click the Save button to have Webmin start using your new settings.

42.8 Configuring the SSH Server Module

Like all modules, this one has several options that can set to control where it looks for the SSH pro-
grams and configuration files. By default, they are set to match the SSH package that comes with
your operating system, and so generally will not need to be changed unless you have compiled and
installed the server from source instead. None are related to the module’s user interface.
The editable settings are shown in Table 42.1.

Table 42.1 Module Configuration Options

Full path to sshd program This field must be set to the full path to the SSH server program, such as
/usr/sbin/sshd or /usr/local/sbin/sshd.

Full path to sshd config file This field must contain the location of the SSH server configuration file,
usually found at /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Full path to ssh client This field must contain the location of the global SSH client configura-
config file tion file, usually found at /etc/ssh/ssh_config.

Full path to sshd PID file This field must contain the full path to its process ID file so the module
can determine whether or not the SSH server is running. If it is incor-
rect, the Start Server button will appear on the main page instead of
Apply Changes.

Command to start sshd If Just run server is selected, the module will simply run the sshd pro-
gram specified in the first field when the Start Server button is clicked.
Many packages include a bootup script that should be used instead,
which you can tell the module to use by selecting the second option and
entering a command like /etc/init.d/sshd start into the adjacent text
field. If you have compiled SSH yourself from the source, however,
then the first option should be used as no such script is likely to exist.

Full path to ssh-keygen This field must contain the full path to the ssh-keygen program,
program which the module uses to setup SSH for new UNIX users.

42.9 Summary
After reading this chapter, you should be familiar with the uses and benefits of the SSH protocol
and programs. You should also understand how Webmin’s SSH Server module can be used to
configure such server options as the allowed users and hosts, protocol and networking settings,
and options related to logging in and authentication. You should also know how to set options
that apply to client SSH connections made by users on your system, and how to have SSH set up
automatically for new users.
C H A P T E R 4 3

Windows File
Sharing with Samba

his chapter explains the protocol by which Windows systems share

T files, and explains how to set up the Samba program to make files on
your UNIX server available to Windows clients.

43.1 Introduction to SMB and Samba

SMB (Server Message Block) is the protocol used by Windows systems to share files and print-
ers across a network, just like the NFS and LPR protocols are used by UNIX systems. Any time
you use the Network Neighborhood or Map Network Drive features of Window, the SMB proto-
col is being used. Because it is the standard method of file sharing on Windows systems, it has
become the most commonly used method of sharing files on local networks.
Even though SMB is thought of as a Windows protocol, it was originally developed by DEC
and has been implemented by many different companies and in many products. These days it is
often referred to as CIFS (the Common Internet File System), even though the protocol itself has
not changed. In fact, many ancient clients will still be able to access modern SMB servers like
An SMB server is a system that has files or printers to which it wants to allow other hosts
access. A client is a system that wants to read or write files on a server, or print to a server’s
printer. A single system can be both a client and server, and all releases of Windows from ver-
sion 95 onwards include software for these purposes. On a typical organization’s network, how-
ever, there is a single large server system and many smaller clients that access files on it.
Every host that uses the SMB protocol has a hostname, which is typically the same as its
DNS name. A server host can have multiple shares, each of which has a unique name and cor-
responds to a directory or local printer on the server system. Shares are referred to using the
\\hostname\sharename notation, such as \\corpserver\documents. On Windows clients, file
shares are normally mapped to drive letters like J: so they can be more easily referred to. All

Introduction to SMB and Samba 555

Windows applications can read and write files on a server in exactly the same way that they
would for local files.
Shared printers accessed by a client are not assigned a drive letter, but may be connected to
a fake printer port such as lpt2:. Clients can send jobs to the printer, view those that are currently
waiting to be printed, and cancel jobs submitted by the same user. Unlike the UNIX LPR proto-
col, clients using a remote printer must have the appropriate driver installed, and must send data
to the server in the format that the printer actually accepts.
Fortunately, it is possible for Linux and UNIX systems to participate in SMB file and
printer sharing as well, or this would be a very short chapter. The Disk and Network Filesystems
module (covered in Chapter 5) allows your Linux system to mount shares from SMB servers so
the files they contain can be accessed like any others. And the Printer Administration module
(from Chapter 22) can be used to set up printers on your system that send jobs to Windows
printer shares.
Those two chapters explain how your system can act as an SMB client, while this one cov-
ers setting up a server so that Windows (and Linux) clients can access its files and print to its
printers. The software that makes this possible is called Samba, a completely free reimplementa-
tion of the SMB protocol for UNIX systems. Samba has been available and under development
for many years, ever since the SMB protocol first started to be used on DOS systems. It allows a
UNIX system to do as good a job of serving Windows clients as a real Windows server would. In
fact, some would say that it is even better.
Samba uses two daemon processes, named smbd and nmbd. The first handles actual file or
printer share requests from clients, while the second responds to SMB name lookup requests.
Both daemons use the smb.conf configuration file, which is usually found in the /etc direc-
tory. Any change made to this file (either manually or by using Webmin) will be immediately
detected by both daemons, and will take effect at once. Unlike most other UNIX server pro-
cesses, they do not need to be signaled to reread the configuration file if it changes.
Unfortunately, there are some complexities that arise when sharing files between UNIX and
Windows systems. The SMB protocol has no support for concepts such as file ownership or per-
missions, at least not in the form in which they exist on UNIX systems. NTFS filesystem access
control lists (used on Windows NT, 2000, and XP) are supported instead, which are incompati-
ble with normal UNIX permissions. Samba does have some support for them, but setting it up is
complex and covered in a separate chapter.
The SMB protocol supports authentication, so that clients can be forced to provide a valid
username and password to the server before they can access a share. The Samba server uses the
standard UNIX user database to validate clients, although actual UNIX passwords cannot be
used (for reasons explained later). When a client logs in to a Samba server, it accesses files with
the permissions of the UNIX user as whom it authenticated—just as an FTP client would. This
means that all the normal file permission and ownership rules apply.
Samba can be compiled on every version of UNIX supported by Webmin, and has the same
features on all of them. This means that the module’s user interface is the same as well, although
differences in the default configuration may cause some features to be initially inaccessible.
556 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

43.2 The Samba Windows File Sharing Module

This Webmin module allows you to specify directories and printers to be shared to Windows cli-
ents using the SMB protocol. It can be found in the Servers category, and when its icon is
clicked on the main page (as shown in Figure 43.1) it will be displayed. All existing shares are
listed, along with their paths and the users to whom they are available. Below them are icons for
setting various global options that apply to all shares, links for managing Samba users, and a
button for starting or restarting the server processes.
Over the years, Samba has gained a vast array of configurable options. This module does not
allow you to configure all of them though, only the ones that are useful for a small server on a sim-
ple network. For example, settings related to login scripts, NT domains, and SSL cannot be edited.
If you add them to your smb.conf file manually, however, the module will not touch them.
Like all other modules that configure some server, this one can only be used if the Samba
server is actually installed. If the module cannot find it, an error message like The Samba
server executable /usr/sbin/smbd was not found will appear on the main page instead. If you
do have Samba installed but in a different location than what the module expects, see Section
43.18 “Configuring the Samba Windows File Sharing Module” for instructions on how to recon-
figure it to use the correct paths. Otherwise, you will need to install it.
Most Linux distributions, and several other operating systems, include a Samba package or
packages, which can be easily installed using the Software Packages module (covered in
Chapter 12). If not, you will need to download the source code from www.samba.org and com-
pile and install it manually. The module expects you to use the package, if one is available, or the
source code otherwise, so if you did not and an error message is still being displayed on the main
page, the module’s configuration will need to be adjusted to use the right paths.
No matter how Samba is installed, its default configuration file will include at least two
shares (the special homes and printers), as well as several global settings. This means that
even if you have never used this module before or configured Samba manually, the list on the
main page will not be empty. Of course, if you have been adding shares by directly editing the
configuration file, they will be displayed as well.
If Webmin detects that Samba is already running, a button labeled Restart Samba Servers
will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Predictably, clicking it will kill all running server
processes and restart them, forcing the currently configuration to be reloading. This is usually
unnecessary, though, as Samba will reread the configuration files as soon as it detects that they
have been changed.
If the module finds that both of the Samba server processes are not running, it will display
the Start Servers buttons, which, when clicked, will run both smbd and nmbd. No PID file is
checked to determine if they are running or not. Instead, the module searches for running pro-
cesses with those names.

43.3 Managing Samba Users

As mentioned in the introduction, the SMB protocol uses a password encryption format that is
incompatible with the standard UNIX format. This was not originally a problem, as old versions
of Windows (95 and earlier) sent unencrypted passwords to SMB servers. This allowed Samba
to encrypt and verify them against the UNIX password list, just like the FTP or telnet servers do.
Unfortunately, recent Windows releases will only send passwords in the new NTLM encrypted
Managing Samba Users 557

Figure 43.1 The Samba Windows File Sharing module.

format unless a particular obscure registry key is changed. Samba must now maintain a separate
list of passwords to validate modern clients.
Unless your server is only going to be accessed by old Windows hosts or Linux systems, you
will need to enable this separate encrypted password list. To do this, complete the following steps:

1. Click on the Authentication icon on the module’s main page.

2. On the form that appears, change the Use encrypted passwords? field to Yes.
3. Click Save at the bottom of the form to return to the main page and activate the new set-
ting. If it did not appear before, the Encrypted Passwords section containing three links
should be visible now.

Now that Samba’s separate password list is enabled, you will need to add some of your existing
UNIX users to it. This can be done easily using Webmin by following these steps:

1. On the main page of the Samba module, click on the Convert UNIX users to Samba
users link in the Encrypted Passwords section to bring up the conversion form.
2. The Don't convert or remove these users field lists users that will be excluded from
conversion, and, by default, contains all system accounts. You may want to add others;
however, there is no harm in converting accounts that will never be used.
3. If you have used this form before, the Update existing Samba users from their UNIX
details option can be checked to have existing Samba users updated to match the corre-
sponding UNIX users.
558 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

4. Similarly, the Delete Samba users who do not exist under UNIX can be checked to see
if it is set to delete Samba users who no longer have a corresponding UNIX user.
5. The For newly created users, set the password to field determines the password that
will be assigned, as there is no way to convert the users’ existing passwords. The best
choice is Account locked, which prevents the converted users from being used until a
password is later set. You can also choose No password to leave new accounts pass-
word-less (a bad idea in terms of security), or Use this password to specify a password
for all converted users.
6. Click on the Convert Users button to begin the process. A page listing each user con-
verted, skipped, or updated will be displayed.

After conversion, you will probably need to set passwords for the new Samba users. This must
be done one-by-one, by following these instructions for each user:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Edit Samba users and passwords link to bring
up a list of existing users.
2. Click on the name of the user whose password you want to set.
3. In the Password field, select the New password option and fill in the text box next to it.
You can also choose No access to block all Samba logins by this user, No password to
allow logins without a password, or Current password to leave the password
4. None of the other fields on the form should be changed—just hit the Save button to
return to the user list.
5. You should now be able to log in to your Samba server as this user with the chosen pass-
word and access files in some share. Assuming that the special homes share exists, every
user will have access to share with the same name as his username.

Because converting and setting the password for each new user is a tiresome waste of effort, you
can configure the module to automatically create a Samba user for each UNIX user created in
Webmin. It is also possible to have a Samba user renamed, deleted, or his password changed
when the corresponding UNIX user is changed in the Users and Groups module. To set up this
synchronization, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Configure automatic UNIX and Samba user synchronization link in the
Encrypted Passwords section of the Samba module’s main page.
2. Check the Add a Samba user when a UNIX user is added on the synchronization form
to have a Samba user created with the right UID and password for each new UNIX user.
3. Check the Change the Samba user when a UNIX user is changed box to make sure
the corresponding Samba user is renamed or his password changed when a UNIX user is
4. Check the Delete the Samba user when a UNIX user is deleted to have Webmin
remove the matching Samba user when a UNIX user is removed.
5. Click the Apply button to save your settings. Any actions performed in the Users and
Groups module (when the in other modules options are used) will effect the Samba user
list as well.
Adding a New File Share 559

Unfortunately, this synchronization only applies to the Users and Groups, Change Passwords, and
Cluster Users and Groups modules in Webmin. If you add a user at the command (like with
adduser) or change a password with the passwd command, no Samba user will be added or

43.4 Adding a New File Share

In its usual default configuration, Samba will allow any UNIX user to log in and access files in
his home directory. The special homes share provides this feature, which in many cases is all
that you need for users to store their own files on the server. It is often useful, however, to share
a directory that everyone has access to, so that documents of interest to the entire organization
can be made available. A share like this can be set up to allow guest access (meaning that no
login is required to access it), or to require a valid login to the server.
To create a file share, follow these steps:

1. First, decide on the directory that you wish to share and create it if it does not already
exist. It must be given the appropriate UNIX permissions so that users can read and/or
write to it.
2. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new file share link above or below the
table. This will take you to the Share Creation form shown in Figure 43.2.
3. In the Share name field, make sure the first button is selected and enter a unique alpha-
numeric name for your share into the text box—like documents. If you enter the name of
a UNIX user, his automatic home directory share will be overridden.
4. In the Directory to share field, enter (or select with the little button) the full path to the
directory chosen in Step 1.
5. To disable this share so that it cannot be used, change the Available? field to No. This
can be useful if you want to take it offline until all the options have been set properly.
6. To hide this share from the list that appears when the server is browsed, change the
Browseable? field to No. It will still be directly accessible using a \\servername\sharename
7. In the Share comment field, enter a short description for this file share, like Corporate
8. Click the Create button to add it to the Samba configuration. Your browser will be
returned to the module’s main page, on which the new share will be listed.
9. Click on the new share name to bring up its editing page.
10. Click on the Security and Access Control icon to display the share’s security form.
11. If the files in this share should be read-only, set the Writable? field to No—otherwise,
make sure Yes is selected.
12. The Guest access? field determines if clients are allowed to access this share without
logging in to the server. The available options are:
None Only authenticated users will be granted access.
Yes Anyone will be allowed to access the share, but unauthenticated clients will be
treated as guests. Clients that log in will enjoy their normal file access rights.
Guest only All clients, authenticated or not, will be treated as guests.
560 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

Figure 43.2 The file share creation form.

13. To set the UNIX user as whom guests read and write files, change the Guest UNIX user
field. This should normally be an account with read-only access.
14. Click the Save button at the bottom of the form. The share is now ready for clients to use
and should show up when your server is browsed.

A share can be edited after creation by clicking on its name in the list on the module’s main page
to bring up its editing form, changing details like the path or description, and hitting the Save
button. Or it can be deleted entirely by clicking Delete on the same form. You can also edit addi-
tional parameters by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the editing page. Later sections in this
chapter explain what they do in more detail.
The homes share can be edited as well, although it does not usually have a path (or if it does, it
will contain the special %U code which is replaced by the connecting user’s home directory).

43.5 Adding a New Printer Share

The default Samba configuration usually contains the special printers share, which indicates
that all printers on your system are available to SMB clients. A specific printer, however, can be
explicitly shared. This may be better than having them all shared automatically, as it allows you
to set different options for each printer or exclude some from sharing altogether.
Before printing and the browsing of printers in Samba will work properly, it must be config-
ured to use the right print system for your UNIX box. See Section 43.15 “Configuring Printers”
for details of how to set this. If it is set incorrectly, the server will use the wrong commands for
Adding a New Printer Share 561

listing printers and submitting jobs, which may cause the automatically generated list of printers
to be empty, or print requests to fail.
To make a printer available to SMB clients, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new printer share link above or
below the table. This will take you to the Print Share Creation form shown in
Figure 43.3.
2. In the Share name field, make sure the first button is selected and enter a unique alphanu-
meric name for your share into the text box, like hplaser. This should be the same as the
name of the UNIX printer you select in the next step to avoid confusion. If an automatically
created printer share with the same name already exists, this new one will override it.
3. From the UNIX printer menu, select the printer to make available to SMB clients. This
list is taken from the Printer Administration module (covered in Chapter 22). If Default
is chosen, the print system’s default printer will be used.
4. To disable this printer so that it cannot be used, change the Available? field to No.
5. To hide this printer from the list that appears when the server is browsed, change the
Browseable? field to No. It will still be directly accessible using a
\\servername\printername path though.
6. In the Spool directory field, you can enter the name of a directory in which temporary
files for printing are stored. Leave it empty to use Samba’s default, which will usually
work fine.
7. In the Share comment field, enter a short description for this print, such as Office HP
Laserjet 5.
8. Click the Create button to add the share to the Samba configuration. Your browser will be
returned to the module’s main page, which will now include the new printer in the table.
9. Click on the new share name to bring up its editing page.
10. Click on the Security and Access Control icon to display the share’s security form.
11. The Guest access? field determines if clients are allowed to print to this printer without
logging in to the server. The available options are:
None Only authenticated users will be granted access.
Yes Anyone will be allowed to access the share, but unauthenticated clients will be
treated as guests. Clients who have logged in will have print jobs submitted under their
login names.
Guest only All clients, authenticated or not, will be treated as guests.
12. To set the UNIX user as whom guests submit print jobs, change the Guest UNIX user field.
This doesn’t matter much, unless your printer system is configured to block certain users.
13. Click the Save button at the bottom of the form to return to the printer’s editing page.
14. Click on the Printer Options icon.
15. If this printer is to be used by Windows clients and does not have a UNIX driver
installed, enter its complete make and model into the Printer driver field. This must
match exactly the name to which Windows refers to so clients know which driver to
install. If None is selected, users adding this printer to their Windows systems will be
asked to choose the printer model from a list, instead.
562 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

Figure 43.3 The printer share creation form.

If the UNIX printer selection in Step 3 is already set up with a driver, then clients must
submit jobs in Postscript format instead of the native data format that the printer users
(because the driver will do the conversion). In this case, you can enter the name of a
printer that uses Postscript natively, such as Apple LaserJet II.
16. Finally, hit the Save button on this form. The printer share is now ready for use by Win-
dows clients.
Just as with file shares, printers can be edited and deleting by clicking on their names in the table
on the module’s main page. The special printers share can be modified as well; however,
many options do not make sense to set for it, such as the UNIX printer or Printer driver.

43.6 Viewing and Disconnecting Clients

Every client that is accessing a file or printer share on your system has a connection to the
Samba server, and those connections can be viewed using this module. Clients may also lock
files that they have open for editing, which prevents others from opening them. One of the
server’s tasks is the maintenance of these locks, which are associated with sessions and view-
able. If a client crashes without properly disconnecting, any locks that it holds will remain until
the TCP connection times out, which can take a while. For this reason, the module allows you to
kill client sessions and thus release their locks.
Editing Share Security Options 563

To view and delete client sessions, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the View all connections link above or below the
table of shares to bring up a list of all connections to the server.
You can also click on a printer or file share and then on the View Connections button on
its editing page to display a list of only connections to that particular share.
2. Either way, the page that appears will list the shares currently in use and show the name
of the connecting user, the host from whom he connected, the time of connection, and
any locked files for each share. In the left-most column is the ID of the Samba server
subprocess that is handling this connection. Generally, multiple connections from the
same client system to different shares will be handled by one process.
3. To kill a process and thus break all the connections that it is handling, click on its process
ID in the first column. Any locks held by the client will be released, freeing the files for
use by others.
You should only kill the connections of clients that have really crashed, as killing the
session for an active client may cause any files that it has open to be corrupted. It is
generally safe, however, to kill a connection to a Windows client with no files open, as it
will be immediately and transparently re-established by the client when a file on the
share is next opened.

43.7 Editing Share Security Options

Once a printer or file share has been created, you can edit various security-related options that
control who has access to it and to which hosts they can connect. This can be useful if some
share contains files to which only certain people should have access, or if your Samba server is
for use by clients only on your internal network.
To edit share security options, follow these steps:

1. Click on the name of the share in the table to bring up its editing form on the module’s
main page, then click on the Security and Access Control icon.
2. As explained in Section 43.4 “Adding a New File Share”, the Writable? and Guest
access? fields determine whether or not the share can be written to and if authentication
is needed. The Guest UNIX user field sets the user as whom files are read and written
by guest clients. Change them again here if you wish.
3. To only allow certain hosts access to this share, select the second radio button in the Hosts
to allow field and enter a list of hostnames and IP addresses into the adjacent text box. Par-
tial IPs like 192.168.1. or network addresses like can be used to
allow access to an entire network. If your system is an NIS client, you can enter a netgroup
name preceded by a @ (like @servers) to allow all of the group’s members.
If All is selected, all hosts will be granted access, unless you fill in the next field. No
matter what you enter, connections from the local host ( are always allowed
unless it is specifically listed in the Hosts to deny field.
4. To block only specific hosts from accessing this share, fill in the Hosts to deny field with
a similar list of hostnames, IP addresses, networks, or netgroups. If both fields are filled
in, Hosts to allow takes precedence. If None is selected, all hosts will be permitted.
564 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

5. To allow only certain users to access this share, fill in the Valid users field with a space-
separated list of usernames. You can also fill in the Valid groups field with a list of
groups whose primary and secondary members will be granted access. Only if both lists
are empty will all users be allowed.
6. To deny specific users and members of groups, fill in the Invalid users and Invalid groups
fields. If a user appears in both the valid and invalid lists, he will be denied access.
7. To restrict some users to read-only access for this share, enter a list of usernames into the
Read only users field. You can also enter a list of UNIX groups in the Read only
groups to restrict their primary members. Everyone else will have full read/write access,
assuming that the share is actually writeable and that the Read/write fields have not
been filled in.
8. To give only certain users permission to write to the share and restrict everyone else to
read-only access, enter a list of usernames into the Read/write users field. As usual, the
Read/write groups field can be used to enter a list of groups whose primary members
will be allowed to write as well. Naturally, normal UNIX file permissions that may pre-
vent writing to files or directories still apply to all users. If a user appears in both the
Read only and Read/write lists, he will be allowed to write.
The fields in this and the previous step have no effect on printer shares. Instead, all
allowed users will be able to print.
9. When you are done editing file security options, click the Save button at the bottom of
the page to activate the new settings.

In addition to setting security options for a single share, you can set defaults for all shares that
will apply unless overridden in individual shares. To do this, click on the File Share Defaults
icon on the module’s main page instead of the name of a share, and then on Security and Access
Control. Some settings—like the lists of hosts to allow or deny—really should be set globally,
as you probably want to limit access to your entire server to just a trusted network. See Section
43.12 “Editing Share Defaults” for more information on how defaults work.

43.8 Editing File Permission Settings

File shares have several settings related to the UNIX permissions, and ownership of files within
them, that can be set globally or on a per-share basis. Because Windows clients and the SMB
protocol have no concept of permissions, it is useful to have a way to set the defaults for new
files and directories on a per-share basis. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the name of the share for which you want to set per-
missions, then click on the File Permissions icon on its editing page.
2. In the New UNIX file mode field, enter the octal permissions (as used by the chmod
command) that should be assigned to newly created files. For example, mode 600 would
allow reading and writing by the owner but completely deny access to anyone else.
3. In the New UNIX directory mode field, enter the octal permissions for newly created
directories. For example, 755 would allow listing and reading by everyone, but only
allow the owner to create files in the directory.
4. To make some directories always appear empty to SMB clients, enter a comma-sepa-
rated list of full paths into the Directories not to list field. For example, you might
Editing File Naming Options 565

enter /proc,/dev to hide the contents of those two directories, which are generally useless
to Windows clients.
5. To force all clients to access files as a specific UNIX user (instead of the user as whom
they logged in), fill in the Force UNIX user field. This can be very useful for a share in
which different people edit each other’s documents, as it avoids the UNIX permission
problems that can occur if files are actually owned by their creators.
By default, the group as whom files are accessed will be the primary group of the
specified user. To change this, fill in the Force UNIX group field, as well.
6. Because Windows SMB clients have no support for UNIX symbolic links, Samba will
always read or write the linked-to file when a client tries to read or write a link. Unfortu-
nately, this presents a potential security risk, as a symlink could be created that points to
a normally inaccessible file outside the shared directory. To prevent this, change the
Allow symlinks outside of share? field to No.
7. On UNIX filesystems, files that are read-only to a user can still be deleted if the directory
is writeable. This is not the case on normal Windows filesystems, though, which is why
Samba prevents it from happening. To change this and let UNIX filesystem semantics
apply, change the Can delete readonly files? field to Yes.
8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new file security options.

As Section 43.12 “Editing Share Defaults” explains in more detail, you can edit file permission
settings for all shares by clicking on the File Share Defaults icon on the main page, followed by
File Permissions. These will apply unless overridden for a share by the preceding instructions.

43.9 Editing File Naming Options

Samba has several options that control how UNIX filenames are converted to names suitable for
Windows systems. These days, most of them are no longer needed, as Windows versions 95 and
above have been able to support long filenames properly. Only Windows 3.1 and DOS were
stuck with the old 8.3 filename format, and they are hardly used anymore.
To edit the naming options for a share that are relevant to modern clients, follow these steps:

1. Click on the name of the share on the module’s main page, then on the File Naming icon.
2. When the Case sensitive? field is set to No, the server will ignore case when opening
files requested by clients. This is the way Windows filesystems work and so this is the
default behavior for Samba, as well. It does, however, consume more CPU time and IO
bandwidth due to the need to scan directories, as all UNIX filesystems are case sensitive.
For this reason, you may want to select Yes if all your clients are Linux systems that
expect normal the UNIX case rule to apply.
3. Normally, Samba will create files with the exact case specified by clients. To change this
and force the use of upper or lower case instead, change the Preserve case? field to No
and select one of the options in the Default case? field. This can be useful if Windows
clients are creating lots of upper-case files when you prefer to follow the normal UNIX
lower-case standard.
4. On Windows filesystems, each file has a hidden attribute that determines if it is normally
visible to programs or not. No such attribute exists on UNIX systems. Instead, files
whose names start with a dot are hidden by ls and other commands. For this reason,
566 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

Samba sets the hidden attribute on dot files when the Hide dot files? field is set to Yes,
as it is by default.
The alternative is to use the world execution bit of the UNIX file permissions as the
hidden flag, as execute permissions are not otherwise used by Samba. To enable this
behavior, change the Save DOS hidden flag? field to Yes. Because this will mess up
permissions for UNIX programs accessing files in the share, it should only be used if the
shared directory is only being accessed by SMB clients.
5. Windows files have two more attributes: the archive flag that indicates that a file has
been backed up and the system flag that marks a normally untouchable system file.
Samba can be configured to store these attributes in the user-execute and group-execute
bits of files if the Save DOS archive flag? and Save DOS system flag? fields are set to
Yes, respectively. If your Windows clients have no need for this information, or if you
find that permissions on UNIX executables and scripts are being messed up, set them
both to No instead.
6. To activate the new file naming settings, hit the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Again, these options can be set for all shares by clicking on the File Share Defaults icon on the
main page, followed by File Naming.

43.10 Editing Other File Share Options

There are a few more file share options related to locking and automatically running commands
that you can set using this module as well. Those are used for locking control of the behavior of
Samba when a Windows client tries to lock a file to gain exclusive access, so that it can cache
data in the file without having to contact the server for every read or write. By default, locking is
fully enabled and implemented in exactly the same way as it is on Windows servers, so there is
generally no need to change these settings.
Samba can also be configured to run shell commands when a client connects or disconnects,
either as root or as the connecting UNIX user. This can be useful if you want to move newly
added files to some other directory or perform some kind of processing on them.
To edit the module’s other file sharing options, follow these steps:

1. Click on the name of the share to edit on the main page, and then click on the Miscella-
neous Options icon on the share editing page that appears.
2. If this share is exclusively for read-only use (for example, if you are sharing some kind of
read-only media like a CD), then the Fake oplocks? field can be safely changed to Yes to
boost performance. This tells Samba to simply grant all lock requests by clients and not to
bother actually keeping track of who has locked what, which can boost performance.
None of the other locking fields should be touched unless you really know what you are
doing, as the defaults will work fine and any other settings may lead to data corruption if
multiple clients try to access the same files.
3. To limit the number of clients that can be connected to this share at any one time, select
the second radio button in the Max connections field and enter a number into the adja-
cent text box. This can be useful if you want to limit the load on your system. If Unlim-
ited is selected, no maximum will be placed on the number of concurrent connections.
Editing Printer Share Options 567

4. The fields Command to run on connect and Command to run on disconnect allow you
to enter shell commands that will be run by Samba as the authenticated user at connection
and disconnection time. They will always be run in the share directory, and special % codes
like %U for the connecting user or %S for the server name can be used in the command.
5. Similarly, the Command to run on connect as root and Command to run on discon-
nect as root fields can be used to enter shell commands that will always be run as the
UNIX root user. They will, however, be run in root’s home directory instead.
6. Hit the Save button to activate the new locking and command settings.

One thing to remember about locking and Samba is that locks taken out by SMB clients will not
generally effect or be detectable by UNIX programs or NFS clients. This means that data corrup-
tion can still happen if UNIX and Windows programs open the same file, or if the same NFS
exported directory is shared by two different Samba servers.

43.11 Editing Printer Share Options

Once a printer share has been created, there are several options that you can set for it. Most of
them relate to the commands that Samba will run to print a new job, list the queue, or cancel a
job. By default, appropriate commands for the print system in use (explained in Section 43.15
“Configuring Printers”) will be used. However, there are times that you will want to specify
additional parameters or even use a completely different command.
To edit printer options for a share, follow these instructions:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the name in the table of the printer share that you want
to edit. On the form that appears, hit the Printer Options icon at the bottom of the page.
2. To prevent clients from using up all the disk space in the printer’s spool directory with
large jobs, change the Minimum free space field. You must enter a number of kilobytes
that will always be left free on the filesystem.
3. To change the command that Samba will run to print a submitted file, edit the Print
command field. The special codes %f (for the temporary file to print) and %p (for the
printer name) can and should be used in the command, so you can enter something like
lpr –P%p %f ; rm %f. Your command must always delete the temporary file (as the
example does) because the server will not do this for you. All the usual shell meta-char-
acters like ;, &, and > can be used, which allows you to enter quite complex series of
commands. Whatever command you enter will always be run as the UNIX user con-
nected to the printer share.
4. To edit the command that Samba uses to list jobs waiting to be printed on some printer,
select the second radio button in the Display queue command field and fill in its text
box. Whatever you enter must produce output in the format generated by the standard
BSD lpr command so that Samba can parse. If the special code %p appears in the com-
mand, it will be replaced with the name of the printer.
5. Similarly, you can change the commands that Samba runs to delete, pause, and unpause a
print job by editing the Delete job command, Pause job command, and Unresume job
command fields, respectively. All can and should use the codes %p for the printer name,
and %j for the job ID. For most print systems, there are no defaults for the pause and un-
568 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

pause commands, as those features are not supported. Generally, you will not need to
change these fields.
6. As Section 43.5 “Adding a New Printer Share” explains, the Printer driver field can be
used to enter the model of the attached printer (as recognized by Windows) so that clients
can automatically select the right driver.
7. When you are done with this page, hit the Save button to update the Samba configuration
file and thus activate the new settings.

You can also edit these settings for all shares by clicking on the Printer Share Defaults icon on
the module’s main page and then on Printer Options. In fact, all of the command options make
much more sense to edit globally as the same commands are likely to be needed for all printers.

43.12 Editing Share Defaults

As the previous few sections in this chapter have mentioned, the Samba configuration allows
you to define defaults that apply to all shares, unless specifically overridden. This can be done
by clicking on either the File Share Defaults or Printer Share Defaults icon on the main page,
editing the contents of the form that appears, and hitting Save. Most of the options in this form,
however, are not particularly useful to set globally, except maybe Available? and Browseable?.
More usefully, you can click on one of the icons on the defaults page and change settings
that will apply to all file or printer shares. In the case of the Security and Access Control icon
(which appears on both pages), global defaults that you set will apply to both file and printer
shares, as Samba does not differentiate between them.
Any option that is set globally will appear as the default on per-share forms. For example, if
you fill in the Delete job command field under Printer Options on the Printer Share Defaults
page and then went to the same page for a specific printer, the same value would appear. Even
though the command does not actually appear in the configuration file for the printer, Webmin
still displays it because it will be used by default. Of course, if you enter a different command
for the share, it will override the global setting and thus be used and displayed. This behavior
may be a little confusing, as it is not the way that other Webmin modules usually work.

43.13 Configuring Networking

This module can be used to set various Samba options that control how the entire server appears
to and behaves for Windows clients. You can change the workgroup (under which the system is
listed in the network neighborhood display), the server’s name and any aliases, and the descrip-
tion that appears next to the name. Options related to the file sharing protocol and authentication
method used can also be edited to support old clients.
It is even possible to set up your system as a WINS server or client—a protocol that some
Windows clients use to find IP addresses for SMB server names—if DNS is not available. The
biggest difference between WINS and DNS is that clients can register their own names and IP
addresses with a WINS server, rather than having it done by an administrator. It is most useful
on small file-sharing networks that do not have a DNS server.
Configuring Networking 569

To edit these windows networking options, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Windows Networking icon in the Global Configuration section on the
module’s main page to bring up the form shown in Figure 43.4.
2. To set a workgroup for your server, select the second radio button in the Workgroup field
and enter a short name into the text box next to it. If your network already has a few SMB
servers that are members of a workgroup, this server should be made a member too.
3. If your network already has a WINS protocol server, select Use server in the WINS mode
field and enter its IP address. If not, you should choose Be WINS server so that Windows cli-
ents can use your system to lookup IP addresses for SMB server names. More recent versions
of Windows (and Linux clients) do not need to use WINS, as they can look up server names
in the DNS—assuming your network has a DNS server that has entries for all your hosts.
4. To set a description for your system, fill in the Server description field with something
like Corporate file server.
5. Normally, Samba will use the first part of your system’s DNS name as the SMB server
name. To change this, enter something else in the Server name field. Clients will be able
to refer to this server by whatever name you specify.
6. To define alternate names that clients can use to refer to your server, fill in the Server
aliases field with a space-separated list of names.
7. If you want your system to be the master browser for a network (the server that maintains
lists of other SMB servers and clients on the network, as seen in Window’s network
neighborhood), change the Master browser? field to Yes. If you are running multiple
Samba servers on the same subnet, this option should be set for only one.
If there are other Windows or Samba servers on the network that want to be master
browsers, the one with the highest operating system level will win the “election” that
decides who gets the job. You can increase your system’s chance of winning by
increasing the Master browser priority field—the default of 20 will win against
Windows 95 systems, but you would need to enter 65 to beat Windows NT servers.
8. To have your Samba server contact another SMB server to validate passwords instead of
checking its own user list, select Password server from the Security menu and enter the
other server’s hostname or IP address in the Password server field. Otherwise, leave the
field set to Default or User level. Share level security is rarely used anymore with mod-
ern clients, and Domain security is too advanced to cover in this chapter.
9. Normally, an SMB server broadcasts information about itself to other servers on the net-
work so that it can be included in browse lists. If your network spans multiple subnets,
however, then broadcasts from one system may not reach others. To get around this prob-
lem, the Remote announce to table can be used to specify the addresses of browser mas-
ter servers to which this server’s IP address and workgroup should be sent.
To configure remote announcements on this page, first select the From list option above
the table. Then, in the IP address field of each row, enter the hostname or IP address of a
server to announce to and the name of the workgroup that your server should appear
under in the As workgroup field. If the second field is left empty, the server’s real
workgroup (set in Step 2) will be used. To enter more than two remote servers, you will
need to save and reopen this page so that more empty rows appear in the table.
10. Finally, click the Save button to activate the new network settings.
570 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

Figure 43.4 The Windows networking options form.

Samba also has numerous global options related to networking that control such things as the IP
address to listen on, whether to send keep-alive packets, and how long clients can be idle before
they are disconnected. These can be used to tune your server’s performance, or limit access to
only clients on a local network. To edit them, follow these steps:

1. Click on the UNIX Networking icon on the module’s main page.

2. To have Samba disconnect clients that have been inactive too long and do not have any
files open, select the second radio button in the Idle time before disconnect field and
enter a number of minutes into the adjacent text box. If Never is selected, clients will
never be cut off automatically. Because Samba starts one server subprocess per client,
this feature is useful for cutting down the amount of memory that they use up. Windows
clients will automatically reconnect if disconnected, so there is no down side to using it.
3. To have Samba send packets to detect if clients have crashed without properly discon-
necting, select the Send every option in the Keepalive packets field and enter the num-
ber of seconds (such as 60) that a packet should be sent. Because clients can hold locks
on files, a dead client may end up locking a file that other people need access to, even
though the file is clearly not being used.
The same thing can be achieved by selecting the SO_KEEPALIVE checkbox in the
Socket options field. This tells the operating system kernel to do basically the same
thing, and should be the preferred method. The only problem is that you cannot specify
the keep-alive packet interval.
Configuring Authentication 571

4. To restrict Samba to only listening for connections on just one of your system’s IP
addresses, fill in the Listen on address field. On a machine with one interface connected
to an internal network and one connected to the Internet, this feature can be used to pre-
vent outsiders connecting to your Samba server.
5. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new network settings.

As you will see when you look at the actual form, there are many more fields on it than those
documented above. The rest have extremely specialized uses, however, and thus do not need to
be touched by the average administrator.

43.14 Configuring Authentication

The SMB protocol allows users to change their passwords for a server from a client system. For
a Samba server, this causes the encrypted passwords file to be updated, assuming one is in use
(as is usually the case). You can also configure the server to change the user’s UNIX password as
well, which makes sense if they are being kept synchronized.
Another authentication-related feature supported by Webmin is username mapping. This
allows you to map fake client login names to real UNIX usernames, and can be useful if users
prefer to use their full names to log in (like Jamie Cameron instead of jcameron) or if you have a
client that is regularly moved between two different networks, each of which has different SMB
To set these global authentication options using this module, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Authentication icon.

2. As explained in Section 43.3 “Managing Samba Users”, the Use encrypted passwords?
field determines if Samba uses its own separate password file or the standard UNIX user
database. Because all recent versions of Windows use a password encryption format that
is incompatible with the UNIX format, this field should generally be set to Yes.
3. To allow logins by users who have no password set, select Yes for the Allow null pass-
words? field.
4. The Password program field sets the program that Samba will use to change a user’s
UNIX password if synchronization is enabled. If Default is selected, /bin/passwd will
be used, which is correct for most UNIX systems. You can enter a different command by
selecting the second radio button and filling in the text box with something like /usr/bin/
yppasswd %u. The %u code is replaced with the name of the user whose password is
being changed, and is required because the command is run as root.
5. To have Samba change a user’s UNIX password when his SMB password is changed
over the network, set the Change UNIX password as well? field to Yes. Synchroniza-
tion in the other direction is unaffected, though (see Section 43.3 “Managing Samba
Users” for more details on how that works).
6. To define “fake” SMB accounts, select Listed below in the Username mapping field. In
the table below it, each row specifies a mapping—the first field must contain a valid
UNIX username, and the second an SMB login name of your choice. Clients logging in
with one of these made-up account names must of course provide the correct password
for the associated UNIX user.
7. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate your new authentication settings.
572 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

43.15 Configuring Printers

If you are sharing printers from your server, you will probably need to adjust the global printing
options. These determine the print system commands that Samba will use to submit, list, and
delete jobs, the file it gets the list of printers from, and other related settings. To edit them, the
steps to follow are:

1. Click on the Windows To UNIX Printing icon on the module’s main page to bring up
the printer options form.
2. From the UNIX print style menu, select the type of print system in use on your box.
Unfortunately, practically every different flavor of UNIX has its own set of programs and
configuration files for handling printers and print drivers, each of which must be treated
differently by Samba. The options that you may want to select from are:
BSD The traditional UNIX print software, found on FreeBSD, NetBSD, and older
Linux distributions.
SYSV The print system used on Solaris, UNIXWare, and a few other versions of UNIX.
HPUX The print system shipped with HP/UX.
AIX The print software that comes with AIX—IBM’s version of UNIX.
CUPS The superior CUPS print system, which is included with many new Linux
LPRNG An improved version of the old BSD print system used on all Linux systems
that do not run CUPS.
Most packages of Samba will have this option set correctly in the default configuration file.
Chapter 22 “Printer Administration” explains in more detail what the differences between
the various print systems are, and how to select the right one for your operating system.

3. Normally, Samba will find all the printers on your system and make them visible to cli-
ents when the special printers share exists. To disable this, change the Show all
printers? field to No instead. The printers will still be accessible using an explicit
\\servername\printername path.
4. When the Printcap file field is set to Default, Samba will get the list of printers avail-
able on your system from the standard /etc/printcap file. This is fine if you want
them to all show up, but sometimes you want to hide printers from users. To do this, cre-
ate a fake printers file that looks like:
printer1|Description for printer 1:
printer2|Description of second printer:
Set this field to the path for this file. Only the printers listed in it will be available
automatically when a printers share exists.
5. Samba caches the output from whatever command is used to list waiting print jobs (such
as lpq) in order to reduce the frequency with which it is run. By default, this cache time
is 10 seconds, but you can increase or decrease it using the Printer status cache time
field. If your lpq command is very slow, you may want to increase it.
6. Hit the Save button to activate your new printing settings.
Accessing SWAT from Webmin 573

43.16 Accessing SWAT from Webmin

SWAT (which stands for Samba Web Administration Tool) is a program similar to Webmin’s
Samba module, but included as standard with Samba itself. It provides a web-based administra-
tion interface to the configuration file that allows you to create and edit shares and global set-
tings. SWAT is usually run from a super server like inetd or xinetd, which makes it appear as
a web server—usually on port 901. Most Samba packages for Linux include the program and a
xinetd service for it but have it disabled by default.
You can also access SWAT through this Webmin module, instead of setting it up to run from
inetd or xinetd. Unfortunately, this will not work if Samba has been configured to only allow
connections from some IP addresses (using the Hosts to allow field) on the global Security and
Access Control page. Because SWAT also uses Samba’s configuration files, any IP restrictions
that apply globally will apply to it as well. When it is run from Webmin, SWAT is unable to
determine the connecting IP address and fails if any IP restrictions are in force.
Assuming that this is not the case on your system, you can use it by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the SWAT icon. If this is the first time you have
done so, the SWAT Login form will appear.
2. If you do get the login form, enter root in the Username field and the root user’s pass-
word in the Password field. Because it can be used to totally reconfigure your Samba
server, SWAT requires users to authenticate first. Webmin will remember the login and
password that you enter so that the login form will be bypassed in the future.
3. After you have logged in, the SWAT main menu will appear. Along the top are icons for
various parts of the Samba configuration, which, when clicked on, bring up forms for
editing settings. Some things that can be configured in Webmin cannot be in SWAT, and
vice versa. So, you may find it superior to the Webmin interface for some tasks.
4. To return to the module’s main page, click on the Return to share list link at the bottom
of any page. To have Webmin forget your SWAT password so that you can log in again,
hit the Logout of SWAT link in the bottom-right corner.

Be aware that when you log in to SWAT through this module, the username and password that
you enter are stored unencrypted in the file /etc/webmin/samba/swat, which is readable
only by root. If this bothers you for security reasons, either do not use this feature of the mod-
ule or remember to click the Logout of SWAT link after you are done using it so that the win-
dow of exposure is limited.

43.17 Module Access Control

As Chapter 52 explains, once a Webmin user has been granted access to a module he can be fur-
ther restricted to only a subset of its functions. For the Samba module, you can allow a user to
edit only certain types of settings in certain shares while denying him the ability to create new
shares or edit global options. This can be useful if you want to let someone edit the settings that
apply to the sharing of only his own directory, while protecting the rest of the Samba server’s
I would advise against granting even limited access to this module to untrusted users, how-
ever, as it has many features that could be used by a malicious user to gain root access to your
574 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

system. For example, someone could allow guest access to a share with root permissions,
allowing the remote modification of any file. Or they could set the command that is run as root
at client connection time to something that changes the root password.
Instead, these access control features are should only be used to limit the changes that an
inexperienced—but still trusted—user can make. To restrict such a user to only editing a few
shares, follow these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, create a user with access to the module, or modify an
existing user to give him access.
2. Click on Samba Windows File Sharing next to the name of the user to bring up the mod-
ule access control form.
3. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No.
4. Set all the fields from Can apply changes? down to Can maintain auto UNIX to
SAMBA users sync? to No as well, as they control access to global settings that the user
should not touch.
5. To hide shares that he cannot access from the user, change the Hide inaccessible
objects? field to Yes. Leaving it set to No lets him see other shares. If he tries to click on
any of them, however, an error message will appear.
6. In the Access file shares field, deselect create but leave read and write selected. Do the
same for the Access print shares field. This does not mean that he can edit all shares.
Later fields control exactly which ones he can configure.
7. Change the Enable per-file_share acls? and Enable per-print-share acls? fields to
Yes, so that the options set in the next step are used.
8. In the Per-share ACLs table, select n/a under Access share and Connections for all the
shares that he should not be allowed to configure. You should definitely do this for the
global share as well, as it sets the defaults for all others.
For the shares that you do want the user to manage, select read write in the Access
share column. To allow the user to kill clients connected to this share, select kill in the
Connections column. Or, to let him only see connected clients, choose view instead. The
former option is not a good idea in terms of security, however, as it allows the user to
terminate any process on your system.
The radio buttons in the security, permissions, file naming, and miscellaneous or
printer columns control the sub-icons on the share editing form to which the user has
access. For each sub-icon, you can choose either edit to allow editing, view to only let
him look at the settings, or n/a to deny access altogether.
9. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new access control settings.

43.18 Configuring the Samba Windows File Sharing Module

The module assumes that you have installed the Samba package available for your operating
system or Linux distribution, or have compiled Samba from source code if no such package is
available. If this is not the case (for example, if you have compiled the latest version instead of
using a package), the paths that it uses for the Samba programs and configuration files will be
wrong. This will cause the module’s main page to incorrectly display an error message about
Samba not being installed.
Configuring the Samba Windows File Sharing Module 575

Fortunately, these paths can be easily changed by clicking on the standard Module Config
link in the top-left corner of the main page. If you follow this link on the form that appears, there
are fields that control the module’s user interface (under Configurable options) as well as the
fields for configuration file and program paths (under System configuration). The first group of
settings can be safely changed at any time, but those that set paths do not generally need to be
adjusted as the defaults are usually correct.
Table 43.1 lists the available configuration fields and their meanings.

Table 43.1 Module Configuration Options

List of UNIX users not to add On the form for converting UNIX to Samba users (covered in Sec-
to the Samba password list tion 43.3 “Managing Samba Users”), there is a field listing users
not to convert. Its default values are taken from this configuration
field, so if you find yourself always adding certain users to exclude
them from conversion, you may want to add them here.

Sort users and groups by name When Yes is selected for this field, the list of Samba users will be
sorted by login name. If No is chosen, they will be listed in the
order that they were converted or added, instead.

Location of the Samba This field must contain the full path to the Samba configuration
configuration file file, smb.conf, such as /etc/smb.conf or /usr/local/samba/lib/

Location of the Samba For the module to be able to edit and create Samba users, this field
password file must contain the full path to the text file in which they are stored. It
is called smbpassswd, and is usually found in /etc or /usr/
local/samba/private. Do not enter the path to the smbpasswd

Full path to smbstatus In this field you must enter the path to the smbstatus program,
which displays the list of connected users.

Full path to smbpasswd This field must contain the full path to the smbpasswd program,
used for setting users’ encrypted passwords.

Full path to smbd This must contain the location of the smbd server program, such as

Full path to nmbd Similarly, this field must contain the location of the nmbd server
program, usually found in the same directory as smbd.
576 Chapter 43 • Windows File Sharing with Samba

Table 43.1 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Full path to swat If you want to be able to use SWAT from within this Webmin mod-
ule, this field must contain the full path to the swat executable. If it
is incorrect or None is chosen, the rest of the module will still
work, but no SWAT icon will appear on the main page.

Full path to smbgroupedit If you are running Samba version 3 which supports Samba groups
as well as users, this field should be set to the path to the group
editing command. This will enable the module’s group manage-
ment and synchronization features, which is not covered in this
chapter as Samba 3 is still under development.

Command to start Samba This field determines what command is run when the Start Samba
servers Servers button on the module’s main page is clicked. It is also used
when a user clicks the Restart Samba Servers to restart Samba
after the stop command set in the next field is run. If None is
selected the module will just run smbd and nmbd, which works fine
and should be used if you have compiled and installed Samba from
the source code.
Some Linux distribution packages include a bootup script to
start the servers. On those systems, this field is set to something
like /etc/init.d/samba start by default. Of course, this will not work
if you have not actually installed the packaged version.

Command to stop Samba Like the previous field, this field determines what command is
servers used to stop Samba when the Restart Samba Servers button is
selected. You can either select None to have the module simply kill
all of the smbd and nmbd server processes, or enter a command like
/etc/init.d/samba stop to have it executed, instead. The first option
should be used if you have compiled and installed Samba from the
source code, as no such script is likely to exist.

43.19 Summary
Samba is one of most useful servers ever developed, as it allows any UNIX system to act as a file
or print server for Windows clients. After reading this chapter, you should understand how to set
up Samba so that modern client systems can log into it, and how to create new user accounts.
You should also understand how to specify which directories and printers are made available,
and how to set options such as IP access control or guest access that apply to some or all shares.
C H A P T E R 4 4

Configuring the
Squid Proxy Server

his chapter explains what an HTTP or FTP proxy server is, and
T explains how you can use Webmin to configure the popular Squid
proxy program.

44.1 Introduction to Proxying and Squid

An HTTP proxy server is basically a program that accepts requests from clients for URLs,
fetches them, and returns the results to the client. Proxies are used on networks where clients do
not have direct access to the Internet but still need to be able to view web pages, and for caching
commonly requested pages so that if more than one client wants to view the same page it only
has to be downloaded once.
Many companies and organizations have their firewalls set up to block all incoming and
outgoing traffic by systems on internal LANs. This may be done for security reasons or to limit
what employees can access on the Internet. Because being able to view web pages is extremely
useful, a proxy is often set up so that websites can be accessed through it.
Large organizations and ISPs with many client PCs accessing the web at the same time may
also want to run a proxy server to reduce the load on their networks. Because one of the main
tasks of a proxy is caching pages requested by clients, any page asked for more than once will be
returned from the cache instead of being fetched from the originating server. For this reason, cli-
ents systems are often recommended or forced to use a caching proxy to access the web.
A proxy is only useful if client browsers are configured to use it instead of connecting to
websites directly. Fortunately, every browser in existence, and almost all programs that down-
load files via HTTP for various purposes, can be configured to use a proxy. This configuration
tells them to make a special HTTP connection to the proxy server instead, specifying the com-
plete URL to download.

578 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

Proxies are not just for HTTP—they can also support FTP and Gopher protocol requests
from clients, which they service by making a FTP or Gopher connection to the actual requested
server. Even encrypted SSL connections can be handled by a proxy, even though it cannot
decrypt the request. Instead, the proxy simply forwards all data from the client to the destination
server and back again.
Squid is the most popular proxy server for UNIX systems. It is freely available for download
from www.squid-cache.org and is included as a standard package with all Linux distributions and
many other operating systems. Squid supports proxying, caching, and HTTP acceleration and has a
large number of configuration options to control the behavior of these features.
Squid reads its configuration from the text file squid.conf, usually found in or under
the /etc directory. This file consists of a series of directives, one per line, each of which has a
name and value. Each directive sets some option, such as the TCP port on which to be listed or a
directory in which to store cached files. Webmin’s Squid module edits this file directly, ignoring
any comments or directives that it does not understand.
Many versions of Squid have been released over the years, each of which has supported differ-
ent configuration directives or assigned different meanings to the same directives. This means that
a squid.conf file from version 2.0 may not be compatible with Squid 2.5, and one from Squid
2.5 certainly will not work with version 2.0. Fortunately, Webmin knows which directives each
release supports and only allows editing of those that are known to the running version of Squid.
Cached web pages are stored in files in a multi-level directory structure for increased file-
system performance. Squid can be configured to use multiple separate cache directories so that
you can spread files over different disks to improve performance. Every time a cacheable page is
requested, it is stored in a file so that when a subsequent request for the same page arrives the
file can be read and the data served from it. Because some web pages change over time (or are
even dynamically generated), Squid keeps track of the last-modified and expiration dates of web
pages so that it can clear data from the cache when it is out of date.
The actual program that handles client requests is a permanently running server process
called squid. It may also start several other subprocesses for tasks such as DNS lookups or cli-
ent authentication, but all the actual HTTP protocol processing is done in the single master pro-
cess. Unlike other similar servers, such as Apache or Sendmail, Squid does not start or use
subprocesses to handle client requests.
Squid can be compiled on all the flavors of UNIX that Webmin supports, and works almost
identically on all of them. This means that the Webmin module’s user interface is the same
across operating systems as well, with the exception of the default paths that it uses for the Squid
programs and configuration files.

44.2 The Squid Proxy Server Module

If you want to set or up configure Squid from within Webmin, you will need to use the Squid
Proxy Server module, found under the Servers category. When its icon is selected, the page
shown in Figure 44.1 will appear, assuming that Squid is installed and configured correctly. As
you can see, the main page consists only of a table of icons, each of which can be clicked on to
bring up a form for editing settings in some category.
If you have not configured or started Squid on your system before, the cache directory has
probably not been set up yet. The module will detect this and display a message like Your Squid
The Squid Proxy Server Module 579

Figure 44.1 The Squid module main page.

cache directory /var/spool/squid has not been initialized above the table of icons. To initialize
the cache, follow these steps:

1. If you are unhappy with the displayed cache directory, now is the time to change it. Fol-
low the instructions in Section 44.4 “Adding Cache Directories” to define your own
directories before continuing.
2. In the as Unix user field, enter the name of the user who will own the cache files and as
whom the daemon process will run. Typically, this will be a special squid user created
for this specific purpose (and the field will default to squid if such a user exists), but any
user will do. I recommend, however, using the Users and Groups module (covered in
Chapter 4) to create a user called squid whose home directory is the cache directory, if
3. Hit the Initialize Cache button. The Squid configuration will be updated to use your
chosen username, and the command squid –z will be run to set up the cache directo-
ries. All output that it produces will be displayed so that you can see how the initializa-
tion is progressing.
4. When the process is complete, return to the module’s main page and the error message
should have disappeared.

If Squid is not installed at all on your system (or installed in a different location from the one Web-
min expects), an error message like The Squid config file /etc/squid.conf does not exist will
appear on the main page instead of the table of icons. If you do have it installed, read Section 44.17
“Configuring the Squid Proxy Server Module” for instructions on how to change the paths the
580 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

module uses. If it is not installed, you should use the Software Packages module (covered in
Chapter 12) to install the squid package from your Linux distribution CD or the source website.
If no such package exists for your operating system, you will need to download, compile,
and install the latest version of Squid from www.squid-cache.org. As long as you have a com-
piler installed on your system, this is a relatively simple process with no dependencies.
Once the server is installed, if you want to make use of Squid in the long term, you should
arrange to have it started at boot time using the Bootup and Shutdown module (covered in
Chapter 9). All Linux packages include a bootup action script for Squid, although it may be dis-
abled by default, thus requiring you to enable it in that module. Otherwise, you will need to cre-
ate an action that runs a command like /usr/local/squid/bin/squid –sY, assuming that
you have Squid installed in /usr/local/squid.
Once Squid has been installed and initialized, you can start using this module. When Squid
is running, every page has two links at the top: Apply Changes, which forces the current config-
uration to be reread, and Stop Squid, which shuts down the proxy server. If the server is not run-
ning, those links are replaced with Start Squid, instead, which (as the name suggests) attempts
to start it. If it is not yet running, you will probably want to start it at this time.
Because each version of Squid has introduced new configuration directives, this module’s
user interface will appear differently depending on the version of Squid that it detects on your
system. All of the instructions in this chapter are written for Squid 2.4, as it is currently the most
widely deployed version. If you are running an older or newer release, different fields may
appear on the forms or may have more or fewer options. For example, each new version has
introduced different ACL types and authentication has been handled in three different ways
through the history of the program. The basic concepts, however, have always been the same.
When you are using this module, make sure your browser is configured not to use the Squid
proxy to access your Webmin server. Otherwise, you run the risk of cutting off your own access
to the module if you make a configuration mistake or shut down the server process. All browsers
that can use a proxy have a field for listing hosts to which to directly connect, into which you can
enter the hostname of your Webmin server.

44.3 Changing the Proxy Ports and Addresses

By default, Squid listens for proxy requests on TCP port 3128 on all of your system’s IP
addresses. Because this is not the usual port on which proxies are run (8000 and 8080 seem to be
the most common), you may want to change it. If your system has more than one network inter-
face, you might also want to edit the listening address so that only clients on your internal net-
work can connect.
To specify the ports that Squid uses, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Ports and Networking icon to bring up the
form shown in Figure 44.2.
2. In the Proxy addresses and ports table, select the Listed below option. In the table pro-
vided, each row defines a listening port and an optional address to which to bind. Any
existing ports and addresses will be listed, followed by a single blank row for adding a
new one. In the first empty field in the Port column, enter a port number like 8000 or
8080. In the Hostname/IP address column, either select All to accept connections on
Adding Cache Directories 581

any of your system’s interfaces or select the second option to enter an IP address in the
adjacent text box.
Using this table, Squid can be configured to listen on as many ports as you like. Because
only one blank row appears at a time, however, you will need to save and reopen the
form to add more than one new port.
3. ICP is a protocol used by Squid to communicate with other proxies in a cluster. Fill in the
ICP port field to listen on a port other than the default of 3130 for ICP. This is not gen-
erally necessary, however, as only other proxies ever use this protocol.
4. Squid will normally accept ICP connections on any IP address. To change this, select the
second radio button in the Incoming UDP address field and enter one of your system’s
interface IPs into its text field. This can be useful if all of the other proxies that your
server might want to communicate with are on a single internal LAN.
5. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the configuration file with your
new settings, then hit the Apply Changes link back on the main page to activate them.

Figure 44.2 The ports and networking form.

44.4 Adding Cache Directories

In its usual default configuration, Squid uses a single directory for storing cached pages. At
most, 100 MB of data will be stored in this directory, which is not likely to be enough if serving
a large number of active clients. If your system has more than one hard drive, it makes sense to
spread the cache across multiple disks to improve performance. This can be done by specifying
multiple directories, each with its own maximum size.
582 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

On a system that is dedicated to running a proxy server, the maximum amount to cache in
each directory should be about 90 percent of the available space. It is unwise to configure or
allow Squid to use up all free disk space, as many filesystems suffer reduced performance when
nearly full. Furthermore, disk space may be used by log files and user data as well. If Squid fills
up your entire hard drive, problems may occur because other programs are unable to create tem-
porary files or write to logs.
To add a new cache directory and specify the maximum size for the existing one, follow
these steps:

1. Click on the Cache Options icon on the module’s main page to bring up the form shown
in Figure 44.3.
2. In the Cache directories field, select the Listed option. If Default was chosen before,
Squid will have been using the single compiled-in default cache directory displayed in
brackets. If you want to continue using this directory, it must be explicitly entered into the
table. The default size is 100 MB, and it uses 16 1st level and 256 2nd level directories.
Each row in the table specifies a single cache directory. Any existing directories (apart
from the default) will be listed so that you can edit them, followed by a single blank row.
Each row has fields under the following columns:
Directory The full path to the top-level cache directory, such as /var/spool/squid
or /disk2/cache. This directory must already exist and be owned by the user as whom
Squid runs (usually called squid). The module will not create it for you.
Type The storage type used in the directory. You should always select UFS here.
Size (MB) The maximum amount of data that it will contain, in megabytes. Once this
limit is reached, the oldest unrequested files will be replaced with new ones.
1st level dirs The number of subdirectories that will be created under the cache
directory. The default of 16 is usually fine, but you may want to increase this for very
large caches.
2nd level dirs The number of subdirectories that will be created under each first-level
directory. You should just enter 256, unless your cache is going to be very large.
Options Leave this field blank—it is only used for other directory types.
If you are wondering why Squid needs to create two levels of subdirectories under each
cache directory, the reason is the poor performance of many filesystems when a directory
contains a large number of files. Because every single cached HTML page or image is
stored in a separate file, the number of files on a busy proxy system can be huge.
Spreading them across multiple directories solves this problem.
3. After adding a directory, hit the Save button at the bottom of the page. If you want to add
more than one, you will need to click on the Cache Options icon again to redisplay the
table with a new empty row.
4. When you are done defining directories, return to the module’s main page. If a new one
has been added, an error message like Your Squid cache directories have not been ini-
tialized will be displayed. Hit the Initialize Cache button to have Squid create all the
subdirectories in any new cache directories. The server will be shut down during the pro-
cess and re-started when it is complete.
Editing Caching and Proxy Options 583

Figure 44.3 The cache options form.

5. After initialization is complete, click on the Apply Changes link on any page to start
using your new directories.

44.5 Editing Caching and Proxy Options

Squid has numerous settings that limit the size of cached objects, the size of client requests, and
the types of pages to cache. They can be used to stop the server from storing enormous files
(such as downloaded ISO images), to limit the size of files that clients can upload or download,
and to prevent the cache of pages that change frequently (such as those generated by CGI
scripts). The defaults will generally work fine, with the possible exception of the maximum
upload size, which is only 1 MB.
To edit caching options, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Cache Options icon on the main page to display the Cache Options form
(from Figure 44.3) again.
2. To set the maximum size of uploaded files, select the second option in the Maximum
request body size field, enter a number into the text box, and select some units from the
menu. 10 or 100 MB should be more than enough for anyone.
3. To stop clients from downloading large files, fill in the Maximum reply body size field
in the same way. This can be used to prevent the abuse of your network by clients down-
loading huge movies or ISO files, but can often be subverted by downloading a large file
in pieces.
584 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

4. If you want to set an upper limit on the time that a page can be stored in the cache, fill in
the Maximum cache time field instead of leaving it set to Default. Otherwise, data will
be cached for up to a year or until the expiration date set by the originating server.
5. As well as caching downloaded files, Squid will remember error messages from servers
and return them to clients that request the same page. You can change the amount of time
that errors are cached by entering a number and selecting Units in the Failed request
cache time field. If Default is chosen, errors will be cached for 5 minutes. Even this can
be annoyingly long, however, if you have just fixed an error on a website.
6. Squid will cache the responses to hostname lookups to reduce the amount of DNS activ-
ity, regardless of the TTLs that the DNS servers supply. If Default is selected in the DNS
lookup cache time field, responses will be remembered for 6 hours. If this seems too
long for you, select the second radio button and enter your own cache time instead.
7. The Don't cache URLs for ACLs field can be used to completely prevent caching for cer-
tain URLs, web servers, or clients. Any request that matches one of the ACLs checked in
this field will never be cached, and thus will always be fetched directly. You can use this
feature to block the caching of dynamically generated pages by creating a URL Path
Regexp ACL for .cgi or cgi-bin and selecting it here. See Section 44.6 “Introduction to
Access Control Lists” for more details on how ACLs work and can be defined.
8. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to return to the main menu. Because some
additional caching options are on the memory and disk usage form, click on the Memory
Usage icon to display it
9. To limit the amount of memory that Squid will use, fill in the Memory usage limit field.
Note that this limit only affects the maximum memory used for storing in-transit and fre-
quently accessed files and negative responses. Because Squid uses memory for other pur-
poses, it will certainly consume more than whatever you enter here. If Default is
selected, a limit of 8 MB will be enforced, which is probably too low for a busy server.
10. To prevent the caching of huge files, fill in the Maximum cached object size field. The
default is only 4 MB, so if you have plenty of disk space it should definitely be
11. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the form and then the Apply Changes link on the
main page to activate all of your new settings.

44.6 Introduction to Access Control Lists

ACLs (access control lists) are possibly Squid’s most powerful feature. An ACL is simply a test
that is applied to a client request to see if it matches or not. Then, based on the ACLs that each
request matches, you can choose to block it, prevent caching, force it into a delay pool, or hand
it off to another proxy server. Many different types of ACL exist—for example, one type checks
a client’s IP address, another matches the URL being requested, and others check the destination
port, web server hostname, authenticated user, and so on.
The most common use of ACLs is to block connections from clients outside your network.
If you run a proxy server that is connected to and accessible from the Internet, hosts outside your
local network should not be allowed to use it. Malicious people often use other proxies to laun-
der connections used for hacking, sending spam, or accessing websites into which they
shouldn’t be allowed.
Introduction to Access Control Lists 585

Because the special CONNECT proxy request can be used to connect to any port, an ACL is
often used to block its use for any ports other than 443 (the SSL default). This stops users from
using your proxy to connect to servers other than web servers, such as AIM, ICQ, or MSN. Sim-
ilarly, an ACL can be set up to block normal HTTP requests to ports like 22, 23, and 25, which
are normally used for SSH, telnet, and SMTP.
Just defining an ACL in the Squid configuration does not actually do anything—it must be
applied in some way to have any effect. This section explains how to use ACLs to control which
requests to your server are allowed or denied. Other sections explain how they relate to caching
and accessing other servers.
When it receives a request, Squid first determines which ACLs it matches. It then compares
this list of matches against a list of proxy restrictions, each of which contains one or more ACLs
and an action to perform (either Allow or Deny). As soon as a restriction is found that matches
the ACLs for the request, its action determines whether the request is allowed or denied. If no
restrictions match, the opposite of the last action in the list is applied. For this reason, the final
action in most Squid configurations is Allow all or Deny all.
ICP requests from other proxies are also checked to see which ACLs they match and are
compared to a similar but different list of ICP restrictions to see whether or not they will be
allowed. See Section 44.11 “Connecting to Other Proxies” for a more complex explanation of
what ICP is and when it is used.
The typical default Squid configuration includes several ACLs and proxy restrictions. For
security reasons, all requests from anywhere are denied by default. This means that you will
need to change the restrictions list before anyone can use your proxy. Read on to find out how.
To view the lists of defined ACLs, proxy restrictions, and ICP restrictions, click on the
Access Control icon on the module’s main page. As Figure 44.4 shows, a table of ACLs show-
ing their names, types, and matches is displayed on the left. To the right are tables of proxy and
ICP restrictions showing their actions and the ACLs that they match. The restriction tables have
up and down arrows next to each entry to move them in the list, because their order matters.
Before clients can use your proxy, you will need to configure it to allow access from some
addresses. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the access control page, select Client Address from the menu below the list of exist-
ing ACLs. When you click the Create new ACL button, a form for entering matching
addresses will appear.
2. In the ACL name field, enter a short name such as yournetwork.
3. In the empty field under From IP, enter the starting IP address in the range to allow, such
4. In the field under To IP, enter the ending address in the range, such as
Only clients that fall within this range will match the ACL.
5. You can also specify an IP network by entering the network address in the From IP field
and the netmask (like into the Netmask field. To enter more than one,
you will need to save and re-edit this ACL so new blank fields will appear.
6. Hit the Save button to add the ACL and return to the access control page on which your
new ACL will be listed.
7. Click on Add proxy restriction below the Proxy restrictions table.
8. On the form that appears, select Allow from the Action field.
586 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

Figure 44.4 The access control lists page.

9. In the Match ACLs list, select your new yournetwork ACL.

10. Hit the Save button on this form to go back to the access control page again. The new
restriction will be displayed at the bottom of the table, most likely below the Deny all
11. Hit the up arrow next to your new restriction to move it above Deny all. This tells Squid
to allow connections from your network and deny everyone else.
12. Finally, click the Apply Changes link at the top of the page. The proxy will now be
usable by clients on your internal network, but noone else!
These instructions assume that you are starting with the default Squid configuration. If the proxy
has already been configured to allow access from anywhere (by changing the Deny all restriction
to Allow all), you should change it back again to block clients from outside your network. To learn
more about the types of ACLs available and how to use them, read the next two sections.

44.7 Creating and Editing ACLs

Before you can block or allow requests from some address, to some server, or for some page,
you will need to create an appropriate ACL. To do this, follow these basic steps:

1. Select the type of ACL to create from the menu below the Access control lists table and
hit the Create new ACL button.
2. On the form that appears, enter a name for your new ACL in the ACL name field. If
more than one has the same name, it will be treated as matched if any ACL with that
Creating and Editing ACLs 587

name matches. The name should consist of only letters and numbers, with no spaces or
special characters.
3. Fill in the rest of the form as explained in Table 44.1.
4. In the Failure URL field, enter a complete URL to which clients who are denied by this
ACL will be redirected. This allows you to define custom error pages to be displayed
instead of the default Squid responses.
5. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the form.

Once an ACL has been created, you can edit it by clicking on its name in the list, changing the
fields, and hitting Save. You can also delete it (if it is not in use by some proxy or ICP restric-
tion) with the Delete button. As usual, the Apply Changes link must be used to activate any
changes that you make.
Squid has an amazing number of ACL types, although not all are available in all versions of
the server. Table 44.1 lists those that you can create for Squid 2.4 and explains what they do and
what the fields on the creation form for an ACL of each type mean.

Table 44.1 Squid ACL Types

Type Purpose Fields

Browser Regexp Checks the User-Agent HTTP Browser regexp For entering a
header sent in the request to identify Perl-style regular expression
the type of browser the client system against which the browser identifi-
is running. Useful for blocking cer- cation string is matched. For exam-
tain browsers or otherwise treating ple, IE 5.5 sends the identifier
them differently. Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;
MSIE 5.5; Windows 98;

Client Address Checks the IP address of the client As explained in Section 44.6 “Intro-
making the request against a list of duction to Access Control Lists”,
network addresses or IP ranges. when you create or edit an ACL of
Often used to allow only clients this type, a table with three columns
from your own LAN. is displayed. Each row in the table
defines a matching address range or
network, specified either by a start-
ing and ending IP in the From IP
and To IP fields, or a network
address and netmask in the From IP
and Netmask fields. By saving and
re-editing a client address ACL,
multiple rows may be added to the
588 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

Table 44.1 Squid ACL Types (Continued)

Client Hostname Does a reverse DNS lookup of the Domains A list of host or domain
client’s IP address and compares it names in which to match clients,
to a hostname or domain. Also use- such as pc1.foo.com or
ful for allowing clients within your .example.com.

Client Regexp Like the Client Hostname ACL Regular expressions A list of
type, but tests the reverse address Perl-style expressions against which
against a series of regular expres- to check the hostname, such as
sions instead. ^.*.foo.com$. If the Ignore case?
box is checked, comparisons are
done case-insensitively (which is
what you always want, as DNS
lookups are caseless).

Date and Time This ACL type matches depending Days of the week If All is chosen,
on the current time and day of the the ACL will match on any day. If
week, rather than any attribute of the Selected is chosen, it will only
client or request. Useful for block- match on those days selected from
ing access to your proxy or certain the list below.
sites during work hours. Hours of the day If All is chosen,
the ACL will match at any time.
Otherwise, you must enter starting
and ending times in 24-hour
HH:MM format in the adjacent
fields. Only requests made within
that range will match.

Dest AS Number AS numbers are used to identify AS numbers A space-separated

large networks on the Internet. list of network AS numbers to check
ACLs of this type will match if the to see if the destination address is in
destination web server address is it.
within a network with a certain AS
number. Not commonly used.

Ethernet Address Matches requests from clients with Client Ethernet addresses A list
certain MAC addresses. This can be of addresses in the usual colon-sepa-
handy for allowing access from cer- rated format to match, such as
tain systems on a network with 00:D0:B7:1D:FB:A1.
dynamic IP addresses, but is useless
if there is a router between the cli-
ents and the proxy server. This ACL
type, however, is only available if
Squid is compiled with the
--enable-arp-acl option.
Creating and Editing ACLs 589

Table 44.1 Squid ACL Types (Continued)

External Auth When an ACL of this type is in use, External auth users If All users
clients are forced to log in to the is selected, authentication will be
proxy and their usernames are required and any valid user will
checked against a list. See Section match the ACL. If Only those listed
44.9 “Setting Up Proxy Authentica- is chosen instead, only users entered
tion” for more details. in the text box provided will match.
This can be used to give some peo-
ple access to certain sites while
denying everyone else.

External Auth Rexexp This is like the external auth ACL External auth users In this text
type, but supports the user of regular box, you must enter a list of Perl-
expressions against which you can style regular expressions against
match authenticated usernames. which you can match usernames. If
the Ignore case? box is checked,
comparisons are done case-insensi-

Maximum An ACL of this type will match Maximum concurrent

Connections when a single client has more than a requests The number of simulta-
specified number of concurrent con- neous requests above which the
nections to the proxy server. Useful ACL matches.
for cutting down on the load that a
client can generate.

Proxy IP Address Matches the IP address on the proxy IP address The IP or network
server to which the client is con- address to compare to the local
nected. Handy if your system has address, such as
multiple network interfaces and you Netmask The netmask to apply to
want to treat them differently—for the IP address when matching. If
example, by denying connections you just want to specify a single IP
from the Internet interface. address, enter here.

Proxy Port Matches the TCP port on the proxy Proxy server port A space-sepa-
server to which the client is con- rated list of port numbers to which
nected. An ACL of this type might you can compare the local port.
be useful if your proxy listens on
multiple ports, one of which is used
for transparent proxying.
590 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

Table 44.1 Squid ACL Types (Continued)

RFC931 User The ident or RFC931 protocol can RFC931 users In this text box,
be used to identify the remote UNIX you can enter a list of remote user-
user connecting to your proxy, names to allow, such as jcameron
assuming that the client system is and fcchan.
running UNIX and has the ident
daemon enabled. An ACL of this
type can be used to allow certain
remote users, but is only useful if
you control or trust the client

Request MIME Type This type of ACL matches the Request MIME type The type of
MIME type used in the client request that will cause this ACL to
request. The most common ones are match.
urlencoded for normal POST
requests and multipart/form-
data for file uploads.

Request Method Every HTTP request includes a Request methods The check-
method, which is typically one of boxes selected in this field specify
the following: the methods for which the ACL will
GET Used for normal page match.
requests or form submissions.
POST Used only for some form
CONNECT Used to open a direct
connection to some remote port,
typically for SSL. An ACL of this
type is often used to block CON-
NECT requests to non-SSL ports.

SNMP Community This type of ACL is useful only for SNMP community string The
limiting access to Squid’s SNMP community string that, if used,
agent. You should never need to cre- causes the ACL to match.
ate one for controlling normal proxy

Source AS Number Like the Dest AS Number ACL AS numbers A space-separated

type, but matches based on the cli- list of network AS numbers in which
ent’s network number instead. to check for the client address.
Creating and Editing ACLs 591

Table 44.1 Squid ACL Types (Continued)

URL Path Regexp Matches depending on the path in Regular expressions A list of
the requested URL. The path is Perl-style regular expressions
everything after the hostname and against which you can compare the
port, such as /images/foo.gif. URL path. The ACL is considered to
Useful for detecting requests to match if any of the expressions do.
pages dynamically generated by The comparisons are case-sensitive
CGI programs. unless the Ignore case? box is

URL Port This type of ACL matches depend- TCP ports A space-separated list
ing on the port specified in the of ports with which to compare the
requested ACL. Useful for blocking requested port.
access to non-HTTP ports such as
23 and 25. If no port is specified in
the URL, Squid will assume the
default for the protocol (80 for
HTTP and 21 for FTP).

URL Protocol Matches depending on the protocol URL protocols The boxes
specified in the URL—for example, checked for this field indicate which
http or ftp. An ACL of this type protocols the ACL will match. The
could be used to block FTP access special cache_object protocol is
for some or all clients, or to non- used only by Squid’s cache manager
standard ports. program.

URL Regexp An ACL of this type matches if the Regular expressions A list of
entire requested URL matches any Perl-style expressions against which
one of a series of regular expres- to check the URL. If the Ignore
sions. Handy for blocking access to case? box is checked, comparisons
certain pages or sites. are done case-insensitively—other-
wise, they are case sensitive.

Web Server Address Like the Client Address ACL type, When editing or creating an ACL of
but matches depending on the IP this type, a table for entering a series
address of the server that the request of network addresses and netmasks
is for. It can be used to block entire is displayed. Like all tables in Web-
networks or specific systems hosting min, it lists all existing networks fol-
content that you would prefer your lowed by a blank row for adding a
users not to access. new one. In the first empty field
under IP Address, you should enter
a network or single IP like or In the adjacent fields
under Netmask, you must enter
mask like or if specifying just a
single address.
592 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

Table 44.1 Squid ACL Types (Continued)

Web Server Host- This kind of ACL compares the Domains A list of hostnames (like
name hostname in the requested URL to a www.foo.com) or domain names
list of host or domain names. (like .foo.com) with which to com-
Because it does not reverse-lookup pare the URL hostname.
IP addresses, it is not too useful for
blocking access to sites.

Web Server Regexp Like the Web Server Hostname Regular expressions A list of
ACL type, but compares the Perl-style expressions against which
requested hostname with a series of you can match the hostname from
regular expressions instead. the requested URL. You should
check the Ignore case? box, as host-
names are always case-insensitive.

Many types of ACL are inappropriate for certain situations. For example, if a client sends a
CONNECT request, the URL path is unavailable and thus a URL Path Regexp ACL will not
work. In cases like this, the ACL is automatically assumed to not match.

44.8 Creating and Editing Proxy Restrictions

Once you have created some ACLs, they can be put into use by creating, editing, and moving
around proxy restrictions. Squid will compare every request to all defined restrictions in order,
stopping when it finds one that matches. The action set for that restriction then determines if the
request is allowed or denied. This processing system, combined with the power of ACLs, allows
you to set up some incredibly complex access control rules. For example, you could deny all
access to sites with quake in the URL between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, except for
certain client addresses.
To create a proxy restriction, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Access Control icon on the module’s main page to bring up the page shown
in Figure 44.4.
2. Click on Add proxy restriction below the list of existing restrictions to go to the cre-
ation form.
3. From the Action field, select either Allow or Deny depending on whether or not you
want matching requests to be processed.
4. The Match ACLs list can be used to select several ACLs that, if all are matched, will
trigger the action. The Don’t match ACLs field can also be used to select ACLs that
must not match for the action to be triggered. It is perfectly valid to make selections from
both lists to indicate that the action should be triggered only if all ACLs on the left match
and if those on the right do not.
In its default configuration, Squid has an ACL called all that matches all requests. It can
be useful for creating restrictions that allow or deny everyone, one of which usually
exists by default.
5. Click the Save button to create the new restriction and return to the access control page.
Setting Up Proxy Authentication 593

6. Use the arrows next to it in the Proxy restrictions table to move it to the correct location.
If your list ends with a Deny all entry, you will need to move it off the bottom for it to
have any effect. If the list has an entry that allows all clients from your network and you
have just added a restriction to deny access to some sites, you will need to move it above
that Allow entry as well for it to be used.
7. When you are done creating and positioning restrictions, hit the Apply Changes link at
the top of the page to make them active.

After a proxy restriction has been created, you can edit it by clicking on the link in the Action
column for its row in the table. This will bring up an editing form identical to the one used for
creating the restriction, but with Save and Delete buttons at the bottom. The former will save any
changes that you make to the action or matching ACLs, while the latter will remove the restric-
tion altogether. Again, the Apply Changes link must be used after updating or deleting a restric-
tion to make the change active. If you delete all the proxy restrictions for some reason, Squid
will allow all requests from all clients, which is probably not a good idea.
Also on the access control page is a table for editing and creating restrictions that apply to
ICP requests. As Section 44.11 “Connecting to Other Proxies” explains, ICP is a protocol used
by Squid proxies in a cluster or hierarchy to determine what URLs other servers have cached.
You can add to and edit entries in the ICP restrictions table in exactly the same way as you
would for proxy restrictions. If you are running a cluster of proxies, it may make sense to block
ICP requests from sources other than your own network. If not, the default setup that allows all
ICP packets is fine.

44.9 Setting Up Proxy Authentication

Even though it is possible to configure Squid to allow access only from certain IP addresses, you
may want to force clients to authenticate themselves to the proxy as well. This might make sense
if you want to give only certain people access to the web and cannot use IP address validation
due to the use of dynamically assigned addresses on your network. It is also handy for keeping
track of who has requested what through the proxy as usernames are recorded in the Squid logs.
All browsers and programs that can make use of a proxy also support proxy authentication.
Browsers will pop up a login window for entering a username and password that are to be sent to
the proxy the first time it requests them, and automatically send the same information for all
subsequent requests. Other programs (such as wget or rpm) require the username and password
to be specified on the command line.
Each login and password received by Squid is passed to an external authentication program
that either approves or denies it. Typically this program checks against a separate users file, but
it is possible to write your own programs that use all sorts of methods of validating users. For
example, they might be looked up in a database, an LDAP server, or the UNIX user list. Webmin
comes with a simple program that reads users from a text file in the same format as is used by
Apache and this module allows you to edit users in such a file.
To turn on authentication for your Squid proxy, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Access Control icon to bring up the form
shown in Figure 44.4.
594 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

2. Select External Auth from the menu below the ACL table and hit the Create new ACL
3. In the form that appears, enter auth for the ACL name and select All users in the Exter-
nal auth users field. Then, hit the Save button.
4. Click on Add proxy restriction below proxy restrictions table.
5. Select Deny in the Action field and choose your new auth ACL from the Don’t match
ACLs list. This will block any proxy requests that are not authenticated, thus forcing cli-
ents to log in.
Selecting Allow and then choosing auth from the Match ACLs field can be used for a
slightly different purpose. This creates a proxy restriction that allows access to all
authenticated clients, which can be positioned to force clients outside your network to
log in while not requiring it for those inside the network.
6. Click the Save button to return to the access control page again.
7. Use the up arrow next to the new restriction to move it above any entry in the table that
allows all access from your own network. If it is below this entry, clients from the net-
work will be able to use the proxy without needing to log in at all. Of course, this may be
what you want in some cases.
8. Click on the Authentication Programs icon back on the main page.
9. From the Authentication program field, select Webmin default. This tells the module
to use the simple text-file authenticator that comes with the module so that you don’t
have to write your own. Of course, you can specify your own custom program by select-
ing the last radio button and entering the full path to a script with some parameters in the
adjacent text box. This program must continually read lines containing a username and
password (separated by a space) as input, and for each output either the line OK or ERR
for success or failure, respectively. Squid will run several instances of the program as
permanent daemon processes when it is started.
10. The login window that appears in browsers includes a description of the proxy server that
the user is logging into. By default, this is Squid proxy-caching web server, but
you can enter your own (such as Example Corporation Proxy) by filling in the Proxy
authentication realm field.
11. Normally, Squid will cache valid logins for one hour to avoid calling on the authentica-
tion program for every single request. This means that password changes may take up to
an hour to take effect, which can be confusing. To lower this limit, at the cost of
increased system load and slightly slower request processing, edit the Time to cache
passwords for field.
12. Hit the Save button and then click on Apply Changes on the main page.

Now that authentication is enabled, any attempts to use your proxy from a web browser will cause a
login window to appear. Because no valid users have been defined yet, no logins will be accepted,
which is not particularly useful! To create some users for authentication, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Proxy Authentication icon on the module’s main page to bring up a table
listing proxy users. At first, this will be empty.
2. Click on the Add a new proxy user link above or below the table to display the user cre-
ation form.
Configuring Logging 595

3. Enter a login name into the Username field and a password for the user in the Password
4. To temporarily disable this user without deleting him, change the Enabled? field to No.
5. Hit the Create button to add the user and then click the Apply Changes link. This last
step is necessary after creating a user for the changes to take effect, as Webmin’s Squid
authentication program only reads the user file when first started.

A user can be edited by clicking on its name in the proxy users list, changing the username, pass-
word, or enabled status, and hitting the Save button. You can also completely remove a user with
the Delete button on its editing form. Again, Apply Changes must be clicked to make any modifi-
cations or deletions active. Squid will also cache valid passwords (as explained above) to reduce
the load on the authentication program, so a password change may take some time to take effect.
The module’s user management feature will only work if you choose Webmin default in
the Authentication program field or if your own custom program takes the full path to an
Apache-style users file as a parameter. If your program validates users against some other data-
base or server, or if the module cannot figure out which file contains users from the command,
the Proxy Authentication icon will not appear.
Sometimes you may want to allow normal UNIX users to log in to your program with the
same passwords that they use for telnet and FTP. Even though it is possible to write a program
that does proxy authentication against the UNIX user database, there is another solution—con-
figuring the module to add, delete, and update proxy users whenever a UNIX user is created,
removed, or renamed. This is most useful for keeping usernames and passwords in sync without
needing to grant access to every single UNIX user. Once you have normal authentication set up
as explained above, synchronization can be turned on by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Module Config link in the top-left corner.
2. As their names suggest, the Create proxy users when creating system users, Update
proxy users when updating system users, and Delete proxy users when deleting sys-
tem users fields control the automatic creation, modification, and deletion of proxy
users when the same thing happens to a UNIX user. For each one, you can either select
Yes or No. You should probably turn on synchronization for updates and deletions, but
leave it off for creations so that you can explicitly control who gets access to the proxy.
3. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the form to activate the new settings. From now on,
actions performed in Webmin’s Users and Groups module will also affect the Squid user
list in the ways you have chosen. Adding a user at the command line with useradd or
changing a password with the passwd command, however, will not.

See Chapter 4 for more details on how synchronization with other modules works and how to
turn it on.

44.10 Configuring Logging

Squid writes to three separate log files—one for recording client access requests, one for cache
events, and one for debugging information. The most useful is the access log file, which can be
analyzed by a program like Webalizer (covered in Chapter 39) to generate reports on clients,
requested URLs, and individual users. Logging is enabled by default to paths compiled into
596 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

Squid, and thus is dependant upon your operating system—but you can change the destinations
for log files and some details of the access log format.
To configure how and where logs are written, follow these instructions:

1. Click on the Logging icon on the module’s main page, which predictably takes you to
the logging form.
2. To change the location of the client access log file, edit the contents of the Access log
file field. If Default is selected, the path compiled into Squid will be used (which may
be /usr/local/squid/log/access.log or /var/log/squid/access.log).
3. To change the location of the cache storage log, edit the Storage log file field. The
default is always the store.log located in the same directory as the access.log file.
4. To change the path to which the debug log is written, edit the Debug log file field. Again,
the default is cache.log located in the same directory as access.log.
5. Squid normally uses its own custom format for the access log. To force the use of the for-
mat used by Apache instead, change the Use HTTPD log format? field to Yes. This for-
mat may be necessary for processing by some applications, but it does not record all of
the information that the default does.
6. To have Squid write resolved client hostnames to the access log instead of just IP
addresses, select Yes in the Log full hostnames? field. This avoids the need to resolve
them later when generating reports, but will slow down the server due to the time that
reverse DNS lookups can take.
7. The ident or RFC931 protocol can be used to find the name of the UNIX user who is
making a connection to your proxy from some remote host. Unfortunately, it is often dis-
abled and not supported on other operating systems, so is of limited use. You can, how-
ever, configure Squid to include RFC931 user information in its access log file by
selecting some of the ACLs in the Perform RFC931 ident lookups for ACLs field. You
should ideally create a special Client Address ACL that matches only UNIX hosts with
the ident daemon on your network and select only it.
If you do enable remote user lookups, the RFC931 ident timeout field can be used to set
a maximum amount of time that Squid will wait for a response from a client. If Default
is selected, the server will wait 10 seconds (at most) for a response before giving up (but
will still allow the request).
8. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to record the changes made on this form
and then click the Apply Changes link to activate them.

Many Linux packages of Squid include a configuration file for the logrotate program to have
the log files rotated, compressed, and eventually deleted when they become too old. If you
change the paths to the log files using the instructions above, rotation will no longer be done and
the logs will consume an unlimited amount of disk space. On a busy system, this could lead to a
shortage of space on the logging filesystem that would be avoided if rotation were in effect.

44.11 Connecting to Other Proxies

Instead of retrieving requested web pages directly, Squid can be configured to connect to another
proxy server instead and forward some or all requests to it. This feature is useful if your organi-
zation has one proxy for each department and a master cache for the entire network, and you
Connecting to Other Proxies 597

want to have all department proxies query the master for requests that they cannot serve from
their own caches. It may also be necessary if your ISP runs a proxy server and you want to set up
Squid for your home network as well, yet still make use of the ISP’s cache.
By making use of ACLs to categorize requests, you can set up Squid to forward only some
requests to another proxy while handling the rest normally. For example, your proxy could
always handle requests for web pages on your local LAN, but still forward everything else to a
master proxy cache system.
To set up your server to make use of another proxy for requests except those to a certain net-
work or domain, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Access Control icon.

2. Create a Web Server Hostname or Web Server Address ACL that matches the web
servers that your proxy should fetch directly. Call the ACL direct, for example.
3. Go back to the main page and click on the Other Caches icon to bring up a page con-
taining a list of other known proxy servers (if any) and a form for setting options that
control when they are used.
4. Click on Add another cache to go to the cache host creation form.
5. In the Hostname field, enter the fully qualified hostname of the master cache server,
such as bigproxy.example.com. Do not just enter bigproxy, as Squid sometimes has trou-
ble resolving non-canonical DNS names.
6. From the Type menu, select parent, which tells Squid that this other proxy is at a higher
level (and thus has more cached pages) than yours.
7. In the Proxy port field, enter a port number that the other proxy is listening on, such as
8. In the ICP port field, enter the port that the proxy uses for ICP requests, which will typ-
ically be 3130. If you don’t know or the master proxy does not support ICP, enter 3130
9. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to return to the list of other caches.
10. In the form at the bottom of that page is a section entitled ACLs to fetch directly, which
is actually an ACL table similar to the Proxy restrictions table explained in Section 44.8
“Creating and Editing Proxy Restrictions”. Instead of allowing or denying requests, how-
ever, it determines which ones are fetched directly and which are forwarded to another
Use the Add ACLs to fetch directly link to first add an entry to allow your direct ACL,
and then add one to deny the all ACL. This tells Squid to directly fetch pages from local
web servers, but pass all other requests on to the chosen proxy.
11. Finally, click on Apply Changes at the top of the page to have Squid start using the other
proxy server.

If you just want to have your proxy forward all requests to another proxy server, regardless of
their destination, Step 10 in the previous instructions can be skipped completely. This works
because Squid will use the other configured proxy by default if no ACLs have been set up to
force direct fetching for certain requests.
On a large network with many clients, one single system running Squid may not be able to
keep up with the volume of client requests. For example, a big company with hundreds of
598 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

employees all running web browsers, or an ISP that has set up a proxy for customers, could put
an enormous load on a single Squid server. One solution would be to upgrade to a more powerful
machine. Another would be to install Squid on multiple systems and spread the proxying load
between them.
This is typically done by creating one DNS address record for each proxy system, all with
the same name (such as proxy.example.com) but with different IP addresses. Then, when a client
looks up the IP address for proxy.example.com, it will get back all the addresses and pick one
effectively at random to which to connect. Another alternative is to install a layer four switch
that can redirect traffic to the same IP address to different destinations, such as multiple proxy
servers. This is more expensive (layer four switches don’t come cheap), but more reliable
because a server that is down can be detected and not used. If you are unfamiliar with the term, a
layer four switch is one that can reroute network traffic depending on its protocol, port, and des-
tination. In the case of HTTP requests, it can transparently redirect them to another server while
leaving other types of data to be routed normally.
There is one problem with using multiple servers, however—each maintains its own cache,
so if two different clients request the same web page from two different proxies it will be down-
loaded twice! This negates most of the benefit of running a caching proxy server.
Fortunately, Squid has features that solve this problem. It can be configured to contact other
caches in the same cluster for each request, and ask them if they already have the page cached. If
so, it is retrieved from the other proxy instead of from the originating web server. Because all the
proxies in an organization are typically connected via a fast network, this is far more efficient.
The protocol used for this inter-cache communication is called ICP and is only used by Squid.
On the module’s main page, click on the Other Caches icon.To set up two or more proxies
to talk to each other with ICP, follow these steps on each system:

1. Click on Add another cache to bring up the cache host creation form.
2. In the Hostname field enter the full hostname of one of the other caches.
3. From the Type menu, select sibling, indicating that the other cache is at the same level as
this one.
4. In the Proxy port field, enter the HTTP port on which the other proxy listens.
5. In the ICP port field, enter the port number that the other proxy uses for ICP (usually
6. Hit the Save button to add the other proxy and return to the other caches list.
7. Repeat Steps 2 through 7 for each of the other hosts in the cluster.
8. Finally, click on Apply Changes at the top of the page.

The end result should be that each proxy in the cluster has entries for all the other proxies, so
that it knows to contact them for requests not in its own cache. You can, however, set up ACLs to
avoid the use of ICP and force the direct fetching of certain requests, just as you can when for-
warding requests to a master cache.

44.12 Clearing the Cache

Sometimes it may be necessary to remove all of the files in your Squid cache, perhaps to free up
disk space or force the reloading of pages from their originating web servers.
Setting Up a Transparent Proxy 599

This can be done easily using Webmin by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Clear and Rebuild Cache icon. A confirma-
tion page asking if you are really sure will be displayed in your browser.
2. To continue, hit the Clear and Rebuild Cache button. Because the server will be
stopped during the clearing process, it should not be done when the proxy is in use.
3. A page showing Webmin’s progress will be displayed as it shuts down Squid, deletes all
cached files, reinitializes the directories, and finally restarts Squid. This may take quite
some time if you have a large cache or are using a filesystem that is slow to delete files
(such as UFS on Solaris).

44.13 Setting Up a Transparent Proxy

A transparent proxy is one that clients connect to without being aware of it, due to the use of
firewall rules that redirect connections on port 80 to the proxy system. The advantage of this
setup is that you do not have to manually configure all web clients to use the proxy. Instead, they
will be connected to it without their knowledge. It also means that users cannot get around the
cache and thus avoid its access control rules by not configuring it in their browsers.
Transparent proxying has some down sides to it, however. It is not possible to automatically
capture FTP or HTTPS connections, or those to web sites on ports other than 80. It is also incom-
patible with proxy authentication, as clients cannot tell the difference between the proxy’s request
to log in and that of a website. Even though authentication may appear to work, it really does not.
Most networks have a router that connects an internal LAN to the Internet. For transparent
proxying to work, this router must be configured to redirect outgoing packets on port 80 to the
Squid proxy host and port instead. On a small network, the proxy can even be run on the same
router host. The IPtables firewall that comes with Linux can perform both kinds of redirection
using special DNAT (Destination Network Address Translation) rules in the nat table.
Because most of the work is actually done by the firewall rules that redirect outgoing pack-
ets, the instructions for setting up everything are in Chapter 19 “Firewall Configuration” in Sec-
tion 19.8 “Setting Up a Transparent Proxy”. They are, however, written for Linux users who
have IPtables installed. If your router is running a different operating system (or is a dedicated
router, such as one made by Cisco), the steps for creating firewall rules obviously will not apply.
Those rules for the Squid Proxy Server module, however, are the same no matter what kind of
firewall you are running.

44.14 Viewing Cache Manager Statistics

The Squid software comes with a simple CGI program called cachemgr.cgi that can connect
to the proxy and request statistics about memory utilization, cache hits and misses, and DNS
lookup caching. Even though it is normally installed to be run from a web server like Apache,
you can access it from within this Webmin module by following these simple steps:

1. On the main page, click on the Cache Manager Statistics icon to bring up the program’s
login form.
2. Leave the Cache Host field set to localhost, unless you want to connect to another
proxy. Most have ACLs set up by default to deny cache manager access from anywhere
except localhost, though.
600 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

3. In the Cache Port field, enter the TCP port number that your proxy is listening on, such
as 8080.
4. The Manager name and Password fields can be left empty unless Squid has been con-
figured to require authentication for retrieving statistics, which is not usually the case.
5. Hit the Continue button to log in, and a page listing all the various types of statistics
available will appear. Click on any of the links to display the detailed information.
6. When you are done viewing cache statistics, click on the Return to squid index link at
the bottom of the page to go back to the module’s main menu.

Because Squid accepts any requests using the special cache_object protocol from local-
host without authentication by default, anyone who can log in to your system via telnet or SSH
could run their own version of cachemgr.cgi to view these statistics. Even though the infor-
mation available is not particularly sensitive, you may want to set up Squid to require a user-
name and password be supplied to access it.
This can be done by setting up external authentication and then editing the default Allow
manager localhost proxy restriction so that the new auth ACL is selected in the Match ACLs
column as well. Or better still, you can create another External Auth ACL that has only a few
users who are allowed to view statistics listed and assign that to the proxy restriction. This is
even more secure because it avoids the problem of every telnet or SSH user who also has a nor-
mal proxy login being able to access statistics.

44.15 Analyzing the Squid Logs

Calamaris is a simple Perl program that can generate a report from your Squid log files. If you
have it installed, the Calamaris Log Analysis icon will appear on the module’s main page. If
not, you will need to download and install it separately, as it is not included with Squid. Some
Linux distributions have a separate package for it, which can be easily installed using the Soft-
ware Packages module. If not, the program can be downloaded from calamaris.cord.de/, com-
piled, and installed.
Clicking on the icon triggers the generation of a report from all of your Squid access logs.
By default, only the last 50000 entries are processed to avoid putting undue load on the system.
However, this can be adjusted on the Module Config page (as explained in Section 44.17 “Con-
figuring the Squid Proxy Server Module”). When the report is complete, it will be displayed in
your browser as a single HTML page. At the top are links to tables lower down on the page that
contain summaries such as requests by host, by destination domain, and by cache hit status.
Even if you have log rotation enabled on your system to periodically rename and compress
the Squid logs, the module will still include the compressed data in the report. It looks for all
files in the log directory whose names start with access.log (such as access.log.02.gz)
and decompresses them if necessary before feeding them to Calamaris. The newest files are
always processed first, however, so that any log lines limit in force cuts off older entries rather
than newer ones.
The Webalizer Logfile Analysis module (covered in Chapter 39) can also be used to gener-
ate more impressive reports, containing graphs and pie charts from the squid logs. The module
can even recreate a report on schedule (such as daily) and have it written to a directory for later
Module Access Control 601

44.16 Module Access Control

It can be very useful to give someone the rights to configure Squid without letting them harm or
change anything else on the system. This can be done in Webmin by creating a Webmin user
with access to the module and then restricting what he can do with it. Chapter 52 explains the
general idea behind this kind of access control in more detail, while this section here covers
restricting access to the Squid module in particular.
Some care is needed when restricting a user like this, however, as some features of the mod-
ule could be used to modify files or execute commands with root privileges. For example, it is
not a good idea to let an untrusted user change the cache directories, as setting / or /etc as a
cache could damage files on the system. Features like ACL and proxy user editing are quite safe,
though, and are probably the most useful to allow a subadministrator to use.
To create a user who can only configure Squid, follow these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, create a user or group with access to this module.
2. Click on Squid Proxy Server next to the user’s name in the list on the main page to
bring up the access control form.
3. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No so the user cannot edit the
paths to commands or the Squid configuration file.
4. In the Allowed configuration pages list, select those module icons that should be visible
to the user. Logging, Cache Options, and Helper Programs should not be chosen, as
those pages contain potentially dangerous options.
5. Because Squid can read ACLs values from separate files and this module allows users to
edit the contents of these ACL files, you should restrict the directory in which they can
be created. To do this, enter a directory belonging only to the Webmin user in the Root
directory for ACL files field, such as /home/joe. Leaving it set to / is a bad idea, as this
may allow the user to edit any file on your system as root.
6. To prevent the user from shutting down Squid, change the Can start and stop Squid?
field to No. He will still be able to apply changes, however, and reconfigure the server so
it is unusable.
7. Hit the Save button to activate the restrictions.

44.17 Configuring the Squid Proxy Server Module

Like most modules, this one has several settings that you can edit to configure the user interface
and the paths that it uses for Squid programs and configuration files. They can all be accessed by
clicking on the Module Config link on the main page. The user interface fields are listed under
Configurable options on the form that appears, while those related to program paths are under
System configuration.
Because the module’s default paths match those used by the Squid package for your Linux
distribution or operating system (if there is one), fields in the second group do not generally need
to be edited. If you are not using the supplied Squid package because you have compiled and
installed the program from the source code, however, these paths will need to be changed.
A complete list of the module configuration fields and their meanings appears in Table 44.2.
602 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

Table 44.2 Module Configuration Options

Arguments to This field sets the command-line arguments that will be passed to the calamaris
calamaris program when it is run to generate a report. The default of –aw tells the program
command to include all available reports and to output in HTML format, but if this is not
suitable you can change the behavior of the program by editing this field. Search
for calamaris in the System Documentation module to get a complete list of
available arguments.

Maximum log Because a heavily used proxy may have millions of lines in its log files, the
lines to pass to module only passes the last 50000 to Calamaris for analysis by default. This field
calamaris can be used to edit that number or to force the processing of the entire log file
when Unlimited is selected.

Encryption When the module is used to create and edit proxy users, it assumes that the file
method for proxy they are in contains one user per line, in the following format:

This field determines the method of password encryption used. The default is crypt,
which is the standard format used on UNIX systems. You can, however, select
md5base64 instead to switch to MD5 encryption, which is used in the /etc/
shadow file on most new Linux distributions. Be aware, though, that this will
only work if the authentication program you have configured understands the
MD5 format as well—the standard one that comes with this module does not. The
only down side of the crypt format is that it is unable to differentiate passwords
longer than 8 characters, and theoretically easier to crack.

Sort proxy users If Yes is selected, the list of users on the proxy authentication page will be sorted
by username. If No is chosen, they will be listed in the order in which they were

Create proxy These fields are all related to UNIX-Squid user synchronization and are
users when explained in Section 44.9 “Setting Up Proxy Authentication”.
creating system

Update proxy These fields are all related to UNIX-Squid user synchronization and are
users when explained in Section 44.9 “Setting Up Proxy Authentication”.
updating system

Full path to squid This field must contain the full path to the Squid configuration file squid.conf,
config file such as /usr/local/squid/etc/squid.conf.
Configuring the Squid Proxy Server Module 603

Table 44.2 Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Delete proxy These fields are all related to UNIX-Squid user synchronization and are
users when explained in Section 44.9 “Setting Up Proxy Authentication”.
deleting system

Command to This field determines what happens when you click on the Start Squid link on
start squid any page. If Automatic is chosen, the command from the Squid executable
configuration field is run with the appropriate arguments. You can, however,
select the second radio button to specify some other script to be run. On Linux
distributions that come with a Squid package, a command like /etc/init.d/
squid start is used by default. This will not work, however, if you have
compiled and installed the server from source instead of installing the package.

Command to stop Like the field above, this one determines the command to be run when Stop
squid Squid is clicked. If Automatic is chosen, the program from the Squid executable
field will be run with the shutdown parameter, which signals that running server
process to exit.

Squid executable This field must contain the full path to the Squid server program, appropriately
named squid.

Full path to PID For the module to determine if Squid is running or not, this field must contain the
file full path to its process ID file (if none is set in the configuration file).

Full path to squid Because the usual default Squid configuration file does not specify the cache
cache directory directory, this field must contain the cache path that is compiled into the program
on your system. If it is incorrect, the module’s main page will keep on insisting
that the cache needs to be initialized.

Squid If you want to use the module’s statistics viewing feature, this field must contain
cachemgr.cgi the full path to the cachemgr.cgi program that comes with Squid.

Full path to squid For the module’s log analysis feature to work, this field must contain the full path
log directory to the directory contain Squid’s access.log file, such as /usr/local/squid/log.

Path to calamaris For the Calamaris icon to appear on the main page, this field must contain the full
log analysis path to the calamaris program. The rest of the module’s features will work fine
program even if it is not installed.
604 Chapter 44 • Configuring the Squid Proxy Server

44.18 Summary
This chapter has explained what HTTP and FTP proxies do and has introduced the popular
Squid proxy server. After reading it, you should know how to set up Squid and how to configure
it to be listed on different ports, restrict access to certain pages, and require authentication by cli-
ents. You should also know how to configure the server to work with several others in a cluster
to spread the load between multiple systems.
C H A P T E R 4 5

Filtering Email with


his chapter explains how to use the Procmail program and Webmin to
T filter and deliver email coming into your system.

45.1 Introduction to Procmail

Procmail is a powerful program for filtering and redirecting email that would normally be sent to
users’ mailboxes. It can be used at both the system level to filter message for all users on your
system, on a per-user basis, or both. Unlike normal Sendmail aliases, Procmail can be used to
deliver messages differently depending on their headers and content. This makes it an excellent
tool for blocking unwanted email, such as Spam.
When installed on a system, Procmail effectively replaces the normal mail.local email
delivery command that Sendmail and other MTAs run to append a message to a user’s mail file.
Even though it is most commonly used with Sendmail, other MTAs such as Qmail and Postfix
can be configured to use Procmail for delivery as well. As far as the program is concerned, the
actual mail server in use does not matter as long as email is passed to it properly.
Procmail’s primary configuration file is /etc/procmailrc, which is usually managed by
the system administrator. Individual users can also create their own .procmailrc files with the
same format in their home directories. The system-wide file is always read and processed first,
so any rules that it contains for redirecting messages based on their content cannot be overridden
by individual users.
A Procmail configuration file is divided into actions, each of which has a series of condi-
tions and a delivery mode. The conditions determine which messages the action matches, while
the delivery mode controls what happens to those that match. Procmail will process actions in
order until it finds one that matches, deliver the message as specified, and then stop processing.
The configuration file can also include variable assignments that may be used by later
actions or even other variables. It can also contain special conditional sections, which are lists of

606 Chapter 45 • Filtering Email with Procmail

actions to be run only if some conditions are matches. In a way, these are like if-then state-
ments in a programming language.
Procmail behaves pretty much the same on all UNIX-like operating systems. The only dif-
ference is the default delivery location—all Linux distributions use /var/spool/mail as the
user mail file directory, while other UNIX variants such as Solaris use /var/mail. This differ-
ence, however, has no effect on the program’s configuration file format or the user interface of
the Procmail Mail Filter module.
Procmail is most useful when configured by individual users to perform tasks such as sorting
email from different people into different mailboxes, writing to two different mail files, or dropping
email from specific addresses. The Procmail Webmin module and this chapter, however, only deal
with system-wide configuration. If you want a tool that lets individual users configure the program
though a web interface, Usermin (covered in Chapter 47) is the program to use. It has a module with
an identical interface that manages .procmailrc files instead of /etc/procmailrc.
The global Procmail configuration can be used to have mail delivered to a different direc-
tory or in a different format to that normally used by your mail server. For example, instead of
users’ mail being appended to the files in /var/spool/mail, it could be written to the mbox
file in their home directories instead. Better still, Procmail can be set up to write to a Qmail-style
mail directory, usually called Maildir and located in users’ home directories.
Because it deals only with email delivered locally on your system, Procmail cannot be used
for mail filtering if you use a client program such as Mozilla or Evolution to download email
from your ISP’s or company’s server. If you do not run your own mail server but still want to
make use of Procmail’s features, you will need to set up Fetchmail (covered in Chapter 33) to
download messages and pass them to the MTA on your system.

45.2 The Procmail Mail Filter Module

The Webmin module for managing the system-wide configuration file is called Procmail Mail
Filter, and can be found under the Servers category. Clicking on its icon will take you to a main
page like the one shown in Figure 45.1. All existing actions are listed and below them are links
for adding new actions of various types.
Unlike other modules, this one will not complain if Procmail is not installed on your sys-
tem. You should use the Software Packages module (covered in Chapter 12) to check for and
install the package that comes with your Linux distribution or operating system. If no package
exists, you will need to download the source from www.procmail.org, compile, and install it.
Just installing Procmail, however, is not enough for it to be actually used on your system.
By default, mail servers like Sendmail, Qmail, and Postfix use their own standard mail delivery
programs and not Procmail. Individual users can change this by creating a .forward or .qmail
file containing the line |/usr/bin/procmail, which passes all incoming email to the Proc-
mail program. Tt is better, however, to globally reconfigure your MTA to use Procmail so that
individual users do not have to set it up. Section 45.3 “Setting Up Sendmail” explains how to
configure Sendmail. Other mail servers will need to be set up differently.

45.3 Setting Up Sendmail

As long as you have the M4 files from which your primary Sendmail configuration file was
built, setting up Sendmail to use Procmail is easy. Unfortunately, configuring the mail server by
Setting Up Sendmail 607

Figure 45.1 The Procmail module main page.

editing sendmail.cf directly is not so easy, and is not covered in this chapter. All modern
Linux distributions, however, include the M4 files that you will need, in either the sendmail
package or a separate one such as sendmail-cf.
To configure the Sendmail MTA to use Procmail, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Sendmail Configuration module, which can be found in Webmin under the
Servers category.
2. Click on the Sendmail M4 Configuration icon on its main page. A list of existing M4
directives should appear. If not, the M4 files needed to reconfigure Sendmail are proba-
bly not installed on your system.
3. Check to see if the line FEATURE(local_procmail) already exists. If it does, delivery
using Procmail is already enabled and there is no need to follow the rest of these steps.
4. From the menu next to the Add new entry of type button, select Feature, and then hit
the button to display the feature creation form.
5. From the Feature menu select local_procmail. Leave the Parameters field empty.
6. Hit the Create button to have the new feature added to the M4 file. Your browser will be
returned to the list of existing directives, at the bottom of which will be the new FEA-
TURE(local_procmail) line.
7. Click the up arrow next to the new line as many times as is needed to move it above the
MAILER(local) line. This is necessary because the file is processed in order, and the
new directive changes the behavior of the MAILER line.
608 Chapter 45 • Filtering Email with Procmail

Figure 45.2 The Procmail action creation form.

8. When the new FEATURE line is in place, hit the Rebuild Sendmail Configuration but-
ton at the bottom of the page. A confirmation page will be displayed showing the
changes that will be made to the primary Sendmail configuration file. As long as you
have not been modifying sendmail.cf directly, they will be related only to the new
Procmail support.
9. Click on Yes, replace it now to have the new configuration saved and activated. From
now on, all mail delivered by Sendmail to local users will be processed by Procmail. To
check to see if everything worked, try sending a few test messages and make sure that
they are delivered as normal.

For more information about how the Sendmail module’s M4 features work and where to find the
configuration files, read Section 37.11 “Adding Sendmail Features with M4”.

45.4 Creating and Editing Actions

As the introduction to this chapter explains, the Procmail configuration file consists of a series of
actions. When email arrives, each is checked in order until one matches and its delivery mode is
carried out. If no actions match (or none exist), the email is delivered to the default destination
which is usually the user’s mail file under /var/spool/mail.
To create a new action, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add a new filter action link below the list of existing actions on the mod-
ule’s main page. The form shown in Figure 45.2 will be displayed for entering its desti-
nation and conditions.
Creating and Editing Actions 609

2. Select the type of destination for messages that match this action from the Delivery
mode menu. The available options are:
Append to file Email will be appended in standard mailbox format to the file entered
in the adjacent text field, such as /var/spool/mail/fred. To throw a message away, enter
/dev/null as the file.
Write to maildir Matching email will be added to the Qmail-style mail directory
whose path is entered in the text field. If this directory does not yet exist, Procmail will
create it (and the needed subdirectories) for the user.
Write to MH folder Email will be added to the specified MH-style mail directory.
This mail format also uses one file per message, but places them in all a single directory
and gives message files incrementing numeric filenames, like 1, 2, 3 and so on.
Forward to address Email will be sent to the address or user entered in the adjacent
text field, such as [email protected].
Feed to program Email messages that match will be fed as input to the program
whose path and arguments are entered into the text box next to the menu.
If a nonabsolute mail filename or directory (like Mailbox or Maildir) is entered, Procmail
will assume that it is relative to the home directory of the user to whom the email is being
3. To have Procmail check the bodies of received messages rather than just the headers,
check the Apply conditions to body box. This is necessary if any of the conditions you
enter later need to match text in the email itself.
4. Normally Procmail will ignore the case of headers when checking conditions. To change
this, check the Case-sensitive matching box.
5. If you want Procmail to continue on through the configuration file even if this action
matches, check the Continue processing even if conditions match box. This can be
used for delivering email to several different files or folders by turning on this option for
all delivery rules except the last.
6. Procmail will normally ignore the exit status of the program to which email is fed. To
have it fail (and thus bounce the message) if the program fails, turn on the Wait for
action program to finish, and check result option.
7. If the delivery program that you entered reads in and then outputs email with some mod-
ifications, check the Action program is a filter box. The Continue processing even if
conditions match option should also be enabled so that processing continues with the
modified version of the message. This feature can be useful if you have written a pro-
gram that checks and marks messages by adding or changing a header, which can then be
checked by later actions.
8. The Action conditions section of the form is for entering the conditions that determine
which messages will be delivered by this action. If none are specified, messages that
reach the action will always be delivered, and if more than one is entered they must all
match for delivery to take place.
This section is actually a table that starts out with two blank rows. The menu in each row
determines the type of condition and how the text in the box next to it is interpreted.
610 Chapter 45 • Filtering Email with Procmail

The available options are:

Matches regular expression For this condition to match, the message headers (and
possibly the body too) must match the Perl-style regular expression entered in the text
box. Remember that this expression is applied to all the headers as though they were a
single block of text, so you should precede any header name with a ^ to indicate the start
of a line. For example, to catch messages whose subject contains the word foo you could
enter ^Subject:.*foo.*.
Doesn’t match regular expression This condition type works just like the previous
one, except that it matches messages that do not match the regular expression.
Evaluate output of command The shell command entered in the text box will be run,
its output read by Procmail, and then interpreted again as an action line from the
configuration file. This type of condition is extremely powerful as it allows you to create
dynamically generated conditions—however, for everyday mail filtering you probably
don’t need to use it.
Check exit status of command This type of condition matches if the shell command
entered has an exit status of zero, indicating success. It can be used to deliver mail to
different destinations depending on the system’s hostname, the time of day, or the
existence of some file.
Mail is smaller than The condition will match if the total size of the message is
smaller than the number of bytes entered in the adjacent text box.
Mail is bigger than As its name suggests, this type of condition is the opposite of the
previous one.
9. When you are done entering conditions, hit the Save button. The new action will be
added to the list on the main page, and will starting being used on incoming email. To
add more than two conditions you will need to re-edit the action so that two more empty
rows appear in the Action conditions section.

An existing action can be edited by clicking on its entry in the Action to take column on the
module’s main page, which brings up an editing form similar to the one in Figure 45.2. From
here you can make changes and then hit Save to activate them, or just hit Delete to remove the
action altogether.
Because the ordering of actions matters, the module allows you to change their positions in
the Procmail configuration with the up and down arrows next to each on the main page. Variable
assignments, conditional blocks, and include files can also be moved in the same way.
By following the instructions above, you could easily create an action that delivers all
email to the Qmail-style Maildir directory in user’s home directories. Even though this
mail format is preferable due to its superior reliability compared to the traditional files in
/var/spool/mail, it is not much use unless mail clients or the POP3 server on your system
know how to read it. The POP3 server that comes with most operating systems expects to find
email under /var/spool/mail and so will have to be replaced or reconfigured to support any
new mail format or location. Other mail clients that read user mail files directly (such as Pine,
Elm, and Usermin) can be configured to use whatever new location you choose.
Creating and Editing Variable Assignments 611

45.5 Creating and Editing Variable Assignments

Procmail actions can make use of shell-style variables in their conditions and delivery destina-
tions. For example, you could create an action that delivers to the file /mail/$LOGNAME, in
which $LOGNAME is the username of the user to whom email is being delivered. Several vari-
ables (like .LOGNAME and DEFAULT) are set automatically by Procmail, while others can be set in
the configuration file for later use. You can even override the automatic variables to change the
behavior of the program, such as the default delivery destination or shell to use for executing
To create a new variable assignment, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new variable setting link below the list
of existing actions. The variable creation form will be displayed.
2. In the Variable name field, enter the name of the variable to set, such as DEFAULT. All
automatic variables have uppercase names, and those that you create yourself should as
well. No spaces or nonalphanumeric characters are allowed.
3. In the Value field, enter the value to assign to this variable, such as Maildir/. The value
can include references to other variables.
4. Hit the Create button to add the variable to the list on the main page.
5. Use the up arrow next to the new variable in the list to move it to the correct location,
which will typically be at the top of the file. Variable assignments only effect actions and
assignments after them, so one added at the bottom may not have any effect.

As with actions, a variable can be edited or deleted by clicking on its name in the list. Variables
can also be moved about with the up and down arrows next to them. Because they only effect
actions and other assignments below them in the file, you will certainly want to move any new
variable up to near the top of the list. One added and left at the bottom will not have any effect
(except on the default delivery destination).
Procmail defines and allows you to change several special variables. The names and mean-
ings of the most interesting ones are listed in Table 45.1.

Table 45.1 Variables Set by Procmail for Use in Actions

Variable name Purpose

DEFAULT The destination to which email that does not match any action will be
delivered. Changing this variable will modify the default destination,
which is the best way to have email delivered to a mail directory or file in
users’ home directories. To specify a directory put a / at the end of the
path, such as Maildir/. As with destinations in an action, a nonabsolute
path is assumed to be relative to the recipient’s home directory.

HOME The home directory of the user to whom mail is being delivered.

SHELL The UNIX shell of the recipient. Sometimes it is necessary to set this for
commands to be properly executed.

LOGNAME The username of the UNIX user to whom mail is being sent.
612 Chapter 45 • Filtering Email with Procmail

Table 45.1 Variables Set by Procmail for Use in Actions (Continued)

Variable name Purpose

ORGMAIL The original default delivery destination, such as /var/spool/mail/
$LOGNAME. Changing this variable, however, does not effect Procmail’s

SENDMAIL The command that Procmail will run to forward email to another address,
if specified by an action. You may want to change this if Sendmail is not
installed on your system, as it defaults to /usr/sbin/sendmail.

SENDMAILFLAGS The command-line parameters passed to the $SENDMAIL command.

HOST Your system’s hostname, as reported by the hostname command.

45.6 Conditional Blocks and Include Files

A conditional block is a group of actions and variable assignments in the Procmail configuration
file that is only processed if some conditions match. They can be used to create quite complex
sets of actions, almost like a programming language. The Procmail Mail Filter module allows
you to create and edit conditional blocks, but displays their contents as just configuration file
text rather than parsing the actions that they contain. This means that you have to be familiar
with the Procmail file format to use them.
To create an conditional block, follow these steps:

1. Click on Add a new conditional block below the list of actions on the module’s main page.
2. In the Procmail code to execute text box, enter the configuration file lines for the
actions or variable assignments to be processed if the conditions match. As soon as any
action in the block matches, processing of the entire configuration file will stop. If none
match, however, processing will continue as usual with the next action after the block.
See the procmailrc manual page in the System Documentation module for details of
the format.
3. Fill in the Action conditions section just as you would for a normal action, as explain in
Section 45.4 “Creating and Editing Actions”.
4. Hit the Create button to create the new block.

As with actions, you can edit or delete a conditional block by clicking on it in the list on the
module’s main page. The entire block can also be moved around with the up and down arrows.
An include file is a special directive that tells Procmail to read and process a separate con-
figuration file in the same format as /etc/procmailrc. Some spam-filtering programs are
actually just Procmail files that can be included in your primary configuration. To create an
include directive, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add a new include file link on the module’s main page.
2. In the Included file field on the form that appears, enter the full path to the other config-
uration file. You can also enter a relative path, in which case Procmail will search for that
file in the home directory of the UNIX user to whom that mail is being delivered. When
Filtering Spam with SpamAssassin 613

handling an include, Procmail will stop processing altogether as soon as it finds a match-
ing action in the file. If none are found, it will continue processing the actions that come
after the include in the primary configuration file.
3. Hit the Create button to finish the process.

Normally, includes are listed on the module’s main page just like actions and variable assign-
ments, and can be edited, deleted, or moved about. If the Show contents of include files? setting
is enabled on the Module Config page, however, the module will display the actual actions
inside the include file for you to edit or delete. They can even be moved up and down, although
only within the file. Enabling this option is not a good idea if you have a massive include file
(such as one for spam filtering), as it will make the module’s main page unusably large. If the
include file path contains a reference to a variable, its contents will never be shown by the mod-
ule as Webmin has no reliable way to work out the value of Procmail variables in advance.

45.7 Filtering Spam with SpamAssassin

SpamAssassin is a powerful program for detecting unwanted spam messages based on their
headers and content. It uses a complex set of built-in rules to determine if an email is spam or
not, and can also consult other databases of known spam message texts and mail servers used for
sending spam. The spamassassin program itself, however, does not perform any real filtering.
Instead, it just takes email as input, adds special headers indicating if the message is spam or not,
and then writes it out again. This makes it ideal for use in a Procmail action.
Assuming that you have SpamAssassin installed on your system, you can set it up to per-
form filtering for all users by following these steps:

1. Create a new action that feeds mail to the program /usr/bin/spamassassin (or
wherever it is located on your system). Make sure the Wait for action program to fin-
ish, and check result and Action program is a filter boxes are checked. No conditions
should be entered, unless you want to turn off spam checking for certain messages.
2. Add a second action with the single condition Matches regular expression ^X-Spam-
Status: Yes. This special header is set by SpamAssassin on messages that exceed its
spam threshold. The delivery mode can be to append to the file /dev/null to throw away
all spam, or to something like $HOME/spam to place it in a different mail file for users
to skim through and delete.

Because SpamAssassin occasionally falsely identifies email as spam when it is not, just throw-
ing away messages by sending them to /dev/null is a bad idea. It is far better to deliver mes-
sages to a separate file or directory that users can read if they wish, just in case.
By default, email identified as spam has its headers and body modified by SpamAssassin to
deactivate any attachments and include a report about why it was categorized. This can be
changed by editing the global configuration file /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf—the
exact format of which is not covered in this chapter.
614 Chapter 45 • Filtering Email with Procmail

45.8 Configuring the Procmail Mail Filter Module

This module has a few options that control its user interface and the path to the Procmail config-
uration file. As usual, they can be edited by clicking on the Module Config link in the top left
corner of the main page. Table 45.2 lists the editable settings.

Table 45.2 Module Configuration Options

Show contents of include files? As Section 45.6 “Conditional Blocks and Include Files” explains,
(If no variables are used in this field determines whether the actions of included files are dis-
filemanes) played for editing on the main page. It is set to No by default
because most include files are extremely large and complex.

Path to system procmailrc file This field must contain the full path to the global Procmail config-
uration file, which is usually /etc/procmailrc.

45.9 Summary
This chapter has explained how Procmail can be used to filter all email received by the mail
server on your system by performing various actions based on its content. After reading it, you
should know how to create filter actions, and understand how they interact in the Procmail con-
figuration. You should also know how to set the SpamAssassin package to block or redirect
email that it classifies as spam.
C H A P T E R 4 6

Creating SSL

n this chapter the STunnel program and the Webmin module for setting it
I up are documented.

46.1 Introduction to SSL and STunnel

SSL is a protocol for encrypting data in a TCP connection as it travels over the network. It was
originally developed to protect the traffic between web browsers and servers, but can be used to
encrypt any kind of data stream that would normally be sent via the TCP protocol.
The SSL protocol allows clients and servers to authenticate themselves to each other, so that
a client can be sure it is really connecting to the host it thinks it is. This is done using certificates
that are issued by a certificate authority recognized by the client (so that they can be verified)
and associated with a particular hostname. Without certificates, an attacker could redirect an
SSL connection to his own server and capture sensitive information from a client that thinks it is
talking to the real server.
Any data that travels across the Internet unencrypted can be captured and read by an
attacker with access to one of the networks through which it passes. Even data traveling between
a client and server system on a LAN can be easily listened in on. When you connect to a telnet,
FTP, or POP3 server, your password is sent over the network and can be captured by an attacker.
SSL can be used to protect data in these kinds of situations, but only if both the client and
server support it. Most web browsers and mail clients can make SSL-encrypted HTTP, POP3,
and IMAP connections, but not all web and POP3 servers can accept them. POP3 in particular is
hard to protect, because the standard server that comes with most UNIX systems does not sup-
port SSL at all. Fortunately, though, there is a solution—STunnel.
STunnel is a simple program that converts an unencrypted connection into an SSL-encrypted
one. It is typically set up to be run from a super server like inetd or xinetd, and then run some
other program like the POP3 server that does not support SSL. This design allows it to protect any
server that is normally run from inetd, such as telnet, NNTP, and IMAP servers.

616 Chapter 46 • Creating SSL Tunnels

Not all servers can be usefully protected with encryption, however, because no client exists to
use them in SSL mode. For example, I have never heard of a telnet or FTP client that can use SSL
because the common SSH package already allows encrypted remote logins and file transfers.

46.2 The SSL Tunnels Module

This Webmin module makes it easy to set up super server services that run STunnel to start a
specific server program. Even though this can be done manually using the Internet Services
module (covered in Chapter 15), this one is specifically designed for setting up and configuring
STunnel. It automatically detects whether you have inetd and/or xinetd installed, reads their
configurations to check for existing SSL tunnels, and adds to them when you create a new tun-
nel. If both are installed, new SSL tunnels are added to the xinetd configuration, as it is the
superior of the two.
The module can be found in Webmin under the Networking category on the main menu.
When you click on its icon, a page like the one shown in Figure 46.1 will be displayed, listing all
existing tunnels. At the bottom of the page is a button labeled Apply Changes, which when
clicked, restarts inetd or xinetd, thus making the current configuration active.
If the program cannot be found on your server, an error message like The STunnel com-
mand /usr/bin/stunnel was not found on your system will be displayed instead. This can indi-
cate that it is not installed or that the module is looking in the wrong directory for the stunnel
command. In the latter case, you can adjust the module’s configuration, as explained in Section
46.4 “Configuring the SSL Tunnels Module”.

Figure 46.1 The SSL Tunnels module.

Creating and Editing SSL Tunnels 617

If the program really isn’t installed, check your operating system CD or website to see if
a package for STunnel exists. If so, you can install it using the Software Packages module that
is covered in Chapter 12. Otherwise, you will need to download the source code from
www.stunnel.org, compile it, and install it.

46.3 Creating and Editing SSL Tunnels

If you want to protect a specific service with SSL encryption, you will need to create a new SSL
tunnel. Two different types of tunnels can be created—one that runs a server process like inetd
does, or one that connects to another host and port in non-SSL mode. The latter is simpler if you
already have the server running in non-encrypted mode, but will be slightly slower due to the
need to make an extra network connection.
Before you can create a tunnel, you must decide on a port number for it to use. For some
protocols, there is a standard port number. For example, 995 is often used for encrypted POP3
and 993 is used for encrypted IMAP. Of course, the port number you choose must not be in use
by any other inetd service or server on your system.
The following steps will instruct you in how to create a tunnel:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add a new SSL tunnel link above or below the
table of existing tunnels. The creation form shown in Figure 46.2 will be displayed in
your browser.
2. In the Service name field, enter a unique name for this tunnel’s inetd service, such as

Figure 46.2 The SSL tunnel creation form.

618 Chapter 46 • Creating SSL Tunnels

3. In the TCP port field, enter the port number that the tunnel should accept connections
on, such as 993.
4. Unless you want the tunnel to be temporarily disabled, set the Active? field to Yes.
5. If this tunnel should run a program like a POP3 server, select the Run inetd style
program option. In the Path to program field, enter the full path to the server, such
as /usr/sbin/ipop3d. In the with arguments field, enter the program name followed by
any command line arguments, such as ipop3d –a. As with services created in the Internet
Services and Protocols module, you must include the program name as the first argument.
6. If this tunnel should connect to some existing server, you can also select the Connect to
remote host option. Enter the host to which you wish to connect (such as localhost) and
the port number to use (such as 110) in the Remote hostname and Remote port fields,
7. The SSL certificate and key file field determines which SSL certificate will be pre-
sented to clients for this connection. If you have generated your own self-signed or real
certificate with the openssl command, select the Use cert in file option and enter the
full path to the file in the adjacent text box. Otherwise, you can choose Use Webmin’s
cert to use the same certificate that Webmin uses in SSL mode or Compiled-in default
to use the certificate that comes with the STunnel software. If you do generate your own
certificate, make sure that the file contains both the private key and cert in PEM format.
8. When connecting to a remote host, STunnel can be configured to behave in a way oppo-
site from normal. Instead of accepting an SSL connection and decrypting it, you can
instead choose to have it accept a normal connection and encrypt it for connecting to a
different SSL-capable server. This mode can be enabled by selecting Accept normal
and connect with SSL in the Tunnel mode field. It can be useful if neither your client or
server programs support SSL, but you still want data between them to be encrypted.
STunnel could be set up on the client system in this mode, configured to connect to
another STunnel service on the server system that uses the Accept SSL and connect
normally mode.
9. Hit the Create button at the bottom of the page to add the new service.
10. After you return to the module’s main page, click on Apply Changes to make the new
tunnel active.

All the details of an existing tunnel can be edited by clicking on its name in the list on the mod-
ule’s main page. This will bring up an editing form similar to the one in Figure 46.2, but with all
the fields already filled in. You can either make changes and hit the Save button to record them
or click Delete to completely remove the tunnel. Either way, the Apply Changes button on the
main page must be clicked to make the changes active.

46.4 Configuring the SSL Tunnels Module

Like other modules, this one has a couple of options that control where it looks for the STunnel
program and certificate file. You can edit them by clicking on the Module Config link in the
top-left corner of the main page, which will take you to a form with the fields shown in
Table 46.1.
Summary 619

Table 46.1 Module Configuration Options

Path to stunnel executable This field must contain the full path to the stunnel program. If it
is incorrect, the error mentioned in Section 46.2 “The SSL Tunnels
Module” will appear on the module’s main page.

Path to default stunnel If a path is entered for this field, it will be used as the default certif-
PEM file icate file for the SSL certificate and key file field when creating
new tunnels. If None is selected, the Use Webmin's cert option
will be selected by default.

46.5 Summary
This chapter has introduced the SSL protocol and explained what it is useful for. It has also
shown how the STunnel program can be configured by Webmin to add SSL encryption to exist-
ing protocols, such as POP3 or IMAP.
C H A P T E R 4 7


his chapter explains what Usermin is, why you might want to use it,
T and how it can be configured from within Webmin. It also provides a
brief explanation of the available Usermin modules.

47.1 Introduction to Usermin

Usermin is a web interface similar to Webmin, but designed for normal UNIX users to carry out
tasks that they should normally do at the shell prompt. It was written by the same author as Web-
min, shares a lot of the same code, and has a similar underlying design and user interface.
Whereas Webmin allows you do to things that would normally be done by logging in as root,
Usermin lets you do things that can be done by logging in as a normal user.
Usermin is a very useful program to install if you want to give users on your system the
ability to read and send email, change passwords, or edit files through an easy-to-use web inter-
face. It groups all of these functions together and allows the administrator to choose which users
get access to specific features.
Usermin can be downloaded from www.usermin.com in both RPM format for most Linux
distributions or tar.gz format for other operating systems. It supports all of the same operating
systems as Webmin and is installed in exactly the same way. If your version of Linux uses the
RPM package format, the Software Packages module (covered in Chapter 12) can be used to
install Usermin. Otherwise, you will need to extract the Usermin tar.gz file and run the
setup.sh script, just like you would for Webmin.
Because Usermin uses port 20000 instead of 10000, you will need to go to the URL
http://yourservername:20000/ in your browser to access it after installation. Enter the username
and password of any UNIX user on your system on the login page that appears and hit the Login
button. A main menu very similar to the one in Webmin will be displayed, but with different cat-

The Usermin Configuration Module 621

egories and modules. In its default configuration, Usermin should be quite usable for tasks such
as reading email, changing your password, or logging in via SSH.
Usermin can be navigated in the same way that Webmin can and its modules have very sim-
ilar designs. In fact, some of the modules are exactly the same as those in Webmin, such as Run-
ning Processes and SSH/Telnet Login. The only difference is that they run with the privileges of
the logged-in UNIX user rather than root.
This chapter focuses primarily on how to configure the program from within Webmin, using
the Usermin Configuration module. Usermin does not have any facility to configure itself. You
must either use this module, or edit the configuration files in /etc/usermin directly. Needless
to say, the former option is much easier. The instructions in this chapter were written for User-
min 1.030. Some older versions lack certain features, such as the ability to restrict access to
modules for specific users and groups.
Also in Section 47.17 “About the Usermin Modules” is a complete list of the standard mod-
ules and a short description of the capabilities of each one. It is not a user’s guide for Usermin
however. The program is fairly easy to use and does not really need an instruction manual.

47.2 The Usermin Configuration Module

This module should be used if you want to reconfigure Usermin in any way, such as changing
the default theme, the port on which it listens or the client addresses that are allowed to connect.
It can be found under the Webmin category on the main menu and the main page that will appear
when you click on the icon is shown in Figure 47.1. As you can see, the page is actually a table
of icons, each of which can be clicked on to display a form for editing a class of options. At the
bottom are buttons for starting or stopping the Usermin server process and possibly for setting it
to start at boot time.
As is usual with Webmin modules, if Usermin is not installed, an error message like The
directory /etc/usermin either does not exist on your system will appear on the main page
instead. Even though Usermin is similar to Webmin, it must be installed separately by following
the instructions in the introduction to this chapter. This error can also occur in the unlikely event
that you have chosen a different configuration directory from the default of /etc/usermin. If
so, read Section 47.18 “Configuring the Usermin Configuration Module” to find out how to
change the module to look in the right location.

47.3 Starting and Stopping Usermin

Usermin has its own permanently running web server process, which can be started or stopped using
this module. At the bottom of the main page is either a button labeled Stop Usermin or Start User-
min, depending on whether it is currently running or not. The server can also be stopped and started
at the command line by running /etc/usermin/stop or /etc/usermin/start as root.
On operating systems like Linux, Solaris, and HP/UX, that use standard SYSV-style bootup
action scripts, the main page also has a button labeled Start at boot time. If you select the Yes
radio button next to it and hit the button, a bootup script will be created or enabled to start the
Usermin server when your system boots. Selecting No will cause any existing script to be dis-
abled so that it does not start. The action will be visible in the Bootup and Shutdown module
(covered in Chapter 9), and you can enable or disable it there as well.
622 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

Figure 47.1 The Usermin Configuration module.

On operating systems like FreeBSD and MacOS X that use a different method of running
commands at boot time, this button will not appear at all. You can still use the Bootup and Shut-
down module, however, to have the command /etc/usermin/start run at boot time to
achieve the same result.

47.4 Restricting Access to Usermin

By default, Usermin will accept connections from any IP address. Even though it is password-
protected, you should limit access to only legitimate client systems, if possible, so that an
attacker from outside your network cannot even attempt to log in. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on IP Access Control on the module’s main page to bring up the Access Control
2. Select Only allow from listed addresses and enter a list of hostnames, IP addresses, and
networks into the adjacent text box. Networks should be entered with a netmask like You can allow access from an entire DNS domain by enter-
ing something like *.example.com, but be aware that that is not totally secure as an
attacker can fake reverse DNS results.
3. Usermin will normally resolve any hostnames that you enter only once when it first starts
up. To change this, check the Resolve hostnames on every request box and it will con-
vert hostnames to IP addresses for comparison on every request. This can be useful if the
system on which you are running a browser is frequently changing IP addresses but is
Changing the Port and Address 623

able to update a DNS record to match. This can happen on a network using DHCP or if
you are connected to an ISP that dynamically assigns addresses.
4. To have Usermin check the TCP-wrappers configuration files /etc/hosts.allow and
/etc/hosts.deny when deciding whether to allow a client, turn on the Also check
TCP-wrappers hosts.allow and hosts.deny files option. The service name to use when
editing those files is usermin.
5. Hit the Save button to activate the new client address restrictions.

47.5 Changing the Port and Address

Usermin usually listens for connections on port 20000 on all of your system’s IP addresses. You
may need to change the port, perhaps because a firewall on your network only allows connec-
tions to web servers on the standard ports of 80 and 443. Changing the listening IP address can
also be useful if your system has multiple network interfaces and you only want to allow con-
nections on the interface connected to the internal LAN.
To change the port or address, do the following:

1. Click on the Port and Address icon on the module’s main page.
2. To listen on only a specific interface address, select the second option in the Listen on IP
address field and enter an IP address into the text box next to it. This must be the address
of one of your host’s real or virtual interfaces.
3. To change the port, enter a number into the Listen on port field.
4. Hit the Save button to use the new settings. Anyone currently using Usermin will need to
log in again at the new URL, as the old one will stop working.

47.6 Configuring the Usermin User Interface

Usermin has several settings that control what appears in its user interface, what module users
are directed to when they log in, and if the sending of feedback is allowed. To edit them, follow
these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User Interface icon to bring up the interface
options form.
2. In some themes (covered in Section 47.12 “Changing and Installing Themes”), the title
at the top of every page is rendered as an image. Because this can make the page slow to
download, you can force the use of plain HTML text titles instead by changing the Dis-
play titles as text? field to Yes.
3. By default, every page in Usermin shows your system’s hostname and operating system,
which you might regard as a security risk. To turn this off, select Nowhere from the Dis-
play login and hostname menu, and change the Show version, hostname and OS on
main menu? field to No. The first menu can also be used to change the location of sys-
tem information. It appears by default in the browser status line.
4. After a user logs into Usermin, they will normally see the main menu listing the various
modules and categories. To have users redirected to a specific module instead, select it
from the After login, always go to module menu. This can be handy if most of your
users use a particular feature, such as the Read Mail module.
624 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

5. Like Webmin, Usermin has a button in the top-right corner of every page for sending
feedback. It is disabled by default, but you can turn it on by changing the Allow sending
of feedback field to Yes, to address and entering an appropriate address in the adjacent
text box. This gives your users an easy way to send you questions or problem reports.
6. By default, feedback is sent by running /usr/lib/sendmail and passing email to it
for delivery. If Sendmail is not installed on your system or you want feedback to be sent
via another mail server, select SMTP server in the Send feedback via field and enter a
hostname into the text box. This tells Usermin to make an SMTP connection to that host
for sending email instead.
7. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to activate the new settings.

47.7 Installing Usermin Modules

Like Webmin, Usermin has a modular design. This means that each module (such as Read Mail
or File Manager) is a separate piece of code and can usually be installed or removed without
affecting the rest of Usermin. Being able to install new modules is the most useful feature, as
several have been developed by people other than the Usermin developer. The best place to find
extra modules is the website webmin.thirdpartymodules.com, which is a searchable database of
almost all Webmin and Usermin modules. You can also write your own modules, as Chapter 55
“Webmin Module Development” explains. Do not bother trying to install modules for Webmin,
as they will be rejected and will not work anyway.
A new module can be installed by following these steps:

1. On the Usermin Configuration module’s main page, click on the Usermin Modules
icon. This will bring to you to a page with forms for installing, cloning, and deleting
2. If you have already downloaded the module’s .wbm file to the system on which Usermin
is running, select From local file and enter the full path to the file into the text field next
to it.
If the module file is on the PC on which your web browser is running, select From
upload file and use the Browse button to find the file on your computer.
If the module is on a website somewhere, select From ftp or http URL and enter the full
URL into the text box next to this option.
3. Hit the Install module from file button to download (if necessary) and install the new
module. If everything goes as planned, a page listing the installed modules and the sizes
of their directories will be displayed.
Unless you have hidden modules from certain users (as explained in Section 47.15
“Restricting Access to Modules”), this new one will be immediately visible to and usable
by all Usermin users.
Any of the modules currently installed—including those that come with Usermin by default—
can be deleted on the same page as well. Deleting the default modules is not a good idea, how-
ever, as they will be automatically reinstalled the next time you upgrade. It is better to hide the
ones that you don’t want people to use, as explained in Section 47.15 “Restricting Access to
Modules”. Not all modules can be deleted either, as some are depended upon by other modules.
Changing the Default Language 625

The Running Processes module in particular has many dependants, so removing it will cause
modules like Change Password, Custom Commands, and GnuPG Encryption to stop working.
To remove one or more modules, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Usermin Modules icon on the main page.

2. Scroll down to the last form on the page and select all the modules that you want to
remove from the Delete Modules list.
3. When you hit the Delete selected modules button, a confirmation page will be displayed
showing exactly what will be removed. If there are some dependency problems that pre-
vent one or more from being deleted, an error message explaining the problem will be
shown instead.
4. Click on Delete to go ahead with the module’s removal.

47.8 Changing the Default Language

Like Webmin, parts of Usermin have been translated into different languages. You can change
the default language for users by following the next set of steps, or they can individually specify
their own preferred languages using the Change Language module. None of the translations are
complete, however, so many messages and labels will still appear in English.

1. Click on the Language icon on the module’s main page.

2. In the form that appears, select your users’ preferred language from the Display in lan-
guage menu.
3. Some browsers (such as Opera) can request that the server display pages in a language
chosen by the user. To have Usermin honor such requests, if possible, change the Use
language specified by browser? field to Yes. If a language is sent, it will override both
the global and individual users’ settings.
4. Hit the Save button to have Usermin switch to the new language.

Assuming they have access to the Change Languages module, users can override whatever glo-
bal selection you make in this module. This can be handy if most but not all users speak English.

47.9 Upgrading Usermin

Even though Usermin can be upgraded by installing the latest RPM or tar.gz package from the
command line, this module can do the job for you with even less effort. The program can be
upgraded from a package that you have downloaded from a URL somewhere or directly from
the www.usermin.com site. In all cases, the upgrade must be made using the same type of pack-
age from which Usermin is currently installed. This means that if you originally installed the
RPM package, you must upgrade with an RPM as well.
The easiest way to upgrade is to have Webmin check for and download the latest version
directly from the Usermin site. This ensures that the right kind of package will be used and that
nothing will be done if you are already running the latest stable release.
To upgrade using any of the above methods, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Upgrade Usermin icon on the module’s main page. This will take you to a
page with forms for upgrading, installing updated modules, and setting up the automatic
install of updates.
626 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

2. The Upgrade Usermin form is very similar to the form for installing modules, as
explained in Section 47.7 “Installing Usermin Modules”. Select either From local file if
the new package is already on your server system, From uploaded file if it is on the PC
on which your web browser is running, or From ftp or http URL to have the package
downloaded from some URL. The easiest option is to choose Latest version from
www.usermin.com to have the appropriate package automatically downloaded.
3. If Usermin on your system was installed from the tar.gz file, the Delete old version's
directory after upgrade? box can be checked to have the old version removed after the
new one is installed. Unless you want to be able to revert to the old release, this option
should be enabled to save on disk space. It does not appear at all for RPM installs, as the
RPM package always installs in the same directory.
4. Hit the Upgrade Usermin button to begin the upgrade. A page showing the download
progress (if necessary) and output from the new version’s setup.sh script will be displayed.

The upgrade process will preserve all global and user settings, and should not even be noticeable
by users currently accessing your Usermin server. If you originally installed the program from
the tar.gz package, the new version will be installed in the directory next to the old one. For
example, if Usermin 1.020 was in /usr/local/usermin-1.020 and you upgrade to version
1.030, it will be installed in /usr/local/usermin-1.030, and the old directory deleted if the
Delete old version's directory after upgrade? option was enabled.
Also on the upgrade page are forms for installing updated modules for Usermin from
www.usermin.com, and for having such updates installed automatically. Occasionally, a bug is
found in the latest version of the program, and an updated module that fixes the problem is made
available at www.usermin.com/uupdates.html for administrators to download and install. Instead
of checking manually, you can use this Usermin module to find and install needed updates.
Because this feature is identical to one for installing updates to Webmin, it is not covered in
this chapter. Instead, see Section 51.13 “Upgrading Webmin” for details on how to use it. The
instructions in that chapter that apply to the Webmin Configuration module can also be used in
this module as well.

47.10 Configuring Authentication

Usermin has several options that control the authentication method it uses for validating UNIX
users, how multiple failed login attempts are handled, and how UNIX user passwords are
checked. The default authentication method uses cookies, but if your users’ browsers cannot
handle them, you may want to switch to basic HTTP authentication instead. The only problem
with this method is that there is no way to properly log out, as there is no support for logging out
in the HTTP protocol. However, it sometimes must be used. For example, browsers on MacOS
X cannot load applets (such as the ones in the File Manager and SSH/Telnet Login Usermin
modules) from web servers using cookie authentication.
To configure authentication for Usermin, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Authentication icon on the module’s main page to bring up the authentica-
tion form.
2. When Enable password timeouts is selected, Usermin will detect multiple failed login
attempts from the same IP address and lock that host out for a configurable amount of
Configuring Authentication 627

time. This feature should always be turned on, as it stops attackers from using millions of
login attempts to guess passwords on your system. The Block hosts with more than
field specifies the number of login attempts allowed from a single host before blocking is
triggered, while the failed logins for field sets the number of seconds for which a host is
blocked. The defaults are reasonable, but you can increase the timeout if you are feeling
3. When Log blocked hosts, logins and authentication failures to syslog is selected,
Usermin will send messages to the system logs (covered in Chapter 13) when a user logs
in, logs out, or enters an incorrect password. All messages are sent with the authpriv
facility. You should leave this option turned on so suspiciously large numbers of login
failures can be detected.
4. When Enable session authentication is selected, Usermin will use its own login form to
ask users for a username and password, and set a cookie after the login is complete to
identify authenticated clients. To switch to normal HTTP authentication, select Disable
session authentication.
5. When using session authentication, Usermin can be configured to automatically log
users out if they have been inactive for more than a certain period of time. To enable this,
check the Auto-logout after box and enter the number of minutes into the text field next
to it. This feature and the next three are not available when using HTTP authentication.
6. When Offer to remember login permanently? is checked (as it is by default), the login
form will include a check box for permanently remembering the login. When selected,
the cookie sent to the user’s browser will be marked to indicate that it should be saved
even if the browser is shut down and rerun later. This is convenient because it means that
the user will not have to log in to Usermin again, but you may consider it a security risk.
If so, unchecking this box will remove the remember option from the login form.
7. By default, the login page includes the hostname from the URL in the message above
the username and password fields. To hide it, deselect the Show hostname on login
screen? box.
8. Some people like to have a welcome message shown on the login page the first time a
user accesses it, perhaps giving information about the server or for what it is supposed to
be used. To enable this on your system, first create an HTML page containing the mes-
sage that you want to appear. Then, select Show pre-login file and enter the full path to
the HTML file in the text field. After a user reads it, he must reload or revisit the page
(perhaps by following a link in the page itself) to force the real login form to appear.
9. To have Usermin automatically authenticate connections from localhost by determin-
ing which UNIX user is making the connection, select Allow login without password
for matching users from localhost. If you run a browser on the same system on which
Usermin runs, this feature allows you to access the URL http://localhost:20000/ and be
logged in without needing to enter a username and password. It is convenient, but poten-
tially insecure if an attacker can trick a program (such as Squid) into connecting to that
URL. This would grant access to Usermin as the user as whom the program runs. For this
reason, Always require username and password is selected by default.
10. Usermin can check users’ passwords in three different ways: using PAM, by reading the
password file directly, or by consulting some other program.
628 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

PAM is the best method and can be enabled by selecting Use PAM for authentication on
this form. It will only work, however, if your operating supports PAM (only Linux and Solaris
do), if the Authen::PAM Perl module is installed, and if the /etc/pam.d/usermin service
file is set up correctly on Linux. This file is included in the RPM package of Usermin.
The most reliable method of authentication is directly reading the /etc/passwd or
/etc/shadow file containing usernames and passwords. You can enable this by
selecting Authentication using password file. The other fields next to it are set by
default to match your operating system and do not generally need to be changed. The
only problem with this authentication method is that even expired accounts will be able
to log in, as Usermin does not check those password file fields.
The final authentication method uses an external program to validate passwords. This
program must behave exactly like Squid’s external authentication program, covered in
Section 44.9 “Setting Up Proxy Authentication”. To enable it, select Use external squid-
style authentication program and enter the full path to the program, followed by any
parameters, into the adjacent text field. This option can be useful for looking up
passwords in an LDAP or MySQL database. It cannot, however, be used to create fake
users who do not have real UNIX accounts.
11. Finally, hit Save at the bottom of the form to activate the new authentication settings.
They will not, however, apply to already logged in users.

47.11 Editing Categories and Moving Modules

Every Usermin module has a category that controls where it appears on the module’s main
menu. You can create your own categories and move modules from their default locations into
your own or existing categories, which can be useful if you don’t like the default arrangement or
want to put everything into one huge category.
To create new categories, or rename existing ones, follow these steps:

1. Click on Edit Categories on the module’s main page to display the category editing page.
2. To add a category, scroll down to the bottom of the form. In the first empty field under
ID, enter a unique internal name for your new category, such as stuff. Then, in the field
next to it, under Displayed description, enter the name that will appear in Usermin, such
as My Stuff.
Existing categories that you have added can be edited by changing the fields in this
section as well. You should not change the entries in the ID column, however, as they are
used internally to associate modules with categories. The ID is never visible to users
anyway—only the displayed description is.
3. To change the name of one of the default categories displayed at the top of the form, select
the second radio button next to it and entering a new description into the text box to the
right. If Default is chosen, the standard name based on the user’s language will be used.
4. Hit the Save Categories button at the bottom of the form to activate the new categories.
You can now move modules into any categories that you have created.
Changing and Installing Themes 629

To change the categories in which modules appear in, use the following process:

1. Click on the Reassign Modules icon on the main page.

2. The page that appears lists every installed Usermin module and the category in which it
currently resides. For each module that you want to move, select a new category from the
menu next to its name.
3. Click on the Change Categories button at the bottom of the page to move the modules.

47.12 Changing and Installing Themes

A theme is an extension of Usermin (much like a module) that controls how its interface appears
to users. The currently active theme determines if and how the categories at the top of each page
are displayed, what page background is used, what icons each module has, how titles appear, and
how each page ends. By changing themes, you can significantly change the look of Usermin
without affecting its functionality. Several themes are included by default and you can install
more that have been written by other developers.
Like the language, you can set the theme for all users in this module and users can choose
their own themes and override the default with the Change Theme module in Usermin. To
change the theme for everyone, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Usermin Themes icon on the module’s main page. This will take you to a
page for changing themes, installing a new theme, and deleting existing ones.
2. Select the theme to use from the Current theme menu. Those included as standard with
Usermin are:
Old Usermin Theme The very simple theme that the first versions of Webmin and
Usermin used before theming was added. If you find the default too slow, this may be a
better alternative as it uses fewer images.
MSC.Linux Theme The current default Usermin theme.
MSC.Linux Mini Theme A modified version of the default theme, designed for use
on small-screen devices such as PDAs.
3. Hit the Change button to activate the chosen theme.

New themes developed by other people can also be added to Usermin, although none actually exist
as I write this book. Themes for Webmin cannot be used, due to differences in the design of the two
packages. You can write your own, however, as Chapter 58 “Creating Webmin Themes” explains.
To install a theme, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Usermin Themes icon on the module’s main page.

2. Select the theme’s file using the second form. Just as when installing a module, you can
choose to install a theme from a file on the system running Webmin, the PC your browser
is on, or an HTTP or FTP URL.
3. Hit the Install Theme button to download (if necessary) and install it.

The final thing that you can do on this page is delete one of the installed themes. The Old User-
min Theme cannot be deleted as it is built into the program, and the other two standard themes
should not be deleted, as they will be added again if you upgrade to the next version.
630 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

To delete a theme that you have installed, follow these instructions:

1. Click on the Usermin Themes icon on the module’s main page.

2. Select the one to remove from the Theme to delete menu at the bottom of the page. If
that menu does not appear, it means that all installed themes are in use either by an indi-
vidual user or are the default for all users.
3. Hit the Delete button to bring up a confirmation page asking if really want to go ahead.
4. Click on Delete to remove the theme.

47.13 Turning on SSL

Like Webmin, Usermin can operating in SSL mode if the OpenSSL library and Net::SSLeay
Perl modules are installed. Chapter 3 “Securing Your Webmin Server” explains how to install
them and why SSL should be used, so read it first before continuing with this section. Usermin
will also automatically use SSL mode by default if it detects that the needed libraries are avail-
able at install time, and will generate its own unique SSL certificate and key for your system, if
If you install the required libraries after Usermin, you can switch to SSL mode by following
these steps:

1. Click on the SSL Encryption icon on the module’s main page. If Net::SSLeay is miss-
ing, an error message will be displayed telling you that SSL mode cannot be used. Other-
wise, a form for turning it on and off and for generating a new SSL key will appear.
2. Change the Enable SSL if available? field to Yes.
3. If you have your own SSL key for this host already, enter its full path into the Private
key file field. If this file just contains the key and not the certificate, you will need to fill
in the Certificate file field as well. To just use Usermin’s own certificate, leave these
fields unchanged.
4. Hit the Save button to switch to SSL mode. All users that try to connect to the old http://
URL will from now on be told to use the new https:// URL, instead.

This same page can also be used to generate a new SSL key for use by Usermin. You should def-
initely do this if OpenSSL was not installed when Usermin was, as it will fall back to using the
key that comes with the program if a new one cannot be generated at install time. This is highly
insecure, as the key is available to everyone and can be used to decrypt network traffic, thus
totally negating the main benefit of SSL! You might also want to create a new key if the details
of the default one (such as the company name and country) are not correct.
Follow these instructions to generate and starting using your own key and certificate:

1. Click on the SSL Encryption icon on the module’s main page and scroll down to the
bottom of the form.
2. If your system is always accessed using the same hostname in the URL, enter it into the
Server name in URL field, such as www.example.com. This will cause the generated
certificate to be associated only with that hostname. Otherwise, select Any hostname to
allow the certificate to be used with any URL hostname. This is more convenient, but
slightly less secure.
Configuring Usermin Modules 631

3. In the Email address field enter the address of the person responsible for this Usermin
server, such as [email protected].
4. If appropriate, fill in the Department field with the name of the department or group
within your organization that this server belongs to, such as Network Engineering.
5. In the Organization field, enter the name of the company or organization that owns this
server, such as Foo Corporation.
6. In the State field, enter the name of the state in which your server resides, such as California.
7. In the Country code field, enter the two-letter code for the country in which the server
resides, such as US.
8. Leave the Write key to file field unchanged, unless you want the key file to be written
9. To have Usermin configured to use the newly generated key, leave the Use new key
immediately field set to Yes. If you select No, you will need to switch to this key later by
following the instructions earlier in this section.
10. Hit the Create Now button to generate the key and certificate and store them in the spec-
ified file in PEM format.

All of the fields in this form are optional, with the exception of Server name in URL. If the key is
just for use on your own home server, there is no need to enter a department or organization name.
You must make sure, however, that any key you generate here has different details than the one cre-
ated for Webmin itself. Browsers like Mozilla and Netscape currently have problems if they
encounter two different keys with the same server name, department, organization, and so on.

47.14 Configuring Usermin Modules

Almost all Usermin modules have several configurable settings that effect their user interfaces
and behavior. There are actually two types of settings—those that apply to all users and are set
by the administrator in this module, and those that apply to only a specific user and can be set by
users themselves from within Usermin. This latter set of options is called preferences and can be
set by users by clicking on the Preferences link that appears in the top-left corner of the main
page in some Usermin modules (the same place that the Module Config link appears in Web-
min). You can also use the Usermin Configuration module to set the default preferences for
users who have not yet set them.
To set the configuration or default preferences for a module, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Usermin Module Configuration icon on the module’s main page to go to a
list of all installed modules.
2. Click on the name of the module that you want to configure. This will bring up a page
containing one or two forms—Configurable options is for editing the global settings for
the module, while Default user preferences is for editing preferences. Figure 47.2
shows an example. Because some modules do not have preferences and some do not
have configurable options, one or the other of the forms may not be displayed.
The actual fields in both forms depend on the module chosen. For example, the Read
Mail module has settings that control where it looks for user email and in what format it
expects the mail file or directory to be. The defaults in the Configurable options form
632 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

Figure 47.2 The Usermin module configuration page.

are set to match your operating system when Usermin is installed and do not usually
need to be changed.
3. To edit the module’s configuration, make whatever changes you want to the fields in the
first form and hit the Save button below it to activate them.
4. To change the default preferences, change the fields in the second form and hit its Save but-
ton to activate them. They will only apply to users who have not set their own preferences
for the module, however. This form always includes a Users can edit preferences? field
that, if set to No, stops users from editing the module’s preferences in future.

The configurable settings in most modules are fairly obvious and need no further explanation.
The Read Mail module’s form, however, has a large number of fields that control where it looks
for email, how it sends mail, what From: address users are assigned, and where user folders are
stored. Even though it usually defaults to looking for mailboxes in the /var/spool/mail direc-
tory, it can be configured to use the Qmail-style Mailbox file or Maildir directory in users’ home
directories, which is necessary if you are running a mail server other than Sendmail.
The configuration fields for the Read Mail module and their meanings are listed in Table 47.1.

47.15 Restricting Access to Modules

Usermin will usually allow all users who can log in to access all of the installed modules. How-
ever, this may not be appropriate for your system. You may want some users to just be able to
read email and change their passwords, while giving others access to everything. Some of the
Restricting Access to Modules 633

Table 47.1 Read Mail Module Configuration Options

Mail storage format for This field tells the module what format user mail files are in on your sys-
Inbox tem. The available options are:
Sendmail style single file Each user has a single file containing all his
email messages, located either in a directory like /var/spool/mail or in
his home directory.
Qmail style directory Each users’ mail is stored in a directory in the
format used by Qmail—usually called Maildir and located in the users’
home directories. Each individual message is in a different file.
MH style directory User email is also stored in a directory, but in the
slightly different format used by the MH mail program.
Remote POP3 server Mail is on another server that supports the POP3
protocol. When this mode is selected, users will be prompted to enter a
username and password for the POP3 server the first time they log in to
the module.
Remote IMAP server Like the previous option, but uses the IMAP
protocol instead. When a user first uses this module, they will be
prompted to enter an IMAP mailbox name to manage as well.

Sendmail mail file This field and the next one are only used if Sendmail style single file is
location selected as the mail storage format. You can either select File under home
directory to have the module read from a file (set in the next field) in the
logged-in user’s home directory or enter the full path to a directory contain-
ing a mail file of the same name as the user, such as /var/spool/mail.

Sendmail mail file in When the previous field is set to File under home directory, this one
home directory specifies the name of that file. Often set to Mailbox, as that is what Qmail
uses by default.

Qmail or MH directory These two configuration fields are only used if the mail storage format is
location set to Qmail style directory or MH style directory. You can either select
Subdirectory under home directory to have the module read from a
directory (set in the next field) within the user’s home directory, or enter
the full path to a directory that contains a subdirectory with the same
name as the user, such as /maildirs.

Qmail or MH directory When the previous field is set to Subdirectory under home directory,
in home directory this one specifies the name of that subdirectory. Set to Maildir by
default because that is what Qmail often uses.

Mail subdirectory style When user mail files or directories are located somewhere other than their
home directories, this field must be set to match the layout used. On large
systems with thousands of users, it often makes sense to group mail files
into subdirectories named after the first letter or two of users’ names. The
options in this menu match various commonly used directory structures.
For most systems, however, the default of mail/username is correct.
634 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

Table 47.1 Read Mail Module Configuration Options (Continued)

POP3 or IMAP When the mail storage format is set as the Remote POP3 server or
server name Remote IMAP server, this field specifies the hostname of the server to
which to connect. You can select localhost to fetch mail with POP3 or
IMAP from the same system, although it is more efficient to configure the
module to read mail files directly. This may not be possible, however, if
you are using the mail storage format—like mbx—that your IMAP and
mail servers support but that Usermin does not.

Send mail via When Sendmail executable is selected, the module will use the
connection to sendmail program to send outgoing email. Even though most mail
servers (like Qmail and Postfix) include a fake sendmail program that
will work, you can select the second radio button and enter the hostname
of another SMTP server to connect to instead. This option is also useful if
your system is not running a mail server at all.

Sendmail command When the previous field is set to Sendmail executable, this one must be
filled in with the full path to the actual sendmail command it will use.

Default hostname for When users of this module send email, this field determines what host
From: addresses or domain name is used after the @ in the From: address. If From real
hostname is selected, your system’s name as reported by the hostname
command will be used. If From URL is chosen, the hostname in the URL
used to access Usermin (minus any www at the start) will be used. If you
select the last option, the domain name entered in the adjacent text box
will be used.
The last option is generally the best, as it allows you to specify exactly what
domain name will be used for outgoing email, such as example.com instead
of your server’s real hostname like foo.example.com.

Allow editing of From: When Yes is selected, users will be able to edit the From: address before
address sending email. Assuming that you have the module set up to automati-
cally use the correct domain name in the address, No should be selected to
prevent confusion and stop users from forging email. Of course, there are
a hundred other ways that the From: address can be forged in email.

From: address mapping This field can be used to specify a file mapping Usermin login names to
file From: addresses. It can be very useful if your server hosts multiple email
domains and you want different users to use different domain names in their
email. If you do enter a file, it must contain one line per user in the format:
username address@domain
When sending mail, the module will look for the user’s address in the first
column and use the matching From: address in the second column.
Restricting Access to Modules 635

Table 47.1 Read Mail Module Configuration Options (Continued)

Allow access to By default, the Read Mail module allows users to select a file on the
server-side files? server system to attach to outgoing email. If this presents a security risk
on your system, change this field to Neither. Users will still be able to
upload files from the PC on which they are running a browser, however.

Maximum total This field can be used to prevent users from sending excessively large
attachments size emails by entering a number of bytes that the total unencoded size of all
attachments in a message may not exceed.

Minimum mail file size When using the Sendmail style single file mail storage format, the mod-
to index ule creates indexes of user mail files to speed up their display. Indexing
can fail, however, if a file is being frequently changed by another program
such as a POP3 server. This field can be used to turn off indexing for mail
files smaller than a specified number of bytes. This will have no effect on
the module’s functionality—it will just make it a little slower.

Use DBM files for When No is selected for this field (as it is by default), mail indexes gener-
indexes? ated by the module will be in a simple text format. This works fine, but is
slow for very large mail files. Selecting Always will force the generation
of binary DBM format indexes, which are much faster and include the
Subject: and From: lines of messages, making searching faster, as well.
If Only for new indexes is selected, the DBM format will only be used if
a text index does not yet exist.

Global address book file The Read Mail module lets users create their own personal address book
for use when sending email. This field can be used to specify a file of
addresses that will be available to all users as well, but not editable by
them. The file must contain one email address and real name per line, sep-
arated by a single tab.
If the filename contains the special code $group, it will be replaced with
the name of the user’s primary or secondary group (depending on which
resulting file actually exists). This allows you to create different global
address books for different users on your system.

Allowed folder types By default, users can add external files or remote POP3 and IMAP servers
as folders. If this bothers you for security reasons, this field can be used to
deny access to certain folder types. Any existing user folders of the denied
types will be no longer accessible to their owners.

modules are quite powerful, such as the File Manager and Command Shell, and so should be
restricted to people who have FTP or SSH access to your system.
Naturally it is possible to set this up in Usermin, or this section would not have been written.
This Webmin module lets you select the Usermin modules that are available to a specific user or
636 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

members of a group. This is done by creating a list of rules, each of which applies to some user
or group or to all users and that either adds or subtracts a list of modules from that user. This
allows for quite complex module restriction configurations to be created. For example, you
could give the group users access to three modules, and then the user fred (who is a member of
users) access to one more without having to list the other three for him explicitly.
To create a module restriction rule, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Module Restrictions icon on the main page to bring up a list of existing
restrictions, an example of which is shown in Figure 47.3.
2. Click on Add a new user or group restriction above or below the list to go to the
restriction creation form.
3. The Applies to field determines which users this restriction affects. You can select Unix
user and enter a single username in the field next to it, Members of group and enter a
group name, or All users. The latter option is useful for defining the modules that every-
one can use, except for users to whom you grant access to more modules in later restric-
tion rules.
4. In the Modules section is a list of all Usermin modules installed on your system. If Only
selected is chosen, then only those modules that you check will be granted access to the
user or group. If Add selected is chosen, then the checked modules will be given to the
users in addition to any that they have been granted by previous rules. If Remove
selected is chosen, the modules that you check will be taken away from the user or group
if they have been granted by a previous rule. In most cases, the default of Only selected
is all you will need for creating restriction rules.
5. Hit the Create button to add and activate the restriction. It will immediately apply to all
matching users—even those currently logged in.

Once a restriction has been created, you can edit it by clicking on the user or group name in the
list on the Module Restrictions page. This will take you to an editing form similar to the one in
Figure 47.4. Change the user or group, or list of modules, and hit Save to activate the new selec-
tions. Or, use the Delete button to remove the restriction from the list altogether. Because the
ordering of restrictions matters, you can move them around in the list with the up and down
arrows that appear in the right-most column on the restrictions page. Again, any changes to the
list will take effect immediately.
Normally, if no restrictions exist, all users will have access to all modules. This can be
changed by clicking on the Available Modules icon on the main page and deselecting those to
which nobody should have access. Modules taken away in this way cannot be granted back to spe-
cific users on the module restrictions page. Because module restrictions are far more flexible than
using the Available Modules page to control which ones are visible, there is no real need to use it.

47.16 Limiting Who Can Log In

By default, Usermin lets any UNIX user on your system log in—even root. If this is not what you
want, it can be configured to allow or deny access by only certain users or the members of certain
groups. This can be useful if many users on your system exist only to receive and download email
or upload files with FTP, or if you want to deny root access. It is also possible to prevent users
from logging in if they do not have a shell in a certain file, just as most FTP servers do.
Limiting Who Can Log In 637

Figure 47.3 The module restrictions page.

Figure 47.4 Editing a user restriction.

638 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

To control who can log in to Usermin, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Allowed Users and Groups icon on the module’s main page.
2. To give only certain users access, select Only allow listed users and fill in the text box
with a list of user and group names. Groups must be prefixed with an @ (such as @users),
and match whether the user attempting to log in is a primary or secondary member.
Alternately, you can allow everyone except certain users by selecting Deny listed users
and entering the user and group names you want to block.
3. The WU-FTPD and ProFTPD servers deny access to any user whose shell is not listed in
the /etc/shells file so you can create users who cannot make FTP logins. Usermin
can be configured to do the same thing by checking the Deny users whose shells are not
in file and entering /etc/shells into the adjacent text field.
4. Hit the Save button to activate the new restrictions. They will not, however, affect users
who are already logged in.

47.17 About the Usermin Modules

Table 47.2 lists the modules that are included with Usermin 0.990 and provides a brief explanation
of what each one does and how safe each is for untrusted users to have access. Not all modules are
available on all operating systems due to the differences between the various varieties of UNIX.

Table 47.2 Standard Usermin Modules

Module name Purpose and risks

Apache Options Allows users to edit Apache .htaccess files in any directory, assuming that
Files UNIX permissions permit it. Its interface is very similar to the feature in Web-
min’s Apache Configuration module for editing these same files. Because any file
(not just .htaccess files) can be edited, you should make sure that file permis-
sions on your system are adequate before giving this module to users.

Change Lets users change the language in which the Usermin interface is displayed. Quite
Language harmless.

Change Allows users to change their UNIX passwords, and possibly their Samba pass-
Password words as well. Because it uses the passwd PAM service or the passwd program,
normal password length rules apply. Harmless as long as your system has been
configured to enforce reasonable password restrictions.

Change Theme Lets users change the theme that is used to render the Usermin interface when
they log in. This module poses no risks at all.
About the Usermin Modules 639

Table 47.2 Standard Usermin Modules (Continued)

Change User This module lets users change their UNIX account details such as the real name,
Details home phone, and office location. Users can also change their login shell, although
this feature can be disabled. Relatively safe, as you can restrict the allowed shells
to those from the /etc/shells file or some other.

Command Shell This module is identical to Webmin’s Command Shell module, except that com-
mands are run as the logged-in Usermin user. Because any command can be run,
you should not give this module to users whom you do not trust with SSH or telnet

Custom Lets users run commands defined in Webmin’s Custom Commands module, but
Commands not create or edit their own. As long as your command scripts are well written,
this module is safe. Remember that commands can be run as other UNIX users,
not just the logged-in Usermin user.

Disk Quotas This module lets users see their current block and file quotas and the number of
each used. Totally harmless, as it only displays information.

Fetchmail Mail Using this module, users can edit their personal .fetchmailrc file to set up
Retrieval email downloads from other servers. It can also be used to start the Fetchmail dae-
mon process to check for mail at regular intervals. Because Fetchmail can be con-
figured to run an arbitrary commands before connecting to a mail server, this
module should not be granted to anyone that you would not trust with SSH or tel-
net access.

File Manager Lets users explore and edit the files and directories on your system, subject to nor-
mal UNIX permissions. This module has a similar interface to the Webmin File
Manager module, but without the ability to configure file sharing. It can be config-
ured to limit users to their home directories, which makes it reasonably safe.

GnuPG This module can be used by people to set up GnuPG, manage keys, encrypt,
Encryption decrypt, sign, and verify files. It is quite safe, although some of its features can be
used to read files on your system—subject to normal UNIX permissions.

HTTP Tunnel This module allows the system administrator to create an icon in Usermin that
actually connects users to another web server. However, instead of just linking to
some URL, all requests are tunnelled though Usermin, and so do not appear to
come from the user’s browser at all. From a security point of view, it is totally
640 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

Table 47.2 Standard Usermin Modules (Continued)

Login Scripts Allows users to edit their .profile, .login and .cshrc script files that are run
when logging in via telnet, SSH, or at the console. If a user cannot log in, these
files will never be run and thus the module is quite safe (but useless). If a user can
log in, however, then he can run arbitrary commands anyway.

Mail Forwarding This module lets users edit their .forward or .qmail files to set up mail for-
warding for their addresses. It can be configured to prevent the use of programs or
writing mail to arbitrary files, which makes it quite safe.

Mount On Linux systems, this module can be used to mount and unmount filesystems
Filesystems that have been set up in Webmin’s Disk and Network Filesystems module to be
mountable by users. Safe as long as you don’t allow the mounting of potentially
dangerous filesystems, such as ext2-formatted floppy disks containing setuid-
root executables.

MySQL This module uses an interface very similar to the Webmin module of the same
Database name to let users log in to a MySQL server and manage tables and records. It can
be configured to restrict which databases a user can see and edit, and of course
normal MySQL permissions apply. This makes it quite safe.

Plan File The .plan file in a user’s home directory is displayed when someone uses the
finger command to look up information on the user. This module is completely
safe, but useless if the finger service is not enabled in inetd on your system.

Procmail Mail This module lets a user edit his .procmailrc file to configure how mail sent to
Filter his address is delivered. Its interface is identical to that of the Webmin module
with the same name. Because Procmail can be set up to deliver email to an arbi-
trary program, this module should not be given to users who are not trusted with
SSH or telnet login access. It is useless and harmless, however, if Procmail is not
installed or set up on your system. See Chapter 45 for more details.

Read Mail This is probably Usermin’s most powerful module, as it is a complete mail read-
ing and sending interface. It supports multiple folders or different types, an
address book, sent mail and drafts files, and GnuPG encryption and verification of
outgoing and incoming email. As long as users are not allowed to attach files on
the server, it is perfectly safe.

Running Allows users to view and kill processes that they own on your system, as well as
Processes starting new ones. It is like the Webmin module of the same name, but runs with
the privileges of the logged-in user instead of root. Users who are not allowed to
have shell access should not be granted access to this module either.
Configuring the Usermin Configuration Module 641

Table 47.2 Standard Usermin Modules (Continued)

SSH Lets users configure their personal .ssh/config file and manage SSH keys.
Configuration Because it only allows the editing of specific files, it is totally safe to give to users,
but useless if they cannot log in with SSH.

SSH/Telnet This module just displays a Java applet for connecting to your system via SSH or
Login telnet. Because they must still log in as they would with any telnet client program,
it is totally harmless.

Scheduled This module can be used to create and remove At jobs, which are shell commands
Commands to be run once at a certain date and time. It is similar to the Webmin module with
the same name, but only allows the creation of jobs that run as the logged-in user.
Because an At job can execute any command, it should not be given to users who
are not trusted with shell access.

Scheduled Cron Users can use this module to create, edit, delete, and run their own Cron jobs.
Jobs Again, it should not be granted to users who do not have shell access, as it can be
used to run any command.

System This module is identical to Webmin’s System Documentation module. Because it

Documentation only allows the viewing of manual pages and other documentation files, it is quite
safe—as long as no files exist in documentation directories that you don’t want
people to read!

Upload and This module allows users to upload multiple files to their home directories on the
Download Usermin server and to download multiple URLs to the Usermin system. It should
not be granted to any user that you do not trust to write to files.

You might be wondering what is so harmful about letting users run commands on your server.
The reason is that many more security holes exist for UNIX systems that can give a normal user
root privileges than those that allow some other system on the network to gain root access.
Any user who can run a command can potentially exploit one of these holes, so it is better to
avoid this where possible. Users who can run commands can also use up large amounts of mem-
ory, CPU time, or network traffic by starting resource-wasting processes, which can make your
system nearly unusable.

47.18 Configuring the Usermin Configuration Module

This Webmin module has only a single setting that can be changed by clicking on the Module
Config link on its main page. It is shown in Table 47.3.
642 Chapter 47 • Usermin Configuration

Table 47.3 Module Configuration Option

Usermin configuration This field must contain the full path to the configuration directory chosen
directory when Usermin is installed. Because this is almost always /etc/usermin,
this field does not generally need to be changed.

47.19 Summary
This chapter has introduced Usermin—a web interface similar to Webmin but designed for use
by normal UNIX users. It has explained how Usermin should be installed and how it can be con-
figured using the Webmin module. After reading the chapter, you should understand how to
change Usermin’s various networking and authentication settings, how to install and remove
modules, how to configure those modules, and how to control which UNIX users can log in and
what they can do.
C H A P T E R 4 8

Cluster Software

his chapter introduces Webmin’s clustering system, and explains how
T to use the module for installing software packages on multiple systems

48.1 Introduction to Webmin Clustering

Webmin has several modules that make it easy to perform tasks on several machines at once.
There are known as a cluster. A large organization might have tens or hundreds of servers that
need some software package installed, UNIX user created, or Webmin module added. The clus-
ter modules make this easy. Each corresponds to one of the single-machine modules, but allows
the same tasks to be performed on more than one system at a time.
For a system to be part of a cluster, it must have Webmin installed, even if you never actu-
ally login to it directly. One of the cluster modules on a single host contacts all of the others
using Webmin’s RPC (Remote Procedure Call) protocol and instructs them to carry out certain
tasks. This master host might be part of the cluster and instruct itself to perform the same tasks,
or it may be totally independent.
On the master system, the Webmin Servers Index module (covered in Chapter 53) must first
be used to register all of the other managed servers. For each managed server, the root or
admin username and password must be specified so that the master knows how to log in. Once
this is done, each of the cluster modules can be set up to manage some or all of the registered
Because Webmin’s RPC mechanism allows any file to be accessed or any command run on
a server, only the users root and admin are allowed to receive RPC calls on a managed system
by default. This means that entering some other user in the Webmin Servers Index module for a
managed server will not work, unless that user has been specifically configured to be able to
accept RPC logins. Section 52.5 “E diting Module Access Control” explains how to set this up.

644 Chapter 48 • Cluster Software Management

The RPC protocol that the master system uses to control managed hosts is unique to Web-
min, and is not based on any other similar protocol, such as Sun’s RPC, SOAP, or RMI. It has
two different modes: the old mode in which only HTTP requests are used to send commands,
and a newer mode in which a permanent TCP connection is used. The latter method is faster and
more reliable, but may fail if a firewall is blocking traffic between the master and managed
hosts. It uses ports 10001 and above, by default, whereas the old protocol just uses the port on
which Webmin accepts normal connections (usually 10000). Chapter 53 explains how to select a
mode for a server in more detail, while Chapter 56 covers the internal workings of the protocol.

48.2 The Cluster Software Packages Module

This module allows you to install, view, and delete packages on multiple systems at once. If you
need to roll out some program to a large number of systems, this module can be used to perform
the installation with a single action. The alternative is to install manually on each host or to use
NFS to share program files from a single server to multiple clients.
Before reading on, you should have a complete understanding of how the regular Software
Packages module works, what packages are, and what they can do. Chapter 12 covers all of
these in detail, so read it now. The user interfaces of the two modules are very similar, and the
instructions in this chapter assume that you are familiar with the regular module.
One limitation of the Cluster Software Packages module is that the master system and all
managed systems must use the same package system, such as RPM, DPKG, or the Solaris pack-
age format. This makes sense when you think about it because there is no way that a single pack-
age file of a specific type can be installed on multiple systems if some of them do not support
that packaging format. If the hosts on your network use different package formats, you will need
to set this module up once for each format in use, on different hosts.
Only on operating systems that have a supported package system will the module appear. At
the time of writing, only RPM, Debian’s package format, the Gentoo package format, and the
Solaris and SCO OpenServer package systems are supported. Even though the Software Pack-
ages module supports a few more formats, they are not currently usable with this package.
The module itself can be found along with the other cluster-related modules in Webmin’s
Cluster category. Clicking on its icon will bring up the main page, an example of which is shown
in Figure 48.1. At the top is a list of icons representing managed servers registered in the mod-
ule, and below them are forms for searching for and installing packages. The latter forms will
only appear if some systems have been registered, however, which will not be the case the first
time you use the module.
To speed up searching, the module keeps a list of all the packages installed on the systems
that it manages. This means that any packages installed or removed directly on one of those sys-
tems without using this module will not be detected until the lists are refreshed. This may cause
the module to incorrectly report that a package exists when it really does not or vice versa. To
avoid this problem, always use the Cluster Software Packages module to add or delete packages
from managed hosts. Or, use the Refresh package lists button (explained later) to update the
lists after making direct changes.
Registering a Server 645

Figure 48.1 The Cluster Software Packages module.

48.3 Registering a Server

Before this module can be used to manage another system’s software, that system must be added
to its list of servers. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Use the Webmin Servers Index module to add the remote system, and make sure you
provide a username and password. This does not have to be done, however, if you want
to manage the master server.
2. In this module, select the system from the menu next to the Add server button and then
click it. The menu will usually include the special entry this server, which is the master
system. It will never, however, include any servers that have already been added.
You can also select an entire group of servers from the menu next to Add servers in
group. Groups can be defined in the Webmin Servers Index module as well.
3. A page showing all of the hosts added and the number of packages on each will be dis-
played. If a host cannot be contacted or the RPC login fails, an error message explaining
what went wrong for that host will appear.
4. Return to the module’s main page, on which a new icon for each host should now be listed.

The most common cause of problems when adding a server is an incorrect username or pass-
word entered for that host in the Webmin Servers Index module. You must provide the root or
admin login, not that of some other user. Adding can also fail if a firewall is blocking connec-
tions between the two hosts, or if the master Webmin server is configured to use an HTTP proxy
that is disallowing the RPC HTTP request.
646 Chapter 48 • Cluster Software Management

48.4 Installing a Package

Packages can be installed on multiple hosts using the Cluster Software Packages module in a
similar way to how they are installed on a single host in the Software Packages module. You
should read Section 12.3 “Installing a New Package” first, which explains the differences
between the various package systems when it comes to installation.
To install a package on multiple hosts, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, scroll down to the Install a New Package form.
2. If the package file is already on the master system, select From local file and enter its full
path into the adjacent text field. If some of the managed systems use NFS to share files
with the master and if the package file exists in the same directory, this option is the most
efficient as it avoids the need to transfer the file to each managed host using RPC. Instead,
the remote Webmin server will just read it directly from the NFS-mounted filesystem.
3. If the package file is on the PC on which your browser is running, choose From upload
files and click the Browse button to select it.
4. If the file is on some web or FTP site, select From ftp or http URL and enter the full
URL into the text field. Normally, the master server will download the file and then
transfer it with RPC to each managed host. If the Each server should re-download
package box is checked, each host will perform the download instead, which is more
efficient if the URL refers to a web server on your local network.
5. Click the Install button to go to a page showing the progress of the package file’s download
(if necessary), the package name, and a form for choosing installation options. These options
depend on the package system in use and are documented in more detail in Chapter 12.
6. By default, the package will be installed on all managed systems. However, you can limit
it to just one or the members of a group by making a selection from the Server(s) to
install on menu. This can be useful if the package is only appropriate for certain sys-
tems. You can also select hosts that don't have it to tell the module to skip installation
attempts on systems that already have any version of this package. This will prevent
upgrades from being attempted as well.
7. Click on Install again to go ahead. This will bring up a page showing the results from
each managed host. It is quite possible for installation to succeed on one system but fail
on another due to dependency problems or because the package is already installed.
Installations will be done simultaneously on all managed systems so that you don’t have
to wait for them to complete one by one.

48.5 Searching for Packages

This module can be used to quickly search for packages across all managed hosts, as it keeps its
own local host of installed packages on each system. Follow these instructions to search for and
display the details of packages:

1. On the module’s main page, enter a search term (such as mozilla) into the field next to
the Search for package button. When the button is clicked, a page listing all matching
packages will appear, or will contain an error message if none were found. If exactly one
package matches, you will be taken directly to its editing page.
Deleting a Package 647

2. If multiple packages match, click on the name of the one that you want to view in the list.
This will bring up an editing page showing its complete details and icons for each of the
hosts on which it is installed. The details are fetched from the first system that has it
installed, or the master server, if possible.
3. To see the files that the package contains, select a host from the menu next to the List
files on button. Clicking on it will open a page showing the details of files in the package
from that host, just like the similar list in the Software Packages module.
4. To view the details of one of the hosts on which the package is installed, click on its icon
on the package editing form. This will take you to the page covered in Section 48.7
“Exploring and Removing a Server”.

It is quite possible for many different versions of the same package to be installed on different
systems in your network. This can make the package details form a little confusing, as it might
show the details of version 1.0 of some package when most of your systems are really running
version 2.0. The lists of files in a package can also vary significantly between versions and
between different packages of the same program from various Linux distribution vendors.

48.6 Deleting a Package

If it is no longer needed, an installed package can be removed from one or all hosts using the
Cluster Software Packages module. You can delete a package by following these steps:

1. Find the package that you want to remove by following the instructions in Section 48.5
“Searching for Packages”.
2. To delete from just one host, select it from the menu next to the Uninstall from button.
To remove from all, leave <all hosts> selected. Only hosts that the module knows the
package is on will be included in the menu.
3. Click the button to bring up a confirmation page showing the number of files and bytes
that will be removed. Depending on the package system, this page may contain fields for
setting uninstallation options, such as whether dependency checking is done or not.
4. Hit the Delete button to go ahead with the removal. The deletion will be done simulta-
neously on all chosen systems to speed up the process. A page showing the results from
each system from which it is being deleted will be displayed, indicating whether or not it
succeeded or why it failed. Those most common causes of failure is a dependency on this
package by anothe package. If <all hosts> was selected, the module will only attempt to
remove it from systems on which it thinks the package is installed.

48.7 Exploring and Removing a Server

Using the Cluster Software Packages, you can view the details of a managed system and the
packages that it specifically has installed, which can be useful if your systems have different
package sets. If you no longer want to control software on the system, it can be deleted from this
module, as well.
To view the details of and packages on a managed server, use the following steps:

1. Click on the server's icon on the module’s main page. This will bring up a page showing
the operating system the host is running and a tree of package categories. Just like in the
648 Chapter 48 • Cluster Software Management

Software Packages module, you can click on category names in this tree to open them up
and view the subcategories and packages that they contain.
2. To view the details of a particular package, click on its icon in the tree. Each icon links to
the package editing form explained in Section 48.5 “Searching for Packages”, from
which you can delete it from one or all hosts. The displayed details, however, will not
necessarily come from this managed system.
3. To remove this system from the module’s control, click on the Remove from managed
list above the package tree. This will only delete the master system’s copy of the
installed package lists, so the removal will happen without asking for confirmation.

48.8 Refreshing the Package List

If packages are installed or removed from a managed system by some method other than this
module, its lists of packages will no longer be correct. This is fine as long as the lists are
refreshed afterwards. To refresh a package list, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Refresh package lists button on the main page.

2. A page showing the results from each managed system will be displayed, listing any new
packages found or old ones that no longer exist, or an error message will show if a system
cannot be contacted for some reason. As with installs and deletions, the refresh will be
done in parallel to speed up the process if you have a large number of managed servers.

48.9 Configuring the Cluster Software Packages Module

This module has only a single user interface-related setting, shown in Table 48.1, that can be
changed by clicking on the Module Config link on its main page.

Table 48.1 Module Configuration Options

Sort hosts by Controls the order in which host icons are listed on the main page and package edit-
ing form. The options are:
Hostname Systems are sorted by their hostname.
Order added Systems are listed in the order that they were added to this module.
Description Systems are sorted by description, which will be the same as the host-
name if no description is set.

48.10 Summary
After reading this chapter, you should be able to manage the software packages installed on mul-
tiple UNIX systems of the same type from a single interface. It has explained how to add hosts to
manage and how to remove those hosts from the managed list. It has also covered the installation
of packages, searching for a display of the details of packages, and the removal of packages—all
on multiple systems at once.
C H A P T E R 4 9

Cluster User

n this chapter the Webmin module for managing users and groups across
I multiple systems is explained.

49.1 The Cluster Users and Groups Module

Before reading this chapter, you should be familiar with Webmin’s cluster management capabil-
ities, explained in the introduction to Chapter 48. All of the cluster-related modules (this one,
Cluster Software Packages, and Cluster Webmin Configuration) make use of the Webmin Serv-
ers Index module and RPC to control other systems. You should also read Chapter 4, which cov-
ers the Users and Groups module, as many of the forms and pages in the Cluster Users and
Groups module are similar to that one.
This module allows you to manage UNIX users and groups on multiple systems from a sin-
gle interface. If you have a large number of hosts on your network and want people to be able to
log in to all of them, some mechanism is needed for creating UNIX accounts on each system.
Using this module is far easier than manually creating an account on each system.
There is a widely available and more commonly used method of managing users, groups, and
other services across multiple machines—it’s NIS (covered in Chapter 17). NIS client systems
query a master server for information as well as reading their /etc/passwd and /etc/group files,
which makes the accounts available on all clients. NIS works well and is easily configured from
within Webmin, but has some negatives. If the master server goes or the network goes down, client
systems will be unable to look up user information, causing logins and many programs to hang.
And, because clients must frequently query the server, it does not work as well over a slow network.
This Webmin module, on the other hand, updates the files on each client system so that
users and groups remain synchronized. The client operating system does not need to do anything
special to make use of centrally managed users—to the client OS, they appear just like other

650 Chapter 49 • Cluster User Management

users. This means, however, that a loss of synchronization can occur if a user is modified
directly on a client system instead of through the master server.
Another useful feature of this module that NIS lacks is its ability to create home directories
on managed servers. This can be useful if your systems do not share common home directories
via NFS, which can be impractical on a wide-area network. The module can also set up users in
the Samba password file or in a proxy authentication file on managed servers—just like the nor-
mal Users and Groups module can locally. This is very handy if your organization has multiple
Samba servers, each with its own password list (although Samba can be configured to query a
central server for passwords instead).
The Cluster Users and Groups module requires that all managed systems have the same
user file formats. Unfortunately, some UNIX variants use just an /etc/passwd file, some use
an /etc/shadow file as well, and some BSD systems use the /etc/master.passwd file for
storing users. Each of these different formats stores different information about users, which
the module cannot handle. The result is that a cluster cannot contain both Linux and FreeBSD
systems or both Solaris and AIX boxes, as they use different formats. A network of Linux
and Solaris hosts, however, can be managed centrally because both operating systems use
the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files, which is the most common format.
Like the Cluster Software Packages module (covered in Chapter 48), this one stores lists of
users and groups on each managed host on the master system. This speeds up searching and edit-
ing, but introduces the possibility that the master’s information may get out of sync with the real
lists of users and groups on managed hosts. This can happen if a user is added, deleted, or modi-
fied directly on one of the hosts instead of through this module. Fortunately, it is easy to resyn-
chronize if this happens (using the Refresh user and group lists button). Refreshing also
happens automatically every time a user is added, deleted, or updated on a managed server.
The Cluster Users and Groups module can be found in Webmin under the Cluster category.
When you click on its icon, a page like the one shown in Figure 49.1 will be displayed. At the
top are icons for all of the managed servers, and below them fields and buttons for finding and
adding users and groups. These fields will only appear, however, if at least one server has been

49.2 Registering a Server

Before this module can be used to manage users and groups, the system to be managed must be
added to its list of servers. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Use the Webmin Servers Index module to add the remote system and make sure you pro-
vide a username and password. This does not have to be done if you want to manage the
master server itself.
2. In this module, select the system from the menu next to the Add server button and then
click it. The menu will usually include the special entry this server, which is the master
system. It will never include any servers that have already been added.
You can also select an entire group of servers from the menu next to Add servers in
group. Groups can be defined in the Webmin Servers Index module, as well.
Creating a New User 651

Figure 49.1 The Cluster Users and Groups module.

3. A page showing all of the hosts added, and the number of users and groups on each, will
be displayed. If a host cannot be contacted, or if the RPC login fails, an error message
explaining what went wrong for that host will appear.
4. Return to the module’s main page, on which a new icon for each host should now be listed.

49.3 Creating a New User

The form for adding a UNIX user to multiple systems is almost identical to the one in the Users
and Groups module for adding a user locally. If you are familiar with that module, using this one
should be a breeze. Just follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add User button in the bottom half of the page.
2. Fill in the user creation form that appears just as you would when creating a local user.
The User ID will be set by default to an ID that is not in use on any system, and so
should not need to be changed.
3. The only field to be careful of is Primary group, as the group ID for the entered group
name will be looked up on the master system. The same group with the same ID should
exist on all of the managed hosts as well.
4. The Secondary group list includes groups from all systems. If you select one that only
exists on some hosts, the user will only be added to that group for the hosts on which it
5. Near the end is a field labeled Do above file operations on which determines if home
directory creation and file copying is done on just one host in the cluster or all of them. If
652 Chapter 49 • Cluster User Management

your managed systems share home directories via NFS, you should select One server so
that it is only created once. Otherwise, choose All servers so that the user’s directory is
created on each of them.
6. If Create user in other modules is set to Yes, the user will be added to the Samba pass-
word file, Squid user list, and so on, for each system.
7. Hit the Create button to go to a page showing what was done on each managed host, as
long as there were no errors in the form. If for reason a host cannot be contacted or
logged into, an error message will appear for that host, but all the rest will be updated.

This process cannot be used to add a user that already exists on some of the hosts, as an error
message to that effect will be displayed when you hit Create. Instead, you should use the mod-
ule’s synchronization feature, covered in Section 49.10 “Synchronizing Users and Groups”,
which can copy user details from one host to others.

49.4 Editing an Existing User

Editing a user on multiple servers is slightly more complex than adding one, as you can control
exactly which of the user’s attributes will be changed. This is necessary because the user may
not have the same details on each of the managed systems, and you may want to set some
attribute (such as the real name) while leaving another that differs on various systems (such as
the shell) intact.
For this reason, the user editing form shown in Figure 49.2 is similar to the form in the
Users and Groups module, but has an additional Don’t change option for each field. The current
value of that attribute from the host shown at the top of the page is displayed so that you have
some idea of what it is set to—at least on one system.
With this in mind, you can edit a user by following these steps:

1. Scroll down to the Find users whose form on the main page, which is used to search for
users to edit.
2. If you know the name of the user, just select Username from the first menu, equals from
the second, and enter the name into the third text box. Hitting Find will bring up the
user’s editing form, assuming that he exists.
If not, the form can be used to find users matching some criteria. Select the attribute to
search on from the first menu, the type of search to perform from the second, and enter
some text or Perl-style regular expression into the text field. Hitting Find will take you to
a page listing all users that match and clicking on one will bring up its editing form.
3. Once you make it to the editing page, choose the Set to option for each of the fields that
you want to change and enter or select a new value. One exception is the Username
field. Hanging this will cause the user to be renamed on all managed servers.
4. Because the user may be a member of different secondary groups on different systems,
the Secondary groups field for choosing which he belongs to is more complex than in
the Users and Groups module. To leave his secondary membership unchanged, select
Don’t change. To add him to one or more groups on systems that have them, select Add
to groups and fill in the text field next to it. To remove him from groups on systems of
which he is a member, select Remove from groups and enter the names of those groups
into its text field.
Deleting a User 653

Figure 49.2 The user editing form.

5. In the Upon save section, the Do above file operations on field determines if any home
directory renaming or file UID changes are done on just one host in the cluster or all of
them. You should select One server if your systems use NFS to share home directories,
or All servers if they do not.
6. If Modify user in other modules is set to Yes, the user will be updated in the Samba pass-
word file, Squid user list, and so on for each managed system. This is not necessary and
wastes time if the user was never added to other modules when created in the first place.
7. To go ahead with the modifications to the user that you have selected, click the Save but-
ton at the bottom of the form. A page listing all hosts on which the user exists and the
actions taken will be displayed. Any errors encountered when connecting to a particular
host will be shown as well, along with any problems encountered when updating the user
(such as it no longer existing on the host). A failure updating one host, however, will
have no effect on the others.

At the bottom of the user editing form is a list of icons, one for each of the systems on which the
user exists. You can click on one of them to bring up the server page covered in Section 49.11
“Listing and Removing a Server”.

49.5 Deleting a User

Deleting a user from multiple systems is comparatively easy. As with the Users and Groups
module, you must be careful when removing a user, as his home directory and everything that it
contains will be deleted as well.
654 Chapter 49 • Cluster User Management

The steps for deleting a user are:

1. First bring up the editing form for the user that you want to get rid of, as explained in
Section 49.7 “Editing an Existing Group”.
2. Click on the Delete button in the bottom-right corner of the page to go to a confirmation
3. If NFS is being used to share home directories between all your systems, select One
server for the Delete home directory if exists on field. Otherwise choose All servers to
force the removal of the directory on each system.
4. To have the user removed from the Samba password file, his mail file deleted, his Cron jobs
removed, and so on for each server, select Yes in the Delete user in other modules field.
5. If you want to preserve the user’s home directory, click on Delete User. To remove it
along with the account, click on Delete User and Home Directory, instead. Either way,
a page listing each server on which the user exists the tasks performed on each, and any
errors encountered will be displayed.

49.6 Creating a New Group

The process for adding a group to all of your managed servers is identical to that for adding a
group locally in the Users and Groups module. Just follow these simple steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Add Group button.

2. Fill in the creation form that appears just as you would in the Users and Groups module.
The only difference is that the Members field can contain users from any of the managed
systems. The Group ID will be set automatically to an ID not in use on any system.
3. Hit the Create button to add the group. A page showing the module’s progress as it
updates each managed server and any problems encountered will be displayed. Failure
adding the group to some system will not affect the rest.

Once the group has been created, you can create or edit users to make them primary members of
it. This should only be done for groups that are identical on all managed systems, such as those
created by following the preceding steps.

49.7 Editing an Existing Group

Editing a group is similar to editing a user, in that you can choose which of the group’s attributes
to change. The group editing form is similar to the one in the Users and Groups module, but has
extra Don’t change and Set to options for each field. Figure 49.3 shows an example.
The steps to follow to change the details of a group are:

1. If you know the exact group name, just enter in into the text field in the Find groups
whose form on the module’s main page and hit the Find button. If not, a group can be
found by selecting an attribute on which to search and a match type in that same form,
just as you can when searching for users. Section 49.7 “Editing an Existing Group”
explains more.
Editing an Existing Group 655

Figure 49.3 The group editing form.

2. On the editing page for the group, select Set to for any fields that you want to change.
Next to the Don’t change option for each will be the current value, taken from the sys-
tem shown at the top of the page.
3. The Members field is different to the one on the group editing form in the Users and
Groups module because a group’s members may differ on different systems in your clus-
ter. You can either select Don’t change to leave membership alone, Add users to add the
users entered in the adjacent text field (if they exist on each system), or Remove users to
remove the specified users (if they are members on each system).
4. As when editing a user, the Do above file operations on field determines if any neces-
sary group ID changes on files are done just on one managed system or all of them. If
your hosts all have separate home directories that are not shared with NFS, or if All files
was chosen for the Change group ID on files? field, you should choose All servers.
Otherwise stick with One server. Of course, the choice is irrelevant if the group ID is not
being changed.
5. Hit the Save button to begin the process of updating the group. A page showing the tasks
performed on each system on which the group exists will be displayed. If an error of
some kind occurs, it will be shown under the affected system’s name, but will not prevent
the group from being updated on other hosts.

At the bottom of the group editing page is a list of icons for the systems on which this group
exists, just like on the user editing page. Clicking on one will take you to the host form covered
in Section 49.11 “Listing and Removing a Server”.
656 Chapter 49 • Cluster User Management

49.8 Deleting a Group

Removing a group is much safer than removing a user, as no files are deleted. The module will
even stop you from deleting a group if it has any primary members on any systems, just like the
normal Users and Groups module does for your local system.
To remove a group, follow these steps:

1. Use the Find groups whose form on the module’s main page to get to the group editing
page, as explained in Section 49.7 “Editing an Existing Group”.
2. Click on the Delete button below the form. As long as no primary members exist, a con-
firmation page will be displayed asking if you really want to delete the group.
3. Hit the Delete Group button to go ahead. As usual, the progress of the deletion and any
errors encountered on each host on which the group exists will be displayed.

49.9 Refreshing User and Group Lists

If users or groups are added or changed in any way on one of the managed servers without using
this module, its cached lists will no longer be accurate. This may cause the module to attempt
the modification or deletion of users that no longer exist or to create a user on a system on which
it already exists. Fortunately, the caches can be resynchronized as follows:

1. Click on the Refresh user and group lists button at the bottom of the module’s main page.
2. A page listing all of the systems managed by the module will be displayed, along with
the number of users and groups added or deleted from each that are not in the local
cache. If, for some reason, a host cannot be contacted, an error message will be dis-
played, but this will not effect the refreshing of other systems.

49.10 Synchronizing Users and Groups

Synchronization is possibly the module’s most powerful feature, but also one of the trickiest to use.
It can be used to create users or groups that exist on only one system on all of the other systems in
your cluster. This is handy if certain users were created outside of this module on only one host and
you want to now make them available on all hosts. It is also useful if a new host is added to the
cluster and you want to give it all of the users and groups that the other systems have.
Synchronization, however, can have unexpected and possibly harmful effects if you use it
incorrectly. For example, simply synchronizing all users on all hosts would be a bad idea, as it
could trigger the creation of system users like uucp and squid on hosts that do not have them.
For this reason, you should make use of the Only show what would be done? field to see what
the module will do with your synchronization selections before applying them for real.
The synchronization feature will only create new users and groups, not update the details of
those that already exist. Neither will it delete users or groups. Instead, it assumes that a mis-
match between the users that exist on one system and those that exist on another indicates that
users need to be created. The module’s other features for editing and deleting users, however,
can be used to update users on some systems to match another or delete users that only exist on
some systems.
Synchronizing Users and Groups 657

To create users that only exist on some of your systems, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Synchronize button in the lower-right corner of the module’s main page.
This will take you to the form shown in Figure 49.4.
2. The Servers to synchronize field determines which systems are checked as part of the
process. You can either choose All servers to synchronize every managed system, or
choose Selected and select some of the systems in the list. In the latter case, specified
users that exist on any system may be added to those chosen.
3. The Users to create section lets you specify which users to synchronize. The available
options are:
All missing users This mode should never be used unless all your systems are running
the exact same operating system as it will synchronize all users, including system users
like squid and uucp.
No users This option tells the module not to synchronize any users and thus does nothing.
Only users When this option is chosen, only the users whose names are entered in the
adjacent text field will be considered for synchronization. If you know exactly which
users need creation, this is the option to use.
All except users This option should be used with care (like All missing users),
because it synchronizes all users except those listed in the adjacent text field.
Users with UID in range This option tells the module to only synchronize users
whose UIDs are within the range entered in the adjacent text fields.
Users with primary group When this option is chosen, the module will only consider
users for synchronization whose primary group matches the group name entered in the
field next to it.
4. Leave Groups to create set to No groups.
5. Change the Only show what would be done? field to Yes, so that you can do a test run first.
6. If your systems share home directories with NFS, the Create home directories? and
Copy files to home directories? fields can be set to No because the users’ directories
should already exist. If each system has its own filesystems, however, you should choose
Yes instead to force the creation of a new empty directory for each added user.
7. To have the new users added to the Samba password file, Squid user list, and so on for
each system on which they are created, change the Create user in other modules? field
to Yes. Unfortunately, because users’ unencrypted passwords are not available when syn-
chronizing, Samba users will not be created properly.
8. Hit the Create Users and Groups button. A page listing all of the selected systems and
the actions that need to be performed on each (if any) will be displayed. Check to make
sure that only what you expect will be done. If a host already has all of the specified
users, the message Users and groups are in sync will be displayed.
9. Use your browser’s back button to return to the synchronization form and change the
Only show what would be done? field to No.
10. Click on Create Users and Groups again to create the users for real. A page listing the
selected systems and the actions that are actually being performed will be displayed,
along with any errors that occur. As usual, a failure on one host will not affect the rest.
658 Chapter 49 • Cluster User Management

Figure 49.4 The synchronization form.

Missing groups can be created in almost exactly the same way. The only difference is that you
should leave the Users to create field set to No users, but specify the groups to synchronize in
the Groups to create section.

49.11 Listing and Removing a Server

This section explains how to view information about, and the users and groups on, a managed
server or remove it from the list of systems controlled by the module. To do so, follow these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, or a user or group editing form, click on the icon for the sys-
tem that you want to view. This will take you to a page showing its operating system and
listing the names of all known users and groups on the server.
2. To view the details of or edit a user, click on its name in the list. This will bring up the
usual user editing form, but the current attributes displayed next to the Don’t change
options are taken from this server. You can also view and edit a group by clicking on its
name on the server’s page.
3. To remove the system from this module’s control, click on the Remove from managed
list button. No confirmation will be requested and you will be immediately returned to
the module’s main page. No data is lost though, as you can re-add the system at any time.
Configuring the Cluster Users and Groups Module 659

49.12 Configuring the Cluster Users and Groups Module

Like the Cluster Software Packages module, this one has only a single user setting that can be
changed by clicking on the Module Config link on its main page. The option is shown in
Table 49.1.

Table 49.1 Module Configuration Options

Sort hosts by Controls the order in which host icons are listed on the main page
and package editing form. The options are:
Hostname Systems are sorted by their hostname.
Order added Systems are listed in the order in which they were
added to this module.
Description Systems are sorted by description, which will be the
same as the hostname if no description is set.

Some of the module configuration settings in the Users and Groups module on the master
server also affect the behavior of this module. The ones that apply are Maximum user and
group name length, Show office and phone details?, Automatic home directory base, Auto-
matic home directory style, Generate password for new users?, Conceal plain-text pass-
word?, Default primary group for new users and everything in the Password restrictions
section. The Permissions on new home directories and Copy files into new home directories
from settings in the Users and Groups module on managed systems are also used. See Section 4.12
“Configuring the Users and Groups Module” for a complete explanation of what they all do.

49.13 Summary
This chapter has explained how UNIX users and groups on several similar systems can be man-
aged from a single interface on a master server. After reading it, you should know how to define,
add, and remove systems. You should also know how to create, edit, and delete both users and
groups on multiple systems at once and how to synchronize users and groups so that those miss-
ing on some hosts in the cluster are automatically created.
C H A P T E R 5 0

Cluster Webmin

his chapter tells you how to manage users, groups, modules, and
T themes on multiple Webmin servers from a single system.

50.1 The Cluster Webmin Configuration Module

Before reading this chapter, you should be familiar with Webmin’s cluster management capabil-
ities, explained in the introduction to Chapter 48. All the modules in the Cluster category make
use of the Webmin Servers Index module and RPC to control other systems. You should read
Chapters 51 and 52, which cover the Webmin Configuration and Webmin Users modules,
respectively, as this one can be used to perform many of the same tasks across multiple systems.
The Cluster Webmin Configuration module really has two purposes: the management of
Webmin users and groups across on multiple systems, and the installation and removal of mod-
ules and themes. If your network has multiple Webmin servers, this module can be very useful
for keeping their user lists and user access control settings synchronized. It also provides an easy
way to roll out a new module to a large number of servers at once.
Like the other cluster modules covered in Chapters 48 and 49, this one keeps lists of mod-
ules, themes, users, and groups from each managed server on the master system. This speeds up
searching, but creates the potential for inconsistencies between how the master thinks the other
systems are configured and how they really are. For example, if you install a module on or
upgrade a managed host, the master system will not know about it until it is manually refreshed,
as explained in Section 50.10 “Refreshing User and Module Lists”.
When you click on the module’s icon under the Cluster category on Webmin’s main menu,
the main page shown in Figure 50.1 will be displayed. At the top is a table of icons, one for each
of the managed servers. Under each icon is the version of Webmin that is currently running,
determined when it was added to the module or last refreshed. Assuming that you have some

Registering a Server 661

Figure 50.1 The Cluster Webmin Configuration module.

servers listed, below them are forms for editing and adding users and groups, followed by more
forms for installing and finding modules and themes.

50.2 Registering a Server

Before this module can be used to manage another host running Webmin, it must be added to its
list of servers. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Use the Webmin Servers Index module to add the remote system, and make sure you
provide a username and password. This does not have to be done if you want to manage
the master server itself though.
2. In this module, select the system from the menu next to the Add server button and then
click on it. The menu will usually include the special entry this server, which is the mas-
ter system itself. It will never include any servers that have already been added.
You can also select an entire group of servers from the menu next to Add servers in
group. Groups can be defined in the Webmin Servers Index module, as well.
3. A page showing all of the hosts added and the numbers of modules, themes, Webmin
users, and groups on each will be displayed. If a host cannot be contacted or the RPC
login fails, an error message explaining what went wrong for that host will appear.
4. Return to the module’s main page, on which a new icon for each host should now be
662 Chapter 50 • Cluster Webmin Configuration

50.3 Creating a New Webmin User

If you are familiar with using the Webmin Users module to create a new local user, creating one
on multiple systems with this module should be easy. The form it uses has a slightly different
layout, but all of the fields it contains have the same meanings. The rarely used Categorize
modules? field does not exist, however, nor does the SSL certificate name field which does not
make sense to set across multiple servers.
To create a user on all managed systems, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Add User button the module’s main page to bring up the creation form.
2. Fill in most of the fields just as you would in the Webmin Users module. The fields to be
careful of are explained in the next several steps.
3. The Member of group menu includes groups from all managed systems and, thus, some
may not exist on some servers. If the user is added to a system that does not have the cho-
sen group, it will be as though <None> was selected for that system.
4. Similarly, the Personal theme menu includes themes that may not exist on some sys-
tems. If the user is added to a system that does not have the chosen theme, it will be as
though Server default was selected.
5. The Modules section lists all available modules from all servers. You can either select
modules individually by control-clicking or shift-clicking on the lists or by using the
Select all, Select none, and Invert selection links below them. As with the theme, it is
possible to select modules that only exist or are supported on some managed systems.
6. When you are done filling in the form, hit the Create button at the bottom. This will
bring up a page showing the success or failure of the module’s attempt to add the user to
each managed server. Once the process is complete, people will be able to log in with the
new account on any of your systems.

50.4 Editing or Deleting a Webmin User

Like in the Cluster Users and Groups module, when editing a user you can choose exactly which
of its attributes to change. This is useful because the user may have been created independently
on multiple systems without the benefit of this module, and thus may not have the same settings
on all of them. For example, you can change a user’s language on all systems without touching
his personal theme, which may be different depending on how fast each server is.
The following steps allow you to edit a Webmin user:

1. On the main page, select the user’s name from the menu next to the Edit user button.
Hitting the button will then take you to an editing form like the one shown in
Figure 50.2.
2. In each of the fields that you want to edit, select Set to and enter a new value in the text
box or menu next to it. The Leave unchanged option has the attribute’s current value
displayed next to it, taken from the server shown in the form’s header.
The only exception is the Username field, which is just a text box that you can edit if
you want to rename this user on systems on which it exists.
3. The Modules section works slightly differently, as it allows you to add or remove
selected modules from the user on all systems. This is useful if he has different modules
Editing or Deleting a Webmin User 663

Figure 50.2 The user editing page.

available on different hosts and you want to grant access to another one without disturb-
ing those already assigned. The options in this section are available on different hosts
and you want to grant access to another one without disturbing those already assigned.
The available options in this section are:
Leave unchanged The user’s assigned modules will not be touched on any managed hosts.
Only selected modules The selected modules will be granted to the user, overriding
any that he currently has on all systems. Be careful with this option, because the list will
not have currently assigned modules selected by default.
Add selected modules Modules selected from the list will be added to those that the
user already has on all systems.
Remove selected modules Selected modules will be taken away from those assigned
on all systems if the user actually has access to them.
As on the user creation form, you can either choose modules from the list by clicking on
them, or use the links below the list to select a large number at once.
4. Hit the Save button to start the process of updating the user. A page listing all hosts that
he exists on will be displayed, along with the success or failure of the attempt to update
on each. Generally a user modification should only fail if one of the managed servers is
down, or if the user has been deleted

Deleting a Webmin user is even simpler, although you should be careful not to remove the root
or admin user on a managed system that the master server logs in as. Unlike the Webmin Users
664 Chapter 50 • Cluster Webmin Configuration

module, this one will not stop you from doing things that can mess up your Webmin server, such
as deleting the user you are currently logged in as. So, be careful!
To remove a user, follow these steps:

1. Use the Edit user button on the main page to bring up the user’s editing form.
2. Hit the Delete button down near the bottom-right corner. The user will be immediately
removed from all systems on which he exists with no confirmation and a page showing
the results from each will be displayed.

50.5 Creating a New Webmin Group

Creating a group on multiple servers in this module is just like creating one locally in the Web-
min Users module, except that the module selection part of the form is slightly different.
Chapter 52 explains in detail what groups are, how they work, and what they are useful for. The
same principals apply when creating and using groups on multiple systems.
To add a group, follow these instructions:

1. Click on the Add Group button on the module’s main page to bring up the group cre-
ation form.
2. Enter a name not used by any other user or group on any system into the Group name field.
3. If this group should inherit modules and access control settings from some other group,
select it from the Member of group menu. All groups from all systems are listed, so it is
possible that during the creation process the group will be added to a system on which its
parent does not exist. If this happens, it will be as though <None> was selected.
4. From the Modules lists, select the modules that will be eventually assigned to members
of this group, either by clicking on them or using the links below.
5. Hit the Create button to begin creating the group. A page showing whether it succeeded
or failed on each managed system will be displayed. A failure to create on one (because
it is down or the RPC login is incorrect) will not affect the rest.
6. Once the group has been added, you can assign users or other groups to it using this
module. It is best to only use groups created like this that exist and are the same on all
managed systems so user details remain in sync across all servers.

50.6 Editing or Deleting a Webmin Group

As with users, when editing a group you can choose exactly which of its attributes to change in
case the group differs between your managed systems. To edit a group, follow these steps:

1. Select the group from the menu next to the Edit group button on the main page, then
click the button to bring up the group’s editing form.
2. To change the group’s name, edit the Group name field.
3. The Members on server field cannot be edited but shows who belongs to this group on
the system shown in the form’s title. Membership may be different on other systems if
you have created users outside of this module.
4. To leave the parent group alone, select Leave unchanged for the Parent group field.
Otherwise, select Set to and choose a group from the menu next to it, or <None> if you
don’t want it to have any parent. This menu includes all groups from all systems, and so
Editing the User or Group ACL for a Module 665

it is possible to choose one that does not exist on some managed hosts. If so, it will be as
though <None> was selected.
5. As when editing a user, the options and lists in the Modules for members field can be
used to add, remove, or set the modules for this group. See Section 50.4 “Editing or
Deleting a Webmin User” for more detail.
6. Hit the Save button at the bottom of the page to update the group on all servers on which
it exists. A page listing all of the servers and the results of the update on each will be dis-

Deleting a group is just like deleting a user. Instead of using the Save button on the group’s edit-
ing form, click on Delete. The module will not let you delete a group that has any member users
or groups on any servers.

50.7 Editing the User or Group ACL for a Module

As Chapter 52 explains, Webmin users and groups can be further restricted in what they can do
with a particular module. This allows you to create a user who can edit only a single Apache vir-
tual host or DNS domain, for example, but not use the rest of the features of the Apache Web
server or BIND DNS Server module. The actual access control options available are different
depending on the module that you want to restrict, and are covered in detail in the chapter for
that module.
The Cluster Webmin Servers module can also be used to configure access control for a par-
ticular user and module, but on multiple hosts at once instead of just one. Before doing this, you
should be familiar with the process of restricting access on a single system with the Webmin
Users module, as a very similar form is used.
For module access control to work across multiple systems, each must have a very similar or
identical configuration for the server that the restricted module manages. For example, it makes no
sense to give someone access to a particular BIND zone if it does not exist on all servers. Unfortu-
nately, some modules (such as Custom Commands) use command IDs that are unique to a particu-
lar server, so trying to give a user access to a particular command on multiple systems will not
work even if that command button has been created independently on each system.
To edit access control settings for a user or group in a particular module, follow these steps:

1. On this module’s main page, select the user and module from the menus next to the Edit
ACL for button. The top button is for users, the bottom for groups. When you hit the but-
ton, an access control form that differs depending on the module chosen will be displayed.
2. Follow the instructions in the appropriate chapter of the book to fill in the form. Many
forms include lists of configuration objects (such as virtual servers, DNS domains, or
Samba shares) to select, which will always be taken from the master server even if the
user or module does not exist. This can cause problems if, for example, a DNS zone
exists only on another host and it is not appearing in the menu of zones to which to allow
access because the list is being taken from the master. Unfortunately, there is no way to
avoid this at present.
3. To update the configuration for this module and user on all managed systems, click on
the Save on all hosts button. You can also change the settings just for the host shown in
666 Chapter 50 • Cluster Webmin Configuration

the title with the Save only on this server button. Either way, the change will be imme-
diately applied to the user or members of the group.

Sometimes it is necessary to edit the access control settings on just a single system instead of all
of them. You can do this by following these steps:

1. Open the user’s or group’s editing page using the Edit user or Edit group button on the
main page.
2. At the bottom of the form is a button labeled Edit ACL for with a menu next to it listing
all of the modules to which this user has access and hosts on which he exists. Select the
entry for the combination of module and host for whom you want to edit access control
settings and hit the button.
3. Fill in the access control form that appears as you usually would. Unfortunately, any lists
of Apache virtual servers, custom commands, or DNS zones on the form will be taken
from the master system, not the chosen host.
4. Hit the Save only on this server button to update just the settings on the chosen system.

50.8 Installing a Module or Theme

Probably this module’s most useful feature is its ability to install a Webmin module or theme on
multiple systems at once. Before you read on, make sure you have read the sections in
Chapter 51 that explain what themes and modules are, and how they can be installed on a single
system. The process of installing on multiple hosts is very similar, and the form used is almost
The following steps can be used to install a single .wbm or .wbt file containing one or more
modules and themes. Unlike in the Webmin Configuration module, there are no separate pages
for each.

1. On the module’s main page, find the right-hand form in the Modules and Themes section.
2. If the file exists on the master server, select From local file and enter its full path into the
adjacent text field.
3. If the file is on the PC on which your web browser runs, select From uploaded file and
use the Browse button to open a file dialog that allows you to choose the file. If this file
is shared via NFS with some or all managed servers at the same location, the module will
not bother to transfer it to each host.
4. If the file is on a web or FTP site somewhere, select From ftp or http URL and enter the
complete URL into its text box. Normally, only the master server will download the file
and then use RPC to transfer it to each managed system, but if Each server should
redownload module is selected, then the managed hosts will redownload it themselves.
This may be faster if the URL refers to a web server on your local network.
5. Normally, Webmin will stop a module from being installed if any other modules on
which it depends are not available, or if it is written for a later Webmin release. To pre-
vent this, check the Ignore module dependencies when installing box. This may, how-
ever, allow the installation of a module that will not work. It will not allow you to add
modules that do not support the server’s operating system.
Viewing and Deleting a Module or Theme 667

6. To control to whom access to this new module will be granted, select the Grant access
only to users and groups option and enter a list of Webmin user and group names into
the adjacent text box. You can also give it to every user on all systems by choosing
Grant access to all Webmin users.
7. Click on Install Now to go ahead with the installation. A page showing the progress of
the module’s download will be displayed (if necessary), followed by a list of error or suc-
cess messages from each managed host. The installation will be done concurrently on all
systems to speed up the process. The failure of one will not affect any of the others.

50.9 Viewing and Deleting a Module or Theme

You can bring up a page showing the details of an installed module or theme by selecting it from
the menu next to the Edit module or Edit theme button on the main page and then clicking the
button. The page that appears shows the module’s name and directory, supported operating sys-
tems, and the modules that this one makes use of and is made use of by. The Edit ACL for but-
ton can be used to change the access control settings for the module for a particular user and
system, as explained in Section 50.7 “Editing the User or Group ACL for a Module”.
To actually remove the module or theme, follow these steps:

1. Open the page showing its details, as explained in Step 1 of Section 50.8 “Installing a
Module or Theme”.
2. The menu next to the Uninstall module from button determines which managed hosts it
will be removed from. You can either select All servers to delete from every host or a
specific system.
3. Click the button to display a confirmation page showing the module or theme to delete
and the size of the files that will be removed. If some other module on a particular system
depends upon this one, however, an error message will be shown explaining why you
cannot remove it.
4. To have access to the module taken away from all users and all access control settings
returned to their defaults, check the Remove from users and reset access control set-
tings? box. This can be useful if you plan to reinstall the module in the future and don’t
want it to be available to the same people that could use it before.
5. Hit the Delete button to go ahead with the module or theme’s removal. As with installa-
tion, the process will be done concurrently on all hosts and a page showing the results
from each will be displayed.

50.10 Refreshing User and Module Lists

If modules, themes, users, or groups have been changed in any way on managed hosts without
using this module, its cached information about the configuration of other systems will no
longer be correct. This will not cause any serious problems, as the module can detect synchroni-
zation problems when updating or removing a user. For example, if the module thinks that a user
exists on some managed host when he really does not, it will simply fail to update the user on
that particular host.
668 Chapter 50 • Cluster Webmin Configuration

It is best to refresh the cached lists when necessary, which you can do by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Refresh servers button.

2. A page listing each of the managed servers and showing the changes in the user, group,
module, and theme lists for each will be displayed. If, for some reason, a system cannot
be contacted, an error message explaining what went wrong will be shown next to that
system’s name.

50.11 Listing and Removing a Server

This section explains how to view information about a managed server and the users, groups,
modules, and themes on it, or remove it from the list of systems controlled by the module. To
view information about a managed server, follow these steps:

1. Click on the icon for the server on the main page or on a module or user details form.
2. On the page that appears, the details of the server itself are shown at the top, followed by
lists of modules, and themes and then lists of users and groups.
3. The entries in all of these lists can be clicked on to either bring up a module, a theme
details page, a user, or a group editing form. In all cases, the information about the cho-
sen object is taken from this server.
4. To remove the host from this module’s control, click on the Remove from managed list
button. The deletion will happen without confirmation, and you will be returned to the
module’s main page.

50.12 Configuring the Cluster Webmin Configuration Module

Like the other cluster modules, this one has only a single configurable setting (see Table 50.1)
that can be changed by clicking on the Module Config link on its main page.

Table 50.1 Module Configuration Option

Sort hosts by Controls the order in which host icons are listed on the main page
and package editing form. The options are:
Hostname Systems are sorted by their hostname.
Order added Systems are listed in the order in which they were
added to this module.
Description Systems are sorted by description, which will be the
same as the hostname if no description is set.

50.13 Summary
This chapter has explained how to manage the settings of multiple Webmin systems from a sin-
gle administration interface. It has covered the creation and management of both users and
groups on several servers simultaneously and explained how detailed access control settings can
be set for those users and groups. It has also explained how Webmin modules and themes can be
installed on or removed from many servers at the same time.
C H A P T E R 5 1


his chapter explains how Webmin can be used to configure itself,
T install new modules, or upgrade to a new version.

51.1 The Webmin Configuration Module

This module exists to allow Webmin itself to be configured, unlike most other modules that are
designed to configure some other server or service. It lets you do things like change the port that
Webmin uses, limit the client addresses that can connect, change the theme and language that the
user interface uses, and install new modules. This chapter explains how to use the module to
carry out all these tasks.
When you click on the module’s icon in the Webmin category, the menu of icons shown in
Figure 51.1 will be displayed. Each of the icons can be clicked on to display a configuration
page or form, on which some of the Webmin settings can be changed.

51.2 Restricting Access to Webmin

Webmin will accept connections from any IP address by default. Even though it is password-
protected, you should limit access to only legitimate client systems, if possible, so that an
attacker from outside your network cannot even attempt to log in. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Click on IP Access Control on the module’s main page to bring up the access control
2. Select Only allow from listed addresses and enter a list of hostnames, IP addresses, and
networks into the adjacent text box. Networks should be entered with a netmask like You can allow access from an entire DNS domain by enter-
ing something like *.example.com, but be aware that that is not totally secure because an
attacker can fake reverse DNS results.

670 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

Figure 51.1 The Webmin Configuration module.

3. Normally Webmin will resolve any hostnames that you enter only once when it first
starts up. To change this, check the Resolve hostnames on every request box and it will
convert hostnames to IP addresses for comparison for every request. This can be useful if
the system you are running a browser on is frequently changing IP addresses but is able
to update a DNS record to match. This can happen on a network using DHCP or if you
are connected to an ISP that dynamically assigns addresses.
4. To have Webmin check the TCP-wrappers configuration files /etc/hosts.allow and
/etc/hosts.deny as well when deciding whether to allow a client, turn on the Also
check TCP-wrappers hosts.allow and hosts.deny files option. The service name to use
when editing those files is webmin.
5. Hit the Save button to activate the new client address restrictions.

51.3 Changing the Port and Address

Webmin usually listens for connections on port 10000 on all of your system’s IP addresses. You
may need to change the port, however, perhaps because a firewall on your network only allows
connections to web servers on the standard ports of 80 and 443. Because servers run by any user
can use port 10000, it may be possible for a malicious user on your system to wait for Webmin
to be shut down and then start his own fake Webmin server on that port, which could capture the
admin or root password. For this reason, you may want to use a port below 1024 (that only
programs run as root can listen on) instead. Changing the listening IP address can also be use-
Setting Up Logging 671

ful if your system has multiple network interfaces and you want to only allow connections on the
interface connected to the internal LAN.
To change the port or address, use the following steps:

1. Click on the Port and Address icon on the module’s main page.
2. To listen on only a specific interface address, select the second option in the Listen on IP
address field and enter an IP into the text box next to it. This must be the address of one
of your host’s real or virtual interfaces.
3. To change the port, enter a number into the Listen on port field.
4. Hit the Save button to use the new settings. Your browser will be redirected to the new
port and address, and you may need to log in again.

51.4 Setting Up Logging

Like most web servers, Webmin can be configured to create a log file in the standard CLF for-
mat that records every request it receives. It also creates a log of actions performed by users,
such as the creation of a DNS zone or the deletion of a UNIX group. This action log can even
include the details of every file changed and every command run by each action so you can see
what Webmin is doing under the hood.
Basic logging is enabled by default, but you can configure it further by following these steps:

1. Click on the Logging icon on the main page.

2. If Disable logging is selected, then Webmin will write no logs at all. You should, how-
ever, choose Enable logging to activate it.
3. If the Log resolved hostnames box is checked, the log file will contain actual client
hostnames instead of IP addresses. This can cause problems if reverse DNS lookups take
a long time on your network, as one will need to be done for each request.
4. To prevent the log files from becoming too large, Webmin can be configured to truncate
them periodically. To enable this feature, select the Clear logfiles every box and enter
the number of hours into the adjacent text field.
5. To limit action logging to only specific users, select the Only log actions by option and
choose some users from the list next to it. This can be handy if most of your users can
only perform tasks that you don’t care much about and you want to log only actions
taken by the more powerful administrators.
6. To limit action logging to only specific modules, select the Only log actions in option
and choose one or more modules from its list.
7. To enable the logging of file changes and commands run for each action, check the Log
changes made to files by each action box. This will take up more disk space, but pro-
vides some very useful and interesting information.
8. Hit the Save button to activate the changes.

The Webmin Actions Log module (covered in Chapter 54) explains how to search for and view
actions once you have enabled their recording here. This can be useful for finding out who did
what on your system if you have multiple administrators with access to the server.
672 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

51.5 Using Proxy Servers

Many Webmin modules are capable of downloading files from other FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS
servers. For example, the Software Packages module lets you enter a URL from which you can
fetch and install a new package. Webmin will normally connect directly to the host specified in
the URL, but it can be configured to use a proxy server instead. This may be necessary if your
network does not allow direct access to web and FTP sites, but instead forces clients to connect
through a proxy.
Webmin’s RPC mechanism (covered in Chapter 53) also makes use of HTTP requests to
other Webmin servers. Any proxy configuration will also apply to RPC calls, although it will not
direct TCP connections used by the RPC protocol when in fast mode or when transferring large
files. Because any other Webmin servers are likely to be on the same network, you will probably
want to disable the user of a proxy for those hosts.
To specify HTTP and FTP proxy servers and the hosts for which they will be used, follow
these steps:

1. On the Webmin Configuration module’s main page, click on the Proxy Servers icon.
2. If you want a proxy to be used for HTTP requests, select the second radio button in the
HTTP proxy field and enter a full URL like http://proxy.example.com:8080/ into the
text box next to it. If None is chosen, no proxy will be used. This specified server will
also be used for HTTPS connections by making CONNECT proxy requests, so make
sure that it supports and allows them.
3. You can also enter a proxy to use for FTP downloads in the FTP proxy field. Usually
this will be the same as the HTTP proxy.
4. To disable the use of a proxy for certain hosts, fill in the No proxy for field with a space-
separated list of hostnames, domain names, and full or partial IP addresses. For example,
you might enter .example.com 192.168.1. to have Webmin connect directly to hosts in
that domain and network.
5. If your proxy requires clients to authenticate themselves, fill in the Username for proxy
and Password for proxy fields.
6. Hit the Save button to have Webmin start using the new settings.

51.6 Configuring the Webmin User Interface

Webmin has several settings that control the color scheme of the user interface (when using the
Old Webmin Theme), what server host information is displayed on each page, and if the send-
ing of feedback is allowed. You can change them by following these steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the User Interface icon to bring up the interface
options form.
2. The first five fields let you choose the colors to be used for various parts of the interface
when using the old-style theme. You can either select Default for each, or enter three
hexadecimal numbers for the red, green, and blue components of a color. For example,
FF 88 00 would be a shade of orange. These options have no effect on the new default
theme, however.
Installing and Deleting Webmin Modules 673

3. In some themes, the title at the top of every page is rendered as an image. Because this
can make the page slow to download, you can force the use of plain HTML text titles
instead by changing the Display titles as text? field to Yes.
4. Every page in Webmin shows your system’s hostname and operating system in the
browser status bar by default. To have it shown elsewhere or turn it off altogether, select
one of the following options from the Display login and hostname menu:
At bottom of browser The information is shown in the browser’s status area, which is
usually at the bottom of the window.
In browser title The information is added to the title of each page, which usually
appears in the browser window title.
Above page heading The information is shown above the title of each page.
Nowhere The hostname and operating system information are not shown anywhere. If
you are worried about untrusted users learning too much about your system, this is the
option to choose.
5. When using the default theme, every page in Webmin has a link in the top-right corner
for sending feedback to the developer. You may want to configure it so that feedback is
sent to the master system administrator instead, so that other users can contact you. To do
this, enter your email address in the Send feedback to field and change the Allow send-
ing of feedback? field to Only to address above. The sending of feedback can be com-
pletely prevented by selecting No in the latter field instead.
6. Click on the Save button to activate the new user interface settings.

51.7 Installing and Deleting Webmin Modules

As the first chapter of this book explains, Webmin is essentially a collection of modules, each
of which performs some task such as configuring Apache or managing UNIX users. A module
can be added or removed without effecting the operation of others, assuming that they do not
depend upon it. Even though the main Webmin distribution includes 76 modules at the time I
wrote this book, over 100 more written by other people are available for download from the
website webmin.thirdpartymodules.com. This is a searchable database of modules and themes
that perform tasks the core modules do not, such as managing the FreeBSD firewall, displaying
system information, and connecting to a VNC server.
Once you have found a module that you like, it can be installed by following these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the Webmin Modules icon. This will bring to you to a page
with forms for installing, cloning, and deleting modules.
2. If you have already downloaded the module’s .wbm file to the system on which Webmin
is running, select From local file and enter the full path to the file into the text field next
to it.
3. If the module file is on the PC on which your web browser is running, select From
upload file and use the Browse button to find the file on your computer.
4. If the module is on a website somewhere instead, select From ftp or http URL and enter
the full URL into the text box next to this option.
5. Webmin will normally stop a module from being installed if any other modules that it
depends on are not available or if it is written for a later Webmin release. To prevent this,
674 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

check the Ignore module dependencies when installing box. This may, however, allow
the installation of a module that will not work. It will not allow you to add modules that
do not support the server’s operating system.
6. To control to whom this new module will be granted, select the Grant access only to
users and groups option and enter a list of Webmin user and group names in the adja-
cent text box. By default, only the user that you are currently logged in as is listed. You
can also give it to every user and group by choosing Grant access to all Webmin users.
7. Hit the Install module from file button to download (if necessary) and install the new
module. If everything goes OK, a page listing the installed modules and the sizes of their
directories will be displayed.

Webmin comes with a script called install-module.pl that can be found in the installation
root directory. If you have installed the RPM version, this will be /usr/libexec/webmin.
Otherwise it will be wherever the tar.gz file was extracted. This script can be used to install a
module from the command line, by passing the .wbt file to it as a parameter. It will be granted
only to the root or admin user, if one exists, or the first account listed in the Webmin Users
module otherwise.
Any of the modules currently installed, including those that come with Webmin by default,
can be deleted on the same page as well. Deleting the default modules is not a good idea, how-
ever, as they will be automatically reinstalled the next time you upgrade. Instead, it is better to
take away access that you do not want to use with the Webmin Users module, as explained in
Chapter 52. Not all modules can be deleted, as some are depended upon by other modules (such
as Running Processes).
To remove one or more modules, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Webmin Modules icon on the main page.

2. Scroll down to the last form on the page and select all the modules that you want to
remove from the Delete Modules list. Clones (explained later) can be deleted as well if
they are no longer needed. Deleting a module that has clones will automatically remove
them as well.
3. When you hit the Delete selected modules button, a confirmation page will be displayed
showing exactly what will be removed. Or, if there are some dependency problems that
prevent one or more from being deleted, an error message explaining the problem will be
shown instead.
4. To have access to the module taken away from all users and all access control settings
returned to their defaults, check the Remove from users and reset access control set-
tings? box. This can be useful if you plan to reinstall the module in the future and do not
want it to be available to the same people who used it before.
5. Click on Delete to go ahead with the module’s removal. A page showing exactly which
modules were deleted will be displayed, along with the number of bytes deleted for each.

51.8 Cloning a Webmin Module

In some situations, you may wish that you had the same Webmin module installed twice so each
could be configured individually. This can be useful if, for example, you have two versions of
Apache installed—perhaps one for testing and one for production. The standard Apache module
Changing Your Operating System 675

can only be set up to manage one at a time, so it might appear that the only way to configure
both servers would be to install Webmin twice.
There is a solution, however—module cloning. A clone is a copy of an existing module that
shares all of the same code but can be configured separately, assigned to different users, and
have its user access control set up independently. To create a clone, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Webmin Modules icon on the main page.

2. Go to the second form, entitled Clone Module and select the original module from the
Module to clone menu.
3. In the Cloned module name field, enter a new name to be displayed under the clone’s
icon, such as Testing Apache Server.
4. If you want this module to appear in a different category to the original, select it from the
Assign to category menu.
5. Hit the Clone Module button. The copy will be created and granted to the user as whom
you are currently logged in, and your browser will be returned to the Webmin Configura-
tion main page.
6. You can now go to the new module, which, by default, will be configured identically to
the original. The Module Config link can then be used to set it up to use different config-
uration files and program paths if necessary.
If you clone a module like Custom Commands or System and Server Status, any existing
commands or monitors will be copied to the clone as well. You can delete them, if you
wish, without affecting the settings in the original module.
There are quite a few clever tricks that can be performed with cloning, such as making a new
copy of the System and Server Status module that runs on a different schedule, making a copy of
the Users and Groups module for managing NIS users, or having multiples of the Fetchmail
module for different configuration files.

51.9 Changing Your Operating System

Webmin behaves differently depending on the operating system or Linux distribution that you
have installed, as well as the particular version that you are running. The correct OS is always
automatically detected at installation time or provided by the installer, but it is quite possible that
your system may be upgraded during the lifetime of the system. If this happens, Webmin will
not automatically detect the upgrade. You must tell it by following these steps:

1. Click on the Operating System and Environment icon on the module’s main page.
2. Select your UNIX vendor and version from the New operating system list.
3. Hit the Save button to have Webmin start using it.

The operating system and version detected at installation time determines the default values for
module configurations, as each flavor of UNIX uses different locations and formats for the vari-
ous config files that Webmin manages. Changing your OS by following the steps above, how-
ever, will not adjust any of these configuration settings. Instead, it will just determine which
ones are used for modules installed in the future. Usually this is not a problem, as most OS
upgrades will not change the locations of files and programs. Some modules, however, may need
to be manually configured after an upgrade. For example, you may need to change the print sys-
676 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

tem used by the Printer Administration module if the old OS version used LPRng and the new
version uses CUPS.

51.10 Editing the Program Path and Environment Variables

When you run a command like ls from the UNIX shell, the PATH environment variable deter-
mines the directories that your shell will search to find the actual executable, such as /bin/ls.
Webmin also uses the PATH variable to locate commands that it runs when a full path is not spec-
ified, such as webalizer or mysql. By default, this list of directories is set to include all of the
common locations for programs on your operating system, but may be incorrect if you have
installed executables in some nonstandard directory such as /usr/local/samba/bin.
The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable also determines where programs look for
shared libraries that they need to load when run. Again, Webmin sets this variable by default to
include all of the common library directories on your operating system, but it may miss some if
you have compiled and installed programs manually. A symptom of this is programs run by
Webmin failing with an error message like libmysqlclient.so.6: open failed. A library
like this might be found in /usr/local/mysql/lib, which is not in the default search path.
You can edit these paths and define your own environment variables that will be passed to
all programs run by Webmin by following these steps:

1. Click on the Operating System and Environment icon.

2. Add any additional program directories to the Program search path field. Each direc-
tory must be separated by a : (colon), just as they are in the PATH environment variable.
Existing directories should not be removed or changed, however, as they may stop parts
of Webmin from working.
3. Add any extra shared library directories to the Library search path field, again sepa-
rated by colons.
4. Sometimes it is useful to have Webmin pass other environment variables to programs
that it runs. For example, if you had several custom commands that connected to Oracle,
you might want ORACLE_HOME to be set appropriately before they are run. The Addi-
tional environment variables table allows you to define some—just enter a name into
the first empty field under Variable name and a value into the field next to it under
Value. As with most tables in Webmin, this one only displays one empty row at a time,
so if you want to add more than one variable, you will need to save and reopen this page.
5. When you are done setting paths and variables, hit the Save button to activate them.

Any program run by Webmin also has access to several variables set by the web server itself and
passed to the CGI programs that make up Webmin. For example, REMOTE_USER contains the
name of the logged-in user and REMOTE_HOST contains the client IP address. All HTTP headers
are stored in uppercase variables starting with HTTP_. A program can find information about the
user’s browser in the HTTP_USER_AGENT variable, for example.

51.11 Changing Webmin’s Language

Many Webmin modules have been translated into different languages, such as German and Japa-
nese. You can change the default language for all users by following the steps below, or for just a
Editing Main Menu Settings 677

single user by using the Webmin Users module. Not all of the translations are complete, how-
ever, so some messages and labels will still appear in English.

1. Click on the Language icon on the module’s main page.

2. In the form that appears, select your users’ preferred language from the Display in lan-
guage menu.
3. Some browsers (such as Opera) can request that the server display pages in a language
chosen by the user. To have Webmin honor such requests, if possible, change the Use
language specified by browser? field to Yes. If a language is sent, it will override both
the global and individual users’ settings.
4. Hit the Save button to have Webmin switch to the new language immediately.

Many languages (such as Chinese, Japanese, and Russian) use symbols not found in the standard
European alphabet. To display them, a special font often needs to be installed on the system run-
ning the browser that you use to access Webmin. Some Linux distributions include these fonts
by default, but others do not and installing them can be rather complex.

51.12 Editing Main Menu Settings

As well as general user interface settings that apply to all pages, there are some that control the
layout of only the main menu on which module icons are displayed. They can be used to turn
categorization off, control the display of your system’s hostname and OS, and have users sent
directly to a module by default, among other things. These steps explain how to change the main
menu settings.

1. Click on the Index Page Options icon on the Webmin Configuration module’s main page.
2. By default, modules icons are listed four to a row. If you prefer to use a wide browser
window, this may be too few to make good use of the available space. Edit the Number
of columns field to change the number of icons in each row.
3. When the Categorize modules? option is set to Yes, icons are displayed under catego-
ries to reduce the number that appear on any one page in the main menu. When using the
default theme, selecting No instead will put them all on one big page and remove the list
of categories from the top of all pages.
4. When a user logs in to Webmin, he will see the modules by default in the Webmin cate-
gory. If you usually use modules in some other category, select it from the Default cate-
gory menu.
5. When the Show version, hostname and OS? field is set to Yes, as it is by default, the
main menu displays your system’s Webmin version, hostname, and operating system. If
you don’t want this information to be made available to users for security reasons, select
No instead.
6. If a Webmin user has access to only one module, it makes no sense for him to see the
main menu at all as it will contain only one icon. To have such users directed immedi-
ately to their only module after logging in, change the Go direct to module if user only
has one? field to Yes.
7. Click on the Save button to activate these new main menu settings.
678 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

Some nonstandard themes may not implement all of these features, especially those that have
their own main menus.

51.13 Upgrading Webmin

Webmin has the ability to upgrade itself when a new version comes out—either from a file that you
have already downloaded or from a package that it fetches from www.webmin.com for you. Even
though it is quite possible to upgrade from the command line by installing the latest RPM or
tar.gz package, doing it from within this module is even easier and less prone to error.
Webmin can only be upgraded using the same type of package from which it was originally
installed. This means that if you used the tar.gz format originally, an upgrade can only be
done from another tar.gz file. An RPM install can also only be upgraded from a newer RPM
package. Of course, when Webmin downloads the newest version for you, it will always choose
the right package format.
Recent releases have the ability to check the GnuPG digital signature on the RPM and
tar.gz packages to ensure that they are authentic. This can only be done if you have the gpg
command installed on your system, and when using the tar.gz package but only when upgrad-
ing directly from the Webmin site. Signature checking protects you from installing a fake ver-
sion of Webmin that is actually a Trojan horse or some other type of malicious program.
To upgrade Webmin, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Upgrade Webmin icon on the module’s main page. This will take you to a
page with forms for upgrading, installing updated modules, and setting up the automatic
install of updates.
2. The Upgrade Webmin form is very similar to the form for installing modules, as
explained in Section 51.7 “Installing and Deleting Webmin Modules”. Select either From
local file if the new package is already on your server system, From uploaded file if it is
on the PC on which your web browser is running, or From ftp or http URL to have the
package downloaded from a URL. The easiest option is to choose Latest version from
www.webmin.com to have the appropriate package downloaded automatically.
3. If the Webmin version on your system was installed from the tar.gz file, the Delete old
version's directory after upgrade? box can be checked to have the old version removed
after the new one is installed. Unless you want to be able to revert to the old release, this
option should be enabled to save on disk space. It does not appear at all for RPM installs,
as the RPM package always installs in the same directory.
4. To have the GnuPG signature on the package verified, if possible, turn on the Check
GnuPG signature on package? option. It is enabled by default if the gpg program is
installed on your system.
5. Hit the Upgrade Webmin button to begin the upgrade. A page showing the download
progress (if necessary) and output from the new version’s setup.sh script will be dis-
played. If you are already running a version later than the one selected to install—or on
www.webmin.com—an error message will be displayed instead.

The upgrade process will preserve all users and module configuration settings and should not
even be noticeable by people currently accessing your Webmin server. If you originally installed
the program from the tar.gz package, the new version will be installed in the directory next to
Installing Updates to Webmin 679

the old one. For example, if Webmin 1.090 was in /usr/local/webmin-1.090 and you
upgraded to Version 1.100, it would be installed in /usr/local/webmin-1.100 and the old
directory would be deleted if the Delete old version's directory after upgrade? option was
Any modules that the new version includes but the old one does not will be granted to the
first user listed in the Webmin Users module, which will typically be root or admin. You
should check after the upgrade is complete to ensure that they have not been given to an
untrusted user instead, as most modules can be used to subvert security on your system by

51.14 Installing Updates to Webmin

Updated versions of Webmin modules in the latest release are often made available to fix bugs or
security problems. Installing these updated modules is always a good idea, as they may fix prob-
lems that you have been having or patch security holes that could allow untrusted users to gain
root access on your system. Updates are always designed to solve problems rather than add
new features, which may potentially have problems of their own.
Of course, if you are not having any trouble, you can just wait until the next full release and
install it instead. Each version will always include any updates that were made available for pre-
vious versions of Webmin. Updates are only created to solve problems in the latest version, so if
you are running an older version, do not expect any more to be released for it.
The www.webmin.com/updates.html page lists the downloadable updates for each version
of Webmin. You can retrieve any that you need from there to be installed using this module, as
explained in Section 51.7 “Installing and Deleting Webmin Modules”. There is an easier
method, however. Webmin can be told to check for, download, and install any updates that it
does not already have. This can either be done explicitly using this module or set up to happen
on schedule.
To check for and install updates, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Update Webmin icon on the Webmin Configuration module’s main page.
2. Scroll down to the second form, entitled Upgrade modules now.
3. Select the Update from www.webmin.com option. The alternate Update from another
source mode is only useful if running your own repository of new modules, which is not
covered in this book.
4. If you just want to see what updates are needed without actually installing them, check
the Only show which modules would be updated box. Otherwise, uncheck it so that
updates are actually done.
5. If you have deleted some of the standard Webmin modules and don’t want them to be
reinstalled by the update process, deselect the Install modules that are not currently
installed option.
6. Hit the Update Modules button. A page listing all updates for your operating system
will be displayed, along with the problems that they fix. As long as the box in Step 4 was
not checked, the progress of each needed module’s download and the results of its instal-
lation will be shown as well.
680 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

If a new version of Webmin is available, a message will appear at the end of the page
informing you of that. Because module updates are only released for the latest version, it
is advisable to upgrade the entire program as soon as possible.
Every Webmin module has a version number that the update process uses to keep track of which
ones it has already downloaded and installed. A message like Module cron is already up to
date shown next to a potential update indicates that it has already been installed. A message like
Update to module cron is not related to this OS means that the module does not support your
operating system, or that the problem the update fixes does not occur on your OS.
Instead of manually following the preceding steps every now and then, you can configure
Webmin to check for, report on, and install new modules on a schedule. When needed updates
are found, an email can be sent to you listing the modules that should be or have been installed,
and the problems that they fix. The email will also include notification of the availability of a
new Webmin release, if there is one.
To enable automatic updates, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Update Webmin icon and scroll down to the final form on the page entitled
Update modules on schedule.
2. Check the Scheduled updating currently enabled box.
3. Unless you run your own repository, select Update from www.webmin.com.
4. The Update modules at field specifies the time of day that the scheduled update check is
run. Typically you should enter something like 3 to have updates done at 3 a.m., assum-
ing that your system is turned on at that time.
The every field next to it sets the number of days between checks. For example, if you
enter 3 then updating will be done only every third day. 1 or 2 days is usually a
reasonable period.
5. If the Only show which modules would be updated option is enabled, a report only
showing those modules that need updating will be sent out on schedule. This can be use-
ful if you want to be reminded of new modules, but want to install them yourself to con-
trol which updates are used.
6. The Install modules that are not currently installed option has exactly the same mean-
ing as in the Update modules now form and generally does not need to be enabled.
7. If Only report updates is checked, an email report will not be sent if no needed updates
are available and no new version of Webmin has been released. This is usually what you
want, as it cuts down on the number of unnecessary email messages.
8. In the Email update report to field, enter the address to which the update report should
be sent. If it is left empty, automatic checking will still be done, just not reported. Email
is always sent by calling the sendmail program, the path to which is taken from the
Sendmail Configuration module’s configuration.
9. Hit the Save and Apply button to enable scheduled updating. A Cron job (covered in
Chapter 10) will be created that you can see in the Schedule Cron Jobs module, but
should not touch.

Automatic updating can be turned off at any time by deselecting the Scheduled updating cur-
rently enabled box on this form and clicking on Save and Apply.
Configuring Authentication 681

51.15 Configuring Authentication

Webmin has several options that control how multiple failed login attempts are handled, how
users log in, and how UNIX passwords are checked. The default authentication method uses
cookies, but if your browser cannot handle them you may want to switch to basic HTTP authen-
tication, instead. The only problem with this method is that there is no way to properly log out
because there is no support for logging out in the HTTP protocol. It must sometimes be used,
however. For example, browsers on MacOS X cannot load applets (such as the ones in the File
Manager and SSH/Telnet Login modules) from web servers using cookie authentication.
To configure authentication for Webmin, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Authentication icon on the module’s main page to bring up the authentica-
tion form.
2. When Enable password timeouts is selected, Webmin will detect multiple failed login
attempts from the same IP address and lock that host out for a configurable amount of
time. This feature should always be turned on, as it stops attackers using millions of
login attempts to guess passwords on your system. The Block hosts with more than
field specifies the number of login attempts allowed from a single host before blocking is
triggered, while the failed logins for field sets the number of seconds for which a host is
blocked. The defaults are reasonable, but you can increase the timeout if you are feeling
3. When Log blocked hosts, logins and authentication failures to syslog is selected,
Webmin will send messages to the system logs (covered in Chapter 13) when a user logs
in, logs out, or enters an incorrect password. All messages are sent with the authpriv
facility. You should leave this option turned on so suspiciously large numbers of login
failures can be detected.
4. When Enable session authentication is selected, Webmin will use its own login form to
ask users for a username and password, and set a cookie after the login is complete to
identify authenticated clients. To switch to normal HTTP authentication, select Disable
session authentication instead.
5. When using session authentication, Webmin can be configured to automatically log users
out if they have been inactive for longer than a certain period of time. To enable this,
check the Auto-logout after box and enter a number of minutes into the text field next to
it. This feature and the next three are not available when using HTTP authentication.
6. When Offer to remember login permanently? is checked (as it is by default), the login
form will include a check box for permanently remembering the login. When selected,
the cookie sent to the user’s browser will be marked to indicate that it should be saved
even if the browser is shut down and rerun later. This is convenient because it means that
the user will not have to log in to Webmin again, but you may consider it a security risk.
If so, unchecking this box will remove the remember option from the login form.
7. The login page includes the hostname from the URL in the message above the username and
password fields by default. To hide it, deselect the Show hostname on login screen? box.
8. Some people like to have a welcome message shown on the login page the first time a
user accesses it, perhaps giving information about the server or telling unauthorized peo-
ple to go away. To enable this on your system, first create an HTML page containing the
message that you want to appear. Then, select Show pre-login file and enter the full path
682 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

to the HTML file in the text field. After a user reads it, he must reload or revisit the page
(perhaps by following a link in the page itself) to force the real login form to appear.
9. Webmin can automatically authenticate connections from localhost by determining
which UNIX user is making the connection, and checking to see if a Webmin user of
the same name exists. To enable this, select Allow login without password for
matching users from localhost. If you run a browser as root on the same system on
which Webmin runs and have a Webmin user called root, this feature allows you to
access http://localhost:10000/ and be logged in without needing to enter a username and
password. It is convenient, but potentially insecure if an attacker can trick a program
(such as Squid) into connecting to that URL, which would grant access to Webmin as the
user as whom the program runs. For this reason, Always require username and pass-
word is selected by default.
10. When the UNIX authentication option is selected for a user in the Webmin users mod-
ule, his password can be checked by using PAM or by reading the UNIX password file
directly. If the Use PAM for UNIX authentication, if available option is selected and
the Authen::PAM Perl module is installed, Webmin will attempt to use PAM to validate
the user. On Linux, however, this will only work if the /etc/pam.d/webmin service
file is set up correctly. This file is included in the RPM package of Webmin.
If your operating system does not support PAM, if the Perl module is not installed, or if
the Never use PAM for UNIX authentication option is selected, Webmin will fall back
to directly reading the password file. This is more reliable, but will not prevent the use of
passwords that are marked as expired. The read users and passwords from file fields
specify the file from which to get passwords and the columns to use for the username and
password, but should rarely need to be changed as they are set by default to match your
operating system.
Because Webmin will use PAM where it can, or read the appropriate password file if
PAM is not available, the fields covered in this step should not need to be changed.
11. The External squid-style authentication program field can be used to enter the full
path and parameters to a program that validates passwords. If it is filled in, the External
authentication program option will appear in the Password menu for a user in the
Webmin Users module, indicating that the user’s password should be checked using this
command. The program must behave exactly like a Squid’s external authenticator, cov-
ered in Section 44.9 “Setting Up Proxy Authentication”.
12. Finally, hit Save at the bottom of the form to activate the new authentication settings for
subsequent logins.

51.16 Editing Categories and Moving Modules

Every Webmin module has a category that controls where it appears on the module’s main
menu. You can create your own categories and move modules from their default locations into
your own or existing categories, which can be useful if you don’t like the default arrangement or
want to put everything into one huge category.
Changing and Installing Themes 683

To create new categories, or rename existing ones, follow these steps:

1. Click on Edit Categories on the module’s main page to display the category editing
2. To add a category, scroll down to the bottom of form. In the first empty field under ID,
enter a unique internal name for your new category, such as stuff. Then, in the field next
to it under Displayed description, enter the name that will appear in Webmin, such as
Existing categories that you have added can be edited by changing the fields in this
section, as well. You should not, however, change the entries in the ID column, as they
are used internally to associate modules with categories. The ID is never visible to users
anyway—only the displayed description is.
3. To change the name of one of the default categories displayed at the top of the form,
select the second radio button next to it and enter a new description into the text box to
the right. If Default is chosen, the standard name determined by the current language
will be used.
4. Hit the Save Categories button at the bottom of the form to activate the new categories.
You can now move modules into any category that you have created.

To change the categories in which modules appear, do the following:

1. Click on the Reassign Modules icon on the main page.

2. The page that appears lists every installed Webmin module and the category in which it
currently resides. For each module that you want to move, select a new category from the
menu next to its name.
3. Click on the Change Categories button at the bottom of the page to move the modules.

51.17 Changing and Installing Themes

A theme is an extension to Webmin (much like a module) that controls how its interface appears.
The currently active theme determines if and how the categories at the top of each page are dis-
played, what page background is used, what icons each module has, how titles appear, and how
each page ends. By changing themes, you can significantly change the look of Webmin without
affecting its functionality. Several themes are included by default and you can install more that
have been written by other developers.
Like the language, you can set the theme for all logins in this module, or override it for a spe-
cific user in the Webmin Users module. To change the theme for everyone, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Webmin Themes icon on the module’s main page. This will take you to a
page for changing themes, installing a new theme, and deleting existing ones.
2. Select the theme to use from the Current theme menu. Those included as standard with
Webmin are:
Old Webmin Theme The very simple theme that the first versions of Webmin used
before theming was added. If you find the default too slow, this may be a better
alternative as it uses fewer images.
684 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

Caldera Theme An improved layout that uses frames to place categories and module
icons at the top, and actual forms and pages at the bottom.
MSC.Linux Theme The current default Webmin theme.
MSC.Linux Mini Theme A modified version of the default theme, designed for use
on small-screen devices such as PDAs.
3. Hit the Change button to activate the chosen theme.

New themes developed by other people can also be added to Webmin, and several are available
for download from webmin.thirdpartymodules.com. It is also possible to write your own themes,
as Chapter 58 explains.
To install a theme, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Webmin Themes icon on the module’s main page.

2. Select the theme’s file using the second form. Just as when installing a module, you can
choose to install a theme from a file on the system running Webmin, the PC your browser
is on, or an HTTP or FTP URL.
3. Hit the Install Theme button to have it downloaded (if necessary) and installed.

The final thing that you can do on this page is delete one of the installed themes. The Old Web-
min Theme cannot be deleted as it is built into the program, and the other standard themes
should not be deleted as they will be added again if you upgrade to the next version.
To delete a theme that you have installed, follow these instructions:

1. Click on the Webmin Themes icon on the module’s main page.

2. Select the one to remove from the Theme to delete menu at the bottom of the page. If
that menu does not appear, it means that all installed themes are in use either by an indi-
vidual user or for everyone.
3. Hit the Delete button to bring up a confirmation page asking if you really want to go
4. Click on Delete again to remove the theme.

51.18 Referrer Checking

One danger when using a web-based administration interface like Webmin is that a link from
another website may point to a program on your Webmin server. For example, a malicious site
could include HTML code like:

<a href=http://localhost:10000/proc/run.cgi?cmd=rm+*>click me</a>

Clicking on this harmless-looking link would cause Webmin’s Running Processes module to run
a command that deletes files on your system! Assuming that you have already logged into Web-
min, no password would be required. Worse still, a similar URL could be used in an <img> tag
for an image, which is fetched automatically by your browser as soon as you open a page that
seems innocuous.
Fortunately, there is a solution. Most browsers send the full URL of the page from which a
link came in their HTTP requests. By default, Webmin compares the hostname in this URL with
Allowing Unauthenticated Access to Modules 685

the one used to access the current page and displays a warning if they do not match. This blocks
links from other websites to your Webmin server, except for those that do not specify a program,
such as http://localhost:10000/cron/, and are therefore harmless.
Sometimes, however, you will want to allow such links, such as from an internal Intranet
web server that you maintain and trust. For this reason, Webmin can be configured to allow links
where the referrer is from a list of trusted hosts. The following steps explain how.

1. Click on the Trusted Referrer icon on the module’s main page.

2. To turn off referrer checking entirely (which is not a good idea), change the Referer
checking enabled? field to No.
3. To allow links from certain hosts, fill in the Trusted websites field with a list of host-
names, such intranet.example.com.
4. In some cases, the browser will not provide any referrer information at all, possibly
because it does not support that HTTP feature. When the Trust links from unknown
referrers box is checked, Webmin will allow requests in this case. If you are paranoid
and know that your browser always does supply referrer information, turn this option off.
5. Hit the Save button to activate the settings.

Webmin does not simply deny links from untrusted sites. Instead, it displays a warning and gives
the user a chance to continue with the link. This warning form contains a checkbox labeled
Don't show this warning in future, which if selected effectively, changes the Referrer check-
ing enabled? field to No.

51.19 Allowing Unauthenticated Access to Modules

It is possible to set up certain Webmin modules so that they can only be used to view informa-
tion or to execute harmless commands. For example, the System and Server Status module’s
access control features can be set to give a user read-only access, letting them see which moni-
tors are up and which are down. The Custom Commands module can also be configured for a
particular user to let him only run commands that display information.
The anonymous access feature of this module lets you grant access to certain modules to
clients without them needing to log in at all. Such clients will be treated as a specified Webmin
user and thus will only have the rights that you grant to that user. They will, however, never need
to supply its username and password when accessing allowed modules on your system. This can
be useful for making certain information (such as the server status display) available to everyone
on your network without needing to give them all a username and password. It should be used
with extreme care, however, as granting anonymous access as a powerful user could compro-
mise your entire system.
To set up unauthenticated access to some modules, follow these steps:

1. First, use the Webmin Users module to create a user called anonymous, for example, who
has the modules and access control settings that you want to give to unauthenticated cli-
ents. Its password can be set to No login allowed, as this user will never log in conven-
tionally. The user should be given the Old Webmin Theme to minimize the number of
image directories to which you will need to allow access later.
2. Then, click on the Anonymous Module Access icon in the Webmin Configuration module.
686 Chapter 51 • Webmin Configuration

3. The form that appears contains a table with two columns and, initially, two empty rows.
Each row specifies a URL path on your server to which to allow unauthenticated access,
and a Webmin user as which requests to that path should be treated.
In the first row, enter /images for the path and anonymous for the user so the directory
containing Webmin’s title images can be accessed by unauthenticated clients.
In the second row, enter the path for the module that you want to allow (such as /status),
and anonymous as the user again. Never enter a path of /, as it will allow unauthorized
access to your entire Webmin server! The path to a specific CGI program (such as
/custom/run.cgi) may make sense in some cases.
4. Hit the Save button to turn on anonymous access. If you want to allow more than two URL
paths, click on the icon again so that the table is redisplayed with two more empty rows.

If a user who has already logged visits a module that has been allowed anonymous access using
the preceding steps, Webmin will still identify him correctly as the logged-in user.

51.20 Turning on SSL

Chapter 3 “Securing Your Webmin Server” explains in detail what SSL is, why it should be
used, and which libraries are needed before Webmin can use it. The SSL Encryption page in
this module can be used to turn SSL mode on or off or to generate another new key.

51.21 Setting Up a Certificate Authority

As Chapter 52 explains, the Webmin Users module can be used to request a client-side SSL cer-
tificate for a user. Before this is possible, however, you must set up your system as a certificate
authority (CA). An authority is basically just an SSL certificate that can be used to sign other
newly issued client certificates and to verify that those supplied by clients come from this CA.
Because client SSL authentication can only be used in SSL mode, Webmin must be running
in that mode and thus have the openssl command installed before you can proceed. Once these
requirements have been satisfied, follow these steps to set up a CA.

1. Click on the Certificate Authority icon on the module’s main page to bring up a form
for entering the new CA’s details.
2. In the Authority name field, enter the name of the person issuing certificates, such as
Network administrator.
3. In the Email address field, enter the address of the administrator for this server, such as
[email protected].
4. In the Department field, enter the subdivision of your organization in which the server
resides, such as Accounting. This can be left blank if it makes no sense, such as for a
home server.
5. In the Organization field, enter the name of your company or organization, such as Foo
Corporation. Again, this may not make sense in all cases and so can be left blank.
6. Fill in the State field with the name of the state in which your server resides, such as
7. Fill in the Country code field with the two-letter, uppercase code for your country, such
as AU.
Summary 687

8. Click on the Setup certificate authority button to generate the CA certificate and con-
figure Webmin to use it. If you have done this before, any existing certificate will be
9. Webmin users can now generate personal certificates using the Webmin Users module.
Unfortunately, the web server will request that all clients supply a certificate as soon as
one user has one, which can cause annoying dialog boxes to appear for people who are
still set up for username and password authentication in some older browsers.

If you already have a CA in PEM format, with both the private key and certificate in one file,
Webmin can be configured to use it instead of generating its own. Just go to the certificate
authority page and paste it into the Edit CA certificate field, then hit Save.
To stop using a CA for validating clients altogether, hit the Shutdown certificate authority
button on the same page. All users will be forced to revert to username and password authentica-
tion instead.

51.22 Summary
This chapter has explained how to use Webmin to configure itself, rather than using some other
server or service. After reading it, you should understand how to perform such tasks as changing
the port on which the web server listens, install and remove modules, switch themes, move mod-
ules between categories, and much more.
C H A P T E R 5 2

Webmin Access

his chapter tells you how to create new Webmin users with access to
T only some modules, and how to restrict exactly what users can do in
each module.

52.1 Introduction to Webmin Users, Groups, and Permissions

A standard, out-of-the-box Webmin installation has only one user (called root or admin) who
can use every feature of every module. On a home or office system used by just one person, that
is all you need. Even if your system has multiple users, there may be only one who needs to per-
form system administration tasks.
There are, however, many situations in which the administrator may want to give some peo-
ple access to a subset of Webmin’s features. For example, you may have a person in your organi-
zation whose job it is to create and edit DNS zones and records. On a normal UNIX system, this
person would have to be given root access so that he can edit the zone files and restart the DNS
server when necessary. Unfortunately, once someone is able to log in as root, he has full control
of the system and can do whatever he wants.
Webmin solves this kind of problem by allowing you to create additional users who can log
in, but only access a few modules. You can further restrict what the user can do within each
module so he cannot abuse its features to perform actions that he is not supposed to. Because
Webmin still runs with full root privileges even when used by a restricted user, it still has
access to all the configuration files and commands that it needs.
Some examples of the kind of access control restrictions that you can set up are:

• Creating a user with the right to edit directives in only a few Apache virtual servers that
he owns. Global settings or directives in other virtual hosts cannot be edited.
• Allowing a user access to only one MySQL database, but not to other databases or user
permissions. Similar access control can be set up for PostgreSQL.

The Webmin Users Module 689

• Giving a user the right to edit and create UNIX users with UIDs within a certain range
and with home directories under a restricted directory. Important system users such as
root or bin cannot be edited or even viewed.
• Giving a user access to the Squid access control list, but not to other functions. The user
could be allowed to apply his configuration changes, but not to start or stop the proxy server.
• Creating custom commands and then giving a user the rights to run only some of them,
but not create or edit any.
• Allowing a user to view and cancel print jobs in the Printer Administration module, but
not edit or create actual printers.

Many of these rights would be impossible to grant using command-line tools without giving
root access to the entire system. Even programs like sudo are limited when it comes to allow-
ing a user to edit only part of a file, or run a command with only certain arguments.
You must be very careful when granting access to untrusted Webmin users, however, as
even a small mistake in the access control configuration may allow the user to edit arbitrary files
on your system or run commands as root. All it takes is a small hole for an attacker to sneak
through and take total control of your system. Webmin’s access control capabilities give you the
power to lock down users, but only if used properly.
Even though it is possible to create a user with access to only his own email, home direc-
tory, and password, Webmin is not always the best way to provide this kind of single-user web
interface. A superior program is Usermin, which was developed by the same author and shares
much of the Webmin code and user interface. It is designed to give each UNIX user access to
only those things that he would be able to access at the command line, such as his email, home
directory files, and GnuPG configuration. Usermin runs most of its code with the permissions of
the logged-in user, so there is far less chance of a user doing things that he is not supposed to, or
even gaining root access. See Chapter 47 “Usermin Configuration” for more details on how
you can manage Usermin from within Webmin.

52.2 The Webmin Users Module

If you want to create, edit, or grant permissions to a Webmin user or group, it must be done in
this module. When you enter it from the Webmin category, the main page displays all users and
groups on your system and the modules to which they have access, as shown in Figure 52.1. If a
user is a member of a group, his membership and only those modules that did not come from the
group will be shown.
On a normal Webmin system, only the root or admin user as whom you log in will appear,
with access to all modules that are supported on your operating system.

52.3 Creating a New Webmin User

If you want to create a new user who can log in to Webmin, possibly with limited privileges, it
must be created in this module. To do this, use the following steps:

1. On the module’s main page, click on the Create a new Webmin user link above or below
the list of existing users. This will bring up the creation form shown in Figure 52.2.
690 Chapter 52 • Webmin Access Control

Figure 52.1 The Webmin Users module.

2. Enter a log in name into the Username field. The name cannot already be in use by any
other user or group.
3. To make the user part of a group, select it from the Member of group field. Any mod-
ules that the group has will be granted to the user in addition to modules that you select
on this page, and any access control restrictions that apply to the group in those modules
will apply to the user as well.
See Section 52.6 “Creating and Editing Webmin Groups” for more information on how
to add new groups to the list.
4. To give the user a normal password, select Set to from the menu in the Password field
and enter it into the adjacent field.
If the new user has the same name as a UNIX user, you can select UNIX authentication
to have Webmin use PAM, or read the /etc/shadow file to validate the user.
To prevent the user from logging in at all, select No password accepted. This might be a
good idea when creating a user who will have limited privileges, so that he cannot log in
until you have finished restricting his access.
5. To have Webmin use a different language for the user than the global default, select one
from the Language field menu.
6. In most themes, module icons on Webmin’s main page are displayed under categories. If
this new user is going to be granted access to only a few modules, this is not really neces-
sary and you can change the Categorize modules? field to No.
Editing a Webmin User 691

7. To have the Webmin user interface displayed using a different theme for the user, set it in
the Personal theme field.
8. To limit the addresses from which the new user can log in to Webmin, change the IP access
control field to Only allow listed addresses. Then, fill in the text box next to it with host-
names, IP addresses, network/netmask pairs, or wildcard hostnames (like *.foo.com).
Note that these restrictions are checked only after any global IP access control sets in the
Webmin Configuration module have been passed.
9. Select all the modules to which you want the user to have access in the Modules section.
10. When done, click the Save button to have the new user created. You will return to the
module’s main page, and he will be able to log in immediately.

To further restrict what the new user can do in each module to which you have granted him
access, see Section 52.5 “Editing Module Access Control”.
You can speed up the process of creating a new user who has the same attributes and access per-
missions as an existing user by using the module’s cloning feature. To clone a user, follow these steps:

1. Click on the username of the existing user that you want to clone on the module’s main
2. Click on the Clone button at the bottom of the editing form. This will take you to the cre-
ation form shown in Figure 52.2, but with most fields already filled in with the attributes
of the original user.
3. Fill in the Username field and set the Password, as they do not get copied from the
cloned user. You can also adjust the values in any of the other fields.
4. When done, click the Create button. The new user will receive a copy of all module
access control settings from the original user, but they will not be updated if the original
user is changed in future.

If you want to create many users with access to the same modules and the same access control
settings, it is better to create a group and assign the users to it. That way you can change the set-
tings for all members at once by just editing the group.

52.4 Editing a Webmin User

You can change the username, password, language, or any other attribute of a Webmin user
(including the one you are logged in as) using this module. To edit a user, follow these steps:

1. Click on his username on the module’s main page. This will bring you to an editing
form, similar to the one shown in Figure 52.2.
2. By default, the password will be left unchanged. To edit it, select Set to from the Pass-
word field menu and enter a new password into the field next to it.
3. Change any of the other fields on the form, as explained in Section 52.3 “Creating a New
Webmin User”. You can even move the user to another group, which will cause him to
lose access to all modules in the original group and need to gain access to those in the
new group.
692 Chapter 52 • Webmin Access Control

Figure 52.2 Creating a new Webmin user.

If you are editing yourself, Webmin will not allow you to take away access to the
Webmin Users module. This is to protect you from locking yourself out of the module
and not being able to grant yourself access back again.
4. When you are done, click the Save button to apply the changes immediately. If the user-
name or password was changed, the user is currently logged in, and Webmin is not in
session authentication mode, the user will have to log in again.

You can delete a user by clicking the Delete button at the bottom of the editing form, which will
also take effect immediately. Webmin will not allow you to delete yourself.

52.5 Editing Module Access Control

Many Webmin modules allow you to further restrict the actions that each user can perform using
them. The actual access control options are different for each module and are documented in
detail in the “Module Access Control” sections of the chapters that cover them. This section
only describes the common process that you need to follow to configure what a user (or group)
can do with a particular module. To control module access, follow these steps:

1. On the Webmin Users main page, find the user or group that you want to restrict and
click on the name of the module next to his name for which you want to edit the restric-
tions. This will bring up the access control editing form, an example of which is shown
in Figure 52.3. That screenshot is from the Users and Groups module, so if you select a
different module, the available options will not be the same.
Editing Module Access Control 693

Figure 52.3 The module access control form for Users and Groups.

2. To stop the user from changing the module’s configuration, set the Can edit module
configuration? field to No. This should always be done because in most modules the
configuration settings can be changed to allow the user to gain root access or otherwise
escape the access control restrictions that you have set up.
3. Change other options on the form to restrict the user in whatever way you wish. Each
module covered in this book has a section in its chapter that explains exactly what the
fields mean and gives examples of how to set up common types of access control.
4. Click the Save button to make your changes immediately active and return to the mod-
ule’s main page.

Not all modules allow you to limit what a user can do, as it would not make any sense. For
example, the Software Packages module does not allow access control restrictions to be config-
ured. Its primary purpose is the installation of new packages, and any user with the rights to
install a package could build and install his own that gives him root access. In modules like
these, only the Can edit module configuration? option appears on the access control form. For
modules that have no options other than this, there is no “Module Access Control” section in the
chapter of the book that covers them.
At the start of the list of modules, next to every user, is an entry called Global ACL. If you
click on this, it will take you to an access control form that allows the editing of restrictions that
apply in all modules. The fields and their meanings are:
694 Chapter 52 • Webmin Access Control

Root directory for file chooser There are many fields in Webmin for entering a
file or directory name and next to most of them is a button that pops up a simple file
chooser window. Users will not be able to use this file chooser to list directories
outside whatever path you enter into this field. By default, it is set to / so the entire
filesystem can be browsed.
This option only controls which directories can be browsed using the file chooser. A
user can still enter ANY path into a filename field manually, unless the module has
its own access control restrictions.
Users visible in user chooser In most Webmin modules, when a username field is
displayed there is a button next to it that pops up a window for selecting either single
or multiple users. This option allows you to control which users appear in that pop-
up window, so a particular Webmin user cannot see all of the UNIX users on your
This access control option does nothing to stop the user from manually entering any
username that he chooses, it just limits the list that appears in the pop-up window.
Groups visible in group chooser This option works in exactly the same way as
the one above, but applies to the pop-up group selection window instead.
Can send feedback email? When using the Webmin theme that is enabled by
default, a Feedback button appears on every page in the upper-right corner.
Changing this option to No will remove the button while changing it to Yes, but not
with config files will prevent the user from sending feedback with the Include
module configuration in email option selected.
Because all feedback goes to the author of Webmin by default, disabling it makes
sense for users other than the master administrator.
Can accept RPC calls? Webmin has its own RPC (remote procedure call)
mechanism that is used by the cluster modules, System and Server Status modules,
and other modules. Any client program that makes an RPC call to a Webmin server
must first log in as a normal user using a web browser client. An RPC client,
however, can access all of the features of Webmin, edit arbitrary files, and execute
commands as root, regardless of any access control settings. For this reason, for
users without full access to Webmin, this option should be set to No.
The default is Only for root or admin, which means that only if the user is called
root or admin can it be used to log in for RPC. Because the root and admin users
typically have full access to Webmin anyway, this is not a security problem. If you
create a new user with one of these two names, however, and grant him only limited
Webmin access, make sure this option is set to No.

For almost all Webmin users, even those that are granted only limited access to some modules,
the default Global ACL options will work fine and do not need to be changed.

52.6 Creating and Editing Webmin Groups

If you want to create a large number of users who will all have access to the same modules with
the same access control options, the best solution is to create a Webmin group. Like users,
Requesting a Client SSL Key 695

groups have access to a subset of the available Webmin modules and have access control permis-
sions in those modules. If you change the available modules or permissions for a group, those of
all member users will change as well.
A group can itself be a member of another group, from which it will inherit all allowed
modules and access control settings. If the parent group is changed in any way, those changes
will flow through to all member groups and their member users. There is no limit to the number
of levels of group nesting that you can create.
To create a new group, follow these steps:

1. On the Webmin Users module main page, click on the Create a new Webmin group
link near the bottom of the page under the Webmin Groups section. This will take you
to the group creation form shown in Figure 52.4.
2. Fill in the Group name field with a unique name that is not used by any other existing
user or group.
3. To make this new group a member of an existing one, select it from the Member of
group menu.
4. Select all the modules to which you want members of this group to have access from the
Members’ modules list. Those from any parent group will be automatically included.
5. Click the Save button to have the new group created, and your browser will return to the
module’s main page.
6. Configure access control settings for members of the group by clicking on module names
next to the group name on the main page, as described in Section 52.5 “Editing Module
Access Control”.
7. You can now create new Webmin users or edit existing ones to become members of the
new group.

Once a group has been created, it can be edited by clicking on its name from the table under
Webmin Groups on the module’s main page. This will take you to the group editing form on
which you can change any of its attributes before applying them with the Save button. Or you
can delete the group altogether with the Delete button, as long as it does not have any member
users or groups.

52.7 Requesting a Client SSL Key

Users normally authenticate themselves to Webmin with a username and password. If they are
running in SSL mode and using a modern browser like IE or Netscape, however, it is possible to
set up Webmin to authenticate them via a client-side SSL key, instead. Usually an SSL web
server sends its certificate to the client for authentication purposes, but the protocol also allows
clients to send their certificates to the server.
The advantages of this method are that there is no longer a need to remember a username
and password and that the old method of authentication can be disabled so that only clients with
the SSL key can connect. Attackers, therefore, cannot break in by guessing your password or by
looking over your shoulder as you type. Some browsers even support the storage of SSL keys on
removable smart cards, which is even more secure.
696 Chapter 52 • Webmin Access Control

Figure 52.4 The Webmin group creation form.

Before a client key can be issued, Webmin must be switched to SSL mode and a certificate
authority key generated. Both these subjects are covered in Chapter 51. Once this is done, the
steps to request a key are:

1. Log in to Webmin as the user for whom you want to create a key, using the browser in
which the key should be stored. Browsers keep a list of client-side keys, usually pro-
tected by some password that must be entered only once when a key is first needed. It is
usually possible to export keys to another browser of the same type.
2. Go to the Webmin Users module and click on the Request an SSL Certificate icon at
the bottom of the page.
3. The form that appears will be different depending on whether you are running Internet
Explorer or Netscape. The following instructions apply to Netscape and Mozilla, as they
are the most common browsers on UNIX systems.
4. Enter a name into the Your name field, such as Joe Bloggs.
5. Enter your email address into the Email address field, such as [email protected].
6. If your Webmin system is on a company or organization network, fill in the Department
and Organization fields. Otherwise, they can be left blank.
7. Enter the state your system is in into the State field, such as California.
8. Enter a two-letter country code like US into the Country code field.
9. From the Key size menu, select the number of bits in the SSL key that will be created.
The higher the number, the more secure, but the longer it will take to be authenticated.
1024 bits should be secure enough for anyone.
Viewing and Disconnecting Login Sessions 697

10. Click on the Issue Certificate button. Your browser should pop up a window showing
the key-generating progress, which is done on the client system. When it is complete and
has been sent back to Webmin, a success page will be displayed.
11. Click on the pick up your certificate link to store the newly generated and signed key in
your browser. You may be asked by the browser for a password to secure your certificates.
12. To test that everything worked, log out of Webmin and quit your browser. Then, rerun it
and attempt to connect. The login page should be bypassed and the main menu dis-
played. The text SSL certified should appear next to your username in the browser's sta-
tus bar.
13. Once SSL client authentication is working, you may no longer want clients to be able to
log in as this Webmin user with a username and password. To enforce this, go to the
Webmin Users module, click on your username, select No password accepted from the
Password menu, and hit Save.

52.8 Viewing and Disconnecting Login Sessions

When Webmin is in session-authentication mode (as it is by default), it keeps track of all cur-
rently logged-in users. You can view this information and cancel sessions that seem to be invalid
by following these steps:

1. Click on the View Login Sessions icon at the bottom of the Webmin Users module main
2. On the page that appears, the ID, login name, and connection time of each active session
will be listed, with the newest shown first. It is quite possible for several sessions to exist
for the same user, as many people do not bother to properly log out of Webmin. Old ses-
sions, however, will be automatically removed after one week.
3. To view the actions performed in a particular session, click on the View logs link in the
last column. This will take you to a list of actions in the Webmin Actions Log module, as
covered in Chapter 54.
4. To cancel a session, click on its ID. This will immediately log the user out but will not
kill any CGI programs that Webmin is currently running.

52.9 Module Access Control

Interestingly, the Webmin Users module has its own set of access control options that can be
used to determine which other users a particular Webmin user can edit. This is typically used to
give a subadministrator user the right to create and edit only a subset of Webmin users and to
grant them access to only a few modules. To set up this kind of access, follow these steps:

1. In the Webmin Users module, click on Webmin Users next to the name of the subadmin-
istrator you want to restrict.
2. Change Can edit module configuration? to No.
3. Set the Users who can be edited option to Selected users and choose those accounts
that you want the subadministrator to be able to edit.
698 Chapter 52 • Webmin Access Control

4. Change the Can grant access to field to Selected modules and choose from the list below
the modules that the administrator is allowed to grant to new or edited users. There is not
much point in choosing modules that the subadministrator cannot already access.
5. Change Can rename users?, Can edit module access control?, Can request certifi-
cate?, Can configure user synchronization?, Can configure UNIX authentica-
tion?, Can view and cancel login sessions?, and Can edit groups? to No. All the
other yes/no fields can be set to Yes.
6. Change the Newly created users get field to Same module access control as creator.
Because the subadministrator is not allowed to edit the access control settings of mod-
ules that he grants to other users, they will always get the same settings that he does.
7. To force all new and edited users to be a member of a single group, change the Can
assign users to groups field to Selected and choose the group from the list provided. To
prevent the subadministrator from choosing any group, select the <None> option.
It may make sense for you to allow the creation of users who must be members of a
group that has been set up with the appropriate restricted modules and permissions. If so,
you should not select any modules at all from the list in Step 4 so that only those from
the group are available to created users.
8. Click the Save button to return to the module’s main page.
9. If you are not forcing all new users to be a member of a particular group, make sure that
the access control settings for the subadministrator in other modules have been set cor-
rectly. Any new users that he creates will inherit them.

The Webmin Users access control settings can also be configured to allow a user to change some
of his own settings, but not edit other users or grant himself additional privileges. To set this up,
follow these steps:

1. Click on Webmin Users next to the name of the user or group to whom you want to grant
the rights to edit herself. Naturally, the user must have already been granted access to the
2. Change Can edit module configuration? to No.
3. Set the Users who can be edited option to This user.
4. Set the Can grant access to field to Selected modules, but do not select any from the list
provided. This will prevent the user from giving himself any additional module access.
5. Change Can request certificate?, Can change language?, Can change categoriza-
tion?, and Can change personal theme? to Yes, and all of the other yes/no fields to No.
6. Change Can edit groups? to No and set Can assign users to groups? to Selected, but
do not select any from the list.
7. Finally, click Save. The Webmin user will now be able to use the module to change only
her own password, language, theme, and categorization mode, and request a client-side
SSL certificate.

52.10 Configuring the Webmin Users Module

The Webmin Users module has several options that can be configured by clicking on the Module
Config link on the main page. The editable fields and their meanings are shown in Table 52.1.
Summary 699

Table 52.1 Module Configuration Options

Display user modules in By default, this option is set to Table, which tells Webmin to dis-
play all modules granted to each user or group next to their names
on the main page. On a system with many users, however, this can
make the page large and hard to navigate, which is why the Pull-
down menu choice exists. If selected, a menu of modules is
shown next to each user, along with a button for editing the access
control settings of the chosen module.

Sort users and groups by When Order in file is chosen, users and groups on the main page
are shown in the order in which they were added to Webmin. If
Name is selected, however, they will be sorted alphabetically by
user or group name, instead.

52.11 Summary
This chapter has shown you how Webmin’s more advanced access control features can be set up,
such as the creation of multiple user accounts and the restriction of users’ access in certain mod-
ules. It has also explained how to define groups so that settings can be easily applied to many
users at once, how to disconnect user sessions, and how to request an SSL key to avoid the need
to enter a username and password to log in to Webmin. Many users will not need to use this
module, though, as the default Webmin configuration includes a root or admin account that has
full access to all modules.
C H A P T E R 5 3

Webmin Servers

n this chapter, the Webmin module for listing other servers on your
I network is explained, and its relationship to the Cluster modules and RPC
is documented.

53.1 The Webmin Servers Index Module

This module really serves two purposes—one simple and one quite complex. You can use it to cre-
ate a master index of other systems running Webmin on your network, each of which is shown as
an icon that you can click on to link to the server. Each icon can either be a normal link or a “tun-
nel” that logs you into another server automatically with all traffic sent via the first system.
The module can also be used to define systems that can be controlled by a master Webmin
server using the System and Server Status module and the modules in the Cluster category. Each of
these other systems must also have Webmin installed and a special RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
protocol is used by the master to communicate with and control the slaves. How this all works is
explained in detail in this chapter.
When you click on the module’s icon in the Webmin category, a page like the one shown in
Figure 53.1 will be displayed. Most of the page is taken up with a table of icons, one for each of the
other servers that you have added. Of course, if this is the first time the module has been used, no
server icons will appear initially. At the bottom of the page are buttons for automatically finding
other Webmin servers on your local network.
Even though it was designed for creating an index of Webmin web servers, there is no reason
that you cannot create icons for other types of web servers. The module’s RPC features, how-
ever, will naturally only work when communicating with a host running Webmin.

Adding a Webmin Server 701

Figure 53.1 The Webmin Servers Index module.

53.2 Adding a Webmin Server

To add a new server to this module, either to provide a link to it or so that it can be managed with
one of the Cluster group modules, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Register a new server link on the main page above or below the existing
2. In the Hostname field, enter the Internet hostname or IP address of the other server, such
as server.example.com.
3. In the Port field, enter the port that Webmin is listening on—usually 10000.
4. From the Server type menu, choose the operating system that the other host runs. This
only sets the icon that will be used to represent the server.
5. If the other Webmin server is in SSL mode, select Yes in the SSL server? field. This
option can only be used if the master system has the Net::SSLeay Perl module and the
OpenSSL library installed so it can make a client-mode SSL connection.
6. When the Description field is set to From hostname and port, the server’s hostname
and port number are shown under its icon on the module’s main page. You can, however,
select the second option and enter an alternate description to be shown instead, such as
Corporate Web Server.
7. Servers defined in this module can be categorized into groups for easier addition in the
Cluster category modules. In the Member of server group field you can select one of
the following options:
702 Chapter 53 • Webmin Servers

None The system you are adding will not be in any group.
Existing group If some groups have already been defined, this server will be in the
group selected from the menu next to this option. If no groups exist yet, this option will
not even appear.
New group The server will be added to the new group whose name you enter in the
adjacent text field.
A group will cease to exist as soon as all of the servers in it have been deleted or changed
to another group.
8. The Link type field is possibly the most important on this form, as it determines if the
new server can be used in the Cluster modules and the System and Server Status module.
It also determines whether the icon is a normal link or a tunnel. Your options are:
Normal link to server RPC calls cannot be made to the other server and the icon on
the module’s main page will just be a normal web link. If the system is running some
other web server-specified port, you should select this option.
Login via Webmin with username This option must be chosen if you want to use
Webmin’s RPC features to control this server, such as with the Cluster category modules.
If selected, you must enter a username and password for Webmin on the remote host into
the fields next to it. The user should be root or admin because other Webmin users are
not, by default, allowed to receive RPC calls unless specifically authorized to do so. RPC
can be used to run any command or modify any file on a server, which is why access to it
must not be granted to untrusted Webmin users. If this mode is chosen, the server’s icon
on the main page will be a tunnel that automatically logs whoever clicks on it into the
remote server as the specified user.
Login when icon is clicked on If this option is chosen, the server cannot be used for
RPC, but its icon will still be a tunnel to the remote host. When first clicked on, it will
prompt the user for a login and password for the remote system, which will be stored in a
cookie in the user’s browser. This option is handy if you want various users to be able to
make use of the tunneling feature, but still log in to the remote system as themselves.
9. If Login via Webmin with username was selected above, the Make fast RPC calls?
field determines whether the new fast RPC protocol will be used or the older slow proto-
col. You can either select Yes to force the use of fast mode, No to force slow mode, or
Decide automatically to have Webmin use fast mode only if it is available. If the auto-
matic option is chosen, and the server cannot be contacted or logged into, an error mes-
sage will be displayed when you hit the Create button later.
Versions of Webmin before 0.89 did not support the fast protocol, but most systems should
have been upgraded beyond that by now. You will generally want to use the faster mode all
the time, unless a firewall is blocking the direct TCP connections that it uses. See Section
53.6 “How RPC Works” for more details on the differences between the two modes.
10. Finally, hit the Create button to add this new server. As long as there were no errors in
the form you will return to the module’s main page, which should include a new icon.

The icons for servers not created in Normal link to server mode will actually be links to a pro-
gram on this master server that connects to the remote system for you. This can actually be useful
Editing or Deleting a Webmin Server 703

if your master server is accessible from the Internet but internal hosts are not. For example, if you
only have a single Internet IP address and are using NAT. When you access those internal servers
by clicking on their icons in this module on the master system, your browser is really only connect-
ing to the master server, which is then tunneling the requests though to the chosen slave.
On a Webmin system with multiple users, you should be careful about giving access to this
module to untrusted users. Anyone who can click on an icon for a server in Login via Webmin
with username mode will be connected to the remote system as the user specified for that server,
not himself. This will probably allow him to do things with root privileges on that remote host
that he would not be able to do on the master system.
Section 53.7 “Module Access Control” explains how you can control which server icons a
particular user can use, so that untrusted people can be limited to those in the safe Normal link to
server or Login when icon is clicked on modes.

53.3 Editing or Deleting a Webmin Server

Once a server has been added to this module, you can edit all of its details or even delete it alto-
gether. To edit or delete a server, follow these steps:

1. On the main page, click on the edit link next to the name of the server that you want to
change. This will bring up an editing form almost identical to the one for adding a server.
2. All of the fields can be edited, and have the same options and meanings as explained in
Section 53.2 “Adding a Webmin Server”. The only exception is the Make fast RPC
calls? field, which will not have the Decide automatically selection if the module has
already worked out the RPC mode that the remote server supports.
3. Hit the Save button to activate your new settings. Or, if you want to remove this server
from the module, hit Delete instead. Any other modules (such as those in the Cluster cat-
egory) that make use of this server will automatically remove it from their lists.

53.4 Using Server Tunnels

When you click on an icon for a Webmin server in one of the tunnel modes, you will be connected
to it via this master system. The user interface of the remote host will be almost exactly the same as
if you logged in normally, except that every page will include a special Webmin Servers link.
When clicked on, this will take you back to the Webmin Servers Index module on the master sys-
tem, which is more convenient than hitting the back button in your browser a few hundred times.
For tunneling to work, the master server must analyze and modify the HTML sent back by the
remote host that you are logging into. Currently this works well for Webmin servers, but may fail if
you are tunneling through to some other web-based application or website that uses HTML not
supported by this module. Symptoms of this include links pointing to nonexistent pages on the
master server and images that are not loaded properly.
Clicking on the icon for a server’s Login when icon is clicked mode will initially display a
login form for entering a username and password for the remote system. This will appear even if
the remote host does not actually run Webmin on the chosen port, but it can be used to log in to any
web server that uses standard HTTP authentication. After you log in, your username and password
will be remembered until you either quit your browser (thus discarding the cookie) or click on the
logout link that appears below server’s icon on the module’s main page.
704 Chapter 53 • Webmin Servers

53.5 Broadcasting and Scanning for Servers

If you have a large number of Webmin servers on your network, adding them one by one to this
module can be tedious. There is a better way though. The master system can broadcast on your
local LAN for other Webmin servers or send requests to hosts within a specific network to probe
for servers. Any servers that are found will be automatically added to this module, although only in
Normal link to server mode. There is no way for the master system to automatically determine a
login and password for a remote system—this would be a huge security hole if it were possible!
To find other Webmin servers, follow these steps:

1. If you only want to search your local LAN, click on the Broadcast for servers button at
the bottom of the module’s main page.
To search another network, enter its address into the field to the right of the Scan for
servers button before hitting it. This must be a class C network, entered like
2. A page listing the URLs of servers that are found will be displayed. New ones will have
Found new server before their URLs, those already on the main page will have Found
known server, and responses from the master system itself will have Found this server.
3. When the process is complete, you can return to the main page, which will now contain
an extra icon for each of the newly found servers. They can then be edited to switch to
Login via Webmin with username mode to use them for RPC.

All versions of Webmin since 0.75 listen on UDP port 10000 for the broadcast and scan packets
sent out by this module, and reply with their hostname, port number, and SSL mode. A server
will not be found if a firewall is blocking this port or if UDP listening has been turned off for
security reasons.

53.6 How RPC Works

RPC is a protocol that one Webmin system can use to control another. An RPC request is usually
a call to a function in the library of some module, and includes the parameters to that function.
There are, however, other RPC request types for transferring data to and from a server, checking
to see if a module is available, getting a module’s configuration, and executing a piece of Perl
code. This section explains the technical details of how it works, and can be skipped if you are
not a programmer and not having any trouble with RPC connections.
When you set up the System and Server Status module to fetch status information from a remote
system, an RPC call is made to functions in the same module on that system to determine if a service
is up or down. When a user is added in the Cluster Users and Groups module, multiple RPC calls are
also made to add her to the password file, create her home directory, and copy files into it. Chapter 56
explains how to make use of RPC in your own modules, and what its limitations are.
As explained earlier, RPC has two different modes—fast and slow. Slow mode is simplest, as
it uses an HTTP request from the master to the slave for each RPC function call, file transfer, or
request for information. All parameters, data, and return values are included in that request and its
response and no other TCP connections are made. The advantage of this mode is that it can work
through firewalls and proxies, as long as HTTP requests to port 10000 are allowed.
Apart from being slow, this mode has one big negative—HTTP is a stateless protocol, but
Webmin RPC calls are not stateless. It is quite possible for one function call to set a global variable
Module Access Control 705

that the next function call depends upon. This means that a background process in which state is
kept must be started on the remote system for each master that opens an RPC session. There is no
way, however, for a slave system to automatically detect when the master CGI program has fin-
ished and shut down the background process because no direct connection between the two exists!
Webmin’s solution is to have the process exit when the master makes a special RPC call, or
after 30 seconds of inactivity. If a master CGI program does not invoke the remote_finished
function, the remote process will hang around consuming memory until the timeout elapses. If for
some reason more than 30 seconds pass between RPC calls to the same host, the background pro-
cess will exit and future RPC calls will fail.
The newer fast RPC protocol solves these problems using only one initial HTTP request to
have a background process started on the remote system. The master server then makes a TCP con-
nection to this process (which is listening on a free port), and sends RPC requests through that con-
nection instead. When the master program exits, this connection will be automatically torn down
and the remote background process will exit. No special function calls or timeouts are needed.
Fast RPC mode has much better support for transferring large files to and from remote sys-
tems. The slow mode attempts to encode files inside an HTTP request, which can fail if they are
too large. The newer mode instead transfers them unencoded through a separate TCP connection,
which is quicker and far more reliable. The Cluster Software Packages and Cluster Webmin Con-
figuration modules may fail when installing a large package in slow mode.
The only problem with fast mode is that some firewalls may block the TCP connection, which
is typically made on a port that is one or two higher than the remote host’s base Webmin port, such
as 10001 or 10002. Multiple connections may be made if data is transferred with RPC, so any fire-
wall on your network between the two servers must be configured to allow connections from the
master to the remote host on ports in the range of 10000 up to 10100.

53.7 Module Access Control

If you have more than one Webmin user on your system, you may want to make this module
available to other people without giving them access to all server icons or the ability to add serv-
ers. This is useful if you want others to only see icons for servers not in Login via Webmin with
username mode, thus turning the module into just an index of other systems on your network.
The first step is to assign this module to a user, as explained in Chapter 52. You can then restrict
him to only being able to see and use the tunnels for certain servers by following these steps:

1. Click on Webmin Servers Index next to the name of the user or group in the Webmin
Users module to bring up the access control form.
2. Change the Can edit module configuration? field to No, so he cannot change the user
interface for other people.
3. In the Can use servers field, choose Selected and select the ones that you want to make
visible from the list provided.
4. Change the Can edit servers? and Can find servers? fields to No.
5. Hit the Save button to activate the new restrictions.

Hiding a server from a user in this module does not stop him from using it in other modules that
make use of RPC.
706 Chapter 53 • Webmin Servers

53.8 Configuring the Webmin Servers Index Module

This module has several settings that control how its user interface appears and how scans for
servers are done. You can edit them by clicking on the Module Config link on the main page,
which will bring up a form containing the fields shown in Table 53.1.

Table 53.1 Module Configuration Options

Resolve found server When Yes is selected, the module will convert the IP addresses of any servers
addresses found by scanning or broadcasting into hostnames. You should only need to
select No if reverse address resolution is slow or broken on your network.

Time to wait for scan This field sets the number of seconds that the module will wait for a response
responses to packets sent out to find other Webmin servers. It may need to be increased
from the default of 5 seconds if you are scanning a remote network.

Show servers as When Table is chosen, servers on the main page will be listed as rows in a
table, which can be useful as it takes up less space than the default Icons
mode. More details are also shown for each server.

Sort servers by This field controls how servers on the main page are sorted. The options are:
IP Address Servers are sorted by the IP address to which their hostnames
Hostname Sorting is done by the servers’ hostnames.
Description Sorting is by the text that appears below the servers’ icons.
OS Servers are sorted by the operating system that you select for them.
Group Servers are sorted into their chosen groups.
Order created Servers are simply listed in the order in which they were
added to this module.

Show status for If Yes is selected, the editing form for a server will include a new Server
servers status field that shows the version of Webmin it is running or an error mes-
sage if the system cannot be contacted or logged into. This field will only
appear in Login via Webmin with username mode.

MSC cluster groups This field can be used to specify a directory containing additional server groups
directory in the format used by MSC Software’s clustering tools.

53.9 Summary
This chapter has explained the purposes of the Webmin Servers Index and how you can use it to
add servers for easy linking, for making a tunneled login, or for RPC calls. It has also explained
what RPC is and how other modules use it to allow multiple Webmin servers to be managed
from a single interface.
C H A P T E R 5 4

Logging in Webmin

his chapter explains how and what Webmin logs, and how those logs
T can be searched and viewed.

54.1 Introduction to Logging

When logging is enabled, Webmin will record every action taken using it that has some effect on
your system, such as the creation of a user or the changing of an Apache setting. Pages that do not
actually change anything on your system, such as those that just display icons, list users, or show
the current settings for some object will not write anything to the action log. In this way, it is differ-
ent than the separate CLF log file that Webmin writes to /var/webmin/miniserv.log, which
records every single page visited and image loaded.
Most actions performed in Webmin change configuration files, run commands, or execute
SQL statements. When the recording of these file changes is enabled, the details of each will be
included in the actions log so you can see exactly what Webmin did when you told it to create a
UNIX user or delete a DNS zone. This can be helpful for understanding what is really going on
behind the scenes if you are new to system administration or want to see how actions are imple-
mented. Not all modules perform action logging, though, particularly those that are old or have
been written by third-party developers.
As Section 51.4 “Setting Up Logging” explains, logging can be turned on in the Webmin
Configuration module. Basic action logging is enabled by default, but the recording of file
changes is not. To gain the most benefit from the Webmin Actions Log modules, file changes
should be logged as well. This will slow down the program slightly though, and consume more
disk space for recording the changes.
Some types of action will never have any associated file changes logged, even if this feature
is enabled. Such actions might perform all their work with network connections or modify a file

708 Chapter 54 • Logging in Webmin

so large that generating the differences between the old and new contents is impractical. Or file
change logging may not have been implemented in the module at all.
The actual file in which actions are recorded is called /var/webmin/webmin.log. Its for-
mat is unique to Webmin but records the details of each action on a separate line in a simple text
format. If the logging of file changes is enabled, the directory /var/webmin/diffs is used to
store files containing the details of changes and commands used. Each file in this directory is
named to match the ID of an action and contains the changes made to one file in diff format.
If you are looking for the files in /var/webmin on your system and cannot find them, check
in /var/log/webmin instead. Some packaged versions of the software created by other Linux
distribution vendors use this alternate directory to better fit in with the normal Linux log file layout.

54.2 The Webmin Actions Log Module

This simple module exists solely for viewing action logs created by Webmin. It can be useful for
finding out what a particular user is up to or who has been doing what in some module. On a sys-
tem with multiple administrators, tracking down who broke a particular server’s configuration
could ordinarily be tough, but this module makes it relatively easy.
The module can be found under the Webmin category on the main menu, and clicking on its
icon will bring up the search page shown in Figure 54.1. Before you can view the details of a
particular action, it must be found using the search form.

54.3 Displaying Logs

The form on the module’s main page lets you find actions using three different search criteria.
Only actions that match all three will be displayed, rather than those that match any one of the
criteria. You can find actions by the Webmin user that performed them, the module in which they
were carried out, and the date and time that they occurred.
To display log files, follow these steps:

1. In the first section of the form, select By user if you want to display only actions by a
particular user and choose the user from the adjacent menu.
To exclude some user’s actions from your search, use the By any user except option
To include all users in the search, choose By any user.
2. In the second section, choose In module and select it from the menu to limit the search
to actions performed in a specific module. Only modules that are currently installed will
be listed.
To search all modules’ actions, select In any module instead.
3. The final section determines which date range an action must fall into to be included in the
results. If Between is chosen, you can select or enter one or two dates using the fields next
to it. If the first date is omitted, all actions up to the second date will be included. Similarly,
if the second date is missing, all actions from the first date onwards will match.
If For today only is selected, only actions that have occurred during the current local-
time day will be included in the result.
If At any time is chosen, the date on which an action occurred will be ignored.
Summary 709

Figure 54.1 The Webmin Actions Log module.

4. Hit the Search button to display a page of actions that match the chosen criteria. This
may take a few seconds to display if your Webmin log is large. If any were found, the
resulting page will provide a short description for each action (such as Created user
fred), the module it comes from, the Webmin user responsible, the client system from
which he was connected, and the date and time it occurred.
5. Click on the description in the Action column to go to a page showing more details about
the action. If logging of file changes was enabled at the time it occurred, the changes made
to any files by the action will be shown as well, along with any commands executed or SQL
statements run. Only actions from the MySQL and PostgreSQL modules will include SQL
statements used to do things like creating a table or modifying a column.
6. When Webmin is in session authentication mode, a Session ID field will be shown in this
form. Clicking on the ID will bring up a list of all actions performed by the user in a sin-
gle browser instance from the time she logs in until the time she logs out.

It is possible to display every single action logged on your system by leaving the options on the
search form set to their defaults. This is likely to take quite a while to generate, however, and
will produce a lengthy HTML page.

54.4 Summary
After reading this chapter, you should understand how Webmin’s action logging system works,
and what information is recorded for each action, depending on the current configuration. You
should also know how to use the Webmin Actions Log module to search for and view the details
of recorded events.
C H A P T E R 5 5

Webmin Module

his chapter should be read if you are planning to write your own
T Webmin module, as it explains all the requirements for creating a
usable module.

55.1 Introduction
Webmin is designed to allow the easy addition of new modules without changing any of the
existing code. A module can be thought of as something like a Netscape or Photoshop plug-in. It
can be written by someone other than the developers of Webmin and distributed under any
license the developer chooses.
A module should be written to administer one service or server, such as the UNIX password
file or the Apache Web server. Some complex system functions may even be split over several
modules. For example, disk partitioning, mounting disks, and disk quota management are three
separate modules in the standard Webmin distribution.
Theoretically modules can be written in any language. To make use of the Webmin API Perl,
however, version 5.002 or greater should be used. A module should be written entirely in Perl, with
no C functions or external binary programs. The goal is for modules to be as portable as possible
across different UNIX systems and CPU types.
Modules written in other languages will not be displayed using the default theme included
with recent versions of Webmin. This theme replaces the standard Perl header function with its
own that displays category icons at the top of every page. For this reason, using Perl is strongly rec-
At their simplest, modules are really just directories of CGI programs that Webmin’s web
server runs. There are certain rules, however, that should be followed to make sure that they work
with the Webmin API, main menu, and access control system. Even though you can just stick any
existing CGI script into a module directory, this is not a good idea.

Required Files 711

55.2 Required Files

Every module has its own directory under the Webmin base directory, in which all the mod-
ule’s CGI programs and configuration files must be stored. For example, if the Webmin base
was /usr/local/webmin-1.090, a module called foobar would be installed in /usr/
For a module to be displayed on the main Webmin menu, it should contain at least the follow-
ing files (only module.info is mandatory):

images/icon.gif The icon displayed on the main menu for this module. The
icon should be 48x48 pixels, and should use the same color scheme as the other
icons on the main menu.
module.info This file contains information about the module and the operating
systems under which it runs. Each line of the file is in the name=value format.
Required names and their values are:
name A short name for this module, such as FooAdmin.
desc A longer description for the module, such as Foo Web Server. This is the
text that will appear below the icon on the main menu.
os_support A space-separated list of operating systems that this module
supports. The module will only be displayed on the main menu if the OS on which
Webmin is running is in the list or if there is no os_support line at all. Unless your
module configures a particular service that only exists on a few operating systems
(such as XFree86), this line should be omitted instead of trying to list all of those
supported by Webmin.
The actual operating system codes used in this line can be see in the third column of
the os_list.txt file in the Webmin root directory, and are the same as those that
can be appended to the names of config- files, as explained in Section 55.4
“Module Configuration”. To specify only a certain version of a particular OS, add it
to the OS name after a slash. For example, a module.info file might contain
os_support=redhat-linux open-linux suse-linux/8.1
If your module supports all Linux distributions, you can use the OS code *-linux
in this line.
depends A space-separated list of other modules upon which this module
depends. If module foo depends upon module bar, then Webmin will prevent
module bar from being deleted while foo is still installed. Webmin will also prevent
foo from being installed if bar has not yet been.
The list can also contain a Webmin version (such as 0.75) upon which the module
depends. In that case, installation of this module by an older version of Webmin will
not be allowed.
category This value determines under which tab on the main Webmin page your
module will be categorized. Supported values are webmin, system, servers, net,
and hardware. If your module.info file has no category line, it will appear under
the Others category.
712 Chapter 55 • Webmin Module Development

lang/en The text strings used by this module, as explained in Section 56.3
Each icon on the main menu is a link to the module directory. You must, therefore, have an
index.cgi or index.html file to be displayed when the user clicks on the icon. A typical
module contains many .cgi programs that are linked to index.cgi, each of which performs
some function such as displaying a form or saving inputs from a form.
When you first create a new module, it will not be in the ACL of any Webmin user and you
will not be able to see it in the main menu. You must first delete the /etc/webmin/
module.infos.cache file to clear the cache of known modules. Then, to make your module
visible, either edit the /etc/webmin/webmin.acl file, or use the Webmin Users module to grant
yourself access.

55.3 Module CGI Programs

The Webmin web server treats files with the.cgi extension as CGI programs, just like most
other web servers. All the forms, menus and other pages in your module will be generated by
CGI programs, so knowledge of the basic concepts of CGI programming and HTML is neces-
sary for writing a module.
All CGI programs are run with root privileges, which is generally necessary for them to be able
to edit configuration files. In some cases, your code may drop those privileges by switching to another
user. For example, if the module’s access control settings for some Webmin user specify it.
Assuming your module is being written in Perl, you should begin by writing a Perl script that
contains functions used by the CGI programs in your module. This script is usually called some-
thing like lib.pl or foobar-lib.pl. A minimal example of such a script might look like:

# foobar-lib.pl
# Common functions used for managing the foobar user list

do '../web-lib.pl';

# list_users()
# Returns a list of all foobar users
sub list_users

The three important lines in this example are:

1. do '../web-lib.pl';
The web-lib.pl file in the Webmin root directory contains a large number of
functions that are useful for developing Webmin modules. All CGI programs should
indirectly or directly require this module. You should use do instead of require, as the
latter statement will not reread a file that has already been read in the same Perl program.
Module CGI Programs 713

This causes problems if your module is called from some other module with the
foreign_require function.
2. &init_config();
This function (defined in web-lib.pl) initializes the following global variables:
%config Contains the current configuration for this module. This is typically used to
store user editable options and operating system-specific information. Module config
files are described in more detail in the following list.
%gconfig Contains the global Webmin configuration. See the following descriptions
for more details.
$module_name The name of this module, which is just the name of the directory in
which the module resides.
$module_config_directory The directory in which this module’s config file is
stored. If your module creates permanent files or programs for some reason (such as
print driver scripts), they should be created in or under this directory.
$tb The background color for table headers.
$cb The background color for table bodies.
$scriptname The name of the CGI program currently being run, relative to the
directory in which it is (such as save_foo.cgi).
$remote_user The username with which the current user logged into Webmin.
$base_remote_user The username whose permissions are currently in effect. Most
of the time this will be the same as $remote_user, but if you have the Configure
UNIX user authentication option set up in the Webmin Users module, this will be set to
the name of the user whose permissions are used.
$current_theme The name of theme in effect for the current user.
$root_directory The root directory of the Webmin install, such as /usr/
$module_root_directory The root directory of the current module, such as /usr/
%module_info Information about the current module from its module.info file.
$current_lang The short code for the language currently being used, such as en or de.
%current_lang_info A hash containing information about the current language,
with keys like desc for the language name and titles indicating whether graphical
titles can be used. Mostly useful to theme developers.
3. The list_users function
This is an example of a function that might be used by various CGI programs in this
module. Some module library files may also include another file containing functions
specific to the current operating system or configuration. The proc-lib.pl file in the
proc module is one example.
714 Chapter 55 • Webmin Module Development

A CGI program called list.cgi in this same module might look something like:

# list.cgi
# Display the list of foobar users

require './foobar-lib.pl'
&header($text{'list_title'}, "");
print "<hr>\n";

print "<table border>\n";

print "<tr $tb>\n";
print "<td><b>$text{'list_user'}</b></td>\n";
print "<td><b>$text{'list_real'}</b></td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";

@users = &list_users();

foreach $u (@users) {
print "<tr $cb>\n":
print "<td><a href='edit.cgi?user=",
print "<td>$u->{'real'}</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";

print "</table>\n";
print "<hr>\n";
&footer("", $text{'index_return'});

The important lines in this example are:

1. #!/usr/bin/perl
All CGI programs must start with a #! line containing the path to the Perl interpreter on
your system. This should be the same as the path that Webmin itself uses, found in the /etc/
webmin/perl-path file.
2. require './foobar-lib.pl';
CGI programs should include the module’s library with a line like this, so that
init_config is called and functions defined in the library are available.
3. &header($text{'list_title'}, "");
Any CGI that is going to produce HTML output should call the header function to
produce a page title. In this case, the actual title is coming from a file in the lang
directory that has been read into %text. Traditionally, a horizontal line is generated
directly after the header as well, as in this example.
Only programs that are going to later call redirect should not call header, or produce
any HTML with print statements.
4. The five lines starting with print "<table border>\n";
Module Configuration 715

These lines output the HTML for the header of the table that the CGI is going to generate.
5. @users = &list_users();
This line is a call to the list_users function defined in foobar-lib.pl, which
presumably returns an array of users.
6. The seven lines starting with foreach $u (@users) {
This loop creates the table rows, each of which contains a link to another CGI program in
the module. You should note the use of the urlize function to convert the username into
a form suitable for a URL parameter.
7. print "</table>\n";
These lines produce the HTML for the end of the table and the traditional final horizontal
8. &footer("", $text{'index_return'});
Every CGI program that calls header must call footer as well, which generates the
HTML needed to properly finish the page.

The corresponding parts of the lang/en file for this CGI program might look like:

list_title=Foobar User List

list_real=Real name

All modules that use internationalization must include a lang/en file, and can also include
other files in lang for other languages. Of course, there is no requirement that you actually
make use of Webmin’s internationalization features. You can just put hard-coded text strings into
the code instead.

55.4 Module Configuration

Almost all modules have a set of configuration parameters, available to module CGI programs in
the %config array that is set by the init_config function. When Webmin or a module is
installed, a configuration file appropriate for the chosen operating system is copied from the
module directory to the Webmin configuration directory for that module, typically something
like /etc/webmin/foobar/config.
The %gconfig associative array contains global configuration options, typically from the file
/etc/webmin/config. Some useful entries are:

os_type The operating system type selected in setup.sh, or automatically at

install time, such as solaris or redhat-linux.
os_version The operating system version selected at installation, such as 2.5 or 5.1
path The UNIX path for this operating system, as a colon separated list of
directories. This is also available in $ENV{'PATH'}, and therefore to any programs
that your module runs.
716 Chapter 55 • Webmin Module Development

Many modules deal with the configuration of some service that is mostly the same on different
operating systems. Apache, for example, works exactly the same under Solaris and Red Hat
Linux—the only difference is the standard location of the Apache configuration files. In the
Webmin Apache module, the Apache config file directory is a configurable parameter itself
that is initially set based on the chosen operating system.
Configuration parameters can also be used for options that the user may want to occasionally
change. For example, the BIND module has a parameter that controls for format of new DNS zone
serial numbers. When the fourth parameter of the header function is set, a link will be generated
to a CGI program that allows the user to edit the configuration of the current module. This program
reads the config.info file in the module directory to determine the possible values for each con-
figuration parameter. A typical config.info file might look like:

foobar_path=Path to foobar config file,0

display_mode=Index page display mode,1,0-Long,1-Medium,2-Short
password_file=Foobar server users file,3,None
file_user=Config files are owned by user,5

Each line is in the config_name=description,type[,values] format. The meanings of each line

part are:

config_name The name of a parameter in the module configuration to which this

line will apply.
description A description of this parameter for the user.
type A number that determines how this parameter can be chosen. Possible values are:
0 Free text. Any value can be entered by the user.
1 One of many. The user can choose one of several options. For this type, the
values part of the line is a comma-separated list of value-display pairs. The value
part of each pair is what gets stored in the config file, while the display part is
what is shown to the user.
2 Many of many. The user can choose zero of several more options. Available
options are specified in the same way as type 2.
3 Optional free text. The user can either select the default option or enter some
value. The values part of the line is the description of the default option (typically
something like None or Default mode).
4 One of many. The same as type 1, but uses a menu instead of a row of radio
5 UNIX user. Displays a list of users from the host on which Webmin is running.
6 UNIX group. Displays a list of groups from the host on which Webmin is
7 Directory. Like the free text input, but with a directory chooser next to it.
8 File. Like the free text input, but with a file chooser next to it.
9 Multiline free text. The first value after the type is the width of the input, and
the second value is the height.
Look and Feel 717

10 Like type 1, but with an additional option for entering free text of the user’s
11 A parameter of this type does not allow the user to enter anything, but instead
puts a section header row containing the description into the configuration form at
this point.
12 A field for entering a password, without actually displaying the current value.
13 Like type 2, but displays a list box for selecting multiple options instead of a
row of checkboxes.
Not every configurable parameter needs an entry in config.info—only those that the user
may want to edit.
When a module is installed (either as part of a Webmin distribution or separately), a configura-
tion file appropriate to the OS being used is copied from the module directory to the configuration
directory (usually under /etc/webmin). To decide which base configuration file to use, Webmin
uses the OS name and version, chosen when setup.sh was run at installation time, to look for the
following files:


Where osname is something like redhat-linux or solaris, and osversion is something like
2.6 or 5.0. A typical module might have the following configuration files:


Webmin treats each of the Linux distributions as a different OS, as each has different locations
for things like the Apache configuration file, crontab files, and bootup scripts. The OS version
number for Linux should be the distribution version (such as 4.1 or 5.0) rather than the kernel
On Linux systems, the file config-*-linux will be used if no specific file exists for the
installed Linux distribution. This can be useful if you want to create settings for all variants of
Linux without having to define a file for each one individually. Actually creating such a file can be
a bit tricky in most shells, however, as * is the wildcard character. You can just precede it with a
backslash to escape it.

55.5 Look and Feel

All Webmin modules should have the same general color scheme, look, and feel, as defined by
the following rules:

1. All pages should be viewable on any browser that supports images, tables, and forms.
Browser features such as frames, DHTML, Javascript, or Java should not be used unless
718 Chapter 55 • Webmin Module Development

there is no other option. It should be possible to use Webmin from browsers such as
Netscape 1.1 or Pocket IE.
2. All CGI programs that generate HTML output should call the header function. This
ensures that a standard page heading is generated according to the theme in use. The only
exception is a CGI that does not want any heading at all, such as one used in a pop-up
selection window.
3. The header function creates HTML tags setting the background, text, and link colors
for the generated page based on the chosen theme and color scheme. The init_config
function sets the global variables $tb and $cb, which should be used as the background
color for table headers and body rows, respectively, as in this example:
print "<table border width=100%>\n";
print "<tr $tb> <td><b>Foo</b></td> <td><b>Bar</b></td> </tr>\n";
print "<tr $cb> <td>some value</td> <td>another value</td> </tr>\n";
4. Try to avoid generating HTML forms that contain a large number of input fields. Some
browsers (particularly Netscape on UNIX) slow down when rendering such pages.
5. Your module’s main page (usually index.cgi) should set the config and noindex
parameters of the header function to 1, assuming that the module does have a
config.info file. This ensures that a Module Config link appears on the main page
and that the Module Index link does not.
6. Other pages in the module should call header with the title parameter set to the title that
you want to appear and the image parameter set to an empty string. This ensures that a con-
ventional title is displayed and that a Module Config link back to the main page appears.

55.6 Design Goals

A typical Webmin module is written to configure some UNIX services, such as Apache, Squid, or
NFS exports. Most UNIX servers are normally configured by editing a specific text file, which may
have a complex format. Any Webmin module that modifies a configuration file must be able to
parse all possible options in such a configuration file, even if not all options are presented to the user.
No module should ever corrupt a service configuration file or remove options that it does
not understand. Modules should be able to parse any valid configuration without requiring spe-
cial comments or a special format. If your module cannot deal with some option in a file, it
should be left alone.
Webmin modules should be designed to be easy for novices to use but still allow the user to do
almost everything that could be done by editing the configuration file directly. In some cases, how-
ever, configuration options will exist that very few users will need to edit, or that do not lend them-
selves to be edited through a GUI. These kind of settings should be left out of your Webmin
module because they will clutter up the user interface with their presence.

55.7 Online Help

Webmin versions 0.63 and greater have support for context-sensitive help. The hlink function
generates HTML for a link to a CGI program that processes and displays a given help page. Help
pages are stored in the help subdirectory under the module directory, and are named simply
page.html for those in English. So, a call to hlink like
Module Packaging 719

print &hlink("Enter username:", "name"),

"<input name=username size=20><p>\n";

would output a link to display the help page help/name.html.

If the help parameter to the header function is set, a link labeled Help that is directed to the
specified help page is included in the heading. This can be useful if you have created specific doc-
umentation that explains what the entire page does in general, instead of (or as well as) document-
ing fields individually. The same rules about HTML help file selection apply.
Even though online help is not mandatory (or even common) in Webmin modules, it can be
useful to provide additional information to users about what a field really means or what the pur-
pose of a page is. In many cases, inputs are not self-explanatory and need additional documenta-
tion, so why not make it available from the page itself?
As Section 56.3 “Internationalization” explains, Webmin modules can support multiple lan-
guages through the use of alternative translation files in the lang subdirectory. Help pages can
exist in more than one language as well by creating files named like page.language.html in the
help subdirectory. If such a file exists, it will be used in preference to page.html, which is
assumed to be in English. To add a German version of an existing name.html page, for example,
you would need to create name.de.html.

55.8 Module Packaging

The Webmin Configuration module allows the user to add a new module to their existing setup.
Modules must be packaged as an optionally compressed UNIX TAR file containing one or more
modules. Each module in the TAR file must have all its files in one subdirectory. For example, a
module TAR file might look like:

drwxrwxr-x 3001/10 0 Aug 12 21:53 1998 dfsadmin/

drwxrwxr-x 3001/10 0 Nov 7 01:10 1997 dfsadmin/images/
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 245 Aug 1 23:41 1998 dfsadmin/images/icon.gif
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 1438 Aug 1 23:41 1998 dfsadmin/images/dfsadmin.gif
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 1541 Aug 1 23:41 1998 dfsadmin/images/create_share.gif
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 1265 Aug 1 23:41 1998 dfsadmin/images/edit_share.gif
drwxrwxr-x 3001/10 0 May 16 18:32 1997 dfsadmin/test/
-rw-r--r-- 3001/10 493 May 16 18:32 1997 dfsadmin/test/dfstab
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 2774 Jul 29 22:22 1998 dfsadmin/dfs-lib.pl
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 49 Aug 12 21:53 1998 dfsadmin/module.info
-rwxr-xr-x 3001/10 1596 Mar 31 15:45 1998 dfsadmin/index.cgi
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 199 Mar 5 19:30 1998 dfsadmin/help.html
-rw-rw-r-- 3001/10 175 Mar 5 19:30 1998 dfsadmin/config.info
-rw-r--r-- 3001/10 140 Mar 5 19:30 1998 dfsadmin/config-solaris
-rwxr-xr-x 3001/10 142 Mar 5 19:30 1998 dfsadmin/delete_share.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 3001/10 4842 Mar 5 19:30 1998 dfsadmin/edit_share.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 3001/10 3000 Mar 5 19:30 1998 dfsadmin/save_share.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x 3001/10 573 Jun 8 15:02 1998 dfsadmin/restart_sharing.cgi

The standard extension for Webmin modules is .wbm, but any filename can be used. If you com-
press the module, it can have a .wbm.gz or .wbm.Z extension instead.
720 Chapter 55 • Webmin Module Development

Webmin modules can also be packaged as RPMs, which are suitable for installing on servers
on which the RPM version of Webmin itself is already installed. You can download a script called
makemodulerpm.pl from www.webmin.com/makemodulerpm.pl that can package up a module
directory into an RPM by creating the spec file automatically.

55.9 Summary and Learning More

The information and examples in this chapter should be all you need to know to start writing
your own modules. Chapter 56 explains some of the more advanced possibilities in module
development, such as logging, locking, and access control. Chapter 60 lists all of the functions
that are available to module writers in web-lib.pl, which can be used to give your module a
similar look and feel to standard modules, simplify the process of editing configuration files, and
much more.
The best source of information about module development is the source code of Webmin
itself. Have a look at it to see how the standard modules are written and read Chapter 57, which
takes you through the Scheduled Cron Jobs module.
For information on creating themes, which are similar to modules in many ways, read Chap-
ters 58 and 59. These cover the basics of theme creation and the implementation of the default
MSC theme, respectively.
C H A P T E R 5 6

Advanced Module

his chapter carries on from Chapter 55, and explains some of the more
T advanced parts of module development such as access control,
logging, and integration with the Users and Groups module.

56.1 Module Access Control

Webmin versions 0.72 and above support a standard method for restricting which features of a
module a user can access. For example, the Apache module allows a Webmin user to be
restricted to managing selected virtual servers, and the BIND module allows a user to be limited
to editing records only in certain domains.
This kind of detailed access control is separate from the first level ACLs that control which
users have access to which modules. As long as your module calls init_config, the Webmin
API will automatically block users who do not have access to the entire module.
Module access control options are set in the Webmin Users module by clicking on the name
of a module next to a user's name. The available options are generated by code from the module
itself (except for the Can edit module configuration? option, which is always present). When
the user clicks on Save, the form parameters are also parsed by code from the module being con-
figured before being saved in the Webmin configuration directory.
A module wanting to use access control must contain a file called acl_security.pl in its
directory. This file must contain two Perl functions:

acl_security_form(acl) This function takes a reference to a hash containing

the current ACL options for this user and must output HTML for form inputs to edit
those ACL options. Because the HTML will be inside a 4-column table, you must
generate the appropriate <tr> and <td> tags around your input elements.

722 Chapter 56 • Advanced Module Development

acl_security_save(acl, inputs) This function must fill in the given hash

reference with values from the form created by acl_security_form. Form inputs
are available in the global hash %in as generated by ReadParse, or from the second
parameter to the function.

Because these functions are called in the context of your module, the acl_security.pl file
can require the common functions file used by other CGI programs in the module. This gives
you access to all the standard Webmin functions and allows you to provide more meaningful
inputs. For example, when setting ACL options for the Apache module, a list of virtual servers
from the Apache configuration is displayed for the user to choose from.
An example acl_security.pl might look like:

do 'foo-lib.pl';

sub acl_security_form
print "<tr> <td><b>Can edit users?</b></td>\n";
printf "<td><input type=radio name=edit value=1 %s> Yes\n",
$_[0]->{'edit'} ? 'checked': '';
printf "<input type=radio name=edit value=0 %s> No</td> </tr>\n",
$_[0]->{'edit'} ? '': 'checked';

sub acl_security_save
$_[0]->{'edit'} = $in{'edit'};

If a user has not yet had any ACL options set for a module, a default set of options will be used.
These are read from the defaultacl file in the module directory, which must contain
name=value pairs, one per line. These options should allow the user to do anything so the admin
or master Webmin user is not restricted by default.
To actually enforce the chosen ACL options for each user, your module programs must use
the get_module_acl function to get the ACL for the current user and then verify that each
action is allowed. When called with no parameters, this function will return a hash containing
the options set for the current user in the current module, which is almost always what you want.
For example:

require 'foo-lib.pl';
%access = &get_module_acl();
$access{'create'} ||
&error("You are not allowed to create new foo users");

When designing a module to which some users will have limited access, remember that the user
can enter any URL, not just those to which you link. For example, just doing ACL checking in
the program that displays a form is not enough. The program that processes the form should do
User Update Notification 723

all the same checks as well. CGI parameters should also never be trusted, even hidden parame-
ters that cannot normally be input by the user.

56.2 User Update Notification

Since version 0.72, it has been possible to have the Users and Groups module notify other mod-
ules when a UNIX user is added, updated, or deleted. This can be useful if your module deals
with additional information that is associated with users. For example, the Disk Quotas module
sets default quotas when new users are created, and the Samba Windows File Sharing module
keeps the Samba password file in sync with the UNIX user list.
To have your module notified when a user is added, updated, or deleted, you must create a
Perl script called useradmin_update.pl in your module directory. This file must contain
three functions:

useradmin_create_user(user) This function is called when a new UNIX

user is created. The user parameter is a hash containing the details of the new user,
described in more detail below.
useradmin_modify_user(user, olduser) This function is called when an
existing UNIX user is modified in any way. The user parameter is a hash containing
the new details of the user, and olduser contains the details of the user before he was
useradmin_delete_user(user) This function is called when a UNIX user is
deleted. Like the other functions, the user hash contains the user’s details.

The hash reference passed to each of the three functions has the keys shown in Table 56.1.
If the system has shadow passwords enabled, other keys may also be available—it is not a
good idea to rely on them.
When your functions are called, they will be in the context of your module. This means that
your useradmin_update.pl script can require the file of common functions used by other
CGI programs. The functions can perform any action you like to update other configuration files
or whatever, but should not generate any output on STDOUT or take too long to execute. A partial
example useradmin_update.pl might look like:

do 'foo-lib.pl';

sub useradmin_create_user
local $lref = &read_file_lines($users_file);
push(@$lref, "$_[0]->{'user'}:$_[0]->{'pass'}");

56.3 Internationalization
Webmin versions 0.75 and above provide module writers with functions for generating different
text and messages, depending on the language selected by the user. Each module that wishes to
use this feature should have a subdirectory called lang that contains a translation file for each
724 Chapter 56 • Advanced Module Development

Table 56.1 Keys in the Hash Passed to the Usermin_update.pl Functions

user The login name of the new or modified user

uid The UNIX UID of the user

gid The UNIX GID for the user’s primary group

pass The user’s password, encrypted with the crypt function

plainpass The user’s password in plain text. This is only available when the passmode key is
equal to 3.

passmode This number depends on the choice made for the Password field in the create user or
edit user form.
0 - No password is set for this user, typically meaning that no password is required to log in
1 - This user is not allowed to log in at all
2 - Only the encrypted password for this user is available
3 - A new or initial plain-text password is available in the plainpass key
4 - The user’s password is unchanged. Only possible when useradmin_modify_user
is called.

real The user’s real name

home The user’s home directory

shell The user’s login shell

supported language. Each line of a translation file defines a message in that language in the for-
mat message_code=Message in this language.
The default language for Webmin is English (code en), so every module should have at least
a file called lang/en. If any other language is missing a message, the English one will be used
instead. Check the file lang_list.txt for all the languages currently supported and their
codes. To change the current language, go into the Webmin Configuration module and click on
the Language icon.
When your module calls the init_config function, all the messages from the appropriate
translation file will be read into the %text hash. Therefore, instead of generating hard-coded
text like this:

print "Click here to start the server:<p>\n";

your module should use the %text hash like so:

print $text{'startmsg'},"<p>\n";
File Locking 725

Messages from the appropriate file in the top-level lang directory are also included in %text. Sev-
eral useful messages such as save, delete, and create are therefore available to every module.
In some cases, you may want to include some variable text in a message. Because the posi-
tion of the variable may differ depending on the language used, message strings can include
place markers like $1, $2, or $3. The text function should be used to replace these place mark-
ers with actual values like:

print &text('servercount', $count),"<p>\n";

Your module’s module.info file can also support multiple languages by adding a line like
desc_code=module description for each language, where code is the language code. You can
also have a separate config.info file for each language—called config.info.code—and
separate help files for each language, such as intro.code.html. In all cases, if there is no
translation for the user’s chosen language then the default (English) will be used instead.

56.4 File Locking

Webmin version 0.81 introduced several new common functions for locking files to prevent mul-
tiple programs from writing to them at the same time. Module programmers should make use of
these functions to prevent the corruption or overwriting of configuration files in cases where two
users are using the same module at the same time.
Locking is done by the lock_file function, which takes the name of a file as a parameter
and obtains an exclusive lock on that file by creating a file with the same name but with .lock
appended. The unlock_file function also removes the lock on the file given as a parameter.
Because the .lock file stores the PID of the process that locked the file, any locks a CGI pro-
gram holds will be automatically released when it exits. It is recommended, however, that locks
be properly released by calling unlock_file or unlock_all_files before exiting.
The following code shows how the locking functions might be used:

open(CONF, ">>/etc/something.conf");
print CONF "some new directive\n";

Locking should be done as soon as possible in the CGI program—ideally before reading the file
to be changed and definitely before writing to it. Files can and should be locked during creation
and deletion, as should directories and symbolic links before creation or removal. While this is
not really necessary to prevent file corruption, it does make the logging of file changes per-
formed by the program more complete, as explained below.
Many other programs also use .lock files for the same purpose, but most do not put their
process ID in the file. If the lock_file function encounters a lock like this, it will wait until it
is completely removed before obtaining its own lock, as there is no way to tell if the original pro-
cess is still running or not.
726 Chapter 56 • Advanced Module Development

56.5 Action Logging

Webmin versions 0.81 and above have support for detailed logging by CGI programs of the
actions performed by users for later viewing in the Webmin Actions Log module. While previ-
ous versions wrote an HTTP log file to /var/webmin/miniserv.log, this did not contain the
information required to work out exactly what each Webmin user had been doing. To improve on
this, Webmin now logs detailed information to the file /var/webmin/webmin.log and option-
ally to files in the /var/webmin/diffs directory. Note that nothing will be recorded in this
file if logging is not enabled in the Webmin Configuration module.
CGI programs should call the webmin_log function after they have successfully completed
all processing and file updates. The parameters taken by the function are:

action The action the program has performed. Usually something like save or
type The type of thing affected by the program. Often something like user or
group, although it can be left blank if not appropriate.
object The name of the thing affected, such as jcameron or root or
parameters A reference to a hash containing additional information that the
program wants to log. Often just passing \%in is useful.

All of these parameters can contain any information you want, as they are merely logged to the
actions log file and not interpreted by webmin_log in any way. For example, a module might
call the function like this:

open(USERS, ">>/etc/foo.users");
print USERS "$in{'username'} $in{'password'}\n";
&webmin_log("create", "user", $in{'username'}, \%in);

Because the raw log files are not easy to understand, Webmin also provides support for
converting detailed action logs into human-readable format. The Webmin Actions Log module
makes use of a Perl function in the log_parser.pl file in each module’s subdirectory to
convert log records from that module into a readable message.
This file must contain the parse_webmin_log function, which is called once for each log
record for this module. It will be called with the following parameters:

user The Webmin user who runs the program that generates the log record.
script The filename of the CGI script that generated this log, without the directory.
action Whatever was passed as the action parameter to webmin_log to create
this log record.
type Whatever was passed as the type parameter to webmin_log.
object Whatever was passed as the object parameter to webmin_log.
Action Logging 727

parameters A reference to a hash, the same as the one passed to webmin_log.

long If non-zero, this indicates that the function is being called to create the
description for the Action Details page and thus can return a longer message than
normal. You can ignore this if you like.

The function should return a text string based on the parameters passed to it that converts them into
a readable description for the user. For example, your log_parser.pl file might look like:

require 'foo-lib.pl';

sub parse_webmin_log
local ($user, $script, $action, $type, $object, $params, $long) = @_;
if ($action eq 'create') {
return &text('log_create', $user);
elsif ($action eq 'delete') {
return &text('log_delete', $user);

Because the log_parser.pl file is read and executed in a similar way to how the
acl_security.pl file is handled by the Webmin Users module, it can require the module’s
own library of functions just like any module CGI program would. This means that the text
function and %text hash are available for accessing the module’s translated text strings, as in
the example above.
Webmin can also be configured to record exactly what file changes are made by each CGI
program before calling webmin_log. Under Logging in the Webmin Configuration module is a
checkbox labeled Log changes made to files by each action that, when enabled, will cause the
webmin_log function to use the diff command to find changes made to any file locked by
each program.
When logging of file changes is enabled, the action details page in the Actions Log module will
show the diffs for all file updates, creations, and deletions by the chosen action. If locking of direc-
tories and symbolic links is done as well, it will show their creations and modifications, too.
As well as having their file changes logged, programs can also use the common
system_logged, kill_logged, and rename_logged functions that take the same parame-
ters as the Perl system, kill, and rename functions but also record the event for viewing on
the action details page. There is also a backquote_logged function that works in a similar
fashion to the Perl backquote operator (it takes a command and executes it, returning the output),
but also logs the command. If these functions are used, they must be called before webmin_log
for the logging to actually be recorded, as in this example:

if ($pid) {
&kill_logged('TERM', $pid);
else {
728 Chapter 56 • Advanced Module Development

&system_logged("/etc/init.d/foo stop");

56.6 Pre- and Post-Install Scripts

Webmin versions 0.990 and above allow modules to contain Perl scripts that will be run after
a module is installed and before it is uninstalled. If your module contains a file called
postinstall.pl, the Perl function module_install in this file will be called after the install
of your module is complete. Because it is executed in the module’s directory, it can make use of
the common functions library, in the following way:

require 'yourmodule-lib.pl';

sub module_install
system("cp $module_root_directory/somefile $config_directory/somefile")
if (!-r "$config_directory/somefile");

The function will be called when a module is installed from the Webmin Configuration or Clus-
ter Webmin Servers modules. It is not called, however, if the install-module.pl script is
used or when the module in RPM format is installed.
If your module contains a file called uninstall.pl, the Perl function
module_uninstall in that file will also be called just before the module is deleted. This can
happen when it is deleted, using the Webmin Users or Cluster Webmin Servers modules, or
when all of Webmin is uninstalled. The module_uninstall function should clean up any con-
figuration that will no longer work when the module is uninstalled, such as Cron jobs that refer-
ence scripts in the module.

56.7 Functions in Other Modules

The standard Webmin modules contain a vast number of useful functions for parsing and manip-
ulating the configuration files for Apache, BIND, UNIX Users, and so on. If your module needs
to configure these servers as well in some way, it makes sense to make use of existing functions
in the standard modules.
Because the standard modules have typically already been configured with the correct paths
for files like httpd.conf and squid.conf, their functions will use those paths when you call
them to read and write configuration files. The actual %config settings for another module can
also be accessed so your module knows what commands to use to apply changes or to start some
server like Apache or Squid.
When you first load the library for some other module with the foreign_require func-
tion, it is actually executed in a separate Perl module namespace. All of your module’s CGI pro-
grams and its library will be in the main namespace, but other foreign module’s functions will be
put in a namespace with the same name as the Webmin module. This means that you can call
those functions with code like &useradmin::list_users() and access global variables like
$useradmin::config{'passwd_file'}. This Perl namespace separation ensures that func-
Functions in Other Modules 729

tions and global variables with the same names can exist in both your module and the foreign
module, without any clashes. Some things are shared between all modules, however, such as
caches used by get_system_hostname, load_language, read_file_cached, and
get_all_module_infos so loading the library of a new module with foreign_require is
not too slow.
The only way to find out which functions are available in other modules is to read the source
code of their CGI programs and libraries. Unfortunately, there is no documentation at the moment
as to what the functions do, apart from maybe some comments in the source code. You will also
find that not every feature of another module is accessible though its functions. For example, the
Apache module does not have a function for applying the current configuration. Instead, this is
done by the restart.cgi script, which runs the appropriate commands directly.
Probably the most useful module for others is Running Processes, as it contains several
functions for starting processes in the background. Many of the standard modules make use of
them, which is why Running Processes should never be uninstalled unless you want to break
several other Webmin modules as well.
The functions available after calling &foreign_require("proc", "proc-lib.pl"); are:

proc::safe_process_exec(command, uid, gid, handle, input,

fixtags, bsmode) Executes the specified command as the given UNIX uid
and gid, and writes its output to a Perl file handle (usually STDOUT). This can be
useful when executing programs that fork their own subprocesses, which would
normally prevent Perl from detecting the end of their output when run using a piped
open function call. For example, many servers have startup scripts like /etc/
init.d/httpd that exhibit this problematic behavior.
If the input parameter is supplied, it will be fed as input to the command when run.
If the fixtags parameter is set to 1, all output from the command will have HTML
characters escaped so it can be properly displayed in a browser. And if the bsmode
argument is set, any backspace or return characters output by the command are
interpreted to remove the last output letter or clear the current line, respectively. This
can be useful if the program usually uses these characters to display an incrementing
counter, as mkfs and cdrecord do.

proc::safe_process_exec_logged(command, uid, gid, handle, input,

fixtags, bsmode) This function behaves just like safe_process_exec, but
also records the executed command so it will be logged when webmin_log is called.
proc::pty_process_exec(command, [uid, gid]) Executes the specified
command in a new PTY as either the given UNIX uid and gid or the correct user
(normally root). Many programs (such as passwd) expect to interact with a user
through the current TTY and thus input cannot simply be piped to them after being
run with the open function. You can, however, use the file handle that this function
returns to read and write to such programs as though you were supplying user input
and viewing output usually sent to the user.
pty_process_exec actually returns both a file handle and the PID of the started
process so you can kill it if necessary. The standard wait_for function can be used
to interact with the command, as the following example shows:
730 Chapter 56 • Advanced Module Development

&foreign_require("proc", "proc-lib.pl");
($fh, $pid) = &proc::pty_process_exec("passwd $username");
while(1) {
$rv = &wait_for($fh, "password:");
if ($rv == 0) {
&sysprint($fh, $password);
else {
proc::pty_process_exec_logged(command, [uid, gid]) Just like
pty_process_exec, but records the command for later logging when
webmin_log is called.
proc::list_processes([pid]) Returns a list of all processes currently
running on the system or just the details of a single process if the pid parameter is
supplied. Each element of the returned array is a reference to a hash containing at
least the keys shown in Table 56.2.
proc::find_process(name) Searches for processes whose command or
arguments match the given name and returns an array of details for those that match.
Each element is a hash reference with the same members as the list_processes

56.8 Remote Procedure Calls

Webmin versions 0.82 and above have several common functions for executing code on remote
Webmin servers. They are used by some of the standard modules (such as those in the Cluster
category) to control multiple servers from a single interface and may be useful in your own mod-
ules as well. These functions, all of which have names starting with remote_, let you call func-
tions, evaluate Perl code, and transfer data to and from other systems running Webmin.
Before a master server can make RPC calls to a remote host, it must be registered in the
Webmin Servers Index module on the master system. The Link type field must be set to Login
via Webmin and a username and password must be entered. The specified user should be root
or admin, as others are not, by default, allowed to accept RPC calls.
RPC is usually used to call functions in other modules on a remote system or to call com-
mon functions. This is done with the remote_foreign_call function, but before it can be
used, remote_foreign_require must be called to load the library for the module that you
want to call. This is very similar to calling functions in other local modules with the foreign_
functions, as explained in Section 56.7 “Functions in Other Modules”.
A piece of code that edits a user on a remote system might look like the following:

$server = "www.example.com";
$user = "joe";
&remote_foreign_require($server, "useradmin", "user-lib.pl");
@users = &remote_foreign_call($server, "useradmin", "list_users");
Remote Procedure Calls 731

Table 56.2 Keys in Each Process Information Hash

pid The process’s ID

ppid The ID of its parent process

user The name of the UNIX user who owns this process

cpu The percentage of CPU time that the process is currently using

size The amount of memory that the process is using

nice Its current nice level

time How long the process has been actually using the CPU

args The process’s command and any arguments

($joe) = grep { $_->{'user'} eq $user } @users;

if ($joe) {
$joe->{'real'} = "Joe Bloggs";
&remote_foreign_call($server, "useradmin", "modify_user", $joe, $joe);

Of course, you need to be familiar with the available functions in other modules and be sure that
the module that you want to call is actually installed and is the right version.
All parameters passed to remote functions are converted to a serialized text form for transfer
to the remote server and any return value is also sent back in serialized form. The common func-
tions serialize_variable and unserialize_variable are used, but the process is hidden
from both the caller and the remote function. They only see scalars and references in their origi-
nal format. One thing to look out for is circular references, however. Trying to send a structure
that contains links to itself (such as a doubly-linked list) will fail due to the shortcomings of the
serialize_variable function. Also, try to avoid using extremely large parameters, such as
strings over 1 MB in size, as serialization may make them massive.
Parameters that are references to hashes, arrays, or scalars that would normally be filled in
by the function will not be transferred properly. For example, the read_file function normally
fills in the hash referenced by its second argument with the contents of a file. This will not work
when it is called remotely, as all parameters and anything that they refer to are copied to the
other system.
The remote_eval function can be used to execute an arbitrary block of Perl code on a
remote system, which allows you to do things that calls to remote functions cannot. It is the only
way to call native Perl functions, such as unlink, to read and write arbitrary format files, set glo-
732 Chapter 56 • Advanced Module Development

bal variables, and properly call functions that set their parameters. Whatever the Perl code evalu-
ates will be returned by this function. This example shows remote_eval in use:

$data = &remote_eval($server, "useradmin",

"rename('/etc/foo', '/etc/bar');\n".
"local \%data;\n".
"&read_file('/etc/bar', \\%data);\n".
"return \\%data;\n");
&write_file('/etc/foo', $data);

As you can see, proper quoting is necessary when constructing the Perl code string so any
variable symbols (such as $, %, and @) are escape, as is the \ character. The second module
parameter to remote_eval can be set to undef, which indicates that the code should be
executed in the global Webmin context, rather than that of any module’s.
The functions remote_read and remote_write can be used to transfer the contents of an
entire file between the master and remote systems. They are much faster than reading in the file
and encoding it for use in the remote_foreign_call or remote_eval functions, as the file is
transferred unencoded over a TCP connection.
If your module makes RPC calls, you may want the user to select a system to make calls to
or from a menu. A list of the names of all those available can be obtained from the Webmin
Servers Index module with code such as the following:

&foreign_require("servers", "servers-lib.pl");
@allservers = &servers::list_servers();
@rpcservers = map { $_->{'host'} } grep { $_->{'user'} } @allservers;

In addition, all of the remote_ functions will accept undef for the server parameter. This indi-
cates that the local system should be used, which never needs to be defined in the Webmin Serv-
ers Index module. This is how all of the Cluster category modules can include the this server
option in their lists of hosts to manage.

56.9 Creating Usermin Modules

Usermin has a very similar architecture to Webmin, so its modules have an almost identical
design to Webmin modules. The main difference is that Usermin is designed to be used by any
UNIX user on a server to perform tasks that they could perform from the command line. Any
third-party Usermin modules should be written with this in mind.
By default, module CGI programs are run as root, just like in Webmin. This is necessary
because some tasks (like changing passwords) can only be done as root. Most Usermin mod-
ules, however, do not need super-user privileges and so should call the standard
switch_to_remote_user function just after calling init_config in order to lower privi-
leges to those of the logged-in user.
Usermin modules can have global configuration variables that are initially set from the
config or config-ostype file in the module directory, and are available in %config. These
variables, however, are never editable by the user. They can only be set in the Usermin Configu-
ration module of Webmin.
Summary 733

Per-user configurable options are supported, however, using a different mechanism. When
the standard create_user_config_dirs function is called, the global %userconfig hash
will be filled with values from the following sources, with later sources overriding earlier ones:

defaultuconfig file in the module directory This should contain the default
options for this module for all users, to be used if no other settings are made by the
user or system administrator.
/etc/webmin/modulename/defaultuconfig file This contains defaults for
the module on this system, as set by the system administrator using the second form
on the usermin module configuration page in the Usermin Configuration Webmin
~username/.usermin/modulename/config file This contains options chosen
by users themselves.

The uconfig.info file in the module directory defines the editors for the system-wide and per-
user configuration variables. This file has the exact same format as the config.info file used
for Webmin and Usermin global configuration, as explained elsewhere in this document.
If you create your own Usermin module, it should be packaged in exactly the same way as a
Webmin module (as a .tar or .tar.gz file). The module.info file must contain the usermin=1
line so that it cannot be installed in Webmin (where it would not work properly).

56.10 Summary
This chapter has been a continuation of Chapter 55 by explaining how to make use of some of
the more advanced features available to Webmin module developers. It has covered access con-
trol, internationalization, logging, and the use of RPC to call functions on other servers running
Webmin. It has also documented some of the functions in the Running Processes module, which
can be used by other modules wanting to start or manage processes.
C H A P T E R 5 7

Inside the Scheduled

Cron Jobs Module

his chapter takes module writers inside one of the standard Webmin
T modules and explains which parts of its design they should copy.

57.1 Module Design and CGI Programs

As Chapter 10 explains, this module lets a user view, edit, and create Cron jobs for all UNIX
users on a system. It gets the lists of jobs by reading several different files, such as those in the
/var/spool/cron directory, those in /etc/cron.d, and those in /etc/crontab. The exact
paths depend upon the operating system on which Webmin is running, as every UNIX variant
seems to have its own implementation of Cron.
In addition to editing jobs, the module can also be used to execute those that have already
been defined and view their output. Users can also edit the files that control which users have
access to Cron, usually named /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny.
The CGI programs that make up this module are:

index.cgi Displays a list of jobs that the current Webmin user is allowed to
access, each of which is a link to the editing page created by edit_cron.cgi with
a parameter identifying the index of the job to edit. The actual list comes from the
list_cron_jobs function in cron-lib.pl.
edit_cron.cgi Produces HTML for a form for either editing an existing job or
creating a new one, depending on the idx and new parameters. Again, the details of
a job being edited are taken from idx.
The list_cron_jobs function At the bottom of the generated page are buttons
that submit to either save_cron.cgi or delete_cron.cgi.
save_cron.cgi Calls ReadParse to get the form inputs from edit_cron.cgi
and validates them to make sure all of the required fields have been filled. If so,

The cron-lib.pl Library Script 735

functions from cron-lib.pl are called to either create a new job or update an
existing job and then a redirect is called to make the user's browser return to
index.cgi. If an error is detected, however, the standard error function is called
When changing the user that a job runs as, this program needs to delete and recreate
it so that it ends up in the right file, instead of just changing it in place.
delete_cron.cgi Runs when the Delete button on the editing form is clicked.
Just calls a function from cron-lib.pl to remove the job specified by the idx
parameter and then redirects the browser to index.cgi.
exec_cron.cgi This CGI uses the safe_process_exec function from the
Running Processes module to run the command for a specified Cron job as the user
who owns it and displays the output. It also deletes any environment variables that
are specific to Webmin, so that programs run by the Cron job do not get confused
and think that they are being called as CGI programs when this is not really the case.
edit_allow.cgi Just displays a form for entering either a list of users who are
allowed to use Cron or a list of those who cannot. The current settings are obtained
by calling functions in cron-lib.pl.
save_allow.cgi Saves the inputs from the form created by edit_allow.cgi
back to the original files, again by calling functions from the module's library.

This module follows a design common to many others—a single page listing objects to edit,
each of which is a link to a form for editing. Your modules should use the same layout where
appropriate, instead of displaying a huge table for editing multiple objects at once. It is a good
idea to imitate this module's use of multiple CGI programs, as well, instead of trying to output
everything in a single script. In all of the standard modules, a separate program generates each
page and, if the page is a form, it is submitted to yet another program. This makes each one sim-
pler and easier to understand instead of putting both the form generating and processing code
into a single script. The redirect function is used by all of the form processing save_ CGIs to
return the user's browser to the module's main page, rather than back to the editing form.

57.2 The cron-lib.pl Library Script

The real work in this module is done by the functions in cron-lib.pl, which actually read and
write the various Cron job files in their different formats. This is the way a Webmin module
should be written, as it cleanly separates the user interface from the configuration file manage-
ment. This prevents unnecessary duplication of code and makes it easy to add support for a spe-
cific new Cron file if one arises.
The functions in this library that CGI programs call are:

list_cron_jobs() Returns an array of hash references, each of which contains

the details of a specific Cron job. This information is actually read from several
different files, and each job hash contains the name of the file that it came from in
the file key, the position of the line key in that file, and the format in the type
key. This is used when the job is saved with change_cron_job, so that it gets put
back in the same place with the correct format. Many other Webmin modules store
736 Chapter 57 • Inside the Scheduled Cron Jobs Module

this kind of information in hashes that they create from configuration files, so they
know which part of the file to update.
create_cron_job(job) Takes a hash reference containing Cron job details
with the same keys as those returned by list_cron_jobs, which is then converted
to a correctly formatted line, and appended to a temporary copy of the user's Cron
jobs file. The copy_crontab function is used to activate it, using the method
explained below.
change_cron_job(job) Takes a hash reference returned by list_cron_jobs
but with some of the details updated and converts it to a correctly formatted line of
text. If it is a user's personal Cron job, then the line must be updated in a copy of the
jobs file. Otherwise, the original file that it came from can be updated directly.
delete_cron_job(job) Deletes the job passed in as a parameter by removing
its line from the original file. If it was a user's personal Cron job, this is done in a
temporary copy of his file instead of directly updating the original source.
list_allowed and list_denied Return arrays of users who are allowed or not
allowed to access Cron, respectively. These functions are primarily used by
edit_allow.cgi, and just read the contents of /etc/cron.allow and /etc/
cron.deny. However, save_cron.cgi also uses them to check whether or not the
user that you are creating a Cron job for can actually use it, as the crontab
command will often fail if this is not the case.
save_allowed(user, …) and save_denied(user, …) These functions write
the lists of users given as parameters to the /etc/cron.allow or /etc/
cron.deny files, respectively. They are only used by save_allow.cgi.
can_edit_user(access, user) This function is used to check to see if the
current Webmin user can access the Cron jobs of a particular UNIX user, based on
the hash reference and username passed in as parameters. The reference is assumed
to be the return value from get_module_acl, which contains settings made in the
Webmin Users module. Most of the CGI programs use it to limit their displays and
prevent attempts to access jobs belonging to unauthorized users. If your module has
access control features that can limit what objects a user can access, a function like
this is useful to prevent the duplication of code that checks ACL settings. It should
be noted that it is called in both edit_cron.cgi and save_cron.cgi to block
sneaky users who try to invoke the save program directly instead of going through
the form.
show_times_input(job) This code prints HTML for the part of a form for
editing the times at which a Cron job is run. It used to be in edit_cron.cgi, but
was moved into the library so that other modules that set up Cron jobs (such as
Filesystem Backup) can make use of the same inputs in their user interface.
parse_times_input(job, in) This function parses the inputs from the form
created by show_times_input. Again, other modules use it as well as
Module Configuration Settings 737

You might wonder why some of the functions above update a temporary file instead of directly
editing the files in /var/spool/cron that contain user Cron jobs. The reason is that the
crontab command must be used to install a modified file in order for the Cron daemon to
notice the change and for it to take effect. This is done by the copy_crontab function, which
invokes the appropriate crontab command for the operating system. Normally, when crontab
is run by a user, it starts an editor like vi for the user to edit a temporary copy of the file, which
is then moved back into /var/spool/cron.
This module sets the EDITOR environment variable to the cron_editor.pl script, how-
ever, which just copies the temporary file created by the module over the file passed to the script
for editing by crontab. When it exists, the changes made by the module are properly installed
and the temporary file can be deleted.
This process is not necessary for Cron jobs in /etc/crontab or /etc/cron.d, however,
as the Cron daemon automatically detects when those files have been updated. For this reason,
the change_cron_job and delete_cron_job functions can edit them directly.
Because Cron is a great tool for running scripts on a regular basic, several other modules
make use of this one to set up jobs of their own. For example, Webmin Configuration uses it to
schedule the automatic download of updated modules, Webalizer Logfile Analysis uses it to
have logs processed regularly, and System and Server Status uses it to set up scheduled monitor-
All of this is done by making foreign calls to the cron module, as explained in Section 56.7
“Functions in Other Modules”. If your module needs to do the same, it is advisable to make use
of the code in cron-lib.pl that already supports a wide variety of operating systems and cre-
ates jobs in the correct way.

57.3 Module Configuration Settings

This module demonstrates how the various Cron file locations, formats, and programs on differ-
ent operating systems can be supported by the same code. If you look in its directory, you will
see numerous files with names starting with config-, such as config-solaris and config-
redhat-linux. Each specifies the files to read and commands to use for particular operating
systems. The code in cron-lib.pl makes numerous references to %config when listing and
updating jobs, which, of course, is filled with the contents of /etc/webmin/cron/config.
This file, in turn, comes from the appropriate config- file in the module's directory, chosen at
the time Webmin was installed.
If your module manages some service that differs slightly between operating systems, this
method of using different default configurations makes sense. It can also be useful when writing
a module for some server like Apache because the default configuration and program file paths
will differ depending on the operating system or Linux distribution due to the vast number of
different Apache packages out there.
The config.info file in this module defines inputs for editing both the operating system
dependent options in the configuration file and those related only to the module’s user interface.
Sometimes it makes very little sense to let users edit such settings as the location of users’ per-
sonal Cron job files as they are pretty much determined by the operating system in use. For this
reason, you might think that taking those fields out of config.info is a good idea so that users
cannot mess up the module’s configuration.
738 Chapter 57 • Inside the Scheduled Cron Jobs Module

This will work fine, as it is really the entries in the appropriate config- file that get (indi-
rectly) loaded into the %config hash. The config.info file just controls which ones are edit-
able and what values are allowed—any others will be left unchanged when the user clicks on
Module Config. In the Scheduled Cron Jobs module, however, all configuration settings can be
edited, just in case the user upgrades the version of Cron that comes with his operating system to
a totally different package.

57.4 The lang Internationalization Directory

Thanks to the generous contributions of Webmin users, the lang subdirectory for this module
contains files for several different languages. The settings in the Language form of the Webmin
Configuration module determines which one is loaded into the %text hash when init_config
is called, as explained in Section 56.3 “Internationalization”.
This module uses no hard-coded text strings in any of its CGI programs or other scripts.
Instead, references to an appropriate message for the current language, like
$text{'index_create'} or &text('exec_cmd'), are used. If your module might ever be
translated into a different language, you should do the same in its CGI programs, as well. Even
though it is slightly more work to put messages into a separate file, it is worth it in the long run.

57.5 The acl_security.pl Access Control Script

As Chapter 52 explains, the Webmin Users module can be used to configure detailed access con-
trol settings for a particular user and module. The actual form for editing these settings is gener-
ated by the acl_security.pl script in the module's directory, covered in Section 56.1
“Module Access Control”. Because this module lets an administrator define which UNIX users
a particular Webmin user can edit Cron jobs for, it has one of these scripts as well.
As you can see by opening the file in an editor, it contains the required
acl_security_form and acl_security_save functions. The first prints HTML for form
inputs in a 4-column table, with their current settings based on the contents of the hash refer-
ence passed in as a parameter. The second function checks the values in %in and uses them to
fill in the hash reference from its parameter, which is saved by the Webmin Users module back
to /etc/webmin/cron/username.acl upon exiting.
The ACL settings for this module let the administrator choose allowed UNIX users by sev-
eral different means. He can either grant access to all of them, to just the one whose name
matches the current Webmin user, to a specific list of users, to users with some primary group, or
to users with UIDs within some range. Many other modules have similar options to specify
allowed users of some kind. If your module deals with some kind of UNIX user-related configu-
ration, its acl_security.pl script should have similar inputs.
On many systems (such as those used for virtual hosting), a single subadministrator may be
responsible for many UNIX accounts—possibly those with a certain primary group or with
UIDs within some fixed range. This kind of access control makes it possible to safely give such
a subadministrator a Webmin login to manage only those UNIX users that “belong” to him.
All of the CGI programs in this module use the get_module_acl standard function to get
the access control settings for the current Webmin user. The return value is generally stored in
the %access hash, which is consulted to determine if the Webmin user can access Cron jobs for
The log_parser.pl Log Reporting Script 739

a particular UNIX user. This is mostly done by calling can_edit_user (explained above), and
then calling error if access was denied.
Code in your module should do the same, and every CGI program should check to make
sure that it is not being accessed inappropriately. One change that you might want to make is to
put the call to get_module_acl into your module’s library script so that the %access hash is
available globally to every CGI program, instead of each of them having to call it explicitly.
When creating a module that can be set up to allow limited access like this, you must be
very careful to stop the user from escaping its restrictions in any way. This means following all
of the normal rules about programming CGI scripts, such as not passing user inputs directly to
the system or open functions. Because a user who has full root privileges normally accesses
Webmin modules, security holes like this would usually not matter. When the user has been
given less privileges through the use of module access control, however, a bug could let him exe-
cute arbitrary commands or edit files as root.

57.6 The log_parser.pl Log Reporting Script

Like all good Webmin modules, this one logs actions taken by users so that they can be viewed
later in the Webmin Actions Log module. The save_cron.cgi, delete_cron.cgi,
save_allow.cgi, and exec_cron.cgi programs all call the standard webmin_log function
with parameters indicating what action has just taken place. As Section 56.5 “Action Logging”
explains, this information is then written to a log file for later reporting.
Even though just about any arguments can be passed to the webmin_log function, it is usu-
ally a good idea to follow the standard that this and other modules use. The first action parame-
ter should be the action performed, such as save or delete. The type parameter should be the
kind of object to which the action applies, such as cron or user. The object parameter should
be the name of the object affected, such as fred or www.foo.com. Finally, the params parame-
ter must be a hash reference containing additional information about the action, such as the
structure of the object being modified or the contents of %in. All parameters except action are
optional, so it is quite reasonable and common for a module to use code like
All of these programs also make use of the lock_file and unlock_file functions to
obtain locks on files that they change. This causes the actual changes to the Cron files to be cap-
tured for inclusion in the log as well, so that inexperienced administrators can see exactly what
the module has been doing. Your module should make use of these functions as well, especially
those for locking. They protect critical files from simultaneous access, and give you detailed file
change logs for free if you decide to add calls to action_log.
The other aspect of logging is the conversion of the logged parameters into human-readable
form, which is done by the log_parser.pl script. If you view the code for this module, you
will see that it simply uses the parameters to decide what to pass to text, and returns the result-
ing string. Note that the html_escape function is used to remove any special HTML characters
from Cron commands, which may otherwise cause invalid HTML to be included in the log
search results. If your module includes a log_parser.pl script that might return text contain-
ing characters like <, >, or &, be sure to call html_escape on the appropriate parts.
Unlike the parse_webmin_log function in most other modules, the one in the Scheduled
Cron Jobs module checks the long parameter to decide if a long or short action description should
740 Chapter 57 • Inside the Scheduled Cron Jobs Module

be returned. The long form includes the actual command in the Cron job, which will only fit on the
page displaying details of a single log entry in the Webmin Actions Log module. In most modules,
however, the message is always short enough to completely ignore this parameter.
If a parameter to webmin_log was omitted or set to undef by the CGI program that created
it, the actual value passed to parse_webmin_log will be a single dash (–). This happens
because a – is used in the log file to represent a missing parameter.

57.7 The useradmin_update.pl User Synchronization Script

As Section 56.2 “User Update Notification” explains, other Webmin modules can choose to be
notified when a user is created, modified, or deleted in the Users and Groups module. This is
normally used to keep some other user list in sync (such as the Samba password file), but can be
handy for other purposes as well.
The Scheduled Cron Jobs module has a useradmin_update.pl script so that it can detect
the renaming and deletion of users, and update their Cron job files, respectively. When a UNIX
user is removed, his Cron jobs will normally continue to exist, even though they will no longer
work. If a user is renamed, his jobs will still be listed under the old name, which will prevent
them from working properly.
Those few modules that make use of a useradmin_update.pl script will probably have it
perform different tasks than those in this module. See the script in the samba directory for an
example of how to synchronize a separate password file, instead. If your module’s script does
something similar, it should include options somewhere (perhaps on the Module Config page)
that will turn synchronization on or off. Any such options should be off by default, so that other
configuration files are not unexpectedly updated when the user is managing UNIX users.To
avoid the first problem, the useradmin_delete_user function removes the personal Cron
jobs file for any UNIX user who is being deleted. The useradmin_modify_user function
checks to see if the user has been renamed and, if so, renames both the user’s personal Cron file
and any jobs in other files. Any other changes to the user are ignored, as they are not relevant to
this module.

57.8 Summary
This chapter has explained the inner workings of the Scheduled Cron Jobs module, so anyone
wanting to write his own module can copy the same design style. It has covered the purpose of
each module CGI program, its configurable options, and the access control, log parsing, and user
synchronization scripts. It has also covered the functions in the module’s library, which can be
called by other modules that need to create or manage their own Cron jobs.
C H A P T E R 5 8

Creating Webmin

his chapter explains how themes work and takes you through the pro-
T cess of creating your own theme for Webmin. It covers both basic fea-
tures such as image replacement, and advanced capabilities like writing an
alternate header function.

58.1 Introduction to Themes

Webmin versions 0.83 and above support themes, which are sets of alternate user interfaces,
graphics, and color schemes. A user can choose which theme he wants by going into Webmin
Configuration and clicking on Webmin Themes. Multiple themes can be installed, but only one
can be active for a Webmin user at any one time. If no theme is active, the default colors and lay-
out are used.
Like a module, a theme is a directory under the Webmin root directory that contains certain
files. The most important is the theme.info file, which has the same name=value format as the
module.info file, one per line. The only required name and its value is:

desc A description for this theme, such as My Webmin Theme. This is the text that
will appear in the theme selection menu.
A theme can also contain a config file, also in name=value format. The values defined in this
file control the behaviour of the standard header and footer functions. Supported names and
their values are:

cs_page A six-character hex string in RRGGBB format for the background color
of Webmin pages.
cs_link A six-character hex string in RRGGBB format for the color of visited
and unvisited links on Webmin pages.

742 Chapter 58 • Creating Webmin Themes

cs_text A six-character hex string in RRGGBB format for the color of normal text.
bgimage A relative URL (like /images/background.gif) for a background
image to be displayed on all pages.
noindex If set to 1, the HTML generated by the header function will not include
a Webmin Index link. This is useful if another frame is used for the main index.
brand HTML for an image or text to be displayed in the top-right corner of the
main index page.
brand_url A URL to which the brand image is linked. These two options are
usually combined to create a company icon that links to its homepage in customized
versions of Webmin.
headhtml HTML that will be included inside the <head> section of each
Webmin page.
headinclude The name of a file in your theme directory whose contents will be
included inside the <head> section of each page.
inbody Text that will be included inside the <body> tag itself.
prebody HTML that will be included at the top of the <body> section of each
page. The following substitutions will be done in the HTML:
%HOSTNAME% will be replaced with the system's hostname.
%VERSION% will be replaced with the Webmin version.
%USER% will be replaced with the current user's login.
%OS% will be replaced with the OS name and version.
texttitles If set to 1, the titles on all pages will be displayed as HTML text
rather than using letter images.
postbody HTML that will be included at the bottom of the <body> section on
each page. The same substitutions as prebody are used.
tb Text that will be included inside the <tr> tag in table header rows.
cb Text that will be included inside the <tr> tag in table rows below the header.
functions The name of a file in your theme’s directory that contains Perl
functions for overriding the default header, footer, and error functions. See
Section 58.3 “Theme Functions” for more details.
noicons If set to 1, the standard generate_icon and icons_table functions
will display only a name instead of an icon. This can be useful if your theme is
designed for text-only or low bandwidth use.

Many of these options will not work automatically if your theme uses the functions option to
create its own replacement for the header function. They are normally checked for and imple-
mented by the standard header function, so if you define your own it will need to check the
%tconfig global hash and interpret the values that it contains in the same way if you still want
them to be configurable in the theme’s config file.
When you have created a theme and want to distribute it to other people, it should be pack-
aged up. Just like modules, themes are packaged as an optionally compressed tar file of the
Overriding Images and Programs 743

theme directory, usually with a .wbt extension. They can then be installed through the Webmin
Themes page in the Webmin Configuration module.
Just like modules, themes can also be packaged as RPMs, which are suitable for installing
on servers on which the RPM version of Webmin itself is already installed. You can download a
script called makemodulerpm.pl from www.webmin.com/makemodulerpm.pl that can package
up a theme directory into an RPM by creating the spec file automatically.

58.2 Overriding Images and Programs

In addition to changing the default colors, a theme can be used to selectively override any icon or
CGI program used by Webmin. When a theme is chosen, its directory becomes an “overlay” root
directory for the Webmin web server. Thus, if your theme subdirectory contains a file called
images/newlogo.gif, it will replace the logo on the main menu when it is displayed because
the web server will look in the theme directory first before looking for images/newlogo.gif
under the top-level directory.
In this way, any of the module icons can be overridden, as can the images used to make up
the titles at the top of pages. For example, if your theme directory contains a file called userad-
min/images/icon.gif, it will be used as the icon for the Users and Groups module on the
main menu. Because this “replacement” does not actually change the real images, the user can
switch between themes or back to the default theme easily.
CGI programs can also be overridden in exactly the same way. This can be used to do things
like changing the way the main menu is displayed, by putting a custom index.cgi script in
your theme directory. This ability, however, should be used carefully as changes to the real CGI
may break your custom script if its behaviour is different from the one it replaces. It should also
be noted that when a theme CGI is executed, it will be in the real directory and not the theme
subdirectory. This means that a custom top-level index.cgi script will require ./web-lib.pl
instead of ../web-lib.pl, just as the real index.cgi does.
If your theme does replace an existing script, be sure to read it carefully so that your
replacement implements all of the same functionality. Some of the things to keep in mind when
replacing the top-level index.cgi program are:

1. The get_available_module_infos function can be used to get a list of modules

available to the current Webmin user for use when generating any tables of icons.
2. If $gconfig{'gotoone'} is set to 1 and the user has only one module, your
index.cgi should redirect the browser directly to that module instead of displaying a
menu. Users can set this in the Index Page Options page of the Webmin Configuration
3. If $gconfig{'nohostname'} is set, no hostname or operating system information
should be displayed. This can also be set on the Index Page Options page.
4. When the global variable $gconfig{'nofeedbackcc'} is set to 2, no feedback link
should appear. This is configured on the User Interface page of the Webmin Configura-
tion module.
5. If your menu program normally categorizes modules, categorization should be turned off
when the $gconfig{'notabs'} variable is set so that all modules appear on a single
page. Again, this is set on the Index Page Options page.
744 Chapter 58 • Creating Webmin Themes

6. If your program arranges module icons in a table and the variable $gcon-
fig{'nocols'} is set, it should be used as the number of columns to display.
7. If $gconfig{'deftab'} is set and your program categorizes modules, it should be
used to decide which category to open by default.
8. The entries in $config_directory/webmin.catnames should be used to get user-
defined categories and different names set for standard categories. This can be done on
the Edit Categories page of the Webmin Configuration module.
9. If your program displays a logout link, it should only appear if neither of the following
environment variables are defined. They both indicate that a form of authentication has
been used that makes logging out impossible or irrelevant.
$ENV{'SSL_USER'} Indicates that the current user has logged in with SSL client
$ENV{'LOCAL_USER'} Indicates that the user is connecting from localhost and that
his UNIX username matches his Webmin login.
10. If the variable $main::session_id is set, Webmin is in session (or cookie) authentica-
tion mode. You should generate a link to /session_login.cgi?logout=1 labeled
Logout or something similar.
If that variable is not set, however, then Webmin is using HTTP authentication. Instead,
your code should create a link to /switch_user.cgi labeled Switch User, as the
normal logout link above will not work.
It is not mandatory to implement all of the suggestions above. However, it will make your theme
behave more like those included as standard with Webmin.

58.3 Theme Functions

In Webmin versions 0.92 and above, a theme can override some of the common HTML-generat-
ing functions by adding a line like functions=theme.pl to the config file and creating a
theme.pl script in the theme's directory that contains one or more of the following functions:

theme_header This function will be called instead of the standard header

function, with all the same parameters. It must handle all those parameters properly
and output whatever HTML you want to use for the page titles and so on.
theme_footer Called instead of the standard footer function, with the same
parameters. If your theme_header function opens an HTML table for layout
purposes, this function must close it so that the HTML is properly complete.
theme_error Called instead of the standard error function, with the same

These functions give you a lot of power to create themes that significantly change the Webmin
layout. For them to work properly, however, they must handle all the parameters that they are
passed in exactly the same way that the standard functions do.
Theme Functions 745

The most complex is the theme_header function due to the large number of parameters
that it takes and the other global variables that it can make use of. When writing it, consider the

1. All parameters should be checked and interpreted in the same way as the real header
2. There is no need for your function to call PrintHeader, as this will be done automati-
cally before it is called. It can just go ahead and start producing HTML.
3. The produced HTML should be valid and complete. That means starting with <html>
followed by a <head> section containing the <title> and then the start of the <body>
4. If the variable $gconfig{'sysinfo'} is set to 0, information about the current user,
hostname, operating system, and version of Webmin should be displayed in the
browser’s status bar. This can be done by producing HTML like:
defaultStatus = "fred logged into Webmin 1.060 on
5. If $gconfig{'sysinfo'} is set to 1, this information should be appended to the page
title in the <title> HTML tag. If $gconfig{'sysinfo'} is set to 2, the information
should be displayed in the page itself, somewhere just below the title. If set to 3, the host
and login details should not appear anywhere.
6. In all cases, the function get_webmin_version can be used to get the version of Web-
min and get_system_hostname can get the current hostname.
7. The <body> tag that your code produces may contain bgcolor=, link=, and text=
parameters containing the values from the global variables $gconfig{'cs_page'},
$gconfig{'cs_link'}, and $gconfig{'cs_text'}, if they are set. This ensures
that color preferences set by the user on the User Interface page of the Webmin Configu-
ration module are used. Feel free, however, to ignore them if your theme only looks good
with a certain color scheme.
8. If every page includes a Logout or Switch User link, it should not appear if any of the
following environment variables are set:
$ENV{'SSL_USER'} The current user has logged in with SSL client authentication.
$ENV{'LOCAL_USER'} The user is connecting from localhost and his UNIX username
matches his Webmin login.
$ENV{'ANONYMOUS_USER'} This page is being accessed without any authentication
at all.
9. If the variable $ENV{'HTTP_WEBMIN_SERVERS'} is set, your page heading should
include a link to the URL in that variable labeled Webmin Servers. This is set when con-
necting via a tunnel in the Webmin Servers Index module, and the URL refers to that mod-
ule on the originating system. This gives the user an easy way to return to the list of servers.
10. If your theme generates titles made up of letter images, plain text should be used instead,
if $gconfig{'texttitles'} is set to 1. A setting on the User Interface page of the
Webmin Configuration module controls this.
746 Chapter 58 • Creating Webmin Themes

11. Unless your heading is very similar to the default, the theme_footer function should
be defined as well. It must produce closing HTML that matches that produced by
theme_header, followed by </body> and </html> tags. Be sure to interpret and dis-
play the multiple “return” links that can be supplied to the footer function as well.
12. Some themes normally put all page content into a table by outputting an unclosed
<table> tag in the header function. If the global variable $theme_no_table is set, this
should be turned off, as it indicates that the CGI program will be slowly producing some
progressive output. Many browsers will not display a table’s content until it has been
completely output.
Similarly, your theme_footer function should not produce a closing </table> tag
when $theme_no_table is set.
13. The special CGI program, session_login.cgi, that displays Webmin's login form
will call theme_header as well. At this point, however, the browser has not logged into
Webmin and so will not be able to access any images to which your header refers. For
this reason, when called with the first two parameters set to undef (as it will be in this
case), your function should not produce any <img> tags. Or they should always refer to
the special /unauthenticated URL path, to which access is always allowed even to
clients that have not logged in.

Reading the header function in web-lib.pl and the theme_header function in mscstyle3/
theme.pl should give you a good idea of how the various parameters and global variables
should be handled.

58.4 Summary
After reading this chapter (and reading Chapters 55 and 56), you will be able to create themes to
change the look and feel of Webmin. You should understand how a theme can override standard
graphics and CGI programs, and how it can replace the standard header and footer functions
to completely change the look of every page. You should also now know the requirements that a
good theme must follow so it behaves like the standard themes.
C H A P T E R 5 9

Inside the MSC


his chapter explains the inner workings of Webmin’s default theme,

T which makes use of almost all of the features available to theme

59.1 Theme Design and Graphics

This new theme has been the default in Webmin since 0.92, although the old “classic” Webmin
look and feel is still available. It makes use of practically all theme-related features, such as
alternate graphics, CGI program replacement, and a library that replaces the standard header
and footer functions. For these reasons it is a good one to look at if you are planning on writ-
ing your own theme.
The mscstyle3 directory that contains the theme has a subdirectory for most of the standard
modules, each of which contains an images/icons.gif file. These override the corresponding
standard module icons that appear on Webmin’s main menu. No other overriding images exist—
such as for icons within modules—meaning that the original images are still used.
The theme directory also contains an images subdirectory under which all of the images
used by the theme itself are located. The heading that appears on every page is made up of
numerous images, such as those for the category icons, category title letters, shaded background,
and logout button. Because they are specific to the theme, most do not have any corresponding
real image under the top-level images directory to override.
Like all themes must, this one includes a theme.info file containing its description that
will appear on the Themes page in the Webmin Configuration module. It also includes a config
file, which tells the Webmin API to read theme.pl and use the functions that it contains to
replace the standard header and footer functions. It also contains several lines starting with
cs_ that set the table background and heading color. Unlike other simpler themes, the config

748 Chapter 59 • Inside the MSC Theme

file does not need to specify any alternate page text or background colors, as these can be set
directly by its theme_header function.

59.2 The index.cgi Program

Because most of the graphical customization done by this theme occurs in the theme.pl script,
its replacement index.cgi program does not differ much from the standard index.cgi in the
top-level Webmin directory. The biggest difference is that it does not output any special index
page heading or image. Instead, it just gets the list of modules available to the current user with
get_available_module_infos and uses it to build a table of icons in the current category.
Because the theme’s theme_header function also calls this function, the list may already be in
the global @msc_modules variable. Theme CGI programs execute in the “original” directory
instead of the directory they are really in, therefore the index.cgi program in the MSC theme
can use the line require ‘./web-lib.pl’;.
It is possible to create quite a different theme just by replacing index.cgi, without the need
for a theme’s function file. The standard Caldera theme has an index.cgi script that actually gen-
erates a frame set, in which the top frame displays categories and modules, and the bottom shows
actual pages within modules. It is possible for a theme to include CGI programs that do not over-
ride any real program, and are used only as part of the theme’s user interface. For example, the
index_top.cgi program that the Caldera theme uses to render the top frame. Again, such pro-
grams are run in the corresponding real directory, not in the theme’s subdirectory.
The MSC theme’s index.cgi and theme.pl scripts all make use of %text and the text
function to get messages to display to the user, instead of hard coding them into the Perl code.
All of the messages come from the appropriate file in Webmin’s top-level lang directory. If you
are creating your own theme that overrides any CGI program or function, the same thing should
be done to take advantage of the existing translations into many languages that Webmin already

59.3 The theme_header Function

The theme_header function in theme.pl in the mscstyle3 directory effectively replaces the
standard header function that almost all Webmin CGI programs call. Unlike the standard header,
this one produces HTML for a list of module category icons at the top of most pages, allowing
the user to easily switch to a different category. It also outputs HTML for a link to www.web-
min.com, logout and feedback buttons, and the standard links like Module Index and Module
Config. Finally, HTML is produced that puts the rest of the page inside the white table box that
you can see on almost every page.
The table of categories is generated by calling get_available_module_infos, checking
to see which categories actually exist, reading the file /etc/webmin/webmin.catnames to get
alternate names, then displaying an icon and name made up of letter images for each. The theme
has images for all of the standard categories, plus a special question mark image to be used if a
nonstandard or user-defined category is found. Just generating a fixed table of standard catego-
ries will not work, as it is possible that the user only has access to modules in some of them.
Because the category titles may be in a different language that uses characters outside of the
standard English alphabet, this theme includes images for every letter with ASCII codes
between 32 and 255. Any other theme that uses letter images should do the same, so that it will
The theme_footer Function 749

work in non-English languages as well. For some languages (such as Chinese and Russian), it is
impossible to create an image for every single character, due to the thousands that exist. The
MSC theme checks the global variable $current_lang_info->{'titles'}, and if it is not
set, produces plain text category labels instead.
When Webmin is in session authentication mode (determined by checking for the
$main::session_id variable), a logout image button is added to the top-right corner of every
page. If normal HTTP authentication is being used, however, this is replaced by a button for
switching users, which links to a different CGI program. The old Webmin theme only has these
links on the main menu. The code properly checks the $ENV{'SSL_USER'},
$ENV{'LOCAL_USER'}, and $ENV{'ANONYMOUS_USER'} environment variables, any of
which, if set, indicates that no logout or switch button should appear.
Every page also has a feedback button in the top-right corner, unless
$ENV{'ANONYMOUS_USER'} is set or the global or per-user configuration indicates that feed-
back is not allowed. This links to feedback_form.cgi with the current module name as a
parameter, so that any feedback sent to it is automatically associated with the current module.
This is a nice idea if you are writing your own theme.
Below the row of category icons are several small tabs for links like Module Index and
Module Config. The theme_header function checks its parameters and $ENV variables to
determine which ones to show, just like the standard header function does. The biggest differ-
ence is that no Webmin Index link is ever produced, as there is no need for it. The user can
return to the module’s category by just clicking on the appropriate icon at the top of any page.
Below any tabs comes the page title, supplied to the theme_header function as the first
parameter. The MSC theme puts it in a small tab above the page body using only text, unlike the
old Webmin theme that renders the title as a series of letter images.
Finally, the theme puts page content output by the CGI after header is called into a large
box, by producing HTML tags to start a table. This is not done if the global variable
$theme_no_table is set. Instead, the content will just be part of the page’s body. CGI pro-
grams that slowly generate progressive output should set this variable, and themes that have their
own custom theme_header function should honor it, if appropriate. Of course, if your theme
doesn’t use this kind of table for layout then the variable can be ignored.

59.4 The theme_footer Function

This function is much simpler and not very different from the standard footer function from
web-lib.pl. It just prints HTML to close the table started by theme_header (unless
$theme_no_table is set), followed by links to previous pages as specified in the parameters.
Finally, the required </body> and </html> tags are produced to properly end the page.
When overriding the footer function in your own theme, make sure that it properly
processes all of the parameters, as multiple pairs of return links and titles can be provided.
If your theme’s main menu categorizes modules, any link to / should be replaced with a link
like /?cat=$module_info{'category'} so that the current module’s category is displayed
when such a link is used to return to the main menu. Most themes put an arrow next to each of
the return links, but this is not required. Yours can just use text links, form buttons, or anything
that you can think of.
750 Chapter 59 • Inside the MSC Theme

If the last parameter to the footer function is non-zero, it will not produce HTML for the
end of the page and instead will only generate the return links. The MSC theme’s
theme_footer function checks for this, if the number of parameters is odd, and does the right
thing. Your theme should, too, as some Webmin programs depend upon this behavior to get the
correct layout.

59.5 Summary
This chapter has taken you through the inner working of the complex MSC theme, which makes
use of all the features available to a theme developer. After reading it, you should understand
how this theme creates the category icons that appear at the top of every page and how it changes
the appearance of Webmin while still preserving all of the functions available in the old classic
C H A P T E R 6 0

The Webmin API

his chapter lists all of the functions available to Webmin modules and
T explains the parameters and purpose of each one.

60.1 API Functions

The web-lib.pl file contains a number of functions useful for generating HTML, parsing files,
and all the other things Webmin modules need to do. The functions available in Webmin 1.060
are listed below in alphabetical order. The possible parameters for each function are shown as
well, with those that are optional surrounded by [ ]. The text ... in the parameter list indicates
that the previous one can be repeated an arbitrary number of times.

acl_filename() Returns the filename in which the list of users and their
modules is stored. For internal use only.
additional_log (type, object, data) When using file-change logging, this
function adds an entry to the logs for the current action. This function is useful if
Webmin has not done this for you automatically, for example, if your code has run a
command with a piped open statement. You might use it like this:
open(PIPE, "somecommand |");
&additional_log("exec", undef, "somecommand");
The parameters of this function are:
type Must be one of exec (for logging commands run), modify (for a file change), or
sql (for an executed SQL statement).
object The full path to the file modified for file change logs, or undef otherwise.
data The shell command-run, diff output for the modified file or the executed SQL

752 Chapter 60 • The Webmin API

available_usermods(allmods, usermods) Given a list of all modules and

access control information, this function returns a list of modules to which the
current Usermin user has access. This is mainly for internal use by the Usermin
main menu and themes. allmods must be a reference to an array of module details as
returned by get_all_module_infos, while usermods must be a reference to the
array returned by list_usermods.
backquote_logged(command) This function is similar to the Perl backquote
(`) operator, in that it executes the given command and returns its output, but it also
records the command executed for later logging by webmin_log.
check_ipaddress(string) Returns 1 if the given string is a valid IP address like, and returns 0 if not.
check_os_support(moduleinfo) Determines whether or not the module whose
details are in the moduleinfo parameter is supported on this operating system. This
must be a hash reference of the kind returned by get_module_info or
get_all_module_infos. This function is mainly for internal use. If you just want
to find out if a module is available on this system, use foreign_check instead.
clean_environment() Deletes all entries set by the Webmin web server from
the %ENV global environment, such as REMOTE_USER and anything starting with
HTTP_. This should be called before your CGI script starts a server process such as
Apache or Squid so it doesn't get confused by environment variables normally only
visible to CGI programs.
close_http_connection(handle) Closes an HTTP session handle created by
complete_http_download(handle, destfile, [error], [callback]) This function
is used internally by http_download and ftp_download, and should never be
called directly by module developers.
copydata(in, out) Reads data from the in filehandle and writes it to out until there
is no more to read.
create_user_config_dirs() In Usermin, modules cannot store persistent
configuration data in their configuration directory, $module_config_directory,
because it is only writeable by root. If your code wants to store settings on a per-
user basis, it should call this function, which will set the global variable
$user_module_config_directory to ~currentuser/.usermin/modulename
and ensure that the directory exists.
The defaultuconfig files in the module’s directory (uconfig in the module
configuration directory under /etc/webmin and config in the user’s module
configuration directory) will be read in that order into the global hash
%userconfig. See Section 56.9 “Creating Usermin Modules” for more details.
date_chooser_button(dayfield, monthfield, yearfield, [formno]) Returns
HTML for a button that, when clicked, allows the user to select a date. The dayfield
parameter must be the name of a text input into which the day will be placed,
monthfield the name of select input for the month, and yearfield the name of a text
API Functions 753

input for the year. The formno, if given, is the number of the form on the current
page that contains the inputs.
decode_base64(string) Takes a string in base-64 encoded format and converts
it back to the normal form. This format is often used for email attachments and
passwords in HTTP requests. The opposite is encode_base64.
disk_usage_kb(directory) Returns the number of kilobytes used by the given
directory and all the files in it.
encode_base64(string) Returns the given string encoded in base64 format, with
a return at the end of each line (even if only one line is produced).
error(message) This function is typically used by CGI programs that process the
input from a form to inform the user of invalid input or some processing error by
displaying the message parameter and exiting. It assumes that error_setup has
been called first to set the first part of the error message, to which the parameter will
be appended. This is demonstrated in the following example.
&error_setup("Failed to save user");
if (!$in{'name'}) { &error("Missing username"); }
if ($in{'name'} =~ /a/) { &error("'$in{'name'}' is not a valid
username"); }
error_setup(message) Any code that calls error should call this function first
to specify that the message parameter should be prepended to all future displayed
fast_wait_for(handle, string, ...) This function works like wait_for, but
matches exact strings instead of regular expressions.
file_chooser_button(field, type, form) Returns HTML for a Javascript button
that allows the user to select a file or directory on the server. The parameters are:
field - The name of the HTML field into which the chosen filename will be placed.
type - 0 for a file chooser and 1 for a directory chooser.
form - The form number containing the field—typically, 0.
filter_javascript(html) Given the html for an entire web page, this function
attempts to strip out or disable all Javascript and returns the result. If your module
displays HTML from an untrusted source (such as an email message or file on the
server), it should call this function on the HTML in order to remove the potential
security risk of malicious Javascript, which could capture the session key for the
current Webmin login.
find_byname(name) Given a name, searches for processes matching that name
and returns their PIDs. If none are found, an empty list is returned.
flush_file_lines() Writes the arrays of lines for any files requested back to
disk by calling the read_file_lines function. A new line character is added to
each line.
flush_webmin_caches() Clears all the in-memory and on-disk caches used by
web-lib.pl. This function is really for internal use only.
754 Chapter 60 • The Webmin API

footer(link, text, [link, text], ..., [noendbody]) This function outputs a small left-
facing arrow and a link with the text Return to text. Any CGI program that calls
header must also call this function at the end to properly complete the page’s HTML.
In Webmin versions 0.92 and above, you can specify multiple link and text
parameters to have the function generate multiple footer links, like so:
&footer("", "module index", "list.cgi", "users list");
If the noendbody parameter is set to 1, the footer function will not produce </body>
and </html> tags to properly end the page. It can be used if your program needs to
output something after the normal footer. You must remember to print those tags
yourself, however, so the HTML page is properly completed.
foreign_call(module, function, [arg], ...) This calls a function in another
module and returns the results. The module parameter must be the module name,
function must be the name of the function to call in that module, and any remaining
parameters must be the arguments to pass to that function. For example:
&foreign_require("proc", "proc-lib.pl");
@procs = &foreign_call("proc", "list_processes");
&foreign_call("proc", "renice_proc", $pid, -10);
The example calls the proc module to get a list of processes and then to change the
priority of some process.
In Webmin versions 0.960 and above, you can use the normal Perl syntax for calling
functions in other modules, like:
&foreign_require("proc", "proc-lib.pl");
@procs = &proc::list_processes();
&proc::renice_proc($pid, -10);
foreign_check(module) Checks if some other module exists and is supported
under the current operating system. If yes, it returns 1, otherwise, it returns 0. You
should call this before calling foreign_call to access functions in other modules.
foreign_config(module) Returns a hash containing configuration options
from the specified other module, just like the %config hash set by init_config
for this module.
foreign_require(module, file) Before calling functions from another module
with foreign_call, you must use this function to bring in the appropriate library.
The module parameter is the name of the module in which you want to call functions
and the file parameter is the name of a library file in that module directory.
ftp_command(command, expected, [error]) This is used by the ftp_download
function to send a command to the connected FTP server. Your module code should
never call this function.
ftp_download(host, file, destination, [error], [callback]) Makes an FTP
connection to some host and requests the download of a file. The contents of this file
are then stored in the given destination file. If an FTP proxy is configured, the
download will be made via the proxy. The optional error and callback parameters
API Functions 755

are only supported in Webmin versions 0.93 and above, and behave in exactly the
same way as in the http_download function documented earlier.
generate_icon(image, title, link, [href], [width], [height]) This outputs HTML
for an icon with the given image and title below it, and as a hyperlink to the relative
or absolute URL in the link parameter (if set). If the href parameter is supplied, it
will be included in the <a href=> tag, so that you can point the link to a different
frame. The icon’s size will be set to 48 x 48, unless the width and height parameters
are given.
get_all_module_infos(cachemode) This returns a list of hash references,
each containing the details of one installed module in the same format as returned by
the standard get_module_info function. To avoid having to read one file from
each module, this function usually caches the module details in the /etc/webmin/
module.infos.cache file, which can be read much faster.
If the cachemode parameter is set to 0, normal caching of known modules is done. If
it is set to 1, the cache is not used at all. If it is set to 2, any existing cache will be
read but not written out.
get_available_module_infos(cachemode) This is similar to
get_all_module_infos, but only returns modules available to the current Webmin
or Usermin user instead of every one on the system. The cachemode parameter is
passed on to get_all_module_infos and thus has exactly the same meaning.
get_miniserv_config(hashref) This fills in the hashref Perl hash reference
parameter with the configuration from Webmin’s built-in web server,
miniserv.pl. This is generally read from /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf. The
opposite function is put_miniserv_config for writing out a new configuration.
get_module_acl([user], [module]) This returns a hash containing the ACL
for the given user and module. If no user is specified, the current user is used. If no
module is specified, the calling module is user. See Section 56.1 “Module Access
Control” for more information on module ACLs.
get_module_info(module, noclone) This returns a hash containing information
about the given module with the keys desc, os_support and dir. If the noclone
parameter is set to 1, details of the underlying module will be returned when
requesting information on a cloned module instead of the details of the clone.
get_system_hostname() This returns the hostname of the system on which
Webmin is running. It is more reliable than the standard Perl hostname function, as
it tries several different methods.
get_theme_info(theme) This is similar to get_module_info, but returns the
details of a theme from its theme.info file.
get_webmin_version() This returns the version of Webmin under which this
module is running.
group_chooser_button(field, multiple, form) This is like the
user_chooser_button function, but used for the selection of groups instead.
756 Chapter 60 • The Webmin API

has_command(command) This searches Webmin’s PATH for the given

command. Returns 1 if found, and 0 if not. If an absolute path is specified, the
function checks to see if it exists and whether or not it is executable.
header(title, image, [help], [config], [noindex], [noroot], [text], [header], [body],
[below]) The header function is used by almost all programs to output the HTTP
header line (Content-type: text/html), HTML title, background, and title
image. The parameters passed to this function are:
title The HTML title of this page. Also used as the ALT text for the title image.
image The URL of an image to display at the top of the page instead of the text
from title. This should always be set to an empty string.
help If this parameter is defined, then a Help link is added to the title on the left-
hand side, linking to the given help page.
config If this parameter is non-zero, a Module Config link is added to the left of
the title. This links to a CGI program that allows the user to edit the configuration
of this module, as defined by the config.info file. See Section 55.4 “Module
Configuration” for more details.
noindex By default, the header function will add a Module Index link to the
left of the title image linking to the index for this module. If this parameter is given
and non-zero, this link will not be displayed.
noroot By default, a Webmin Index link to the Webmin main menu will be
added to the left of the title image. If given, this parameter will suppress the
addition of that link.
text HTML to be displayed to the right of the title image. This can be anything
you like, as long as it fits in the small area available.
header HTML to be displayed in the <head> section of the page.
body Extra HTML tags to be include in the <body> tag.
below HTML to be displayed below the header. Often this is used on modules’
main pages to show the version of the server that the module is configuring.
If a theme is in use that defines its own theme_header function, all of the above
parameters will be passed to that function instead. This means that they may be
interpreted quite differently, and the supplied title and other information may be
placed in unexpected locations depending on the theme in use.
If this function is called by a Usermin module and the config parameter is set,
your code must have called create_user_config_dirs beforehand to set up
the ~/.usermin/modulename directory. Instead of a Module Config link being
included in the header, one called Preferences will be included instead, which
allows the user to edit his own personal settings for the module. The actual settings
that can be changed are determined by the uconfig.info file in the module
directory, which has the same format as config.info.
Some themes have a custom header function that puts all HTML output after the
heading into a table. Unfortunately, some browsers will not display a table’s contents
API Functions 757

until its ending HTML tag has been generated. This means that if your CGI program is
producing some progressive output (such as the new contents of a log file), or takes a
long time to run, nothing will be visible to the user until it completes. To avoid this, the
special global variable $theme_no_table should be set to 1 before header is called,
indicating that page content should not be put in an HTML table.
help_file(module, page) This returns the full path to the file containing the
HTML for the given help page in the specified module. Files for the user’s chosen
language are used in preference to English, if they exist. This function is mainly for
internal use only.
help_search_link(terms, section, ...) This returns HTML for a link to the
System Documentation module for searching for the given terms. The section
parameters after the terms determine what documentation is searched and each can
be one of the following:
man Manual pages
doc Package documentation
kernel Kernel documentation
howto HOWTO documents
kde KDE documentation
perl Perl module documentation
help Webmin help
google The Google search engine
The return value from this function can be passed as the 7th parameter to the header
function on the main page of your module, creating a link to additional info in
manual pages or README files. For example:
&header("The Foo Module", undef, undef, 1, 1, undef,
&help_search_link("foo", "man", "doc", "google"));
hlink(text, page)
This returns HTML for a link to a help page. The text parameter is the text of the
link and page is the name of the help page. See Section 55.7 “Online Help” for more
html_escape(string) Given a text string, this converts the characters <, >, and &
to &lt;, &gt;, and &amp;, respectively, among others. It should be used when text
from a particular source that may contain HTML characters is going to be included
in a page generated by your module, so the text appears exactly as it should and
potentially malicious HTML code (perhaps containing Javascript) is neutralized.
http_download(host, port, page, destination, [error], [callback]) This makes an
HTTP connection to a web server host and port request a page. The contents of this
page are then stored in the destination file. If the user has configured his Webmin
installation to use a proxy server, then the HTTP request will go through that proxy.
The optional error and callback functions are only supported in Webmin versions
0.93 and above. If error is supplied, it is a reference to a scalar that will be set with
758 Chapter 60 • The Webmin API

an error message if the download fails, instead of the function simply calling the
standard error function.
The callback parameter can be a reference to a function to which it will be called
back at various stages of the download process. When called, the first parameter
indicates the status and the second indicates specific additional information.
Possible status codes are:
1 Server has been contacted. The second parameter is 1 if the requested URL is a
redirect, or 0 if it is a normal file.
2 Download has started. The second parameter is the size of the file being
downloaded, if it is known.
3 Some data has been received. The second parameter is the amount of data
received so far. This will be called for every 1kb (or less) of data received.
4 Download complete. The URL has been totally downloaded. No second
parameter is supplied.
5 Redirected to new URL. The second parameter is the new URL to which the
request has been redirected.
If you just want to display the progress of a download in the way that some of the
code Webmin modules do, the standard function progress_callback can be
passed as the 6th parameter to http_download. You must, however, set the global
variable $progress_callback_url to the URL or name of the file being
downloaded, for use in the progress messages.
include(file) This copies the content from the given file to STDOUT.
icons_table(links, titles, icons, [columns], [href], [width], [height]) The main
Webmin page and many modules use grids of icons, each linking to a different
option, domain, share, or something related. This function generates an icons grid
based on the lists given as parameters. links is a reference to an array of URLs, titles
is a reference to an array of messages that appear below icons, and icons is a
reference to an array of image URLs.
If the columns parameter is given, it specifies the number of icons to display per row.
The default is for each row to contain four icons. The href, width, and height
parameters have exactly the same meaning as in the generate_icon function,
which this function actually calls to create each icon.
indexof(value, array) This returns the index of some value in the array that
comprises the rest of the parameters, or -1 if not found.
init_config() This initializes global configuration variables. See Section 55.3
“Module CGI Programs” for more details. Please note that the init_config
function had to be passed the name of the module as a parameter prior to version
0.73. From 0.73 onwards, the module name is worked out automatically.
is_under_directory(directory, file) This returns 1 if the given file is under the
specified directory, 0 if it is not. Both must be absolute paths. If the file is actually a
symbolic link, its target must be under the directory for the function to return 1. This
API Functions 759

can be useful in modules that enforce restrictions on the directories in which users
are allowed to edit files.
kill_byname(name, signal) Given a name, this searches for processes matching
that name and kills them with the given signal.
kill_byname_logged(name, signal) This is like the kill_byname function,
but also records the command executed for later logging by webmin_log.
kill_logged(signal, pid, ...) This function is exactly the same as the Perl kill
statement, but also records the signal and PIDs for later logging by webmin_log.
list_languages() This returns a list of hash references, each containing the
details of a supported language. This function is generally for internal use only.
list_usermods() This returns an array containing information about which
Usermin users can have access to certain modules. For internal use only.
load_language(module) This returns a hash containing translations for some
module, just like the %text hash that init_config sets for this module.
load_theme_library() This reads the theme.pl file for the current theme if
one exists and if it has not been loaded yet. This is another internal use only function
that module writers should not call.
lock_file(file) This function obtains an exclusive lock on a given file, if
necessary, waiting until the lock is released if it is held by another program. Locking
is done by creating a .lock file contain the PID of the process, which guarantees
that locks will not be held forever by dead processes. Locks can be made on files,
directories, and symbolic links, and should be made before any of those are created,
modified, or deleted.
make_date(time_t) Given a UNIX time_t value (seconds since 1970), this
returns a date-time string in the dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm format.
make_http_connection(host, port, ssl, method, page) This is a general
function for making an HTTP connection, possibly using SSL. The function will
attempt to connect to the given host and port (in SSL mode if the ssl flag is set)
through a proxy server if you have one configured in Webmin. It will then make an
HTTP request using the given method and page, and return a session handle
reference if no errors are encountered. If any error does occur in the connection, a
scalar error string will be returned.
The returned session handle should be used with the read_http_connection and
write_http_connection functions to send any additional headers and to read
back the response headers and body. When done, the close_http_connection
function should be called with the session handle.
no_proxy(host) This returns 1 if Webmin will connect directly to the given host
for HTTP requests. It returns 0 if a proxy will be used. This is mainly for internal
use by the various HTTP-related functions.
open_socket(host, port, handle, [error]) This function attempts to open a TCP
connection to the specified host and port using the given Perl file handle. Once this
760 Chapter 60 • The Webmin API

function returns, the caller can read from or write to the handle to communicate with
a remote system, and call close on it when done. If the connection cannot be made,
the error function is called with a message explaining what went wrong, unless the
error parameter to this function has been set as a scalar reference. If so, the error
message is placed in that variable and the function returns 0 (instead of the usual
return value of 1).
other_groups(user) This returns a list of secondary groups to which the UNIX
user belongs.
PrintHeader([charset]) This outputs the Content-type: text/html
header (and possibly others) that all CGI programs that produce HTML must
generate. If the charset parameter is given, it specifies the character set of the
HTML. This function is not generally called directly. Instead, the header function
will do it for you with the right character set for the user’s language.
progress_callback(action, details) This function exists to be passed to
http_download so that download progress reports will be printed. Calling it
directly from your code makes no sense.
put_miniserv_config(hashref) This writes the configuration from the hash
reference parameter hashref to the configuration file used by Webmin’s built-in
webserver. You will need to call restart_miniserv, however, for this change to
have any effect.
ReadParse() This function takes any CGI parameters passed to your program
(from form inputs or after the ? in the URL) and places them in the %in associative
array. If a CGI parameter has multiple values (for example, from a list that allows
multiple selections), then those values are separated by null characters (\0 in Perl).
ReadParseMime() When writing a CGI program that handles input from a form
using enctype=multipart/form-data, this function must be called instead of
ReadParse to fill the %in array with form inputs. You must add the enctype tag to
any forms using file-upload inputs.
read_acl([hashref1], [hashref2]) This function fetches the current list of
those to which the Webmin user has access and stores it in the hashes referenced by
the two parameters. hashref1 will be filled in as a two-key hash, in which the first
key is a username and the second a module name. hashref2 will be filled in with
usernames, each referring to an array of modules that the user has. For example:
&read_acl(\%hash1, \%hash2);
print "User $remote_user has access to Users and Groups<br>\n"
if ($hash1{$remote_user,'useradmin'});
print "User $remote_user has access to ",
join(" ", @{$hash2{$remote_user}}),"<br>\n";
read_env_file(file, hash)

This reads a file of /bin/sh variable assignments in key=value or key="value"

format into the given hash reference.
API Functions 761

read_file(file, hash) This reads a file in key=value format into the given
hash reference.
read_file_cached(file, hash) This is like the standard read_file function,
but it keeps a cache of files read in order to avoid reading them multiple times. This
is mostly for internal use at the moment.
read_file_lines(file) This returns a reference to an array containing the lines
from the given file, with any newline characters removed. The caller can then
modify this array by adding, removing, or changing lines using functions like push
and splice. flush_file_lines can then be called to write changes back to the
original files.
read_http_connection(handle, [amount]) This reads either a single line from
the given session handle returned by make_http_connection, or the specified
number of bytes if the amount parameter is supplied.
redirect(url) Given a relative or absolute url, this outputs an HTTP header to
redirect the browser to that URL. This function will not work if called after header,
and vice-versa.
remote_error_setup(handler) When one of the remote_ functions
encounters an error (such as the remote Webmin server being down), it will
generally call the standard error function, which will cause your CGI program to
exit. If you use this function to register an alternate error handler, however, it will be
called, instead, and the remote function will return its return value.
remote_eval(server, module, code) This executes specific Perl code on a remote
Webmin server in the context of the given module. This can be very useful if you want
to do something that is not possible by calling a function with
remote_foreign_call. You must, however, first call remote_foreign_require
with the same server and module before using this function.
remote_finished() This function should be called by any CGI that makes use
of any of the other remote_ functions once it has finished calling them, to clean up
connections to the remote servers. It is not strictly necessary, however, as the
connections will timeout after 30 seconds of inactivity. When using fast RPC, this
also never needs to be called as remote sessions will exit as soon as your CGI
remote_foreign_call(server, module, function, [arg], ...) This calls a function
in some module on another server and returns the results. You must already have
called remote_foreign_require for the same server and module before trying to
use this function. The function parameter is the name of a function to call in the
remote module, and the arg parameters after it are arguments that will be passed to
it. For example:
&remote_foreign_require("www.blah.com", "apache", "apache-
@servers = &remote_foreign_call("www.blah.com", "apache",
762 Chapter 60 • The Webmin API

As the example shows, the remote_foreign_call function returns whatever is

returned by the function on the remote server.
remote_foreign_check(server, module) This checks to see if a module exists
and is supported on a remote Webmin server. If yes, it returns 1, otherwise it returns
0. If in doubt, you should call this before calling remote_foreign_call to access
functions in other modules on other servers.
remote_foreign_config(server, module) This function is similar to
foreign_config, but is for fetching a module configuration from a remote server
instead. Unlike foreign_config, however, it returns a hash reference rather than a
remote_foreign_require(server, module, file) Before calling functions from
a module on another server with remote_foreign_call, you must use this
function to bring in the appropriate library. The server parameter is the hostname of
the remote Webmin server, the module parameter is the name of the module in
which you want to call functions, and the file parameter is the name of a library file
in that module directory.
remote_write(server, localfile, [remotefile]) If, when making remote function
calls, you need to transfer a large amount of data to a remote server, this function
should be used instead of passing it in a scalar through remote_foreign_call.
The localfile parameter is a file on the server on which the function is called, and the
remotefile parameter is the name of a file on the remote server to which the contents
of localfile will be copied. If remotefile is omitted, a random temporary filename
will be chosen instead and returned from the function.
remote_read(server, localfile, remotefile) This is the opposite of remote_write,
in that it copies data from a file on a remote Webmin server into a local file.
remote_rpc_call(server, command) This internal function is used by all of the
other remote_ functions to actually open a connection to the specified server and
send the command structure to tell it what to do. You should never call it directly.
rename_logged(old, new) This renames a file like the Perl rename function,
but also records the event for later logging by webmin_log. While you could just
lock the old and new files before renaming, that would generate two large and rather
useless file differences.
replace_file_line(file, line, [newline], ...) This function removes one line from
a file and replaces it with 0 or more new lines from the newline parameters. This is
done by reading the entire file into memory and writing out the modified version.
reset_environment() This returns the environment to the state it had before
the last call to clean_environment.
resolve_links(file) Given a file name that may contain symbolic links
somewhere in its path, this function returns the actual real filename to which it
refers. Unlike the Perl readlink function, this also resolves symbolic links in
directories along the path as well.
API Functions 763

restart_miniserv() This restarts Webmin’s built-in web server, forcing it to

reload its configuration. This function is mainly used by the Webmin Configuration
module and is probably of little use to the average module coder.
same_file(file1, file2) This returns 1 if file1 and file2 refer to the same actual
file, by comparing inode numbers.
save_module_acl(acl, [user], [module]) This saves the given module ACL
hash. If no user is specified, the current user is used. If no module is specified, the
caller’s module is used. See Section 56.1 “Module Access Control” for more
information on module ACLs.
seed_random() This seeds the Perl random number generator so calls to rand
will return truly random results. It uses /dev/urandom if it is available, or the
current time and process ID otherwise.
serialise_variable(variable) This converts the given Perl scalar or reference
variable into a text string. This function is mainly used by the various RPC-related
remote_ functions for encoding parameters and return values, but you may find it
useful for persistently storing Perl objects. The unserialise_variable function
does the reverse.
switch_to_remote_user() This function should only be called by code in
Usermin modules and will switch the UID and GID of the current process to those
of the UNIX user whose login matches the current Usermin login. You should call
this function after init_config in your module’s library if your Usermin module
can run with normal user permissions (and most can).
In addition to switching the UID, this function also sets the global variable
@remote_user_info to the details of the UNIX user, as returned by the getpwnam
Perl function.
sysprint(handle, value, ...) This calls the Perl syswrite function to print the
values of the given file handle without any buffering.
system_logged(command) This function is exactly the same as the Perl
system statement, but also records the command executed for later logging by
tempname() Returns a pathname in /tmp that can be used as a temporary file.
The actual filename will always be under the /tmp/.webmin directory, which is
only writeable by root but is world readable. If your temp file is going to contain
security-critical information, it should have its UNIX permissions changed to mode
700 before writing.
terror(string) This is like a combination of the error function and the %text
array. A call to &terror('foo') is exactly the same as &error($text{'foo'}).
This function really just exists to make calling error more convenient in an
internationalized module.
text(message, [parameter], ...) This function looks up the given message in the
appropriate language translation file, replaces the text $1, $2, and so on with the rest
764 Chapter 60 • The Webmin API

of the parameters, and returns the result. See the section on “Internationalization” in
Chapter 56 for more information.
to_ipaddress(hostname) Given a hostname, this function returns a string like representing the IP address for that hostname, or undef if none was
found. If the parameter is already an IP address, it is returned unchanged.
trunc(string, length) This truncates a string of space-separated words so that it is
less than or equal to the given length, without chopping off part of a word. It is
useful for word-wrapping output to a fixed width.
unique(value, ...) This is given a list of values and returns an array with
duplicates removed.
unix_group_input(field, group) This returns HTML for a text box named field
for entering a group name, with a button next to it that pops up a window for
selecting a group. The group parameter sets the initial value for the field.
unix_user_input(field, user) This returns HTML for a text box named field
for entering a username, with a button next to it that pops up a window for selecting
a user. The user parameter sets the initial value for the field.
unlock_all_files() This function releases all locks currently held by this
program by calling unlock_file multiple times.
unlock_file(file) This releases a lock on file grabbed by the lock_file
function. If the logging of file changes is enabled, a difference comparison between
the old and new file contents will be done when this function is called. This
comparison is done using the standard diff command.
unserialise_variable(string) This converts a string created by
serialise_variable back into a Perl scalar or a reference of some kind.
un_urlize(string) This function decodes the special URL escape sequences in
the given string and returns the original text. For example, hello%20world%21
would be converted to hello world!.
urlize(string) This converts an arbitrary string to a form suitable for use in a
URL. For example, don't jump! will be converted to don%27t%20jump%21.
user_chooser_button(field, multiple, form) This returns HTML for a
Javascript button that allows the Webmin user to select a user or users from those
on the server. The parameters are:
field The name of the HTML file into which the chosen user or users will be placed.
multiple 0 for selecting a single user, 1 for selecting multiple users.
form The form number containing the field—typically 0.
wait_for(filehandle, regexp, ...) Given a Perl filehandle and a list of regular
expressions in the regexp parameters, this function reads from the file handle until
one of the expressions matches. It then returns the regular expression number and
fills the @matches global array with the values of any bracketed sections of the
matching expression. If an error occurs while reading the input (perhaps because
there is no more to read), -1 is returned instead. It can be useful for interacting with
Summary 765

other programs or servers that would normally take user input, as the following
example shows:
&open_socket("somehost", 23, TELNET);
$| = 1;
while(1) {
my $rv = &wait_for(TELNET, "login:", "password:", ">");
if ($rv == 0) {
print TELNET "fred\n";
elsif ($rv == 1) {
print TELNET "mypassword\n";
elsif ($rv == 2) {
print TELNET "ls -la\n";
else {
&error("Telnet failed!");
webmin_log(action, type, object, params) As explained in the “Action Logging”
section of Chapter 56, this function writes the given parameters identifying the
action performed by the calling program to the detailed log file.
write_env_file(file, hash, export) This function writes the contents of a hash
reference to the given file in /bin/sh variable assignment format. If the export
parameter is non-zero, each variable assignment is preceded with export.
write_file(file, hash) This writes the contents of a hash reference to the given
file in key=value format. This can be read in by the read_file function.
write_http_connection(handle, [data], ...) This function writes the given
data strings to the HTTP session handle.

60.2 Summary
This chapter has documented the parameters and purposes of all of the standard functions from
web-lib.pl that are available to Webmin modules written in Perl. Chapters 55 through 59
explain the most important of these functions in more detail and how they should be used by
properly written modules.
A Access shared nets field 375 AIX print system 572
Access checking order field 293 Access subnets field 375 alert priority 115
access control access.conf file 310, 314 Alias to field 453, 479
Apache Webserver module accounts 1 aliases 276–277
310–311 ACL name field 585, 586 All log files in report field 492
BIND DNS Server module acl_filename function 751 All requests condition type 293
346–347 acl_security.pl script 727, 738–739 Allow comments for records field 349
Custom Commands 230–231 acl_security_form function 738 Allow editing of From:address field
DHCP Server module 374–375 acl_security_save function 738 634
Disk and Network Filesystems ACLs (access control lists) 51 Allow long hostnames field 350
module 49–50 creating 586–587 Allow queries from field 335
Disk Quotas module 66–67 editing 239–240, 341–342, Allow user sorting of column option
File Manager 242–243 586–587, 665–666 275
Majordomo List Manager in Squid proxy server 584–586 Allowed uploaded filename regex
module 401 types 587–592 field 522
MySQL Database Server action_log function 739 Alpha systems 105, 195
module 423–424 actions 85 Also notify slaves field 335
Network Configuration module adding 87–89 anonymous FTP 506–507, 529–531
152–153 configuring 85–86 Answer after field 166
Partitions on Local Disks logging 726–727 Answer mode field 217
module 73–74 starting 86–87 answering machines 215–216
PostgreSQL Database Server stopping 86–87 configuring Linux systems as
module 443–444 Activate CVS Server button 356 216–218
PPP Dialin Server module 172 Add $ttl to top of new zone files field setting greeting messages 219
Printer Administration module 350 viewing and managing record
212–213 Add monitor of type button 252 messages in
Running Processes module Add virtual server to file field 270 218–219
103–104 Additional parameters condition 189 Apache Options Files module
Scheduled Cron Jobs module 96 additional_log function 751 (Usermin) 638
Sendmail Configuration module Address field 329 apache script 85
468–469 address mappings 456–457, 474 Apache servers 264
Squid Proxy Server module 601 Address pattern field 344 adding and editing MIME types
System and Server Status Address record 316, 323, 325 288–289
module 262 Address username field 485 aliases 276–277
System Logs module 118–119 addresses 316 character sets 295–296
System Time module 193 Addresses for name virtual servers configuring as proxy server
Users and Groups module 34–37 field 272 301–304
Web Users module 697–698 Addresses matching regexps option custom error messages 287–288
Webalizer Logfile Analysis 398 directives 264–265, 308–310
module 498–499 Addresses not matching regexps editing pages on 268–269
Webmin Server Index module option 398 encodings 295
705 Administration login field 425, 444 .htaccess files 297–298
Access Control icon 293 Administration password field 425, languages 296
Access control policy field 515 442, 445 modules 264
Access file shares field 574 AIX operating system 37 password protection 289–291
Access files as UNIX user field 357 bootup scripts 91 redirects 278–279
Access groups field 375 filesystem 51 restricting access by client
Access hosts field 375 Internet service 138 address 293–294
Access log files table 285 Majordomo package in 390 root directory 313
Access print shares field 574 system logs 119
768 Index

setting options for directories viewing and editing languages Berkeley Internet Name Domain
273–276 296 (BIND) 318
starting and stopping 268 Apache Webserver monitor 254 bgimage 742
synchronizing text apachectl command 314 bigint field 413
authentication files AppleShare filesharing protocol 53 BIND (Berkeley Internet Name
with UNIX user list Applet size field 222 Domain) 318
292 Apply to class field 540 BIND 4 DNS Server module 347–353
user web directories 300–301 Approval email address field 396 BIND 4 DNS Server monitor 254
versions of 264, 313 approve /tmp/email file 399 BIND DNS Server module 318–320
virtual servers 269–273 apt-get command 106 access control 346–347
Apache Webserver module 265–268 apt-get install webmin command 6 adding and editing records
access control 310–311 Args field 133 322–325
adding and editing MIME types Arguments to calamaris command configuring 347–352
288–289 field 602 configuring forwarding and
configuring 311–314 AS numbers 588 transfers 340–341
configuring Apache as proxy ASCII text 418 creating and editing forward
server 301–304 at command 97 zones 336–337
configuring logging 284–285 atq command 97 creating master zones 321–322
creating .htaccess files 298 atrm command 97 creating root zones 337
creating aliases 276–277 attr command 239 creating slave zones 332–334
creating redirects 278–279 attributes 238 editing access control lists
creating separate log files auth facility 114 341–342
285–286 Authentication mode field 442 editing master zones 330–332
creating virtual servers 269–272 Authentication option 299 editing slave zones 334–336
editing .htaccess files 297 Authentication program field 594 editing zone defaults 338–340
editing pages on Apache servers Authentication realm name field 289 setting up partial reverse
268–269 authpriv facility 114 delegation 342–344
editing virtual servers 272–273 Automatically include logfiles from using BIND views 345–346
protecting directories 289–291 field 499 BIND DNS Server monitor 254
restricting access by client Automatically update serial numbers BIND servers 250
address 293–294 field 351 setting up forwarding in 341
restricting directives in .htaccess automounter filesystems 47 setting up transfers in 341
files 299 autoreply aliases 465–466, 480 views 345–346
running CGI programs 280 available_usermods function 752 BIOS (Basic Input Output System) 84,
setting per-directory options 195
273–276 B bits 303
setting up custom error messages backquote_logged function 727, 752 blob field 410, 415
287–288 Backup file directory field 424 Block requests to domains field 303
setting up directory for CGI Backup file path field 438 blocks quota 60
scripts 280 Backup to file field 418 Boot device field 198
setting up server-side includes backups 121, 417–418 boot disk 195
282–284 adding 122–124 Boot file server field 366, 371
setting up SSL (Secure Sockets deleting 125 Boot filename field 366, 371
Layer) 304–307 editing 125 Boot image partition field 202
setting up user web directories making 124–125 boot loaders 84, 195–196
300–301 PostgreSQL 437–438 boot/grub/menu.lst file 196
starting and stopping Apache restoring 125–126 BOOTP protocol 362
servers 268 banner files 536–538 Bootup and Shutdown module 85
viewing and editing character Base directory for Apache adding new actions 87–89
sets 295–296 documentation field configuring 89
viewing and editing directives 313 configuring actions to start at
308–310 Base logfile path field 497 bootup 85–86
viewing and editing encodings batch files 28–29 starting and stopping actions
295 86–87
Index 769

Bootup commands field 88 Change Password module (Usermin) Cluster Users and Groups module
bootup script 553 638 649–650
brand 742 Change Theme module (Usermin) configuring 659
brand_url 742 629, 638 creating groups 654
Broadcast address field 367 Change User Details module creating new users 651–652
Broadcast field 147–148 (Usermin) 639 deleting groups 656
Browser Regexp ACL (access control change_cron_job function 736, 737 deleting users 653–654
list) 587 CHAP protocol 171 editing groups 654–655
browsers 233, 294 char field 410–411, 414, 433, 435 editing users 652–653
BSD print system 572 Character set for repository file field editing Webmin users 662
360 listing and removing servers 658
C character sets 295–296 refreshing user and group lists
C programming language 280 chargen service 130, 132 656
Cache Host field 599 Check condition field 381, 385 registering servers 650–651
cache manager statistics 599 Check File monitor 254 synchronizing users and groups
Cache Port field 600 Check Process monitor 255 656–658
cachemgr.cgi program 599, 603 check_ipaddress function 752 Cluster Webmin Configuration
caching 303, 578, 583–584 check_os_support function 752 module 660–661
Calamaris 600 chmod command 351, 541 configuring 668
Caldera Linux 6 chroot command 348, 529 creating Webmin groups 664
Caldera Theme 684 Chroot directory to run BIND under deleting modules or themes 667
callback parameter 758 field 348 deleting Webmin groups 665
caller ID 171 CIFS (Common Internet File System) editing ACLs (access control
can_edit_user function 736 554 lists) of users and
categories 683 class C network 317 groups 665–666
category file 711 clean_environment function 752 editing Webmin groups
Category icons 267 Clear history button 223 664–665
$cb variable 713 Client Address ACL (access control installing modules or themes
CD directory aliases field 535 list) 587 666–667
CD-ROMs 47, 195 Client Hostname ACL (access control listing and removing servers 668
cert.pem file 305, 306 list) 588 refreshing user and module lists
certificate authority 17, 686–687 Client map restrictions table 161, 162 667–668
Certificate file field 18 Client Regexp ACL (access control registering servers 661
certificate signing request (CSR) 18, list) 588 Cluster Webmin Servers module 665
307–308 Cloned module name field 675 clusters 643–644
Certificate/private key file field 306, close_http_connection function 752, CNAME (Name Alias) record 326,
307 759 329, 342–344
certificates 17–18, 307–308 Cluster category COAS driver option 209
.cgi files 280 Cluster Software Packages Command Shell module 222–223
CGI programs 712–715 module 644 Command Shell module (Usermin)
Cron jobs 734–735 Cluster Users and Groups 639
directory for 280 module 649–650 Command to apply configuration field
errors in 282 Cluster Webmin Configuration 377
running 280 module 660–661 Command to check exit status of
suexec program for 281–282 Cluster Software Packages module parameter 255
CGI scripts 268 644 Command to check for parameter 255
chacl command 239 configuring 648 Command to initialize PostgreSQL
chains 174 deleting packages 647 field 446
actions 179–180 exploring and removing Command to run after backup field
changing default actions of 181 packages 647–648 123
creating 182 installing packages 646 Command to run after disconnecting
exiting 179 registering servers 645 field 382
Change Language module (Usermin) searching for packages 646–647 Command to run before backup field
625, 638 123
770 Index

Command to run before connecting listname 394 Country name field 305, 308
field 382 lists 389, 398 cp program 223
Command to run on connect as root locate 93 CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive
field 567 make 246 Network) 244
Command to run on disconnect as root make install 246 cpio command 530
field 567 make test 246 CPU mode 100
Command to start apache field 314 overwrite 542 Create a New Virtual Server form 270
Command to start BIND field 352 parameter types 227–228 CREATE statement 418
Command to start DHCP server field quota 61 create_cron_job function 736
377 rename 542 create_user_config_dirs function 733,
Command to start MySQL server field repquota 61 752, 756
426 restore 126 crit priority 115
Command to start PostgreSQL field scheduled 97–98 cron facility 114
446 sendmail 391 Cron jobs 93
Command to start ProFTPD field 523 setfacl 239 CGI programs 734–735
Command to start Qmail field 490 subscribe list address 388–389 controlling users’ access to 96
Command to start Samba servers field unmask 542 creating 94–95
576 unsubscribe list address 389 editing 95
Command to start sendmail in server which 397 in other operating systems 97
mode field 473 who 397 cron.allow file 734
Command to start squid field 603 who list 389 cron.deny file 734
Command to start sshd field 553 Common Gateway Interface (CGI) cron-lib.pl library script 735–737
Command to stop apache field 314 279 crontab command 737
Command to stop MySQL server field Common Internet File System (CIFS) cs_link 741
426 554 cs_page 741
Command to stop PostgreSQL field Common Name field 305, 308 cs_text 742
446 complete_http_download function CSR (certificate signing request) 18,
Command to stop Qmail field 490 752 307–308
Command to stop Samba servers field Comprehensive Perl Archive Network csr.pem file 308
576 (CPAN) 244 CUPS driver option 209
Command to stop Sendmail field 473 concatenated RAID array 75 CUPS print system 206, 209,
Command to stop squid field 603 concurrent logins 520 211–212, 572
commands 224–225 Concurrent user limits table 540 Current issue number field 401
apachetl 314 Concurrent Versions System (CVS) Current status field 253
apt-get 106 354 Current volume number field 401
at 97 conditional blocks 612 $current_lang variable 713
atq 97 %config variable 713 %current_lang_info variable 713
atrm 97 config file directory 9 $current_theme variable 713
creating 225–227 Configuration Engine Daemon custom archives 438
delete 542 monitor 255 Custom Commands module 224–225
deselect 106 configuration files 1, 715–717 access control 230–231
dump 123 Connection state 189 configuring 231
edquota 61 Connection timeout parameter 258, creating file editor 229
emerge 106 259 creating new commands
get 397 Connection type field 221 225–227
get list file 389 CONT signal 101 Custom Commands module
getfacl 239 Content encodings table 295 (Usermin) 639
hostname 150 Content handlers table 283 custom commands, parameter types of
index 397 Content languages table 296 227–228
index list 389 Control lines mode field 168 custom error messages 287–288
info 397 cookies 512 Custom error responses table 287
info list 389 Copy button 234 Custom logfiles table 517
intro 397 copydata function 752 Custom width x height field 222
intro list 389 Country code field 16, 631 Cut button 234
Index 771

CVS (Concurrent Versions System) DBD::mysql module 244 Destination address or network
354 DBD:Pg module 244 condition 187
CVS root directory field 355, 360 DBI interface 426 Destination TCP or UDP port
CVS Server module 354 DBM files 292 condition 187
adding and editing users Deactivate CVS Server button 356 Destination TCP or UDP port field 186
356–357 Debian Linux 6 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
browsing the repository 359 firewall configuration 175 Protocol) 145,
configuring 359 installing packages 108 361–362
configuring CVS servers 359 Majordomo package in 390 DHCP server config file field 376
limiting user access 358–359 software packages 106 DHCP server executable field 376
setting up CVS servers 355–356 updating on 110–111 DHCP server lease file field 377
synchronizing userlist with debug priority 114 DHCP Server module 363–365
UNIX user database decimal field 410–411, 413 access control 374–375
357–358 decode_base64 function 753 adding and editing groups
CVS servers 354 Default backup repository directory 373–374
adding and editing users field 447 adding and editing shared
356–357 Default boot option field 203 networks 372–373
configuring 359 default gateways 144, 149–150 adding fixed hosts 370–371
limiting user access 358–359 Default hostname for From:addresses adding subnets 365–367
setting up 355–356 field 634 configuring 375–377
synchronizing userlist with Default kernel/partition field 199 deleting subnets 367
UNIX user database default language 724 editing fixed hosts 371
357–358 Default lease time field 372 editing global client options 370
using 356 Default master server(s) for slave viewing and deleting leases 369
viewing files and directories in zones field 351 DHCP Server monitor 255
repository 359 Default MIME type field 289 DHCP servers 361
cvspserver service 355 Default PID file location field 352 adding and editing groups
default quotas 65 373–374
D Default remote slave server field 351 adding and editing shared
daemons Default route device field 149 networks 372–373
facility 114 Default router field 149, 366 adding fixed hosts 370–371
Fetchmail 380, 384–385 Default Server icon 266, 268 adding subnets 365–367
Hostsentry 256 default servers 504 configuration files 365
monitoring status of 250–251 Default time-to-live field 321, 330, deleting subnets 367
Portsentry 257 339 editing fixed hosts 371
Data type field 409, 432 DEFAULT variable 611 global client options 370
Database file path field 431 defaultuconfig file 733, 752 vewing and deleting leases 369
Database name field 408, 431 Delete button 234 dhcpd program 364
databases 405–406 delete command 542 dhcpd.conf file 362, 376
adding tables 408–409 Delete job command field 567 dhcpd.leases file 362
backing up 417–418, 437–438 delete_cron.cgi function 734, 735 dhcp-server program 364
creating 407–408, 431 delete_cron_job function 736, 737 dial-in modems 166
deleting 416–417, 437 Delivery mode field 458 dial-up connection 3
permissions 421–423 Deny client hosts field 546 Digest mail footer field 400
restoring 418–419, 438 Deny from address field 541 digest mailing lists 399–400
viewing and editing table Deny groups field 515 Digest title field 400
contents 412–416 Deny users field 515 Direct TCP connection option 209
Databases field 422 Department field 16 Direction to monitor parameter 257
Date and Time ACL (access control depends file 711 Directive types available field 311
list) 588 Description width option 275 directives 264–265
date field 410, 414, 435 deselect commands 106 restricting 299
date_chooser_button function 752 Dest AS Number ACL (access control viewing and editing 308–310
datetime field 410, 414 list) 588 directories
daytime service 130, 132
772 Index

access control lists (ACLs) support for other operating double field 410–411, 413
239–240 systems 51–52 Down state 251
for CGI scripts 280 Disk Quotas module 61–62 dpkg command 106
creating 236 access control 66–67 DPKG package format. 106
exporting 54–55, 241–242 configuration page 12 dump command 123
mapping URL paths to 276–277 configuring 66 Dump level field 123
navigating 232–233 disabling quotas for filesystems dump program 121
ownership 236 62 Dynamic DNS update style field 367
permissions 236 enabling quotas for filesystems Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
protecting 289–291 62 (DHCP) 145,
setting options for 274 example page 13 361–362
sharing 240–241 main page 12
turning off authentication 292 setting default quotas for new E
user web 300–301 users 65 echo 132
directory aliases 535–536 Disk Quotas module (Usermin) 639 echo service 130
Directory containing majordomo disk quotas. See quotas Edit Apache directive button 309
programs field 403 Disk Space monitor 255 Edit CA certificate field 687
Directory containing sendmail safe disk_usage_kb function 753 Edit Config Files icon 309
programs field 404 Display directories first option 275 Edit Directives in File button 310
Directory for master zone files field Display fancy directory indexes option Edit NIS table button 159
351 275 Edit Quota For field 63
Directory for slave/stub zone files field Display HTML title as description edit_allow.cgi function 735
351 option 275 edit_cron.cgi function 734
Directory index footer file field 276 Display lease times in field 376 EDITOR environment variable 737
Directory index header file field 276 Display queue command field 567 edquota command 61
Directory index options field 275 Display subnets and hosts as field 376 elm program 378
Directory index pages field 494 Display virtual servers as field 312 emacs command 309
Directory Indexing icon 274, 276 DNS (Domain Name System) email
directory listings 510–511 315–318 address mappings 456–457
Directory options 299 DNS clients 317 addresses 16
Directory parameter 228 DNS domain 361 aliases 452–455, 479–480
Directory path field 513 DNS lookup cache time field 584 autoreply aliases 465–466, 480
Directory README filename field DNS servers 144–145 domain routing 457–458, 483
511 addresses 361 downloading 384
Directory to backup field 123 BIND 254 filter aliases 466–467, 480
Directory to share field 559 forward zones 336–337 filtering 605–606
Disk and Network Filesystems module settings 151 forwarded 396–397
40 zones 316 queue 460–461
access control 49–50 DNS servers field 367 reading 28, 461–462, 486–487
adding virtual memory 46–47 DNS servers for clients field 168 relaying 455, 480
configuring 50 Document directory aliases table 277 virtual address mappings
editing filesystems 48 Document Root field 270, 306 481–483
listing users of filesystems 48 Domain for reverse IPv6 addresses Email Address field 305, 308
mounting local ext2 or ext3 hard field 352 Email address field 16, 321, 328
disk filesystem Domain name field 367 Email message subject field 124
44–45 Domain name/Network field 321, 333 emerg priority 115
mounting local Windows hard domains 303, 315 emerge command 106
disk file system local 451–452, 478–479 Emerge package format (Gentoo) 106
45–46 masquerading 452 emerge webmin command 6
mounting NFS network names 588 emote_foreign_call function 730
filesystem 40–43 parent 316 encode_base64 function 753
mounting smbfs Windows root 316 encodings 295
networking routing 457–458, 483 Encryption method for proxy
filesystem 43–44 Domains not to cache field 303 passwords field 602
Index 773

enum field 410, 415 exporting directories 54–55, 241–242 fields 409
err priority 114 exports file 53 adding 409–411, 433
Error code field 287 EXT attributes 237–238 deleting from tables 433–434
error function 753 ext2 filesystem 44–45, 237–238 editing 411–412, 433
error log files 282 ext3 filesystem 44–45, 50, 237–238 permissions 421–423
Error log to field 285 Extended Internet Server monitor 255 types 412, 434–435
Error message file field 541 extended Internet services 139 File Change monitor 256
error messages 287–288 creating 141 file editors 225, 229
error_setup function 753 editing 140–141 File Manager module 232
Escape character field 551 enabling 140–141 access control 242–243
etc/aliases file 391 Extended Internet Services module creating directories 236
etc/cron.allow file 734 139, 355 creating files 234–235
etc/cron.d directory 93 extended partitions 68 creating links 236
etc/cron.deny file 734 External Auth ACL (access control editing EXT file attributes
etc/crontab file 93 list) 589 237–238
etc/exports file 53, 57 External Auth Rexexp ACL (access editing file ACLs 239–240
etc/fstab files 40 control list) 589 editing file permissions 235–236
etc/ftpaccess file 525 external modems 215 editing files 234–235
etc/ftphosts file 525 Extra character sets table 295 editing xfs filesystem 238
etc/ftpusers file 525 Extra command-line parameters field exporting directories 241–242
etc/inittab file 84, 215 123 finding files 237
etc/lilo.conf file 196 Extra mail queue directories field 475 manipulating files 234
etc/nsswitch.conf file 155 Extra MIME types table 283, 289 navigating directories 232–233
etc/passwd file 419 Extra SMTP headers for resent mail sharing directories 240–241
etc/ppp/chap-secret file 171 field 394 viewing files 232–233
etc/procmailrc file 614 File Manager module (Usermin) 639
etc/shadow file 419 F File must be bigger than parameter 254
etc/syslog.conf file 115 facilities 113 File must be smaller than parameter
etc/vfstab files 40 Fail if process is parameter 255 254
etc/xinetd.conf configuration file 130 Failure URL field 587 File must exist parameter 254
etc/xinetd.d directory 130 Fallback boot option field. 203 File must not exist parameter 254
etc/yp.conf file 155 fast_wait_for function 753 File or tape device field 123
etc/ypserv.conf file 155 fBuilder tool 176 File ownership field 229
Ethernet address 188, 362, 370 Fetchmail 378–379, 449 File parameter 228
Ethernet Address ACL (access control fetchmail command 384 file permissions 564–565
list) 588 Fetchmail config file to edit field 379, editing 229, 235–236
Ethernet interface 145 387 mask 46
Ethernet network cards 144, 370 Fetchmail Mail Retrieval module File permissions field 229
Eudora mail 131 379–380 file sharing
Event types to log in history field 359 access control 386 editing 566–567
everyone views 345 adding mail servers to check permissions 564–565
Evolution mail 448 381–384 with Samba 559–560
exec service 132 configuring 386–387 in Windows systems 43–44,
exec_cron.cgi function 735 downloading email 384 240–241
executable files 236, 522 editing global settings 385 with NFS 53
Execute as group field 236 running Fetchmail daemon File to add virtual servers to field 270,
Execute as user field 135, 236 384–385 312
Execute command button 222 Fetchmail Mail Retrieval module File to check parameter 254
Execute Command monitor 255 (Usermin) 639 File to edit field 229
Execute previous command button .fetchmailrc configuration file 379 File to monitor parameter 256
222 Field name field 409, 431 File to upload field 234
Exit chain action 181 Field options field 432 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 500–501
Expiry date option 23 fieldPath to MySQL shared libraries File types to report on field 494
Expiry time field 321, 330, 339 directory 427 file_chooser_button function 753
774 Index

Filename width option 275 filter_javascript function 753 users and groups in 37
files find_byname function 753 From CPAN option 246
access control lists (ACLs) finger 131, 226 From:address mapping file (Usermin
239–240 firewall 173 module) 634
attributes 238 creating custom chains 182 FTP (FileTransfer Protocol) 500–501
compressing 238 editing rules in 182 FTP commands field 514
copying 234 implementations 173 FTP proxy field 672
creating 234–235 IPtables 173–174 FTP server PID file field 543
deleting 234 port forwarding 185–186 FTP servers 500–501
editing 234–235 rule conditions 186 anonymous 506–507
executable 236 setting up NAT (Network commands 514–517, 541–542
EXT attributes 237–238 Address Translation) downloading from 338
finding 237 183–184 virtual 505–506
hiding 510 setup options 177 ftp service 132
manipulating 234 transparent proxying 184–185 FTP transfers logfile field 517
mapping URL paths to 276–277 Fixed IP address field 371 ftp_command function 754
moving 234 float field 410–411, 413 ftp_download function 752, 754
quota 60 float4 field 435 ftpaccess file 525
renaming 235 float8 field 435 ftpconversions file 543
setting options for 274 floppy disks 47 ftpgroups file 543
uploading 234 floppy drives 195 ftphosts file 525, 543
viewing 232–233 flush_file_lines function 753 ftpusers file 525, 543
Files to ignore in directory index field flush_webmin_caches function 753 Full path to ftpaccess file field 543
275 Font size in points field 222 Full path to ftpconversions file field
Filesystem Backup module 121–122 foobar 711 543
adding backups 122–124 footer function 754 Full path to ftpgroups file field 543
configuring 126 foreign_call function 754 Full path to ftphosts file field 543
editing or deleting backups 125 foreign_check function 754 Full path to ftpusers file field 543
making backups 124–125 foreign_config function 754 Full path to M4 config file field 473
in other operating systems 128 foreign_require function 754 Full path to majordomo config file
restoring backups 125–126 Format for the name of forward zone field 403
Filesystem to check parameter 255 files field 351 Full path to nmbd field 575
filesystems 39–40 Format for the name of reverse zone Full path to PID file field 603
automounter 47 files field 351 Full path to sendmail aliases file field
backups 121 FORWARD chain 174 473
checking 255 .forward files 455 Full path to sendmail pid file field 473
comparison of 50–51 forward zones 336–337 Full path to sendmail.cf field 472
creating 70–71 forwarded email 396–397 Full path to smbd field 575
diskspace 255 Forwarded mail footer field 392 Full path to smbpasswd field 575
editing 48 Forwarded packets chain 177 Full path to smbstatus field 575
ext2 44–45, 237–238 Fragmentation condition 187 Full path to squid cache directory field
ext3 44–45, 237–238 Free Memory monitor 256 603
file permissions 235–236 FreeBSD operating system 2 Full path to squid config file field 602
listing users of 48 boot loader 195, 201–202 Full path to squid log directory field
NFS 40–43 bootup scripts 90 603
quotas 60 filesystem 52 Full path to ssh client config file field
disabling 62 filesystem backups 128 553
enabling 62 Internet service 138 Full path to sshd config file field 553
removing 48 network configurations 153 Full path to sshd PID file field 553
smbfs Windows networking NFS exports on 57–58 Full path to sshd program field 553
43–44 package format 112 Full path to ssh-keygen program field
Windows 45–46 print system 214 553
xfs attributes 238 system logs 119 Full path to swat field 576
filter aliases 466–467, 480 system time 193
Index 775

Full path to the named executable field ACLs (access control lists) hardware time 191
352 665–666 changing 192–193
Full path to the named.conf file field adding 373–374 synchronizing with system time
352 creating 25–26, 441 193
Full path to whois command field 352 deleting 27 synchronizing with time of
Full path to wuftpd field 543 editing 26, 374 another server 193
ID 29 has_command function 756
G ISC DHCP server 362 hba.conf file 430
%gconfig variable 713 password protection 289–291 <head> tags 275
GD module 244 secondary 19, 23, 26 header function 756–757
generate_icon function 755 setting quotas for 63 Headers and Footers icon 394
generators 344 Groups visible in group chooser field Headers to show in mail queue field
Gentoo Linux 6 694 471
firewall configuration 175 GRUB boot loader 84, 200 headhtml 742
package system 106 boot options 196 headinclude 742
get command 397 booting another operating Heap tables 408
get list file command 389 system 202 Help link 11
Get root servers from field 338 booting new kernel with help_file function 757
get_all_module_infos function 729, 201–202 help_search_link function 757
752, 755 editing global options 202–203 Hide files owned by groups field 510
get_available_module_infos function hardware compatibility 195 HINFO (Host Info) record 327
743, 748, 755 installing 203 hlink function 718
get_miniserv_config function 755 GRUB Boot Loader module 200 home directory 19, 21, 29
get_module_acl function 755 booting another operating with Home directory field 160, 485
get_module_info function 752, 755 202 HOME variable 611
get_system_hostname function 729, booting new Linux kernel or host addresses 151
755 BSD 201–202 Host addresses table 161
get_theme_info function 755 configuring 203 Host assigned to field 371
get_webmin_version function 755 editing global GRUB options Host Information (HINFO) record 327
getfacl command 239 202–203 Host name field 370
ghostscript PostScript rendering installing GRUB 203 Host to connect to parameter 259
program 205 .gz encoding format 294 Host to ping parameter 258
GID parameter 228 gzip command 530 HOST variable 612
GIF files 277, 521 hostname 150
Global address book file field 635 H changing 150–151
GnuPG Encryption module (Usermin) Hard Block Limit fields 63 IP addresses for 315, 317–318
639 hard disks 39 pinging 258
Google search engine 757 ext2 filesystem 44–45 proxy servers 303
grace periods 64–65 ext3 filesystem 44–45 TCP connection 259
Graphical mode runlevel 85 partitions 68–69 Hostname access control option 299
Greeting level field 537 Windows filesystem 45–46 Hostname field 329
greeting messages 219 Hard File Limit field 63 Hostname for email to local IP address
Greeting Messages icon 219 hard limit 60–61 field 484
Group DBM file field 292 Hardware address field 146, 370 Hostname for messages field 537
Group ID field 441 Hardware category Hostname for resent email field 397,
Group name field 291, 664, 695 Linux Bootup Configuration 401
Group owner of uploaded files field module 196–197 Hostname for SMTP HELO field 484
513 Partitions on Local Disk 69 Hostname pattern field 344
Group parameter 228 Printer Administration module Hostname to connect to field 221
Group text file field 290 206 hosts 55, 158
Group to start BIND as field 348 System Time 191 adding 370–371
group_chooser_button function 755 Voicemail Server module assignment 365
groups 19, 158 215–216 displaying 376
hardware clock 191 editing 371
776 Index

file structure 365 icons_table function 758 Internet Message Access Protocol
IP addresses 365, 376 ICP port field 581, 597 (IMAP) 378
ISC DHCP server 362 IDE disks 69 Internet services 129–130
MAC addresses 365 IDE drives 71, 200 creating 133–135
permissions 421–423 Idle time before disconnect field 168 enabling 133
Hosts field 422 image files 521 names 131–132
Hostsentry Daemon monitor 256 images/icon.gif file 711 protocols 131–132
Hotmail 379 IMAP (Internet Message Access Internet Services and Protocols
HP/UX operating system 2 Protocol) 378 module 130
bootup scripts 89–90 imap service 131 configuring 136–137
filesystem 52 Inactive days field 23 creating and editing RPC
Internet service 139 inbody 742 programs 135–136
package format 112 include files 612–613 creating Internet services
print system 214 include function 758 133–135
system time 193–194 Incoming interface condition 187 enabling Internet services 133
users and groups in 37 Incoming packets chain 177 in other operating systems
HPUX print system 572 Incoming UDP address field 581 138–139
.htaccess files 265 index command 397 service names and protocols
creating 298 index list command 389 131–132
directory options 273 index.cgi file 712 intro command 397
editing 297 index.cgi program 734, 748 intro list command 389
restricting directives in 299 index.html files 268, 274, 712 Introductory message field 392, 394,
HTML files 283 Indexing and index files option 299 400
<html> tags 225, 275 indexof function 758 IP Access Control 14
html_escape function 757 inetd program 193 IP Address field 147
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) inetd super-server 129, 503–504, IP addresses 145
258 527–528 changing 146, 670–671
HTTP Accel Host field 185 Info button 235 for hostnames 315, 317–318
HTTP Accel Port field 185 info command 397 hosts 365, 376
HTTP Accel Uses Host Header field info list command 389 pinging 258
185 info priority 114 proxy servers 303
HTTP Accel With Proxy field 185 init program 84, 196 restricting 14–15
HTTP connections 223 &init_config function 713 restricting access by 293–294
HTTP proxy 301 init_config function 724, 758 restricting ProFTPD clients by
HTTP proxy field 672 Initial fields table 408, 431 520
HTTP servers 264, 577–578 Initial physical device field 79 restricting WU-FTP clients by
http_download function 752, 757 Initial PostgreSQL database field 445 541
HTTP_USER_AGENT environment Initial ramdisk file field 201 subnets 365
variable 676 initlocation command 431 TCP connection 259
httpd script 85 INPUT chain 174 IP network 303
httpd.conf file 311, 314 INSERT statement 418 IP-based websites 269
HTTPS protocol 304 Install action field 246 IPchains firewall 173
HUP signal 101 install-module.pl script 674 IPfwadm firewall 173
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) int field 411, 413 IPs and ports for DNAT field 186
258 int2 field 435 iptables command 175–176
int4 field 435 IPtables firewall 173–174
I int8 field 435 iptables-restore command 175
IA64 systems 105 Interface to monitor parameter 257 iptables-save command 175
IBM Journaling Filesystem (jfs) 51 interfaces 144 Irix operating system
ICMP packet type condition 188 Interfaces file type field 377 bootup scripts 89–90
ICMP packets 177, 258 internal clocks 191 filesystem 52
Icon height option 275 internal modems 215 filesystem backups 128
Icon width option 275 internal views 345 Internet service 138
Icons in row field 376 Internet and RPC Server monitor 256 NFS exports on 59
Index 777

print system 214 boot options 196 hardware and system times 193
system logs 119–120 booting another operating logs 113–115
system time 193–194 system with MAC (Medium Access Control)
users and groups in 37 198–199 address 370
xfs filesystem 238 booting new kernel with networking 144–145
is_under_directory function 758 197–198 PPP sessions in 165–166
ISAM tables 408 configuring 196–197 printing on 205–206
ISC DHCP servers 362–363 editing global options 199–200 processes 99
iso-9660 filesystem 39 hardware compatibility 195 rebooting 89
ISPs (Internet service providers) 144 limitations of 196 software packages 105–106
lilo command 196 List description field 394
J Limit files to directory field 311 List maintainer’s address field 392
Jabber IM Server monitor 256 Limit to directory field, 507 List name field 400
Java applets 220 Limit users to directories field 508 list.cgi program 714
file manager 232 linear RAID array 75 list_allowed function 736
remote shell login 223 Link type field 702, 730 list_cron_jobs function 734, 735
Jaz drive 73 links 236 list_denied function 736
JPEG files 277, 521 Linux Boot Loader module 198–200 list_languages function 759
Linux Bootup Configuration module list_usermods function 759
K 196–198 list_users function 713
Keep track of read/unread emails field Linux distributions 6 Listen on addresses and ports table 270
471 boot loaders 196 Listen on IP address field 623, 671
kern facility 114 choosing time zone 191 Listen on port field 671
Kernel options field 198, 201 printer administration 206 listname command 394
Kernel to boot field 198 quota commands 62 lists command 389, 398
kernels 195 Linux Firewall module 175–177 Load Average monitor 256
2.4 series of 173 allowing and denying network Load average to check parameter 256
booting 197–198 traffic 177–178 load_language function 729, 759
loading 196 changing default actions of load_theme_library function 759
system time 191 chains 181 local area networks (LANs) 366
key.pem file 305 configuring 189 local domains 451–452, 478–479
Kill Process button 101 creating custom chains 182 Local host name field 484
Kill Processes button 49 editing firewall rules 182 Local user option 116
kill_byname function 759 setting up NAT (Network Local user(s) field 382
kill_byname_logged function 759 Address Translation) localfile parameter 762
kill_logged function 727, 759 183–184 Locality Name field 305, 308
knetfilter tool 176 setting up port forwarding locate command 93
185–186 Location (LOC) record 328
L setting up transparent proxy lock_file function 725, 739, 759
lang internationalization directory 738 184–185 Log all commands for field 538
lang_list.txt file 724 Linux kernel 201 log file directory 9
languages 296 Linux Native Filesystem 44–45 Log Files icon 285
LANs (local area networks) 366 Linux operating system Log transfers to field 538
laptops 145 package format 111 log_parser.pl file 727
Latitude and Longitude field 328 xfs file system 238 log_parser.pl log reporting script
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment Linux raid 70 739–740
variable 676 Linux RAID module 75–77 Logged In Users button 28
leases 362–363 Linux swap 70 logical partitions 68, 77
deleting 369 Linux systems 1 logical volume 77
sorting 376 as answering machines 215–216 creating 80–81
viewing 369 boot loader 195–196 deleting 81
lib subdirectory 530 boot process 84–85 resizing 81
Library search path field 676 clocks 191 Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
LILO boot loader 84 filesystems 39 77–78
778 Index

Logical Volume Manager module 78 LVM logical volume option 45 Majordomo List Manager module
adding and removing physical 389–391
volume 80 M access control 401
creating and deleting logical M4 configuration file 463–465, 606 configuring 402–404
volume 80–81 MAC (Medium Access Control) creating digest lists 399–400
creating new volume groups address 362 creating mailing lists 391–392
79–80 determining 370 deleting mailing lists 399
creating snapshots 82–83 hosts 365 editing digest options 400–401
resizing logical volume 81 mail aliases 452–455, 479–480 editing forwarded email options
login 132 mail clients 448 396–397
name 9, 29 Mail delivery command field 387 editing global options 401
password 9 mail directory 479 editing information, headers and
remote shell 220–223 mail facility 114 footers 393–395
viewing 27–28 mail file 479 editing list access control
viewing and disconnecting Mail file directory style field 475, 490 397–398
sessions 697 Mail file in home directory field 474 editing subscription options
Login as parameter 258 Mail for field 456 395–396
.login file 511 Mail for host or domain field 483 managing mailing list 392–393
Login name field 43 Mail Forwarding module (Usermin) moderating and maintaining
Login password field 43, 357 640 mailing lists
Login Scripts module (Usermin) 640 Mail messages to display per page 398–399
Login to MySQL as field 424 field 470, 488 using other mail servers 391
Login username field 357 mail retrieval protocol 131 Majordomo master address field 401
LOGNAME variable 611 Mail Server (MX) record 316, 326, Majordomo owner’s address field 401
Logout message file field 511 449 make command 246
logs 113–115 Mail server hostname field 401 make install command 246
access to 285 Mail server to contact field 381 make script 155
adding 115–117 mail servers 378 make test command 246
analyzing 491–492 adding 381–384 make_date function 759
configuring 284–285, 517–518, clients 448 make_http_connection function 752,
595–596 global settings 385 759
custom formats 518 Mail storage format field 633 Makefile.PL arguments field 246
deleting 117–118 Mail subdirectory style field 633 Makemap command field 473
diplaying 708–709 Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) 448–449 Manager name field 600
editing 117–118 Mailbox format field 488 Mandrake Linux 6, 106
error messages 285 mailing lists 388–389 Mangle field 162
format codes 518 access control 397–398 Manually edit directives button 309
generating and viewing reports creating 391–392 Map locale to remote URLs table 279
of 496 deleting 399 Map remote Location: headers to local
predefined formats 285 digest lists 399–400 table 279
scheduled reporting of 496–497 digest options 400–401 Masquerade option 180
setting up 671 footers 393–395 master boot record (MBR) 84, 195
for virtual servers 285–286 forwarded email options Master server field 321, 330, 333
longblob field 415 396–397 master servers 316, 321, 330, 333
longtext field 415 global options 401 master zones 316
loopback interface 145 headers 393–395 adding records in 322–324
Lotus Notes 379 managing member list 392–393 converting slave zones to 336
lpr facility 114 moderating and maintaining converting to slave zones 332
LPR print system 206 398–399 creating 321–322
LPRNG print system 206, 212, 572 subscription options 395–396 deleting 331
ls command 530 Maintenance password field 392, 396, editing 330–332
ls program 223 400 editing records in 324
LVM (Logical Volume Manager) Majordomo 388–389 Match ACLs list 586
Index 779

Max digest size before sending field Microsoft Exchange 379 design goals 718
401 MIME types 288–289 file locking 725
Max load average for receiving field MIME types and encodings option 299 functions 728–730
459 mime.types file 314 look and feel 717–718
Max load average for sending field Min free disk space field 459 online help 718–719
459 Minimum days field 23 packaging 719
Max per Minute field 135 Minimum free memory (in kB) pre- and post-install scripts
Maximum allowable message size parameter 256 728
field 397 Minimum free space (in kB) parameter required files 711–712
Maximum bytes/second parameter 255 user updata notification
257 Minimum free space field 567 723
Maximum cache time field 584 Minimum mail file size to index field DHCP Server 363–365
Maximum cached object size field 584 472, 489, 635 Disk and Network Filesystems
Maximum concurrent logins field 520 Minimum message length field 217 40
Maximum concurrent logins per host mirrored RAID array 75 Disk Quotas 61–62
field 520 mkdir command 431 Extended Internet Services 139
Maximum concurrent sessions field mod_perl module 282 Fetchmail Mail Retrieval
520 mod_php module 282 379–380
Maximum concurrent zone transfers mod_proxy module 302 File Manager 232
field 341 mod_ssl module 304 Filesystem Backup 121–122
Maximum Connections ACL (access modems 215 Grub Boot Loader 200
control list) 589 Moderation password field 396 installing 673–674
Maximum days field 23 Moderator’s address field 396 internationalization 723–725
Maximum lease time field 366, 372 Module Config link 11 Internet Services and Protocols
Maximum load average parameter 256 Module Index 11 130
Maximum log lines to pass to Module to monitor field 253 Linux Bootup Configuration
calamaris field 602 module.info file 711, 733 196–197
Maximum message size field 484 $module_config_directory variable Linux Firewall 175–177
Maximum number of aliases field 469 713 Majordomo List Manager
Maximum number of records to show %module_info variable 713 389–391
in tables field 488 $module_name variable 713 MySQL Database Server
Maximum number of servers to $module_root_directory variable 713 406–407
display field 312 module_uninstall function 728 Network Configuration 145
Maximum number of zones to display modules 2 NFS Exports 54
field 349 access control. See access NFS Shares 56
Maximum reply body size field 583 control NIS Client and Server 155
Maximum request body size field 583 Apache Web server 265–268 Partitions on Local Disks 69
Maximum transfer time field 334 BIND DNS Server 318–320 Perl Modules 245
Maximum users field 540 Bootup and Shutdown 85 PostgreSQL Database Server
Maximum zone transfer time field 341 Cluster Software Packages 644 429–430
MBR (master boot record) 84, 195 Cluster Users and Groups PPP Dialin Server 165–166
mediumblob field 415 649–650 Printer Administration 206
mediumint field 413 Cluster Webmin Configuration Procmail Mail Filter 606
mediumtext field 415 660–661 ProFTPD Server 501
Members field 291 Command Shell 222–223 Qmail Configuration 477–478
Memory mode 100 Custom commands 224–225 Running Processes 99–100
Memory usage limit field 584 CVS Server 354 Samba Windows File Sharing
Menu parameter 228 deleting 674 556
message files 511–512, 536–538 developing 710 Scheduled Commands 97
Messages and Description icon 394 access control 721–722 Scheduled Cron Jobs 93
metadata 239 action logging 726–727 Sendmail Configuration
mgetty program 165–166, 215 CGI programs 712–715 449–451
MH style directory mail storage configuration parameters Software Packages 107
format 633 715–717 Squid Proxy Server 578–580
780 Index

SSH Server 545 synchronizing users and groups name file 711
SSH/Telnet Login 220–222 in 656–658 Name record 326
SSL Tunnels 616 Multi-user mode runlevel 85 Name Server (NS) record 316, 326
System and Server Status Multi-user mode without NFS Name Server record 329
250–251 runlevel 85 name servers 319–320
System Logs 115 MX (Mail Server) record 316, 326, name-based websites 269
System Time 191 449 Named log format table 285, 286
SysV Init Configuration 91–92 MyISAM tables 408 named pipes 116, 121
unauthenticated access to MySQL 244, 405–406 named.conf file 330, 352
685–686 adding fields 409–411 NAT (Network Address Translation)
user interface 11 adding users 419–420 174
Usermin Configuration 621 backing up databases 417–418 setting up 183–184
Users and Groups 20 creating new database 407–408 Net::SSLeay Perl module 7, 15–16,
Voicemail Server 215–216 creating new tables 408–409 630
Webalizer Logfile Analysis deleting databases 416–417 Net::Telnet module 244
491–492 deleting tables 416–417 NetBIOS name servers field 367
Webmin Actions Log 708 editing fields 411–412 NetBSD operating system
Webmin Configuration 669 executing commands 417 boot loader 201–202
Webmin Servers Index 700 field types 412 bootup scripts 90
Webmin Users 689 managing permissions 421–423 Internet service 138
WU-FTPD Server 526 restoring databases 418–419 network configurations 153
Modules for members field 665 synchronizing UNIX users 421 NFS exports on 57–58
MON Service Monitor monitor 257 viewing and editing table package format 112
monitors 250–251 contents 412–416 print system 214
adding 252–253 website 406 system logs 119
load average 256 MySQL Database module (Usermin) system time 193
scheduled 260–261 640 users and groups in 37
states 251–252 MySQL Database Server module netgroups 55, 158
types 253–260 406–407 NetInfo database 37
Mount Filesystems module (Usermin) access control 423–424 netmask 55, 147, 294
640 adding fields 409–411 Netmask field 147–148, 366, 585
mount points 39 adding MySQL users 419–420 Netware filesharing protocol 53
mountable partitions 74 backing up databases 417–418 Network address field 366
MSC cluster groups directory field configuring 424–426 network cards 144
706 creating new database 407–408 Network Configuration module 145
MSC Theme 747 creating new tables 408–409 access control 152–153
index.cgi program 748 deleting databases 416–417 adding network interfaces
theme_footer function 749–750 editing fields 411–412 147–149
theme_header function 748–749 executing SQL command 417 changing DNS client settings
MSC.Linux Mini Theme 684 managing permissions 421–423 151
MSC.Linux operating system 390 restoring databases 418–419 changing hostname 150–151
MSC.Linux Theme 684 setting up synchronization 421 configuring routing 149–150
mscstyle3 directory 747 viewing and editing table editing host addresses 151
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) 448–449 contents 412–416 in other operating systems 153
MTU field 146 MySQL Database Server monitor 257 viewing and editing network
Multiple NFS Servers field 51 MySQL host to connect to field 427 interfaces 146–147
multiple systems 643–644 MySQL port to connect to field 427 Network Information Service. See NIS
adding groups to 654 MySQL socket file field 427 network interfaces 144–145
adding users to 651–652 mysqlshow program 427 adding 147–149
deleting groups from 656 monitoring 257
deleting users from 653–654 N viewing and editing 146–147
editing groups in 654–655 Name Alias (CNAME) record 326, Network name field 372
editing users in 652–653 329, 342–344 Network protocol condition 187
Name field 329 Network Time Protocol (NTP) 193
Index 781

network traffic 173 securing 160–163 users and groups in 37

allowing 178 slave 163 OpenLinux operating system 157, 390
blocking 177–178 tables 159–160 OpenServer operating system 38
Network Traffic monitor 257 NIS Client and Server module 155 bootup scripts 89–90
Networking category configuring 163 Internet service 138
Extended Internet Services editing NIS tables 159–160 NFS exports on 57–58
module 139 securing NIS server 160–163 package format 112
Internet Services and Protocols setting up NIS client 155–156 system logs 119
module 130 setting up NIS master server system time 193–194
Linux Firewall module 175–177 157–158 OpenSSH 544
Network Configuration module setting up NIS slave server 163 openssh program 545
145 NIS domain field 367 openssh-client program 545
NFS Exports module 54 NIS Server icon 157 openssh-server program 545
NIS Client and Server module NIS servers field 367 openssl command 17, 305, 308
155 NIS+ protocol 155 OpenSSL library 7, 15–16, 545, 630
PPP Dialin Server module NIS+ server 156 Opera browser 625
165–166 nmbd server program 575 operating systems 9
SSL Tunnels module 616 no_proxy function 759 boot loaders 195
networks 55 nobody user account 19 booting with GRUB 202
proxy servers 303 Not installed state 252 booting with LILO 198–199
security 14–15 notice priority 114 changing 675–676
shared 362 Notify user of readme files matching filesystems 39–40
New document button 234 field 512 partitions 68
New Linux Native Filesystem 44–45, NS (Name Server) record 316, 326, user information 37–38
50 329 Option parameter 228
news facility 114 ntalk service 131 Option title field 201
NFS Directory field 41 ntfs filesystem 45–46 Options file can override field 299
NFS exports NTP (Network Time Protocol) server Options for host field 551
deleting 55–56 193 Oracle database 405
editing 55–56 ntpdate program 193 Order to display records in field 348
exporting directories 54–55 null-modem connection 166 Order virtual servers by field 312
on operating systems Number of rows to display per page Organization field 16
FreeBSD 57–58 field 425, 445 Organization Name field 305, 308
Irix 59 numeric field 435 Organizational Unit Name field 305,
NetBSD 57–58 308
OpenBSD 57–58 O ORGMAIL variable 612
OpenServer 57–58 Octal field 235 OS X operating system 214
OS X 57–58 Old Webmin Theme 683 bootup scripts 91
Solaris 56–57 Oldest message age before sending filesystem backups 128
NFS Exports module 54 field 400 Internet service 139
NFS file sharing enabled option online help 718–719 NFS exports on 57–58
241–242 Only allow client hosts field 546 system logs 119
NFS filesystem 51 Only allow group field 515 system time 193
NFS Hostname field 41 Only allow users field 515 users and groups in 37
NFS network filesystem 40–43 open_socket function 759 OS/2 operating system 51
NFS Server monitor 257 OpenBSD operating system os_support file 711
NFS Shares module 56 boot loader 201–202 other_groups function 760
nice level 99 bootup scripts 90 Others category
NIS (Network Information Service) filesystem 52 Command Shell module
154 Internet service 138 222–223
client 155–156 network configurations 153 Custom Commands 224–225
creating UNIX groups in 160 package format 112 File Manager 232
server 154–155 print system 214 Perl Modules 245
master 157–158 system logs 119
782 Index

SSH/Telnet Login module Partitions on Local Disks module 69 Path to psql command field 445
220–222 access control 73–74 Path to srm.conf field 314
System and Server Status adding and formatting partitions Path to stunnel executable field 619
module 250–251 70 Path to system procmailrc file field
Outgoing interface condition 187 creating filesystems 70–71 614
Outgoing packets chain 177 deleting partitions 72–73 Path to the apachectl command field
Outlook mail 131, 448 editing partitions 72–73 314
OUTPUT chain 174 labeling partitions 72 Path to the fetchmail daemon PID file
Output HTML header tags option 275 Linux vs. Solaris operating field 387
overwrite command 542 systems 74 Path to the fetchmail program field
Owned by group field 237 passwd command 223, 292 387
Owned by user field 237 password Path to webalizer command field 499
Owner of uploaded files field 513 for directories 289–291 Path to webalizer configuration file
Owner’s email address field 396 expiry date 23 field 499
login 9 Pause job command field 567
P mailing lists 398–399 Per-Directory Options Files icon 297
package formats 7 NIS tables 158 Perform distribution upgrade option
RPM 7 types of 22 110
Solaris 7, 10 users 29 Perl executable 9
tar.gz 8–10 Password field 22 Perl interpreter 9
Package from APT option 108 Password for proxy field 672 perl Makefile.PL command 246
Package from Red Hat Network option Password parameter 228 Perl modules 247–248
108 Password program field 571 configuring 248
package tree 109 Paste button 234 dowloading 3
Packet burst rate 188 Path to access.conf field 314 installing 245–247
Packet flow rate condtion 188 Path to calamaris log analysis program names of 244
packets field 603 viewing 247
alteration 174 Path to cvs executable field 355 Perl Modules module 16, 245
default action 181 Path to default stunnel PEM file field Perl programming language 244, 280
filtering 174 619 Permanent URL redirects 278
forwarded 177 Path to DHCP server PID file field 377 permissions 235–236
ICMP 177 Path to ftpusers file field 523 editing 564–565
incoming 177 Path to host access config file field 446 MySQL users 421–423
masquerading 180 Path to httpd executable field 313 Permissions field 240
outgoing 177 Path to httpd.conf field 314 Permissions for majordomo files field
.packlist file 247 Path to majordomo wrapper field 403 403
PAM Authentication module 529 Path to mime.types field 314 Per-share ACLs table 574
PAP secrets file 171 Path to mysql command field 426 pg_dump command 447
paper size 209 Path to mysqladmin command field pg_restore command 447
parent domains 316 426 Phone number field 171
Parent group field 664 Path to mysqldump command field PHP programming language 280
parity RAID array 75 426 physical volume 77, 80
parse_times_input function 736 Path to mysqlimport command field PID mode 100
parse_webmin_log function 726 426 pine program 378
partial reverse delegation 342–343 Path to mysqlshow command field 426 plain text 205
partitions 68–69 Path to pg_dump command field 447 Plan File module (Usermin) 640
adding and formatting 70 Path to pg_restore command field 447 Playback volume level field 217
deleting 72–73 Path to PostgreSQL shared libraries Point-to-Point Protocol. See PPP
extended 68 field 445 POP (Post Office Protocol) 378
labels 71–72 Path to postmaster PID file field 446 POP3 or IMAP server name field 634
logical 68, 77 Path to ProFTPD config file field 523 pop3 service 129, 131
mountable 74 Path to ProFTPD executable field 523 port forwarding 185–186
primary 68 Path to ProFTPD PID file field 523 Port Number field 134
writable 74 Path to program field 618 Port speed field 166
Index 783

Port to connect to field 221, 551 configuring PPP servers Procmail Mail Filter module 606
Port to connect to parameter 259 166–169 configuring 614
Portsentry Daemon monitor 257 managing PPP accounts creating and editing actions
POSIX ACLs 239 169–171 608–610
postbody 742 restricting access by caller ID creating and editing variable
Postfix mail server 391 171 assignments
Postfix Server monitor 257 PPP IP Address field 167–168 611–612
postgres user 439 PPP Options icon 167 creating conditional blocks 612
PostgreSQL 428–429 pppd program 165–166 creating include files 612–613
client access 441–442 pre-encrypted password 22 setting up Sendmail 606–608
connecting to and managing 244 pre-install scripts 728 Procmail Mail Filter module
databases 431 Pre-login banner file field 537 (Usermin) 640
field types 434–435 Pre-login message file field 511 procmailrc file 614
groups 441 PREROUTING chain 174 .profile file 511
object privileges 442–443 primary groups 19, 23, 26 ProFTPD server 501
syntax 405 primary master drive 200 anonymous 506–507
tables 431–432 primary partitions 68 client restrictions by IP address
users 439–440 primary slave drive 200 520
PostgreSQL Database Server module Printcap file field 572 concurrent logins 520
429–430 printconf tool 206 configuration files 523
access control 443–444 Printer Administration module 206 directory listing options
adding and editing fields 433 access control 212–213 510–511
backing up databases 437–438 adding printers 206–209 FTP commands 514–517
configuring 444–446 changing print system used by inetd service 503–504
creating new databases 431 676 log configurations 517–518
creating new tables 431–432 configuring 211–212 login restrictions 508–509
deleting databases 437 editing printers 209–210 message and readme files
deleting tables 436 managing print jobs 210 511–512
editing object privileges in other operating systems per-directory options 512–513
442–443 213–214 restricting access to directories
executing SQL commands 437 Printer driver field 568 in 507–508
managing groups 441 Printer status cache time field 572 starting 501–502
managing users 439–440 printers 205–206 upload options 521–522
restoring databases 438 access to 212–213 virtual 505–506
restricting client access 441–442 adding 206–209 xinetd service 503
setting up synchronization 440 configuring 572 ProFTPD Server module 501
viewing and editing table disabling 209 configuring 523
contents 436 drivers 209 configuring logging 517–518
PostgreSQL Database Server monitor editing 209–210 creating virtual servers 505–506
258 managing tasks in 210 limiting concurrent logins 520
PostgreSQL host to connect to field sharing 560–562 limiting uploads 521–522
447 upgrading 211–212 manually editing directives 523
post-install scripts 728 PrintHeader function 760 restricting access to FTP
postinstall.pl file 728 priorities 99, 113 commands 514–517
Post-login message file field 511 Private key file field 18, 307 restricting clients by IP address
POSTROUTING chain 174 proc module 754 520
PostScript 205 process ID 99 restricting users to their home
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) 165 processes 99 directories 507–508
accounts 169–171 killing 101–102 setting directory listing options
connecting to network via 144 reprioritizing 101–102 510–511
interfaces 144 running 103 setting login restrictions
servers 166–169 searching for 102 508–509
PPP Dialin Server module 165–166 viewing 101–102 setting message and readme files
access control 172 Procmail 605–606 511–512
784 Index

setting per-directory options managing virtual mappings records

512–513 481–483 adding 322–324
setting up anonymous FTP reading users’ email 486–487 editing 324
506–507 viewing mail queue 486 generators 344
setting up inetd service or xinetd Qmail maildir in home directory field types of 325–329
service 503–504 490 Webmin support in reverse
using 504–505 Qmail or MH directory in home zones 329
ProFTPD Server monitor 258 directory field 633 Records file field 321, 333, 334
Program search path field 676 Qmail or MH directory location field Red Hat Linux
progress_callback function 758, 760 633 document root directory 268
protocols 131–132 QMail Server monitor 258 firewall configuration 175
Proxy authentication realm field 594 Qmail style directory mail storage installing packages 108
Proxy IP Address ACL (access control format 633 print system 206
list) 589 qmail-queue program 477 printer driver 209
Proxy Port ACL (access control list) quota command 61 updating on 111
589 quotas 60–61 Red Hat Network 111
Proxy port field 597, 598 default 65 Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) 106
Proxy restrictions table 585 disabling for filesystems 62 redirect function 761
proxy servers 301–304, 577–578, 672 enabling for filesystems 62 redirects 278–279
psql command 430, 439 setting for users or groups 63 redundant RAID array 75
PTR (Reverse Address) record 329 setting grace periods for 64–65 referrer checking 684–685
pty_process_exec function 729 Refresh module list from CPAN
pub directory 530 R checkbox 246
put_miniserv_config function 760 RAID (redundant array of inexpensive Refresh time field 321, 330, 339
pvftowav command 218 disks) 74 Regexp document directory aliases
Python programming language 280 devices 45, 74 table 277
levels of 75 Regexp URL redirects table 278
Q Read Email button 28 regular expressions 588
Qmail 476–477 Read Mail module (Usermin) 640 reiserfs filesystem 39
actions 87 read_acl function 760 RELAYCLIENT environment
autoreply aliases 480 read_file function 731, 761 variable 480
domain routing 483 read_file_cached function 729, 761 relaying 480
email aliases 479–480 read_file_lines function 753, 761 Remote HTTP Service monitor 258
email relaying in 480 read_http_connection function 759, Remote IMAP server mail storage
filter aliases 480 761 format 633
global options 484 readme files 511–512, 536–538 Remote password field 382
local domains 478–479 README files table 536 Remote Ping monitor 258
mail directory 479 Read-only access field 56 Remote POP3 server mail storage
mail queue 486 Read-only field 56 format 633
mail user assignments 484–486 Read-only hosts field 242 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
reading users’ email in 486–487 ReadParse function 760 643–644, 704–705,
using Majordomo in 391 ReadParseMime function 760 730–732
virtual mappings 481–483 Read-write access field 56 Remote TCP Service monitor 259
Qmail base directory field 489 Read-write hosts field 242 Remote Windows server option 209
Qmail Configuration module 477–478 Real hostname to connect to field 551 remote_error_setup function 761
configuring 488–490 real name 29 remote_eval function 732, 761
configuring domain routing 483 Real name field 21 remote_finished function 761
configuring relaying 480 Reboot System button 89 remote_foreign_call function 732,
editing global options 484 rebooting 89 761, 762
editing local domains 478–479 Received Messages icon 218 remote_foreign_check function 762
editing mail user assignments recompress command 530 remote_foreign_config function 762
484–486 Re-Configure Known Modules icon remote_foreign_require function 730,
managing email aliases 479–480 302 761, 762
Recording volume level field 217
Index 785

REMOTE_HOST environment reverse address delegation 343 in other operating systems 104
variable 676 reverse zones running simple commands in
remote_read function 732, 762 hosting 318 103
remote_rpc_call function 762 record types supported in 329 search feature 102
REMOTE_USER environment rexec program 132 Running Processes module (Usermin)
variable 676 RFC931 ident timeout field 596 640
$remote_user 713 RFC931 User ACL (access control rusersd program 136
remote_write function 732, 762 list) 590
remotefile parameter 762 .rhosts file 123 S
removable media 47 Rieser Filesystem 50–51 Samba 554–555
Remove address from list field 393 Rings before answering field 217 authentication options 571
Remove Received: headers from rint command field 567 converting and setting user
resent email field rlogin command 132 passwords in
397 rm program 223 557–558
Rename button 234 rmdtopvf command 218 encrypted password list 557
rename command 542 ROM (read-only memory) 195 exporting directories 241–242
rename function 762 root 19 file naming options 565–566
rename_logged function 727, 762 Root access field 57 file permission settings 564–565
replace_file_line function 762 Root access hosts field 242 file share 559–560
Reply-To header 396, 397 Root directory for ACL files field 601 networking options 568–571
Reply-To: address in resent email field Root directory for file chooser field password list 20
396 694 print share 560–562
Report options field 494 root domains 316 security options 563–564
Repository browser header file field root filesystem 84 sharing directories 240–241
360 root privileges 3 user list 20
repquota command 61 root zones 316, 337 user synchronization in 558
Request from host condition type 293 $root_directory variable 713 Web Administration Tool 573
Request from IP condition type 294 routers 145, 173 Samba Servers monitor 259
Request from net/CIDR condition type routing 149–150 Samba Windows File Sharing module
294 RP (Responsible Person) record 328 556
Request from net/netmask condition RPC (Remote Procedure Call) access control 573–574
type 294 643–644, 704–705, accessing SWAT 573
Request from partial IP condition type 730–732 adding file share 559–560
294 RPC programs 135–136 configuring 574–576
Request Method ACL (access control RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) 106 configuring neworking 568–571
list) 590 .rpm files 108 configuring printers 572
Request MIME Type ACL (access RPM package 7 editing file naming options
control list) 590 installing 7 565–566
Resent email footer field 394 SSL mode 15 editing file permission settings
Resent email header field 394 rpm program 593 564–565
Resent email priority menu 397 rpm shell command 106 editing file sharing options
reset_environment function 762 rquotad 136 566–567
Resolve found server addresses field rules (firewall) 174 editing printer share options
706 conditions 186 567–568
resolve_links function 762 editing 182 editing security options 563–564
Responsible Person (RP) 328 Run as UNIX user field 281 editing share defaults 568
restart.cgi script 729 Run chain option 180 enabling print share 560–562
restart_miniserv function 763 Run commands on field 253 managing Samba users 556–559
restore command 126 Run on host field 253 setting global authentication
Restrict access by login field 290 Run Webalizer as user field 496, 498 options 571
Restrict access table 515 runlevels 85 viewing and deleting client
Restriction field 162 Running Processes module 99–100, sessions 563
Resynchronize package list option 110 625 same_file function 763
Reverse Address (PTR) record 329 access control 103–104
786 Index

Sample webalizer configuration file Send via SMTP server field 483 Sendmail style single file mail storage
field 499 Sender: address in email field 396 format 633
Save button 234 Sending process group condition 189 SENDMAIL variable 612
save_allow.cgi function 735 Sending process ID condition 189 sendmail.cf file 450, 463
save_allowed function 736 Sending unix group condition 189 SENDMAILFLAGS variable 612
save_cron.cgi function 734 Sending unix user condition 189 Separate window mode field 222
save_denied function 736 Sendmail Serial Port Configuration icon 166,
save_module_acl function 763 address mappings 456–457 168, 216
scheduled command 97–98 autoreply aliases 465–466 serialize_variable function 731, 763,
Scheduled Commands module 97 domain masquerading 452 764
Scheduled Commands module domain routing 457–458 Serve NIS domain field 157
(Usermin) 641 email aliases 452–455 Server Message Block 554–555
Scheduled Cron Jobs module 93 email relaying 455 Server Name field 43, 270, 306, 366,
access control 96 filter aliases 466–467 381
acl_security.pl access control global options 458–459 Server name in URL field 630
script 738–739 local domains 451–452 Server Port field 381, 385
CGI programs 734–735 M4 configuration 463–465 Server Program field 136
configuration settings 737–738 mail queue 460–461 Server Security icon 161
configuring 96 reading users’ email in 461–462 servers
controlling users’ access 96 setting up to use Procmail CVS. See CVS servers
cron-lib.pl library script 606–608 deleting 668, 703
735–737 using Majordomo in 391 DHCP 255
lang internationalization vs. Qmail 476–477 DNS. See DNS servers
directory 738 sendmail command 391 editing 703
log_parser.pl log reporting script Sendmail command field 473, 634 Jabber Instant Messaging 256
739–740 Sendmail command path field 401 listing 668
useradmin_update.pl script 740 Sendmail Configuration module monitoring status of 250–251
See also Cron Jobs 449–451 name 319–320
Scheduled Cron Jobs module access control 468–469 NFS 257
(Usermin) 641 configuring 470–475 NIS+ 156
Scheduled report generation field 497 configuring domain routing Postfix 257
scp program 544 457–458 ProFTPD 258
$scriptname variable 713 configuring relaying 455 QMail 258
SCSI disks 69 creating autoreply aliases registering 645, 650–651, 661
SCSI drives 71, 200 465–466 Samba 259
Search APT button 108 creating filter aliases 466–467 scanning for 704
Search directory field 237 creating virtual address secondary 316
Search Docs link 11 mappings 456–457 Sendmail 259
Search For Package field 109 editing global options 458–459 slave 316
Search rpmfind.net button 108 editing local domains 451–452 SMTP 378
secondary groups 19, 23, 26 managing email aliases 452–455 Squid 259
secondary servers 316 managing M4 configuration time zones 376
section parameters 757 463–465 tunnels 703, 704
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 304–307, reading users’ email 461–462 virtual. See virtual servers
615–616 setting up domain masquerading Servers category
seed_random function 763 452 Apache Webserver module
self-signed certificates 305 viewing mail queue 460–461 265–268
Send digest when field 400 Sendmail M4 base directory field 472 BIND DNS Server module
Send email when field 253 Sendmail mail file in home directory 318–320
Send mail via connection to field 470, field 489, 633 CVS Server module 354
488, 634 Sendmail mail file location field 489, DHCP Server module 363–365
Send outgoing mail via host field 458 633 Fetchmail Mail Retrieval
Send Signal button 101 Sendmail Server monitor 259 module 379–380
Send to field 456
Index 787

Majordomo List Manager Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Solaris operating system 2
389–391 (SMTP) 384, 448 boot loader 195
MySWL Database Server Single user mode runlevel 85 bootup scripts 89–90
406–407 slave NIS servers 163 filesystem 51
PostgreSQL Database Server slave servers 316 filesystem backups 128
module 429–430 Slave servers field 158 Internet service 138
Procmail Mail Filter 606 slave zones 316 managing disks and partitions in
ProFTPD Server 501 converting master zones to 332 74
Qmail Configuration module converting to master zones 336 network configurations 153
477–478 creating 332–334 NFS export on 56–57
Samba Windows File Sharing deleting 336 NIS configuratiion 163
module 556 editing 334–335 package format 112
Sendmail Configuration module smallint field 411, 413 print system 213
449–451 SMB (Server Message Block) software package 7, 10
Squid Proxy Server module 554–555 system logs 119
578–580 smb.conf file 575 system time 193–194
SSH module 545 smbclient program 214 users and groups in 37
Webalizer Logfile Analysis smbd server program 575 Sort directory index by field 276
module 491–492 smbfs filesystem 40, 43–44 Sort leases by field 376
WU-FTPD Server module 526 smbpassswd program 575 Sort mailing lists by field 403
Servers to forward queries to field 341 smbstatus program 575 Sort proxy users field 602
server-side includes 282–284 SMRSH directory field 475 Sort servers by field 706
Service Address (SRV) record SMRSH program 404 Sort tables by field 470, 488
328–329 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Source address or network condition
Service name field 503, 617 Protocol) 384, 448 187
session_login.cgi program 746 SMTP connection timeout field 484 Source and destination port(s)
set field 410, 415 SMTP greeting message field 484 condition 188
setfacl command 239 SMTP incoming data timeout field Source AS Number ACL (access
Setup Firewall button 176 484 control list) 590
SGI Filesystem 51 SMTP outgoing response timeout field Source file for generics database field
shadow 158 484 474
Share Comment field 559 SMTP port field 483 Source file for mailertable database
Share Name field 43, 559 SMTP port options field 459 field 474
shared networks 362 SMTP server 378 Source file for the access database
adding 372–373 snapshots 82–83 field 474
editing 373 SNMP Community ACL (access Source file for the domains database
shared printers 555 control list) 590 field 474
shell 30, 132 Socket Type field 136 Source file for virtusers database field
shell commands 224–225 Soft Block Limit field 63 474
creating 225–227 Soft File Limit field 63 Source NAT option 180
Shell in a Box module 223 soft limit 60–61 Source TCP or UDP port condition
SHELL variable 611 software packages 105–106 187
Show Apache directive names field deleting 647, 647–648 SpamAssassin (mail filtering
313 finding and removing 109 software) 613
Show databases and tables as field 425 formats 7 spammers 455
Show Directives icon 309 installing 107–108, 646 SPARC system 7, 195
Show file descriptions option 275 refreshing lists of 648 SQL (Structured Query Language)
Show servers as field 706 searching for 646–647 405, 428
Show status for servers field 706 viewing 647–648 Squid cachemgr.cgi executable field
show_times_input function 736 Software Packages module 107, 646 603
.shtml files 283 finding and removing packages Squid executable field 603
Shutdown commands field 88 109 Squid proxy server 578
Shutdown System button 89 installing new packages ACLs (access control lists)
Silence threshold level field 217 107–108 584–586
788 Index

authentication 593–594 editing authentication settings Subnets in this shared network field
cache clearing 598 549–550 372
cache directories 582–583 editing client host options Subscribe address to list field 393
cache manager statistics 599 551–552 subscribe list address command
caching options 583–584 restricting access 546–547 388–389
connecting to other proxies setting up new users 552–553 Subscribe policy field 395
597–598 SSH/Telnet Login module 220–222 subscription options 395–396
initializing cache in 579 SSH/Telnet Login module (Usermin) suexec program 281–282
log analysis 600 641 suexec_log file 282
log configurations 595–596 ssh_config file 544 Sun Microsystems 154
ports 580–581 sshd_config file 544 super-servers 129–130
restrictions 592–593 ssh-keygen program 553 Support DNS for IPv6 addresses field
squid.conf file 578 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 304–307, 349
user synchronization 595 615–616 SuSE Linux operating system 390
users for authentication 594 SSL certificate 17–18, 618 swap space 68
using Webmin in 2 SSL certificate and key file field 618 SWAT (Samba Web Administration
vs. Apache server 301 SSL encryption 15–17, 617 Tool) 573
Squid Proxy Server module 578–580 SSL key 695–697 switch_to_remote_user function 732,
access control 601 SSL Tunnels module 616 763
adding cache directories configuring 618–619 symbolic links 121, 243
582–583 creating and editing SSL tunnels syslog facility 114
analyzing logs 600 617–618 Syslog server on option 116
changing proxy ports and Standard httpd.conf file 270 sysprint function 763
addresses 580–581 Start Apache link 268 System and Server Status module
clearing cache 598 Start Fetchmail Daemon button 385 250–251
configuring 601–603 Start Scheduler button 206 access control 262
configuring logging 595–596 State field 16 adding monitors 252–253
connecting to other proxies State or Province Name field 305, 308 configuring 262–263
597–598 STDERR 282 setting up scheduled monitoring
creating and editing proxy Stop Apache link 268 260–261
restrictions 592–593 Stop Fetchmail Daemon button 385 System category
editing caching and proxy Stop Scheduler button 206 Disk Quotas module 61–62
options 583–584 STOP signal 101 Disks and Network Filesystems
setting up proxy authentication Storage log file field 596 module 40
593–595 Store root servers in file field 338 Filesystem Backup module
viewing cache manager statistics striped RAID array 75 121–122
599 Structured Query Language (SQL) Running Processes module
Squid Proxy Server monitor 259 405, 428 99–100
squid.conf file 578 stub zones 334 Scheduled Commands module
srm.conf file 310, 314 STunnel 615–616 97
SRV (Service Address) record sub-domain 316 Scheduled Cron Jobs module 93
328–329 Subject: prefix for resent email field. Software Packages module 107
SSH Configuration module (Usermin) 397 System Logs module 115
641 submodules 245 Users and Groups module 20
ssh program 544 subnets 362 System Documentation module 757
SSH server 220–222, 544 adding 365–367 System Documentation module
access restrictions 546–547 assignment 365 (Usermin) 641
authentication configuration deleting 367 System Log option 285
549–550 displaying 376 system logs 113–115
client host options 551–552 file structure 365 adding 115–117
network configuration 547–549 IP addresses 365 deleting 117–118
SSH Server module 545 names 365 editing 117–118
configuring 553 in shared networks 372–373 in versions of UNIX operating
systems 119–120
Index 789

System Logs module 115 TCP port field 618 tinyint field 413
access control 118–119 tcpserver daemon 480 tinytext field 415
adding new log files 115–117 TCP-wrappers 356 <title> tags 275
editing or deleting log files configuration files 623 tmp/email file 399
117–118 server program 129 to_ipaddress function 764
in other operating systems telnet 129 token ring cards 144
119–120 clients 315 Too many connections message file
system time 191 firewall blocking 222–223 field 511
changing 192 server 220–222 Transfer retry time field 321, 330, 339
synchronizing hardware time use of 131 transparent proxying 184–185
with 193 tempname function 763 Treat all files as MIME type field 289
synchronizing with system time Temporary URL redirects 278 Tru64/OSF1 operating system
of another server 193 TERM signal 101 bootup scripts 89
System Time module 191 Terminate Process button 101 Internet service 138
acces control 193 terror function 763 users and groups in 37
changing hardware time Test telnet or SSH server field 222 trunc function 764
192–193 Test to perform parameter 254 Trust remote users option 55
changing system time 192 text authentication files 292 Trusted port restriction 162
synchronizing times with text field 410, 415 Trusted websites field 685
another server 193 Text file authentication box 290 Tunnel mode field 618
System V package format 112 text files 234 tunnels 617–618, 703
system_logged function 727, 763 text function 763 TXT (Text) record 327
SysV Init Configuration module Text parameter 228, 757 Type of service condition 189
91–92 Text record 327 Type width field 409, 432
SYSV print system 572 Text Record Name field 328 TypesConfig directive 314
texttitles 742
T Thawte 304 U
Table name field 408, 431 theme.info file 741, 747 uconfig.info file 733, 756
TABLE statement 418 theme.pl file 759 ufsdump command 128
tables 174 theme_error function 744 ufsrestore command 128
actions 179–180 theme_footer function 744, 749–750 UID parameter 228
adding fields to 433 theme_header function 744, 748–749, umask command 542
creating 408–409, 431–432 756 Umask for new files field 243
deleting 416–417, 436 themes un_urlize function 764
deleting fields from 433–434 configuration files 741–742 uninstalling Webmin 13
editing contents of 436 functions 744–746 unique function 764
editing fields in 433 overriding images and programs UNIX groups and GIDs not to deny
permissions 421–423 743–744 field 528
UNIX users 161 packaging 742 UNIX operating systems
viewing and editing contents thrashing 46 backups 128
412–416 Time before giving up field 459 bootup scripts 89–90
viewing contents of 436 Time before sending warning field 459 Cron jobs 97
Tables fields 267 time field 410, 414, 435 disk quotas 66
Taboo body regexps field 398 time service 132 file systems 51–52
Taboo header regexps field 398 Time to wait for response parameter filesystems 39–40
Tape size field 123 258 groups 19
tar archives 438 Time to wait for scan responses field Internet service 138–139
tar command 121, 530 706 network configurations 153
tar.gz package 7 time zones 376 NFS exports on 57–59
installing 8–10, 245 Timed out state 252 package formats 111–112
$tb variable 713 Timeout before using default field 203 print systems 213–214
TCP flags set condition 188 timestamp field 414, 435 running processes 104
TCP option number is set condition Time-To-Live field 323 system logs 119–120
188 tinyblob field 415 system time 193–194
790 Index

user accounts 19, 37–38 mapping 279 changing and installing themes
UNIX systems 1 mapping paths to files or 629–630
backups 121 directories 276–277 changing default language 625
disk quotas 60–61 redirecting paths 278–279 changing port and IP address 623
internal clocks 191 USB modems 166, 216 configuring 641
viewing logins in 27–28 Use DBI to connect if available field configuring authentication
UNIX talk program 131 426, 445 626–628
UNIX user field 485 Use random number for list alias field configuring user interface
UNIX user to connect to database as 403 623–624
field 445 Use security level field 375 editing categories 628–629
UNIX users and UIDs not to deny field Use vertical row editing interface field installing modules 624–625
528 425 restricting access 622–623
Unix users and UIDs to deny field 528 User DBM file field 292 setting login restrictions 638
UNIX users table 161 user facility 114 switch to SSL mode 630–631
Unix users to deny field 528 user ID 21, 29 Usermin Web server monitor 259
UNIX_group_input function 764 User ID field 21 Username field 422
UNIX_user_input function 764 user interface 10–13 Username for proxy field 672
UNIXWare operating system User mail file location field 474 Username mapping field 571
booting with GRUB 202 User mode 100 users 19
bootup scripts 89–90 User parameter 228 adding in PostgreSQL 439–440
filesystem 52 User text file field 291 batch files 28–29
Internet service 138 User to run the fetchmail daemon field copying to multiple users 63–64
network configurations 153 387 creating 21–23
package format 112 User to start BIND as field 348 default quotas 65
print system 213 User WWW directory field 300 deleting 24–25
system logs 119 user_chooser_button function 755, editing 23–24
users and groups in 37 764 grace periods for 64–65
unlock_all_files function 764 useradmin_update.pl script 740 ID 29
unlock_file function 725, 739, 764 Usermin 620–621 login name 29
Unresume job command field 567 access restrictions 622–623 password 29
unserialize_variable function 731, authentication configurations password protection 289–291
763, 764 626–628 reading email of 28
unsubscribe list address command 389 categories 628–629 real name 29
Unsubscribe policy field 395 default language 625 setting quotas for 63
Up state 251 downloading 620 web directories 300–301
Update reverse is field 349 IP address 623 Users and Groups module 20
Upload button 234 login restrictions 638 access control 34–37
Upload message field 219 modules 638–641 before and after commands
Upload to directory field 234 access restrictions 636 34–35
uploads 521–522 configuring 631–635 configuring 30–34
URL Path Regexp ACL (access creating 732–733 creating new groups 25–26
control list) 591 installing 624–625 creating new users 21–23
URL Port ACL (access control list) moving 628–629 deleting groups 27
591 ports 623 deleting users 24–25
URL Protocol ACL (access control preferences 631 editing groups 26
list) 591 SSL mode 630–631 editing users 23–24
URL redirects table 278 starting and stopping 621–622 Users visible in user chooser field 694
URL Regexp ACL (access control list) themes 629–630 usr/lib/sendmail file 477
591 upgrading 625–626 usr/sbin/sendmail file 477
URL to request parameter 258 user interface 623–624 uucp facility 114
urlize function 764 vs. Fetchmail 378
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) Usermin configuration directory field V
258 642 valid certificates 17–18
location 274 Usermin Configuration module 621 var/log directory 113
Index 791

var/log/mail file 113 Warning days field 23 Solaris package 10

var/log/messages file 113 warning priority 114 tar.gaz package 8–10
var/log/secure file 113 WAV files 219 installing updates 679–680
var/log/xferlog file 517–518 web browsers 315 IP address 670–671
var/mail file 378 Web Server Address ACL (access language 676
var/qmail file 476 control list) 591 log files 708–709
var/spool/cron directory 93 Web Server Hostname ACL (access logging in 671, 707–708
var/spool/mail file 608, 610 control list) 592 main menu settings 677–678
var/webmin/webmin.log file 708 Web Server Regexp ACL (access modules. See modules
var/yp/Makefile file 155 control list) 592 network security 14–15
var/yp/securenets file 155 Web servers online help 718–719
varchar field 410–411, 414, 433, 435 Apache 254 package formats 7
variable assignments 611–612 configuring logging 284–285 ports 670–671
Variable name field 611 monitors 254, 259 program paths 676
Verisign 304 port 9 proxy servers 672
version 9 running CGI programs 280–282 referrer checking 684–685
vfat filesystem 39 server-side includes 282–284 SSL encryption 15–17
vgcreate program 78 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) SSL mode 686
vgetty program 215 protocol 304–307 supported operating systems 7
vi command 223, 309 Usermin 259 themes 683–684, 741–746
views 318, 345–346 Webmin 259 tunnels 703
virtual address mappings 456–457, Webalizer 491–492 uninstalling 13
481–483 Webalizer DNS cache field 494 upgrading 6, 678–679
virtual interfaces 148 Webalizer history file field 494 user interface 10–13, 672–673
virtual memory 40 Webalizer incremental file field 494 users of 2–3
adding 46–47 Webalizer Logfile Analysis module versions 6
partitions 68, 70 491–492 Web server 259
swapping 46 access control 498–499 website 6
virtual servers 265 adding log files for reporting 497 Webmin Actions Log module 708
adding 312 configuring 499 Webmin category
changing log formats 286 editing global options 498 Webmin Actions Log module
configuring 312 editing report options 492–494 708
creating 269–272, 505–506 generating and viewing reports Webmin Configuration module
displaying 312 496 669
editing 272–273 setting up scheduled reporting Webmin Servers Index module
log configurations 517–518 496–497 700
ordering of 312 webalizer.conf file 498 Webmin Users module 689
separate logs files for 285–286 web-lib.pl file 712, 751 Webmin Configuration module 669
server-side includes 283–284 Webmin 1–2 allowing unauthenticated access
See also servers access restrictions 669–670, to modules 685–686
virtusers 474 688–689 certificate authority 686–687
Voicemail Server module 215–216 action logging 726–727 changing and installing themes
configuring Linux systems as authentication settings 681–682 683–684
answering machines categories 683 changing language 676
216–218 certificate authority 686–687 changing operating system
setting greeting messages 219 changing operating system 675–676
viewing and managing recorded 675–676 changing port and address
messages 218–219 clustering 643–644 670–671
Voicemail Server Options icon 217 development of 3 configuring authentication
Volume group name field 79 downloading 6–7 681–682
volume groups 77, 79–80 environment variables 676 configuring user interface
file locking 725 672–673
W installing deleting modules 674
walld program 136 RPM package 7 editing categories 683
792 Index

editing environment variables Width to wrap mail messages at field restricting clients by IP address
676 470 541
editing main menu settings wildcard characters 274 setting up filename restrictions
677–678 wildcards 349 532–534
editing program path 676 Windows 95 filesystem 45–46 setting up guest users 534–535
installing modules 673–674 Windows NT filesystem 45–46 WU-FTPD server 525
installing updates 679–680 Windows operating systems anonymous 529–531
referrer checking 684–685 boot loader 195 inetd service 527–528
restricting access 669–670 booting with GRUB 202 login restrictions 528
restricting IP addresses and filesystems 45–46 user classes 531–532
networks 14–15 smbfs filesystem 43–44 xinetd service 527
setting up logging 671 winipcfg program 370 WU-FTPD Server module 526
turning on SSL 686 Winmodems 166, 215 setting up anonymous FTP
upgrading Webmin 678–679 wireless cards 144 529–531
using proxy servers 672 WKS (Well Known Service) record setting up inetd service 527–528
Webmin down state 251 327 setting up login restrictions 528
Webmin driver option 209 Wrapping mode in mail textarea field setting up xinetd service 527
Webmin Servers Index module 700 471
access control 705 writable partitions 74 X
adding servers 701–703 Write backup as UNIX user field 424 x86 code 223
broadcasting and scanning for Write key to file field 631 x86 systems 7, 105, 195
servers 704 Write report to directory field 493 xfs filesystem 39, 51, 238
configuring 706 write_env_file function 765 xfsdump command 124
editing or deleting servers 703 write_file function 765 xinetd super-server 130, 139,
registering servers 645 write_http_connection function 759, 142–143, 503, 527
using server tunnels 703 765
Webmin Users module 689 WU-FTP server Y
access control 697–698 client restrictions by IP address YaST tool 176
changing themes 683 541 year field 414
configuring 698 concurrent login limits 540–541 YP (Yellow Pages) 154
creating and editing groups 694 directory aliases 535–536
creating new users 662 filename download restrictions
creating users 689–691 532–533 .Z encoding format 294
editing module access control filename upload restrictions zcat command 530
692–694 533–534 Zip disks 47, 123
editing users 691–692 FTP command restrictions Zip drive 73
requesting client SSL key 541–542 Zone Name field 329
695–697 guest users 534 Zone transfer format field 341
viewing and disconnecting login login configurations 538–540 Zone type field 333
sessions 697 message and banner files zones 315
Webmin Web server monitor 259 536–538 changing global options in
webmin.log file 708 WU-FTP Server module 339–340
webmin_log function 726, 739, 762, configuring 542–543 editing defaults in 338–339
765 configuring logging 538–540 forwarding 341
WebNFS clients 55 defining message and readme master. See master zones
Website hostname field 494 files 536–538 partial reverse delegation
websites 269 editing directory aliases 342–343
Well Known Service (WKS) record 535–536 serial number 351
327 limiting concurrent logins slave. See slave zones
wget program 593 540–541 templates 338
which command 397 managing user classes 531–532 transfers 341
who command 397 restricting access to FTP
who list command 389 commands 541–542

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