Disaster Risk Management PDF
Disaster Risk Management PDF
Disaster Risk Management PDF
Technical Director
Disaster Risk Management and GIS
[email protected]
Prevention &
Prevention &
Mitigation strand
Mitigation strand
strand Relief & Response
Recovery &
Rehabilitation strand
DISASTER RISK AND INTEGRATED PLANNING Relevant national organs of state must execute systematic dis-
The Act (Act 57 of 2002) requires that the disaster management aster risk assessments in the following instances:
plan forms an integral part of the Integrated Development prior to the implementation of any risk reduction, prepared-
Planning (IDP) process. Th is inter-relationship is also reected ness or response programme
in Section 26 of the Municipal Systems Act (Act 32 of 2002). as an integral part of the planning phase for large-scale
The National Spatial Development Perspective has broad- housing, infrastructure or commercial/industrial develop-
ened the functionality of the IDP. It focuses on development ments of national signicance
planning within a spatial extent, not a managerial entity, ir- as an integral component of the planning phase for nationally
respective of the sphere of government responsible for certain signicant initiatives that aect the natural environment, and
create Development
development reduces
opportunities disaster risk
Disaster Development
Impact Intervention
Disasters Development
destroy increases
development disaster risk
Botha, J J & Louw, E J M 2004. Step by step guidelines to prepare a
disaster management plan ~ Guideline 2: how to prepare disaster
risk reduction plans. Cape Town: Business and Information Solutions
Division, AFRICON. Unpublished guidelines.
Louw, E J M 2007. Climate Change in the Western Cape a Disaster Risk
Assessment of the Impact on Human Health. Unpublished PhD
Dissertation. University of Stellenbosch.
South Africa (Republic of) 2003. Disaster Management Act No 57 of 2002.
Pretoria. Government Printer.
South Africa (Republic of) 2003. Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2002.
Pretoria. Government Printer.
South Africa (Republic of) 2005. National Disaster Management Act: Policy
Framework. Notice 654 of 2005. Pretoria. Government Printer.
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction 2004.
Hyogo Framework for Action, 2005 - 2015. Available from
Wisner, B, Blaikie, P, Cannon, T & Davis, I 2004. At Risk: Natural hazards,
people's vulnerability and disasters. London: Routledge.