Non Conventional Energy - Ii: Answer To Question No. 1 Is Compulsory and To Be Answered First
Non Conventional Energy - Ii: Answer To Question No. 1 Is Compulsory and To Be Answered First
Non Conventional Energy - Ii: Answer To Question No. 1 Is Compulsory and To Be Answered First
This answer is to be made in separate loose script (s) provided for the purpose.
Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer script will be
collected and fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question
will be provided .On early submission of the answer scripts of Question No. 1 , a
student will get remaining script earlier.
Answer any five questions from Group-A ,Group-B & Group-C taking at
least one from each group.
ii) Which of the following causes less pollutions when burnt- a) petrol b)
diesel c) coal d) natural gas
viii) Floating generators are used to in sea harness - a) tidal energy b) wave
energy c) hydel energy d) energy from OTEC power plant
xiii) Geothermal energy is the heat from- a) within b) outside the earth
xvi) Nuclear fission generates less energy than nuclear fusion- true/false
2. What is the difference between tidal energy and wave energy? Discuss
about the impacts of tidal energy on environment.