FP Sirosiss
FP Sirosiss
FP Sirosiss
Background & Aims: Studies assessing alcohol as a population Lay summary: We carried out an analysis of the WHO 2014 Glo-
level risk factor for cirrhosis typically focus on per capita con- bal Status Report on Alcohol and Health, and categorized coun-
sumption. However, clinical studies indicate that daily intake is tries by their level of drinking (heavy or moderate). We found
a strong predictor of alcoholic cirrhosis. We aimed to identify that half of the global cirrhosis cases, and 60% in both North
the determinants of alcohols contribution to the global cirrhosis America and Europe are associated with alcohol intake. We con-
burden and to evaluate the influence of daily drinking on a pop- cluded that on a population level heavy daily drinking signifi-
ulation level. cantly influences the impact of alcohol on the cirrhosis burden.
Methods: We performed a comprehensive analysis of the WHO 2016 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published
2014 Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health. We categorized by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
countries by heavy or moderate drinking based on daily con-
sumption, using U.S. Department of Agriculture definitions of
heavy drinking. Additional data on cirrhosis cofactors were also
obtained. Uni- and multivariate models were fitted to identify
independent predictors of the alcohol-attributable fraction of
Excessive use of alcohol is a main cause of global mortality, con-
tributing to deaths through cancers, toxic organ damage, and
Results: The WHO 2014 Report found that half of cirrhosis mor-
accidents and injuries [1]. Detailed data on the burden of
tality worldwide is attributable to alcohol, approximating 60% in
alcohol-associated mortality were released in the 2014 World
North America and Europe. In an integrative multivariate model,
Health Organization (WHO) Global Status Report on Alcohol
the designation of countries by moderate or heavy daily drinking
and Health, which is the most detailed and comprehensive report
had the strongest influence on the weight of alcohol in the cirrho-
of this kind [2]. This publication emphasizes the significant con-
sis burden. The relative contribution from alcohol increased by
tribution alcohol use makes to the global cirrhosis burden, with
11% with a transition from the moderate to heavy classification
approximately half of global cirrhosis deaths attributed to alcohol
(p <0.001). Importantly, drinking patterns such as heavy episodic
use. Attention should be placed on detrimental patterns and
drinking and the type of alcohol did not independently predict
levels of alcohol use that lead to cirrhosis in order to reduce asso-
the alcohol-attributable fraction of cirrhosis.
ciated mortality.
Conclusions: Heavy daily drinking on a population level signifi-
Previous studies have demonstrated a dose-response relation-
cantly influences the weight of alcohol in the cirrhosis burden.
ship between alcohol intake and an individuals risk for develop-
Reducing heavy drinking should be considered as an important
ing cirrhosis [36]. There is also substantial support for a
target for public health monitoring and policies.
threshold effect, wherein the risk for developing cirrhosis is con-
stant over time if a threshold of intake is surpassed [79]. For a
Keywords: Alcohol; Liver cirrhosis; Cirrhosis mortality; Global cirrhosis; Drinking given level of total consumption, the pattern of drinking may
patterns; Daily drinking. confer higher risk for cirrhosis; for example, drinking on a daily
Received 8 September 2015; received in revised form 27 May 2016; accepted 14 June basis has been shown to be associated with higher risk [6,7,9].
2016; available online 5 July 2016 Some studies have investigated the potential influences of factors
Corresponding author. Address: 7340A Medical Biomolecular Research Build-
including binge drinking [10,11], duration of consumption over
ing, 111 Mason Farm Rd, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-
7032, USA. Tel.: +1 919 966 4812. lifetime [7,9], and alcohol type [6,12,13]. Cofactors that have been
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Bataller). shown to increase risk of alcoholic cirrhosis include cigarette
These authors contributed equally as joint first authors. smoking [14,15], excess weight [16], and viral hepatitis [17].
Abbreviations: WHO, World Health Organization; AAF, alcohol-attributable Consumption of certain substances, such as coffee and tea, may
fraction; ASDR, age-standardized death rate; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HBV,
hepatitis B virus; GDP, gross domestic product; BMI, body mass index.
provide a protective effect against the development of liver
Database development
We obtained detailed data on 193 countries from the WHO Global Information Geographical variation in alcohol consumption, cirrhosis mortality
System on Alcohol and Health, accessed July, 2014 (http://apps.who.int/gho/- and contribution from alcohol
data/node.main.GISAH?lang=en). From this data repository, we abstracted
country-specific data on levels of alcohol consumption, drinking patterns, and We first analyzed the geographical patterns of alcohol consump-
our main outcome variables: the fraction of cirrhosis attributable to alcohol use
tion and cirrhosis mortality. The characteristics of the global cir-
(alcohol-attributable fraction, AAF), and the age-standardized death rate from cir-
rhosis (ASDR). The WHO collected data through household surveys, primarily the rhosis burden and its potential determinants are described in
WHO global survey on alcohol and health, which was last conducted in 2012 in Table 1. On a per capita basis, the highest alcohol consumption
collaboration with all WHO regional offices and the European Commission. Preva- was observed in Europe with 10 liters/year (3677 standard
lence data on potentially predisposing factors for cirrhosis, including cigarette
drinks/year). In contrast, the rate was 1.1 liters/year (79 standard
smoking and obesity, were abstracted from the WHO Global Health Observatory
(http://www.who.int/gho/en/). For hepatitis C virus (HCV) and B (HBV) virus drinks/year) in the Eastern Mediterranean. There, an average of
seroprevalence, we obtained published data from systematic reviews of studies 6.5% of the population reported drinking, in contrast to 66%
reporting HBV and HCV infection [25,26]. Data on per capita gross domestic pro- reported in Europe. When considering alcohol intake among
duct (GDP) were extracted from the World Bank (http://data.worldbank.org/). those who drink, the average daily consumption ranged from
24 g per day in the Western Pacific region to 36 g in the African
Parameters on cirrhosis burden and potential determinants region.
The pattern of geographical variation in the percent of cirrho-
Our primary outcome was the AAF of cirrhosis, the proportion of cirrhosis attri-
sis attributable to alcohol use (AAF) differed from all-cause cir-
butable to alcohol use in each country. The WHO derived this value using relative
risk functions of cirrhosis for alcohol consumption in former and current drinkers.
rhosis mortality (Fig. 1A). The AAF rates were highest in the
The mathematical definition is provided as Supplementary Fig. 1. The secondary regions of USA/Canada and Europe, suggesting that in wealthier
outcome of cirrhosis mortality was assessed through the ASDR. Death rates were countries, alcohol makes a larger contribution to cirrhosis than
standardized to account for differences in age distributions across populations to in developing countries. The AAF values were: 62 in USA/Canada;
make values comparable. As potential determinants of AAF and ASDR, we consid-
60 in Europe; 53 in Latin America; 50 in the Western Pacific; 48
ered the following variables: average daily drinking among drinkers; annual per
capita consumption of alcohol; type of alcohol (wine, beer, spirits, other); heavy in Africa; 33 in South-East Asia; and 14 in the Eastern Mediter-
episodic drinking (consumption of 60 g or more of pure alcohol on at least one ranean. Notably, a significantly higher percent of cirrhosis is attri-
occasion in the last 30 days); obesity (body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or butable to alcohol in Eastern Europe compared to Europe as a
greater); prevalence of cigarette smoking; seroprevalence of HCV and HBV; and whole, with 67% in Eastern Europe. Fig. 2 presents AAF patterns
GDP. We classified countries by heavy or moderate daily drinking based on guide-
lines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture [27]. The guidelines state that >2
in world map form.
standard drinks per day for men and >1 standard drink per day for women is con- Cirrhosis mortality (assessed through ASDR) was shown to
sidered heavy drinking. In the US, one standard drink contains roughly 14 g of vary significantly by region (Fig. 1B). In deaths per 100,000 within
USA & Canada The univariate associations between selected parameters indica-
Europe tive of alcohol intake, drinking patterns, cirrhosis cofactors, and
economic status and the outcome variable of AAF are shown in
Eastern Mediterranean
Table 2. To capture regional variation in the predictors of AAF,
Southeast Asian
we conducted complete analyses by WHO global region for both
Western Pacific AAF and ASDR, shown in Supplementary Tables 2 and 3. The fol-
lowing parameters of alcohol consumption showed positive and
0 20 40 60 80
significant associations with AAF (p <0.05 for all parameters,
fraction of cirrhosis (%) Table 2): average daily alcohol intake among drinkers, per capita
annual consumption, and the percent of population that drinks.
Africa Of note, AAF increased by 28% for a univariate transition from
Latin America the moderate to heavy daily intake designation. This led to our
hypothesis that daily drinking levels may influence the alcoholic
World region
18.85 75.00
Fig. 2. Global AAF values by country. The countries with the highest alcohol-attributable fractions are in the developed world (Europe, United States and Canada).
Fractions range from 14% (Eastern Mediterranean) to 60% (United States and Canada). Data are not available for countries in white.
economic status is confounded by the level of alcohol consump- the presence of heavy daily drinking, are predictive of the burden
tion, which increases with GDP. Taken together, this model of alcohol in cirrhosis mortality.
demonstrates the independent effects of overall and daily drink-
ing, economic condition, and viral hepatitis on the contribution of Parameters not independently associated with the alcohol-
alcohol to the cirrhosis burden. attributable fraction of cirrhosis (AAF)
Usefulness of daily drinking classification in predicting alcohol- The percentages of total consumption represented by each type
attributable fraction of cirrhosis of alcohol (wine, beer, spirits, other) were included in our
exploratory analyses based on previous studies that have investi-
To best capture the effect of daily drinking on AAF, we classified gated the influence of alcohol type on cirrhosis risk [5,11,12]. The
countries by heavy or moderate daily drinking using published percentages of beer, liquor, and other alcohol did not show signif-
guidelines (see Materials and methods) [27]. We applied another icant associations in the univariate analyses. While wine con-
widely accepted definition of heavy drinking (40 g/day for men; sumption was positively associated with AAF in a univariate
20 g/day for women) and found results consistent with our own model, the significance of this parameter was lost in multivariate
(Supplementary Tables 4 and 5). Our stratification, referred to models. Taken with the independent relationships presented
in this publication as the daily intake designation, showed a above, these findings indicate that the amount of alcohol con-
strongly positive and significant independent relationship with sumed, but not the type, is the main factor influencing the contri-
the AAF of cirrhosis. A transition from the moderate to heavy des- bution of alcohol to cirrhosis mortality.
ignation corresponded with an increase of 11% in AAF (p <0.01). Similarly, the percentages of the total population and of drin-
The mean AAF for countries in the heavy drinking designation kers who met criteria for heavy episodic drinking (consumption
(54%, n = 134) was significantly higher than for countries in the of 60 g or more of alcohol on at least one occasion in the last
moderate designation (26%, n = 34; p <0.001) (Fig. 4). These 30 days) were positively associated with AAF in the univariate
results indicate that not only overall drinking levels, but also models but lost significance in multivariate models. Prevalence
8.25 95.05
Fig. 3. Global ASDR values by country. Cirrhosis mortality is highest in Africa and Asia, with respective rates of 36.4 deaths per 100,000 population and 26.8, in contrast to
9.4 in United States/Canada. Data are not available for countries in white.
p <0.01 for all parameters; HCV, hepatitis C virus; GDP, gross domestic product; of alcohol consumed, and the prevalence of cigarette smoking
USD, United States dollars. and obesity, were shown to have no independent effect.
Geographical patterns of cirrhosis mortality were consistent
with a previous systematic review that showed the highest age-
80 standardized mortality in regions of Africa, South-East Asia, and
Eastern Europe [29]. The same review showed that alcohol is
attributable for the greatest proportion of cirrhosis in Western
Alcohol-attributable fraction of cirrhosis (%)
p <0.01 for all parameters; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HBV, hepatitis B virus; GDP, survey on alcohol and health, the primary survey used for the
gross domestic product; USD, United States dollars. WHO publication, addressed alcohol consumption, policy, and
national monitoring and surveillance. It had a 91% response rate
from WHO member states and associate members, covering 97%
Discussion of the worlds population. The study was strengthened by the
inclusion of 193 countries in its analyses, which were conducted
This study presented the geographical patterns of the cirrhosis both on regional and global levels in order to capture geograph-
burden worldwide and the contribution by alcohol to that burden ical variation and global trends.
(alcohol-attributable fraction of cirrhosis, AAF). We investigated Our conclusions were drawn on a global scale; however, it is
potential relationships between population parameters of alcohol important to note that regional variation in the relationships
intake, drinking patterns, and predisposing factors for cirrhosis, investigated may be significant. For this reason, the analyses for
and the outcome variable of AAF. The results support the conclu- each predictor of ASDR and AAF were conducted separately by