This document contains a functional movement screen scoring sheet used to assess 7 tests of mobility and stability. The tests evaluate areas like deep squats, hurdle steps, lunges, shoulder mobility, straight leg raises, trunk stability, and rotary stability. For each test, criteria are provided to score performance on a scale of 0 to 3, with 3 indicating optimal movement patterns and 0 indicating significant dysfunction or inability to perform the movement. The scoring sheet records test scores, limb dominance, height, weight, and other relevant information to analyze functional movement.
This document contains a functional movement screen scoring sheet used to assess 7 tests of mobility and stability. The tests evaluate areas like deep squats, hurdle steps, lunges, shoulder mobility, straight leg raises, trunk stability, and rotary stability. For each test, criteria are provided to score performance on a scale of 0 to 3, with 3 indicating optimal movement patterns and 0 indicating significant dysfunction or inability to perform the movement. The scoring sheet records test scores, limb dominance, height, weight, and other relevant information to analyze functional movement.
This document contains a functional movement screen scoring sheet used to assess 7 tests of mobility and stability. The tests evaluate areas like deep squats, hurdle steps, lunges, shoulder mobility, straight leg raises, trunk stability, and rotary stability. For each test, criteria are provided to score performance on a scale of 0 to 3, with 3 indicating optimal movement patterns and 0 indicating significant dysfunction or inability to perform the movement. The scoring sheet records test scores, limb dominance, height, weight, and other relevant information to analyze functional movement.
This document contains a functional movement screen scoring sheet used to assess 7 tests of mobility and stability. The tests evaluate areas like deep squats, hurdle steps, lunges, shoulder mobility, straight leg raises, trunk stability, and rotary stability. For each test, criteria are provided to score performance on a scale of 0 to 3, with 3 indicating optimal movement patterns and 0 indicating significant dysfunction or inability to perform the movement. The scoring sheet records test scores, limb dominance, height, weight, and other relevant information to analyze functional movement.
TEAM/SCHOOL: ________________________________ HEIGHT: __________ HAND DOMINAANCE: R L
SPORT/POSITION: ______________________________ WEIGHT: __________ LEG DOMINANCE: R L
TEST SCORE DYSFUNCTION GRADING CRITERIA III GRADING CRITERIA II GRADING CRITERIA I 1. Deep Squat 3 2 1 0 >Upper torso is parallel with >Upper torso is parallel with >Tibia and upper torso are not tibia or toward vertical tibia or toward vertical parallel TOE TOUCH TEST: Able >Femur below horizontal >Femur below horizontal >Femur not below horizontal Not able >Knees aligned over feet >Knees aligned over feet >Knees not aligned over feet >Dowel aligned over feet >Dowel aligned over feet on a >Lumbar flexion noted 2X4 2. Hurdle Step 3 2 1 0 >The hips, knees & ankles >Alignment is lost between >Contact with foot & hurdle remain aligned in the sagital hips, knees & ankles >Loss of balance at any time Inches: ____________ plane >Movement in the lumbar >Minimal Movement in the spine Left Leg Up 3 2 1 0 lumbar spine >Dowel & hurdle do not remain >Dowel & hurdle remain parallel Right Leg Up 3 2 1 0 parallel 3. In-Line Lunge 3 2 1 0 >Minimal to no torso >Movement noted in torso >Loss of balance at any time movement >Feet do not remain in sagital Inches: ____________ >Feet remain in sagital plane plane on the 2X6 on the 2X6 >Knee does not touch 2X6 Left Leg Forward 3 2 1 0 >Knee touches 2X6 behind the behind the heel of front foot heel of front foot Right Leg Forward 3 2 1 0 4. Shoulder Mobility 3 2 1 0 >Fists should be within one >Fists should be within one >Fists fall greater than one and Distance (tip of middle finger to L top: ____ hand length and a half hand lengths a half hand lengths distal crease): ____________ R top: ____
__________Left 3 2 1 0 7.25=10.86, 7.5=11.25, 7.75=11.63, 8=12, __________Right 3 2 1 0 8.25=12.38, 8.5=12.75, 8.75=13.1, 9=13.5 5. Active Straight Leg Raise 3 2 1 0 >Malleoi resides between mid- >Malleoi resides between mid- >Malleoi resides below mid- thigh and ASIS thigh and mid-patella patella L: ______ R: ______ 6. Trunk Stability Push Up 3 2 1 0 >Males perform 1 repetition >Males perform 1 repetition >Males unable to perform 1 with the thumbs above head with thumbs in line with the rep with hands in line with chin PRONE PRESS UP TEST >Females perform 1 repetition chin >Females unable to perform 1 ____________ with thumbs in line with the >Females perform 1 rep with rep with thumbs in line with chin thumbs in line with the clavicle clavicle 7. Rotary Stability Quadruped 3 2 1 0 >Performs 1 unilateral rep >Performs 1 diagonal rep while >Unable to perform diagonal while keeping torso parallel to keeping torso parallel to board repetitions KNEELING LUMBAR board >Knee & elbow touch in line FLEXION TEST >Knee & elbow touch in line with the board ________________ Left Up 3 2 1 0 with the board
Right Up 3 2 1 0
Total Score Tests 1-7: ____________/21 Initials of Tester: ___________________ Revised 4/15/11
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